Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 03, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Telegrapher' Strike on Northern Railway
Reaches Great Proportions.
President Perham Says 97 Per Cent of
Them Obeyed the Order.
Through Passenger Trains Are Running on
Card Rules,
xy They Will Have F.nouah t om
. petent Men to Rftlor Xormnl
Conditions Ithln Ten
- Days' Time.
ST. PAUL. Minn.. Auk. 2. With the
telegraphers, almost to a man. remaining
loyal to their union chiefs, and the rail
way official making every effort to main
tain traffic, the telegraphers' strike on the
transcontinental systems of the Great
Norlhen and Northern Pacific railroads,
lias taken on the aspect of a war to the
finish. Hundreds of men have gone out
n both lines, necessitating the closing of
r.corer of stations, and Immense hindrance
1as been caused In tho moving of trains.
Through United trains and time freights
by great effort have been kept almost on
schedule time, but attempts have been prac
tically abandoned to maintain local freight
and prssenger service. The greatest Inter
ference In schedules has been on the Idaho
division, some of the fast trains being de
layed five hours where the striking, opera
tors had turned the signal boards or opened
the circuits.
Frrlaht Matter Refused.
. relglit matter in less than carload lots
I'...' Intermediate points was refused at the
freight receiving offices in St. Paul and
Minneapolis during the day. I.arge quan
tities of perishable freight were handled by
tt.e express companies. Prepayment on
express traffic was almost Invariably de
manded, and toward evening guarantees of
delivery were refused, signed releases being
The railway officials say tonight that
tl.ey ara well satisfied with the situation
and that Inside of ten days they will have
enough men to fill the places of the strikers
and maintain a normal service. Bureaus
have been established In the principal
cities In the west, where men are hired.
The officials Bay that the greatest care is
being taken In the selection of men and
that only thoroughly competent operators
will be employed. Meanwhile trains are
run on time card rules and In sections, and
jn this manner satisfactory , progress is
No accidents have occurred so far.
Rumors were circulated that there had
been one or two collisions in points In
North Dakota, but these are declared at
the railroad offices to be absolutely false
and spread with malicious Intent.
Statement by Perham.
President Perham of the telegraphers de
clared that 97 per cent of the union mem
bers are out, and that they will stay out
until they receive what the union officials
have decided will be a square deal. Mr.
Perham says that 80 per cent of the men
were both station agents and telegraphers,
and where these went out the stations
were closed In almost every Instance. He
states that a number of train dispatchers,
while not members of the union, went out
In sympathy.
"There la nothing to say now except that
we have a full-fledged strike on and that
so far as our reports go every man is out
on both lines," said Mr. Perham today.
"I ordered this strike after we had tried
all other ways of settling our grievances
agr.tnst the railroads and after they had
locked out our men because they would
not sign impossible agreements. Another
thins that caused me to call the strike
Iwna a statement from the general man-
Wit of the Great Northern that 80 per
cent of the men remained loyal to the
a That and the fact that about 400
on'inton men were on their way from
ajisas City to fill the vacancies on the
ftrthern Pacific caused me to decide to
.bow them that they were wrong in their
estimate as to the number of loyal men.
Well, our men are out, and our advices
are that the tie-up Is complete. The roads
are not running any freight trains. They
may be passenger trains on time.
and I hope they will do so, as I don't
want to Interrupt the travelers."
When asked on what basis he would be
willing to cut oft the strike, the strike
leader would only say:
"We are In a peaceful and amicable
mood. If J. J. Hill will talk business and
meet my proposition fairly we will settle.
We have now 960 men out on the Great
Northern road and 1,100 on the Northern
General Manager Talks.
uancrai Manager II. J. Horn of the
Northern Pacltlo made the following state
nient this afternoon:
In response to President Perham's strike
instructions, ine leiegi aphers on the North,
ern Paxirlo went out at mldnlnht last nuin
The order was generally olKjed on all of
the ten divisions of the system.
Th'a situation has not, however, tied up
t rattle at any Dolnt on the Northern p.
,-cltlo system, Passenger trains over the
entire line are running very close to their
I'he strike has Interfered to some de
cree with the movement of freight over
-.the system, but not in such proportions as
i to produce blockades or serious conges
, tion.
Telegraphers at headquarters In 8t. Paul
ueyed the strike order. Wires are still
working at the headquarters offices, how
ever, and communication is being main
tained with the went end of the system.
The refusal of the men to remain at their
duties la an Inconvenience, but the busi
ness of the company Is being handled Just
the same. In a fairly satisfactory man
ner, subject only to Inccnvenlences.
Or. the Dakota division substantially the
Ante condition prevails. The situation on
the Yellowstone, Montana, Kocky Mountain
and Idaho divisions Is much the same. The
Paclflc division is In good shape and trains
between Portland and Puget Bound points
are running on (line. Conditions between
he sound and Ellenburg, In eastern Wash
ington, are not quite so good.
Men Obey Orders.
General Superintendent Blade of the
Great Northern railway, said:
The strike order of last night has been
observed by a number of telegraphers who
have heretofore expressed their willingness
to accept the new schedule and who are
entirely sat la tied with It.
With but few exceptions the telegraphers
who have been Interviewed by our suner
Inlendonts have staled that their obliga
tion to the order of Railway Telegraphers
require them to strike, regardless of their
feeling of loyalty to tho company and
duty lu the public. Some employes who
had at tirst refused to accept the schdule
have, since the strike was called, accepted
the same and returned to work.
Trains due here today were on time with
the exception of one, which was detained
by causes having no connection with the
strike. Our fast freights are on time and
(CuaUnued, oa gecond, Fae.)
Coalition llndy la Snmed lr Kins
Oscar for Work In Serious
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, Aug. 2 A co
alition ministry was formed today as fol
lows: Minister
W hi htmeli
M inlster
ilerr Lt
speaker o;
and cliali"
pointed t
crisis rcs.
te f hrlstlan Lundcberg.
.reign Affairs C ount A. F.
slice Judge C. A Berge
ir Colonel 1,. FI. Tingstcn.
' nine s. A. A Llndemitn.
Interior J. Widen,
nanc e Herr HI' sert.
ducatlon and Ecclesiastical
friiullure A. D, Petersen.
Uliinit Portfolios Herren
rg. the new premier. Is vice
list chamber of the Riksdag
f the special committee ap
Rlksdag to deal with the
. from the dissolution of the
Count Wachtmelster Is t member of the
first chamber and director of the land
Judge Berg also Is a member of the first
Minister of Marine I.lndman Is director of
telegra phs.
Herr Hammerskjold Is president of the
Goeta high court.
Herron Widen. Biesert. Fetter-son and
Staaff are deputies and Herr Petterson Is
a lawyer.
The new premier Is one of the pillars of
the conservative majority in the upper
house. He was largely responsible for the
conditions framed by the special com
mitteee of the Riksdag for the dissolution
of the union and King Oscar selected him
for the premiership us he considered It
desirable that the same Influence which
dominated th work of the cotnmltteee
should prevail during the negotiations for
carrying out the program.
In the new cabinet the liberals are well
represented and the ministry can be de
pended upon to seek a peaceful solution of
the differences between Sweden and Nor-
Socialist Section Will Look for Colon
isation Territory Outside of
BASEL, Switzerland, Aug. 2 The Zionist
congress tod.iy enthusiastically received
Max Nordau's eloquent felicitation of
Switzerland upon the celebration of the
anniversary nf the foundation of the con
federation. A memorial was presented from the grand
lodge of the Sons of Israel In the United
States saying that while they were not
affiliated with Zionism they were prepared
to co-operat i in the establishment of a
Jewish fatherland.
Rabbi Relnes. leader of the Mlsrahlst
element, declared that his group adhered
to the views of the congress.
6everal German delegates requested and
obtained the consent of the congress to
present arguments favoring Jewish colon
ization outside of Palestine. A request
from Rev. Dr. Magnes of Brooklyn, N.
Y., for a ruling of the chair as to whether
Sunday's decision favorable to Palestine
was binding on all the delegates brought
out an affirmative decision by the chair
man. Meanwhile the socialist section definitely
seceded from the orthodoz Zionists, their
object being to find suitable territory apart
from Palestine for the foundation of a
The congress after accepting reports of
committees on proposed alterations in the
statutes, was brought to a close this after
noon with the election of the executi.-e
committee, on which Dr. Henry Frleden
wald. Lewin Epstein, Cyro Sulzberger,
Zolotkoft Horowltch, Dr. Magnes and Ir.
Harry, represent the United States. Dr.
Frommenson, on behalf of the American
delegates, amid a scene of enthusiasm, pre
sented to the congress the Zionist national
banner from the St. Louis exposition.
Emperor of Germany Would Seo
Prince Charlea on Throne
of Bernadottes.
COPENHAGEN. Aug. 2.-Slnce his ar
rival at the Danish court Emperor William
appears to have become convinced that
there Is no hope of a prince of the house of
Bernadotte becoming king of Norway. His
majesty now favors prince Charles of Den
mark and he is quoted as saying:
"If Frince Charles does not become king
Norway will be a republic. Of course I
prefer a monarchy and therefore shall
hereafter support the candidacy of Prince
Prince and Princess Charles tonight paid
a long visit to Emperor William, when his
majesty again promised to support Prince
Charles for the throne of Norway. The
emperor also met the Russian minister, M.
Iswolsky, with whom he discussed far
eastern affairs, on which M. Iswolsky is
well Informed, having been minister at
Former Chief Statistician Says He
Will Return to the I'nlted
WASHINGTON, Aug. 2-ln answer to a
cablegram to John Hyde, former chief
statistician of the Department of Agrlcul-
ture urging him to return to this country,
Secretary' Wilson today received the fol
lowing dispatch from Mr. Hyde:
"Bouthport. England, Aug. 2. lH'ift
Returning as scion as possible. Letter."
Mr. Hyde left Washington at the time a
grand Jury l'gan to investigate charges the Japanese military, naval and admln
of a leakage in the bureau of statistics, by tstrative organizations, and does not believe
which it is alleged that Edwin 8. Holmes. ny other European nation would have
the former associate statistician, furnished b','n able to resist Japan as Russia has
advance Information of the department's j done. He continued:
figures on tho cotton crop to New Y'ork ' It must be taken Into consideration that
brokers. When Mr. Hyde resigned as chief!''' J,a 'ne, vt h!????"" for 'ar
. . 'or about ten years, while Russia was en-
of the bureau he agreed to hold himself urely unprepared, wishing for and trusting
ready to aid the Department of Justice in in peace. The Japanese fought in tn, lr
the Investigation lt Is making. He took I "wn neighborhood under all favorable con
. , , , . , . I oitiona. w hile the Russians had to be sent
passage for Europe a few days later and ; ,.o v, rsts from their headquarters by a
his departure was not learned until he was railroad, entirely insufficient to their needs,
beyond the Jurisdiction of federal ajthorl- an(1 to ntfht a colonial war with all co--i
i. 1,1 - . -.. . , i efficients against them. There is not in
Ilea who wanted him as a witness before hlbU v another example of a similar dls
the (rand Jury. ! proportion between enemies. Nevertheless,
I all the foreign officers of European armies
-rurDftl Uinnn Tn rn r pi "o followed the war are unanimous In af
GENERAL WOOD TO GO BACK ! firming that Russian troops, both soldiers
Army Officer Says He Will
Two Tears More on
BOSTON, Aug. t General Leonard
Wood, V. 8. A., who returned from his
command In the Philippines a few weeks
ago for a slight operation on his head,
said today:
"I understand there have been rumors
rf my intention not to return to the Phil
ippines. I want to say that I sincerely wish
to go back and Intend to start In about a
mouth. I expect to spend two more year
la Uie UUada,"
Chief Russian Envoy Vet at Dock by
Baron Rosen.
Peaee I Desirable, bnt Inreasonnhl
Terms Will ot Be Accepted
Ills Instructions Are
NEW YOKK, Aug. 2 Clothed with ple
nary powers, personally prepared and
signed by his sovereign. Serglus Witte,
Russia's ranking plenipotentiary to the
Washington conference landed here today
from the Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse as
quietly and democratically as the most
humble of his fellow passengers, Mr. Lody
gensky, Russian consul general, went down
the harbor In a revenue cutter this mbrn
ing officially to greet the distinguished
envoy and was received by Mr. Wltte on
deck while the Kaiser Willielm was at
Quarantine. Accompanying the consul gen
eral were Baron Schllppenbncli, Russian
consul general at Chicago; Baron Schilling,
Russian vice consul at New York, and Mr.
Wilonine, Russian financial agent at Wash
ington, who was the bearer of important
dispatches from St. Petersburg to Mr.
Wltte. The latter promptly opened, read
and quietly put these communications In his
llnron Rouen Meets F.nvoy.
Awaiting Mr Wltte at the dock was
Baron Rosen. Russian ambassador at
Washington, with his first secretary of em
bassy, Mr. Hansen Baron Rosen came
on board ns soon as the ship reached the
dock and cordially greeted his confere
and the members of his suite. After ten
minutes conversation, during which the
majority of the passengers landed, Mr.
Witte came down the gangplank on the
arm of Baron Rosen, followed by his suite,
but soon found his passage Impeded by the
crowd who cheered and M. Witte smilingly
acknowledged the greetings by repeatedly
lifting his hat. Several policemen soon
came to his rescue and cleared a passage to
the automobile which was awaiting the
party outside the dock. Midway down the
pier the procession was again stopped, this
time, however, by a delegate from the
Slavonic society of New York, who pre
sented Mr. Wltte with an address. The
Russian envo made a brief but cordial re
sponse, thanking the society for Its greet
ing and also for the cordial welcome he
had received from another delegation which
boarded the Kaiser Wllhelm off Quaran
tine this morning, having gone down the
harbor on a tug
Mr. Wltte enjoyed his trip up the har
bor. He mingled freely with the hundreds
of passengers who crowded the deck of
the great ship and. although at all times
the center of attraction, he seemed to be
quite unaware of It. It was a beautiful
day and the Russian envoy got his first
glimpse of the metropolis of the now world
under most favorable conditions. Every
thing seemed to Interest him. The tower
ing skyline as he passed the battery, the
numerous ships, in the harbor and the
activity which he saw on every side at
tracted him greatly and In his quiet way
he showed genuine enthusiasm to those
of his suite who stood near him on deck
and pointed out the various points of In
terest. Soon after the ship left quaran
tine, M. Wltte, surrounded by a large
group of newspaper men who came down
the harbor on the revenue cutter and by
as many of the passengers as could crowd
around him, called to his side Prof. De
Martens, a member of his suite, and
handed to him a statement with the di
rection that he deliver it in English as
tho greeting of Mr. Witte on his arrival
In this country. Prof. De Martens read
the greeting In a clear voice and at its
conclusion Mr. Wltte received a hearty
ovation, which evidently pleased him and
which he acknowledged by several bows,
and then walked away to one side of the
ship to look at the Statue of Liberty.
Instructions Are Elastic.
As Mr. Wltte does not speak English he
was not pressed for an Interview, but the
members of his party were each approached
for their views as to the negotiations. Nat
urally on a subject of such delicacy they
were reticent, but this much was ascer
tained beyond a doubt:
In scope, the powers of M. Wltte, who
conies as plenipotentiary of Russia to dis
cuss with tl.e Japanese plenipotentiaries
means of ending the war and to provide a
basis acceptable to Russia, is obtained to
sign the treaty of Washington, equal In
every way the powers handed to Baron
Komura by the Japanese emperor.
Mr. Wltte brings with him instructions
prepared by hla emperor, which outline the
general policy which he Is authorized to
pursue, i ney are In many resects elastic
any respects elaatij,
erm" submitted bv
Buomiuea py
ana win aid, rattier tn
witte, provided the ter
japan, in his opinion, appear reasonable.
I it was also mane plain by several of Mr.
S:1;- '' ' "'i' ?im' L"lf
any price, i.meiany tne ttussian mission
la. of course, unaware of Japan's terms.
and until they have beer, handed to Mr.
Wilte by Baron Komura.
"Russia will await results patiently and
without enxlety," was the way a close
friend of Mr. Wltte expressed the attitude
of the country today,
Russia Still Powerful.
To an Associated Press correspondent,
who accompanied him from Cherbourg, Mr.
Wltte said:
The Russians have had reverses, but this
does not signify that they have lost ihi
power which waa known to the Muscovite
empire before the war; it does not mean
that Russia has become a negligible quan-
i VU Tf the rV'nt cbuies such a
supremacy us to make the Russian empire
consider them a truly redoubtable, enemy.
Japanese Were Prepared.
Mr. Wltte recognlxes the good qualities
ana omcers, tougni wiin aamiraDie bravery
but they had to withdraw on account of
a combination of circumstances with which
their personal valor could not contend. On
the s.a the Russians found themselves con
stantly In inferior conditions. The squadron
of Rojestvensky was sent against Japan
not because the Russians had much con
fidence in Its success, but because they
could not renounce from a military and
moral point of view any change, no matter
how uncertain, of obtatinlng even a par
tial victory.
Japanese Progress Overestimated.
Suppose for a moment that the war. In
stead of having taken place in Corta or
In Manchuria, iiad been fought at the trurj
Russian frontiers, then the Japanese would
not have been able to face the Ruieua
tCoialnued on Second Pace.)
Former I.lrntennnt Governor of Mis
souri Tells of Action of
Senator Farrl.
taktrg of testimony was begun today In tho of Senator Frank H. Harris, on the
charge of bribery. Senator E. B. Dow ell of
Iji Belle, testified concerning the organi
zation of the senate In lftil and the appoint
ment of committees by Lieutenant Gover
nor John A. Lee as president of the senate.
Senator Dowell was a member of the crim
inal jurisprudence commit teee.
Former Lieutenant Governor l,ee was
then called to the stand. Lee testlll.d that
Senator Harris came to his room In the
rear of the senate chamber during the
legislative session in 1!M and said that the
house and senate bills for the repeal of the
law prohibiting the use of alum In the
manufacture of baking powder could not be
smothered in commltttee. Later Harris
came to him, he testified, and said the
bills would never be reported from the
committee for the sum of t'.onn. making
$1,0(0 for each member of the committee
on criminal jurisprudence except Senator
Dowell, who was not in the deal.
Lee testified that Farrls asked htm to
refer the matter to D. J. Kelly of New
York and that he wrote a letter to Kelly
Informing him of Farris' suggestion. Kelly
telegraphed him to communicate with him
(Kelly) over the long instance telephone
and )e did so.
Attorneys for the defense objected to this
conversation being repeated. Judge Davis !
sent the jury from the room and the attor- j
nevs on both sides argued the point The
arguments continued until the noon recess.
When court reconvened Judge Davis
overruled objections to the telephone con
versation and Lee was permitted to detail
It. He told of having Informed Kelley of
the nronosltlon to smother the so-called :
alu n bill In the committee for $7 nm and i
.. l
said that Kelley tola mm ne woui.i conr.-r ;
with other persons and report later. The
next day he received a telegram from
Kelley saying the proposition was ac
cepted. The defense in the Farrls trial seemed
to have gained an advantage today in the
cross-examination of John A. Lee, the
prosecuting witness In the case.
At a former trial Lee said he went to
St. Louis on the 2:2(5 train the day the
legislature adjourned In March, 1901. and
that Farris and Daniel J. Kelley went on
the same train and they had a talk. Today
he said he was not certain, but he believed
that he went on the 6 o'clock train. The
defense proved at the former trial that
Farrls did not go until the ii o'clock train,
so now lee's testimony corresponds, but
the defense claim to have witnesses to
prove that Ixe went on the 2:26 train, as
he said at the former trial.
Today Lee admitted that the letter writ
ten to D. J. Kelley. in which he said he
kept $2,0"0 for himself and sent the other
IB'CO back to him, was written by himself.
At the former trial he drnounced the letter
as a forgery. He cLilmcd today that he
did not examine the letter closely before.
Iee testified today also that Attorney
General Crow had promised him Immunity
If he would testify against Farris and that !
Governor Folk, Attorney Oeneral Hadley
and Prosecuting Attorney Belch had prom
ised to dismiss an lr..'l "merit charging
bribery and not prosecute him If he tes
tified at this trial.
The indictment was dismissed quietly to
day and the record was brought into court
while Lee was testifying to show that
The court adjourned with Lee on the
.ew York Attorney Intimates that He
May Prosecute Some Equitable
NEW YORK. Aug. 2. District Attorney
Jerome told Justice Davis in the criminal
branch of the New York state supreme
court today that ho might need a special reciprocity arrangements more favoraDie to
grand Jury to Investigate the Equitable i the United States.
Life Assurance society's affairs before the A few sugar producers are apprehensive
legislative committee has finished its In- of the possibility that the American mar
vestigatlon of life Insurance conditions ket for Cuba's sugar will be cut off as a
which Is soon to begin. The court has j result of Cuba's Indifference toward the
been kept sitting to await possible action 1 rice measure. The majority of the sen
by Mr. Jerome. He informed it today that ! ators, however, appear to regard the mat
he was not certain whether he would want ' ter as of small Importance as affecting
the special Jc y or not and would not ask I reciprocal relations between the United
for it now, but requested the court to ad- I States and Cuba.
Journ to September 11, which it did. Cubans do not take readily to American
In the meantime, he said, any Justice of
the court could irrant the order for a soe-
clal Jury.
In making the request for an adjourn
ment Mr. Jerome said:
As a result of the investigations of the
state superintendent of insurance, which
called attention to the conditions of tho
i""",ah"" company, 1 have discovered in
tne investigation an extraordinary co:i-
dlil.m of affairs which affects not only this
country but nil parts of the world. Trans-
actions have been of such a character on
their face that they require Investigation
by the district attorney of this county. The
OIL L.' Plljll J tlll.M'I'il. llifuiomr ia iim
a prosecuting officer and the investigation
he crnducted was not with a view of find
ing whether the company had conducted its
business In a criminal manner.
The executive committee appointed to In
vestigate Into the affairs of the Equitable
Life Assurance society held a session In
the local office of Attorney General Mayer
today. They discussed a number of ques
tions, chief among which was the selection
of ciunsel to the committee. No conclusion
was reached.
Bonds of Two Men Who Failed to
Appear for Trial Declared
ST. LOUIS, Aug. 2. When the cases of
the eleven men arrested at the Delmar race
track In St. Louis county by the raiding
squadron of St. Louis city police on charges
of violating the antl-pool selling law were
called In the court of Justice Barron of
Webster Grove today, only nine answered
to (heir names. On the request of the prose
cuting attorney of St. Louis county con
tinuances until September IS were granted.
The honds, amounting to twy) each, of
Mark Gumperts and N. Becker, the two
men who did not report, were ordered for
C. I.. Grlswold Specifies Five Timber
Claims that Were Irregularly
Heeded to R. M. Cobban.
HELENA. Mont.. Aug. 2. Testifying for
the government in the trial of R. M. Cob
ban In the I'nlted States court today on
the charge of subornation In connection
with western Montana timber land entries.
C. L. Grlswold, indicted with Cobban, bul
now a government witness, cited five easel
where entrynien and entrywomen came to
Helena and made final proof In the United
6tates land office, then deeded the timber
land to Cobban for sums ranging from
(100 to l0. Grlswold handling the money.
President of Illinois Central Discusses Con
test for Export Grain Traffic
rn lork lias Hod More Tban Its
Legitimate Mia re of This Trade
Declares Aaatnst He
bates. CHICAGO. Aug. 2.-Speaklng of the
fight between the railroads operating to
New York and the lines to the gulf of Mex
ico ports fo- export business, President
Stuyvesant Fish, of the Illinois Central
railroad, who was In Chicago today said
! that the Illinois Central was In the export
business to stay. "We shall attempt to In
fluence all the export business possible via
New Orleans," said President Fish. "l.ast
year we got most of the traffic that be
longed to us, and this year we shall get
more of It from present Indications. A
large part if the west, we contend, is nat
urally tributary to the Gulf of Mexico ports,
particularly New Orleans. While I would
do nothing to Injure New York, my home
city, 1 believe that It has hud more than Its
legitimate share of the export grain traffic
from the west."
In discussing the work of the Interstate
Commerce commission, President Fish de-
dared that he was in favor of making that
'"' '"l l'f "cord, capable of enfor-
cing me imins-, o, passms .....
kind of legislation tending to wipe out every
known form of rebate that hears the ear j
marks of discrimination. He added:
Additional laws to prevent rate discrim
ination cannot oe mane to s . a . ' " . j
inn It necessnrv to file notice of a reduction
In rates at least ten days before such re-
ductloti Is to be made But the govern-I
,,. s,111.i not nttemnt to Ko Into the
business of naming rates, that Is of vesting I
Itself w ith original rate maKing powci . i
Shippers do not want that because it I
and that would eliminate competition, not j
onlv amoniz the railroads but between pro
ducers, shippers and communities. It would
also mean that In a short time the gov
ernment must fix the price of all commodi
ties. It would repress, make all distances
depend upon local consumption, and hurt
business In a thousand ways.
Probability that Congress Will Ad
journ Without Action on Tariffs
Favorable to I lilted Mates.
HAVANA, Aug. 2. It appears to be
tacitly understood among the senators that
the proposition to continue the sessions of
congress until November, to which both
houses originally agreed, shall be practically
a dead letter, and that no more sessions
shall be held except to pass the soldiers'
pay bill, and possibly a few others. The I
moderates recently nave oeen most active
In preventing quorums In the senate, be
cause of the liberal bills now before that
body. The situation Is disappointing to
Americans interested in the rice bill who
had relied upon President Palma and the
moderate senators to put the bill through
the senate. Instead the liberal leaders ap
pear to be this bill's best friends, while
the senators favorable to the administra
tion are either lukewarm or opposed to lt.
The friends of the bill cite as a final ar
gument the fact that the United States is
called uron to face a deficit of $25.0uo,0Ort,
with SH.Wi.OOO loss on customs receipts on
account of Cuban reciprocity, this being
i offset only in a measure by the $74C0n,ilOO In-
I "se in exports from the United States to
Cuba during ine urst yen. ui .eiiiut.. 3.
The Americans contend that this, to
gether with the refusal of Cuba to pass a
measure giving the United States a fair
share of the benefits of reciprocity will
prove a strong factor at Washington
ailnst the continuation of the reciprocity
treaty, especially as Cuba has not changed
Its tariffs In tho direction of making its
rice and tney oei.eve it v.u.u ...........
I ble for the United States to supply th
Cuban demands for the coming two years.
In any event, this and the pending presi
dential campaign give a basis for post
ponement of action on the measure.
The house of representatives on June 28
j by a vote of 24 to 10 passed the rice bill,
; , h , wftS exp,rted would open tho
! """ .... , . ,
j Cuban marnei i. .m tn-
courage the culture of rice in Cuba,
I . iiiiTTrnsnii nrTllDUP
Kentucky Colonel Saya European
Aristocracy Is of Much Better
Grade Than the American.
NEW Y'ORK. Aug. 2. Comparing the
American and European types of aristoc
racy. Colonel Henri Watterson of Louis
ville, Ky., who returned today on the
steamer Oceanic from a trip to Europe,
"I observed European aristocracy pretty
closely while 1 was over there and I have
arrived at tho conclusion that foreign aris
tocracy Is of a much better grade than the
American article. There, aristocracy means
lineage and brains. Here, well, it ranges
chiefly from bad whiskey to Standard oil."
Mr. Watterson said that he had read the
accounts of the scandal in the Department
of Agriculture, and said:
I have often wondered how so many scien
tific men connected with the government
at comparatively small salaries could live
so well. It only goes to show that the
college man Is not a success in politics.
Colorado" strike begins
Trackmen on Denver A Rio tiraade
Ordered Not to Report for
Duty Today.
DENVER, Colo., Aug. 2. The strike order
of the International Brotherhood of Main-
tenance of Ways and Employes against the
Denver & RIo Grande railway went Into
Denver & RIo Grande railway went Into
effect at 8 o'clock tonight. It cannot be
definitely known until the regular hour for
reporting for duty tomorrow morning how
extensively the trackmen of the Rio Grande
road have obeyed the order. The officials
of the road declare they are not worrying
over the situation and do not believe that
any of the section foremen intend to strike.
President Wilson, of the brotherhood, is
here in charge of the strike and Is firm in
his belief that the l.WiO men that signed the
strike order will go out to a man. lie said
today that he would conduct the strike
in an orderly manner ar.d that the public
would be respected In the fight.
Fair and Warmer Thnrstlay.
Temperature at Omaha ltrrdTi
Hour. Dri. llonr. Ilea.
A a. m im I p, m T
a. m tts a p. m MO
7 a. m tlM il p. m 71
Ha. m M 4 p. m 77
n. m To f p. m ...... TS
HI . m VJ H p. m 71
11 a. ni 7 4 7 p. ni 7
1- m -l Hp. m Til
p. nt 7:t
Chinese tiullda Proserntlna- System
atic f'nmpnlan Aanlnst Amer
ican (aooila,
VICTORIA, B. O, Aug. 2 -Advices from
Canton state that when n delegate of the
Chinese boycott movement against America
was explaining to students in Canton
schools the nature of the agitation he
pointed out that many students wore
tunics made in American cloth. These were
at once torn from the backs of the
st uricnts.
Various vernacular Chinese papers have
given notice that no American business
notice or any news regarding Americans
was to be published after July IS.
Although arrivals from China state that
the boycott against American goods Is not
a serious menace, the newspapers are flN.-d
with reports of anti-American meetings and
gatherings of guild and bodies of students
to further the movement. Tle Pekln guild
has drawn up a sp- clnl paper, and million
,,r copies are to be circulated to give pub-
, ty to the boycott. The guild, with rep-
resenlatives from every Chinese province
but Fuketn, has made an agreement tint
no member will purchase American good
on pain of large fine. A mass meeting of
delegates from twenty-six Chinese colleges
.... ... .. ... , , ..... .....
""" "' " ' ""
cott, when It was decided to appoint a nuin-
ber of students from each school to travel
an(1 ,pf,tur(, pon lhp boycott. Large num-
bers of placards are being posted through
out southern China, the language of which
Is strongly nntl-forelgn.
Commissioners of Four Stales Will
Go to fw York tn Make Joint
CHICAGO, Aug. 2 Three large Insurance
companies of New York are to lie Investi
gated by the Insurance commissioners of
Tennessee. Kentucky, Wisconsin and Min
nesota as a result of a meeting of eight
state Insurance commissioners held here
today. Another result of the conference
Is to be the Interstate Investigation of all
large life Insurance companies, so that
alleged misapplication of funds and mis
management may become a thing of the
lt tnp unanimou. opinion of the ex
perts attending the convention that there
should be interstate Inspection of Insurance
companies. The commissioners will go to
New Y'ork on August 10.
The other men who attended the conven
tion, but who did not Join In the move
ment were W. R. Vrenenburgh, superin
tendent of Insurance of Illinois; James W.
Barry, insurance commissioner of Mlchl- j
gan: B. F. Carroll, auditor of state and )
ex-officlo Insurance commissioner of Iowa, I
and J. J. Brinkerhoff, actuary for the
Illinois department of insurance.
Joint Committee from f onarega t ion
nlists, I nlted Brethren and Meth
odist Protestants Meets.
PITTSBURG. Pa., Aug. 2.-A Joint com
mittee of the Methodist Protestant, Con
gregational and United Brethren churches
met here today and after discussing In
formally the question of consolidating the
denominations, decided to gather at Dayton,
O., February 7, 1!W, and take formal ac
tion on the matter.
Nothing as to the nature of the plans
for consolidating could be learned, but lt
was decided, however, that the plans must
be ratified by the different denominations
before the union can be effected.
The Congregational church has a totai
membership of fiOO.OHO, the United Brethren
church has 3HO.00O members, and the Meth
odist Protestant church has 200.000 mem
Inspector Serves Xotlce that They
Mast Be Observed on Il
linois Hlver,
PEORIA, 111.. Aug. 2. The United States
lighthouse boat Lilly Is anchored at this
port with I'nlted States Lighthouse In
spector Captain W. B Caperton on board.
Captain Caperton reports gross violations
of the United States lighthouse regula
tions for inland waters on the Illinois
river and has served notice on the mayor
that the rules as to lights on bridges over
the Illinois at this point must be observed.
The lights have been Insufficient In num
ber and Improperly placed, thereby render
ing navigation dangerous.
From Chillioothe the lights have been
allowed to fall into disuse. A line of
lights will also be placed from Ia Salle to
the mouth of the Chicago drainage canal.
Orsranlatlnn to Re Known
I'nlted Master natchers nf
GRAND RAPIDS. Mich.. Aug. 2.-The
United Master Butchers of America per
fected their organization today on the basis
of representation of one delegate to all
members and selected Milwaukee as the
next place of meeting the second Monday
of August, Among the officers elected
were :
President George H. Shaffer, New Y'ork.
Vice President Charles B. Delbel, St.
Secretary John H. Schofleld, St. Louis.
Trustee C. Chrlstoperson. Omaha.
I '-' ol Ocean Vessels Angus! St
' At ew York-Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm
der Grouse, from Bremen; Minneapolis,
from Ixndon; Haronlu and Oceanic, from
Liverpool. Sailed: Teutonic, for Liverpool;
Rotterdam, for Rotterdam; Iimhardla, for
Genoa; ilelllg Olav, for Copenhagen.
At Copenhagen Arrived : Oscar II, from
New York.
At Havre Sailed : Pomeranian, for Mont-re-..l
At Glasgow Arrived: Corean, from Bos
ton. At Qm-enstown Arrived : Haverford, from
Philadelphia. Hulled: Saxonla. for Boston.
At Southampton- Sailed: Kaiser Wllhelm
II. for New York.
At Dover Arrived : Pennsylvania, from
New York.
At Liverpool Sailed : NordUnd. for Pnll
adelphia. At Plymouth Arrived: Grosser Kurfunt,
from New York.
Actirity of Yellow Jack is Due to Intensely
Warm Weather.
Eleten Deaths In New Orleans, SixVictimi
Being Italians,
Physicians Think Vehicles Carry Mosquito
from Infected District to Other Points.
( Itlien of Louisiana Asks Federal
Jtiriae for Writ of F.Jertment
Dlrrctrd Auatnst Mississippi
NEW ORLEANS. Aug. I The record of
the yellow fever situation up to S p. m. 1
ns follows:
New cases 32
Total cases to date 878
Deaths t.xlav 11
Total deaths to date 79
New substitute foci 4
Total sub-foci M
At Ship Island Quarantine station. In tho
gulf, off .Mobile buy. to date, four cases
(convalescent I.
Shreveport . to date, one case.
Montgomery. Alu., to date, one rase.
I.umherton. Miss., to date, one ense.
Wesivego, La., to date, two cases and
one death.
Algiers, to date, one rase.
Sunrise. to dafe. one esse.
Empire. La., to date, one case.
(istrlca, La , to date, one case.
Point Celeste, La., to date, one case.
Vnceam, La., to date, one case.
The fever situation showed no material
change during the day and the few new
foci shows that It is not spreading with
the rapidity of former years. Of the deaths
four were In the Emergency hospital, four
In the original districts and three In the
Charity hospital.
Today's reports of the fever situation
showed again an Increase In the number
of deaths, but the health authorities con
fessed to no alarm over the situation and
said that more fatalities were to be looked
for from the fact that In the past three or
four days there has been a sufficient in
crease In the number of cases to warrant
the expectation of heavier mortality. High
temperature, succeeded by heavy precipi
tation nnd cooler weather, produced cli
matic conditions also favorable to fatali
ties. Practically All of the deaths were of
Italians and nearly, nil of them were either
In the Emergency hospital or In the dis
trict adjacent thereto. Some of the vic
tims were unfortunates whose cases were
only reported In tho last two days, Indi
cating that they were practically In a
moribund condition when their Illness waa
The appearance of two or three cases yes
terday among persons whoso business does
not carry them Into the infected districts
downtown has given an Impression that tl.e
stegomyia is possibly being carried out of
! the sone of Infection through the medium
of street tars. Two or three of the city
lines cross Canal street, running from the
lower end of the city to the upper. They
come and go through the section where the
fever has been most severe and not Im
probably are picking up mosquitoes and
transporting (hem to other sections. It has
been suggested that the authorities take
action to prevent street cars from crossing
Canal street.
A severe rain and thunderstorm during
the night caused the washing away of oil
from the many miles of glitters and
through overflows caused hundreds of cis
terns to discharge the oil which had been
put into them. In consequence the ward
organizations began reolllng all gutter,
cisterns and ponds.
Deaths A mono- Italians.
It is confidently believed that once the
Infection begins to decline In the section
below Canal street, where the conditions,
sanitarily and otherwise are more favora
ble for the spread of the disease, there
will be little difficulty In stamping out the
malady which may be under treatment
elsewhere. There is no attempt to conceal
the fact that the extent of the fever shows
a serious state of affairs, but there Is not
believed to be any Justification for the
terror which seems to have spread over the
country outside of New Orleans.
That the fever continues as an Italian
Infection Is shown by the fact that In the
list of thirty-two new cases the Italian
victims number twenty-five. The six of
the eleven dead were all Italians.
In splta of all that has been done to
reassure them, many Italians still continue
to make efforts to conceal their cases.
They are still panic stricken and turn in
fear from the doctors and health officers.
It was largely due to the energy with
which the marine hospital forces set about
the work of discovering hidden cases that
Tuesday's record was made so large.
With local inspectors they Ignored custom
and Insisted on reaching spots where they
believed cases to exist. Since this cam
paign has been In progress, cases have
turned up In the most unexpected places.
In one Instance when the officers had mad
a thorough inspection of premises and
failed to find what they were looking for.
I ,h,'' went through a skylight and found
a plck m,ln ''lnl on ,tle roof- In another
case ,nPy foun1 a Pa"Pnt concealed under
a fiR'crn. The other day a wagon loaded
j with household goods and accompanied
by Italians started to cross on one of the
ferries. Suspicious offlrers insisted on fa
investigation, and when the goods were un
loaded, a man very sick was found In the
bottom of the wagon.
One of the reasons why the fever has
spread so extensively among the Italians
Is said to be the fact that many of them
have been accustomed to sleeping without
protection against mosquitoes.
Want Mall Fnmlurated.
Postmaster Woodward today received
a letter from the railway mall service at
Atlanta, saying that Greenville, Miss., has
notified that office that hereafter It will
receive no letter mailed from New Orleans
that has not been disinfected and that
under no circumstances will It receive
newsiMipers, whether disinfected or not.
postmaster Woodward has talked over with
the marine hospital surgeons the questions
of the fumigation of mail. Mr. Woodward
was told, that having accepted the mos
quito theory, the surgeons considered dis
infection of mall unnecessary.
It was said at the State Board of Health
today that Secretary Hunter of the Mis
sissippi lioard, would probably be here
shortly to survey the situation generally,
and i specially to study the scientific fight
now in progr ss bused on the mosquito
theory. However, the Louisiana authorities
expect little modification of the quarantlr
regulations until the fever Is entlrel
stamped out, owing to the widespread K
disposition of the general public of MlurV
slppt to accept the mosquito theory.
Surgeon White of the marine hospital