THE OMAHA DAILY I.EE: WEDNESDAY, A COURT 2. 1P03. CRMS AND PRODUCE MARKET Vhet Yrz '-ki And Close! EjIot "VrifTviij. GOYTRNKENf . ." RETORT IS BEARISH Llgttev Corn TTrrelpt fune flatter Price In that C rrral llmi lirmii Tkroaali Amnion-The I 01. rlt Kllnatl n. OMAHA, AUGUST 1. 1903. The government weekly crop report. Issued nt noon, we bearish on sprlng wheat. I. caused September wheat to clone about a cent below ycterdav The opening ai a llttl easier than "yester day's clone, but there u Utile whi'-at orccram nt the figures, nmt a better lone, developed, Beptemlier reaching fW4c at the hlgn figure Mul December 874e. With rust talk and report of Russia, crop lallure there wa a general uneasiness HlKiut the market, but a.iy tendency to higher prices wa offset by the largo, receipt una the pro poet fir a large a quHnllty tomorrow. The government report came, the market broke. September closed at 84V&S44C, De cember at Hoc and May at 6c. Lighter corn receipt were largely respon sible for itrength In that market. Septem ber cloned at 624fi5J4c, old September at 63e, December at 4f.4:. old December at 4c end May at 46c. Oat held better throughout the cession. September flnlhe t 27u. December at and May at lS4W30n. Liverpool closed d higher on wheat and 4J lower on corn. Foreign crop prospect, beginning to be factor and mav ho more lr. the future. Russian crop are almost a I'.illur In mint province. The tra.l hail a import yester day which put tlx situation In a irrlous way. It la believed that (he. foreign aitua tlrn will make better price. The Russian ne-. yieia is estimated at bo.ouo.wo Dueneis shcrt. Total stork of wheat In all position In Chlcngi war 2.198, &) bushels, an Increase of 1,0.4 000 bushel, t'orr, atnrka an S,6j3, 004 tushcls, an Increase of VWO btiHiiel. (Jala stork r 2,MW.xio bushels, an Increase, of bushel. there on July contract yectrrdny wete 7O0,(io bushels of wheat, 70,000 bushel of corn and 2i).0i0 bushel of oat. Kansas City leports lun.KW bushel at wheat delivered ir.ete. Primary receipt of wheat were 1.175. Mo bushels, against 1,729,000 last year. Primary receipts ui corn wajio 4ji,) O'lsnel or lo.noo bushel less than last year. Shipment of wheat were 76.1.000 bushel a compared with SA0.0OO bushel la. yea- und corn hlpments wet SiM.oon bushel a compared With 324.00) bushel last year. Lake freight ai i up c and boat ara care. Rate hava been so lojr that vrs la have sen their boat for ore rather that; ttke corn at lc as the ore, pay bet ter. There were charter yesterday of 4oo, OuO bushel on the basis of 1411 lo for corn to Buffalo. Frlngin, Fitch A. Rankin at Minneapolis sent tne following wire to tin George A. Adam Oraln company: "Hokason of Hec tor 'phoned m the wheat Held there were ripening since Saturday with nothing In the head." The same firm got other re port frori Minneapolis that the northwest crop Is tre best l.i twenty years. Snow, Minneapolis crop expert. Issued a report today, lie aya: "I find black rust In practically every aectlon of the north west If it should not develop with more Intensity than I now apparent the crop loss will be There. I a good stand nnd a geneiall;' vigorous plant, so that, aside from rust probability, the pres ent prospect Is for at least a full average crop. Condition are favorable for matur ing the crop ahead of full rust develop ment." Omaha Cah Kale. WHEAT No. 1 hard. .1 car, 82c; 1 car, 81c; No. 4 hard, 1 car, 75c. CORN No. 1 yellow, 1 car. 4Rc; No. S mixed, 1 car, 48o; No- 4 mixed, 1 car, 47Vin. OATS No. i white, 1 car, $7c; No. 3 mixed, 1 car, 86 Ha. Omaha CUh Pi-toe. WK BA T No. 2 hard, SltitiJc: No. J hard, Wfsnc; No. 4 hard. Tic.- No. 3 spring, 83c. CORN No. 2. tHc; No. 8. 4.Sc; No. 4, 47V4;c; no grade, 4?4Ac; No 2 yellow, i9c: No. a ye.W'W, iaic; No. i white, 4j; No. t White, 4840. OATft-No. 1 mixed. ??e: No. 3 m:xed, SUV?: No. 4 mixed, 26ct No. 2 white, 13c; No. 3 white, ?n,io; No. 4 white, 27c; stand ard, Zl6. Curlut ncelttt. Vhiat. Cor.i. Oat Chicago f&l 2 H9") Kansas City 114 27 Minneapolis 191 Omaha 17 20 7 Huluth 4 ... Et Louis 203 62 , 133 Mlnaeaxpoll ' Grain Mark.. The rang of prices paid In Minneapolis, s reported Dy the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trad building was: Artlcles.l Open. High Low. Close. Yes'y. IVVheat j j j Bept....D0'St-H 9'.H S!7 V V l)ec....MaSS' 89 87- 87 bH WEATHER I THE URAirf 1IELT I.lKht Shower General In Monntaln Good Italna In Nebraska, OMAHA, Aug. 1, 1!05. Light ahower were quite general In the mountains within the last twenty-four r hours, and thunderstorms, v. 1th fairly good rain, ar reported tn central Nebraska till morning. Conditions are favorable for light local rains In the Missouri valley to night and piobnbly Wedtieoduy with, uo Important change In tempeiature. Tn weather la slightly cooler east of the Mississippi river acd In the southern por tion; it is slightly warmer In tho Missouri valley and wst to the mountains. Omaha record of temperature und precl- S Itatlon, conjiared with the coi'roupondlng ay of the las', three years; laOS. 1904 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature. J'roclpltntlon Normal temperature .. i0 ."7 60 62 .. .00 .00 1.15 .00 for today, 78 ue- gree. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1, T.71 inches. Dsf.ctenc.v correspondlr period In 1904, .78 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1903, 4.(3 Inches. OM.AHA DISTUICT AVERAGE! Temp Rain. Stations. M ix. Alt 11. Inches. Sky, AsMand, Xeb.... S7 M . Auouin, Neb M I'd .0) CoiJinbus, Neb.. Sfi fcj .to Fai-bury, Neb.. M .v0 Kalrmon:. Neb.. M 63 .t Olr. Inland. Neb.. tU 1,7 .1 tlai-tingion. Neb. 79 W xn Oakduie, Nel 78 HI .00 Oma'.ia. Ne' X wi .ei Tknia.ii. Neb... HJ C) .00 ("arinll. Ia S5 80 .00 I'irindv 1 S 12 . Plbley, t . f iuui City, la.. Hi i'J T btonn Lake. Is.. 83 f.,' .1X1 Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Pt cloudy Cloudy Clear Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy v ica r DI8THH:T AVCP.A'JES No, of ?t'lol . 21 -':r.:p Rain. !RX. 2Hn Inches. I.' M T 8 6S T v; . T S'i 64 M f 60 .1 74 dJ . it tl .Oi Cttatiat. CMrngo, 111: C'olumbi:, y Jr.dVinapoliM, Lid. K t t. ity, Mo Louiv'.lle. Ky.. M'nnpi!, Omaaa, !-'' tit. Louia. llu.. II V'O lit n u .'. A. WKLS1I. Weather lluiuiu. Ioot.1 ror.a'e, Visible Mnpplr of Grain. NEW YOBK. Au.. 1. Special cahle and telegraphic communication leceived by pradstreet s show the following changes In availahic supplies a compared wltii lat account: 1 Who4 Cnlted State and Canada, east Rockle. Increased l.t-Al'M busl-elM; afloat; for and in r.urnpe. nven-asec i.mpi.wm Lun Is: total supply lncriwe-1, loC.tXI Corn I'nlte.l States and Cunada, Rockies, decreased tini, bushe'.s t lats L'nltcd Stutea and t'anada, Itocktea. decreased 781.0UU bushels. east east The leading increase reported this week re 21S.00O bushel at the Chicago prtvatu elevator. Ioi.ima) bosliels at Louisvl'.le; tid.OOn bushels at depot harbor and 97,0uo lushela at Nashville. . Peoria. Market. PEORIA, Autr. " 1 CORN-Cnchanged; No. 8 yellow, 64c; No. 3, 4c; No. 4, 53c; no grade. 52c. OATS Iower: No. 8 white, 29c; new No. I white T7e; No. 4 white, JSc; new No. 4 svhltt. !74c. WHISKY on tns bast or $1.27 for fn- ash4 goods. Mllavaakaa Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Aug. l.-WHEAT-8teady ; f o. 1 northern. $1 11; No. 2 northern, $1 t; September. H44iSlSc asked. RYE Quiet; No. 1. Vc. BAR1-ET-Finr.r; No. S, 61c; sample, 11051c. CORN Firmer; No. 8 yellow, Bic; Septem ber, 43o asked. Mnrtaul Grain Market. Ll"V"EliPtOU Aug. 1. WHEAT Spi?t, nnilnal; fiitvre quiet; Sepf"iiioe.', wi d; t'ec n' Ser 741. Mar-'li. onii'ial. CvJlJi-opvt ai , Ai..ric4 unite, f 2 '- ' futures closed steady: September, 4s flllCatiO 4111411 ami mormons l eatnre nf the Traillnsr and t losing; I'rlce n Board of Trade. CHtCAtJO, Aug 1. donlll nf srl ous ilatnnge front black rust caused a wpuk Hi in the wheat market here toilav. At toe close wheat for feptember delivery was donn ".'iilc Corn Im up N''- Oats show a Riln of '4i.jA,c. l'rovlslon are practically uni' hanged. (Jeiierally clenr weather nortltwest devel oped evidence of lacit of strength In wheat prices at the stsrt. the opening quotations on Hcptemher being unchanged to H' lower t R.".c to S."e. Hentlment, however, soon heenme bultixlt and prices made a quit k rally. An ofTlcta.1 foreast of rain tonight tn Minnesota and the Dakota started active covering by ahort.s Numerous reports from private sources were received from the sr.rlng wheat district, but advices regarding damage by rust were decidedly contradic tory. Some of the report claimed that the crop Would be of exceptionally good qunllty. ( 'tlier reports asserted that great damago had Already been done by the blight. Dur ing the first half of the session offerings were light. As a result the prices of Sep tember advanced to Wc. Later there was a complete reversal of sentiment, the mar ket during the last hour becoming exceed ingly weak. The principal cause for the bite weaknesses was a report made hy the weather bureau at Washington relating to spring sown wheat. Commenting on the condition of the crop. The report said: "Spring wheat harvest 1 In progress In Nehraska, Iowa and In southern portion of South Dakota and Minnesota. This rrop ha made favorable progress, no rust dam age being reported except from scattered Held in flouth Dakota where smut and blight are prevalent to some extent." The publishing of this official estimate seemed to allay all fears for the safety of the wheat crop in the northern states. Heavy profit-taking following resulted In a sharp break In prices, September dropping i iVY i. , i lnirP""e . lnB w . k-.imi .unii) i-ip.,,,i, sentiment. The market dosed extremely weak with prices practically at the lowest point or the day. Kinal quotations on (Sep tember were at 84:Vv4Vfcc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 111.000 bu. The world s visible supply, as shown by Uradstreet s Increased 2.2.VUPOO bu. Pri mary receipts were 1.176.000 bu. compared Willi 7S.w) Mi. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 775 cars against iM) cars last week and 42S cars a year ago. Fentlnvmt In the corn market was bullish the greater part of the session. Vnder ac tive supiort from bull lenders prices made d substantial aavance during the nrst part of the day, but later part OT the gialn was ioi on selling Induced Py the hreak in wheat One of the main bullish Influences was the extremely light acceptances of bills sent out by cash houses. Another factor was an estimate of small local re ceipt for tomorrow. The market closed firm with price considerably above yester day's final quotation. September opened Sc to HfoHc higher at 62c to B2Hc, sold up to fC'ic and closed at B2vgf.2ic. Local re ceipts were 295 cars with 61 of contract Rrndu, Strength of corn Imparted a firm tone to the oats market. Shorts were active buy er. September opened a shade higher at 27c, sold up to ic and closed at ilc. Local receipts were 32 cars. l'rovlslon were steady as a result of a lOUl&c advance In the price of live hogs The market received fair support from packers. At the close Sentemher rwirk was up Jie at 313.47H. I-ard was a shade higher ;'(. ii. Kins were up 2"c at PU5. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, L'."r": corn 149 car; oats- 142 Cttr; hogs, b.oOO head. The leading; futures ranged as follow: Artlcles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat Sept. Dec. May Corn tSept. JSept. tDec. JDec. JMay Oats Sept. Dec. May Pork Sept Oct. Lard Sept. Oct. Ribs Sept. Oct. I 84H 8e' 8Hi 844 8'l 88' 84 RT. B24 WH'7 87Vfr 52'iSU MtJ BLV(i62, 6:" 7-H, 48'4 -, 4;4 i 274, r 28 2Sii 18 4TH 13 67U 13 40 13 474 7 2S 7 37H 7 46 7 47 8 12H 8 20 8 17V 8 27 824 t.' 47i 4n-H 4SHI r w I 29H 4,H BH4'b 464,61Vs"iH 4&V 450 27sl 27 2SL.:27V,rn.ii 29V(j30l 28 13 474 13 474 13 45 13 3741 13 40 I 13 374 7 S3 7 374 7 33 . 7 45 7 46 7 424 8 124 8 15 8 124 s ii-.ii in 1 lai No. t tOld. iNew. Cash quotation were a follows: FLO UK Steady: winter patents, t4.20T 4 80; straight. I4.0CB-4.10; spring pafnts, M.8.rS5.40; straights, 33.KKS4.b5; bakers, 2.4rf WHEAT No. 8 spring. tl.053i.lO: No. 8. 9Gcft$t.n6; No. 2 red, 86fi874c. CORN No. 2, 54-Vo66c; No. 2 yellow, BS'ic. OATS-No. 2. 27Sc: No. 2 white, 2W'g294c; No. 8 white, 274?i29c RYE No. 2. BWitWc. 11ARLEY Oood feeding, 863.Sc; fair to cnoice mailing, i'fM4c. SKKDB No. 1 flax. tl.Sl: No. 1 northwest ern. $1.82. Prime timothy, ' $3.10. Clover, contract grade. 812.BOfal2.75. Tho receipts and shipments of flour and grain were as ioiiows: Receipts. Shipments, Flour, bbls 27.900 19 100 Wheat, bu 319.900 67.000 Corn, bu 284,000 I04.100 JbEioo t at. nu 70O.80O Rye. bu 15.000 1.000 Barley, bu 14,300 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries. 174i"204c; dairies. lt'il8W. Eggs. firm, at mark. cases Included. 16c; firsts, 174c; prime firsts. ix; extras, .'ic. ineese, nrm, luvtfiic. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Qaotatlon of tha Das- on Various Comuindltlr. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. FLOUR-Recelpts. 20.39U bbls.; export. 3,349 bbls.; sales, 4, Loo bbls.; market dull and easy; .winter patent $4505.00; winter Btraights.'ii 4.60; Minnesota patent, 85.4tKii5.86; winter ex tras, $3.004i3.46; winter low grades, $2.90(3.35. Rye Hour, easy; fair to good, fi.20tjj-l.6o; choice to fancy, 84.504.76. CORNMEAL Firm; dry kiln, t3.10-53.30. hYK-uiy; NO. 1 western, 740 asked, o. L f., New York. BARLEY Nominal; feeding, 4S4c, c. I. f.. New York; malting. 46662c. o. I. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 27.000 bu.; spot market Irregular; No. i red, IfeHc elevator; No. 3 red, 8940, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.15, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, nominal, f, ot b. afloat. An easier opening In wheat, due to favorable northwest weather, wa followed by sharp rallies on further reports of rust In tho northwest, bull crop news from Russia and firm cables. Later on a favorahle weekly bureau report and big receipts the market broke a oent, closing talo net lower. May. 9.4uys,sc, closed at 92c; September. W 9oS. cloned at K94c; December, 90 13-10 92V, closed 904c. C11RN Receipts, 78.475 bu.; spot market 'firm: No. 2. Hc elevator, and tio-.c f. o. b. afloat; No. 3 yellow, iMkc; No. 3 white, t;ie. Option market wus neglected all day, clos ing a rent higher. Beptember, G3 VyoHe, closed 694c. o.VTS Receipts, M,000 bu.; not market easy mixed o.t. 2b to 32 pounl.a33ty334c; natural while. 30 tn 32 pounds. 3f'yu37o, ! clipped white, Si to 40 pound. 874'u,4oc. I 11 A Y S'.'.oly, hipping, twjjuic, good to i choice, 7S(20c. I 1 loI'B Steady ; state, common to choice. ; 14 Crop, V3tf2tk' k-; 1903 crop. 1921e; olds, 10 ti::j; I'aclflc. coast, 1904 crop, 22-325o; 1903 crop, lMn20c; olds, lfkf(12o. HIDES Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California. 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 24 to 3o Ihs . 184c. LEATHER Uulet; acid. $4,g2e. I'ROVISIONS Reef, steady; family. tlO 50 tjU'.Ou; mess. $9 60-q lO.Oo; beef hams. $21 .uirl 22 :); packet. $10.5c(j 11.00; city extra India mes. $i8.iBxul8 . Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $8.2510.50: pickled shoulders, $5w.vt.uu; pickled hams, $t0.2p4t 10 75. Lard, llrm; western steamed. ITl'-nT-jO; refined. nrm; continent, low; nouin America. SM..a; compound. &"VT..3. I'ork. firm; famtlv, $13 504 16.00; short clear, $13. Oku 15.26, mesa, $14 A 1 15.00. TALLOW Firm ; city ($2 per pkg ), 4c; country tpkgs. free), 4454e. RICl'i Steady ; domestic, fair to extra, 34'J4-': Japan, nominal. lit Tl'ER Steady ; street price, extra creamery, 214'21c. Oltlrial price; Cream ery, rommon to extra, I4if2l4c. CHEEjSE- State full creams, small col ored and white, lOMiUUr; state large, col ored and white, fancy, lie. EGOS Western best, 1814o; west am, fair to good. 17tfl8c POl'I.TRY Alive. Irregular; western chicken, 14c; fowl, lie; turkeys, 144a Dressed, firm; western chickens. 13-Uluc; iowis. im; turxeys, uyi.c. Mlnnennolls Oraln Market, MINNEAPOLIS. Aug. t-KLOUR-Flrst ratent, $o9rvnl; second patent, $5.754 f ficst clear. 84.IsjO4.10; socond cleats, $35 5'2 75. UKAN-tn bulk, $.2.76-afla.O. Dnlatk Grain Market. DULUTH, Aug I WHEAT To ai'rtva. No. 1 r.orthern, $; on track, No. 1 nerth ern, $1 u6; N 1. t northern, 9bc; Stpteinbcr, new, t.;; September, old, 69.-. CsT-Ta arilva, 27c; on track, NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Wull Street Market Agtii Demomtrttei Iu Good Abnorptite Powtj, SPECIALTIES AHE FEATURE OF THE DAY Copper ocnrltle lllahcr ATe In Price of enl Crop ?Jsa 1 atorable to KatlTtaf Mia re. NEW TORK, A ig. 1. Tbe stock mnrket again demonstrated Its good absorptive power today during the period when piorll takit.g suii a were being made to meet the new demand. The rather singular tone showed more softness when tne selling movement had mostly Subsldt d. Special tie were the nature of the market, a on the day before, and there were few of the great jeculatlve leader In the list that movcf! wulelv enouuh to call for Sbeclal comment. The specialties affected were less numerous than yesterday and their movements were less sensational, probably accounting for the diminished Influence ol the special movement on the general tone of thu mnrket. securities were strong In all the market of tho world, based on the ad vancing price and the extraordinary de mand reported for the product. The price of copper advanced sharply in Ijondun and In New Vol k the price was marked up He a j'Otind, following a similar advance yes terday. J he response In Amalgamated I op per was uncertain and the dealings In that stork were not on an unusual scale. Smelt ing continued its progress -to new high levels by the Inlluence of rumor of an in tended Increase In the dividend rate. The 1'nited States Steel securities were" also firm, but slugplah. too second mortgage , uon,i rnaKIng the widest movement. The granger stocks seemed to be affected by crop uncertainties, although the wheat market was comparat Iveiv free from dam age rumors. The publication of the weather bureau's crop bulletin was the slgnnl for a general recovery In the market, the condi tion reported there being Regarded as ex tremely favorable. Money conditions were not perceptibly altered. The payment to the government on a periodical maturity of a Central Pacific note makes the sub- treasury a large gainer from the market on operations thua far reported, but Rov - ernment Interest pnvnble todav will oiter- ate as an offset. The unresponsiveness of the general surface of the market to the propping up of Individual storks as much as anything else led to the spilling out of stocks In the final hour, which decided the course downward after the varying fluctua tions of the day. and the closing was easy, a number of the grain carriers showing point losses on the day. Konds were steady, total sales, par valim, tS.SM.01si. Cnlted States bonds were un changed on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change ranged as follows: Sales. High. Low. Close. Adnma Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car F do pfd Am. Cotton Oil .... do pfd Am. Ex Am. II L. pfd.... Am. Ice Securities. Am. Linseed Oil ... do pfd Am. locomotive ... 2I 63. SIX) 3,300 l'O 854 374 DOSi 844 37 6H 84 37-i 99i 294 225 814 27i 17 404 49 1114 700 100 314 204 39H 267 8.1)00 494 487 do pfd 1"0 112 HZ Am. Smelt. A Refng. 64.4H0 1264 123'K 124 do pfd 1,20 124 1224 1224 Am. Sugar Refng.... 18.200 1444 1424 1427 Am. roharco prd ctr. m jn'i 7 Anaconda M. Co... 5.800 117 115 115 8.SO0 874 87 87 200 102-v4 1024 1024 1,400 Hil'4 1K4 169 8.300 1144 1144 1144 Atchison , do pfd Atlantic Coast Line Unit. A Ohio do pfd , Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacific; ... Central of N. J Ches. Ohio Chicago & Alton ... do pfd Chi. Ot Western .. Chi. A N. W C, M. & St. P Chi". Term. & T do pfd C, C, C. & St. L... Colo. Fuel & Iron.. Colo. Ai Southern... do 1st prd do 2d pfd Consolidated Oas .. Corn Products do pfd Del. & Hudson D. , L. & W Den. & Rio Grande do pfd Distillers' Securities Erin do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric ... Hocking Valley III. Central, ex-dlv. Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd 99 8.000 fiO'i 7,900 KH W4 1544 Ju3 64 34 80i 20 6S4 1644 2024 644 37 79 194 213 lft) 9S 45T4 284 624 39 1914 10 44i 193 410 81 8'i7, 42 4i4 83 74 179 90 171 19 78 274 80 27 634 20 67 100 203 6.OI0 200 1.1'W 4.300 654 3C4 81 204 7.4O0 2J4-N 212 iS.'ooO 1S14 180 410C 101 2.8O0 4 1,0"0 294 400 62 1,100 404 900 193 P7 454 28i f.24 31' 192 70 194 194 9'0 425 4244 300 82 7.800 3.4"0 4.5oO 404 84, 74 44 84 74 ISO. 1714 194 7Si 801) 181 "i.iiyn 1724 2.100 194 100 784 1,100 4o0 24 63. 28 63 700 BS4 Louis. & Nashville 6,300 1464 145 1454 Manhattan L 16."'4 Met. Securities 900 824 814 SI 4 M't. Bt. Ry 4.400 12X4 1274 1274 4,RoO 22 224 22-H 71 1 634 03 62 2,2110 13f 1284 129 300 162 K24 161 ' Mex. Central Minn. & St. Ixmls ... M.. St. P. & S. S. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. & Tex do pfd National I.ead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mull Pennsylvania B.ioo 101 g jm im 100 29 29 2h4 6,200 48 474 474 38 1404 624 86 92 100 6,700 6.9(10 2,400 147 53 86 1404 62 85 900 100 994 m 4:t 42 43 68.400 143 142 142 4.800 1004 1064 1064 75 People' Oa P., C.. C. & St. L Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading do 1st pfd 1.600 100 43 85 424 90 ii'i 94 914 2i4 82 814 704 354 '694 23 61 64 118 83 9 84 34 37 23' 17,100 100 I044 200 94 9i 91 204 83 81 76 85 104 884 do 2d pfd 700 1.9a) 3.000 1.1"0 100 "'206 1,1' 900 914 214 834 314 77 354 '694 23 f.2 Republic 8teel do Pfd Rock Island Co do rfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. A 8 F 2d rfd. St. I-oul S. AV 234 68 644 1174 83 984 88 814 8S 57 130 98 122 94 do pfd Southern Pacific 7,1' fif. do ptd Southern Railway ... do pfd . ; 300 lis 700 344 100 9s 9o 34 SS Tenn. Coal A Iron.... 8,000 100 300 Texaa &- Pacino T.. St. L. & W do pfd Union Pacific do pfd V. 8. Ex V. 8. Realty L. 8. Rubber do pfd V. 8. Steel do Pfd Va. -Carolina Cham,., do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Kargo Ex Westinghouse Elec... Western I'nlon W. & L. E Wis. Central do pfd Northern Pacific Centra! Leather 46,300 1314 130 100 126 100 904 2.4.H 62 TOO 110 32. 37 87.9"0 P44 80O 34 125 9o4 M 1"9 3C.4 103 34 51 1094 854 103 34 1054 lit 4o 230 ll 93 10 23 514 204 43 lWVs 400 19 19 300 100 100 83 '20O "24" 168 93 'ii" 2.200 2r.4 2on 700 444 44 6U0 1047 ll4 ao pia Total sales for the day, 590.0u0 shares. Roston Stock and Bond. BOSTON. Aug. 1 Call loan. 2434 per cent: time loun. 3(t44 per cent. Official quotations on stork and bond were: Atrhiaua ao). 4a. T Wrattcs commoa ... 84 ... ... Ju4 ... 4H ... lu ... u ... !, ...U0 ... ti ... Tl ... 11 ... IIS, ... 7'4 ... ... ... 144. ... tl ... Z ... rs ...low ... ...lu4 ... 1 ...US ... IWj ... M. ... J4 ... 44 ... 4 do 4a Mai. i cutral 4a..... Atrblaon do ptd Boaton & Albany.. Boaton a: Malna... Hoaton KlataleU . Ktlrnbur pld .... Muli'an ( antral .. N V.. N. H. H. Para alarqaatta . I'nlon Fa,Mt!c Amcr. Ariia. Chan: do pfd Arocr Pnau. Tuba. Avar. Huar do pfd Amar. T A T Awcr. Woolra .... o ptd Dominion I. AY S.. Ediaon Klac. lllu.. Ganaral Eia.trlc .. Mass. Rlattrle .... do pfd kaaa. '. Vioiad mlt , . .102S A.i vnlura .. . 7. Altoues ... Amalgamated')i Aineriraa Kino ... ...feu, Ailanttc ...177 Bingham t'al. a Had . . .145 Cantannlal ... lSa t'uppar Rang ... ...I..: raly Waal ... H Fr.uklln ...IM Orauby . . 21' lal Koyale ... 7 Maaa. alining .... ... 4 Mlthlgaa ...14Sa M .hask ...13 Mont. C. A C... . ..Iliijold Dominion ... . . . 1 a (laxik ...lg Parna ... Slj Wulary ...144 Shannon ...lw Tauiaiack . .' ... 17sj Trlnllf ... 41 l'tta4 Coppar ... ... t I. S. atlnms .. .Xx. I tan lolttd Ebu kacb a Victor. do pld ' r iruna .. V 4. teal 64 Wolvarlu do pld 1U.V Jiu. "Asked. ...111 ( Treaary Statement, WASHINGTON. Aug 1 -Today's state ment of ll tieaaury Lalance in the gen eral XuuJ atxciuBivti oi Uiv $l.',..W,.v gold reserve shows available rssh balance $lJ9,Mi,731; gold coin and bullion, $t,S97!tl Kew York Money Market. NEW YORK. Aug 1. MONEY On call, steady: highest 24 per cent; lowest. 2 per cnt; ruling rate. 2 per cent; last loan, Z'i per cent; closing bid. 2 per cent; offered. 2W per rent Time loans, easy; ) days. I 5er cent; W days, 3, per cent; ( months, fT4 per cent VUIMB MERCANTILE TAPER - 4544 per rent PTERMNO EXCHANGE Steady with actual business In bankers' bllir at ft'ij 4 &' for demand and at 14 s47n4 4T5 for Ixtv-dav bill: posted rtes, $ Sf 4 and $74: commercial bill, 84 4ff4.s4V SILVER Har 691c; Mexican dollars, 4. 4c. BONDS Railroad and government, Steady Closing quotation on bond were: C . ret. H. ft do rotipon P . M. re do coupon IV 8. nm 4i, reg do eonpon I 8. old 4. re Pfl". Jrn . rtf ims .1M'4 do . Sd serin H .101141 do 4S. ftfi rs .1"I4 1. N unl. 4i 1" 1" inhttsn c 4l. ,104 .ISl Ontrt 4i 7" .le4 I do Irt Inc .104 Minn a St 1.. 4a. "4 ini4 do rnupc Am. TobsTO 4. Ctft 4V M . K T. 4a ... do 4. cl f Atti!on grn. Jo 2 N 1"1T N. R. It. of M 0. 4. H M N. t r. . Ua "1I0 !). U AtUntlc r. L. 4s Dal. s Ohio 4.. do 31 Centrl of O. 6t do 1st inc do 2d In .10JH N ) r. a. (a 1J4 No Pacific 4s I4 . WH' do ?a 7TV, .114 N. W. r. 4a W, . 7 O. 8. I.. rrd 4a . S Pern conr lm P4 .1ii Readtnt r-n 4a lot4 Ch. Ohio 4 Ctiicijo A K C. B. A Q. Jw,,.... 10 8t. I.. I. M. r f,a..ll4 4.....10H4 8t. L. B. r. It 4a. 'H C, R. I. A P. 4a ... St. L. B W. c. 4a. do eol. Ha 4V4j Seaboard A. u. 4a.. CCJ. St. L. g. 4a..KU' Bo. Parlflc 4a rhlrao Tar. 4a H do 1t 4a ctfa Colorado Mid. 4. 7 Bo. Rallwar 6 folo. A Bo 4a H Tfl A P la Colo. Ind. (a, Bffl A.. 7J' T.. lt 1, n w". 4a. do act B 71S I'nlon r-m- 4a fuh 6a. ctfa 1"7 j do conr. 4 D. A K O 4a 101 ,1' g steel Id ta... Platllleni' Beo. fa M ,W'ahh la n prior lien 4a. .-. . ,lm si do drk R do gen. 4a tl Watcrn Md. 4a r W. p. C la . .115 W. A U. r. 4a HocklDf Val. 4'ia... ..liov, wis. Central 4a...., Ex-interet. Offered. .. tt .. 4V . . Kit . .11 ..12J .. n ..lor.s ..1"S .. 0(H ..114 .. 70V, .. at .. 4 London toek Market. LONDON. Aug. 1. Closing quotations on stock were: Consols, money do aerount .. ft T-lt N. T. Central lSMt 0 -U Norfolk & W M1 Anaconda Atchison do pfd Paltlrnora A Ohio.. .. e do pfd .. f Paiinavlvanl 7a Si . .Uttt Rand Mines D ' ..U7H Raadlng M . .ir.B'4j do lt pfd 4 .. MH1 do Id pfd 44 .. M Southern Hallway ... 3t . .1 ' do pfd 101 .. 174 Southern PaclBc 7 .. S!4) I'nlon Pacific 134(4 .. IV do pfd USX .. 4H4 V, 8. Hioel .. MS do pfd liws, .. 744 Wabaah in ..17 i do pfd 4J . .Htv, Spanlah 4a 1 .. 13 'l t'anadtan Psclflo , chl(.' Qt w" (. M. at St. P Paheera Dcnaer & R 0. do pfd En do 1st pfd do td pfd Illinois Central .. boulsvlll A Naah k.. K T SILVER Bar, steady, 27d per ounce. MONEY 14 per cent. The rate or discount in tire open market for short bills Is 1 per cent; for three months' bills, 1 per cent. Kew York Mining; Stock. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Con A I lea Brecce Bmnawlck Con .. Cotuatoc. Tunnal Con. t'al. A Va.. Horn fltlrsr Iron Sllvar Laadvlli Cos .... Offered. u it I.lttl Chlaf Ontario 2rt0 Ohplr t75 Phoenix t Potnal 10 Saraja ft Starr Narada 24 Small Hops an Htaodard 130 ... 40 ... 1 ... 7H ...US ...171 ...300 ... Rank Clearing. OMAHA, Aug. 1. Bank clearings for to day were tl. 410.909.11, and for the corre sponding date laat year $1,135,96.80. Kanaan Ctty Oraln nnd Frorlalona. The range of prices paid In Kansas City as reported by the Edwards-Wood company, 110-111 Board of Trade building, was: Artlcles.l Open. High.l Low. Close.l Yes'y. Wheat Sept... Dec... Corn Sept... Dec... Oats Sept... Pork Sept.., Oct.... Lard Sept.. Oct.... Rlbs Sept.., Oct.... TBTsHs! 77' 7 764I 77 7877 784 774 77 78 44 45 44 44" 41 38 39 38 39 S)-4, 26 264 26 264 ' 2o 13 35 13 47 13 35 13 40 13 32 13 40 13 40 18 32 13 32 727 7 32 727 7 32 727 7 40 7 2 7 40 7 42 8 07 111' IN 8 12 8 07 8 20 8 20 : 8 17 8 17 KANSA8 CITY. Aug. 1. WHEAT Steadv; September. 764c: December, 774!; May, '904c; cash. No. 2 hard, 80824.-:; No. 3. 79'd814c; No. 4, 72()78c: No. 2 red, 824c; No. 3. 8u45814c; No. 4, 768784c; receipts, 238 car. CORN Steadv, September, 45f?454c; De cember. 394ti394c; May. 394h ?.9c ; cash, No. 2 mixed, 4S4c: No. 3. 48c; No. 2 white, 494&60c; No. 8, 49TM94c. OATS Steady; No. 2 white, 30c; No. 2 mixed. 204t274o. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $8 5O5j9.0O; choice prairie, $6.60. RYE Steady, 24c BUTTER Steady; creamery, 154184c; packing, 15c. EGOS Steady ; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases returned. 15c; rase count, 14c; cases returned, 4c less per dot. The receipts and shipments of grain were: Receipt. Shipments. Wheat, bu 190.400 190.400 Corn, bu 33.300 48.8f) Oats, bu 14,000 ltt,ooj St. Lonla General Market. ST. LOCI8, Aug. 1. WHEAT I)wer; No. 2 red cash, elevator. 824c; track, S54fr 84c: September, 81fr814e; December, 83 S34.c; No. 1 hard. 83&884e. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, 60c; track, 62c; September, 49ii494e; December, 42- OATS Firm: No. i cash, 28c; track, 20420 new. 294c old; No. 2 white, 81932c; Beptember, 264c. FLOUR Steady. Red winter patents, f4.30 4.50; extra fancy and straight, $3.804.00; clear, $3.163.30. SEED Timothy Steady; spot, tl.25(3V.-K; new. $3.50. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.70. BRAN 8teady; sacked east track, 71tr72o. HAY Steady ; timothy, $9.00514.00; prairie, $7.0ffi'10.00. IRON COTTON TIES 89c, BAOGINO-84C HEMP TWINE 64c PROVISIONS Pork, easier; Jobbing. rlS.574. Lard, steady; prime steam. $.S0. )ry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts. $K; clear ribs, $8 60; short cleara, $8.75. Bacon, steady; boxed extra shorts, $8.75; clear ribs $9.25: rhort clear, $9 50. POULTRY Market lower, chickens, 94r; springs. 1l4c; tuikeys, 134c; ducks, 7'a9c; geese. 6840. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 154S204c; flairy. 14'S17c. EGOS Higher at 144o. case count. Receipts, b.ilpment 11,000 lO.iOO 230.0fO 144.0t)O 63,(ii0 f;,ei1 134.0UO oi.O-jO Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu... Oats, bu.... Wool Market. BOSTON. Aug. 1. WOO!, There bs been more activity In the wool market and larger volume ot nusines done. The total ale aggregate pound. The larger mill have been huylng heavily, the worsted mill especially. The market Is stronger and the tendency I upward. Pul ed wool are nrm. Territory grade are In demand and attong Foreign wools are quiet. leading quotation were a fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 8fS7e; X. S4tfi35c; No. 41rrc42e; No. 2. 42iiT43c: fine unwashed. 28ir.9c: ouarter- blood unwashed, 352oo; three-eighths blood. 86c; half-blood. S6c; unwaHhed delaine, Snj 81c: unmerchantable. Simile; fine washed delaine, 3i4j4oc. Michigan Fine unwahd, 27ti2Ho; Quarter-oiooo unwasnen. nci34c: thre-eighth blood, S41i36c; half-blood. 32 tic; unwashed delaine. 2-ic. Kentucky. In diana, etc. Three-eighth and one-quarter-blood. Io?U37c. Territory and Idaho Fine. 22'o-'4c; heavy fine. ISeljilc: fine medium, 23 24c; medium. 2iW27c: low medium, 2H")27o, Wyoming Fine. VqTZc; heavy fine. Ikvtriur; fine medium. 2252:w; medium. 2f.'fl27c; low medium, 2'o"I7c. I'tah and Nevada Fine, 221023c; heavy fine. HiiKV; fine medium. 23'fj Ho: medium, a.'ii'.c; low medium, 27i2ic. Dakota Fine, lii3c; fine medium. 22'23c; medium, 264t27c; low medium. 2i'fj27c. Mon tanaFine choice. 85(8 26c; fine average, 234f 24-: flwi medium choice, 25i20c; average. 23 ft24c: taple. 2fl30c; medium choice, 2ot30c; average, ai427c. BT. LOU18. Aug. l.WOOI Steadv: me dium grade combing and clothing, 26tj31c; light fin. 2TS27C; heavy fine, Wire; tub washed, 82042c. Sagar and Mo.-aea. NEW YORK. Aug 1 SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 8 .-liWic; centrifugal, M teat, 4 3-320 4c; mola augar, 3 8-lOii 8c; refined, firm; No. 6. 4.7uc; No. 7, 4 65c; No. 8. 4.65c; No. 9, 4 50c; No. 10. 45c; No. 11. 4$5c; No. 12, 4.3ic; No. 13, 4.2uc; No. 14. 4. lie; confectioner A, 615c; mould A. 6.65c; cut loaf and rrufched. w-; poadered. 6.4oc; granulated, a 30c; cube, 15k. NEW ORLEANB. La.. Aug. 1. SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, centrifugal. 4Vu44c centrifugal white. 4 14-lt 1-ltic; yellow, 4l4c; aocotid. 2t)c. MO LA S8 Eli Nominal; open kettle. 13636c; centrifugal. 64,14c. 8YBtr Nvu.iual, too. OMAHA - LIVE STOCK MARKET Beef Etert Steadj, with Cows Vnd readers Stronger. HOGS RULE A BIG SHILLING HIGHER Receipt of Sheep and Lamb Rather Liberal Tnday, vrlth Trading Hon and Draagy and Trices Juat Abont Steadj, BOITTH OMAHA, Aug. 1, 1906. Receipts wrr: Official Mnndav . Official Tuesday Cattle ... 3.VU ... 4 297 Hogs. Sheep. 2 e) 11.992 6.3."9 8,121 Two days this week.. Two days last week Same week In-fore Same three weeks ago. Same four weeks go.. Same davs last year... RECEIPTS FOR THE 8.250 7.873 V07 9 4M 8 3.794 8.239 15.H24 22.918 M.071 lilM .f..6 211 2t 399 11 412 4x5 4.9"u 6.421 YEAR TO DATE. The following table snow the rerelpts of cattle, hogs and sheep ut South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 1905. 19o. Inc. Cattle 497 4T 4r.4 io 12.049 Hogs 1,527.778 1,400.084 67.713 Sheep 857.243 743,291 113,2 The receipts of cnttle, hogs and sheep tor July for the last fifteen years: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. P18.410 40.2M 8M.095 115.563 2.;i66 7rt.l-3 4.22i 44.i) 26.t7 21.410 7.3.2 7.924 10 02:1 9.326 8.62 6.397 Total Julv. 1905. Total July, 19"4. Totul July. 13. Total Julv, 19"2. Total Julv, 19ol. Total Julv, lon. Total Julv, 1.9. Total Julv. 1898. Total Julv. 1S97. TotHl Julv. 1S96. Total Julv, 1N9". Total July, 1894 . Total July, 1M'3. Total Julv, 1SH2. Total Julv. lKid. iK mi 9.So4 64,372 55.525 . 5S.fru2 . 67.3K8 , 61.141 . 49.000 , 69.S53 , 40.62 . 40,34 . 63.721 , 46.849 , 45.117 . 8S.508 . 47.493 221.712 l"f.4"d 2' 9.606 173,214 235,il K9.4cl 20i,ai9 183.HO0 lil.493 M.S78 .'.9 307 222 05$ 1 3K.229 1no.u1 114.3'.'2 188.154 Total July. lSi0. The following table shows the average price of hog at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: .Date. I 1905. 1904 I903. 11902. ',1901.11900. 189f. July 16.. I July 16.. July 17.. I July .IS.. 1 July 19.. July 20. .1 Julv 21.. I Jury 22.. July 23..! July 24.. I Julv 26.. July 2ti.. Julv 27.. July 28.. Julv 29.. July 30 . July 31.. Aug. .1 .. 16.. I 6 63HI 6 111 B 16 761 S 77! 72! S 64 8 9 6 02 4 94 4 01 4 67 4 14 4 99 4 28 4 9S! 4 19 6 07 4 21 4 34 6 16 B 15 4 34 6 V l 4 31 6 i2 4 27 5 00 4 32 B 13 4 33 4 82 6 081 6 091 4 32 5 15! 4 19 1 I A l.,u'a i I 1 mi b a.t 1 5 BG 1 7 721 6 5ii 6 5J7,, 5 21 6 2 6 b84 6 18 I 5 :x I 041 6 22 7 73 5 68 7 Ml & 62! I B 88 5 514! S 101 6 2ii 62 6 4sy B Ot! S 26; 7 411 5 6' .... b 23 7 32. 5 70 I 5 I81 7 4l 6 69 6 47 S 644 5 194 5 58 5 51 6 60 a S 58 6 061 6 05 7 63 5 74 5 101 17 62i 6 68 5 loi 4 90' B 58 6 19' 4 931 7 63 5 10j 6 03 7 47 B 47 5 09! 5 03! 7 47 6 or! I 5 021 7 51 6 61 4 99! 4 97, 7 411 B 66 0 15 4 19 Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle Hogs. Sheep Us es. ... ai. t M. 3 Missouri Pacific 4 Union Pacific System 36 C. N. W F.. R. & M V 29 8 1 20 13 4 3 .. 1 30 9 3 17 8 3 1 1 3 3 89 31 8 j C, St. P., M. & O.... 6 19. cz yo C , R. & Q C, R. I. & P., east.. .. C, R. I. & P, west.. 3 Total receipts 179 The disposition ot tho day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated; Buyers. Cattle. Hog. Sheen. Omaha Pocking Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour A Co Swift and Co., Bt. Jo Swiit and Co.. country. Vansmnt & Co McCreary Clark W. I. Stephen Hill & Huntxinger Hamilton A Rothschild. L. F. Hum Klngan A Co , Squire & Co Wolf & Murnan Mike Haggerty J. U. Root A Co Lavton Packing Co 8. & 8 Other buyers 609 700 ;07 777 1.7.73 443 815 729 1,007 951 2,229 2.228 250 84 60 5 92 141 19 15S .... 200 .... 200 2 2 133 244 ..... 200 449 . .3,030 4.223 4,474 4 98$ Total c A TTl .V Western ranges were pretty well represented here, there being a good sprinkling of western tcnttle offered todav. The receipts were light for a Tuesday, only about 183 loads being on sale. These re eclpts were some lighter than last Tuesday, but were about 173 cars heavier than the same day last yenr. I he quality of the of ferings was good. nef steers constituted the big end of the receipts today nnd there was a good feeling on the choice cattle Buyers were on the hill early and there was considerable activity to the trade. Packers have bean claiming that the eastern bee? situation was in bad shnpj and that their coolers were full, consequently they have been rather poor buvers, but today they bought freel and picked up the cattle In good season. Steers were Just about steady with yesterdnv nnd sellers, although they tried hard, could not spring price. Good stuff was picked up readily, there being a good demand for supplies of this kind and the commoner grades, although harder to move, were sold nt the prices noted above. The supply of cows and heifers was small and Included some good range cattle. The feeling on rows was stronger and the trad ing was active, a clearance being made la good season. On some of the best dry lot cattle prices In some cases looked 6'glOc higher, but the general run of she stuff sold at stronger prices, as noted above. Bulls, veal calves and htags sold at Just about steady prices, there being little change In market conditions on this class of ,U(T- ... There wa a fair supply of stoeker and feeders here, mostly rango stuff. There was a good active demand In this division and trade was brisk, the receipts being cleaned up early at stronger prices. Rep resentative sales: liEtijc Ho. I... ... I... At. Pr. No. 401 t Si 4 AT. Pr. 4 M 4 65 4 70 4 10 4 70 4 75 4 75 4 80 4 M 4 90 4 5 4 16 I 00 I 00 6 00 1181 1160 1370 11W& 104 1('75 1157 1104 i;m ioo 1261 U36 1221 1367 1279 1330 1U70 I 60 It.. Hi I 66 U.. f,0 4 00 17.. 1061 4 00 U.. 11S0 4 10 it . 10a.l 4 K 83.. 1074 4 25 13., 4 25 1.. ltrjS 4 25 7. i0 4 36 11.. 14 4 t 14.. 1124 4 35 .. ... .... M6 4 Id 22. llfd 4 60 It. 1272 4 60 U 1 1 IS 71 45 14 I J I 16 M 14..... II 16 I 10 60. ... 10 I I 05 1SH 4 :.0 72 1271 5 06 77 4 60 la 1191 I 10 1100 4 60 160.) 6 10 112 4 SO ii 25 HI 4 M 6 137 1 5 75 COW 8. .. 130 1 60 .. 110 1 75 .. 70 1 75 ... 160 I 60 1. . ..1110 I 60 1 . I ., I'M 2 60 . .1000 I 10 . So0 I 10 .. 171 1 16 ..1170 2 15 .124.1 I 36 ..744 t 80 . . W2 J 16 .. 1S6 1 16 ..824 1 40 .. 44 I 40 . . .'.7 40 .. 167 I 46 I 56 1 60 10'.'. 11.. 17.. 10. .' ,...1011 190 a4 .... 81.7 I 60 I 66 .... 17 ...1214 2 65 I 76 1.1.0 I 00 ....10(4 I bO . .. o0 I 10 10.'. 11.. 1010 I II UtHJ 35 l'0 I 40 ...1276 Ilia .U'JO 60 I COWS AMD HEIFERS. 15 121 1 to HEIFEPS. 1 860 1 00 I . 160 III 16 430 I 00 1 731 I 11 4 u6 I Oo 2 146 I 60 I 641 I 25 1 1010 1 10 11 CM I 20 1 ISO 6 00 1 7k0 2 36 47 H 4 15 i 171 I 16 52 721 4 65 BULLS. 1 1440 t 40 1 1120 I 44 1 1030 1 60 1 1370 I II 1236 I 60 ) 1410 I 60 1415 J 60 1 loTO 60 STAGS. . 1140 t 70 1 lltt I 66 1 U30 I 15 1 1645 I 10 CALVES. 1 260 I 15 6 140 4 71 1 170 1 71 1 175 00 1 I'lO 4 00 1 140 I 00 I lal 4 (4) 1 140 I MS I t"4 4 6 1 IM I 11 I 116 4 71 1 110 I 60 STOCK ERS AND FEBDKRS. lal IN I. 660 II 1 ISO I 00 11 , 117 I 15 4 6! I 00 16 ll 4 I IM I 10 17 741 I 60 1 7l 10 1 70 I 174 I 10 1 lad I 60 WESTERNS A. J. Abbott-Neb. 59 steers.. ..11 s7 8 76 2 heifers. ..MOO 3 30 E. P. Meyers Neb. 77 feeders. 11M 3 96 6 ftwder. .115J 3 50 J feeders. lo75 3 60 O E. Williams-Idaho. trows li03 2 9c, 8 steers.. ..1244 32 steers . ..1244 8 66 1 cow Hot) A. J. Barnard-. 1 cow 110U 1 6o 4', C. C P. We be 1 relfer ... 74'i 2 6i 17 feeders.. hi4 3 9", 24 steers... .LviO 4 3 55 2 50 S 9 tn I r 'v.sioi if ninip a n.-wyo. I steers. ...1197 3 55 15 steers.. IM 3 SS 13 fteeis...,12cV 4 i 14. W. Mthcw-Wyo. 22 cows 9 2 I 90 74 steers. ...1o7 101 steer.. .lli2 8 f-O 12 steel s . ,.w; 3 00 3 M J ll vn. 15 cow. . . 3!. hrt.ers ,. !4 J 45 COWS 831 2 45 .. 71' 2 40 H Matthews-Wyo. .912 3 )5 9 steers ...1014 3 50 14 cows. Oophrr cattle Co Wyo 18 cow I lo 22 cows. 8St 3 25 Ihi steers. 992 3 9 C A. Ournsey yo. 14 calve. 20 steers. 221 4 25 9 70 sleers 13'J t 90 NEBRASKA 4 cows. 2 cows 60 cow s. i cow. 8 cows. 1 cow... 6 cows. 4 cow . 7 cows. 895 , 950 804 . IfM .1110 , l'S3 9."o 2 on 2 On 1 90 2 10 2 35 3 75 2 20 2 : 2 10 3 35 2 80 $ 60 3 40 2 45 2 45 2 45 2 4 '. 2 40 2 25 41 calves.. IM 21 S 710 os2 its.) m lo7 . 00 .n . 7o , f.93 . 918 . 930 loio . fso . 95o 4 75 3 25 2 60 $ i0 3 25 2 00 3 25 2 10 2 H5 3 oft 2 75 6 calves . 1 steer .... 10 feeders 1 feeder.. 1 bull 4 cows. . . . 8 heifers. 6 cow s. . . , ( feeders, $ mixed.. 932 B hellers... 792 12 feeders.. 811 10 feeders, 4 feeders. 2 cows 2 cow s. . . . 1 cow 13 cows. ... 1 cow 1o heifers. 22 feeders . 9'9 -2 1090 t;s5 890 940 1210 670 .1175 10 feeders. 3 feeders. 1 steer. ... 1 steer. ... 1 steer. ... 28 heifers... 711 2 2," 3 70 KANSAS. 13" 11 feeder. 2 20 24 feeders. 2 20 20 feeders. 2 33 f cows.... 2 06 WYOMING. j 76 1 steer.... 8 heifers.. 8 heifers.. t heifers.. I cow 1 cow 197 095 BS0 9's) 820 504 CM 71 U 821 8 on 3 30 8 "0 2 05 1 heifer,. SV 1 cow 800 .1070 . 210 3 60 6 UO 2 00 1 calf. HOOS-Wlth a very light run for a Tues day and eastern markets reporting favor able conditions, prices had an upward ten dency, resulting in a good active market. There were only elghtv-slx loads on sale, and with su h light receipts both packers and shippers weie good buyer and the stuff was all picked up In good season. Light hogs were In the best demand and ruled general v 1"i15c higher than yester day, while the lunvv weights were about 10c higher. The general market could best be quoted as lO-ulnc higher. The bulk of the hogs sold at $ .0740.724. Pome heavies sold earlv down around t6.nL4- Tops reached $.'i."76, with the popular price ut $j..0. representative sales; No. a. Kk. Pr. No. At. R. It. 6 13 10 IN 47 1VS l l 60 2( 10 I 00 III Km 40 6 70 47 20 ... t 40 70 ! SO 6 ".) .l 171 100 6 40 1J1 20 6 70 67 24 0 Its n.l 20 o 6 70 (1 244 lo t . M 20 HO 6 70 it, 2.". 80 6.'. as .Ml U'' 6 70 40 263 0 6 46 SI 2:1 K 6 70 37 25b AO t 66 (6 15 240 6 70 43 2l ... 6 6S K !"! ... 6 70 J2 177 . . t K 4" 3"" 6 70 (I 241 10 IW 76 fHO 240 6 70 6 130 140 6 67l 67 242 12 6 70 70 217 to 6 67i 77 I 6 70 46 191 ... 6 471, 74 2..H 40 6 70 76. 163 120 t 67. 67 Jr.0 . . 6 70 66 144 o 6 47 V, 72 11.0 to 6 70 47 227 100 6 6; 64 29 40 6 70 77 245 140 6 47V 71 !:.t 40 6 70 70 121 160 6 17V, 242 ... 170 1 70 123 ... t 67 71 220 80 6 70 86 161 80 6 67V, 76 233 40 6 70 68 116 ... 6 67H 82 216 40 6 70 7 261 120 6 47Vi 66 246 ... 6 70 8 18 140 6 67 V, 65 241 80 6 70 71 104 ... 6 47 75 106 40 5 72 V, 81 181 80 6 70 10 tf.l 110 6 71 74 134 160 70 74 .214 60 72H 77 200 to I TO tl 172 40 6 12 41 514 ... ( 7o 76 127 in 6 72H 61 228 40 1 70 76 210 10 I 72 47 225 ... I JO 81 110 40 6 2V, 77 123 ... I 70 4 11 40 6 72V, 10 515 80 I 70 11 107 40 6 72 104 174 ... 1 70 74 128 160 I 72Va 68 22 M I 70 70 185 ... I 76 68 298 ... 6 70 71 12 80 I 71 78 201 40 I 70 16 101 ... 6 71 8:1 121 80 ( 70 18.. .238 ... 6 75 60 247 120 6 70 61...' 271 ... 6 75 7 20 120 I 70 ir, 104 ... 4 75 84 101 10 70 4 1 120 I 75 j II 211 40 i 70 13 266 ... I 75 811 EEP Receipt this morning were not large, only thirty cars being reported In the barn. The most of the stuff had lo be sorted, so that the forenoon wa well ad vanced before It wa ready ta be shown. For some reason or other the life noted In the trade yesterday was not sc promi nent a feature of the marke". this morning. In fact, the trade today was slow, espe c:a;iy on killers, and It was late before a clearance was effected. At tho same lime prices did not show any material change. Sellers as a rule quoting tho market as slow but steady. Lambs In some case sold at prices that looked a little stronger, Out not enough to talk much about. There vere more feeder buyer In the barn than any day before this season and the demand for both feeder sheep and lambs was good Tho market on that itlnd was fully steady. Quotations on fat sheep and lamb: Good to choice spring lambs, t Ootit'i.OO; good to choice yearling wethers, 34.50(54.80: good to choice wethers, 4.15I4.B0; good to choice light wes, 4.00a4.26; good to choice heavy owes, 4.O0'vT4.16. Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs: Good feeding lambs, 34 fiT,S5.26; good feeding vearllngs, $4.404.00; good feeding wethers, t3.85fd4.10; good feeding ewes. ,2.7oH oO Representative rales: No. A v. Pr. 15 Idaho ewes W 4 00 29 Idaho yearling feedeie SO 4 40 119 Idaho yearling wethers 90 4 60 3 Idaho cull ewes '.00 8 O 15 Idaho cull ewes , 700 3 25 4 Idnho cull ewes 95 3 2o 2 Idaho ewes 104 4 00 63 Idaho ewes I'l 4 00 8 Idaho ewes 1'VS 4 (J 28 Idaho ewes b3 4 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKKT Cattle Steady Hog Ten Cent Higher Sheep and Lamb Higher. CHICAGO. Aug 1. CATTLE Receipt. 4.600 head. Including 500 Texan and 200 westerns; market steady; good to prime steers, $5.20(o0.9i; poor to medium, $3.75u) 6 00; stoeker and feeders. $2.2.Vn4.tiO; cow. $2 6014.50: heifer. $2.254 25; canner, $1.25QI 2 40; bulls, 82.4oii4.(!: calves, $3.50'n7.l'0; Texrts fed Steer, 83.76rSH.75; western steers, $3 7;.'(i4.90. HOGS Receipts, 11,000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 25.(80 head; market 10c higher; mixed and butchers. $j.40tril.l0; good to choice heavy, $5.9of0.05; rough heavy, I'. 3f,ffto.70; light, $5.6d6.lB; bulk of sales, $6.76.736.00. SHEEP AND LAMH8- KeceltitB. 13.000 head; sheep 10c higher, lambs 10tir2oc higher; good to cnoice wetners (shorn), 4..iikm.ko; fair to choice mixed (shorni, $4.0fl40; western sheep (shorn). 4.0ou4.76; native lamb (shorn), $4.7 Jj7.75; western lambs, $5.76W7.00. Kansas City Live Mock Market. KANSAS CITY. Aug. 1. CATTLE Re ceipt. 14.M) head. Including 8.018) southern; market teanv- cnoice export ana lree(t beef steer. $5.00Tiri.6S; fair to good. $4 rt 5.0): western fed teers. J3. TSfj'i . ?S : tocker and feeder. $2.75'34.50; southern steers. $2 75q4 50: southern cows, $2 0O?i3.5O: native, cow, $2.0f4 15; native heifers. $1.0ixd5.25; bull. 2.10'ofl.75; calves, $3.5V"i6.ii0. HOGS Receipt. 6.000 head: mnrket 10rrt?0c higher; top. foo; bulk of sales. $5 R6Q5.9I); beavv, $5.BWfi5: packer, $5.8Slf6.95; pig and Urht. $5 SfVFf6 00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt. 8.500 head; market strong to PV higher: native lamb. $.V2T(foft 50; western lambs. " 2576.50 ; fed ewes and yearlings. $4.15(15.25: Texas clipped vearllngs, $4 76u6 25: Texas rlipne.1 sheen, $4.154.05; stockers and feeders. $3.25 4(116. Kew York live gtoek Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 1.-BEEVE3 Receipt. 773 head; no trading; feeling steadv; dressed beef, steady at 7'i9o per pound for native side; export today. 62 cattle: estimated for tomorrow. 78 cattle and 8.700 uuarteis of beof. CALVES Receipt, 201 head; market feeling easier: Indian and West Virginia calve old at $4 .6"fiTl.7S per 100 pounds : no sale of veal reported: city dressed veals, steady at 91124 per pound: country dressed calves. tTH04o per pound HOGS Receipts. 2..F.5 head; none on sale; market feeling steady. BIIEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 8 600 head; sheep market steady; lambs, 27Var,oe lower: closing dull; sheep sold at $3 wr 4 K5 per l'O pounds; lambs at 10. (tow,. 00; dressed mutton, steady at TUlr per pound; dressed lambs, slow at 8-8 124c St. I.oal Live Stork Mnrket. ST. LOUIS. Aug. 1. CATTLE Receipt, B.6f0 head. Including 2.3W head Texans; mar ket steady: native shipping and export steers, I4 40i5.76; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.60frti.85; steers under l.l lb., $3. to 4i4 80; torker and feeder. $2.76tr4 On: cow and heifer. 82 (sr? fi Hf; canner. 81.aO7ii.80: bulls. $?.85rd3.76; calves. $4 oncufi.50; Texas and Indian steers, $2.76j4.75; cows and heifers. $2 00073.50. HOGS-Recelpts. 7.500 head: msrket higher; pig and light. $5 WifiO 10; packer. f 9uft6.0u; butchet and best heavy, 85 SS'vf 605 SHEEP AND LAMR&- Receipt. 2 500 head: market trnng; native mutton. $.150 h4 V: lamb. SS.ofarifi.oj): cull and buck. Ii Ff7j.75, stockers, 83.704)3.90; Texan, $3 7i(J 4 T5. It. Joseph Lire Stork Market. BT. JOSEPH. Aug. 1 CATTLE Receipts, 190 head: market active and steady: na tives, $3 75425.(0: cow and heifers $1 'jig 4 70; stoeker and feeders. $2 7fvu4 25. HOGS-Receipt. 6.204 liead; market lfufilSn hlglier; light. $6.75'fi5 90; medium and heavy, $5 7i "ii 7 85 ; bulk. $5. 75fi5 85. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 6,161 bead; market steady; lamb, $C 50. loas r ity I It glork Market. X CITY. Aug 1 (Special Tele. ni ) CATTLE Rtc:i ota, 6w bead; mar ket Steady; beeves. $r. 77ti5 : cows nt l eif.os. $ Ml 4 00; Mockers end feeders, $2 7.. n.l ao. alvc aril vrai lints, $.' V1.1 60 HOOS-Receipts. 2.rt' bead, market bcl higher, selling at $. 4ioi5 70; bulk of sales, $6.;i5 06. stock In Slaht. 'Ipts of livestock at the six principal Rec Western mat kets yesteid iv: t aitle. Hogs. Sheep. South Omaha 4.7 8,121 S'oux Citv 6i J 0 Kansas t'ltv It 0.0 6,isi S f"0 St. Joseph I ss 6.2.; t.KI St. Louis B.6c, 7.6'VI ?.6"i Chicago 4 ." 13.i Totals '.7D 37.113 S2.2S1 OMAII. iVHOIlKtli: MinKl'T. Condition nf Trade and tnotntlon n Maple und Fancy Produce. EGGS-Receipt, fair; market steady; candled (o k, Uc. LIVE POl LTRV-llens. 94c; rooster, ojific; turkes. 127il5c; duck. 8c- spllng uuiks, PV; spring chickens. 14. alts.-. BUTTER -Market firm, packing Stocks, 144--. choice 10 fancy dairy, 17Ti.V; cream ery. '.Vjt.'ic: prints, :2c. SUGAR -Standard granulated. Ir. barrels. 5 SO pel ct , CUhe, In i0 per CWt.; Cut loaf. $1. I'5 ) r cwt.; No ti extra C, 85.60 per cwt.; No pi extra C, 83.36 per twt.; No. IS yellow. jVYto per cwt.; XXXX powdered, I 90 per cvi t. FRKSM FISH trout. 9c; halibut, llr; buffalo (dressed. 8c; pickerel (dressed). Sc; white buss (drussedi, 12c, suuflsh, 8c; perch (scaled and, tic; j.ihe. 10c; catfish, 15c; red snapper, le.-; salmon, loi ; crapples, 12c; eels, 16c; bullhead, 11c; black buss. 2v; Manitoba whlteftsh (dresaed), luc; 1-ake Su perior whltflsh (dreusedl, 12c; frog legs. dok , :15c; lobsters, tjiecn. 17c; hollej lobster. 30o; shad roe, 4.V; blueflsh. 8c HAY Price auoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay pettier' association' Choice. 87; N. 1. IS.50; No. 2. 80; coarse. 35 These price are for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $15 TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES -Valencia, al., Jt.75Sf5 0 LEMONS Llmonlern. extra fanrv, 270, ?ou and sun slie, 8NU10; fancy, I7i, 300 and K.0 sires. x. DATES-Per lox of 30 1 lb. pkgs,, 2; Hallowe'en, In 70-lh. boxes, rer lb.. 6c. FlOS-Callfornln. per 101b carton, 761s 85c; Imported Smyrna, 4-crown, 12c; 6 crown, l'2r. BANANAS-Per ttie.llum-Bir.ed bunch, $1.78 (B2.25; Jumbos, 2 60-fi 3 00. FRUITS AND MELONS. TEARS -Bartletf. per r.O lb. hox. $:.7S. PH'MS-Californla, per 4-bnsket crate, fl 1 01,1 3.'. PEACMES-Texn Elbertas". per 4-baiskct crate, 7c; California freestones, per 26 1b. box. 81. OANTAI.OUPES-Tcxhs. per crate, f; California, per crate, ponies, $2.0o'u2 50; California, standards, J.',. W ATERM El .ON S Alabama Sweets, 27 40e each: crated, 14 per lb. RASPBERRIES- Bed. bo of 21 pt. fl BI-ACKBERRIES- Case of 24 qts.. $1.75-5, f.on WAX BEANS Per U-bu. Iv.eket. 2,VgJ5c, string beans, per 4-hu. box, TDCi.T-o. POTATOES-New, per bu., SVSf35o. UKANS-Niivv. per bu., $2. CAULlKI.owER-Home-grown. per crata of 1 dot.. 50c. CUCUMBERS-Per do., 25c. TOM A TOES Tennessee. per 4-baske.' crrte. sr.. CARTAGE Home-grown, In crate, pe.' lb.. 14c ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and white, 2c per lb. BEETS--New. per bu., 73c MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, lie, Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmocrger, 15c; Twins, 124c; Young Americas, 124c N UTS- -Walnut. No 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 15c; bard shells, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft hells, per lb., 12c: No. ! hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans. large, per lb., 12c; hi nill, per lb . 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; ronstel. per lb.. Sc. Chill walnuts, per lb., IW1I340. Almonds, soft shells, per lb., 17c; Itara alu'll. per ID, ii.e rtneiioara nuau'i nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50- HIDKH-No. 1 green. 8c; No. 2 g'een. 7c: No. 1 sa.ted. 9o; No. 2 sailed, So; No. 1 veal calf, loc, No 2 veal ejilf, 9c; dry lted. It) 14e: heep pelts, 25ciUK; horse hides, 11.54 ii2.00. Metal Market. NEW VORK, Aug. 1.-META1J? There was a renewul of speculative excitement in thai London tin mnrket and at the close spot was quoted at 151 6 and futures at 149 15s. This strong advance was fol lowed by the local market with spot quoted nrm at 832.8TWii33.25, the highest price for the year. Copper wa also llrm abroad with n, good demand reported and snot strong at G3 15s, and futures at AiiS. Lo cally the market was firm. Iak" and elec tronic are now quoted at. 415.3744116.511; casting tt $14 K746 15.124. Lead was un changed at JI.oiKc4.7o In the lornl market and at 13 17. 6d., London. Lead was un changed at t4.enoH.70 In the local market and 13 17. 6.1., In London.. September wn also unchanged abroad at 03 lis. Ad., but was firmer at $n.(Viiu.70 in the New York market. Iron closed at 49s 4d. "In Glasgow and at 4tls 7d in Mlddlesboro. Locally the market shown no change. No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $11 CV1 17 00; No. 2 foundry northern at $15. 7.V& 18.60; No. 1, foundry southern at $15. 76a 16.75; . No. I foundry sou'.hern at $15. 5oi 10.25. Oil nnd Rosin. NEW YORK, Aug. 1. OI I Cottonseed, firm; prime crude, nominal; prims veil w, 194'ii20c. PeM'oleum. steady; re fined. New York. $0.90; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 8.s5; Philadelphia and Balti more, In bulk, $3.95. Turpentine, quiet, bVai ROSIN-FIrm; A B C,$3.S0; D, $3.40; E. $3.80; F, $3,874: O. $3 95: 11. $4.05; I, 84.10; K. $4.15; H, $4.30; N, $4.45; WG. $4 85; WW, 85.10 TOLEDO, Aug. 1. OIL North Lima. 80c; South Lima and Indiana. 81c. OIL CITY, Pa., Aug. l.-OIL Credit bal ances. $1.27; certificate, no bid; shipment, 130.2M1 bbls.; average, 6s,iiHA bbls.; run. bbl.; average, 07,008 bbls.; shipments, Lima, 174.426 bbls.; average. 58,745 tmls.; rutin, Lima, 4S.742 bbls.; average, 46,708 bbls. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. COTTON-Wpot closed quiet 16 points lower;, middling up lands, 10.85c; middling gulf, 11.10c; sales, 81,210 bales. NEW ORLEANS, Aug. I.-COTTON Quiet; sales, 4' bules; ordinary. 711-10c; good ordinary. c; low middling, 8C; mid dling, loc; good middling, lOil-ISc; mid dling fair, 11c; receipts, 1,309 bales; stock, 64 971 bale. LIVERPOOL, Aug. 1 COTTON Snot In limited demand; price 8 point .ower; American middling fair, .41d; good mid dling, li 10.1, middling, 6 Old; low middling, 6 83d; good ordinary. B 67d; ordinary. 6. Bid The salt of the day were 4.000 hales, of which 4io were for speculation and export and Included 3,300 American. Reclit, ltUOW bales, Including M.OoO bale American. ST. LOUIS, Aug. 1 COTTON Qul. middling, 10c; Males, none; receipts, none; shipments, 11,603 bales; stock, 23,964 tialea. Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Aug. 1. COFFER Marked for futures opened Irregular at an advanea of five points on October but generally un changed to live point lower under scatter ing liquidation following rather lower Euro pean markets. The mnrket later ruled gen erally steady with the close steady ut net unchanged to 10 point lower. Sales were reported of 47.750 bags Including September at 84.9"'i'i.95; October. $'i('7"5; Decetnlter, $7.2T.'u7 3o; March. 87.404,7.45; May. 87.867.Co; July, $7 80; spot steady. No. 1 Rio, 8c, Philadelphia I'rodnre Market. PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 1- BUTTER Firm; rxtru western creamery, 2241'; extra nearby prints, 24c. EGGS -Higher; nearby fresh, I9c', loss off; nearby fresh, 1Ho at mark; western fresh. I Mi 1 9c at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York fulr Tream, fancy, HVafale; New Y'ork full cream, choice, lie; New Y'ork full cream, fair to good, llillV8c; domestic Bwl, llfjltc. ItreadMufT at Liverpool. LIVERPOOL. Aug. 1 The following ara the stocks of breadstuff and provlsin ,u 1 Jverpool: Flour. 31.K4) sack; wheat, l.txn.iOo centals; corn. 2IH.0O0 rentals; bacon, 2e3' boxes, hams, A.lno boxes; shoulders. 7 200 boxes; butter. 4 cwt.; cheese, 41.8oO boxes; laid. 7.M tierces of prime western steam a id 2,470 ton of other kind. Toledo Meed Market. TOLEDO. Aug. l.BEEDR Clover. ch, 87.50 oct( l-r, $5 75; Dtctunber. $6,724 old. August alslke, $7.20 bid. Prime timothy, $16.4 Edwards-Vood Co. 4aarfarated naa OfflctM Fifth and RabsrU Srt ST. PAUU niNN. OKALKRSIM Stocks, Grain, Provisiom Ship Your Grniti to Us Uraneh Ottlce, llO-Ill Hoard of Trade lilda., Omaha, Neb. frltsho 8H14. 212-214 Exohutig Bld. Suuttt Omaaa. Sell TLtfii 2-u. luav. 'fiioa t 6 -