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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 2, 1905)
TIIB OMATTA DAILY HEE: WEDNESDAY, A TO CRT 2. 1003. 10 IJARRIMAN FOR THE MOTORS Mtgntta CoDTioud of Necessity of the Can Oot Tip by KcKeen. UNION PACIFIC SPENDS MUCH MONEY Head of PaelAe System Party Go to Yellowstone Park Prior lo Satlla; for the Orleat. . H. Mohler, rlre .president and general manager of the Union Pacific, has returned from Green River, where he went with K. H Harriman. who on his way to the Orient. Mr. Hriimun sails August 1 from Pan Francisco and In the meanwhile will make a short trip through the Yellowstone. "Mr. Hartlman la fuUy convlrlced as to the necessity and future use of the motor cars, and It Is simply a question of how fast we can perfect them." said Mr. Moh ler Tuesday mornlns; after Ms arrival from the west. "We don't expect to make the first few absolutely perfect, but the Imper fections will be overcome rapidly. The car already constructed has run over 5,00 miles and has demonstrated Its capacity In that direction. "There are over loo branch lines on southern roads over which trains are run simply because the tracks are there and not beeause there Is any profit derived therefrom. With the motor car the cost of aerrlce will be so cheapened that these lines can be run with profit. When the car la finished which Is nearlng completion It will be put on exhibition, so that the people of Omaha can view It. It will have great Improvements In appearance and ca pacity. The oar will also be of steel con struction, which has long ago been demon strated as. being the best, for it is nearly Indestrurflble. "The crop outlook for Nebraska Is un precedented. The business of the line is especially heavy and we are having trouble In handling all of the people who wish to Journey west. They come not only from this territory, but from all sections of the union. . Much Honor Spent. "Money Is being spent freely by the Union Pacific railroad In Improving the road and ee-vlce In many directions. The work of construction of 126 miles of lock signals is well under way. These are being put In service from Omaha to Valley, on the Cheyenne hill from Green river east and from Kansas City to Topeka. This system will materially increase the safety featurea of operation In congested dis tricts." E. II. Harriman left Bait Lake City to day for a seven days trip through Yellow stone park. He will enter the park at Monlda, leaving that station Wednesday morning by stags, spending Wednesday night at Madison Pastil. Thursday and Friday will be spent visiting points in Madi son river canyon and Hull's Half Acre, with a view to seeing the play of the large geysers. Yellowstone and Shoshone lakes will be visited Saturday and Sunday will probably be spent at the summit of the Continental divide. Monday and Tues day will be spent visiting the geysers, and the party will take their train at Gardiner. It Is stated that the stay may be ex tended to eight or nine days, at the Incli nation of Mr. Harriman. From Gardiner the party will go direct to San Francisco, where two or three days will be spent be fore taking the steamer for Japan August 16. BROWN STIU. HAS THE CHECK Hew Arrival la Omaha Holda Paper a Security for fash, Watch a and Rlnsj. James Brown, one of the many arrivals at the Union station last Saturday, met an affable stranger up town after banking hours. The stranger had a check for JfiO, was In a hard way for money, and pre vailed on Brown to give up $7, a watch and ring for the privilege of holding the check. The check proved to be worthless. Thn stranger has gone. The police have tht: case In hand, while Brown still holds the check and begins to wonder why some people place padlocks on their pockets when they go to large cities. USCIABLE FASHIOKS. fo ' 'f .T."t "t i -V NO. ttej-OlKLa1 SUSl'KNDKK SUIT. Slses t to 12 years. Store ri 5 p.m. Lli!3u Siore II m iV JL-ie' Closes Boston g g?jg SPECIAL LACE BARGAINS Ll 21 Mi I mm i-t-rjuii, uiiirn. lic-3c-7ic bargain table filled with all widths of Summer Wash Iicph and Insertings, white cream and shades, French and Eng lish Vals., German Torchon and Point de esprit, Clunv, etc. All kinds of Huunner Trimmings, worth up to 2."c a yard, at Wednesday Special Bargains at the WHITE GOODS COUNTER. OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF HIGH CLASS EMBROIDERED SWISSES, formerly sold tip to 75c a yard, go tomorrow IP kiV I llltll( M F. tTHF.R V ORRftUT- Wednesday Kalr. U 1 J J' STORE CLOSES EVERY EVENING except JJ B 1 Ly Saturday) AT FIVE O'CLOCK. I Great clearing sale of Men's Suits $7.50 to C l)f)m7 Gfi $15.00 valuK JUU f.vl This Store Closes at 5 P. At. Every Evening Except Saturday at iO P. M. Till Sept. ist tub Rti.MaiK route. This Store Closes at 5 P. M. Every Evening Except Saturday at 10 P. M. Till Sept. ist at yard Our entire stock Madras, Fnplin and I'ique Walstlng that sold up to 50c a yard, goes, 10 at yard 1C A new Mobalr Finish White Walat lnjr, with small colored "JP effects, at yard DC Small Dotted White Swisses, reg ular 2fc and 8"c values, C at yard 1 .. . C A new lot extra heavy linen finish White Suiting, C at yard UC August CleaLraivce SoJc LAblES' SUIT DEPARTMENT SECOND FLOOR. Ladies' White Skirts WHITE STREET SKIRTS, a Utile soiled, pome are plain, some trimmed, all verv fine qualities, worth from $5.00 to $7.", AM. HO Q r WEDNESDAY t,JJ LADIES' WASH SKIRTS, made of polka dot ducks In nnvy and Mark grounds, some tucked, some pleated, special for IOC WEDNESDAY YtJD I A DIES' BM'K LINES SKIRTS, with tucked panels and 1 QP strapped, a good $:.() skirt, ONLY Ct,JD Ladies' White Shirt WaistsMain Floor A bin bargain table full of fine white shirt waists, all sizes, Zfi MJM WEDNESDAY'S BARGAIN BULLETIN A few specials on seasonable good a that will be of keenest economical inter est to all thrifty buyers. V i in ine mam wasn uooas uepanmenr. i 40 luch I,avns, In plain col- Hjv Pacific Challis, fine Terslan ors, regular 16c values, at f j lf and many other styles, jfuar- l-VyC Cocheco Voiles, all ""xN anteed fast colors. full pieces, perfect weaves, in n 1 j . V and 15V Crepes. 33 dark colors, at '4w -. yfj Im.hos w,ie h fast color. BE SI' RE TO ATTEND THIS SALli In the Great Domestic Room Summer Jewelry Specials Ladies Collar Supporter with pearl tops, regular A crico 25c. at . 1UC 10c Caff Plu, cold plated, worth 25o, two on m card, A at IUC Pearl Buckles, round and square, worth 50c, 25C Embroidered Wash Belts, white and colors, worth 36c, JQc Sterling Sliver Pearl Shirt Walat Jewelry, worth up to 5c, C at UC Ladies' and Misses Gold Plated Beads, gold plated f A on pearl, regular price 25c and 35c, at IUC Tot ths accommodation of readers of Ths Bss tbsss patterns, which usually retail 4 from tS to SO csnts each, will b furnished st the nominal pries of 10 cents. A supply Is now kept at our office, so those who wish any pattern may set It either by call .nt or enclosing; 10 cents, addressed "Put lern Department, Bee, Omaha." HfbrtheBa 1 1 I rive oim his MeUin'e Pood and fee sir pa ' til morning." How many motbere can aajr thn f their babies? If yeur baby does uo tleep well it may be that he is net properly fed. A peeuty pouriabed baby is a poor ieeper. Mellin's Foo4 ba'oiee are rood aleepcra. Our Imk tha "Cars rusing af Infanta," scat nee el chaige. Heine's Fee b tbe ONtT Iafaats r4. wblcb rcelejt tks Greas rrUe, (be kl.i swera f (be Leaiiioaa tir skate ,.a. tu Luau, e-4. Hub et taaa a ela aseaal. btaXUN S roeo co boattm. UAS&k We Bought the Entire Stock of J. H. EVANS' NEB. SHIRT GO'S STOCK 1517 Farnam St., Omaha. The Very Highest Class and Most Fashionable Stock ot Men's Outfittings in Omaha Bought at Great Reduction ON SALE SATURDAY X At Just One Half Price worlh up to 1.B0, WEDNESDAY. August Wash Goods Sale Tine sheer bntlstps and Irish Dimities in light and dark patterns, worth to Wc. this sale only, yard ALL OUR CRASH AND VOILLE SriTINOS. worth 3oc all our Lawns and Knlcker Suitings, worth to 18c, Wednesday C only, yard DC TWENTY-FIVE DOZEN TURKISH TOWELS, worth 10c, JP WEDNESDAY ONLY, each DC FIFTY DOZEN FEATHER riLLOWS, 2 pounds, covered with f C A. C. A. ticking, worth C.c, WEDNESDAY ONLY, each rtJC 60-INCH RED LOOM DAMASK, worth 39c vard, WEDNESDAY ONLY, yard miC FIFTY PIECES OF GLASS TOWELING, In red and blue checked, worth 10c yard, WEDNESDAY ONLY, yard. August Belt Sale Ladles' satin, silk and silk corded belts, with extra heavy buckles and white wash belts, worth tip to 2.o, all go at one price, 5V LIXES LAWN for waist and shirt waist suits. 3ii Inrhos wide and riisrsiited II (Jllre l'nen, at 25C 15o SEA ISLAND PKKCA1.K8, 36 Inches wide, 1'nht and dark patterns srent snap Wednesday at eta r yard OJIw 15c LACK STRIPR riQl'E SVITINQfl-SO In 'hrs wide a (troat special Wedn'ila at yrd 1(K AI.MKH1A PR1NTF.P BATISTES In newest patterns, polka dot, stripes and floral designs very special 1 Si C value at yard C8 5c WEDNESDAY SPECIAL, each RATE OF TWO AND SIX-TENTIIS Levjbj Mills to Which Board of Education Will Certify. TO RAISE OVER A QUARTER MILLION Mayor and City Council Will Take Ip Question of New Taxation Within Week Await State Board. Ths Board ot Education at a special meeting held Tuesday at noon decided to certify to the city council as to the tax levy tor the fiscal year of 1906-07, the rate of 2.6 mills on each dollar's worth of taxable property in the city. This Is estimated to raise about tXO.GOO and is the same as was demanded for the current fiscal year. The certification 4a made at this time under the city charter, which provides for the aboli tion of the city tax commissioner and treas urer and the performance of their duties by county officers, t'nder It the city coun cil and mayor have to certify to the county board each summer the amount of taxes needed for the following year, the assess ment and collection to be made by the county. While nothing Is said about the school district, yet the laws of the latter make It dependent upon the city for main tenance so far as taxes are concerned. Therefore the board will certify to the council and the council will Include this In Its certification to the county board. In Its estimate of resources the board figures to spend as much money as for the present fiscal year, or about 1564,316. Of this $240,000 Is expected front saloon li censes, $40,000 from the state, $260,000 from taxation and the remainder from small miscellaneous sources. The board authorised the signature of a petition designating Purlngton brick block as paving material for Lake street from eighteenth to Twenty-fourth. The mayor and city council will take up tha question of the 1906 levy within a week. As soon as the State Board of Equalization reports to It the county board can com plete Its work and make the levy. Before tMs U done the city and school district must have their certificates In. The coun cil Is malting on City Attorney Breen to give the word and he says this will be done in a few days. REFRIGERATORS We sell the $8.00 to $14.00 sizes at $2.00 down and $2.00 per month; the $1.00 to $22.00 sizes at $3.00 down and $3.00 per month; or we cut the price for cash. i B ! mivimiut m 11 f . I ONE SCORED AT MONK'S COST Omaha Printers et Ont Card that Mast Win Prise at Toronto. W. Sherman Ripley and Roy Q. Hlnman, delegates from Omaha Typographical union to the convention of the International Typographical union to be held at Toronto, Ont., In August, have presented to the pub lic a personal catd that is a gem In its way and it's a pretty good way, too. Mr. Ripley Is a machine operator on The Bee and naturally Is a good deal of philosopher, outside of having the artistic temperament highly developed. These gen tlemen might have gotten out a card with a wise owl perched on high place and toss ing wisdom to a fool In motley ho could fling high defiance from wisdom's plethoric urn back to his compeer. They have passed up the temptation, almost with the dignity of a Franklin. Dear old Ben's motto, while not exactly In his words. Is fronting the phiz of an ancient ancestor, according to Darwin, in the words, "Pon't wait for evolution do it now." Bitting on a music box of the crank variety that seems. to have originated at l-tvuuiu or la the crooked, precincts ot tbe Tills Is what people say about our Cold Storage, the famous refrigerator builder, Mr. Kurd's latest Invention. It gives us cold, dry, pure air. It keeps the provisions cold, dry and fresh. It Is thoroughly economical on Ice. The white enamel stays on like rocks. The glass top Is a wonderful convenience. It Is easy to see the Improvements made In refrigerators. The Stoetzel Stove Co 714 S. 16th Street. 5c e " " August Neckwear Special Fancy embroidery turnovers, plain and fancy lace and pique stocks, regular 25c neckwear, all go at one price, WEDNESDAY, A EACH IUC August Hosiery Special Fast black ladles balbrlggan ribbed hose and children's fast black heavy ribbed hose, the kind that retails for 15c, SPECIAL WEDXES- f DAY, PER PAIR JC August Corset Special Ladles' straight front long hip, hose supporters, attached batiste corset, ladles' taped girdles In white, blue, pink, this lot worth from 75c to $1.00, ALL GO AT ONE PRICE WEDNESDAY, SPECIAL, M 1 each , .....rZC August Lace Sale German and French Valenciennes laces and Insertions, fine Imported lace appliques In cream and white, fancy extra wide, torchon laces with Insertion to match and narrow Normandy val. laces. This entire lot Is composed of good values, worth from loc to 25c yard, all to be f I sold at less than cost, SPECIAL WEDNESDAY, YARD &lC BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY. lnest values In the best groceries and the largest varieties. rfcJAIN KTT h CAFITOL, EXTRACTS SPECIAL. Ten Green Trading Stamps with two ounce noitie vanilla, lemon, 75c Allover Laces at 19c Yard A tremendous cut on fine Allover 1-ace. In whit. bhK-k, ecru snd cream full II Inches wide Just the thing fur shirt waists, yok'S ami chemisettes think of It, a fine lace waist pattern for Sfv-thls Is a (treat snr rimx! for Wednesday lOc only with a limit of t yards to a customerToo I.aces ut per yard erw Sre-lsl sale of Val Laces now on at yard 5c Rough Pongees, plain Pongees, Kuhyratt Suiting, 2 and 2" Inches wide, worth up Great Silk Snap Wednesday to fl. 27-lnch odd colors of $1 Oil Taf fetas, 3-lnch White Jao Wash Silk, jo in r h color Peau de Cvgnea, In bines, reds, browns, greens, black and white Kf.o value tnlr entire lot Wednes dayyard 20-Inch Black China Silk ; value yard 39c 29c ?7-inch Black China Sllk-Zflc value yard , 27-lnch Black China fillk Wc value yard , 36-Inch Hlsck Jap Silk 9So value yard , Sti-lnch wide Hlack Taffeta fine for hard, wear the $l.t) value special for one hour from 10 lo 11 a. m. yard. 45c 59c 69c Peaches Peaches Peaches Bl'Y THEM NOW THKY ARE (tOIN'tl TO BK HI1HKI1 -We have on track one car load of fancy California Crawford Yellow Freestone rerhe-as long as I 1f they last tier crate ", Quart boxes fancy fresh picked Blackberries , Jq 124c ... 20c al lrge baskets fancy ripe Tomatoes at Large, Juicy Lemons per dosen Groceries 48-pound saes fancy high patent Min nesota Flour W 48 1 lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon 9o I The Wst lVsrl Tapioca, Sago or Bar leyper pound So Vlb- cans Potted Ham, reviled Ham. Potted Tongue. Deviled Tongue or Potted Beef HVfcc raspberry, rose all flavors Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound Bennett's Capitol ifr Premium Chocolate OUC Ten Green Tracing Stamps with two cans Omar Baked Ur Beans low Ten Green Trading Stamps with three pound can Burnham's Ofr Clam Chowder Ten Green Trsdlng Stamps with pound Bennett's Capitol OAr Baking Powder iW Ten Green Trading Stamps OSr with two cans salmon " Ten Green Trading Stamps f s with can Imported sardines.... If W Ten Green Trading Stamps with ffl-, tumbler cranberry sauce IvJC Ten Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond 8 E- Salad Dressing f AOw Bennett's bargain soap, 10 bars 150 Zoo toilet soap, bar ..2Ho Bluing, Ave cent box lo Corn, 2 pound can .' So Groceries 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap Uo Choice Japan KIce pound 8o 1-lb. package Imported Macaroni.. &VJ 1-lh package best Corn Starch...., to 1-lh jars pure fresh Preserves "Ho Fresh, crisp Ginger Snaps per pound.. 4'n Xcelo, Malta-Vita, Egg-O-Pee or Pr. Price's Breakfast Food package.... THo HAYOEW "FOLLOW THI FLAcV 0sat I 1 ftltltsMMMt'lA VERY LOW ROUND TRIPS DR. BRADBURY I SOd FARNAfl Teeth Extract.... Me Porcelain Fillings $1 up 0ld Fillings $1 up Silver Fllllof...6ec up Crow a $2.90 up Plate $2.00 up DENTIST 15 Year Sam Location jg HEADQUARTERS FOR BUTTER Ten Green Trading Stamps with pound brick Bennett's Capitol Creamery THE BEST EVER-(full weight). 24o Phone 1756.. Brldg Work $3.50 op NervM removed with out pal a Loos Tcatb Mod Solid. Work guaranteed lo feara twisted tower of Pisa, Is a plug-hatted monkey with a cigar In his mitt and his tall hanging down. "The Eight-Hour March" la on the spindle, and the glorious roll of the refrain is almost to be seen as It thrills through bell and crevice, making the smile on the monk like unto that sported by the successful candidate with a certifi cate In his Inside pocket. Underneath Is the Intimntlon that "Monk eys work eight hours In Nebraska," which Ignores the exemplary regulations of the humane society altogether. No humani tarian organ-grinder now works his monkey eight hours. The further legend, "See Ses sion Ias of 9in," Is left standing without explanation, but taken by and whole the color and constitution of the Omaha dele gates' card should make It a very popular one for collections at Toronto. Some Good Tan Shoe Bargains on the BargainTahle We have taken from our stock a lot of odds and ends and small sizes in ladles' tan shoes and ox fords, and put them on the bargain table and put a price on them that 1 only a small part of their value. If you wear a small size it will pay you to look them over. all go at (CPS! 1 Wfr South and Southeast, one fare pins $2.00. Hot Springs, Ark., daily .....$23.00 ot. l.oii is, .Ut).. (billy 15.50 Chautauqua, N. Y.,July 28th '. 34 00 Detroit, Mich., Aug 13th and 14th 21.50 Pittsburg, PaT, Aug. 17th and 18th 25.25 Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to 11th inclusive ....33.75 Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14th to 16th inclusive 32.75 Long limits, stop overs and other features offered in con nection with the above rates. All agents can 'sell you through tickets and route you Wabash. Ali tickets reading over the Wabash from Chicago east are optional with passenger via lake or rail, either or both directions. Call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street, or write and let me give you all information, maps, descriptive mat ter, folders, etc HARRY E. MOORES, Q. A. P. D. Wabash Ry.v Omaha, Nob. Itsgossessed. A tenant which is quickly dispossessed by Dr. King's New Discovery Is a Cough or Cold. 6uc and tl 00. Por sale by Sher man McConnell Drug Co. Age. ... 11 The following marriage licenses have been Issued : Nan.e and Residence. Harrison I'lark. duuth Omaha Katie Williams, South Omaha John J. O'Connor, Council H luffs, la.. Hessie Heckwilh. Council Bluffs, la.. James P. Stlllwell, S.iulh Omaha Manna M. Jtratisen, South Omaha..,, U K wedding ting. Kdholm, jeweler, I so FRY SHOE CO. 16th and Dtuglas Sts. TOP Perfect 3 eer A glas with your luncheon renews your energy for th afternoon. A glass with your dinner re freshes you for the evening. A glass at bedtime bring you deep and retful sleep. Jetter Brewing Co., South Omaha. 'Phon 8. Omaha Headquarter. HUGO P. BILZ. 14th nd Douglas. Tel. 1542. Co. Bluffs Headquarter, LEE MITCHELL. 1018 Main Street Tel. 80. LOW RATES VIA UNION PACIFIC SCHOOLS AD COLLEGE. VVENTWORTH MILITARY ACADEMY CHdmt and Urt in Mlddl. West. Ak LEllnallo.N, Mt. BEWARE OF POISONOUS BLEACHES Use bEHMALINE (medicated! SKIN BOAH for a soft and heautlful complexion. Antiseptic and non Irrltallng. 20 cents 8iill by Howell Drug Co., 16th and Capital Ave. BR0WNELL HALL OMAHA A Home School for Young Women. Advanced seminary and college preparatory courses. Certificate admits to Vaasar, Wellesley, Mmint Holyoke, Hmith, the I'nlver sity of Chicago and the I'nlversilv of Nebraska. Kscrptlonal advantages In music, art and the modern languages. Well equf ped gymnasium, tennis, field hockey and other out-door sports. Instructors college graduntea of large teaching experience and extended advantages In European travel. Htudents mothered sympathetically by experienced women who appreciate the needs of young womanhood. Send for illus trated pros(eetus. 4 Wester a Military Academr UpK-S!L f7th year New fireproof buildings. Modern equipment. Delightful location. Nuinoer limited. Strong faculty. Trorougo mili tary and acadsmle department. Local referencea. Col, Albert M. JaeWsosu A.M. $15.00 $17.50 $30.50 $45.00 $50.00 $55.00 $56.00 $75.00 PROM OMAHA T Colorsdo and Return August 12. 13, 14. 15- Te Colorado end Return livery day, to cieptember . To Sslt Lose City and Ogdon and Return Kvery day, to September . To Portland, Oregon, and Return Every day, to September Jo. To Sen Prsnelsoo or Los Angele and Return August . 7. . . 10. 11. U I3. 14- T'ugu,tf,.",!udr:5 rail and stage, dally until September 17. To California. Returning via Portland AugUBt 15, 1&, 17. 30, 31. TThVr?.W rail, .tag. and hotel. In Park for 6 day.. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE, 1324 FAR NAM ST Phone 31U. I' ; ; i if-." . i .i. M LATEST, LIGHTEST. NEATEST, CHEAPEST LEATHER BOUND MATTING SUITCASES. $3.50. $3.75. 54 00. Convenient to carry, nice to look at and are made to last We carry a full line of UrlpH, Suitcases and Trunk of our own manufacture. Send for catalogue. Trice riht. WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St. Trunks, Traveling Bags Suit Cases More Trunk than floor npuce. We are over-stocked for the room. We have a lot of lUgu Grade Trunk that we will sell at a low rire. Our All leather .Y(i Suit Case, 24 Inch and 28 inch, it the lent luude for the money. , KINK IIAKNKSS, SAIHH.KS AND FANCY HORSE ;ckjIs. ALFRED CORNISH & CO. T.lcphon No 1210 FwysfilstU V1