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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 1, 1905)
TFTE OMATTA DAILY TIEE: TUESDAY, AEOFST 1, 1003. i 1 1 V, SPECIAL NOTICES ' dvrtlf raf nt for these mUm will be lakfa katll 12 m. for th i rnlm rditloa and nntll M p. m. (or . the nnrnlni and Sunday rdltloi. Kates 1 n word flmt Insertion, 1 1" a word thereafter. Nothing; tikra t.,r let thaa itucNfor the first loser Hon. Thric ad vert Isenir ata mail be run consecutively. Advertiser, hr requesting a nam brrrd rhrrk, rati hare aninrri ad dreaaed to a nnmberrd letter In rare of The Bee. Aaiittn ao a1reaaed will be delivered oa presentation of cheek. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE , l all term bepieuiber 4, oay sou night i.UHincss, biiorllmiid. Typewriting, xeicg ' ' i.iphy, Normal and English. All summer - - r.-SHicms. Catalogue free. Address H ii. .. Uoyles, Pres., Boylcs Bldg., Omaha, Neb. ' H hi 4 t . -Tni'Plt,llll,,,'1 Otnaha Plating Co., JIUVLJ Harney bt. Tel. 2ui. It 73S CITY SAVINGS BANK pays per cent. . . R-t55 3 BY KELLY'8 TOWEL, SUPPLY. Tel. 3 M. K txsi t- NTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. 'pith. Tel. i;?9. R (168 LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 So. 11th St. Telephone ;54. R-C C'f'T RATE railway tickets everywhre. 1'. l. .I'lillbln. 15u6 Farnam. 'Phone 781 R 1160 WPYQ Itunber Stamps and Stencils. Nov. III l nftf. Co( 2 8 1:th st Tel. 1714. ' R 834 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty tf Are escapes, shutters, doors und safes. G. Andreen, prop., 102 S. lOlh St. R-;2 ' THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Ji" and bras catling. 6W Jackson. Tel. 243i , R-wt STEINW.Y PIANO, upright, slightly used, t2.b; bargain. Ferfieid Piano Co., ltill Farnam. y K 604 Al"i IPDNQl'eiurticeilinilrii ianu 1P-1 .3 plated, 2oc; three tor 6oc. OMAHA PLATING CO., 1608 Harney. Tel. 2535. It 802 SIGN PAINTING, S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas, ..k.- R 6U5 C,r.C A RT? REDUCED prices to re-VJV-' vnn I J dure stock; some great bargains this week. Omaha Reed and Hat tan Works, lbl2 Howard. . R Gu6 PLUMBING, 8 team and hot water heating. J. L. Mclnerny, 12o8 Chicago. 'Phone, 2b66 or Black 2049. R 968 Aglx LOCKSMITH ftXtfWtti- R-M719 SIDEWALK BRICK L' e wp w iTi- worth, 618 Paxton block. 'Phone 1072. Also three million common builders' brick. U MJ43 A25 FURNACE AND STOVE REPAIRS. Purine; August we examine furntices, hot water and stearr plants free of charge. W e clean, remount and supply all parts, asbestos pipe covering, hot water attiich ments. VlHlt our model repair house, new location. 120i;-12in Douglas. Tel. pen OMAHA STOVE REPAIR WORKS. pSALE-SCELLAN E0US HOUSEHOLD goods folding bed, fine for ofllce or librnry, piano carpets and other ' things. 922 N. 19tli and Izard Sts. Q M444 12x FOR PALE, new and second-hand billiard nnd pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; eiihy payments. Send for catalogue. Rrunswluk-Balke-Collender 407 8. loth St.. Omaha. Q 68 COMPLETE line new and 2d-band furnl ture. Chicago. Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2029. Q titS WIRE chicken, hog and lawn fence, iron fence, hitch posts, trellises. Wire Work 611 8. 16th St. . Q-4571 ID-HAND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Far nam. Q 672 30O BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed In good running order: original cost D50. Address 1313 Farnam St. - Q-673 6H ER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman tc McConnell Drug Co Omaha. Q 74 '' CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and telephone polos, tol Douglas Q 675 YH SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course In business, short I n nd and typewriting. Inquire at Bee office. Q 862 , FOR SALE, about 60 f!et ornamental gal vanized iron cornice and ornamental lion posts suitable for show window. Ap ply superintendent Bee building. QM826 l'ULLKYB AND COUNTERSHAFTS AT A BARGAIN !0 pulleys, from 6-inch to 4S-inch In dlam- tor; 8 counter shafts, complete. Thse ore all In first-class condition. W H. Bridges engineer Bee Building. . lj 111 " SKCONTJ-HAND ' STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE It ou want a tHUgain In steam intin cUJ and Loa over the following supplies; l.k-iuch Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4 inch Austin's vertical separator. 'iirastj Huvh ooeii tken out uu account ot ciuingos In our sm.ui ptaui auu are in good conditiun. .uUi'aa Boe Buildinai Co., or see W. H, uiiuus. engineer Bue i.iug., Omah. AUTOMOBILE SNAPS Jl.ouO eleotrto runubout with top, taO; $1,400 Mobile, 4-passeiigur, steam, oo; ;o0 Ram bler. $3a, u,u Olds. J0. FiedncKsou, lltli and Capitol Ave. y M A3 MILK C6WS on easy terms. 43d and Cen- ' Q-603 i . OUuD mower and rake, 43d and Center Cj-M 120 , BUSINESS CHANCES 1 1UL wlsn to buy or sell a Dullness or real e&tale, consult U. S. Sales Bureau. Ui-and Bee Bldg. Y 6S6 If YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange . real estate or business QUICK see Comu-ton-Walts Co.. L& Paxlon Blk. Y otai WANTED Physician, not over 35 years of age, married man preferred, with t2,M to invest In drug business, with good loca tion for practice in Nebraska. To the right party this Is a money maker. Ad drt as J6. Bee. YM20S 4 iFOR SALE Grocery and bakery In western oounty seat town, large brick oven nearly new. keep an excellent baker, making 1.MJ0 . liuve per wee. Fine grocery trade a bargain for cash; write at once. Address 27, care Omaha Bee. X 213 81 A CLEAN up-to-date stock of general mer- ihaiuidv ,1, luwu. copulation l.ow. Two railroads. White at Cook, Lyons, Neb. Y Mlai a WANTED To sell the best paving 5-chalr barber shop in the state. Write Joe Mc l' rmolt for particulars, Ida W. Hollv St.. Bcllingham. Wash. Y Ml3 4x LOST AND FOUND lAj&T Open face watch at Krug Park; o iter's photograph and name irixuic. He turn lp isorui 4-a m. and receive re w aid. Lost 174 lx LOST Lady's run metal, open face watch, initials on back, "M. J.;" gold chain, gold slide, with four 0ala. Return and receive liberal reward. '23 Douglas. ; Lost-MtKt 1 FOR EXCHANGE IF YOU do not and what you want In this column put an ad tn and you will soon got It. Zm I WANT to trade a full lot on Plnkney, near S4th, for a neat. Unlit, two-seated surfry and harness; must have rubber Utr-M, Addi H Ben, Z Um WANTED MALE HELP SUMMER TERM OF THE Omaha Commercial College 17th and Douplas Sts., now open. New clnsses In all departments. Catalogue free. ROHKBOUGH BROS., ' OMAiiA, EU. B-442 WAMEI-FOR U. S. ARMY, able-wdled uumairied men, between ages of 21 and Hi,, citizens ot United Slates, of good character and teiuparale habits, who character and temperate hat, us, who formation apply to Recruiting Officer, l.ith and Douglas, Sts.. Oinaha; Lincoln, Nub., or bioux I lly, la. B 3 ARK YOU capable of filling a position of trust'.' Can you till a clerical, technical or executive position? If so, call or write lor list of vacancies. THE WESTERN REF. A BOND ASS N, Dept. B. S41-842 N. Y. Life. B 479 31 IF YOU are in need of a position call and have a "'leurt-to-lieart" talk with HART, THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life B 69 WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; steady employment. C. F. Adame Co , 1619 Howard St. B M636 WANTED Several young men to travel for the Bummer, or permanent. Worlc picasanu Ouod remuneration. The iwenlieh Century Farmer. Croaha. Neb. y 4-6 I BUY and ncll drug stores exclusively. F.X pert service. Special plan. Drug men fur nished positions; employes furnished. It will pay you to write or call for particu lars.. F. V. Knlest, R. P., "The Drug Htor Man," ttil4 N. Y. I. Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 37uti. B M4J8 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade. Cannot supply demand for graduates. $4 to $5 per uay. Many com plete course In two months. Graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers' association. Send for free catalogue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools. New York City, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis. Mo. BUM MOLER Barber college, 1110 Farnam St.. wants men to learn barber trade, ears of apprenticeship saved by method of free work and careful Instructions. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex penses while learning. Call or write. B-M63 A3x WANTED TJcams and laborers for excava tion and concrete work. W. J. Zlttereil, at Fort Omaha, B M19I ix WANTED Salesmen to handle complete lino of lubricating oils, greases, special ties nnd paint; exceptionally good prop osition to experienced salesmen. The Crescent Oil Co., Minneapolis, Minn. B-M246 1 MALE HELP. 2 Experienced stenographers, 160.00. 2 Experienced stenographers, $45.00. 1 Experienced stenographer and bookkeeper, 7ft.'W. 1 Experienced stenographer and bookkeeper, ,.. 1 Experienced bookkeeper, $50.00. 1 Experienced bookkeeper, 84O.O0. HART. 401 N. Y. LIFE. ' B-M418 1 NORMAL SCHOOL TEACHER. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (Inc.). Dept. B. S41-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. B 455 Augl TAILOR wanted; good, sober, steady man to make pants and vests; prices, $2.25; Kood Job for the right man. Address 11. inke the Tailor, Sutton, Neb. B M451 lx tSa AND EXPENSES paid men In outside towns. A. W. South, Neville Blk., Omaha. B M493 STOUT boy to leain trade. Wire Works, 611 S. 16lh St. B M4S8 7 WANTED A brisht young man for outsldo work; salary to commence with. $12 a week. Apply 9 a. m., 4t Karbach Bldg. B M4fc2 lx TWO energetic young men for traveling position, wanted fit once. Apply H. T. Van Nest, Room 63, Schlltz Hotel. B M494 lx WANTED FEMALE HELP 80 WORKING girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 94 MOLER COLLEGE 1114 Farnam, St.. teaches nairoerssing, manicuring, racial massage, chiropody and electrolysis In few weeks by lieu worn and careful In structions. Little expense, diplomas granted. Fifty ladies wanted at once. Call or write for catalogue. C MsioAix WANTED Competent servant girl. Apply iiZi jackson at. c-iw Ji WANTED Experienced millinery trimmer. Kahl & Johnston. C M-Oo WANTED A girl for general housework. li."J S. 31st St. C 216 X Teacher, normal school graduate. Teacher, good penman. Foreladv, small investment. Millinery Saleslady. Millinery Trimmer. Clerk dry goods. Call or write for complete list. WESTERN REF. & BOND ASS'N (Inc.), Uept. B. M1-B42 is. x. J..!re. C 480 31 EXPERIENCED cook, $7 per week. The Rose, 2O20 Harney St. . C 154 lx WANTED Experienced salesladies. In cloak departments; also salesladies of ex perience in muslin underwear depart ment. J. L. Brandels oi Sons. C-M439 1 FEMALE HELP. Wanted Several experienced lady stenog raphers. HART. 401 N. T. Life. C M419 1 WANTED A few bright, energetic ladles to assist me in my business; permanent position and good wages easily made. Ad dress Mrs. Jennie Ramsey, 1216 Timber St., Plattsmouth, Neb. C M4b4x WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Position as porter. References for 15 years past. Dry goods or clothing. To begin about Sept. L Address 37, Bee oflice. A 467 6x POSITION wanted for cooking and general housework by genteel young man In pri vate family, $5 pei week; experienced and can furnish leferences. Address 43, Bee. A M4II2 2 MONEYJO LOAN REAL ESTATE VVAiViED City loans. R. C. Peters & Co. W-i;, FARM and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. 'Itiomas. 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel. lais. W-.7J PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1520 Douclas W-0,8 WANTED City loans and warrants. W, Farnam Smith & Co., IZii Far nam St. W-o7 MONEY TO LOAN-Pajne Investment Co. W -feu GARVIN BROS., 160 Farnam. City loans at lowest rates; no delay; get our terms. W-ool LOWEST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on farnik in easiern Neb. Beiuls, Paxion Blk. W &si BUILDING loans on residence property; per csnt. W. B. Meikle, Ramge Blk. W-6S1 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to build with; can pay It back In monthly payments. Hastings &. Heyden, 16CVj1 Fur nam St. w &4 H.OiiO.OOO TO LOAN on business and real deno property In Omaha. Lowest rates. No delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1, N. Y Life. W-4&J DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co., 2u) Douglas Blk, iOu IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A276. -7ul MHS. R. A. KELLER. Ill N. 20th, 'phone 2032, will make special reductions for the next 20 days In the making of new "three piece suits." First-class work guaranteed. 171 v WANTED TO BUY 6QUARE PIANO In good condition. 1611 Farnam. N 687 WANTED Good family mare. 43d and Cvultx. M MUl You Buy When you get the . greatest value for proportionately the least expenditure Bcc Want Ads do the business a trial will convince FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR SALE REAL ESTATE , PERSONAL ROYAi, HOTEL, European. 16th & Chicago. , IV DEWEY European hotel. 13U A Farnam. E 705 VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. XV--1 V ROOMS snd good board, $5 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago St. E 07 Tel. 61L O. M. E. Haul Trunks K 2-1256 FRONT room, new, modern, $2 wek. 2J23 T a ' XT' WiC- All $1.00 to $2.00 per week. 422 fl. 18th, St., on oiock south of court nouse. FURNISHED rooms, large or smalt; every- Hung Biriciiy moaern. xio i-tu. jh,- E 989 A15 NEWLY furnished rooms; new furniture Rnd flat remodeled; reasonable. Hat 6, 234 Farnam. 'Phone 2203. E 456 lx FURNISHED rooms for light housekeeping. 2001 Dodge. kj Ri2 IX 1S16 CHICAGO, south front parlor, piano; also other rooms; modern. -Mia lx NICELY furnished front room and alcove. Gentlemen preferred. 'Phone 2632. Ill N. 20th. E tfv9 lx ONE nicely furnished front room; house modern. Telephone Cedar 62311. 2427 XJOUge D. XL, ,T1,.) IX. A SUITE of two nice rooms for light house keeping; also one very pleasant southeast-front room at 808 South 21nt St. E M437 lx CENTRE EUROPEAN HOTEL. 210 N. 17th St.. decant front rooms. $2 per week and upwards. Transient fJf to $1 per day. Tel. B. 2547. E M472 DESIRABLE, large, south room. $2, nnd one west room, strictly modern; nice home for nice party; private family of three; breakfast If desired. Applv 1712 Charles St F M485 3x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F M26J CAPITOL HOTEL, 18th and Capitol Ave ; broad verandas, ample liwns, stately trees, rustic seats; heme cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 708 PIiEASANT front room, excellent table. can uui r ariiaiu. x none uiaca 4MU. F-M441 lx ELEGANT room and board for two. mod ern; telephone, private. 2037 Harney St. F 460 lx THE ROSE, 2020 Harney Nicely furnished, cool rooms, with board; one small room; also suite parlors; will rent single or ensutte; rates reasonable. F 453 2x NEATLY furnished room, with good board, ior two; modern house. 2215 California St. F 461 lx LARGE front room, with board for two; ui,,ueiii. x none euar-40tui. M't, wouta 19th St. F-476 2x TWO rooms with board. 2410 Cass St. F 478 2x UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE nice unfurnished front ground uooi iuuiiib; very reasonaDie, mo a. jxth St. O 214 31x TWO basement rooms, 1170 N, 17th St. G M4S8 3x FOR RENT HOUSES nUU.t-o. Peters & Co.. Bee Bldg. U 709 THE Omaha Pan & Storage Co. pack. move ana Biore ii. ti. goods. Storehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Ottlce. 1611. Farnam. Tel. 1659. I-710 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. Tel. 14S4. Ofllce. 1713 Webster St. D-911 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Schmoller & Mueller. D-71J HOI ISFSmii PrU ' tn c"y- The llUU-tJo. DavU Co.. kX Bee Bldg. D 713 HOUSED, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 714 NO EQUAL, all modern, 7-room house, 220 N. 23d. it 31 FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern; choice neighborhood, 2123 California St., $30. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D-M430 FOR RENT Nice ten-room house; all mod ern; close to business and good neighbor hood; possession Aug. 1. 631 S. 26tli Ave. Inquire 119 S. 26th St. Rent reasonable. D108 WALKING DISTANCE A 9-room, all modern brick, attached house, 410 N. 22d 8t. ; very complete in every respect; 2 bath rooms, good laundry, ex cellent cellar and furnace; rent reduced to $45.00 per month to good tenant. See this house at once, as it is the best we know ot within walking distance. N. P. DODGE & CO. D M258 lx JUST remodeled. 4 rooms, $7; 2 rooms, $6. 2322 Hickory St D ti-: 3ix ROOMS, houses, stores. Tlzard, 220 N. 23d. D M4U& FOR RENT In Lincoln, thoroughly mod ern boarding house, fine locution. Ad dress John C Davenport, Lincoln. Neb. FOR RENT STORES & OFFJCES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 814 First Nat I Bank Bldg. I 75 THE store room No. 2912 Farnam St. only $15 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters i Co.. ground flood Bee Bldg. 1952 FOUR-STORY AND . BASEMENT, BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building is feet, four stories and a basement. The baaeuient Is 22x133 feet, is cemented. Ta ceiling over the uanenient has a brick vault and iron beam construction, mailing the uu-ement Ore proof. The Ural floor has a u.arbie tloor in tront and granolumu Uoor In ir. There Is a large bui gir-prool auii and a power elevator. Tne upper doors Have winuows on lines side. Address The Be Building Co., C. C. Rosewauer, Secretary, room luO Bee Bldg. 1 ) WU have vacant a particularly desirable small ofllce, which rents tor $iu.uu per inoulh. Price includes heal, light, water and Janitor service. It is located on tna tourtu Uoor of Tna Bee bunding and is Just the tiling for any one wauunt; a nice title vtfice in the beat office bunding in town. R. C. Peters Co., rental amenta, ground tloor. Bee Bide. 1 1 IF you apply at once we can give any one desiring a large office space almost any arrangement iney oesire. Tills space is on the sixth floor of itie Bee bulluing, with north light. R. C. Peiers Co., rental agents, ground floor. Be Bldg. - 1-77S DANCING MORAND S for private lessons, ball room or stage; waits and two-step guaranteed. 16th and Harney. "Phone 5141. School opens bvpt, 1. Asaeoiblies, Wed., August 3o. A7i li Best R. C. Peters & Co. -room house, nicely papered and in good condition, barn, tine lawn, lot 60x 128, line shade, and lots of fruit $-'.000; will take $1,000 down, balance to suit, -room house, with two full lots, south front, good shade $1,550. T-room modern house, new, hard wood fin ish downstairs, fine lawn and full lot, large mnplo shade trees, a nice home, for only $3 50. 6-room modern home, with Arte lawn and nice arrangement, an ideal home, for only $,6iX. 8-room modern, except furnace, on corner and good large rooms, a choice property for the money $1,800. 8-room modern, east front, nice arrange ment, good neighborhood. If you really are looking for a home do not tail to take this in. Price $3,5uu, but we want offer. 8-room east front house, situated on a fin elevation in the Walnut Hill dis trict, but only half a block from the car, all newly put in first-class condition nnd a beautiful lot. We want to Sell this right away and you must understand that It Is worth your while. In fact, a rare bargain. We ask $2,000, but are anxious to sell. 4-room house, south front on Boulevard Ave., near 24th St. car barn $50; will take $150 cash, balance on time. 2 east, front lots, making 106xl(i0, in good neighborhood, a fine site for a home or rental property. Price, $900; this is a snap. We have four east front lots at $600 each. If lot Is purchased owner will build house to. suit on payments. Choice lylnt! 2o-acre tract, IV miles north of B'lorence, on Calhoun road; new hay shed, line well, 360 apple trees, 260 pUim, 40 cherry, 20 pear, all 5 years old; 6 acres bearing grapo vines. 1 acre blackberries of choice variety, 1 acre strawberries, 600 raspberries, 7 acres of alfalfa; all In fine condition. This is right for $4,000. It' will bear Inspection and looks better than It reads. 1 acre, choicely located, for $3ou. V, acre, set out to fruit, $275. R. C Peters & Co. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. HE 473 Six FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good Iowa corn farm of 560 acres; 40 acres in cultivation, balance fine pasture; good improvements, 3 miles from town. Prlo. $06 per acre, will take stock pt goods, or good city property as part payment. J. P. Martin, Missouri Valley, la. HE-IO CUBAN LANDS If you want In the pool to buy 5,000 acres of the best land In Cuba, at only $12.54 per acre, worth $25. see me at once. C. R. GLOVER. Room 3. N. Y. Life. "Phone 13S. P.E M67 Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kansas, Colorado and V yoming; low prices; ten years' time. Laud Dept. V. P. R. R Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." ' RE--719 $2,300 WILL buy beautiful modern cottage and full lot in Hanscom Place; east front street paved; everything first-class. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M754 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. W. L. BURGESS, Manager. 813 So, 15th Street, Omaha. ' RE 986 At cSAa Williamson Co.u- " "" RE 721 FOR SALE Owner will sell at a bargain, . 8 room modern house, fine condition, well lo cated, cash or terms, might take a vacant lot as part pay ment. Address 15 Bee Office. RE 211 31 . WRITE for illustrated pamphlet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belt. Willis Cadwell Co., Ltd., Broken Bow, Neb. . RE 723 CUMING STREET PROPERTY We offer for the first time a great snap on Cuming St. It is 132 feet south front on Cuming St, on a corner near 27th; 'pav ing all paid; small house, renting for $10 per month. This is the best place for sev eral cottages we know ot, and the price Is only $2,500. Ask any real estate man in Omaha if this Is not a bargain- N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614FARNAM ST. RE-M496 2 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money Is loaned on furniture, pianos, live slock and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rales are as low as any, our service is quick and quiet and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. W want your business If you ever borrow money. OMAHA -UlUljAO- LOAN CO M6 eo. Xoui Bi., Tel. " iU Board ot Trade Bldg ( tfclsiabli-hed low.; X-74i BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on Furniture, Pianos, Horses, Vaoiis, Cows, Salaries, eux. WHERE You get it on short notice. WU-.R-1 You el low rales and easy terms WHERE a.'utiiidentlal and courteous dealings bring y wu back. WHERE -an u do better T PliO,NlX CREDIT CO., Top floor. M PAXION BLK. CHATTEL LOANS We have money to loan at a reasonable rate on uiaiuonds, pianos, houaenold furniture o other good cluitlel securi ties to parues Miiobt. position in lile re quire that such liansautluus be made and held in sli'.ct couiidunce. Union Loan aiid Investment Co., iU Be. Xel. 2Dul MONEY loaned on furniture, salary horses, etc.; tuUf usual rates. Dr. Pribbe now room 214, at Ml S. 15lh tiu Tel. B'uol MONEY loaned salaried peopl and others without security; easy payments. Orhces in 63 principal cities. Tolman, room 714. New York Life Bldg. X. 748 DO WEN" 8 MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses, cows, plain note if steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-750 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Ureen Loan Co., I Baxkar Blk. X 761 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, cows, etc C. F. Reed 3)9 B 11 & 1 753 X 7i EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accomodat ing, all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-763 MONEY FOR BAI.ARIED PEOPE. STAR LOAN CO.. W PAXION BLK. X-764 CHATTEL, salary and jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co.. laot Farnaui bu X 76 EDWARD NORMAN KENT, music studios, Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney. Writ for circulars. U 7S1 TRY KELLEY 8 LAUNDRY, THONR U-782 PIANO CLUB Just forming; 60o and $1 weekly; pianos de livered Immediately; piano lessons free. Call for particulars. 1611 Farnam St. U 3I PRIVATE home during; confinement; ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-526 "PHONE 701 and a man will call and tun your piano, $2. Pern-Id Piano Co.. lfill Farnam. U T34 MA!N PTI ("treatment baths. Mine. mAVjrMC 1 lUgmlth, 118 N. 15. 2d fl.. r 2, U 360 TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. 13th. U 735 ACCORDION nnd SUNBURST PLKATING. RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THK GOLDMAN PLhAllNG CO 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK. TEL. IMA. U 73 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 162. Schn.oller & Mueller, piano makers. U-738 j LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to ell points. I4ot Farnam. Tel. 1835. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U-738 OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactures pur flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 4521. U- THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 1135 and wcgon will call. u-en PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Oarde.U, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6311. U 740 WE RENT sewing machines. 7Bo week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. Itit3. Cor. 15th and Harney. U 741 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U 742 DR. JACKSON, specialist In chronlo dis eases, 418 N. Y. Lite Bldg. Consultation free. V M343 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1506 Farnam U-743 YOI'NG man, age 28, good looking, holds responsible position, wants good looking wife at once. Address Earl, L. B. 74. Hot Springs, S. D. U M491 lx WANTED Morry-fro-round, balloon nnd other attractions for Old Settlers' picnic at Pleasanton. Neb., August 15-16. Ad dress P. 8. Holtzlnger, Secretary, Pleas anton. Neb. U M248 1 WANTED Ry his mother: Boy, Ira Har din, 14 years old, light hair, dark eves; left home January last; has never been heard from since. Address Mrs. C. B. Lawrence, Box 827, Dead wood, 8. D . U 476 3x TITtNER rest cure and water cure, Colfax, Iowa. - U 106 6x WANTED For the W. O. W. carnival at Courtland Beach, August 5 to 13. Inclusive, 2 or 3 good percentage shows. Apply Charles Unltt, 606 Brown Blk. , U-M4S7 S MEDICAL APPENDICITIS cured at tiome without carving; sure, simple. Celebrated physl ?lan ?. r1'mt'dy- J- J. Wlltse, 1118 Maple St., De Moines, la. M 910 Alx FOR Women Only Dr. Rnymonra puis for delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; hlghlr recommended by ail that have used then. By mall. $Z Dr. Q. G. Raymond Remedy Co.. room 36, 84 Adams St., Chicago 111. -714 LADIES Chichester s English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no S'ht ,r- . f:ldw , stamps for particulars. Relief for Ladies," in letter by return mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester Chemical C... Philadelphia. Pa. DR. PRIES trats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from anv cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1611 V4 Dodge St Omaha. 744 PEN-TAN-OOT-Prompt regulator for la dles; never fails; $2 postpaid. Sherman McConnell Drug Co., Omaha 718 RHEUMATISM WHISKY Why suffer from rheumatism when there is a speclrlo cure for yo " Why be a slave to whisky opium, moi ;ne, tobacco or cocaine when we guarantee to cure you Answer this by writing the ENSOR REMEDY CO South Omaha, Neb. (Incorporated In 1X9.' , . -527 A14 BOYS To have all the enjoyment possible you should, use our tablets; they cure ail nervous diseases; $1 for a box of Kn m 8. Co.. 612 N. 16th St. -798 Aij1- $30-RUPTCRE CCRED-$30; no Injections no pain absolute guarantee; we cure pe?: rnanently; new method; call or write for booklet Qt ICK CURE RUPTURE CO 5 lx x WOODMEN WORLD BLDG ! JJMAHA 106 FOR SALE FARMS . sale-farm land. 25,000 acres farm lands In Hyde and Hand counties, South Dakota. Jiana HART & SMITH, 4u2 N. Y. LIFE ' 2631 FIFTY good Improved farms from 160 to 60 acres in Boone and Nance counties, Neb favorable terms. For particulars call ori It Wn.J UEJRQE & --0- l'l Farnam bf.. Omaha. M424 A-29 RANCH LANDS 640-acre ranch In central 8. D. All fenced artesian well of soft water. 100 Percherorl horses (mostly registered). 2.000 lb. stal lion 7-room house, shade and fruit trees and creek full of fish. Pr ice. $15 00 per acre and 9.oo0.oo for all horses. Reason for selling, owner Is 72 years old and wants to quit business. Hart, 401 N Y Life. 264 1 ' FARM LANDS, 80 acres. Green Co., Iowa vs. m 320 acres. Hand Co.. S. D "liaE, W acres, Hyde Co., 8. D ""IlStiO 164 acres, La Moure Co., N. D... " 119 no HART & SMITIL 402 N. Y. LIFE 2-2 1 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60.000 homes of farmers and stuck raisers, so if you have a good piece of !nd to sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. Th cost of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word In small type, or t- Super Inch If set In larea 'yDe- WANTED TO RENT WANTED Furnished room, close In. con venient to So. Omaha car line, fur one gentleman. Address 40, Bee office. K Hi7 lx WANTED, board In private family for two children. Address 42. Bee. K MI9U 2x PATENTS H. A. STURGE8. registered attorney; pat ents, trade marks, c-pyngnts; no fee un less succeMlul. 817 N. X- Life. Omaha. CLAIRVOYANTS Palmlst-M M B. B U D D II A-Clnlrvoysnt Located over 113 8. liilh, upntans. Its. sultful predictions guaranteed. S -sa; ROM AIN SISTERS. PALMISTS. Card readers snd clairvoyants. Test read ing, li few days only. Full life muting ralmistry, 36c; cards, 50c; clnlrvovnnt, $1' lours. 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. fxfi N 'n;ih St For reading by mall send birth dntn S-Ml.75 5x Wonderful Trial Reading Send dime, stamped envelope, own wrltlmr birth date. Dr. J. lister. Drawer 34, Bt' Louis, Mo., and receive a Wonderful Trance Reading S-M1SS lx MME. HOTKH docs nil thnt others clnlm to do. Center Hotel, 210 N. 17th St., A block northwest 1. O. 8 - 477 4 PRINTING PRINTING MEMORIAL CARPS; ar tistic designs. S LYNGSTAD lbUl St- a,,J -""ii av . 715 GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO. 1.M1 Capitol Ave.. Tel. 24i; fully equipped f.,r all kinds of printing. 716 JENNINGS PRINTING- CO. 'Phone 6310. -M473 A 12 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church CO., main fl., N. Y. L 'Phone 133. 7i J. M. Macfarland, 304 N. Y. L. Bid. Tel. 1552. . 74 OMAHA COLLECTION CO.. Tel. 1275. Bee Bldg. 2b OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute, 615 N.Y. Life bldg. Tel. I'M 729 MRS. JOHN R. MI SICK. Osteopathy Phy sician; ofllce, Neville Blk. Tel. 21S23. 730 FLORISTS 1 HESS & SWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 70! L. HENDERSON. 1519 Farnam. Tel. 1261 , 70S HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE Cheap, phaeton. 15C2 N. 17th St. P-M227 lx POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be reid DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mails fur the week ending August 6. 1906 will close (PROMPTLY In all rases) at the General Postolllce as fob t?WSi 1SF,G,ICSTERED ANU PARCELS POST MAILS close at the General Post office ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing i e- Bhown below. Parcels-Post Mails for Germany close at 6 p. m. July 31 and August 7. Parcels-Post Malls for Great Britain and Ireland are despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdays and by the American Line on Saturdays. An additional despatch Is made by the Cunard Line when a Cunard steamer sails on Saturday LATER than the American Line steamer the same day. The Parcels-Post malls close one hour be fore the regular malls. Parcels-Post Mall for BARBADOS and GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND CAN NOT be reKtst-red. Regular and Supplementary malls clos at Foreign Station (corner of West and Morton streets) half hour later than clos Ing time shown below (except that Sup plementary Mails for Europe, and for Cen tral America via Colon, close on hour later at Foreign Station). Transatlantic Mails. TUESDAY (l)-At 2:30 a. m. for EUROPE, per s s. Kronprinz Wm., via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen. UtKK.KSDAY (2)-At 6:30 a. m. for EU ROPE, per s. s. Teutonic, via Queens town and Liverpool; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS direct (specially ad dressed only), per b. s. Rotterdam; at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Lombardla; at lla;,m' for NORWAY (PARCELS-POST MAILS), ner s. s. Hellig Olav (also regu lar mall for Denmark when specially ad dressed for this steamer). TH-.V'RAY 32-At 7 - ffT FRANCE, SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORT- LiAL,".Tl'RK,4X EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Touralne. via Havre (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. m. for ITALY dl- rect (specially addressed only), per s. s. FRIDAY (4)-At 7 p. m. for AZORES Nl.ivna n .- . .. . 1 . . . ...... ... ,j, j;, o. s. wiojic, xrum x30S- ton. SATURDAY (5)-At 6:80 a. m. for IRE LAND, per s. s. Umbrla. via Queens town (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer); at 6 a. m. for EUROPE, peo- s. s. St. Paul, via Plymouth and Cherbourg; at 8:30 a. rn. for BELGIUM (PARCELS-POST MAILS), per s. a. Finland (also regular mall for Belgium when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 8:30 a. m. for ITALY direct (socially addressed only), per n. s. Koenlgin Lulse; at 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Astoria. Malls for Sooth and Central America, West Indies, Etc. WEDNESDAY (2) At 9 a. m. for BER MUDA, per s. s. Bermudian; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. ni.) for INAGUA, CAPE HAITI, PORT DE PA1X and MAGDALEN A DEPARTMENT OF CO LOMBIA, per s. 8. Valdlvla (also other parts of Haiti when sjieclally addressed for thl8 steamer); at 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10:30 a. m.) for NICARAGUA (except East Coast), HONDURAS (except East Coast), SALVADOR. PANAMA, CANAL ZONE. CAITA DEPARTMENT OF COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, PERU, BO LIVIA and CHILI, per s. s. Segurauua, via Colon (also Guatemala when specially addressed for this steamer); at 11 a. 111. for HAITI, per s. 8. P. F. Hendrik (In cluding Capo Haiti, Port de Pulx, Cura cao, Venesuela, Trinidad and Guiana when specially addressed for this steam er); at 12:30 p. m. (supplementary 1 p. m.) for TURKS ISLAND and DOMINICAN REPUBLIC, per s. s. New York; at 12:30 p. m. for CAIBARIEN, CUBA (specially addressed only), per s. 8. Curityba. THURSDAY (3 At 7 a. m. for BRAZIL, per s. s. Tennvson. via Pernambuco. Bahla, Rio Janeiro and Santos (Including Northern Brazil, Argentine, Uruguay and Paraguay when specially addressed fur this steamer); at 9 11. m. for CUBA, YU CATAN and CAMPECHE. per s. s. Visi lancia (also other parts of MEXICO when specially addressed for this steamer); at 12 ;n. for YUCATAN, via Progreso, r r a s. City of Washington (also other parts of Mexico, via Tamplco, when specially addressed for this steamer). FRIDAY (4l-At 12 m. for YUCATAN and CAMPECHE. per s. s. Daggry; at 7 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Hall fax. SATURDAY (6)-At 7:30 a. m. for NEW FOUNDLAND, per 8. Rosalind; at 8:30 a. m. (supplementary 9:30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENE ZUELA, per 8. s. Philadelphia (also Co lombia, via Curacao, when specially ad dressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. n. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA and COIXJ.MHIA. ex cept Cauca and Mucdalena Departments, ier a. s. Banna (also Costa I'.h-a, via .Imon, when specially addressed for this steamer); at Jo a. m. for CUBA, per s. 8. Morro Cnstle, via Havana; at 12 m. for BARBADOS, GUIANA an.l NORTH ERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Humbert, via Barbados, Para, Murunliam and Ceara. NOTICE. Five cents per naif ounce tn ad dltion to the regular postage. inu b prsnaid on all letters forwarded y th SUPPLEMENTARY MAI1 snd letters deported In the drop markod "letters for Foreign Countries." after the CLOS ING OF THE REGULAR MAIL, for despatch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional postage is fully prepaid thereon by Supplementary Traneutlantio Malls are opened on the piers of th AMERICAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the Ballings occur at 9:u) a. m. or later; and late mail may b deposited In the mail boxes on the piers of -h German Lines sailing from lln bohen. Supplementary m:ill for Turks Island snd I Junilnli a n In-public Is also opened on the Clyde Line Pier. The mails on the piers open one hour and a half before sailing time, and clone tea minutes before sailing time. Only regular post age (letters 6 cents a half ounce Is re quired on articles mailed on the piers of the American. White Star and German (Sea Post) steamers; double postage (let ters 10 cents a half ounce) on other lines Malls Forwarded Overland, Etc., Ex cept Transpacific. Malls (except Jamaica and Bahamas) ar forwarded dally to ports of sailing. The CONNECTING mails close at the General Post Ottlce, New Y'ork. as follows: CUBA, via Pwl T'anii-a, at H J a. io. (Mon- POSTOFFICE NOTICE dnv Wednesday and Saturday). (Al from New York. Thuisday and Saturaay see above ) MEXICO CITY, overland, at 1.30 p. m. and K,:S- 1. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday at I 'V p. ni. and pi 3i p. m NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Pest M illsi, tit North Swincv fit 7 p m. Mor-.. day, Wednesday and Saturday (alsjl 00 nsionallv roui New York and 1 i.iu.A deli,.,i srp above) , MlyUEION via Boston and North Pyd- 11; i v. at i p m. every other Sunday ljune 4 and is, etc). JAMAICA, vl i Bos ten. at T:fl0 p. m. Tiles. day and I-'ildsv (Also from New York on Saturdaj. Se above.) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 110 31 fi m. Tuesday. tlTlPli HONDURAS. HONDURAS (East loasti nn.l GUATEMALA via New or leans, st 103.. p ,. Monday. (West Coast of Honiluias la despatched rroro New York via Panama see shove ) NICARAGUA (East Const 1. -in New Or leans, at .10 rto p. m. Sunday and W (vines- day. (West Civet of Nicaragua Is do-' spatchel from New York via Panama- se attovc.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONE via v Orleans, nt p. m Kundav (only specially addressed mall i,,rward.-d Ma New Orleans when New York steamer sails on following Monday). After 1 . in. tMindiy iin.i uiiiii salMiis of New Wk steamer, mall fur Panama nnd Cum. I .me is held for tne Yorli steamer se above. REGISTERED MAIL for overland d. (-patches closes at 6:W p. m. previous uay. Transpnrlflo Mails. For-rardedN Over, land Dnllr. Th schedule of closing of Transpacific Mails is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland trnnit to port cf sailing. The final oomicetint, malls (ex. cept Registered Transpacific Mulls de spntched via Vancouver. Victoria, Tnco-ii.i or Seattle, which close at 6 p. m previous day) close at the Oners! Post Office, New ork, as follows: 1 XMiri and MARQUESAS 1S7.ANDR vl.i San Francisco, close at 6 p. rn. August 1 f..r despatch per s. s Mariposa. NEW ZEAI.AND. AUSTRALIA (except West). NEW CALEDONIA SAMOA Hawaii ana ri.ii ISLANDS, via c ni Francisco, close st p. m. August 5 for despatch per s. s. Sonomn. (If the Cunai.l steamer currying the British mail for New Zealand does not arrive In tine t. connect with this despatch, extra mails, closing at 6:30 a. m , 9:30 a. 111. and ti P tn.; Sundays at 4:3o a. in., 9 a. m. im.i 6 p. m. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer I JAPAN, COREA, CHINA nnd PHILIP. PINE ISLANDS, via Seattle, close at ( p ni. August 7 for despatch per s s Shiiwmut. JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Mallsi COREA, CHINA nnd PH1LIPP1NK ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Vlctora B. ... olose at 6 p. m. August 8 for de spatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. Hawaii, japan, corka. china and PHILIPPINE ISI-ANDS. via San Fran cisco, close at .6 p. m. August 11 for de spatch per s. s. Siberia. JAPAV, COREA, CHINA and PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via 'Oleoma, closo at fl r. m. August 11 for despatch per s. s. Yangtsye. FIJI ISLANDS. AUSTRALIA (except West) and NEW CALEDONIA, via Van couver and Victoria, B. C, closo at 6 p. rr. August 12 for despatch per s. s. Mnana. HAWAII, via San Francisco, rlos at 4 p. m. August 14 for despatch per s. s. Ala meda. HAWAII, JAPAN, COREA, CHINA nnl specially addressed mall for PHILIP PINE ISLANDS, via Pan Francisco, clos at fi p. m. August 24 for despatch per s. a Mongolia PHI1.1 IPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. August 21 for despatch per II. S. Transport. MANCHURIA (except Mukden, New. chwang and Port Arthur) and EASTERN SIBERIA Is at present forwarded , via Russia. NOTE Unless otherwise addressed. West Australia is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese province of Yunnnn, via British India the quickest rout.ia. Pll lllrtril ne anenliillv n HH raaaa "t'l a V.t. rope must be fully prepaid at the foreign rates. Hawaii Is forwarded via San Frun- H ci.-( tj i. iiKniy. i arceis post mans Tor New Zealand and Australia (Including West Australia) are forwarded via Kar Francisco exclusively. WILLIAM R. WILLCOX. Postmaster. Post Office, New York. N. T. Julv 28, l!-. RAILWAY TIME CARD t'XIO STATION TKXTH AND MARCT. Union Pacific. T a rm A iH n Overland Limited a 9:40 am a 8:18 pin California V. nr.aa a X-1A a Q-Oo n. California & Oregon Ex. a 4:20 pm a 6:10 pin North Platte Local a 7:60 am a 6:20 pm Fast Mali a 7:55 am a S:20 pin Colorado Special a 7:46 am a 7:44 am Beatrice Local b 8:15 pm b 1:30 pin Wabash. St. Louis Express 6:30 pm 8:20 am St. Louis I.ncal (from Council TllnlTol 01R nm lfl M r.m Shenandoah lineal (from council Bluffs) 6:45 pm 2:30 pm CblcHRo, Rock Island Jt Pacific. IT A QT Chicago Limited a 3:35 am Chicago Express a 7:35 am Chicago Ex., Uical bll:40am iH's Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm a 7:10 am a 8:60 pin a 4:30 pm bll :f) 11 ni a 9.55 pm a 1:15 pm a 3:30 am a 4:56 pm all: 40 am a 7:25 am T H-s Moines 1 j. ft. I Chicago Fast Express.. a 6:40 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain Llm'd. a 7:20 am v oiorauo express a 1:30 pm viKiiinoma 1 exas ,x.a 4:so pin Colorado Night Ex a 8:65 tun Chlcaao, Milwaukee dt St. Paul Chicago llnvlivht Vv a am n11-oA n. . c aiirornia-oregon Ex... a 6:45 pm a 3:10 pu overland Limited a 8:35 pm a 7:35 ai Chlcao-o A Northwestern. Local Chicago all :30 am Fast Mail ... a tt-'.'n 1 3:46 pm 8:30 am 10:00 pm 11.50 pm 9:15 am 9:50 am 7:05 am e 9:35 am 2:50 pm a 7:30 urn 10:35 11111 Dallght St. Paul !!a?:60am Daylight Chicago a 6:o0 am Limited Chicago a 8:38 pm Local Carroll a 4:30 pm Fast St. Paul a Local Sioux C. & St. P. b 3:60 pm rnst Mall Chicago Express a 5:50 pm Norfolk & Honewteel ....a 7:40 am Lincoln & Long Pine ...b 7:10 am Casper A. Wyoming ....e 2:50 pm Deadwood & Lincoln ....a 2:50 pm Hastings-Albion b 2:60 pm Des M & Okobojl Fx.. .a 7:55 am ln:35 pm e 6:16 pm 6:15 5:16 a 3:20 pin Illinois Central. Chicago Express a 7:25 am alO 35 Chicago Limited a 7:60 pm a 8:(6 . Minn. & St. Paul Ex....b 7:25 am bl0:35 Minn. & St. Paul Ltd. ..a 7:60 pm a 8:06 Missouri Purlfle. St. Louis Express a 8.00 am a 6:80 am K. C. at St. L. Ex all:15 pm a 6.00 pin ( lilraso Great Western. St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 nin St. Paul & Minn a 7:45 am a 7:55 pm Chicago Limited a 6.00 pm alo:30 am Chicago Express a 6:uG am a 3:30 pin WK.IINTEH DEPOT 10TII WEDSII H Missouri Pacific. Nebraska Ijocal, via Iieave. Arrive. Weeping Waler b 8;5o pm bl2:30 pin ( hlraHO, St. Paul, Minneapolis A Oinaha. Twin City Passenger... b 6:30 am b 9:10 put Sioux City Passenger... a 2 :w) pm all:20a-n Oakland Local b 5:45 pm b 9:10 uni III Hl.I(i'ro STATION IOTH A MAs"M Uurllnslon. Leave. Arrive. Denver & California a 4:10 pm a 8:2o pin Northwest Express all lopm a 6.11a pm Nebraska pol-its a h:5o am a 7:4u pm Lincoln Fast Mail b 2:57 pm al2:i6 pm Ft. Crook de Plaltsm'th.b 2.52 pm alu:2a am Bellevue & Platlsin'th..a 7:50 pm b 8:32 am Bellevue & lac. June. ...a 2:3') an Bellevue ac I'm'. Junc....al2:16 pm Denver Limited a 7:10 am Chicago Special a 7 25 am Chiiago Express -u 4.w pm a 3:66 pm Chicago Flyer a fc :'.'. pm a 7:26 p.a Iowa lineal u 9:16 am ul0:63 pi t St. Louis Express a 4:46 pm all:3uum Kansas City & Ht. Joe..ulO:45 pm a 6.45 am Kansas City si bt. Joe. .a 9:15 am a 6:u5 pm Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 4:15 pm a dally b dally except Sunday, d daily except Saturday, e dully except Monday, OCEAN STEAMERS. C0UFAG.1EE GEflERALE TRANSATLANTIOUC Frenrb I.lne, New York to Paris. His Day a bulling rrjr Tbursd jr at 10 a. oa. I GaarOBQ. .. . Aug. ill. 1 'luuralna Aug. 11. I llr-(xan Aug. IT. La Lorraltia Hf-pl. T. Ls btvuia Aug 4. La Hrvt.gna blt. 14. N, voders, g.-tlo iwm-avraw aA aipraaa gu. .art; a,al olLcara ata-o(-war Alftciwiu. loiuii-uy a vtal.bulna ualaa, Xlara-rarls, a Souia ruf(aU'iial ori:batra va turn l4 twia-acr lMtK Harrr - Moorts. A.ul wum aa a. .ul Wali-ab k. a,. 1MI1 ui cam firat XlluA.l kauk. C. -t a. I A r. L A, Ull go .t. lu 1. rfta. can, A kul-arlurtf. As-ul C. I yamaa HUM, U. -. AblwU, A I Vls facias a a, , V,