Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
THE OMAI1A DAILY HEE: TUESDAY. AUOUST 1. 100.". 4 " r GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET !ron?u Finishes Without Any Ctme ia the Cereals. y EASY CLOSE IN JULY WHEAT DEAL Com la Alan Eitr-DaWlth Keeling la Stlmbfr and December Hhrtl Reprtrts of Inspected Famine In Roaala. . , OMAHA, July 31, 1905. -.i . . y rinsed toddy with wh-. of that month lc lower, Ihere was Plenty of wheat for delivery and the montu " " k H day. Primary receipts were more than l.Vo.oon bushels and prospers ?r ror much tomortow. Rust reports LAlm. authentic soirees and unsettled J" n" ,h northwest were responsible T?J,.K''ry V""1' ''"Hi In S' and a, T-kT months were up e. Chicago fr car are expei ted tomor ihW'.. .1"vy th '" 'hree duvs In ins northwest have helped the development. fcvJ J."lv rlnwi at Mo, September at ooSo and lK'oemliiT at 86c. i ?rn. c,lo"'"d '"wr with the end of the ctlaY' OIJ "Pmhf.r 51 iilJ, De- TjT' V'ko an'1 "'! December 47 . JA J-'L"1 wlth Julv at September ' JB.Ty and December at 2c. Liverpool cloned with wheat 'ad lower t1'LSa Wd l,,w'p- T"e drouth In Hun fr.. 1 .1 ,unhr,keri. The Russian central statistical committee at Bt. Petersburg re port that the harvest In tony-one out of sixty provinces of European Russia la a complete failure. Good crops are expected niy In atx Polish and three Baltic prov inces, fair crops in two provinces. The sroyernment anticipates a serious famine. the world's shipments of wheat last week was B.Jigmo bushels, against 9.3"4.00o bushels the week before, t'orn shipments last week vere 4,615,000 bushels; the week before they T.r..,7,2,t"0 bush-ls, but last year only 8,i44.O00 bushels. bent on passage show a decrease of 3.378,00o bushels, and corn an increase of bushels. Primary re ceipts of wheat were 1 6I7,(3H1 bushels; lust year they were 1,2!ll.nii bushels. Corn re ceipts were ,) bushels; last year they were 273.000 bushels. Evert the Northwestern Miller hiis discov ered black rust. Its agent at Fargo, N. r., writes: "Have found black ruxt at last. Experiment station says fields here are oadly Infested with genuine black rust. It nan developed In the last three days, due b heavy rains this hot weather." The Modern Miller says present conditions must 0 considered serious,, especially as the 19u5 yfP la from sed of low vitality and (uallty. Omaha Cash Sales. WHEAT No. 3 hard, 58 lbs.. 1 car, 79c. Omaha Cash Prices. to?1 U.EATtNo- - rd.M'lj82c; No. 3 hard, CORN No 2, 48c; No. S, 4Sc; No. 4. 47o; ho Brade, 42t4ttc; No. 2 yellow, 4NHc; No. Eifro ' JS'" 2 whlle- No- whlto, OATB-No. 1 mixed. 27c; No. S mixed, Jh4c; No. 4 mixed, 2tic; No. 2 white, 29o; ,.3oW.hlt No- white, Z7c; atan- Carlot Herelpts. '. . Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chlre.go 267 Kensra City ... 301 61 n jii;ineapoils 26 Ornana 13 Jiuluth m St. Louis 283 82 13 226 Mlnnm nnll. r.nln m . The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, reported by the Kdwards-Wood com pany, llO-Ul Board of Trade building, was: Articles ! Open. Hlgh.Low. Close.l Safy. Wheat I Bept...;Kl Dec....!SS'an8V 81! 90 ftss; WKATHEIl M TUB URAIX BELT lln;ht, Scattered Hhovrrrs -Occor In . r, CentrnI Valleys. f. , ' OMAHA, July 81, 1905. 1 i.' ; L'tfot nd scattered showers occurred in , i i.rt central valleys and western sections i; j during the last forty-elKht hours, and light t train, are falling In western South Dakota ' ,'" 'tin wiuthweit this morning. Borne C l"ywralna oocurred In the lower Missouri x-r,1 Mississippi valleys, and rains are .literal In tho lower lake region and eaat- rt atates. , No marked chane;e In temperature has occurred In any section since the last re. "f,1, ""d non Is expected in the central 'a.lleya during the next twenty-four t trlrty-slx hours. Omaha record of temperature and precl , citation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: ., , . 1906. 1904. 1908. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 65 64 M 7 freclpltallon QO .00 .j .74 Normal temperature for today, 76 da frees. Deficiency In precipitation since March 1. 7.(8 Inches. . rnc'ency correspondlnK period In 1904. I.6& inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1903. 4.63 Inches. OMAHA DISTRICT AVERAQES. Temp. Ruin. Max. Win. Inches. Sky. Stations AcUand. Neb.. 1 lear Auburn, Neb HS , Columbus, Neb., 86 Kulrbury. Neb... 87 Irmont, Neb... 81 Or. Island, Neb.. (SO Hartlngton, Neb. 77 1 Oakdale, Neb 85 10mili, Neb 81 Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Pt. cloudy 64 .00 60 .00 61 .18 68 .00 68 .00 M .00 60 .28 62 .90 65 .00 63 .00 65 .00 60 .00 62 .00 61 T 6 .00 f flKSIIUUl, I1CU, 03 j4 V'arroll. Ia 84 i Clarlnd. Ia 86 I Sibley. Ia 80 tuous: city. ia.... so Btorm J-Ake, la., u ciear DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. Of Temn. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. Win. Inches. Chicago, III 29 Columbus. 0 17 Dee Moines, Ia... 13 Indianapolis, Ind. 11 Kansas City, Mo. 18 82 .01 .01 78 84 fcj 8J 84 70 83 68 60 60 64 62 61 60 9 .14 .00 .08 Ixutsvl.le. Ky jv V Minneapolis tl V, Omaha, Neb 16 ,T BU Louis, Mo.... 13 .08 .04 62 63 T. A Wft.SU Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau. HEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Onatailana of taa Day on Various Commodities. NEW TORK. July 81.-FLOUR-RecaIpts. 12.4f bbls.; exports. 2.373 bbls.; market was quiet and barely steady; win ter patents, i.tD'ya.w; iuinnesoia patents, t6.60&.00; .winter extras, $3.1063 66; Minne sota bakors. $3.76'4.1; winter low grades, $8 00419 56. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $4.Sfi4flo; rhoios to fancy, $4.604.90. COliNMEAIr-Barely steady; fine white and yellow, $1,30; choice. $1.1631.18. kiln dried, $3.06t8.10. RYE Dull : No. I western, 764o asked, c. I. f-. New York. BARLEY Nominal; feeding, 4S4e, e. I. f.. New York; malting. itJ'abi'c. a t f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts 13,uo0 bu. 8pot market steady; No. 2 red. 89c. elevator, and 9v4o, t. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, $1,144. f. o. b. afloat: No. 1 northern Manitoba, nominal, f. o. b. afloat. Owing to further reports of black rust from North Dakota and of bullish Russian crop news wheat opened stronger. It later ykdded to bear-, ish visible, eay cables and heavy south west receipts, but was finally steadier on covering, with the close 4o to e net higher. Mav, S24ti&J4o, closed at 93c; July. 88Vai94o: September. 8 7-16i9Soo, closed at tool Deoamber, 1Wu914o, closed at W4o. ' CORN Receipts, 1S.260 bu.J exports, 182. 14 bu. 6 pot market easy; No. 2, 68lc, ele vator, and 0o. f. o. b. afloat; No, 2 yellow, too; No. 2 white, 604a. Options were weaker, but without transactions, closing o net lower: September closed at (8Wa - OATS Receipts, 126.3u0 bu.; exports, 226 bu. Spot market easy; mixed, M to U Iba $4tl34o; natural white. SO to 32 lbs.. XWJ $io; clipped white. $6 to 40 lbs., 374oc. HAY Steadjr; shipping, Wi6c, good to Choice. TtafOc. liOPB Jjteady; state, common, to choice, lt4 crop, 2j.ic; lUi crop, la21r; olds, 10 (flic; Pacing coast, 19o4 crop, iiu-fro; 1903 crop, 18fl20o; olds, 10U12c. HIDES Dull; Galvtston, to 25 lbs . $0e: California. 21 to 26 lba. lie; Texas dry (4 to 30 lbs. U4c . LEATHFJt-iJulet: acid, 34g36& 1 PROVIbluNS Beef, steady; family. $10.50 frllCO; mass, $9 610 10 00; beef hams, -i O- f 22 60; packet. $10.bGMU.0O; city extra India mass, la.ixjjl W. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $8 25310.60; pi. kled shoulders, k603.W; pickled hams, $i06".tlIOO. Ird. orm; western steamad. $7.1Oj7.0; refined lrm; oonUnent. $7 SO; South America, $8; Eompound, $6.5(5.76. Pork, steadv: famllv, i5 V(n.6i; short dear, $13. (X-a 11.00; mess. l4 0t615,0O. TALLOW Firm: city ($2 per. nk ). 4Vc, country tpkgs. free), 44Q4c RICE Culet; domestic, fair tu extra. l4a4o: Japan, nominal, h POl.TRi Drwseed. firm: western chick- one, UTlc; fowla, le; turkeys. Utl7o. MUTTB.N nrm; cmciai prices, creamery. u extra, i, una western lActory, common to extra, l.M)17c; western Imitation tiMinrrs, cutumun to extra, 1 . lc. . 11 Kr.BE State full cteama, email col ored una white, l4uil4c; state large, col urm anu wnite, late , lie. LJ(j estern best, 1'olOV; weieif, (nil to good, n(rjl8c. ihicaoo ..ham au provisions Features of the) tradleST ( losing I'rlees on Buara of Trade. CHICAtKi, July Jl. 'iaik of famine In K'.ssm owing to damage to the wueat crop i.iiparte.i suengtn to the wnesi niarael hei tooay. Human sentiment was augu mentiil t an omcial lorecant of irost 10 nidul in koumetn Minnesota. At tne close aoeKt lor feeptembvr delivery was up c. Coin Is off ttti sc. Oris are down itl-it. I'rovlsions show a gain of I'r'uv'.c. lnnuenced by news ty iHble, the Wheat inarkel opened firm, bepiemoer tP W-c at MyiiMc. '1 no tactor of rniei luipuiiKiita was a report of a practical iii ire oi crops In many growing districts oi nussiH, tne crops in lurly-one out ot sixty provinces outsine of tue southern dis tricts being total failures, accormnn to a London newspaper, boon after the upt urns" here tne tnarsei sained additional sueFittu , on a weatner bureau prediction of frost tonight In southern Minnesota. During tne In st hour commission houses and pit irad 11a were active bidders for wheat, hut otter IriKS were rather light. As a result Septem ber advanced to 'ihe market closed strong, with September at soV Clearances ot wneat and flour were eu,ual to li.M bushels. The amount on passage decreased bushels. I'rimary' receipts er 1.M7.UOJ bushels, compared with l.JUl.Ss) busiiels a year ago. Minneapolis, I7uluth and Chicago reported receipts ot 7J6 cars, against uM cars last week and 330 cars a ear ago. Weather extremely favorable for the ma turing of the new crop caused heavy liqui dation of corn, resulting In decided weak ness. Asother Incentive to prollt takiitf was continued liberal receipts, arrivals here today being considerably in excess of the amount estimated. The market closed weak, with prices near the lowest point of the day. September opened unchanged to V' lower at b21'u62HcI sold up to 6i'y6OLc and then declined to 61c. 1 he close was at BlVaolHc Lal receipts were 1W7 cars, with a of contract grade. Free movement of the new crop gave a weak tone to the oats market. The break In corn Imparted additional Impetus to profit taking. The mar ket closed weak, near the lowest point of the day. September opened unchanged to Vc lower at 7Vg27c, sold off to 27nc and closed at Hito- Locul receipts were Ss cars. Provisions were firm throughout the en tire session. The market received good support from packers. An advance of 5910c In the price of live hogs was a strengthen ing Influence. More activity was mani fested than for several weeks past. At the close September pork was up 27Ho at I1.T.4S. l.ard was up 10c at 17. 38. Ribs were 174c higher at 18.124. Katlmated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, V6 cars; corn, 355 cars; oats, 456 cars; hogs, 22,K head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles ! Open. High.! Low. Close. 8at y. Wheat July Sept. Dec, Corn Julv tJuly Sept. Sept. (Dec. P?pt. Dee. May Pork- Hept. Oct. Lard ' Kept. Oct. Ribs Bept. Oct. I S6 834 84 654, 84 854 844 864 64 64 854 S6 !7-6Vl Hit 4 64 624 624 621 52H 6:S'aM 6:", RH 51V'U SS2'V(i4 i62Vu S 624 464 H4 5141S4 464 4 454 4 94 n 27 2P4 274 284 80 13 174 27 irr4!74fli 24-0 4 4l 274 28 ao4 13 25 13 10 304 2&4 4! 12 46 13 374 13 25 13 10 13 45 13 374 7 274 7 35 7 274 7 35 T 25 T 324 7 95 8 024 7 J74t 7 424 7 874i 7 424 774 024l I 124 8 20 7 924 8 00 I 124 8 V) No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: KlXJl'R Steady; winter patents, $4.2o 4.30; straights, 34.004.10; spring patenrV $'g3.40; straights, 3.504.S6; bakers. 12.403 8.40. WHEAT No. 2 spring. $1 .0431.10; No. 3, 96C(il.(io; No. 3 red, M4u8.4e. CORN No. 2. Me; No. 2 yellow, 64c. OATS No. 2. 27c; No. 2 white, 27&'294c; No. 8 white. 2740. RYE-No. 2, 68c. BARLEY Good feeding, 36o; fair to choice malting, 40tf46c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, 11.31; No. 1 northwest ern. $1.36: prime timothy, 33.20; clover, con tract grade, 312.75rl3.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bhl., $13.36??l 13.40. Lard, per 100 lbs., 7.25''a7.274. Short ribs sides (loose), 3X.0rvwg.10. Short clear sides (boxed), 7.874S 00. The receipts and shipment ot flour and grain were aa follows: Keceipts. shipments. Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu.. Corn, hu.... Oats. bu.... 21.600 18.400 ...365,900 ...Kfi.flOO ...463,800 3,000 3K6.4O0 87.700 Rye, bu.... J4,II0 Barley, bu 4.900 2,400 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 17(ff2014c; dairies. 16ftlK4n. Eggs, firm, at mark, cases Included, 16c; firsts, 174a; prime firsts, 19c; extras, 21c. Cheese, firm, IO4&U40. Kansas City Grain and. Provisions. The range ot prices paid In Kansas City aa reported by the Edwards- A'ood company, 110-1 U Foard ot Trade bulld'ng, was: AiUclts.l Open. High.r Low. Close.l Yts'y. Wheat Sept... Dec..., Corn Sept.. Deo..., Oats Sept.., Pork Sept... July... Lard Sept.. Ribs Sept.. 76424 "4 W4 77 76 774 774 774 78 77 454 454 44S 44V 454 894 394 . Si 94 27 27 26V 264 13 02 18 22 13 02 IS 22 IS 02 1$ 12 1$ 36 13 12 13 83 7 23 T27 T22 727 720 7 92 8 67 7 93 1 07 7 87 Cash Close Wheut: No. 2 hard, 74c: No a L. 1 " u . XT. 4 A 01 . C 0 1 . ., V ,. a 8oi;Hic. Corn: No. 2 white, 60&04o; No. 2 mixea, wvtc; no. 1 mixea, vic. uais: rso. 2 mixed.; No. 3. 25c. KANSAS CITY, July 81. WHEAT Steady; July 80c; September. 77tfT74c; De cember, 774c; cash. No. 2 hard. 794583c; No. 2, 78810: No 4. 755784c: No. 2, red. 82'a824c; No. 3. Oij81c; No. 4. 75(2790. CORN Lower: July, 4747r474e; Septem- 'ORN Lower: July, 4"4tt'474e; Septem r, 444?aH44; December, 3lc; May, 394c; sh, No. 2 mixed. 4B4c; No. 3, 484840; ). i white, 6Cc; No. 3, 60c. ter. caal No OATS Steady: No. 2 white, 3142314c: No. 2 mixed, 2w&27c. EGGS Steady; Miasourl and Kansas, new No. 2 whitewood cases Included, 15c; case count, 14c; cases returned. 4c less. HAY Steady: choice timothy, $8,502)9.00; Choice prairie, t do. RYE-Steady. 6i4. Bl'TTER Bteady; packing, 16c. Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu creamery, I64QI84C; Receipts. Shipments. ......446.11:10 847,200 93.IKW 34.400 20.0CO 8,000 St. Lonia (.astral Market. ST. - LOUIS. July 81. WHEAT Higher; No 2 red. cash elevator, 814c; J rack, 844 rWc; September, 814c; December, 834J 8340; No. 2 hard. 884&SSC. CORN-8trong; No. 2 cash, 62c; track, 61 52o; September, 4Uc; December, 424o. OATS Iower; No. 2 cash. 33c; track, 27 28g; July, $3c; September, 264c; No. I white, $20. ri-OUR Steady. Red winter patents. $4.30 64.60; extra fancy and straight, $3.804 00; clear, UlSuSSO SEED Timothy Steady; spot. $2.252 75; new, $3 50. CORN MEAL Steady, $20. BRAN Steady; sacked east track, 71fl72c. HAY-Steady; Timothy, $9.0t4flLuu; prairie steady, $7 5onl0 6O. IRON COT'f tN TIES 99c BAGGING 84c. HEMP TWINE-4H". PROVISIONS Pork Higher: prime steam, $6 80. , Dry salt meals higher; boxed extra shorts. $s 00; clear ribs, $11 50; short clear sides. $8.76 Bacon, higher; boxed extra shorts, $8.76; clear ribs, $9 26; short clear, $9 6C POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 10c; springs. 12c; tuikeys, 134c; ducks. "tfSc, geese, itf 4. BUTTER-Steady; creamery, 144S4c; dairy, 14jl7o. EGGS Steady, lie; case count. Receipts. 8'ulpments Flour, 'bbls 12.000 8.O0O Wheat, bu 282. On) 131, (0 Corn, bu U4.0uO 38.0i) Oats, bu 227.OJ0 ja,joo Visible Supply at Grala. NEW YORK. July 31 The visible supply of grain Saturday. July 29, as compiled by the New York Produce exchange la as fol lows: Wheat. 13 864.000 bu. Increase, 1.4T9.00O bu Corn. 6 811.000 bu. decrease, 180,000 bu. Oats, 4.8:S.onO bu. decrease. 612. WJ bu. Rye. 7671i0 bu. decrease. lO.OuO bu. Barley, 716,000 bu. decrease, 74,000 bu. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO, O., July 31. SEED Clover, cash. $7 60 asked; October. $5 70. December, 5 67; August alsike, 7.2v bid. Prune timothy. $1.67V SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Market Faces Usual Kcndaj Ordeal of FroBt Taking. OUTSIDE BUYING PREVENTS A SLUMP Later Deallnaa Are Dull and Interest In Kpernlatlon Becomes Laaa;atd Railway shares . NEW TORK. July 81. Today s sto. k market had to face the ordeal of rront taklng on last week s sdvance, which Is an almost Inevitable process on a Monday after a preceding rle In prices. The action of the market while the process of diges tion was going on was encouraging, a con siderable r.hsorptlnn being effected without serious Impairment of values. Orders from commission houses were con sidered to disclose an eppreelahle awaken ing of lnteret from new sources outside the habitual speculative contingent. This was what was hoped for as a consequence of the attractive rise In prices which oc curred at the end of last week. But after tho period of profit-taking .of the morning had passed the trading became dull and In terests In the speculations appeared languid. This was a disappointment to the specula tors who looked for a brisk renewal of operations for the advance following the demonstrs tlon of the market's absorptive power. There was nothing In the day's hews to affect the market immediately either way and the working out on normal lines of previous steps In the speculation was relied upon to move prices. Industrials having to do with the metal trades either as producers or contumers of Iron, steel, copper, lead, etc., moved in fair accord, the Tnlted States Steel stocks being the noted exception. The railroad equipment stocks and the electrical companies were Included. Published reports of active con ditions In these trades ami an advance In the market price of copper were held to account for this movement. The fact that the advances did hot prevent railroad stocks from sagging wns attributed to the profit taking in procexs In those stocks. There was some depression caused by the revival of black rust In the reports from the spring wheat belt by authorities deemed conservative. The development of dangerous conditions to e tner-em inir wheat or corn undouhtdely would greatly change the present basis of stock market reckoning and the action of granger stocks today was evidence of the sensitiveness of speculative opinion, on the subject. Consideration of the yellow fever outbreak perhsps had more force also today than was t lie case last ween. Katiroait omciais spoke in cneerrui and conlldent tones both of current traffic and of prospects and assertions attributed to the executive head of the mine workers of his sentiment against talk at this time of strike dangers were regarded with satis faction. lelaware. Ijickrwunna & Western lifted Its record price to 425Vs as an Incident or tne day. Rnports that Japan was withdrawing funds from London. attracted Interest, owing to ttie lars-e sums now on deposit in Now 1 orK to Japans credit and the imminence of the roquirments for crop rnovlntr pur poses. The money market remained noinln allv verv essv however There was enough Improvement in prices late in the day to overcome the most of what had been yielded and the closing tone wns nrm. Bonds were stendv. Total sales, par value, $2.7fi2.(KiO. I'nlted States bonds were un changed on call. Quotations on the New York Stock ex change rnnged as follows: Sales. High. Low, Close. Adams Express .. 235 Amal. Copper 44, 6'H) 81 KI4 844 Amer. car & v b.oi .' WiSs am do pfd wxj W'm m !i Amer. Cotton Oil 600 30 80 2!4 no ptd vi American Express...- 226 Amer. Hide & L. pfd 700 3U 34 H4 Amer. ice securities t Amer. Unseed Oil 17 do pfd 40 Amer, locomotive 3,400 494 4!) 4Xsi ao pra 100 ill ill 111 Amer. Smelting & R 7.0m 1244 12o4 1244 do pfd 1.800 12;t4.1214 1234 Amer. sugar iter is,l) J43' Amer. Tob. pfd certlf 2m) 974 Anaconda Mining Co. 7.0H0 114 Atchison 8.0"0 wt do Pfd, 5(0 103 14H4 974 HI 874 1C4 lt 1144 694 lt-6V4 2o0 M4 36 ftotx 204 2oc4 is4 184 40 97 414 28 604 89 18!4 10 194 420 4 804 4'J4 143-V 964 11S4 87 V, 102Vi Atlantio Coast Line. 2"0 I604 1n B. 4 O.. 18,500 114-iii 12' 406 704 8.100 154 1141, do pfd Brooklyn R. T.. 69 156 Cain. Paclflc Central of N. J. Ches. & Ohio.... Chicago & A.... xi) i 1, 2U) 1.100 66 M 3 81, 204 212 1M4 1K4 42 974 4t;4 2114 63 404 1024 10 . 354 do pfd HO Chicago Ot. Western 6.4'iQ C. & N. W 2,700 9,600 2114 C M. & St. P , Chicago T. & T... do pfd C, C. C. & St. L Colo. Fuel A I Colo. A Southern., 1M 18 96 l'lO 1.200 2.700 44 24 624 414 10.000 do 1st pfd 2.2' do 2d pfd 10,2o0 Con. Gas Corn IToducts do pfd pel. & Hudson Del.. K A W D. A R. G do pfd plstillers' Securities. Erie do 1st pfd do 2d r'd Genera' Electric Hocklnr Vllev Illinois Central Inter. Paper do pfd Inter. Pump do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd L. & N....V, Manhattan I. Met. Securities Met. St Rv 2, ftm 1HV 10 100 444 19S4 424 H 814 sun 1M4 1.0X 4254 6)10 1 tJO 7,(r0 2.9') 4.0 1.200 87 43 47 M 75 1M4 864 42'4 4tAi K4:i, -'4 180 844 14 1754 in 7 274 80 r 26 67 1454 165 3,200 1754 1744 1 1 HI in 19 100 78'i 78 200 28 28 600 54 83 Vh 27 27 800 6KU RS4 8,900 146 145 100 1654 1654 600 83 824 6,000 12Sii 1274 12 12kiJ Mexican Central 14.700 Minn. A St. I. 2,400 M.. 6t. P. A S. Pte M. 3,4oO z: 31'4 22"i 62 60 61 129 125 128 1624 I614 182 101U nn lot 24 28S iK 644 6.14 6.'H 474 44 474 84 37 ' Cxu 147 144 14H4 MK 52- 63 Vi 864 854 8(114 92 do pfd Mo. Paclfle M K. A T. do pfd 7no 8,4"X 700 S'O 7.700 Nafl Lead. Nat l H. R. of M. pfd 1,!00 N. Y. Central.. 2 4H0 N. Y.. Ont. A W.. Norfidk & W , do pfd North American.., Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Oas 19.400 2,7'0 " 7'ifl 101 1004 jiH 43 43 4.1 2v 17,7i 144 1414 1424 iim jijcvs lofH P.. C. C. & Bt. I, 75 Pressed Steel Car... ll.loo 3 do pfd 400 9T. Pullman P. C 4?i 9m; 2374 ) 93 91 21 14 3514 95 104; 03 914 ?o r, 81 76 354 Reading 29,300 10f. do 1st pfd 2"0 . no go pin Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd 4'i0 2.800 4 400 6.7O0 1.3"0 2(0 i fVio 92 2,4 81 354 6U 24H 63 654 118 8.14 98 914 . 34 Rubber Goods do pfd St. L. A S. F. 2d pfd St. L. 8 W do pfd 69 614 1 8.4' i 300 l,0"O 100 23.300 200 62 62 Fo. raclfie 65 118 83 9H 80 84 65 IZ do prd So. Railway do pfd 118 3.14 9"4 9o 83 Tenn. Coal A f Texas A Pacific... Tol St. L, A W.... do pfd Union Paclflc do pfd V. S. Express t. 8. Healtv V. 8 Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do nfd Va. Cnro. Chemical do pfd Wabash do pfd s 3ii 67U 57 57 64.7U0 131 13o 181 97 121 90 52 V 104 V lft4 84 H4 19 4o 228 11'4 91 16 2:! 51 6 400 8m 82.1"0 30. 800 3.60O 100 4)) 624 110 8.'. I'i4 85 lo6 19 41 lii 934 24 52 444 106 61 lo. l'3 34 l'4 19 44 169 934 24 51 l5 300 Wells-Kargo Express ... Westlnali.. .lectrlc Western I nion.... W. A T-ake Erie.. Wis. Central do pfd Northern Paclflc. Central I-eather... 9)10 li '"S'Vi Jo l.tA 14 0 l,6o0 44 43 do pfd 1,600 106 104 104 Total sales for the day, 664,700 shares. Xew York Mining; Stocks.' NEW YORK. July 81-Closln quotations on mining siocaa were: Admaat Cos l.ittla Cbl.f ... ,. I . oO .. 1 .. n .. M .. I .. ti ..Ut AIIM Bra re bruniwlrk Tot '.. CoraatfK-8 Tunna) Con t'al. V.. Hura Sllaar Iron SI War Laidvilla Co .... Uftered Ontarle lophir PhoaBlx Puioal ISavasa LSirra NTa1a I Small Hopae .. &iaadar4 ...... . 40 . IS . 1 It .ITS 1.4 . Bank f'leariaaa. OMAHA. July 31. Bank clearings for to day were $1.433.&ie.n, and for the corre sponding date last year $1.2&3.81S.82. Treaanry ttatesneat. WASHINGTON. July 81 Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the aen- eral fund exclusive of the $l60.0o0.0no reserve snows: Available cash balance, i:7.L94.755; g-ild coin and bullion, 84.3,. 7s3. er Yark Money Market. NEW YORK. Julv M.-MONKT-On rsll. steady; hlchest. 2 per rent; lowest. IS Pr cent, ruling; rate, 2 per cent; last loan, ) or cent; closing Wil. lt pr cent; orrered, per cent. Time loans, easy: o days. I per cent; 90 days, 31 per cent; t months, 3ft4 per cent. IHIMK MEHl'A.'fTlL.t PA V KK V per cent. STERLING EXCH A NGK Steady, with actual business in bankers' bills at i4.4'if 4 ss for demand and at 4.MTi4 470 for fitf-dav bills; posted ratee, $4.i6fe4.;,, com mercial Mils, 14 MV9 1 M. SILVER Bar, u9ic; Mexican dollars. 4.Mc. IIONPS Government and railroad, firm. Closing quotations on bonds were: V. . ret. la. rfg... bH in , rtf mivt 2 do coupon .... ..lojt do rn iarii ..Ml ia 41, rill ..... . ,1"4 L a N. tint. 4a .. t'. 6. Jr. rag In coupon L. 8. nw 4a, ret. 60 coupon V. S old 4a. do rnlip).S 104 ..131S Manhatlis c. ( 4l ..1' ..131 Mn. Onlral 4s. Tl'-t . n4 ' n lat me ..104 Minn St. L. 4 ... ... : ...105 ... H 41. 11 ... v, Am. Tobarro 4t, ctfB. M K T. 4ll do t. rtfa AO hltnn fen. 4a . do adl. 4i Atlantic C b. 4a. Bai. Ohio 4a... do ISil .111 do ta .104 N ft. k. et M c. . T N. T. C. 1 lva.. .1024, N. J C. I Sa ... ..U4' .put No racldc 4i lua' 5 do li ' Central of Oa. ( 114 N. A W. t 4a... lO'.'Vi HrHkltig Vll. 4m UOH 0. 8. L. r(d 4a tH IMilillcn' Sec. Aa 0 Pann conv. ma I"!1 Krla prior lira 4i 101 Reailln tan. 4a 102 do en. 44 US St. u a I H c Sa .lla r w. ad r. u ...nil, St. u a s y. r. 4a. S rhea A Ohio 4Hi. St. L. 8. W. c. 4i ... i do lit Inc M Seaboard A L 4a an dn 14 Inc M 80. Paclflo 4a 1'4 Chlcaio A. ma 60 lat 4a rtfa C. B A 4 a. 4a 101 So. Rallwir ta lit C R. I. A P. 41... tl ,Ta,a A p. u in do col. 4a M It., Bt. L. A W. 4a ... ' rCC. A St. b. t. 4i..lir;i Union Paclflc 4a 106 cnicaeo lar. 4a aa4 do'conv. 41.... ..ill Colorado Mid. 4a 71 V 8. Btral Id ia .. us ..lis .. 71) .. as .. n .. 84 Colo. A 80. 4a Colo, lnd 8a, act A. do aet B H Wahaah li li I do deb. B 74 ,t,rn Md 4a Cuba on, ctfa. . 1T IW A I. E. 4 Danvar A R. O. 4a. ..loi ,Wla (antral . onerea. Boston Stocks nnd Bonds. ROSTON, July SI. Call loans. 24i3U per cent; time loans. 8fl4 per cent. Official quotations on mocks xna oonas were Atrhlaon adj. 4a 17 Adventure do 4 102V Allouci Mri. ceutral 4a l-t Ami'pmilfil .... Atchlion u S7H Amrncau Ztna ... ID 1 US. tm 2114 7IS 134 do pfd 1i3 Atlantic Boston A Albany IM Bingham' Hoatnn Elarated lM'a t'al. A Hacla.. Fltrhbura ptd .144 lOntannlal Maxlran Central ... N. Y., N. H. a It.. Pera Marquatta . . t'nlon Pacific : Amer. Arga. Cbam. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tuba.. Amer, Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do ptd Dominion I. A 8... F.llKon Eleo. lllu .. Ucneral Electrlu ... Maw. Klcctric do pfd Mam. Gas I nit ad Fruit United Phoa Uch.. do pfd . 2 Coppar Kanaa .D 1 Daly Waal ... . Dniiilnlnu Coal .130 Franklin ll't . ti'it Granny H .' to lala Royala 21 . 4i Mian. Mining .14314 Michigan lost .111 Mnhtwll Sot .list Mont. C. A I- 2T . 17 idld Dominion 2M .lust Oaranla 10014 . iu nmit 144 Uulncy .Ikl) Shannon ,. . T Tamarack . ... . . tl Trinity . 45 Vnlted Conpper .lor.t V. 4. Mining.. . Si f g. Oil . I24 Utah 107 125 4 13 H 1104 4i 44 11 ill U. 8. Steal.,. SSt Victoria do Did I03H Winona ,, Wasting, commun ... 84 Wolvartna tolu. AsKed. London Stock Market. LONDON, July 81. Closing quotation" on stocks were: Conanla, money do account ... Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd ... 904 N. T. Central.. ... Norfolk A W... ... do pfd ... lOVa Ontario A W... ...10f,Vt Penni) Ivanla .. 151 ti oil 7:i i H 64 4t 4St If, 101 Baltlmora A Ohio. .111 Rand Mine .140H Heading . tit do Ut DM.... Canadian Paclflu Chea. ft Ohio.. Chicago Ot. Western. 204ti do Id pfd C, M. A St. F It Southern Pacific neUears 1V do pfd Denver a li. u. . do pfd Erie do lat pfd lit Southern Pacific 74 t t nlon Psrlnc , .lsV 4t do pfd 100 7Vi U. 8. Steel J4t do Id pfd Tt do pfd 1064k Wabash 10 do ptd 42 Illinois Central nit Louis. A Naah 1(0 M.. K. a T 29V Spanish 4a l SILVER Bar, firm, 27 6-16d per ounce. ni uiNiii i 1 y 2 per cent. The rate ot discount in ti e open market for short bills is 1 per tent; for three months' bills, 1 per cent. Forelan Financial. LONDON. July 81. The usual month-end stringency In the money market is Increased by disappointment owing to the fact that on the arrival of 81.000,0i0 from India it Is not likely to be available, the Bank of England retaining the specie for Indian government loam purposes', and besides, Japanese money Is being withdrawn from circulation. The Stock Exchange today was generally firm and moderately active. Consols lost their early advance. Ameri cans opened dull, but moved generally above parity on New York's support. Dealings were moderate and were mainly frofesslonal. Eries were the chief attrac Ion and closed firm. Foreigners were quietly tlrm. Japan imperial 6s of 1904 were at 104. PARIS, July 81. The Bourse today was firm throughout. Russian imperial 4a wero quoted at 88.25, and Russian bonds of 1904 at 501. BERLIN, July 81. On the Bourse today Americans were Arm, but the market gen erally wag Inactive. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 31-COTTON-Spot closed quiet, 10, points lower; eniddllng up land. He; middling gulf. 11.25c; sales, 11,830 bales, ST. LOUTS, July 31-COTTON-Qulet ; middling, 10c; sales. 158 bales: receipts. 100 hales; shipments, 1,258 bales; stock, 26,567 Dales. NEW ORLEANS. July Sl.-COTTON- Qulet; sales, 550 bales; ordinary, 713-lSc; good ordinary, 9c; low middling, 9c; middling-, 10c; good middling. 10 13-16c; mid dling fair, 114c; receipts, 3.786 bales; stock, 70.7V2 bales. LIVERPOOL, July SI. COTTON Spot In moderate demand; prices 6 points higher; American middling fair. 6.49d: good mid dling, 6.23d; middling, 6.09d; low middling. 5.93d; good ordinary, 6.76d; ordinary. 6.69d. j lie sales or tne day were bales, of which tK) were for speculation and exnort. and Included 4,800 American. Receipts were 9,000 bales. Including 8.3oO American. Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 31. METALS The London tin market was a shade lower at 149 Bs for spot and 148 2s fid for futures. but the local market was firm, with spot quoted at $32.62ti 32.78. Copper was Arm and higher In both markets. Spot closed at 67 7s 6d and futures at is 12s 6d in Lon don, and locally both lake and electrolytic were quoted at $15 25?il5.50: casting Is held at $14. 87415 12. Lead unchanged at $4.60 ti4.70 in the local market and at 13 17s4d In l-ondon. Spelter was a little easier in London, closing at 23 17s6d, but continued firm locally, with prices a shade hiarher at $5.55)(i5.65. Iron closed at 49s 4d in Glasgow and at 46s 6d In Mlddlesbornugh. Locally the market was reported quiet but steady; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $l6.2rVij 17.00: No. 2 foundry northern. $15. 75(o 16.50: No. 1 foundry southern. $16. 76816.75; No. 2 foundry southern, $l6.sori 16 25. ST. LOUIS. July 31. METALS Lead, steady, $4674-54.60; spelter, firm, $6.45i&6.50. Oils and Rosin. NEW YORK. July 31 OIL Cottonseed. barelv steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, zuxi'Jc. r-eimieum, quiet; re fined New York, $6.9o; Philadelphia and llulllmnra tA 8K ' Th I In .1 1 nil I ,,4 nulti mqre, In ulk, $3.96. Turpentine, dull, 80) buic. ROSIN Steady ; strained, common to good J.I 56$ 3. SO. TOLEDO. July-31. OIL North Lima. 86c; South Lima and Indiana, 81c. OIL CITY. Pa., July 31 Oll-Credlt bal ances, II 27; certificates, no bid: shipments, 64144 bbls.; average. 69.530 bbls.; runs, 107.772 bbls.; average, 69.47$ bbls.; shipments, Lima, 61.269 bbls.; average. $6,7s2 bbls.; runs. Lima, 76,808 bbls.; average, 60,437 bbls. Soaar and Melaases. NEW YORK, July Sl.-SUOAR-Raw, Arm: fair refining, 8 7-18ii3c; centrifugal. 9I test, 4 S-3J'44c; molasses sugar, 8 $-iriJ 84c; refined, steady; No. 6, 4.0c; No. 7. 4 85c; No. 8, 4 55c; No. . 4.50c; No. 10. 4 45c; No. 11, 4.35c; No. 12. 4$uc; No. 13. 4 20c: No. 14, 41Sc: confectioners A, 615c; mould A. 5.65c; cut loaf and crushed. 6c; powdered, 6.40c; granulated, 6 3oc; cubes, 5 56c. NEW ORLEANS. La., July $1. SUGAR Quiet; open kettle, centrifugal, 44ti4c; centrifugal whites, 4 15-1656 1-ltjo; yellows, 4u4c; seconds, 24C3c. MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle. 13fl26c; centrifugal. 6&14C. SYRUP Nominal, 80c. Coffee Market. NEW TORK, July Sl.-OOFFEE Market for futures opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 6 points under scat tered realising and European selling. The close was steady, net unchanged to 8 points lower. Sales were reported of 114.750 bags. Including: August. t'iSc; September, 6 Unti 7c; October, 7.06c; December, 7.257 Hoc; March, 7. 46'7 50c ; May, 7.65nr7.70e. Spot, sttady; No. 7 Rio, 8o. Peoria Market. PEORIA. Ill . July 31. COR.V-Lower; No. 4 veilow, 64c; No. 8, 54c; No. 4, 6J0. OATS-Steady; No. 8 white. 29c; new No 3 while. 28c, No 4 white, :4c; new, No. 4 wnaKV-On the Uu of $1.27 for fin ished Hoods. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Eet Beef Bteert Tnllj Steady, with Feeders Stronger. HOGS HIGHER, WITH TRADING ACTIVE Receipts of Sheep and Iambs Heavy, with Triers Ruling Hither and a Good Demand for All Kinds of Feeders, SOUTH OMAHA. July 31. 1905. Receipts were: Cattle. Hog". Sheep. Official Mondsv 3.95S 2 81 11 992 Same day last week S.Jo't 6.2".i 13 "7 Same week before 4 73 7 6' 6 01 Same three weeks ago... 4 225 2 70) Same four weeks sgo 1.8l'2 4 4.17 S..V1 Same day last vesr 2.4W 2.673 2.595 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO PATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hoars and sheep nt South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 19)15. 1904. Inc. Cattle 4113 i3 43.094 lo.iw Hogs 1521417 1.4H2.847 6.070 Sheep 349.122 741.667 107,455 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the lust several days, with comparisons: t)te. I 180$. 1904. jl903. 11902 . 11901 . 11900. 189. July Julv Ju! July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July Julv July July July Julv July Julv $ 13! 6 18I ! 8 sol T C4I $ 66' 7 641 i 6 s 7 62! 8 891 I t 831 4 921 ( T4 8 Oil 8 78 a $ 7$ 6 29 aa 8 25 4 I 6 29' 1 64 8 73: $ 791 $ 01 8 78 3 81 8 8 M 4 M 4 09 4 05 3 99 4 01 4 18 4 28 4 19 41 4 84 a 4 36 4 31 4 27 4 31 4 33 4 32 a 4 32 6 24i 6 25 1 6 28 j I $ 9l $ ! t IS- 6 1SI 6 551 I fi 481 7 75 I 391 1 62. 6 441 t SO S 32L 7 831 $ 3S; 7 79! t 16 8 11 8 83 6 Mi 6 13 5 S3 5 32 t 851 6 13! 6 92 M' 95 6 021 B 85i 6 131 1 5 01 8 771 I 6 641 6 "21 6 65 ! 4 94 6 68 1 4 87 6 621 4 991 6 681 4 ' I 5 071 5 6t! ! S 70 $ 16 5 (to! 5 15' 6 74I 5 05 1 6 6M 5 02' 6 68 1 5 i',: ! 6 13; 6 471 I 5 561 5 08! 6 61 5 09! 6 11 6 32 t 38 7 771 5 02! 5 881 8 6 16' 6 3.1 1 6 191 22 I C 47 f. 53' 6 13 7 721 7 761 7 721 7 721 7 13j 6 11 6 181 5 66 I 6 66' 8 21 6 6 18 5 "c. 1 , 04 5 ol a I 211 7 62 6 26 7 41' 6 V 7 821 6 18 7 4V 6 051 7 53 1 I 7 62 1 I 6141 6 44 5 101 6 C6 a 1 6 47 I 5 54 : R (151 I 5 59! 5 101 July July July Julv July I 5 68 I 5 10! 4 96 6 61 16 19 6 50 5 lo 4 98 5 031 8 0.1! 5 02 7 53 7 47! 7 47! 7 611 09, Indicates Sunday. The official numher of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cat H'gs Sh'p Horn 0?.. M. A St P. Rv.... 1 Union Paclflc System ... ..23 .. 1 ..54 ..66 .. 2 .. 1 6 34 1 13 13 11 C. A N. W. Ry F., E. A M. V. R. R B. A M. Ry C, H. I. A P. Rv., east. Illinois Central Chicago Great Western . Total receipts ..165 39 45 6 The disposition of the day' receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num Dcr or head indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheen. Omaha Packing Company 504 3S9 1.171 swirt and company 991 6j7 2,129 Cudahy Packing Co 731 1,048 1.761 Armour A Co 623 114 2,306 991 731 623 85 27 33 122 74 187 Carey A Bcntiti Lobman A Co Hill A Hunulnger Hamilton A Rothschild L. F. IIusx J. B. Root A Co I.elghton A Co Independent Packing Co 320 144 Wolf 107 Other Buyers 125 .... 2,729 Total 3,809 2,642 10,156 CATTLE There was a tair run of cattle 1 ere today, about 172 cars being on sale, with a good sprinkling of grass cattle offered, most ot which went for feeders. The quality f the receipts was fairly good. Buyers were out cany today anu while there was no excitement to the trade the tattle were picked up right along. In the beef steer division the receipts were mostly corn fed cuttle, and there waa a little belter feeling than there was the latter part of last week. The good corn fed stutt and good tange steers were just ubout steady with last Friday, while on some of tho commoner kinds and poor gTassers tho market looked a little lower, it required but little-peddling on the part of sellers to dispose of their choice cattle and a partial clearance was made in good season. There was a fair "supply of cows and heifers here, the receipts Including a good many grass cattle. '1 he feeling on cows was a little belter today and packers as well as feeder buyers took on supplies more freely. On tne good corn fed and choice grassers the market ruled fully steady, swine sftlcs looking a little stronger. The poorer grades were harder to move and prices were a shade lower. Bulls, veal calves and stags were In about the same notches as Saturday, prices being about bteady, with a fulr demand fur feeder bulls. The supply of stockers and feeders was fairly good today, a good deal of western stuff being Included in the receipts. There was a good call for supplies and buyers picked up the stuff In good season, tiiere being considerable activity to the trade. Prices were steady to strong on the good stuff, but looked lower on the commoner grades. Representative sales: BEEs STEERS. No. I. .. 4... I... 1... li... II. .. ... it... 12... IS... 10... (4... 17. . 47... 43... 12... A. 12: 1107 so 1040 S37 I4 las 1006 S36 1116 1042 1237 11M 1222 1144 rr. i 40 I 60 1 to t 74 I so to 4 10 4 29 4 40 4 46 4 60 4 60 4 66 4 66 4 66 No. 11... 40 41 ... IS. ... 24.... 17.... IS... ... 14.... 43.... 14.... 20 IS.... 23 42 .... AMI 11.... At. Pr. , I'M 4 70 1130 I 10 Hot 4 TO 1141 4 M I ("14 4 DO 1U9 4 M 1274 J 11211 4 16) 1200 4 0 111.8 4 SO 1200 4 SO 1IH 4 00 1211 i 16 141 i 10 1324 i 20 124S i 20 .107 4 tf STEERS ... S3 66 in 4 SO 4 66 I S 3 as I 70 t 70 I 26 I 00 I 00 10 I 40 3 60 I 76 4 10 I IS I 10 ..1024 4 11 .... ..1436 .. si: .. SIM) .. 930 .. US ..106S . . 210 ..lino ..loJO . . 1070 .. le.0 ..I ISO ..1012 .. foe .. 4S .... M S0 S20 IOiO 10 K) 47 1040 1060 looa 834 1020 11H Ut 720 640 ISH 1210 12S6 1010 840 I 26. 1 76 i 00 I oo I 10 I 10 I 15 I 26 1 26 t 40 I 40 Hi I to 14 It..'".' .!.'.'. 4. HEIFERS. 2 00 1 16 10 I SO BULLS, t to i 40 I I 66 1 I so 1 STAGS. I 46 .16M .MO .1111) s no I oo t 16 t 6 CALVES. 100 let 260 I 60 14. m luO 147 4 T4 t 00 t 60 I 76 4 60 4 76 I.... 14.... 2U) STOCe. EKo 40 t 60 AND FEEDERS. 14.. 677 I 36 S28 I 00 4 46 6 tl li '.JO .. Ill .. 10 .. til ..1011 .. f:.5 ..1022 S 40 a 40 I 46 I 60 I 66 I to t"0 Sit I II 11.'. It.'. HI 1'1 7t I 11 I 16 I 3 WESTERNS. Brennan Bros Neb. WYOMING. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 3 steel S ...1010 ...HuO ...looo ... Sw) ...14M ...1227 8 40 t steers... .1035 1 sleer 1510 I steer l.'iii 1 steer Io30 1 cow 9ti0 79 steers. ...1173 1 cow 1230 1 cow 8.40 1 steer 1.7 6 steers. ...P52 8 cows lllo 21 feeders. .o3 24 feeders.. lo.s 1 bull li.'O 1 steer lJtiO 1 bull 1440 21 steers.. ..11j2 3 4)1 3 41) 340 3 oo 3 10 8 40 3 76 2 M 3 40 3 40 2 28 3 76 3 75 2 16 3 60 t 26 3 95 $ 95 4 10 4 00 2 70 $ 50 3 60 8 40 3 40 3 40 3 85 4 Ml 3 26 3 Ui 8 40 3 40 3 50 4 10 3 00 1 0) 1 75 2 43 2 00 4 60 8 96 4 10 4 10 8 75 2 00 2 00 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 22 steers. . 2 steers. . i cows... 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 17 steers.. 7 steers.. 1W5 1110 loiO 1160 lo63 L4o 2 stags 905 1 feeder... luoo 1 feeder. 1 feeder. 2 cows... 1 calf.... 8 steers., 21 steers. 2 steers. . 610 440 100 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 steer. 11 cows.. 1275 1165 1253 ..12J0 ..140 ..1060 9 feeders.. 1067 1 oow 1150 1 oow 1110 2 steers 1.15 45 feeders.. Viii NEBRASKA 1 steer 1270 $ uo 7 feeders.. 1014 1 steer 1140 2 75 70 feeders. . 16 23 feeders.. 12.14 $ 75 5 feeders. ,l(n6 3D feeders. .!1."9 4 10. 5 steers. ...Llo 1 feeder. ..1210 4 10 11 cows aj 1 steer 124o 3 80 SOUTH DAKOTA. 1 steer 1060 8 70 4 steers. ...1V7 1 steer.. ..135" 8 7o 13 steers. ...1173 8 cows 1113 3 00 Federal Cattle Co. Neb. 106 cows.... u2 2 to J D. Pattison Neb. 6 steers.. ..13.S0 1 5o 42 feeders.. 1121 79 cows 978 8 16 Becker Bros Neb. 3 60 3 75 3 00 4 Of) 2 65 3 70 8 70 ,72 steers., ..low i w J. M Gentrv-Neb. 45 steers. ..1145 3 15 13 feeders .1H1 11 cws-hfs. 99 2 75 Jrws-bfs. 850 Detmers A Ollf oil Keb. 06 steers. ..b:7 8 55 John Crownover Wyo. $ rows 11:1, 2 85 I-,' Jiulllngton Wyo. 8 cow s 1082 2 85 3 30 2 75 NEBRASKA. f$ heifers.. 1(V 320 11 cows... 3 h. lfers. l' 3 fo 9 tows 91d J ,f g rows... 9 cows 915 t 65 1 steer... 1 cow 1.110 8 40 47 cows l.l 2 45 W. Muncrieffe-Wvo. 40 steers.. ..1161 8 90 4 cows... 67 cows 1.M 1 in 1 steer... 66 rows 99 2 85 1 steer... loon 2 60 ny 1350 2 65 4 26 10 11' 126) 3 90 8 9) 54 cows 994 2 W. Hook-Neb. 2 feeders. 7 feeders. 13 cows. . . . 9 cows. . . . 1 bull . 835 . 940 . 896 . 907 .!") 8 10 5 cows. 898 7:2 22 ! 80 2 2 2 2"i i 90 3 10 2 50 2 40 2 30 2 40 24 cows. 8 cows. 2 cows. .1"7B 2 feeders. . 55 8 row s. . 996 2 30 HOGS There was a llsht run even for a Monday, only about forty loads being on sale Light receipts, coupled with encour aging reports from eastern points gave Sillers the advantage and prices were higher. Light weights Wits still preferred, but the heavy stuff sold much belter than It did on the close of last week. Buyers were out early and while there was no ex cltment to the trade the hogs were picked up right along ami a clearance was made In good season. There was some shipping demand and this also caused a better feel ing. The general market was 5ol0e higher than Saturday, the bulk of the hogs selling at $5 55-06 60. Some prime butcher weights sold nt $5.66, the top price of the day. Representative sales: No. to.. St.. 69.. 44.. 71.. 61.. 60.. 7S.. 7.. 77.. 41.. 16.. 71.. 42 . ;'.'. (4.. tl.. V. 7t.. 6". . AS. . m . .I7J" ..327 ..271 ..141 .344 . 2 .231 ..114 .121 . .! .241 .234 ..2M . .2J .213 . .2J . 2 ..230 II Hk. 2(0 iio S.'d 40 30 60 40 40 120 40 ISO 400 120 160 HO 30 240 40 rt. I 60 t 60 6 6.'4 61t I 66 I 66 6 II 6 65 I 66 t 66 t 66 I 66 6 63 ( 67 1 6 67 6 67 1 6 67 1 6 7t I 67t 6 67V, Ks. At. Sk. fr. 72 116 ... 671 ft 130 ... 67t 73 Ill 140 67t 17 142 2"0 I 67 V 7 ill SO 6 to 32 241 ... 4 10 tl 1M 40 4 0 71 137 . . 6 0 71 Ill 80 I to 61 Ill 110 t to 76 :' SO 6 to 81 202 30 4 to so tu so s to 74 21,0 30 6 til (7 S21 4C 6 do 81 130 SO 6 2l, to 15 ... I :'t S 221 SO I 2t ta 2M .. 4 ". 10 147 ... I 16 to) t 7t SHEEP There was a much better feeling In the big sheep barn today, sellers having the advantage, There were about forty tlve cars on sale, so buyers had plenty to pick from. There was a good demand from all sources for supplies, although trading on the opening was a tritle slow, sellers being busy sorting and shaping up their stuff and buyers getting a line on the re ceipts. Kat stuff ruled generally lower last week, but today buyers showed an evident desire for killers nnd prices on slieep were li'fj5c higher than at the cIorc of last week. Feeder buyers weie out In force and had Plenty of orders to fill. Trading on these kinds was active and prices were stronger. The feeling on lambs, both fat stuff and feeders, was particularly good and the mar ket 15'jj2i"c higher. Quotations on fat sheep nnd lambs: Good to cholre spring lambs. $t;.00uti.(0; good to choice yearling wethers, $4. 4 80; g""l t0 choice wethers, $4 25'fii.50; good to choice light ewes. $4 (KK(M.25; good to choice heavy ewes, $4.XHi4.15. Quotations on feeder sheep and lambs: Good feeding lambs, $4.56.2&; good feeding V.U.'llnua i A... I ... ...... n.ntlw.ra .i.sH4.lo; good feeding 1 Representative sales: 3.' Wyoming ewes 494 Wyoming ewes 9 Idaho bucks 104 Idaho ewes lol Idaho yearlings 3o8 Idaho yearlings 51 Idaho Iambs $3.76(83.50 96 97 148 1(4 78 79 63 3 80 8 86 2 50 4 00 4 25 4 05 6 85 CHICAGO l.ltH STOCK M1HKKT Cattle Steady to Ten Cents Higher Hons Five tenia Blather. CHICAGO, July Sl.-CATTLE Receipts, 20.(3)0 head; Including (too Texans and 2,0u0 westerns; market steady at 10c higher; good to prime steers $5.20(86.90; poor to medium, $3.6ord 6 10; stockers and' feeders, $2.0li4 26; cows, $; heifers, $2.36ig5.00; canneis, $l.25((i2.26; bulls, $2.204.00; calves, H.oii'tf 7.00; Texas fed steers, $3.WS4.60; western Steers, $3,609-4.80. HOGS Receipts, 30.000 head; estimated for tomorrow, 20,000; market 5c higher; mixed and butchers, 5.3o'ii6.u24; good to choice heavy, $5.75''g5.95; rough heavy, $5 25 6.6i; light, $5.50li6.o5; bulk of aales, $5.60 &6 86. SHEEP AND L A M BS Receipts, lS.O.O head; market eleudy; sheep strong; lambs, 10c higher; good to choice wethers, $4.50fl) 4.80; fair to choice mixed, $3. 75ft 4.40; west ern sheep, $4.00(4.75; native lambs, $6.0mi 7.00; western lamhB, $6.00Ui,10. Xew York Live Slock Market. NEW YORK, July 31. BEEVES Re ceipts, 3,976; good to choice steers, lOtflfks higher; medium and common, steady to Strong; bulls, steady to 10c higher; cows, steady; steers, $4. 066.65; bulls, t'J..WU 1"; cows, $1.6(iti3.76; exports tomorrow, 620 oat Ua. CALVES Receipts, 3,2o8; veals. 6(V)f76c higher; btittermllkH, $1 bigher; veala, $i. 00 (i8 5); throwouts. $4 .OO'uS.oo; buttermilks, $l.0o'(r4.5O; dressed calves higher; cily dressed veals, 8ul2c per pound; country dressed, 6filoc. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 14,045 head; sheep market steauy; lambs opened steady, closed easier on the under grade Slieep. $.1 ikk.i4.76; culls, $1 50'h2.75; lambs, $rt,60'i8,25; one cur extra, $s.5o; culls, 4-6tkt) 5 60. HOGS Receipts, 9.079 head; market steady to strong; stute hogs $6.406.60; choice medium. $'1.60. Kansas tlly Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. July 8I.-CATTI.E-R0-celpts, IS.OuO head, Including 4,0(0 head southerns; market steady to loc higher; choice export and dressed beef steers, o.oik'u, 5.65; fair to good, $4.0Oti4 9O; western steers, $3.75'fi6.25; stockers and feeders, $2.50(() 4 25; southern steers, $2.6(7t 4.60: southern cows, $2.O)"3.50; native cows, $2.004.26; native heifers. $3.00S6.30; bulls, 12. 00(13.60; calves. $S.(k7i.78. HOGS Itecetpts, J.i3 nead; marKet stnoc higher; top, $5. 8"; bulk of sales, 80 656.75; heavy. $5.no1i 5. 70 : packers. t5.tSMJO.76; pigs and lights, $66ofi6.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000 head: market 1(k2i16c higher: native lambs, aa.OfuO.&o: western lambs. t5.0tKjKi.5O: ewes and yearlings, $4.15116.25; Texas c lpped year lings. $4.75'fi6.26; Texas cllppi-d sheep, $41oUi 4.65; stockers and feeders, $.1.2064.25. St. I.onls Live stock Market. BT. LOUIS, Mo., July 81 CATTLE Re ceipts, 5,500 head, Including 4,200 Texans; market, steady; native shipping and cx- Cort steers, $44'd!i5 75; dressed beef anil Utcher st-ers, $3 6(15.O0; steers under l.Ors) pounds, $8 5")r(4 35: stockers and feeders, $2 75 ITJ4 00; cows and heifers, $2.00; canners, $1.50 JU; bulls. $2.N5iS.TS; calves. $4 X(i .60; Texas and Indian steers. $2. 75'q4.75; cows and heifers, $2 .(xr3 50. HOGS Receipts, 2.000 head; market steadv. I'Iks and lights, 15 71. tl 6 00; packers. 15 7.)T5 85, butchers and best heavy, IB 7ia 6 96. SHEEP AND UMH8-HecelptS. 8 (Kfl head; market steady; native muttons. $3 50 8V4.25; lambs, $5,001)6 On; culls and bucks, i3 0x114.00; stockers, $3.0.f8 75; Texans, $1.75 4i 4 75. St. Joseph l.lve Slock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 31 CATTLE Receipts, 2.3.3 head; market steady to 10c higher; natives. $a.75fj 5 70; cows and heifers, $1.604.66; stockers and feeders, $2.76(i4 26. HOGS Receipts, 2.310 head; market tVtilOo higher; light, $5 656 75; medium and heavy, $5.5.Vn5.70; bulk. $5.6(u 5.7(1. SHEEP AND LA M B8 Receipts. 635; lambs lird 15c higher: others steauy to Lctrong; lambs, $6.25, Ions City l ive Stock Market. 6IOUX CITY, la., July 31.-(Speclal Tele gram ) CAI'TLE Receipts. 60O head. Mar ket 10c higher; stockers steady; beeves, $3 75 f).0O; cows and heifers, $26iwi4.0O; stockers and feeders, 2 oo-JjJ.60; calves and year lings. $2.6013 50. HOGS Receipts. 2.200 head. Market strong, selling at $5.25)6 60; bulk of sales, 86.4C'u6.66. Mock la ilght. Receipts of livestock at the six principal western markets yesterday: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep South Otruha ,$.903. 2 40 11,992 Sioux City 600 2.2)0 Kansas City 18. 00 2.0oO St. Joseph 2.373 2.310 6ji Et. Louis 6.600 2.000 S.uoO Chicago 20,000 80.000 15.000 Total ." 4542 42.390 35747 Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK, July 31 -EVAPORATED APPLES Market Is firm with good to prime commanding ec on aput. Quota tions follow: Common to good. 44(t6c; prime 6Vt6c choice. 7c; fancy, 74c CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUIT Prunes ate firm on srut but with little business doing. Quotations range from 3c for 8u-9us to 6c, according to grade. Apricots are attracting little at tention and are no better than steady at present prices. Choice are quoted at $ii8'ec; extra choice at 87i84,c and fancy ut 9'nlOo. Peaciiea are unchanged with choice held at 10ojl0c; extra choice at losiiU-'v n(1 fancy at lie. - Rilisins show Utile Movement. The fcvling uipvars (dv- orahle to prices ultimately but demand at the present Is light Ixs. Muacaled are quoted at 4S,?iV; seeded raisins at $ 6'jc and London layers at $1 ..( I 16. OMAII4. 4 HOI, P. 41. K MARKET. Condition of Trade nnd Qaolatlona aa Ms pie tind Fancy lrofln?-, EGGS-Receipts, fair; market steady; candl-d st.x k, 14c. LIVE POl I.THY-Hcns. 9c; rooster. 6'nHc; turkojs. L'lil.V; ducks. c; spring du. ks. l'v: soring chlixens, 14'tirvc. Hl'TT Kit -Market nrm; psrkmg stocks, H'tc; choice to fancy dalr, IT4JI.V; cream ery. .VuJii . prints, .V. SUOA ST -Standard granulated. In barrels, $5 66 pet ewt.. cubes. It. 60 ver cwt ; cut loaf, ft; Ik", per cwt.; No. 6 extta C, $5 50 ,er cw t ; No. 10 extra C, $5 35 per twt. ; No. yellow, $5 80 per cwt ; XX XX powdrro, $6 :i per cwt. FRESH FISH Trout. 9c: halibut, llct buffalo (dressed ), 8c; pickerel tdressed). 8ol white bass (dressed", K'c; suntlsh, 6c; rerctt tscaled and dressed 1, Sc; pike, 10c; catfish, 15c; red snapper, 10e; salmon. 16c; crapples, K'c: eels, 15c: bullheads, lie; black bass, rms; Manltola w'llteflsh tdrnssed), luc; lke Su pet lor whlteflsh (dressed 1, 12c; frog legs. fer doi , 35c; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled ohsters. V; shad roe, 45c; hlurflsh, 80. HAY-Trices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice, $7; No. 1. $8 50; No. 2, $0; coarse. $5. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $15. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES-Vnlencla, al. sues, $4.765 09, LEMONS Llmonlern. extra fancv. 270l 300 and Son alses, $10; fancy, 270. 800 and S0 sixes. $8. DATES -Per box of Jo l ib. pkss., $2; Hollowe'en, in 7c-lb. boxes, per lh., ec. FIG8-Callf.rnla, per 10-1 h. carton. 76 85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown, 12c; 6 crown, l-Y. HA NAN AS Per medium-vised bunch, $1.71 412.26; Jumbos. 8'.'.ixrn:i 0t FRUITS AND MELONS. TEAnS-Tlartlett. per 50-lb. box, $2.75. PLUMS California, per 4-bnsket crate. $1.10-91 85. PI-iACH E9 Texas Elbertas, per 4-baske! crate. 75c; California, frvestoues, per 26 lb. box $1. CANTAI.OITES-Texos. per crate. $3' California, per crate, ponies, J?.tHi) 1 SO California, standards, $0. W ATERM F. LON 8 Alabama Sweets, 26U 40c each: crated. lc per lb. RASPBERRIES - Red. box of 24 pts. $2 BLACK BERRIES -Case of 24 qts., $1,759 2. oo. WAX BEANS - Per -bu. Kisket, 25645ci string beans, per -bti. box. POTATOES New. per bu., BEANS Navy, per bu . $2. 25J35c. CAULIFLOWER-Home-grown, of 1 dor., iW. per crati CUCUMRERS-Per dox . ffie. TOMATOES Tennessee, per 4-baskel crate, 85c. , CAIiTI AGE Home-grown, in crates, pel lb.. lc ONIONS Home-grown, yellow, red and White. 2c per lb. BEET8-Ncw, per bu.. 75o. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEFSK- Swiss. new, 15c; Wisconsin brick. 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, 15c; Twins, 12V,c; Young Americas, 12c. NI TS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lh., 15c; hard shells, per lb 13c: No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per lb.. 10c, Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 6c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 12'al3. Almonds, soft shells, per lb.. 17c; hard xhells, per lb., 15c. Shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.76; large hickory nuts, per bu , $1.50. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 2 green, 7c No. 1 salted. 9c; No. 2 salted, 8c; No. 1 veal calf, inc; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted. 7(tj )4c: sheep pells, 25cfi$1.0Q; horse hides, $1.5$ t 3.00. Philadelphia Prodnee Market. PHILADELPHIA, July SI.-BUTTER-r Market firm; extra western creamery, 21 4i22c; extra nearby prints, 24c. EGGS Firm ; offering slight; nearby fresh, 18c, loss off; nearby fresh. lic at mnrk; western fresh, 17til6e at mark. CHEESE Firm; New York full rream fancy, HVoH4o; New York full cream choice, lie; New York full cream fair tq good, 104ft 10c; domestic Swiss, H4J.14C. Mllnankea Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. July 81.WHBAT Steadv: No 1 northern. $1.10(n;.l.ll ; No. 1 northern, $1.05fJ1.09; September, 85,4r85 bid. RYE. lower; No. 1. rXrjtiiS, BARLEY, steady; No. 2, 62c; sample, 41 4j for CORN, weak; September, 81'3Tilo bid. Dnloth Oraln Market. DULITTH, July 81. WHEAT To arrival No. 1 northern, $L On track: .No. 1 north ern. $1.06; No. 2 northern, 8c; July, $1.06, September, new. 86c; September, old. o:- OATS To arrive and on track, 27c; t( arrive, September, 27c. Liverpool (iraln Market. t LIVERPOOL, July 31. WHEAT Spot, nnmlnul; futures steady: July, nominal' September. 6s 8V,d; December, 6s 7d. ; CORN Spot, steady; American mixed. U 2V1. Futures, quiet; July, nominal; Sep tember, Is 8d. Minneapolis tire In Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn . July S1.-FLOUI First patents. $5.9.'.'&t).05; second patents $5.75ii0.85; first clears, $4. 0.4. 10; second clears. $2 .(iS'i2.75. BRAN In bulk. $12.7Sfl 13.00. Wool Market. ST. IX1UI8, July 31 WOOly-Steady: me dium grades, combing and clothing. 2t7J Slot light fine. 211727c; heavy fine, 18ij22oj tul washed, 321j42c, Elgin Roller Market. EIjGIN. III.. July 31-BUTTER-Prlcei ruled firm on tho Board of Trade today being quoted at 2c a lb., the fame as Isst week. Sales In the district were 873,000 Iba , Snaar Prices Advance. NEW YORK, July 31 All grades of re fined sugar were advanced 10 cents a hun dred pounds today. MURDER IN SECOND DEGREE Charge on Which William Miles le Held for Death of Harry. B. MeGeehln. William Miles, colored, who fatally out Harry B. McOechln. white, with a rasor last Thursday evening In front of the ('lira, bridge hotel, was arraigned Monday morn ing In police court on the charge of murder In the second degree. The complaint was filed by Deputy County Attorney Foster. Miles pleaded not guilty and his prelimi nary hearing was set for Wednesday morn ing. In filing the complaint of murder In the second degree tt la held that the killing ot McOechln, was not premeditated, though malicious. 'The sentence for such a crime is from twenty years to life on conviction, HEAL BSTATK TRANSFERS. Deeds filed for record July 31. 1906. as fur nished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust company, bonded abstracter, 1614 Farnnm etroct, for The Bee; Repuuno Chemical company to Rokrhy Realty company, sw of ne of se 19-16-H $ H E. H. Lanktree to Jessie L. Dowe et al, pan of lot 29, Burr Oak 2.000 M Moon to 8. Hopper, lot 14. block 123. Dundee SCO, R. Jetier to W. M. and Lydia Rhyno, lot 18, block 4, Drews Hill 173 Mary K Cockrell to J. R. Hunt, lot 10, block 62, South Omaha 2.504 Frank Thompson, executor, to Mary A. Condlt. lot 5, block 318, Omaha View 40 8. T. Cartrlght snd wife to J. H. Blan rhard, lots 11 and 12, block 100, Klor enre 101 Ellen M. Nets nnd husband to Cynthia M. McEgen. lots 33 to 89, block t, Mystic park 1,009 United Real Estate and Trust com- tany to Margaret V. D. Ralney. lot and part of 1. block 6. Forest Hill.. 1.60s Ellen Jones to Sadie A. Moore, lot I. Housel A Stebblns subdlv 775 E. 8. Floor to A. Anderson, lots $ and 9, block 2, C. E. Mayne s 1st adf 100 Sheriff to D. W. Merrow, lot 4, block lu8, and other property IS Edwards-Wood Co. Incorporated I Halo Office! Fll'h gad Ueberte rt T. PAUL. nitM.N. D CAtKR9 IH Stocks, Grain. Provisioni Ship Your "Groin to Us Branch Office. 110-111 Board of Trade Bids., Omaha. Sielt. Telephone am. 212-214 Exchange Blrtg . South Omaha. Bull 1'houe ill. independent 'fbuaa A