TIJE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TUESDAY. ATTOrST 1. 1003. HEARING LINCOLN PROTEST Thrt to Danble Va'u.tio of Uercbaodiis in Omaha. LANCASTER .OFFICIAL'S IDEA OF VALUES Adjutant General Culver Goes to Kearney to lee Cams la In Read. Ineaa for the National Gaartassea. (From a Staff Corre snondent.) LINCOLN, July tl.-(Special.) This after tioon durlns; the hearing before the State Board of Equalisation and Assessment on the complaint of under assessment of Douglas county merchandise. Judge Tlb betts, representing the Lincoln merchants, ofTered to atop If County Assessor Keed would agree to a 26 per cent Increase. He asserted that otherwise he would Introduce evidence which would lustify an Increase of 50 per cent In the merchandise. Later John E. Miller, president of the Lincoln Commer cial club, asserted that the Increase would be 100 per cent. Reed did not accept the proffer, but when Governor Mickey asked lilm what the merchants would do If an In crease of 25 per cent was made he Indicated that he thought It was too high, because of the small merchants who would be hurt. "It may hurt the smaller fellows," said the governor, "but It will force them to see that the law Is complied with next year and they will bring pressure to bear on the county board to that end." Governor Mickey suggested that It would le aa well to have the evidence In the rec ord and members of the board Intimated a desire to subpoena the Omaha merchants. The charge, to which It was admitted there waa truth, was that the large mer chants In some Instances had formed the habit of making out statements of low vlue under the old city assessment sys tern. When the deputies came around they were Importuned to keep the assessment down on account of the city tax, he said. "Thty got In the habit of returning It at smaller figure than the true value," said Iteed. "Did they learn It from the railways?" queried the governor. Mr. Reed, under examination by Judge Tlbbetts, stated that he had only in a few Instances seen the Invoices of merchants when mnklng assessments. He said that they would often bring papers to him, but it waa difficult to tell what waa invoice and what was not. He said that sometimes he had not consulted the insurance policies and admitted that various data had been withheld. In several Instances, he declared. he had sought the policies and had been unable to get them. He was asked as to the amount of money listed by various firms. Judge Tlbbetts de claring that the sum was entirely too small In many Instances. Assessors Cannot Agree, In response to a question by Governor Mickey Reed denied that he had stated last year that he had been unable to get at the merchandise values because he was busy With real estate. He denied also that there was any arrangement whereby the asses ors were to list such property at less than Its actual value. He said that he had noth ing to conceal. County Assessor Miller of Lancaster tounty, who was first placed on the wit hess stand for the Lincoln merchants. Itated that he had sought to get the true ralue in every instance, using invoices, Insurance policies and other data as the basis for the assessment. He stated, how tver, that he had advised the complainant. IN STRlGTjCONFIDENCE. Women Obtain Mrs. Plakham'i Advice and Help. Bba Baa Guided Tbonsands to Health.-. Hew Lydla M. rinkham's Vegetable Coav penaa Cared Mrs. Fred tleydsL It ! rrest gffr satiaf action lor a ji'jr: TyfX woman to (eel that 1 she can writ to i another telling her I the most private and confidential details about her illness, and know that her letter will be aeen by a wo man only, a wo man full of gym' pathy for her sick sisters, and above all, a woman who has had more experience in treating female Ilia than anv livinsr person. Over one hundred thousand cases of female diseases come before Mrs. Pink- bam, every year, some personally. others by mall, and this has been jjo- lns? on for twenty years, day after day (Surely women are wise in seeking advice, from a woman of such experi ence, especially when it is absolutely free. Mrs. Pinkham never violates the con fldenoe of women, and every testimo nial letter published is done so with ; the written consent or request of the ' writer, in order that other sick women mar be benefited as they have been. Mrs. Fred Seydel. of 413 North 54th Hcfeet, West Philadelphia, Pa., writes: Dear Mrs. Pinkham: " Over a year agol wrote you aletter asking fctvice, a I had female Ills and could not tarry a. chlM to maturity. I received your kind letter of instructions and followed Tour id rice. I am not only a well woman in con- nxiiience. but have a beautiful babr girl. I ft Uh every suffering woman in the bind would write you for advice, as you have doue so kiuchfor me. Just as surely as Mrs. Seydel waa ru red, will Lydla K. Pinkham'a Veffetau'ie Compound cure every woman suffering- from any form of female ills. No other medicine tn all the world das such a lecord of cures of female troubles as has Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound. Therefore no prudett woman will accept any substi tute wnicn a drug-gist may oner. If vou are eicU, write Mrs. Pinkham, I.vnn. Mass.. for special advice. It ia free and always helpful. A BARREL 5S-A0F0IL S3.50. t - W m n. i a A natural lubricat ing oil, direct from the well. None bet 'BARREL' ter for engines or machinery of any kind. Has a good body, will not gum. Kitty gallon barrel for 13.50. Freight in Kansas not over 75 rtntu to any point. In Nebraska, Iowa or M ksourl fiviuht will make the oil cost about 1? cents a gallon. Tou have been V&yuig J5 and 40 cents a gallon. K. C. DAILEY & CO., . Benedict. Kan. mm John E. Miller, to apply for a reduction when he saw that other firms were being lowered by the county bosrd. Miller had tw.iwo cut from his original figures of f24",onO. The county assessor swore, how ever, that the reductions were made be cause of positive evidence showing that the assessments had been too high. He repeated the statement that Reed had told him that the big merchants at Omaha could not be assessed too high, or they would have to move across the river. He said that the touglas county assessor told him this year that he thought the assess ment was about ait some of the firms could stand. What Tlbbetts Willed to how. Tlbbetts stated shortly before the close of the hearing this afternoon that he In tended to call experts In the various lines who could testify as to the value of the various houses at Omaha. He had figures showing the stocks over $10,ff In value. He called J. II. Harpham, a Lincoln harness Jobber, who testified that Marks Bros, of Omaha, assessed at $40,000, were only half high enough, and that J. H. Haney, as sessed at $30,000, was also only 60 per cent of the true value. Gage County Cleric Objects. County Clerk J. R. Plasters of Gage county, who was In the city today, was dls posed to complain of the action of the State Board of Equalization in making a 10 per cent Increase In the average assessment of sewing machines In the country. They were assessed at an average of 12 and the result of the increase will be to necessitate the addition of 20 cents to the assessed valuation of a machine worth $10, and varying sums for machines worth other prices. This Plasters claims is a mistake since assessing officials have never been re quired to consider cents. He asserts that. heretofore. It has been customary to place the assessments in round numbers for con venlence In figuring. He does not contem plate any appeal to the board. He ex pressed his anxiety to have the work of the state board completed so that the work of extending the assessments may be taken up In the counties. The board promised to take the matter under advisement. The chairman of the county board of Red Willow county was tn the city today to pro test against the Increase on horses ordered by the board, making the average assess ment of equlnes about 111. W hen he was shown the average of fU In the agricul tural counties he withdrew his protest. Appropriation May Not Lapse. Deputy Auditor Cook said today that he believed payments would be made on ex isting contracts from appropriations made by the legislature of 1903, even after August 81, when the appropriation would ordinarily lapse. He said that he believed it to be the intent of the law that such bona fide contracts are binding, notwithstanding the provision as to lapses. Some of the state officers are talking of asking the secretary of the State Printing board to act as official lndexer for the va nous departments In order that the re ports issued may be properly indexed for reference use. It Is claimed that Becretary Frazler would have ample time to do the work In addition to his duties in connection with the letting of contracts. Praise for Snperlntendent. The State Board of Public Lands and Buildings, which has returned from a .trip of Inspection to the Hastings aslyum, Is unanimous in Its praise of Superintendent Kern who has charge of the institution with Its 1,000 Inmates. The members of the board say that it seems like a small city. Kew Corporations. The Exchange bank of Wilcox has been Incorporated by C. W. Giahwlller, D. C Shelter, L H. Jordan, K. M. Crannell and A. L. Clarke. The authorized capital stock is 110,000. The Jones Farm company of Indlanola with an authorized capital stock of o0,000 has filed articles of Incorporation in the office of the secretary of state. The con cren has power to operate arms In Ne braska and other states. Attorney General Norrls Brown stated today that it would be several days before he can render an opinion aa to the validity of water works bonds issued under the existing statue. The question as to the validity of the act was raised by R. E, Moore, a Lincoln Investor. Preparing; for Camp. Adjutant General Culver will establish brigade headquarters at Kearney, Thurs day or Friday, so as to have everything in readiness for the national guard encamp ment, which Is to begin next week. A detachment from the signal corps, acting as engineers, will lay out the camp. Ar rangements have been made to sink fifteen driven wells to sheet water, in order to Insure a pure water supply. The sand is cdunted on to act as a filter bed. Under the general direction of the medical corps the sanitation of the camp will be attended to with the utmost care. Colonel C. J Bills, the Inspector general of the guard, will be placed under service orders. He will inspect the site of the camp before the troops are moved out, and during the progress of the encampment will inspect the camp twice daily, report lug derelictions from the rules to the com manding officer of the regiment concerned. Arrangements have been made for the installation of a telephone system In the camp, connecting the various organizations. The brigade headquarters will be at a con siderable distance from the regimental headquarters, since there ) plenty of land to permit of this arrangement. Mnat Have Twenty Days Notice. The bond clerk In tho office of the auditor has found It necessary to return a consider able number of bonds to the school districts and other subdivisions issuing them because of the fact that the election was not held after the twenty days' notice required by the statute, as Interpreted by Deputy At torney General Thompson. According to that official, the twenty days must be com puted without including that set apart for the election or that on which notice was given. This opinion is based on a decision rendered by the supreme court. It Is stated that the bonds received indicate that much misapprehension exists as to the requirements of the statute. The do partment has not been advised whether any bonds will be Invalidated on that ac count. An estimate by Bond Clerk Lawrence indicates that the total registration of public bonds of all kinds has been more than Jl,OM,uu0 since December 1, 1904, as compared with 11.122.774 for the entire bl enniuin preceding. It is stated that the big Increase is In the bonds of cities and villages. Merchandise Rqanllsatlon May Fall. Secretary of State Galusha, who has been the leading spirit In the movement to equalize the assessment of merchandise throughout tne counties, gave the idea a setback today with the announcement that because of lack of time it will be lmpos.-le to secure the mercantile ratings which were relied on as evidence. He indicated that there is little prospect on that account of any equalisation on merchandise assess ments, saying that it would not be good policy for the board to attempt the work without having some authentic data in Its possession. New Towns springing I p. ASHLAND, Neb.. July 31. (Special.) With tha rapid building all along the Great Northern right-of-way, activity in the two newly projected towns between this point and Fremont has begun. The sale of lots in Pleasant Valley, the station seven miles north of Ashland, has begun and also In Estlna, the station across the Platte from Fremont. A bank at the latter place. In which officers of -the Commercial National bank of Fremont are Interested, Is pro jected. A number of Fremont persons are also preparing to establish stores at Estlna. Both towns are In a rich and thickly set tled farm community. Proeareas Falls In Tlan. FREMONT, Neb., July !. (Special.) According to the story told by Pearl Vlrlch, a girl of 17, residing at Lead, 8. D., an at tempt was made by a woman whom she knew as Mrs. Kemp to kidnap her and en tice her Into a house of Ill-fame in this city. The girl, who is good looking, but appar ently not well versed In the ways of the world, says that she has been working In a hotel at Lead. She had only been there a few days when a woman calling herself Mrs. Kemp, a rather sharp, smooth, middle- aged woman, came there and offered her much larger wages If she would come to Fremont and work for her In a hotel she claimed to be running here. On their ar rival here Mrs. Kemp attempted to compel her to become an Inmate of a house of In fanta. She refused emphatically to accom pany the woman, though promises, threats snd every means outside of actual force were used. Becoming alarmed the Kemp woman lert for parts unknown, leaving tne girl In a strange lodging house without friends and penniless. This morning she told her story to Chief of Police Dougherty and he at once wired her relatives at Lead of the situation. The house Mrs. Kemp tried to have the girl enter Is a tough dive In this city. Farmer Commits Snlclde. BEATRICE. Neb., July Sl.-(Speclal Tele gram.) Henry I'ulvermaker, 4 years of nge and unmarried, committed suicide at his home one and a half miles east of Odell last evening by shooting himself through me ngnt temple. Coroner Walden was called, but decided not to hold an lnauest. Pulvermaker was a giant In stature, being 6 feet 4 inches tall. He had lived In that vicinity since 1SX3 and was In moderate cir cumstances. No cause Is assigned. S'em of Nebraska. TECTTMSEH At a Rnerlnl eWHnn hM In Vesta this county, bonds have been car ried to provide an addition to the present cuooi ouiiaing. OSOEOLA-County Judge Ball Saturday evening, united in marriage Leonard Lin coin or Clark county, Kansas, and Miss fc.ilth Harvey of Ulysses, Butler county, iNeorasKa. , TECl'MSEH The Modern Woodmen of Cook, In this county, have decided to hold their annual picnic on Thursday, August 17. This picnic invariably attracts people irom an parts or tne country. TEC L MS EH Most of the corn In Johnson county is in tassel. It Is of vigorous growth ana looks tine. It seldom happens that big crops of both corn and small grains are realized the same year, but an exception is promised. TECUMSEH Dr. F. H. Redmond, formerly of this county, has been appointed ward physician over the incurables at the state hospital at Osawatamie, Kan. Dr. and Mrs. Redmond are now located at their new home. Mrs. Redmond will be remembered as Miss Vinnle Metcalf, a former teacher In the Tecuinseh schools. HUMBOLDT A large crowd gathered at the Methodist church Sunday morning to listen to a special program arranged by the Woman's Foreign Missionary society and rendered instead of the regular preach ing service. Vocal and instrumental music. recitations and drills were followed by a short address by Mrs. Calvert. TECUMSEH Roadmaster S. B. Rice of the Burlington, who was severely injured one day recently by his gasoline motor car flying the track wltn him, is recovering from the effects of his experience nicely Mr. Rice suffered a severe scalp wound and two broken ribs. The company's physician was over from Wymore to see him yester day. BLATTSMOUTH An attempt was made last night by some unidentified party to burn the residence property occupied by the family of John Jenkins. When discov ered the roof of the kitchen waa afire, Wood shavings, saturated with kerosene. had been scattered over the roof. An empty oil can and some matches were also found near the scene of the lire. The family were asleep In the building, but fortunately the tire was discovered by neighbors In time to nrevent serious damage. No clue has been found as to the party who started the nre. HITMBni.tlT-Prank Vanek. who waa ar. rested at his home Saturday by Marshal Schwass. charged with being an accessory to the robbery or the clothing store or this citv. was held by JUBtlce Smith to answer in district court, ms Dona oeing piacea at $lo0. This amount tne young man put up In cash ana was anowea to aepart. itie is a brother to Charles Vanek. who Is serving a forty-day sentence in tne rawnee county Jail for larceny and will be rearrested as soon as tne term expires to answer ror a similar offense In this county. Recent de velopments would indicate that by the time the case is neara a systematic and thor oughly organized plan of robbery will be uneartnea involving several more parties. some of good standing, In other sections where a fence has been maintained. County Attorney James Is looking after the prose cution nere. WOOD RIVER The twenty-first, annual convention of the Hall County Sunday School association convened In Wood River Saturday and Sunday, July 29 and 80. The meeting was a decided success and one of the best in tne history of the association. Rev. Stldley and Miss Mamie Haines, state workers for the Sunday school, were ores. ent during the convention and did much to- wara mailing it a success. Hon. J. R. Thompson or Grand Island delivered the convention address on Saturday evening. the afternoon being taken up with various papers, also an address By Dayton Ward, president of the association. The nrlnelnal address Sunday morning was given hy Miss Mamie names, in wnicn sue described her trip to tne international Sunday school con ventlon at Toronto, Canada. This address was very interesting. Sunday afternoon was taken up with a number of papers, one from Miss Josephine Brown of Grand Island being very interesting, also a talk by Dr. 1. tj. jiara oi uranu isiana. Remedy for Diarrhoea .vever Known to Fall. 1 want to say a few words for Chamber- Iain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. I have used this preparation in my family for the past five years and have recommended It to a number of people in York county and have never known it to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that I can not say too much for the best remedy of the kind in the world." S. JEM1SON, Spring Grove, York county, Pa, FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair and Warmer In Nebraska and the Ttakotaa Today Fair Tomorrow. For Nebraska and the Dakotas: Fair and warmer Tuesday; Wednesday fair. For Iowa: Fair Tuesday and Wednes day. For Colorado, Wyoming snd Montana Scattered showers Tuesday and Wednes day. Local rlecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA, July 31 Official record of tern perature and precipitation compared with the corresponding day or the last thr years: 19c. 9i. 1903. lisii Maximum temperature.... M t4 M 88 Minimum temperature.... bo 64 56 67 Mean temperature 74 74 til 76 Precipitation 00 .00 .22 .75 Temperature and precipitation departures from tne normal at uniana since March 1 and comparison wun me last two years: Normal temperature 74 Ieliciency for the day j Total excess since March 1 162 Ni-rmal precipitation 13 nch Deficiency for the day .WJ Inch I'reclpitation since March 1 11 59 Inches pendency since ftl.inn 1 7.71 (nrhea Deficiency for cor. period In 14. 8.73 Inches Deficiency for cor. period In H"U3. 4.53 inches Reports from Btatloas at TP. M Station and State Tern, of Weather. 1 p.m. Max. Rain- Tem. fail. Bismarck, clear 72 Cheyenne, raining 58 1 Chicayo. cloudy ." 64 72 .00 74 .62 74 .00 S4 .00 78 T 84 .00 M T 7H .oo 84 .00 80 .u) M .0) 70 .06 M .ro 71 o 88 . .vl " .00 lwvenport. part cloudy 82 iwnver. part ciouay 10 Havre, clear S2 Helena, cloudy 76 Huron, l-art cloudy 74 Kansas City, clear 82 North I'latte, cloudy 74 Onmhv part cloudy M Rapid City, cloudy 62 fit. Iouls, part cloudy N) fit. Paul, clear... .70 Halt Luke City, clear... Valentine, part cloudy. Willlston. clear .84 L. A. WKLtSH, Local Forecaster. WOMAN IN CLU8 AND CHARITY The Women's League of New Orleans Is taking an sctlve part in the effort to pre vent further spread of the dread yellow fever. The president of the league has Is sued a circular to members urging them to co-operate with the Board of Health in ob serving every precaution advised. "Exter minate the Mosquito" Is the watchword and in this task the women will put Into prac tice the precautions and methods that have been a part of the instruction In the home and education depurtment of the league. Nor Is this the first time that the women of New Orleans have had an active part In sanitary precautions for that city. To them belongs a largfe part of the credit for the abolishing of the old above ground and the laying of the present sewer system of New Orleans. It should be gratifying to the people of Nebraska that in the widespread comment that has grown out of Mrs. Sarah Platt Decker's advocacy of a special home-making course for women in colleges before a recent session of the American Institute of Instruction at Portland, Me., the University of Nebraska In being held up as an Institu tion which Is already equipped in this re spect. Miss Florence Kelly, secretary of the Na tional Consumers' league, took advantage of her recent visit to Portland, Ore., where she was elected vice president of the Amer ican Woman Suffrage association, to estab lish a branch Consumers' league In that city. Miss Kelly and Miss Kate Gordon of New Orleans were also delegates to the Na tlnnat Conference of Charities and Correc tlon, which also, met at Portland, and dur ing her stay there availed herself of fre quent opportunities to present the work of the league before a number of Influential organizations of the city and state. It Is said that the women of Galllela have united In a league for the purpose of bring ing the barbarous custom of dueling Jtito disrepute. The league has for some of Its prime movers some of the most aristocratic women of the country and they propose to frown upon duelists Just aa they do upon other disreputable offenders. The erection of women's clubhouses and women's buildings all over the country should afford fine opportunity to women architects, designers and furnishers in all the various branches. Surely a woman should know more of the necessities of woman's building than a man. It was upon this theory at least that the women of Lynn, Mass., went, and a woman. Miss Josephine Wright, has designed their new clubhouse and will supervise its erection. It was Miss Wright who planned the Massa chusetts building at the Pan-American ex position and also built Cralgle hall at Cam bridge. A monument to Ann Story, a prominent pioneer woman or Vermont, has recently been unveiled by the Colonial Dames of that state. The monument stands about two miles from the village of Salisbury and It bears the following inscription: "On this spot stood the home of Ann Story. In grateful memory of her services In the struggle of the Green Mountain Boys for the independence of Vermont. Erected by the Vermont Society of Colonial Dames. May 30. 1906:" FATHER FINDS LITTLE BOYS Man from Oklahoma and Two Chil dren Get Separated on Streets of Omaha- . A happy reunion of father and two small sons took place at the police station Mon day morning. '- WeBley Warren Aden and his boys, Harry and Lonnle, 6 and 4 years of age, respectively, became separated at 602 South Thirteenth street about 8:30 Monday morn ing. Mr. Aden was on his way from Oklahoma to tl north and remained at the above number Sunday night. He left his boys outside tho hotel while he looked after some business matters. When he re turned In about an hour the boys were gone. The matter was reported to the po lice and all the patrolmen immediately notified to be on the watch for the little fellows. First little Harry waa located and sent to the station. He was the happiest boy In Omaha when he greeted his father. Some one gave him 6 cents and then he began to cheer up. Later Lonnle was picked up. Father and sons then pro ceeded on their Journey, clinging tightly to one another. v A rifle, entrusted to the boys by the father before he left them in front of the hotel, has not been found. SUIT TO OUST OCCUPANTS InJnnetlon Proceedings Began Against White Men on Indian Lands In Richardson County. Injunction proceedings were started in the federal court Monday afternoon against John H. Lynds, William Grimes and James Van Low, whom United States District Attorney Baxter alleges are Illegally occu pylng lands belonging to the government and occupied by members of the Iowa tribe of Indians down In Richardson county, and endeavoring to lease lands held by the Indians, contrary to law. The application for an injunction cites the law enacted by congress, which per mlts the Indians to occupy the lands In controversy, but which land Is still owned by the government The petition sets out that the defendants have notoriously tried to get the Indians to lease these lands and in several Instances had succeeded In getting possession; that they have paid little or nothing to the Indians for the land; that this practice had resulted in retarding progress by the Indians, made them dissatisfied with the Indian commis sioners and demoralized them generally. CONVENTION OF SOCIALISTS Meeting to nominate County Ticket Will Be Held at Local Headquarters. The convention of the socialist party of Douglas county will meet at 106 South Fourteenth street at 8 p. m-. Tuesday to nominate a county ticket and transact any oiner Business mat may properly come before said convention. C. H. Harbach will be the principal speaker. Splendid Record. Dr. King's New Life Pills have made splendid record by curing headache, bll lousness, constipation, etc. 25c. Try. For sale by Sherman A McConnell Drug Co. Board to Examine Teachers. PIERRE, S. D.. July 31. (Special )-State Superintendent Nash has named the list of examiners who will pass on and mark the papers of the applicants for teacher certificates at the August examinations. The board, which will meet on the 23rd of August, is: T. F. Graham, O. W. Coursey Mitchell; Mrs. L. B. Sebree, Mrs. M. Carter, Mrs. Eva La nge. Miss Ida P. Hatch, Miss Myrtle, Hutchinson; XV. P. Dunlevy Pierre; F. C. Beers, Parkston; Q. 8. tiling son. Canton; M. M. Guhln, Miss Elizabeth Clary, Aberdeen; Miss Katharyn French, Miss Caroline Bartholomew, Elk l'olnt Miss Deasy Glrton, Madison; MIh Margaret Duthle, Miller; Miss Emma Nelson, Oneida; O. E. Browne, Mount Ver non; G. A. Clark. Yankton; M. M. Ramer, Mllbank, W. A. Thompson. Webster. FRUIT CROP WILL BE SHORT Small Supply and High Frices Frospeot Just at Present. APPLES MAKE LESS THAN HALF A CROP Western Frnlt Grower Gives Reports from All Over Coantry Showlnat Conditions nt the End of Jnly. ST. JOSEFH, Mo., July SI The following Is a summary of the condition of the vari ous fruit crops up to the time of going to press with the August number of the West ern Fruit Grower. A letter Just received from Mr. Westly Greene, secretary of the Iowa State Horticultural society, contains these percentages on the various fruits: Apples, 44 per cent; pears, 27 per cent; American plums, 6t per cent; domestic plums, 30 per cent; grapes, 74 per cent; blackberries, 79 per cent; fruits that have been gathered or are being gathered: Cher ries, BO per cent; red raspberries, 77 per cent; black raspberries, 81 per cent; straw berries, 85 per cent. Mr. L. A. Goodman, secretary of the Mis souri society. In touching on the apple sit uation, says the prospect for a crop Is aa follows: In the Ozarks, 25 to 35 per cent; In central Missouri, 20 to 30 per cent; In north Mis souri. 15 to 25 per cent. While this Is true we have special loca tions where the crop will be 50 to 40 per cent, and even the small average that the state makes means, because of the large number of orchards, a good many barrels of marketable apples for sale at picking time. The prospect, so far as heard from, shows less than half a crop In New York, a little more than half a crop in Michigan, but still larger percentage In the new western and Pacific states. This, says Mr. Good man, Justifies us in saying that the prices will be fairly good and that It will pay to take care of all our apples. Grapes will be an abundant crop. Peaches, of course, are a failure. Pears a very light crop. Plums a very good crop. Detailed Report from Coantry. Below we quote from special reports Just received by the Fruit Grower from almost every section of the United States. These reports are strictly reliable In every respect and a perusal of them will place our read ers In touch with conditions throughout the country. Huntington, Ark. Peach crop good Plums full crop. 8. B. Mena, Ark. Plums, 75 per cent crop. Peaches II. XV. and piums rotting on trees. w, Bentonvllle, Ark. Apples, one-fourth cron nd poor quality. Trees In good shuDe. L B. L. Springfield, Ark. Apple crop about 75 per cent. Fruit affected with scab and bitter rot; no worms. Summer apples have been selling 76 cents to $1.50 per bushel. Ooneral wet weather caused more scab than usual nd hindered cultivation. Think, however. uaiity will De good. K. I. J. t rulta, Colo. Annie crop 40 to 50 per cent quality of fruit fair and condition of trees good. Codling moth bad. W. E. R. Rocky Jrord. Colo. Annie croo 50 ner cent and quality of fruit good. J. H. C. Canon City. Colo. ADUle cron from 900 to 350 cars winter apples. Lant year 3n0 cars. Quality gooa and but few wormy apples on orchards thoroughly sprayed with' arsenate 01 ieaa. o sales winter apples, summer ppies bO to 76 cents per bushel. Cranes one fourth crop. No peaches and late cherries sening at i.io to 11.&0 crate. 1. w. w, Rome, ua.- ery few commercial annle orchards and crop not over 20 per cent and quality or rrult medium. Some large rcnards or early apples have been nlanted recently. u. li. At. & H. Clayton, 111. Size of untile crop about one quarter, but quality of fruit No. 1. Troubled wun coaung mom. M. ju. A. Co, Hlue Lake. Idaho Apple crop 100 ner rent and quality of fruit good. Summer apples selling at 81.26 per box. Good crop all over the state. I. B. P. Hamilton. III. Annie cron almost a total failure, and very poor quality of fruit. F. D. B. Qulncy.11 HI. Apple cron about 40 per cent. Quality of fruit splendid In Bprayed rchards and indifferent In others. C. H. XV. Alton, 111. Size of apple croo about 25 per cent. More Insect Injury noticeable than earlier In the season. K. A. R. Murphysboro. 111. Apple croo about 40 per cent and fruit is fair to good. Condition of rees or winter varieties good, but summer apple trees blighted. G. XV. L. Jerseyvllle. 111. Apple crop 10 to 16 per cent. Our 100-acre 14-year-old orchard about 4.000 barrels. Fruit Is good. There is considerable dropping of fruit. I. D. 8. uenirana, 111. Apple crop is less than 25 per cent. Quality of fruit Is generally a ittle better than last year. Grimes and onathan much better than Ben Davis XV. B. P. Vincennes. Ind. Thirty to 35 per cent of an apple crop and quality of fruit fair. Summer and fall sorts show up better than winter sorts. H. W. 8. & S. VUllsca. Ia. Apple crop about 20 per cent. Fruit medium. H. S. A. Topeka. Kan. Size of apple crop, east 10 per cent, south and central 60 per cent. The quality of fruit in the east Is poor, and excellent in souin central, some mg crops In Reno and Sedgwick counties. W. H. B. I cuttniuaviiiv, nan. Auuie liiiu IB verv poor, have about one bushel on eighty acres Quality is poor. vvneat, corn and pota toes good. E. T. Wichita, Kan. Apple crop 30 to GO per cent. Grimes 00, Jonathan 40 and Davis 45, Maiden Blush 60 per cent. Fruit good. Ap ples selling at 60c. Think the speculator will find plenty of apples to buy. E. G. 11. Wathena. Kan. Apple croo 10 to 15 ner cent, and quality of fruit fair. J. B. Holton, Kan. Apple crop nothing to 25 ier cent, and average about 10 per cent. Vill be about 75 per cent of last year's crop. Fruit Is medium. ITlces very low considering size of crop. F. XV. D. Brooks, Ale. Apple crop 10 per cent of full crop; 15 to 20 per cent or last year 1 crop. Quality of fruit good: 10 per cent of Bald win trees dying. Hardy varieties fine. The drop has been heavy. Weather conditions Seem very favorable. H. W. L. Inswltch. Mass. Apple crop 40 per cent. Fruit good quality. Apples holding on well and are smooth and good for the odd year. lialdwln crop small ana itussct and Green ing especially large. A. F. T. Amherst, Mass. Apple cron about one -half, perhaps less. Fruit fair to good. Shortage of rainfall. Other con ditions normal. F. A. W. v aiervuei, Mien rariy apples 76 per cent and late apples (winter) not b per cent of crop. Fruit poor. Fungus apparent on foliage. Duchess selling for 11.00 parties to pick and haul. Southwest Michigan win have the lightest crop In years. R, H. S. Oregon, mo. 1 wenty-nve per cent or an apple crop and rruit rair. N. r . M. Odessa, Mo. is 01 over 10 per cent or a crop. A great many orcnaras without any apples K. li. B. Lebanon, mo -Appie crop 30 10 60 per cent. Quality of fruit good. Apples extra larg9 and smooth for this time of the year. Large enough to pack now. A. T. N. Columbia. Mo. Apple crop 20 per cent and about the same as last year. J. C. W. Koshkonong, Mo. Apple crop 16 per cent. T. M C. La Plata, Mo. Apple crop about 15 per cent. Fruit rair wnere sprayea. win hard ly be enough apples ror home demand. J. E. M. Klchards, aio. Appies iu per cent or run crop, but 30 to 40 per cent better than last year. Jonathans fair and other varieties poor. Ben Davis somewhat winter killed, but generally fine. W. H. B. Springfield, Mo. Apple crop, 20 per cent. Ingrams by far the best. Fruit Is wormy. K. A. A. Farmlngton, Mo. Apple crop one-third of last year. But few commercial orchards in bearing In Bouthwest Missouri. Quality fair. Some good Grimes Golden, Jonathan and Ben Davis. About one-fourth crop of rwaphes. M. B. ' Crete, Neb. Twenty per cent of an apple crop Quality fair to good. Selling at $2 per barrel E. F. 8. Tecuinseh. Neb. Apple crop not over 10 to 15 per cent. Quality fair. Apples are fallli g. Plenty of rain and cereal crops abundant. W. G. 8. Fayette. N. Y. Fifty per cent of an apple eron uualltv of fruit as good as usual. The June drop very heavy In Baldwins and Greenings F. E. D. Adams Basin, N. Y. Apple crop smallest In nine years. About 20 ier cent. Fruit where well sprayed is gi.od. A great deal of rain and frutl has dropped badly. C. O. B. Jay, N. Y. Not as large a yield of apples as last year. A little early to determine. Quality good at present. Early frosts In lured blossoms on apple, pear and cherry trees.-H. T. 8. Rock w ood, O. Apple crop 15 to 20 per cent. I,es than last year. Fruit scabby, except where sprayed f-mr or five times. Apples sold st i.'-r. T. C. Guthrie. Okl - Blackberries and all berries finest In quality and quantity ever known here. Practically no pearlies. Grapes very fine, but spotting badly. Niagara worse han others. Arrie crop about half. Black Twigs falling badly. Prnr crop will be best ever raised here, especially Klerrer J. C J. Yukon. Okl. Apple crop one-third. Qual- ty fair to good Summer apples marketed he to $1 per bnshrl A. 8. P. rortiamt, lire. Apple crop t" per ceni about i) cars). Uuallty flrst-clnss. C. HI- Forest Grove. Ore. Annie crop 76 per cent. Prices good FVars and grapes will be full crops W. R. II. isortncast, pa. Apple crop ia per cent. Harrlsburg. Pa. Apple crop: Baldwins, 50 per cent: Spy, 25 per cent; King. 75 per cent; Smokehouse, full. Quality fair on sprayed trees. Apples for home trade sell- ng at II per bushel. Neglected orchards show no fruit. C. H. Chattanooga. Tenn. No commercial apple orchards. Small orchards complete failure. -C. N. Vancouver. Wash Apple crop sbous one- third. DnmnBd hndlv bv codling moth. Quality of fruit below the average. F. S. F. O'BRIEN WANTS MORE TIME Chairman of Llahtlng Committee Asks Delay btit Others Insist on the Report. Councllmen Evans, Huntington, Back and Dyball vigorously opposed giving Chairman O'Brien of the lighting committee more time to report on the street gas lighting bids, at the general committee of council Monday aftern ion. The chairman explained that he had been away In tho east on' a va cation for four weeks and was not in a position to make an Intelligent report. The four members Insisted upon a return of the papers Tuesday night. City Attorney Breen told them they could accomplish this only by majority vote In open meeting. O'Brien finally declared he would send In a report that would "make their hair curl and Evans dared him to do this or anything else. The chairman will probably fight the matter out tonight. UNDERWEAR SALE We have taken all our broken lines of Underwear that sold for $2, $2.50, 53 and 54 a suit Including Scrlven's Shirts and Drawers colored mercerized lisle linen mesh cotton mesh white lisle thread French balhrlKKon both very light and me dium weights and marked them, a garment suaaESTioN Stock .up for next season. PEASE BROS. CO. 117 FARNAM STRUT. 1'".. """""" I I"" 'n"i' DOCTORS for (MEN Men of all ages, no matter In w hat walk of life, whose weakened vitality, exhausted energies and shattered n frves tell a nKahle story, and who are In a condition of extreme peril unless promptly rescued, caused in many cases by Ignorance, excesses or contagion, these are the very men we want to talk to nd help. Our special treatment will build up the system that has been shat tered by abuses, excesses or disease and the various complications that ensue. It is a well recognized fact that upon healthy activity of the sexual organism depends the mental and physical well being of every person. What can be more citable than to see a young man who Is Just budding Into manhood drooping and fading away In the springtime of life? Disease soon robs the face of Its color and the eyes of their brightness. The stooping form, languid step and downcast countenance reveal to the critical eve the blight of his existence, but this Is only the shadow or outward mark of the trouble ex isting within, and the young man soon passes from the boundaries of health Into the confines of disease. He is very nervous, easily confused, absent minded, forgetful, continually possessed of doubts and fears, shy, suspicious. Irritable, hates female society and would rather be alone. NiKlit losses, dav drains, waste In urine and marked sexual decline almost Invurlablv follow. The system unstrung, he has headache, backache, palpitation of the heart, shortness of breath, dizziness, dersnged stomach, torpid liver, weak kidneys, poor circulation and Is tired, lifeless and worn-out. He lacks ambition, con fidence and courage, for the tremor of weakness and disease appalls his mlml and shakes his body. The sufferer may exhibit one or more of these symptoms or may have nil of them. They simply Indicate the ravages disease has-mado upon the system, and the more of these symptoms a person shows the greater the necessity for proper treatment until they have been bunlshenV If you are ailing, call and consult with us without delav. We will help you to escape from the slavery that Is holding vou captive and depleting your manhood. We will make a searching and scientific examination of your ail ments, an examination that will disclose your true physical condition, with out a knowledge of which you are groping In the dRrk nnd without a thorough understanding of which no physician or specialist should be allowed to treat you. We have devoted many years exclusively to treating this class of troubles, .attended with unprecedented success, and have evolved a safe and certain cure In all cases where man's characteristic energies have become weak, ened or debilitated, to which thousands of men owe their sturdy health and hapnv condition In life. , We cure quickly, safely and thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, NervoSexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis,) Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits self abuse, excesses, or the result of specific or private diseases. CONSULTATION FREE i',vo?, can,,ot ' '" symntom blank. UUnaULIHIIUIl I ntl.. Ofwc Hours S a. m. to 8 p. m. Sundays, lo to i only. ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam St., Batwaan 13th and 14th Sts., Omaha, Nab. Dandruff la a canlsylous dlseaas caused by a microbe,. NEWBRO'S HERPICIDE THE ORIGINAL rsmsdy that LIKE THE PARDON Umbra's KarploMo oaa aoaM too laU. It the aaarg lerab ha Satroira4 tha hair tol talas ana laft tha aoalp b14 ana ablDlnc. an : ; I 1 ! , llaa laa paraon. astasias an veruilaaa. Dai GOING-1 GO M -a" W EtwuuDt will jwtir HEiPKIDEWILLWEIT nil Marta. tl.M. Sass Sk. itiajt. u SttVtUUE C . !. I. bilra.1. tar saiaa.t. 8IIERVtAN & MCOfN!EIL DRUQ CO.. Special Afcnls. APPLICATIONS AT PROMINENT BARBER SHOT S SUNSTROKE AND HOT WEATHER FATALITIES when the least distress Is felt few deaths stomach Snd drinking loe water A leading physician of New York says: "If everyone who drinks loe water In warm weather would take Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey when the Inest distress Is felt few death! would result from the hent." It keeps the stomach, bowels and kidneys active and healthy. It cures all Jung and nerve trouhlrs. malaria nnd low fevers. Over t.Oixi.non rnres in i"11 years. Absolutely ptire and contains no fusel oil. It's a germ killer. All druggists nnd grocers, or direct. $1.00 a bottle. Medical booklet free. Duffy Mall Whiskev Co., Rochester, New York. Use the Best FULLY GUARANTEED For any use where gooa coal Is desired. NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25 All Orsdes of Hard and Soft Coal. KEYSTONE COAL AND SUPPLY CO., J. A. Johnson. Pres. O. F. Brucker, Tress, J. F. Myers, Hec y. I5I Farnam St. 'Phono 1307 Evory Woman UlDCrrWlVU BIHI 111011111 KNOW ft 0011 1 m wonunnni MARVEL Whirling Spray I The new final Rrtac. non ana nwnm. hmi- lab rr flrwrtlit fr It. If h cannot tuppi? th Maai'iri.. snMiit nrt nlhar hilt send LAI tin fnr lllmtrmled book It gtTfS ffnll iiArtlanlani and titration. In- TSlublloUltrt. 1HARVKI, CO., MEN ANDWOMEHs Cm Blf for anasturel 4t.rhsrM.inlmmtloDa, trrltattoDl or uloraltoms of Mucosa III.MbraDSa. PalnlMa, aad sot aatrla gant or polaonova. aoia by Drarfftats, r aant la ptoln wrapper, kr aipreia, prepaid, lor SI 00, or bottlaa t .76. Circular seat on miueak 'kills the Dandruff derm.' V Kervlcld com wMU llf at 1 11 rmlosj in unite.. ln btlr la fravd from dl a-cd bogtiht Ita Bftturm. croirtt. again. lm ftegUct 4an4ruff of Ulllug hlr WoQdrfl rcaylta follow lb ua of HervlchU. U La aa xquimta hair areatting. Btupa lUla'ng of nip Imtanllr- IN&I! GONE 111 SsW,ifgy NVVSf-,,Sb. fit Most CqnTntnn, ak. Jaw Tl'sutiTV j -Y sij ftSlf HtUHflaMN. g tnwtmm C.m!, TnmEvuttCiKMiMtCi " utoiwtn,i.r'l