Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 01, 1905, Page 10, Image 10

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rulfilh Same Function for Douglas u
for the City.
Dnfrldt, Democratic Member, Casts
the Only Vol Aaalast It
tlaatlna of the (omrals
sloaers Meeting.
W.t a meeting of the Board of County
Commissioners held Monday morning The
Evening Ree was named as the official pa
per of Douglas county for the year begin
ning with July 1. 190S. Commissioner Ho
ldt, a democratic meml-er, csst the only
irote against the acceptance of The Bee's
bid. A report from the committee of the
nhole. showed that not only was The Bee
ld the lowest, but that the, World-Herald's
Did was Irregular In form.
County Treasurer Fink was ordered to
transfer to the general fund 130.8261 from
the following funds: From road fund, J20,
000; from bridge fund, So.OOO; Douglas addi
tion Judgment, tfl.MO; from hospital and In
sane Judgment funds, J325.R1.
John W. Towle was awarded the contract
for building wooden pile bridges and mak
ing repairs on the same for the ensuing
year. TJds was done after a long session
Bf the committee of the whole, during
which tfie members and County Engineer
Edqutst went over all the bids most care
fully. The chairman of the board and the
county clerk were Instructed to sign a
contract In accordance with the terms of
the Towle bid. Mr. Towle s figures were:
Superstructure complete, per lineal foot,
1.142; furnishing lumber In place for caps,
130; felloe guards. $3; sways. $30; backing.
$?2; wings, $32; riprap and bank protection,
$45; refloorlng bridges complete, $30. These
figures are all per thousand.
Anthes rropnsltloti Accepted.
Th. board decided to accept the proposi
tion of George Anthes, former deputy state
auditor, and to enter into a contract to
pay him 10 per cent on all money he may
recover for Douglas county which has
been overpaid to the state In the way of
taxes for the last thirty-five years. In
no event Is the total amount to be paid
Anthes to exceed $1,000. It la estimated
by some that this county has probably
paid from $25,000 to $30,000 In excess of what
It should have paid to the state.
Mrs. Heller, superintendent of the Juve
nile detention home, was authorized to em
ploy an additional female assistant at a
salary of $25 per month. There are so
many Inmates at present In the home that
one woman assistant In the kitchen Is not
able ot do all the work.
Euclid Martin appeared before the board
and asked that two certain lots sold for
taxes and bought by the county be cleared
from the cloud thus put upon them. His
company Is, he said, ready to pay Its taxes,
but objects to paying 12 per cent a year
Interest through no fault of Its own. The
matter was referred to the committee on
Judiciary and the county attorney.
Contract for grading Road 20 D, section
B, township 16, range 13 east, was awarded
to D. V. Shipley at 17 cents a cubic yard.
Contract for grading Road 230 B, section
19, township 16, range 13 east, was awarded
to William Olmsted at his bid of 25 cents a
Adam Strrngleln sent In his resignation
of the office of Justice of the peace for
Waterloo precinct on account of removal
from the state, i The resignation was ac
cepted. Several applications for reduction of as
sessment were rejected and ordered placed
on file. Among them was a demand for
reduction from the Omaha Bridge and Ter
minal company by John R. Webster.
at 5 P.M.
at 5 P.M. 2
Still Bijjger Barjj&ini it Ladies' Fine
Muslin Underwear
and Laces and Embroideries
Entire stock of tke Olympia Undergarment Co., N. Y.
av a . ssa a
sv Slightly Damaged by water
HMtllt JCVrMTIIRR FOB F.C T Tnrsd ay Fair anil Warmer.
Saturday) AT FIVE O'CLOCK.
The most beautiful nnd dainty lots of
onrtorniusllns ever shown at a sale In Omaha
handsome luce and embroidery trimmings,
ribbons, tucking and hemstitching. The
finest of .undermuslln fabrics are used In
the making.
. On bargain squares, on second floor.
25c39c 50c 69c
worth up worth up worth up worth up
to 75c toll toU. 50 to 11.75
worthTQ 50worth f98worth
uptofrP I up to I up to
t2.50VV S3. SO 5
Also thousands of yards of finest
All the narrow and medium widths, fiuest embroideries
and insertinge, fine Swisses and nainsooks 1
only a few slightly damaged by water l2"2v
All the very highest class embroideries many beauti
ful match sets easily worth up 1 71f
to 50c and 75c yard, at 2t'Ut-Ajt
French and English Vals, German Torchons, Point da
Paris, Cluny and Normandy Vals in laces and in
sertings many only slightly water 1 'Z
stained, at, a yard l2V""f 2
Drapery Silkoliives, lie yd
Thousands of yards best quality drapery silk- fl 1
olinpu hnvR hpftn on dianlav in show win- II
dow regular 10c quality Tuesday
at, per yard
Two thousand pounds Golden
Santos for Tuesday Thirty
Green Trading Stamps with
each pound
This is a Great Opportunity for Large Consum
ers. .'Phone Your Order or Call.
Fine white display madras forty
inches wide worth up to 50c
on bargain couu- f f
ters. at, per llfC
yard m.fs
AT 5 P.M.L
One big lot fine point d'esprlt
dotted drapery Swisses, would
sell regularly at 25 cents
per yard will go at of
a w
V'. Sorts
AT 5 P. M.
Fall Board Assembles First Time la
Commissioners Tralnor and McDonald
were both present at the meeting: of the
county boaijd Monday morning, making a
full board for the first time in a month.
Before Mr. McDonald recently met with an
accident that laid him up Chairman Ken
nard and Tralnor were away, but Kennard's
arrival home from Ohio made up a quorum
during McDonald's enforced absence. The
latter Is now able to get about with the aid
of a cane, but his injured leg Is still quite
Commissioner Tralnor. on his arrival In
New York, found that a brother had bought
tickets for a trip to Europe. They covered
England and Ireland and the South Omaha
commissioner said they had a most enjoya
ble time for two or three weeks. He was
called on to make a speech when the board
met nnd said:
"There really isn't much that I can sny
to Interest you. My trip to Europe was a
good deal of a surprise to me, but I en
Joyed ' It f Ktremely. We covered a good
deal of territory In the eastern part of our
own country and across the water, and we
saw much that was new and interesting.
Hut I want to assure you that I did not see
In my travels any place that looked as good
to me as Omaha. We do 'not appreciate
sometimes what a really beautiful city we
ore living in, and what a healthful and
agreeable climate we have compared to
other localities."
Bach la Statement of One of Retiring;
Members of Grain Dealers'
It was learned Monday morning that the
Wcstbrook-Glhbons Grain company and ths
Transmlsstsslppl Grain company have added
their names to the list of Arms which have
withdrawn from membership In the Ne
braska Grain Dealers' association.
The Lincoln Journal quotes Lincoln grain
men as saying that the Central Granaries
Company and the Nebraska Elevator com
pany, both with headquarters at Lincoln,
have .withdrawn from the combination In
the last few days.
A man connected with one of the with
drawing companies In giving the motives
which actuated himself and other firms said:
"The purpose for which the association
was organised has been fulfilled. Its ef
forts have secured at Kansas City and St,
Louis a system of weighing which insures
the Nebraska farmer that, when he ships
to those points he will get pay for Just as
much grain as he sends, and not be cheated
out of perhaps fifty bushels to the car by
the confusion as to weights which reigned
before the organisation of the Nebraska
Grain IValers' association. For some time
there has been no need of the existence
cf the association. Now that there seems
to be tn the public mind the conviction
that the association la a trust, many mem
bers have determined to get out In order
to show the farmers that they are on the
square and thus keep their good will. Ne
braska does not need the association any
Members of the alleged trust are now
seeking to buy wheat from the independ
ents. An Independent elevator man from
the central part of the state wrote to an
Independent fcuyer here saying that the
Omaha Elevator company were "after him
red hot to buy his wheat." whereas they
had always tried before to prevent him
from finding a market.
A tenant which Is quickly dispossessed
by Dr. King's New Discovery Is a Cough
or Cold. 60c and UOO. Fo sale by Sher
man McConnell Drug Co.
Government ii Include in Case Brought
. by H. 6. LetTitt
Cholera Morbus.
Diarrhoea, Dysentery, Flux,
Cholera Infantum and similar
troubles can be quickly and per
nanently cured by
It's a sure cure and does not
oaatijate. All drug stores.
County Assessor tioes to Lincoln,
Where Protest is Raised Against
Omaha Assessments.
County Assessor Reed went to Lincoln
Monday morning to be present when the
complaint of the Lincoln merchants against
Douglas county assessment Is taken up.
This complaint is that merchandise In this
county Is assessed at a lower rate than
merchandise in Lancaster county.
Owing to having a meeting called
none of the county commissioners could
accompany the assessor to Lincoln, but
Mr. Reed expected to be reinforced by
some of the Omaha merchant who ap
peared before the local board to have their
assessments reduced.
The Douglas county assessor will appear
before the state board In rather peculiar
circumstances. Almost uniformly he voted
against the reductions allowed by the local
board, but on the other hand he will be
able to show that the reductions so al
lowed were made on an assessment consid
erably higher than that of 1904.
22-K weddings rings. Edholm, jeweler.
Marriaare l icenses.
The following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Residence. Ate.
Hugh Sonsen, Denver, Colo 29
Leora M. Purdy, Homer, Ieb 25
Andrew J. Carey. Omaha: 25
Gladys Backston. Omaha..; 23
William 8ewe.ll, Iowa City, la t
Mary L. Venlf. Creston, la 85
Fills H. Decker. Omaha IS
Mamie Lorlng, Kansas City, Mo 2u
Mathlas E. Hayes, Omfcha 24
Marie J. Itciske, Omaha 18
Michael Brada, South Omaha 2
Mury Scupka, 8outh Omaha 24
Chamberlain's Colin, , Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy Tha Best
, la EiUlrncf,
T. M. Wood, manager of the White
County News, Beebe. Ark., Is a representa
tive southern business man. who does not
hesitate In expressing his good opinion of a
well krown remedy. He says: "It gives
me pleasure to recommend Chamberlain's
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, hav
ing used it myself and In my family with
the best results. In fact I believe It to be
the best remedy of the kind In existence."
In His Fight ' to Secure Water
from North I'latte Beet
Man ' Appeals Mia
Private John Phelps of Troop A, Sixth
cavalry, has been honorably discharged
from the tervtc.
Second Lieutenant Albin L. Clsrk of the
Thirtieth Infantry has bwn ordered to go to
the Omaha Indian atrency and arrange for
a target practice there.
An order has been Issued by General
Wlnt for a company of Fort Crook s
soldiers, the Thirtieth Infantry, to he at
H.Minmgton, August 22. and camp with the
Veteran Holdtera' association of lKugla
A court maitlal Is In session at Fort
Meade, 8. l. It Is composed of Captain
O. 11. Hands. Captain J VY. Furlong. First
Lleutersnl V. o. Reed, 8econd Lieutenant
J. G. Winters. Jr., Second Lieutenant
Foley, Second Lieutenant J 8. Jones and
Fust Lieutenant Archie iUUet, ail of In
Blith cavalry.
The appeal of H. G. Leavltt from the de
cision of-the State Board ot 'irrigation,
which refused his application to secure
water from the North Platte river 'to Irri
gate lands In Scotts Bluff county, has been
transferred from the Scotts Bluff district
court to the federal court, at the request
of United States District Attorney Baxter.
In his appeal to the district court Mr.
Leavltt named as defendants in the suit
Kthan Allen Hitchcock, secretary of the In
terior, and members of the State Board of
Irlgatlon, Governor John H. Mickey, Attor
ney General Norrla Brown and Lund Com
missioner Henry M. Katun. The plaintiff
brought the government into the case be
cause permission was granted the govern
ment to undertake the project which
Leavltt contemplated.
The case first started when Leavltt ac
quired the rights of the Farmers' Canal
company of Scotts Bluff county and filed his
application as required by law with the
State Board of Irrigation. Prior to this
however, the government, through Engi
neer Fields, filed an application with the
State Board of Irrigation In which It set
out that it was tha Intention of the gov
ernment to build a reservoir In Wyoming
and construct what Is known as the Path
finder canal. Two ditches were to extend
Into Scotts Bluff county, to be known as
the Interstate canal and the Goshen canal,
Kot I p to Requirements.
When Leavltt later filed his application
he claimed the government engineer had
not come up to the requirements of the
state law In describing the canals and the
lands to be Irrigated; consequently he took
the position that his application should be
considered as having been filed prior to the
application of the government.
When his attention was called to the
matter Engineer Fields asked permission to
file an amended application and the board
allowed him to do so. The State Board of
Irrigation then granted a haarlng last
April to both the government engineer and
Leavltt at the same time, with the re
suit that Leavltt was turned down and the
application of the government was granted.
The question the federal court will have
to deride la whether the State Board of
Irrigation did right In concluding that the
amended application of the government
should be dated at the time the original
application was filed. Leavltt admits that
the amended application of the government
rectifies any error that may have been In
the original application.
The government expects to spend several
millions of dollars on its project.
Fancy ftnlmon Offer.
ftpvernl hundred runs Bntavla 51r
Salmon superior goods Ofc.
30 Green Trading Stamps with each can
Ratarla Fancy trtnales Renos.
Thirty Green Trading Stamps on,,
with each can
Diamond Crystal Suit.
n Green Trading Stamps with
3-lb. pkg Diamond Crystal Salt
. Money nvcra.
Diamond C Soap, lo bars 25c
Itaking Soda, package tc
Rocky Mountain (Cream 5c
Zoo Toilet Soap, bar 3c
Ham Loaf, Vi-lb. can So
mm mhLE
Preserving Kettles
Your choice
I Twenty Green Trading Stamps with each
11 11 sin 111 mi iiiiiiiinii;iw,v,im iiat iai'uimiip,ijg''i'svi uuui iphipjimimmii niiai
n n crra rrsa I !
Jul Eisz. I
orjm it '
This Store Closes
at 5 P. M.
Every Evening
Except Saturday
at 10 P. M.
Till Sept. ist
This Story Closes
at 5 P. M.
Every Evening
Except Saturday
at 10 P. M.
777 Sept. 1st
One f&von Redlngote, made of
a magnificent bargain Tuesday,
at ;.
tan silk. 1
..8.90 i
In Our Busy Cloak Department
A day when prices on all remnant lots and odd garments are slaughtered to effect
quick rlrarance; a day fraught with wonderful hnrgnln oppi rtunlties:
Two tan colored Poplin Silk Coats, very Children's Wmh Dresses, U oil
handsome, values. sit alues. In all at
;2im and 2.ho Wash Dress Skirt
I white only, at choice
f.i in Dress Skirl a. In white, tans
great snap Tuesday, nt
Twenty-five handsome Silk Suits, In latest 1 $T.m nnd Dress Skirts, In
styles, that sold at e.V.or, . IMi and newest styles,
choice ; nt
FROM 8 TILL 10 A. M. Women's "So Dressing Sacqucr
FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. Women's 75c bwn Wrappers.
FRM in TILL 11 A. M Women's Waists, worth tip to 1 00,
High Grade Wash Goods Department
Tuesday we will close out all Summer Wash Goods at tht
following low prices:
nd Muri
, . . . .
all m1or
12r, lfio and 19c Voiles,
at, yard
10c. 12V and lfc Batistes,
at, yard ,
12V, lfic and liV Batistes,
at, yard
SSc. 4fc and Nc, White Goods,
26c and 3oc White Goods,
at. yard
India Llnns, Long Cloths, Persian
Lawns, all must go.
Five Furnishing Goods Specials
FROM 9 TILL 10 A. M. Men's Heavy I FROM 10 TILL 11 A. M. -Indies' Drawers
Working Shirts, in llgnt nnd oam dim orset t -overs, rnc values, nui
colors, 50c values, at choice "-'"I slightly soiled, st choice
! FROM 11 A. M. TILL 12 M Children's heavy Ribbed Bicycle Hose, In
all sixes, at, per pair
CHILDREN'S COI)RFD DRESSES. In ages from 1 to 6 years, regular 5"e
values, while they last, Tuesday
Men's 50c Ribbed Underwear, great snap,
at :.:
Two Rousing Tuesday Specials in the Great Domestic Room
5.000 yards of high grade Madras and Tuxedo Cord iWalstings and Shirt
Waist Suitings, In the very best patterns, worth in a regular way 7aC
up to 2&c per yard, a very special value Tuesday, at. yard !
FROM 8 TILL 10 A. M. Lonsdale finish Bleached Muslin, at per E 3 n
it .
S-dewalk Brick
We are making a
specialty of Sidewalk
Have in stock vari-
ous kinds at lowest
Also Sand
Prompt Delivery.
Jet '
5 '
., '
As. : ..- ,. - .-
1 J. .W " T ".
J '. - '.
i ,, i
J5 "
..I 'J
-t '3 4.,: . -. rt
MATTING SUITCASES, $3.50, $3.75, $4 00.
Convenient to rorry, nice to look at nnd are made to last.
We tarry a full line of Grips, Suitcases and Trunks of our
own manufacture. Send for catalogue. Trices rlgut.
Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St.
Ask for a
BEST BECAUSE Tou ars HOT paying for lni Xc'riVuom'
but J SE'wObSkRO.' CIGAR CO., Manufta-
Cigars. oia a.rjv w -
taxars, T.
Topeka. Kan., where they went Saturday
night on the Rock Island cheap excursion
to that town.
The I'nlon Depot company has completed
the work of parking the land surrounding
the station and .the appearance is entirely
changed. Green grass and flower beds now
greet the eye wHere once all was tracks and
The Burlington is preparing to handle a
large number of people Wednesday on the
occasion of the Woodmen picnic at riatts
mouth. Sports of all kinds have been pre
pared, as well as speakers, and it Is esti
mated that over 1, will avail themselves
of this opportunity for a day's outing.
License to Build Berenteea Thousand-Dollar
I'lnnt la Granted
by the City.
The city hss Issued permits to I O. Poup
for a $17,000 brick mattress factory at Thir
teenth and Nicholas streets; to Kute A.
Hall for a Ho0 frame dwelling at Thirty
first and Center; J. C. Bufflngton. J2.5O0
frame dwelling at Thirty-seventh and Lin
coln boulevard; B. A. Wilcox. $3,500 frame
dwelling at Thirty-fifth avenue and Wool
worth .
Railway Notes and Personals.
Chief Engineer 8chenck of the Northwest
ern has gone to Chicago.
A special rar of the New York Central
carrying A. W. Chenny went east over the
Overland Sunday.
J. O. Phllllpl. assistant general freight
agent of the Missouri Pacific, leaves Tues
day for Chicago and other eastern points.
K. I 1imai. aeneral oassenser int nf
j the t'nlon I'aclfic,' and J. B. Berry, chief
I engineer, returned Monday from Chicago.
I (ierrlt Fort, assistant general passenger
agent of the I'nlon Pacific, leaves for Chi
cago Monday evening on a snort business
W. II. Jones, division freight agent of the
Northwestern, has returned from a two
weeks' wrestle with the fish of Lake Mln
netonka. Colored Knights cf Pythias to the num
ber vt i" returned. Mwnday """-"'"i Irum
Mortality Statistics.
The following births and deaths have
been reported to the Board of Health dur
ing the forty-eight hours ending at noon
Mondav :
Births Cordon W. Noble. 3.VI6 Hawthorne
aven'te, girl; Jan Melirhar, Second and
William, boy.
Heaths John Moov, South Omaha. 82;
Clara Warren, South Omaha, 4; Mary A.
Fry, 1011 Houth Fourth, 7n; Harry Mc
Oechln. Thirteenth and Capitol avenue, ;
Mrs. Mary E. Becker. 2M2 California, 65;
J T. Hall. Council Bluff 6; Mrs I .
Banks, Corad. Neb., :)7; F-dward Roberta,
t"2 Hamilton. M; John James Kelllher,
HIS North Sixteenth, 2 months.
nas. tiinsLov's
ass b ased by Millions ot Mothers for their
oioidrim wtlle To-UUuk tor orar r'nj ir.
It tuouue lUa elilld. auru-ua tke suii., aU
ail ilo. ours wma euutk aa is
liii: foe diMTtiiM.
,Tf ttn.rivi crrr a mttu.
ijiu i an
We will place on sale for the bal
ance of this week all of our men's
$5.00, $5..V) and $i!.00 Tan Oxford
at $3.r0. This Includes such well
known makes as Hanun's, Hoyden's
and Clapp the best makes In the
All of our men's $3.50 and $4.00 Tan
Oxfords to be
closed out
Your choice of any
women's $3.00 Tan
Oxford for
Drexel Shoe Co.
1419 Farnam St.
Now is the Time to Can Peaches.
We have on track one carload of Fancy California Yellow Crawford Free
stone Peaches which we will place on sale Tuesday, at. per crate ,
The market Is firm and Peaches will be much higher.
Large baskets Fancy California Wlckson. Oreengage Gross or Tragedy Blue
Plums, per basket
Fancy California Black Cherries, f Olf. I Fancy large, juicy Lemons,
per pound '"I I per dozen ,
Knives, Forks, Spoons, Fancy Pieces of all kinds. We
are showing a beautiful line of these goods and would
like to have you see them. Spend a few minutes In our
Look for the Name
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler,
UK Dougls Street.
Do you want a sure, safe and highly profitable legitimate Investment
(no schemes or "prospects")? Of course you do. Well, call at 938 New York
Life Building- and ask for N. E. SHERWOOD. He has something with to
which will satisfy you, as It has others who have Investigated.
This opportunity will be open for only a short time and the amount
I limited. - -
N, E. SHERWOOD, 938 New York Life Bldg.
Leaving Towft?
You will want your favor
ite newspaper, The Omaha
Bee, to go along with you.
It is better than a daily
letter from home. Before
leaving give your order to
have The Bee mailed to
your out-of-town addressv
The address may be
changed as often as you
wish. Telephone 897 or fill
out and mail us the blank
Plonso hnvo Tho Dally and
Sunday Uco now going to
(Present address) .
sent until JOOG, or
until further ordors, to address
(Out-of-town address)