Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 6, Image 7

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EieiUoftha Smart folks Undislnrbed by
Any Local Doing!
field and Coantry t'lahs Afford Ham
for Thoaa Who Star at Home
and Aid la Killing
Rain and 9aa.
TeTer1ay It wu ralnlnK,
The skies aeeme.I dark nd low;
Anl the et wind all-complalnlng
But then I did not know I
Today the no ft rains patter.
The dear winds sing and blow;
No atorm can ever matter.
For now, dear heart, 1 know!
Charles Buxton Uolng, in August 8mart
The Social Calendar.
TUESDAY Mr. and Mra. Q. I Hammers
dancing party for their daughter.
WKUNWOAY-Mrn. George t. i'rltchetfa
luncheon; Indies' day at the Field and
Country clubM with dinner and dances
In the evening.
SATURDAY l'tnner and dance at the
Field and Country club.
Last week turned out all that It prom
ised to be-dull. Wednesday was the bright
pot, being ladles' day at both the Plaid
and Country club and a doien women
availed themselves of this opportunity to
entertain at luncheon. After that social)'
dropped back to its comfortable gait and
present Indications are that It will not be
stir Itself to any extent before Tuesday or
Wednesday, which days afford the only
marks on the week's calendar. Next to
the clubs, the base ball game affords the
most entertaining and evidently the most
acceptable diversion for the women this
summer. They make up a big proportion
of the crowd on ladles' day, and a score
or more of the faithful rarely miss a game
tegardless of the weather.
Notwithstanding the fact that It is mid
summer there are at least a score of young
women In society who are devoting a good
many hours a week some of them a day
to fancy dancing. This fad Is not particu
larly new. It dates back to last fall and
there are In consequence several women
In town capable of terpslchorean stunts
that might surprise their friends If they
but knew. It has been several years since
the "clog" and the "rag" received the
sanction of the really "nice" people as an
accomplishment, but about the time that It
was generally mastered It went out of
fashion. Since then there has been little
heard of It until some of the women took
It up again last fall, and now the "Chicken
Wing," the "Sunday Walk," the "Hoe
down," and a lot more that take the feet
considerably higher than the floor are com
mon enough. This accomplishment came
into good play one time last winter when a
party of people returning from Chicago
were stalled In the snow for two or three ,
days over In Iowa. Among them was a
prominent member of the Country club and
his wife. One evening when every other
means of killing time had been exhausted,
a little party from the train made Its way
through the snow to the parlor of the hotel
in the town nearby where, after exhausting
the list of songs old and new, the wife of
the Omaha man delighted the little com
pany with a few "steps."
The yacht club at OkoboJI held a meet
Ing Thursday and effected a permanent
organization. Officers were elected, com
It trii appointed and enough money raised
to guarantee a K.W club house next year,
A concert at the Inn Friday evening
was an event of the week, the program
being contributed by Miss Ethel Free Of
Omaha, Miss iHivey of Plattsmnuth and
Miss Louise Burnetts of Lincoln.
Last week's yacht race was the pretties
that has been sailed at the lake this sea
son. The Amphatrlte, with Captain Layhle,
Dent and Sam Slaughter and Lyman Feck
as crew, won the race by half a boat's
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Bel: and Miss Louise
Feck left for their home In Omaha Satur
day. Cedric Potter, Herbert French, Hu
bert Potter and Ben Wood broke camp
Thursday and said goodbye to Omaha
The newcomers at the Inn are: Mrs.
Vance Lane and children, Mrs. H. S. Weller
and daughters, Mrs. R, E. Sunderland,
Dean Sunderland, Misses Clara F. Clarke,
Frances Brooks and Mrs. Florence Wag
Mr. T. B. Rohrer and Mr. M. T. Rohrer
of Council Bluffs have been guests at the
cottage of Mrs. J. D. Spalding. Miss Fan
nle Howland of Omaha arrived Saturday
from Minnesota to be the guest of Miss
Elolso Wood. Mr. Harry F. Reld will
spend his vacation camping at Omaha
beach. He arrived Saturday.
The foUowtag extract from a letter writ
ten by an Omaha girl from Lakn Madison.
Minn given some Idea of how the eotony
that goes annually to that reeort from
Omiha and Council Bluffs la Testing:"
'The Omaha people here besides ourselves
are: Miss Leila 8cribner. Mr. and Ma.
Robert J. Dinning and son Robert. Mr.
and Mrs. J. F. Dale and daughters. Mr.
Horton Munger, Mr. Paul Warn her. Mr.
and Mra. H. H. Van Brunt and ons Harry
and George and Mr. Roy De Vol of Coun
cil Eluffs. I msy as well say just here
that there are about four men to every
girl and you can judge for yourself what
that means quite a remarkable summer
resort, don't you think? We play tennis,
go fishing, swimming, walk, go auto rid
ing as well as sailing and rowing. We
dance every night except when we were
doing some chafing dish stunt or are off
on a picnic, and when the moon was out
we were generally out on the lake until
the wee sma' hours. Besides this we have
had hayrack rides, coming home In the
moonlight, and beefsteak fires at the other
end of the lake, and all through we have
had the same congenial crowd."
Mr. and Mrs. Green and Mr. and Mrs,
Leonard were guests of honor at the
largest of the dinner parties given at the
Country club last evening, Mr. and Mra
Arthur Remington entertaining. The other
members of the party were Mr. and Mrs.
F. P. Klrkendall, Mr. and Mrs. 3. E. Baum,
Mr. and Mrs. A- O. Beeson. Mr. and Mrs!
Isaac Coles, Mr. and Mra. A. L. Reed and
Mr. Harry McCormlck.
Dr. and Mrs. F. N. Connor had as their
guests Mr. and Mrs. W. R. McKeen and
Mr. and Mra. H. S. Cummlngs.
With Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wllhelm were
Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey and Miss Ethel
Dr. and Mrs. A. C. Hull entertained a
11 ! I I f If J I
U) Mltn
r 11 Bill! 1 Bill
in mm
1 z
party of seven on the porch, their guests
being Mr. and Mrs. Howard H. Baldrlge
Mr. and Mrs. C. N. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs
Charles B. Keller and Mr. Joseph Paldrlge,
Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wattles had two
guests, Mr. and Mrs. William Aycrtgg six
and Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Mahoney two.
Pleaaoree Pnat.
Friday afternoon Mrs. Arthur Fetters en
tertalned at cards In Miss Needham's honor.
Mrs. Arthur English gave a pretty
luncheon Thursday In compliment to Miss
Needham of Chicago, who Is the guest of
Mrs. Charles A. Woodland.
Monday evening at the home of Miss
Grace Carpenter, 4604 H street. South
Omaha, a number of" friends gathered and
celebrated her eighteenth birthday anniver
In honor of her sister and family, Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Redman, Id, and little daugh
ter of Salt Lake City, Mrs. James Llddell
entertained about thirty friends. The even
lng was pleasantly spent In muslo and sing.
Ing and light refreshments were served.
Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Horton entertained at
dinner at the Field club last evening in
honor of Mrs. Horton's sister and niece.
Mrs. W. H. Bennett and Miss Edna Ben
nett of Toledo, O., who are guests of Mr.
and Mrs. Horton until the latter part of
the week. Covers were laid for twenty
For Miss Adair of Atlanta, Ga.. who is
the guest of Miss Keellne In Council Bluffs,
Miss Marian Connell entertained at dinner
last evening at her home, the party going
later to the Field club, where they Joined
the dancers. Places were laid for Miss
Adair, Miss KeeUne, Mlas Connell, Mr. Wal
ter Roberts, Mr Frank Wllhelm. Mr. Odin
Mackay- and Mr. and Mrs. ConnelL
The members of the Woman'a club of
the Railway Mall Service were guests of
Mrs, Andersen Wednesday afternoon at
Falrmount park. There were eighteen mem
bers present and during the business ses
sion the following committees were ap
pointed for the coming year: Courtesies.
Mesdames Nash, McDonald, Wheeler, Sher-
bondy, Cleland; program committee, Mes
dames F. ,H. Cole. Reynolds, Shearer, Holt,
Bloomquest; civil service reform, Mesdames
Hart. H. Hudson, Baxter. Membership
committee, Mesdames MoConnell. Finch.
Olll, Cook, Forgy. After some discussion
as to the course of study for the coming
year it was decided to hld the next meet
ing at the home of Mrs. Worley, 8714 De
catur street. Following the meeting the
husbands of the members were entertained
at a plcnlo supper.
.Assisted by Cuticura Ointment
Purifies and Beautifies the
Skin, Scalp, and Hair,
when All Else Fails.
Cuticura Soap removes the cause of
diflfiurinjr eruptions, such as pimples
blotches, hlsK-kheads, redness, roughness,
ellow, mothy, oily skin, viz. : the clorged,
irritated, inflamed, or sluggish condition
of the pors. Cuticura Soap combines
ddioate Medicinal and emollient prop
erties derived from Cuticura, the great
Skin Cure, with the purest of cleansing
ingredients and the most refreshing of
flower odors. Two Soaps in one at one
Sriee namely, a Medicinal and Toilet
oap for 25c
Warm shampoos with Cuticura Soap
and light dressings of Cuticura, purest
and sweetest of emollients, at once stop
falling hair, remove crusts, scales, and
dandruff, soothe irritated, itching sur
faces, destroy hair parasites, stimulate
the hair follicles, loosen the scalp skin,
supply the roots with energy and nour
ishment, and make live, glossy hair grow
upon a sweet, wholesome, healthy scalp,
when all else fails.'
Soak the hands on retiring in a strong,
hot lather of Cuticura Soap. Dry thor
oughly and Janoint freely with Cuticura
Ointment, the great Skin Cure, and
purest of emollients. Wear during the
night old, loose gloves, or bandage lightly
in soft cotton or linen. For red, rougn
hands, dry, fissured, itching, feverish
palms, shapeless nails, with painful fin
ger ends, as well as for inflamed, tender,
and sore teet, this treatment is simply
Ag onaacto an! CwOrur Moap. atr., Hmat.
r THJ m !, est SksXi H ! aruftjjTMssK
wonderful, always relieving and
quently curing in a single night.
Mi !! a. U lua 1 dwtm Com4 Mil. 1M.
lis "Ms nTjfV.kmMU IM sua. Im. luk.
Local Chit Chat.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. W,
McBride last Sunday.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis
Nash Thursday morning.
Picture postal cards from Liverpool tell
of the arrival of Mr. an Mrs. C. N. Dleta
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Martin and Mrs.
Hartman have landed at New York on
their return from Europe.
Major Henry M. Morrow, U. S. A.. Mrs.
Morrow, Captain John Boniface, U. S. A..
and Mrs. Boniface are visiting In southern
The luncheon for Mrs. Everett to have
been given at the Country club Wednesday
by Mrs. Q. E. Prltchett has been postpqned
until Wednesday of this week.
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Kllpatrlck are at
Gloucester, Mass., for a few weeks, but
will return to Lake Placid for September.
Mr. and Mrs. Ward Burgess, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Kountxe and Miss Lomax will
start August 10 for their trip through
the Yellowstone and to Portland.
Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cudahy of Kansas
City will soon take possession of a hand
some new residence In that city that Is a
recent gift to them from Mrs. Michael
Cudahy of Chicago.
Chief among the things planned for this
week Is the dancing party to be given at
the Country club Tuesday evening by Mr.
and Mrs. George L. Hammer In honor of
their daughter. Miss Hilda Hammer.
Cards have been received In Omaha for
the wedding of Miss Grace Sheldon, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bratt of North
Platte, Neb., to Mr. Edward Robert Good
man, which was solemnized In North Platte
Wednesday, July 26. The bride Is a sister
of Mrs. Arthur Baldwin of this city.
Mrs. Weltxel returned Friday from San
Francisco, where she went to meet her
sister, Mrs. Hamilton, who arrived re
cently from the Philippines with her hus
band. Captain Hamilton of the Thirteenth
infantry. A sor was born to Captain and
Mrs. Hamilton soon after their arrival
at San Francisco. Mrs. Hamilton was
Miss Bessie Her, daughter of Mr. P. E.
the remainder of the summer at the Nash
cottage. Mrs. E. W. Nash and Miss Esther
will Join them there In a week or so.
Miss Averlll of Beaumont. Tex., mho has
neen the guest of Miss Mary Lee MrShan
ror the last few weeks, left Friday for
Miss Little and Miss Hammond of th
public library leave today to, spend thel
vacations at Minnehaha-on-the-Ruxton,
Mnnttou. Colo.
Mrs. P. W. Kennedy and children of
Louisville, Ky are guests of Mrs. Porter
and Mrs. Sarson at their home on North
Fortieth street.
Miss Buelah Sharp will leave the early
part of the week with a party of Council
Bluffs friends for a hunting and fishing
trip in Colorado.
miss Jeanne Brown Is expected home
next week from Wyoming, where she has
been the guest of Mr. and Mra. John Pat
rick on their ranch.
Mrs. Russell E. McKelver and dausrhter.
Miss Russell, will spend the week at flow.
ard. Neb., where they will be guests of
Mrs. D. C. McKillln.
Mrs. i,uthcr Kountxe and children and
Mr. and Mrs. Dick Stewart will leave this
week for Hyannlsport. Mass., to spend the
remainder of the summer.
Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Smith and famllv
win leave Monday for Prior lake. Minn..
where Mrs. Smith and children will remain
while Dr. Smith makes a western trio.
Airs. k. b. Wilcox attended the reception
given at York Thursday evening for the
department commander of the Woman's
Relief Corps, stopping at Fremont enroute
ir. warren Fake of Rochester. N. Y..
and Mrs. I. H. Bishop of Indianapolis. Ind..
are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Allen and Miss Allen at their home on
ueorgla avenue.
miss Florence Lewis went to Chlcaso
eanesday to be the ruest of Mrs. Nw
daln and Miss May Naudaln. Miss Nau-
daln Is now singing with the Woodland
company In Chicago.
Miss Wllhelmena Lowe Is the guest of her
mother, Mrs. W. W. Ixwe, at Fort Crook,
having JuBt returned from a European
tour with Sousa s band, with which she
has been harp soloist
Mr. Asa Shlvertsk, who has been vlsltlna
his mother, has returned to New York.
For some time Mr. Shlverlsk has been un
der treatment for trouble with his ears, but
returned east much Improved.
Mrs. D. H. Wheeler. Jr.. will leave Mon
day for New York and Burllnaton. Vt..
where she will Join Mr. and Mrs. Warren
Rogers and party and accompany them
abroad. They will sail August 9.
Kev. W. D. Patton. 2551 Manderson street.
left Thursday for Chicago, where he will
visit at the home of his son. Dr. D. H. R.
Patton. 2506 Michigan avenue. Rev. Mr.
Patton has accepted Invitations to preach
while In Chicago In the Third Presbyterian
church on Sunday. July 30, and In the Sixth
Presbyterian church Sunday, August 6.
Mrs. W. G. Shrlver and her daughter
Mabel are making a ten-day visit to Glen-
wood, la., and will attend the Chautauqua
to be held there this and next week. On
the 17th of August they will go to the
mountains In Pennsylvania for a thirty-day
visit to the parents of Mr. Shrlver. Their
visit will also Include Pittsburg, Chicago
and Hannibal, Mo.
Chester A. Romigh of the postofflce left
Saturday afternoon for Longmont, Colo.,
where he will marry Miss May Newdy next
Wednesday afternoon. Accompanying Mr.
Romigh was Harry Haie. who will beHsest
man, and Paul Haze, Grover H. Romigh
and Ray McKay, who will attend the nup
tials. The Omaha guests at the wedding
will make a tour of Colorado before re
turning to Omaha.
Representative Exhibitors Promise
to Make a Showing; That Will
Be Bdlfylngr.
picnic ever held by the class. Those In the
party were: Misses Nnnnle Mason. He
Harris, Marie Pake, Holen Trail. Ruth
I-ako. Lela fnderhlll, Helen Young. Hilda
Bandberg. Frances Damon, Helen Ostron
Icna Chllson, Marguerite Heaton and Res
sle Thompson. The party wns chaperoned
by their teacher. Miss pra Johnson and
Messrs. lrfo Ramer and Frank Trail.
I'pdlke Company's Blsr riant at Sooth
Omnha Roes Into Commis
sion Monday.
The South Omaha elevator of the Updike
Grain company will be open for business
Monday and will be put right to work. This
Is the first of the new elevators to be com
pleted. Half a million bushels of grain
nave been purchased by the compnny and
will be put throtiKh the elevator during the
next ten days. This elevator can handle 100
cars In and out In ten hours, and can load
a car of 60,000 pounds' capacity In six min
utes. It Is situated on the tracks of the
Stock Yards company nnd has four tracks,
each 2,700 feet long, on which to handle Its
cars. These tracks were all rlaced on filled
ground and wore Installed by the Stock
lards company at an expense of li.'O.OOn,
connecting with every linn Into Omaha,
South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
An Outrage.
It's an outrage to let your skin suffer
without help, when burned or wounded.
use Bucklen's Arnica Salve. 2Be. For
by Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co.
Fair Today and Tomorrow in Ne
braska, Iowa, Missouri, and
the Hnkotna.
WASHINGTON, July 29-Fnrecast of the
weather for Sunday and Monday:
or Nebraska, Iowa. Missouri and ih.
Dakotas Fair Sunday and Mondav.
For Wyoihlng and Colorado Occasional
showers Sunday and Monday.
For Kansas Showers Sunday: Mondav
fair and warmer.
Local Record.
OFFICE OF THE WHiTHr.n m-rr- tt
OMAHA. July 28 Official record or tetnl
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
it I . !!. lirn. K
Maximum temperature.... 7H 90 yi 89
Minimum temnorature r.9 th cr. i
Mean temperature 70 l 7 so
precipitation t .09 .WS .00
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1.
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature 7j
Deficiency for the diiy g
Total excess since March 1 tei
Normal precipitation i3inch
uenciency for the day : 13 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 11.59 inches
Deficiency s nee March 1 ? u ik..
Deficiency for cor. nerlnrl In loo"
Deficiency for cor. period In liKfl!! 449 inches
Come and Go Gossip.
Mrs. Thomas A. Crelgh is at Wequeton
slng, Mich.
Mrs. Rose E. Strawn returned last week
from Denver.
Mrs. Wilson Low. returned Saturday
from 8t. Paul, Minn.
Mr. and Mrs. E. 8. West brook are back
from their eastern trip.
Mrs. F. H. Gaines and son are at As
bury park for the summer.
Miss- Maebelle C. Tillotson will spend the
month of August In Colorado.
Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Carrolton will be at
home at the Winona after August 10.
Miss Madeline Hlllls has as her guest
Miss Blanche Griffith of Red Oak. Ia.
Dr. and Mrs. Stone have returned from
their vacation, spent' In western Nebraska.
Miss Dorothy G. Stevens Is at Lake Oko
boJI, thi guest of Judge Nicholas and fam
ily. Miss Keys and Miss Tress Keys have
returned from a month's visit at St. Jo
seph. Dr. and Mrs. J. M. Keys have returned
from a trip to New York, Boston and
Mrs. McMurray of Blair came Friday
to be the guest of her daughter, Mrs. A.
B. Jaqulth.
Miss Roberta Eddy, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Oeorge B. Eddy, Is visiting friends
at Marahalltown, Ia.
Mr. D. V. Barkalow of Denver spent a
part of last week the guest of his brother,
Mr.. 8. D. Barkalow.
Mrs. D. C. Patterson Is the guest of
friends at Hayward. Ia.. where she will
spend several weeks.
Mrs. Isaac Congdon, Miss Congdon and
Miss Brumback are expected back from
the west next Sunday.
Mrs. C B. Rustin has gone to New York,
where she will be the guest of her daugh
ter, Mrs. J. H. Mcintosh.
Mr. and Mrs. G. M. Hitchcock and daugh
ter. Miss Ruth, left Sunday for a trip
through Yellowstone park.
Mr. and Mrs. H. T. Lemlst and Mr. Rus
sell Lemlst will leave Monday for New
York and the Berkshire Hills.
Miss Lawson of Columbia, Mo., who has
been visiting Mrs. Elisabeth Tarotte Good
rich, has returned to her home.
Mr. Hall Fall of New York Is the guest
of Mr. Warren Hlllls, having arrived on
Wednesday for a two weeks' visit.
.Miss Eleanor Jaqulth Is expected to re
turn the first of the week from Chicago,
where sh. has been visiting friends.
Mr. and Mra. Joseph yL timer returned
Thursday from Macklnao and Sault Ste.
Marie, stopping several days at Chicago.
- Misses Carrie and Helen Millard returned
Wednesday from Lake Placid where they
have been the guests of Miss Florence Kll
patrlck. Mrs. E. W. Lea spent Thursday In
Omaha In company With her brother, Mr.
E. 8. Dundy, enroute from St. Louis to
Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Crofoot and children,
th. three children of Mr. Harry Cartan,
and Mlaa France Nash leave Monday for
Hyaaalsport, Mass., where they will spend
Preparations are progressing for the
Merchants' Pure Food show, to be held at
the Auditorium the middle of August.. There
are representative exhibitors from all parts
of the United States and fifty-one spaces,
m asurlng ten feet in length, making a
frontage of 510 feet of solid exhibitors, all
working and preparing their foods for the
public to sample free, besides free samples
to take home. This promises to give the
housewives of Omaha an opportunity of
learning and enjoying an afternoon or
evening, besides listening to one of the
finest women's orchestras In the United
Special decorators are coming from the
eastern cities and already contracts for
some very handsome booths have been let.
Manager Dean received word today that
one booth would have 250 electric lights,
besides many others who have signified
that they will outdo anything In the
show In the way of artistic building.
This. week there has been passed around
among the grocery trade 150,000 grocers'
tickets. These tickets the grocer will give
away with his compliments to his cus
tomers and anyone desiring them can get
them for the asking. These tickets must
be exchanged at the box office, with 10
cents and this ticket, will give a general
admission ticket for the afternoon, and
with 15 cents In the evening. Without
these tickets the general admission will be
25 cents.
The snow 'will open on Monday evening,
August 14, and continue every afternoon
and evening to August 24. inclusive, from
1:30 to 5.30 and from 7 to 10:30.
Saturday Hayrack Ride.
A most enjoyable Sunday school class
picnic waa given on Saturday afternoon,
when a number of young ladles made a trip
to Irvington for a hayrack ride. The
Brewster farm at that place waa given
over to the class for the day and the novel
outing proved tne most successful annual
It is attractive in rich finish
and design; light, strong,
durable and economical to
keep. You pay a little more
for it, but in return you get
the highest grade and most
efficient automobile built to
day. We have a Baker for
The Powell
Bacon Co.
George Young Dora Rogers
Between 3 and P. M.
Cornat Virtuoso, lata of Thomas' Orchestra
Australian Contralto, with Band
Tho Flyinf Diavolo
TUESDAY, August 1. Testimonial Benefit to
29th and Woolworth Sta.
St'SDAY EVENING, July SO, 8 o'clock
Office Secretary Y. M. C. A.
All Are Invited Good Music Scats Free
U Li
j) mm
nai7?Hm n nnnfiAnn
Attractive prizes for ladies and gentlemen on entertainment
program. Tickets for sale at the Supreme Office, 202-3-4 Paxton Elk.
TODAY Offers the Park Event of the Season
Covalt's Band
Afternoon anjj Evening
Ike Manawa Girl.
Illustrated Balladlst
Dare Devil Fackler
High and Fire Dive
KINETOSCOPE New Motion Pictures
And Many Other Feature
Prof. Andrew
Balloon Ascension
BOYD'S The Ferris Stock Company
11th and
This Afternoon, Tonight
PRICES 10c. 15c and 25c.
Mats. 10c any seat
Makes delightful aandwiohes white, light, rich and appetizing.
REMEMBER that the success of your picnic lunch depends on
the sandwiches, so be sure that your grocer mipplies you with
SNOW FLAKJS BREAD next time. It s 5 cents a loaf.
Over Four Hundred
Grocers tell it.
The Snow Flake
label on a loaf Is a
guarantee that It Ih
the best that money,
skill and cleanliness
can produce. Look
for it.
71 ( C:,.
av LflD
UAKu 5 on ever
A.O.U.W. Carnival
(South Omaha)
July 31 to August 5, Inclusive
Sno performers and more free attractions than ever exhibited at any
Carnival in the state. Six. days and six nights the Tarker Amusement
Company will entertain you.
Don't Miss the Cra.rvd Street ParadeTwice D&ily
The prico is only Ten Cents. Bring your neighbors (dance every
night) and have a good time with us.
NOTICE--MOriDAY SCOFIELD WILL SELL shlriwalHt milts for 7 50; !.5n suits for M 75; W.W suits for li 00; $7.50 milts
for 'l To and $.5iJ suits for H -5. No suit harKal'i" I" maha to equal Iheito
All our nilk coat half price; I'Jfi ipO coatn for 112 W); $JiO0 Bilk nwii for t1'"0;
115 00 coats for $7 50- floi0 coats for O0; white kilte.l ririllinnllne Kkirts for $7 5",
also amuirtpti lot of Panama and other skirt at ST 50 each. All our silk shirtwaist
suit" half price.
This Is a money saving sale of choice, desirable, stylish garments that no one
should niles.
0. K. SCOFIELD CLOAK AHO SUIT CO., isio Dougia. st.
Leave Your Silverware and Other Valuables at
Omaha Safe Deposit Vaults
Omnha National Bank
Telephone 230 (or Rates. 210 South 13th St