THE OMATTA DAILY srNDAY. JULY 30, 1005. SPORTING GOSSIP OF WEEK Jo Cantillon Lining Up to Win a Double Eeadet Pennant. OMAHA PROMISES TO BLOCK THE GAVE ( hamptoaa Flaf-lna; I.Htla the Beat Ball that la Ilrlna; Offered Xw daya nil Qnlt I.Ik el r ta I.aad the Haatlaa;. hf the Micks Played the Dutch. on a mollow day In lummrr to the lot down by the cr'k Cain the Mlrkt-y Dooley ball nine, pride of every honest Mirk, There to war a tuhhorn battle with' the C5rmnntown brigade, VIi had slmjily knixkP'1 the aocklets oft of every team they played. When the Poolejr trlh came marching In thlr brilliant suits of rreen. That they did not fear tho Issua Could be very plainly seen. And lhi thin that stirred the valor of 'each sunburned freckled Mirk ' Wan tlie knowledge each hip pocket held a olid half a brick. When the Tutch lined up for battle every pair of arm held out The Vis; Ktirk they had been using when they punched the aauer kraut. And the way they slammed the horaehlde wns a nhock to every Mirk, AVIlh onr eye upon the leather and one band upon the brick. Jt was In the seventh Inning and the Dutch had forty-two. While a doaen little tallies had been oil the Mlrka could do; Then tho captain of the Dooleya took hla rnp off rather aulrk. The elKnal to hla croniea It waa time to throw the brick. The brickbat fell like hallatonea If" the Putrh had run before. They were now Just simply flying ai toward the creek they tore, For each Mirk, with aim unerring had picked out a fleelnjr foe. Who would Ret the speeding missile and let out a. startled "Oh!" Once arms tho creek the Dutchmen did not hesitate or atay. Onward, onward they kept pressing to the woods where safety lay. While the Dooleys, all united, to tha dia mond once tiirtre came And Informed the waiting umpire he would please resume the game. 1 I Bo they waited for five minute and the umpire then declaimed That the score was nine to nothing and the Mirks the vlctkiry claimed; "'For the rules say very plainly," said the umpire with a grin, "If to play one side refuses, then the other fellows win." VAN. Joe Cantlllon la now setting out with the avowed Intention of winning two champion ships. He Is strengthening both his Des Moines and Milwaukee teams by an Inter change of players, and Is otherwise pre paring so that tie can boast next fall of being the only living manager who evr turned the trick. He may do It, but If he does It will he because the other teams In the Western league treat Des Moines bet ter than Omaha did. Bo far they all have. Omaha has wrestled mightily with the hard hitting Vnderwrltcrs, and kas held them so evenly that Cantlllon Isn't begging the Rourke family for any double-headers. Den ver and Sioux City, the other strong teams of the league, haven't been able to make a showing against the Underwriters, and while the season Is Just turning Into Its lust half,' and there Is lots of time yet, It begins to look as If the finish were to be Des Moines and Omaha fighting for first place. The Denver team has been a dis appointment, and the Sioux, having been sot back, will never head the Champions again this season, unless a frightful run of hard luck should overtake the Rourke family. This Is not at all likely, for the boys all had their slumps at batting and fielding In the early part of the season, and they are now working Into the gait that took through the bunch to the cham pionship last season. Three years ago Omaha had what was prohably tho headiest bunch of ball players that ever run across a western diamond. With Ace Stewart, Frank Genlns, Joe Dolan, Eddie Hlckey, Johnny Oondlng and . big Dave Calhoun In the game and Papa Bill Rourke on the bench, the rest of the league was up In the air all the time be cause they couldn't tell what was coming off. That was the team that won a game from Kansas City without making a hit; and Kanaas City making only one error. Those boys didn't need hits to win games. It Is very much the same this season. The hitting of the team Is very light, the lightest In the leaguo but with such veteran generals as Rourke and Dolan at the head, and the qulck-thlffklng support they have, many and many a game Is pulled off to the good when It would be hopelessly lost If hitting alone were depended upon. The Inside game Is depended upon exclu sively, and has no better exponents any where In the world than right here with the champions of the Western league. The Intelligence to perceive and take advantage of every opening is what marks the Omaha team as "Just a little different" from the rest. This knowledge of all the turns and angles of the game la Just as good on the defensive as It Is on the offensive. No better Illustration of this point oould be given than during tna recent strenuous duel with Des Moines. Twice in one game did Des Moines hit sare four times In an In ning, and only secure on run In each. Only once this season has Omaha made two hits In an Inning on the home ground without tallying a run. The fielders are working together like a splendid machine nd they have not only team work to sup port them, but the best of team srlrlt. Every man Is In the game to win and to help In any way he can. No such thing as Jealousy or envy rxlxts and each man la on the most friendly terms with all the rest. And this Is why Omaha has the best chance of any to wtn the pennant again this year. Carney at Sioux City Is calling back his farmed-out players, and doing other stunts to put his team on a winning basis again, but It Is not at all likely that they will strike the terrific streak that took them to the front and held them there for so long. The Bioux were then traveling too fast. Just as a good many of the closest watchers think Des Moines Is doing now. Denver Isn't hopeless yet, by a good deal, and the backers of the team In Denver believe that the Grlizlles will win In the end. Bchaub and Bohannon are depended on to do this, although it Is reported that Cable Is to rejoin the team. Letting Mo Ollvray go to St. Joseph did not materially weaken the Grizzlies, and did help the Balnts quite a little. Pueblo has put up a much better front since the transfer. waa to be expected; and Is sure to make a much more worthy competitor, even though It be hopelessly out of the pennant possibilities. Charlie Dexter has hardly had time to get hla Balnts lined up yet, but he will very likely better their per centage, if he does not get them higher up in the standing table. He was a little out of luck last week In striking Omaha keyed up to concert pitch after the fierce round with Des Moines, and was simply played off his feet He made a battle In every game, but the gait was too hot for him. Politics Is again being talked. The effort of the national commission to discipline Howard Griffiths, who is accused of "treason" to organized ball, because he dared to question the all-sufflclency of Ran Johnson, was knocked In the head because of the fact that the minor leagues are supposed to have Jurisdiction over their own affairs. After finding out that he couldn't cinch the man he was after so hard. Ban Johnson made a demand on Pat Powers that he see to it that Griffiths be dealt with according to what Johnson thought! ought to happen to him. But Pat Powers Is having all the trouble he cares to deal with In his little old Eastern league. where the rebellion stalks abroad, morning, noon and night. Bo the Griffiths matter will go over to the1 next meeting of the minors, and then the draft question will be brought up again. It must be remenv bered all this time that Griffiths chief of fense consists In the fact that he tried to Una nn a combination of the minors In support of a drafting rule which the great Johnson admits Is Just and correct, but which he refused to give cognizance be cause It differed from the one he had de signed, and which gives the big leagues a double-riveted cinch on the little fellows. When the time comes to riddle the little teams next fall, maybe the minors will see the beauties of the Johnson scheme and be ready to hang Griffith for having dared to work in opposition to the great man nit Then the advent of Murphy Into the Chi cago National club Is the basis on which consolidation talk Is again fixed. - The twelve-club circuit Is heard of openly in all th big league towns, and Is getting much support Brooklyn Is a dead one with only one team, St. Louis Is a dead one with two and so Is Boston, while Philadelphia Is Just about breaking eveh with both teams win nlng. Chicago and New York are drawing well for the double-header, but they are about the only towns in the country that con support two teams properly. Cleve land and Pittsburg are big winners, be cause their teams are well up in the race, Cleveland Is base ball mad Just now. Cin clnnatl and Detroit are not going to pile up any big surplus of profit, and Washing ton Is a loser since the team fell from the top to the bottom. The twelve-club league will very likely be double-headers In Chi cago, New York and Philadelphia, so those great population centers can have con tinuous ball, and then Boston, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Detroit, Pittsburg and St. Louts. This will leave Brooklyn and Washington to go into a new tirciiltwhich Is to be made up of the better towns of the eastern ctr cult, with probably Louisville and Colum bus on the west Then will come the old time Western league circuit, of Milwaukee, Minneapolis, St. Paul, Indianapolis, Kan City, Denver, Omaha and Des Moines. This Is a consummation to be prayed for, at any rate. Charles Balrd, director of athletics at th University of Michigan has this to say of last year's foot ball team df the University of Nebraska: "Nebraska again produced one of the strongest team of the middle west and demonstrated th fact that her strength Is not merely tern porary. While she was unable to win rrom Minnesota, as in 1WZ, yet she was barely beaten at Minneapolis in a see-saw game by the score of 14-12. Also In splendid game she defeated Illinois 16-10, and llkewis Iowa, 17-C. It la safe to say that while Booth la at Lincoln Nebraska will have a strong team." Omaha golfer are showing greatly Im proved form over any previous year, and torn of th new player are making th old hands hustl to hold their place. Among th new comer Spragu Abbott has Jumped Into first place and ha been mak ing a fine record. At the meeting of the Transmlssisslppl Golf association, recently held at St. Louis, he stayed to th semi final and was beaten by Warren Dick inson, present champion, who had to lower the course record to accomplish the feat. Guy Thomas, the holder of the Field club cup for last season, la practicing on new strokes this year with the result that he Is not doing so well, but when he get settled on on system the gallery may ex pect something. Abbott broke th record for th course at th Country club In the match a week ago between the Field Club and the Country club. r The Best Hot Weather Medicine SALE TEN MILLION BOXES A YEAR SALE TEN MILLION BOXES A YEAR y4 Ssv CANDY CATII A1TIC -s mi tn .. IK' ' ' .IlKI'" TW.4.. l V . ....... -ft V' 1 JSm -xl&zzstgi . Always Ready "to Serve You W the Year Round MODEL 27 STANHOPE, PRICE $850 TO $2,250 Elegant and stylish, comfortable and easy riding, simple to control, are few of the many feature of the 1'ope Waverlej Electric Stanhope. J. J. DEftlGMT a CO. AGENTS POM POPE WAVEnLEY, PlDPE TOLEDO. THOMAO FLYER and REO. 1119 Farnam Street. ?T?a. raq The Davidson boy are among th corners at the Field club and do not take a back seat for any. Lee Bpratlln made the course In 97 on his twenty-first trip around and wrote the score on hi curt, for he ell knew that he waa not likely to do It again, and also that there are aome who have played for two years who could not do as well. He Is developing a golf arm which on top of th other athletic muscles he has always possessed Is a win ner. Captain Lysis Abbott borrowed a club from Christie and made his first round last week In an hour, coming within two strokes of the track record. He batted the ball Just as if he was attempting to put it over the fence at the old athletic Held at Michigan. Claire Balrd has caught the fever and It Is good by to all other games for him. He has taken Ed under his tutelage, but Ed tries to make too many base hits, which won't do on the links. Jim Kennedy thinks that he Is learning fast, but some of the others think different from tho way they try to get him on for a match. Ed Nash mnd Jim Bcoble play together all of the time so the handlcap- ers cannot get a line on their game by finding out what their score Is. Van Taylor has given up base ball for golf and cannot be dragged on the diamond except for an occasional Saturday after noon game. Jim Allen has given up every thing else for, golf and now his telephone number. Mr. Downs Is In a clas by himself since he made the nine-hole course In 172. Judg Munger Is one of the novices, but never theless takes on Ben White and other good ones for a game and asks no odds from them either. Johnny Kuhn and Nels Lp- dlke are about In th aame class, each re quiring two caddies apiece to watch the balls, becauae they drive them so far. Jimmy Alnscow plays golf Just like some of his men run a washing machine, and John I-und has never been able to teach him an' better. Chief Donahue would learn the game faster if he did not have to spend so much of his time In looking for balls. Ills strong arm has a tendency to drive them out of the lot. Judge Shields with his one wing Is the wonder of the links, and plays matches with some of the best of them. Not being able to drive as far as If he had both club swingers he make up for It by his skill after reaching the green. Billy Chambers would do bet ter it he did not try to hit so many curves, but these old ball players are sure to get the games mixed. Reynolds has the same difficulty In another form. He tried to hit the ball backward .evidently thinking that he Is spending a week at the old game of cricket. Tennis has the edge on cricket at the Field club, for they can finish a cricket game in a week, but tennis seem to have no end. Spalding's Official Foot Ball Guide for 1906 Is out and In the hands of the book sellers. It Is edited by Walter Camp and contain th usual large number of pictures of the various team of the country, a well a Individual pictures. The newly re vised foot bait rules are given In full, a well a Mr. Camp' All-American team and the selections of the various news papers of an AU-Amerloan team. The schedules of the college games for 1906 are arranged in chronological order and the names of the captains of the 1906 teams are also given, as well as the pictures of about ,500 foot ball player. It also contains rec ords of all the leading teams, scores of the games between prominent colleges since Introduction of Rugby foot ball, review of special annual college matches In 1904, a short description of the game, special chapters on the state of the game In th following sections of the country: Middle west, by Charles Balrd of the University of Michigan; middle states, by George Orton of Pennsylvania; New England, by Joseph B. Pendleton; Colorado, by A. W. Klsley; Pacific coast, by H. L. Baggerly; the south, by J. L. DeSaulles; the south west, by Martin A. Delaney; forecast for season of VM, by E. B. Moss of New York. TTle changes In the foot ball rules for 1906 have more to do with the strict Interpreta tion of the rules than with the changes of the rules themselves. A distinction has been mude under rule 6, relating to a scrimmage between the act of the snapper back and the act of any other player of the side In possession of th ball. If the snapperback makes a motion as If to snap th ball, whether he withholds It or not, the ball Is regarded aa in play and th scrimmage begins. If another player of the side in possession of the ball makes an attempt by a false start to draw the op ponent's off side and the ball is then snapped. It shall be brought back and not be regarded as In play or the scrlmmag commenced. Legislation ha also been directed at any players who are out of bound at the time when the ball la put In play and a rule has been made that no player shall be out of bounds at the time the ball has been put In play, except the man who Is holding the ball for a place kick. Another rule which will have a great tendency to stop unnecessary roughness is the instruction which 1 given to the referee o blow his whistle as soon as the forward progress of the ball has been stopped. This will lessen the tendency to fight for the ball after Its progress has been stopped and will stop piling up, which Is always the case when a player tries to edge the ball forward. It will also tend to stop the practice of attempting to steal the ball after the player has called down. Under a new rule a substitute must first report to the referee before taking his place In th lineup and Is not permitted to rush right Into the lineup without making himself known. This Is to do away with the practice which has grown up In some of the smaller schools of sending In a sub stitute who would play for some time be fore the other man waa sent from th game, thu giving a team twelve men. It wl cost a team ten yards this year to be coached from the sidelines. Instead of five, a formerly. A captain may now ask the timer at any time during the gam how much time of play remain, and th timer must tell him- approximately. Ha may not, however, ask more than three time during the last five minute of each half. The old rule holds that th referee or linesmen must notify th captain when not more than ten minute or leu than five remains to b played In each half. Aatesaaall Kates. M. C. Peters and party enjoyed a run cut to the Country club and over the boulevard recently. White mice are regularly enrolled on the submarles of the British navv to give warn ing of any leakage of gasoline. The Utile animals are peculiarly sensitive to gaso line fuiuee eud (uUu a great ada luo there la any about. There I a fin sugges tion for garages In this. An International road race Is to be or ganised for by the Oerman Automobile club if government sanction can D co la nd. Ir. Ollmore Is the latest convert lo the Cape top proposition. He had the Powell acon oompany equip his machine with one last week. Mr. Parkhurst of the Great Western rail road treated a party of friends to an even ing's enjnvment of motoring, uslr.g a car from Frederlckson garage for th occa sion. A. C. Kestner of Kansas City drove up to Omaha last Sundo-. lie experienced no difficulty on the trip and states that a wonderful Improvement to being made In the roads. J. W. Catron of New Tork Is now In Omaha with a party of friends on his way to Ban Francisco. He has made the Jour ney from New tork, and after a few days' rest In Omaha will push on In the machine, lie has put up at the Powell-Bacon garage. Wlllard E. Chambers purchased a tour ing car from Frederlckson this week and already ha learned to operate and take full charge of the running of It. Mr. Cham bers anticipate getting the full enjoyment out of the machine by taking long country spins and visiting the surrounding towns. D. M. Dlenlnger of the Woodman Lin seed Oil works. Mr. Judson of the Midland Paint and Glass company and Mr. Flack of the Conservative Savings and Loan as sociation, each had a touring oar out last week with a party enjoying the pleasures of motoring over the new boulevard sys tem of Omaha. A nut may be made to hold for a time by twisting string or twine around It before screwing up. Nuts may also bo held in po sition by wetting the nut with spirits of salts, also by slightly rlvetlna the end of the bolt. When a nut gives trouble In this way It Is usually the result of excessive vi bration, or because the bolt Is not large enough for the hole In which It Is placed. The weather of the last week has been delightful for motoring, and owners of ma chines and others have made full use of the days and evenings. The rental depart ment at Frederlckson's garage has kept three machines on the go day and night. The working force has also been putting In overtime keeping the machines adjusied, washed and poilalied and ready for the owner's telephone call. A complete report of the Gordon Bennett race, held In France on July 6, Is contained In the ourrent Issue of the Automobile, published In New York. American auto mohlllsts have been intensely Interested In the international event this year, as three American cars were among the starters. and for the first time i- me history of the race an American car finished. The report la trie modi coiup.oi t. . puuilsUmi iti any paper In the English language, and Is Illus trated with a large number of original pho tographs. An HUtomoblllBt on Broadway, New Tork City, had a thorough scare the other day after bumping into a tall, spare person and causing him to sit down violently. The vic tim sprang to his feet and his hand reached swiftly for his hip pocket. The chauffeur crouched beneath the seat to be out of the way of bullets and bystanders grabbed hold of the excited man. The scare turned Into a laugh, however, when the cause for the stranger's excitement was discovered to be a broken flask of whisky In his hip pocket. He was a southern colonel. A great deal of Interest has been taken by automobollsts In the fact that last week a decision was rendered by the United States circuit court, sustaining the "bottom bracket" patent for bicycles. This Is a fundamental patent which covers wvery safety bicycle made since 1KM, and a few years ago the possibility of it being sus tained was generally scoffed at. There Is a close analogy between this bicycle pat ent and the gulden patent, but the latter la not so sweeping. The Selden patent only covers gasoline automobiles, while the "bot tom bracket" or "crank hanger" patent covers all bicycles and, therefore, It had a much broader claim to be sustained. Increasing Interest Is twenty-fourhour races, l.ono-mlle contests and other lung distance events, and the elaborate arrange ments made for them, suggests that before long there will be a long distance racing car of special type, wholly distinct from any other. It will have special hubs and rims and stokes. so that when tires are worn out the wheels may be shifted In a Jiffy without any necessity of adjusting the bearings. It will be ballasted on the Inside to keep it on the tracks when turn ing corners, have a special body lighted In side and fitted with automatic devices for taking on fuel, food and other supplies while in motion, and be wholly a freak ma chine adapted lo this one use. SHIP AND ICEBERG IN MIRAGE Incoming; Paaaengera Tell of Strange Sight Witnessed Off the Grand Banks. A mirage which showed a four-masted ship that was not visible on the horizon, besides two Icebergs, only one of which was accounted for on the ocean' surface. was the unusual spectacle seen by th officer and passenger of the Mlnoetonka, off the Grand Banks last Friday. The Mlnnetonka arrived here today from London and her officers showed photo graphs of the mirage. The ship was In latitude 42.23, longitude 49.50, at 9:30 Fri day morning, when the Iceberg was seen twenty miles to the northward. While the passengers were admiring the berg, which resembled the profile of a woman's head, the mirage suddenly appeared directly over th berg. Between the peak of the latter and it Inverted Image there appeared a long line of film and vapor. Suddenly another Iceberg popped up in th air In the mirage, although the second iceberg could not be seen, even through the most powerful telescope on board. While everybody was applauding the grandeur of the scene, there appeared, wrong side up In the heavens, apparently about two miles from the most northern berg a big, four-masted sailing shlp.s Every sail was as clearly cut against the sky as If carved. The officers of the Mlnnetonka could see the royals and upper top gallant sails flapping, but they could not see the ship except by mirage. ' Th Image was in sight for three hours. Officer made, out a number of seal on the southern part of the berg and a polar bear on the eastern side. As far as the officers could make out the bear was try ing to reach the seals, but could not, owing to the fact that the seals were In a sort of niche on the south side of the berg. New York dispatch In St. Louis Globe-Democrat. An Abldlnsr Faith. "I don't see why there should be any difficulty about settling these life Insurance complications," remarked the patient look Ing man. "The subject ha commanded the atten tlon of some of our most eminent men." "Yes. But they ought to send for the agent who got me to take out my policy. There Isn't anything that man couldn't ex plain." Washington Star. Asudden attaokof Cramps, Vomiting or Diarrhoea is promptly cured by the Bittere. Always keep a bot tle handy and you'll save a lot of Buffering:. Then it also cures Poor Appetite, Sleepless ness. Indigestion. Heartburn, Dyspepsia. Costiveness or re male Ills. Try it today. Avoid all substitutes. r !r' r rZ7P7i rHiixl BLUE, m.7L par "' bisutNMWN! IsMtili - -.,liUl4 mi f h i j i .pal i u.-iw- i-wpt mi i.,aJlJ -'naii 'a, aa-H-ttaa,.,; . . wutsaMaJMa f ' ' -- -a "" THE DELICIOUS VISIT OUR BREWERY Note the scrupulously clean condition of everything the nhining copper brew tanks the burnished chilling coils the floors the rats the tanks all immaculate. Inspect the choice malt in the towering bins scrutinize the contents of the aromatic bales of Bohemian hops, held in perfect condition in our cold storage rooms. These hops are imported directly by us and cost twice as much as American hops. They improve the quality of the brew in that pro portion. Hee the huge hermetically sealed oaken vats in our storage cellars, holding tens of thousands of barrels of beer which is kept at a temperature of 33 degrees Fahrenheit for months until the product is thoroughly matured. Watch the beer as it is drawn from these vats, filtered through white wood pulp and pumped through our new - copper pipe line direct to the bottling department without coming in contact with the air in any way. Examine our bottling department, the most complete and up to date in the west. Here every bottle is washed seven times and sterilized before fdling filled and sealed at the rate of 72 bottles per minute then pasteurized by the ap proved process. CONSIDER ALSO THAT The water we use Th brewing is the purest obtainable, being drawn from our own artesian well (1,400 feet deep). Our brew-master, STORZ, an expert for 35 years, skillfully directs every detail in the brewing and handling of Storz Blue Kibbon Beer. Than you will Know om of th fgon why Stora Blu Rib. bon Br l pure, haglthful and of dollhtful flavor. Tho boor to drink down town or at your homo. Ordor oa now. GTORZ DREWIMG CO., OMAHA r lfy'' IT'aja--J e--3 V I ULJLJLLJJ ft LJ 4 III 11 !! pi mi UaNikWavJ M-VRLBtaMMUU A tfiltime jaaaJaVHSMUaVMHaWaWaVaVa .1 WETQfflC f The most palatable malt extract S.4 on the market supplies nourishment to nerves and blood gives strength to the weak energy to the ex hausted. . BUILDS FIRM, HEALTHY, SOLID FLESH. NothiDg equals it as a sleep producer. Clears the complexion, purifies and enriches the blood. ' GREATEST STRENGTH BUILDER KNOVN to Medical Science. Physicians Recommend It. At All Druggists-I5c a Bottle -IS I. . "V t n y jHf.T0ir0tWnf-,, f0 ii asjaaij i in i i ii a i iimii ii . I ii. i linn I ii a iiiimi ui'imji u ii a mi f Fish or no fish, you will be perfectly satisfied with your . outing, if Gold Top is in the basket. Wholesome Refreshing Appetizing w . . - a Omaha Hsadquartars Jetter Brewing Co. FIH-a r i Co. Bluffs Hnadquirtera TI(iak Niimhfr X mifK Dmfw LEE MITCHELL v v 101J Main Etrett, 1 Tel. K Bee Want Ads Produce Results Has Stood The Test of Time and won universal popular approval. Oldest and most famous In the world. Best for all met. Sold by lead ing dealers everywhere. GRAND FMZE Jiff;,' St. Louis World's Fan. iv t HI M lUlMMl. r 1 Fr..U ( wllH. rTJl'HtlVAiuCHiaieii Ca. OiaUIKATI, r " 1 by bra X t. . r n Hill il wn Circuit! Mill UM ItUUMi MEN AND WOMEN. tTM fUg U for nntiatUT! 4iftrhitf,iD0avrnjmlloua( tmtftttuljt ut UllllatkB vt mucon nimbi ana. Knl or polftuiiub. prr. fuff PEHUYPOYAL PILLS t nit nr.M tira .x.i.iti fff tftM. S.J of wr W.tgi.t f ar. 4.. la M.f fc lartlwlara. )mUh..I.1 If M "KlUr tor l.JI,-t luur rao Lr tmrm Mli. 1 U.Outt Tiiisi.i fc!4 f HID. .!... CN limn tai f ail.s . raj