TnE 0MA1TA DAILY BEE: BUN DAY, JULY 30, 1905, FIGURES ON LAND VALUES Governor Mickfj Hakes Soma CsmptiU tioas from Assessors' Returns. LANCASTER MAKES FIGHT ON DOUGLAS Detexmlaed Effort to Be Mad to te car Increase la Farm Uili an4 Merchandise Inerenee la School ( blldrra. (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, July 29. (feppcial.) The Btate Hoard of Equalization met (or a short time this afternoon to ,tilk over the sit uation, but because ot the absence of Auditor Siarle and Land Commissioner Knton nothing was done, and even the Hamilton county real estate assessment re mained untouc hed. Governor Mickey apent 1h morning preparing a state map by In-scrtlng- figures showing the average real estate assessment of each county. This Indicated an average of close to $1S an acre for Douglas county as against $8,928 for Lancaster as equalised. Governor Mickey stated that he believed the Doug las county real estate assessment Is about right. Notwithstanding that declaration, there lias been sone talk of A Lancaster county protest to secure an increase In the Doug las county real estate. It, Is claimed In be half of such an Idea that Lancaster county spreads over a greater area and has much poor land, although It Is admitted that the presence of Omaha on the other hand. In one end of the county, does not have the effect of Increasing land values in the west end of Douglas county. Information coming from the precincts of the board Indicates an unmistakable sentiment for a heavy Increase in the as sessment of Douglas county Merchandise, although It Is admitted that there must be a clear cut evidence of under-assessment before any action ran be taken. The at titude of the members of the board Is largely due to the agitation among Lin coln business men, who will redouble their efforts since the board found It necessary to Impose a 6 per cent Increase on the real estate of this county. Secretary of State Galusha has volun teered to secure the ratings of commer clal agencies ,by which to check mercan dine assessments. The confidence of some of the members of the board In this method of checking assessments Is on the wane, since they have learned of the difficulty In untangling the merchandise holdings of persons from their other property, when they are rated by these agencies. Want to Teat Primary Law. Supreme Court Clerk Lindsay has re celved a letter from J. P. Roe of Omaha, secretary of the socialist committee, ask ing when the supreme court can take -up the test of the Douglas county primary law, which they Intend to Institute should the county clerk refuse to recognise their county convention nominations, which are to be made August L Commutes Sentence of Fink. Governor Mickey announced today that he had commuted the six months' peniten tiary sentence Imposed on Harry D. Fink of Douglas county to six months In jail. The action was taken at the request of Jii'l.n'. Kcdlck, the-trial Judge, and on the advice of Deputy Attorney General Thomp K;i, who rendered an opinion that the )di n man was tried and sentenced under ti e wrong statute and should in the first Instance have been sent to Jail. Fink was convicted on Ave different counts of having mild railway tickets. The governor stated today that he felt that the man had been (.nilty i f embezzlement and not of forgery. Jlo ald that the six months In Jail will be ample to cover the various offenses. Increase 'In School Census. 8t,ite Superintendent McBrlen stated to day that he believes there will be an In crease In the school census of the state from iiTfi.OOO to 3MJ.0OO for the year ending in July. Senator Good la a Candidate. Follow Inn a visit of Senator Good of Ne- rmil-'i county to the state house today, it was unuounced by his friends that he would probably be a candidate .for the state treas urership to succeed Mortensen. ItednrlnsT Number of Paroled Men. Warden A. D. Beemer stated today that there are twenty-eight convicts out on parole at the present time. A week ago It was reported that there were thlrty-threo. The official professes to have the utmost confidence In the system. He stated that the percentage of men allowed such priv ileges Is much less than in Iowa, where from one-third to one-half of the convicts are paroled. s Will Mako Test Case. The officials of the State university are considering the advisability of framing a test case to determine whether an appropri ation lapses. when there is a bona flde con tract la existence calling for the expendi ture of the entire amount. The question arises in connection with the construction of the new administration building for which the legislature of 1908 appropriated (33,000. The work has Just been started and the lapse In the appropriation takes place August 81. It la proposed to make a demand on the auditor and. upon his re fusal to allow the claims, to Institute man damua proceedings. Did Not Want to Protest. Governor illckey has received a letter from a Falls City minister stating that he signed a petition for the governor's inter ference to secure the enforcement of the laws against gambling under a misappre hension as to the actual facts. He says that he wishes ta withdraw his name and asserts that the local authorities will do their duty In enforcing the laws. The gov ernor has received several more letters complaining of the Inaction of local au thorities since the attorney general ren dered an opinion thate executive had no authority to Interfere. t'aya Oat 1,200 for Wolf grains. Deputy State Auditor Cook today stated that ll.X has been paid out since July 1 for wolf scalp bounties. This amount rep resents 960 scalps. Will Go to Portland. Governor Mickey said today that he will visit the Lewis and Clark exposition at Portland August 21. Contrary to the usual practice the governor will not be accom panied by his military staff. Besides the govefnor, a few other prominent Nebras kans have been invited by the exposition commission. The governor will make a short address. Yonthfal Dipsomaniac Committed. Today the Lancaster county Insanity com mission sent William Hoadley, a 19-year-old machinist, to the Lincoln Insane hospital under the provisions of the dipsomaniac law enacted by the recent legislature. This Is the first commitment under the statute in Lancaster county, although several have been Sent up from other sections of the state. Hoadley threatened to cause trouble at the hospital, but the sight of a strait Jacket caused him to desist. He has been drinking to excess since he was IS. He is well connected and his relatives desired his commitment. Nlckerson. As he was passing the engine his shirtsleeve caught in some cogwheels. YOI'XO WOMA IMRT9 TO DEtTH W ipes I p Gasoline with Apron nnd It Takes Fire. ago. The board found thnt his trouble Is due to a general break down on account of old ag" snd poor health. The county will care for him at his own home. M'COOK The Independent of Indlanola and the ltrporter of ttie same place have n merged, 8. R. Rnilth of the Inde pendent selling his paper to Frank I-arkey, reman or the Keporter, who will with per for TORK. Neb., July 3 (Special.) Rurned the next Issue appear as editor of the com to a crisp and deah following was the sad fate of Miss Alverda Klnnison, daughter of David Klnnlson, w6o lives at their home, 1713 Iowa avenue. While lighting the gas oline stove for the noon meal. In some way gasoline esraped from the stove and thoughtlessly she wiped up the gasoline from the floor with her apron. In an In stant the gasoline caught fire and she was enveloped In flame. Rushing through her father's room, where he lay In bed, helpless to assist her, she ran up stairs and lay down on the bed attempting to extinguish the fire with bedding. Her father called for help to put out the fire and assist his daughter and for some reason no help came and the daughter lay on the bed burn ing up when the chief of the fire depart ment arrived. He rushed up stairs and found the bed on fire and nearly every vestige of clothing on the daughter burned from her body. He put out the fire and doctors were called who did all they could to relieve the sufferer, but she died a few hours later. FIGHT OVER WOM.4JT9 HAT Antelope Connty Farmer Recovering from Injuries Received. NORFOLK, Neb., July 29. (Special.) It Is reported that Henry Bertram of Craw ford township. Antelope county, has for weeks been resting between life and death because his wife wanted a new hat for the Fourth of July. Bertram tried to persuade his better half that the new bonnet was extravaganco, and he used the handle of a pitchfork to enforce his argument. Swinging the heavy handle down upon the crown of her head, Mrs. Bertram was finally felled to the floor. Then the husband tried to bring her back to life by the fresh air method. He stooped down to haul her out doors by the half of her head. While In this position he loosened the grasp on the fork handle and his 14-year-old son picked It up. With one back-handed stroke the son laid out his father. He took the mat on the very first blow and failed to revive before the count. He failed, too, to re cover long after the victim of his own at tack had come to life. She then took a turn and belabored her loving spouse un mercifully. A broken arm, a seriously injured hip and a wound In the head, requiring eight stitches, covered Bertram's case. The wife wore a very black eye for fouri days. For days the life of Bertram was despaired of and It was only yesterday that he began to recover, it is said. KEEPS CASH GITEX HIM TO I.OA1 Yoana- Man Charged with Enbeiillag Domeatlc'a Savings. NEBRASKA CITY. Neb., July 29. (Spe cial. ) Richard Mason, a young man, was arrested last night on a charge of getting money by false pretenses and with em bezzlement. The complaint Is signed by Olla Gllllch, a domestic. The complaining witness alleges that Mason secured from her on a promise to loan It to a farmer who would pay a good rate of lnterest- Mason was taken before the county Judgo and his case continued until Monday after noon. He Is confined In the county Jail. BANNER CROP FOR BUFFALO Wheat, Corn, Alfalfa and Other Prod nets Show Blsr Promise. SH ELTON, Neb.. July 29. (Bpeclal.) A splendid rain fell here last night and soaked the ground. Barring a few small showers this Is the most moisture that has fallen this month at any one time and the ground being so hardened by the heavy spring rains, moisture was needed for the corn crop. Threshing has been pushed with all possible speed during the last three weeks and a large amount of the best fall wheat that has ever been raised has been mar keted. The largest crop of alfalfa ever raised In this part of Nebraska Is In stack and a third cutting will soon . be ready to stack; In round numbers more crops are now In sight than at any time In the history of Buffalo county and farmers, merchants and laborers are feeling pretty good over the prospect. 'Prepare for McCook's Festival. M'COOK, Neb., July 29. (Special.) An Important meeting was held last night by the special committee selected by the Mc- Cook Commercial club to arrange detail and carry to a successful issue the pro posed street fair and harvest festival to be held In this city August 28 to Beptem Tjer Z. The Parker Amusement company has been secured for the entertainment of the crowds. Elaborate plans are maturing for a display of live stock and products of the farm, and this feature alone will be well worth while coming far to see. South western Nebraska's harvest Is a most lib' eral one, and those who wish to see what can be done in that line here In both grain raising and stock producing will be afforded the opportunity on a grand scale of the highest merit. Special railroad rates have been secured and the week Is expected to bring thou sands to our city to enjoy the big time In store for them. Heavy Pipe Crushes Lea-. FREMONT, Neb., July 29 -(8peclaI Tel egram.) Dan Randall, an employe at work on the sugar factory at Leavltt, was crushed by a piece of heavy pipe falling on him this morning and his condition Is critical. His left leg was broken In three places and his right hip crushed. He was helping hoist a heavy piece of waterpipe when the chain holding It broke, letting It fall. He came to Leavltt from Omaha about six weeks ago and has a family living there. Two Thousand Join In Search. NORFOLK, Neb., July 29 (Special.) Searching still continues In the Northfork river here tonight for the bodies of Carroll Powers, aged 25, and Miss Annie McBrlde, aged 24, who were drowned late last even ing In sixty feet of water. Grappling hooks are being used, but the depth renders the searching difficult. Vote for Postmaster. ST PAUL, Neb., July 29.-(SpeclaJ Tele gram.) The race for appointment as post' master at Dannebrog was practically de cided today by a formal election In which P. 8. Peterson received the most votes. Only legal voters were allowed to participate. ewn of Nebraska. Charged with Swindling- I'ncle Sum. GRAND ISLAND. Neb., July 29. (Spe cial.) Two men, giving the names of Cart mtll and Morgan, were arrested here yester day In response to a notification from a postofflce Inspector at Rawlins, Wyo. It Is believed the men are wanted for con spiracy against the government In pur chasing small money orders .and raising them to larger amounts. The Inspector is expected here In a day or two. He UNI rJ( II.A A heaW fain OInmnonU by lightning, fell here, giving corn needed iiioiMiure. IVISBfMSKA CITY The Modern Wond. men of America held a pnicnic in Lorton today. A large crowd was present. BEATRICE Considerable new wheat is being marketed here. The op price paid by local grain dealers Is 73 cents. WYMORE The stone auarrv and rnmhpr cam 01 town, owned ny Davis A Mavne. mining uigui anu tmy 10 nil oraers. BEATRICE The Salvation urmv ha nr. ranged to give an outing to the children of Beatrice at the Chautauqua grounds on August. iU. WEST POtNT-M. J. Hughes has become a. meinour or me national Hoard of Trade 01 ivansas fity and Is receiving dally re ports from that center. A INS WORTH The farmers met her to. day and organised the Brown County Po tato Growers' association, the object of which Is to find a ready market this, fall for the large crop that will be harvested nere. BEATRICE Judge A. H. Babcock of this city, who has been seriously ir- -'.he last few weeks. Is Improving and slrght hopes are entertained for his recovery. He Is one of the Judges of the First Judicial dis trict. M'COOK County Commissioner John H. Benrett of district No. 8. Red Willow county, nas resigned, to take effect 8i-o, teniber 1. Mr. Bennett will move to Omaha to engage in tne cigar and tobacco busi' ness. FAIRBURY Work has been commenced en a large two-story building which will o occupiea Dy owiu and Company as a chicken package and storage house. Their present quarters on Fourth street are too small ror their needs. WE8T POINT During the last week new telephones have been Installed In the homes of fifty-two farmers of this countv. The telephone service Is steadily growing unaer me energetic management 01 .Man ager sonnenscnein. BEATRICE Norcross brothers, who pur chased the grain business and elevator of w. U. bpeuman the other day, will en large ana improve the elevator with a view to making It one of the most modern In southeastern Nebraska. BEATRICE Seth Carpenter, who has been In Jail here for -the last few days for borrowing a horse and buggy from Rev. J. R. Hoag of Wymore and forgetting to return them, was released yesterday, no complaint being niea against him, WEST roiNT-The price of farm land adjoining w est romt is still advancing. blned papers. Tills will be a source of much gratification to the people and busi ness Interests of Indlanola, and will re sult In a better paper being published In that burg. WEST POINT-From letters received from Joseph Jermnn, partner In the gen eral merchandise firm of the 8tteren-Jer-man company of this city, who Is now sojourning In Bohemia, his native country, It Is learned that he and his ramlly are enloylng good health and have already visited the principal points of Interest In the old world. Including Vlennn, Venice, Rome, Trieste and I'rague. They expect to return In the late fall. BEATRICE Fred Krug of Omaha, who sustained a broken leg at Swanton while out with the Omaha trade excursion and who has been at Hepperlen's hospital here ever since the accident occurred. Is re covering nicely from his Injuries and the ihyslclan thinks he will be able to return ome some time next week. Mrs. Krug has been In constant attendance at her hus band's bedside ever since she reached the city the day after M". Krug was hurt. HASTINGS A short time urn the Bur- ltngton railroad was desirous of obtain ing a parcel of real property In the city of Hastings owned by Gilbert H. Boston. The railway company offered Sl.OOn for the land, hut the offer was rejected. Con demnation proceedings were Instituted In the county court and trial had before sp- f raisers. Judgment was rendered lor Mr. toston for C150. The company has ap pealed and Important litigation is promised. TECUMSEH At a meeting of the John son county republican central committee In this city this afternoon It was decided to hold the county convention at the court House in Tecumseh, Saturday, 8eptemler 2. The primaries will be held the day be fore. The basis of representation was based upon the vote given Hon. E. J. Burkett for congress last fall, viz.: one vote for each ten votes or major fraction cast for that officer. Numerous candidates are coming forward. COLUMBt'S-Wllllam N. Henslev. second lieutenant of the Thirteenth United States cavalry, stationed at Fort Myer, Virginia, arrived here today on a visit to his parents. I nis is tne second time he has heen home In five years since he entered the military academy at West Point. Lieutenant Hens ley was born and raised In this city and his record since entering the military school has been very successful nnd he graduated with high honors last May. Shortly after ward he was assigned to duty with the commission of second lieutenant. YORK The reception given bv the Rob ert Anderson Post, Grand Army of the Republic, and Relief Corps In honor of John Lett, department commander; L. M. ocomorn, anjuiani general or Lilucoln, and Mrs. R. B. Wilcox, president of the Woman's Relief Corps, was a complete success. Following a banquet to the guests toasts by Dr. J. B. Conway, J. P. Miller, L. D. Stlllson and Mrs. Julia A. Brown were responded to at the reauest of A. T. wiauque, acting toastmaster. There was a tine proeram of music and song. HA8TINGS G. W. Glese of the firm of tiiese tiros, of Holstein, Neb., was In Hastings this week looking un a rood site for the Glese Bros.' manufacturing Plant which they contemplate moving to Hastings soon. A. saltan e location has been secured Just west of the city, close to the tracks, and work upon construction of the buildings will soon be started. There are to be two brick structures, one 78x100 and the other 36x 80. The factory will make 11 kinds of tanks and will also make a specialty of manufacturing windmills. Oc tober 1 is the time set for the operation or tne plant in Hastings. WEST POINT The Joint teachers' instl tute of Burt and Cuming counties will be held in this city Tor one. week, beginning August 14. The day sessions will be held in the high school building and the night sessions in a mammoth tent. lne in structors for the session are William Da vldson. superintendent, Omaha, history and didactics: E. J. Hoenscnel, Topeka, Kan.. arithmetic, grammar and music; Miss Grace Greaves, Lincoln, primary numbers, read ing ana Dusy worn; miss Jennie u. rtea fleld, Omaha, language and advanced read ing: C w. crum, county superintendent, Madison, beginners' round table and course of study. The evening entertainments have been arranged as follows: Monday, reception to teachers; Tuesday, Oakland quartet; Wednesday, Governor Folk of Missouri; Thursday, Father Nugent, Des Moines: Friday. Frank R. Robertson. This institute promises to be a record breaker In point of attendance, over X teachers having already registered for rooms - and board. RUSSIAN TONE IS WARLIKE Kewip.pers tsy "Peace at Any Prioe" Will Not 9 Considered. COMMENTS ON THE IA1E INTERVIEW Rasa Snya thnt Proposal of Japan, If Correctly Outlined On Only Result In nn Arm I at tee. ST. PETERSBURG. July 29.-The tone of the Russian press grows more warlike as the peace conference draws nigh and the government on all sides Is urged to resist humiliating demands even at the cost of continuing the war. "Peace, as outlined by Mr. Sato." says the Ruse, which Is the first paper to com ment seriously on the Sato interviews, "can only be an armistice." The Ruse, which now has the largest liberal follow ing, finds the' Japanese demands far from moderate and sees little chance of the con ference ending successfully, if Mr. Sato has correctly stated the Japanese position, but it appears to believe that Baron Komura'e I spokesman Is acting on "his own responsi bility" or scents a possible bluff to pave the way for the acceptance of actual and more moderate terms by Japan. The Svtet continues Its fault-finding with the "tactlessness" of the visit of Secretary of War Taft and Miss Alice Roosevelt to Japan while the United States Is the host of the peace plenipotentiaries. 1 The Foreign office today was shown M. Sato's reference to the delay In the Chlno Japanese negotiations because of faulty credentials and reiterated that there can be absolutely no doubt of the complete ness and adequacy of the credentials of the Russian plenipotentiaries. One official said: "Mr. Sato seems to forget that Russia Is a civilized nation, that it has made treaties before and that It does not omit seals." POLICE HELP JAURES (Continued from First Page.) Hurt by Traction Engine. FREMONT. Neb., July 29.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Ross Wlckersham, a son of L. M. Wtckersham of Nickerson, had his left arm completely severed Just above the elbow by the cog wheels of a traction en gine about 10 o'clock today. The accident occurred on the road about two miles from What I Another dizzy spell? "Vertigo the doctors call it. You naturally fear it is brain trouble, nervous prostration, heart disease. But your doctor will tell you it is your liver. A slug gish liver means a poor circula- tion, a congested brain, a dis ordered stomach, constipated bowels. Ayer's Pills are liver pills. They act directly on the liver. You will heed only one each night for a few nights. Your indi gestion and biliousness will quickly disappear. n't V? the ' V. On.. leweU. iiM aauMium af ATTK-e lira nOOB-Ver tke sair. ATbK't frA04J?lUU.A-Va! ta Mead. ini'l CBfBBY PBCTOlAt-Fof eosfto. AlsJt't Alio C0BJ-x ntalapa asn Sfae. menial service for the czar's government In their greedy and foolish policy. Socialists and Pence, Perhaps the most interesting passage In the undelivered speech of M. Jaures on peace and socialism is as follow : What deeply wounded French feeling, what revolted all Frenchmen, from the so cialists to the conservatives, was the pre tension asserted by certain newspapers and certain professors to make France a kind of hostage if a conflict occurred between Germany and England. What would be In tolerable Is that our country should be ex pected to break with England and to de nounce the pact of good harmony which it had concluded with her. We no more want to purchase a rapprochment with Germany by a rupture with England than we want an agreement with England which would be directed against Germany. It appears to us possible to live in concord with both countries in a spirit of moderation and equity. If directly or indirectly repudiation 01 tne ranco-Kussian rrienaship were ex pected 01 us, we should be uncompromls IIIK; niiu il inein wao iiy pretense O dragging us in spite or ourselves Into an attitude of hostility toward England we should resist to tne last breath. Vor. in th first place a nation which la not free to extend its irienasnip to tnem it likes Is nation enmavea ana, tor sucn a nation, as for the individual serf, life is not worth living. Secondly, the understanding be tween France and England Is a victory of civilization and a guarantee of neaca. The fact that these people, too long divided TWO PLANS OF ACTION (Continued from First Page.) 75 Pianos list Be Sold 7 AVe lint! our quarters nt the Hnrnt'V strtrt store satlly lacking in room and have decided on KXTKXS1VE ALTKIIATIONS. which, when completed, will materially benetit the situa tion. These plans COMPEL UH TO DISPOSE OF OVER SEVENTY-PI V E PIANOS IMMEDIATELY. We realize that it takes unusually low prices to interest many piano buyers during the hot summer months, but we wish to emphasize the fact that Tor pianos of quality, lower prices can be had this week than ever again. ! is intnnwan Three upright, choice Chlckerlng, rosewood Fancy walnut, large size $375 Vose A 80ns, oak case $110 ..$156 $164 $195 Arlon, walnut case )aon sample, new, mahogany..,.... 13M sample, new, oak Xt0 Gramer, Flemish oak $122 $158 $192 $215 should have managed to dlssiDate their mla. Henry Netwlg sold to Adolph Posplsll his understanding and overcome their reciprocal farm south of town, consisting of fifty- I distrust. Is an effort of prudonce and of reason and a salutary example. elk'ht acres. Tor 14.000. This is a verv orainary piece ui low jymg uottom iana. uullmbi B ur. a. neints nied a com plaint under the new dipsomaniac law against his adopted son, Morris Kerns. Kerns Is 22 years old and has lived with his adopted parents since Infancy. He was examined by the commissioners and win be sent to the asylum at Lincoln. AUBURN Each day brings an Increased attendance at the chautauuua. The Dro gram is being carried out to the letter, and everyone pronounce the assembly a first- clos4 one. Hunday will be the closing day Robert Mrlntyre of Lenver, Colo., will be the leading entertainer of the day. WEST POINT-R. L. Davles and Miss Frances Robkar were married this week by Rev. T. J. Mackay of Omaha. The brldu is a. native of this cltv and a. rr&,iu. ate of-tiie West Point High schooT. and CA1 I llftY BE FATAL TO WOMAN the groom a young business man of Omaha. IHLL HIIM I UL mi nu 1 w 11 wmnii wnere tne coupie win ne at Home to their Remedy for Diarrhoea fteve Known to Fall. "I want to say a few words for Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem edy. I have used this preparation In my family for .the past Ave years and have recommended It to a number of people In York county and have never known It to fail to effect a cure in any instance. I feel that I can not aay too much for the best remedy of the kind In the world. 8. JEMISON, Spring Grove, York county. Pa. friends after August 10. GENEVA The Teachers' Institute closed today. N. W. uraham or Wymore, N. A. Keugston of Peru, formerly of Fillmore county, and Mtxs Belle Newell of Houth Omaha have been instructors. The ahiM,! boards of the county met this afternoon in the courtroom and were addressed by f rots, uranam ana nengaion. FAIRBURY Plans for rebuilding and enlarging the Rock Island roundhouse and machine shops at this place have been uu proved by the directors of the road and work will commence on the same within a few days. The building had to be en larged so as to accommodate the increase In size and number of the engines working irum r airtiury. BEATRICE The hearing of W. H. Palme Patmore, district manager of the Nebraska Telephone company, charged by J. M. fticiMeiii or tne noine lelepnone com. pany with malicious destruction of prop erty, was held before Judge inman today and resulted in the defendant being dis charged because of the insulticlency of evi dence. WEST POINT Word was received In the city that Mrs. A. H, Hullister died at Adair, la., on Tuesday morning, having been suddenly stricken with paralysis. Mrs. Molllster was the mother or Lr. b. 11. Holnsier, a long-time resident of this city. The remains will be interred in Chl- ci, the former home of the Hullister family. WE8T POINT Henry Kahler. an octo genarian, died in this city Thursday morn fug from ailments incident to old oe. He was born in Bchleswig-Holsteln, Oeimany, in l'Ci. Ho was the fa'.lier of eleven chil dren, only two of whom survive him. Funeral services will be hold Sunday un der the auspices of 8u Paul s Gorman Lutheran church. , NORTH LOtP The Board of Insanity mat here today to examine A. J. Davli "I'ncle Jud," as he is familiarly called, was one of the earliest settlers in this region and has been mail carrier ever since the railrvatl was tuill bare until a few days Mra. Klbbe Stepa Wrong? way from Moving; (r nnd la Danger ously Hurt. While alighting from a Farnam street car in front of tne uurungton depot at :10 o'clock Saturday .evening, Mrs. N. C. Klbbe, 616 North Twenty-second street, fell to the pavement and suffered a blow on the back of her head which It Is feared will cause concussion of the brain. Mrs. Klbbe was coming down Tenth street on the Farnam car and had got a transfer to the Podge line going north, and before the car had come to a full stop stepped off, with her face toward tha rear. She struck squarely on the back of her head and was picked up by tha conductor and motorman in an unconscious condition. She was carried to the sidewalk close to the depot, but all efforts to re suscitate her were of no avalL The police ambulance was called and Surgeon Lang don responded. Dr. Lang- don administered temporary relief and aft erwards the Injured woman was removed to St. Joseph's hospital, but at a late hour she had not regained consciousness. Mrs. Klbbe la the wife of Merrick C. Klbbe, manager for the Western Tinware company. Conductor Charles Thorne and Motorinan George Elkins were In charge of the ear. only of duties, and that If the representa tives of the nation are to have "rights," the authority of the czar must of neces sity be diminished. To this M. Khomtakoff replied that "duties" and "rights" are correlative terms, and that If the repre sentatives of the assembly have not the "rights" suggested In the memorandum. It is absurd to speak of them as co operating In the work of legislation. Secondly, the authors of the "Rejoinder," suggest that tt Is difficult for an elective assembly to continue to bear a purely con sultative character; that it will Inevitably come Into collision) with the supreme au thority and endeavor to enforce Its own will. M. Khomlakoff answered that such a collision is certainly possible, but that there Is no possibility of providing against it in any form of government. The au thority of the autocratlo monarch may, for Instance, be usurped by his own servants. In speaking of "an autocracy supported by the active co-operation of representatives of the nation," the marshals of nobility were influenced by the consideration that the present disorganised state of Russia was due, "not to lack of good will on the part of the autocratlo czar, but to the fact that his autocratlo power was unduly limited by an Irresponsible, arbitrary and antequated political machinery, wholly for- , elgn to the life of the Russian people." May Avoid Dana-era. The principles formulated In the mem orandum of the marshals of nobility and elucidated In M. Khomlakoff' reply to the twenty-three nobles were still further de veloped In a pamphlet which was written by M. Shlpofl and M. Gerastmofl after con sultation with the principal members of the conservative party, and was published only a few days before the opening of the first Moscow zemstvo congress. In this pam phlet M. Shtpoff maintains that the past and present conditions of Russian life dif fer so fundamentally from those of the countries of western Europe as to Invali date the assumption on which the "consti tutionalists" base their case namely, that Russia Is now passing through that stage of political development which was passed through by France at the end of the eigh teenth century, and by most of the other countries of Europe in the middle of the nineteenth century. M. Shlpoff appeals to the authority of Mr. Bryce, Prof. Dicey and De Tocquevllle In support of his con tention that political reforms are bene ficial and permanent only when they are based upon a careful study of existing con ditions, and that any violent breitch with the past is sure to be attended with disas trous consequences. He quotes with an, proval Mr. Bryce's well known remark that most, of the best articles in the American constitution were borrowed from the al ready existing constitutions of the separate states, and observes that even a century after the great revolution France was, po litically speaking, still In a state of un stable equilibrium. M. Bhlpoff'a party maintains that the unhappy experiences of western Europe may be avoided If Russian reformers will consent to abandon theory and to follow the example of Solon by de vising, not the best conceivable form of government, but the form which is best suited to the actual needs and conditions of the Russian people. The refusal of thif party to accept the principle of "universal, equal, secret and direct suffrage" Is the logical consequence of the view which they take of the role which the future representative assembly is to play. Fear Written Constitution. The only country In Europe, say the con servatives, which has realised the fullest measure of personal liberty for Its citizens Is England, which bos never had a consti tution written out, and M. Shlpofl and M. Geraslmoff quote with approval Mr, Bryce statement that the success of the English constitution is due to the traditions by which English statesmen have always been guided, and by the respect which English people have always shown for It. A writ ten constitution in Russia, It is confidently affirmed, would Infallibly share the fate which such constitutions have more than once suffered In France. M. Shlpoff and his friends fall back upon the old Slavophil formula: "To the people, opinion; but the czar, power," main talnlng that the one thing needful is to bring the czar Into Immediate contact with bis people so that the voice of the people may reach htm without let or hindrance, The number of representatives in the im perial council would, according to this scheme, be approximately In the proportion of 1 to every 25O.0U0 of the population, the total number being 607. of whom 172 would represent fifty provinces of European Rus sia. Poland would have thlrty-slx repre sentatives, the Caucasus an equal number, central Asia thirty, Siberia twenty-three and Finland ten. The right of voting would be directly exercised by all who had an in come of luO roubles, or occupied lodging valued at CO roubles per annum. One Emerson and two Stegers fine bargains for the cultured home. We sell pianos on $.".00 monthly payments, rent, tune, repair and move pianos at lowest prices. Our present stork of new pianos (Including Ptolnwny, Stoper, Emer son, Hartlninn, Mcl'hnll, A. B. Chase, Kuiizman, Steck and many others) Is unequalled In inanv wars for Ql'AUTY, NEW case deslpns. beautiful K ATI' It A L WOODS, ASSORTMENT. TRICKS and TKUMS. This exhibition Is unique, making It Important for you to see them before buying elsewhere. Tattles at a distance should write for catalogues, etc. Now Is tho best time to buy a good piano. All 'Instruments marked In plain figures at fixed prices. SCHMOLLER G. MUELLER, TEMPCRARY location at thk factory Telephone 1625. 1407 Harney St., Omaha iff"l-"""l"l"IJ"u" '""" ..i!'i!.a..!JLL.'.uj..i,aiM.ui ljjwm'.j,,' Ji. '.pi'i.!aajm. i- .; DOCTORS FOR ITJ.EK! To give a man his rightful place by birth and Inheritance among his fel low men Is worthy of the noblest ef forts of a physician's life, and every good physician works earnestly to this end. We offer you this aid, this help, this certainty of restoration, and If you will come to us we will spare you the penalties associated with private diseases and weaknesses of men. We will help you to escape from the slavery that Is holding you captive and depleting your manhood. Do not be deluded with the Idea that diseases and weaknesses of men will correct themselves they never do. It Is use less to worry about the past cause after the disease or weakness becomes once established. The fact that the trouble now exists makes It necessary that there should be no apathy, no delay, no deferring matters until later on. Sexual diseases, or affections re sulting therefrom, cannot be tam pored with owing to the natural tendency of every disease to Insidiously pro gress and tenaciously fasten Itself upon the system If proper treatment Is not secured to bring about a com plete and radical cure. It takes but a small leak to All a boat with water and sink it, and in many cases it re quires but a small ailment to nil a whole life with failure, misery and woe. We have observed the terribly blighting Influences of abuses and Indiscre tions In the young and middle-aged; sapping tho vital forces; undermining the foundations of manhood; clouding the brightest minds and destroying all noble thoughts and aspirations; family circles disrupted and the poisonous fangs reachlnng out and blighting even sjcceedtng generations. We have devoted many years exclusively to treating this class of troubles, attended with the greatest success, 'and are enabled to rive this class of sufTorcrs the benefit of our experience In treating diseases of -this nature. Wn Cur Quickly, Safely and Thoroughly: Stricture, Varicocele, Emission, Nervo-Sexual Debility, Impotency, Blood Poison (5yphllis,) Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases. and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex cesses, self-abuse or the result of specific or private diseases. PftVCni TATIftN FBFF 11 yu cannot call write for syrr.ctom blank. IfUnOULIHIlUn intt. Office Hours 8 a. m. to 8 p. m. Bundavs. lu to 1 only. ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam St., Batwaan 13th and 14th 8ta., Omaha, Nab. BB8nV Many Drop Dea4 from so-called heart trouble, when the real cause is acute Indigestion, easily curable by Electric Bitters. 10c. For sal by Sher man A MuConnell Drug Cot None of the retail stores closed Saturday afternoon, but nearly all of them are clos ing each eveninn except Baturday at o'clock. A committee of six clerks called on J. B. Baum of the Bennett company Saturday and after a talk with him de cided to circulate an agreement among tha merchants for Saturday afternoon clos lug. They anticipate no trouble in gslliug IL usrvhania la asres in tha matter Bank First National UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Omaha, Nebraska Capital $500,000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. .$329,357.65 Deposits $9,800,473.39 Herman KounUa, President- John A. Crelghton, Vice President. T. H. DaYto, Oasbiir. n O. T. Kountxo, AMt-CasfdeT. I I KonntM, Asst-OaahleT. Special facilities nd liberal terms offered for mercantile1 aad banking accounts. Tear business solicited. Three per cent on Time Deposits. 25c SOLARGRAPH 25c AmiiRPB adults, fascinates children, pleases every one. The latest scientific development of photog raphy and one of the greatest wonders of the twentieth century. The most interesting and use ful Invention for everybody Any child can op erate It YOU CAN MAKE, THIN'T ANT) TONE VOi;U OWN riCTCKES WITHOUT THK USB OF A CAXIKKA. Ho nlmple and yet very interest lna Get an outfit and you will see Ihe wonderful results you obtain by being your own photog rapher. Send In 25 CENTS and we will forward prepaid a complete photographic outfit. SOLAUGRAIMI CO.. , Dept. a. l-93 Wall Street. New York City, INVESTMENTS Do you want 1 sure, safe and highly profitable legitimate Investment (no schemes or "prospects")? Of course you do. Well, call at U.18 New York Life Building and ask for N. E. SHERWOOD. He has something with PROOFS TO BACK IT which will satisfy you. as It has others who have investigated. This opportunity will be open for only a short time and the amonnt 1 limited. N. E. SHERWOOD, 938 New York Life Bldg. BEE WANT ADS PRODUCE RESULTS