Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1905, Page 3, Image 22

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    July so. ioos.
Gossip of Plays and Players
, v i n t- n r t t
I not as a rule safe guides (or
l"ni ior me winier season at
the theaters. It has come to he
the custom with the managers to
make a lot of promises along about thla
time every yesir, and take chances on fill
ing them later In the season. Perusal of
the varloua Interviews,' typewritten circu
lars and other sources of publicity affected
ry the managers Indicates that the coming
season will not be particularly notate for
novelty, but will have a good deal of In
terest Just the same. Omaha la to be
favored, early and late, with several things
that were missed last season, but which
will be as welcome now as they would
1 ave been, probably, when they were
fresher. In this regard Omaha Is little if
any different from a number of other west
ern cities. The unusual draft made by
New York last year on the few ventures
that were really entitled to be called suc-cu-ses
made It a dreary, weary time for
the outlying "provinces." As one after
another the attractions went on the rocks
on Proadway, the big shows that had
gone on the road were called in, and this
left the western end of the circuit all but
dry until the cast was ready to call it off
for the season. The routing of the com
panies last season, too, was responsible for
a great deal of confusion that will not
likely be experienced again hls year. With
the Phubcrt-Flske-Rlasco combination to
spur It on to better endeavors. It Is quite
likely the "syndicate" will pay a Ilttlo more
attention to where It Is sending companies
on the road, and thus a more consecutive
seaaon will be secured for the attractions.
In fact, a number of weaknesses that wore
very apparent last year will probably be
corrected, and the general prospect for a
prosperous and brilliant season at the west
ern theaters may be looked for. The only
thing that may mar this Is the possibility
of tho KIhw & Erlanger syndicate massing
Its attractions In the east, where the rival
syndicate has most of Its theaters, for the
purpose of "competition."
Pates for the oponmg In Omaha are de
rliled on for two theaters snd tentatively
fixed for two others. The Krug will begin
Its winter activity on Sunday, August 13,
with Lincoln J. Carter's well known "Too
Troud to Beg." The Boyd will opcn on
August 21, with May Irwin In "Mrs. Black
Is Back " The Orpheum will open on Sep
tember S or 10, and the Burwood Is to be
opened on one or the other of those dates.
Vnless all plans miscarry, six weeks from
now will find four theaters In full activity
In Omaha.
When the curtain goes down at the Boyd
theater tonight Omaha will have said fare
well to the Ferris Summer Stock company.
Not a little genuine regret will mark this
occasion, for the Ferris organization has
come to be more or less of a local Institu
tion. For four summers an organization
under this name haa hold forth at the Boyd
theater, affording wholesome and enjoy
able amusement for the people at a rea
sonable charge. Nothing startling In the
way of dramatlo production has been un
dertaken at any time, but the plays offored
have been clean, Interesting and well put
on. Competent actors have been engaged
each season, and the performances have
been dominated by Intelligence and taste,
so that the regular patrons of the company
have been furnished dramatlo entertain
ment of a really high order at a very
moderate cost. Over and above all things,
the presence of the summer stock com
rny at the theater has afforded a place
to go In the summer. Not that Omaha is
devoid of places where an hour of leisure
may be spent during the summer season,
but this has merely widened the oppor
tunity for selection by one more. That this
has been appreciated may rest on the re
sult as measured by the patronage. Only
during the hottest of weather has the at
tendance fallen off during any of the sea
sons, and while the nights were at all
cool and comfortable, as they have been
this summer, the theater haa been well
filled at each performance, and when a
popular play was being presented It has
frequently been uncomfortably packed.
This Is the best Indication that the people
appreciated the presence here of the Ferris
Stock company. For the last two seasons
It has been Ferris In name only, Dick
Ferris, the originator and owner of the
company, having been here but a short
time during the seasons. This has not
detracted In any way from the efficiency
of the organisation, nor has It militated
against the success of the undertaking.
Some of the members of the company
have come back to Omaha season after
season, until they have acquired some
thing very like a "homo" in Omaha.
Among these may be mentioned II his
Marie Favey. who has been the leading
woman of the organization for the last
three seasons, and Miss Hattie Carmontelle,
who has played "characters" during the
same time. Miss Carmontelle Is an expe
rienced aotor, with a name already es
tablished before coming to Omaha. She
has shown herself possessed of the faculty
of assuming almost any role and glvlnx
It intelligent life. Her work haa always
been of the conscientious,' painstaking sort,
and she has been an Immense favorite
with Omaha audiences. She will be fol
lowed by the good wishes of a host of
warm personal friends, who esteem her as
much for her warm-hearted womanly na.
ture as for her histrionic ability. Miss
Favey had had some stage experience be
fore coming to Omaha, but. a mere girl,
she only promised that real ability as an
actress Into which she Is now coming.
Three years of constant work In stock
during, the summer and on tha road
during tha winter has done a remarkable
You Could Say HOI If You Used the
For sal only by
1408 Far nam St., Omaha, Nab.
deal In broadening snd maturing her.
Bhe csn scarcely be said to possess genius,
but she does have talent, and of a rare
order. To this she adds . a naturally
studious bent, and that excellent quality
of mind that does not permit her to be
satisfied with present achievement, but
continually spurs her on to other en
deavors. She has temperament and In
telligence, a good stage presence, a voice
of purity, strength and sweetness, and a
nature thst Is not spoiled by what rue
cess she has attained. She knows that
victory on the Itage comes only after hard
work, and she hss the courage to work
hard. If these qualifications mean any
thing at all, they mean that Miss Pavey
will yet be heard from on the stage. She
Is surely destined for better things than
havs yet fallen to her lot, and when she
does come Into her greater suocess, no
where will she be more sincerely congratu
lated than In Omaha.
The passing of the Ferris Stock company
will not leave Omaha without this excel
lent form of theatrical undertaking. It
simply makes way for the return of the
Woodward Stock company, under the direc
tion of Woodward Burgess, who will In
stall a permanent organization at the new
Burwood theater and who expect to open
that house very early In September, offer
ing Bronson Howard's popular play, "Shen
andoah," for the first week. A portion of
the new company has already been se
lected. Miss Eva tAng, a young actress of
demonstrated ability, who has already been
seen In Omaha, will he the leading woman.
Harry McKee, who has been here with the
Ferris company, will be the comedian pf
the new organization. Cecil Owen, well
remembered hero as a clever and capable
artor and a most accomplished gentleman,
will he the "heavy," whllo his wife, Miss
Dolly Davis on the stage, will be the In
genue of the company. Mr. Todd of the
present Ferris company will remain with
the new company, and very likely Mr.
Beebe and Miss Curry will also. Harry
Iong will have the stage direction at the
Burwood, and his wife, Mary Hill, will be
In the company for "utility." The leading
man has not yet been signed, but negotia
tions are under way for a well known east
em actor, who has had much experience In
stork companies and who Is known as a
fin actor.
Miss Tavey expects to Join forces In Emg.
land with Bert Coot at once In a vaudeville
sketch. Bhe will leave Omaha early this
week, and will very likely go to London
direct. After a short stay in England she
and Mr. Coot will return to America, where
they are booked over the Keith circuit.
Miss Carmontelle will accompany Miss
Tavey. Miss Minnto Church will go to New
York, where she expects to Join one of the
Shubert companies for a winter's tour. Mr.
Bostwlck will go to Chicago for a short
rest. He will be with Robert Mantell or
Walker Whiteside during the winter sea
son. Mr. Barbour will probably go to St.
Joseph for a few weeks. Beyond th's he
has no plana for the Immediate future. Mr.
Blaylock will go at once to his home In Des
Moines, where he Intends to rest for a
while. Mrs. Blayloek Is In poor health and
during her convalescence they have no
plan other than to stay at home.
Some Actor Stories.
Announcement that Nat C. Goodwin has
extended his real estate Interests In San
Francisco will not cause surprise among
his friends. They have known of his fond
ness for 'Frisco, and they have known, too,
that the comedian, though of convivial
tastes, has never lost sight of the main
chance or forgotten the sayings of Poor
Richard which he learned at his mother's
Mr. Goodwin Is an actor of exceptional
gifts. John E. Dodson thinks and asserts
that the American stage has no comedian
who can equal him and the British none
who can excel him. But he Is also a good
man of business, and this Is Just what
come other excellent comedians do not try
or wish to be.
Behind that saturnine humor, beneath
the show of contempt he affects when he
talks of materialism In art, commercialism
In the theater and ''the despicable spirit of
trade that spoils acting nowadays," Mr.
Goodwin conceals love for a bargain, pas
sion for an Investment, sneaking sympathy
with speculation, and a minimum of ad
miration for successful "graft." Under
such conditions why shouldn't a man turn
to San Francisco?
One habit, ruinous to thrift, Mr. Goodwin
avoids before all others. He does not bor
row or lend. Early In life a brother actor
decoyed a five-dollar note from his wallet,
and when, several months later, the credi
tor ventured to mention the matter to the
debtor with all deference to the . latter's
sensibilities, he was met with this reply:
"Nat, my dear boy, I'm surprised, I may
say I'm astounded, that you refer to an
Incident of such a personal nature. Why,
don't you know that when a man accom
modates a friend In the way you accommo
dated me, ha never expects to get the
money back? It Is a gift, my boy, a gift
and always considered a gift. Pleaso don't
speak of It again. I would not wish any
thing to mar our friendship."
There have been moments when Mr.
Goodwin has been extravagant of speech,
but the best authorities acquit him of being
extravagant with his bank account. There
Is nothing "Scotty" about him. Few are
better posted than he concerning the ways
and means of saving an honest dollar on
Manhattan Island. If there be a French
table d'hote whose cuisine he has not
sampled, It must be one opened to the pub
lic since he last left town.
"No, gentlemen," he will say, when an
attractive device is laid before him for re
ducing his roll. "I did play Bottom once,
but please do not think me an ass all day."
There Is a home behind the scenes In
w hich the actress spends much of her pro
fessional life the dressing room, hor "pro
fessional home," It might be called. Here
she changes her personality so far as out
ward appearance Is concerned, to suit the
character she Is to Interpret. Its door
closes upon her, opens to let out some one
else. Julia Marlowe goes In, out comes
Juliet I Disappears Mrs. Leslie Carter, re
appears Adreat Flits In Maude Adams,
flits out Lady Babble. The wizard has
waved his wand, the rouge tipped hare's
foot, and presto, change I 'Tis all part of
the great mystery of "behind the scones,"
between which and the spectator the foot
lights form a barrier of fire. It would
scorch him If he dared attempt 'to break
through. Only the "lines," the personal
magnetism of the actress, and the "atmo
sphere" of the play (If it is lucky enough
to have "atmosphere") can cross It, and
always from one direction only, from stage
to audience.
Probably no actress on the American
stago Is as well aware of the changes that
have taken place In dressing rooms as Mrs.
W. O. Jones, the Nanny of "The Little
Minister," the Nurse of "Romeo and
Juliet," and probably the most legitimate
successor of the late Mrs. Gilbert as the
"Grand Old Woman of the Stage."
In 1S37, before her marriage, she was a
member of a stock company In Philadel
phia, playing at one of the leading theaters
there. The dressing rooms were small,
stuffy affairs, without ventilation except
over the transoms, the walls and floors
bare. In those days the call boy did not go
to the dressing rooms, knock on the door
and call the actress by name- when It was
Music and Musical Notes
OSEF HOFMAN has been writing
soma gooti stuff for the Philadel
phia Ledger, apropos the experi
ences of a virtuoso before dif
ferent audiences, and also he
touches upon the problem of program mak
ing as applied to the understanding of
various communities. Part of what he says
seems to fit our own case so well that I
have put together the paragraphs whtoh
seem most to the point Here they are:
The only criterion by which a pianist like
myself can gauge the musical taste of a
community la by the appreciation accorded
him In the various cities he visits. But this
Is not such an uncertain thing to go by
after all.
A virtuoso makes up his program in ad
vance and usunlly makes It "to measure,"
to fit his audience, less severe for the
smaller than the larger cities, taking It for
granted that In the former musical culture
is less highly developed. The artist should
not be blamed for this. I for one am con
vinced that the educational value of a con
cert Is utterly lost upon an audience If the
program transcends its power of apprecia
tion. While I never would stoop to play
anything unworthy of an artist, I see, on
the other hand, no reason why the simpler
and perhaps more brilliant works of a mas
ter should not be played to an audience
which cannot follow him In his loftier
flights. Art must please. It must, of
course, go much further; It must move,
edify, uplift but It must please first.
Pleasure, as distinct from mere amusement,
is the gate through which art has to pass
In order to reach the finer sensibilities of
the audience. Hence programs must,
within reason, be "made to measure."
But in accepting the size of a city as a
standard of Its musical taste I have met
with some wonderful experiences. Some
times I have founA small cities capable of
appreciating musical works which would
have tested the capacity of a metropolis.
CHles I never had heard of before were
extremely appreciative of high-class music,
while some places with an established
reputation as "musical towns" were sore
disappointments. This was not the rule
either way, but It occurred too often not to
challenge attention. The reason Is perhaps
that a town with the reputation of being
inimical ceases to work on its own culture,
while a town without such renown Is am
bitious to acquire a musical standing.
What I have said about the standard if
musical appreciation In various cities is not
mere talk; it la the result of my own per
sonal experience. In some cities an artist
faces audiences who are fully conversant
with his career. There he does not feel as
If he were playing "on approbation." '1 he
mysterious and yet unilfiilable current
which connects the artist with his audience
(critics included), he Snds It ready and
walling for his touch when he enters the
stage. There Is no "warming up" needed;
neither for the audience nor for him. Ho
feels that the best he has to give will be
understood. And then he glves-gladly, anil'
gives generously, lavishly, like a prince.
The next night he plays elsewhere. The
audience knows the artist's name from the
advertisements, but his career, his pt-rson
allty, what he stands for In the musical
world, are as a sealed book to his hearers.
He appears, and feels the gaze of mere curl
ooity upon him. curiosity mingled with an
almost disconcerting, critical, inquisitorial
stare. Ah, where, then, Is the prince of
yesternight? If arrogant of disposition he
'scorns his audience and assumes lut they
are not "up" to him. But if well bred, be
will look Into himself for the reason of
thla drastic difference. In many Instances
he will be unjust to himself but he feels
like a pauper Just the same.
The audience thus Is a powerful factor In
the artist s psychic relations, but It Is by
no moans the only factor. There are many
others Foremost among them are he
acoustlo properties of the hall. If they are
bad, the artist is mercilessly nut upon the
rack of torture. He gropes for a way to
adjust his playing to the hall: he tries to
decrease the volume of sound or to Increase
It. he experiments wltB the pedal; he le
sorts to this, that and the other mode of
accommodating the touch and he keeps
on to the end of the program and yet all
In vain. A substantial toothache is far
prefeiable to such an experience.
There are two distinct classes of musical
people In Omaha the ones who are really
up to programs such as Yseye and the
Bauref Trio played last winter, (and who
would Ilka to have heard Blspbam in ona
("A Pollto Plae for Polite People."-Omaha Baa, July 30th.
"D) A iW
-1 iulilin.
Tha Wastarn Amusamant Co.,
Oanaral Manager
In Operation Evary Evening
Wagnar'a Mualo Drama
Preaantad With Elactrlc Brllllanoa
This Beautiful Story of
An Elaotrlcal Symbol of Purity and
l Rsdamptlon
Tha Maecaof Rallglous Productions
3,500 Elaetrlo Lights Required to
Croats ths Grand
So Unlvsrsally Admlrad
J. M. FINN, ..... .... DIRECTOR
Prs-smlnsnt Cornst Virtuoso
Augmented Each Wssk by ths World's Principal
A Delightful Pastlms
Nothing But Electricity
As Evsrybody Knows
Prsdomlnatea Evarywhsrs
Qtmninl IsT-fl Mr. Geo. Young and Miss Dora Rogers Will Be United in Marriage and Make Their
of his German lleder cycles rather than the
pleasing recital which ha gave), and the
ones who love music, but cannot sit through
a classical program without getting dread
fully tired. The way to build up a firm
mtjlcal foundation on tiur city Is to try
as far as It Is possible to cater to both
classes; toll the 'popular ones" Into a love
for better compositions by giving them a
few numbers they like on a program, and
make the "serious ones" see a little through
the eyes of those who have yet to grow
to their musical stature. Last winter in
Omaha was a phenomenal season musically.
Enthusiasm should be beginning to simmer
for next year's good things.
Sir Edward Etgar, while In New Tork, dis
tinguishing himself by perpetrating the fol
lowing Interview. The worst of It Is that
upon sober reflection. It is perfeotly true
from the standpoint of aesthetics. Let us
say it softly he seems to have overlooked
our latest tune of Inspiration, the one to
which our soldiers In Cuba did such brave
and wonderful things. Just at that period
"A Hot Time" made Its cyclonic appear
ance; our men marched and fought to Us
swinging strains. Sir Edward has yet to
fight a battle (I believe); maybe he would
change his mind about "Yankee Doodle"
being "stark Idiocy" If he had to face a
thunderstorm of bullets. When President
Roosevelt was given his banquet in the
Alps at the Bt. Louis exposition, and the
magnificent orchestra discoursed through
the evening the numbers which brought the
crowd to its feet cheering, were the good
old patriotic tunes which stand for braverf
and achievement. Uiif can't read the
Englishman's comment without feeling a
little resentful:
"The English national anthem is the sil
liest thing Imaginable; the words are stupid
and some of the lines won't rhyme, and al
together the man who sings It and thinks
of what he is saying can't respect himself.
The music is good enough, because it was
stolen from the Germans," said Sir Ed
ward. "Your national hymn Is even worse than
England's. You haven't got any regular,
legitimate national song, but you have four
w h'ch seem to rank about equal in popular
estimation. There is 'Yankee Doodle,'
which has words that are stark idiocy,
while the musle would set the teeth of a
bussaaw on edge. Then there Is 'Hall, Co
lumbia,' which Is nearly as bad 'In every
way as 'Yankee Doodle.' 'The Star Bpan
gled Banner' Is a song that begins so low
and goes up so high that nobody can sing
it, which is the only advantage it has. And
there is 'America,' with words that run a
little smoother than ours, but are every
bit as silly. In fact, I don't know anything
more exasperating than the first verse of
'America.' It is enough to turn a cat
against milk.
"I suppose the reason for the badness of
national hymns la that they have sort of
grown up without any proper attention, be
ing given them when they were young."
Rotes ss Pvrsoaals.
The choir at Trinity cathedral is some
what depleted during the summer vacation.
Mrs. W. V. Turner is taking Mrs. L'rqu
hart s place at the First Church of Christ
(Sciential) during the letters vacation.
Miss Clara Kcksirom left last Tuesday
for New York I'uy. She opens next nioiuli
ss leading contralto in bavage s "Wood
land." Mrs. L. Crofoot, the very efficient sec
retary of the Tuesday Morning Musical
club, starts for HyannlHjxirt, on Caps Cod.
Baturday with tvr family. Mrs. Crufoot
has dune some wonderful work the Uutt
season, with Mr. WUcsek.
time for hor to go on the stage, but every
member of the company was known by a
number, and he simply would sing out
"Number !" i
Mrs. Jones was married from the theater
In which she was then playing, and after
she left the company it was forty years
before she returned to that house. When
she .went back, after that long lapse of
time, she did not find the slightest Improve
ment, Forty years had passed, yet the
dressing rooms were still bare, without run
ning water and without ventilation to the
open air. Really, It Is only during the last
ten years that any genuine Improvement
has taken place In the dressing rooms
throughout the country.
Now it has become worth while for an
actress who Is high enough up in the pro
fession to play fairly long engagements to
take hangings and ornaments along with
her in order to give a homelike appearance
to her dressing room. Borne of the "old
timers," however, cannot be persuaded to
do this, because there Is a superstition
among them that if you fit up your dress
ing room prettily you will not remain long
enough to enjoy Its home-like atmosphere
that the place In which you are playing
will not be a success, and the engagment
will be shortened.
Mrs. Flske probably Is the only player In
this country who Is fortunate enough to
have a dressing room exclusively for her
own use. At her New York theater, the
Manhattan, the room, or rather rooms, re
served for her are never occupied by any
one else. When she Is away from town on
tour the rooms are locked and remain un
occupied until her return.
The rooms combine the artistic and the
practical. Besides their primary purposes,
they serve also as an office, where Mrs.
Flske dictates her letters and transacts the
round of business matters that comes be
fore her. In addition, therefore, to the
dressing table, mirrors, makeup conven
iences and other appurtenances that are
part of every dressing' room, Mrs. Flske
has a desk, whose pigeonholes are filled
with manuscripts and papers, a letter file
and a desk telephone all factors In the
busy workday Cjf a woman who is not only
an actress, but also a stage manager and
in direct personal charge of her produc
tions. Staaeland Gossip.
"The Catch of the Season" has passed
Its 0th performance at the Vaudeville
theater, London.
Messrs. Klaw and Erlanger have engaged
Edgar Atchison Ely for the Drury Lane
spectacle, "The White Cat."
James W. Herbert, Jr., has been engaged
fur "The Belle of tha West,'' and is to
play the part of a Chinaman.
Mlts Ivy Trautman, who played with
E. it. gothern In "If I Were King," has
been engaged fur "The College Widow.''
William l. Crane has returned from
abroad and will spend the remainder of
the summer at his country place, near
Cohasset, Me.
Bam Bernard, In "The Rollicking Olrl,"
will play the hundredth performance of
this merry musical comedy at the Herald
Square theater. New York, on August 7.
Charles Dillingham has engaged a singing
comedian from London iiainod Leo Mors
as a member of the cast supporting Frilsl
buheS in "Mile. Modiste."
IJUlan Russell had a fall lately from a
horse, which resulted, it Is said, In a broken
rib. To add to her misfortune, on her way
to consult her doctor her automobile broke
It Is said that Burr Mcintosh, who
since his retirement from the stage has
been very successful In photography, Is
going to the liullpplnes us oihciol pho
tugiapher for the la(t parly.
Wilton Lackaye will this season travel
13. Sou miles . on his tour, which will be
chiefly to the l'acitlc coast, beginning about
the middle of August. He will be under
the management of William A. Brady.
It is now said that before E. H. Sothern
and Julia Uariowv return to the United
States they will appear In London In one
or two of their Shakespearean rla' If
this plan is carried out they will b sup
ported by an Llnglibh company.
Mathllde Cottrelly has been engaged for
Mm am till. .it company In the Clyde
Filch comedy. "Her Oreat Match." Ma
dame Coirelly was formerly known as a
lavorlle comic opera prima donna. Others
engairod for the Ha me company are Herbert
Stauiding, f'harle Cherry, Nellie Thorns
and Felix Edwards,
We Believe in Signs
For that reason we recently put up the most
elaborate and attractive sign that we could
get. This sign is made entirely of glass, the
background being embossed mirrors and the
letters cut glass jewels. It points the way to
the most up-to-date Glass and Paint house
in the west.
Midland Glass & Paint Co.
1610-12 Harney Street
Admission lOe.
1408 DonRlai Street.
Cooled With Ice.
Caters specially to women and
At 2:30. 7:30, 8:30, 8:30.
Steamer R. C. Guntcr
. Leaves foot of Douglas street every
afternoon at 2:15 for Florence, and
every evetiii g at :U for a 16-mlle
p' (The Big Bridge Turn.
ARH-The Magnificent River Scenery.
The Waterworks at Florence.
FOUNDED 1807. DR. P. ZIEQFELD, President.
College Dulldlng, 202 Michigan Boul., Chicago, Ills.
The lsrgost and most complete College of Matlo sad Drsmsllo Art la Amsrlca.
Hss the strongest faculty ever assembled Is a school of musical learning.
Dr. P. Zlsgfsld Eallsdsaret Dr. Louis Falk Hans too 5chlller
William Castle Berahard LUtcmsna Hsrmaa Devrlss FslU Berewtkl
Arthur Speed , Waldemar Lutechg Alssaoder voa FlallU Mrs.O.L.Fos
v Mart Conway, Director 5chool of Acting I
All Branches of
Modirn Linguigit.
WALUEM AR lOtSCHO. Ths Mrest Radian Pianist.
ALEXANDER von FIRLITZ. The gmitiest Composer.
HANS SCHROEDER. The Llstinrolahed Baritone.
FKEDER1K FKEDEk.lK.bEN, The Scandinavian Vlollnlit,
EMlLB 5AURET, The world renowned violinist hss been re-engaged for a term of years.
40th 8EA80N DECIN3 SEPTEMBER llth.
NOTK-Appllcatioas (or the 43 free and IV) partial Scholarships wUl be received
until September L
A f
I ' !
Fiesl BleosiflcU ZsUler BaroU s Mkkehi Ottatsr Malts
Ckae. Allaa, Mas. lit. Mm. JwiIm teer Mrs. Slat? fcUllaas
Ciaraaca bickiaMS Enlra Qurtty Kim f ailf Laciairca
Mrs. tr.lya FietcStr Case FarraM bakarr Carr Lad if Imu
THI LIADINQ m nsarnav and
?Xai$'3,rrfifl CMOOLof IllUOlU LAMC0ACI8
J 1" v1 a?i-5 Teschers ol International reputation In all departments.
- Catalog (ree on apviicatloa to 0. B. SCHMIDT. Secretary.
Taa SaaS Xaassie Onaaacatarr i
A House School for Young Women. Advanced seminary and college preparatory
courses. Certificate admits to Vassar. Wellt sley. Mount Holyoke. Smith, the Univer
sity of CliioAgo and the University of Nebraska. Exiepttoual advantages in music,
art and the modern lansuugs. Well equppd gymnasium, tennis. Meld hockey and
other out-door aiorta. instructors college graduates of large teaching exprrhim e
and extended advantages In Kuropean travel, gludents mothered sympathetically
by experienced women who appretUvje 4he needs of youag womanhood. Sand for illus
trated prospectus.
One mie West of Notre Dsrae
Two Hours' Ride from Chicago.
This Institution for Young Ladles has
Just completed Its fiftieth year of use
fulness. It Is today one of the best
equipped schools in the country and en
Joys an internntlonul reputation for
giving the best possible mental, moraj
and physical training to Its students.
Collegiate, Academic and Preparatory
Exceptional advantages In Music and
Art. A floe Gymnasium for Physical
Culture, a model building of its kind.
Ideal and healthy location on on emi
nence overlooking the romantic St.
Joseph River. Modern Buildings,
heated by steam with hot aod cold
water throughout For Catalogue and
other Information address
Conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Cross.
School Year Begins Beptembor llth.
if UaUan4 nraiMtf Art. fllitjr ftralnsnt losjtrutv
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