Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 2, Image 2

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Dwrfnf July and
AngMtt wa ctoae
Satardajra at
I 'clock.
Tor Monday's gplling wo- have added many new styles at
clearing sale price. Heantiful new Stocks just the kind you
want to wear right now.
50c each for mocks that sold at 11.00 and
Tic each they are white, linen with whlta
and colored embroidery.
Ec each for 75c Collars, Turnover Col
lars with white and colored embroidery.
Hunter Brown Collars, with eyelet em
broidery alwaya sold at 60c special price,
New Belts
Black Bilk Belts shirred front and back
-at 50c each.
Black, brown, green and white Shirred
Bilk Belts, at 60c and 76c each.
A neat little stitched Tailor Belt black,
brown and white at 69C each.
Ladles' Leather Belts In brown, black
and white at SOo each.
Japanese Pleated Leather Belts brown,
, black and white 75c and 11.00 each.
We also carry ,a large line of children'!
Punter Brown Belts.
Bed, blaek and white at 25s each; better
qualities at 40c and 60c each.
New Veilings
Tuxedo Velllna- In white, 25c and 35c.
i White Veiling; with black dots, 2Ce and 80c.
I Black and White Tuexdo Veiling, 50c
1 Black Veiling, In plain and dotted, 26o,
JOo. 40c, 60c, 60c, 75c and $1.00.
Navy blue, brown, tan, green, purple
Veiling, 25o to 60c
Clearing Sale on Wash Goods
Mondays Specials
The variety Is getting smaller, but the
values are greater than ever before. Lay
In a supply for next season It's a good Investment.
Y. M. C A. Building, Corner
linen are making arrangements to disinfect
their box cars. They expect that the fumi
gating will be it least effective In killing
any fugitive disease bearing mosquito that
may Invade these cars.
Tennessee Pate I n the Bare.
MEMPHIS, Tenn., July 29. Following
the quarantine established by Memphis and
Chattanooga, 'he entire atate of Tenne
see this afternoon closed Its doors against
New Orleans and all other points where
yellow fever Is prevalent. This action was
taken at a joint meeting here of the state,
city and county Boards of Health. It was
also arranged that the three health boards
named would actively co-operate here, the
main gateway of the state to the infected
districts. Governor Cox has endorsed the
action taken and promised hla active sup
port In carrying out the quarantine regu
lations. Mississippi's Military Quarantine.
GL'LFF-ORT, Miss., July 29. Governor
Vardaman, acting for the state board of
Mississippi, has placed Adjutant General
Fridge In charge of the state quarantine
service and all future aggressions against
the yellow plague In Mississippi will be
conducted under the auspices of the adju
tant general's office. The advance detail of
officers and men stationed at Camp B. F.
Ward, who were preparing the camp
grounds tor the encampment of the Missis
sippi National Guard, will be utilised to
supplant the civil force now on .duty
throughout the atate and the most stringent
quarantine will be maintained In the state.
Oeneral Fridge has issued Imperative or
der to the soldiery to maintain the quar
antine at the point of the bayonet. The
coaat line has been divided Into divisions,
the eastern from Gulfport Is under com
mand of Lieutenants Walton E. Bobbe and
Leland Dyle of Battery I, First artillery;
the Alabama Una Is under command of
Major Ewlng, the west from Gulfport to
the Louisiana line, under Captain Sullivan,
while details of soldiers will be established
at all Intermediate stations. Headquarters
hat been Instituted under command of Gen
eral Fridge. Colonel Wyatt wtll assume
command of the port of Gulfport. A pla
toon of the Cameron field artillery of
Meridian will arrive to do duty as quaran
tine guards.
. Doctor Mnkea Falsa Report.
Testerday a doctor here stated he had a
case of yellow fever. The health authori
ties Interviewed him with the result that
he acknowledged that he had told an un
truth, . The authorities thereupon made
him sign a statement to that effect.
NATCHEZ, Mlas.. July 29,-Natchei and
Adams county are co-operating In the main
tenance of a detention camp at Concord.
The town has quarantined against the
world. The train service on the Mississippi
t Valley ft Southern railroad, has been re
duced to one train dally each way. Fifty
five refugees who were coming to Natches
ore detained at Camp Concord and will be
held five days.
Texas Modlftee Quarantine.
HOUSTON. Tex.. July 2.-State Health
Officer Tabor today lifted the quarantine
against the state of Louisiana with the
exception of New Orleans and the town of
Twenty-Five Inspects In New York.
NEW YORK, July 29.-Wlth no less than
twenty-five cases of possible yellow fever
detained under observation on the quaran
tine Islands, Dr. A. H. Doty, health officer
of the port, said tonight that twenty-four
hours must elapee before It could be abso
lutely determined, by bacteriological testa,
whether any of the suspect were Infected
with the dread plague.
Two sailors, both apparently seriously
111. were taken today from the steamer
Seguranca. which arrived from Colon, and
Isolated In the Detention hospital on Swin
burne island. Eight more of the crew, who
had been 111 during the voyage, but were
convalescent, and seven passenger, two
from the cabin, all of whom showed In
creased temperatures, were taken to Hoff
man Island for detention until the result
of blood examination are known. In addi
tion to these, two suspects were taken to
Great Alteration Qale
I Next earneaters eoaaaneaea
a all dinar ana neetloa. Ta make
roone far ear Bays an Girls' shoe
toast It la accessary ta elose ant m
areat ataay aasnaae llnea. Tkla wt
will a tnreaaa areat Alteration
Sale ( Bays anal Girls' wear, eaa
anenein Taeetar xaaralasi, Asj. let.
o daily patera Monday. Beaaea
, LllUnatlea Baaar.
BEE. JULY 80. 1905.
Special Sale of
15c Suitings, 15c Batistes, lRc Voiles, etc,
AT TEN CENTS A YARD there are:
25c Organdies, 20c Suitings.
30c Novelties, 26c Irish Dimities, etc., etc.
are line Imported Novelties and choicest
materials, that sold up to 80c per yard.
All the French Imported Organdies
those beautiful floral designs that you have
so much admired 40c and too qualities all
go at 19c per yard. '
A Dress Goods Bargain for Monday
You Should Know About
Exactly such goods as thousands will
pay the bigger price for If you fall to se
cura a share of these. Now Is the time to
buy the lot Is growing small. See dis
play In our Sixteenth street window.
Handsome Black Chiffon Finished Brll
llantlne. Here Is a material that every
lady will be proud of. Not the ordinary
brtlllantlne at ordinary prices, but beauti
ful, rich, glossy black. In the new soft
chiffon finish. Tucka and plaits perfectly.
Equal In appearance to any all silk ma
terial. Tou can pass a yard of It through
the ring on your finger and not muss or
rumple. Ask to see It regular $1.60 quality.
In this special sale, 89c a yard.
Cream Silk Finished Sicilian. One can
not Imagine anything more beautiful for
waists or children's wear, separate skirts
or full costumes. The following figures
will give you a better Idea what fine value
you will find In 61 Inches wide: Handsome
English Sicilian never sold for less than
$1.25 Monday's special price, 76c a yard.
Sixteenth and Douglas Streets
Hoffman Island today from the steamer El
Dorado, from New Orleans, and there re
main on the Island six rases from the
steamer Avona, which recently arrived from
All the suspects held yesterday from the
steamer Alamo, from Galveston, Tex., were
released today.
None of the patients now under detention
Is regarded as being dangerously 111, but
there Is apprehension that there may exist
among them cases of an Insidiously danger
ous form of yellow fever, the ambulant
stage. In which the sufferer walk abroad,
feeling only slightly lit. but Imperilling all
with whom he comes In contact.
The health officials tonight are making
the most thorough tests for this type of
yellow fever among the ten ' members of
8eguranca's crew, because four of this
crew were taken off at Colon, actually Buf
fering with yellow Jack. ...
All of the seventeen passenger and crew
taken from the steamer Seguranca were
tonight reported to be doing well and allow
ing no symptoms of yellow fever, except In
the case of two of the crew, whose case
are still doubtful.
Irregularities Regarding- g0ll Cnltore
Scandal Referred to Depart,
ascot of Justice.
OYSTER BAY, L. I., July 8,-An Investi
gation of the case of. Dr. George T. Moore,
physiologist and analogist of the Depart
ment of Agriculture, who resigned yester
day. Is to be made by the Department of
Justice whether a prosecution I .warranted
by the fact.
This was made clear tonight In corre
spondence between the president and Sec
retary Wilson, the publication of which
wa authorised by the president. It ap
pears from this and the accompanying
paper that the first suggestion toward
looking into the bureau In which Dr. Moore
wa employed came In a letter to President
Roosevelt from T. D. Harman. manager
of the National Btockman and Farmer
under the date of July 18 Inst.
Secretary Wilson sent to the president a
copy of Moore statement made to the
secretary. In defenae of Ms alleged con
nection with the nltro-culture concern.
That statement Indicate that Moore' su
perior's In thejDepartment of Agriculture
were cognisant for a long time of hla de
sire to leave the department to Identify
himself with the nltro-culture company,
unless he could secure a promotion, but
In It Moor expressly say that hi su
perior did not know hla wife was a stock
holder in the company or that a consider
able block of the stock had been reserved
for him. For some reason, which Is not
explained, Moore neglected to Inform his
superiors on that very material point.
Dr. Moore's statement ha been pub
lished. It Is regarded as not unlikely that
out of the Inquiry which Is being made
into Dr. Moore's connection with the nltro
culture company, may grow aome sensa
tional disclosures. The letter of Mr. Har
man to tha president contains Intimation
of a state of affairs that Is not explained
by statements to Secretary Wilson. The
Whole matter, by direction of the president,
will be probed to the botttom and If the
facts should warrant, prompt action will
be taken by the Department of Justice.
Answer to As Proposal of Oer
snaa. Emperor to Give It Btatas
at Mara Claasam.
ST. PETERSBURG. July .-J:06 a, m.
The approaching cruise of a British squad
ron In the Baltic sea being announced on
the heels of the meeting between Emperor
William and Emperor Nicholas at BJoerkoe
has created a great stir here and ha given
a new turn to conjecture about the purpose
of Emperor William' trip to Russian
waters. The German emperor la now
credited In aome quarter with a design to
enlist Russia support- In securing for the
Baltic the statu of a mare elausum and
the immediate declaration that the British
fleet Intends to pas the belt 1 regarded
a Great Britain's cry of checkmate. Noth
ing official la obtainable concerning the
cruise, the Foreign office maintaining that
It has not been apprised of Its purpose or
the details of the program, and It decline
to discuss the subject seriously In the ab
sence of further Information.
Wine to Visit President
OYSTER BAY, L. I., July .While the
time of the visit to the president of M.
Wltte, Russia's chief plenipotentiary to the
Peace conference, has not ben definitely
fixed. It probably will be next Thursday if
the Kaiser Wllhelni der Gross arrives in
A tenant which is quickly dispossessed
by Dr. Klruf's New Discovery la a Cough
or Cold, too and 11.00. For sale by gbar
sua McCenneU Drug Co.
Details Are All Arranged for Opening of
Uintah BeserTttioa.
John Dera and Irvine Howbnrt Will
Assist Commissioner Richards
Men of Irreproachable
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, luly 29. (Special Tele
gram.) John Dern of Salt Lake City. Irv
ing Howbart of Colorado Springs, and W.
A. Richards, commissioner of the general
land office, will conduct the drawing of en
trymen on the Unltah reservation. Acting
Secretary Ryan made these names public
today following the proclamation of "the
president "that persons of unimpeachable
character shall supervise the drawing."
Since the opening of the Kiowa and Com
manche country In Oklahoma a committee
of representative cltixens has been selected
to supervise the drawing of entrymen'a
names from the box. Commissioner Rich
ards was the first to put the so-called
"lottery" scheme of determining who wa
entitled to first choice of lands Into prac
tice, and realising that criticism would fol
low unless he was surrounded by men of
Irreproachable character, he hit upon the
scheme of a committee which la now car
ried out in the opening of the Unitah res
ervation by the choice of John Dern and
Irving Howbart.
Secretary Ryan stated that thl commit
tee, outside of the commissioner, would
receive &S per day during the drawing.
It Is thought the committee will sit at
Provo, Utah.
Dern a Former Kebraskan.
John Dern 1 a German by birth. He
waa engaged in farming in Dodge county,
Nebraska, between the years 1869-S1. Later
he engaged in the grain and lumber busi
ness at Scribner. Fremont and Hooper,
Neb., and wa senator from Dodgo county
in 1889 and treasurer of the same county
two terms. He became manager of the
Mercuery Gold Mining and Milling com
pany. Salt Lake City, in 18i ahd is now
engaged in mining enterprises.
Irving Howbart of Colorado Springs 1
one of the beBt known men in Colorado.
He Is reputed to be a millionaire and ha
been connected with railroad enterprises
for years, having been president of the
Colorado Springs & Cripple Creek railroad,
which Is looked upon as one of the great
scenic railroads of .the continent.
Judge Ryan, speaking of the appointment
of Messrs Dern and Howbart, said that
they had been selected by Governor Rich
ards prior to the latter' leaving for the
west; that their selection wa in accord
ance with the president' proclamation,
and, he believed that the choice would be
accepted by the great bulk of the people.
Say Hall Geta Free Seeds.
Neighbors of Congressman Hull, who
owns a farm on the Potomac river thirty
miles south of Washington, In conjunction
with Congressman Wadsworth .of New
York, are making afl kinds of churion
against Hull and his partner because they
nave been receiving free seeds from the
government. Vast Quantities of tlmothv
alfalfa and clover, It Is charged, have been
sent by the Agricultural department to
Hull and Wadsworth and the whole neigh
borhood 1 up In arms, asserting that
paternalism of the rankest kind ha been
shown to these representatives.
Dr. Galloway, chief of the seed division,
says a few seeds have been sent, but noth
ing like the quantity charged,' and laugh
ingly says that the Virginia neighbor of
Hull have been "doped."
Hew Rural Carriers.
Rural carriers appointed for Nebraska:
Clearwater, rou'e No. 2, Xoa Savage car
rier, John F. Savage substitute; Hooper,
route S, Henry R, Hartung carrier, Andrew
Matson substitute. Rural route No. 4 has
been ordered established October 2 at St.
Charles, Madison county, la., serving M3
people and 106 house.
Rash to Reservation Begins.
GRAND JUNCTION, Colo.. July 29.-Thls
city Is ready to care comfortably for the
thousands of homeseekers who are ex
pected to come to Grand Junction to reg
ister for the Uintah reservation lands. In
nearly every block temporary rooming and
boarding houses have been opened and big
tent on nearly every available vacant lot
near the central portion of the city make
the place look like a boom town.
Hundreds of orders for accommodations
have been received by the lodging houses
and on every train people are coming In
to be on the ground early. Many persons
are arriving In prairie schooners and wag
ons. The work of placing drinking foun
tain and erecting a special temporary
sanitary system la about completed. A
score of special policemen were commis
sioned today. Registration will begin next
Walter B. Miner.
A telegram was received here yesterday
afternoon, announcing the death of Walter
B. Miner at Lewlstpwn, Mont. He waa
assistant cashier of the First National
bank of Lewlstown, having formerly been
connected with the Judith Basin bank and
the Bank of Fergus county. He went to
Lewlstown from Omaha about fifteen yeara
ago, and previous to leaving this city he
had held a clerkship In the First National
bank of Omaha. He wag educated In the
public school of Omaha, where he had re
sided since June, 1871. previous to his de
parture for Montana. He had held the of
fice of alderman and clerk of the school
board In Lewlstown. He leaves a widow,
but no children. He was the oldest son
of Mr. and Mr. I. W. Miner of this city,
and waa 34 years and I month old at the
time of hi death.
i W. G. Morrison.
William G. Morrison who died at St. Ber
nard' hospital in Council Bluffs Friday Is
well known In this city. About Ave year
ago he married Lydla 8. Tukey, oldest
daughter of A. P. Tukey of Omaha, and
has resided in Lincoln since, where he was
engaged In the wholesale hardware busi
ness. Mrs. Morrison and her husband were
frequent visitors to Omaha, where they had
a host of friends. The body of Mr. Morri
son wa taken to Lincoln Saturday for
burial. Mr. Morrison waa one of the pro
gressive young business men of Lincoln
and his hosts of friends were grieved to
hear of bis death at Council Bluffs.
Ed Roberta.
Ed Robert of 2801 Hamilton street. a
harnessmaker In the employ of J. H.
Haney. died Friday night after a lingering
illne.. Robert wa a Mason and Oddfel
low and cam to Omaha two years ago
from Fremont. H f survived by a wife
and two children. The funeral will be Sun
day afternoon, with burial at Forest Lawn.
Mrs. Taeniae Yean-.
WOODBINE, la.. July (Special Mrs.
Anna Hair Young died here recently and
waa burled In the local cemetery. Rev. C.
N. Dawson of the local Methodist Episcopal
church conducted the funeral services. The
deceased wa born at Chicago February 20,
1882. and wa married to Thomas Young
February 1J, I9u2. '
Taamaa Caldwell.
KEWBl'RQH, N. Y., July I.-Thoma
Coldwell, president of the Caldwell Lawn
Mower company, and aa Inventor of note. Is
dead at hia home her. il waa bora in
England In 1838 and came to America when
a lad. The development of the modern
mower 1 largely due to his Inventions.
Arrives at Kyoto and Will Go to
Kabe on Its Way to
TOKIO, July .-: p. m Secretary
Taft and party left for Kyoto by special
train this evening amid a most enthusiastic
reception from all the distinguished parties
connected wtlh the court and the civil,
military and naval departments, also from
the banker and other mercantile repre
sentatives. In fact, all the typical repre
sentatives of the city who had received the
party upon Its arrival, again assembled
at the Shambashl railway station. The La
dies' Relief association, which presented
flowers to Miss Roosevelt, was especially
well represented. Among the delegates of
the association was Madam Togo, the wife
of the great admiral, whose quiet, unosten
tatious manner attracts attention as re
flecting the prominent characteristics of
her distinguished husband. Hearty cheers
and banxals were Joined In by usually un
demonstrative men of rank and position
a the train pulled out of the station.
Long before the hour of departure the
street near the station were lined with
delegates from different sections of the
city, holding high lanterns bearing their
respective marks. It is seldom that any
foreign party has received so brilliant and
hearty a sendoff as that accompanying
Secretary Taft, and another visit from it Is
anticipated with great delight. The feeling
that more could not be done to entertain
the party, owing to the shortness of it
tay, is universal.
Secretary Taft and party will spend a
night at Kyoto, where the steamer will be
taken for Kobe.
A dispatch from Nagora says that the
Taft party received hearty ovations at all
the principal railroad stations. The party
stopped at Nagoya, which was reached at
T o'clock this morning. The station wa
already full of distinguished personage
headed by the governor, the commander-in-chief
of the reknowned Golden Castle
division, the mayor and others. The train
remained fifteen minutes, during which
hearty greetings were exchanged and much
cordiality manifested between the member
of the party and those who welcomed them.
Secretary Taft and Mis Alice Roosevelt
came out of their car and expressed their
warm appreciation of the kind -welcome.
It Is not too much to say that cheers of
welcome echoed from station to station,
until Kyoto was reached shortly before
noon today.
NAGASAKI, July 29,-Secretary Taft and
party arrived at Kyoto at 11:18 o'clock. The
governor, mayor and other officials, repre
sentative of the women' war societies,
1,500 students and a great crowd of people
greeted the visitors. A band played the
American anthem as the train was enter
ing the station. Miss Alice Roosevelt was
presented with many flowers. The party
visited the old Imperial palace, the tem
ples and museums, and this evening wit
nessed a cherry ' dance. They will proceed
to Kobe tomorrrow.
Treasury Department Report Show
It Is 3,000,000 Less Than
Last July-.
WASHINGTON, July 29.-The monthly
Statement Of the arovernment reeelnts unit
expenditure which will be Issued by the
ireasury department on August 1 will show
the receipt for Julv. 1908. to have twen u.
proximately $49,180,000 and the expenditures
aouui w.sw,uw, leaving a deficit for the
month of $l,68O,0O0. The deficit last July
wa tn.300,000. I j
There were no extraordinary receipt or
expenditure in July, 1904. and none will
occur In the figure for the present month.
This decrease of about 23,600,000 in the de
ficit for this month aa compared with that
for July. 1904. Is accounted for by the ma
terial Increase in the receipts, particularly
from custom and a slight decrease in ex
penditures. The recelnta from nuinmi
alone will exceed those for July last year
oy aoout 227,000,000. Those from Internal
revenue sources will probably exceed those
of a year ago by about 2600,000. The re
ceipts mis month will Include a payment
of about $3,000,000 from the Bouthrn Purine
Railroad company on account of its thlr-
lecmn semi-annual note due the govern
ment on August 1. There was a similar
payment from this company last July. The
treasury officials regard the showing this
month with satisfaction and rolnt to tha
22,000,000 increase in customs receipt aa an
indication of a large increase in business
dtirlng the remainder of the year.
The following telesrram to the N, de
partment today from Rear Admiral Good
rich at San Diego tells of the work being
done by the board appointed:
uartlett board continued Investigations-
took nhntnffranha tt ..a..l' v... 1 1 .
, " ' . - ... uvuni a nil lire
room and interrogated wounded men cognl-
van, nf Ih. ..I.... . .
hvans having completed their work re
turned to Mare Island. Installation of
wrecking and flushing pump and tempor
ary electric lighting of the Bennington
nearly completed.
The resignation of First Lieutenant Rob
ert 8. Clark. Ninth Infantry, wa accepted
today at the War department. T.l.nt.n.n,
Clark resigned on account of ill health. He
i a on of Mrs. Potter, wife of Bishop
Potter of New York. -
Conrt Restrains Portland Exposition
Officials from Interfering; with.
Operation of Concessions.
PORTLAND, Ore., July .Judge
Fraser of the state circuit court today
granted a preliminary Injunction restrain
ing; the management of the Lewis and
Clark exposition from Interfering with the
Sunday operation of concessions on "The
Trail" at the exposition. The exposition
management at the Inception of the exposi
tion idea had the local ministerial body
to contend with, the clergymen being ut
terly opposed to the opening of any portion
of the exposition to the public on Sundays
and a a compromise the exposition offi
cial guaranteed that "The Trail" con
cession would not be permitted to open.
Two month of losing business, with finan
cial ruin facing many of the shows,
caused the concessionaires to demand the
operation of their show on Sunday. A
compromise resulted In the case being
taken Into court with the result that Judge
Fraser decided in favor of Sunday opening.
Loa Angeles to Have riant Which
Will Be Adequate for
SAN FRANCISCO. July 29.-A dispatch
to the Call from Lo Angeles say that
work 1 about to begin on a water system
which will secure aa unlimited supply of
pur water ther for all future needs.
The scheme I to bring mountain water
from Owen' lake and river. In Inyo county,
across deserts, through mountains and
across plains, a distance of 240 miles, to
glv Los Angela a upply ufflcient for
it need when nnnn liLk.nn u
. - ,11V
million mark. Engineer have estimated"!
mat me coat oi tne work will exceed
The survey has shown that all the water
can be conveyed there by gravity, no
pumping plants being neottnaary. The eon
struction of thlrt lulla ef tuiiaal will be
Oitj fattier of Springfield, HI, Have
. Trouble Over Lighting Contract
Coaacllmun Pirated President Pro
Tens. Kept Oat of Chnlr by Re.
volver In Hand of Police ,
8FRING FIELD, 111., July 29-Drawn re
volvers and bluckjacks in the hands of
police officers figured In a special meeting
of the city council tonight Alderman Hay,
republican leader In the council, was
knocked down by policeman. The meet
ing was called by three members of the
council and a resolution waa offered ex
tending the time for lighting the city by
the Springfield Electric Light and Power
company one month until the council could
decide whether to operate a municipal light
Corporation Counsel Salzenstein had ren
dered an opinion that In order to extend
the lease an ordinance and not a resolution
was necessary. Alderman MeGreery moved
to adjourn to forestall passage of a resolu
tion and though the nays were apparently
In the majority Mayor Devereux declared
the motion adopted and refused to entertain
an appeal rrom his decision.
Police Clear the Chamber.
Alderman Hay then moved that Alder
man Hlckox be, made chairman and this
carried, but Hlckox in attempting to take
the chair was confronted with a drawn
revolver In the hands of a police sergeant
ana Hlckox desisted. Alderman Hay at
tempted to take a hand In the matter and
was knocked down by a policeman. Mnvnr
Devereux ordered the police to clear the
council chamber and had the light turned
out. Attorney Lowrle. for the llvhtinr
company, was later assaulted In a street by
two ponce omcers and taken to city police
headquarters, but was soon released.
Ten of the fourteen aldermen -then mr
at Alderman Hay's law office and adopted
a resolution extending the lighting con
tract to September L
Mayor Served with Injunction.
Later Mayor Devereux was served with
temporary Injunction. Issued hv
Crelghton of Sangamon county circuit court
on application of Enill G. Schmidt, general
manager or tne lighting company, restrain
ing the mayor from interfering with th
operation of the city electric light plant
usea py tne general utilities company.
Schmoller Jt Mailer Devote O c En
tire Floor of New Balldlna; vo
School of Music.
That Omaha is to have a conservatory of
music of the highest order Is a fact of
wnicn the music lovers of our city should
be justly proud. The Schmoller A Mueller
Piano company Is once more manifesting
its enterprising spirit by its branching out
process. And while a conservatory of musto
is not just in line with the firm's former
mode of progress It Is of vast Importance
to Omaha and will, no doubt, prove verv
Mr. Schmoller recently closed a contract
with Mr. Wllczek to take charire of the
conservatory. Mr. Wilcxek, who will re
ceive a salary of 25,000 per year, studied
under the famous Dr. Joachim of Berlin.
He 1 at present negotiating with New
York talent for directors in the different
branches, which will Include violin, 'cello,
piano, pipe organ and Vocal. He asserts
that thn teacher will be the best that can
be secured.
One of the features of the new bulldlns?
will be an auditorium. It will be con
structed along the most modern lines and
will hi) especially adapted to public recitals
and muslcales.
Former Mia Wlnans and Husband of
Questionable Title Ara in
Row York.
NEW TORK. Julv 29 The trlne
Princess Henri Galard de Beam et de
Chalala arrived here today on the steamer
La Touralne. The prince Is secretary of
tne frencn embassy to Russia nl th
princess wa Miss Beatrice Wlnans, daugh
ter oi noss winans of Baltimore.
Thl 1 the first visit made by the princess
to her native land since her marriage,
which wa preceded by a series of sensa
tional Incident growing out of a dispute
aa to the validity of the prince' title.
The engagement of the prince to Mis
Wlnan had been announced, but Just be
fore the time set for the marriage, June
of this year, the Prince oe earn et de
Chalals was almost drawn Into a duel with
the Prince de SaganV The latter objected
to the use at the wedding of the second
half of the Prince de Beam's title, claiming
that thl title belonged to himself.
The wedding was a very quiet affair, held
on June 24, and the threats of a duel were
dropped. The former Miss Wlnans, how
ever, now uses the title Princess de Chalals.
Mr. Starr, Runaway Witness, Cap
tured in Cascade Mountain,
Will Testify Monday.
PORTLAND. Ore., July 29,-The defense
In the trial of Congressman Williamson,
Gessler and Biggs closed today after the
testimony of Congressman Williamson was
submitted and four acquaintances of the
defendants had testified to their good char
acter. The prosecution rested with the under
standing that Mr. Starr, a runaway wit
ness may be put on the stand. Mr. 8tarr,
who has been in hiding In the Cascades!
was captured laat night and is on his way
to Portland. He will be put on the stand
Monday. Congressman Williamson admit
ted that he was In Brlnevllle In June, 190S,
but maintained that the only way he could
recall It wa by looking up hi effect and
finding in a telephone bill charges for a
conversation between himself and wife at
that time, when he talked from Prinevllle.
He still had, h said, no recollection of (he
Sato Denies Alleged Interviews.
NEW YORK, July .-Aimar Sato, of the
Japanese peace delegation, made a state
ment to the Associated Press tonight. In
which he denies yiat he ha ever In any In
terview given any outline of the term
upon which Japan will negotiate peace, or
that he ha announced that Japan will
make any demand whatever. Mr. Sato
I wish It to be clearly understood that I
have never given out anything that could
be construed aa a demand of the Japanese
peace comiiiliwlon, or anything that rould
be taken as a condition upon which Japan
would enter Into negotiations for peace. 1
wish also to deny that I am the spokes
man for Baron Komura. Sensational
articles have been published which are fab
rications and in which I have been mis
quoted. I do not know upon what terms
peaoe may be negotiated. I do not know
what the Japanese envoys will consider as
peace terms. I know of no humiliating or
other demands.
Killed a-y Base Ball.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la., July 2x.-Lloyd C.
Grout, II years old. sun of R. A. Grout,
traveling auditor X the Rock Island rail-
way, was struck on the head by a ball
yesterday while rlaylng In a game here
and died In six hours.
Two Couple Make Second Seaaatlonal
Play Within the
Harry Jennings and Fred Sommera, along
with their brides of less than a week, were
arrested at 1 o'clock this morning on a
charge of blackmailing.
Jennings and Sommers both claim to live
In Crawfordsvllle, Ind., and several weeks
ago they came wtst In the hopes of finding
a suitable location to go Into business.
They went to Lincoln and met two young
women, and after a short acquaintance
came to Omaha and were married.
The two couples have been stopping at
Eighteenth and Dodge streets and yester
day found themselves In a financial diffi
culty. Jennings, It is alleged, devised a
scheme whereby he would play the part
of the Injured husband and sent his young
wife out to bring a man Into their room,
which she did. Later he appeared on the
scene and played his part excellently. The
upshot of it was that the four were brought
to the station and charged with blackmail.
The two women are confined In tho mat
ron' department at the city Jail.
Ambidextrous Thief Show In After
Seven Yeara Absence from
the City.
John Ling, the man who stole a red hot
stove with a full complement of smoking
viands In Omaha seven years ago, was sen
tenced to twenty days by Police Judge
Berka Saturday morning.
Ling was charged with vagrancy. He was
Identified as the man seen trying door
knobs on tho fourth floor of the Paxton
hotel Thursday evening. He was arrested
Friday at the Union station by Detective
Donohoe and Officer Boyle.
It is about seven years since Ling last
appeared in the local police court. The lust
time he broke Into local print was when he
made a sensational theft of a hot stove.
and because of his daring at that tlmfl was
let off with a light sentence.
Ling says he can yet taste that dinner he
got from the stove. It was cooked by an
old colored mammle from Virginia and con
sisted of roastln' ears, hoocake and pork
Man and Woman Who Stole Stock in
Choctnw ntlon Shot While
Resisting Arrest.
MUSKOGEE. I. T., July 29.-Two deputy
United States marshals, J. H. Noles and E.
B. Edwards, killed E. J. Coleman and his
wife and arrested their son, aged 15 years,
after a fight on Deep Fork river, twenty
five miles west of Ckocotah.
The Colemans had stolen horses, mules
and cattle in the Choctaw Nation. Tho
woman as well as the men began to shoot
when the officers approached. Coleman
and his wife were shot dead. The son was
not Injured.
About the same time the killing occurred
on Deep FoVk, Grant Johnson, another
deputy marshal, killed Jonaa Mcintosh two
miles east of Enterprise, I. T. Mcintosh
was wanted on a charge of murder. Mcln,
tosh started to draw a pistol and the offi
cer shot him dead.
Eldest Son of Great Northern Hagnstt
to Become Vice President of
Northern PaclOo.
ST. PAUL, Minn., July 29. The Pioneer
Press tomorrow morning will say: "It Is
rumored In railroad circles that James N.
Hill, eldest son of Jama J. Hill, will be
come first vice president of the Not uiern
Pacific railroad, to succeed Colonel Daniel
S. Lamont, who died recently. Mr. Hill
waa vice president of his . father's road
from 1893 until three years ago, when he
resigned on account of falling health. It
la said that his health is much improved.
The recent victory of James J. Hill in the
litigation over the distribution of the stock
of the Northern Securities company has
given rise to the belief that the new vice
president will be a Hill manager.
Commissioners nt New York Tell of
Progress of Plan on tho
let hm us.
NEW YORK, July 29.-Panama Canal
Commissioner General Peter C. Haines and
B. M. Harrod arrived here today on the
steamer Segurancla. Mr. Harrod described
some work of concentrating the canal em
ployes under close supervision, which will
be consummated soon. The commissioner
The principal work at present is the es
tablishment of quarters for the employes
and the food supply. We have completed
two so-called hotels and have seven more
under way. Thus we expect to move all
our employes from the terminal port and
scattered hamlets tnd bring them under
close supervision. We had 1.500 employes
under charge In June and had only three
cases of yellow fever among them.
Attorney General Moody Announce
Change in Force of Depart
ment of Justice.
BOSTON, July 2. The resignation of
Assistant Attorney General William A. Day
and the appointment of Milton D. Purdy to
succeed him, was announced today by
Attorney General W. H. Moody, who was
In this city on hi return from a vacation
In Maine.
Mr. Day resign to become comptroller of
the Equitable Life Assurance society of
New York, to which position he waa elected
by the new Equitable directors last
Wednesday. He ha been In the service of
the government since the first Cleveland
Troops for Wyoming; Encampment.
CHEYENNE, Wyo., July 29. (Special.)
Eight troops of cavalry, headquarters and
band from Fort Robinson, Nob., will par
ticipate in the encampment of the Wyo
ming state militia at Douglas, Wyo., on
October 2, i and 5.
A Joint request was made by Oovernor
Brooks and Senator Warren to the War
department about a month ago to have
regular troops participate in the encamp
ment. When the request was first sent
in it was partially denied and orders Issued
for one troop of cavalry only to attend
the encampment. Senator Warren took the
matter up again with the War department,
strongly urging that all of the Tenth cav
alry, stationed at Fort Robinson, be per
mitted to attend.
Today word has been received from the
War department that Senator Warren'
request has been granted and the com
manding general of the Northern division
haa been authorised to send the head
quarters band and Troopa A, B, C, D, I,
K, L and M of the Tenth cavalry, sta
tioned at Fort Robinson, to Douglas.
Contractor Charged with Perjary.
CLEVELAND. July H.-Henry E. Ich.
a prominent builder and contractor of Bt 1
ford. was aristd today by Assistant
United States Marshal Paul Saaiwiel.
Oiaissd Willi perjury. It la said that lu a j
stilt which he brought In ltt naalnst
Pwlft and Company for dnmniii's for per
sonal injuries lie swore that he was a
pauper In order to avoid paving advance
cowts In the United States court. Sanipsel,
who has Investigated the case, says thHt
1'ac h was at that .time a man of 'wraith,
owning real estate and considerable per
sonal ptoperty. 1CacU waa released oil bonds.
Standnrd Oil Men Karapc Prosecution.
PFXiRIA. Ill, Julv 2! H. Tavlor,
former auditor, and Crittenton P. Collins,
vice president of the Standard Oil com
pany In lsw, will not he arrested on the
Indictment returned by the Tasewell county
grand Jury at IVktn some months since.
Suite's Attorney 8lmfer is in receipt of aa
. i . I .. 1 . ... f ,. .... .-'a f,i ...
saying t lint In order to mnke the Indlct-
liit'lll riiiT'lM' ll would rmvw 111 im urnwii
by a grand Jury In the same state In which
the iuen live. This willl probably end tha
case against them.
Itryan Annonnrra Trip.
MADISON, Wis.. July US-After a ban
quet given him by the democrats of Wis
consin last night. Colonel William J.
Bryan told a few Intimate friends that
lie would soon start for a trip around the
world. The trip will Inst from one to two
years, lie will Join Mrs. Bryan In Japan,
for which country she has started. It la
expected he will travel east. .-v
Minister to Hcundnr Returns.
NEW YORK. July 29 - Archibald J. Samp
son, American minister to Ecuador, arrived,
here today on the steamer Pegurancla from
Colon. 4
a . j
This Week's
Prices on Pianos
at Hospe's
Will Do
The Business
We must have the room.
I'lanos and Organs are selling on
risy Terms. Low prices. Best goods.
No excuse for not owning an Instru
ment. More pianos selling now than
It's a well known fact that the 100
Instruments offered at one-third to
one-hnlf off the factory prices are
going fust.
No trouble to get stilted. There are
Knahe, Kranlch & Bach, Klmhnlla,
Hallet & Davis, Krells, Hospe's, Bur
ton's, Cramer and many other well
known manufacturers of pianos repre
sented In this sale.
I'lnnos which are selling regtilorly
at $260, 23(l, t!50 and 2400. here at thl
sale are offered at $146, 119S, $127, ti&.
llanos retailing for t-"10, $.VO and up
are selling now at IMS, 2.17S, 2.W5 and
up. Payments within reach of all.
New goods, up-to-date styles, fine
veneers, lop polished cases, all fully
guaranteed, lino stools and scurfs to
Save Money and Get In On This
Used Kimball Piano In a rosewood
caso, S140.
Used Steinway Piano, rosewood
case. JS5,
I'sed Camp & Co., parlor size, In
rosewood case, $iriO.
Used Kimball Piano, in oak case,
Used Hoffman Piano, mahogany
case, sllghtlv used, $225.
Used Vose A Sons Pluno, walnut case
slightly used, 2140.
: Terms $1.00 per week up.
Organs at Your Prices v
Used Taylor & Farley Chapel Organ,
walnut case, 7 stops, 1 swell, $16.
I'sed Mason & Ilamlln Chapel Or
gan, walnut case, 10 slops, 2 swells, $J0.
Used Peloubet & Co. Seml-Hlgh-Top,
walnut case. 9 stops, 1 swell, $16.
Used Smith American Semi-High-Top,
walnut case, 12 stops, 2 swell,
Used Taylor & Farley Semi-High-Top,
walnut case, 8 stops, 2 swells,
UBed Kimball Seml-Hlgh-Top, wal
nut case, 9 stops, 2 swells, $2&.
Used Crown High Top, fancy mirror,
walnut case, 10 stops, 2 swells, $35.
Do not fall to hear the Angelus, the
acme of perfection piano player.
We tune pianos, rent pianos $3.60
per month; repair pianos, box and
move them.
1513 DOUGLAi ST.
The only modern up-to-date vehicle.
"People Never Tire of them." '
Ho Gasoline
Ho Grit
Ho Grease
Ho Goggles
Is the Engine, the Power and
the Pleasure of the Journey.
Nov Is Your
Best Opportunity
To Buy a Vehicle
"Any Kind"
A HARNESS, Any Kind,
it Prlcts Which in lilraitlli Will
. "Tars III Front Host It"
1 8tb and Harney Sts.
rVe Oe All