TIIR OMAHA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY SO, 1003. f ) FOR SALE REAL ESTATE R. C. Peters & Co. I room house, nicely papered and In good condltlun, tin rn, fine lawn, lot l-S, fine shade and lots of fruit $2,00f; will take $l,f"0 duwn, balance to sulk. l-room hoiiw, with two full lots, south front, frond shade $1. 5.V). 7-room tnoilt-rn house, new. bard wood fin ish downstairs, fire lawn and fi'l Int. larse marie shade trees, a nlc home, for only $-.ft") i C-rnoin modern home, with fine lnwn and rilf arrangement, an Ideal home, for only $.'.00. 8-room modern, except furnace, on corner and good laitre rooms, a choice proiierty for the money tl. 8. room modern, east front, nice arrang ment, (rood neighborhood; If you really are looking: for a home do not fall to take thla In. Trice $3,600, I but we, want offer. 6-room entt frnt house, altuntcd on a fine trlet. but only half a blok from elevation In the Walnut HIM dis the car, all newly put In flrst-clnss . condition and a beautiful lot. We want to aell thla right away and you must understand that It Is worth your while. In fact a rare bargain. We ask. $2,000, but are anxious to sell. 4-room house, south front on Boulevard Ave., near 24th St. car harn-$x.r0; will take $160 cnsh. balance on time. 2 cast front lota, making l'wxioo. In good neighborhood, a fine site for a home or rental property. Frlce, $!n0; this la a snap. We have four east front lots at t'VX) each. If lot la purchased owner will build house to suit on payments. Choice lylne- 20-acre tract, I1 miles north of Florence, on Calhoun road: new hay shed, fine well, 3,'n npple trees. 2.V) plum. 40 cherry, 20 pear, all 6 years old; 5 a"res bearing grape vines. 1 acre blackberries of choice variety, 1 acre strawlx-rrles. fuo raspberries. 7 acres of alfalfa; all In fine condition. This Is right for tfrtw. It will bear Inspection and looks better than It reads. 1 acre, cholcelv located, for $3oO. H acre, set out to fruit, $275. R. C. Peters & Co. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. RE When Planningto Build or Buy a Home The question arises, "Wripre can the money be liHd on the Rest Terms?" The OMAHA LOAN AND BUILD ING ASSOCIATION Loans money on the most satisfactory terms Uor wage earners and salaried people. Monthly payments on a loan about equals the rent. Loans muy be "paid off, all or part, at any time. Spy ernl desirable homes for sale on monthly pnyments. During 1004 the Association enabled f)4 members to .build New Homes and agisted 24S members to buy Homes already built. We are now ln a position to surpass the record of Inst year. First come, flrst served. Prompt attention given applicants. Six per cent enrned and credited on Savings Accounts. Omaha Loan and Building Ass'n 1704 Karnam Street, Bee Building. O. W. Loomis rres. O. M. Nattlnger, Sec'y. 'RE- . THOMAS BRENNAN REAL ESTATE TELEPHONE I246 Klegant modern cottage, east front, on paved street, near Hanscom Park. Lot 60xi.r)0; nice shndo trees; everything flrst class only $'.j,30. Modern bouse on the Boulevard, 918 X. 19th St (io and see this and make me an offer. $t5,0tH) will buy 3-story brick building 2 stores and 211 rooms ou S. ltith St., near the new Hougland building. Thomas BRENNAN Room 1 New York Life Building W. U. CrHry, Manager. Ileal Estate Iepartmeiit. i x Rli- GEORGE AND COMPANY 111 Farnam 8t. 'Phone 7W. 16,'w For SNO Dodge St., 8-rooui modern house, oak linlsh, in best of condition tiood barn, lot 41Vxldo feel, choice loca tlou. $5,000 For 8131 Chicago St., d-room modern house. In koou coudilicn. oak tlnlhti Ins Hour, bun. paved street, lot (AixiM feel ea&y terms. 14. fOO For K 8. Stita Ave., 6-room 2-story modern souare nouse, nearly new, up-to date, Kood location. Muse In; lot U-X123 liel; irasoftable terms. H.Sitf For 253 Hurt 6t 6-room cottage, all modern, in good condition, barn, mo lawn, IV'Xhuo c.iuh, balance on easy terms. U. 4ilo For JSOJ Wool worth Ave.. 7-room ; story modern house, J500 cash, balance 1.1 si per month. $1.5iV-For 4246 Ijike Si., B room cottage, in good condition, city water, gas, etc., good barn; fjt) cash, balance llft.oO per month. Including li'U'itst; lot. ScxUD feel. ll.Sn) For 21 8. li'th St., 6-room cottage, marly new. In good condition; lot, vljt feel. y0o For 4i4 Tenter St,, -room cottage, In goixl condition, city water, etc.; part cash, balance 6 per cent. VACANT. $ For 45x127 feet, south front on Madison Ave., 210 feet east of Bhtrman Aw).; rave nil. Mvetl street; special assessments paid In $7o For lot 60x116 Marcy street, !L3 feet, north front on feet east of 33d St. $; For lot 60x120 feet, south front on llurdette St.. 10 feet west of 43d 8t ; S2'j0 cash down, balance ( per cent. $.'-" 00 For lot . 50x1. feet, south front on 1'ratt St., 150 feet east of iTih. $0oFor 82x126 feet, west front Ave., 428 It-el north of Cuming. on St. STth -RE 20th and Vinton St. Home Nice little 4-roorn house near new street car barn, handy for packing house em. Iloye; only Jv.i, $iuo down and 110 per nunitn. Also flue cast front vacant lot near 2Hh and Vinton Sts. A South Omaha coin mission man has just built a nice home 4kext to it Street p.'ied. Only !. fetalis, rAAlU.- lilAM.lv. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Paying Investment; larre business lot, V'x1.:mi; Improvements, one new brick business building. 6"xx0. all modern; also one 2-story flume building. In good condition; price. tia.TM. Terms, cash $ ."ri, balance long time a 6 per cent;, rent guaranteed $...v a year; tenant pays fur water and repairs; bear closest investigation as to best future Invest ment. Address 3f, Bee office. RE 251 3"x SOMK CHEAP IITS 4fth and tirant (rornrr). south front, only 1 block from cur. 17th Ave., near Lake 8t. Orammercy park ttwo adjoining), lay fine, neji.r car. Frhes at office. Some can be had on pay ments. $R per month. CHAP E. WILLIAMSON CO. Ground Floor U. 8. Nat I Rank Bid. RE 221 30 BARGAIN 111 8. 27th Bt., cheu.pll.tKiO. N. Ames Ave. and th St., fi south front lots, each 60x1 tl. . 10 acres, southwest 11,260. i 10 acres, east of Benson $2.v. 80 acres, Military Road K4(1. S. E. Cor. I6th and Castellar tl.700. 2217 Cass. 8 rooms, modern tl.&.V. 6 frame flats, rental f.'W- 14. '"A 2T.W-68 Douglas, rental $3 $5.5fX Two new brick flats, rentnl 'n0 $!,000. 3 brick houses, rental II 32k $10. WO. brick flats, rental $2. 520-rXOOO. JOHN N. FRENZER, OPP. OLD P. O. RB-25S 30 BIG FORTUNE FOR YOU In (rood rich land. If you have a little money each month. 8tiro plan to wealth, pig per manent Income for life. Many made l'TO to Wi per cent profit past year on land here. (2i (rood farms free to representatives In every town and county. (3) good farm tenants wanted. Can soon own farm. Write for profitable Information, enclosing stamp. C. K. Marks, the Iand Man. Mus kogee. Ind. Ter, box S3"l. RK 2C 3"x CIJAa Williamson Co. u- R&-721 WEST FARNAM BARGAIN It Is modern In every way, hard wood floors, reception ball, nickel plated plumb ing, seven rooms, two fireplaces, very latest hot nlr furnace and every way up.to-date, permanent sidewalks both ln front and around the house, together with a beautiful south front lot near 4i'th and Farnam Sta. All for and will make any kind of terms you want. Call us up at 8 o'clock Monday morning and let us show It to you. J111.A1 13, rAA l UIN J:1LU- is.. RR H Buvinff H a House for your landlord. That Is what you ten- nis are aoing. CUT IT OUT and buy a home for yourself. WE BUILD GOOD ONES Can build you any style house you want We have 60 plans at our office to select from. Don't buy some old, worn-out house. out have one built to suit your own Ideas. L't us show you some -of the houses we have built. If we are already building In your neighborhood watch the construction and then we know you will be Battened with the way we build. If you have not bought your lot, we have them for sale in all parts of the city. Open Monday even ings until id o clock. HASTINGS & HEYDEN J609ft Farnam Street. RE Payne, Bostwick & Co. 6th Floor N.' T. Life Bldg. 8204 Marcy St.. two-story eight-room house, one year old, with every modern convenience. Including gas and electric light, tine cellar and laundry, nice recep tion hall; house beautifully decorated throughout; renting for J35.00 per month. Will sell for Kl.ooO, on reasonable terms; a 12 vtf cent Investment or a crackerjack home. N Two blocks from All Saints church, 8 rooms, all modern, easy walking distance. Price. $3,!S00. 3317 Franklin St., 6 rooms, bath, gas. toilet, wash bowl; nearly new; one-half block from Harney car line. Only $2,250. 00H 8. 35th Ave., new two-story 7-room house, well built, with al modern con veniences. Including gas and electric light; fine cellar, large porch, east front; owner will sell for reasonable cash payment down aiiu iiiuiilui.v '?nif 111s ii o i-r ipni uu balance to right party. 1'rlce, 83,23). Payne, Bostwick & Co. 6th Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. RE HANSCOM PARK BUILDING SITES 6x140 foo't corner lot, on grade, near 29th and Poppleton Aves. Ther Is nothing nicer in town and It is cheap at $2,250. BEM18, PAXTON BLOCK. RE GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO.' W. L. UURULSB, Manager. ' Hi So. Ulu ttueet, Omaha. RK 8S6 AS Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kuum Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; leu years' nine. Lund UepU VJ. P. H. K., Oinaua, Nb., Ucpt. "A." $2,300 WILL buy beautiful modern cottage and full lot In Hanscom I'lace; east trout SUcct paved; eveiyllung tust-cloas. THOMAS KKtXNAN, Room 1, N. V. Life lildg. KB M754 A. P.TUKEY & SON A HOME FOR 51.150. At 2S0S Sahler St., we have a fine 6-room cottage, with a good lot. everything ln the beat of shape, that we can sell for $l,u0. This ia the first time this place has been offered for sale and It Is a bargain. A. P. TUKEY & BON, 444-445 Board of Trade Bldg. Phonea Office, 2181; residence. 6153. RE 174 28 2836 SEWARD ST., A 4-room cottage, nice lawn, neat and at tractive little home, for only $9u0. PAYNE INVESTMENT CO., 1st floor, N. T. L. ISldg. Tel. 181. RE 180 i9 LISTEN TO TH1S1 lOCxllO, two east front lots, good street and neighborhood: anyone wishing nlcs, large grounds for a home or a piece on which to build three houses to rent or sell, bee us. Come a running If you wish a snappy snap; price, l.'J. R. C. Peters & Co., Ground Floor. Bee Building. A Bargain, $500 Fine east-front lot. on Dodge car line, cot tage in rear, g:is. water pipes, nut build ings, chicken park, maple trees-$ ft0 cash, balance $10 per month. 2SJ6 N. 3 th St. RE 230 30x BARGAIN ON EASY TERMS. 8-room house, newly painted inside and out city water, large lot. nice nhade. 1 block from car line. Price. $l,5otX fellss Rob- bins. renter block. Jliu us) 8t'x FOR SALE Fight-room house, modern ex rent furnace, lot COxMt. mar Park scliooL This Is one of the oest locations In Omaha and if you want a good home cheap. In vestigate this Call or address the owner. J. H. Campbell, Wl Georgi Ave Omaha. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE HOUSE ON EASY PAYMENTS Good large 3-rooin house on 49xl?4 foot lot. well, chicken house, fruit trees and shrubbery, near 24th and Kurt Sta.; f-ov, $100 cash and balance $12 per month. BL.MI3, I'AM'U.N BLOCK. RE FOI SALE Owner will sell at n bargain, 8 room modern bouse, fine condition, well lo cated, cnsh or terms, might take a vacant lot as part pay ment. Address 15 Uee Office. RE 211 31 WRITE for Illustrated pamrhlet describ ing two ranches In the corn and alfalfa belt. Willis Cadwell Co., Ltd., Broken Bow, Neb. RE 722 A BARGAIN that must be sold; no agents; 480 acres of best South Iakota land, lw acres crop, b.tM of Improvements; rich black soil; lays nice and only nine miles from town. Write for further particulars to Lock liox 2o4, tlioux City, la., or Lock Box 4, Modale, la. ' RE Midi 31 PACKING HOUSE HOME Four rooms In good condition, south front, on desirable street, near S2d and L St., South Omaha; Isuo, UH) cash and 12 per month. r.E 701 Wo-ilworth Ave., corner lot, 60x100. 8 room. .;';ctly modern house, launary; also vacant lot 50x142. For particulars Inquire at bouse. RE 445 ix 7-ROOM house, with 3V, lots: fruit, good in Ambler Place; 4tith. RK barn, well, good cistern; bargain. Inquire 2113 8. FOR SALE FARMS FOR SALE-FARMS 9fi0 acres stock farm. Boone county. Neb 3Vi miles from town. 30 acres alfalfa. 10 acres brome grass, 120 acres cultivated, (too bci-pS pasture; the best In the state. , . . -n r. 1 . .. r-l., improvements com. wai jrtti. 812.50 per acre cash. It is worth 815 00 of nnvliodv'a monev. 40 acres garden land, adjoins town of Val ley, JfpD. It la the very oesi 01 son, ex cent two acres, which are a little sandy no Improvements; fine for seed. For quick sale Is reduced from 86.00 to $ti6.00 per acre. Must go by August 1. 640 acres, Nemaha county, Kan.; Improve merits cost over 812.000. Price, for Im mediate sale, 855.UO per acre. You Just ought to see the wheat raised on the fnrm this vesr. KANSAS LAND from $7.60 up. This Is ln Graham and Trego counties and la the best Investment In the world at present We have some huvers going down TueS' lav anil can take along two or three mcire who mean business. We have splen did facilities for showing the country, nnH a lurrrt lint of real bargains. 860 acres of gilt-edge farm land ln Guthrie countv. Iowa, at $75 per acre. Owner would take some trade on this. 600 acres In Crawford county, Iowa, 6V4 miles from Dunlap. Price, 8m.o0 per nr.ro Will fake JW.OlYI tO 110.000 In gOOft Omaha renl estate. You don't often And a farm like thla offered for sale at all miirh less for trade. Ifift nrru Harrison countv. Iowa: the very finest- of land ami the nest ot improve- mania 13A acre! noW Cultivated. ITICC, 1X5.00 rer acre. Will take small dwelling In Onnhn AS Tiart IlflVITlPrlt. tun K,Tfa 2M, miles from UotnenDurg, to trade for Omaha property. 1 nis win w priced right and the city property muBt Ka thA anme 400 acres of hay land 4 mile from town of Newport, on the tJKnorn ranroau. mm Is all fenced and is the finest of hay land. Averages 400 tons per year. The owner needs money and will sell for $tj.5O0, 4 cash. If taken at once. This is 810.011 per acre cheaper than the land all arounil it. It la a big snap, jjei us nava juui vuci, D. V. Sholes Company 722 New York Life. Tel. 49. RE 10 form, of i0 acres each near Colby In Thomas county, Kansas, some of which have nroduced SO bushels wheat per acre this season. Price, $12 per acre for en tlrn tf.tnt n r,,i.,rtr aetlons In Oraham county, Kansas. $10.50 to $15.00 per acre; all good ppn wh.At flnil alfalfa land. 2i40 acres in Sheridan county, KanRas, near Hoxle. 810.00 to $15.00 per acre. 1.540 acres Irrigated, Colorado, $18 per acre, and 1.120 acres school land thrown in 3,300 acres in a solid body In Llkhorn Valley, Nebraska; price given on request. 29 quarter sections. Brown county, S. D., near Aberdeen; $10.00 per acre. 610 acres near Sidney, Neb., good crop producing land; $3.00 per acre. R. C. Glover, Room 3, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE FOR SALE!!! Excellent section unimproved farm land, where this year's crop of wheut Is 35 bushels to too acre ( flint crop pays for the land). 1'rlce $6 per acre us follows: $2.60 per acre cash, balance in ten yearly payments at 6 per cent Interest. Address Home Land Co., Sl.lney, Neb. 2?0 30 WHAT WE HAVE: The best wheal and cattle lands In north eastern Assinibola at from $7 to $10, on 10 years' time; open prairie, with some tim ber. Free maps and descriptions; cheap excursions. Some homesteads left, Uood climate . WHAT WE WANT: Good farmers, rich or poor, to go and see with their own eyes that they can make more money there than at home. A few good agent wanted. Scand Canadian Land Co.. Teutonic lildg., Chicago. FIFTY good Improved farms from ISO to 010 acres in uoone ana lance counties, Neb. Favorable terms. For particulars call on or write to GEORGE & CO., lti'l Farnam St., Omaha. M424 A-2H RANCH LANDS 640-acre' ranch In central 8. D. All fenced, ariesian wen oi soil water, loo fercheron horses (mostly registered), 2.000 lb. stal lion 7-room hoUBe, shade and fruit trees and creek full of fish. Price, $15.00 per acre and $9,0c0.0o for all horses. Reason for selling, owner Is 72 years old and wantk to quit business. Hart, 401 N. Y, Life. 2U4 30 FARM LANDS. 80 acres. Green Co.. Iowa $55.00 , $13.00 $15.00 liy.uo LIFE. iS2 30 810 acres. Hand Co., S. D K acres, Jiyde Co., H. u 164 acres, La Moure Co., N. D.... HART & SMITH, 402 N. V. FOR SALE FARM LAND. 26.000 acres farm lands in Hyde and Hand counties, boulli Dakota. HART & SMITH, 402 N. Y. LIFE. 2(3 30 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60.000 bonus of farmers and slock raisers, so if you nave a good piece of !ind iu sell at a reasonable price you will find a buyer among them. The cost ot an advertisement is small i cents per word lu smatl tpe, ut li.su per incn II Ml in iarxi .vp. LOST AND FOUND LOST Steel-bowed spectacles on Douglas St., between 14t tl and loth Sts., ur on 14th, between Delione hotel and Farnam. Re w ird. Address 26, Bee. Lost M-i.9 2tt STRAYED Bay mare, 6 years old. Weight about 1.1'"j poumls. Long and ranty. Rather thin. Reward for return to ,.-o Decatur Lost 212 3 LOST Fraternity pin In shape of shield, dagger attached, set with opals and rubles. 'Return to 3t First National Bank Bldg. for reward, or Telephone -w. Lost Zst Sux LOST Friday afternoon, between Kllpat rick's and Beaton's, ladies' silver belt buckle, black ribbon attached. Notify Fort Omaha, 'phone 6550. Reward Lust 458 30x FLORISTS HESS & aWOBODA. 1415 Farnam. -701 U HLNDLRaO.N. Ul$ Farnam. Tel. I'as. . -J FOR RENT HOUSES KOUStbis: all purts of peters st Co., the clt itr. R Bldg. -tea THE Omaha Van A Storage Co. pack, move and store it. H goods. Storehouse 11.0-24 K. Will. Ofhce. lbll Farnam. Tel. 1659. D 719 WE MOVE pianos, age Co. Tel. 1414. Macgard Van A fltor Odice, 1713 Webster St. L HI Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 1626. Scbruoller Mueller. D-7U U O I 1 Si P ln Part ' U city. The w w k. wo. . Uavis V.O. bus Bee Bldg. I 718 HOU8F3, Insurance. r.lngwult. Barker Blk. l 714 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house, 829 THE HOME WE Fl'RNlSH Is In proper stvle, of up-to-uate lurmsning ana cheaper than at Installment stores by at least 26 per cent. I.et us tigure with you. Terms: $.'".0O worth, $1.00 a week; $100.00 worth, $2.00 a week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. . su Ft)R RENT 7-room house, all modern; choice neighborhood. zi) caillurma bi $30. Apply at 607 N. th BL U M430 FOR RENT Nice ten-room house; all mod ern; closq to business ai.il gooa neighbor hood; possession Aug. 1. 531 S. 25th Ave. Inquire 113 S. 26th St. Rent reasonable. D 108 FOR RENT, 8-room house near Hanscom park, tine condition, reduced rental. GARVIN BROS., 1&4 Farnam. D-M148 SI FOl'R-ROOM cottage; water, gas, sewer; close in. Clinton H. Wrlggs, 13.0 Far nam St. D-M186 721 IX)rOE ST., 4 room. $9; S09 Webster St., 8 rooms, $20; 2220 Chicago St.. 8 rooms, modern, $30; 614 S. 221 St., t rooms, mod ern, $35. Rli.gwalt, 3U6 S. 15th St. D-M1S2 30 FOR RENT No. 627 S. 25th Ave., 8-room cottage, porcelain bntn, gasL furnace, cis tern, laundry, $'. L. ri Spalding. Tel. 230. .Omaha National bank. D 215 30 7-ROOM house, fine location, on north 24th, good repair 81 1. 6-room, new, modern cottage, 2418 Larlmore Ave.: a snap .o. 8 rooms, modern, barn. 423 N. 39th $30. SWEET & BEST, 613 N. 1. U Tel. 1472. UJii 30 408 N. 14th. 4 roorrrs-$12.oo. S" Hamilton, 6 rooms $12.50. 223 Harney, 7 robins $17.00. 9 S. 24th St., 8 rooms $18.00. (US N. 23d St., 7 rooms 832.50. 120 N. 26th St.. 8 rooms-835.no. JOHN N. FRENZER, Oi'P. OLD P. O. D 264 SO HOl'SBS FOR RENT, 1340 S tnn, s rooms, cam Lie a lilth, 7 rooms, bath 8 IS24 N. 27th, 7 rooms, bath 23 2o23 Howard, 8 moms IS 2124 Corbv, B rooms, barn W South Omaha. 361 8. 2.th. 6 rooms 10 2'7 S. Smh, 6 rooms t 1938 S. ISth, ,1 rooms GARVIN BROS., 1804 FARNAM. I D 281 SO SIX-ROOM COTTAGE, 210 8. 20th St., rental $30 per month. 6-room flat. 1615 Howard St., rental $27.60 per month. 5-room cottage, 617 8. 33d St., rental $16 per month. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam. D-M42S 81 TO LET Two new high grade houses In choice part of West Farnam district. Will be ready for occunancy September 15. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam Bt. 13 122 30 HOUSES FURNISHED on short notice ln the latest stvle at prices 26 per cent be low Installment stores. Terms: $25.00 worth. Sl.oo a week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. D 220 30 1 WALKING DISTANCE A 9-rooni, all modern brick, attached house, 410 N. 22d St.; very complete In every respect; 2 bath rooms, good laundry, ex cellent cellar and furnace; rent reduced to $45.00 per month to good tenant. See this house at once, as It Is the best we know of within walking distance. N. F. DODGE & CO. D-M258 lx 1026 S. 25TH ST.-6 rooms, gas. R. C. Feters & Co. city water and D 428 8UX FOR RENT. 1310 Park Ave., 8 rooms. modern, fine, $37.50. 2X17 Dewey Ave.," furnace, $22.50. 7 rooms, modern except 209 8. 2Sth Ave., modern except furnace, $30. dim Marcy St., 6 rooms, modern except iiiruace, o. 2S:H Grant St., 6 rooms, barn, $15. 140? S. 17th St., 8 rooms, modern except xurnace, sio. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Tel. 1781. D 432 30 FOR RENT. 2602 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, modern, newly decorated, very nice, concessions to right party. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 1781. D 433 30 MOVE NOW nouses are more pienurui ana you can secure better terms than If you delay uuiu tan. 3033 S. lt?th Ave. 3 rooms, to South Omaha car, $7 city water, close 1412 N. 17th St. 8 rooms, South Omaha car line, JS. city water. on 15 8. 34th St I rooms, city water Inside, ciose in, s. 3336 Webster St. rooms, In fine shape, gooa cellar, tu.au. 24iK Caldwell 6 rooms, bath, closet, etc., $17. 23io 8. ISth St. 6 rooms, strictly modern except furnace, house ln tine shape, bar- Kain at ia. 2312 Michigan Ave. 6 rooms, city water, close in, nice shape, 1310 Park Ave. rooms, strictly modern. 27,o Webster St. Fine 8-room house, strictly niouern, one lav n, spienum Duru, only xjo. 1550 S. 27th St 9 rooms, strictly all modern, reuueeu iu im. 7W N. 4cth Choice 10-room home, strictly muuern, isoou oai n, reuucea io ib. We have others, boe our list before move. Payne, Bostwick & Co. 601-3 New York Life Bldg. you D 115 80 SHIRTS. 6c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. Follette' Laundry, lwJ Leavenworth. J 448 3ux JIT8T remodeled. 4 rooms, $7; 2 rooms, $6. 322 Hickory St D 4t6 81 1 iviUIMtr 10 LUHii HtAL tilMIt UAM tD-Clly loana. R. C. Peters & Co. v , FARM and city loan; lowest rates. W. H. 1 nomas, ui i nana tuug. rel. 1o4a. W-,J PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1520 DougU W-, WANTED City Farnam Smith loans it. Co., and warrants. U-J Farnam St. W. W-678 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co, W 680 GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City loan at lowest iai.es; no delay; get our term, W-6SI LoWLST rates, city property; 6 P. C. on farms in eaatern Neb. lieu. Is, Paxton Bla. W-ttSi BUILDING loans on residence property; I per cinl. W. B. Meikle, Kaluga Bik. W-6&1 LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or to bul'.d with; can pay it back In monthly payments. Hastings it Heyden, luut Far nam St. W M4 $l,uu0,0u) TO LOAN on business and real dene property in Omaha. Lowest re tea No delay. Thomas Brenuan. R. 1, N. Y. Lit. W-ifcJ Low Rates. CHAS. Private Money, $1W and Up. .. WILLIAMSON CO. w WANTED TO RENT SHIRTS. 6c; collars. 2e; cuffs. Laundry. 1X3 Leavenworth. 4c. Follette's K 44 Jt-X WANTED Furnished room, close ln, con venient to So. Omaha car line, for one gentleman. Address J, Be offie. K.-I7 U FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS HOrSEHOLD goods, folding bed, fine for office or library, piano, carpets and other things. PCS N. mth and Iiard Pts Q-M444 18x SPECIAL SALEONS.H. MACHINES These mnohlnos liave all Wen thor oughly overhauled am! are the latest thlnit that the different manuf.ncrorle produce. They are complete with at tachments and are guaranteed to be in flrst-class condition. The following Is a list of machines we have on bnnd: Singer, V-drawor. drop head f20 DhvIs, 5-drawer, drop head 1? Prtvls, 7 -drawer, drop head 20 Standard Automatic Grand 2,"i .White, B-drawer, drop head 15 Domestic, 5-drawer,' drop head.. 20 Second-hand machines, twx top, of every make, from $5 to $10. These are complete with attachments and will give you good service. V e rent muchlnes 75c per week. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO. 'Phone 1663. Corner Fifteenth and Harney 025 North 24th St., South Omaha. 334 Broadway, Council lUuffs. General Clearing of All Square and Used Up right Pianos and Organs Squares from $12 up. Uprights from $85 up These Instruments, while old ln style, have all been put ln good playing order and are fully guaranteed. Among the makes you find the following: ChlcUertng, Vose, Emerson, (Jllbert trii..ii ttii.. a. n..i "n,":l- ' ,r" Special New Upright H8 Terms $5 to $10 down, and $3 to $5 per month. Why not hare us send one of these Instruments to your home tomorrow? We ship pianos everywhere and guar antee absolute satisfaction. Schmoller & Mueller Piano Company Piano Makers and Dealers Temporary location at factory, 1407 tiarney St. Telepnone 1023. Q FOR PALE, new and second-hand billiard ana pool laDies, Dar nxtures oi all kinds easy payments. Bend for catalogue, xsruiiBwicn-oaiae-oiienuer wi o. lutn bt. umuna. 4 668 COMPLETE! Una new and Id-hand furnl ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. lei. uu. 14 tHis SHIRTS, 6c; collars, 2c; cuffa, 4c. Folletts Laundry, ltW3 Leavenworth. Q 448 SOx WIRE chicken, hog and lawn fence, Iron fence, nttcn posts, trellises, w Ire WorRi, six o, iom du m an ID-HAND safe cheap. Deright, 1119 Far nam. 678 $360 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed in gooa running oraer; original cosi tJOM. aaaren uia r snuun bl. Q-878 6HER WIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED paint, eriermsn jacconneu Drug Co umana. y (74 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timber an telephone poles, soi uougiaa Q 676 FOR SALE, several schnlarshlna In a flr.t class standard school in Omaha, comprls Ing complete course In business, short' bund and typewriting. Inquire at Bee omce. . Q 868 r ok hale, bdoui no reel ornamental ga vanlrea iron cornice ana ornamental Iron posts suitahle for ahow window. Ap ply superinienueiii on uuuuing. 1ULLEYB AND COrNTF.K&H.U' TS AT A IlAnUAlN, W pulleys, from 6-inch to 4S-lnch In dlam tp' s enuntar snaris. commem. These are all In first-class condition. W. H. Bridge engineer uee Building. J-UJ STflCOND-HAVD STEAM FITTINGS FOK SALE li you want u bargain lu steam Ottinfts call and lima over the following suppiles; l.s-inuh Austin's horizontal separator. 1.4-liich Austin' verucal separator. ineoa Dave tuu lku out uu account oi ciuuiges in our miu piaui and aiu io gvioU condition. MiUi'MS He iiuudlng Ci., or see W. U. stiuss, iii;iuer turn toiug., Omaha. W 688 AUTO.MOBILE8-$1,000 electrlo runabout with top, 83wi; ii.tuv Aiouiie, i passenger, steam, Ukit: 8760 Rambler, $226; $tu Olds, JU0. Frediickson, 15ta and Capitol Ave. A3 MILK COWS on easy terms, ter. 43d and Cen , Q-538 GOOD mower and rake, 43d and Center. W M120 FOR SALE Neatly new Russell traction engine; 16-H.-P. C. D. Woodworth, 404 Kurbach Blk. Q M2o4 28 DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted in every locality for profitable secret I service; to act under orders; no ex pertence nereshary. Write Webster s De lective Agency, Les Moines, Iowa. B-2S1 9Cx OMAHA TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE. 1607 Farnam St. Phone 4603. INCORPORATED, $10.0u0. 8 No. 6 Remingtons $4OQ60 i ,-sew Oliver m 1 No. 4 Smith Premier 40 8 Densmores 2f&J5 8 Williams 2tfci6 1 f.onir furrlurA Itemtnirton :M Send in for catalogue of new machines. xeiiiiuiB ia luaiBiucvu vy um un ail niachlnss. 14425 80 EVERYTHING FOR HOUSEKEEPING at very moderate prices. 25 per cent cheaper than at the Installment houses. Terms: $2o.'0 worth, $1.00 a week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. Q-223 80 AUTOMOBILE SNAP $3,800 Royal Tourist with top. complete equipment, 36 horse power, almost new, $1.8'j0. $3,01".) Four-Cylinder Winton, side entrance, lii6, 35 horse power, new, $2,850. $2.n Two-Cylinder Winton, new, carried over from last ear, $1,75J. $2,8u0 While Steamer, top, bankets, four lamps, first class shape, $1.2ai $1.0i0 Shelby, 2 or 4 passengers, full equipment, new, 12 horse power, $7U). $s5o Model A Cadillac, re movable tonneau, secondhand, good shape, $4no. $1,000 National Electric, with top, slightly used, $35o. $750 Steam locomobile, secondhand, good shape, $A0. $750 Model E Rambler, secondhand, goud shape, $.15. $7'Hi Pope Tribune, l-pasxenger. almost new. first-class shape, (3. $426 Orient Buckboard. new, 2-pasenger (can run up the bills;. $326. All Models of 1905 Cadillacs in Stock H. F. FREDRIC'SON. 15th St. and Capitol Ave The old Stand. W $19 80 SHIRTS. 6c; collars. 2c; cuffs. 4c. Follette Laundry, 16uJ Leavenworth. (4418 2vx PERSONAL EPWABD NORMAN KENT, music studloa, Wlthnell Bldg., 15th and Harney. Write for circulars. U 781 TRT KELLRY'S LAUNDRY. PHONE 8!W U-781 PIANO CLUB Just forming; too and $1 weekly; planoa de livered Immediately; piano lessons iree. Call for particulars, loll Farnam St. V 788 PRIVATF. home during confinement; tn mes adopted tarlum, f28 f Th. i , ,,,,4 Ramsrltan Sanl- Flrst Ave., Council Bluffs, la. Ttl. 774. PHONE 701 and a man will call and tuns your rlano, $2. Perfleld Piano Co . itu Farnam. U T84 MAfiNPTlr treatment & baths. Mme. llAVJt: l lt8intlhi 118 N. 14. 2d .. r. 1 L TCB. rapor and alcohol baths. 730 B. irh. -7M BEST umbrellas, lowest prices: renal rlna Co.. 820 8 18th. II-V 183 Jy31s done. Boston Umbrella Tel. 1817. ACCORDION ani SUNBURST PLHATINU, RUCHING, BUTTONS AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THfc GOLDMAN PLtAllNG CO 200 DOUGLAS. BLOCK. TEL. 1834. FACTORY tuners and action regulator at lowest rates for reliable service, tel. itu. Scliu. oiler & Mueller, piano makers. U-T38 LARSON & JOHN30.N Cut rates to all points. 14u6 Farnam. Tel. 1M6. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U-738 THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth ing; in tact, anytnlnR ou ao not neea; we Collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. llt.'i St., for cost of collect tng to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4135 and wtgun will call. U-6U PRIVATIC home during conflnemont; ba- tiles boarded and adopted. Mrs. oaraeu, 2216 Charles. Tel. 6811. . V 740 WE RE&T sewing machines. 75o week. We repair all makes of machines; second hand machines. $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. lCt3. Cor. loth and Harney. U 741 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramre Blk. V J43 DR. JACKSON, specialist In chronlo dis eases, 418 N. x. Life Bldg. Consultation free. U-M343 DR. ROY. Chiropody, R. I & 8, 1506 Farnam Li lU THE Turner Rest Cure, Colfax, Ia. U-106 x SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts and moles permanently removed by electricity; con sultation free and confidential: all work guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life. . -e-U MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine habit: myself cured; will Inform you of harmless, permanent home cure. Mary Baldwin, Box 1718, Chicago. U AUTOMOBILE REBUILDING solicit a limited amount of heavy repair work from garages and owners who ap preciate the best work obtainable. I., c Sharp Machine Works, 10th and Jackson. II- OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 45a. U-i Stomach and Bowel Troubles CURED BY NEW METHODS. I devote mv entire time to stomach and bowel troubles of every nature and cure me most obstinate cases, write or call for free Information. B. M. Jackson, M, D 418 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb. CHARMING lady of fine appearance, lov ing disposition, worth xno.ooo desires to marry at once. No objection to poor or working man. Will assist husband finan cially Immediately after marriage. No trlflers. Mrs Morton, C. A., 96 Fifth Ave., Chicago. u Z4B 90S A WONDERFUL French clairvoyant; what he tells comes true; send 10c and birth day. Prof. E. Qarnot, Box 2179, Roston, Mass. U 275 30x MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di rectory free; pay when married; entirely new plan: send no money. Address H. A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Mich. U-2M SOx WEALTHY ladles and gentlemen of re finement, anxious to marry: photographs and description free. Box D.D. 64. Canon City, Colo. U 810 80x ATTRACTIVE young widow; wealthv, wants Immediately kind husband to take charge of her business affairs. Address Jesse Ferguson, 171 Washington. Chicago. U- 30x FREE Your fortune told by America's fa mous, marvelous, gifted astrologlst. oc cult scientist, clairvoyant and life render. Prof. Hall. 98 Fifth Ave.. Chicago. Send birth date, three 2-cent stamps. U-232 SOx WANTED Merry-go-round, balloon and other attractions for Old Settlers' plcnta at Pleasanton, Neb.. August 15-16 Ad dress P. 8. Holtzlnger, Secretary, Pleas anton, Neb. U M248 1 SHIRTS. 6c; collars, 2c; cuffs. 4c. Follette's Laundry, lfi03 Leavenworth. U 118 3flx SHIRTS, to; collars. 2c; cuffs 4c. Follette' Laundry, 1003 Leavenworth. U 448 30x CAI.T.1NO cards, 25c per 100. Cnatleman l'rlntlng Co., opposite Omahn National bank. U 447 SOx HORSES AND WAGONS FOR SALE FOR SALE Gentle family horse, traveler, with or without harness buggy. Address 29. Bee office. gooa and P-M253 31x FOR BALK A light running buggv, cheap. 2112 Douglas St. P M200 31x FOR SALE Cheap, phuoton. 1662 N. 17th Bt. P-M227 lx FOR SALE Good horse, work single or double. Inquire 813 N. 27th Ave. P-230 30x DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. 200 Douglas Blk. iuo IN FAMILIES. Mis Sturdy. 'Phone A2706. -7ol MH8. R. A. KELLER, 111 N. 20th. 'phone 2632. will make special reductions fur the next 20 days in the. making of m w "three piece suits." First-class work guaranteed, -171 PRINTING PRINTING LYNGSTAD MEMORIAL CARD3; ar tistic designs, S. E. Cor. 16lh St. and Capitol Ave. 715 GREAT WESTERN PRINTING CO., 1611 Capitol Ave., Tel. 24ui; fully equipped for all kinds ot printing. 718 JENNINGS PRINTING CO. 'Phone 63a -M47s All LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. Th New Snow. Chuich Co., main tl., N. Y. L. 'Plione UX 3 J. M. Macfarland, 804 N. Y. L-Bld. Tel. 1552. 121 OMAHA COLLECTION CO.. Tel. Bee bid 3. 1276. wi -726 FINANCIAL MY FREE BOOK i'loleGr How rows. and tells: How to tell a good investme.it ; how to Invest small sums; how you can convert $U Into $3ak.k3; how to KU'ird against poor divestments, etc., etc. If you are able to save $10 or more a month from your Income, you should not fall to own a copy. Not an advertisement of any Invest ment, but full to the brim with lnf irma'.lon that every one should possess before liiev Invest a dollar. Ask for It on a postal and I II send It FREE bv return mail. W. M. OHTRANDKR, $61 North Auiorlcan Bldg , Philadelphia. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money Is loaned on fun.ituiv, pianos, live StcxK and to saUHed people upon their own agreement to pay. Our rates are as low as any, our service is quick and quiet and we never c'targe lor making papers or notaiy fees We want your business If you eer borrow money. ViMAiiA MOM i viAti K LOAN CO 06 Bo. lain 61., Tel. lia Board of i'rade UiUg. tstablllieU lwi.) X-748 BORROW MONEY WHERE You get it on Furniture. Pianos, Horses, Wagons, Cows, Salaries, eta WHERE You get it on short notice. WlitRbi lou get low rates and easy terms WHERE CooiWIential and courteous dealings bring you back. WHERE Can ou do letter T PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. Top floor. 633 PAXi'ON BLK. ' X-i4ti CHATTEL LOANS We have money to loan at a reasonable rate on diamonds, pianos, household furniture or other good chattel securi ties to parties whose position in lite re quire that such transactions be mad and hold In strict confidence. Union Loan and Investment Co., 218 Be. Tel. f;i04 X-74J MONEY loaned on furniture. salary. horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe uow room 214. at 2v8 S. lblh St. Tel. B.K64. X-748 MONEY loaned salaried peopls and other without security ; easy payments, unices In W principal cities, juimaii, room 7lt New 1UIH 4.1. 0 Ultlg. X-748 BOWEN'B MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, norses cows. I'laln note steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-750 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture. Jew elry, horses, 4-un uieen Loan Co., I Barker Blk. X 761 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew. elry, norses, cowu, eta c t. need 318 S 18. X-768 EAGLE Loan Offloe, reliable, accomodat ing; ail business confidential. 13ul Douglas. X-758 MONEY FOR SALARIED PEOPE. STA II LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. X-754 CHATTEL, salary and Jewelry loan. Folsf Loan co., mot tarnam ot. x 7ts Cash in Any Amount. $10 to $500 looned on furniture, pianos, eta. ana io people noitiing a steady position, without security or publicity, at the very lowest rates Payments can bo mado to stilt your convenience. Strictly confiden tial. RELIABLE CREDIT CO., Rooms 307-308 I'axton Blk. X 12 80 PATENTS H. A. 8TURGES, registered attorney; pat. ents, trade marks, copyrights; no fee un less successiul. 517 N. Y. Life, Omahn. 72 PATENTS. We procure the valuable kind. I solicit cases from those who appreciate the best work obtainable. L. C. Sharp Machln Works. 604-12 8. 10th Bt. CI TY OFFICIAL NOTICES. PROPOSALS FOR STREET IMPROVE MENTS. Sealed proposals are Invited and will bfi received by the City Clerk on Tuesday, August 1, 1905, at 8 o'clock p. m., in th Council Chamber ln the City Hall, for the following street Improvements, to-wlt: 26th atreet. from Dodge street to California treet. In Street Improvement District No. 740, by repaying, readjusting the old curb and replacing all defective curbing, as per ordinance No. 5567. Jackson street, from the west line of 9th street to east line of 10th street, in Street Improvement District No. 818, by repavlng repairing and readjusting the curbing and guttering and replacing defective curbing, as per Ordlnanco No. 6637. Davenport street, from 4cth street, north to 43d street, north. In Improvement Dist rict No. 836, by curbing and paving, a per Ordinance No. 656. Davenport street, from Central Boulevard to 31st street, north, In Street Improvement District No. S37, by curbing ana paving, a per Ordinance No. 6563. California atreet, from 23rd street to 26th street, ln Street Improvement District No. R38, by repavlng, readjusting the old curb and replacing all defective curbing, as per Ordinance No. W9. Davenport street, from 18th atreet to 22d street, ln Street Improvement District No. 839, by tepavlng, readjusting the old curb and replacing all defective curbing, a per Ordinance No. 6560. Maple street from 20th street to 24th street. In Street Improvement District No. 840, by curbing and paving, as per Ordinance No. 6U1. Bids for such Improvements must be upon asphalt, stone, vitrified brick, vitrified brick block, artillctal stone or macadam, and all bidders are required to designate the local ity, quarry, kl!:; cr factory from wihch will be furnished the speciiio material to be used by them, with It commercial desig nation. Proposals must be submitted for each district separately, and must lie made upon printed blanks to be furnished by the City , Engineer, who will also furnish Instructions ' to bidders, toicether with specifications and forms of contract and bond, upon applica tion at his office; and as evidence of good faith and guarantee that contract will b entered Into and good faith and sulllcient bond furnished, should award be mad thereon, each proposal must lie accom panied by a certified check, payable to th City of Omaha, in an amount nut less than ten per cent of the total of each bid, but ia no case to be less than JKO.U0. Proposal must be addressed to W. H. Elbourn, City Clerk, Council Chamber, City i Hall, and marked "Proposals for btreut I Improvement District No. " and giving the number or me district dig upon. The City Council of the City of Omaha, reserves the rlg!it to reject any or all bid. Omaha, Nebraska. July 17, 1M5. W. 11. ELBOURN. City ClMltj Jy 81. STROUD DOUBLES CAPACITY Manutactarers Will Hnlld New Ptaat cm the Belt Line. Covering Largre Area, T. F. Stroud & Co., manufacturers of scraper and other grading tools, will eect a new factory which will double the present output of the firm. This fact was an nouneed by Mr. Stroud Saturday. Stroud & Co. have completed a deal with F. D. Wead whereby they gain possession of several acres of land north of the Belt Line between Commercial avenue ' and Twentieth street. Deeds are In escrow ln the hands of Mr. Wead and tvu has been deposited to bind the deal. The land was bought for a factory site. Tentative pluns are for a structure 580x138 feet. The number of stories ha not been determined on. Mr. Stroud slated that plans would be drawn and I e would be ready to commence work as soon as ha had gained complete possession of th property. He hoped to finish the new fac tory this fall. It will double tin output of his plant and increase his force of em ployes from fifty to l'O. .The present fac tory Is at Twelfth and Nicholas street. MOTHER UNDER GRAVE CHARGE Siexro Woaiaa, Whoa Baby Dies of Kstreiur Nealect Is I uder ' Arrest. Mrs. Edna Craig of 723 Pierce street ha been arrested on the charge of cruelty t J a child. The woman's baby died last Mon day after what Is reported to have .been extreme neglirn on the part of the mother. The matter was first brought to the atten tion of the authorities through the report made by Dr. Worley to the Board f'f Heillh. Fred Craig, the husband and father. Is now serving out a fine In the city Jail. The Caigs are colored. Th mag was charged with consorting with WhlM woman.