rnE OMATTA DAILY TtEE: SUNDAY, JULY 80. 190.1.1 AGENTS WANTED SALESMEN WANTED FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE DON'T SHOOT WITH A SPRAY NOZZLE Tlio 1ny of tho hanily mnn, the "Jack of all trades," ha pnsscil. The world I'M m grown too Inrg for him. Tht men who win present !ny Imttlos, don't shoot with a spry nozzle. Iiistpml nf trying to do everything and rrattr1ng his efforts, the modern busi ness mnn finds M U ticst to concentrate his energies on one thins, to the end that lie may do that tiling well. The man of today should select a vocation, make special preparation for It, nnd then throw the entire weight of Ills abilities Into the effort to succeed In tlmt vocation. The advent of the tiiixluesa sperlnlUt Increases the Importance of the busi ness school, because young men and women must prepare for special work. THE OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE Courses of Study: ItiMlne, Hook-keeping. Stenography, Typewriting, Telegraphy, reumausulp, , It the best place to acquire salary get ting knowledge. WE CANNOT MAKE MONEY FOR YOU BUT WE CAN TEACH YOU HOW TO MAKE IT FOR YOURSELF. DON'T DELAY A MOMENT. rail Term opens in our new college building at 19th and Farnam streets Monday, Sept. 4. Write for catalogue and particulars at once. Address ROHRBOUGH BROS., Prop'rs. 17th & Douglas Sts., Omaha, Neb. c- VANTED Loral representative for well known house doing high class engraving, punting, clay modeling. Will pay good commissions, references required; experi ence nol absolutely necessary. Aduress C. IS. 13. , 2il 6th Ave., Chicago. J M202 x AGENTS W ANT KU Sell our $1 bottle ear sapurllla for 35c; best seller; 350 ppr cent profit; write today for terms and terri tory. F. K. Greene, 115 i-ttSalle bt., Chi Cl'o. J UKJ ir.oney In squabs; cheaply raised In only 4 we'ks; sell for fancy prices; won derful market; write for free book and learri this rich Industry. Plymouth Rock Squab Co., 300 Howard Bt., Melrose, Mass. J $600 per month and expenses selling Stran skey's smokeless gun and hlastlns pow der. Patented. CJeneral agents wanted everywhere. J. A. Stransky, Box 600, Pukwana. 8. D. . J-284 30x AGENTS to sell & practical $5 typewriter. 40 per cent commission. MacCarthy-Cuft-man Mfg. Co., 24 8. iOth St., 81. Louis, Mo. J 2W J0x AGENTS everywhere, $10 made dally sell ing an article without opposition; every woman buys at sight; self-wringing com bination mop and scrub brush. Thomas, 288 Hudson St., New York J 268 $0x "I FEEL like a millionaire," writes one agent; new; demand; quick sales. Econ omy Farm Record Co., Newton, la. J-279 SOx MEN! WOMEN! BOYS! GILS! MAKfc money In bunches; send 26c for supplies and (free) new, unique and complete plan with which, by working a small part of your time for us, It Is possible to quickly and eaBlty cam $10.00 on every 25c In vested; can tie worked by any one; hon est, fascinating, positively no canvassing: don't miss this; art today. Address Read & Co., 1B42 West Bernlce Ave., Irving Park Sub. Sta., Chicago. J 239 SOX WANTED Energetic, trustworthy man or woman to work In Nebraska, repre senting large manufacturing company; alary $40 to $90 per month; paid weekly; expenses advanced. Address with stamp, J. H. Moore, Omaha, Neb. J-CS8 SOx AGENTS WANTED Good pay; steady em- filoyment, selling our northern grown rees. The Greening Bros. Nursery Co., Mjnroe, Mich. J 296 80x WANTED Energetic man to organize soap crew; $100 weekly easily earned. Parker Chemloal Co., Chicago. J-300 HOx AGENTS can easily make $10 a day sell ing our gold window letters, novelty signs and changeable signs; catalogue free. Sullivan Co., 406 W. Van Buren St., Chi cago, 111. J 306 SOx WANTED Lady or gentleman of fair edu cation to travel for a firm of $250,000 cap ital; salary $1,072 per year and expenses, paid weekly and expenses advanced. Ad dress, with stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb. i-m $ox MEN and women agents everywhere to ell magnifying photo frames; best seller and money maker on earth. Address Crystal Glass Novelty Co., Montleello, Miss. J 235 0x FIXED MONTHLY INCOMES Men and women agents being appointed In towns and outlying districts; handsome office furniture supplied; the greatest cam paign of the century; watch the papers. Write "Dept. G," The Ponco Co., Chi cago. J 234 SOx ONE agent reports forty sales one davj new, quick selling quarter article; Gem Magazine Binder, houses, stores, offices; exclusive territory to right people. Stir ling Mfg. Co., Buffalo, N. Y. J 240 SOx AGENT8 Make $18 to $.10 a week; perma nent position, selling fire extinguishers that retail at $1. Monarch Co., St. Louis. J-271 SOx WANTED Local representatives for well known house doing high class engraving, printing, clay modeling; will pay good commission ; references required; ex perience not absolutely necessary. Ad dress C. B. B., 221 6th Ave., Chicago. J 228 80x SALESMEN WANTED WANTED Salesmen to handle aide line of ladies' trimmed hats on commission. These goods are sold on credit with dat ing to responsible merchants and millin ers Wish to confine to Nebraska, Kan sas. Black 1111U. Photographic album (Uxl2) of entire line furnished free of charge and will be ready for fall goods after July 20th. Requires but Utile spare and can lie conveniently carried. The oldest manufacturer of trimmed hats In the northwest. B Painter, S52 E. Water St., Milwaukee. Wis. SALESMEN wanted In every city and town; big demand: big commission. Rodes Sanitary Co., St. Louis, Mo. SALE8MEN wanted Tor shoe and drug trades to sell DRY-SOLE, a liberally ad vertised waterproofing preservative for hoes. Attractive proposition for ener getic, men. Dry-Sole Co.. 8 Warren St., New York. SALESMAN- 00 a week and expenses to reliable, sober men to introduce and advertise our stock remedies. Columbia Stock Food Co., 1628-J1 Piatt St.. Denver. Colo. TRAVELING salesmen for Neb.' & Iowa; staple line; entirely new Inducements to trade; high commissions; $2i weekly ad vance; permanent to right man. F. C. Farley Co., Detroit. Mich. CIGAR salesman In your locality for city and country trade. per month and ex penses. Experience unnecessary. Enclose stamp for particulars. Puritan Cigar Co., Chicago, 111. 24 SOx SALESMEN wanted by lace Importers; must have established dry goods trade, small towns', expenses advanced: sam ples 26 pounds Standard l.ee Works, 43 Broadway. New York. ! SOx EXPERIENCED traveling salesman with clean record to Mil vacancy Aug. 15; estab lished Cleveland house; high commissions; H weoklx- J. N. Clark Co.. 64j-4S Euclid Ave. vH" 7 J. Cleveland, O. 2tia SOx SALESMEN WANTED For Missouri, Ne braska. Wisconsin. Illinois and other ter ritory, to sell populnr-prlced and well ad vertised line of "Acorn Brand" Men's Clothing; liberal Inducements to parties having established trade. Address I li poid. Solomon & Elsendrath. 224 Market Bt.. Chicago. Sox TWO salesmen to work Omaha for an east ern company nn commission; good man will average $1J0 month. Address, with full particulars. Geo. 6 1 rube, care Gen. Del , Omaha, Neb. 23 SOx TRAVELING BAl.RSM EN By prominent house for Nebraska, to sell well adver tised . staple line; unusual openln for rlU m-a. Drawer " W" CUlcasu. XT Sua If nn employe expects the favor or an employer, he must know something. Men of affairs are too busy to teach employes tbelr A. B. C's. The Omaha Commercial College makes a specialty of preparing young men and women for their work. The high stand ing of this representative Institution; Its twenty years of experience; and Its practical and progressive methods, make WANTED Agents for summer cooking utensil; every woman buys; over iW) per cent profit: recipe bocklet given each pur chaser. Wilson Toaster Mfg. Co., Minne apolis, Minn. 273 SOx TRAVELING salesman wanted to sell gro cers; permanent position; state present occupation and salary expected. Los An geles Cider Co., tit. Louis, Mo. 272 0x WANTED Salesmen and agents, to sell our patented tool grinding machine; weighs less than four younds; as efficient as power driven machine; only sharpener equipped with carborundum wheels; these are all exclusive features and make It sell on sight, without argument, to every one having tools to sharpen; hundreds sold daily; agents make $o to $10 daily; we give exclusive territory and credit for all wales; our offer is a good one and wi want to hear only from men who mean business. Write now for particulars. Luther Bros. Co., 215 Carver Ave., No. Milwaukee. Wis. SOI SOx SALESMAN Wanted $,500 and expenses; year's contract to a first-class specialty salesman who Is a result getter; we mean business; no time for trlflers. Address 13, care Bee. 303 30x CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska with staple line; high commissions wltn $HiO.00 monthly advance; permanent posi tion to right man. Jess H. Smith Co., Detroit, Mich. 300 80x WANTED First-class salesman; man ca pable of earning not less than $150.00 per month; permanent position for ft qualified man. Address, with references, J. B. Ogden, IS Mclntlre Bldg., Dayton, Ohio. 287 30x SALESMEN One in every county to sell farmers wind mill attachment; makes pumping half easier; sells for $3; good profit. Address H. AS Nelson, Fairfield, Iowa, 292 SOx MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive territory upon unequalled commissions for unrivaled books: no better opening Is to be found In the cook selling business than the opportunity we now nave to offer; fet our proposition; send address. M. A. onohue St Co., Chicago. 311 80x SALESMEN On fast selling line of patent medicine, well advertised; experienced or A-l specialty men only; compensation high. Box (56, Chicago. 307 30x FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th V Chicago. E-704 DEWEY European hotel, 13th Cs Farnam. B-705 VIENNA Hotel; private dining: rooms, cafe. K 708 ROOMS and good board. $5 per week and up. Call 1517 Chicago Bt. E 707 Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks E M.2S4 FRONT room, new, modern, $3 week. 2623 Decatur. EV-M46S All $1.00 to $2.00 per week. 422 8. 18th St.. on block south of court house. 466 ROOMS FURNISHED complete on hours notice. Our prices much lower than at Installment stores. Terms: $26.00 worth, $1.00 a week. Omaha Furniture and Carpet Co., between 12th and 13th on Farnam Bt. E 221 30 FURNISHED room. 824 S. 27th. E M969 2$ ONE or two nicely furnished rooms; elec tric light, bath, new and up-to-date; close In. 2204 Douglas. K M122 81 x FURNISHED rooms, large or small; every thing strictly modern, lit No. 25th. E y A15 NICELY furnished; all modern; 'phone. C24 S. 20th St. E-M20S 31 X SUITE of rooms, first and second floor, modern, east front, first class. 220 N. 19th St. Tel Red 1909. E M198 Six NICE, rob), quiet, pleasant, outside, mod ern rooms, with board, tor couple or two gentlemen. Call now at 1714 Douglas, or 'phone Red-4637. F M210 31X ELEGANT, airy front rooms, all accommo dations. Including telephone. 2112 Douglas St. E M2&9 Six NEWLY furnished rooms; new furniture and flat remodeled; reasonable. Flat (, 2234 Farnam. 'Phone 2263. E 158 lx Fl'RNlBHED rooms for light housekeeping. 2601 Dodge. E 482 lx 1S18 CHICAOO, south front parlor, piano; also other rooms; modern. E M421 lx PLEASANT room, private family. 524 S. 2tith Ave. E M429 31 X BEAUTIFUL, cool, corner rooms; modern; 'Phone B-2634. 2423 Cass St. E-M434 Six SHIRTB, 5c; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4C. Follette's Laundry, 1803 Leavenworth. E 448 SOx NICELY furnished front room and alcove. Gentlemen preferred. 'Phon 25C 111 N. IOth. E 459 lx ONE nicely furnished front room; house modern. Telephone Cedar 82311. 2427 Dodge St. E M462 lx A Sl'ITE of two nice rooms for light house keeping; also one very pleasant southeast-front room at tog South 21st St. E M4S7 lx FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-M2al CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Av ; broad, verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F tui FURNISHED rooms with first-class board; close In, good neighborhood. 820 fl. lth. , F-158 30x PRIVATE accommodations furnished a few fisherman or tourists at my summer home on Boone Iake, Polk county. Wis. Write W. A. James, Mllltown, Wis. F SHIRTS. 5c: collars. 2c; eults, 4c. Follette's Laundry, 1803 Leavenworth. P-44H 30x PI-EA8 ANT front room, excellent table. Call SC04 Farnam. Phon black 4M0. F-UM lx ELEGANT room and board for two. mod ern; telephone, private. 1037 Harney St. F 480 lx THE ROSE. 2020 Harney-Nleely furnished, root room, with board; on small room; also suite parlors: will rent sinrle or eusulte; rates reasonable, F 46$ tx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT BUSINESS CHANCES LEARN BY DOING BOOKKEEPING AND PENMANSHIP SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING TELEGRAPHY AND ENGLISH BRANCHES AT Nebraska Business College Corner 17th and Harney Sts., Omaha. A C ONG, A. M., LL. B., President, Fall Term Opens September 4, 1905. This Institution hns Just completed arrnnfroments with nn expert public auditor and court reporter who has lind twenty years' actual business experience in the East, to jilvc special instructions during the coming year. He will devote all his time to tjje work and Interests of the school. Bookkeepers who aim to be come expert accountants, and stenographers who wish to qualify for bljiher posi tions and reportorial work, may now place themselves under the Instruction and drill of an expert. This is an opportunity never before offered pupils In the west. Communicate with us at once for particulars. All former teachers will remain with the Institution. Experts for each de partment, aud Individual Instruction to each pupil. Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A. MEMBERSHIP FREE. Every student who takes outa full term scholarship Is given a year's mem bership in one of the above associations without extra charge. No such propo sition was ever made before by any Institution. The value of this membership to a student can scarcely be computed. To be a member of the T. M. U. A. or Y. W. C. A. menus character, culture and refinement. Apply for catalog and college literature. B 440 20 NKATLY furnished room, with good bourd, for two; modern house. i15 California St. K 4 til lx UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE unfurnished rooms, south front, 8016 l'aclnc, 16. Heferencea exchanged. G MISi 3vx THREE nice Unfurnished front ground floor rooms; very reasonable. M5 8. isth Ht. Q-214 31x SHIRT8, Be; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. Follette's Laundry, l(i0aL,eavenworth. G448 30x BUSINESS CHANCES IF OU wish to buy or sell a business or real estate, consult U. S. Sales Uureau. U34 and iM Bee Bids. V IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or business QUICK see Coniu. ton-Watts Co.. 636 1'axton Blk. Y WANTED Business College, best location In Iowa. Address K 46, Bee. Yb.i PRINTING OFFICE, medium size; In fine shape, well located; UuO cash required Address 12 Be. Y M123 30x TWO experienced business men have a few thousand dollars each, and services, they would Invest, In good paying business In this city. Address 22 Bee office Y-M190 SO RELIABLE man, good references and $2,000, can secure salaried position representing responsible manufacturing concern lor Omaha and vicinity; exclusive product, enormous demand, no competition, 300 per cent profit; investment absolutely sate; soon be worth J-UOUO. Manager, 410 Tacoma Bldg, Chicago. Y M2uo i!ix FOR SALE Bicycle shop and tools In good town and location; good business. R. L. Henson, Shelton, Neb., Lock Box 60. Y-M207 30 WANTED Physician, not over 33 years of age, married man preferred, with J2,d00 to Invest in drug business, with good loca tion for practice In Nebraska. To the right party this Is a money maker. Ad dress 26, Bee. Y M306 4 FOR SALE Grocery and bakery In western county seat town, large brick oven nearly new, keep an excellent baker, making l,k00 loaves per week. Fine grocery trade a bargain for cash: write at once. Address, 27, care Omaha Bee. Y 213 31 BLUE BOOK ON PATENTS and list of In ventions wanted, free to any address. Patents secured or fee returned. Geo. 8. Vashon & Co., 934 F St., WashinKton, D. C. Y- CASH for your real estate or business, no matter where located. If you desire a quick sale send us description and price. Northwestern Business Agency, D 312, Bank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn. Y FINE restaurant and short order house In one of best towns ln Nebraska, with ele gant soda fountain; doing excellent busi ness; good reason for selling. Speak quick It you want It. Address F 66, Bee. Y YOU can never profit by business chance unless you have some money; small sav ings are the foundation of large fortunes; start a savings account with J. L. Brandels & Sons, Bankers, 16th and Douglar Sts. Assets over $400,00.00. Y I CAN sell your business or real estate. No matter where located. Send description, statin price. Quick results. Roy Dick son, 2716 Park ave.. St. Louis. Y MY FREE BOOK fiocu and tells: How to tell a good Investment; how to Invest small sums; how you can convert $100 Into $358.83; how to guard against poor Investments, etc., etc. If you are able to save $10 or more a month from your Income, you should not fall to own a copy. Not an advertisement of any Invest ment, but full to the brim with Information that every one should possess before they Invest a dollar. Ask for It on a postal and I'll send It FREE by return mall. W. M. OSTRANDER, 727 North American Bldg., Philadelphia, Y BIG MONEY" $10 buys puts or calls upon lo.ooi) bushels of wheat. No further risk. Movement of 5 cents makes you $oOO. Write for circular. The Standard Oruln 'Co.. Cleveland. O. Y 289 30x CORPORATION controlling business es tablished 18tio desires services of energetic business man to manage branch office. Investment, $1,000 upwards. References regarding ability and Integrity required. Salary $2,5o0 annually and commissions. Address Box 636, Madison, Wis. Y-287 SOx ONE of the richest Tonopah-Goldfleld Nev ada propositions offers a limited amount of stock for sale. Grandest opportunity; highest references. Good agents wanted. Tonopah-Crow Gold & Copper Co., 641 Crossley Bldg., San Francisco, Cal. T WE have a plan whereby we Agree to take one or more representative citizens from every town of Importance to Arkansas and Indian Territory and return at our expense, including railroad fare and three days' hotel bill. First applicants receive fllrst attention. Wanted Responsible clt lien everywhere to set as representatives. Address 3l'8 'Frisco Bldg., St. Louis, Mo. Y 268 3ix MANAGER Branch office, Omaha, and other cities; an enterprise we believe will prove greatest money earning and wealth producing business proposition ever pr sented to American public; roinpanv will forever own all powers, advantages and every source of profit In a modern city under unity of ownership; superior to any co-operative colonisation Plan ever formed: representatives should earn ti.'xO to $5,000 first year and continue to in crease; small amount of cash required; our booklet. "'The Powers and Advantages of Industrial Concentration." and full in formation mailed free. Inventors' and Finance Company, (Rep-Pept.). Hnboken, New Jersey. Y 278 Uflx MONEY SPECl'LATORS MONEY The present stock and grain markets af ford opportunities tlist will yield a per centage of profit untMjualed Jn any other line of business: don't delay; send for "our special letter containing reports and advices; highest banking and commercial agenrv references Williams. Voting A Co.. Eft-?- La Salle St.. Chicago. III. Bt. Louis office, Lacleede Bldg. Y 277 30x BULLFROG Is Nevada's latest and richest discovery. Am you Interested? Snd your address. I will keep you Informed on all l.,cal lesittmnte mining stocks. Starr Warson, Rhyolite, Nevada Y-P SOx A GOOD factory, factory site and fine op portunity for small manufacturing bunl ness. Address today. Business Men's Association, Ylpsllanil. Mich. Y-23 "x A. J. LOWRY, Principal f CASH for your business or real estate, no matter where located or what It Is worth. If you want to sell your business or real estate 1 can find a buyer for you quickly. Send me full description and price today. K V. Merchant, 2o72 116ll Bt., Chicago, III. Y 3')2 30x I1 OR SALE A clean stock of hardware and business house in eastern Nebraska; price lM', milking money; old age, must get out. Address 24, Bee. Y 237 30x FOR SALE Good htirdware and implement business In southern Nebraska; terms cash; stock will Invoice about lii.nOO; will sell separately, but prefer to sell alto gether. Address 28, care Bee. Y-247 30 FOR SALE Saloon business, established 28 years, paying J5.000; three-story, brick building, in best location; all rented. Good reasons for selling. Address A. Ament, Adm., Ypsllantl, Mich. Y-248 30x A CLEAN up-to-date stock of general mer- f',1,ndlB5 ln rp,U "VB town- Population, l.tWO. Two railroads. White & Cook t-yons. Neb. Y M435 6 J, BARN Seven teams, dwelling of live rooms, three lots. Good business. Good town In southeast Nebraska. Price U.mi. Time on part. Address: Box 182, Stella, Neb. Y 431 30x SHIRTS. 5c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. Follette's Laundry, 1603 Leavenworth. Y 448 3Ux SHIRTS, 5c; collars, 2c; cufTs, 4c. Follette's Laundry. ll3 Leavenworth. Y 448 30x $5,000 C real estate bonds; must sell. Ad dress 3(1, Bee. Y M449 30x WHY pay more? Calling cards, 25c per 100. CHstloman Printing Co., 209H S. lStli St. 'Phone 102. Y-446 30x FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. 1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 First Nat 1 Bank Bldg 1-768 ' THE store room No. 2912 Farnam St., only $16 per month. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., ground flood Bee Bldg. 1852 FOUR-STORV AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING, 916 FAR NAM STREET. N This building Is 22xtu teet, four stories and a basement. The basement Is 22x132 feet, Is cemented. The celling over ths iiawinetii baa a brick vault and Iron beam construction, mailing- ths basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor ln liuut anU aranoluoio floor ln rear. Thers la a large burglar-proof vauu ana a power elevator. The upper floors have wiudow on ttuee Sides. Address The Bee Building Co., C. C. Rosewaier, Secretary, room luO Bee Bldg. Wli have vacant a particularly desirabl small office, wnicti rents tor $10.00 per month. Price includes heat, light, water and janitor service. It Is located on ths fourth Itoor of Tha Bee building and is just the thing for any one wanting a nice ittle office in the best office bunding ln town. R. C.t Peters & Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee Bldg. i 771 IF you apply at once we can give any odb deBiring a large office space almost any arrangement they desire. This space Is on the sixth floor of The Bee building, with north Ugnt. R. C. Peters at Co., rental agents, ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1-772 AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting glasses; big profits ; our 24-page free eye book tells how; write today. Jacksoniun Optical College, College Place, Jackson, Michigan. I OFFICES FOR RENT In U. 8. National Bank Bldg.; nice, light, modern offices. DESK ROOM In strictly modern, ground floor office: all necessary conveniences furnished free, such as heat, light, janitor, telephone service, etc. CHAB. E. WILLIAMSON CO., Ground Floor, U. 8. Nail Bank Bldg. y 225 $0 SHIRTS, 5c; collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. Follette's Laundry, lt; Leavenworth. I 44S 30x WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD, tho ANTIQUARIAN. 622 N. Y. Life, pays highest price fur books. Tel. j3A. N-6a 6 TO 8-FOOT bookkeeper's standing desk. either siiiBie or aotiDie; must be bargain. Address 17. Bee office. N M181 30 SQUARE PIANO In good condition. 1611 Farnam. N 087 WANTED Good family mare. 43d and Center. N M121 ( OR 8-FOOT bookkeeper's standing desk; must be bargain. Address 21. Bee. N-M184 30x WANTED One or two second-hand lunch counters, chairs or stools; must be good Address Mrs. Nettle Hart, 111 S. 30th St. N-202 30x WANTED-Second-hand enplne and boiler, about "ii-horsepower. Address, giving par ticulars. Wisconsin Furniture ft Coffin Co., Lincoln, Net). N 213 30 WANTED To buy for cash, improved prop erly; must do a nargain; price, location and kind of property cuts no figure, so It Is a Al investment. What have you to offer? Address, P. O. Box, 778, Omaha, Neb. N 434 30 SHIRTS. 6c; cellars, 2c; cuffs, 4c. Follette's Luumlry, 10i8 Leavenworth. N 148 30x WANTED to buy direct from owner, lot or acre of land southwest of Omaha, Ben son or Florence. State best cash price. Address 36 Bee. N 442 30x WANTED, a real estate office In Omaha or Council Blufls; wilt pay cash or trade land: furniture must le good and com plete. Address P. O. box 66, Albany. Mo. N-M460 SI WANTED to buy a nice, clean, money making business, $f0 to $2u. Address 38, Bee, N 420 0 DANCING MORANDS for private lessons, ball room or stage; waits and two-step guaranteed, lath and Harney. 'Phone 6141. School opens bevt. L Assemblies, Wed.. Aufuat 3u. -41$ 16 NO MATTER HOW HOT IT IS, GO TO SEE THESE. THEY ARE WORTH IT. D. y. Sholes Company 722 N. Y. LIFE $1,650 South front on Burt 8t., near rth, rooms, sewer, water, gns and toilet; all In good repair; walking distance. Owner must close out before Aug. 1. Fsy terms. Make us nn offer. $1,7501324 Park Ave.. 60x150 feet, with two houses, very choice location; hand some new house .lust building adjoin ing It. Make us an offer. $1,800 2')2 Blondo St., 2-story, 8-room house, new ro'f and newly painted; cost over 14.0ii0 to build. Lot Ktal34 feet; very high and will mnke a desirable home. Three blocks from car. Will consider $600 cash, I la nee easy terms. There Is no sense of renting when you can buy like this. $1,900 Corner 33d and Ames, brand new 6-rnom house, porcelain bath, nickel J'lumblng; best of everything. Ixjt SxliiS feet; sewer, water, gas, per manent sidewalk. Right on the rar line. Will sell for IfiOO cash, balance monthly at $ per cent. Will sell an other lot adjoining with the house If desired. $2,000 Close In. cottage of 6 rooms, at 250g Cuming St., lot 54x"128 feet, Is alone worth the money; Vi cash, balance easy terms. $2.500 Good 8-room frame dwelling at 28th and Bristol, water and gas, good re pair, lot 44x132 feet. Paved street and very close to car. $3,260 A first-class 7-room cottage, all mod ern but furnace, 66x138 ft lot, oppo site St. Joseph's hosp Hal, on 8. loth; car runs In front of the door and the location cannot be excelled. Lots of fruit ln the yard; good barn; cellar under the whole house; room for furnace; plenty of room to build an other house on the lot. If desired. $3,250 Near 27th and Capitol Ave., 7 rooms, nearly new. all-modern, oak finish, rents for $;16 per month. $3,3503039 Maicy St. This Is a new, square house, only occupied one year, 7 rooms, all-modern, good furnace, fine arrangement. It Is choice and well built. Lot 43Hxl28 feet. $3,750 Bemls park, the cheapest as well as the host 8-room modern house ln that district; oak finish and floors down stairs, gns and electric light, hot and cold water; fine furnace; lot ffixl50 feet, on the corner with asphalt street and .boulevard. This house was built for a home less than one year aim. Owner leaving city and must sell. Reasonable terms. You can't imagine how nice It Is ipslde until you see It. $5,500 West Farnam district, corner lot, 80x100. enst front, beautiful view, 9 rooms, all-modern, oak finish, fine shade, new stone walks and steps. This Is just the place for your large family. , $6,750 On Lincoln boulevard, In Bemls park, splendid 8-room, strictly modern house, nearly new. finished in weath ered oak. Lot 66xlfiS feet- This Is one of the most artlstlcs places ln the park. ACRES 2 acres and one full lot, 4319 Grand Ave., 6-room house and barn, near Cen- . HOUSES In Walnut Hill, one block from car line, desirable six-room, with new plumbing, bath, furnace and nice corner lot. A bar gain. Price, $2,50p. Near 24th and Manderson, a nearly new six-room house, every modern conveni ence, with nice lot; price, $3,200. Can make terms. GARVIN BROS. 1604 FARNAM ST. RE H Farms H 160 acres eight miles west of Clarks. Neb.. with a new five-room cement hollow block house, witn bay window, very attractive. New windmill, tank, good barn, cement cave, chicken house; 26 acres ln alfalfa, a fine pasture; farm fenced and cross-fenced. Owned by a dentist who Is going west. Price, $40 an acre. HASTINGS & HEYDEN 1609V4 Farriam Street. RE 14 PERCENT NET INVESTMENT tT ftTHl fnK 1017 an A loin dt res vu.vw mill Ulj VIUIA Dl, 1 WU-Rl'iry frame ptore building, In good condition. ni-niB iur s-h.aj per mo run. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST" RE FOR SALE and exchange: Corn farms In mo nisauun valley. iree lists. ri ! Craven & Co.. Onawa. la. RE Payne Investment Company Omaha, Nebraska 1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg. - Telephone 1781 FOUR MILLIONS This Is Omaha's 1005 building record at this date. Rulldings mnke real estate valuable. Are you sharing, In this prosperity? At these prices you can make no mistake. 2028-2026 Grant St 6-room cottage and a 4-room cottage; rent f 15 a month. Price 11,500. 8S20 N. 20th St. 6-room cottage, east front on tho boulevard. Price fl.tKs). 4209 Cuming St. 7 rooms, good barn, paved street. Price $2,000. 44 feet on N. 24th St, between Clark and Grace, on which there Is a small and store bulldl"tf. which the owner Is very anxious to sell. He uka $2,000, but might take less. One block from the carllne, a 9-roora house, hns gas. bath, city water nnd sewer connections, beautiful shade trees, three large lots. Price f.'jriOO If you are looking for something within walking distance this place will suit you. (Look for our od of Oakhurst Tark.) VACANT On 41st Ave., north of Davenport, two full lots. Price $800. hot 4 and B ,n block J- Cherry Hill, southeast corner 48th and Brown Sts., 243 feet on Brown by 127 feet on 48th St., about two acres. Price $4m. The choicest corner in the Hauscom Park district. Price $2,0(S0. South and east front. Payne Investment Company 1st Fl. N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781 Bemis Park Several nice lots a little north of Bemls Park, only $100 to $500 each. BEM18, PAXTON BLOCK. P.E Shimer & Chase Co. Builders of Modern Homes. On 1'lorence boulevard, east front, sll modern, a very pleasant and attractive home. The owner says 'sell," so we put the price for quick sale, $3,100. Fine eight-room house, all modern. In good repair, on West Manderson St.. near $4th St. Nice surroundings; a very pleas ant home; $3,60u. tin south Omaha car line, a nve-room house; two bed rooms and bath on second floor: a cosy home and corner lot: onlv $1,70, on easy term. Houtn rront on West Farnam. six rooms all UD-to-dote. Hoove all modern and surely a bargain. Let us show ou. 3o. on Booth 2Mb St., near tlnnscoin park, nearly new six-room house. For quick sale, only $2,600. Choice lot on 19th St. boulevard, with water, sewer and gas already in; up to property line; 60 feet front. $l,70o. South front lot nn Capitol Ave., close In. 66x1.12. Snap. $1,600. SHIMER & CHASE CO. Tel. SW. 16o Farnam St. HE FOR BALE. MODERN house; Just completed; elsht large rooms, besides large bath room and hall; 160-barEfl cistern and fond well. Uood location and attractive srounds. Ad dress 32, sice. KE til 3ox TEL 49 tml Tark school; price $2,500. Splen did place for chickens and fruit. 10 acres close to Elmwood park. Just west of Ruscr's; ti'i acres Is In the finest kind of fruit, nnd this will msko one of the best l'-ncre homes around the city. No buildinss. Price $2.5. It must go by Aug. 1st. 40 acres on the Calhoun road, 2H miles north of Florence, 6-room house, new barn, chicken house, well, etc.; 5 acres of apples. Is) cherry trees, 1.200 gooseberries, 1.20O currant bushes, good plum thicket; 3 seres of timber pasture. 14 acres of fine alfslfa, 6 acres timothy and clover. It Is the best place we know of In that location and Is dirt cheap at $4.8-10. Ycu can't duplicate It at anywhere near the price. 80 acres mile south of center St., In the southwest corner of the same section In which Is located the KmerRcncy hospital. This is the finest -kind of gnrden land, with a good building site. Price $ per acre. Will he glad to show any of these to pnrtles meanlne; business, nnd we don't know where a better Investment can be hnd now than any one of these properties. INVESTMENT Central $21,000 WxlM feet, south front, on Podie St., 66 feet west of 17th, with brick building snd cottage; renting for $100 per month. This property Is sure to double ln value and Is the biggest Inside Investment bargain offered. Just compare It with unything else of the same sort. $10,000 Three 9-room, modern brick houses, built toRether ln one block, near 28th nnd Jackson Sts. These nre now renting for $1,200 per year. They are a great big snap. $7,500 New und modern double brick flat, on 17th, near California; leal lug for $76 per month. It is a snap. VACANT $2.000 66x132 feet, north front, on Chicago between 21st and 22d. It is above grade, but very cJieup and Just the place for flats. $2,600 6xl82 feet, H. W. comer 25th and Jones Sts. This Is the best harzaln we have had this summer. Three flats on this will pay 15 per cent net on the Investment. Come early If you want it. $4.000 oxl35 feet, corner 27th and Jackson Sts. Price $4,(M. It is a beauty for nats or moiiern dwellings and will sell this week. Two east front lots. 54x128 feet, N. W. corner 3oth and Taylor Sts. Paving and permanent walk paid, sewer ami gas; block to street car; room for three good cottages. Price $50 for both, or will sell separately. We have vacant lots all over the city at any kind of price. Can't afford to advertise them all. Come ln and tell us-what you want. WE SELL THE STUFF. RE OAKHURST. PARK Is surely going to be one of the hand somest and finest places ln the city to live. Six lots sold last week. It has a good car line service, being on the Han scom park line. It Is near the Field club, surrounded by fine homes, has nice shade trees, city water and sewer connections. The west fronts on Sfith St., commands a fine view. Everybody who goes out to see these lots are pleased. The prices range from $500 to $2,000. East fronts on 83d, between Poppleton Ave. and Pacific, $700 to $1,200. East fronts on the boulevard, between Poppleton Ave. and Pacific, $1.2n0 to $2,000. West fronts on 36th Ave., $3ti0 to $100. East fronts on 85th Ave., $110 to $fif.0. West fronts on 86th, from $560 to $760. South fronts on Poppleton Ave., from $500 to $S00, Call at the office for plat and let us tnke you out and show you the ground. We use an automobile for that purpose. Payne Investment Company, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. l.si. RB-t- Near Twenty-fourth and Lake Sts. 7 rooms. Just completed, hard wood fin ish, very large bath room, very best nickel plumbing, large pantry, large closet ln each of the four bed rooms, large cellar, 50 feet south front lot $2,000; easy terms if de sired. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE ELEGANT HOME On West Farnam $37,500 for northwest corner 32d Ave. and Farnam St., known as the "K. L. Stone" residence 17-room house, tuoroiiKhly mod ern, hardwood finish throughout, hot water heat, largo barn, lot ISixlia feet: very de sirable. GEORGE & CO., 1601 FARNAM ST RE SPECIAL htt S. 30th St. -7 rooms, strictly all modern throughout, house Just overhauled and now in pink of condition; choice neigh borhood. Price, $.12 .50. See It quick. Payne, Uostwick & Co. 601-3 New York Life. D-261 30 $625 I lots on JRlh Ave and Sprague. Owner say ell, as he needs the money. Mutt be sold this week. THE BYRON REED CO. 212 S. Hth. RE FOR BALK Ull EXCUANOK. Good Ioa coin farm of too allies; 440 acres In cultivation, buiunce fine pasture; good Improvement, i mil' s from lu n. I'n . $J per acre. Will tuka stock of goods, or good city properly a pail payment. J. P. Martin. UUkourl Vali.y, la. FOR SALE Madison Hotel $35,000 Block 14th cS Chicago $30,000 I ' r r 1 ,C Pinimnnnrf $8,000 . For full particulars see The McCague Investment Co. 1?06 Dodge rb- HOMES Fine large residence, 9 rooms, modern, large barn, two full lots, beautiful shade trees. A bargain at $.",fi(.i0. In Hanscom riser, tt rooms, oak Interior, grate and mantel. Price, onlv J-i.fo. Urand new, seven rooms besides large reception hall, all modern and complete, on 3'.Hh near California, l'rlce, $,1,6(10. On Dodge St., 7 rooms, modern, Hose in: lot 32x150 feet, i'rlce. only $3,000; offers will Im submitted. On IHth Ave. near Ixicust. , rooms, mod ern except furnnce; bargain at $2,300. On IMth near Inke, 9 rooms, modern. Price, $2,0on. it In Clifton Hill, 8 rooms, cement walks; llTon W"h frult 0nd Bliruulery- I'rlce. Good -room cottage on Iturt St., close In: nice lot; owner leaving city and will v..Bt . bllI's-aln. Trice reduced to $1,700. Nice 6-room brick; cottage, 4217 Fowler KaiPn,ar$lh3(lo.flne frU't; a htLr' INVESTMENTS Five nice cottages, northeast corner 21st and Grace Sts. price. $B,r00. In south part of city; four now cottages,. renting for $792 per year; will trade for good farm. LOTS Fine east frontage on Florence near Fort St., 44. d6 or 132 feet. boulevard, two lots, ts., South' at a bar feet, east boulevard. rine corner, win and Hurt, h In VI cr ' only $1,600. Choice corner. 2fith a Omaha, 115 feet' south frontage, gain. " ' On 20th near n.-incroft. 41x100 front, paved street, for tm 60x1 8nWe8t -'Florence Fine corner, 10th and Frances, W. FARNAM SMITH & .1320 Farnam St. for $1,060. CO. re- THE BYRON REED COMPANY $700 ern wrJ!'?" monthly, for nn all mod tTlct l?2mi J""!fen ln Weat Farnam dls full lot t,oi,7h0,d, "?orS,' S "replaces, eto'l run lot, south front. See us about this $1600 frPehrmon,tnh.the 'Uth P&" $1000 cash, balance long time, for a modern t HmKho,U8e on car "'': has bath, closet WEST HARNPY Lot near 30th' St.; south front; only lot Iefl for sale between :ir,th .,.. i.-.i. V-' T11 $2 000 v.. oviii, juurs ioi CHOICE CORNER "V;", GPL - 'ront. ' 'reet i- "iniinii w ant, l-l lce, $2,250. THE BYRON REED CO. m . 14th. 'Phone 297. RE MONEY TO LOAN On Omaha Improved real estate at lowest or PnHo h" r,'Vllf8' of "av""f al' r Tart of principal before maturity. Quick ao- GARVIN BROS., 1604 FARNAM RE II New Houses H 2010 nr.d 2014 Miami at . all modern houses, on foil sout front iCr well built, with best plumbing; front smi back stairway livery. hing complete and toJay I r'Ce' '''0,' "t the.2 HASTINGS & HEYDEN iarimra Street. RE FORT OMAHA Miller Park We still have a few lots at $100 to $24 each; $;, cash and .", cadi mouth. One acre hiving nice and high, with south 'loo' JU8t l l,lock8 flom "'reet oar, 13EMI8, PAXTON HI.OCK. riE VACANT CLOSE IN 64 feet, suitable for S bricks or two cottages, un east front on 2"th Ave., north of St. Mary's Ave.; nice shade, cement walk, asphalt pavement; special taxes all pah This ground Is In walking distance and bargain at piloe offered $2.2' 0. GARVIN BROS. 1601 FA It NAM ST. RE A Forced Sale The owner of a new 7-room all modern home near llHnseom park Ih furred to sell on account "1 his wile's healln. If you want a good ho.no let us show you this. THE BYRON REED CO. 212 South 11th St. RK SNAP Nice home of 7 rooms and east-front lot frfHt.g 21th. 2 blocks north of Ames; shade tre.H. bnrlt walks. You slioi.Id see It. 47' N 24th. Price only $l.lrii. Ml.'ST UH Soi l" AT )N'K. BN EKT & HlOHT, 613 N. V, I,. Tel. U72. HE-257 $0 CUBAN LANDS If you want In the pool to buy 6,000 seres of the best land ln Cuba, at only $1X64 pir uiiv. ipoi Li, ee me at once. t, It. GLOVttK. Room S, N. X. LJIe. 'Phone 13$. Rit-t