TITfi OMAHA DAILY VEKi SUNDAY, JULY 30, 10T. Business Bringing Bargains for Monday's Buyers All departments throughout our great store have joined hands to make this, an uU9lly dull season, a very busy one. All buyers have made such radical price reductions throughout their entire stocks that the bargain offerings are All Mail Orders prompt ly and carefully filled and satisfaction guaran teed. Order at once. This store will close at 5 p. m. every evening except Saturday at 10 p. m. until August 30th. I X simply trade compelling. Don't miss Monday. You'll always find it at HAYDEN'S sell the best of everything y fin HIGH GRADE WASH GOODS, Main Wash Goods Dept. JO ) SIU(SS1LKS-S1LKS OMAHA'S mtKATEST CLEARING SALE OF SILKS. We juarantoc tlio greatest paving of your life, values you nevVr dreamed of, Monday In this grand wind-up Pale of nil our spring and Rummer silks. ' On the liargnln ennntor In our renter alslo, thorp will bo ill spin yrd wnsh pllks, tho flOc quality, fnney washable silk. iV.o n'mlH.v fancy niosmiliiu's and taffeta for Mrr-pt milts In dcflrnriln pattern and colors, worth up to S.V yard, fancy foulards, plain silks and natural Jup wash silks, ITc TO, values; this pntlrn lot Monday nt, yard , ' OC 27-Inch odd shade of color taffetas, fanry shirt waist sultlnc. reinnnnts of rough ponfree In colors, lft Inch black tflffeta. color crepe do chines and plain silks for suits, silks worth up to $1.00 A Q and $1.25; nt, yard . 40C Fancy lonlslenes, messallnes and taffetas, our $1.25. $1.50 and $1.75 qtinlity, chameleon thals, $1.25 value, plain peau de ryun.s, $1.25 ijuality, $1.25 and $1.50 crere do chines, Including 40-lncu QP wide black; Monday nt, yard OJC Fancy chameleon chiffon taffeta, SO-ineh wide, $1.75 quality. C. J. llonnet nfVlnch black taffeta. $1.75 value 3Hnch black penu de sole. $l.!is value, and other black taffetas and chfna sllks. ao "IP Inch wide, $1.50 and $1.75 values; Monday at, yard l.D In the Cloak and Suit Dept. Second Shipment from the Nathan, Wolf & Nathan Stock of even greater bargain values than the first a splendid as sortment of stylish ready-to-wear garments made for the New York trade at business compelling prices. Your unrestricted choice of all Tailor Suits from the Nathan, Wolf & Nathan stock, all new est colors, styles and materials, worth up to S2S..V.. .10.00 7,X0 HAND.SOMK KKIUTN All styles, colors and fabrics, every table In our great skirt department flled high with the most Bui-prising bargains gar ments worth up to $12.00, divided into three great JCJ Cg 175 exquisitely designed tailor suits and costumes, made for the New York trade would sell regularly up to $100.00 In three CJA ff ?A Cyffl lots Monday, at : . sp&Vl' $JJ-$iTt MM Ladies Kimono. - 3 full cases of reg ular 75c values on sale at, choice. . . . 19c Handsome Jap Waists that would sell regularly up 1?....1.65 ALL. THE COATS In silks, peau de sole, brllllantlnes, coverts, etc., In lengths from 22 Inches to 48 Inches, go In three lots at about rZl It :$!0-7.50-$5 PRETTY WASH SUITS from the N., W. St N. stock values up to six dollars, at, O CZ( choice WOMEN'S $2.00 LAWN TOc WAISTS, at M w ANT LAWN OR LINEN WAIST In the house worth up 4.S to $12.00, at, choice '- CHILDREN'S WASH DRESSES worth up to $3.00 at, OKc rhnlrA ZfJK choice Women' Long; Klmonas, at Women's $1.25 Dressing 8acques, at 69c 69c THREE ROrSINO HOUR SPECIALS. FROM 8 TILL 9 A. M. Women's Waists, worth up to OEn 75c, at FROM 8:30 TILL 11 A. M.-$5.00 Accordion Pleated QU Skirts, a i.u FROM 9 TILL 11 A. M Children's Gingham Dresses, worth Rrn 76c. at V GROCERIES GROCERIES! HAYDENS MAKE THE PRICES THAT Fill THE BILL 48-lb. sacks fancy high patent Min nesota Flour 18 4 lbs. fancy hand picked Navy Beans f. 150 lbs. Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina 15o 4 lbs. best bulk Laundry Starch.. lac 4 lbs. good Japan Rice 16o 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap fc OH or Mustard Sardines, can... to 1-lb. can fancy Alaska Salmon.. 6c 1-lb. can Boston Baked Beans.... 4o S-lb. can Boston Baked Beans. .lo -lb. cans Potted Ham, Devtled Ham, Potted Tongue, Deviled Tongue or Potted Beef 3V40 1-lb. pkg. Corn Starch 4o 1-lb. pkg. Imported Macaroni. ...8Vo Choice 3-Crown Raisins, per !b..4V4o Xcelo, Malta Vita, Egg-O-See or Dr. Price's Breakfast Food, per pkg VHo The best Soda Crackers, lb....7Vio CHEAPER THAN LEMONS. Wild Cherry Phosphate or Root Beer one bottle makes five gal lons, bottle 10 CHEESE AND BUTTER DEPT. Very fancy Dairy Butter, equal to Creamery, per lb............ 210 Fancy Separator' Creamery But ter, lb 23o Fancy full Cream Cheese, 11....150 Fancy Full Cream New York Cheese, lb C 15o Neufchatel Cheese, each So Pineapple Cheese, each tio Fancy Wisconsin Brick Cheese, per lb ....12Hc Fancy domestic Swiss Cheese, per lb 150 FRUITS. FRUITS. ' FRUITS. Fancy large Juicy Seedless Lemons, per dos 2Qc Fancy large ripe Pears, per dos.. 15c Fancy targe sweet Oranges, per dox..' - 15o Three measures fresh roasted Pea nuts Mo Fancy Fard Date, per lb lOo Fancy Colorado Honey, raok...lOo China Dept. Specials Art Pottery Jardinieres 7, 8, 9 nnd 10 Inch size, worth four times the price, special C at 55c. 45c, 35c and....Jt IMPORTED GILT NOVEL TIES In Austrian wear, great ba; iOc HAND TAINTED SALAD DISIIES, Cake Tlates, Sugar and Cream Seta, etc., worth up to $1.50, choice y ft KnrnrrlnT tOt Tin top Jelly Glasses", each Tlaln Tumblers without 1 1 tous. each I'2V Straw Table" Mats, per set Handled Cups and t Saucers, each JlC 2c 19c Bj Us life THE RELIABLE, STORE. Linens, Sheetings and Wash Goods 68c Special Monday Bargains in the Great Domzstlc Room. . 6ic .. 10c ...84c 3ic ....41c Barnsley ....81c ....19c 221c ..20c ...He ,121c ' Qc ...5c ...3;c .6ic 89e Heavy Cream and Bleached all Linen Table Damask, tl'sr' Rnorliil at vorfl tJV $1.00 Bleached and Unbleached Table Damask, at. per yard. tl.M) Full Uleached double Satin Damask and silver bleached German (Jr Damask. T2-ln. wide, at. yd $1.F0 Blenched all linen Napkins, QQp 22x22 size, at, per dozen Jw 50c Sheer Linen Ijiwn, 3t-tn. wtdc, at, per yard 25c Belfast, linen finish. Shirt 01r Waist Suiting, at, per yd '"I" 7Hc Lowell Mills Pleached Muslin. S.r Z-in. wide, at. inr yard 7Hc E. II. soft finished bleached Cam bric, 36 Inches wide, at, per yard ; 63c Standard Bleached Seemless A.Qc 45c Ready-to-Use Bleached Sheets, 72x'JO sine, ut, per yd... 12ic, Rendy-to-Use Casts, 4i:x36 size, at. Fine printed Batiste, worth up to lBc, at, per yard Printed Batistes, worth up to Wc, at. per yard "Vic Double Warp Turkish Towels, each 321c 9c 61c 4c ' 4c lOc large Huck Towels, at, each 16o Hemstitched Huck Towels, at, each 124o Fringed Damask Towels, at, each Be Heavy Twilled Toweling, at, per yard 7c Linen finish check glass Toweling, at, per yard 12Ho Extra heavy all linen bleached Toweling, at, per yard 27Hc Feppern.ll bleached Sheeting, 21 yds. wide, at. per yd 30c Utlea Mills Bleached Sheeting, 24 yds. wide, at, yd.. 2Sc Somersett Bleached Sheeting, 24 vds. wide, at, per yard 15c Bleached Pillow Casing, 42-ln. wide, at, per yard 16c Bleached Pillow Casing, 45-ln. wide, at, per yard All our Wash Voiles sold up to 26c yard, at, yard All our French Qtnghams that sold up to 12Hc, at. yard .1 All our Fall Style Prints, sold up to 7Vic, at, per yard All our yard-wide Percales, sold up to 18c, at, per yard 5 Splendid Furnishing Bargains LADIES' NAINSOOK GOWNS Made ex tra long and full, handsomely laced and embroidery trimmed, sold regularly the world over at $1.50, 7tn Choice Monday LADIES' DRAWERS AND CORSET COVERS Made of the tlnest materials, trimmed In dulnty laces, embroidering and Inserting, regular "ltc 75c value, at ouv BOYS' BLOUSES AND WAISTS In llht eastern manufacturer, slightly soiled, choice at '. LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSE Im porter's samples from Lord St Taylor, the finest Imported Lisle, worth from 25c to 75c per pr., on sale Mon- 4 0 1 i day in 3 lots, at 26c, 18o and LADIES' FAST BLACK HOSE A splen did lBo quality, special Monday, at, per pair 5c and dark colors, the sample line of a large but worth upto $1.00, 25C CALL AT OUR Optical Dept. Spectacles Eyeglasses CAREFULLY FITTED. PRICES ALWAYS MODERATE. Closing Out All Wash Goods Monday will be the rrcatest day In the history of Wash Goods Department All our domestic wash goods will (to at three prices. C at yard 10c, Tc and DC All our Importod Figured Wash Goods f l will go at yard, 25c, 15c and IXsjC 15c Voiles, 12tC Crepes, all new shades 12 Ginghams, 10c Chambre Ginghams, 12Hc ami 15c Ilatlstea fast colors, 40-ln. Lawn worth 13c, and several other goods worth up to 25c, in. at yard lUC 39c Goods at 7 V2c a Yard High grade Batlrte Organdies, Dlmnltles, Lawns that sold at 25c, 35c and 89c a yard, all J I at, a yard i aC 50c and 59c af 10c a Yard Pure Linen In fancy checks, plaids and stripes, that sold up to CIH?, white goods very highly mercerized, that sold at 31V, 50c and (KV a yard, Organdies that sold nt ",V and .'tUc, and a A host of other oods, all at, yard 1UC And in the Foreign Wash Goods M pieces of Silk Organdies that sold nt 00c IP a yard will go at, yard JC 75 pieces of f Ilk Organdies Hint sold at 50c lQ a yard will go at, yard 1C 100 pieces of Organdies that sold at 31K? 11 a yard will go at, yard.... liC We will close a lot of -5e while goods at Crt a yard, "V- and DC India I.lnnns at yard, R.V, I'.V, l'2ic and 5q I.oug Cloths at yard, 12VjC, HV and Iq Opening tip new Fall Flannelettes. Come now nnd select your styles, n large variety 1 Oft at loo, 12ic. 15c and M..!OC Ite sure and attend Monday's Sales. Another Deal in Furniture At the end of the season we found a factory while cast that was willing to make us very low prices if we bought a quantity. That Is where we make It count. Quantity for cash we took up the offer and here you are. This lot comprises six styles of chiffoniers, four stylos of oak dressers and two styles of uietal beds. These prices are the lowest ever quoted on this market, nnd the goods O. K. uuk uuinonicr, size or top ;wxis, height 48 inches, . drawers, well constructed and finished usual price $0.50, now Bamo style Chiffonier with a French bevel mirror, size 1Sx12 usual, price $9.50, now Large Oak Chiffonier, top 89x22 inches, five drawers, large tfnd roomy usual price f 10.83, now Same style Chiffonier with 12x20 French bevel mirror usual price $12.85, now Quartered oak chiffonier, top 21x34 Ins., serpentine half swell frotrt, with hat box, 2 small drawers, 3 large ones usual price $11.50, now . game style Chiffonier with a 18x24 French pattern plate mirror usual price $13.50, now Flue oak Dresser, top 19x38 inches, 2 small drawers and 2 large French bevel, pattern mirror, 10x20 usual price $11.85, now .... Same style Dresser with an 18x24 mirror usual price $18.85 now Handsome Metal Ited, large nnd heavy brass ornaments and brass rail and spindles a bed that usually sells for $7.85, now 7.85 9.85 8.85 9.85 iS 8.95 9.25 iU -ij Fine oak Dresser, serpentine half swell front, top 20x40, French bevel mirror usual FA price $15, now DJ Fine oak Dresser, full serpentine swell front, oval French bevel mirror, 22x28 usual! ) QJ price $10.50, now.. . ?.tOD 5.50 Another lino Metal Red with ex tended foot rail and brass knobs usual price 7 C $5.75 now ' J Mattress Pads, Just In, J C nt $1.95 nnd 1. I D Wo are receiving goods dally nnd will put on sale from time to time a nicies on which we can save you money. HARDWAREl HARDWAREl BIG MONEY-SAVING SALE MONDAY FLANNEL DEPARTMENT Extra good Outing Flannel, CC at yard 8 5c 8Vtr Extra heavy and wide Shaker Flannel, at yard... lBo Wood Lawn Cheviot Skirting, at yard .8ic All our 20c Drapery Denims lOln and Cretonne, at yard '"J" 10c 36 Inch wide Silkollne, at yard ,5ic cases $1.00 full size Bed Spreads, Marseilles patterns, 9Qc 6 cases $1.25 full size and extra heavy Red Spread, to OS. close out at OOfc. nails! nails:; nails::; 8d to OOd, per pound 2c 60-foot cotton Clothes Line 10c Six dozen Clothes Plus 5c Hon Ton Wash Hoards, each 29e No. 8 Copper bottom Wash Boiler. .S'.H; 10-quart Galvanized Water Pall... 10c 12-quart (Jalvanized Wuter Pail... 12c 14-quart Galvanized Wuter rail... 14c Heavy sheet iron Gasollue Oven. $1.49 Solid Steel Spade 39i Solid Steel Grass Hook 12 Spring Door Hinges, per pair. 12c Adjustable Screens, each 20c 2 hole burner Gasollue Stove $2.4fl Heavy Gal. Refrigerator Pan 20c lVa-qunrt Granite Coffee Pot 23c 2- quurt Granite Coffee Pot 25c 3- quart Granite Coffee Pot 28c Fancy Nickel Tea Kettles, each... 89c 1 0)0) Wool Dress Goods Dept. Our fall dress goods are now fast arriving and as usual we lend In quantity, quality and variety. The only metropolitan took in the west. Goods from ill the leading manufacturers of Jie old nnd new world. We place pn sale 100 new pieces of 50, 52 and 54 Inch silk fin ished Mohairs in blue, black, brown, grey, green etc., worth 75c, 85c and $1.00 yd., t0 for Monday only at. . . . Jt'C We will place 60 pieces of Read's Augerall, a new Rain Proof, the next best thing on the market to Cravenette, but cheaper for the same weight Two prices for 7C I Oft Monday, at yd.. . M"l V0 FIRST SHOWING OF NEW FALL Carpets, Rugs and Draperies ' Commencing Monday, July 31, we will show new fall Carpets, Kugs and Draperies at prices which, qual ity and goods considered, cannot be duplicated else where. KUGS OF ALL SIZES Made from Brussels, Axmin ster and Wilton Velvet Carpets f C at. ner vard. 90c. 75c and OJC f X 1 r ' 9x12 Axminster Rugs fun miii nn 9x12 Wilton Velvet Rugs full mill in AA line, each. . . M IUU line, each. . .VU V 9x12 Roxbury Brussels Rugs, full mill line, g SPECIAL COUCH COVER SALE All new mill stock, at $2.50, $1 .98, $1 .25 and, See our display of New Fall Goods Monday. Every thing marked in plain figures. THIRD FLOOR CARPHT DEPT. 85c THE ELDRIDGE Is a perfectly perfect Sewing Machine in every detail. Style, finish, materials, equipment all the best. It po- sesses all the modern convenient features, which makes its use a pleasure instead of a task. We are exclusive Omaha agents. Let us show you this ma- II CA chine before you buy. Prices from $35.00 down to IaiiJU Y.W.C. A. IN ITS OWN BUILDING Dream of Some Earnest Women Bids Fair to fie Eealiatd. WORK THAT HAS BEEN QUIETLY DONE All Bat 91,K0 Needed to Purchase Site Ha Bees tabaeribed, and Work lor that Will Be raahed. The frequent shrieks of the siren whistle that recently proclaimed each $1,000 gained toward the $100,000 which should Insure a building for the Young- Men's Christian association, served also to acquaint hun dreds of cltlsena with the work of that organisation, but there are still thousands of people In Omaha who know compar atively ltttlo of the work of that great sis ter Institution, the Young Women's Christ ian association that for the past twelve yeara haa done more for the self-supporting women of the city than any other agency. For more than two years a modest little committee of women have solicited sub scriptions among the business men of Omaha, toward a building that should be adequate to the needs of the 10.000 wage earrng women, besides the hundreds of other women who come daily to the busi ness part of the city, and while their ef forts have been rewarded with substantia.' encourageii-.ent in the way of promised sub scriptions when some drflnlte site or some tangible plan for raining some definite sum htid been decided upon. It was only six weeks ago, while the campaign for the Young Men's building was being planned, that the finance committee came promi nently before the public with a definite proposition and began active soliciting for funds for their enterprise. The fact that the young men were so actively in the field occasioned not a little criticism In some quarters where the cir cumstances were not understood and now, without any apollgles for their activity, the Voung women offer some explanation of their position at this time and further, look to the men and women of Omaha to sup port and sustain them. Scare h of Two Year. With nothing more tsnglble than promises and a few hundred dollars that had been pledged and raised by the members of the association, the finance committee haa for niore than two year been looking for a lot within the limits accessible to the hundreds of women who itroulse lis lunoii and rest rooms every noon. The lack of ready money made It Impossible to secure any of the several available lots that were within possible reach, financially, and the building of the Auditorium was constantly held up by business men as an obstacle to a gen eral campaign, so there was no choice but to go on soliciting and working quietly. Several lots that were looked at imme diately raised In price when their owners learned that they were being considered and this made It the more necessary to work even more quietly. At one time hope was high that the lot at Seventeenth and Harney might be purchased, but just as plans were about to take definite shape the Young Men's Christian association bought the lot. Not discouraged the committee kept on and June 18 an option was taken on the triangular property on the south west corner of Seventeenth and St. Mary's avenue. The lot could be bad for $15,000, but the decision had to be made at once. The terms were within reach, a deposit of a few hundred dollars and the remainder to be paid by September 15. There was a hasty consultation with some of the business men who advised the committee to buy the property by all means As an assurance of his approval Guy C. Barton made the first subscription of $2,00, and other business men promised to help. With such an op portunity to acquire a desirable location at a price at lejist $10,000 less than had been figured upon, the association board of di rectors naturally felt under no obligation to pass It merely because the Young Men's Christian association had planned Its cam paign, and so, without any feeling of rivalry. It redoubled Its energy, ulth the esult that all but $1,000 of the necessary ;t5,000 has now been pledted. It will be :ii-ressary to secure enough over the $15,000 to Insure the committee against possible embarrassment ehould there be any disap pointment In making the collections at the last. Botldlnc Pleas la Abeyance. Naturally, the question arlaes: When will the women begin their campaign for their building T At present the board of directors is not prepared to answer this question, but Miss Mary Dunn of Chicago, national secretary of the American committee, will vlbit the Omaha association early In Sep tember, when a conference will be held and definite plans made. It Is the Intention to bring a number of national workers to the city when the active sollaltlng for the building begins and Miss Dunn will return to Omaha at thit time. It la the Intention of the association te erect a building that will cost about $100, OuO. and that, by meeting the many needs and demands of the women and their va rious organisations, will be selfsupportlng In the main it not entirely. The lot which la Junt twtf-UUrds agaia as Urge as tit ordinary city lot, will admit of a building lighted from every side and that will not be less than Ave stories high. Mrs. Emma F. Byers, general secretary, and Mrs. W. P. Harford, president of the association, will visit the Minneapolis and Milwaukee association buildings during their absence from the city this summer, and also other buildings for the purpose of getting ideas for the local organization. What the Balldla Will Have. The main points of the building as the board now have them in mind include the rest reoms, reading rooms, library and offices, bath and toilet rooms, gymnasium and an auditorium that will accommodate the frequent large gatherings of women. One floor will be given to a cafoterla, where luncheons will be served on the same plan and at the same rates as at the present lunch room. There will also be a cafe where those with more time and wishing to order, may be served. The kitchen will also be. on this floor. Another floor will Include club rooms and committee rooms that may be rented to organizations winn ing their use and may bo used for the as sociation's educational classes evenings or when not otherwise occupied. Still another floor will be devoted to what will perhaps be one of the most In teresting as well as practical and valuable features of the future association work, a school of domestic science. The school in the Detroit association will be taken as a pattern and the local association expects to enlarge and Improve upon many of its best features. There will be classes In cookery, food-chemistry, bacteriology and the other sciences Incidental to practical housekeeping, and there will be a model flat where the instruction may be put into practice. There will be classes In sewing, millinery, the judging and buying of tex tiles and In marketing and general buying for the house. This school will of course be under the direction of a trained In structor and assistants, and a year's work will be divided Into three terms. The as sociation will be able to guarantee the qualifications of Its graduates and it Is the intention to make this department one of the most helpful, not only to women who would make their living by domestic service, but to housekeepers and other women who would fit or perfect them selves la any of the several branches. Such a school should go as far toward solving the domestic service problem In Omaha as It has in Detroit and the other cities where the plan baa been so aucceasfully followed. Oao PeroleslaaT Qaestloa. The advisability of maintaining dormi tories for tranalent women or for gtrls in need of temporary assistance haa been erioual coaaideredU but .tna majority of the board are not favorable to the plan. Owing to the conventionalities prescribed for women by tradition and society a wom en's hotel in a downtown district is ono of the most difficult and delicate Institu tions to manage, especially in connection with general association work, and experi ence has demonstrated that the boarding house directory system may be employed even 'more satisfactorily and at less ex pense and trouble to the association. Omaha is at present deplorably lacking In most of the many necessities for women that range from a stopping place for tran sients and free bureaus of information and employment to adequate meeting places for the several women's organizations that are today carrying so large a share of the philanthropic and educational work. The scores of women who come In at the railway stations, many of them without money or friends, are all sent to the as sociation rooms, which today maintain a freo employment bureuu and boarding house directory, and for the year ending March 81 found employment for 151 and homes for 145. Present Conditions of Association. The present limited quarters In the Taxton block are taxed to take care of the average dally attendance of 539 that goes there for lunch and to rest or read at noon. Some thing of the value of the lunch room may be estimated from the fact that the aver age lunch costs just 8 cents, and during the winter the rooms are often so full that as many as eighty and a hundred women have stood In lli.e at one time waiting to be served. The association has a membership of 1.7 . with an enrollment of Jt In the edu cational classes, 2Ji In the lilble classes, VSi In the gymnasium and an average attend ance of eighty-two at the gospel meetings. The amount expended for the maintenance of this work last uar was $18,766.45. Al though seventh In the United States In point of size the Omaha organization stands conspicuous as the most nearly self-supporting. It has been entirely so, but within the pust year it has been necessary to ask outsido help to buy necessary equipment. During the lust four years the board cf directors haa made It a point to acquaint the busineks men with the work of the as sociation and what it is actually doing for the wage-earning women of the city. Con vinced of Its value and appreciating the ad vantage that men always have over women In the struggle for self-maintenance and advancement, many of these same business men and others, who have felt unable to subscribe to both the young men's and the young women's building funds, have dis criminated in favor of the women txjrause they believed that theirs was the greater need. But whether Uio women's is tut greater need or not theirs Is certainly a great need and he Young Women's Christian associa tion Is the only Institution In Omaha that even in a small measure meets it. BRIGHT IN HISNAME ONLY Roomer Who Has Misunderstanding with Neighbor Woman Looks Anything; bat Luminous. As the result of an embroilment at Ue Martin flat, Seventeenth and Webster streets, Saturday afternoon J. A. Bright was cut on the side of his head by a glass thrown by Mary Mooney. Bright was at tended at the police station by Surgeon Langdon. Bright and the Mooney woman wore charged with disturbing the peace by fighting. According to stories told It appears Bright made several attempts to pack up his ef fects Saturday morning with the Intention of leaving. As fast as Bright would pack one receptacle the woman would unpack another, It is reported, so that patience ceased to be one of the man's ruling vir tues. He told the woman It was not nice of her to unpack his belongings, and one word led to several sentences until Mrs. Mooney threw a glass at the man's head. When taken to the police station Bright belled his name In both appearance and action. Mrs. Mooney alleges the real trouble started when Bright took her purse from a stocking he found in her room. NO CRIME TO DRINK WATER Jadae Berks Itefases to Fine m Man Who Gets Drank on that Llqald. Judge Berka has ruled that he will not flue a man for drinking city water. Just what the judge's private opinions may be regarding water and Its various uses he believes that when a. man is arrested for being drunk and then declares In open court he drank nothing more than wster which flows through the pipes of the water company, the man Is entitled to a fair and Impartial trial before the police magistrate. The occasion for this ruling on the part of the' local police judge was the arraign ment of Frank DufTy In police court Satur day morning. Duffy protested that only water caused his downfall, .but was willing to plead guilty to the charge of drunken ness. The judge, however, Insisted that the arresting officers should appear in court, so Duffy is being held until Monday morning, when Officers Ryan and Morrison will testify as to Duffy's condition at Ui Uuie tf th an " O'BRIEN HAS NARROW ESCAPE Fifth Ward Member Gttt Between Cbioago Offioer with Gun and Fugitive. LUCKILY THE OFFICER DID NOT SHOOT Had He Omaha Would Have Had to Call Special Election to Fill Vacancy la the City Council. Councilman Dave O'Brien Is back from an eastern trip lasting a month. He ap peared at his desk at the usual hour Sat urday morning and before 10 o'clock was as hoarse as a campaign speaker a week before election, so heartily had he talked about the things seen while away from home. I He visited his old home and relatives at Lewlston, Me., Boston, New York and va rious New England summering places. He left Mrs. O'Brien and a son starting on a pilgrimage through Nova Scotia and Ca nadian parts. In Chicago the Fifth ward statesman says he had a narrow escape from assassination. "It was Wednesday morning." said Mr. O'Brien, "and I never felt better In my life. I had gone over on the North Side with three friends to attend to some busi ness. We were walking along Illinois street as happy as larks when suddenly a man ran around the corner and made In our di rection. He was followed by another man. When the first party was quite close to us the second party pulled a cannon and alined at the one pursued. Right at the Motile. "Your friend from Omaha was right in line with the cannon's mouth. Oh, how r. did wish for the busted asphalt and tnc whiff from South Omaha. But first party saw the gun and stopped. We learned he was a counterfeiter and had shoved a dol lar of the queer in a restaurant. I'arty of (he second part was a United States mar shal who had been tracking the queer gent all morning. Say, I'm glad he didn't shoot. There wouldn't haven't been any more nice summer vacations for Davy. "Didn't go over to Portsmouth, N. 11., though was within sixty miles, because I was afraid they would make me chairman of the peace conference, and I didn't want to hear any politics. Oot enough of that at home, thank you. "Gas street lighting contract? Yes. In deed. Found out there was no need to hurry before I went away, so as chairman of the lighting committee got all papers igfid locked thorn up. Will spring them on the committee of the whole Monday after noon. I don't think any propositions sub mitted are low enough. Will make a fight for still lower rates something about $21 or $J3." IMPROVERS' WRATH ON BREEN Clifton Hill Promoters Bombard City Attorney, Who Ko Longer Enjoys Living. And now City Attorney Breen know what it Is to feel the wrath of Improvement clubs. Bince he advised the council, for sundry reasons, largely financial, to quit grading and changing street grades at one half the city's expense and let these thing be dono only by property owners, his offloe has been filled with improvers, especially Clifton Hill Improvers. He Is told he la "foe to progress and an enemy to Christen dom; he is trying to ruin fair home and destroy the bright prospects of hard working tollers who want to get the street up so they don't need an elevator to ge Into the front yards." How many promis ing real estate sales he baa "busted" ha doesn't know. "Some wear long hair and some are bald," Hk)i the city attorney; "some shout and some whisper, hut they are all mad angry as hornets. Ail they know or car about In Omaha Is the one small section where they live. I say 1 am an officer of the whole city and to must act. They declare I was appointed particularly to M-rve Clifton Hill and other suburbs. Well, tomorrow's Holiday. Perhaps they won't come on Sunday. That' the only hop of ;;eac I have." MATHEWS GOES FOR HIS MEN Leaves wlh Capiases to Verve oa Msm Pherson County Cattlemen Ac cused of Illegal Feaclaar. Deputy I'nlted States Marshal Earl Mathews has gone to McPherson county to serve CHlas4S upon the Miller brothers, five In number, and one Ited, against whom enmpliilnts recently were filed for illegally fei.iiug public hnds on the government forest reservations in that county. The accused parties will tie taken befor the United 8tates commissioner at Im perial for arraignment, as there is no United States commissioner at North I'latte, tl.e Imperial comiuisxloner being the closest to the residences of the accused cattle men. It Is expected the parties, who are jointly charged with fencing ZT.UuO acres of land, will give bond in $1,000 each for their appearance at the Vol ted SUUM tlUlot court at Oiofchf