Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 2, Image 13

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Tiie Omaiia Sunday Deb
Fialty Pee without Sunday), om year. .$4 00
'ally Uee and Sunday, one year 0 )
Illustrated He, one year IM
Sunday Bee, one year tM
Saturday R, one jmr l.W
Twentieth Century Farmer, one year.... 1.00
Pally Bee (without Sunday), per copy.... to
Dally fife (without Bundav), per week...l2o
Dully llee (Inrludlng Sunday), per week. .170
Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week 7o
Evening Ilea (Including Sunday), per
week llo
Sunday Bee, per copy 6o
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
should Im addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Bee Building.
South Omaha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth
and M streets.
C'ounnll Bhiffa 10 Pearl street.
Chicago l!4w Cnlty Building.
New York-15ol Home Ufa Insurance
, Waahlngton-'-Bnl Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to newa and edi
torial matter should be addreaaed: Omaha
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Btate of Nebraska. Douglaa County, ss.:
C. O. Rosewater, secretarv of The Bee
Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number ot full and
complete copies 0f The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during th
month of June, 16. waa aa follows:
1 20.0AU Id. ifl,H0
I t), WOO t 17. 8IMSO
1 81,140 18 20,1100
i W.20O 19 811,050
1 20.SOO m Wl.THO
t. int.oao 2i
2U.OOO a 80,4t0
80,150 u si, zoo
10 83,810 16 BO,2M
11 , 2,BOO - JW.T30
U 20.700 M S,730
14 20.TO0 t 28,750
U 29.UDO W J4,70O
Total .904,050
Less unsold copies ,-
Net total sales 804.1O0
Dally average 2U,8oa
Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
before ma this 7th day of July, 1805.
(Seal.) M. B.'HUNQATE.
Notary Public
Sabsertbors leavlac the city tem
porarily should ausi) Ths Be
mailed to them. It ts batter than
at dally letter from home. Ad
dress will bo ehansea as oftea as
Can It be that those Tlatt love letters
were seized by tse publishers of "Fads
and Fancies?"
Borne of the get-rlch-qulck seed must
have blown over from the roetoffiee Into
the Agricultural department.
When Uncle Ham begins to lay In his
urpllea for celebrating next Fourth of
July, China may regret that boycott.
Although Omaha is Infected by the
"Yellows" no quarantine has been
deemed necessary against New Orleans.
Now that Chairman Shouts has viewed
the Isthmus with his own eyes It is to be
hoped that he will speedily see what Is
beneath the surface.
Russian uewspnpers are assuming a
warlike tone, showing that Russia Is no
different from others who can be brave
when danger passes.
Since Moscow has a new governor and
a new prefect of police the price of dyna
mite may be expected to advance In the
old Muscovite capital.
The announcement of the royal British
visit to India in October is made In time
for native rnlers to get their second best
diamonds ready for gifts.
Developments In the neighborhood of
Vienna show that Emperor Francis Jo
seph has learned from King Oscar how
not to let a kingdom escape.
Judging by the spread of yellow fever
tit New Orleuns the "Italian quarter"
must have been a nunc popular resort a
fvw days ago than at present.
The question stfcuis to be not whether
the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association
shall dissolve, but whether it shall dis
solve voluntarily or Involuntarily.
The shotgun quarantine In the south
Is assuming-a wider scoim. Heretofore
It bus applied only on election day to
prevent Inoculation of the ballot box by
negro voters.
The men behind the race track tabooed
by Governor Folk might take their show
to the canal gone and help the govern
ment solve the problem of entertaining
Its workmen.
Nebraska bus live separate and dis
tinct anti-trust laws on its statute books.
That probably explains why the trust
promoters profess to be at a loss as to
which one they may be violating.
Th Bcnniugtou accident may do Tor
the nary what the Slocuin disaster did
for the steamboat inspection service, but
it Is safe to say that rtctlon will not be
preceded by as much lrrcs;xuslble talk.
The rural letter carriers will hereafter
I expected to point the letter boxes on
their routes, for Which service they will
receive additional compensation without
serving nu apprenticeship as artists in
The genuineness of the tight on Illegal
registration In rhiladelphlu cunuot be de
nied since one of the leading newspapers
takes two columns of editorial space to
advise wives of policemen to see that the
law is enforced.
Kansas announces that suit will be
started against the bondsmeu of Kellcy
to secure money lost in a failed bank.
Nebraska records will show Kansas law
yers how to protract that suit as long as
for them are in sight
Among the traditions most cherished
by orthodox Jews Is the promised re
vival of the kingdom of God through the
restoration of ralestlue to the children of
Israel. The return to Zion, however, has
been receding with the procession of the
centuries and appears more remote now
than it has ever been since the destruc
tion of Jerusalem Iry the Roman legions
under Titus. Yet the tradition of the
restoration to Zion is kept alive from
generation to generation and the prayer
"next year in Jerusalem" Is fervently of
fered at each recurring festlvol of the
Passover, that commemorates the eman
cipation of Israel from Egptlan bondage.
A revival of the ancient tradition
within recent years under the name of
"Zionism" by frenzied visionaries, who
mistake the unrest among the Jews of
Russia and Roumanln as a world-wide
yearning for the restoration of the King
dom of Israel, tends to create the impres
sion that the movement has the universal
assent of all who profess the faith. Tha
recognised leaders of the Zionist move
ment have been Dr. Herzel, who died
Mlibln the past year, Israel Zanpwcl!
and Mx Nordau. Although distlczuUiied
in the realm of literature Zangwell and
Nordau are, when It conies to practical
affairs, and especially state building,
mere dreamers of dreams who do not
seem to comprehend that modern Juda
ism Is as much at variance with Zion
ism as the government of modern Hgypt
Is at variance with the government of
the pyramid builders.
To begin with, Palestine in Its palm
iest days would not have leen large
enough and productive enough to sup
port the more than ten million Jews now
living. In the next place, the great mass
of Jewish people could not go to Tales
tine If they would, and would not be
willing to live there If they could. They
have nothing In common but their creed.
They speak as many languages as were
spoken at the tower of Babel and the
proof of It Is that the handful of frenzied
Zionists assembled at Basle have not
been aide themselves to get harmonized
without a fight because they are not
agreed upon creed ritual, let alone upon
form of government.
While the majority of Jews now living
under monarchical governments might be
content to live in a kingdom, a very large
fraction would spurn the very Idea of a
monarchy and blow It up with dynamite
rather than submit. The great majority
are attached sincerely to the various
countries of their Jitrth, or adoption, and
could not be recalled to Zion even If
Gabriel blew his horn.
I The scheme to create n new Zion in
British East Africa is more preposterous
and harebrained. If such a thing could
be, than the proposed rehabilitation of
the Jewish state In Palestine. It has ab
solutely no merit and Is no more feasible
than lany other scheme of colonization
that has been offered for the oppressed
Jews, who are groaning undef the iron
rule of the czar. Its summary rejection
by the Basle conference should convince
Its well-meaning but unbalanced advo
cates that It has no more attraction for
the oppressed and persecuted than a re
call of the taskmasters on the Nile would
have had on their ancestors after they
had crossed the Red Sea on their way to
the Tromlsed Land.
Dispatches from Little Rock announce
with great solemnity the departure of
the Arkansas representative of the New
Y'ork underwriters, who in consequence
of the persistent and successful efforts
of Its governor and attorney general has
found himself, like Othello, without an
occupation as insurance rate maker. In
bidding the people of Arkansas adieu the
departing insurance autocrat had this to
The passage of the anti-trust law and the
recent favorable Interpretation by the su
preme court of this state has created a
strangely anomalous as well as an alarm
Ing condition of affairs In Arkansas, which
will. If it continues, cause untold annoy
ance to all business Interests In this state,
and, indeed, threatens disaster to our Indus
trial well-being and advancement It iias
resulted In the driving out of the state of
the old-line fire Insurance companies,
thereby leaaentng the supply of valid and
trustworthy fire Insurance, which has today
become a very basis of credit and a part of
the foundation upon which our entire com
mercial structure is built. The result has j
been that the only fire Insurance that is
now obtainable is that which Is furnished
by a few small state companies, and still
fewer obscure companies having their head
quarters In other states, .the combined cap
ital of which la not equal to tho assets of
a single company which this law has driven
away. The result has been the Inevitable
one. Decreased supply, causing an un
precedented demand for insurance, already
has been and will continue to be the cause
of a steady Increase In the price to be paid
for Insurance which wilt very soon be felt
by all classes of Insurers. The action of
the legislature has not only Imposed a hard
ship upon all classes of people in this
state, but has defeated the very object and
the first principles of anti-trust legislation.
This is simply dreadful, but the good
people of Arkansas will have to bear it
and suffer for their foolhardy Interfer
ence with the benevolent operations of
the insurance trust. Their lamentable
condition is a disagreeable reminder of
the pusillanimity of Nebraska business
men who have allowed themselves to be
scared out of their boots by the Swan
Song of the Arkansas traveller. We
have heard that song In Nebraska word
for word every time that an attempt has
been made to break up the insurance
combine and the rate makers have ac
tually had the uerve'to threaten to move
their office from Omaha to Council Bluffs
and dictate insurance rates from the
other shore, as If by so doing they could
escape the consequences of the Sherman
anti-trust law, which would be more
severe on them than the anti trust law of
IVrunps at no very distant day the
merchants, manufacturers aud home
owners of Nebraska will brace up and
muster courage enough to grapple with
the insurance trust ut the risk of its
moving away between two days, leaving
us without fir insurance protection. The
Arkansas example may be a bad one.
but if all the states should follow suit
the underwriters would probably have to
underwrite themselves. If they wanted to
continue In the business.
The statement, apparently authorita
tive, that Japan will agree to an armis
tice, If It shall prove to be the fact, will
simplify to a considerable extent the
peace problem. It has been a matter of
a good deal of concern as to what the
position of Japan would be In regard to
the question of nu armistice. That Is a
matter of certslnly the very first Ira
portauce. A cessation of hostilities on
the part of the victorious nntlon, when
all the conditions are In its favor, is
without precedent The uniform rule Is
under such circumstances that the power
having the supremacy shall dictate Its
own terms In whether or not it
will grant an armistice to the enemy.
That seems to be absolutely legitimate.
The victorious army has an unquestion
able right to Insist that every position it
has taken and every advantage it has
gained shall be held and that nothing
shall be done that will In the slightest
degree operate to the detriment of the
army that has won the advantages.
What is an nrmlstice? It means simply
a cessation of hostilities for whatever
time the belligerents r.ioy agree upon. It
does not necessarily mean, however, that
there shall be no military operations dur
ing the period of the armistice. For In
stance, an arrangement for a cessation
of warfare would not prevent either of
the ormles from Increasing their strength
and making more formidable their mili
tary positions. They could go on adding
to their military forces and augmenting
their power In every way. Actual fight
ing would lie stopped. There would be
no skirmishing and no advance move
ment of any kind, but the armies would
not be debarred, except by special agree
ment from continuing to strengthen
themselves In every way that their com
manders might deem necessary.
It Is therefore seen that while an
armistice stops fighting for the time in
which the agreement is made, it does not
put an end to operations with a view to
future fighting. It Is necessarily a tern'
porary arrangement, a truce that may
Inst for a week or a month, but is by no
means decisive In its character. Conse
quently when an armistice is talked of it
by no means signifies that an agreement
of that kind signifies the close of a war.
It hos no such meaning. All that it sig
nifies Is that there has been a halt, that
the warring nntkms are willing to cease
fighting until they can talk over proposi
tions looking to peace and that they' are
willing or disposed to come to an agree
ment for a settlement of their difficulties.
An armistice between Russia and Japan
will bo a circumstance of great impor
tance, but it will not mean an inevitable
conclusion of peace between those coun
The reprieve of Hoch, the convicted
bigamist and murderer, will doubtless be
referred to as another evidence of the
delay In the operation of our criminal
law and It is a case which very pointedly
enforces the fact that In respect to our
practice In criminal cases of this charac
ter we are far behind European coun
tries. This man confessed to a number
of bigamous marriages. The evidence
upon which he was convicted of having
murdered one of his wives was most con
clusive. In England or any othor Eu
ropean country the sentence of death for
his crime would have been carried out,
but here he Is given another opportunity,
through the intercession of a woman
whose sympathy wns aroused for the
brutal culprit, to iuuke a fight for his
Is there any reasonable Justification
for this? We think a majority of people
who believe that Justice should be
promptly administered to such Bcoun
drcls will say, there is not There has
been a great deal of criticism upon the
lax methods of administering; Justice In
this country. In nn address some time
since to the Yale Ixiw school Secretary
Taft set forth that the administration of
the criminal law In most of the states of
this country Is a dlsgraea to our civiliza
tion. He cited the statistics showing the
great number of murders and homicides
that had occurred during the Inst twenty
years and the few executions that hnte
taken plnce. The facts are surprising.
For Instance, In 11WH the uutnbet of mur
ders was 8AS2, while the(number of ex
ecutions wos only 110. Such a record
would have been Impossible In any other
civilized land.
The obvious fact Is, as urged by Judge
Taft, that there must be a radical re
form In our system of criminal Jurispru
dence. We must get nearer to the Brit
ish system, which If not abstdutely de
void of defects is unquestionably su
perior to our own. The matter Is one
which ought to receive the careful at
tention of all American b;ir associations.
The recent decision of a Kansas Judge,
that the old soldiers of the federal home
at St. James were not entitled to vote,
has been challenge by Senator Warner
of that state and the Issue he has raised
will undoubtedly receive wide attention,
since there Is Involved in the decision
of the court the question whether the
veterans of the union army who are In
mates of soldiers homes are entitled to
the suffrage. It is manifestly a very
important matter, which may be urged
upon the Attention of cougress, since it Is
one of those things which manifestly
need to be clearly defined.
The Judicial decision-wag that a mem
ber of the federal home at St. James,
Kan., or of the confederate home at Hlg
giusville, in that state, was not entitled
to vote. With this decision Senator
Warner, himself a war veteran, takes
Issue aud we think there will be very
general acquiescence with his view. In
an article to a Kansas City paper he
says: "It will take more than the de
cision of one circuit Judge, however non
partisan or able he may be, to make me
believe that the act of the legislature
declaring that the old veterans In the
federal and confederate homes should
not lose the right to vote by reason of
being memberr therein is In vloiatlou of
section 8 of article vlll of the Constitu
tion of Missouri, which disfranchises In
mates of poor houses and prisons main
tained at public expense. It Is an In
sult to American manhood to so characterize-
them now." Senator W-uncr
dclores that if the higher court affirms
the decision of the lower tribunal thfn
the Imperative duty of the Missouri leg
islature is to submit a constitutional
amendment to the people that " pro
tect those old boys of the b1u and tlie
gray In the exercise of the elective fran
chise." There can be no doubt, we think, tlwt
the position of Missouri's Junior senator
In this matter will be most heaiti'y ap
proved by a majority of the pco;l'j of
his state, as It certainly will be by the
general sentiment of the country. It
would be a most flagrant wrong to de
prive the veterans who are in tin f-fder il
homes of the right to vote and It can be
very confidently asserted that the people
of the country will unqualifiedly con
demn any "such policy. No element of
our people Is better entitled to the suf
frage than the veterans of the civil war
aiid there will be a demand
that they shall enjoy this great jrlvilesre
of the American citizen. The position
tnfcer, by Senator Warner in the matter
Is absolutely right and will hare general
public approval. Under no clrcum
st.'icces should the old soldiers be denied
or deprived of any right that Is common
to American citizens.
A large part of this Issue of The Bee
is given over to the subject of electricity
In its practical application to modern
every-day life. We believe thnt the sub
ject is one that will thoroughly Interest
our readers, few of whom would appre
ciate the extent to which we have all be
come dependent upon electricity unless
tjlelr nttentlon ,were drawn to It by such
a review of electrical progress and
If the nineteenth century could be
aptly termed the "age of steam," the
twentieth century promises to be char
acterized with equal appropriateness as
the "age of electricity." And what we
have already seen accomplished In the
way of turning electricity to account in
home and office, factory, mill, mine and
field promises, according to all Indica
tions, to prove only an entering wedge
toward what Is to come from the har
nessing of the electric current, and por
tends even greater transformations in
outi industrial and soclol life than did the
harnessing of steam.
What is actually being done by elec
tricity today in a city like Omaha fur
nishes a story sufficiently fanciful to
make It quite unnecessary to draw on
what the Imagination could picture for
the future.
Ex-Senator Cockrell, who is now n
member of the Interstate Commerce
commission, conducted an investiga
tion of the allowance made by rail
roads on grain shipments to grain
elevators at Kansas City last weVk.
During the progress of the Investigation
Commissioner Cockrell declared that the
railroad ought to do the transferring of
grain and all things incidental to its
transportation; in other words, that no
third party should come between the rail
road and the shipper, and the rallronds
should own and operate the groin eleva
tors. Perhaps Commissioner Cockrell
was not aware of the fact that the rall
ronds do own most of the big elevators,
or, at any rate, their officers are reputed
to have a large Interest in them Just as
they have In express companies, sleeping
car and private car lines.
William Jennings Bryan announces
that ho Is about to take a long foreign
trip in order to bring back what he could
to promote good government. Mani
festly Bryan's mind has undergone a
radical change since he enunclnttd the
famous edict for "free coinage without
the aid or consent of any other nation
on earth." But really, what Is there In
foroign countries that Bryan can bring
back to America that will enable him to
give us better government when he takes
the helm?
"I have served under a number of sec
retaries of war," an army officer Is
quoted by the Outlook as saying, "but
two of those secretaries were as fine gen
tlemen as I ever met. I couldn't tell
which was finer Daniel Lamont or Ellhu
Root." That's pretty hard on some other
eminent gentlemen who have served as
secretaries of war In letween.
An eulighteiied public should come to
the assistance of Commissioner of Public
Lands Richards, whose political "scalp"
Is threatened by the mountaineers of
Colorado and Utah at least he cannot bo
charged with having instituted the land
Notwithstanding tho consolidation of
three banks and In spite of the shrinkage
in its bank clearings, Omaha shows an
increase of C2 per cent In las week's
clearings as compared with those of the
corresponding week of tho preceding
Perhaps that Russian rebellion which
is scheduled to take place when the re
servists are called to the colors this fall
is announced only to fool the men who
engineer the real thing In the way of
Nebraska day at the Portland exposi
tion has been fixed for August 21. Ne
braskans who happen to be In the Puget
sound country at that time should take
It on themselves to do the st ite proud.
We now understand why Secretary
Taft was so anxious to make an inspec
tlon tour of the Phlllipines by the way
of Japan. Secretary Taft enjoys a full
dinner pail Immensely.
Braeer of Backbones.
New York Tribune.
Governor Carter of Hawaii, after an in
terview wlllt lbs president, ha concluded
not to resign. He Is not the first who has
obtained a fresh supply of courage from a
talk with Mr. Roosevelt.
Where They Are Sorest.
Washington Tost.
John D. Rockefeller Is raid to have a
sore heart. Even thnt Is to be preferred
to a sore head, such as Mr. Dawson has.
FUhlnar at Port Arthur.
Philadelphia Inquirer.
Jaran Is Ashing some very good warships
out of Port Arthur mud; but It Is not be
llevcd that they will figure In the Indemnify
linn to Stop rasa Graft.
Wall Street Journal.
The waytto abolish the psss 'graft'' U to
stop Issuing passe. There la no other way,
If abolition entails vexatious restrictions
upon rallronds In the rendering of public
service, the public will abolish tho restric
tions sooner or later. Railroad managers
are the only people who can remedy the
trouble. Laws will not do It.
What Ilont Would Say.
Chicago Chronicle.
Men may well pray to be saved from their
fool frlnnls. Here Is a Massachusetts edi
tor predicting that Elitlu Root will be "the
greatest secretary of stote that the republla
ever has known." It Is safe to say that If
Mr. Root had that editor where he could
tell him privately what he thinks of hltn
the excessive admiration of the Journalist
would speedily moderate. Why Is It that
some people must eternally be In the super
lative degree?
"Rip" In Bronse.
Atlanta Constitution.
From Richmond comes the suggestion of
a bronie monument to Joseph Jefferson, to
be erected from contributions of American
theater-goers. It would be difficult to im
agine a more fitting trlbuto from the people
of this country. Though he realised full
well in the possession of the affection and
esteem of the theater-goers of several
decades, ft Is, eminently appropriate that
Jefferson's career be tangibly commem
orated so that those yet to come may
appreciate the largeness of his role In our
day and time. He was truly a public
benefactor. The dignity, purity and charm
with which he invested one of the fore
most of our quasl-publlo institutions, no
less than the innocent recreation he has
provided thousands of people tired in body
and mind, constitute a high claim upon
gratitude. Optimist, apostle of light and
unconscious preacher of moral cleanliness,
the seal of recognition might well bo put
upon his usefulness in the manner sug
Why Does Xot Conarreaa Insist on
economy in This Itemf
Cleveland Leader.
One of the growing burdens of tho na
tional treasury Is the deficit In the" Post
office department. The rapid extension of
the rural free delivery system has greatly
widened the gap between the receipts of
the postal service and its expenditures,
and the prospect is that this will go on
Meanwhile the government continues to
pay about the same price for the carrying
of Its mails that the railroads obtained
in 1878, nearly three decades ago. Other
railway transportation costs much less
than It did then. Passengers ride tor lower
fares. Freight rates have been reduced
far below the old average. No one has
ever explained why the railroads should
receive anything like the price they charged
a quarter of a century ago for carrying
the malls.
If the national government had shared
fully In the general reduction of tho cost
of railroad service the deficit In the Post
offlce department would be much less
than It Is, every fiscal year. The exten
sion of the rural free delivery system
would not then burden the treasury as it
does now. Why docs not congress insist,
upon lower rates for the railway malls?
What Is the obstacle in the way of rea
sonable economy? How long will It prevent
mason Asn nixovs LIXE.
Old Landmark Furbished I'p to Serve
. for Future Years.
Boston Globe.
Mason and Lixon'a line has been reset
In Pennsylvania- and Maryland, and with
so much care and thoroughness that it
promises to require no more attention for
a very long rcrlod of years.
It had been badly disarranged, many of
the marking stones and posts having been
carried away in the nearly 140 years since
they were set by Charles Mason and Jere
miah Dixon, two eminent English mathe
maticians and surveyors.
These gentlemen were employed to mark
out the disputed boundary line between
the state of Pennsylvania an(j tn9 Blatea
of Maryland and Virginia. They began In
17(13 an1 concluded in 1767, having been In
terrupted, when within thlrty-slx miles of
the whole distance to be surveyed, by the
hostile Indians.
The stones that marked the miles were
brought from England, those at each mile
having the initial P on one side and B on
the other, and the five-mile stones having
the arms of Baltimore on one side and
those of William Penn on the other.
The term, "Mason and Dixon's line," waa
used by John Randolph In the debates on
slavery, before the admission of Missouri,
as figurative of the division of the two
systems of labor. It became popular as a
phrase to denote the border line between
the free and slave states, and was usd
In that sense up to the civil war.
Valuable Public Service Performed
by Postonire Department.
Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The value of the Postofflce department aa
an instrument for the suppression of fraud
ulent enterprises depending upon the malls
for their success cannot be overestimated.
The get-rlch-qulck schemers endeavor to
reach the public through the postofflce, and
the reports of the department show the
gullblllty of mankind. Postmaster General
Cortelyou has been particularly active In
running down the promoters of various
sohemes which appeal to the cupidity of
the ignorant or to the gambling instinct on
the lookout for chances. It was not until
1679 that the first fraud order was Issued
by the department. During the last four
months 157 orders have been issued, or
about the number issued during the first
six years of the fraud-order law.
It Is becoming more and more perilous for
fraudulent concerns to use the malls for
any length ot time and the revocation of
fraud orders Is becoming Increasingly dif
ficult. The Issuance of so many orders is
due to the alertness of the department and
to the efficiency of the new system intro
duced by Postmaster General Cortelyou,
rather than to the increased use of the
malls for fraudulent purposes.
The money saved to the too confiding
public since the orders were first Issued I
cannot be estimated, but the amount has
been enormous. The ceaseless activity of
the government In purging the malls of se
ductive circulars has probably done more
to save the public from loss than the stats
statutes prohibiting lotteries and other
forms of gambling have accomplished in
this direction, Before the government In
tervened to prevent the uoe of the post
otfice by the gamesters almost any ques
tionable scheme advertised through tha
malls was sure to flourish for a long period
and to secure a large clientage of aupos.
Hope always helps.
Men are not won by working them.
Cold cash may give warm comfort.
A loafer never eats any sweet bread.
Borrow may be a course in sympathy.
God's truth often Jumps man's track.
Long wind cannot make up for short
Loyalty to old truths means looking out
for new. '
Heaven's best gift to any one Is some one
to surfer for.
The oily hypocrite does not lubricate the
church wheels.
People will discover a good man without
the aid of a press agent.
. Heaven measures a man's wealth by the
things he has given away.
Happiness Is not In having what we like
but In liking what we have.
A little degree of divinity la better than
the biggest degree In divinity.
Malice furnishes poor material with
which to build new friendships.
Tho sense of the All Seeing eye ought to
save us from the all sounding I.
A bigot Is a man who Is blind in one
eye and can only see one thing with the
Religion commends the tender henrt,
but It does not ask for the same kind of a
The best way to clear your title to an
estate In the skies is to pay your taxes on
it now.
The man who learns by his mistakes soon
discovers that there Is no graduating from
that school. Chicago Tribune.
Boston Globe: Perhaps the Indiana Meth
odist minister who has Introduced the Inno
vation of serving Ice-cold lemonade to the
members of his congregation during the
time of service -would get even larger audi
ences If he would put a little stick In It.
Baltimore American: It Is probable that
the professor In the Chicago Theological
seminary who was dismissed for asking
John D. Rockefeller for monev tnleht have
held his place If he hnd not tried to be
Jocose In requesting funds for "foreign
missionary work at home." The professor
should have known that Mr. Rockefellr
has never exhibited a sense of humor. To
become the richest man in the world is a
serious business.
Philadelphia North American: Just a
hade worse Is the practice of misleading
through appearances. That seems to be the
fashion nowadays. There seems to have
grown up an Idea that the dollar mark
looks like the cross to some people. Of
course. It costs something to Impress men
with this notion, but not much when we
compare the amount expended with that
still left and then we must remember that
advertising one's sanctity comes high.
Portland Oregonlan: It Is seldom of late
that a church member has been observed
standing on Jordan's stormy banks and
casting a wishful eye to Canaan's fair and
happy land, where his possessions He. Ills
possessions do not He In Canaan; here on
earth nnd frequently In an abundance that
makes one worry to think how he Is going
to manage to squeeze through the straight
gate and along the narrow way with them
all, they He about him: and when the tax-
gatherer appears he lies about them, quite
as if !he thought the ties binding him to a
vain world like this neither transient nor
slender. The Christian hss forsaken Jor
dan's stormy banks for good and all; nor
does he often visit of late that narrow
neck of land between two stormy seas
where Charles Wesley stood so secure and
Insensible while he weighed his chances of
landing In heaven or being shut up In hell.
The up-to-date believer does not positively
deny that there Is such a place as heaven,
though he reserves a doubt; but when you
come to hell the very name Is shockingly
unrefined; the place does not exist. Hell Is
out of fashion In the best religious circles.
rillHril ASD CLERGY.
Rev. Horace R. Fell Is now In charge of
Pt. Alban's church, New York City.
A volunteer band of ten In Nebraska Wes-
leyan Is ralBlng a fund to purchase a
much needed conveyance for Miss Vrdell
Montgomery In India, a former member of
the band.
Rev. Albert Sidney Gregg of the New
England conference has been appointed
field secretary of the International Reform
bureau and expects to begin active duty
on October 1.
At the late commencement of Ohio Wes
leyan university the degree of D. D. was
conferred on the Rev. Byron Palmer of the
Eust Ohio conference, author of "God's
White Throne."
Rev. Dr. Bernard M. Kaplan, rabbi of
the BuSh street temple of San Francisco,
received from President Roosevelt an auto
graph copy of his California speeches for
the benefit of the Bush street temple.
Rev. Dr. C. Ellis Stevens has been ap
pointed member of a committee of six ad
mirals, four generals and four civilians to
receive the body of John Paul Jones on Its
arrival, and take part In the final ceremo
nies. Bishop M. C. Harris Is having a splendid
year in Japan. There were thirty conver
sions recently at the South Japanconfor
ence session, and the bishop's addresses
were reported in full by the dally news
papers. Warron A. Sowle, more familiarly known
to home missionary leaders as Adlooat, an
Eskimo boy who spent some time In Jesse
Lee home, Unalaska, Alaska, Is now serv
ing as a missionary helper at Cape Prince
of Wales.
The presiding bishop has authorized and
requested the bishop of Cuba to take charge
of the work ot this church on the Isle of
Pines, until the house of bishops shall have
taken action to provide for the episcopal
care of the Island.
Christ church cathedral, New Orleans,
La., Is making due preparation for the cel
ebration of its fiftieth anniversary in No
vember of this year. Additional Interest
Is given the anniversary by the fact that
this was the first Protestant church In the
Louisiana purchase.
Shirts and Shirtwaists
Clean, Spotless and Perfect Finish
Tine linen, exquisitely launderod,' makes genteel dresg.
Family wanh'ng cheaper that you can do it at home.
rssssBsx&ssi ccaox 'x lit;
Furnish your Home here. We
bave the largest stock in Omaha.
Our goods have merit and al
ways give satisfaction. Our
prices are
at installment
FOR $75.00.
$ 25 Worth, $1.00 Week
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$100 Worth, 2.00 Week
Omaha Furniture
& Carpet Go.
Between 12th and 13th on
Farnam Street.
"You brute!" exclaimed Mrs. I.tlshley.
"It makes my blond bnil to sie you conia
home in this condition"
"M' dear," said Lushley, "you look
beautiful when y'r angry."
"Indeed!" ,
"Yeah; anyhow you shert'n'ly look doubly
besutlful to me Jusht now." Philadelphia
"Now," said the salesman, "here's a piece
of dress goods that speaks for Itself.
"Oh, that would never do!" replied Hen
peck, who was doing some shopping for his
wife. "Maria always likes to do most of the
talking herself." . Philadelphia Public
"Yes, this Is the right season- for the
Russian and Japanese plenipotentiaries
to meet," observed Mrs. Conn.
"Whnt do you know about it?" demanded
her lord and master.
"This la the ru n I r. lma . II....
- ......... ,B . . ...... . u III. I 114
preserve the peace."
l.ter Mr. Conn said he had a good ex
cuse for drinking. Portland Telegram.
Mrs. Bllnks-That horrid Mrs. Winks
says I'r.i h tool.
Mr. Blinks I am sure she would not
make such an 111 natured remark.
"Well she didn't say that In so many
words but that is what she meant. She
says I believe everything you tell me.'V
New York Weekly.
' My wife has been talking a great deal
about plans for the summer, so I decided
to have a plain, straightforward talk with
her today. I Just delivered my ultimatum,
and the result is we go to Newport."
"Spunky of you, old man; but where did
she want to go?"
"VJyi. Newport: haven't I Just told
you?" Philadelphia Press.
Around this lovely valley rise
The purple hills of Paradise.
p, softly on yon banks of haze
Her rosy lace the summer lavs;
Becalmed along the azure sky
The argosies of cloudland lie.
Whose shores, with many a shining rift.
Far off their pearl-white peaks uplift.
Through all the long midsummer day
The mradow-sldes aru sweet with hay.
I seek the coolest sheltered seat,
Just where the Meld and forest meet
Whete grow the pine trees, tall ami bland,
The ancient oaks, austere anil grand,
And fringy rooiB and pebbles fret
The ripples of the rivulet.
I watch the mowers as they go
Through the tall grass, a while-sleeved row.
With even stroke their scythes they swing,
In tune their merry whetstones ring.
Behind the nimble youiiKsiers run,
And toss the thlrk Swaths In the sun.
The cattle graze, while, warm and still,
slopes the broad pasture, basks the hill.
And bright, where summer breezes break.
The green wheat crinkles like a lake.
The butterfly and bumblebee
Come In the pleasant woods with moj
Quickly hi.-fori) me runs the quail.
Her chickens skulk behind the rail;
High up the lone wood-plyeon sits.
And tlio woodpecker picks anil tilts.
Sweet woodland music sinks and swolls
The brooklet rings Its tingling bulls.
The swarming Insects drone and hum.
The partridge heals Its throbbing drum.
The squirrel leaps among the boughs.
And chatters In his leafy house.
The oriole (lashes by; and, lookl
Into the mirror of the brook.
Where the vain bluebird trims his coat.
Two tiny feathers full and float.
Aa silently, as tenderly,
The dawn of peace descends on me;
Oh, this la p-ace! I have no need
Of friend to talk, of book to read;
A dear Companion here abrl.-s.
Close to my thrilling heart He hides;
The holy silence Is His voire;
I lie, and listen, and renle.
John T. Trowbridge.
IB 25
H cheaper than
Q stores.