Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 30, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Image 1

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    The Omaha ' Sunday Bee.
PAGES 1 TO 10.
Baraitn Eefonnen Di?ided Along Funda
ments! lines Begarding Change.
' rnwFRVATivrs sTAiun uv niTnrnrv
v w . mm wt nwi vviinvi
Would Hare the Representatives of People
Only AdfUe the Emperor.
Says England's Laws Are Development of
Customs of fsople.
'WoaM Have Russian Government
Jlased on Western Ideas, with the
i Csar's Power Limited by
Popular Will.
MOSCOW, July 49 (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.)-The disposition of the Rus
sians of the educated classes to Insist upon
the holding of the aemstvos. And the dis
position of the autocratic and despotic
forces In Russia io prevent these gatherings
tins created a situation as Interesting If not
more Interesting than anything that has
ben before developed in the history of the
Russian empire.
The political ferment which has agitated
Russia since the outbreak of the war with
Japan has already resulted in the formation
of two clearly defined parties In favor of
reform, one of which may for convenience
be termed '"conservative," the other 'ln
atltutlonal," The former party asserts that
Russia's political development must proceed
upon lines peculiar to the country, while
the other maintains that In this stage In the
world'a history there Is only one type of
a government possible for a civilized nation
Both of these parties are bitterly opposed
to the existing autocratic boaureaucratlc re
gime and agree In believing that some form
of national representation la essential to the
reorganization and future welfare of Rus
sia. Their differences became apparent dur
Ing the Informal meeting of members of the
temstvoa which met In St. Petersburg
from November 19 to November 21 of last
year. They unanimously acknowledged the
necessity cf a permanent representative as
sembly, but differed with regard to the
character which It should assume. The ma
Jorlty held that the representatives of the
nation should exercise a constitutional
check upon the authority of the czar; that
the autocracy In short should become a llm
Ited monarchy of the western Europe type.
The minority, among whom waa the presi
dent,' M. Bhlpoff, declared themselves to
be In favor of maintaining the Imperial
authority In Us integrity.
Radical Feeling Grows.
During the Interval 'which elapsed be
tween the St. Petersburg meeting and the
more formal congress which was held In
Moscow from May t to May 8, 1906, the
attitude of the majority became more de
cided and uncompromising, so that several
- member who had been regarded as eg
" tremlsts at St. Petersburg were surprised
to find that in Moscow a considerable num
ber of their colleagues had already out
stripped them. This reinforcement of rad
ical feeling was due, no doubt, partly to the
Impression produced by the unhappy events
of January, partly to the encouragement
given to ' political speculation by the im
perial rescript of March S, addressed to the
minister of the interior.
Meanwhile the conservative reformers In
sympathy with M. Shipoff had also had
time to define their attitude more precisely.
In March the marshals of nobility of twenty-two
provinces met to discuss the czar's
rescript and published the results of their
deliberations in a special memorandum.
They pointed out that for the last ten
years the general dissatisfaction with the
bureaunratic-police regime had been
steadily growing, and that "the war had
revealed the Inadequacy of our political
system, while Internal disorders have dls-,
closed our civil and -spiritual demoraliza
tion." After declaring that the czar's re
script summons "all friends of law and
order, regardless of their political opinion,"
to-Join In constructive work for the re
generation of their country, the signatories
of. the memorandum warn their readers
In entering upon a new political life we
must not close our eyes to the fact that
we have before us not only work hut con
flict. Among those engaged In the puhlln
life of the countrv there is a verv rnnaMer-
able group, closely united and strong by
virtue of the personality of those who com
, pose It, which looks favorably upon the
theories of constitutional government exist
ing In western Kurope. There can be no
doubt that this group will endeavor to give
a strictly constitutions! direction to the
forthcoming political reforms. This tend
ency must in our opinion be resisted. We
do not believe that the existence of forms
of government famllln'r to western Kurope
excludes the possibility. of all other forms.
There Is no reason to suppose that the
creative power of nations hne said Its Inst
word In the matter of political organization.
Raaala Mast Solve Problems.
We affirm that the greatest empire In the
world can and must vork out an Independ
ent form of government, intimately hound
up with the peculiar conditions, spiritual,
aortal, geographical and other forms of its
existence. We assert that no form of gov
ernment can be permanent which doe not
cloaely correspond with the life and thought
of the hulk of the population. We declare
emphatically that onlv the autocracy, sup
ported by the active co-operation ot repre
sentatives of the nation. Is capable of
satisfying the needs of the many races rep
resented In the Russian empire, and of Ita
many interests and classes, the peasantry
above all. The reprea-ntat!vea of the na
tion referred to In the Imperial rescript
must be the medium through which the
czar Is brought Into immedtatn contact with
the thought of the nation and with public
, opinion. They must not limit his autocratic
power after the model of the constitutional
forms of government. They must put an
end to tne arnnrary procedure or govern-
ny-nt omelala, by faitnruliy informing the
liTonareh of the pressing needs of the peo
ple and the country. In addition to th
right of discussing all proposed laws elabo
rated in the ministries the representatives
of the nation must themselves he empow
ered to Inmate proposals lor the making
of new laws or for the repeal of laws al
ready In force. In order to guard against
any violation of the laws by the executive
authorities, and for the security of liberty
of conscience, of the person and of speech,
they must have the right to Interpolate
ministers who remain responsible to the
emperor. They tnuat have tne light to dis
cus the Imperial budget and to control ex
penditures. rionio Nobles Object.
A ''Rejoinder, " signed by twenty-three
nobles to his memorandum, furnished by
M. Khomlakoff. one of tha principal spokes
men of the party of M Bhlpoff, with an
opportunity for further elucidating the
views of his political friends. M. Kho
nialkoff Is a ahrewd and practical man,
an excellent speaker, a man who la not
likely to fall to flay an Important part
In the Russian representative assembly
whenever that body may meet. STwo Inter
ruling queetlona were raised by the twenty
three nobles In the Brat place, they ob
jected to the frequent occurrence of the
word "right," In the memorandum, point
ing out that tha Imperial rescript speaks
(Continued oa Third Page.)
Gratifying Result Follow Attempt
Reform Yoathfal t'rlmlaala la
Great Rrltala.
LONDON. July 29 -(8peclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) So gratifying have been the re
sults of the experiment with young crim
inals at Borstal prison that it Is understood
the system will soon be extended all over
England. The essential feature of this
method of treament Is that up to a certain
age every person may be regarded as not
beyond cure, and that the state should try
to convert him Into a good citizen. The
success already achieved has been due In
a large measure to the work of the Borstal
Mr. Akero Douglas, In an Interview, ex
plaining the methods of the system, said:
"Of the aeventy-slx prisoners released
from Borstal last year, thirty-six are In
employment, ten unemployed, half through
slackness of trade, two In hospital and
nineteen have been reconvicted. Consid
ering the material, this record la good, for
only six of the young men were first of
fenders. From the experience gained both
Inside and outside the prison I have no
hesitation In saying that the Borstal sys
tem Is an Immense Improvement upon any
thing that has been previously tried in this
country. In many cases the discharged
prisoner is hardly recognized as the same
young criminal who received the sentence.
Tha habits of Industry acquired in the
workshops around the farm, the Improve
ment In Intelligence and physique, are of
Incalculable advantage. But In order that
these benefits may be reaped to the full a
change In the criminal law Is necessary a
change which will enable courts of Justice
to commit a young offender to Borstal for
a long period with a power of discharge on
license. This would be the saving of many
a lad, and applies especially to offenders
of the coster or newspaper selling class. It
Is from this class that our failures are
chiefly drawn. The time of detention i not
long enough to enable them to learn a trade
and to forget the attractions of life In the
streets of Ixindon."
Alleged Discovery of Ore by Man
Who Is P reloplng the
DUBLIN, July 29.-(Speclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) A great deal of Interest has been
aroused recently by the rumors and reports
of tha discovery of a gold mine In Ireland
which, Its owners sta-re-ls every bit as rich
as any In South AfritS: They claim that It
will yield about two ounces of gold to the
ton. Great secrecy Is being thrown around
the locality in whlchfehbe alleged Irish gold
mlno Is said to have been discovered.
The announcement of Its existence was
first made by Seaton F. Milllgan at a recent
meeting of the Royal Society of Antiquaries
at Belfast. He stated that a friend of his
had discovered the mine In the north of Ire
land and that the machinery for working It
was ready. Mr. Milllgan refused to be In
terviewed regarding the locality of the
mine, but the announcement naturally
aroused a vast amount of Interest. One re
port has it that the mining operations are
being carried on near Ballyroney, a small
town In the west of County Down, near the
Mourne mountains. According to the s'tory,
while boring operations for a well were
being carried on an extraordinary class of
clay waa met with. A cample of this clay
waa submitted to sn American expert. He
made an analysis and announced that the
clay contained both gold and silver In pay
ing quantities. So far, it is said, only sur
face mining has been done, twenty feet
being the greatest depth reached. .It Is not
known how deep the lode extends. Accord
ing to the experts some of the South Afri
can mines are worked profitably with an
output of three-quarters of an ounce per
ton, while some of the Alaskan mines aver
age only three-pennywelghta to the' ton.
Vienna Hears Prince Ferdinand Will
Throw Off Turkish Yoke
August It.
VIENNA, July 29.-(SpeclaI Cablegram
to The Bee.) It Is reported here that
Prince Ferdinand has resolved to proclaim
himself king of Bulgaria on Ausrust .
He has been working for promotion from
princely to kingly rank since his accession
to the Bulgarian throne, and has assid
uously canvassed the support of all of the
great European monarchs year after year.
The czar would not give his assent, and
Prince Ferdinand now Intends to exploit
Russia's weakness to attain hla ambition,
having perauaded England, Germany and
Austria to remain passive.
The prince, being still nominal vassal to
Turkey, the sultan will resent the procla
mation by which Bulgaria will become an
Independent kingdom, and a Turco-Bul-garlan
war Is among the possibilities.
Bulgaria Is resolved to right for its inde
pendence If attacked by Turkey.
Man Accused of Selling; Military
Secrets to France Sentenced
to Prison.
ROME, July (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) There was a dramatic scene In
court one day this week when- Captain
Ercolesal of the Italian army was sen
tenced to Ave years and ten months' Im
prisonment on a charge of high treason.
Ercolesal, who had access to the strong
box where the mobilization and coast de
fense plans for Sicily and Calabria -were
kept, had sold copies io the French gov
ernment. His wife was put on trial with
him, but was acquitted. AVhen sentence
was pronounced Slgnora Ercolessl fell Into
violent convulsions, calling loudly for her
husband and children. Ercolessl was calm
until the end and then broke down in a fit
of aobblng. He had spent the previous
night in wild bursts of despair In his cell
and hla wife had been with him upon her
knees all the time Imploring the Interces
sion of the Madonna.
Would Have Boers Walt 1 mil Voters
Are Resrlatered Before Kx
areaalag Opinion.
PRETORIA, July 29. (Special Cablegram
to The Bee.) Mr. Botha at the Het Volk
congress. In condemning the .new consti
tution, maintained that the Transvaal and
tha Orange River Colony were one In fight
ing and one In peace and that they should
be one constitutionally. As to the debt
ot honor, he Inquired, whose honor? What
right, he Inquired In heated terms, had
ten capitalists to Impose such a burden
without the consent of the people? He
strongly urged a postponement of their
decision as to working under the new
constitution until they had seen the effect
of the registration of voters of tba various
tivlaiona of constituencies. .
Action of Berlin Authorities Eat Made
Position of French Socialists Stronger.
Newspapers Gite Publicity to the Address
Not Delivered in Germ an J.
Prinoe Bnelow Gires International Social
Democracy s Ornat Advertisement
Tells Germany Fraat Not
6eslre Friendship of Ai ouutry
Through Heine Unfriendly
I to Another.
BERLIN. July i tSpecial Cablegram to
The Eee. It Is a unique experience for. a
public man to have all ot the leading news
papers publishing the speech which he
would have made If the government had
not stepped In to Interfere and prevent the
coming of the orator. There are those who
tiold that any government which does that
sort of a thing confesses its weakness and
Its fear of the individual.
Prince von Buelow has undoubtedly given
the International Social Democracy an ex
cellent advertisement. His adoption of the
portentous machinery of a diplomatic note
in order to prevent the visit of M. Jaurea
to Berlin has pot only given wide publicity
to the chancellor's appreciation of the
value of M. Jaures as an unconscious ally
of German weltpolltik in France; It has
also hud the effect of revealing the anxiety
with which the growth of social democracy
in Germany is regarded In authoritative
quarters. Prince von BueloW himself
hardly takes politics seriously enough to
suffer from fits of excessive, political ner
vousness. He is known to regard these
things ft a kind of a game, in which It
does not seem to matter to him overmuch
whether the counters represent petty diplo
matic gains or losses or the lives of millions
of hard-working citizens. There has, there
fore, been somo surprise at his perpetra
tion of what must be regarded as a serious
tactical mistake of his ' treatment of the
Jaures Incident. The clerical Kollsche Zel
tung suggests that he was doubtless
reckoning with the feelings which are en
tertained In a higher quarter where the
social democratic demonstration would have
been' very unwelcome, but where, on the
other hand, it may be assumed that there
Is an entire appreciation of the considera
tion due to M. Jaurea' personal' standing
and his Influence upon the French govern
ment. Effect la France.
The German imperial chancellor could
hardly have been supposed to imagine that
the personal compliments with which he
has attempted to address M. Jaures would
strengthen the Influence of that politician
among his owu countrymen. . The l.Ouo.OOO I
readers of the Petit Parisian, for example, 1
are not socialists, although they may have
admired the ability and the eloquence of
the socialist leader, and they and many of
their fellow cltizena are inclined to smile
at the abrupt termination of M. Jaurea' ex
pedition beyond the Rhine and to question
the authority and wisdom of a politician
who cornea before them with a certificate of
character from Prince von Buelow. These
considerations would almost seem to furnish
some warrant for the otherwise unsup
pc sable belief that the German chancellor
actually desired to diminish the Influence of
M. Jaures in France as a factor which, dur
ing the recent complications, haa strength
ened thosa pacific tendencies which have
enabled the French government to conduct
the Moroccan negotiations with Germany
with great composure and with a large
measure of success.
For these reaaona M. Jaurea must be
rather pleased than otherwise at the splen
did advertisement which the German gov
ernment has given him. It has treated
him as If he had been one of the great
powera and Prince Radolln, the German
.iuuouui, hid ueen running arter him
' 8 " M were a Benulne sovereign. It now
transpires that when the diplomatist re
ceived Prince Buelows instructions he
tried to Induce M. Rouvier to request the
socialist champion to abandon the Idea of
the expedition. M. Rouvier, who Is noth
ing If not wide awake, gave him to under
stand ,that if he asked him officially to
transmit to M. Jaurea. the intelligence of
the measure which the German govern
ment had officially adopted against him
he would comply. If, on the other hand.
Prince Radolln wanted him to advise M.
Jaures In his official capacity he must beg
to be excused.
Radolln l Disappointed.
So the ambassador having failed to shift
an unwelcome task on M. Rouvler'a broad
shouldera had to aet about It in person.
He flew t? the Gare du Nord, expecting
to catch M. Jaurea aa he waa on the point
of leaving for Berlin, but the socialist
leader was not here, as he had heard of
Prince Buelow's note, and had decided on
postponing his departure. On the following
day Prince Radolln called on Mm at his
residence, and officially communicated the
chancellor's desires to him. They had a
conversation which lasted a full hour, and
afterward M. Jaures declared to hla friends
that he waa perfectly satisfied with the
courtesy shown to him on this occasion,
although he could not, of course, compre
hend the objection to his visit.
Whatever may be the effect of Prince
Buelow's blandlshmenta in France there
fore, they have certainly done the social
democracy a very good turn In Germany.
The chancellor's manifesto haa steadied
the socialist party, and it has given it a
consciousness of Its international Influence
which will enable It to obtain In the fu
ture a more attentive hearing.
The leading socialist papers publish In
extenso this speech which M. Jaures would
have delivered had Prince Buelow not frus
trated this Intention by his note to tha
German ambassador In Paris. Apart from
Its socialist coloring M. Jaurea' apeech
would have been an eloquent plea for Inter
national peace. He claims for his party in
all lands that It Is mainly owing to their
efforts that tha Idea of peace Is permeating
the world, and ha looks forward to the time
rapidly approaching when war will be Im
possible without the consent of the pro
letariate. Speaking as a Frenchman, he
olaims for his party that they have re
linquished all Idea of a war of revenge with
Germany. -Until, be says, the possibility of
a war between France and Germany has
been eliminated from the calculations of
European statesmen, there can be no peace
In Europe. M. Jaures writes In severe terms
of the disadvantages which the alliance
with Russia haa brought Franca, espe
cially la th far east, where France did
Continued on Third Pag ) .
Thinks Secretary Haa Failed to
Treat Lord Carson In Proper
SIMLA, India, July 2J-(gpeclal Cable
gram to Tha Bee.) The newspapers of
India continue to criticise Mr. Brodrlck's
dispatch to the viceroy regarding the
change In the position and duties of the
commandor-ln-chlc and the military mem
ber of the council In tones strongly an
tagonistic ti tha secretary of state. Con
cerning the report of the threatened
resignation of the viceroy the Times of
India summarizes as follows:
The sltlon concerning the threatened
res t of the viceroy Is aggravated
b j .4 of the dispatch of the secretary
. It pnnlalnMl tin i n t . u t i 1 1 ri of a
-3 , to smooth oer existing differences
V opinion, and no trace of willlnaness to
S ..unit that there waa something to be
, , i ,1 . t. ... . . i u . .
omu iui u'v view UK me SUVTI Ullieii i uh
India. Mr. Brodrlck seems to have
gloated over the chance of thrusting con
temptuously aside tiie reasoned and weighty
opinions of the whole of the chief adminis
tration of this country apart from the
commander-in-chief. Or, rather, he ap
pears to have gloHed in empiiasizlng the
severity of the blow. If It Is lelt that
such a communication leaves the recipient
only one chance of procedure It Is not to
be wondered at.
Yet If Lord C'urson cherished the Inten
tion ascribed to him we trust he will re
consider the question. First and last,
India has spelt for him simple duty.
However galling the situation, is it not his
duty to persevere with mich strength as
rimy be given to lilin? By remaining at
his post he will serve India beet, and
create an Impression whleh will write It
self Indolllbly upon the hearts of the peo
ple of India and ultimately upon that of
Great Britain. Also, "time is on his Hide,"
the whole civil adminlntratlon of the coun
try Is at one on this question. He has the
unswerving support ot the whole of his ad
ministrative colleagues and practically the
whole of the press, both European smd
native, unite In protesting against the
surrender of the Indian empire to
a military dictatorship; It is "Alerably cer
tain that the great and powerful weight
of the unofficial communities will be
thrown Into the same side of the scale.
Lord Kitchener comes to India with
Fireconcelved Ideas, knowing little, of Its
ilstory and tradition, of the character of
i rum inose laeas tie lias never seriously
swerved. The whole scheme appears to
be based upon the assumption that India
exists for the army, whereas, It ought to
be the cardinal principle of our rule that
the army exists for India. It has gained
,aur, iiui iirtnune iije iiieijiier) uJOII
which it is based commend themselves to
sound and prudent statesmanship, but be
cause there loomed behind It the towering
iik ii re or us autnor.
Steps Taken to Coerre Hungary
Should It Try to Secede
from I'nlon.
VIENNA, July 29. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The aged emperor of Austria,
evidently does not propone to be caught
napping like the aged king of Sweden.
There haa been so much talk regarding
the possible peaceable separation of Hun
gary, Austria playing the part of Sweden,
Hungary the part of Norway, that the
ruler of the dual kingdoms has apparently
decided to put a stop'to it, and Is prepar
ing to show the people of Hungary that
any attempt at secession will be put down
with the sword.
The Alldeutsihs fiHatt' of Vienna Is
authority for the statement that the mili
tary authorities of Austria are preparing
for the eventuality of a campaign against
Hungary, should that country continue Its
resistance to the emperor.
The news Is correct. At the command of
the heir to the throne, the Archduke Fran
cis Ferdinand, who represents the emperor
In the supreme command of the army, mil
itary preparations are already being taken
with a view to adopting forcible measures
should Hungary secede or declare Its in
tention to do so in open Parliament. 1
As It wan feared that Hungary might
take this step the Hungarian Parliament
on the day of its opening waa adjourned to
September IB.
The struggle between the Hungarian au
thorities and the municipalities 1b becom
ing acute and threatena serious mischief, no
matter what may be the ultimate settle
ment of the difficulties between Hungary
and Austria. Fourteen cities, some of them
the most prominent, have declared that
they will pay no taxes, and will raise no
recruits until the government that has the
confidence of . the majority is elected. Em
peror Francla Joseph shows no signs of
giving way.
Head of Canadian Iroquois Celebrates
His Silver Wedding; Annlver.
aary la London.
LONDON. July ?9.-(Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) Bcarface, the Iroquois chief from
eastern Canada, who la the patriarch of the
Indian village at Earlecourt exhibition
celebrated hla silver wedding this week ac
cording to the Indian custom on the Thir
tieth anniversary. The whole Indian popu
lation, (representing several nations, all In
feathers and war paint assembled In the
railed space at the top of the village, and
there solemnly went through an abbrevia
ted form of the actual marriage ceremony
which took place thirty years ago. For half
an hour or more the chiefs harangued the
squatting braves and squaws, and all sang
curious old Indian songa, and the chiefs
and the braves danced a war dance, with
whirling tomahawks and knives.
After Scarface had finished wooing hla
bride In song, Mrs. Scarface, who blushed
like a real bride, was carried out from the
wigwam where she hod been hiding, and
sat on the ground, back to back with her
wooer, while all the nations declared them
man and wife for ever and ever, with no
appeal to the divorce court. Then, amid
warwhoops and ear-piercing yells in
marched bravea bearing poles over their
shoulders from which were slung various
presents offered to Scarface In memory of
the event. Their manager gave a sliver
tea set for Mrs. Scarf ace's log cabin side
table. The Indian themselves gave Scar
face a sliver crucifix, and the directors of
Earlscourt gave a loving cup.
When Young Reaerrlata Art Mobil
lsed They May Take Haad
la Trouble.
MOSCOW, July 28.-Speclal Cablegram to
The Bee.) A revolt In the army Is being
planned which will be of far greater Im
portance than the recent uprising In the
navy. An ultimatum to the czar demand
ing certain political and military reforms
Is being prepared In the name of th en
tire army. It will be presented when the
mobilization is completed. At that time
2U0.C00 young reservists will be artuad, under
the command of officers largely drawn
from the civil classes, and both officers
and men are aald to be strongly tainted
with disaffection. The Initiative la aald to
have been taken by th garrison of St.
Petersburg and it la the garrjson of St.
Petersburg which Is expected to lead In
.his movement
Union Ptoifio Heads Off a ifoTe of the Bar
ling'on Eoad.
Bestraining Older Seoured from Judge
Munger of Federal Court.
Speoial Train Bun Up From Lincoln with
If en and Material.
lalon Pacific Officials on Duty All
Mailt Watching the Situation,
bnt at Late Hoar Burling
ton Makes No Move.
The Burlington made an attempt last
night to steal a march on the Union Pa
cific, but in some manner the plana mis
carried. The Burlington had made all
preparations to take snap Judgment and
lay tracks on Ninth street, the use of
which from Jones northward had been
granted to the I'nlon Pacific by the city
council. For this purpose It sent a large
gang of men and material up from Lincoln
under the command of Division Superin
tendent Bignell, intending to lay tracks on
the street after midnight, when It would
be Impossible to secure a court order or
other legal process which would stop the
.The I'nlon Pacific people in some manner
got wind of the scheme and before the
big clock on the postolflce had tolled the,. whlph markari thA advent nf SlindaV
"cured a temporary injunction from
Judgo Munger of the federal court, the
United Statea marshal's force waa hustled
out and the order served upon Mr. Bigneu
and several other officers of the Burling
ton. The Burlington men came up on a spe
cial train and it carried sufficient material
and men to have put down trackage the
entire length of the street before Monday
morning had not the order of court been
It had been anticipated that the Burling
ton would not sit quietly by and see a
rival secure possession of the valuable
trackage lights If It waa possible to pre
vent it, and from the fact that the move
was so promptly detected the I'nlon Pa
cific wag likely anticipating Just what did
At an early hour thla morning the Bur
lington officials were in conference de
ciding what they would A, but had made
no move to put down trackage In defiance
of the court order.
The Union Pacific offlciala were In ses
sion at headquarters and had men out
watching every move made by their oppo
Fnlon Pacific Will Get to Work on
1 Moth Street Soon a
"There will be no unnecessary or undue
delay In this work," is the word that cornea
from Union Pacific headquarters regarding
the laying of the Ninth street tracks pro
vided for In the ordinance which passed the
council and was signed by the mayor.
As has been stated in The Bee, all sur
veya, plans and blue prints are made and
as soon as the customary routine of work
can be disposed of this track will be laid,
The Union Pacific la anxious, as General
Manager Mohler haa said, to have these
tracks down, thus giving to Omaha a tre
mendous advantage In building up the
wholesale lnteresta which naturally belong
In the district traversed by and adjacent
to these prospective tracks.
The track will come up Jonea atreet to
Seventh, thence west on Seventh to Ninth
and north on Ninth aa far as Capitol ave
nue for the present and further north later
on. The plans made by Chief Engineer
Berry call for a double track from Jonea
to Farnam street on Ninth and from there
north to Capitol avenue single tracks. They
contemplate the ultimate transformation
of the red-light preclncta Into part of the
wholesale district. When this is accom
plished it la planned to extend the track
on west from Ninth and Capitol to Twelfth
street, connecting with the Illinois Central,
thus forming a powerful nucleus for a net
work of tracka within the wholesale dis
trict. By a similar process Portland's
Jobbing interests have been tremendously
augmented and the bujk of credit has long
ago been attributed, to A. L. Mohler, who
came to Omaha from that city.
"There la no surer way to build up the
business Interests of a city," says Mr.
Mohler, "and while Omaha is making such
rapid strides commercially It la a good time
to apply this method."
"I think thst Tenth atreet Is the natural
dividing line between the heavy Jobbers
and the retail district. I did think at one
time that the atreet cara should be run
down Twelfth or Thirteenth street, so that
the railroad tracks could be run up the
alleys, but Tenth street Is the natural
route to the two big depots over the via
duct and should alwaya remain as such,"
says Mr. Mohler.
Federal Authorities Levy I'poa Stock
of a New York Cigar
NEW YORK, July 29 -One of the biggest
seizures of tobacco by federal revenue au
thorities in this city In several years, to
gether with the arrest of the two members
of the firm, both long in th business here,
was made today. Th selture waa made at
the cigar factory of Carlos Garcia & Co.,
In Warren atreet, and the two men ar
rested were Carlos Garcia and Julian
Llera, the members of the firm. Both men
were arraigned before United Statea Com
missioner Shields and held In 12,500 ball
each for examination next Wednesday.
Tha seliure at the factory Included, ac
cording to th federal agents. 1,000 counter
feit tobacco stampa, 26,000 high-grade cigars
and 2.0U0 pounds of tobacco.
Secretary of Agrlcaltur Say that
He Will Remain In Presi
dents Cablaet.
WASHINGTON, July 26. Secretary Wil
son of the Department of Agriculture today
characterise as "wholly without founda
tion" the story that h will resign from
the cabinet because of the exposures of th
cotton leakage.
"You may state," ha aald emphatically,
"that I shall not rxslfn,"
Foreraet tor Srbraeka Fair Sunday
and Monday.
XF.WS SKCTIOW Ten rnaea.
1 Russians ftlacna Two Plans.
Police teflon Helps Socialist.
t'onrt Order Stops Trneklnyera.
Fever Panic on the Increase.
9 l ottery Aacnta for Indian Lands.
Riot In City Council Chamber,
a Sews from All Parts of Sebruaka.
Rnaalan Fresa In Warlike Mood.
4 Reanlta of Saturday's Hall tiamea.
Young; Still Tennis Chnmnloa.
K Sporting; Uosalp of tlte Week.
A Paat Week In Omaha Society.
8 F.leefrjcltr. and Some Novel 1 sea.
Making Rain by Klectrlclty .
ft Financial and Commercial.
IO F.choes of the Anteroom.
1 Will nf F.. W. aah la Opened.
Secret Prcmlnma for flutter Fat.
French and Germane In Conflict.
2 Editorial.
3 V. W, C. A. In Ita Own Home.
Cc-cllman O'Brien Narrow Miss,
4 W,r and the Women of Japan.
6 Nev. Bulldlnar la 1 p to Mohler.
Sheriff la Stilt After Shercllff.
News from the Army Poata.
8 Big Gain In the Bank Clearings.
1 Electricity In Everyday Life.
New Electrical Office llevlcra.
S Recollections of Famous Electric
ians. a Plnys and Players. '
Music nnd Mualcal Notca.
4 Comfort of Electric Street Cara.
Tcracly Told Tales.
5 Carpenter' Letter from Cnba.
Ak-Sar-Ilen's Electric Pnacnnt.
Recent Proarreaa In Electricity.
Artlatlo Electrical Illnnilnntlona.
0 Raffles, Amateur Cracksman.
H Future of Electrical Development.
1 Busier Brown Plays Cowboy.
2 Brave Rnsalan War Herolnra.
From Near and Far.
A Wives of Famous Millionaires.
4 Finest Voice Household Duties.
Plump Face Needful for Ilenuty.
5 la My Mat on Straight f
Feats Women Can Not Do.
Where Women Wear Trousers.
T Top o' the Morula'.
8 Lncy and Sophie Say Good Rye.
The Goats and the Lover.
O The Dead Eyca of the Duke.
IO When Wedding Bell Ring.
Tcmprrnture at Omaha Yesterday.
R a. m
41 a. in
7 a. m
8 a. ni
0 a. in
10 a. m
11 a. m
12 m . . .
i . fl.'l
. ia
, . 4
i . on
, . tut
. . 72
, . 7n
.. 78
Hour, Dps
1 p. sn TIS
2 p. in . .
H p. m . . ,
4 p. m . . ,
5 p. m. . ,
O P. in,, i
7 p. m. . i
Forty-Three passengers Injured In
Accident Near Oaark sis Ball
players .Inaug Victim..
FORT SMITH, Ark., July 2. The Little
Rock Kansas City special on the Little
Rock & Fort Smith branch of the St. Louis,
Iron Mountain & Southern railway waa
wrecked at Ozark, forty' mllea north .f
here, today, Injuring forty-three passen
gers, five of whom will die. The most se
riously Injured are:
A. F. Gant, Memphis; two deep scalp
Edward Griffin, base ball player, Little
Rock; dangerous Internal Injuries.
Miss Ethel Harris; cut in breast.
Miss Agnes Walsh, daughter of Superin
tendent Walsh of the Missouri Pacific rail
way, Nevada, Mo.; budly cut In face.
John Wall, St. Louis; fractured noseiand
Internal Injuries. . 1
The following steam fitters of Kansas
City. Mo.:
C. W. Ball, Charles Stewart, P. ' M.
Wynne, A. H. Storey, R. H. Groyne.
Five members of the Littie Rock base
ball team beside Griffin were badly, In
jured. Relief trains brought all the Injured to
this city. The wreck was caused by Bpread-
In rails. All the coaches left the track
! and the second coacn and tne nrst Pullman
were telescoped. The wreck occurred fifty
feet from the bank of the Arkansas river,
and had It not been for snie cottonwood
trees thl derailed coaches would have
rolled into the river.
California Express Derailed Near La
Mont, III. One Man Killed and
Several Persons Hurt.
CHICAGO. July 29-The California ex
press on the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe
railroad leaving this city at 10 o'clock went
Into the ditch tonight at LeMont, a vil
lage thirty miles southwest of here.
One man was taken from the wreckage
crushed beyond recognition. Three others
were injured so severely that their lives
are despaired of and about twenty othera
sustained slight Injuries. The man' who
waa killed and the three who are aald to be
fatally hurt were riding In the smoking
car and the majority of those who were
not severely hurt In the reclining chair
car. Among the Injured Is William McVey
a saloonkeeper of Jollet, III., one of whose
arms was crushed so badly that It will
have to be amputated. The Bleeping cars
were derailed, but were not overturned.
Boat Containing Seven Yonng Person
Overturned In Lake Near
Lebanon, Mo.
LEBANON. Mo., July 29.-Whlle boating
on Horse Shoe lake, one and a half miles
south of this city, Berca and Blanch East
erly and Alta and Ethel Perkina, all of
Lebanon, were drowned. Three young men
who were In the boat with them aucceeded
In swimming to the. shore of the lake.
Movements of Ocean Vessel July 20.
At New York Arrived: St. Paul, from
Southampton; Bleucher, from lluniburg.
Bulled: Cretle, for Naples; Mesaba, for
London: Zeeland. for Antwerp; Italia, for
Marseilles; Campania, for Liverpool; Nea
polltan Prince, for Naples; Khuetia, for
Hamburg: Caledonia, for Glasgow.
At Queenstown Arrived- Kirurla. from
New York. Balled: Republic, for Boston.
At Havre Arrived: I-a Bretagne, from
New Yorki Sailed: La Gascogne, for New
At I Jverpool Arrived: Virginian, from
At Plymouth Arrived: Philadelphia, from
New York.
At Bremen Arrived: Fteldrlch der
Grosse, from New York.
At Ixnlon Sailed : Minnesota, for Phil
adelphia. At Antwerp Balled: Vaderland, for New
At Southampton Sailed: New York and
Noordain. for New lork. Arrived: Ryn
dam and Philadelphia, from New York.
At Genoa Arrived: Sicllia, from New
At Movllle-Salled: Columbia, for New
York. Arrived; Kumldian, Xroja Nw York.
New Orleans Fears Oreater Lou from
Quarantine Than from Disease.
Interior Towns Befusing to Receive Many
Classes of Merchandise.
Local Trains Discontinued and Begnlai
Excursion Bnns Abandoned.
Only Seventy-Five t'aaea Are Now
I'nder Treatment Seven Death
Yesterday All From One
NEW ORLEANS. July 29 The following
la the report of the health authorities oa.
yellow fever up to 6 p. m. today:
New cases. 29.
Cases to dnte, i56;
Deaths todsv. 7.
Deaths to date. 64.
New foci, 2.
Deducting the number of deaths snd tha
number of recoveries It Is believed that
there are not more than seventy-five cases
tinder treatment. If that many.
Considerable encouragement has been
drawn from the fact that only two new
foci have developed. One of these Is a
nurse who attended a patient at a hospital
and the other Is In the vicinity of Mllne
burg, where there had been a suspicious
case recently, but which had been spirited
away before the authorities got hold of It.
Quarantine Lines Drawn Tight.
The most disquieting news In the situation
today is the evidence that panlo Is increas
ing In the smaller towns of Louisiana and
Mississippi, and that a disposition Is grow
ing to revive the disastrous commercial
quarantine of 1S97, when some of the coun
try towns even refused to receive Ice or
hardware from New Orleans. Several
towns In Tennessee and othera along the
Mississippi valley road In Mississippi refuse
to allow express matter of any kind to be
put off; .Port Gibson will not take bread
nor anything wrapped up In burlap that
may be shipped from this city. Some of
the Texas towns are asking that the mails
be fumigated.
The increase In the number of deaths and
cases of yellow fever today Is not causing
anxiety. All but. one of the dead are Italians
or Austrinns. who hailed from the original
focus of Infection. Of the new cases there
Is only one point of Infection among tha
best element of the population and that has
been traced to the original Infection. No
further points of Infection have been dis
covered outside the city except near Wag
yaman, In Jefferson parish, where Dr.
Brady was sent by the state board. Louisi
ana will not quarantine against Lumberton
because of the caso In that town.
Spread of J)lcase Prevented,
The success of the ahyalclans In prevent
ing serious outbreaks In new neighborhoods
In which the disease has appeared Is, of
course, taken to mean that practical results
are being obtained from the thorough sys
tem of screening which Is now In vogue. So
thoroughly has the work been systematlaed
that Instantly a cas Is reported represen
tatives of the board, armed with screens
and disinfectants, are hurried to the house
of the sufferer and every precaution Is
thereafter taken to mnke him or her Im
mune to the attacks of the stegomyia.
Meanwhile good results are showing from
the establishment of the emergency hos
pital, whjch Is serving to relieve certain
districts of serious cases and thereby
enabling expeditious disinfection of Infected
Cleaning of the City.
The conference of the representatives of
the health hoards of the various southern
states which Dr. Souchon has called to
meet here tomorrow is not likely to ma
terialize. Dr. Souchon has received no
acceptances of his Invitation. Report
which have been sent out from here that
there Is any conflict between the aclentlflo
forces which are directing the fight against
the fever are entirely misleading. Dr.
Beverly Warner sent a message to the
clergy appealing to them for assistance
In the present emergency. "We ask," ha
aald, "that you will urge your congrega
tions, whether the believe in tha mos
quito theory or not, that they will glv
heady assistance to the authorities who
are attempting to stamp out the mosquito
aa at least one source of Infection."
In connection with the street cleaning
work, the mayor has now under consid
eration a petition to set aside th two
special days next week to be called street
cleaning days, when all the forcea not
engaged In sanitating the city will be sup
plemented by additional Aggregations of
helpers In an effort to complete the work.
Panicky Feeling Spreads,
The railroads continue to be seriously
hampered by quarantines. The decision Of
the conference of health authorltlea at
Memphis to recommend a quarantine of
the entire state of Tennessee against In
fected points Is evidence of the spread of
panicky feeling outside of New Orleans.
Every day now some half dnaen llttia
towns are suddenly scratched off the list
of Open towns, and very often tha em
bargo is clapped on ao suddenly that
passengers are left there with tickets al
ready purchased. Th Southern and Texas
Pacific on the west bank of the river are
heavy sufferers.
It was said at the marine hospital officea
that passengers from New Orleana wer
no longer permitted to travel in Texas
and only the most Insignificant statlona
are open to Louisiana. Quarantine has
been established so thoroughly along the
line of some roads that big cards bearing
bold, black letters have been posted In
the ticket offices and depots announcing
that all tickets bought for any point out
of New Orleans are purchased at th pur
chasers' risk and subject to tha restric
tions of quarantine.
Demand Fumigation of Freight.
Local representatives of lines which run
through Mississippi wer advised In tele
grama today that no person from New Or
leans would be permitted to travel on a
train through that state wtihout a health
certificate. Tills affects through passengers
for the north, east and, west. Before they
had received these orders ticket offices
here had sold lurg numbers of ticket to
people Intending to leave tomorrow and
Monday and thereafter they were busy try
ing to locate these ticket holdera In order
to save them from being taken from trains
and thrown Into detention camps In th
adjoining states. In th interior town of
aome of the nearby btates little attention
has been paid to the mosquito theory and
there haa been a demand for th fumigating
of freight cara aent to New Orleans to
haul filtgbt from ibat cltjr. Soma of LU