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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1905)
if w V r 1 5 I: 0 NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA N COUNCIL MIXOR HKTIOli Darin sell drug. 4tockert sells carpets, plumbing and heating. Blxby & Bon. lira. Woodbury, dentist. 30 pearl street. I-cffcrt's Improved torlc lenses five satis faction. Evans laundry, t7t Pearl. Lowest prlcea, ""fl work. Tel. 290. 'nre Hlawntha pictures at 15c and 25c. r. Alexander. SM Hroadwav. (itl your pictures and rrames at Bor f wick s. 211 Bo. Main St. Tel. 6R3. . f Wnodrlng-flchmldt Undertaking Co., 234 1 TV way, succesors to Lunkley. Tel. 239. I "rvrte rt'fular meeting of Myrtle Indue, De r gre?Gf flonor. will be held thla evening. Duncan, 22 Main fit., guarantees to do the beat a hoe repair work. .Give htm a trial. Dr. Luella B. Dean, homeopath, diseases of women and children. Room t. Brown Bid Tel. Ju. Patrolman Nela P. Thompaon haa been obliged to resign his position on the police force owing to continued ill health. Mra. George H. Richmond and daughter, Frances, arrived home yesterday morning from a month's visit to Colorado points. Until further nolloe the new" pulll library building la bring kept open from 2 to & p. m. each day for the exchange of hooka. Walter- W. Rutherford of thla city and Ooldl A. Archer of Avoca. la., were married yesterday afternoon by Justice Gardiner. Juatlce Field performed the marriage cer emony yesterday morning for Albert Bla seck and Mary Scrafln, both ot South Omaha. - C. H. Judaon, In charge of the Inatallatlon of the Council-Bluffs Independent Telephone company's ayatem, returned yesterdny from a. three weeks' trip to the Pacific ooast. W. 8. Cooper haa brought suit In the dis trict court against Mary K. and W. A. Ftreet claiming- I12U.72 for breach of con tract In connection with a real estate deal. The hearing of Llge Duncanson, the farm hand from Treynor charged with floating a numbor of worthleas checks In this city, was continued yeaterday In Justice Gardi ner's court until Saturday. jfrs. Oteella J. Parker, wlfo of K. Parker,, died yesterday morning at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Alexander Tipton, 7i7 Mynater street, aired l years. The re mains will be taken to Ulenwood, la., for burial. The name of the Insane man picked up Monday at the Northweatern local depot la Frank Steloraki. This the man admitted yesterday te one of the attendants at St. Bernard hospital, but beyond thla no further Information could be obtained. F. A. Burke, special agent for the Mll- Waukee railroad, tiled an Information In the m superior court yesterday charging fete Nei l JL son, Richard Devaney and Mali Ion Broth r I era with stealing galvanised Iron pipe val J u1 at 12 from a fiat car in the company' lU-aJ yards. V' Josephine A. Jackson began suit for ell- i vorce yeaterday In the district court .from J I i Andrew J. Jackson to whom she was mar- If I rted In Kansas Ctty. Kah., on .October 13, i' a la. Bhe charges her husband with cruel 5 and Inhuman treatment and asks the court to award her the household furniture and 1 120 a month alimony. , rested yeaterday by Detective Wilson as a suspicious character. He had with him two women a ciomk wnicn no ciaimea neiongea to a young woman with whom he had been keeping Company, but who had deserted him for another and was now in Kanaaa City. When Searched at the jail he was found to be carrying a loaded revolver and was charged with carrying, concealed weap ons. ,-'.'.' Object o Dwelling la Park. The Intention of the Board of Park Com missioners to build a dwelling in Falrmount park for the use of the park custodian is not pleasing to Mr.' and Mrs. H. F. Keller, who own and occupy a house adjoining the fiark ' at the Fa.lrm.ount avenue entrance and they yesterday, began, suit in the su perior court to-enjoin the board from erect ing the dwelling on the alte selected. f t Ztt$ P1 -bogrdKirbBosed to feutlfl the- icoti tage for the caretaker next to the Keller residence and fenced in a strip of land for this purpose. The Kellers contend that a public highway runs along the north side of their property and that the park eom misslonexa have no right to encumber it with a house. The Kellers have conducted, a profitable business for several years by maintaining a lunch and candy stand, at their residence and they consequently do not look with favor on the proposition of the park com missloners to shut them out, so to speak, by erecting a dwelling practlcr'ly at their front door. The hearing on the application for a tem porary Injunction Is set for' this morning before Judge Scott. " M )tDuf held Independent 'Phono Men Meet, meeting of the officers, of the Council tDuffs Independent Telephone company, was held yeaterday at the Grand Hotel to dia- " cuss the selection of a site for . the local A vnhnnM " T V .1 ; n r. haa th,A mitral all centrally located,' but no action was taken yesterday. ' The meeting was attended by a number of agent of manufacturers of tel ephone supplies. Plans .for the' local exchange are nearly completed and tho company expects to com mence th construction -of it thla year. It will be two' htoiies and basement in height Orders - hare been placed for - poles, con duits and cables and the company la only valtlng the arrival of tho material to be VW tbe'Vork of construction of Us toll lines. Superintendent Jutlson stated yes terday that th company did not expect to Install any local 'phones before next March and that.fof ths present, it would' simply look after the toll business and place 'phones in the business district for this pur pose. . , Banday School Picnic. The committee in charge of the union Sunday school picnic to be held tomorrow Lake Manawa estimated last evening that twenty cars would -be required to con vey the children to the lake. The cars will leave the barns shortly after 1 o'clock. Two will go down Fifth avenue and two down South Main street to pick up the children from those, districts, while the others will be sent along Broadway... The start will be made at 1:90 p. m. -from .the Broadway UethndUt church and the children will be gives a ride first to Omaha, and then back t Lake MiMawa. The children of Rev. Henry DeLflng'a In dustrial schools will participate In the pic nic. Anyone desiring to contribute toward the dinner which will be furnished the children at -ths lake is requested to notify lev. DeLong. . Real Estate Transfers. These transfers were reported to The Be Ally 21 by the Title Guaranty and Trust tompany of Council Bluffs: Thomas C. Dawson and wife to Charles H. Hunnaii. lot ?, in Judd's Durk. u. W rfunn i stone et ai to cnarles K. Ilan nn. av, 16-74-44, q.-e. d Julm V. 8lone and wife to Charlea R. liAunan. lot 2X, Auditor's subdlv sVi lie' H-rH-i a. e. l . tin Tho. J sau Thomas C. Dawson and wifs to same. ne, q. c. d 50 Total four transfers Marriage Ureases. licenses to wed were issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age Aitrt I Unlock. Mouth Omaha 30 wary Horaflu, South Omaha Q wait W. Rutherford, Council Bluffs tt ioldle Ann Archer, Avoca, la 21 LEWIS CUTLER MORTICIAN 28 PEARL ST " ZZLS Lady Atteaiasst If Dsadred, BLUFFS GRAIN DEALERS BP IN ARMS Anort Propped Bill of Lading Will Pat , Them Oat of Basinets, CANNOT D1AW AGAINST GRAIN IN TRANSIT and Missouri Healers Hare a. Cession to Discuss Qaestton aad I Decide on Line of Action. The uniform bill of lading proposed by the railroads Is aa great a source of worry to the grain dealers as It Is to the whole sale grocers and Jobbers. A special meet ing of the Southwestern Iowa and North weatern Missouri Grain Dealers' association was held In this city yesterday for the pur pose of dlacuftfffng what action should be taken to oppose the proposed measure. About thirty grain dealers were present, but action was deferred until a meeting to be called lh a few days at Creston, la., by President Hunter of the association. The meeting, as usual, was held behind closed doors and the members present were not Inclined to say much except that the enforcement of the proposed uniform bill of lading would ot a necessity practically put most of the grain men out of business. President Hunter, when asked about the s.'.uatlon, said: "The great trouble with the proposed uniform bill of lading Is that it will not be negotiable and dealers will not be able, as has been the universal cus tom heretofore, to draw on a car of corn or other grain. Our association took the matter up with the Chicago banks and they alt stated that they would be unable to ad vance funds on a uniform bill of lading for the simple reason such bills of lading will hve stamped across their face, 'Non ne gotiable.' The adoption of the proposed uniform bill of lading will revolutionize the entire grain business. With the adoption of the? proposed uniform bill of lading a grain dealer would have to have a large capital at his back to continue in the busi ness. As (t now Is the dealer can attach his bill of lading to a sight draft and se cure the money from the bank, but with the uniform bill of lading this would be impos sible and the dealer would have his capital tied up until he could dispose of the grain. Very' few if any of the dealers In this sec tion of the country can command sufficient capital to do this. We grain dealers will bave to resist the adoption of the proposed measure by every means in our power or else quit the business. That Is all there is to It." ETHERTOSS STRIKE WROXQ PARTY Womaa and Are Shot by Her Haeband. Tom Etherton, a horse trader, Is lying at the Council Bluffs General hospital with a bullet from a repeating rifle in his body hear the groin, while Dave Etherton, his brother, Is In hiding somewhere with a bul let wound In his right ankle. They were Shot yesterday afternoon by Charlea Bor ne r, residing on First avenue, near Thirty ninth street, whose wife, it Is charged, was viciously assaulted by the Ethertons. Emma Etherton, wlfo Of Dave Etherton; May Coffin and Maggte Faith, who were with the . EUit-rXona, -are in the city jail, being held ' on charges of lewdness. Bonier was released on his own recognizance. There are several accounts of the trouble which led to the shooting, but the police are inclined to believe that the one told by Mrs. Bomer is the correct one. Mrs. Bor ner says that the Ethertons, with a cov ered ; wagon. In which the three women were tiding, stopped in front of her house and made preparations as If to camp In a field which she and her husband own. She told them that they could not stop there, as she owned the land. The whole outfit, she says, then abused and ended by as saulting her, the two men knocking her unconscious with brickbats. ' Bomer," who was working on a house nearby, came home and la said to have found his wife lying unconscious In the weeds near their house. When he had re vived her she told 'ilm of the assault and that the people whr had assaulted her had driven west toward the motor bridge. Se curing his rifle Bonier hastened in pursuit and overtook the outfit at the approach to the bridge when Bomer came ud with the Ethertons they proceeded to attack him and attempted to take the rifle from him. During the struggle the rifle was discharged and Dave Etherton was shot in the ankle. Despite his wound ho closed in on Borner and In the struggle the rifle was again dis charged, the bullet this time striking Tom Etherton, who was rendered hors do com bat. Several persons, attracted by the shoot ing, rushed to the soens and nrevented Borner from doing any more shooting. The police were telephoned for, but be fore tho officers could reach the rlaoe Dave Etherton succeeded In making his escape.. It wns said that he boarded a passing hauling wagon and rode across the bridge to Omaha. Tom Etherton was taken with the women to the city Jail, but later removed to the hospital, where th? bullet was probed for, dui witnout success. The X-rays will be used today in an effort to locate the mis sile. Another version of the affray wag that the Ethertons entered the Borner house and were In the act of stealing some car penter tools when discovered by Mrs. Bor ner, who was knocked unconscious by one of the men with a hammer which thev had stolen. The Ethertons are well known to the police and have a most unsavory refuta tion. About a year ago Dave Etherton was brought back to this city from Emer son on a charge of kidnaping the woman. May Coffln. The charge, however, fell fla. as It was proven that the woman left Cof fin, the man she was living with, on her free will. It developed that Coffln and the woman were not married, but the two In order to avoid prosecution decided to have the ceremony performed, and they were married at the city Jail. - Shortly after the marriage the woman again left Comn and rejoined Etherton, despite the fact that Etherton already had a wife, Maggie Faith, the third woman under arrest, belongs In Fremont, Neb., and the police records show that a short time ago a reward was offered for the arrest of Dave Etherton on the charge of abducting the girl, who was under age. The police were informed last evening that this charge had been withdrawn and that the Fremont authorities no longer wanted Etherton. Tom Etherton was arrested tn this city last winter, charged with assaulting an old man named Brown, .In the western part of the city. He served thirty days in the county Jail for the assault. Dare Ether ton was charged with complicity in the assault, but eluded the officers. While the men are ostensibly horse traders, it is charged that they travel around the coun try with the women tn a covered wagon for Immoral purposes. Factory Prepares to Mora. Amendments to the articles of Incorpora tion of the Kretchmer Manufacturing corn- TI1E OMAHA pany were filed In the office of the recorder of Pottawattamie county yesterday. The amendments change the place of business of the corporation after September 1 of thla year from Red Oak. Montgomery county, to Council Bluffa. and Increase the capital stock from i:5.onr to IW.ono. The amended articles had been filed In the recorder's office In Montgomery county when the question was raised If the cor poration should not under the law file its old and amended articles in Pottawattamie county, to which It was about to remove. The question has been taken under advise ment ty the secretary of state pending A decision from the legal department. The Krrtchmer company, which manu factures apiary supplies, will occupy its new factory in the city on the tracks of the Great Western railroad, about Septem ber t TWO TRAIN LOADS Or RETAILER Iara-e Crowd Attends the Aanaal rirnla. A large crowd left yeaterday morning on the special trains for Bennington, Neb., .to attend the annual picnic of the Retail Orocers and Butchers' association. Tho at tendance was fully as large as expected and up to that of previous years. The members of the association formed in Una at Broadway and. First streets and marched to the Northweatern depot. There were two tralnloads of the excursionists. An elaborate program of sports was carried out at the picnic grounds and those who attended passed a most pleasant day. N. T. Plumbing Co. Tel. 250. Night. F667. NORTH DAKOTA WAXTS Call leaned for Harvesters, Who Are Needed In Wbent Fields. DES MOINES, la., July 27. One of the most urgent calls for harvest hands re ceived In this city came yesterday from North Dakota, when a local employment firm was notlfltd that 1,000 men were wanted In that state to harvest the wheat crop. The agency went to work im mediately and through Its representative over the state about 100 men wt secured i for the first train, which Is to leave next week. The wages offered are 12 to $3 per day. According to the call being sent from that country for help, the wheat crop la very large and there will be work for the hands for. weeks to como. Thousand Dollars for "Wife. 8IOUX crry. Ia., July l7.-(Spee!al Tele grm. C. H. Champlln today sued Edward M. Sinclair for $1,000 for alienating the af fections of Mrs. Champlln. Sinclair got Champlln Interested In a patent washing machine. Champlln alleges that during their business partnership Sinclair made love to his wife with the result that she secured a divorce. The Champllns were married in 1888. Both men have money. Sinclair un til recently was vice president of the 8k Id more Wagon Scale company. t "Woodmen at Logan, LOGAN, la., July 27.-(SpeclaI.)-The Omaha lodges of the Woodmen of the World came to Logan this morning about t o'clock on a special train over' the North western line and are now holding their an nual picnic here. Three dancing pavilions are in operation and two base ball games will help to amuse ther visitors. - The ex ercises of the -day were held this afternoon as were the drills and. races. Ckastasqaa at Sidney. 'SIDNEY,' la., July 27 (SpeciaLf-Prepa? rations are practically completed for the. opening of the Southwest Iowa Chautauqua at Sidney August 4 to 13. A larger number of tents, have Jjeen engaged than ever be fore, and it is confidently expected that the coming session will be the most suc cessful ever held here. Thousand Negroes Arrested. BURLINGTON, la.. July 27 Nearly 1,000 negroes, while holding an annual celebra tion, were arrested tonight for violating the high license liquor law. The party failed to secure a liquor license. Bonds were furnished and the picnickers were al lowed to go home. - , New Game Warden. CHARTER OAK, la.. July 27. (Special.) C. E. Hiett of this place has Just been ap pointed deputy fish and game warden for Harrison, Monona, Crawford and Ida coun ties. Thla action was for the protection of Iowa quail which are being rapidly ex terminated. , . , Prof, aad Mrs. Herroa Enroote Home. FLORENCE, July 27.-Prof George D. Herron and Mrs. Herron of Burlington, la., left today for Cherbourg, where they will take a steamer for the United States. They took with them the ashes of Mrs. Elbrldge Rand, whose body was cremated here yes terday. Carload of Matches Burns. ' OSKALOOSA, la.. July 27. (Special.) A car of matches Ignited in the Iowa Central yards this morning and was partially burned. The loss is 12,000. There were lively scenes as the car burned up. The matches belonged to a Duluth company. FIRE RECORD. Stores in Iowa Town. WOOLSTOCK. Ia.. July 27. (Special.) A fire, origin unknown, destroyed the Wallen general store, the WooUtock drug store and the Harmon livery barn. The loss is (22,000, The fire would have been under control but tor the explosion of oil in the basements. Jewelry Store at Hsrsa, HURON, 8. D., July 27.-(8peclal.)-Cllf, V. Bates' Jewelery establishment was dam aged 1800 by fire sarly Thursday morning, ths building, which Is owned by J. H. Miller, was damaged to the amount ef i&UO; stock and building fully Insured. Great Excltemeat Over Strike. MEETEETSE. Wyo., July 27. (Special.) Great -esoltemant exists here over the re cent big gold discovery at Camp Klrwin, thirty-five miles distant. As men arrive here who ' have been to the scene of the recent big strike, its magnitude Is Increased by the tales of the richness of the ground Many people are arriving already, and ground Is being staked out as rapidly as possible. The old prospector, who dis covered the gold rock was in town today and Imparted to his friends the Information that the half had not leaked out. Parties leaving here today go with tr Intention of making a thorough investigation, and upon their return will report the true con dltlon, should it prove groundless. One party or combination of men haa already slaked out fifty-four claims and they' say It is all good. Recent assays show that many claims carry gold which will go bel ter than $1,000 to the ton. May Deplete Estate. CINCINNATI. July 27.-In the examina tion by Referee Greve in the bankruptcy case of the Arm ot Holiman Ik Co., brokers, Charles Henrotin, the Chicago member of the firm, claimed the scam on the New York Stock exchange and the New York Cotton eachange as his personal property and Insisted that at no time had thsae been a portion of the assets of the firm. If this contention is upheld the largest item of assets will be taki-n from the creditors, who renreeent liabilities amounting to about t.oe.OM), wlib assets of but a few thousand dollars, which may be developed from the equity In stocks and other col lateral tda4 to bail k a. I DAILY HER: FRIDAY, JVLY GIVE RAILROADS A RAISE Union Pacific at Ootinoil' Bloffj Comet in for Cengiderable Increase. BIG SLICE CUT FROM FARM VALUATIONS kerloT l.wad of Oklahoma is Back la Des Moines After SherrllsTa aad Hearing! Is Set for Moaday. ' (From a Staff Correspondent.) DE8 MOINES, July 27.-(8peclal Tele gram.) The executive council today con cluded the equalization of the assessments and increased the total railroad assess ment $ffi9$50. The total value of farm lands -was decreased $52,K,W4, and the de crease In town lots over $.1,000,000. The Union Pacific at Council Bluffs was In creased ),9O0. or $J8,000 a mile for the main line and $5,500 a mile for the Union Avenue line. All principal railroads wero Increased except the Rock Island, the total assessment of which was lowered $.100,825. j The Burlington was Increased $120,000; Great Western, $294,000; Milwaukee, $244,000; North weatern, $90,000; Wabash,' $,0flo. Total In creaae In actual value over, assessment last year, $,612,88. The average decrease in land values Is $1.SB an acre. Pottawattamie county farm assessment was reduced from $60.46 to $47.93 an acre. Sheriff After Sherellfle. At the hearing at I o'clock on the. Sher cllffa requisition Sheriff Lund was repre sented by Attorney Howard Clark of this city, SherctlfTe asked for. time and to be given the Import of the affidavits which Bherlff Lund had brought from Oklahoma. At the conclusion of the short hearing Governor Cummins fixed Monday at 10 o'clock as the date of hearing. Shercllffe promised to have his mother present then and by her and others claims he will prove an alibi. The affidavits Included some from C. L. Maynard and Pearl Maynard of South Omaha, that Shercllffe In June, 1901, came there with a gun wound In his shoulder and told them he was shot in a robbery tn Blackwell, O. T. Governor Cummins stated, that he would not hold Shercllffe In Iowa merely to tes tify In the next suit against Dennlaon, as he recognised the law did not give him authority to do so and that if It could be shown that ShercllfTe was tn Oklahoma at about the time of the robbery and was thus a fugitive from Justice he would grant the requisition. Beat t'p His Wife. Finding his 16-year-old wife Eureka In the company of negroes In this city Editor S. S. Sherman of Pella was so lncv-i.c-.l that he beat her to Insensibility. Leaving her he went to the home of the girl's mother at Sixth and Chestnut and told her that if the girl filed charges against him he would treat the mether the same way. The mother fainted and, Lsuls Hart, pass ing and thinking the woman abused, at tacked Sherman and beat him up. The girl la recovering and the polloe late today were looking for Shermann. Better Service In Boone. Des Moines business men have sent to the officials of the Milwaukee a request for better train service between this city and Boone and the Installation of oommu tattoo tickets over that road. Railroad men believe that the request will not be complied with for the reason that It might stir up the Northweatern. Gaord Shivers la Cold. Members of the Fifty-fourth now in camp here are suffering from the cold and camp fires are kept continually going. There are some fears that the unseasonably cold weather will cause sickness, Congressman LanrtJs at nee Moines. Congressman Charles B. Lnndls of In diana who Is In the city and made an ad dress at the commencement exercises of Highland Park college tonight said In an Interview: "The moat Important matter be fore the American people at this time Is the building of the Panama canal. There has been no move of such stupendous mag nitude since the civil war. I believe that we will get rate legislation In the near future. The people are not attacking the railroads In any spirit of malice. - All they ask Is a square deal." Miss' McDlvItt is Dead. Miss Edith McDIvItt, who was Injured In street car accident, having both feet run over, and whose motner rerusea to show her to be operated on because they were Christian Scientists, died at Mercy hospital today. After three days the mother's ob jections to an operation were overcome and an operation was performed, but without relief. The girl' died of gangrene. State Board of Health. At the meeting of the State Board of Health today the report of Colonel Charles Francis of Davenport on the pollution of lakes and streams was deferred on his re quest for more time to Investigate. The charges against Dr. Whltten of Des Moines and Dr. W. H. Smith of Shell Rock were put over till tomorrow. Four Counties Show a I-oas. The official census for four more counties show loss in population. The population of Fayette Is 28.560. and five years ago It was 29,845; Boone Is 27,56, and was rs,K; Dela ware Is 18,762, and was 19,16; Franklin Is 14.596, and was U,9M. The city of Boone shows an Increase from ISM) to 9,500, and Manchester in Delaware county shows a gain from I.8S7 to 3, ITS. ' Catlle Havo Texas Fever. State Veterinarian Paul Kete of Forest City has discovered that a lot of cattle In Madison county have the Texas fever. The strictest quarantine has been ordered ad the cattle will be burned as fast as Urn dls ease is discovered. All not affected have been vaccinated. The cattle were sold to ths farmers by a Kansas City man. William Fennlmore lost three'. Jeff Hogg four, and other farmers' cattle are dying. . Wants Reinstatement. Dr. Anthony White of Clearfield wants his license as a practicing physician restored to him and a large number of his friends havs petitioned the Board of Health. A still larger number from Clearfield, however, have asked the board not to restore ths license. No Joint Debate- Governor Cummins has been unable to arrange for speaking at Clarlnda on the 10th of August when Daniel Davenport will represent the railroads on the rats ques tion. The governor will spek there ths ISth aa first announced. ' Clark Case la Saprue Coart. WASHINGTON. July H.-The case the United States against Senator W. A. Clark of Montana involving a charge of de fraudlng the United States In the approprt anon ot umocr on me puouo lands, was docketed In the supreme court of the United State today. The record In the rase Is very voluminous, covering 7,000 printed pae- Correct Krrer la Revision. ' WASHINGTON. July n.-In the revised cotton report Issued yesterday by the Department of Agriculture an error was committed in the second paragraph which mads It appear that the Jims tsUiuats by 23. Mr. Hyde was made "lower" than the facts at hand warranted, when In fact It was made "higher." The erroneous statement has been corrected by the department. GERMAN COMMERCIAL TREATY Imperial Government Desires to Make New Trade Arrangements with lalted States. WASHINGTON. July 27.-Oermany's com mercial relation with the United States will be among the most Important subjects to come before the senate the next session of congress. Having negotiated new commercial arrangements with Belgium, Italy, Russia, Roumanla and Servla, Germany Is anxious to make a similar convention with the United States. The new treaties already concluded be come effective March 1. and preliminary notice has been received that the German treaty with this country will be allowed to lapse about November 90. A thorough understanding exists, however, between Washington and Berlin regarding the rea sons for ending this treaty. The matter has been dlscuaaed at length by the preal dent and Baron Speck von Sternburg, the German ambassador, the latter having com municated Germany's earneat wish to con clude a new treaty with this country which will be equally helpful to the trade of each country. Upon his return to Wash ington. In autumn Baron Speck von Stern burg will hare full Instructions for the pro gram to be followed, snd upon the execu tion of these will depend In a measure the policy to be followed by this government. The lapse of the treaty, coming late In November, It Is believed, will bring ths subject Into Immediate consideration by the senate. Because of the effect upon American exports, which without a treaty will be obliged to pay the maximum rates of the German tariff, the officials here be lieve the senate will, consent to the ratifi cation of a treaty which. In return for cer tain reductions on German Imports, will give advantageous schedules to American goods entering Germany. CHINA MAY SIGN -NO TREATY Foreign Influence May Re Responsi ble for Its Position Regarding; Exclusion of Laborers. WASHINGTON, July 27. Some doubt Is expressed In official circles whether It will be possible to obtain China's consent to an other treaty with the United States provid ing for even the exclusion of Chinese .a borers from this country. The State de partment Is aware of Ill-feeling throughout China, on the whole subject and now that the Immigration treaty with China has been allowed to lapse without the negotiation of a new agreement reports have reached here that China Is Inclined hereafter to refuse to sign any similar convention. China's position appears to be that the exclusion of Chinese cltliens from a friendly country Is in Itself a disgrace, and while it cannot Ignore the laws of a foreign power provid ing ror sucn exclusion. It can refuse to sanction It or become part of It by conclud ing a treaty Involving such restrictions. A year ago, It Is said, It would have been easy to conduct negotiations with China for the exclusion- of Chinese laborers only. Now, however, It Is understood, the Chinese officials are disposed to regard the signing of such a treaty beneath the dignity of their government. The reason for tho as sumption at Peking of this new attitude Is not quite clear to the officials here, though In some circles It Is attributed to -the Influ ence of foreign powers. REPORT OF TOPEKA RECEIVER Plrat National Bank's Assets in Snch Shape facta Cannot Be Known: WASHINGTON, July 27.-The report of the receiver of the First National, bank of Topeka, Kan.,- which closed Its doors on- uly 13, 1905, has been received by the comp troller " of the currency. The receiver classifies the assets of the bank as follows: Good. $756,(84; doubtful, $1,222,435; worth less, $139,156. And the liabilities as follows: Individual deposits, $1,122,737; certificates of deposit, $318,961; duo to national banks. $99,334; due . to other banks and bankers, $12,114; unpaid drafts outstanding. $106,809; other liabilities, $R06; total, $1,600,667. In submitting this report the receiver states that he has found much difficulty in estimating the value of the Devlin collat erals and that his estimate of such collat erals m&y not even approximately Indicate what may be Anally realized therefrom. . WILL MAKE AN EARLIER REPORT Estimates of Agricultural Depart ment to Be Issued at Noon.' WASHINGTON. July 27. Beginning Au gust 10, the monthly estimates of the con ditions of the com, spring wheat and oats crops will be Issued as rapidly as possible after 11 o'clock noon Instead of t p. m., ac cording to the present system in operation at the Department of Agriculture. A state ment announcing the change was made by Assistant Secretary Hayes today as fol lows: On August 10. 1900. the cron estimating board of the Department of Agriculture will meet at S a. m., and beginning at 13 noon will give out the estimates on condi tion for the United States as a whole aa rapidly as they are completed for the corn spring wheat and outs crops, which will be taken up In the order named. The de tailed estimates regarding the above men tloned crops and other crops embraced by tne August estimates Willi De issued at o'clock p. m. on the date named. Bee Want Ads Produce Results. Challenge for Canada Cap. TORONTO. Ont.. July 27. C. F. Nlcholls Temeralro his been chosen as the chal- lencer for the Canada cup. now held by the Rochester Yacht club. Ihe races for posxesKton of the cup will begin on August 12 ore Ontario heacn. near Rochester. Tern- eralre was designed by Fyfe, the Scotch expert. TfE PERfTCT . TOP of Makes the little sapper complete. Order a case. JETTER BREWING GO, utbOmshs. 'Phase 8. Omaha Headquarters HUGO F. BlliZ, 14th A Douglas. Tel. 15-11 Co. Bluffs Headquarters LEE MITC HE L L . 1011 Main Street. Tel. SO. 1 THREE WOMEN GET BAD FALL Mil. Colemao-8tookirt and Mrs, J. I". Coleman Are Several Hurt. MRS. C. BRAGG ESCAPES WITHOUT INJURY Wotaea Are taadlnsT an Porch View, lac Fire Kaateea Whea Hall lag; (lives May aad Lets Them Fall. While watching the fire department pass the residence of J. F. Coleman, 24o2 St. Mary's avenue about l:S0 Thursday morn ing. Mrs. Coleman-Stuckert, her daughter- in-law, Mrs. t. F. Coleman and Mrs. C. Bragg were precipitated from the front porch of the Coleman house to the spiked fence on the stone wall below the porch. One of the long spikes, which alternate on the fence with short spikes, pierced the right side of Mrs. Coleman to some depth. Besides this severe Injury the woman is suffering from the shock. Mrs. Coleman received several Injuries about the back of the neck, on has, shoulders and a slight gosh on her left cheek. She also sustained a severe shock. Mrs. Bragg was more fortunate than her two companions In rolling In some manner to the brick side walk a few feet from the fenoe. The cause of the accident was the break ing of a section ot railing at the east end of the porch. Mr. Coleman had warned the woman of the evident frailness of the roiling. Just before the accident occurred Mrs. Coleman-Stuchart was sitting on the railing, with her back toward the sidewalk and her daughter-in-law and Mrs. Bragg stanJlng at her side. Hears Railing Crack. The daughter-in-law heard the railing crack and Immediately tried to pull Mrs. Coleman-Stuckart forward onto the porch, but Instead the thre women" and the rail ing went together, Mrs. Coleman-8tuckart going over backwards with the others on top of her. Mrs. Coleman-Btucknrt and mother-in-law struck the sharp spiked fence on the wall, while Mrs. Bragg passed over to ths walk. While the distance from the railing to the fence and walk Is not great the sharp spikes on the fence lent a serious aspect to the accident. The women were carried Into the house and attended by Dr. A. L. Clark. Bhtn Mra. Coleman-Stuckart and Mrs. Bragg are quite heavy. Mrs. Coleman-Stuckart Is visiting her son. She lives In Boston and Is widely known throughout the country as a lec turer snd writer on topics pertaining to the , advancement of home life. She la the ad vocate of original Ideas In connection with I the construction of homes. A similar accident occurred- two blocks from the Coleman home a few days ago. Miss Bernlce Jackson at that time being precipitated nearly twenty-five feet from a rear porch. The apparatus responding at the time of the Coleman accident was going to what proved to be a false alarm. Panie Averted. In case of constipation, peritonitis, etc, panic Ik averted by curing yourself with Dr. King's New Life Pills. 2&o. For sale by Sherman McConnell Drug Co. -.HYMENEAL i! Price-Warner. ALBION, Neb.. July. 27. (Special.) Captain Wllber B. Price of Company M Second Nebraska National Guards of this city, was married today, at Stanton, Neb., to Miss Agnes Wurner, a former teacher df .the Albion schools. Mr. Price Is as sistant cashier of the Albion National bank, and one of the rising young business men of the city. Ik. m..i .1 1 11 mil mums 11 .1. i.m.JI ii inn mi II ,.., I, , I,..,...,,,,,.. , II Hill. MM. 1 1 II US I I . ..-W , eaviin You will want your favor ite newspaper, The Omaha Bee, to go along with you. It is better than a daily letter from home. Before leaving give your order to have The Bee mailed to your out-of-town address. The address may be changed as often as you wish. Telephone 897 or fill out and mail us the blank below. CIKPULATION DBP'T. OMAHA. I3BB. J?lonso havo Tho Dally Sunday JBoo now Qolng to t (Present address) aont until. IOO0, or until further orders, to addroas bolowj ( address) IE 9 BAD BLOOD INVITES DISEASE The blow! supplies nourisrimcrit an4 strength to every Prt of tha body when it is rich, pnre and healthy. When from any cause it becomes diseased or weak It cannot Sunp1r the nutriment the system reeds, and the body is unable to resist the diseases and troubles that are constantly astallisg it to break down the health. X bars used 8. B. 8. and fownd it to bs an excellent blood purifier and tonia. My blood was weak and laaaare, and as g result my system wcin ..ij m 1-u rundown and debilitated. Host twenty or more pounds in weight, had no p pe tite and wasin bad shape. Seeing 8. 8.8. advertised I began its ass. aad am well pleased with ths resultsMter aslag it for soms little whils. My system and general health have been wonderfully built up. and I no not hesitate l9 il B. H. 8. the orsdlt for tt. H. HABTIN. Warren, O., 60 Ssoond Bt. Rheumatism. Skin Diseases, Scrofula, Catarrh, Old Sores, Malaria, Contagious Blood Poison, etc., are the results of bid or diseased blood, and until this vital fluid is cleansed and tnada pure, strong snd healthy, these diseases will continue. The greatest of all blood purifiers and tonics ia S. 8. S. It has been curing all diseases of the blood for more than forty rears bv firoinjr down to the very root nf. ihe trouble, forcing out ail poisons and impurities and building up every part of the system by its fine tonic effect. S. 8. 8. 1 cures Rheuma tism, Skin Dis eases, Scrofula. Catarrh, Old Sores, Malaria, Contagious Dlood Poison and all other PURELY VEGETABLE. blood troubles, and cures them perma nently. S. S. S. is the ack aowledged kiiier of blood purifiers and the greatest of all Ionics. Books on the different dis eases, and any medical advice yon may wish will be given without charge. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, St. CHEAP TRIPS SOUTHWEST To Indian Territory Oklahoma and Texas ONE FARE, PLUS $200, FOR TUB ROUND TRIP, ON August 1st & 15th Tickets good twenty-one days, with Stop-overs In both directions. TAKE THI8 OPPORTUNITY If you want to see the most prosperous, pro gressive section In the country. Mora and better chances for Investment and for homeeeekers than elsewhere. For rates and rarttculars call on mi or write. W. P. LINDSAY, District Immigration Agent, 1324a Farnam St. Omaha, Ne-b. SSwSBssngSSSafla "SOUTHWEST" TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER Write for a Sanialo Copy. , $ Towa o and V , i i i