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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1905)
TIIE OMAHA DAILY DEE: FRIDAY, JULY 29. 1903. T-5 s - ) 7 1 5 7 7 1 GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Leading Cereal it Erratic, out Higher at the Uote. FA1S IN NORTHWEST) WHEAT STRONG Moisture tn Kama Weakens Corn- Contf la tAbeat Reported at Wliilp(-Wtil Slate Re ports Say ol Rut, OMAHA. July 27, 1906. It wai an erratic market In wheat. The opening Ml higher, but the demand was poor and price uropped oft until they were considerably below yesterday. It be- fan raining; In the northwest, boosting prices In Mlnneaiiolis, and the other mar Sift followed. The close snowed a sub stantial gain over yesterday. July finished at mc, September at 8AiTS7c and De cember at VI -u.88u. . Rain In Kansas, where they have set up -in try weatner howl for a week, weakened the corn market. Good acceptances at country points was a contributing factor. July closed at 64c. old July at Mc, Sep tember at 83c, old September at U4j.64c, Iecember at 45o and old December at 48c. Oats took a tumble along with corn. July was 28o, September 28c and Decem ber 29c Spot corn on the Omaha market waa down Ho from yesterday, 60e being asked for No. 1 white. The spot market la Jo lower than It waa last Friday. Liverpool cabled wheat firmer on reported damage to Russian crop. Spot corn waa firm and futures dull. heat closed 'oVJ higher and corn d lower. A corner In July wheat is on at Winni peg. Wednesday evening prices bad ad vanced there 7c In four days The trade has it that Valentine was buying in Chicago and selling September wheat in Minneapo lis yesterday. Rankin, at Chicago, to the Adams Oraln company, at Omaha, says: "The first move ment 01 wheat la about over and elevator people have been unable to buy any cash wheat at anything like prices In the pit. 1 believe the future markets will have to advance 8&4c a bushel to come up to prices paid at country points or they will get no het delivered." The North Dakota crop buletln says re ports regarding black rust are conflicting, but It does not seem to be widespread or to have done any particular damage so far. The South Dakota bulletin says: "earing wheat is showing some black rust In scat tered localities in middle and northern counties east of the Missouri river. It seems to be confined mostly to the leaves, but Is doing no material damage yet. There Is considerable complaint of ainut and a little of blight." Chicago cash handlers of corn had larger m-wpmncei or corn irom tne west yester day, especially from Nebraska, one house buying 100.000 bushels. Increased offerings are due to a falling off at the western and southern demand. The head of a larga cash house said: "May corn looka like a pretty fair purchase to me. Our cable In dicates that they are needing rain very badly In Hungary and Roumanla. If this crop should be hurt It will make a nig aemana ror corn from this country and theV m I ff h f miVa & m I I n Awnnetna v Liverpool states that offerings of Argentina corn are limited and business is transacted mostly on consignments. Smaller shipments are expected by Beptember and estimates of th sixa of the last crop are being re- UUUGU, ' Omaha) Cask Prices. WHEAT New No. 2 hard, 81c; No. 8 hard, 7c; No. 4 hard, 75c; No. 8 spring. 860. CORN No. 2, 494c; No. 3, 49c; No. 4. 48e; no grade, 44t47c; No. 3 yellow. 50c; do. yenow, 4o; wo. i white, 60c; No. 3 Willi, puc. OATS No. 2 mixed, 29c: No. I mixed, 28c; No. 4 mixed. 2SC; No. i white. 81o; No. 8 white, 30c; No. 4 white, 30c; standard, Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Com Oats. Chicago 27 29 53 195 Kansas city Minneapolis Omaha Duluth St. Louis 121 .53 U , 1 146 65 79 Mlaaoapolla Grala Market. The range of prices pttli in Minneapolis, as reported by the Ed wards- Wood com pany. llu-Ul Hoard of Trad building, waa Artlcl. Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Ye y. Tju?y.hfrstJx 6ept...I2fil 94 if 01 93 92 Dc..laB4l. ; V fo 9t iS) WEATHER IX THE GRAI1 BELT Cloadr aad TareatlenlBS; Wrath Prat-alla Over Ceatral Portloa. OMAHA. Julv 27. 1906. Cloudy and threatening weather prevail! over the entire central portion of the coun try this morning and light and scattered rains are falling In the upper Missouri and middle MIhsIssIddI valleys. 1Ocal showers occurred in the central valleys and west during the last twenty-four hour and the outlook Is favorable for showery weather In the central valleys tonight and Friday. Excessive rains occurred at points in east ern Kansas and western Missouri; a fall of 6.82 lnche being recorded at Fort Scott. Kan. Omaha record of temperature and pre cipitation compared with the corresponding day OI in aaai inree year; 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 64 64 74 63 Precipitation' ... T .00 .00 T Normal temperature for today, 76 degree. Deficiency In precipitation sine March L 7.06 Inches. Deficiency correapondtnir period tn 1904, 1.80 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In ltOt, s. aj invnw.. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Tamp. Rain, fftation. Max. Mln. Inches. Bky. Ashluau. Nel)... 76 Auburn. Neb 73 63 .00 .16 Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy . Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy Cloudy 61 62 60 66 64 63 62 64 69 69 60 62 69 Columbus, Nab.. 7 Kalrbury, Neb... 85 Fairmont, Neb... 71 Gr. Island. Neb.. 78 . .00 .00 .00 .00 T .00 T .00 .04 .19 .00 .01 .01 Hartlngton. Neb. 70 1 Oakdala, Neb. 77 umana, rieo,... Tekamah, Neb. Carroll. Ia Clarlnda. Ia.... Sibley, la Sioux Cltv. Ia.. , 74 73 , 66 , 76 , 70 . 68 . 66 Storm Lake, la. Cloudy DISTRICT AVERAGES. No. of Temp. - Rain. ' Central. Elation. Max. Mln. 1 nones. Chicago, 111..... Columbus, O De Molnea, la... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Louisville. Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb bu Louis, Mo.... 29 78 6S ,01 18 80 66 .00 14 72 60 .16 11 83 60 T 18 82 62 1.38 19 82 62 .01 28 78 ' to ' .10 15 74 62 .02 U 78 63 .24 L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster. Kaasaa City Grata aad Prortsloaa. The rang of prices paid In Kansas City -as reported by th Edwards-Wood company. U0-U1 Hoard ol Trad buiiaing, wa: Article. Open. I Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Y y. Wheat July... Sept... Dec... Cu July... SepT... Lee... Oats Sept... Pork July... . Sept.., Lata July.., bept.. Bins July., kept.. 80! 80 7 80 o 80 76 77 77 T7 79 7S 49 49 48 J 4es ' 89 toV. 4o 26 26 r 12 90 12 92 11 80 12 90 U 02 U 96 7 08 T 01 T 17 7 20 7 16 T 67 7 66 7 80 T 87 7 80 77HS''" fS 7l 48 4tl 40n 4Wt V It 90 12 83 U 0j U 9:-90 7 IT 7 67 1 80 I 20 -Yin- KANSAS CITY. July 17. WHEAT Steady; July, eUc; September, 7-jj7&-ic; De cember, 79c; cash. No. 2 hard, 8wu3e; no. a. TJMtuSlc; No. 4. 74avftc; No. 2 rd. uajNi'c; xo. i. ii,.'c; no. 4, i.liooHC. COKN Lower; July, c; September, 45ji-t6c: December. Ufi3c: May. Sieve: caan. No. 8 mixed, tsc; No. 3- 4hQ'48c; NO. I wblte, Kwxesc; r.o. x, tofucjoa OATS Steady ; No. I white, a-4ii:c; No. RYE Steady: 66.7a HAY Hieady: choice timothy, 88.609.00; prsurle, KW7.0O. Bl TTLR bieady; creamery, !&&18o; lacKing, Joe. EUGSmeady; - Missouri and Kam new No. 2. whltewood cases included, lac; case count. 14c; cases returned. c leaa. Keceipts. bhipments. Wheat, bushel .lae) Corn, bushels t aVO W.MQ Ctus, bushels U,uuO la.vuD Llver4Ml Orala Market. ..LIVERPOOL. July 17. WHEAT Soot; NenHnai. Iitures: Quiet; July. nomlnaUi Beptember. (c kd: Dax-ember, ta 7id. MtOi-m Jaajfcttt krin; AiaKicaui mixed, 6s $d. Futures: Market Quiet; July, nominal; September, in 9d. CHICAGO f;RAH AJJD PROVISIONS Features of the Trading a4 Closing; Prices tin Board ef Trade. CHICAGO. July B.-An official forecast Of rain for Minnesota and the Dakota had a strengthening influence on the wheat market here today. At the close September wheat was up V. Corn Is oft HuV. Oats are down He. rrovieions are tunic hlgner. The wheal market opened lutn, with September up Vqc to tt'v at i-iKic. Wet weather in the not lowest was Hie principal reason for the Initial til-tunes. Another factor was a fair advance at Liverpool. As a result of weather bureau predictions of rain tomorrow throughout Minnesota and tne Dakota an active de mand developed from communion houses and caused prices to advance atxive the, opening level. September touching 87c. Towaru the end 01 the first hour, however, the market became quite weak. A snarp break In corn was partly responsible tor quite liberal profit-taking In wheat and atarted wheat prices downward. In ad dition crop news from wheat In the north west, while conflicting, furnished much en couragement to bears, many advices as serting that black rust had done Utile damage thus far. On the reaction Bep tember sold off to Wcac. The weakness was shortlived. Shorts soon begun to buy freely again. The close waa firm, with September at SPetiSTc. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 18.000 bu. Min neapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported re ceipts of 434 cars, against 231 cars last week and 2i cars a year ago. Heavy liquidation by prominent longs caused weakness in the corn market. Ideal weather for the growing crop was the main bearish factor. Reports regarding the progress of the hew crop were gen erally extremely favorable. A decline of lo to lo In the price of cash corn had a weakening effect on option prices. Pros pects 01 a lioerai increase in movement, favored the bears. Late in the session a partial recovery of the rarly losses oc curred on buying by shorts. The close was rainy eteariy. Beptember opened a snaue lower at 63c. sold between b2a and 63c and closed at 53c. Local receipts were Jo9 cars, with 70 of contract grade. Weakness of corn resulted In renewed liquidation of oats. In consequence the market waa inclined to weakness. Wet weather In the harvesting districts partly offset the effect of the break in corn. Sep tember opened tUo higher at atvrivs'.u, sold off to 28c and closed at 28c. Local receipts were 196 cars. Provisions were firm, under a rair ae- mand from packers and shorts. The yel low fever situation was consiaerea to De well In check and this fact tended to strengthen values in the provisions pit. At the close September pork was up 10c at $13.10. Lard was up 7tH0c at $7.30. Ribs were tVrJ7e higher at Ii.V-'Yt'U i x. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 161 cars: corn. 21 cars; oats, 231 cars; hogs, l.ono head. . . The leading futures ranged as ioiiows: Artloles.l Open. Hlgh. Low. Close ! Yes'y. Wheat July ; Sept. Dec. 86' SJ1! 86 I S-VS 8-7l 874i 87B85' 87 Corn- July M 55 V 64H 64 R1 63' tJuly B4; THept. tSept. tDec. 63) p24 53V! 62H 45- 29'4 28V. 63 53t K1Tvs 46 o 45 29 H 29 30 13 15 Oats- July Sept. Dec. WW, 30 2 81(6 ia re 12 97 7 22 7 30 7 87 7 92 fflV May Pork- Sept. 1 00 IS IS 97H 12 87i Oct. 13 07H 13 0714 Lard- Sept. Oct. 7 20 7 30 7 39 7 20 7 30 7 85 7 90 7 SO 7 S7H 7 87 Ribs- Sept. 7 87H 7 92 7 ( 7 95 Oct. 7 97HI 7 97V4 No. 1 fOid. JNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easier: winter patents, $4.3vfJ 4.40; straights,; spring patents, 48otS.40; straights. $3.60i"a4.85; baker. 62.40 fi3 40. W HEAT No. t aprlng, ll.04igl.10; No. S, 9oc?jtl.0n; No. I red, 88c. CORN NO. Z, SCac: INO. z yenow, ooc. OATS No. 2. 29fi30c; No. 2 white, new. 81c: No. S white. ai31o. RYB No. Z, hoc. . , BARLEY Oood feeding, 87S38c; fair to choice malting, 42845c. SEED No. 1 flax, 11.80; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.89; prime timothy, 13.16; clover, con tract grade. 112. 75fj 13.00. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., HS.ORfT rM,10vJLard, par 100 lbs.. 87.12p7.15- . Short ribs 'Sides tioosei,'ii.v). onon ciear sides (boxed). $7.87(&.O0. The receipts and snipmenta oi nour ana (Tain were as follows: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 83.6YIO 15,900 Wheat, bu 227,000 20.4Ym Corn, bn ! 815,000 4B1.8O0 Oats, bu 271.200 140,000 ttye, ou Barley, bu 22.000 8.100 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market wa steady; creameries, 16tiTJic; dairy. 16ql8c. Eggs, firm; at mark, cases Included, 15c- firsts, 16c; prime first, 18c; extras, 20c. cheese, strong, 10 'S 11c. St. Lewis Geaeral Market. ST. LOUIS, July 27. WHEAT Higher on rains; No. 2 red cash, elevator, nominal; track, 86g87e: September, 82c; December, 84c; No. 2 hard, 84(jOc.e. CORN Lower; No. 2 cash. 63c; track, 64c; Beptember, 60Sc; December, 43c. OATS Steady; no. I casn, nominal; track, 28S29o new, 32e old; July, 29c; Sep tember. Zixc: rso. z wnue, ta new, c old. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, 24. 406460: extra fancy and straight. $3.96rt 4.10; clear,$3.2EVErS.40. BESU-Timothy, steaay, spot,; new, $3.60. CUKINfflEALr-melltir, M.(U. BRAN Steady: sacked, east track. 72ft 78o. v HAT Hteady: timothy, x.iJWi4.w; prai rie. r76O10.60. IRON COTTON TIES B9C BAOOINO 8c. HEMP TWINE 6Hc. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; lobbing, 113.30. Lard, higher; prim steam, 84.76. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed extra shorts, 87-87; clear ribs, 88.87; short clears, 3.62. Bacon, steady; ooxea extra snort, ts.uft; dear ribs, 89.12: short clear, 39.87. POULTRY Steady; chickens. 10c; springs, 12o; turkeys, 13c; ducks. 78o; geese, 6tt. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 15Hf20o; dairy. 14rt7o. EQQ6-Steady, 1SQ, cae count. Recelms. Shipment. Flour, bbls 7.000 7,000 Wheat, bu i.i"u Corn. bu. 66.no0 23.no0 Oats, bu 80,000 60,000 Mllraaaksa Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. July 27. WHEAT Mar ket lc lower; No. 1 northern, 31.11: No. 2 northern. 81064.109; September, hoftWo'C, bid. . RYE Hteady; no. i, mine. BARLEY Market 28o lowers No. 2, 62c; mnla. Vn0o. CORN Market lc lower; No. 8, 65 66c; September, W(ui'c, bid. Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 27.-WHEAT-July. ri.ot; September, 8c; December, 90 9cc; No. l hard, xi.K": iso. i northern, Il.uS: No. 2 northern. 21.06. r LaJCri r irsi patents, w wji ji; secona Da tents. li.St'u'i Of; first clears. 14(a4.10; imc- ond clears, l.tUi.i6. BRAN lb bulk. (12.70311-00. Philadelphia Frodao Market. PHILADELPHIA, July 27. BUTTER Firm: extra western creamery, 21c. K JUS Firm; western, fresh, LalSo, at mark. CHEESE? Firm; New York run creams. KHiUo; dumeatlc swisa. Hi lie. ; Dalatb Grata Market. DULUTH, July 27. WHEAT To arrive No. 1 northern. 81.08. On track: No. northern, 21.09; No. 1 northern, 31.01; July 11 04); September, new, 8c; September, old, 3o. uats-to arrive, zve. un track. 183. September, to arrive, too. Peoria Market, PEORIA July r.-CORN-Lower v a yellow, 64c; No. 3, 84sc: No. 4. 6jc no grade. OATS Lower; No. 3 white, alfiilSc: ne 28o; No. 4 white, 30O3uc; new, kc Evaaarated Apples aad Dried Frails. NEW YORK, July 16. EVAPORATED APPLES The market continues firm on short crop reports, with futures held higher and a moderate demand for spot supplies. Common to good are quoted at 4it6c, prime at tVtftifcc, choice at oU7c, and lauvy at 7c. CALIFORNIA DUIEIJ Ki ll H frunea are firm, but unchanged, prices ranging from 3c to 6c, according to grade. Apricots showed a steadier lone at the decline. Choice are quoted at 9o9c. extra choice at 10-fillc. fancy at 12 til 5c. Peachea are H . ...... n ....... . 1 , . n cboloe at lo61oc, fancy at U4l2c. Rais ins are dull, with purchases limited to Im mediate needs. Loose Muscatel are quotaxl at 44So, seeded raisins at (VltfeiVsO and London layers at NEW YORK STOCKS AND RONDS Market is Inactive, with Price in Bone Lines Higher. RAILWAYS SHOW THE MOST STRENGTH Foreign Eickanee Reacts Skarplr ad Russia a Roads His at Parts cm Prospect of Peae. NfcTVV YORK. July 27 -Somethlng like an Imitation ot activity apptared at times in tne stoca market today, but notwitnstana' Ing this appearance tne total of sales for the clay reveals small Increase In the actual volume ot the market. The rapid move' ment of special stocks of secondary tin' porlance ws what gave color to the spec ulation and It will be seen that many of tne most prominent stocks on the list were dealt in loo suihII extent and that the in' cilia of the list as a whole was at no time wholly overcome. With the notable excep tion of the Krle stocks, which were sub jected to the profit taking, which has proved Inevitable in all recent cases on in publication of good hews, prices ad- vancea siowiy; but while the tries mem selves were backward, the placing of the second preferred srock on the dividend list by yesterday's declaration of a full year's dividend was undoubtedly a prime tactor in encouraging the professional attempt to initiate a movement lor a rise, vs nen tne action of the Erie directors Is considered as a supplement to the Increased dividends on Reading, Baltimore & Ohio and Amalga mated Copper and the retention for Illi nois Central of what has been called an extra disbursement and designed to cele brate a notable occasion for the company there Is presented quite a comprehensive array of evidence of confidence existing among mansKers tn the stability of the con riltlons which have lifted the profits of oix'ratlons so as to enable Increased dis bursement to stockholders. " While some of the western railroads shared in the day's strength, stocks of the southern and east ern trunk lines were tho conspicuous fea- turea of strength, the so-called differential lines enjoying the widest movements. Stocka of these companies are compura' tlvely Inactive and so subject to more ef fect from manipulation or suddenly exe cuted orders. Foreign exchange reacted sharply. In spite of the hardening of Iondon discounts, and some attention was paid to reports of peace prospects and especially to the rise of Russian bonds In Paris. The taking of the day's profits involved some Inroads upon prices In the last hour of trading, but tne closing tone was firm. Bonds were firm; total sales, par value, I3,ins. mo. United States new 4s advanced v on call. The quotations on the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: Sales High. Low. Close. Adams Express Amal. copper 26,000 Am. Car Ac Foun 600 83 3o' 9o' 30 82 9d - 30 82 86 do preferred 2"0 Am. Cotton OH 2u0 29 do preferred , American Express Am. Hide & L. pfd.. 600 40 Am. Ice Securities 9i 39 in 48 89 .0 18 41 Am. Linseed Oil 1,3"0 do preferred 8i0 Am. Locomotive .... 2.1U0 2' 42 4D 48 111 118 do preferred Am. Smelt. & R'f'g. .32,100 115 ym 138 96 110 lOivt 156 113 99 6S 152 199 62 do preferred 1.2if 120 Am. Sugar R'f'g... Am. Tobacco, pfd. Anaconda Mln. Co. Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast L... .. 6o0 1.300 .. 2,000 .. 2,200 .. 2o0 .. 300 ..19,1 .. 800 .. 6.K00 .. 8,500 .. 100 .. 8,5uO 139 97 111 86 102 157 114 99 6N 153 1!9 64 79 19 2 180 96 HO' 85 iuz4 167 Baltimore & Ohio. 114 do preferred Brooklyn Kapld T. 68 Canadian Pacific .. Central of N. J... Ches. & Ohio Chicago & Alton... 1 64 33 do preferred 2o0 79 19 209 178 ffl" 9T 44 27 Great Western 9"0 Chicago & N. W 300 C. M. & St. P 15.600 19 Ml 160 C. Term. & Trans.... 18 89 do preferred 600 89 97 C, C, C. & St. L... Colo. Fuel A Iron... Colo. & Southern 100 1,V 96 46 . 27 400 27 do 1st preferred... do 2d preferred..... 69 100 38 87 Consolidated Qas ... Corn Products 188 .. 800 .. 100 .. 5,600 .. 8.800 .. 200 !! '306 ..19,200 ..16,500 ..13.4U0 10 47 193. 899 81 40 47 86 75 10 47 191 895 81 4o 4 84 74 K' do nreferred 40 Del. A Hudson ...... Del., Lack. A W Denver & R. Q 191 895 81 do preferred 86 Distillers' Secur.. Erie 40 4WJ do 1st preferred do 2d preferred. 84 74 wn, Electric 173 Hocking Valley Illinois Central 80 9,100 172 78 169 78 172 International Paper., 18 do Dreferred 100 78 International Pump. 27 do preferred Iowa Central 26 6 .26 67 144 164 82 127U, 21 do preferred K. C. Southern 100 25 26 17(10 145" 143 3m 165 165 1. nun 81 K 7.9HO 127 126 1,800 21 21 L4io ici 123 9i) lfitl 169 1.4W H 9H 2o0 2S fH 10 ex 63 1,000 45 45 400 14" 144" 2, 0O 63 60 do Dreferred Louisville & Nash... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mex. Central Minn. & St. L M , St. P. & 8. 8. M 134 159 do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. A Tex 28 do preferred bo 45 National Lead N. R. R. of Mex, pfd. 87 n. . . entrai N. Y.. Ont. A W.... Norfolk A Western 145 61 86 2,5(0 86 86 do Dreferred North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania ! People's Qas P.. C. C. A St. Jj Pressed Steel Car.... : 99 43 142 104 lb 89 do preferred 94 Pullman Pal. Car Reading ( an 104 do 1st preferred.,., do 2d preferred 92 Republic Steel 2o 62 8 do prererred Rock Island Co do preferred Rubber Ooods do preferred St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do preferred Southern Paclflo do preferred Southern Railway.... do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron.... Texas A Fnclflc, :. Toledo. St. L. A W.. do preferred I'nlon Pacific I do preferred IT. R. Express V. S. Renltv U. 8. Rubber do preferred IT. 8. Steel : do preferred : Vs. -Car. Chemical do preferred Wabash v . do preferred Wells-Farsro E Westlnghouse Elec... Western Union Wheeling A L. B 7ft 84 ,104 67 22 69 64 117 82 t M So 88 66 12" 98 Ml 1?9 HI 1?3 91 4 1WV4 X4 1W . 714 10SH 18 1 IS Wisconsin Centra! Northern Psclfle . Central Leather .. do preferred .... Ex-dlvldend. 2H t arm 1 6v StO 804 4? 104 41 103 41 104 Total sales fer the day, 474.300 shares. London Stork Market. LONDON, July 27, Closing quotations on stoma were: Conaola, monar 0V?if. T Central... da account t"V Norfolk W... Anaconda "Si do pfd Airhlaon 17 j Ontario 4V W... do pfd lot iPanmylvanla ., .144 . tvi . sv, . tv. Baltimore a onto ntv. Rand Mlnea .... ( anadlaa PaclOo 147 Reading Ches. Oulo 84 do lat pfd Ot. W 10 do Id pfd C. at. A Bt. P 1UVI southern Kallwar PaHaara 14V, da pfd banvar A R. O II H Sonthara raclao . da pfd '.. Mv, tnion Panic grta 411k' do pfd do lat pfd 4V C I. Steal do td pfd nt do pfd Illinois Cantral 1TI Wabaah Louie Nean lal I do pfd U . K. A T H Spanlah 4a . 4V . 11 .11 . 44 .111 VI .1UQ . 41 .1U444 .. 14, . 41 11 SILVER Far. steady. V 3-16d per ounce. eiv.i e. i i- per ucm. 1 he rate or discount in r,o open market for short bills Is 1 11-164)1 per ceDt; for tnret monins diiis, 144 per cent. Bank of 1'raaea Mateaaeat. PARIS. July 27. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes In circulation, de creased ; treasury aocounts cur rent. Increased 45 87b Oof; general aocounts current, increased hs.l75.:uf ; geld In hand. Increased l".l"i uuuf ; bills discounted, de creased S.lSO.iKiT. Trrasary Ktatraneut. WABHINOTON, July !7. Today's state mnt ol l Us treasury balances la th gou- eral fund, exclusive ft the II V, (W.Ann gold reserve, shows svaimrne can naiance, tl2J.152.S4s; gold coin and bullion, W.S'.'S, 215. New VOrlt Money Market. NEW YORK. July 17 Ml "NET On call. steady, lfj8 per cent; closing bid 1. offered at a. Time loans, easy; sixty ds. I per cent; ninety days, 3 per cent; six months, 8Srr cert. PRIME MERCA.NT1L.K KArtK-nM per cent. BTfc.Kl.IX! ulliA.ur.-r.y. wun ac tual business in banker s bills at $4 861 4 WTO for demand and at $4.Mf u4 Ms for sixty days bills; posted rates, 4.8t ana 14 8714. Commercial bills, $4 M. HAH eiL,VJiM wc; Mexican uwim, iiONDS-Oovernmcnt and railroad, firm. Closing quotations on nonas were: D. a f la, ros pd1! Japan 4a. rtfa. . . so coupon .109V do td acrtaa.... .ls rtta .. .14 LAN unl. 4a .1.11 Manhattan c. .11 ; Max. Central 4a 1"4 da lat Ino .104 .Minn aV St. L ' .... - .... 2 ...AUi I. ..KM .... T7H .... M4) .... 10H, .... 47V 4a. 1 .... HV. ...14 .... 71 ....1014 t a. Js. r do coupon I'. i. n , rf do eoupon V 8. out 4a, rf do coupon Am. Tobacco 4a. ctfi TT.V M . K. St T. do fta, ctfa .114 do Ha Atrhttnn sen. 4a.. ..1044 N. R. R. of M. e. .. 7 N. V. l. t lia.. ..l(m N. J. C. ( la.... . .l4a No. Pacific 4a . . tf 1 do 3a , ..114W N. A W. e. 4a .. .. O. S. L rfdg. 4a. .. M 'Pann. conv. IHa.. iReadtng fan. 4a.. do ail. 4a Atlantic r. U 4a. Bal. A Ohio 4a... do I'ia Cantral of Oa. (a. do 1st Inc .... do td ln . ...104 ....1(U Chen. aV Ohio 44a Vhlcaso A A IHa... "I- L- A ' M. c. aa..llV4j C , B M 41....10H4 81. L,. A S. K. If C, H. 1. A P. 4a IU.CU U S. W. c. 4a It do col. 6a. . . t Saaboar.l A. L. 4a.... Ma err. a st. l. Chtraao Tar. 4a 1D3V, So rarlflc 4a M Ktai do lit 4a ctfa Colorado Mid. 4a. Colo. A o. 4a... Colo. ind. is, aat 71 iftn. Ralllrar 6a 11S fV Taiaa A P. la Ill 76 IT , 8t. L. W. 4a.. 4i4 71 I'nlon Pacific 4a 107 do conr. 4a It do n B Cut 6a, ctfa P. A R. O. 4a.... pio U. B, Steal id 6a W 7', Wabaah la Hi Dlatlllara' Sac. 6a EMa nrtor Pen . ...1IH "'h. B do sen. 4a . a western Ml f. W. A P. C. la., ..114 W. A L. E. Hocklni Val. 4ia. . ..! W'l. Central M Boston Stocks and Road. BOSTON, July 27 Call loan, 2Hfc3H per cent; time loans, 8f?-lH cent. Official quotatlona on stocks and bonds were: Atchlaon sdj. 4a. 16 Allouas 114 do 4a 1.... .1U274 Amalgamated .. . 74 i American Zinc . MV4 Atlantic . lc.'Vi Hlngliara . 2!i it'al. A Meola... .... .... S Mpi. Central 4a. Atchlaon .... IB .... 11 do cfd Bnatnn A Albany ....(70 Hoaton A Maine 171 Boston Glavatcd 157 Centennial Copper Hanga , Dalr Weal Dominion Coal Franklin .... 1214 .... 7H Fltrhbura ptd 144 .... Ut N. T.. N. H. A H...2ul Para Marqnetta W .... 7k .... 10S .... 7 .... tl .... .... ltt .... M .... 1 .... II ... .lil" .... W ....106 .... 7 ....111 .... 8 .... 11 .... S3; in4 .... 461, .... 1S .... 12 ....117 I'nlon Pacific Atnar. Argo. Cham ..U9H Oranbr .. U lala Rnyala .... .. ao .Maaa. Mining .. .. Michigan ..131 Mohawk ..UDVi Mont. C. A C, ..1W) Old Dominion ., .. 17 'facaola ..101 parrot .. m Qoincr ..144 Shannon .. 1714 Tamarack .. 40 Trinity .. 44H I'nlted Copper do pfd Amar. Pnau. Tuba. Amar. Sugar do pfd Amar. T. A T Amar. Woolan .... do pfd Pomlnlon 1. A 8.. Kdlaon Klrc. lllu.. Maaa. Elactrlo .... do pfd Maaa. Ua I nltad Krult ,.irVt I - ' Mining... t'nltad Shoe Hack.... (7 i . e. on do pfd 11 Hah V. 8. steal 14 Victoria 102 H Winona S3 .Wolverlna ' do pfd Waatln. common Adventure i. Asked. New York Mlnlnar Stocks. NEW YORK, July 27. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adami Con Little Chief ... Ontario Ophlr I'hoenlx ...... Foloal Savage Iierra Nevada email Hopea .. Standard .... I ....200 ....6itt .... I ID .... 66 .... 11 .... 10 ....110 Alloa . ad ,. 40 . 11 7 .120 .174 .140 . 4 Breece Brunawlck Con .. Comatocg Tunnel Con. Cal. & Vs.. norn bilyar Iron Sllvar Ldvlna Cos .... Offered. 1 Foreign Financial. LONDON. July 27. Money was In good month-end demand In the market today. Discounts hardened owing to the condition of continental exchanges and despite the fact that 37,600,000 Is due the week-end from India. Trading on the Stock Ex change was quiet and the prices had an upward tendency on the presumption that continental movements re making for peace. The prospecta of the conclusion of an Anglo-Japanese treaty caused a demand for Japanese bonds. Consuls hardened. Americans opened steady at slightly above parity, 'ine dealings were narrow. e.rie waa the feature on the announcement of the second preferred dividend. Prices closed steady. Japanese Imperial 6s of 1904 were Quoted at 104A ' BERLIN, July 27.Pt;lreai on' the Bourse todav were firm arid business was uulet. PARIS. July 37.-eTraduig' on the uourse today opened irregular. At the close prices were heavy, itussian imperial iours were quoted at 88.45 and Russian bonds of 19oi at 602. s Bank of England Statement. LONDON. Julv 27. The weekly statement of the Bank of England -shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decreased 151, - 000; circulation, decreased 3.000; bullion. decreased 254,232; other securities, de creased 534,000; other deposits, de creased 741.0oO; public deposits, decreased 26.000; notes reserve, decreased 248.000; government securities, unchanged. The pro- uui nun tji mo uaun ivorive m iiKuiinira this week Is 48.67 per cent, as compared with 48.43 per cent last week. Bank Clearing's. OMAHA. July 27. Bank clearings for to day were 31.496,411.66, and for the corre sponding date last year 8861,434 96. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET Quotations of tho Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. July 27.-FLOUR-Recelnts. 1,856 bbls.; exports, 2,056 bbls.; sales, 6,600 pKgs. ; market quiet and unchanged; winter patents, $4.75(85.00; winter straights, 4 S6tf 4.75; 'Minnesota patents, $6.50&ti.00; winter extra, 33.103.66; Minnesota bakers, 83.75Q 4.15; winter low grades, t3.uuti3.56. Hye flour, steady; sales, 400 bbls; fair to good, 8485b4.a0; choice to fancy, 84.604.75. CORN MEAL Steady: white and yellow, 81.30; coarse, f 1.1631.18; kiln dried, 33.06ftd.10. iiAi.t 1 nominal; :eeaing, 4Vtc c. 1. f.. New York; malting, 46ft 52e. c. I. f., Buffalo. RYE Quiet- No. 8 western, 75c, asked, c 1. f., New York. wheat Receipts. 18,000 bu. Bpot market easy; No. 2 red. nominal, elevator; No. 2 red, elevator, 92c. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31.15, f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 nortnern Manitoba, nominal, r. o. b. afloat. Optlona opened 4c higher on better cables, unfavorable weather in the northwest and higher northwest market, broke I'ac under local selling following weakness In corn, rallied about a cent on covering by room shorts and again eased ' off fractionally. closing steady at a net decline of c to a net advance of lc. May. 92'?i'9S 16-16c. closed at 93 19-32c; July, -ifi93c, closed at 93c; September, 90 S-lti'&'JIHc, closed at 915-lftc; Deecmbor, 91j92 l-16c, closed at 2c. , "1 ,D V D.Mnl. AH C-TH hi, .. - - U 9id bu. Spot market easy; No. 2. &2c, elevator, and 61c, f. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow. 61 c; No. 3 white, 62c. Option market was dull, with no transactions. Closed nominally lc lower with the west. July closed at 6Jc; Beptember closed at 60c. OATS Receipts. 43,5oO bu. Spot market barely steady: mixed 16 to 32 lbs., 35'0c; natural white, 80 to 82 lbs., 36u37c; cllnred white. 3d to 40 lbs.. 38 u 41c. FEE.D Uuie,t; spring bran, 117.35; July shipment middling. Iw.rA HAY Steady ; shipping, 607365c; good to choice. To'aoc. HOPS firm; common to choice, 22&24c: olds, Hytl2c. Paclno coast. 1!.)4 crop, 2-i ac; lHty crosi, ivu-K. 01ns, junt uc. HIUEa jtilet, uaiveston, 20 to a lbs.. Zoc; Texas dry, 24 to 10 lus., inv,r. LKATH ER Steady: acid. I4aic. PROVISIONS Heef, steady; family. 312.00 612 50; mess, WO.OtKtj 10.06. Beef hams, IJ1.W iill M; packet. lUotll.tV); city extra India n.ess. i uwa-o u" cut meats, steaay; picK led bellies, v.25$10.6o; pickled shoulders, 80.6On6.Uu; pickled hams, 310.5o4f 11.00. Lurd, easy; western steamed, $7 80; retired, steady: continent, $7.35: South America, $8: compound, $6 87'fi6.62. Pork, firm; family. $15.6,4 14 Ou. short clear, $13 vj 13 50; nieax, fU.ibyn.iZ. POTATOES rlrm; southern, 81.0051JM. TALLOW-Steady; city. 4(S41i.c. RICE Quiet: domestic, fair lo extra. 30 5c; japan, nominal. BUTTER Finn: renovated, common to extra, 1519c; western Imitation creamery, common to extra, 17319c. i rlbun- un cream, small, colored ana white, fancy, 94,luc; large, colored and white, fancy. KH40. EOGS Firm-; western extra firsts, 19320c. POULTRY Alive, about steady; western spring chickens, 15c; fowls, 14c; turkeys, 14c; dressed, steady to firm; western chickens, 13i;16c; fowls, 11c; turkeys, 139 17C Isgtr aad Molasses. NEW YORK. July 27. SUGAR Raw. steady; fair refining, 3 7-lKc; n test, 4 1-1HJ4 4-J-c. molasses sugar, 1 t-lnc. rinuieu, uuet-iuru, .,. , ivui, i, a.joc, No. s. 4.45c; iso. . 4.41; ro. 14. 4.00c; confec tioners' A, 605c; mould A. 6.66c; cut loaf 8 9H1-; crushed. 6 90c; powdered, 6.80c; gran ulates, c.zoc; cunes, 10 4.1c. MuLASBtS Lull; N-.- Orleans, open Kettle, goon 10 cnoice, zwivc. NEW ORLEANS. July 17. 81 OA R Raw open kettle cn.trlf ugal. 44i47c; centrifugal bites, 4 lfc-ivn l-lec; yellows. a4tc; sec onds. 4'nic. MOLAcbbs- Nominal; open kettle. 3iXc: ccuulfugal, tKllo. eyrup, nouUnttl, Svu. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Beat Beef Steers Stronger, Others Steadj, with Teedera Higher. HOGS SELL WEAK TO A NICKEL LOWER Hheesi aad Lambs Receipts I.laht, with Caadltloas About the Sam as Yesterday aad Prices Still Rale Lower. SOUTH OMAHA. July 27. 19. Receipts were: Cattle. Official Monday 8.2 Hogs. Sheep. 5,i9 13.&W Ufflclal Tuesday 4.471) 10.415 SHlclal Wednesday 3.X7 lrt.MS fllcial Thursday i.&ii n,U7 Four days this week. .14. lW 36.394 Four days last week.... 13.29) 49.H92 Same week before 16.213 33.5KS Same three weks ago. .11,511 21.9J6 Same four weeks bro... .11,184 49,o75 Same days last year '3.0.U 6.634 10.892 6,2t7 ,Tll 86.407 21.2o5 11.98 10. ysi 11, 'i 9. 70S RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts ot cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last year: 19lid. 1!"'4. Inc. Cattle 48.831 4SO.0S 8.2H6 Hogs 1.611.296 l,4o0,321 Sheep 833.147 7o6.1K4 96,963 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several daj a, with comparisons; Date. 1906. l04.lO3.19ta.1901.19O0.189. July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July July Juiy ?2l 8 131 8 601 T 641 8 891 I 8 78 8 18 i 661 T I4 6 M 4 2 8 29 DO 1 ,4 a Ull a ia I 7 84 8 781 8 08 8 73 6 66) II 78 6 1H 3 68 i 33UI 8 26 8 24H1 6 36 8 1 ft 481 1 73 II 111 3 81 6 28 l, tra 1 tii D sa I a 6 161 6 44 11 801 6 831 6 H I " . S 88 I 32 6 321 7 83i 3 "l 8 1JI 8 90 6 8 S 38 7 79i 6 V2i 6 041 3 98 6 S.' V 7 77 6 95, 8 02 4 04 4 09 8 SK 6 o: 14.'. 6 47 6 13 8 18 6 16 7 72 I 5 66 4 Oi 8 99 16.. 6 63 I 6 11 lb.. 17.. 18.. I 6 18 ) 5 83 7 72 6 64 6 02 a 4 01 6 66l t lul 7 7'.' I l bdi 4 M 6 56, 5 21 6 2 7 7S 6 68 4 87 4 16 t tin 1 h. 4 99; 4 19.. 8 b.,.M, 6 lf JO.. I S 5 Hi 21.. 6 61 I loj 5 4ov4 O 14) 24.'.) 5 47 !""! ai..l 5 64 5 P6; July July 6 iV. 5 68 4 9S! 4 19 231 7 Ml It 071 11 6 ih, 7 4ii 5 67i I4I July July July 6 ia) 7 3a i 6 70) 5 r&l ' iUiil 41 6 K)i 6 16! 4 Julv 6 Ofii 7 63! 6 741 6 Oil 4 31 July a oiei b iu , 7 62 1 5 68 1 6 TO, 4 tl July 27.. I I 6 U) 4 S61 I 5 68 5 06 32 lndlcatvs Sunday. ' Indicates holiday, The ofllclHl number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Koau C, M. A St. P 1 6 Missouri Pacific 7 3 .. 1 Union Pacific sj stem 17 30 17 .. C. A N. V cast 3 2 C. & N. W., west 40 67 C, B. Q., west 22 27 C, II. & W , enst 8 1 C, R. I. A P., eaxt.... 1 3 C. R. I. A P.. west.. .. 1 C, St. P., M. & O.... 8 6 Illinois Central 2 1 Chicago O. W 8 2 Total receipts... 117 139 17 1 The disposition of the day's receipts waa as follows, each buyer purchasing tne num ber or head indicated: Buyer. Cattle. Hopt. Sheep. Omana Parkins Co 4S9 1.430 2 Swift and Company 785 2.3o4 92 Oirtuhv Parklnic Co 137 3.456 747 Armour A Co 406 2,738 2,6.'8 Vansant A Co i Lobmnn & R , 139 Mill A Son 40 Huston A Co 3 H. F. Hamilton 62 Squires A Co Independent Packing Co Other buyers 173 Totals 2,863 1S5 176 1.2S7 10.288 8,770 CATTLE The run here was fairly liberal for a Thursday, about 117 loads being on sale. The receipts show an Increase of about forty cara as compared with last Thursday and were some sixty cars heavier than the corresponding day of last year. The quality of the receipts was good and consisted mostiv of corn-fed cattle. The trade on beef steers was In better -shape than It was yesterday and condi tions were In favor of selling Interests. Packers were better buyers and' thore was more life to the trade than there has been for several davs. Trading was fairly ac tive and the stuff waa picked up right alona. On- the nood choice steers the mar ket ruled generally stronger, while on the commoner grades prices were Just about steady. Rough half finished stuff, how ever, was In poor demand and prices on these Kinds were weaaer. 1 ne sioer mar ket fit other points also showed Improve ment. nrobablv on account of the llaht re ceipts. Packers have been complaining of a poor outlet for their beef and have not taken hold with much strength for several days. There waa only a small supply of cows and heifers here today, about a dozen loads being on sale. There was a better feeling on she stuff and trading on these kinds was active. Buyers went right after the stnff and a clearance was made in good season fri,..ea were irenerallv steady to stronger. Hulls, veal calves and stags were In rather small supply today and prices were In Just about tne same noicnes as yestec .iu v HtocKers ana xeeaers were in gwrn urinanu nd the market was anywhere from strong to lOo higher on the good kinds, with others ruling about steady, itepreseniauve saies liEEV STEERS. Ho. A. 1-r. No. At. Pr. 10 74S I 16 10 10l 4 66 11 724 t 10 10 1130 4 46 t 114 I fit I .....1041 4 44 10 K I 40 II 1U67 4 70 44 St I 41 14 1344 4 70 t ISO I 70 II H4 4 70 M 464 I 70 11 1244 4 70 t Ill $ N 11 114 4 M 1 714 I 40 tl ISoT 4 74 I I no $ tt 14 Hal 4 74 1 KKJO 4 00 II 1214 4 74 4 1st 4 00 1 140 4 71 It 1060 4 00 10 1124 4 74 H 1001 4 00 II 11M 4 71 t 7 4 00 11 12l4 4 40 t 1214 4 00 44 1441 4 44 17 1044 4 04 17 Ull 4 40 10 lull 4 10 SO 1114 4 0 47 1044 4 10 21 1141 4 44 J 110 4 U 41 K7 4 to 1 1040 4 14 1 1470 4 40 1 1474 4 94 14 , U3I 4 40 10 1074 4 14 14 1171 4 46 13 161 4 16 41 1331 4 SO . 4 1J 4 40 40 13)4 I 00 1 174 4 44 12 ...1271 I 00 go 121 4 60 47 1264 I 06 18 1141 4 60 41 loi,t I 10 17 1340 4 10 1 1174 I 10 1124 4 10 10 1614 4 II 17 1141 4 40 II 1170 I 14 42 1110 4 60 II 1647 I 10 J.. 1350 4 65 11 l'l0 4 10 14 1111 4 56 14 H20 I 10 S 1174 4 44 41 1424 I 10 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4 1044 4 41 11 114$ 4 7$ cows. 1 441 1 41 1 Ull I 74 1 1010 1 to 4 luol 1 75 I 116 1 00 I lli-O I 75 1 I6 t 2i 4 lu4 2 B0 7 774 I 20 1 lluO I kO I Ull 111 11 1144 I 46 t Ml 1 10 1 160 I 00 1 123 1 10 1 1110 I 00 1 30 I 40 1 HO 1 24 1:0 $ 10 1 1100 I It 1 1140 I 25 4 IUM I 25 I 176 i ti I l'S I 14 It lit I 15 1 1075 I 16 tl 737 $ IV I ....1170 I 41 13 430 I 40 4 1144 I 10 1C 170 I 40 1 12:0 I 74 1 104 $ 40 1 1240 4 04 M a-,4 I 44 1 leoo 4 00 I 10U4 t 44 1 1125 4 00 1 1040 t tt 1 1420 4 14 4 1116 I 70 HEIFERS. 1 610 $ 10 1.. . 410 $ 40 1 64 I 10 1 1104 $ 10 1 4 I 20 1 ....luJD I 74 k0 I 40 I K2 4 00 Io0 t to 7eo. 4 24 1 7.-0 I 40 1 130 4 40 $ 434 $ 00 1 1100 4 7 BULLo. 1 1150 $ 60 1 140 $ 44 1 loi.0 I 16 1 1440 I 00 1 1100 $ 60 1 1j0 $ 04 1 1330 I 40 1 U30 I 14 1 130 I 50 1 ltttO I 40 1 K.0 I 44 1 .1414 $ 64) 1 1767 $ 76 1 4V 3 10 STAG a. 1 1040 I 00 CALVES. 1 440 I 40 1 IH 171 $4 $U 4 40 1 114 I 00 1 U 4 60 . 1 174 I It II 121 4 76 $ 174 lit 1 10 4 71 STUCtvERtt AND FEEDERS. 10 444 i 40 14 434 I 04 1 4.i4 I 15 14 744 $ II 1 114 I 4a 4 471 I 44 It 444 I 74 . 1 4 $ 40 I 4mi I 76 11 1UM I le I M lie 17 74 $ 10 I 7S.3 I 40 SOUTH DAKOTA. J feeders. .l'9 $ feeders.. 8a6 49 cows P96 i feeders.. KM SOo 20 feeders.. 875 8 68 8 10 14 feeders.. 1068 8 0 Kennedy Wyo. 8 46 26 feeders.. 914 t (6 8 00 Kopland Neb. 2 :'5 15 feeders.. 964 3 65 7 heifers... 812 74 tonASKA. 200 6 00 99 rows 786 1 75 97 calves HOGS There was another good run of buss here today, about 142 loads being on sale. Sellers wltb good loppy light weight fuff found little trouble tn disposing pf heir holdings at price lust about steady Itll vesti'tday. Rough lienvles, h nwever, were rnthor nimrult to dispose of ami ruled irener.'illy ae.ik to a nli kel lower. Trading as ralriv active and a clearance was inxiie In fair season. I ilscoureains; reports frcm ,tatrn points hud a bear tendency on tradinar here, but prices held up In pretty Rood shape. The bulk of the hoss sold b-dtv at th Vij so. with the lona strlna: at 85 57 and tops reaching 86.65. Representa tive sales: No. A.. t. re Kav . k rr. M sot lto at 10 til 40 17ii II Ill 14. 14714, Tt JU 1M 4 47 V, 4t I ... 1(0 II Ill I 471 41 14 40 4 40 70 lit iro :s tl !. 1M III 71 Ml 40 I I74, 11 Ill 11 I 10 II 141 I 47, 44 aOO I II 14 41 141 M I 17' 11 in m iu ii ri iro 4 itu it in ... 4 is 11 :m 10 1 t;a 44 t:t ... IK 44 M4 ... I S74) 11 174 M I IS 0 S.O ... 4 7S MS ... I IS 71 141 4 40 71 t! 40 I IS 115 110 I an 7S 215 40 I 14 71 117 40 I 44 (1 i7 140 IS M IM M I 44 M Ill 40 I It 17 !M ... I 40 71 M7 0 I IS l 140 H IN 70 IU 10 I 64 M 40 I II II r 0 III 44 14 ... I at 11 141 10 I SI 7t 1.14 M I 40 II I7 140 I II TO !41 10 I 40 70 ll 140 I IS 70 114 100 I 40 41 174 ... I hi 14 til 10 8 14 M 174 40 I 16 It I't N IN 15 141 ao I a.t II Ill ... I 40 40 HI 40 I IS 14 110 10 I M 10 1l ... I SI 11 tot 40 4 10 It Iftt 140 I 14 tt IN 110 144 t 2S4 110 I IS 70 Ml 40 I to IM to 14 li 1 40 1 47 ISt ... I IS 17 m IM 4 0 Ill ... t 6TH 41. 124 M 4 71 IL'S 140 I 47V 7 1ft J . w. 41 .:0 to I 17V, 71 121 ... I to II Ill 40 171 71 Ill ... 6 44 14 lit ... I 1714 71 Ill 140 144 14 !0 14 4 171 II 117 44 I 44 7S til 40 I S7V, 14 114 40 I 44 41 A4 40 I I7V4 li, 100 44 I 44 43 :3S SO I 87 v, 14 Ill 40 I 40 15 240 44 I I7k4 44. Ill ... I t4 71 '4 ... 6 571, 70 Ill 164 144 44 14 10 I 1714 II Ill 140 I 44 41 ..110 40 ( 17V, 71 N4 14 I 40 74 147 40 I 1714 47 144 ... I 44 71 II '4 ... I 17V, 71 lit 114 144 74 115 40 li.t, ti 171 14 I 44 40 102 M I S7V, 4t 174 40 I tlv, 41 147 ... 47v 1 0T 40 47Vfc 14 144 110 4 1714 II 100 ... I 41V, it Ml 140 4 67 H tt 114 10 II V, 0 174 110 I 57', tt KI ... I 4IV, 17 H 10 I 17V, 44 134 ... I 41V, 78 141 40 I 87V, 114 2l ... I tlv, 10 ?US 40 I 67V, at IM M I 12V, 10 IC2 ... I 87V, It 104 44 I l.-v, 47 160 ... 87 V, Sk lltt ... I at 10 118 40 I 17V, 44 IM 114 4 44 11 IM 140 4 17V, fiff KF.P Althouun there was a Utile bet ter feeling on killers today the general condition of the sheep market was the same as It has been for several days. There were only seventeen cars on sale, nut tne small receipts did not tend to make the trade any better. The feeder end of the cfferlmrs was nicked up in fair season at e-onrl ateaulv nrlcea. there Peing a conmn erable demand for This class of stuff. The fat stuff, however, waa in poor demand ana evoked little Interest 00 the part of buyers, although they did bid, which was moro than they would do yesterday, iraoing was Very slow and dreggy and there vraa very little done till well along In the fore noon. The quality of Uie receipts was not very good and choice kinds, had they been here, probably would have brought steady Pl-ices. Snles today on what was syld early looked a shade lower. Quotations on fat sheep and lambs: uooa to, choice spring lambs, J6.OiWf6.GO; good to choice yearling wethers. $4.tii6.00; good to choice wethers, $4.254i4 50; good to choice ewes, $4.0tKB4.25; cull sheep. $2.00$ 3.00. Quotation on feeder sheen and lamo. Good feeding lambs, $4.fi5?76.00; good feeding yearlings, $4.364f 4.60; good feedlrg wethers, $3 36ifi4.10; good feeding ewes, $2.7D13.50. Representative sales: No. Av. Tr. , 108 4 10 ,60 6 00 .90 3 00 93 8 30 93 3 30 ,97 8 30 ,105 3 SO ,94 4 50 ,99 4 60 ,77 4 50 ,88 4 60 69 6 60 438 Wyoming lambs 1 Wyoming lamn , 20 Idaho ewes, cull 3.S Idaho 23 Idaho ewes ewes ewes ewes wethers 734 Idaho 63 Idaho 72 Idaho 1S3 Idaho yearlings 6M Idaho yearlings 82 Idaho wethers 225 Idaho lambs 69 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Strong; Hous Five Cents Lower Sheep and Lambs Steady. CHICAGO. July. 27. CATTLE Receipts, 8,0oo head; market strong; good to primo steers. $o.20i5.90: poor to medium, 8:1.75 5.10; stoekers and feeders, $2.2.Vfj4.25; cows. $2.50tg4.60; heifers, $2.4054.80; canners, $1.25 fo2.25; bulls,; calves, H.0O&7.00; Texas fed steers, 83.00&4.75; western steers, 83 VKjH 90. - MLni-o Keoeipts, iu.wo neao; eaumatea for tomorrow, 18,000 head; market 6c lower; mixed and butchers, $5.4O0j.O6 ; good .to choice heavy, $S.9o'(Hl.02; rough heavy, $5.26fjfi.7S; light, $6.60fj6.10; bulk of sales, $5.76iiu.95. SHEEP Receipts, 1S.000 head; market steady; good to choice wethers. 34.54? 4.85; fair to choice mixed. 34.0Otij4.50; west ern sheep, 84.ayft4.75: lambs, tS.OOt&I.OO; western lambs, 85.006.78. Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. July 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 6,000 head, including 2,000 south erns; market steady to higher; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $5.0O4j5.6f; fair to good, t4.0otg4.85; western fed steers, t3.50ft6.26; stockers and feeders, $2.75fG-t.'JS; southern steers, $2.754.60; southern cows, $2,004)3.60; native cows, tg.Oufj 1.26; native heifers, $3.00iQ5.00; bulls, I2.0wu3.50; calves, 83 006.75. HOGS Receipts, 8.800 head; market easy to 6c lower; top. $5.n0; bulk of sales, $5 66 410. 85; heavy, $6.fiiih6.70; packers, $5.65iiJ 6.77; pigs and light, $5 4565.80. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2,000 bead; market steady; native lambs to.OOv 616; western fed lambs, $5.00(6.16; fed ewes and yearlings $4.00oj5.25; Texas clipped yearlings, $4.75f).t5.S5; Texas clipped sheep, 84CKg4.&; stockers and feeders, $3.0iyj2 4.25. St. Lonls Live Mock Market. ST. LOUI8. Mo., July 27. CATTLE Re ceipts, 4,000 head. Including 2,800 Texans. Market strong; native shipping and export steers, f 4. 66167 ft. 76; dressed beef and butcher steers, $3.60(5.5o; steers under 1,000 lbs., $3.50&4.8O; stockers and feeders, $2.7534 (0; cows and heifers, $3.0o5.25; canners, il:Jrt(i 2.0O; bulls, $2.16'Tj86; calves, $3.("3(r(.i5; Texas ami Indian steers, $2.7534.75; cows and heifers, $2.Ch33.50. HOUS Receipts, 6,0X) head. Market steady; pigs and lights, $5.756.10; packers, $5.856.95; butchers and best heavy, $6,604(1 6.00. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.CO0 head. Market steady; native muttons, $3.50 CM 26; lambs, $4.2.',7 25; culls and bucks, $i;oik,)0O; stockers, $2.00,4.15; Texans, $3.75 434.76. TV eve- York Lire Stock Market. NEW VOHK, July 27. BEEVES Re ceipts, 44 head. Nothing doing, feeling steady. Exports tomorrow, 60 head sheep. CALVES Receipts', 447 head. Market was steady: veals. $5.0uiJ7.5fl: tops, $7.75; throw outs, t4.OX.4.60; - grassers and buttermilks. In very limited supply, sold at $3 25ft3.50. Dressed calves firmer; city dressed veals, 8illc per lb.; fancy carcasses, 12c; coun try dreHaed, 6iil0c. HOUS Kerei pts. l.Wfl head. Market was steady; good 170 to 2J0-lb. state hogs, $6.40 ft 6. 50. SHEEP A N If I.AM M Receipts, 4.1TO head. Good, handy sheen firm, others steady, but heavy sheep slow; lambs. :(,,; higher; common to good sheep, $o0u(ul.65; culls, tl 60; lambs, $, one car at $7.65; culls, $6.00. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., July 27.-CAT- TLE Receipts. 1,442 head; market steady; native, $3."aij6.60---o-s and heifers,' tliffit 4.W-; stockers and feeders, $2.7iiM 15. HOGS Receipts, 9.211 head: market steady to ec lower; ugnt. io.eiW35.iB; me dium and neavy, 41.IUU9. iu; bum. $5.6a S.72. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts, 1061; market steady. Slons Ity Live Stock Market. CAT-V I'lTV T , , 1 , C , 1 rr- 1 D1UL.A - , tfU7 lUJJffl-lftl 1 n iw gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 4-X) head; mar ket steady: stockers . dull and lower; beeves. $3.7606.00; cows, bulls and mixed, $.' 5tii4 6o; stockers and feeders, $.'.5oj.75; calves and yearlings. $2 5".U3 50. HOGS Receipts, 6,tX) head; market 25c lower, selling at $o.4"Uo.U; bulk of sales, 85.45o 60. lock ia SlgUt. Receipts of live stock at the lis principal western markets yesterday: tattle, nogs unee-. South Omaha Sioux City .. Kansas City St. Joseph .. St. Louis .... Chicago Touts 1.626 10,137 4.721 400 . 6.0M0 6.4O0 8.211 6.0) M.ouO t.uuO 1 442 4.0.4) 8 ouo t.OOO J.oei 18 vjO .22.467 87.148 26.772 Oils aad Rosin. NEW YORK. July 27. OILS-Cottonseed. Irregular: prime crude, nominal; prime yel low. 2VU'.'9c Petroleum, quiet; refined. New York, 1 JO; Philadelphia and Haiti more, $6 85; Phtladelnhut and Baltimore, in bulk. fSisi. Turpentine, dull. 5'yoiic. K S1N Quiet, strained, common to good, $3 t'()3 au. OIL CITY. July 27.-OIL8 Credit bal ances. $1.27; certificates, no bid. Shipments. 5a9o2 bbls., average 67,787 bbls.', runs, 98.733 lrif., average 60,41 bbls. bbipmeuu, Lima, 83 3M bH.. average M.59 bbls : runs. Lima, M.VVi bbls, sverntt" 4S.M bbls. SAVANNAH. July 27. -OH.-Turpentlne. quiet, ,-ne:rr Receipts, l.J7 bbls., ship ment. I.J,) bbls. ROSIN-Flim. Receipt. $ 579 bbls ; hlp pient. 9.(r2T, bbl ; sale fi.f,: bbl. imte: A. H. C, $1; I. $.140; E. $8 70; F. 83 .; tl. 8 : 11. $-05; I. J4; K. 84 18: M. 14 .; N. 84.40; W. tl., $4M; W. W.. 8tH. OV1 til 4. WIIOI.r.LK MARKET. Cnadlflen of Trade and ilaotatloas an laple nnd Inner Prod nee, FIGS Receipts, fair; market steady: candled :,x-k. 14c. LIVE POI I. TRY Hens 9UC: roosters. faiV: turkeys l-'uirc; ducks. 8c; spring dinks bV: spring chickens. I4'nl5. Hl'TTKR - Mm ket firm; packing stock. 14c: ch.ilce to fancy dairy, 177jl8c: cream ery. rwu'Jlc; prints. 2?c. SI'OAR-tanilird granulated. In barrel. $5 tv! per cwt. ; rtibi , $V'.50 per cwt.: cut loaf. $' 96 per cwt.; No. extra C $5 60 per wt.; No 10 extra C. $.'.36 per cwt.: No. 15 vetllnur t -M r,e .,wt WW nrtvel..e 1 $ po per cwt r r kph fish Trout. fc; naiimit. lie; buffnlo (dressed. c; pickerel (dressed), 8c; w-lilte be ( dressed i, fc; eunflsh. c; perch, (scaled and dresscili, c; pike, 10c; catfish, 15c; red snapper. 10c; salmon. 16o: crspples, 12c; eels, 15c: btillhend. 11c; black bans. JOo; Manitoba wMtcflsh (dressed!. 10c: iJike Su perior white-fish (ilvenscd!. 12c; frog legs per dO , 35c: lobsters, green. 27r; boiled lobsters. SOv; shad roe, 45c; blueflsh, 8c. HAY Prices minted bv Omaha Wholesale . H.iv Dealers' stirlntlrin: Choice, $7; No, 1. $6 50; No. 2. 36; coarse, 85. These price ar for hav of good color and quality. BRAN Ter ton. $15. TROPICAL FRUIT. ' ' ORANGES -Valencia, all slscs, 34.7RrS Ml. LEMONS-I.lmonlern, extra fanov. $70. 3oo nnd 3rt sizes. 81 10; fancy. 870, 300 and. 360 sire. $1. DATES Per box of an 1-lh. pkgs., $2; Hstlnn-e'en. In TO-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6 FIGS California, per 10-lh. carton. 75-3 85c; Imported Smyrna. 4-crown. 12c; 6 crown. 12c. M V NANAS-Per medlitm-slird hunch, $1.73 Jl2.26; Jumbos. $2.S0',f.l.fifl. FRUIT8 AND MELONS. PEARS, per 60-lb. box. $2 75. PLUMS California, per 4-basket crate, tl .10011.85. PEACHES Texas Klbertag. per 4-basket crate. 75c; California freestones, per 25 Ih. hoT. $1. CANTALOUPES-Texas, per crate. $3: California, per crate, ponies, 8C,(Kr7jlM; California, stnnditrds, t". WATERMELONS Alnbnma Sweets, Z 40c each; ,-rnted. 1c per lb. RASPBERRIES-Red. ,box of 24 pts, $2. RLACKBERRIES-Caae of 24 qts tl.75ff 2.0fi. WAX BEANS-Per -bu. basket. 2533501 string benn. per -bu. box, A-u.Vic. POTATOES New, per bti., 2o((i35e. ' BEANS Navy, per bu.. t2. CAULIFLOWER Home-grown. rr crafa of 1 dog.. 50r. CUCUMBERS- Per dox.. 25c. TOMATOES Tennessee, per 4-basket crate. ".c. CARkAGB- Honie-grown, In crates, per 111. , IV4jC- ON IONS -Home-grown, yellow, red and write, re per in. BEETS New. per hu;. 75c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE-Swlas, new, 16c; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin lltntierger, 15c; Twins, 12c; Young Americas, Kc. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., l"c; hard shells, per lb., ISc; No. 8 soft sheila, per lb..' Uc; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., Ike. Pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per 11)., 10c. Peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted, per lb., 8c. Chill walnuts, per lb., 13'rii;tc. Almonds, soft shells, per lb 17c; hard shells, per lb., 15c. Shcllbark hickory nuts, per bu., 81.78; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1 tin. , HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; No. 2 green, 7c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted. 8c; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf, 9c; dry salted, 7W 14c; sheep pelts, :';Vfl$l.U0; horse hides, $1.50 tl.i3.00. Wool Market., BOSTON, July 27 WOOL New strength it found in the wool market. This Is partly a result of the satisfactory opening of the better grades of men's wear woolens for spring. In view of large sales and the sat isfactory condition of the goods market lower pilots In the near future are not looked for, on the contrary the tendency Is believed to be distinctly upward. Ter ritory wools have been In fair movement. There Is a steody demand for pulled grades. Foreign wools are firm. Leading quota tions follow: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, 36&37c; X. 3435c; No. 1, 41t)42c; No. 2. 42tf43c; fine unwashed, 28f30c; quar ter blood, unwashed, S6itj36o; three-eighths blood, 36c; half blood, 35c; unwashed de laine, 3o'ri31c; unmerchantable, 82,6 36c; fins washed delaine, 39ii40c. Mlohlgan, fine un--' washed, 27fuSc; quarter blood, unwashed, S3U34c; three-eighths blood, 3463ftc; half blood, 32'4i33c; unwashed delaine, 28c. Ken tucky and Indiana three-eighths and quar ter blood, 36"u37c. Territory, Idaho fine, 2i:r24e; heavy fine, l!jj21o; fine medium, 23424c; medium, wqZlc; low medium, iift 23c; medium, 8((27c; low medium, 2fJ27o. Utah and Nevada fine, 22ty28a; heavy flue, I81j20c; tine medium, 22fi3c; medium, 26 27c; low medium, 27t'J8c. Dakota fine, 22230; fine medium. 22iv23o; medium, 2H7J 27c: low medium, 2(u27c. Montana fine choice, 2526c; fine average, 23(S24c: flna medium choice, 254240; average. :lff22c; staple, 28i ic: medium choice, 2Hif30c. , ST. LOUIS. July 2T WOOLr-8teady; medium grades, combing and clothing. 2t81c; light line. 21i27c; heavy fine, 18(j) 22c; tub washed, 32gr42c. , Metal Market. NEW YORK, July 27 METALS Thers was a considerable reaction in the London tin market following the sensational gains of the last few days, and spot there closed at 149 10s, and futures st 4.148 los. Lo cally the market was easier, With spot quoted at 832 ti5ij32.90. Copper was un- changed, at 67 16s for spot and 68 for futures In tho London markets. Locally the situation shows Increasing firmness, and both lake and electrolytic are Jiow quoted at 815 12'iJ'lS.S7, while casting Is also higher, at $14,764(15.00. Lead was un changed, at 14 In Iondon, but was a little firmer locally, at tt.oofVl.IO. . Spelter advanced 2s 6d to 23 17s 6d In London, and also rul?d firm In the local market, spot closing at ii.&ffd 80 Iron closed at 4f 4d In Glasgow, and at 46s 4d In Mid-; dlesboro. Locally Iron was unchanged: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at $16 25 4)17.00; No. 2 foundry northern. $15-75(ffl6.&0: No. 1 foundry southern, $15.7616.75; No. 1 foundry soutnern. soft, tl6.oowi7.28; No. 1 foundry southern, tl6.504f'15 26. ST. LOUIS. July 27 METALv-Lsad. firm, t4.60. Spelter, steady, 85.40. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. July 27.-COTTON Spot quiet, 10 ix.lnts lower; middling upiano.. 11.05c; middling gulf, 11.3oc. Sales, 6,160 b- . . LIV ERPOOL. July Z7.-4.Mri ion opoi in loderate demand, prices 16 points lower, .merlcan middling fair, 4.39d; good mid dling, .09d; midtlllng. 5.93d; low middling, 6.77d; good ordinary, l.59d; ordinary, 6.431. The sales of the day were i,mj naies, 01 which 200 were for speculation and export. and Included 6,400 American. Receipts, none. ST. LOUIS, July :(.-cuuu-Miirn quiet; middling. 10c. Sales, none; receti s. none; shipments, 10 bales; stock. Zi.bdi bales. NEW ORLEANS. July n.-COTTON-Spot quiet. Sules. 950 bales. Ordinary, 8c; good ordinary, 9 3-lftc; low middling. 10 1-16'-; middling. 1011-lc; good middling. Uc; mid dling fair. 11 6-lHc. Receipts, 8,290 DtUcs; stock, 71,277 bales. Toledo Seed Market. TOLEDO. July 27 SEEDS Clover, cash, 8T70; October, 15.67, bid; December. $5.65, bid. Alsike, August, $7 fl- Timothy, prwns. tl67. Herk May Hans; Friday. 'CHICAGO, July 27 Oivernor Deneen said today that he would not Interfere with Bluebeard" Johann lloch's execution, which is set for tomorrow. It was stated, however, that the governor would present the case to the state Board of Pardons, the purpose being to let the board pass upon the question of a reprieve giving Ilnch opportunity fnr uu appeal to tlis Illinois supreme ccuit. ratal Leak. SOMERSET. O., July 27 Former State Senator William E. Klnck and wife wsre fatally burned today in a natural gas ex plosion that wrecked their borne, here. For some days there had been the odor of es caping gas In their home and efforts to find the leak had been unavailing. Mr., and Mrs. Flnck were found by neighbors In the wreckage unconscious and fearfully burned about the face and body. Edvardsr-Vood Co. Mseerieersted - nia Officer. Flfti aad R aborts Strsst ST. HAUL. niNM. CEALBftS IM ' - Stocks, Grain, Provisions Ship Your Grain to Ua tlraach Offlee, 110-111 Hoard of Trade lllds., Otnukav, Kab. Teleyauae BS14. 211-214 Exchange P-ldg.. ooiith Omaha. BU 'i'fioun iUi. indcbsndcai 4VUVJ14 f.