Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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The Omaha Daily Dee.
Dally Hh (without Sunday), one year..$)
Dally Bee snd gunday, one year.
Illustrnted kr, one year
t 5-1
Hun'lay Wee, on year
Saturday Hep, one year
Twentieth Century Farmer, one year...
Dellv P-ee (without Bunrtav), per copy....
rll lw (without Hunrtnvl, pr wpk...2
I ll v Hee (Incliidms; hundny), per week.. bo
Evening Bee (without Buiidny). per week 10
Evening Ilea tlnclu.llng Bunday). per
week 1;
Sunday Bee, per ropy
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
should tie addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
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Communication relating to news and edi
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Stnte of Nebraska, Douglas County, es.:
C. C. Rosew&tcr, secretary of The Hee
Publishing Compnnv. being duly sworn,
ays tnat the actual number ot full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during Ilia
montn or June, it, was as toiiows;
l sn.ofto
jg 2.S0
I ai,i4o
4 StO.itftO
7 11,NMO
8 2D.OOO
t ,. 1UM5U
io aa,3io
II 2t,5uO
13 2tt,70O
14 JtW.TOO
17 82.1 HO
1 20,O
II S1,t.V
."Q 2,7M
21 liu,5
23 MO,4tMI
24 31.JJO0
26 ;io,:mmi
M a,730
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2S iO,730
Total ..... WM.OSO
Less unsold copies U.B4-1
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Subscribed In my presence and sworn to
Ik tore me this 7th day of July, l!ft).
(Seal.) M. B. HUNUATE,
Notary Public.
Subscribers leavlasj (be) city tem
porarily ahonld hats The Be
mailed to them. It la better than
a dally letter from home. Ad
dresa will be changed, as often sis
That Itussla wunts part of Norway is
not surprising la view of the great
amount of territory It la sure iiot to got
lu Asiu.
The czar seems to JUaye taken the
kaiser's advice more quietly. If no more
willingly, than that tendered by the
seiustvoa' committee.
That frantic call of North Dakota for
lurrest bands may be but the effort of
t w grain speculator to counteract the
J Iport of "black rust."
If anyene with the cigarette habit bus
een weaned of It by the new Nebraska
Jitl-clgarefte law he bns not yet put
ilmeelf on public exhibition.
The American version of "The
Mikado" Is now being performed at
Toklo, with Secretary Toft as star actor,
lupported by the real mikudo. -
Judging from the proceedings before
Judge Sears, It would seem that John T.
Cathers not only wanted to fence in the
boulevard, but the city hall as well.
It li now said that China will not sign
nn exclusion treaty with the United
States, but this will hardly make It
easier for coolies to pass the border.
Another fatal gasoline explosion re-
minds us that the ordinance for the reg-
ulation, storage, sale and inspection of actly the same as the fluid used in em
exptoslves still remains In the pigeon- balming human corpses. The various
I10'0- kinds of sulnhltes ilipv have dlacnvprAd
In its impetuous fight with the mos-
quito the marine hospital corps seems
to nave raiiea to provide a line of de-1
leuse ami me enemy nas Decome ag-
ine aemaua ror a genuine ana "un-
colored" republican candidate for gov-
ernor In Iowa does not necessarily mean
tuat me race question is to Decome an
issue lu Unit state.
Paul Morton is now president of the
Equitable, with a salary only $30,000
Wgher than the president of the United
. V, . , T lu"
Equitable in dead earnest
TV, wx.l -,wx- s..i A.
' wt' 7 r V 7 F 4 w
u-ikc n I'rvuiinr iuu OI pleasure OUl
of the yellow fever outbreak, because
it proves that ' they have not become
panic-stricken at the first report.
The arrest of people spreading false
stories of yellow fever at Memphis re-
calls the fact that some towns have ade-
quate means of punishment for people
who would injure them with alanderous
"A tariff ou sine helps miners," says
the democratic Denver News. Having
accepted the concrete instance it is prob -
able that the general proposition of a
tariff helping trade generally will be the
more ardently denied.
Arkansas has indicted vix of the mem
bers of its last legislature on charges
of boodllng. As that legislature was
known to be particularly "antl-monop"
ln its tendencies, it would seem that the
railroad pass is not the only form ot
One of the features ot the entertain
ment to be offered by Lincoln to mem
bers of the Railway Postal Clerks' asso
ciation in attendance there la a fre
bath In a big swimming pool. Omaha
cob see now what it is up against In
competing for the favor ot these state
' orsanlsaUons.
Until the meeting of the peace confer
ence there probably will be no definite
information In regard to the amount of
the Indemnity that will le asked by
Japan, but It Is the opinion that the sum
will be suftloicut to reimburse Japan for
the cost of the war, which Is approxi
mately a billion dollars. While It is very
likely that a demand for that amount
will be made. It does not necessarily fol
low that It will be Inflated upon. Un
questionably Japan has a Just clnlin for
heavy Indemnity. It would be only fair
and rlpht that Itussla should be required
to pay her every yen that Japan has ex
pended In the war. The conflict was
forced uion her and her enemy deserves
to suffer all the consequences of a most
unjustifiable course.
But while this is admitted, there is a
very general feeling that the victorious
power should observe a reasonable meas
ure of moderation In her demands. She
desires peace and demands deemed to be
excessive by Russia would possibly ren
der abortive the effort for peace. The
Japanese statesmen understand this and
it seems safe to assume that they ex
pect to compromise. If In the matter of
indemnity they shall ask a thousand mil
lion dollars it doubtless will be with the
expectation of meeting the Russian plen
ipotentiaries half way upon any proposi
tion they mny submit. Thus if the latter
should be found willing to pay an In
demnity of half a billion an agreement
might be reached on soy three-fourths of
the amount asked by Japan. When Ger
many exacted a billion indemnity from
France the clrcjiruKtances were some
what different from those In the present
case. France was utterly crushed. Her
military power was destroyed, her gov
ernment helpless, her capital In tb.9 hands
of her triumphant foe. Russia Is not
quite ns badly off as this, although her
situation Is most grave. She can, how
evrr, still do some fighting and if by
reason of excessive demands on the part
of Japan she should decide to continue
the war It Is by no means Improbable
that an appeal of the government to the
patriotism of, the people would be ef
fective. Assuming that Japan will ask an In
demnity of a billion dollars, we nre In
clined to think that It will not be Insisted
upon, for there can be no doubt that In
sistence upon the payment of that
amount would put nn end to negotia
tions. Russia's resources have experi
enced a tremendous drain. The burden
of taxation upon her people is well nigh
unbearable. To ndd to her Immense for
eign Indebtedness a thousand millions of
dollars would make' the load extremely
difficult to carry. Fully Justified as
Japan unquestionably would be In de
manding such an Indemnity, it Is the
nearly universal view that jwill be wise
on her part to accept a lower amount,
perhaps half the sum, which It is be
lieved Russia would be willing to pay.
This vital question of Indemnity will
very jlkely take precedence of all others
when the peace conference meets.
The food commissioner of Pennsyl
vania Is to Institute criminal prosecu
tions against the representatives In that
olnlc vl w uet?I Vki. me cuarges on
wullu lue P"u" to ue nasea
ue,ng lual meaM ,olu m state DJ
Ule 80 t"e u are uocrorea. it is
anegea unit tne meats are colored by
washing with poisonous coal tar dyes,
dipped In formaldehyde solution, dusted
witl powder containing sulphites and
washed with powerful boraclc acid solu
tion. The chemists of the state dairy
and food bureau have made complete
analysis of samples of meats obtained
from several counties and report that
sufficient poisonous color was found In
a pound of dosed meat, to dye a white
sheet to a brilliant crimson. The formal-
dehyde found by them Is said to be ex
- - -
are stomach irritants which produce dvs
pepsia. Tha other preservatives found In
these meats are declared to be dapgerous
to health.
Tue pure food law of Pennsylvania.
nassed hv the ladt legislature la com
prehensive and the food commissioner In
Uvidentlv determined to. enforoa it xi-ith
out fear or favor if he shall succeed In
establishing the charges he makes In re-
gar(, to doctored meaU the effect will not
t t,, ..,
I S-TO LV x cuuDjitauia, J. HI II, BU(JU
I rriftfita flrA ftfant Yiv tti nnpknri IntA that
Rtstft of oon(, thp m nfhor mtmtmm
Henee the result of the prosecutions in
Pennsylvania will be of Interest to the
entire country. It is stated that great
Le.,, Ht..i ,t v,..
Ii vnoiti 5 a iiivtss aauva. V 1.11 XT I rf IDC LIO. a
I "
ener in the effort to induce him not to
proceed with the prosecutions.
The federal authorities in Montana
I have begun proceedings against parties
ln tnat 8tate charged with lund frauds
RUti interesting disc. (Hires are promised.
1 A few day ago at Helena a real estate
I dealer named Cobban was placed on
I trial, charged with having entered Into
a conspiracy as long ago as 1809 to fle-
I fraud the United States government out
I of a large amount of timber land in
1 southern Montana by inducing men and
1 women to file upon the land, swear they
I Bled for their own benefit and then deed
I the land to him.
It is stated that there are more than a
- 1 score of other defendants in the case,
I men and women who have been indicted
for perjury. These Indictments were
procured several years ago, but numer-
oua delays, resulting from raising of
technical points, have deferred actual
trials until now. An Interesting fact in
the case Is that some of the lands fraud
ulently obtained by Cobban were subse
quently transferred to United States Sen
ator Clark, who may become involved in
the prosecution. These proceedings fur
nish additional evidence of the energy
and seal with which the Department of
I the Interior is seeking to bring to pun
Ubneot those who are charged with land
frauds. There has been an uncom
promising and Impartial pursuit of such
persons and the agents of the depart
ment are still making Investigations.
The extent to which land frauds were
arrled Is amazing aud it Is one'of the
strangest things that the hunting down
of those guilty of tlitr defrauding the
government was so King delayed. Now,
however, there is ample assurance that
the guilty will be found ami punished.
Now that the bld9 for the new pave
ments for the various streets and thor
oughfares that have been selected for
paving and repnving by the municipal
ulhorltles havp been submitted to aud
pproved by the council, and the letting
of the contracts la now merely a matter
of form. It Is hoped the contractors will
push the work without further jangle
through Injunctions and counter-injunctions.
At the very best only three months can
be safely depended upon In this climate'
for the paving campaign and there Is
bundance of work to keep the contrac
tors busy from now yutll the first of
November with all the force at their
Within the last twenty years Omaha
as expended many millions for pave
ments, but at no period have all our
thoroughfares been in a passable condi
tion. For the past five years . a war
mong the paving contractors has kept
the city all torn up and left many of our
streets almost Impassable for man or
beost. We have now reached the stage
in the progress of this city that makes
good pavements imperative.
We feel sure we do not exaggerate In
asserting that nothing has been more ag
gravating and exasperating to the citi
zens of Omaha than the periodic conten
tions between the contractors and the
municipal authorities over paving, and
nothing has been more humiliating to the
citizens of Omahn, who point with pride
to the growth and rapid strides this city
s aklng In metropolitan ways, than the
wretched condition of the streets by
reason of the Inability of the city to
maintain good pavements, or, . In other
words, to replace bad pavements.
Warden Beemer Is said to be not only
very much put out, but very angry, that
the report of the stabbing affray that oc
curred in the penitentiary a few days
ago should have gotten into the newspa
pers and is said to be conducting an in
vestigation to discover the Identity of
tho man who dared give out information
concerning a matter so serious as an at
tempt to murder. When Warden
Beemer cools down he will realize that
the suppression of news concerning a
murderous affray in the penitentiary
would Justly subject him to reprimand,
If not to removal from his office. The
state penitentiary Is a public institution
and everything that transpire within
its walls Is public property at all times.
Once upon a time a warden of the Ne
braska penitentiary was very much put
opt, "if not angry,' because of the pub
ltclty given through The Bee of the fact
that convicts were being tortured with
thumb screws, hung up in stocks and
maltreated generally. The result was a
legislative Investigation, the abolition ot
the Instruments of torture and a change
In the government of the state's prison.
If the recent affray 'at the penitentiary
was purely personal no blame can at
tach to the warden or bis deputies. If
it was caused by lax discipline or Just
p'rovocation, the prison authorities may
be called on the carpet to explain.
Special agents of the Department of
Justice are still in pursuit of land grab
bers who have fenced In Uncle Sam's
domain, but the question is. Will they
catch the right ones? The big cattle
barons have so far managed to get from
under like the razorlmck pig that gets
from under the wheels of a moving
freight train.
An agitation to open barber shops
Sunday mornings Is stirring the state
capital from center to rim. The wide-
open lobby seven days a week, every
week the legislature was in session,
however, did not seerr. to shock the sen
sibilities of the good people who live un
der the shadow of the state house.
The report that the Chluese may boy
cott an American bank at Shanghai
shows that the men with surplus cash
In China are not grateful for the part
taken by America in handling the Boxer
indemnities. Perhaps the Russians
know the best way of getting aloug with
China, after all.
If the Sioux City, Homer & Southern
paper, railroad has backed down and
withdrawn the obstruction it had set up
to prevent Jim Hill's road from cutting
off a piece of the Winnebago reservation
the question naturally propounds Itself,
Did Jim Hill have to pay somebody and
how much?
Will Surely Bo W atched.
Detroit Free Press.
The government may get a crop statlstl
clan who will be honest, but getting one
that will be above suspicion for seme time
to come Is 'quite another matter.
Mickey as m Bonier.
New Vork Tribune.
Governor Mickey of Nebraska is credited
with being an expert with the discobolus
and equally expert at bowling out politi
cians of the kind that seem to think the
government owes them a living.
Helplaar the Hand.
Indianapolis News.
Nor can Baron Ros?n be blamed for
being anxious to see Mr. Wltte and get
thobe instructions from the cxar which are
being brought to Mm. In this sort of case
a man can never, tell what he Is going to
catch in the draw.
Content on tho Canal.
Baltimore American.
The government means to keep those
diggers down In the canal sons cheerful,
even if It has to employ a brass band to
play ragtime during working hours. Mr.
Naxro, the recreation export, whom the
canal commission has selected "to carry
out a plan for proper recreation" will
doubtless succeed in brlntlu tlie avcrace
cf human content down on the isthmus up
to the general average the world over.
This Woald Help Seme.
rhlladelfhla Kecord.
Though Por.htor Piatt cannot live his life
over eculn. It Is never too late to mend.
He may yet do some good by giving up his
opposition to a reasonable parcels post law
In the Interest of the express companies.
First 1st Imports aee.
Kansas City Times.
The mere fact that a man happens to be
a Vnlted Btates senator should not keep
him out of Jail If he has done anything to
send him there. In the meantime. It Is
of the utmost Importance to the nation
and to the cause of popular government
that men should not bo sent to the senate
when It la known by the people who elect
them that they ought to be In Jail.
When Emperors Meet.
Boston Globe.
On board an Imperial yacht off the Swed
ish coast a meeting Is reported to have
taken place the other day of the German
kaiser and the Russian csar. As to what
the subject of discussion may have been
the world Is In complete Ignorance, and
the mystery of the affair haa piqued uni
versal curiosity. The last time that an
emperor of Russia met another emperor
on the water for formal conference was
when Alexander and Napoleon eat together
on & raft In the middle of the river Nlemen
and agreed to the terms of the treaty of
Tilsit In truly, 1807, a treaty that regis
tered the nadir of Prussia's humiliation
under Bonaparte. Prussia loat half of Us
possessions, and . Alexander, Its late ally,
profited by it. The present German em
peror Is the great-great-grandson of the
Prudslan monarch who was despoiled at
Tilsit, and the present Russian emperor
la the great-grandnephew of the Russian
monarch who received part of the spoils.
Rachaaaje of Experleaee.
New York Times.
While Mr. Dalrymple of Glasgow was in
this country on invitation of the new
mayor of Chicago to give counsel as to
the vexed question of municipal operation
of street railways, the authorities of the
British city wrre engaged In studying
with much earnestness the example of the
various states of our union In the matter
of the probationary treatment of offen
ders. We have received a copy of a min
ute adopted by the special committee of
the bailies and councilors on this subject
setting forth succinctly but clearly the
A merlcan sy tern, especially with regard
to the appointment of probation officers
to watch, guard and aid offenders under
suspended sentence and the excellent re
sults attained In the rescue and restora
tion to society of a large percentage of
the cases. It does not appear that the
actual legislation of the United Kingdom
permits much to be done In applying this
system, but an effort Is making to secure
what is needed. The co-operation of many
benevolent and educational organizations
Is relied upon and the movement la prom
' The laser Guard. '
Chicago News. '
When our Oriental friends promised an
"open door" they did ' not say anything
about keeping a group of organised boy
cotters on guard just Inside of it.
Plan a Poor One.
Washington Post.
We believe that when the statesmen of
China take Into consideration the Influence
that has been exerted by the United States
In behalf of China during the Russo
Japanese war, And which will continue to
be exerted, they will conclude that the
boycott plan Is a' poor one, even as a threat.
Experts ate Important. '
" Philadelphia Public Ledger.
The present volume of these ex porta tions
Is Important and the tendency of the trade
to Increase rapidly Is manifest. It Is to be
hoped that the Interruption of the greatest
trade In cotton goods we have ever carried
on with China may be avoided. In addi
tion to raw cotton and textiles our ex
portation to China consist chiefly of kero
sene and flour. In 1904 about 46 per cent
of all the kerosene imported Into that
country came from the United States.
Bryan's Mistaken Assertion
Basle of Roosevelt's Bnceess.
8t. Louis Globe-Democrat. -Mr.
Bryan, Interviewed in St. Louis, ex
pressed the opinion that the great success
of Mr. Roosevelt in politics Is due to the
fact that he has stolen a number of demo
cratic "principles." It would be Interesting
to know where he found them. And ;t
would, be interesting for Mr. Bryan to tell
the country where they are to be found.
The vital principles of political parties are
not merely the declaration of party rep
resentatives In national convention. With
a party long out of power, its reiterated
assertion of certain political tenets mav
entitle it to say that these constitute its
principles of action, or would In the etent
of Its elevation to power. During the long
exile of democracy a generation of voters
grew up in this country who were deluded,
or deluded themselves. Into a belief that if
the organisation should ever attain to com
plete control of the government It would
Inaugurate a new fiscal policy. Even the
years of division and ot legislative ob
struction, growing out of Morrison bills
and Mills billa. could not shake the faith
or dampen the ardor of these young men.
whose courage and devotedness were surely
worthy of a better fate. For no sooner was
the party in position to redeem Jts pledges
than It fell Into hopeless uncertainty, con
stltutlng a menace which did more than
any other thing to precipitate panic and
continue depression.
When these men turned from old to newer
Issues and made Mr. Bryan the party
leader, they found that It was as Impossi
ble to unite the party on new lines as on
old. Two campaigns were enough to dem
onstrate the fact that that party Is without
"principles," although Its mass, like the
mass of every party, favor methods of gov
ernment contributing to a general welfare.
But a democratic platform declaration may
not be called a democratic "principle," as
a republican platform declaration may, for
the reason that, if intrusted with power
the democratic party can not or will not
resolve Its declared purposes Into action.
as the republicans do. Doctrinaires may
not recognise this distinction between the
parties, but we can assure Mr. Bryan it
Is one which the people recognlxe as vital
to them.
There Is a popular belief In the honesty
of Mr. Bryan, and a conviction In the pub.
lio mind that If he and his followers should
ever attain to the supreme power in this
country they would. If they could, redeem
tbelr pledges and attempt to resolve Into
action their platform declarations. This
is likely to make the attainment of com
plete power forever Impossible to them,
But beyond the fear of their sincerity lies
the fear, which Is even greater, of the
same sort of prolonged and disastrous un
certainty, hesitation, doubt and faltering
which came upon the country under Cleve
land. ' For under Bryan, as under Cleve
land, the party would Inevitably split and
be. Incapable of uniting on the policies It
had advocated In the campaign. The demo
cratic party stands now, in the public
mind, as one not knowing what It wants.
If Mr. Roosevelt la charged with stealing
democratic "principle," his surest defense
la to put his accusers on the stand to prove
Notes aaa Comment on Various Mat
ters at atlnnal Capital.
The engineer officer In charge of the
water supply system of the District of
Columbia, Colonel Smith 8. Leuch. Is some
what alarmed at existing conditions. In
his annual report, submitted to General
Markenxie, chief of engineers, he calls at
tention to the fact that an Interruption Is
liable to occur at any time In the present
system whlrh would cut off the entire
water supply of the district. He uxges
that an appropriation be made tor surveys
for an additional conduit from Great Falls.
,Colonel Iarh says the Washington
aqueduct, which has been In use for half
a century. Is more vulnerable than similar
structures throughout the country and thst
there Is risk of an accident to It which ,
would cut pff The supply for a period long
enough to produce a water famine. The
construction of another aqueduct would
prevent such a catastrophe and would In
sure an adequate water supply for the
district until the present population Is at
least doubled,
An estimate of HO.Ono for the new sur
veys Is submitted, and Its favorable con
sideration is urged. The estimates for this
section of the water works for the next
fiscal year are Hd.Ono, Including 110.000 for
the preliminary surveys suggested. 13,000
for building a combined store house and
stable at Great Falls and $3-1.000 for the
operation, maintenance and repair of the
aqueduct and Its accessories.
During the month of June the measure
ment of consumption and waste of water
showed a total of 6S,ooo,ooo gallons, tho
largest measurement ever made. The waste
of water is said to be still Increasing. It
Is thought that at the present time about
one-half of the water drawn from the
mains is wasted.
The new filtration plant, which will be put
In operation this fall, will have ft maximum
capacity of 75.000,000. An excess of this
amount must be supplied by Introducing
unMtered water Into the mains, which
will mean the repollutlon of the purified
water. It Is estimated that If the present
waste could be avoided It would reduce the
cost of operating the filtration plant by
$310 a day.
According to the last report submitted
by the capltol police to Acting Captain
John Hammond, the industry of catching
stray canines on the capltol grounds has
not been as brisk as at other times, not
withstanding the fact that the world Is
passing through the period known as "dog
days." There Is a law which prohibits dogs
and cats from Invading the capltol grounds
and It Is rigidly enforced. It makes no
difference whether the dogs wear the official
tags of the District of Columbia or not.
All doga look alike to the capltol police,
the only distinction made being that the
tagged animals are held at the capltol and
their owners notified, while the common,
downtrodden curs are sent to the district
pound and dispatched. The park policemen
are provided with a lasso with which to
arrest the offending dogs in the same man
ner that the cowboy of the plains ropes
ine wua steer. Cats are also captured
when possible. Not so many of them
nfest the capltol grounds, but they are
more elusive than the canines and cause
the minions of the law more trouble than
the defs.
The welfare department of the National
Civic Federation has arranged with the
Isthmian Canal commission to supply the
services of two expert "welfare managers."
ine commission, convinced that proper
recreation for those engaged In the various
operations of canal contsructlon Is of
vital Importance to their physical and
mental welfare, desires to have these
men investigate the needs and the oppor
tunities , for recreation, recommend their
conclusions and arrange to have carried
into effect such plans as are adopted. The
plans will Include amusement halls, club
houses and outdoor sports, which may be
adapted to the climatic conditions. Those
who have been chosen for the work are
Mr. Naxaro, who has been the " welfare
manager" of the Plymouth Cordage com
pany. In Massachusettes, where for the
past four years he has sucesafully carried
on welfare work, including homes for the
employes, luncheon facilities, clubhouse
and other recreation efforts. He won a gold
medal for this work at the St. Louis ex
position. He Is a graduate of Harvard and
made a special study of the entire question
In England, France and Italy. Edward A.
Moffett, the other choice, Is the editor of
Bricklayer and Mason, the official Journal
of the Bricklayers' and Masons' Inter
national Union of America. He Is a na
tional labor representative, and his wide
experience has well equipped him for know
ing the needs of the worklnrmen.
How the Japanese have' invariably
whipped the Russians is being disclosed
by American officers sent out to observe
the operations, whose reports are just be
ginning to come In. The war has been In
progress eighteen months, but It Is only
within a month that the American ob
servers have been able to send In reports
that were of any value. Japanese com
manders stopped reDOrts of airy value,
though they let through reports of operas
tlons that did not differ Mm the usual
methods. Now that the Russians are suing
for peace the Japanese are permitting the
observers to forward dispatches that make
American officers open then eyes. Never be
fore have so many army boards been en
grossed by so many war studies of prime
Importance. Every branch of the Japanese
army has been Jieard from except the en
gineers. Major Kuhn Is still In the field and
unable to get through reports of worth to
American engineers.
The quartermaster general's department
Is one that has found most to think about
In the reports. The extraordinary mobility
of the Japanese troops, of course, la a fact
which all the world has been speculating
about wondering how the catlike moves
were accomplished by men supposed to be
weighted down by the customary camp ac
coutrements. The quartermaster s depart
ment has satisfied Itself that the Japanese
march extraordinarily llght-do not carry
half aa much weight as Americans would.
Every piece of metal In a Japanese sol
dier's carrying outfit Is aluminum. He car-
rles an aluminum canteen, an aluminum
cup and wherever metal is required In the
way . of buckles that light metal is used
His haversack Is made of llsht weight ma
terials and his gun Is lighter than nn
American soldier would have to pack with.
Mm. Everything la reduced to a minimum
of weight. Because his general accoutre
ments are light weight, each Japanese foot
soldier is able to carry entrenching tools;
that Is, a pick and shovel. That is a fact
not generally known, and it accounts for
the comparatively small mortality on a
number of fields in which the Japanese
apparently fought without cover. Exam
liiatlon of the fields at Llao Yang and Muk
den show that In every advance the Japan
esc army practically entrenched Itself. The
first line of skirmishers thrown out dug
very shallow trenches. The second line oc
cupied them and the first moved forward
The third dug them still deeper and the
fourth completed them. But In trenching
the Japanese showed a new trick. They
dug their trenches as if they were prepar
log to bury huge telegraph poles, each
hearing as many crossarms as possible
The trench In which the pole was to He
led back to the ammunition carts and the
reserv-s. The transverse or arm trenches
extended paralled with the front of the
Russian positions. The ammunition servers
pased through the long trench running
from rear to front, and were never ex
prtsed to rifle fire at all. Shrapnel fire
might reach them, but it did not often.
Aftrr having constructed the elaborate
entrenchments In the f.tce of the enemy's
fire, the Japanese were resr'y to show an
other trick. This was to fall back from
their t'enches nearest the enemy and
thus Invite him to charge forwsrd. only
to be met by the whole strengths of th
organisation, mnklng the attack In the Inst
trench, Into which machine and mounted
guns had been hurried as soon as It was
completed. When the Russians reached
the last trench the galling flie was too
much for men entirely exposed and they
went down by the thousiwid.
Another thing about their field w-rk la
that there Is no blind firing; no shooting
simply because the Russians arc known
to be In a certain direction; no shoottnK
until the range finders pick tip the Rus
sians and the distance Is accurately meas
ured with the best scientific Instruments
the Japanese government can buy.
The men with the range finders go with
collapsible extension ladders. They pop
up all over the debatable ground, tako
measurements and telephone the result to
the men who do the shooting. Ech
range-finder operator has a telephone re
ceiver strapped to his ears and a transmit
ter In front of his mouth, and he never
takes observations beyond the end of his
coll or insulated wire. This range-flndlng
work Is done not only for artillery, but
for infantry.
But the most startling fact It that the
Japanese forces never change bivouac
until the medical corps has examined the
site of the proposed camping place and
agreed that it would not. endanger the
health of the men. The doctors are from
twenty-four to seventy-two hours ahead
of the army. After them come the quar
termasters to assure a supply of water,
fuel and forage ror the horses before the
fighting men arrive.
By such precautions the army operated
In Manchuria now has less than 1 per cent
of the men in hospitals on account of sickness.
Tolstoi has RivRn up reading the news
papers, but his friends tell him the news.
He spends much time roaming In the
Miss Helen Falrchild Smith has resigned
from the position Of dean of Wells college,
Aurora, N. Y., which she has held for
twenty-nlno years.
Daniel T. Jewett of St. Louis who will
be 8 years old In September and who re
cently retired from practice, Is probably
the oldest attorney in the United States.
Dr. William Spurgeon of Cardiff, Wales,
a cousin of England's famous preacher,
was the guest last week ot the University
of Chicago, officiating as university
Bishop Charles C. Grafton, one of the
acknowledged leaders In the "High"
church doctrines of the Episcopal religion,
has established a monastery for members
of the Benedictine Order of Fond du Lac,
Robert Crawford, the noted civic leader of
Glasgow, Scotland, expects shortly to make
a tour of America, lecturing on "Municipal
Socialism and Its Practical Workings In
Glasgow." He had Intended to accompany
Mr. Dalyrlmple to America, but was 111 at
the time.
Lord Rosebery's most curious posses
sion Is a mammoth silver wine beaker,
which Is used at the christening of his
children. At the christening of his
younger son three dozen bottles of cham
pagne were poured Into the beaker,
which was even then but one-third full.
It Is said that Admiral Togo's salary In
American money Is about $3,200 a year.
Something Inharmonious may be detected
In the fact that a vaudeville performer
has secured an engagement In New York
at $3,000 per week, or nearly as much as
the famous Japanese sea fighter gets tor
twelve months' hard work.
Mnrui Aiiarusta. dowaaer arrand duchess
of Mecklenburg-Strellts, Is the oldest mem
ber of the royal family and was com in
ioo aha 1 nf course, the sister Ot the
lata Duke of Cambridge and has a house
at Buckingham Gate, Her only son, ine
r.lmlnr arand duke of MecKlenourg-bire-
Uts. bears the name of Wellington.
Th 1st Jnsenh Jefferson's son Wil
liam went abroad several years ago, and
while he was "doing" London he found
that his funds were running short. He
cabled to his father: "Bend me w.
The elder Jefferson cabled in reply:
'What fort" Back came the answer:
For Willie." And he got the money".
Rnma nueer blunders are made In ad
dressing royalty and other titled person
ages. Lord Duffetin. In India, was once
addressed as "Your Enormity." An Abys
sinian missive came to Queen Victoria ad
dressed to the "Queen of Kings; Empress
of the Great Red Sea." Her Highland
tenants used to say: -come iw in ana
sit doon, Queen VictoVee."
in Parts tha Countess Bonl de Castel-
lane (one of Jay Gould's daughters), who
rnnt tnuea to lavish money on all possible
objects, Is said to display more Jewels
than the old noble families approve. At
a soiree she wore lor tne nrst time a
collar of pearls so large and so beautiful
as to make universal comment, as It was
thought to be In bad taste.
Mr. Relva Lockwood. the only' woman
who ever ran for president of the United
States, is a member or the District or Col
umbia bar. At present she is engaged In
the Cherokee Indian case, among the most
Important that ever came before the United
States court of claims. Mrs. Lockwood
i n ardent admirer of President Roose
velt, whom she regards as the greatest
living statesman.
V4 H5 ALL '
In the throat? That means hoarseness, sore
throat, 'tonsillitis. In the chest? Then bron
chitis, pneumonia, consumption.
Do not let your cold settle, fireakitupl Drive
it out ! Ask. your doctor the best medicine for
this. If he says Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, take it
at once. If he has anything better, take that.v
KxU y the'. O. Iwlh .lwll, KMl
AIM Bisaiiffcolafrs of
TVB'8 HAIlt TIGOR-Fot the bstr.
AYaR'g fcAitSAPAkUXa-Vuf toe bkx4.
Some ' estimates that Prov tha
dromfnl Hoot of nlstrn-t.
New York Times. .
One basic difficulty about ret'n
curate crop reports heretofore has he" W
that only in census years has there been 1
an absolute count. Thus the last census
added K.OeO.WW acres to the corn area. Tet
in the very next year there was an "etl
muted" reduction Of 1J.0W.0C0 acres, and
the census area has never since been
equaled, although It Is as sure as anything
can be thnt our cultivated area makes
steady growth of our poPll"llon' 'nBl
ever my be the temporary Increases or
decreased comparing any single years. Put
eacn xea- Is compared, not with certain
facts, but with estimates. Thus error Is
piled upon error until there are such ab
surdities as a larger cultivated area tha-i
there g geographical surface. Lest thieV
should be thought a J"st It may be aid
that in 190I. when a special Inquiry was
made into the point, there were 101 such
counties, and that of the nation's 2,0,
counties only .28 per cent allowed mi intrtin
aa 10 per cent deduction from the surveyed
land surface for roads, villages, sterile
soil, and so on. This la not a brief for
the department. It Is a simple exposition
of some of Its difficulties, which are not
apparent to the unthinking, and which. It is
submitted, might and should be dealt wltn
more efficiently. It Is quite possible that
enough money Is allowed the department
and that too little Is spent upon the crop
reports. And It is possibly true that farm
ers would be as well pleased If they were
treated less like fools, and given more
solid service Instead of such flattering offi
cial attention as Is thought to turn their
Blmjilt) heads.
"Buhbtihs looks pretty bad, doesn't hn
him s!rkh" ,ly" lheW n'W women naka
r,.N,ew w-m'n!. Wh" "hould female suf
froglsts affect him that"
"You mlsunderstHnd me. I mean the new
cooks that aro coming and going at hla
house."-l'hlladelphla I'uhlic ledger,
Piggamus Here's nn advertisement that
guarantees to make antique furniture out
of new. It says it can take furniture right
out of the factory and make It look 100
lean old.
Plsmukes That's nothing! My two chil
dren can beat that and not half try.
They've already done it with the parloi
set. Washington Life.
"What makes you think that Mr. Seadds
Is not a man of Influence in his com
munity T"
"Because," answered Miss Cayenne, "I
have observed that he never runs his au
tomobile at any greater speed than that
permitted by law.1' Washington Star.
TWO little Klrls. aa-eri K and vara slav
ing together on the beach.
"And your papa," queried one, "what
does he do?"
"Oh, whatever mamma says," answered
the other. Detroit Tribune.
Irate Creditor Now, look here, X want
my money.
Impudent Debtor O, that's all right, I
thought perhaps you wanted mine. Alley
"Dear John," wrote Mrs. Newlywed from
the shore, "I enclose the hotel bill."
"Dear Jane, I enclose check," wrote John,
but please don't buy any more hotels at
this price they are robbing you." The
Smart Sot.
"I'm Afraid I may have to go to Jail,"
walled the prominent packer.
"Why so?'' asked the sapient senator.
"I've been Indicted."
"Pooh! Look at me. T've been con
victed." Louisville Courier-Journal.
Alice rushed In from the garden. She
had been badly stung by a bee, and wa
holding on to her finger and sobbing piti
fully. "Oh, mamma," she cried, "J burned
me on a bug!" Brooklyn Life.
"There are too many grafters In the
world." said the patriotic citlxen.
"Unquestionably," answered Senator
Sorghum. "Pretty soon there won't be
enough, grAft 1o gd 'round.'VWshlruiton
Star. " w - "
New York Man Why do they call Boston
"the Hub?"
Ban Francisco Man-Because the swiftest
fart of the country is the furthest from
t, I guess. Cleveland Leader.
"Did you ever see such an ostentatious
display of wealth?"
"Never! One would think they war
really rich." Brooklyn Life.
Dressmaker And would you have leg of
mutton aleeves, madam?
Customer Most certainly not. I am a
vegetarian ! Punch.
Henry Austin In the August Century.
The hell bird fills Australian shades
With songs like' bubbling fountains;
The redstart thrills the river glades
Beneath Virginian mountains.
The oriole, that soul afire,
Pours forth a storm of singing
To the rapt mate of his desire
In soft gray hammock swinging.
Sole sings to dawn the wild, free lark.
Al day, the tamed starling;
The nightingale enchants the dark;
But sweeter sings my darling.
By night, by day on topmost spray.
Or where the covert hushes,
Plays Nature's weirdest orchestra
The mock-bird, king of thrushes!
Rare plagiarist of every note,
Of every mood and meter,
Btlll can he conjure from his throat
Tunes of his own, far sweeter.
But all the words of all the birds
Ay, e'en thy songs, magician
All sweetest notes from singing throats.
Fade, as at dawn a vision;
When, be it catch or lullaby.
Or songs of battle ringing.
Love-lays of hymns of liberty,
I hear my darling singing. . f
For song each bird hath times preferred
When winter winds are gnarllng
Each 'tender tree the chleadee
Outslngs the housed starling.
But whether blows the Summer's rosa,
Or Winter's winds be snarling.
Be Spring abloom, or Fall In gloom.
Still sweeter elngs my darling. .
Ache all over? Feverish?
Chilly? Just coming down
with a hard cold? Where do
you suppose it will settle?
ITER'S PUI S-Tot coastlpstioa:
AlsM'S AGUSCUk f m saitnaaaaati.