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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 28, 1905)
flTE OMAITA DAILY TtEE: FRIDAY, .ICILY 2S. 1005. KIDWELL IS TURNED DOWN Eailwsy Portal Clsrki Eefai to Eeu 8peecb from Their President. OMAHA MAN HEAD OF THIS DIVISION (Fas Coaasalsalaaer Mikn rla howls Valaatlaa ( 1.1 a cat a to Ba Little Ottf Mllllaa. o a well, .o U I par cant. The fact that laneaster real estate got a boost will likely start a revo lution, aa the people of this county claimed to have the only real genuine assessment of any county In the state. It la not un likely alao that Lancaster merchandise will be Increased along with the Omaha mer chandise when the hearing ia orer next Monday. Valaatloa ef LI a col a. The total valuation of the property In the city of Lincoln, aa compiled by City Tax Commissioner Sheffield, la K,13n,lTJ60, di vided aa followe : Real estate ,S37.:9 00 Personal 2,117. 7:tl.oo Haliroad loJ.PTono Car companies 632. flu (From Our Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Neb., July 27.--(Special Tele gram.) The sixth division i f the Railwsy Vail Clerks association, ahlch helj ita nual meeting here todiy retusd to listen n address by National President KM- but instead when it came his time talk carried a motion, after a stormy session, to proceed with 'hi election of - officers. liven though soma of the speakoi-s pleai'e d with the delegates to .Isten to the presi dent and not bo discourteous o him, the convention would not stand lor It. It was stated the reason for the action of the convention was that It would 1 :nipoaslW to conclude the buslnoss .of the day If the president delivered his Tne real reason for the 'action of the conven tion was a rebuke to the president tor the frt It la alleged he naa takjn tn behalf of National Secretary Wood and the con vention feared that the president would attempt to Interfere in district poll tits. After the storm bad S'lbjldod, G. H. Worely of Omaha was cloned president, defeating W. H. Rlddtll, the prcsunt in cumbent, by a vote of 43 to ,7. F. K. Miller received 11 votes for the office. Thete other officers were chosen with l.ttle trouble: Fred M. Miller, Cheyenne, vice president; C. R. long. Council Bluffs, secretary; George Perry, Cedar Rapids, F. Lv Etns- tnan, Chicago, J. L Piper, Hurllnstcti, V. K. Walker, Chicago, R. K. -Ii win, Incoln delegates to the national meeting to be held In Cincinnati. The executive committee will name the place and time for holding in next dis trict meeting. The meeting closed tonight with a moker at the Lindell at which speeches Were delivered by the following: National President Kldwell, Chief Clert of Lincoln, Chief Clerk Shear of Omaha, ex Presldent' Riddell of DeKalb, 111., and President Worely. 'At the morning session Speeches were delivered by President Rid dell, Councilman Blahop, acting for Mayor Brown, and Edward Slaer, postmaster at Lincoln. Declining to listen to their .national president, A. A. Kldwell of Columbus, O., the postal clerks tonight passed resolutions of censure upon Secretary Wood of the national body for the submission at the last meeting at Boston of unexplained ex pense Items aggregating several thousand dollars. Following the adoption of the resolutions, President Kldv.eii was heard. He said the money had been used In fur thering the Interests of the association, but that he could not furnish details of the expenditures and retain his position as bead of the order. Democrats Are Eessomlcsl. The democratic I state committee will waste no time, money, passes or mileage In coming to a meeting to select a time and place for a state convention. The demo cratic state committee will hold no meet ing. Instead Chairman Allen has written a letter to the members of the commute asking them to state their preference of a place and a time for the convention, and When these answer arrive the chairman will cast them up and name the place and time for the convention. This will not only Save expense, but -will prevent any kind of 'a' Jar between the Bryan and anti-Bryan factloas of the party, or rather what re mains of the party. It Is very probable that the convmtW will be located soma time between the 15th and 36th of Beptem tr, aa It will come after the republican convention, which will be held the 14th of September. It Is almost the unanimous i opinion among democrat here that Chief Justice Holcomb will be tendered the nom ination for supreme judge If hi health will permit of him accepting it. Raise Last Valaattona. Owing to the absence of Governor Mickey and Treasurer Mortensen at Omaha, where they were called to testify In the railroad tax suit, the Stat Board of Equalisation held no meeting today, yesterday was pent by the board tn going, over land val lies with the result that these counties were raised: Colfax, 1 per cent; Hitchcock, I per cent; Holt, 10 per cent; Lancaster, J er cent; Saline, I per cent; Richardson, Total $.130,173.O Compared with other property In Lincoln the railroads certainly got off easy In their assessment,' as the following table will show: Burlington railroad f 79.H05 "f lo.tflO 12,02ft 11,440 Hork Island railroad Missouri Pacific railroad , I'nlon Pacific railroad Northwestern railroad LOCAL CORPORATIONS. Traction company ..$151,20 Oas company 10K,xii Nebraska Telephone company 41.000 Lincoln Telephone company 96,000 Lincoln Heat and Light company.... 17.190 LOCAL FIRMS AND INDIVIDUALS. Miller A Paine t 43,400 Uralnger Bros 37,000 Kaymond Bros. Clarke company.. i,sj little feeling here that the electrio line will ever be built. This summer, for which so much was promised by Interurban officials, is on the wane with nothing dona but bne-half mile of grade at the point of Intersection with the Great Northern, thrown up very hastily and apparently with little other purpose than the hope of gaining some temporary foothold that might be used to an advantage easily Inferred. lll'S TWITE lierpolshrlmer 030 Beatrice Creamery company M.ffJO H. P. Lau 23,370 State Journal company 13.115 Fitzgerald Dry Goods company 21,b40 Central Granaries company 21.610 Rudge Guensel 20.360 RuekstafT Bros 1820 Lincoln Drug company 17,800 Harpham Bros . 15.000 Armstrong Clothing company 13,730 B. L. Paine Clothing company 11. W5 Lincoln Land company U.G16 Looking I Aatl-Traat Laws. The fact that Deputy Attorney-General Thompson was assisting Attorney Howell today going over the anti-trust laws en acted by legislatures during the last twenty years gave weight to the talk that the at torney general would soon take a hand In the grain case now pending between the elevator men and Tom Worrall. Some time ago Governor Mickey and Norrls Brown, attorney generr', discussed the matter and the governor suggested that the attorney general keep his eye on the nrocee- 'ngs and If the evidence taken Indicate! that the state should take a hand, for him to do so with the knowledge that he would have the backing of the executive oStce. Mr. Thomp son said there was nothing slgn'.rant about him helping Mr. Howell, that he was merely seeing tor himself about the laws, aa his office frequently received requests for opin ions concerning them. Water Bonds May Be Iavalld. R. E. Moore, a large purchaser of village and town water bonds, has raised the ques tion of the validity of the statute under which these bonds have been Issued for a number of years and the matter Is now up to the attorney .general for an opinion. In his statement, filed with the state auditor, which he wants passed upon, Mr. Moore says the amendments to the original act passed In 1879 are not germane to the act. The original act provided for the construc tion of water works plants without provid ing for the Issuance of bonds. - This new act of 1893 provided that "suoh cities or village may borrow money, or Issue bonds for the purpose not exceeding 20 per cent of the assessed value of the tax able property within said city or village. according to the last preceding assessment thereof, for the purchase of steam engines. or for lire extinguishing appartus, or for the purchase, erection or construction and maintenance of such water works, or to pay for water furnished such city or village un der contract; and to levy or collect a gen eral tax tn the same manner as other mu nicipal taxes may be levied and collected to ah amount sufficient to pay the Interest and principal of said bonds heretofore or hereafter Issued aa the same may mature on all the property within such city or vll lags a shown and valued upon the assess ment rolls of the assessor of the proper' preclnot or township, in addition to the sum authorised to be levied under aubdl vision 1, and all taxes raised under this clause shall be retained tn a fund known as the water fund. Auditor Searle passed the question up to the attorney general and It will likely be several days before the opinion is rendered, for the reason that the legal department Is loaded up with work at this time. Baa-la Driver Burets. A drive-wheel broke on an engine pulling Rock Island passenger train No. 37, three miles from Lincoln, about 6:80 tonight. Only the engine was damaged and no one waa Injured. Tha train waa endeavoring to make up fifteen minute' lost time and was headed Into town at a high rate of speed. In rounding a curve the wheel broke, then the ecoentrlo, followed by the breaking oft of another wheel on the opposite side of the engine. The middle wheel on each side of the engine remained Intact. Engineer Mo Quad threw oni the emergency brake and the train stopped almost Instantly, shaking up the passengers (considerably. A new engine was sent out The accident Is said to be the most peculiar In railroad history. LOOKS FOR FIRI1T ASD GETS IT Halfbreed Indian Badly feed l la Saloon Row. NORFOLK, Neb., July 17. (Special.) With every bottle In the barroom broken over his head until It was so cut and chopped that nearly two dosen stitches were needed p make him whole again, and beaten Into an Insensibility from which he failed to rally for the'greater part of the night, a young Indian halfbreed came out of the fight that followed a quarrel between him and the bartender In Smith Brothers saloon at Dallas, S. D., one of the new Rosebud reservation towns, and his five big Indian braves, whom he had brought along for protection with their huge revolvers, stood motionless through out the performance, scared by the raui- sles of a pair of well loaded weapons In the hands of William Smith, one of the proprietors. The halfbreed wanted a fight when he entered. That's why he brought along the five big Indians. He "picked a quarrel" and got it. The bartender and Smith were prepared for the doings. The bartender attend to the halfbreed while Smith leveled his guns at the redmen and later the victim of his own plot was carried Into the office of Dr. Salter for repairs. For Skin and Sea ss I Because of its delicate, Me dicinal. Emollient. Sanative, Antiseptic Properties, de rived from Cuticura, the great Skin Cure, united with the purest of cleansing incrMients and most re freshing of flower odors. No other Skin Soap is so effective for preserving and purifying, the Skin, Scalp, Hair, and Hands. No other Toilet Soap so pure, so sweet, so satisfying. MM1MIS.M4 MJWt( "A, aW sar I' I Sm Wv at tea mm tarn sank' Fakir Follow Carnival. COLUMBUS, Neb., July 27. (Speclal.)- The Lone Star Carnival company opened up yesterday for a four days' engagement. They are strung along on both sides of Thirteenth street and are doing a big business. The town is overrun with every concelveable kind of fake. Corn doctors, blind musicians, etc., being much in evi dence. Last evening while William Bell was standing In front of the "Battle of Port Arthur" he was relieved of his pock et book containing quite a sum of money. He turned quick enough to seise a colored woman, under the folds of whose skirt It ,s sui the pocket book was found, but It was empty. County Attorney Latham this morning filed a complaint before County Judge Ratterman charging larceny from the person, and the woman will have an examination. She protests her Innocence and has engaged counsel. The carnival people say she Is not connected with them. services were held at the Methodist church end Interment was In the tol'imhui ceme tery, where other members of the family lie at rest. Mr. Weaaoner wa for nisny years a farmer, living a few miles from tnis city, mil weni 10 nan auuui mrrw year ago. OILTNER Two member of the Women's Christian Temperance union of this place went Into the two saloons of the town on Tuesday and notified the proprietors to re move the screens by this morning. One complied with the demand yesterday, the other waited until the last moment before acting. ST. PAt'Iy Two terrific storm of wind. rain, thunder and lightning again struck St. Paul and vicinity yesterday afternoon and last night about midnight. The wind has Mown down many trees, anocaea oown the growing corn and stacks In fields. The precipitation during the two storms was la inches. NORTH LOUP Mir creek has outdone Itself thin morning. It has been out of Its banks two or three times this summer, which Is unusual, but never in the history of the country to such an extent as now. The little trickling stream Is a raiting tor rent, a mile or more In width. Some dam age Is done to cellars, barns, etc. BKATRICB The factory of the Lang Canning and Preserving company will be started here this season Augusi s wnn a full force of hands. The corn paok will be taken care of first and then the vegetables. Owing to the prospects for an Immense yield of corn and vegetables the factory will be In operation several months. BROKEN BOW Good farm lands In Cus ter county are now selling at $l"5 and IMper acre. The best lands are held at $40 and i0. A half-section of land seven miles Gage Convention. Called. BEATRICE, Neb., July 27. (Special Tele gram.) The republican county central committee held a meeting here this after noon, every township In the county being represented. September S was the date fixed for holding the county convention and September 2 the primaries. The vote for Roosevelt was decided as the basis of representation of the convention. A. 8. Spencer of Barneston was elected to fill the vacancy on the committee caused by the death of A- L. Cook. A resolution was adopted to instruct the secretary to Include the office of register of deeds in the list of nominations to be published In the call of the convention. Iyndden Talk to Pioneer. SIOUX CITY, la., July 27. (Special.) Rer. Dr. Luther P. Ludden of Lincoln. Neb., has been secured to deliver the an' nual address at the twenty-fourth annual reunion of the Pioneers' and Old Settlers' association of Dakota county, Nebraska, at Clinton park. Dakota City, Neb., August 31. This reunion will celebrate the fiftieth anniversary of the' settling of Dakota county by white people. Rev, Dr. Ludden Is field secretary of the western district of the Board of Home Missions of the Evan gelical Lutheran church of the United States. Hew Church Nearly Done. ASHLAND, Neb., July 27. (Special.) The handsome stone and brick Congrega tional church now being erected here at a cost of 311.000 is nearlng completion. The main portion la completed and the roof Is now going up. The church will contain a large auditorium, lecture and Sunday school rooms and parlors tn the basement Beautiful stained glass windows will be placed. When completed the church will be one of the finest edifices of the kind In Nebraska. Heavy Rain at Schnyler. SCHUYLER, Neb.. July 27. (Special Tel egram.) A heavy rainstorm, accompanied by a heavy wind and some lightning, passed over here tonight. About one Inch of water fell In thirty minutes. With the exception of about three-tenths of an lnoh of rain that fell yesterday, this Is the first rain since the Fourth. Corn will now be In good condition, but a little late yet. The farmers are all feeling pretty good about crop prospects. CHAMBERLAIN CASH TO 1TKMAHA Farmer Banker Allegre Prejadte In Johnson County. TECUMSEH. Neb., July 27. (Special Tel egram.) Judge Paul Jessen granted the motion for a change of venue In the sev eral case of embesslement against Charles M. Chamberlain, cashier of the failed Cham berlain banking house of this city, today. Th district court was convened In ad journed session this forenoon, at which time E. M. Trach. for Chamberlain, read th motion, as well a an affidavit signed by some twenty or more citizens, express ing the belief that Chamberlain could not get a fair trial In this county owing to prejudice against him. It waa also alleged that prejudice prevailed In Nemaha county. County Attorney C. Moore had some fifty affidavits from this county and fifteen from Nemaha expressing the belief that he could be given an Impartial trial tn either county, respectively. The county attorney also cited some authorities on changes of venue. Chamberlain's attorney read some local newspaper articles in an endeavor to show that they were biased against the accused. Judge Jeasen decided to grant the change of venue, but could not see any reason why the cases should not go to Nemaha county, and decided to send them there. Th Judge was of the opinion that a great deal of prejudice prevailed against the ex banker In this locality. Great Northern Reshea Work. A8HLAND. Neb., July 27. (Special.) Th contractor for building th first ten miles of Great Northern tracks out of Ashland, Onawa 4c Loveland, have today arrange) tor building a second large board ing Uous for workmen northeast of th city. It la understood that arrangement have been made with Great Northern officials for pushing the completion of the grade at the utmost speed and that an additional fore of men will b put to work. Th grade from th Burlington yarda to th Interurban grade along Salt creek Is nearly completed and th grade up th Platte valley will be pushed rap- Idly from now on. Lttti credence Is given her to the Interview In a Lincoln paper with E. C. Hurd of the Interurban that th Great Northern had consented to put In an overhead crossing above the Interurban grade, altering Its plans so as to raise th Great Northern grade several feet In order to do so. It la believed th Great Northern will grade .directly across the Interurban' short bank of dirt and fight th matter out after th Interurban complete It line from Lincoln to Omaha. Thar la Beatrice Get New Depot. BEATRICE, Neb., July 27. (Special Tele gram.) R. L Lewla, division freight and passenger agent for the Burlington here, received word today from Omaha to the effect that work on the new passenger depot at this place will be started next month. This announcement will be hnilwt with delight by Beatrice cltliens. GATHERS CASE NEARLY OYER Argument Brgini with Attorney for th Plaintiff Opening. LAST OF TESTIMONY TAKEN YESTERDAY ronnellmen, City Clerk and Other Give Their Story of the Matter and the Lawyer Take Hold to Finish. Councllmen Back and Nicholson were on th witness stand in Judge Sears' court Thursday morning to testify that they had voted for the ordinance carrying the street force payrolls for April and May, 19J- It cam up in the regular course of business, they said, and was put through Just as all such ordinance are. Their votes wer given In good faith and without any regard to political or other considerations outside of the discharge of their official duties. The councllmen were followed by II. C. Taylor, foreman of the street force. He said the men on the roll had been regu larly hired, did the work for which they were employed and did not know of any from Broken Bow sold recently for 127.50 per I number, small or srreat. being hired merely acre cash. Only last week 136 per acre was for nolltlca.1 Dumoses. offered for a half-section of land near Broken Bow and the offer was refused. HARVARD About 7 o'clock a heavy rain came up from the nortn ana Ketween then nd 7 this morning l.ra inch or water fell. with favorable Indications for a continua tion. This again stops stacking and thresh ing, but will be of Immense value to corn and other farm work, as the com was re quiring rain and the ground becoming too dry to plow. COLUMBUS Owing to a three-Inch rain In Nance and Greeley counties night before last the Loup river rose out of Its banks here yesterday. Some of the temporary work on this end of the wagon bridge was carried away and for a few hours teams were unable to cross. The damage was re paired by evening and the bridge was opened again. YORK On Sunday evening Ellsha jack- son preached a farewell sermon at the Bap tist church. Mr. Jackson is a son or James Jackson, a farmer living northwest of Mr Cool, and was raised In the community. He flnUhed high school at York and from there went to college and on Monday he left for Germany, wnere he will attend the University of Lielpslc to finish his educa tion. BEATRICE1 At the home of the bride's parents, Hon. and Mrs. Elijah Fluey, who reside near Reynolds, Tuesday morning oc curred the marriage of Mrs. Daisy King, until recently k resident of this city, to M. A. Scoular of Des Moines, la. Tne cere mony was performed by Rev. F. O. Wins low of Hubbell, after which the guests sat down to. a wedding breakfast. Mr. and Mrs. Bcoular will be at nome to tneir friends at Des Moines after September 1. BEATRICE A sneakthlef hid In Klein's store Tuesday evening when It was closed for the night, making his escape later through a window on tne first floor, where ha was oDllaed to lumo aDout ten ieet oe fore reaching the ground. A woman's para sol, which had been dropped cy tne tnier. won found on the srround near tne building. Nothing 'else was found missing in the store except a man's coat, belonging to a suit In the clothing department. There Is no clue. TECUMSEH The Tecumseh lodge of Knlahts of Pythias has received a brief City Engineer Rosewater was recalled and told of the method of filing and ap proving claims. The payrolls In question were regular and proper on their face and were approved after examination, as the payrolls of other months and years have been. When City Clerk Elbourn had Identified certain official proceedings after the noon adjournment the evidence was announced all In. Bnrbanlc Begin Argument. Attorney Burbank, for plaintiff, opened the argument and was still talking when the court adjourned at 6 o'clock. He said the suit Is based on three separate proposi tions: First, that the men on the payrolls for April and May were never In the em ploy of the city; second, there were no funds available from which the men could be paid and as a matter of fact they were paid out money raised by the 1904 tax levy; third, that at the time they were paid for their work there was no ordinance In force signed by the mayor authorising their payment. Arguing from these premises Mr. Bur- bank proceeded to say that the Board of Public Works had never properly approved the list of names of street workers and' had not sent the same to the council and the mayor for approval. He contended that the city engineer, as chairman of the Board of Public Works, had made the appoint ments himself without consultation with any one else and without regard to the let ter of the law The attorney quoted nu merous authorities and decisions In sup port of his three contentions and read some of them at length. Attorney Connell, for the city officials, will present his argument this morning. SUMMER TIRED? Are You Completely Run Down? Are You Listless, With no Appetite, no Ambition? Do You Feel that You Can Hardly Draff Yourself Around? Is Your Complexion Sallow? Aro You Fag-fjed Out When You Wake Up In the Morning:? Summer davs are filled with disease for most people. (Vrms of various disorders are In the air you breathe, the water you drink, the food you eat. All doctor agree that Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Is the greatest summer medicine for the weak, waste? and run-down in body, nerve and muacle. absolutely free from fusel oil. It atrengthenS th heart, enriches the blood, tones up and Invigorates th whole muscular and nervous system. If you would keep healthv, strong and active, take a little Duffy Iure Malt Whiskey before your meals, and put a tea spoonful In every goblet of wnter you drink. . Pre scribed by more than 10,000 physicians, and used ex clusively In over 2,000 hospitals. lU-cognlted by the 3nv,"tin'"it as a medicine. Sold by all druggists and dealers at 11.00 per bottle. Look for the "Old Chemist'' trndr-nmrk. Medical booklet free upon Duffy Malt Whiskey C unpany, Rochester. N. . ARE YOU rJr I DT03S.for LIQEEnj under advisement. A decision Is not ex pected for some time.- telegram from C. K. Phillips, a member of after which Judge Sears will take the pase tne order, sent irom Ban nernaraino, stating that he has suffered a severe acci dent. Mr. PhilllDS moved his family from this city to 8an Bernardino last tail, naving secured work In the shops of the Santa Fe railroad. It Is understood that he waa working with the wrecking crew at the time of the accident, though no particulars of any sort have been received. PI.ATTSMOUTH-The attorneys Inter- tt in the case of the bondholders of the Plattsmouth Gas and Electric Light com pany against the City of Plattsmouth were notified today that Judge Pollock of the court of appeals for the Eighth district hod SCORES AT TARGET RIFLE Results' of the Second Day of Army Competition Down at Fort Riley. The divisional cavalry target competition decided the case In favor of the city, re- I for the Northern Military division is now manding the cause to in " Vi f on at Fort RlIey- All of the crack marks with directions to dismiss the application of I . , Body Lodges Against Bridge. ASHLAND, Neb., July 27. (Sneclal.i The body of Harry Mature, who was drowned In Platte river las. Sunday morn ing, nas been found on one of the nleis of th Rock Island bridge In South Bend. The coroner of Caas county has been notified and will take oha.-ne of the body. Boy Dies o Woand. FREMONT, Neb.. July 27.-(SpeclaI Tele gram.) Albert Peterson, the boy shot July 16 on the bank of the Platte, died this morning. An autopsy this afternoon showed that the bullet, after fracturing one of the vertebra, entered the pleural cavity. Cor oner Overgard will hold an Inquest. v. - nininip. fn, o HArtelencv ludffment. The litigation Is of long standing, growing out of a lease to the local electric light plant, which the city at one time held. Ti-pirMflirH-Vni TAfllic'wIfe of County Commissioner L. H. Laflln died at her home In Vesta precinct today, in May sue suf fered a paralytic strike, but had apparently Improved up to Saturday, When she became suddenly worse. She was a native of An derson county, Kentucky, and was aged 68 years. The husband and eight children. all of whom live in this county, survive ner. Mrs. Lafltn was a pioneer settler, having come to this county In 1865. The funeral will be held at the family home tomorrow afternoon, conducted by Rev. T. D. Davis of Tecumseh, and Interment will be made In Vesta cemetery. NORFOLK A letter received here today. inclosing a newspaper clipping, shows that Rev. Franklin Baker, formerly of Norfolk and Beemer, now of Eureka, Cal., Is still creating a sensation by doing odd things on t H noniar. He has 1ust tramned from F.ureka to the Portland fair, a distance of 4& miles. Rev. Baker is a Congregational pastor, 30 years of age. While here he fea tured in a local presentation of "The Chris tian." slaving the role of John Storm. He won a nrlze at tennis and was the victim of a fistic attack on the street. At Eureka he used foot balls, pool balls, etc.. In the pulDlt. illustrating his sermons. AN8LEY One of the most remarkable runaways that ever occurred In thla part of the county occurrea tnis morning, wnen a team and carriage, driven by E. A. Pester, got away In the east part of Main street and ran full speed down Main street, then takina- the Burlington tracks at the north end of the switch, keeping the railroad tracks over cattle guards, over three high railroad bridges, one of which waa 100 feet Ion, to the main road east of Rob Flem ing's farm, a distance of five miles up the railroad: then west and again north to a noint seven miles northwest of Ansley, mher tha team was caught by men on horseback. The only damage was a broken line. People who watched the scene can not believe that such a thing oould possibly occur. I " OkoboJI Lake and Retnra Via ILLINOIS CENTRAL TL R. Summer tourist rate, $9.96. Week-end rate, J6.20. On sale Friday and Saturday, good returning the following Monday. Particulars at 1408 Farnam street. S. North, District Passenger Agent. men of the army are engaged In the com petition, which Is a preliminary practice, to bo followed by the general army com petition, to take place at Fort Sheridan, 111., August. 8. Following Is the second day's score: , . . . ' Or- Name. Rank and Rest A tr ritr Wm. H. Hay, d. m.. cant.. 10th cav.377 7A Wm. Mitchell, capt., Big. corps 3S 7 8. A. Cheney, capt., eng. corps 3S7 5 B. Palmer, 1st It., 10th cav 3ti9 10 C. Cole, d. m., 1st It., 9th cav 371 8A A. Williams, 1st It., eng. corps 372 9 W. D. Smith, 2d it., 11th cav 3X1 6 J. A. Pearson, 2d It.. 11th cav 3X8 4 A. W. 8mith. 2d It.. th cav 3i0 16 G. C. Brant, 2d It.. 9th cav 3S9 2 B. A. Anderson, d. m.. Dost a. m. a..3.sfi fiA T. Spencer, d. m., q. m. s. 11. 9th cav.3i 1A K. Jonnson, d. m., sgt., K, 10th cav. .377 7A M. Kelley, corp., C, eng. corps 374 8 8. Petty. 1st sgt.. B. 9th cav 40 1 J. Baker, sgt., H, 10th cav 3X9 3 K. Glover, sgt., I, 10th cav M8 12 R. C. Engle, corp., F. 11th cav 3i2 15 M. Rohrer, d. m., corp., D, e. corps. 3til ISA H. H. Pattlson. capt.. 3d cav 877 7 J. N. Munro, capt., 3d cav 368 11 B. E. Barker, d. m., q, m, s.,L, 3 cav. 368 16A G. R. Spauldlng, corp., A, 3d cav 364 14 Note D. M. indicates "distinguished marksmen." The score above given indicates cores made by the sixteen highest. All but the five last named marksmen are of the Department of the Missouri. Tho last five are from the Department of the Dakotas. The Ninth and Tenth cavalry regiments are colored regiments. All of the rest of the regiments named are white regiments, the Everything has to have a beginning, and one of the most prolific sources of the diseases and weaknesses so prevalent among men is the result or anuses in early life or neglected or Improperly treated peivio. oiseases, -ucu orrhoea, etc. While Gonorrhoea Is considered one of the simplest fonin diseases, vet through neglect It develops Into Stricture and Gleet. Insldl progressing and tenaciously fastening Itself upon the system until It tin -.. i . . ur. ....I..... n- i,MnPnlu,riv i r,n t pH nelvlo diseases, such as Gon orrhoea, etc. While Gonorrhoea Is considered one of the simplest contagious lliniiiiiiupi; it has in vaded the kidney, bladder and prostatic region, rendering It so complicated aa n k inr.urui.iA in ime cases Perlian the first symptom was a little OIB- charge, which. If properly treated, could have been cured In a few days. Rheu matism is another result of improper treatment of this condition, producing not onlv excruciating pain, but It frequently warps and twists one or more of the Joints in the body, producing horrible deformities, frequently depriving the In dividual of the ahllitv to earn a living for himself, leaving lilm a helpless and tortured cripple for life. Another deplorable result of this disease when Im properly treated Is swollen glands, that are not only painful, but will finally destroy a man sexually, and In many cases physically. When this disease through neglect or improper treatment bv Irs extension has caused a. ryslltlc Invasion of the bladder, thence by its extension up the ureters to the kidney, it there produces results that are Indeed lamentable. Some men through Ignor ance of the consequences which are sure to follow neglect or Improper treat ment, consider this a trifling nllment and rely upon patent medicines, druggists and unskilled doctors In an effort to secure relief for tho cost of a bottle of medicine, and by this procedure allow the disease to irmke such serious Inroads upon the sexual and nervous systems that It Incapacitates them for the physi cal, mental end sexual duties of life, and the patient pays dearly for his economy or the selection of Incompetent attendance. WE (IRK QUICKLY, SAFELY AND THOROUGHLY I Stricture, Varicocele, Emissions, Nervo-Sexuat Debility, lmpotency, Blood Poison (Syphilis,) Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habits, ex cesses, Mlf-ahuse or the result of specific or private diseases. If you cannot call write for symptom blank. Office Hours a. m. to I p. m. Sundays, 10 to 1 only. CONSULTATION FREE ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE 1308 Farnam 8L, BatwawA 13th and 14th Striata, Omaha, Nab. CURED TO STAY CURED Attack sxoppd permanently. Health completely restored. No return of symptoms after treatment cease. Nelthe colds, dust, Oder, dampness, nerv strain, weather change nor anything alee can bring back th disease. You will have a good appetite, sleep well all night, can undergo exposure or do anything anywhere without fear of th Id enemy. Throw away powders, spray, "specific," etc. and b cured In the right way to stay cured. 21 year ef suooese treating Asthma and Hay Fever exclusively. Seven phystclana Thirty aa Istanta (8,000 patients. References In all countries. Pull descrtp- mcrcmnf Book IS Mailed FrM report blank, examination by mati, and our opinion as to your curability all gladly given without charge. Writ at once. p HAROLD HAYES, kraOclo, H. Y. FOLLOW THI FLAO," Behayler Get North Platte Maa. SCHUYLER, Neb., July 27.-(Speclal Tel egram.) A special meeting of the Board of education was held tonight to elect a suc cessor to Prof. Sherman. The' board finally elected J. C. Orr of North Platte. There were about twenty applicants for the po sition. New of Nebraska. YORK On or about August 1 the new Farmers' National bank of York will com mence business In York. 1 com BEATR1CE-W. N. Spellman. one of the leading grain buyers of Beatrice, todav sold his grain business and elevator to Norcrosa Bros., old residents of this city BEATRICE Yesterday afternoon at 1 o'clock occurred the marriage of Harry P Aydelott of this city and Miss Irene Har dliner of SlUckley, Neb., Judge Bourne officiating. ALBION A light rain fell last night and this morning, with prospects of more dur ing the day. Crons of all kind n greasing rapidly and prospects are all that could be asked. YORK In the death of George W. Hainer York loses a respected culxen and the Grund Army of the Republic of this city a loyal member of the local post. The de ceased located In Hamilton county near Hampton In 1871, where he lived up to Ave ears ago, when he moved to York. OAKLAND Dr. N. P. Hansen of this city was married to Miss Ruby Ijitia at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Latta, at Tekamah, Neb., Wednes day afternoon at I o'clock. Rev. Charles P. Lang, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church of this city, performed the cere mony. COLUMBUS The remains of Steven Wag goner, who died at Suit Lake City Satur day, arrived hr UiU morning. Funarai Chamberlain's Colle, Cholera aad Diarrhoea Remedy The Best fa Exlateace. T. M. Wood, manager of the White County News, Bee be, Ark., is a representa tive southern business man, who does not hesitate In expressing his good opinion of a well krown remedy. He says: "It gives me pleasure to recommend Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, hav ing used it myself and In my family with the best results. In fact I believe It to be the best remedy of the kind In existence." FORECAST OF THE WEATHER Fair Today aad Tomorrow la braaka, Soath Dakota aad Kaasaa. Ne- WASHINGTON, July r7.-Forecast of the weather for Friday and Saturday: For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kan sasFair Friday and Saturday, For Iowa and Missouri Showers and thunder storms Friday; Saturday fair In west, showers Jn east portion. For Wyoming and Colorado Showers and thunder storms Friday and Saturday. warmer In east portion Friday. Local Herord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU OMAHA. July 27. Official record of tem. peralure and precipitation, compared with the corresponding day of the last three year: iw. i-jot. 1903. 19U2 Maximum, temperature.... el 84 92 79 Minimum temperature .... 64 64 74 63 Mean temperature 72 74 83 71 Precipitation T .00 .00 T Temperature and precipitation departures rrom wie normal ai umana since March 1, miu compai ibuii wini me iabi i wo years Normal temperature 7j Deficiency for the day 4 Total excess since March 1 17J jsormai precipitation 14 inch Deficiency for the day u Inch Precipitation since March 1 11 69 Inches Denciency since luarcn 1 7.19 Inches Dertclency for cor. period 19f4.... S. 44 Inches Deficiency for cor. period 1903.... 8 41 Inches Reports from Btatloa at T P. M Station and Stat Tem. Max. Rain- or weatner. 1 p.m. Tem. Bismarck, clear 72 74 Cheyenne, cloudy 64 7 Chicago, raining 70 76 Davenport, raining 70 70 Ienvrr, raining 64 80 Havre, clear 74 Helena, cloudy 70 Huron, partly Clnuay 76 Suit Against City. Fmma M. Tomnklns has brought suit In the district court against the city of Omaha for J2.5iO. She alleges that on Maron lau: she was seriously Injured by reason of a fall caused by a defective sidewalk on South Twenty-seventh, pet ween farnam and Douglas. DlsSaared. If disfigured by pimples, ulcers, sores, I Burklen's Arnica Salve will heal you up without a scar. 25c; guaranteed. For sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. VERY LOW ROUND TRIPS Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. 1218. Use the Best FULLY GUARANTEED For any use where good ceal is desired. South and Southeast, one fare plus $2.00. Hot Springs, Ark., daily . .$23.00 Bt Louis, Mo., daily 18.50 Chautauqua, N. Y., July 28th ....34.00 Detroit, Mich., Aug 13th and 14th 21.50 Tittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17th and 18th .25.25 Richmond, Va., Sept. 8th to 11th inclusive . .. , 33.75 Philadelphia, Pa., Sept 14th to 16th inclusive 32.75 Long limits, stop overs and other features offered in con nection with the above rates. 'All agents can sell you through tickets and route you Wabash. All tickets reading over the Wabash from Chicago east are optional with. passenger via lake or rail, either or both directions. Call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street, or write and let me give you ail information, maps, descriptive mat ter, folders, etc HARRY E. MOORES, GL A. P. D. VVabaah Ry., Omaha, Nab. Hh nm a City, clear 16 ' m North Platte, cloudy Omaha, cloudy TH Hapld City, partly cloudy. ...74 Pt. l.ouls, raining 74 Bt. Paul, cloudy tM Bait Ijike City, part cloudy. .M Valentine, partly cloudy 7 WtlllBton. cloudy 7J 1 Indicates trace of precipitation. L. a. WILL 81 1, Local Forecaster. 72 TO 78 84 M 7 7K 70 ' 98 72 fall. .00 .04 T T .02 T .no .UJ .IK) .00 .) .00 .20 .00 .00 .HI T (1 i r- NUT $6.00 LUMP $6.25 All Grades of Hard and Soft Coal. KEYSTONE COAL AND SUPPLY CO., I. A. Johnson. Pres. O. P. Brucker, Traaa J. K. Myers, Uec y. 1819 Farnam St. 'Phooe 1307 m W 1 m IF . T J : W TN. S f . t aW mmiML Maple Leaf route CITY TICK ST , OFFICK Kit FAR MAX 8T OMAHA. A' KB. Atk for -JlbUi on TratUn SilCAGO REO ESTON THE RIGHT ROAD TO TlfXif THE LAKES or MINNESOTA 1 $12.50 FOR THE ROUND TRIF TO ST. PAULMVMINNEAPOLIS I lililllllll iH ll ii