Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 28, 1905, Page 2, Image 2

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Daring July and
Augast w doss
5atroaya at
I 'clock.
Friday morning we will fell
Women's Fine Neckwear, regular
They are not old tyle picked out, but
nm of the Season's choicest irood.
Buster Brown Collar, In solid and eyelet
embroidery, regular pries SOc; Friday-
clearing sale prlre, J5c each.
Embroidered Turnover Collar and Cuffs
to match, regular price 75c; Friday's clear
Inn sale price, 25c each.
We are, also showlns; a benuttfut line of
White IJnen Stocks, embroidered In white
nd colors, at 75c, ll.OO and 11.60 each.
We Will Soon Move Into Our New Building
V.Ii C A. Building, Corner Sixteenth axxd Douguu Strata
regulation a far communication be
tween resorts on the Mississippi aound and
New Orleans Is concerned. The governor,
however, answered that It would be prefer
able to suspend business throughout the
state for thirty days than to allow a case
of yellow fever Jo get Into the state.
No Fever at Other folate.
WASHINGTON, I). q July 27.-8urgeon
Wasdln reported to the public health and
marine hospital sen-Ire today that he had
made a thorough Inspection of the- gulf
coast and had found no evidence of yellow
Taased Assistant Surgeon Berry, now sta
tioned at New York and Pharmacist Morris
of Bt. Louis have been ordered to New Or
leans for service In connection with the yel
low fever situation,
Burgeon General Wyman of the public
health and marine hospital service returned
to the city today and will take personal
charge of the service's campaign against
yellow fever In New Orleans.
lias Ball Schedale Rearranged.
ATLANTA, Oa.. July 27. Owing to the
prevalence of yellow . fever In Louisiana
President Cavanaugh of the Southern Base
Ball league, after a conference with the
managers Interested, announced tonight
that It would be Impractical for either the
Shreveport or the New Orleans teams to
return home and an amended schedule wis
given out tonight. The schedule transfers
the game at New Orleans and Shreveport
to the other cities of the league.
One Case at Tampa, Fla.
TAMPA, Fla., July XI. Vr. Joseph T.
Porter, state .health officer, has issued an
official statement iT the effect that Victor
Vltello, an Italian vho arrived here last
Baturday from New Orleans, Is suffering
from a mild attack, of yellow fever. The
patient ha been isolated and every effort
Is being made to prevent the spread of the
- la Lander District In Wromlsf
1 Withdrawn from
. Entry. :
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 27.-Speclal Tele
gramsThe secretary f the-fhterior -today
withdrew from entry 16,000 acres of land
In the Lander land "district In Wyoming,
which Is desired for Irrigation purposes.
The land withdrawn Is section (, 7, IB,
township K north, range 101 west; sections
S to S. 10 to 11 12. tS. J7f tt and 34, town
ship 52 north, -range lot west; section 12,
1J, township U north, range 104 west.
Nebraska postmaster appointed: Camp
bell, Franklin county, W. W. Elliott vice
F. 8. Elliott, resigned. Loomls, Phelps
county, John O. Doherty vice E. Barnum,
Rural routes ordered established October
2: IowaNew Albin. Allamakee county,
route 1; population, 412; houses, 103. Smith
land, Woodbury county, route 2; popula
tion, G06i houses, 10L South Dakota
Bristol, Day county, route 1; population,
640; houses, 108. Mellette, Spink county,
routes 1 and 2; population. 1.J85; houses,
207. Webster, Day county, route 2; popu
lation, 600; houses, 112. i
John Seltslnger ha been appointed reg
ular and Herman Beitslnger substitute
rural carrier for route t. at Mapleton. Ia.
Assessment on The. of I
Companies I Enjoined by- Dis
trict Conrt Order,
A restraining order ha been issued by
Judge Troup, on application of the Aachen
& Munich Fire Insurance company, to pre
vent the Douglas county Board of Equal
isation from assessing the fire Insurance
companies operating In Omaha on their
gross premiums. While the company
named Is the plaintiff In this suit, all of tho
other fire Insurance companies doing busi
ness here are Joined a parties plaintiff.
The hearing on the point raised will be
Veld by Judge Troup some time next week.
Mrs. Edward German.
HARVARD. Neb., July S7.-(8pecial.)-Informatlon
has been received In this city
of the death of Mrs. Edward German,
at her home in South Haven, Mich., from
a protracted elckness. Mrs. German la
better known in Clay county as Mrs. Con
nell. having assisted her former husband,
William A. Connell, In establishing the
Clay County Journal at Harvard, In the
early '70s, which paper they conducted
for aeveral years, when they removed to
Sutton, where Mr. Connell died, and Mrs.
Connell taught In the Button schools for
several years, when sh returned to liar
vard, taking a position In the Harvard
schools, till ber removal to Mlnden, where
for six or eight years she was county
superintendent of schools for Kearney
county, and marrying Mr. German, after
which they removed to Chicago, then to
their present home at South Haven. On
daughter alone remains of the family, Mrs.
Jessie C. Hawkins, who with her husband
and family have removed from Mlnden to
Stanton, Neb.
Mrs. E. A, Hall.
ALLIANCE. Neb.. July 27. (Special Tele
gram. Mrs. Hall, wife of Eugene A. Hall.
s well known stockman of this city, died
last evening of appendicitis. The deceased
was vary prominent la the social affair of
the city and 1 mourned by a host of
friends. Funeral services were held here
tonight, after which the remains were
taken to Greeley, Colo., the home of her
parents, where they will be Interred on
Saturday morning.
Bsrr Shelton.
Burr Shelton. an old resident of Chadron,
Neb., died at the Clarkson hospital Thurs
day night. Mr. Shelton was 77 year old
and had lived to Dawes county for nearly
twenty years. He was the first postmaster
of Chadron and the first county Judge In
Dawe county. Deceased leaves a wife and
on daughter. His wife lives In Chadron.
The body wUl be seat to Cuadivo thla aft
ruoua fur burial.
BEE. JUL.T r, 1.
Special Sale of
at clearing sale prices a line of
50c and 7uc goods, at 25c each.
Bee our line of Linen Turnover, em
broidered In white and colore, SOc each.
Friday a new Umbrella to show you at
$1.00. They are 26-lneh alie, made with
paragon frame and have patent runner.
The cover are beautiful, quality black,
handle are gun metal, Bllvered, and fine
fancy horn. Thee are special good value
at the price, tl. each.
Both House of Swedish Parliament Aot on
BeoommendatioD of Committee.
German Foreign Ofllee Enter Denial
of Story Sent Oat from Btoelt
holm Regarding- Atti
tude of Emperor.
STOCKHOLM, Sweden, July 27.-Both
house of the Swedish Parliament today
approved the report of the special commit
tee appointed by Parliament to deal with
the crisis between Norway and Sweden.
In the flmt chamber the report waa adopted
without debate.
In the second chamber the recommenda
tion In the report regarding negotiation
for a dissolution was adopted unanimously,
but there was some objection to the pro
posed loan of 326.000,000 to meet the new
conditions. About a score of member
moved against the loan, the socialist-democrat
leader, Herr Brantlng, pointing out
the danger of militarism and declaring that
the proposed loan was contrary to the
peaceful spirit of the recommendation to
negotiation. It was a dangerous precedent,
he said, for Sweden never heretofore had
borrower' money for military purposes, and
he feuied Norway would regard It in the
nature of a threat of war. This view was
contested by other speakers, who pointed
out that the Riksdag by its unanimous ap
proval of the condition of dissolution had
voiced Its willingness to dissolve the union
and its desire for peace, both In the pres
ent and In the future.
Germans Deny Report.
BERLIN, July 27. The German Foreign
office denies utterly the report published
by the correspondent of a London paper at
Stockholm to the effect that Emperor Wil
liam In his recent Interview with the Rus
sian emperor sought to obtain the consent
of the latter for a prlnoe of the house of
Hohenaollern to ascend the throne of Nor-
"r. ....... ... . t
Norwegians May Tot.
CHRISTIANLA. Norway, July 27. It 1
"'Ported that the Norwegian government
will propose to the Storthing the holding
of a referendum on the dissolution of the
union' with Sweden. The vote probably will
be taken August 13.
Seventh Annual Meeting- In Progress
with Many Delegate Present.
BASLE, Swltterland. July 27. The sev
enth annual Congress of Zionists opened
here today In the grand hall of the Casino
de la VUle In the presence of over 1,000
delegates, representing the leading forces
of the Zionist movement throughout the
world. Including an unusually strong dele
gation from the United States. After the
delivery of addresses of welcome In behalf
of the city. Max Nordau pronounced an
eloquent eulogy In memory of Dr. Theo
dore Herzl, founder of the Zionist move
ment, this being the first anniversary of
his death. The session Was suspended at
H o'clock as a .mark of respect to the deceased-
leader. At noon the congress re
sumed It session, which was attended by
a religious service In the synagogue organ
ised by the Jewish community of Basle.
The city Is crowded with delegates, many
of whom are accompanied by their families.
The election of a successor to Dr. Hersl
attracts great attention, as doe the pro
posed establishment of a Jewish colony
In British East Africa.
The American delegate Include Dr.
Henry Friedenwald of Baltimore, presi
dent of the American Federation of Zion
ists; Assistant State's Attorney Leon
Zolotkoff of Chicago, head of the Knights
of Zlon, and Rev. Judah L. Maanes of
Brooklyn, secretary of the American dele
gation. BRITISH
Channel Fore to Crnlso la Northern
Faropeaa Sea,
LONDON. July 27.-The British channel
fleet will sail fur the Baltic sea August 20
and will remain there through September.
As It has been years since a British fleet
appeared In that sea, the announcement is
connected In th publio mind with Em
peror William's recent tour and the visit
of a German squadron to Scandinavian
waters. The cruise of the British fleet la
regarded a designed to counteract the pre
ponderance of German influence In Scan
dinavian politic. The Admiralty, how
ever, discourage the idea of politics hav
ing any bearing on theculse and say
that th Baltic 1 an open sea and. that th
fleet 1 limply going ther to execute
maneuver, a ceremonious visit not being
Tasabltlty of Money 1 Matter of Dl.
ensaloa hy Baxter aad
Kaaaas Agist
O. C. Edwards, superintendent and
special distributing agent for the Iowa and
Kickapoo Indian reservation and school at
Holton, Kan.,' la' In th city In conference
with United State District Attorney Bax
ter on matters pertaining to that reserva
tion, a portion of which lies In Richardson,
county, Neb. The object Is to confer upon
the question of the taxability of certain
fund held In trust for the Indians on th
Iowa and Kickapoo reservation. Th same
question 1 at Issue aa In the Omaha and
Winnebago Indian trust fund now on de
posit In th Security National bank at
Bloux City, la. The amount of money held
In trust for the Iowa and Kickapoo Indian
on land located In. Richardson county 1
about I1S.0UC, and M Is th purpose of Agent
Edwards to see if this fund cannot be
exempted from the taxation in the am
manner as la th Tburatoa oouuty Injunc
Begra Cat White Man to Death During
Quarrel Lut flight.
Ilaj-ry R. MeGeehla, a Discharged Sol.
dler, Dead from Effect of Cots
Inflicted by Will Miles, a
Negro, at Large.
Harry R. McGechln. a laborer employed
at the melter, received wounds from a
rasor In the hands of Will Miles, a negro,
during a fight In front of the Cambridge
hotel about 7:30 o'clock last night from
which he died at the ClarKson hospital In
less than two hours after the affray took
Miles and McGechln had quarreled over
a woman and during the debate Miles drew
a rasor and slashed McGechln across the
face and neck. Inflicting wounds on the
left side of the neck which caused his
death. Mile ha not yet been arrested,
but la well known to the authorities.
Although the police were notified Imme
diately after the cutting had been done the
wounded man received no surgical atten
tion for nearly an hour after he was cut
Surgeons Langdon and Willis were both
absent from the station and effort to lo
cate Dr. Ralph were fruitless for a time.
He was finally found, and after giving tho
wounds temporary dressing, had the man
taken to the Clarkson hospital, where ho
died soon after arrival.
Mardercd Man an Ex-Soldler.
McGechln has been living at the Cam
bridge hotel only three or four days and is
not very well known by those who have
seen him around the office. It Is known
that he Is employed at night as a laborer
at the smelter works and has been there
for several months.. Trior to going to work
there he was a private In Company E,
Twenty-second Infantry and waa stationed
at Fort Crook, and about five months ago
he received his honorable discharge. His
parents live In New York state.
Florence Fleck, the woman about whom
the two men quarreled, lives at the hotel,
and states that she knew nothing of the
dissensions of the two men until she saw
McGechln lying on the floor of the hotel
office with blood pouring from the wounds
In his face and neck.
Bertha St, Clair, who lives at the Cam
bridge, was tho only witness to the fight
that could be located. She waa arrested by
Officer Dan Baldwin and Is being held as a
witness. Florence Fleck Is also at the sta
tion being held as a state witness.
Captain Mostyn detailed Detectives Pa
tullo and Horne and Officer Dan Baldwin
on the case, officers who are acquainted
with Miles.
Casts of the Quarrel.
It Is reported to the police that the Fleck
woman and Miles had been living together
for some time up to about three months
ago, when McGechln came on the scene
and Miles accused him of alienating the
affection which the white woman had borm
for the negro. Yesterday Miles wrote turee
notes to the woman begging her to come
back and live with him, and when Mc
Gechln returned home lute In the after
noon the notes were shown to him. When
the two met In the ex-enlng the quarrel re
sulted. Miles ha been working In one of the
packing houses In South Omaha and !s
known as a man with a bad temper and
very quarrelsome. He Is well known to the
police, having been arrested several times
for petty thievery. Telephone messages
hare been ent to Flattamouth, Nebraska
City',' Lincoln, Fremont and other" nearby
towns, and all the outgoing trains are be
ing watched vigilantly in the hope of lo
cating the fugitive.
McGechln is not unknown In Omaha police
annals. He was sent to the penitentiary
from here for a one-year term and ha
been out only a short time. He was con
victed of stealing elevator fittings from
the Dellone hotel building.
(Continued from First Page.)
order that Japan should be prepared to
continue the. war in the event the effort for
peace failed.
Second The occupation of the Island of
Third An advance against Vladivostok,
Last That Drama should strike a decis
ive blow at the Russian army In Manchu
ria. The fact that the first three stipulations
have been fulfilled while advices from the
front Indicate the Imminence of a general
engagement would Indicate that the story
Is well founded.
Taft'n Visit Criticised.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 27. The sub
stance of the interview in New York with
M. Sato, spokesman of the Japanese peace
envoys, on the position of Japan In the
peace negotiations was reproduced In th
paper here and paased almost without com
ment, only the Novoe Vremya Indulging In
a sarcastic fling, saying that "Japan ha
conducted the war quite economically, only
a million a day, but she had better present
the bill to those who are furnishing the sin
ews of war and not to the country upon
which the war was forced."
A supplementary statement specifying
the cession of the Island of Sakhalin and
fixing the amount of the Indemnity for th
coat of the war contained no surprise and
caused but little flurry except In circles
directly Interested. The bourse was not
The Vle!v?mostl takes the occasion to di
rect sharp criticism at the visit of Secre
tary of War Taft and Miss Roosevelt to
Japan and complains that the moment for
the trip waa tactlessly chosen. The paper
adds that the efforts to prove that the visit
to the land of the rising sun is devoid of
political meaning is "childlike."
The war party Is again making headway,
drawing capital from General Llnevitch's
optimistic telegrams, one of which with the
emperor's reply declaring that the misfor
tunes of war have not shaken his belief
In the courage and devotion of the army,
and containing a glowing wish that the
troop may bring the war to a happy con
elusion, is published in all the papers.
In diplomatic circles a general feeling of
surprise Is professed that Japan has shown
her cards to such an extent before the
meeting of the plenipotentiaries. There Is
no unity of opinion regarding the bearing
of tbe Interview on tho prospects of peace.
It Is realised that much will depend on
the extent -to which M. . Wltte ha been
instructed to push opposition to the pay
ment or an indemnity. Though on pro nil
nent diplomat tuld the Associated Pre
that according to his Information M. Wltte
has been Instructed to refuse absolutely th
payment or a rial indemnity, other sources
are less sure of the exact nature of these
Instructions., i
Wltto Delayed by Fog;.
CHERBOURG, July 27.-Although It was
announced that tbe North German Lloyd
steamer Kaiser Wtlhelm der Gross, left
Tbe Needles at 4. Jo this morning, the ves
sel Is still her a this dispatch is Hied.
M. Wltte. the chief Russian peace pleni
potentiary, who la a passenger on th
Kaiser Wllhslm der Grosse, appear some
what annoyed at th delay, th Russian
peace party being already late when com
pared with the Japanese.
The Russians were most Interested In
reading th pros dispatches describing th
arrival In New York of Baron Komura
aad his party and expressed th hop that
the Jap-inese condition would be really a
moderate as set forth m the dispatches re
ceived here.. Owing to lack of accommo
dation at the hotels some of the passen
gers of the Kaiser Wllhclm der Gross
were compelled to spend the night on board
North Oerman Lloyd Steamship company
tugs. In sleeping cars at the railroad sta
tion, and e-n on th pier.
The North German Lloyd steamer Kaiser
Wllhettn Der Grosse with M. Wltte and his
larty on board sailed dor-New York from
here at 10:30 a. m.
M. Wltte's family accompanied him on
board the steamer, where lie was greeted
by Captain Cuppers and received his mall
and several telegrams. After affectionately
taking leave of his family M. Wltte said,
smiling: "I hope to Teturn soon."
The fog having somewhat cleared away,
the steamer sailed. Mme. Wltte soon after
ward left Cherbourg for Brussels.
Capitalists Getting- Bnsy.
BERLIN, July 27. In view of the proba
bility of an early peace between Russia and
Japan, the terms of which will Involve tho
payment of a very heavy Indemnity by
Russia, the financiers of Europe have been
holding conference to the end that the
peace Indemnity may be paid without seri
ously disturbing the finances of the world.
The Mendelssohn, the Berlin bankers who
have been for many year the representa
tive on the continent of the Russian gov
ernment and who have negotiated many of
the Russian loans, have formed an alliance
with the Rothschilds In respect to the mat
ter and have hold communications with all
the leading financial institutions both on
the continent and In Ungland. They are
about to send their representatives to New
York with a view to enlisting the co-operation
of the larger financiers of the United
States. It Is likely that a Russian loan for
the purpose of paying the Indemnity will
be scattered and that a considerable por
tion of It will be taken In the United States.
J. P. Morgan, after having conferred with
a number of financiers of England, Is sail
ing today for New York.
(Continued from First Page.)
Item after the manner stated could not
have been the result of an inadvertence,
and certainly constituted a concealment of
facts sufficient to render the company'
worn statement for 1104 materially Inac
South Omaha Man Knocked from
Track nnd Lies Unconscious
All Night.
To be hit In tbe head by a locomotive
and not know it Is an experience that
comes to but lew men. That novelty has
been enjoyed, however, by William Green-
hagen of South Omaha, and he lives with
six scalp wounds as a witness of the
casualty. Greenhagen was returning to
his home from Blieely at 12:30 Wednesday
night. When walking along tho track near
Sheely he was hurled several feet out In
the right-of-way. The first he knew subse
quent to this accident was at 6:30 Thursday
morning, when ho regained consciousness
after being prodded several times by some
parsons who saw him 'ying beside the
track. He and those who found him could
figure out no other theory than that he
was struck by an engine. He was taken
to his home, badly hurt.
(location of Recreation Quarter for
Employes rs Under Ila-
' cnesloh.
.o .
PANAMA. July 7.-Presldent Shont and
a party of canal officer went today to ln
pect the route from Panama to Culebra.
Among the subject whloh President Shonts
ha discussed wlttl Governor Magoon was
the construction of quarters and places for
the recreation of employes, to which much
Importance ia attached. A definite plan
will soon be adopted.
Tbe great demand for cars .for the trans
portation of material for the canal has
caused serious congestion at both terminals
of the railroad. Last week and this week
steamers bound south, after remaining be
yond their schedule time for cargoes, were
compelled to leave without them.
Freight Train Rons Into a Washout
Seventy Miles East of Billings
Four Men Killed.
HELENA, Mont.; July 27. Four men have
been killed by the wrecking of an east
bound freight train on the Northern Pa
cific between Myers and Big Horn about
seventy miles east of Billings. The wash
ing out of an iron bridge, over a small
strea.n caused the engine and four cars to
plunge Into the stream. '
The dead:
JAMBS WILSON, engineer, Forsyth
EDWARD LUCIFER, fireman, Forsyth.
The Injured:
JOHN CAMPBELL, brakeman, Forsythe.
Sna Frnnelsco Merchants Aro Aaxtons
Over Status of tho Chinese
SAN FRANCI8CO, July 27. Local mer
chants interested In trade with China have
been rather anxious over a rumor afloat
that the Chinese boycott against American
goods had, gone Into effect and that all the
big milling and flour companies had re
ceived stop orders from their agents In
the Orient and that existing contract had
been canceled.
China buy about 1220,000,000 worth of
foreign good annually. Of this amount
about 120,000.000 come from the United
State, of which about $4,000,000 come from
San Francisco. Of the latter amount
nearly one-third 1 flour, about 600,0t$
barrel being exported.
Convicted Member of Knnsn Bonrd
of Edncatloa Is Denied
New Trial.
KANSAS CITY. July r. The motion for
a new trial filed by Frank Campbell,
member of th Board of Education In Kan
sas City, Kan., conylcted in the district
court In that city of accepting a bribe for
hi vote In the awarding of a contract
by the board, was overruled thi morning
and Campbell was sentenced to serve from
one to seven years In the state peniten
tiary. Campbell was released on a 11.500 bond
and allowed ninety days in which to per
fect his appeal to the supreme court. On
June M of this year a Jury In th district
oourf returned a verdict of "guilty."
The city has Issued a permit to Mrs. E.
P. Hurd for a 11 400 frame dwelling at
Twenty-ninth and Shirley streets.
The Are department waa called to th res
idence of Mrs. J. N. Reynolds, 107 South
Seventeenth street, at 101 o'clock Ut
night to en Ung ulan a blase Uiat, hud evi
dently started from rats carrying matches
to a mattress lying on the baaenirnt floor
The Are was quickly extinguished and tbe
damage was nomina
What Bring! Magnate This Way is Fuzi'ing
Railroad Man.
Reported He Will tee Moffatt a
" Well as Look After Tunnels
Through Merra Kevada
Th coming of E. H. Harrlman to the
west at this time la a matter of much In
terest in railroad circles. Mr. Harrlman
belongs to that class of men who somehow
do not take the publio Into their confi
dences, hence It Is not generally known,
from the lips of Mr. Harrlman, Just why
he Is making a special trip from New York
to the Pacific const now. But conditions
offer some mighty good suggestions. Kali
road men who are wont to speculate on
such matters think they see enough out fn
this western country to Interest the great
magnate to the extent of calling for a per
sonal visit.
First and foremost this Is no secret he
ha projected the construction of five great
tunnels through the Sierra Nevada moun
tains dividing California and Nevada and
taking the place of the forty-one miles uf
snow sheds which protect the Southern
Pacific as it traverses the great divide.
Theft snow sheds long have been an eye
sore to E. H. Harrlman.
"My next big Job Is to abolish those snow
sheds and bore a big hole through those
hills," said the railroad king to a party of
newspaper men on the occasion of his trip
to the west when the Ogdon-Lucln cut off
was opened and dedicated.
And now that work is In progress. So
that Is one reason why Mr. Harrlman is
comffig west.
What About the Ban red rot
"Who controls the Salt Lake-San Pedro
rond?" railroad men are asking these days.
While It Is generally accepted that Sen
ator William A. Clark, Just ordered to
Europe to recover his health. Is the power
behind the throne, there is substantial
grounds In railroad circles for the state
ment that the Harrlman people own 61 per
cent of the stock of this road and 61 per
cent gives control. Be that as it may the
Union Taclfic is running Its trains over the
San Pedro from Salt Lake as a short cut
to Los Angeles and the Interesting point
which railroad men are trying to settle Is,
"If Harrlman docs not control this road,
why not, since it Is a direct competitor of
the Southern Pacific, beating that road
Into Los Angeles and southern California
by several laps?"
Perfection of certain plans for the Im
provement of conditions on this new road
is taken as another object attracting Har
rlman to the west.
To Meet D. II. Moffat.
Rumor has it that Mr. Harnman and
D. H. Moffat have a conference scheduled
at Denver, the subject of which will be tho
future of the Moffat road building from
Denver to Salt Lake. Whether it is true
or not that the Goulds have a controlling
Interest In the new Moffat line, railroad
men of good Judgment adhere to the theory
that It benooves the Harrlman Interests
to get In on this proposition if they can,
and if not prepare competition which will
make It hard for the Moffat people to gain
the whip hand at which they have aimed.
The road, as projected, goes on a bee line,
almost, from Denver to Salt Lake and there
an interesting question arises, "How much
tartrer wost will It extend?" It might go
on to San Francisco and there is a great
deal of talk that It -will do this. In that
event Mr. Harrlman would have another
competitor of potential strength.'
The exact time of Harrlman' arrival
In Omaha t not known at Union Pacific
headquarter. ,
Electric Line Project.
Incidentally, since his retirement from
the board of directors of the Harrlman
rbads, E. H. Huntington, owner of the
street railway system of Los Angeles, has
bought Redondo, eighteen miles from Los
Angeles and one of the most popular of
southern California beach resorts." He Is
said to have a gold mine In the traffia
which his motor lines carry to and from
this great place. Mr. Harrlman is said to
have the evil eye on Coronado Beach or
another rival of Redonda, and also to have
determined on extensive Investments In
electric line property In southern California
as a competitor to Huntington. There is no
question but that Huntington's revenues
have been materially swelled by the en
trance of the San Pedro road, and on the
theory that Harrlman controls this road
railroad men argue that he Is too shrewd
to allow the fruits of his skillful labors to
be entirely garnered by others thantilmself.
Man Who Sella Books as Government
Agent Run Down' and Held
at St. Joseph.
Postoffice Inspector A. J. Moore has Just
returned from Bt. Joseph, where he ar
rested Victor R. Hulpgren of that vicinity
on the charge of representing himself as
a government agent In the sale and dis
tribution of alleged government publica
tions, known as "The Messages, Speeches
and Papers of the Presidents."
The arrest was brought about on the
complaint of Assistant Postmaster J. W.
Coonley of Hoag, Gage county, Nebraska,
who had been Inveigled Into buying a set
of the books, ten In number. In June, at
the persuasion of Hulpgren.
Hulpgren, It Is alleged, represented him
self as a canvasser lor the bureau of na
tional Information and arts and induced
Mr. Coonley to Invest in the set of books
at 13.60 per volume.
Hulpgren demanded a preliminary hear
ing upon his arrest and the hearing will
be given him on August 1 before United
States Commissioner C. C. Colt at St.
County Assessor and Commissioner
to Bo at Lincoln to Defend
Local Assessment.
County Assessor Harry D. Reed and the
county commissioners of Douglas county
will go to Lincoln Monday to be present at
the hearing of , the protest of the merchants
of Lincoln against the assessment of mer
chandise in Douglas county. This Is about
the only formal protest filed with the
State Board of Equalisation and Assess
ment which will occupy the attention of
the state equalisers. Several days will, it
Is expected, be consumed In the hearing of
Maa 1 Covered with Dirt and Ex
tricated with Injuries After
Much Difficulty.
A Peter Jensen, a laborer, who resides
at Fifth and Pierce streets, was at work
shoveling dirt from a cellar at lilt Jack
son street about a ton and a half of soft
earth caved in upon him and he was extri
cated with difficulty shortly after noon
Thursday. His left leg was broken at the
ankle and It is feared that h has suf
fered Internal Injuries. The police am
bulance was called and be was removed to
61 Joseph'g bospltaL
No, nnf plan of loans rtot not tlo om? tip for an mdoflnlte porlod,
thtm prerrntlng one pnylng off a pnrt of ft loan mnvhrver on hits' riionoy
to spnrr. hither our borrowers may apply an amount nial to their
monthly rental to the reimi-ment of tholr loans, and Ihu- ray- hem off
In aboHt ten year, or they may make advance pgyuieuti and get th
release of their niortRRRes so much the sooner.
' lirop iu and talk it over with u. We are always pleased to explain
our jilan.
The Conservative Savings & Loan Ass'n
205 South 16th Street, Omaha, l!eb.
year in business, i
Itesouroett, fl.-fcm.tiuuit).
Reserve and t'nilividod Profits,
Old Omahan: flays Reports Must Be
Discounted Abont a Mil
lion Per Cent.
"Skip" Dundy, the king of showmen, Is
In the city enroute to the west to investi
gate the gold discovery which hns been
made in Wyoming by some of his agents.
"Skip" says these stories have to be dis
counted about a million per cent, but that
the claims have been mado to him so strong
that he thought they would bear investi
gating. He has owned the land for some
time and owns It yet. but a stock company
has been formed which will mine the ore
on shares, and he thinks enmigh of the
scheme to run out from New York to in
vestigate it.
"Luna park is having the best year in Us
history, and during the heated season we
could not accommodate the crowds that
ran down to the Island to get away from
the heat of the metropolis. Hugh Thomas
hns charge of all of the electrical appli
ance of the Thompson & Dundy enterprises
and spends one day at Luna park and the
other at lhe Hippodrome. The Hippodrome
will -open its doors for the winter season
August 30, and then we will give the thea
ters the same merry chase we did In the
spring after our opening. A large force
of men Is at work on the Hippodrome re
modelling and making some Improvements
which we found would be beneficial In such
a large undertaking and which could not be
foreseen when building because of the mag
nitude of the show, no other In the world
equalling it In extent. We give two per
formances each day and show to from 9,000
to 11,000 people every day.
"No, we are not going to enlarge the
performance In any way, as we made It as
large as possible right at tho start, but
we know that we have a winner and that
we will get the people from the time that
our doors aro thrown open."
One Hundred and Sixteen Persons
Suggest Names for Samson's
Boulevard of Burlesque.
In reply to the otter of $10 to the person
suggesting an acceptable name for this
year's Ak-8ar-Ben carnival, Samson, lord
high scribe to King Ak-Bar-Ben XI, already
has received 116 letters from people Ilviog
in all parts of Nebraska and some sections
of Council Bluffs. Many of tbe letters con
tain a list of names from which to select.
All letters received up to next Monday
will be considered. At the meeting of- the
board fit governors , next Monday . evening
one of the many name will be selected and
the name of the winner announced.
The letter received by Samson are from
people of all ages and occupations and
many of the missives are original. Soma
contain verses of poetry, while some have
lengthy explanations for the name pro
posed. The names Samson's Alley, Alley, Hike,
Path Row, Byway, Highway, Rlalto, Cor
ral!, Pit and a few others are mentioned
by more than one person. Some of tha
other names are; Plaxa, Parade, Roundup,
Range, Come-Ye-All, Nectar Brook, Jam
boree, Samson's Sidetrack, Joyful Jungle,
Moonshine Row, Joy Juncket, Primrose
Path, Dazzle Path, Happy Hill, Gayety
Row, Loop, Circle, Maze, Height, Trek,
Run, Gangway, Ahamo, Hilarity Isle, Pana
cea, Pat Crowe's Walk, Yale of Mirth,
Pikers' Alley, Happy Hunting Grounds,
Xystoa, Urway, On The Level.
Responsibility of Fatality Will Do
Located by Police if Possi
ble by Inquiry.
Fred Craig, colored, 721 Pierce street, was
fined 30 and costs In police court Thursday
morning when arraigned on the charge of
being an Inmate of a disorderly house.
Craig was arrested on the complaint of
his wife, who charged her husband had
been consorting with a white woman.
Shortly after the arrest Craig's baby died.
It has been reported to the police that the
baby died as much from neglect as from
anything else. The case Is now being in
vestigated by the police with, a view of
locating the blame.
. Mrs. Craig maintains she cared for th
baby a best she could. She says she has
been forced to go out and work for her
self and was unable to nurse the infant as
It should have been nursed.
Ijindseeker Are Plentiful.
HURON, 8. D.. July 27. (Special.) A
large crowd of landseekers arrived here
Wednesday evening; they came from Illi
nois, Wisconsin and Indiana. Many re
mained here and inspected the country
Thursday, others going north and west.
Indications point to large delegations of
homeseekers and Investors the coming fall,
and even at this early date real estate deal
ers are a busy class of people.
"Who never saves, but wastes
his dimes,
To him all times will be hatd
DEPOSITS of any amount re
ceived. Many a strong- sav
ings account has originated with
one dollar. Four percent com
pound Interest paid on all ac
counts." Money makes monsy
when pluced where It will
Oldest and Strongest Sav
ings Bank In Nebraska.
City Savings Bank
1 6th tnd Douglas, Omaha.
Protest on Marriage Show.
OMAHA, July 27.-To the Editor of The
Pee: On behalf of many thousands In
Omaha who love order and decency, I
would protest against the debasement cf
the nihrrlagc ceremony which Is advertised
as a Sunday attraction at Krug Park on
tho 3oth Inst. The moral sentiment of thig
community receives many a rude ' shock
when the Sunday programs of our "popu
lar" . summer resorts are announced. We
thought that perhaps the climax had been
reached when, a few weeks ago, tbe "bath
ing" rlrphants disported themselves at
Lake Manawa. But evidently It Is not So,
for the tolling thousands of our great city
are to witness the desecration of a solemn
rite upon which homes are built, families '
are reared and civilization conserved. Is
it any wonder that divorces are so alarm
ingly on the Increase, and the marrlago
vow so lightly held, when for mere gred
and avarice, and the gratification of mor
bid curiosity, the solemn and sacred mar
riage covenant Is vulgarly travestied?
Yours truly, , E. COMBIE SMITH. .
Rumor Bays Grain Combine is Ho
More, While Attorney Learned
Denies It.
A report became current Thursday that
the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association
had held a meeting In Omaha Wednesday'
and had dissolved the organization. The
story was refuted by H. O. Miller, secre
tary of the association, and M. L. Learned
of Kennedy ft Learned, the association'
"There has been no dissolution," said
Mr. Learned. "I have no more Idea that ,
there will be than I have that The Bee
will cult business tomorrow."
By those who heard and believed the
rumor it was supposed that the associa
tion had decided to' forego any advantage
which might be derived from the organiza
tion in order to prove' to the farmers of
the state that a Drain trust does not exist. '
Chantres for Army Officers.
WASHINGTON, July 27.-The war de-
partment today relieved Brigadier Oeneral '
William H. Carter from -command of the i
department of Vlsayaa. Philippine Islands, ,
and asHlgned him to the command of the
Department of the Lake. Brigadier Gen- " ,
eral A. Buchanan, now in the Philippines,. -'
Is ordered to command the Department of :
N. Kdgerly. who is relieved of command of n
the Department -.of Luzon by Brigadier
General Tasker II. Bliss, Is ordered to re-'
port to the commanding general of the
Philippine division for' assignment to
duty. - -
Sergeant Robert Reynolds, Troop B, -
Tenth cavalry, Fort. Robinson, lias bee a
honorably discharged from the army by
direction of Uie War department.
The commanding ofneer of the recruiting
rendezvous at Jefferson barracks, Mls-t
sourl, hHS been ordered to ship seventy-1
three cavalry recruits from that post to'
San Francisco for assignment to' tho
Fourth cavalry, fifty-two field s-tlllery re
cruits to Fort Leavenworth i werty-etght
cavalry recruits to Fort Meyer. Va and
seventeen cavalry recruit to Fort Ethan
Allen, Vermont. -
The following general court-martial en
tences have been promulgated from head
quarters, Department of the Missouri: Pri
vate Ozle Henry, Twentieth batterv, field
artillery, violation of sixtieth article of
war. dishonorable discharge and two year"
Imprisonment at Fort Riley; Recruit John
A. Qulnn (white), mounted service, fraudu
lent enlistment, dishonorable 'discharge and
six months' .iniprisenmsut. at Fort RHey. ;
1321 Douglas St.
Opens for Business Saturday
Morning,' July 29 ;,
' UNDER New management.
All old customers are cordially Invited
to return.
July 25, 26, 27, 2
Friday, July 28, Ladies Day
Gam Callod at 3s4B.
POYD'S Tin ferrli Stock Company
11th tnd
This Afternoon, Talaht-
Saturday Mat. and NinUt. Bun.
dur Mat. and Night
PlilCE8-le, lBc' and Ko.
Mat, lue any