"18 TnR Qf AITA DAILY KEE: FRIDAY, JULY 2S. 1WK Great sale of MEN'S CROVJtl OXFORDS continues Friday. $3, $3.50 and A OfC $4 values at, choice f Y.M. C. A. MEN TO NEW FIELDS L Elmer Turner Goei to Ifeiioo and J. E. Xuhni to Japan. ARTHUR JORGENSEN SENT TO LINCOLN Mr. Teraer Sacceeds G corse I. Bab pock, Foraaerlr ( Omaha, Wt Becomes National Beere. tarr Mexico. lllf OMAHA WRITHRR FORKC AT Frlaor Kknwrn and Thimdrrotmrms 101 Three prominent woraers In the Toung den' Christian association, two of them secretaries, are to leave Omaha for other field. A. Elmer Turner, educational and reli gious secretary, IU leave September 1 to become general secretary at the City of Mexico. The present secretary there, George I. Babcock, who went from Omaha three years ago, will become national sec retary of Mexico. Besides having the duties of secretary at the Mexican capital, Mr. Turner will be expected to develop associa tion work at neighboring cities. E. F. Den lson will take charge of the educational work here and W. S. Rothery of the reli gious work. Arthur Jorgensen. present financial sec retary, will leave early In Beptemlier for Lincoln, to become student secretary at the State university. Ills place here has been offered to H. A. Stone. John Hay Kuhns will go to Japan to teach English In the government schools of that country. Mr. Kuhns left Wednes day for San Francisco. He will meet an educational committee representing the Japanese government when he gets to SI J sun, and a station will be assigned him. Mr. Kuhns was sent out by the interna tional committee of the association and will be expected to engage In association work when not actively employed In teaching English. One or two men, each year have gone from the Omaha association to foreign Acids. Three years ago Mr. Babcock went to Mexico, two years ago W. W. Lock wood went to Shanghai, China, and last year D. Burr Jones went as army secretary to the Philippines. COLLINS AT HAYMARKET RIOT Chicago's Sew Chief of Police Was Oil of Patrolmen that Fatal Kla-ht. The new chief of polite, John Collins, of Chicago, who Is making gamblers hard to catch Just now, was one of the patrolmen who figured on that immortal night In the fatal Haymarket riot. In which policemen were killed by anarchists and which led to the suicide of one, the hanging of five an! Imprisonment of three other disciples of the dynamite school. Chief Donahue Is acquainted with Collins, though not In timately. He has the record of a good officer. Remedy for Diarrhoea Never Known to Fall. "I want to say a few words for Chamber lain's Colic, ChoUra and Diarrhoea Rem edy. I havo used this preparation In my family for the past five years and havo recommended It to a number of people In York county and have never known It to fail to effect a cure in any Instance. I feel that I can not say too much for the best remedy of the kind In the world." a. JEM1SON, Bprlng Grove, York county, Pa. 1 Special Sale on fJorden's Malted Milk 60c Borden1! Malted Milk for 40c f 1.00 Borden's Malted Milk for 75c $3.75 Borden's Malted Milk for....3.00 Some Saturday Specials' 25c Dr. Graves' Tooth Powder 12c ,25c Saullol Talcum. Saturday 12c ' 25c Sanltnl Tooth Powder, Saturday 14c H5c Lyons Tooth Powder, Saturday 14c 25c Rublfoam, Saturday 17c Apricot Murshmallows, something new and delicious, Saturday, lb... 25c 50c Epsom-Fizz for 45c Small Epsom-Ftzz for 10c Sherman & McGonnell Drug Go. Cor, 16th and Dodare, Omahn, Neb. a is Socks Great clearing gale of our fancy Socks. Over 100 styles to select from, will be closed out at Three Pairs for 2dc for few days only. This Is the regular 15c a pair kind. Come early. Vanin. Underwear and Beads as VHual. Jos. F. BUz 322 South 16th St. Omaha. DIAMOND I RINGS! ! n 5 Everybody Buys them. Everybody Wears them, t I $5.00 to $500.00. I 15-& DODGE. I PRIZE PUZZLE Find a better soap for the Com plexion. Nursery. Si-alp, Toilet or ll!h than Hrrll (medicated) altla Soa. The very best medicated suhd. ioc , -SOLD BY Kciefl Dug Co., I6ti in. Capitol Am. This store closes at 5 OXIock Every Evening Except Sa.turda.ys at 10 p. m. THE LAST GREAT SALE OF REMNANTS AND ODD LOTS FROM THE CLEARING SALE The last and greatest sale of remnants from the most successful clearing sale ever held in the west. Small lots must go quickly. High Grade Mercerized Sateens Favorite Sateensi In black, white, and all colors, the regular 40c quality; on?a,lf for the first time for, yd 15c Imported mercer ized white walrt Inn9, worth up to 5uc, for .yard . 10c 15c quality white Inilla llnon, 40 Inrh Victoria lawn; special, yd., 71c Finest quality (ong cloth, Nnln sook and Una muslin. In mill ends, for yard.... 1 unit 6!c 3rt-lnch percale In nice long- rem nants, 15c grade, for, yard 5c Imported dress batiste, llnht or dark grounds, printed In all styles. 19c values, for, yd.... 6ic Good quality drexs ginghams, stripes and large checks, for, yard, I ic Nicely printed Scotch lawns. In good long lengths, tur, yum- 2jc Imported mercer ized table dam ask, remnants, aa long as t n a y last, per yard. 15c Si FRENCH ORGANDIES at 3lc YARD ON SALE IN BASEMENT Friday w will sell 3 cases of mill lengths, that match pretty floral organdies, .for waists, dresses and party wear, regular 25c organdies at, yard Dress Goods From the Clearing Sale Thousands of accumulated remnants from many sales also All 3, 5 and 8 yard lengths of finest cot-da from regular stock mohairs, Panamas, thl goods, ailk and wool voiles, etc., that sold up to $1.75 yard at, yard : &9c M 1a Wash Panamas, Silk Crepe. Silk Mull and high grade J summer stuffs In Arcade J II Q --at, yard., Finest Wash Fabrics Your 1 choice of any in the de- partment, worth up to II yatd-at, yard EMBROIDERIES in Remnants and Odd Lots All kinds of embroideries and iusertings in flcores of new and dainty patterns on bargain C tables for Friday special at ,1iC-jC" f 2C All the match sets of beautiful embroideries the high est class Imported Swiss and t f 'Zfb nainsook-all new and elabor- IIJC-1 C-.aJ JC ate patterns, at v BVV LACES from the Clearing Sales Laces and insertings in a variety of widths for all kinds of dainty trim mingspretty wash laoe, never sold at suchtbarcalns yard - ' V Specials Bargains in Sijk Remnants Importer's samples from one quarter yard to one yard s ar.p::Kf. p:r.s' . . . 5c-i0ci5c-25c Coarse pongees. In colors, fancy shirt waist nilk, 27-ln. lCt white wash nilk, yard. ,..fJC New lot of black silk remnants all guaranteed at very special prices. 2c-5c-?2C Check and Stripe LouUene 27-ln. chiffon, black taf- CQ- Q feta, at, yard.. . .J.C-0.C Yard wide Changeable Taffeta- pure silk will go at, Cifi aui; 3 yard 1 1 h p tr n y STb n 1 FOR YOUR, CHOICE OF THE ENTIRE FLOOR STOCK OF FIELD BROS. QL GROSS CO S. nyi9 Made to retail at Five Six Dollars 4 A PAIR . SALE BEGINS TODAY ON THE MAIN FLOOR till 111! IU.il ill H I :1J SflBBSBSSXX I A THOUSAND PAIRS IN FRONT OF YOU TO CHOOSE FROM on BARGAIN SQUARES THE. SWELLEST SR0ES IN THE MARKET FOR MEN WHO KNOW THE CORRECT THING NEVER SUCH A SHOE SALE AS THIS The Attention of the Younger Generation College and Society Men Specially end in General Called to This Sale. n u l II OKEE1N TRADIINO STAMPBOOIIlV L O.N MAIM FLOOR Kmmsmmmwm ill 1 .111. 1 ju .1, U1III..L JH. 1. IU ..in win II 1 nil nil If n) ;: L I Ages 3 to 16 Years Norfolks, Double-Breasted and 3-Piece Suits OUR $4.95 SUITS AT Co) (2) y NOTICE SHOW WINDOWS. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY A Daked Bean Special Seventy-five dozen three-pound cans Un cle Sam's Baked Beans veryj delicious 20 Green Trading J j Stamps with each can k J Friday ODly Friday CROCKERY SNAPS White6 Porcelain Cups and Sau- Cf) cers new shape, 6 for Twenty Green Trading Stamps with each set Haviland China , at closing out prices. Over ten patterns that have all been good sellers must make room yours at 83 1-3 per cent off. Beautiful, loga Vase Sixteen inches high a $1.25 value special Friday, each Second Floor. 59c Friday Snaps in Dry Goods Short ends, odd lots and remnants at very much below cost INTERESTING HOUR-SALES. LACES 9 to 12 m. Hundreds of pieces, odd makes in wash laces, in white and cream worth fl to ten cents, only 1C RIBBON. REMNANTS 1,000 'remnants fine ribbons in plains and fancy, lengths 1 to 2 yards, worth A up to 50c yard, from 8 to 11 a. m., yard ... C LADIES? VESTS 100 dozen ladies' summer vests, regular 19c quaJity, low neck, no sleeves, from 3 to 5 p. m., each '. , REMNANTS WASII GOODS Every remnant of goods in mohair luster, fine cotton voiles, lawns, mulls and ginghams, worth 15c to 50c yd., Friday. . 5c wash 5c 4U inches white lawn In lengths from 1 to 5 yards, 1 worth 15c yard, Friday, per yard... J2C TABLE LINEN REMNANTS All of our table linen remnants and odd napkins and towelings at less than cost to import. EMBROIDERED WAIST PATTERN SALE All of our fine embroidered, white waist patterns, that sold at 1.25 to $2.50 each, divided in wo lots, from 10 to 12 a. m. ' Lot 1 worth $1.25, at 50c Lot 2 worth up to $2.50, at $1.00 Oti sale lace counter t HANDKERCHIEF SALE 2 to 5 p. m. 200 dozen ladies' and children's handkerchiefs, that sold to 15c each, on sale 2 to 5 p. m., at .' JC EXTRA SPECIAL FOR SATURDAY LADIES' SKIRT SALE, ON SALE ON OUR 2ND FLOOR, FULL PARTICULARS FRIDAY NIGHT'S PA-PERS. L This Store Will Close at 5 P. M. Every Evening Except Saturday ill This Store Will Close at 5 P, M. Every Evening Except Saturday INVESTMENTS Do you want a sure, aafe and highly profitable legitimate Investment (do chemea or "prospect") ? Ot course you do. Well, call at 038 New York Lire Bonding and auk for N. E. SHERWOOD. He baa something with PROOFS TO BACK IT which will satUfy you, aa It baa others who have Investigated. Tula opportunity will be open for only a hort time and the amount 1 limited. - N. E. SHERWOOD, 938 New York Life Bld. FRIDh Y IS a vkh hi mm mm m m .. m m-M. mm t m m mm mm in 1 a w iiiiLmivRixi li utn In the High Grade Wash Goods Dept. These ar not mill ends or trnshy fnods, but remnanto of tha very beat pat terns of our high gnids wash patterns that always sell to trie remnant first. 69C WASH OOODS FOR 1BC TARD-Rem- rants of the very finest Kngllsh and German mercertied white ennd .Tur. quards. Tiques. Matsfllles Ozfonts, Wait ings, Shirtings, Swisses. rurklnrs, eto , also French novelties In colors that sold up to 59c per yard ahout 3 to tctr 84 yards In each piece, at yard.... CW 60C WASH GOODS AND "WHITE OOODB IOC High grade Madmsses. 19o and 25o Dimities and Itatlstes, Marseilles. French Ginghams, high grade Vollos and other goods that Bold from 25c to Mo )c 25C AND SIC WASH GOODS AT TtyC AND iC YARI' Ginghams, 3-lnoh Perralaa, Voiles, PatinU'H, lndki Unons, Lonj Cloths, 40-tnch Iiwns and 1"0 nllterent kinds of fine wash goods. In from 2ty to 10 yards in piece, every yard worth tnrea limes what we ask for 7 I Ci thern, at a yard .... W-IJU S5C AND MO LININGS FOR 10C TARD Remnants of Sampson's and Yama Mia Silk, l.ustral, Gloria Cloth. Manhattan, 1'trcalines, Sateens. Spun Glass, Dlro Si I rC and In fact all the very test linings In the market, from lj yard to I yards in piece, all will go In this sals nn at a yard , Silk Remnants Friday 25c Yard The biggest sale and the greatest values ever offered will be our remnant sale of Bilks, consisting of fanry silks worth up to 11.60 yard, plain silks In Taffetas, Messallnes, Peau de Cygnes. Loulsines and China Silks, worth up to li.OO yard, In lengths from V4 yard to S yarda, to close Friday yard OW Remnants, Short Lots, Short Prices Bargains All Over the Domestic Room 25c Chiffon and Nicker Whsh Voiles at yard 8H Standard Prints, good patterns, O'n at yard 12HO Colored Dress I -awns, great snap at yard 15c Apron Lawns and Curtain .Swisses, 40 Inches wide, at 5c 5c 3c 124c Cheviot Shirtings, polka dot and strlne, at yard Snow White Cambrics, heavy Brown Mus lin and soft finished Hleached Mus lin, worth up to 10c yard, at fi yard , 12'io Mercerised Chumbray ant Rrr t-VRrd 2ic Seersucker Ginghams All kinds of White Goods, worth tip En 10 oov yara, hi yaru, juo, lygo nnu...f." w $1 Hand Painted Sofa Pillows 25c Our entire stocR of fancy Hand Painted Sofa Plllowa, worth TBo to $1.00 each special at one price Friday choice 25c Great Wrapper Sale Friday FROM S TILL t A. M. Women's Wrappers during this one hour at IRsi rhnlr OOfc $1.60 Wrappers on sale all day 7Qr I $2 and $2.50 Wrappers, all Imported f Q at M.zft materials choice Is Is Friday's Furnishing Bargains Children's Bicycle Hose, regular 7 1 r. 19o nuallty at J Ladles' Fast Black Hose, with double er sole and heel, 12c quality at, pair. ...-' Children's Hose, in blacks and tans, f E sles 4 to , 10c quality, at, pair Men's 15c Half Hose, in blacks and 7 lr fancies, at pair 45" Ladles' fine Lisle Vests, silk taped, with or without sleeves, coma in all elses, In pinks, blues and creams, actually ICir worth 26o choice , IvW Ladles' lBo Gause Vests, extra large . Sn and nicely finished, at choice Jt Dosens of other rousing bargains la this department. Groceriesl t Groceries! IF YOU ARE LOOKING FOR MONET-SAVERS READ THESE) PRICES. 20 pounds pure Granulated Sugar $1.00 48-pound sacks fancy high patent Min nesota Flour $1.48 10 bars best brands Laundry Soap 25c 1-pound package Imported Macaroni... tVko 1-pound cans fancy Alaska Salmon.... 9c fc-pound cans Potted Beef, Deviled Ham, Potted Tongue or Deviled Tongue, per can ZMo 4 pounds best hand picked Navy Beans 16c 4 pounds best Pearl Tapioca, Sago, Barley or Farina 160 4 pounas oest duik iAunary ptarcn . .. .loo Oil or Mustard Sardines, per can....... 4o CHEAPER THAN LEMONS. A bottle of Root Beer or Wild Cherry Phosphate. One bottle makes 6 gallons. CHEESE. CHEESE. CHEESE. Fsney Wisconsin Brick Cheese, lb....l2"4a Fancy Wisconsin Llmburger Cheese, ib.l2'-jo Fancy Wisconsin Cream Cheese, lb..,, iSo Fancy N. Y. White Cheese, lh 16o PEACHES. PEACHES. PEACHES. Large crates fancy Alberta Peaches... 90o These are the finest that grow, for can ning or table purposes. (in ji JNJ , L2)b0 It is cool to-day in Colorado I) Block Signals SL2 All the Way Ask Geo. C. Cham bers, Pass. Art, " Equitable Bid.. Dea Moines, la., for "A Colorado Summar" book. Why not take your Summer Outing in Colorado Rockies? The Santa Fe is arranging some lowrate excursions to Denver. Go on the Colorado Flyer, the train that's as fine ai the Limited The janitor service in The Bee Building is as near perfect as it can be, remembering that janitors are human. Offices from $10 to $4? per month several desirable ones from which to choose. WE CLOSE AT 5 every day eiceptlnjf Haturday until September lat. Do jour trading- early, ao that our employes can get out promptly at S. Look for the Name S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, UU Dougls Street. LATEST, LIGHTEST. NEATEST. CHEAPEST LEATHER BOUND MATTING SUITCASES. S3.S0, 53.75, $4 CO- Conrentent to carry, nice to look at and ara made to last We curry a full line of (iiipa, Hu I tenses and Trunks of our own manufacture. Si-nd for catalogue. Prices rlgut WE DO REPAIRINQ. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnanr St Bars w