I TTTE OMAITA DAILY BEE: TTTEPDAT. JULY 25. IMS. SPECIAL NOTICES will be takea t-atll IX m. for e mlif edltlaa Bad aatll p. for tk Bortlii aa4 Sanaa? ealtloa. - lutn 1 l-2 a, word aret Ineertlea, la a word thereafter. Nothing taken for leaa than SOa for tba tint laarr tlon. Thru aavertlaeaaeata ataat ae ran onaeeatlralr. Adrertlaera, br reqaestlaaT a bered eheck, ran bare aaawera aa draaaed to a anmbered letter la rare of Tba Fee. Anawara ao addreaaen will bo delivered oa preaeatatloa at check. MISCELLANEOUS BOYLES COLLEGE Fall term September 4, day and night Kuslncss, ttliortnand, T pewrltlng. leleg raphy, Normal Kud ingtian. All aumuier sessions. Catalogue free. Address 11. B. lioyles. Pres., Bwyiea Bidg., Omaha, Nob. K Hu Tf VRQpl' Omaha Plating Co.. iVJ VCOjiof Harney St. TeL 2636. R T34 CITT SAVINQa BANK pay 4 per cent. TRY KELLY'S TOWEL. SUPPLY. Tel. 3-r. R 66ti ANTl-Monopoly Garbage Co. TeL 177t. (21 N. 11th. R bM LAUNDRY CITY STEAM 211 80. 11th 81 Telephone 4. R-ffil CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbin. 1608 Farnam. 'Phone 7M. R 80 WISE IS THE MAN that orders his furnace to be looked after and repaired now. You are a welcome visitor to our Up-to-Date Btove Repair House, new location. 120B-1208 Douglas, or telephone MO. OMAHA BTOVE REPAIR WORKS. R 114 1pVC Rubber Stamps and Stencils. Nov. rC I O Mfg. Co., 812 8. 12th St. Tel. 1714. R 834 OMAHA Safe and Iron Works make a spe cialty of fire escapes, shutters. doors and sares. u. Andreen, prop., iuz a. turn ot. R ; THE OMAHA FOUNDRY Iron and brass casting. Nui Jackson. TeL 2431 R-fc3 BTEINWAY PIANO, upright, slightly used 12 J,; bargain. Perneld Piano Co., Idll Farnam. R 604 cn 1 ts "v KTC Resurfaced and re- wfM- IIUlSO plated. 20c; three for 60c. OMAHA PLATING CO., 16U8 Harney. Tel. 235. R-802 SIQN PAINTING, S. H. Cole. 1302 Douglas, R 606 r.H r A DTC REDUCED prices to re JW wnnii duce stock; some great bargains this week. Omaha Reed and Kat- tan works, ion Howard. K FINE HARDWOOD FLOORS of every kind. Frank Bevtck, 114 Oak tt. R 768 Jy29x JERSEY HULL service, S4th and Mander- son. K msjj aix PLUMBING, steam and Lot water heatlnit. J. L. Mclnerny, 1203 Chicago. 'Phone, 2666 or Black 2W. 11968 Aglx WISE IS THE MAN hTo h& looked after and repaired now. You are a welcome visitor to our Up-to-Date Stove Repair House, new location, 1206-1208 Douglas, or telephone Mo. Omaha 6tov Repair Works. R 114 LOCKSMITH SffB1,k!itS:H- R-M719 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard and pool tables, bar fixtures of all kinds; easy payments. Send for catalogue. Urunswlok-Balke-Collender 407 8. loth St., Omaha. g 668 COMPLETE line new and Xd-hand furni ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge. Tel. 2020. Q 6o WIRE chicken, hog and lawn fence. Iron fence, hitch posts, trellises. Wire Works, 611 8. 16th St. Q 671 ZD-HAND safe cheap, nam. Derlght, 1119 Far. Q-673 $350 BUYS good runabout automobile, guar anteed in good running order; original cost $960.- Address 1318 Farnam St. Qf-7$ BHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. BEST MIXED PAINT, Sherman 4 McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. Q 74 CHEAP chicken fence, long fir Umbers and teicpnone poies. iui uougiae y 676 YOU SALE, several scholarships In a first class standard school In Omaha, compris ing complete course la business, short hand and typewriting. Inquire at Res omce. q till FOR SALE, about 60 feet ornamental gal vanised iron cornice and ornamental iron posts suuania ror snow window. Ap ply .superintendent Bee building. l'ULHEYS AND COUNTKKbHAFTS AT A BARGAIN- "JO pulleys, from t-lnch to 4S-lnch In diam- ter; I counter snaris. complete These are all In first-class condition. W. H. Bridges engineer Bee Building. Q 111 STO?OND-HANT STEAM FITTINGS FOR SALE If you want a bargain In steam fltUmiscail ana ukjk over iub lunuwing suppliea; l.-iuch Austin's horisouutl separator. 1.4-lnch Austin's vertical separator. Uueatf iiuve beau lakea out ua iiccount ol changes in our i'muu maul and ara in . auoU cundltiou. -VutiieMt Butt Building Co.. or ae W. H. i.i1ms, engineer lu mug., vmana W siti AUTOMOBILES $1,000. electric runabout with top, Ui; $l,4uu Mobile, 4 passenger. steam, a; .ou nuinuier, fuMt Uiua, ' i.M. c rouricason. uiu aua capiioi Ave. Q tte? Ai MILK COWS on easy terms. 43d and On ter. Q tyii SPITZ puppies for sale. 2609 N. 17th Ave. . ' Q 103 26x ' 111 FOR SALE Nearly new Russell traction engine. 1 11. P. C. D. W'oodworlh, A Karbacn uiock. W M116 25 UOOD mower and rake, 43d and Center J U MLS) MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE WANTED City loans. H..C Peters & Co. W-ti, FAK$1 and city loans; lowest rates. W. H. 'luomas, 1st Nat 1 Bank Bldg. Tel. lots. ! W-,,1 PRIVATE money. F. D. Waad. 1520 Douglas W .S WANTED City loans and warrants. W. ' Farnam Buiilh Co., LU) Farnam St. W-7 MONEY TO LOAN Payne Investment Co. W toSO GARVIN BROS., 1604 Farnam. City load ; ai lowest rales; no delay; get om terms, W-Wl . LOWEST rates, city property; 5 P. C. on (arms in camera Neb. Bemla, Pax ton HI. W-W LL'ILXUNQ loans on residence property; I per cent. - w. u. ueiaie, stauige hi. W-6&I LOAN 8 on Omaha improved property, or o build with; can pay It back In monthly payments, tiaaungs at ueyaan, lctl Far nam bt. w- Il.0u0.0u0 Tt) LOAN on busineas and rest dvnu projerty In Omaha. Lowest rates. No dalay. Thomas urennen. ti. 1. N. Y. Life. W . WE HAVE some good t per rent mortgages . for sale on improved real estate In Omaha. ' We collect the rents and make the In terest pay ments direct to the holder of the mortgage. Every loan Is given our personal attention. Ja. P. bOlMiti 4k CO., 1614 Farnam St. - W3t M WANTED MALE HELP SUMMER TERM OF THE Omaha Commercial C-ollepe 17th and Douglas 8ts., nrrw open New classes In all departments. free. ROHRBOUGH BROS, OMAHA, NEB. WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY. ab1"-tHilel unmarried men, between ages ,1 3i, cltlsens of United States, of good character and u-mparate habits, wno speak, read and write English, tor in formation apply to Recruiting omcer, Uth and Douglas Bts.. Omaha; Lincoln. Neb., or Sioux City, la. J irnl- onnri r INVFSTinATR OUR PLAN IF YOU WANT A H L H bK Ft 1 TloN THAN YOU HAVE. WE HAVE SOME OUUD OPPOKTLNU1M YOU. 111MV HERE ARE A FEW ori.ni. ;. CAL1H THAT HAVE BfctN IN OUR HANDS TO FIL.L.: TravelliAg Salesman. Shoe saleman, retail. M Oood grocery clerk, 1st class references. Oood stenographer. Good bookkeeper. Pharmacist, registered, Wyoming. Young man for bank. ... WESTERN RLF. BOND ASS N.. INC. Dept B. M0-1-2 N. Y. IF YOU are In need of a position call and have a 'heart-to-heart" talk with HART. THE EXPERT, 401 N. Y. Life B 668 VS6 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid rename men outside 01 me cny. pleasant work. Address A. W. South 31 Neville Blk.. Omaha, Neb. B 693 WANTED Three men of good personal ap pearance; steady employment. L. F. Adams Co .-1611 Hnwaid bt. x MS3i WANTED Several young men to travel for the summer, or permanent. ""I" pleasant. Good remuneration. '1 he Twentieth Century Farmer. Omaha. Neb. B 400 WE FILL positions In and Vrtit of city; best wages. City Employment Agency, 301 B. is, B M797 Jy20 I BUY and sell drug stores exclusively. Ex pert service. Special plan. Drug men fur nished positions; employes furnished. It will pay you to write or call for particu lars. F. V. Knlest, R. P., "The Drug Store Man." U4 N. Y. L., Omaha, Neb. 'Phone 3766. B M4-8 WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb ing trade. Cannot supply Oemanp for graduates. $4 to $5 per day. Many com plete course in two months. Graduates admitted to union and Master Plumbers association. Send for free catalORue. Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New York City, Cincinnati, O., SU Louis Mo. BGSW WANTEl Teams for grading work, long Job, best of wages. Owen & Lovelace Cont. Co., room 20, Barker Blk. B 831 MOLER Rarber college, 1118 Farnam St., wants men to learn barber trade. Years of apprenticeship saved by method of free work and careful Instructions. Few weeks completes. Can nearly earn ex penses while learning. Call or write. B- M&63A3X BOOKKEEPER and stenographer, $75. 1 experienced bill clerks (machine). 1 experienced bookkeeper, $60. 1 experienced bookkeeper, good salary. I exnerienred stenocraDhers. Young man, Menographer. 1 year's experi ence, $0. HART, 401 N. Y. Life. B M932 23 WANTED Experienced, first class shoe salesman. Apply at once to manager shoe department. J. L. Brandeis A Sons. a Aim i BRICKLAYERS wanted at Holdrege to work on the Holdrege High school build lng; good wages and steady work all fall; 10-hour man preferred. Address Peter Johnson, Holdrege, Neb. B 109 30 MEN wanted to work at the brick yard at Holdrege, Neb.; wages from to $3 a day. Address Morten Johnson. B 110 30 WANTED Reliable man or woman to travel for large manufacturing concern. Salary, $3 per day and expenses; expenses advanced: salary paid weekly, for fur ther particulars, address F. B. Cornwall, umana, iseo., uen. uei, h mud z;.x WANTED A stout boy about 1 years old to take care of horse and wagon and deliver goods. Apply 1318 Farnam. B M124 25 PIANO PLAYER, corneti and violin-cello wanted for concert work: also dancing soubrette. Bonheur Brothers Big Tent Show, Albion, Neb., July 26; Newman. 27 Bt. Edwards, 28; Genoa, 29. B M128 26x WANTED FEMALE HELP SO WORKING girls. Canadian office, 15th and Dodge. C 14 WANTED Good girl; family of two. 3120 wooiwortn Ave. u S03 WANTED Girl to do upstairs housework also an experienced cook; references re quired. Mrs. W. B. Caldwell, 630 South .lit II bt. U 540 Z6X MOLER COLLEGE 1114 Farnam St. teaches halrdersslng, manicuring, facial massage, chiropody and electrolysis In few weeks by free work and careful In structions. Little expense, diplomas granted. Fifty ladies wanted at once. Call or write lor catalogue. C M855 A3x WANTED, a young girl to assist with general nouse work. un Chicago St. t ' C-999 25 WANTED A girl to do second work in family of three; good wages; reference required. Apply 33i a. 87th St, C 107 2s WANTED Young lady" as cashier and bookeeper; must have experience and city reierencea. Apply 11, care nee. 1 104 26 WANTED Business woman. 28 years old ' or over, single, mai understands book keeping, trading with customers and gen eral olAce work,- as Joint manager of an office, salary $9 per week. Apply 714 New York Life Bldg. . v C 112-25X BUSINESS CHANCES IF YOU wish to buy or sell a business' or real eslute, consult U. S. Slcs. Buieau, 134 and txxi Bee Bldg. Y w IF YOU want to buy, sell, rent or exchange real estate or business QUICK see Comp-ton-Watts Co.. 545 l'axton Blk. Y i WANTED Business Colttge, best location In Iowa. Address K 46: Bee. . Y 626 UINTAH, UTAH. RESJSRVATION LANDS. President's proclamation opening for set tlement 'JO.Otn) eighty-acre farms, worth up ward of $3.0n) each, and effective August 1 to 12. Civil, Spanish or Philippine vet erans, or widows, possessing lioiiuruble dis charge papers may register by agent. Op portunity to get town lot or land at govern ment price. Aaarcss M. xm. Jones, Grand Junction. Colo. , Y M764 25x WOULD you Invest In western land at bargain counter prices? Have a snap to oner, xi uiicicaieu auuress i. 1st, itee. Y-MJ20 FOR SALE First-class bootblack stand: bargain, tall entrance U. S. Bank Hldg. x oJO ax WANTED A contractor on building: good oK-nins lor a uruj siore; a Darber shop for sale; a brick store for rent. Big i-o-a afiu iiiniKV. XMloming. I'. (J. Bcnroeoer, licrtrana, reD. Y 111 24 PRINTING OFFICE, medium sixe; In fine lucaieu; juu casn reulred. AuuH dee. . 1 M123 3i.x MILK DAIRY for sale. Southwest corner om aim ukuk. ruast oniana. Y-M11T r?x LOST AND FOUND I.O8T. STRAYED OR HTOT irisi $5.00 Reward to tinder of black female cocker lniBi uog. uearing tag iso. iaa. who answers to name of "Montie." Address rv . u. v aitace, oiu eo. Join Bt Lost M113 27x LOST Pair gold-rimmed eye glasses. Re turn to Miss F.mtna Brown, at H. E. reuricKson s, iun and Capitol Ave. Lost ML 25 OSTEOPATHY Johnson Institute. 615 N.Y. Lite bldg. Tel TCo4 MK8. JOHN R. MUS1CK Osteopathy Phy. YOU DON'T AFTER advertising in Dec Realty The case with which sales ca made makes realty ready money. Bcc Want Ads do the business a trial will convince FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago. DEWEY European hotel, 13th A Farnam. VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe. ROOMS and good board. 15 per week and up. Call 1617 Chicago Bt. mv Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks E M254 FURNISHED rooms, large or small; every thing strictly modern. US ro. aim. E 440 25x FRONT room, new, modern, 12 week. 2J22 uecatur. $1.00 to $2.00 per week. 422 8. 18th St., one Mock south or court nouse. c FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep- lng. 26i.l Dodge. E swi ox FURNISHED room. 824 S. 27th. E M969 29 FIRST-CLASS, cool front rooms, all mod ern, with or without hoard, at very reasonable rates. 'Phone Red-4jr7, or call St 1714 Douglas St. E M974 2Bx FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished mcrns with nrst-clnss hoard in modern, detached house; nice shady lawn. 1818 Capitol Ave. E 91 2ox CENTER HOTEL, 210 N. 17th St., ele gantly rurnlshed soutn rront room, iree bath; also other rooms; $2 per week and upwards. E 990 2oX FURNISHED rooms for housekeeping; also nice cool sleeping rooms, bath, inquire 1712 Jackson St. E 99 25x ONE or two nicely furnished rooms; elec tric light, hath, new and up-to-aate; close in. 2204 Douglas E M122 31x FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks F-M26J CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave ; broad verandas, ample lawns, stately trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and cold water; reasonable rates. F 70S THE ROSE, 202O Harney Nicely furnished, cool rooms, with ooara; one small room; also suite parlors; will rent single or ensulte; rates reasonable. F 403 27x FURNISHED rooms with board. 316 S. 26th St. , F 538 28 FURNISHED rooms with first class board. Close In. 620 8. 19th. r twt 24X UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT -t ' TWO unfurnished rooms; light! housekeep ing allowed; also one rurnlshed room, 2024 St. , Mary's Ave. O M785 26x ' r - WANTED TO RENT WANTED Room or furnished flat and board for man and wife. Address 7, Bee. K-968 26x FOR RENT HOUSES Unl ICCC'i U parts of the city. R. I1UUjCOCi Peters & Co., Bee bldg. D 109 THE Omaha Van & Storage Co. pack. move and store 11. H. goods, btorehouse 1120-24 N. 19th. Office, 1511V& Farnam. Tel. 1651. D 710 WE MOVE pianos. Maggard Van & Stor age Co. TeL 1496. Office, 1713 Webster St D-911 Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable service. TeL 1625. Schmoller & Mueller. D 712 UnllCCCln aii parts of the city. The nuuariOo, f. dsvu Co., &u b bui. D 713 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Barker Blk. D 714 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-roora house, 220 N. 23d. D-331 2566 DOUGLAS. 8 rooms-$27.50. D M390 FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern; choice neighborhood. 2123 California St., $30. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D M130 FOR RENT Six-room cottage 624 N. 22d St., cor. of California and ild. Apply at 607 N. 19th St. D M758 NEW house, corr.er 44th and Farnam; fur nace, electric light, gas; 6 rooms and bath. TV Willows, Boston Store. r D 779 26 X FOR RENT 10-room modern brick house, 4l!4 North 40th St. $30.00. 9-rnom modern brick house, 3163 Farnam Rt 125.00. 7-room modern house, 2029 North 20th St. $20.00. THOMAS BRENNAN. Room 1. N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone 1!S4. D 836 28 NINE-ROOM house, 1519 Davenport. 5-room house, 1139 N. 17th St. D 9S8 25 ROOM house on south side, modern. Call Ash-61661. D 998 24x FOR P.NT Nice ten-room house; all mod ern; clooa to business and good neighbor hood; possession Aug. 1. 531 S. 20th Ave, Inquire 119 S. 25th St. Rent reasonable. D 108 FOR RENT STORES & OFFICES THREE-STORY and basement. -1003 Far nam; elevator. 314 f irst Nat 1 Bank Bldg. ' 1756 THE store room No. 2912 Farnam St., only 1 D per montn. inquire rv. u. reters A co.J ground nood tiee tiiag. 1952 FOUR-STORY AND BASEMENT. BRICK BUILDING. 916 FAR NAM STREET. This building is 22x85 feet, four stories and a basement The basement is 22x133 feet, is cemented. The celling over the basement has a brick vault and iron beam construction, making the basement fire proof. The first floor has a marble floor In front and granolithic flour In rear. There is a large burglar-proof vault and a power elevator. The upper floors have windows on three sides. Address The Be Building Co., C. C. Rosewater, Secretary, room 100 Bee Bldg. Wll have vacant a particularly deslrabla small omce, wnicn rents lor io.w per month. Price Includes heat, light, water and Janitor service. It is located on the fourth floor of The Bee building and 1 just the thing for any one wanting a nice little omce in wie uvi uim.. uunu.ua m town. H. C. Peters & Co., rental agents. ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1 1.1 11.' vnu sddIv at once we can give an nn riemriiiar a iarae onica spo-ce aimoai any arrangement they desire. Thla space is on the sixth floor of The Bee building. with north lignt. n. v.. i-eiers si ,o. rsntal agents, ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1-771 FOR SALE HORSES & WAGONS FOR SALE The sn carriages, harnesses and saddles belonging to Mrs. E. W. Pat rick. Carriages at Simpson's; harness and saddles at Cornish's. Prices very low. P this 24X FLORISTS - HESS 8WOBODA. 1415 Farnam. 703 U UENDERitON. 11 Faruam. Tel. 14 . . FEEL PROPERTY POOR FOR SALE REAL ESTATE Cheapest Lots in Omaha I have several bnrgalns that cannot be ex celled Irr cheap fc.ts, suitable for Invest ment, or for building homes or homes for rent. $200EaSt front 29th, Bouth Pratt. J?2S0 Houtn 'font, Evans, paved street. JQQ Fine lot, 80th Ave., near Davenport. AOO128 ff-et, Ames Ave.; with sewer, -vw water, gas, permanent sidewalK, street car, making t lots 42x120. A great snap. MVr"11' Chicago, near Central Boule fyw vard. Best bargain In that part of the city. Others, everywhere, an prices, improved or vacant. WALLACE, Brown Block, 16th and Douglas. RE 114 26 THREE CHEAP LOTS MUST BE SOLD AT ONCE $1,000 for 50x157 feet, south front on Burt. Just west of 24th street. City water, sewer and gas. $iK for. 45-foot lot facing south on Madison Ave., about half a block east of Sherman Ave. Psved street, city water, sewer and gas. All special assessments to tie paid. $275 for 50-foot lot facing north on Corby east of 82d street. Fine building lot, George & Co., 1601 Farnam St. RE 115 28 CUBAN LANDS If you want In the pool to buy 6,000 acres of the best land In Cuba, at only $12.60 per acre, worth $25. see me at once. C. R. GLOVER. Room 3, N. Y. Life. 'Phone 138. P.E M67 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES Wholesale and Retail. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. W. L. BURGESS, Manager. 313 So. 15th bureet, Omaha. RE-8S AI Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska, Kan&ua, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' time. Land Dept. U. P. K. K., Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE 719 BOOM on for Custer county lands; get In on the ground floor. Write Willis Cad well Co. (Ltd.), Broken Bow, Neb. KE 723 DODGE COUNTY BARGAINS. 820 acres, improved, $K. 160 acres, improved, $55. RE 770 25 $2,300 WILL buy beautiful modern cottage and full lot in Hanscom Place; east front street paved; everything tl cat-class. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. RE M754 FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE. Good Iowa corn farm of 560 acres; 480 acres In cultivation, balance fine pasture; good Improvements, 3 miles from town. Price, $t& per acre, will take stock of goods, or gooo city property as part payment. J. P. Martin, Missouri Valley, la. RE '20 cSAa Williamson Co.u- W,"!?'- ' RE 721. FOR SALE Eight-room house, modern ex cept furnace; lot 60x142; near park scnoou This Is one of the bast lorulons In Omaha and If you want, a. good home cheap. In vestigate this. .Call or address the owner, J. R. Campbell, 1511. Georgia Ave Omaha, . ij , RB M994 TJINTA- TiANTj OPENING. For reliable Information about the land. registering, drawing and allotment send 60 cents to Rhone-Walker Realty Co., Grand Junction. Colo. RE 774 26x $400 DOWN We have a very neat cottage, 403 North 80th St., near the corner of 3uth and Chi cago. Two short blocks from Harney car line. There can be two more rooms up- talrs. House newly painted and has new roof. We can .sell thla house for $400 own, and the balance In monthly pay ments. This Is a very low price and un usual terms for a house so centrally lo cated. 82.600 We offer for the first time, an -room all modern house, with full lot and barn, on 26th St. near Poppleton. paving paid for. Has Just been acquired by an eastern owner try foreclosure and he will sell it for Just what It cost. The location Is In one of the best neighborhoods in the Hanscom park district, surrounded by at tractive homes. t'liYl ftnurn W nan sell vml a 4-rnrtm cot tage and half lot, south. front, on Chicago and the balance In monthly payments. This Is an unusually low price and an opportu nity to have a home centrally located at a figure that you would pay for a house three tulles from the postofnee. $300 Down We have another house for $900. near 34th and Jackson; 6 rooms, house In thorough repair, accessible to either the Lieavenwortn or Farnam car line. $r00 We have another 6-room house, new plumbing, and a cellar under the whole house. Six rooms all on one floor; east front, on nth near Poppleton. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. RE Ml 27 26 FOR EXCHANGE FOR EXCHANGE 1C0 acres of level land with rich black soil in Chase county. Neb.. 7 miles from the railroad. Will trade for house and lot or equity in Income property in Omaha. 6-ROOM house In the best residence district In Albion, Neb., on corner lot, front on three streets, one on a boulevard. House In thorough repair; city water. Will ex change fur Omaha property. T-JtOOM modern house, east front, close In, In thorough repair; large lot, handsome shadv trees. Barn. Value $2,5no. Will exchange for farm land or western Ne braska land. 9-ROOM brick house, with large corner lot. within walking distance or business dis trict; thoroughly modern, steam heat, two bath rooms; handsome shade trees; large barn; rents for $06 per month. Will ex change for farm wr ranch worth $12,000. N. p. DODGE & CO-, 1014 Farnam St. Z M126 26 IF YOU do not And what you want In this column put an ud in and you will soon get it, Ziii WHAT have you to trade for mere tract In Cote Brllliante. Personalty or cash only considered. .Address K 61, Bee. Z-M847 26x WANTED TO BUY SHONFELD. the ANTIQUARIAN, K22 N. 1'. Life, pays highest price for books, TeL StiSi. N too SQUARE PIANO in gpod condition. 1611 Far nam. N 681 WANTED To buy second-hand portable bookcase in good condition. Addresa K 63, Bee. N Ma4 27 X CHICAGO shipper wants old feather beds; highest caiih prices paid. Address A. B. Mack, Gen'l Delivery, Drop postal; will call. N-MJC2 2x WANTED Good family Center. mare. 43d and N-M121 PATENTS H. A. STURGE8. registered attorney: pat ents, trade marks, couynsnts; no fee un- I ieas aucccaeiui. 17 N. Y. Life, Omaha ' id Ads. an bo PERSONAL EDWARD NORMAN KENT, music studios, withneil Mid.. 15th and Harney. Write for circulars. U-7S1 TRY KELLEY S LAUNDRY. 'PHONE JTSO. U 732 PIANO CLUB Just forming; $0c and $1 weekly; pi"0 a livered Immediately; piano lessons free. Call for particulars. 1611 Farnam St. U 733 PRIVATE home during confinement: ba bies adopted. The Good Samaritan Sani tarium. 728 First Ave.. Council Bluffs, la. Tel. 774. U-628 PHONE 701 a&d a man will call and tune Perfltld Piano Co.. lfiU U 734 your piano, $3. Farnam. M A r.NPTlr treatment St baths. Mrne Smith, J18 N. 16. 2d fl.. r . . TUB, vapor and alcohol baths. 720 S. ttth. BEST umbrellas, lowest prices: repairing done. Boston Umbrella Co.. 0 8 16th. Tel. 117. IJ-M183 Jy31x ACCORDION and SUNBURST PLKAT1NG, RUCH1NG, BUTTON u AND FIRST-CLASS DRESSMAKING Send for price list and samples. THE GOLDMAN PLhATING CO 200 DOUGLAS BLOCK, TEL. 1936. V 736 FACTORY tuners and action regulators at lowest rates for reliable service. Tel. 16id. Schmoller & Mueller, piano makers. U-738 Gladstone Bros. Write for catalogue of good things to eat and drink. Omaha. . V a jy l.ARRnv Johnson Cut rates to sll points. 1406 Farnam. Tel. 1935. Member American Ticket Brokers' association. U 739 THR Ralvatlnn Armv solicits cast-oft cloth lng; in fact, anything you do not need; we collect, repair and sell, at 114 N. 11th St., for cost of collecting to the worthy poor. Call 'phone 4L35 and wagon will call. PRIVATE home during confinement; ba bies boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardell, 2216 Charles. Tel. 5311. U 740 WE RENT sewing machines, 75o week. We renalr all makes of machines; second hand machines. $5 to $10. Neb. Cycle Co., Tel. 1603. Cor. loth and Harney. u 741 OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk. U 742 FRENCH. Spanish. Peltier, 115 S. 20th. German lessons. F. U 5 Jy25x DR. JACKSON, 'specialist In chronic dis eases, 418 N. Y. Life Bldg. Consultation free. U-M343 DR. ROY, Chiropody, R. 2 & 3, 1506 Farnam u .43 WANTED Attractions for carnival and concessions for sale, August 18 and 19, Moeius, NeD. P. Li. uvingston, bee. U-812 27 WANTED Carnival attractions of all kinds for August 17, 18 and 19. w rite imme diately, giving all particulars. Address I. P. Roberts, Charter Oak, la. U MS66 27x WANTED, a family cat or kitten. Ad dress care Bee. U 9K7 Z8x EXPERIENCED dressmaker wants sewing in lamuy ny tne day. Address 1x13 qapi 101 Ave. -jnone k-d9. u iwm zx WANTED A merry-go-round for grocers' anu tmicners picnic at Bennington, Neb., July 27. Address R. E. Daniels, 222 B'way, council isiuns. u 10a 24x THE Turner Rest Cure, Colfax, la. U 106 6x OMAHA Steam Paste Co., manufactures pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 462L U MEDICAL LADIES Chichester's English Pcraiyroyal t ins are me pest; sare, reliable; take no other. Send 4c stamps for particulars, "Relief for Ladles," In letter by return mall. Ask your druggist Chichester Chemical C-.. Philadelphia. Pa. APPENDICITIS cured at home without carving; sure, simple. Celebrated physi cian's remedy. J. J. Wiltse, 1118 Maple St., Des Moines, la. M 910 Alx FOR Women Only Dr. Raymond s Fills, for aeiayea periods, absolutely reliable, per fectly safe; no danger, no pain, no Inter ference with work; relief brought to thou sands after everything else failed; highly recommended by all that have used them. By mall, $2. Dr. G. G. Raymond Remedy Co.. room 86, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111. -714 DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases and Irregularities of women from any cause; experienced and reliable. Address with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1511H Dodge St., Omaha. 744 PEN-TAN-GOT Prompt regulator for la dles; never fails; $2 postpaid. Sherman A McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 718 RHEUMATISM WHISKY Why suffer trom rneumatism wnen mere is a snecltio cure for you? Why be a slave to whisky, opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when we guarantee to cure you? Answer this by writing the ENSOR REMEDY CO., South Omaha, Neb. (Incorporated in 1K92.) a-T Alt BOYS To have all the enjoyment possible you should use our tablets; they cure all nervous oiseases: i ror a dox or 60. M. S. Co.. 612 N. 16th St. 798 A19 $30-RrPTT'RE CURED $30: no Inlectlnn. no pain, absolute guarantee: we cure per manently; new method: call or write for nooaiei. yni'n t;ui; Kl.FTURK CO. 611 WOODMEN WORLD TtT.nn nt 1 1 1 1 . . W6 FOR SALE FARMS RANCH LANDS 640-aere"Yan?h In central S. D. All fenced artesian well of soft water. 100 Percheron horses (mostly registered), 2.000 lb. stal lion, 7-room house, shade and fruit trees and creek full of fish. Price $15 00 per acre ana tv.wv.w tor an norses. rteason for selling, owner Is 72 years old and wants to quit business. Hart, 401 N. Y, Life. M-664 26 FARM LANDS. 3,600 acres In Hyde and Hand Co.. S. D., lor saie. n. w. omitn, vn n. z. 1,1 re, -777 25 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 60.009 homes of farmers and stock raisers, so II you have a good piece ot hind to sell at a reasonable price you will And a buyer among them. The coat of an advertisement 'Is sn ail 2 cents per word in small type, 0 $2 80per Inch If set In larsa 'jroe. CLAIRVOYANTS Palmlst-M ME. dUDDH A-Olnlrvoy.ini Located over 113 8. 16th, upnla'jru. He- suliful predictions guaranteed. oil rouiIu S1STKRS PALMISTS. r-o A ren.lera and clairvoyants. Test read lng. luc, few days only. Full life reading, r,Jmi.tr, 2&r- cards. 60c: clairvoyant. $1. Hours, 9 a. m. lo 10 p. m. 6"6 N- lteth St. For reading by mall send Dirtn onie. 8 M976 6x unit TtOYER. Center hotel, 210 N. 17th St.. block north west postomce. owmt - MADAM FRANCISCO, the California Udy palmist and clairvoyant; ettice lJiH pl- MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS Our Money Is loaned' on furniture, pianos, live toca and to salaried people upon their own agreement to pay. our rates are as low as any, our service Is quick and quiet and we never charge for making papers or notary fees. We want your business if you eer borrow money. OMAHA MOH1UAGE LOAN CO M Bo. lbtu bt., Tel uaai. lis Board of I rade Uldg Ibslabllshed ik2.j X-745 BORROW MON.KV WHERE You get It on Furniture. Pianos. Ilnr. Wagons, Cows, Salaries, etc. WHERE You get it on short notice WUERtt You get low rates and easy terms WHERE Coniulentlal and courteous aeaiinsa uring you back. WHERE tan )uu do better T PHOENIX CREDIT CO . Top floor. 6.U FAXTON BLK. X ;o CHATTEL LOANS We have money to loan at a reasonable rate on olamonas, pianos, household furniture or other good chattel securi ties to parties whose position in re quire that such transactions be made and held In strict confidence. Union Loan and Investment Co., 212 Bee. Tel. 2't X-747 MONEY loaned on furniture, salary horses, etc.; half usual rates. Dr. Prlbbe now room 214, at 209 S. 15th St. Tel. B '94. X-7 MONEY loaned salaried people and others wiinoui security; easy payments. Offices in 53 principal cities. Tolman, room 714. New York Life Bldg. X-749 BOWEN'S MONEY Easy to get on furni ture, pianos, horses cows. Plain note it steadily employed. 703 N. Y. Life. X-760 MONEY loaned on salary, furniture, Jew elry, horses. Duff Ureen Loan Co., 3 Barker Blk. X 761 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, horses, cows, etc. C. F. Reed 319 S 1J. X-752 EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accomodat ing; all business confidential. 1301 Douglas. X-763 MONEY FOR SALARIED TEOPE. STAR LOAN CO.. 644 PAXTON BLK. X-764 CHATTEL, snlnry and Jewelry loans. Foley Loan Co . 1504 Farnam X 755 DRESSMAKING GOLDMAN PleaUng Co.. 200 Douglas Blk. (00 IN FAMILIES. - Miss Sturdy. 'Phone A27G6. -701 MRS. R. A. KELLER, 111 N. 20th. 'phone 2532, will make special reductions for the next 20 days In the making of new "three piece suits." First-class work guaranteed. - M; J y26 PRINTING DDlMTlwr MEMORIAL CARDS; ar rKllN 1 llNVj tlstic designs. S. E. Cor. LYNGSTAD 16th 8t- and CmVlM- GREAT 'ESTERN PRINTING CO., 1511 Capitol Ave., Tel. 2405; fully equipped for all kinds of printing. -716 JENNINOS PRINTING CO. 'Phone 63SO. M475 A12 LAW AND COLLECTIONS ATTORNEYS everywhere. The New Snow Church Co., main fl., N. Y. L. 'Phone 13X 723 J. M. Macfarland, 304 N. Y. L.Bld. Tel. looZ, 724 OMAHA COLLECTION CO., Tel. 1275. 109) Bee llldit. 725 POSTOFFICE NOTICE (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as changes may occur at any time). Foreign mulls for the week ending July 29, 1905. will close (PROMPTLY In all cases) at the General Postofflce nb fol. lows: REGISTERED AND PARCELS POST MAILS close at the General Post- office ONE HOUR EARLIER than closing time shown below. Parcels-Post Malls for Germany close at 6 p. m. July 24 (per s. G. KUrfuerst, via Bremen.) and July 31 Parrels-Pnat Malls for Great Britain and Ireland a'e despatched by the White Star Line on Wednesdava and bv the American Line on Saturdays. An additional despatch Is made by the Cunard Line when a Cunard steamer sans on uaiuraay iaicm man the American Line steamer the same day. The Parcels-Post malls close one hour be fore the regular malls. Parcels-Pot Mail for BARBADOS and GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND CAN NOT be reglsUred. Regular and Supplementary malls close at Foreign Station (corner of West and Mnrlnn streets) na t nour later man cios- lng time shown below (except that Sup plementary Malls for Europe, and for Cen tral America via Colon, close one hour late' at Foreign station). Transatlantic Mails. WEDNESDAY (26) At 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 11 a. m.) ror jiUMUfj;;, per s. s. Baltic, via Queenstown and Liverpool (Including France. Swltierland. Italy. Spain, Portugal, Turkey, Egypt, Greece and oriiisn inaia wnen specially au reused for this steamer). THURSDAY (27) At 7 a. m. for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND, I1AI.I, BfAlB, ntn- TI'OAL. TURKEY. EGYPT, GREECE and BRITISH INDIA, per s. s. La Lor raine, via Havre (also other parts of Europe when specially addressed for this steamer): at 10 a. m. for ITALY direct (specially addressed only), per s. s. Cel ln SATURDAY (29) At :30 a. m. for BEL GIUM (PARCELS-POST MAILS), per B. s. Zeeland (also regumr man ior jei glum when specially addressed for this steamer); at a. m. nui)ioinniunj n a m for EUROPE, per s. s. Campania. via Queenstown and Liverpool; at 12:30 P. m. tor Ht Ul UAI1J (lirril nrn.iij addressed only), pen s. s. Caledonia. Malta (or Sooth and Central America, Weat Indies. Etc. Ti'FRDAT (25) At 6 a. m. for JAMAICA, per s. s. Watson, trom rniianeipma; at 9:30 a. m. tstipplementary lo.su a. m.) for NICARAGUA (except East Coast), HONDURAS (except East Coast), SAL VADOR. PANAMA. CANAL ZONK, rAiTr- nFPARTMENT OF COLOM ... .'.-.,.. 1 ... 11 1 , , 1 1 1 ' T I 1 T It'll o ., I CHILI, per s. s. City of Savannah, via Colon (also Guatemala when specially addressed for this Bteamer); at 12 m. for BARBADOS. GUIANA and NORTHERN BRAZIL, per s. s. Cearense, via Bar- l'ara anil MnnftOfl. WEDNESDAY (26) At 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary 10.30 a. m.) tor iihaula, iiaui and COIOMBIA, except Cauca Depart ment and Cartagena, per s s. Oraec a (Including Cape Haiti and Port do Palx when specially aauieroeu .,.am..e .1 I' M n. m. for. CUBA (spe rlallv addressed only), per s. s. Palonia, la Union 711 a THURSDAY (27)-At 9 a. m. for CUBA, Esperanxa (also other parts of Mexico when aoectallv addressed for this . v m for MEXICO, specially addressed only), per s. s. Bayamo, via FRIDAY (28) At 12 m. (supplementary 12 ao d. m.) for BAHAMAS, per Bara .in iliinnuiiuimi and Santnigo wh.n unerlallv addressed for this steamer); at 12 m. for SANTIAGO (spe dally addressed oniyi, ier u. . m for ARGENTINE. I RUOUAY and PARAGUAY, per s. a. Queen oiga m (auniilementary 1 30 p. m 7.;. BT 'THOMAS. ST. CROIX. LEE .Ann -...1 wivnWIHD ISLANDS, pe . . K-nrona (including (irt-nada, St Vincent, Trinidad and tiulana when spe clnlly addressed ror iron .,e..,. ,. n,n-eDniv fkk At 7:3u a. m. for NEW KY I ' N U I .A N I ), per s. s. Silvia; at 8 SO (.unnlementary 9 3D a. m.) 10 nnuo-in nH VKNMl'ELA. per s. Zulla (also Colombia, via Curacao, when arjex-laly aonrenBea i"r .01 ' ST ... wihto RICO, per s. s. Coai via' 8a:i Juan; at 9 SO a m. (supplementary illiii. m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JA MAICA and COLOMBIA, except Cauca T.enartment. per s. s. Altai (alo Costa vi... via Union, when stcliilly as dressed for this steamer); at 9:30 a. m, ni.m.niarv 10:30 a. in ) for NICAlt- AfiltA (except East Coast). HONDURAS (except Fast Coast i. SALVADOR. PAN i u a r a K At. HI.VK. CAUCA DEPART VKNT OK COIX5MF1IA. ECUADOR, ul'u i' nnr.TVIA and CHILI, per s. il.iHix'e. via Colon (also (iuiitemal bw specially addressed for I POSTOFFICE NOTICE steamer): at 10 m. for CUBA, per s. s. Monterey, via Havana; st 10 a m. for ORKNADA. ST VINCENT, TRINIDAD. Cll DAD BOLIVAR and GUIANA, per s. s. Grenada, via Grenada and Trini dad. NOTICE Five cents per hnlf ounce In ad. dltlrin to the regular postsge. inu be prsnsld on all letters forwarded r the SUPPLEMENTARY MA1I and letters deposited In the dnn mnrit.it "Iitter for Foreign Countries," sfter tfis CLl8. I NO OF THE REOULaAR MAIU for despatch by a particular vessel, will not be so forwarded unless such additional postage Is fully prepaid thereon by stumps. Supplementary Trsnsat lantlo MrIIs are opened on the piers of the AMERICAN, ENGLISH and FRENCH steamers, whenever the sailings occur at 9:00 a. m. or later; and late mall may be deposited In the mnll boxes on the piers cf 418 Gorman Lines soiling from Ho. boVen. Supplementary mail for Turks Island and IHimlnlran Republic Is also opened on the Clyde Una pier. The malls on the piers open one hour nnd a half before sailing time, and close ten minutes before sailing time. Only regular post ana (letters S cents a half ounce) Is re quired on articles mailed on the piers of the American. White Star and German (Sea Post) steansers; double postage (let ters 10 cents a half ounce; on other Uneav Malls Forwarded Overlaad, Etc, Pta rent Traaaparlllc. Mulls (except Jamaica and BahnmAs) are forwnrded dnlly to ports of sailing. The CONNECTING mnlls close t the General Post Office, New York, as follows: CUHA, via Port Tampii, at 4 jo a. m. (Mnfi. day Wednday and 8aturday). (Also from New York, Thursday ahd Saturday see above.) MEXICO ClTY. overland, at 1:30 p. m. and 10:30 p. m. dally, except Sunday; Sunday nt 1:00 n. m. nnd 10:30 p. m. NEWFOUNDLAND (except Parcels-Post Malls), via North Sydney at 7 p. m. Mon day, Wednesday and Saturday (also occasionally rrom New York and i-ium-dolphin. See above). MIyUEIyON. via Boston and North Syd ney, at :30 p. m. every other Sunday (June 4 and 18, etc.). JAMAICA, via Boston, at 7:00 p. m. Tu'es. day and Friday. (Also from New Yorlt on Saturday. See above ) COSTA RICA, via New Orleans, at 10:3I n. m. Tuosrlav. BRITISH HONDURAS, HONDURAS (Enst ioasij ano m A i kmala. via New Or leans, at $10:30 p. m. Monday. (West Coast of Honduras is despatched from New York via Panama see above NICARAGUA lEHBt. Coast). -in Now Or leans, at ,10 30 p. m. Rundny and Wednes day. (West Coast of Nicaragua is de spatched from New York via Panama sea above.) PANAMA and CANAL ZONK, vis New Orleans, at iv:3ti p. m., frrandav (only specially addressed mall is lot warded via New Orleans when New York steamer sails on following Monday). After )'i:3ti p. tn, Sunday and until salllmt ot New York steamer, mnll for Panama nnd Canal .one Ih held for the New York steamer see above. REGISTERED MAIL lor overland de- 6 patents closes ai b:vu p. m. previous day. Transpacific Malls. Forwarded Over land Dnlly. The schedule of clostns: of Transnaetfia Malls Is arranged on the presumption o( their uninterrupted overland transit to port of sailing. The final connecting mails (ex cept Registered Transpacltlc Malls de spatched via Vancouver, Victoria, Tacomn or Seattle, which close at 6 p. m. previous ay) close at tne uenersl Post umce. Now York, as follows: APAN, COREA. CHIN, er.o specially ad dressed mail ror i-'Hii.ir'fiiVE inlands, via Seattle, close at 6 p. m. July 23 for despatch per s. s. Lyra. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at I p. m. July 24 for despatch per s. s. Al.v- meda. PIHLLIPPINE ISLANDS and GUAM, via San Francisco, close at 0 p. m. July .2a for despatch per U. S. Transport. JAPAN. COREA, CHINA and specially ad dressed mail for Philippine inlands, via Seattle, close at 6 p. tn. July 27 for despatch per s. a. lyo Maru. HAWAII. JAPAN, Co RE A. CHINA and VHILIFF1NE ISLANl'b. via Man Fran cisco, close at 6 p. m. July 23, for despatch per s. s. Coptic. HAWAII, via San Francisco, close at t p. m. July 29 for despatch per s. a. Ne hrankan. TAHITI nnd MARQUESAS ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at p. m. August 1 for rieanatoh per s. a. Msriposa. VF.W ZEA1AND, AUSTRALIA (except Wrest), NEW I'ALISUUNIA. SAMOA, HAWAII and FIJI ISLANDS, via San Francisco, close at 6 p. m. August 5 for despatch pr s. s. Sonoma. (If the Cunard Bteamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand doea not arrive tn time to connect with this despatch, extra mails closing at 6:30 a. m., 9:30 a. hi.' and 6 p. m.; Sundays at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6 p. in. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Ctmard steamer.) JAPAN (except Parcels-Post Malisj. COKE A, ana rniA.irnnn ISLANDS, via Vancouver and Victoria, B. C. close at p. rp. August S for de spatch per s. s. Empress of Japan. HAWAII. JAPAN COREA, CHINA and FHlLll'l-'INc; 1SLaAJVB, via can rrnn- Cisco, close at 6 p. m. August 11 for de spatch per s. s. Siberia. i FIJI ISLANDS, AUSTRALIA (except West) and rni-jv i'Ai,r,iAjniA, vm couver and Victoria, P. C, close at 6 p. m. August 12 for despatch per s. s. Molina. MAN llURIA (except Mukden New. chwang and rort Armur; anu cm a en,. SIBERIA is at present forwarded via Russia. , N.-rTirTTnle otherwise addressed. West Australia Is forwarded via Europe; New Zealand via San Francisco, and certain places In the Chinese Province of Yunnan, via British India the quickest routes. Philippines specially eanressea via r.u rope'' must be fully prepaid at the lorelgn rates. Hawaii is torwaraea viu mu x-i.i ..nl.lv. If WlLIilAAl II. W il.lA.w.x. Postmaster. Post Offlre, New York. N. Y. July Zl, nt. GOVERXMKNT NOTICES. A RTAttT 'NT OF THE INTERIOR. ...... I , I. , II ..,,1 o United ijtates ueoioguai co. .w, Kecia- matlon service, arouisi , .'. - li-v6 Healed proposals win on inri, i nt the supervising engineer. United States Reclamation Service, Cham ber of commerce nuuuing, " Ji until 2 o'clock p. m.. August 16. 1906, and .i ,.- nn.ni.il for the construction of the Pathfinder dam and auxiliary works, at a point about 50 miles southwest of Cas per Wyo.. to impound, ma now ui m ri.r I'lans. sneclllcatlons and forms of proposals may be obtained by application to the chief engineer of the Reclamation Service, U. S. Geological Sur vey. Washington. D. C, or to the super- v sing engineer oi um im ........ 1. . T. JL ur. Vjirli bid must be ac companied' by a certlrted check for $10.0(0 payable to the order of the secretary of the Interior, as a guaranty mar me iwrarr will If succesHful, promptly execute a sat isfactory contract and furnish bond In the Slim Of .T.IU jor ine lAiioiu. of the work. Each bid must also be ac companied by the guaranty of responsible sureties to furnish bond as required if bid be accepted. The right Is reserved to reject any or all bids, to accept one part and reject the other, and to waive tech nical defects, as tne inierems oi ion noivon mav require. Bidders are Invited to be present when bids are opened. Proposals must be marked, "Proposal" f"r Pathfinder Dam. Wyoming. F. L. CAMPMKLL. Acting SV-cretary. jja-ii-u-Ai I.EGAI. NOTICES. Sealed proposals will be received at the office" of J. L. McBrien. superintendent of public Instruction, state ranltal building, up to eleven (11) o'clock July 28, 1!, for the erection snd construction of the State Normal Library building. Peru, Nebraska Bids for the steam heating, plumbing and electric work to bft separate. By order of the H,'te Roard of Educa tion. - mIm. OCEAN ITEAMKRI. CGF..PAG?.1E GE..ERALE TRASieATLANTlCUC French Line, New York to Part. Mix Day a Mailings Ksarr Thursday at IS a. iaa. La Tourln Au. t. 1 SoU Am. U. fii-oin....Aul. 10. L Tairl Aug. II. L Brii A. it. 1 Lorrlu 7. Nw, aoJr. csmsua ials-aur ass .Aiain; ua.aI uUiu.n' suu-el-ar Aisciyusa. lemiur' oi)ul.4 U.Ida. Ua.ra-fuU, Saura, lruH:A,ionl or.bcirm va bur tia-ci soam, rBmf stBorta. Asui w.iato K. K., Idol Iuas Sli. Louia ora im Nlloiil tUak. C. ftnua KM. O. g Abbott. Aat Vrnu raws . . ANCHOR UNI V. g. BlAU. TA.MSa. ggW TOBa, LONDON Aigggf AMP OLAbOO. KCW TOEK. aiugaZra AKO NAruta. Saatrlor aaooaiaadatlea. BiMlleat Calalaa. Tal CaBtort el riaium Caraluiir Coul4wo4. II u ar a.n4 Yrls TlckU lanM4 Mm N .,( tul sooua. Ku(llk irus all arlauaal . H..BtAl aslau at atusau.a raua. M a Mtag ,t tMS. tAcaata aana latuciMOsa e' la ui laoal as el ta aacaar aAaa at ta UalavN aa.ua, tuaaai asa, talcs as, r fa n Ir w rrt ea in w w H!t U pf - I So . I hi Si at I-, ft a. j. 7 w"i nevtua xuk. 1 ai. . .'. 7M iul Ave. 'Fhoue- turn w-m t 4 n