Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 24, 1905, Image 1

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    ' " " ' 7' " ' ' " " "
Daily Bee
filling fa erf Tne Ptt ngultrlf f
promptly should rtporl to 'Phons t97.
vmrs WANTED?
Get H y 'trVnj a tMIt WtntAi In
The Btt't cltiiffft ssrerfijlrijtotiront.
fororeigm Bold Conference on Imperial
Yacht in Gnlf of Finland.
f t
Issue of War and 8tatm of Morocco to
Considered, t
. eBaaaan M
Fear in Paris that Attempt Will Be
to Alienate Russia front France.
Statement that Nicholas Mar B
enced to Tnk Radical stand
Diplomatist Taken Com
pletely by Surprise.
8T. PETEP.BBURG. July 3.-On the ava
of the pece conference n" with a udden
ness already disconcerting to diplomatic
nd court circle, the emperor left Peterhof
today on board the Imperial yacht Polar
Star for a conference with Emperor Wil
liam, who i cruliing on the Hoheniollern
In Finnish watera.
The first Interview of the sovereigns win
expected to take place thin evenlntr off the
Finnish port of Borgo, at the mouth of the
Gulf of Finland, near Helslngfors. Thle
will be followed by another Interview to
morrow, after which Emperor Nicholas will
return to Bt. Petersburg, and Emperor Wil
liam will continue his cruise.
The emperor la accompanied ' by his
brother. Grand Duke Michael Alexandre
vltch, and a considerable suite. Including
Count Benckendorff, marshal of the court;
General Baron W. Fredericks, minister of
the Imperial house; C?unt Hyden, chief
of the, Imperial chancellery; Admiral Bltidi
loff. minister of marine; Captnln von Esen,
who commanded the battleship Sevastopol
during the siege of Fort Arthur: Captain
Chagtn. "who commanded the Almas, the
only cruiser of Admiral Rojestvensky's fleet
to reach Vladivostok after the battle of the
Sea of Japan; Captain Hints, naval at
tache of the German embassy; also a party
of courtiers and the emperor's escort of
sailors and marines with a guard com
manded by Admiral N eel off.
Mate Departments Not Consulted.
. It Is noticeable that there la no represent
ative of the Russian Foreign office among
the emperor'e entourage, nor Is the Ger
man ambassador. Count Alvensleben, on
board the Polar 8 tar. This gives color to
the report that the meeting was arranged
between the two emperors directly, without
recourse to the usual diplomatic channels,
Kmperor William suggesting the rendesvous
by tcjegrsph from Hernoesand, Sweden
The idea, the report says, met the emperor's
favor, ibut the final arrangements were only
completed yesterday and some of the mem
'bers of the imperial family were hastily
commanded last night to accompany his
Jliuy'diplQniijts Vert' taken completely by
ui prise by the news of today, the rumor
that a meeting waa contemplated which
were In evidence Friday having been met
with the flattest denials In official quarters,
and the German ambassador having stated
that he knew nothing of any auch plan be
ing on foot. '
Emperor William s action waa Instantly
connected with the Moroccan question and
admiration for his political astuteness :n
realising his opportunities was expressed
on all sides.
Conmmnnder-ln-f htef Takes Persoaal
Interest la Welfare mt tke
I ad la a Noliiler.
CALCUTTA, July 23 -tSpe. ial 'Cablegram
' The Bee.) The manner In which Lord
Itchencr has Intere ed himself In the
ants and the idioyn racles of the native
c Miters has been little Understood at home,
-1 nd a few details on this subject will In-
erest those who are not acquainted with
he fact.i. One of th-i greatest grievances
if the native soldier for a long time past
has been the question of kit money. The
native soldier receives certain free issues
of clothing periodically, and has to provide
himself with the rut or his kit namely
great coat, boots, khaki suits, pagris.
haversack, water bottle, blankets, bedding,
underclothing, etc. Toward these expenses
the government has hitherto contributed a
small sum on enhstment and annually
thereafter. These amounts were totally
Inadequate and Lord Kitcbener has suc
ceeded In raining tl.e amount. He Is en
deavoring to Increase this amount and
hopes to arrange matters so that the na
tive soldier will receive a free kit and a
legitimate grievance will be redressed.
The clothing regulations are also in course
of alteration for the benefit of the men.
Most of the irork of the army Is done
In khaki and the cloth uniform ts seldom
worn. The men draw cloth clothing under
the regulation more often than they rea'ly
require It, and there results loss to the
state without corresponding gain to the
men. Lord Kitchener has therefore pro
posed that a sum representing the annual
value of the clothing now supplied shall
be credited to the soldier, and that h
shall in the future buy his cloth clothing
from the clothing factory only when It Is
required. A careful man will make his
suit last for several years.
Two other Important concessslons to the
soldier, due to the personal appeal of the
commander-in-chief in India, may also be
given as examples of the attention de
voted to the nstlve troops. The lines of
India have permitted soldiers proceeding
home on leave to pay single fares for
double ticket. Considering the distances
bet. can some regiments and their homes
this concession Is Important. It Is addi
tional to the permission granted to the
30 per cent of men In each regiment to
proceed home on furlough each year with
out cost to them. The second concession
Is due to the maharaja of Nepal, who- has
generously granted permission to all
uurmia. native omcers, whether serving or
on pension, to occupy the same position
as the officers of his own army and to be
exempt for life from forced labor.
Depositors In Great Britain Will Be
Allowed Greater Privileges
la Fntare,
LONDON. July 23. (Special Cablegram to
The Bee.) The new regulation of the Post
office Savings bank simplifying withdraw
ais is being watched with great interest in
eooaomkj circles. Up to the present Una
there hag been no "rush" for "Immediate
calls." This regulation allows postoffice
savings bank depositors to withdraw from
their aeeounta on any one flay a su'nfTio
exceeding 15 at any one postofflce provided
the postmaster Is satisfied ss to th genu
ineness of the withdrawal.-
One of the leading officials of the post
office saving bank department In an Inter
view thus explained the situation:
A great many of the people we especially
wished to reach, such as the working
clRsses, would have nothing to do with us
up to now. Their reason mas that to with
draw their money they had to fill up forms
and conform to certain regulations which
naturally for their own sake were Impe-a-
Grand Jnrj Begins Investigation of Leak
in Btitistici Today.
Iaqnlry Will Begin Today and !
Farther Statements Will Be
.Made tatll Report la
WASHINGTON. July 2S.-The grand Jury
of the District of Columbia will tomorrow
take up the allegation that there has been
Jugglery In the cotton crop statistical re
ports of the Department of Agriculture
with a view to possible Indictment or In
This action Is the Immediate result of
the recent disclosures In the department
which culminated In the dismissal of Edwin
S. Holmes, the associate statistician. The
announcement that the grand Jury would
meet to consider the subject was made In
statement Issued by t'nlted States Dis
trict Attorney Morgan H. Beach tonight.
It waa In pursuance of a rait Issued by
the district attorney July 10 and Is to con
sider among other things "certain criminal
practices alleged to exist and to have ex
isted In one of the executive departments."
Mr. Beach absolutely declined to admit
which one of the departments this state
ment had reference to, but It Is known that
It relates to the Department of Agriculture.
Mr. Beach's statement adds:
Pending action by that body It Is earn
estly hoped, as It Is confidently believed,
trial no inquiries win De made or tne dis
trict attorney's office on the subject. To
Inquire of any member of the grand Jury
or of a witness, either under subpoena or
after discharge as to anything trsnaplrlng
oernre mat oxiy constitutes contempt, this
general statement is made to excuse the
district attorney from personal interview's
wnn gentlemen oi tne press. I ney nave
always shown this office the greatest con
sideration snd preserved his confidence ln-
vioiaDie. But the very Hunted time and
force at his disposal renders this course
Imperative and no further statement will
be made until the grand Jury announces
In open court 1he result of the Investiga
tion. There may be much, or little, or
nothing to report, but while the examina
tion Is pending It must, as the law com
mands, be entirely secret.
Samuel C. Smoot, a well known merchant,
is foreman of the grand Jury.
Several Indictments F.xpected.
The Post tomorrow will say that there
Is no doubt that the district attorney bopes
to secure the Indictment of two or three
or more persons, at least one of whom "Is
now or was formerly an official of the
Department of Agriculture, and that It Is
a certainty that the Investigation con
ducted by the department of; Justices has
brought to light a great mass of Informa
tion, some of which Is far more sensa
tional t,han anything that has so far been
made public. It Is proposed to summon
before the grand Jury every official and
employe who could possibly know any
thing about cotton leaks. E. S. Holmes, Jr.,
the former associate statistician, who was
dismissed, has left Washington for Chi
Detention Camps Will Be Established
on All Railroad at Oaee Re-
NEW ORLEANS. La.. July 23 -The yel
low , fever quarantine situation affecting
New Orleans is not serious, in that It ap
plies only to persons and baggage, and will
be relieved by the Imnte-Uate establishment
of detention camps on :he lines of all the
railroads, where travelers who desire to go
up to the quarantine may remain five days
and secure a certificate of non-Infection
from the marine hospital service. Surgeon
J. H. White of the United Slates marine ,
hospital service today srvauged for the es- I
tabllshment of vamps iwithin forty-eight
hours at the following points: Slldel, on the
Quen A Crescent; Avo .dale, on the South
ern Pacific and Texas Pacific: Kenner,
on the Mississippi Vail".' snd Illinois Cen
tral, and Waveland, n the Louisville A J
Dr. Haase, city health ifficer of Memphis,
and Dr. Tabor, stste hesith officer of Texas.
and four doctors representing local boards
In Texas arrived here today and partici
pated In a general cor, erence, at
Governor Blancliard wa oresent. Governor
Blanchard came here f. '
tary encampment to ctr- -ult with the state
and city authorities on the situation, and
to offer all the resoun - of the state to
stamp out the disease.
The visiting health j officers expressed
themselves as willing te accept the certifi
cates of the marine hospital service for
travelers who have been detained In the de
tention camps. Freight traffic will not be
Interfered with In the least, the only regu
lation required being that freight cars shall
be fumigated with sulphur to kill mov
WASHINGTON, July 23. The officials of
the public, health and marine hospital serv
ice are working in harmony with those In
Ixuistana In the eff oi j to prevent any
spread of the yellow fever, from which an
Italian died yesterday in New Orleans. Dr.
A. H. Glennan, acting surgeon general In'
the absence of Dr. Wyraan, who Is now In
Honolulu, has dispatched Surgeons T. M.
Glterarus from Cairo, ill.: T. H. Richard
son from, Savannahvtnd J. H. White from
Mobile to proceed to New Orleans and as
sist the marine hospital officials stationed
HAVANA, July 23. On account of the
existence of yellow fever at New Orleans
quarantine has been declared against that
port. The Southern Pacific line steamer
Excelsior, which Is due here Monday, has
sixty ypung women students from Texas
college on board. The officials say they
will be required to rovialn on the vessel
or to undergo the ust'.il five days deten
tion at the quarantine station.
Hyde Goea to Earope.
John Hyde, the former statistician of the
Department of Agriculture, Who reslrred
hint week, ban returned tn ; England,
whence he waa .summoned at the begin
ning of the department Investigation' which
resulted In the dismissal of Associate Sta
tistician Holmes. It Is stated that Mr.
Hyde has gone abroad to consult a London
specialist and will be absent a month or
six weeks
Former Eecre'arj of War Die. Enddemy at
Home in f onghketpiie, V. Y.
Me Was Ice President of the North
ern PnelHc Rnllwny and Dlrretor
la a Snatber of Cor
porations. P0LGHKI:EPS1E, N. V., July 23 -Colonel
Daniel Scott Laniont, secielaiy of war
during the second administration of
President Cleveland, died suddenly -at his
home at Mil I brook. Duchess county, to
night, al :16 o'clock. Heart failure was
the cause of death. Colonel and Mrs. La
niont were out driving this afternoon and
Colonel Lamont appeared to be enjoying
the best of health. After dinner he com
plained of feeling ill, and Dr. Stewart of
New York, who Is a guest at the house,
Immediately went to hla aid. The physician
dlHgnosed the case as an attack of heart
.... failure, iirwl in anl f tt th liproln treat-
m the state mill-, ' '
mem Mr. Lamont passed away wunin nan
an hour. At his death bed were Mrs. La
mont and two daughters, Frances and Bes
sie. Several guests at the 1-amont home
were also present when the end came.
Daniel Scott Lamont was born at Cort
landvllle, N. T., on February . 1S51. He
began life In Journalism, and from 1S85 to
1W9 ' was private secretary-to President
Cleveland, by whom he was appointed sec
retary of war on March S, 1893. Mr. La
mont was vice-president of the Northern
Pacific railway and a director and trustee
In many railroad and financial corpora
tions. He leaves a widow and two daugh
ters. He was a member of many New
York clubs.
Fain Warmer la West Portion.
Temperatnre nt Omaha lesterdnyt
Hoar. Dec. Honr. Den.
It a. sa , ,,a 1 i. m......
A a. s '. til) V p. m T4
T n. n HI a p. m T3
a n. m .t 4 p. m 74
A a. m wt I n, n,..iM TS
10 a. m Ct H p. m 7 4
11 a. ra...... TO T p. m...... Tt
IS m Tl M p. n Tl
v p. m M
Conference Informal.
Like the last meeting between Emperor
Nicholas and Emperor William at a hunt
ing seat in Russian Poland, where the Euro
pean and eastern situations were discussed
between the strokes of a game of billiard,
and Russia was assured that It need have
no anxiety regarding Its western .frontier
while engaged with the Japanese, the con
ference In the cabin of the Hohensollerrl
and the Polar Stat will be entirely Informal
and probe Vy without secretaries or other
witnesses, unless perhaps . Grand Duke
Michael Alexar.drovltch should be a par
ticipant. There 1 no set program of subjects for
discussion, aside from a great considera
tion of the factor In the political situation
affecting the two empire, but It can be
mated i that the coming meeting of the
Rusao-Japane plenipotentiaries will oc
cupy a place In the foreground.
The action of Emperor William In seeking
a conference at this moment is generally
Interpreted a an assurance of til moral
upport of Russia in the oomtng pour parl
or at Washington and Portsmouth, and to
show that German participation In the re
cent Japanese loan waa not a mark of the
alienation of German aympathy from Rus
sia. Emperor William, whose keen Interest
in the lesson of the Russo-Japanese war
I well known, ha also taken advantage of
the occasion to discuss the details with
eye-witnesses, and the presence of the naval
officer who distinguished themselves in the
far eaat I due to hi special request.
Alarm at Pari.
PARIS, July tt Emperor Nlcholaa'
cruise In the Gulf of Finland to meet
Emperor William I the subject of much
comment In the press. Certain newspapers
express the fear that the German emperor
will Influence the Russian emperor over
far eastern matter and will binder the
carrying out of the peace program, while
there are of the opinion that Emperor
William seek to estrange Russia from
Th Journal des Debats say that the
first act of Emperor Nicholas on his re
turn to Russia will he looked forward to
with particular
Wltte Coaaalta Kelldnff.
A a sequel to the conference between
Premier Rouvler and M. Witt at the For
eign office on Saturday the Russian peace
plenipotentiary held an extended conver
sation with M. Nelldoff, the Russian am
bassador, after which a special courier .
left for St. Petersburg, having dispatches
tor th mperor.
The utmost discretion has, been ob
served with reference to the exchanges
made at Saturday's meeting, but there is
reason to believe tpat the French premier
1 now fully acquainted with the Russian
tandpolnt and with the IKhe of action
hlci W. Wltte will adopt at the peace
M. Wltte appears to be satisfied with
M. Rouvler's asaurancea that France will
adopt every possible means to assist Its
ally to reach satisfactory arrangements.
The friendly rslatlvus of the French gov
ernment with Great Britain will uodoijt
edly play a prominent part when the pe
riod for a direct exchange of views be
gins. 11 la believed that this was the
, chief point discussed during the conversa
tion at the Qual d Oraay, but until the lines
are defined on which th negotiations
be conducted Franc can only promise
We do not antleinate tn anv r- .tA
fraud being committed. In the first place,
the amount obtained would be so small that
It would not be worth the risk.
A stranger presenting a book belonging
to someone else would In the majority of
rases be detected.
To a certain extent thrift will be encour
aged. Under the old regime a depositor
generally drew out more money than he
wanted and he was Inclined to spend the
surplus. Now he will draw as near the
amount he wants as he can. Before he had
to wait so many days or go through a oer
taln procedure If he required money at
once which cost him far more than the
Interest of his money amounted to.
On the question of possible fraud with
lost books the official ssld that while the
chances would not be large, because not
even a thief would care ro run a risk of a
long term of Imprisonment for $5, which
waa the limit of the withdrawal, neverthe
less the depositor should take as good
care of the books a possible In view of the
possibilities or the new situation which
might develop.
American Women la England Wonld
Snpplnnt Work of Lata
Cecil Rhodes.
LONDON. July S (8peolal Cablegram
to The Bee.) At a meeting this week of
the members of the Society of American
Women In London a project for supple
menting the work of the late Cecil Rhode
by founding scholarship for American
women at ifingusn universities was dls
cussed. Mrs. Webster Glynes, who ore.
sided, remarked that matrimony had been
the favortt method of healing fa mil v
feud sine th time of the Montagus and
Capulets. Th matrimonial alliance between
Great Britain and th United States was
often spoken of vulgarly as a union of
title and dollars. In the large majority of
cases, however, there were no titles and
not enough dollars to worry about. There
fore aome other solution must be sought
for the mysterious attraction which sub
slsted between the daughters of the United
Stales and the sons of Gr.-at Britain.
If It were true that marriages were made
In heaven, might we not see In these alli
ances a dispensation of Providence designed
to secure the two countries a permanent
peace? The American Society of Women
In London were not going to rely on thjlr
own efforts for . the promotion of thia
scholarship scheme, but to seek the co
operation of TUO.Ouu federatt-d women In the
United States. Madam Thayer observed
that It would naturally be asked why
American girla should be sent to England
for education. Her answer was that Eng
land bad much to give for their spiritual
and physical betterment. A less personal
outlook, mental poise, calmer nerves only
environment could accomplish these. If
th English and American temperament
could be rolled Into one the combination
would be unequalled.
(Continued Second Page.)
Harry McGalre Loses Bis
tn Swift Cnrrent Near
ASHLAND, Neb.. July M. -(Special Tele
gramsHarry McGulre, son of James Mc
Gulre, a farmer living four miles north of
tbls city; was drowned In the Platte river
this morning. He, In company with several
pother young men, were In bathing and
when McGulre reached deep water In (the
swift current lost his head, became
frightened and commenced calling for
Earl Carrey, the only good swimmer In
the party, went to hi rescue ' and would
have been able to save his life had
it not been that McGulre after having been
towed to within a short distance of the
shore clasped his arm around Carrey'
neck and both went down, but Carrey man
aged to break loose from him and get him
by the hair of the head but waa unable to
hold him a he fought so hard. Carrey
was so worn out that he could never have
reached the shore had It not been for the
other boys assisting htm.
The body has uot been recovered and
the chances ate that it never will be as
there are so many deep bole and the sand
will cover It within a few hour.
Owner and Kneat Are Taken Off, bnt
Crew of Fonr Men ta
Mia In a;.
LEWES. Del.. July CJ. Four me'n are be
lieved to have been drnwred last evening
by tha elnklng of the vachl Markeet near
the Brandywlne light '- mii . in lelaware
bay. Dr. Ilobart A prominent
phylen -' Plilladc'i)ji and Lucius B.
Landretb. also of thai city, were rescued
and brought here. Th four men believed
to be dead constituted the crew. .
The Markeete,-accompanied by the yacht
Zeal and Circe, left the Corinthian Tacht
club's anchorage, Philadelphia, a few day
ago for a cruise. Late yesterday after
noon the Markeete grounded on Brandy-
wine shoals during a stiff northeast storm.
The Circe was -signalled and responded,
taking off Dr. Hare and Mr. Landreth.
The crew of four men was left aboard to
care for the' vessel, with the understand
ing that a tug would at once be sent to
pull the yaeht off the , shoal. The tug
Juno was communicated 'with at the Del
aware breakwater and when It arrived
at the shoals found that the yacht had
sunk in the ship chnnel. There was no
sign of the crew anywhere on the bay,
which at that part la nearly twenty mile
Dr. Hare today engaged several launches
from here U patrol the Delaware bay and
shore In the hope of finding the crew alive
In the yacht' launch or on the shore,
This evening Captain Fred Voegel, who
had been searching with the launch Hilda
in the vicinity of the wreck, returned with
the Markeete' launch. He reported that
ne round tne launcn, nottom up, near
the Brandywlne lighthouse. The keeper
of the lighthouse Informed him that the
last he saw of the crew was shortly be
fore dark last evening when they were
In the launch trying to make the Dela
ware shore. It Is believed the launch was
upset In the rough sea that waa running
and that th four men were drowned.
Dr. Hare and Mr. Landreth left for
Philadelphia by way of Baltimore.
Two Men Killed aad Crops and Bnlld-
Ings Damaged Handred Thon
saud Dollar Worth.
RACINB. Wis.. July H -Wlth a roar that
waa beard for five miles, a tornado struck
the northern rim of Racine county today,
killing two men and damaging property and
crops to the extent of 1100,000.
Th storm came from the southwest, and
at Its first dip, struck the large barn of
Adolph Melsner, which waa torn to piece,
the debris, with grain and farm machinery,
being scattered SX) feet. Tree were up
rooted and fence blown away. For miles
trees can be seen uprooted and fences
At a farm In Thompsonvllle a workman
whose name was not known, was struck
and killed. Near Union Grove Adam Hun
ter, an old farmer, waa picked up by the
storm and hla neck broken. At the Haum
erson brickyard lightning atruck a shed
and six men were stunned.
Peary Expedition nt ortn kidney.
NORTH SYDNEY. N. 8.. July 2i.-The
Peary arctic exploration steamer Roose
velt, which left Bar Harbor at midnight
Wednesday reached here today with Com
mander Peary, his wife and aatighter on
board After coaling, the Roosevelt will
leave for the north tomorrow. Commander
Peary tonight said that he was greatly
pluaaed with the Initial king run of the
Roosevelt. He aald ha had every hope of
reaching the pole when be make his dash
over the aaow and ice ntxt February.
Child Drinks Poison.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb.; July U. (Spe
cial Paul Massey, I-year-old son of Mr.
and Mrs. L. R. Massey, came into posses
sion of a bottle of vapo-cresollne, used to
vaporise In case of whooping cough, but
very poisonous, and drank a portion of It.
Physicians were Immediately summoned
and while the llpa and mouth were badly
burned and some of the fluid had been
wallowed, antidote promptly given ex
pelled the poison and It la expected that
the little one' life will be saved.
. Bay Kicked by Horau.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July O.- Spe
cial Richard Nless, the 11-year-old son
of Mr. and Mr. August Nless, was kicked
la the head by a borse and a severe
fracture of the skull resulted. Th little
Committee of New' York Legislature
' Will Organise for Bnslnes
This Week.
NEW TORK. July 23. -The legislative
committee to Investigate insurance con
dition in this state will probably meet
and organise in this city' some day tht
week. A soon a Speaker Nixon appoints
the member from the assembly, Senator
Armstrong wIlL call a meeting and the
work of organising for the investigation
will be promptly effected. It Is believed
that the post of counsel to the commission
will be offered o Joseph H. Choate, for
merly ambassador to the court of St.
James. It Is known that the commission
as at present constituted, Is anxious to
have Mr. Choate serve.
Three Commissions Inquiring: Into
Attempt Ipon the Life of
th Snltnn.
commissions are Inquiring Into the at
tempt on the life of the sultan Friday,
but they have not yet been able to find
the slightest clue either to the author
or the origin of the outrage. The majority
of the victims were coachmen and twenty
seven hack-coaches were blown to pieces
and Afty-Ove horses were killed. Eye wit
nesses describe the scene of the explo
sion as heartrending, with men and horse
lying dying around. A bole two yards
wide waa mad In the ground by th ex
plosion of ths bomb.
Prominent In Pnblle Life.
WASHINGTON, July 23.-Colonel Lamont
was one of the most trusted political ad
visers of President Cleveland during the
latter administration. He came with him
to Washington first In the capacity of pri
vate secretary during Mr. Cleveland' flrt
term, and again during his second term,
when he sorved Mr. Cleveland In the higher
position as secretary of war. As private
secretary to the president Colonel Lamont
was brought In contact with practically
all public men who called at the White
House and the president relied consider
ably upoit' his Judgment In matter po
litical. While here Mr. Iamont made
friendships which he retained during his
later service In the cabinet. His family
entertained largely and" were always promi
nent In the social affairs of the capital.
Colonel Lamont'a ctoaei relation with
Preaident Cleveland began at Albany, when
Mr. Cleveland was governor of New York,
and Mr. Lamont was a political reporter.
Mr. Lamont accepted Mr. Cleveland prof
fer of office a private secretary and mili
tary secretary at that time and the friend
ship then cemented' grew stronger as the
years passed by. Colonel Lamont was of
Scotch descent. While engaged In the
newspaper profession he filled the place
of legislative reporter and managing editor
of the Albany Argu. of :whleh paper he
waa one of tlie ptoprfcnor fov some year.
Cleveland Deeply AfTeeted.
Informed early today of the death of former
Secretary of War Daniel 8.. Lamont. former
President Cleveland, who Is spending the
summer at his country home In this village.
wa deeply affected. The new of Mr. la
ment's death waa carried to Mr. Cleveland
by a representative of the Associated Press.
Upon hearing the news Mr. Cleveland said:
No death outside the circle of my own
family could have affected ma more. My
relation to the dead In public station, In
private life and In the most affectionate
friendship taught me to know him as an
able, conscientious and true man.
Great Fire Rafting In Texns Fields
Fifty Men Reported Cnt Off
by Flnmes.
DALLAS, Tex., July 23-. A special to the
News from Humble, Tex., says: At 10:30
o'clock tonight eleven of the great tanks
are ablase and over 1,000,000 barrels of oil
consumed. Fifty men are surrounded by
the flames and tbelr fate Is unknown. One
hundred teams are known to be cremated
and a number of families have been burned
out of house and home. At 1:20 o'clock the
fire is still beyond control, all the tanks
of the Texaa company having caught.
Loi of life among the men handling the
team 1 reported but cannot be verified
before morning. There will be considera
ble loss of property besides that of the
oil, which In Itself may reach three or
four million barrels. ,
HUMBLE. Tex.. July JS. Fire started
today tn a tank belonging to the Texaa
Oil company, caused by lightning striking
th oil. The 1 fire was held under control
all the afternoon, but began to spread to
night and twelve tank belonging to th
company are certaloly doomed. Eleven of
them contained. 200.000 barrel each and th
one struck had 238,000 barrel. The fire ha
started across the prairie toward other rigs,
but Its progress Is held in check somewhat
by a heavy rain. It may spread or may
not. The loss up to 11 o'clock I estimated
at 1,000.000 barrels of oil.- or $260,000, with
the fire still raging. There are uncon
firmed rumor of loss of human life.
I a. m. There Is still no confirmation
of any loss of Ufa In th fir. The twelve
tanks of th Texas company, at this hour,
are all ablase and will be consumed. Lit
tle rivulets of burning oil are running
towards the oil field proper, but a heavy
rain has been falling, and an electric
storm Is raging, the water serving to keep
tbe derricks from burning. The workmen
have all fled from the field. The town
Itself Is filled with refugees.
Former Secretary of Siavy tineat of
the Preaident Talka of Kqnlt
able Pensions.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y.. July 2S.-Chalrman
Paul Morton of the Equitable Lire Assur
ance .society was a guest today of Presi
dent and Mrs. Roosevelt at Sagamore Hill.
Mr. Morton arrived at the president's home
from New Tork last evening. He returned
to New York this afternoon. As a former
cabinet offlcer and a close personal friend,
he visited the president to obtain a brief
rest from his labors in connection with the
readjustment of Equitable affairs. Assur
ance ts given that his visit was not of
serious public significance.
While he excused himself from a general
discussion of Equitable affairs, Mr. Morton
admitted, In response to a direct Inquiry
by a representative of the Associated Press,
that a proposition to discontinue the pen
sion of 1.000 a year now paid to Mrs.
Henry B. Hyde, widow of the founder of
the Equitable society, was under consider
ation. The pension, however, has not been
discontinued yet. It was made clear by
Chairman Morton that Mrs. Hyde's pension
is to be considered with other pensions
now paid by the society; that is, her pen
sion will not he discontinued, If at all, as
an exception. The whole matter of pen
sions by the Equitable will be considered
purely as a business proposition. Chair
man Morton will present the subject to the
I directors of the society at a meeting to be
held next Wednesday, but there Is no
assurance that the matter will be definitely
settled at that time. The payment of the
current vouchers for Mrs. Hyde's pension,
as well as for the pensions of others, will
remain In abeyance until a final decision
of the general question of pensions shall
have been made.
Kansna City and St. I.onls Drink Dis
pensers t barged with Violating;
Snndny Closing Law.
KANSAS CITY, July 13. Ten saloon men
were arrested here today, charged with
violating the Sunday closing law. Most
of the saloon men have had thq'r licenses
renewed, and today they made good their
threat to attempt to Ignore Governor Folk'
Sunday closing order. The police were
watchful, and It Is believed that most of
the violations of. the law were discovered
though reports were received from saloon
where the liquor selling was done with
such secrecy that the police were unable
to secure enough evidence to warrant ar
rests. '
ST. IHTIS. July As a result of Gov
ernor Folk' determination to use the city
police force In an effort to break up al
Jeged violations of th Sunday aalnon clos
ing law In St. Lout county, a large force
of city policemen were scattered through
out the county and fourteen arrests were
made on charge of keeping saloon open
on. Sunday. Warrant were- Inter ecured
and the men locked up at Clayton, the
county seat. Nearly all were released on
bonds during the day.
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. July a.-Samuel
nuvkiai, a ciwttun, agea years, was
shot and killed today by an unknown man
f.lln. waa found Ivlna- hark nf th. kn... ! " . L '""".
' - - - - I aaicnaj-i mmon. wno a a at. a eriuniun
In the bam. Ht waa at once taken to the
St. Francis hospital, where an operation
relieved the pressure on the brain ant re
stored the skull, and It la believed the
lad will recover without any permanent
Injury to the brain.
Novaaal and his friend had Just left the oi io young women wnom thev
had aacorted from a wedding when the
slHKitln.N occurred. The shooting has thus
far inyiuined tne police, but Uiey tteilrve
tiiat the origin of the trouhie occurred at
the wedding and the tragedy aaa lAa out-
ajruwin oi jealousy,
Rnmor that Former Pannma Engineer
Is to Be Made President of Air
Line Ha 1 1 road.
ATLANTA. Ga.. July 23.-The Constltu
tlon tomorrow will say: A persistent ru
mor Is afloat In railroad circles here to
the effect that John F. Wallace, formerly
chief engineer nf the Panama canal. Is to
be made president of the Seaboard Air
Line railroad.' The report cannot be verl
fled, but come from an apparently reliable
source. '
NORFOLK. Va.. July a. No conflrma
tlon or denial of the report that former
Chief Engineer Wallace of the Panama
Canal commission la to be made preelden
of the Seaboard Air Line system can be
secured here tonight. Thl report was
circulated Immediately upon Mr. Wallace
resignation from the commission and was
not believed In railroad circles. About the
am time gossip also linked Paul Mor
ton' name with the office.
Scooting- Party basis Sear Posalet
Bay Harbor f Rasslnpaa
1 Oeenpled.
Barn Hear Teenmsek.
TECUMSEH. Nb., July 23. (Special Tel
egram.) Tbe large barn of John Broady,
east of here, was .(truck by lightning and
burned to th ground last night. There
was no stock In the barn at the time, but
It contained tuO bushel of torn, 600 bushels
of wheat, some hay, oats, farm machinery,
wagon, buggies, etc. Ixiss estimated at
t.8W to $2,000 and partly covered by In
surance. Barn at Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb.. July 23.-(8pecial.)-A
barn belonging to George ' Warner on
south D street, waa burned yesterday
afternoon, the fire la supposed to have
caught from matches carelessly thrown
out by children. It was valued at tl.
Damages to the barn, 176.
Newspnper Plan- at l.lttle Reek.
LITTLE ROCK. Ark.. July 28.-The news
paper and Job printing plant of the Ar
kansas Democrat was burned tonight. The
loss was total and will be about 13,W0,
wittt Lnauraaca of about jW),0Ca.
ST. PETERSBURG. July 24. The corre
spondent of the Novoe Vremya, with th
Russian Eleventh Army corps, says that
Japanese torpedo boat during a thick mist
and rain approached several bay a near
Vladivostok and that they sent a landing
party ashore In the Gulf of Gashkevltch,
near Posslet bay.
LONDON, July St. The correspondent of
the Dally Telegraph at Toklo forwards a
dispatch from the Japanese correspondent
of that paper at Mojl, Japan, telling of a
daring reconnaissance of a Japanese squad
ron In Posslet bay on July 14. Three day
later the Japanese vessels occupied Rua
slnpsn, where there Is a vast and splendid
harbor. Some of the vessels, the corre
spondent says, ran right Inside Posslet
bay, which la of great strategical value.
Rook Island Trnln Derailed Nenr
Vnionvllle, la. Foarteen Car of
Merchandise Destroyed.
DES MOINES, July 2t. Brakeman James
Murphy of Trenton. Mo., wa cremated In
an oil explosion following the derailment of
a Rock Island fast freight at Unlonvllle,
la., today. Conductor Horace Davidson and
Fireman William F. I-eaher. both. of Tren
ton, were perhaps fa tally burned. The
wreck was caused by spreading rails. Four
teen cars of merchandise were burned.
Bodie of Forty-Seven of Bennington's
Victims Laid to Beet.
Remains Lie Reside Those of Heroes of
Monterey and San FaeqnaL
All Branches of the Service Represented in
bhort Procession.
Captain Drake Annonneea that H
Expects to Be Able Eventaally
to Refloat the Damaged
Gunboat, .
SAN DIEOO. July 2.1.-They burled th
Bennington' dead today forty-seven of
them In a common grave. On the crest
of the promontory of Loma. high abov
the shimmering waters of Ban Diego bay
on the one side and within sound of th
booming surf of the Tactile on the other,
they were lHld to rest In the peaceful
little military burying ground. Without
the crah of drum or the sound of brssa,
without pomp or parade, yet with simple
Impresslveness, all honor was paid tha
nation's dadt
They have honored dead to keep them
company, these nrave ooys or tne nen
nington. All sbout them He those who died
In the nation's Service In most trying
times. Gravestones, yellow with age, bear
the names of men who died at Monterey,
In the Mexican war; others who gav up
thplr life In the conquest of California
and who followed Commodore Stockton
at Old Pan Pasqual. These are their neigh
bors In death. Surely they should rest well.
Army and navy paid their last tribute
no less sincere than the simple grief of
the representative of peace, who made
the long Journey around or across the'
great bay. From Fort Rosecrans came
the One Hunded and Fifteenth company.
const lieifTy artillery; from the city of
San Diego the naval reserves; from th
Universal Brotherhood's home on Point
Lomn, a company of khskl-clad representa
tives, snd from the government ship For
tune a doxen of their sailors. But the
most Impressive body of mournere were
the fifty-two men horn the battered Ben
nington. Beside these there were hundreds
of civilians, who, unthoughtful of the fa
tiguing Journey from tha. city, brought
their flowers to lay upon th grave.
City in Monrnlnfg.
8tn Diego was a city, of mourning today.
although the people of this little city have
taken In the Bennington catastrophe an
Interest that was personal to all from the
moment that It happened, they set apart
this beautiful Sabbath day to pay tribute
to the dead.
Thousands filed thmsgh ty morgue thla
morning with arm fllle wit- flower, drop.
ping the blossoms heiJd there upon
Home of tha unfortuhstelf the flag-draped
coffin. Other thousand fathered In the
Plara. from Whence the procession of
coffin-laden wagons was to start.
Promptly at noon the long lino of vehicles
began the Journey around th bay to tha
burial place. Owing to th steep hill and
rough roads It was found Impracticable)
to use hearses or even dead wagon. fattS
the bodies were stacked In heavy expranf
wagon and other ordinary vehicle.
Lass Trip to Cemetery.
There were no bands of muslo to stir th
people with doleful melody everything w
tiulet and businesslike. The task was too
big to be hampered by any usage of ordi
nary funerals. Forty-seven men were to
be burled and to bury them It wa neces
sary to haul them ten mile up steep hill
and along dusty roads. But there was a
striking display of these. Every casket
bore a beautifully executed wreath of
asparagus fern, while carnations and Im
mortelles, beautifully wrought and aent by ,
the San Diego organisation. The flags
came from the nation In whose service they
had died. Every one of the plain black
stained casket waa draped with the na
tional emblem, and the plain aommercial
utility of the dead wagon wa disguised
under the folds of the national color.
Ft-om noon until 3 o'clock these dead
burdened vehicles tolled toward the burial
ground and it wa almost 4:30 when th
last casket waa placed In the rock ribbed
Hundred of other vehicle stirred the
choking dust of the ten-mile road through
out the forenoon, all making for th sam
point. While every craft that could be had
brought hundreds across the five-mil
stretch of bay, who unmindful of the pre.
clpitous height to be scaled, climbed fO
feet to the crest of the ridge. In this way
came the soldier from Fort Rosecrans,
tolling up the steep footpath, their striking
full dress uniforms giving color ta th dull
gray hill. After them came th naval
reserve, and still later the survivor of tha
Captain F. J. Drake, Commander iAiclen
Toung of the Bennington and the member
of hi taff, Captain E. D. Scott, command
ing Fort Rosecrans, and Captain Rof of
the same post. Mayor Behon of San Diego
and members of the executive and govern
ment branches of the city, were hauled
around the steep hills In ambulance wagona
from Fort Rosecrans.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Jnly 78.
- At New York Arrived: Caledonia, from
Glaagow; F&nnoiitu. from Trieste.
Al Southampton Arrived: St. Louis,
from Nsw Voik. nailed: Bremen, for
New York.
At Glaagow Arrived: Columbia, from
New York. Balled: Sicilian, from Mon
trvai. At Cherbourg Arrived: Barbarosaa, from
New York.
At Hamburg Bailed: Bulgaria, for New
At Dover Sailed: Finland, for New
At Queens town Bailed; L'tubria, fur New
Impressive Scene at the Gray.
The deep trench In which the bodies were
placed, In two rows, fet to feet, I sixty
feet long and fourteen feet wide. It was
finished but a few minutes befor the ar
rival of th first load of bodies. Around II
were drawn In long lines, the artillery com
pany from the fort, seventy-five strong, on
the west; the naval reserves, bearing armt
full of flowers, on the north; the Benning
ton's survivors on the east and th Uni
versal Brotherhood on the west. Just Out
side the simple picket fence enclosing tht
burial grounds gsthered the public In aolld
masses on all sides. This was the aetting
for the most Impressive spectacle, the cul
minating scenes of San Diego's week ot
Without a moment's delay, the Work of
lifting the coffins from the wagons and
ranging them In the trench was carried on.
Shipmates from the Bennington performed
this sad duty. Sguads of six came for
ward from their ranks In rapid succession,
lifting His taaketa gently, entered the
trench at the bead and d. posited th bodies
a diiacttid by Lieutenant Tobln. who
checked them and saw that th boari
placed at th head of each was properly
marked and numbered. In Just on hour
and fifteen minutes the last body had bera
deposited in the. trench. The work of car
ing for the unfortunate men, begun last
Thursday morning, was now completed.
Bnrinl Srrvire Read.
It only remained for the representatives
of th cburcU to pronounce Anai Msaalnx