Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1905, NEWS SECTION, Page 4, Image 4

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Dea Moines Onlj GU Eight EiU Off Him
in Twelrs Inn ng.
Omaha tins Now Wo Fivo Oat at tka
Laet Eight Oimn Played with
the Leader of the
DEI MOINES, Julr 22. There was a rood
Saturday crowd out to witness the ball
Kama between Omaha and the home team
again thii afternoon. notwithstanding 't
looked like rain before the ime com
menced. Dee Molnei wae represented by
Manake and Wakefield aa Ite battery, while
Omaha had McClosky ahd Oondlng to rep
reaent It. The batting- wae fairly even, aa
the home team secured eight hits, two of
which were two-Backers, while Omaha had
ten hits with three two-baggers. The game
VH so hotly contested that It required
twelve Innings to deride. In the first in
ning Carter reached first on an error, Dolan
waa liven a base On balls and both were
advanced by a base on balls given to Welch,
and the first two scored 'on a double by
Thomas. In the fifth Inning the visitors
scored one on a hit by Dolan and one by 1
Welch, a passed ball and an error, and In
the twelfth Thomas and Schlpke got sin
gles, Thomas going to third on the latter's
Mt, when a two-bagirer by Martin brought
them home, thus making their score five.
For Des Moines the run getting also com
menced In the first Inning, as Oanley drew
a base on balls and Long sent him along
with a two-bagger. Rossman followed
with a single, scoring Uanley and Long
taking third and came home on a fielder's
choice. Des Moines did no more scoring
until the ninth, when McKay reached first
on an error and Oanley followed suit, thus
making two on the bags, and when the
former attempted to purloin third, but was
captured, the latter took second and came
home on a single by Hogrlnver, and that
ended the run getting for the home team.
After the fifth inning Manske retired in
favor of McKay, who pUehed the remain
ing Innings and was responsible for the
game after that. Attendance, L00O. Score:
Afl. B.
Thlel, If
Carter, rf
Dolan, sa
Welch, cf
Thomas, lb...
Schlpke, 8h....
Martin, 2b
Uondlng, C...
McCloskey, p.
Totals 44 S . 10 M' 23 1
AB. R. IL O. A. E.
Oanley, cf 4 3 110 0
Hogrlever, rf 6 0 1 0 v 0 0
Long, s 6 1 3 4 4 0
Rossman, lb 5 0 1 11 0 0
C'arTy n. If 5 0 0 3 0 1
Shugart. 2b ...8 0 0 2 1 0
Wnkeneld. c 5 0 1 10 2 0
McNIchols. 3b 4 0 1 3 & 1
ManKke, p , 2 .0 0 0 0 0
McKay, p 2 0 0 1 1 0
Totals 42 3 3 36 13 1
Omaha ...... 3 0001000000 26
Den Moines. .2 0000000100 03
Stolen bases: Long. Schlpke. Two-base
hits: Long, Wakefield, Thomas, Uondlng,
Martin, Bases on balls: Off Manske, ;
off McKay, 1; off McCloskey, 1. Hit by
pitched hall: Ry McKay, 1. Struck out:
By Manske, 2; by McKay, 4; by McCloskey,
4. Passed ball: Wakefield. Time; 1:46.
Umpire: Carulliers.
Jones Eaar for Denver.
DENVER, July 22. Deinver had no trouble
today pounding I'itcher Jones of 6t. Jo
seph for fifteen hits and eight runs. Mc
Gllvray's batting was one of the bright
features of the game. Hickman, after
)iitttlnfr nut I K. fiulnti fitr -nwnn Innlnoa
let Up in the eighth and three runs crossed
on four singles In a row und Hansen's
mlsplay. The same teams play a double
header, winding up the present Colorado
serins, tomorrow.
Denver scored four In the opening Inning
on Lester's error off Hartsell, MeGilvray's
home run, Belden's hit and steal, a walk
to Perrine, Hoelskoetter's hit and Everltt's
out at first. Andrews' error off McQilvray,
Relden's sacrifice and hits by Perrine and
Hoclskoetter produced another In the third.
MeGilvray's walk and hits by Belden and
Perrine scored the sixth m the fifth and
the last two In the eighth came on An
drews' error and hits by McHale and Mo
Ollvray. In the first of the eighth, Zlnran, Jones,
Ketchem and Bthlli led off with singles
and Hartsell made a mess of O'Hrlen's
drive. Hoelskoetter then retired the side
by a double play and e difficult out on a
ground chance. Attendance. 800. Scorer
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.B.
Mctlale. Cf... I I I t 0 Ketchem. cf.. 1 t a s
Harttelt, Ib.l 1 1 Srtalli, lb.... Ill
Mcouvrar, ft I 1 1 V Fenaell, II... 1 1 t
fteides. It ... 1 t t 0 O'Brien., II... 1 0
renins, lb... 1 10 1 ( Quiltln, as.... 4 1 i
Hoeleli'ler. SI I I I I Aorwl. lb.. 0 1 1
E'erltt, lb... Mil I Peiter. lb.... Sill
IXida, 1 j I I Nnjree rf t I
Hickman, p.. t 1 I I rinran, 1 1(1
Janee. 1111
ToUls (Uxlltl
Totals I 14 14 1
Denver 40101002 3
St. Joseph 000000030S
Stolen bases: Belden, Perrine. First base
on balls: Off Hickman, 1; off Jones, 3.
Struck out: By Hickman, 3; by Jones. 3.
BLOOD POISON (Syphilis) Is one of the most terrible diseases In Its rav
ages upon the human system to whloh mortal flesh is heir, and may be either
hereditary or acquired. This loathsome, lingering disease for centuries was
considered Incurable and for hundreds of years baffled the most learned phy
sicians. Thousands and thousands of persons have been practically ostracised
from society, sufTerlng untold miseries and humiliations, without respite, re
lief or aliatemeiit. waiting for death to relieve them of their eufTring. It Is a
silent enemy by day and a foe by night. It attacks and breaks down the tis
sue, eats away the bones and leaves tae victim a despised outcast of all human
If you have a sore throat, mucous patches, pimples, copper colored spots,
sores and ulcers, bone pains, falling out of the hair, or any symptoms of this
disease in the primary, secondary or tertiary stages, come to us and we will
snare you the penalties associated with this terrible affliction. Don't think be
cause you have Inherited or contracted Blood Poison (Syphilis) that you must
go through life tainted and contaminated, or saturate yourself with mercurv or
other deleterious drugs until you are thoroughly salivated. You need suffo? no
longer. Our treatment cleanses and eradicates every vestige of the syphilitic
virus or poison and all other lmpuritle from the blood and system. All dan
ger of transmission or recurrence Is removed. We do not call a smothering"
of a few sores a cure. By our method of treatment the blood and system are
thoroughly cleansed and freed from every trace of syphilltio poison and In
less time than anywhere else at less expense. Hot Springs and other old time
mercurial treatments simply suppress the symptoms and cause a temporary
abatement, and in a short time the disease again returns with renewed vigor
end virulence. By neglecting to secure a permanent and complete cure of this
diaeaae you not only shorten your own life, but may entail misery and suffering
on those you may hold near and dear to you. blasting their future lives and
prospects by your own willful neglect. We solicit ths most obstlnste cases In
their most ic- '-ntcd stages.
' t are tialekly. Safely and Tkoroaskly
Stricture, Varicocele, emissions, Nervo-Sexsal Debility,
Impotency. Blood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal,
Kidney and Urinary Diseases
and all diseases and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil ' habits, ai.
W cesses, self-aUuaa or the result of spertito or private diseases.
f fHtTiTinJI FRFF If ou lt wrtto lor svrontom blank
CUMULI Allwrt rrtLL. Office Hours- a. in. to p, m. Sundays. 10 to 1 only.
1308 Parnam St, Batwaan 13th anil 14th 8ts., Omaha, Nab.
I Aft on bases: Denver. 8; St. Joseph, 8.
first base on errors: Denver. 3. Sacrifice
hits: Belden, gchlli. Home run: McGllv
ray. Hit with pitched ball: Hartsell, Noyes.
In, utile plays: Hoelekoetter to Eveiitt,
Sohlls to Dexter. Time: l:4o. Vmplre:
faehlo and Hlooa Divide.
rtTHI), Colo. July 22. Puiblo ord
Floux City divided honors In a double-h.-advr
this afternoon, the Indians taking
the first by a score of 6 to 6 and the sec
ond game going to the visitor. to 4.
Knabe a work In the field and at the bat
were the features of both games. Out of
a total of eight times up the Indians'
second baseman secured Six hits. In the
field he accepted twenty chances without
an error.
Stlmmell was In the box for the locals
In the first contest tnd his twisters caused
nine of the visitors to fan the air. ThoiiKll
they secured eleven hits, they were well
scattered. The scoring started In the first,
when Cook reached first on a hit and
crossed the rubber on Knabe's double.
Hester was put In the box In the second
gnme and for seven Innings held the visit
ors to three scattered hits and then blew
up. Attendance, 950. Score, first game:
RrtOAB. R.H.O.A.B.
Rlake. rf rnlllns. rf . 0
Conb. 11 I I I fheehan. lb. 1 10
KUM, lb... I II IWwl, lb.... Ill
IUhBtjr. lb 1 1 starnafle, e. I 1 t
Blwert, rf... 1 14 0 e Nobllt, et... 1 4 19
Holt, lb t 1 0 Newton, ea . 1 I I I 1
BrhrlTsr. a.. I ' 1 Pulelfar, lb. 1
Bailor, el... 0 1 1 0 OOHera, II.. 0 11
Stlmmel, p.. 9 0 I 0 Jarrott, p... 0 1 4 0
Total 11 M Total I 11 14 II J
Puxblo 1 0 1 0 0 1 3 0
Sioux City 0 3 0 0 0 0 0 2 0-
Stolen base: O'Harn. Earned runs:
Tucblo, 4; SlouaT City. 6. Three-base hit:
Schriver. Rase on balls: Off Jarrott: 3;
off Stlmmell. 1. Struck out: Ry Jarrott,
8; by Stlmmell, . Left On bases; Pueblo,
8: Sioux City, 4. Sacrifice hits: O'Hara,
Knahe, Mott. Two-base hits: Knabe, New
ton (2), Delehanty, Elwert. Wild pitch:
Jarrott. Double plays: Knabe and Delehanty-
Weed, Newton and Pulslfer; New
ton, Sheehan and Pulslfer. Time: 1:46.
t'mplre: Mare.
Score, second game:
Colllna. rf... 1 1 0 9 Plaits, cf.... 9 10 1
Sheehan lb. 1 I I SCoot. If 1119
Waed, lb... 111! OKniM. lb... Ill
Stirrasle, . 1 lit 9 0 Ilelehantjr. lb 9 111 9 9
Nobllt. rf.,. 1 II OEiwert, rf... 100
Newton, St... 11 1 Mott, lb 9 0 11
Pulelfer, lb. 9 1 9 1 Me.eltt, o... 0 14 1
O'Hara. II... n'ler. aa.... 14 1
Hatch, p.... 1 1 1 1 Heater, p.... 1 111
I.lnilaee, p.. 9 9 1 9
Totala IT T I'Hihrlr.r ... 9 9 9 0 9
ToUla 4 14 17 14 I
'Batted for Llndsey In eighth.
Ploux City 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6 0-6
Pueblo 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 14
Stolen base: Pulslfer. Earned runs:
Pueblo, 3; Hioux City, 6. Passed balls:
Starnagle, 2: Messttt, 1. Rase on balls:
Off Hester, i; Off IJndsey, 1. Struck out:
Ry Hester, 2; by Hatch, 10. I.eft on bases:
Pueblo, 11; fllnux City, 6. Two-base hits:
Rader, Nobllt. Double play: Knabe,
Rader and Delehanty. Sacrifice hit: Blake.
Time: 1:30. Umpire: Mace.
Standing; of the Teams.
Plaved. Won. Lost. Pet.
Des Moines .it 49 27 .646
Denver ... , 81 49 S2 .606
fllnux Cltv 74 41 S3 .564
Omaha 76 41 34 .647
Pueblo 77 26 62 .823
St. Joseph 76 24 61 .320
Games today: Omaha at Des Moines,
Sioux City at Pueblo, St. Joseph at Den
Omaha and Dea Molnea Pnt I'p Exhibi
tion Contest.
DES MOINES. July 22. Heavy slugging.
combined with bull-headed luck toward the
end of the Indoor base ball game played
out of doors, enabled the Underwriters to
wind up the contest, the only ball match
ever pulled off In Des Moines after dark,
in true Garrison fashion. The whole play
was made up of ludicrous mistakes, and
the contest was delayed from time to time
that the inraiiinie rule nook might be con
suited. A crowd of several hundred people
witnessed tne unique exnioiuon. The score:
Dea Moines 60100327 3 ID
Omaha 4 1 7 1 3 3 0 0 018
Rntterles: Omaha. Carter and Martin
Des Moines McNichols and Wakefield. Um
pire; Manske.
Diamonds Piny Two.
The Diamonds will line up for a double
header Sunday afternoon at Forty-fourth
and Howard streets. The first game will
be with the Independents. Davis will he
on the firing line for the Diamonds. The
second game will be with the Starllerhta.
Roth teams are playing good ball and a
good gam is assurea. me teams:
Diamonds. Position. Starlights.
Drummy Catch Troup
Greenleaf .....Pitch Donahue
Peaslnger First O. Smith
Rills Second Wlrth
Hart ..Third Qllllnbeck
Cond Short Wall
Spetman Left Row en
Elton Center C. Smith
Anderson Right Young
Coronas Ta. Nonpnrella.
The Coronas and Nonpareils will meet
Sunday afternoon at the Vinton Street park
at !:. The teams are the strongest ama
teur teams in the city and a good contest
should result.
Coronas. Position. Nonpareils.
Inman Left J. Casey
Smith Center McLaln
Rrodbeck Right B. Casey
Latham Third Qarvey
Kill Short E. Roepen
W. Lynch Second Cusstdy
Pike First Hatchen
Ferster. Mokry...Cstch W. Roeben
Rogatts Pitch Williams
Murphy Pitch E. Lynch
Toeamseh Loses a Game.
TECUMSEH. Neb., July 22. (Special. )
The Tecumaeh base ball team was defeated
In Pawnee yesterday. Score: 10 to . Base
hits: Pawnee, B; . Tecumscn, o. trrors
Pawnee, 4; Tecumseh. 10. Batteries: Paw
nee, Dort and Halderman; Tecumseh, Tar
ries and l nomas.
Make it Fit Out of Six from the American
Tjeaetie Champion.
Gibson Comes In Too Lnto to gave the
Game In Spite of Fart Boston
Had Started Batting:
CLEVELAND, July 22. The locals made
It five out of six from Boston today, out-
batting the visitors. Attendance, 3.554.
H.H.O.A.R. R.H.O.A.B.
Jarksnn, It... 4 1 grlbaeh, rf... I M
ay, cf I I t V 0 raram. as.... I a a
110 9 flurkrtt, II. . 0 I
11111 t'olllna. lb... 9 114 1
Rradlar. lb.. 1111 S'ahl, at 1 I
urnar, aa.... 1 I 1 Kraaman ID.. V o li v
arr, lb
.9 1 II rarrta, id..., I i a i
. 9 9 1 9 0 Crlar, 4 I
.0119 Olhaon, p.... t 0
Winter. p....l I
Buelow, a..
Donahue, p
Totals I II 17 II 1 Orimahaw ..
Vnilaub .... 0 9 9
Totala I I 14 IT 8
Ratted for Crlg-er In the ninth.
Ratted for Winter In the ninth.
Cleveland 1 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 5
Boston 1 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 O
Hits: Off Gibson. 1 In one and
one-third Innings; off Winter, 13
In seven and two-third Innings.
First base on errors: Roston, 1.
Two-base hits: Ray, Burkett, Parent, Fer
ris. Belhnch. Bacrlflre hits: tarr. turner.
Stolen base: Bay. First base on balls: Off
Winters, tr Left on bases: Cleveland, ;
Hoston, . struck" out: Ky ixmanue, i;
by Winters, 2. Time: 1:36. Umpire: Connor.
Detroit Takes Two.
DKTROIT. July 22. Detroit won both
ends of a double-header today from Wash
ington, making a straight series of five
games for the locals. Attendance, 4,600.
Score first game:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B.
Cooler, cf..-. 1 111 0NI1I. lb 1 111
rVhaafar. Ib..l 1 raaald. aa .l I I 4 I
Mrintyre, If . . 1 1 I 0 Hickman, Ib.l 114
Crawford, rf.. 1110 VAnorraon, rr. alios
O'Lrarr. aa.l 111 1 Hurlaman If. 9 I I 0
Lows, lb 1 t I 1 Stab, lb 8 11 1
Llndaar. Ib.l 1 a 0 o Knoll, rf 0 1 1
Iirlll, c 1 I 10 I 9 Heydon, 0....9 0 111
Donovan, p.. 0 0 9 I 0 Pattrn, p 9 9 119
Totala I II II I Totala II 14 II I
Detroit 7 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 8
Washington o z o o l o 08
Two-base hits: Mclntyre, Drill. Lowe.
Cassidy, Huelsman. Three-base hit: Hick
man. Home run: tjrawrora. nacnnce nits:
Lowe, Donovan. Rases on balls: Off Dono
van, 3; off Patten, 2. left on bases: De
troit, 6; wasningion. s. otruos. out: i-iy
nnnnvan. 7: bv Patten. 1. Double play:
O'Lenry to Schaefer to Lindsay. Wild
pitch: fatten, lime: i.w. umpire: Con
nolly. Stfore second game:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.E.
Cooler, ef ... I ISO Nlll. lb 0 1 1 1 0
Brhaefar, lb.. 0 9 I 1 0 Caaaldy, sa... 1 I I I 1
Mclntyra. II . 1 1 0 Hickman, lb. 1 I I
Crawford, ft. S I I V APoaraon, ci. I a
lrl,irr ..0 1(4 0 Hurlamaa II 0 1 0 0 0
Lowa, lb 0 I I 0 Hlahl, lb 1 T 0
Llndaay, lb..l 0 s 1 o unoii, n o v i a a
Drill, e 0 0 1 0 0 Klttredaa, c. 0 7 I 0
Klllian, p.... 0 0 1 t 0 Hugbea, p.... 104
ToUla 4 I 17 11 ToUla I I'M 11 I
Two out when winning run scored.
Detroit I 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 14
Washington u
Two-ltfise hit: O'Leary. Sacrifice hits:
Schaefer, Drill, Stahl. Home run: Corrley.
Buses on balls: Off Klllian, S; off Hughes,
a Hit with ball: Stahl. Left on bases:
Detroit. 7; Washington, 6. Struck out: By
U on 9- n' H II Vlil-H 2 ' m I 1MI. 1 m -
plre: don'noily.
Kven Break In St. Lonla.
fiT t.oims. Julv 21 St. Ixiuis broke even
In a double-header here today, Philadelphia
taking the opening game o to t ana bi.
Louis the second S to 2. Henley pitched In
hrllllunt atvlo in the oneninK game, not
giving the locals a single hit. Pelty was
hit freelv and the sTHirie was never In
doubt after the first Inning. Waddell lost
through his wlldness In the second, noin
his errors resultinar In runs. Howell was
also unsteady, but his breaks were less
costly. Attendance, lZ,4UO. score nrsi game;
n h.o A R.H.O.A.E
Hartaal, II.... 1 1 0 Stone, II
Hoffman, si.. I 14 0 Starr, lb 9 14
liaTla, lb I I 11 1 van Sant, rf.
Csoaa, lb lilt Wallaoa. aa.. 1 7
Soybold. rf... 0 II OKorblar. !... 0 0 lO 1
Murphr. lb... 0 0 11 OJonea, lb 0 0 14 t 0
Knlvht u. ..a oil ftaieaaon. lb..O 0
TUrrntt a a fi a 1 Roth, o I
Htnler. p.... 0 I 0 rauj, p
Totala 4 10 17 14 1 Totals 17 1
Philadelphia i 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0-4
8t Louis 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-0
Earned runs: Philadelphia. 4. Two-base
hits: Cross, Seybold, Davis, Hartsel. Three
base hits: Davis, Hoffman. Stolen bases:
Hoffman (2), Murphy. Bases on balls: Off
Pelty, 6; off Henley, . Struck out: By
Peltv. E: bv Henlev. 1. Left on bases: Phil
adelphia. 7: St. Louis, 1. Time: 1:40. Um
pire: o Loughlln.
Score second game:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.E.
Stona, If 9 110 Hartaal, II... 0 0 I 0 1
Starr, lb 0 9 11 9 Hoffman, ct.. 1110 0
Van Zaut, rf. 0 1 1 0 0 Dana, lb 0 1 I 1
Wallace. aa .O 1 1 t'roaa, lb 9 t I t
Kofhler. ef... I 9 0 9 9 Stybold, rf... 1 119 9
Jonaa, lb 9 0 1 9 Murphy, lb.. ( 1 4
Glnaon, lb.. 1 114 Kn.shL as... I 1
Bugdan, c... 0 1 Schraa. 1 I
Howall, p.-. 1 1 WaddU, p... t 111
Totala 1 i 17 11 0 Totala I 114 19 1
None out when winning run was made.
St. Louis 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1-3
Philadelphia 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0-1
Karned run: Philadelphia. Two-base hit:
Seybold. Three-base hit: Hoffman. Sacri
fice hits: Jones 1.2), Starr, Hoffman, Ctoss.
Double play: Howell to Wallace. Passed
ball: Sugden. Stolen bases: Oleason, Davis.
Wild ju'tch: 'Howell. Bases on balls: Off
Howell 4: off Waddell, 2. Struck out: By
Howell, t; by Waddell, 6. Left on bases:
St. Louis 7; Philadelphia, 5. Time! 1:26.
Umpire: O'Loughlln.
Chlcaaro Wins from New York.
CHICAGO, July 22. In a pitcher's battle
today Chicago won the third straight game
from New York. New York's lone run was
scored through Chicago's errors. Attend
ance, 14.2SS. Score:
K.H O A B. R.H.O.A.E.
Green, rf 11 1 fonmy, lf.... I a a
Holme. II... 111 Keaiar, rt....t t
Iiavia. aa 4 4 HbaHUd, as. 9 1
Douobua. lb.. It 1 Williams, lb. I 1
I. bell, lb 1 I 1 Yaasar. lb... I 1 S
Jonea. ct 1111 rulta cf 114
Sullivan, ... It) Powera, lb... 1 II 1
Tannahltl, lb 1 MrOulra. ... Ill
White, p Oil t Cbeabro, p.... 1 I
Totala I I 17 1 4 Totals 1 4 4 14 1
Chicago 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 t
New York 0000100001
Left on bases: Chicago, 2, New York. 4.
Two-base hit: McUuire. Three-base hit:
Junes. BacrllWe hit: Chesbro. Stolen bases:
Jones, Ureen. Struck out: By White, it;
by CbeBbro, L Passed bail: McOulre. First
base on balls: Off Chesbro, 1. Time: 1;J9.
Umpires: Sheridan and McCarthy.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost Pet
Cleveland K I 61 a ,as
Chicago 77 f 47 .bio
Philadelphia 77 46 U .(st
Ietruit 60 42 to ,bJS
Boston 7ti ii 41 ,461
New York 76 34
St. Louis.: 80 31 u .81
Washington 7 Ji 63 .3.T
Games today: Philadelphia at Chicago
New York at St. Louis.
Field Clnb vs. li, p. Shoos.
The Field club sprung a surprise on the
fast Union Pacino aggregation of ball
tossers by defeating them to the muaiu
of 2 to 1 In a contest that waa character
ised by snappy playing on both sides. Don
Taylor had an abundance of speed and
control, delivered superbly and was backed
by clock-work fielding. The Union 1'a.olMc
were clearly outclassed until rain Slopped
the contest at the end of the sixth. Score:
K H.O.A.E. K.H. O A B.
Hoaalaad .... t Bradford .... oil
Cbasibars .... 111 avkully 10 1 t T Caaey t t 1 t
kellef 1 t 0 0 B
Taylor m lalr a I
Abbott ' Hum 1 I 1
ataloaa V oii.vid ( 1
'alar I 1 (Hawkins ....1 I I
keauar 1 atortaa .,.. tit
I J Totala I lllil I Tetals 1 1 U 1
U. P. Shops 0 0 1 0 i 0-1
Hits: rteld club, J; U. P Bhops, t
Home run: Kelly. Base on balls: Off Tay
lor, 2; off Morton, 4. Struck out: by Tay
lor, 6; by Morton, t. Passed ball: Claire.
Time: 0.&&. Umpire: Einlin.
Astell nets at Icara.
HABTINUS. Neb., July i2 Ppax-lal Tel
egram.) Aalall lost to ilavstlugs today by
a score of tj to 1. The fatiira of the gsme
was Dsd Rohrer's old-time plays. Bat
teries: Hastings. Rohrer and Poteetj A
tell, Charles Boasen snd J. Boasen.
Boston Wins from Chicago In the)
Tenth Inning.
B08TON. July 22. The gsme with Chi
cago today was won by Boston in the
tenth Inning on a single, a sacrifice, an
error and a fielder's choice. Weimer pitched
an excellent gsme, striking out nine men.
Attendance, 3.U2t. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. Ft H O A B.
Ab'tlehlo, M. I I I l o Slaile. at I 1
Tanner, lb... I II 1 1 Meloney, rf.. t I
Dolan. rf It 9 Bchulte, II... 1 t
pelehanty, II 1 l hanra, lb... 1 1 II 1 1
WolTert'n, lb 0 I 4 Tinker, aa.... 119
rrawr. ct ... 0 10 0 Ei era, lb 111
Kaymer, lb.. 0 I I 4 faaey lb I 0
Moran, e I Kins, a I 1
Willie, p 9 1 1 1 Weimar, p ... 9 1 I
Totala I 7 10 13 1 Totala 1 It 11 1
One out when winning run scored.
Boston 100000000 1 t
Chicago 0100000000 1
Two-base hit: Chance. Sacrifice hits:
Tenney, Tinker, Maloney, Double plays:
Wolverton to Tenney, IlMymer to Tenney.
First base on balls: Off Willis, 4. Hit
witn pitcnea nail: By Willis, l. struck
out: By Willis, 8; by Weimer. 9. Passed
ball: Moran. Time: 1:60. Umpire: O Day.
Cincinnati Wins Both Games.
BROOKLYN, N. Y., July 22 Hanlons
team was besten twice today by the Cin
cinnati players. The visitors scored six
funs In the first game and seven In the
second. Attendance, 6,000. Score, first game:
. R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Hugilna lb..O I I 4 0 Hall, cf 0 1 1 9 9
Barry, lb 9 19 1 9 BherkarA, it.. 1111
Keller, If.,,. 9 0 1 0 9 Lumley, rl...0 110 0
Sebrtng. rf ...l 110 Batch, lb 0 1 1 1 0
Corcoran, aa.. I I I I Geaaler, lb... 0 010
Odarell, OI....I II 0 Lew la, aa 0 1 I I 1
lelnfeldt, lb 1 1 0 1 0 Malay, lb....O 1110
Bchlel, e 0 I I I l Keraen. a.... 0111
Earing, p 0 111 0 Mitchell, p... 9110
ToUla 11 17 II I Totala 1 7 17 11 4
Cincinnati 02030001 0
Brooklyn o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o 11
Two-base hits. Ilua-flna. l.umlev Hun.
rifle hit; Barry. Stolen bases: Odwell,
Schlel. Double play: Hugglns to Bchlel.
Left on bases: Brooklyn, 6; Cincinnati, .
First base on balls: uff Mitchell, 4; oil
twing, i. first nase on errors: Cincln-
n.H 1 TTI K .. I , a I It. n. ...
.., a. A,v v. j iJiiciifu uuii. u y r.wing,
L Struck out: By Mitchell, 8; by Ewlng,
4. Passed ball: Bergen. Time: 1:64. Um
pire: Emslle.
score, second game:
R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B.
Humlna, lb.. 1 1 I 1 ODobbs, cf 1 1 9 4
Barry, lb....l I 10 0 V Hall, cf 0 0 10 9
Kalley, II.... 1 9 19 9 Sheckard, It.. 1 1119
Sebrins, rf...l 119 9 Lumley, rt...O 110 0
Corcoran, as., 0 I 4 1 0 Batch, lb 0 I 1
Odwell, ct.... I (Oaaalar, lb... I 10 1 0
ttelnfeldt, lb 1 II I Lewie, aa 10 0 0
Phelps, a..... I 111 Malay, lb.... a 1 4
Chech, p 0 1 0 1 Hitter, a 041
Eaaoa, p 1 0 0
ToUla 7 11 17 I 0 Jonas, p 0 0 0 I 0
Totala 1 I 17 11 0
Cincinnati 0 1 4 0 0 0 1 6 17
Brooklyn 0000O010 01
Sue rifles hit: Chech. Stolen base: Lum
ley. Double plays: Sheckard to Hatch tn
Malay, Gessler to Batch, Corcoran to Barry,
.niner tu ueaaior. jeii on oases: urooa
lyn, 4; Cincinnati, 2. First base on balls:
Off Chech, 1. Hit by pitched ball: By
Knson, i. Struck out: By Chech, 8; by
Jones, 1. Time: 1:30. Umpire: Emslle.
Nan York Wins from St. Lonla.
NEW YORK. July 22.-The New Yorks
won the fourth consecutive game from
St. Louis today. Thieiman waJ lilt often
and his support was poor. Attendance,
lo.uOO. Score:
R.H.O.X.B. R.H.O.A.B.
Browne, rf...O 1 0 9 0 Shannon. It.. 1 0 10 0
Donlln, of.... 1 1 I 0 0 Arndt, 2b 0 I 1 I 9
McOann. lb.. 1 9 11 1 0 Smoot, el.... 0 0 4 0
Mertea. II.... I 110 0 Becklejr, lb..O I 11 0 1
banian, aa....l 114 Dunlt-avy, rf, I 0 1 0 0
Hevlln, lb.... 1 1 0 0 Wrbrlde, aa .l 114
Gilbert, !b...l 114 Burke. lb....O 111
Strani, lb....O 0 0 1 Leahy, o 1111
Bowennan. c. 1 I 1 Tbielman, p.. 1 1 I
Amaa, p 0 10 10
ToUla -. 4 I 14 11
ToUla ( 11 17 II 1
New York 40014000
St. Louis 0 0 1 1 0 2 0 0 0-4
First base on errors: New York, 1. Left
on bases: New York, 8; St. Louis, 7. First
base on balls: Off Ames, t; off Thieiman,
2. Struck out: By Ames, 7; by Thieiman,
1. Two-base hits: Bowerman (3), Arndt.
Sacrifice hit: Ames. Stolen bases: Browne,
Mertcs, Devlin. Double play: Gilbert, Dah
len and McCann. Balk: Thieiman. Passed
Ball: Leary. Time: 2:00. Umpire: John
stone. Game Postponed.
At Philadelphia Pittsburg-Philadelphia
game postponed; rain.
Standing; of the Tenms.
Played, Won. Lost. Pet.
New York 85 00 25 . 706
Pittsburg So 64 82 . 628
Philadelphia 84 49 K5 .63
Chicago J5 60 36
Cincinnati K6 4 40 .5.TS
St. Ixmls 87 81 &6 .856
Boston 86 28 68 .326
Brooklyn 84 24 60 .26
No games today.
Hill and Butler Win Contest for Kaw
Town Tea m.
KANSAS CITY, July 22 Hill scored
Kansas City's three runs today, beinu
brought home each time by Butler. Louis
ville was powerless against t rantz s splen
did Ditching and continually hit the ball
Into the air for fiyouts. Only five of the
visitors went out at first base and the
locals had but lour assists. Attendance,
jug. ecore:
R.H.O.A.E. H.H.O.A.E.
Mumhf. rf .. 1 t A 1 Mailmen, rf.. I 0 0
Doaabue. lb.. 1 t Bulllran, lb., a t 1
Caatro. lb....O Alt Clar. cf 0 1 1 0
Hill, et I lit tKerarln. If t I 0 0
frame, p t t I t Braahear, lb. I I 4 I
Butler, e..... 0 lit 0 Scott, lb 0 II I 1
Nance, if.... 0 tit 0 Shaw c 0 1100
Bonner, lb... 0 0 10 tUulnlan, sa.. 0 0 0 1 1
Downer, sa... t 0 I le'eriuaoa, a., t 0 1 I 0
Totala I 7 17 4 4 Totala I 414 It I
None out when winning run was made.
Kansas City 01001000 13
Louisville 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 02
Earned runs: Louisville, 1; Kansas City,
I. Two-base hits: Murphy, Hill (2), Bra
shear. Three-base hit: Shaw. Sacrifice
hits: Frsnts (2), Downey, Sullivan. Stolen
bases; Butler, Brashear, Ferguson. Iuuble
play: Bulllvan to Brashear to Scott. Bases
on balls: Off Frantx, : off Ferguson, L
Struck out: By Frants, 7; by Ferguson, 2.
Passed ball: Shaw. Left on bases: Kan
sas City, : Lc-ulsville, It). Time: 1:36. Um
pire: Haskell.
Colnmbns Bents Minneapolis.
MINNEAPOLIS, July 22. Columbus had
Its game won today In the second Inning
and Minneapolis was unable to land on
Berger with any noticeable effect, despite
the fact that they tried hard. Attendance,
1.500. Score:
Ptrkerlns. ef . 1 110 0 Jonea. et 0 I I
Pate, rf 0 110 0 SulUan, rf.. 0 I t 0
Kran, a 1 1 0 0 0 Fret-man. lb. 0 0 11 1 1
r.msalton, If. 0 0 0 0 OMarahall, 1I..0 0 10 0
Kthrn, lb 1 17 0 Otlraoiini r, lb 0 0 4 4 0
Hul.wlU, as.. 0 0 4 1 OUraham, .... 0 1 0 t 1
Cljmer, 2b... 1 1 I I a... 0 1 1 I 0
KartMau, tb..O I I I OFoi lb 1 1111
verier, p 0 1 0 I 0 Orler, as 1 I I I 1
Totala 0 t 17 10 1 Totals t I 17 14 4
Columbus 0 2 0 1 2 1 0 0 0-
Minneapolis 0)00I000 O-2
Two-base hits: Jones, Clymer. Ryan.
Bases on balls: Oft Graham. . off Berger.
4. Struck out: By Berger. 7: by Graham,
1. Left on bases: Minneapolis, 4;" Colum
bus, 1. feu. leu base: Clymer. Time: 1:40,
Cmplre: King and Sullivan.
gt. Pnnl Wlaa on Errors.
BT. PAUL. July 22. Toledo's errors at
critical times lost them the game to Bt
Paul today. Attendance, 1,33). Score:
R.H.O.A.g. R.H.O.A.E.
Oeler. lb.... 0 1 I I OClark. rf.... 0 1 0 0 0
Hemphill, ef. 0 1 1 1 1 Clinaman. aa 0 ft I I 1
Wheeler, lb. till t jr. " 0 0
O Brles. aa . t 1 1 0 0 Lee. el...... J J 0 J 0
Flournor. U. 1 I I I l)emont. lb. J I 1 4 0
Kuooaa, lb.. I 1 11 1 0 Monarltr. Ik 1 t I I 1
taroer, rf... 110 10 lb.... ;
Suilleas, a.. 0 0 I I 0 leartoaa, a.. 0 I I 1 I
vana. p.n. 0 01 0 Kelluia. ...0 U 4 0
tuala. p 00000 "
Totals t ln4 II t
Total 0 0 17 10 I
Sullivan out on bunted third strike.
8t. Paul 0 0 0 1 0 1 4 0 10
Toledo 1000IOIO-7
Uarned runs: Toledo. 1. Two-base hits:
Flournoy (2, Qier, Carney,. Moritarlty.
Stolen bases: Noonun (2i, Wheeler, Carney,
lilts: Off Evans, 7 In seven Innings; off
lagle, 1 in two Innings. First base on balls:
Off Kellum, 1; off Evans. 2. Hit with
Itched ball: Noflnan. Struck out: By
vans, 4; by Kellum, 1. Left on bases:
t Paul. 7; Toledo, 4. Time: l U. Umpire;
t Canto Postponed.
At Milwaukee Milwaukee-Indianapolis
game poatponed; wet grounds.
tnadlng of tno Teams.
Played. Won. IsL Pet
Columbus 8 17 82
Milwaukee nt 1 -W'
Minneapolis aS 62 2
tU. Vaul 8 42 4
We carry the four best Auto
mobiles made
Don't buy one till you've
talked with us.
Write to us if
I Indianapolis 84 41 4.1 .4KJ
IiOUlsvllle W 48 47 .47K
Toledo 84 31 53 . 3''.9
Kansas City 85 30 55 . 3M
Onmes todav: Columbus at Minneapolis:
Toledo at St. Paul; Indianapolis at Milwau
kee; Louisville at Kansas City.
Eight Grnelllnsr Games how Splendid
Worst on All Hands.
Since comlntr home from Colorado Omaha
has played eight of the hardest foupht
Karnes of the season and won live of them.
all being with Des Moines. The Importance
of this series can hardly be overestimated,
Trom an Omaha standpoint, as Des Moines
nas peen malting tne rest of tne league
look like It was standing still. The Cham
pions and the Underwriters have now
played twenty-three games, of which
Omaha has won eleven, and two are tied.
The eight games played last week were
fought out In about the evenest fashion
Imaginable. Just to show how close they
were tne following tlgures are offered :
AB. R. II. Ave.
Omaha i2 33 7 .2-tS
Des Moines tvi 32 SO .271
O. A. E. TC. Ave.
Des Moines 224 117 14 856 .Ml
Omaha X 116 14 Si .61
This Is a showing that ought to do away
with all suspicions that base ball Is a game
that can be manipulated, for It Is nut In
human power to arrange plays between
two teams that would come out so nearly
even. Omaha made one more run, but Des
Moines was exactly ten times oftener at
the bat and made ten more hits In the eight
games, and the fielding chances were ex
actly the same In number, and the same
number were accepted. The hard luek fea
ture of the games from the Omaha stand
point appears in this. McCloskey went Into
the field instead of Buck Thiel, and made
two errors out of three chances, the first
ho hits made this season. Then, over at
Des Moines, he made his first error In the
box. Nick Carter, who hadn't made a
miscue for more than a month, is charged
with one at Des Moines, and. in fact, most
of the fourteen errors Omaha is charged
with In the series were made In the three
games played at Des Moines.
The fact that Bill Schlpke corked out
three home runs, and won three of the
games by so doing, is merely an incident
In the destructive course on which he has
set sail. Bill has been reading "Home Run
Haggerty" and has set about to show the
bovs that "Hill" is on the level in ti lea talk
And Bill has also maintained his place at
the head of the regulars and moved up a
notch as well. Here are the statistics for
the season up to date:
Games. AR R. H. Ave. Week.
Quick 18 65 4 21 .323 .ftnn
Bchipke 79 2in 24 76 . 2f9 ' .257
Thomas 47 1S8 24 48 .2."-6 .244
Dolan 79 312 84 79 . 252 .249
Carter 79 287 87 71 .247 . 2M
Thlel 75 247 46 60 . 213 .207
Welch 79 292 29 70 . 240 .
Martin 79 262 29 63 . 210 .1H9
Oondlng 61 212 18 43 . 203 .213
Freese 26 8S 9 18 .16 .
Pflester 20 62 S 9 .146 .133
Panders 16 62 4 7 .135 .146
McCloskey 22 82 7 11 .134 .152
Team 79 2428 277 663 . 232
O. A. E. TC. Ave. Week.
Sanders 9 63 0 62 1.000 1.0m)
Oondlng 864 t7 4 446 .11 .,)
Thomas 634 23 5ti5 .UN .9S8
Quick 7 60 2 B9 .971 .970
Freese 139 26 6 170 . 971 .9h'7
Welch 14 7 7 1Z .967 . 952
McCloskey 6 66 S 64 . 963 l.OnO
Pflester 8 49 3 66 . 945 .1M1
Martin 194 239 26 46S .946 .947
Carter 1 12 7 124 .944 .949
Dolan 8S lMt 41 636 .!:'3 Mi
Thlel 123 45 15 193 . 922 . 919
Schlpke 76 170 26 272 .9"1 .9t7
Team 2012 1016 146 8174 864 964
Clean I'p Western I nlun Operators to
Tune of 117 to 14.
If any person was absent from Vinton
Street park Saturday afternoon they cer
tainly missed something. Chief Operator
Barnhart of the Western Union Tele
graph company sent nine of his stalwarts
out to clean up a mixed bunch of oper
ators, grain dealers, elevator conductors
and board markers from the Board of
Trade, and they only lacked thirteen scores
of doing it. Rut it would have taken but
one more inning to turn the trick. What
the Barnharts lacked in vigor at the be
ginning they made up for at the close.
The board men knockud Rae's "curves" to
the winds for five Innings and were all In
when they came up for the sixth. The
Western Union, men had sent in a new
pitcher and he made a lot of monkeys out
of those who had the temerity te face him.
But It was too late. The sluggers had
slugged out a victory twenty-seven runs
snd when the game closed the Barnharts
could only Count fourteen. Score:
R H O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Mitchell, lb. I 4 It 1 0 a. Oel'rk. lb 4 0 1 I 1
Hudnall. lb.. I 10 1 0 Paela, lb.... 1 1 10 0 0
Mereh, lb... 4 I 0 I I Ati4reoa. lb. 0 0 I I 1
Burke, aa.... 1 I i 0 1 I'rae. pea... 1 1 I 0 s
Holden cf . 1 1 0 0 0 Cutler, II ... I I 1 I I
Llninser, If. I 1 1 0 0 Oraul. et.... 110 0 0
Fetaraoa, rf. I 0 0 0 0 Archibald, rf 0 0 0 0 1
Brown. e....4 I 0 I OR Oei'ck, rf 1 10 0 0
Nordatrum, p 4 I 0 I 0 haea, r I 1 7 1 1
Raa. p-aa.... 10 14 0
Totals 17 II 17 10 I
Total 14 II 17 II 0
Board of Trade t t 8 13 8 0 0 0 0-27
Western Union 1 2 0 0 1 2 1 0 714
Earned runs: Western Union, I: Board
of Trade, t. Two-base bits: Oellenbeca
(2k Marsh, Nordstrum (2. Three-base
hits: Gellenberk 12), Holden, Hudnall.
Home runs: Mitchell (2). Stolen bases:
Western Union, 12; Board of Trade, 14.
First base on balls: Off Nordstrum, 1: pff
Rae, 8; off Dyke, L Struck out: By Nord
strum. 4; by Rae, 4; by Dyke, 1. Hit by
pitched ball: By Nordstrum. 2. Passed
balls: Brown, 1; Chace, 8. Wild pilches:
Rae, 8; Nordstrum. 1. Double play: An
derson to Davis. Left on bases: Western
Union. ; Board of Trade, 8. Time: l:3o.
Umpire: Krebs.
Oekalooaa Wlaa In Fifth.
MAR8HAI.LTOWN. Ia.. July 22-(flpeclal
Telegram.) Once more the local team lost
at the last In a six-Inning game Gulled on
account of rain. Up to the fifth the locals
had Oskalonsa beaten, and then tried to
delay the game until the coming shower
might save them. but. alas. Brown, the new
center fielder, dropped a long drive and the
trouble commenced. KteeM of Oskaloosa
went to second on It. Hess hit for two and
Persons hit for two more, followed by a
ainarle bv Ramey. and then when at was
huo late the rain came. St ore: It H E
Oskaloosa 0 0 0 0 8 0-3 0
Marshalltown 1 0 0 0 0 01 6 1
Batteries: Greene and Bruggeman; Shaw
snd Hess. Stru'k out: By Greene. 1; by
p haw, 8 Bases on balls: Off Greene, 1; off
Siiaw. Two-base hit: Persons.
College Wins trom PUtter.
WAYNE. Neb.. July 22 (Special. ) Tht
Nebraska Normal college and illger clubs
Y? linve ircpntlr placed Manjrnnose Stcol Safes with the fnltod
States. National Hank, the City Savlnp Hank ami J. K Brautlels A
Sons' Hank of Omaha. We have "oM about four hundred of these
celebrated safes from our ortlce In the last three years.
ard (alo awan'.etl the Grand Prize nt St. IaiuH i:xiosltlou) used ex
cluslvely by us in the construction of Snfon and Vaults.
you need a safe,
& CO., 1119 Farnam St., Omaha.
played a close and Interesting game of base
ball yesterday afternoon, the college being
victors by a score of S to 2.
Omaha Team Is Loser.
LYONS. Neb., July 22. -Special. )-ln a
fast game of bnll here today the Lyons
team dffented the Farrell & Co. team of
Omaha by the score of 3 to 1. The feature
of the game was the work done by the
Lyons battery. Stilts striking out ten men
and allowing only four hits. Score: R H E.
Lyons S 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 8 2
Farrell 0 0100000 0-1 48
Two-base hits: Relchle (2), Tarrant,
Strong, Griffin. Double plays: Relchle to
Calnon to Wilson; Cnesldv to Foran to
Sharp. Struck out: By Stilts. 10; by Mat
thews, 6. Batteries: Lyons. Stilts and Tar
rant; Farrells, Matthews and Strong. Time:
1:20, Umpire: Gehman.
n. aft M. Beats W. O. W.
In a clean, sharply contested seven-Inning
game, the B. & M. railway base ball
team defeated the Woodmen of the World
team on the Crelghton university diamond
yesterday afternoon. The features of the
game were the clever pitching and fast
fielding of both teams, Rothery, the Bur
lington's second baseman cutting off sev
eral apparently safe hits. Score:
B. & M s 0 0 0 0 8 1 0-4' 6 6
W. of W 0 0 0 2 0 1 0-8 6 2
Batteries: B. & M's., Neal and Kaar;
W. of W., Schmidt and Barr.
Cedar Creeks Win and Lose.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb., Julv 22. (Special
Telegram.) The Elks today defeated Cedar
Creek, 9 to 6. The game was called In the
last half of the sixth Inning on account of
rain. Score:
Klk 2 8 0 1 8 - 9
Cedar Creek 0 0 2 1 8 04
Batteries: Elks, Wilklns and Balance;
Cedar Creek, Fry and 8chneider.
Cedar Creek defeated the local B. A M.s
by a score of 11 to 8. Batteries: B. & M.s,
Sherwood and Graves' Cedar Creek, Car
mack, Schneider and Fry.
Tvrent -Nine Cars Iletnrn to New
York trom Wblto Monntnlns.
NEW YORK. July 22. Twenty-nine
motor cars, containing about 1"0 persons,
were in line when the survivors of the
Charles J. Glldden trophy tour made their
appearance tonight at the Automobile
club, from which place their trip to the
White mountains was started. The event
was given under the auspices of the
American Automobile association and watt
a success In every detail. As far as break
ages and accidents were concerned, accord
ing to the touring committee, It was 26
per cent better than any other tour, and
from a social standpoint the event was
even more successful than the Bt. Louis
Augustus Post, chairman of the touring
committee of the Automobile association.
lea tne procession, tie was accompaniea
by Mr. Glldden of Boston, the donor of
the trophy.
The tourists left this city on Tuesday
of last week, Journeying through New Eng
land and climbing Mount Washington.
Every variety of American cars was rep
resented In the tour and the results of
the tour were remarkable. No decision
as to who won the time trophy. It is said
tonight, could be reached until a meet
ing of the committee Is held In Boston
on August 2. At this meeting new rules
will be adopted and a route selected for
next year.
With Favorable Weather and Fast
Horses Knees Arc a Success.
TEKAMAH, Neb.. July 22. Special Tele
gram.) Today's program finished the best
race meet that has ever been held here.
Better weather snd better fields of horses
could not have been asked for. Summaries:
Pacing. 2:16 class, nine starters:
Split (Kobare) ...1 1 1
Lady Citwood (Anderson) 2 2 2
McTemnest tWIllard) 8 5 8
Laura Luck (Bloom) 7 8 I
Gay drill (McNabb) 4 4 4
Samandle (Bennett) 6 6 6
Ada P (Gunn) 6 7 7
Joe Wolworth (Hartan) .....S 8 8
Cricket L (Lottrldgei 9 I
Time: 2:16V4, 8:17. 2:1MI.
Trotting, 2:23 class, eight starters;
Egyptia (Ransdall) ,, 1 1 1
Mesmerism (Bennett) 2 8.2
McIIenry (White) 8 2 4
Crocus (Gordon) 6 6 2
Vlrna M Davis) 5 4 5
Peter C (Farnsworth) 4 6 6
Compltlne 2d (Crabbs) 7 ds
Time: 2:20. 2:2014. 2:301.
Three-fourths of a mile, running, five start
ers: Big Indian (Plourd) won. Albert Boone
(Rose) second. J. W. Denny (Boyd) third.
Time: 1:17. Harlam B aud Lady McBeth
also ran.
Nebraska City is Two Points Better
Than Lincoln in Total Strokes.
NEBRASKA CITY, Neb., July 22. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Nine members of the Lin
coin Country club played a tie game of golf
this afternoon with a team from the Over
land Country club. Each team won six
teen holes. The Nebraska City players
made the eighteen holes In 1,029 strokes
and the Lincoln team made the course In
1,031 strokes Culbertson of Lincoln broke
the record of the links, making a score of
ninety-seven. The Lincoln team was com
posed of Mayor Brown, Shepard Towle,
Elgus. Lou Raymond, Culbertson, Martry
and Burnham. The local team consisted
of Cornutt, Jessen. Smith, Shewed, Kelly
Helvey, Wilson, Beausiaug and McCartney.
A return game will be played In Lincoln
next week.
Golf at Conntrr Clnb.
The Country club golfers took the Omaha
Field club players into camp Saturday
afternoon at the Country club links by
the score of 37 to 21. Abbott of the Country
club team broke the record of the course
when he made a 79. Allen of the Field
club was second with M.
0 Charlton
K. R. Kimball..
W. T. Burns...
T. R. Kimball..
H. I. Umlst...
John Kedlck....
Robert Bums..
W. A Redlck...
a) Adams
.... 0
.... 0
.... 0
Thomas ..
heckard ..
Cuaklev ...
.... 0
.... 1
.... 1
.... 0
.... 0
.... 0
.... 0
.... 0
Ijfundlff ...
2 1 Sharp ....
3 Bon
8 Porter ....
l'Undsey ..
OlLawrle ....
2Entrlken .
2 Hill
3; Carrier ...
.... 1
.... 8
.... 0
.... 1
.... 1
.... t
Sholes ....
I jadnucler
.... 0
.... 3
.... 3
Races att Concord In Angnst.
CONCORD. Neb.. July 22 (Special )
Tiiere win te a 018 rare meeting and car
nival at oncora. iseo., August 10, with a
good field of races, two last UJ1 gawt
)S-i . 1.L J.LI I
White "Steamer"
Baker Electric
Do you know of better
cars in tbeir class.
Powell-Bacon Co.
Automobiles and Supplies
2044-46-48 FARNAM STREET
between three of the leading teams of
northeastern Nebraska, Laurel against
Hartington In the forenoon and .Dixon
playing the winning team In the after
noon; basket ball and many other minor
Dvvlght F. Davis Trophy- Will Remain
In England, (or Another Yenr.
LONDON, July 22 For another year the
Dwlght F. Davis international lawn tenuis
trophy will hsve Its home in England. At
Wimbledon today Holcombe Ward and
Beals C. Wright, especially tha last named,
tried hard and fought desperately to take
the silver trophy buck to the land of Its
origin, and at one time they were within
measurable distance of their desires. But
R. F. and H. L. Doherty, past masters in
the art of getting out of tight corners,
suddenly sprang Into grand form ami
snatched victory from the tire, thus adding
another point to the score In the challenge
match, which Is now 3 to 0 In favor of the
defenders of the trophy.
Although the winning of the doubles to
day allowed the Kngllshmen to retain pos
session of the cup, the two remaining sets
of singles will be played next Monday.
The Americans are greatly pleased with
their visit. Not a slnglo Incident has oc
curred to mar the happy relations between
the American and Kngllsh tennis players.
Wright, in speaking toniglat of the trip.
Said: "It is not long to wait for 1J, at
which time we will be after that bit of
silver again."
National Golf Champion Now Perma
nent Possessor of the Trophy.
CHICAGO, July 22.-Natlonal Golf Cham
pion H. Chandler Earan today won the con
tor , xtl Ravlnoaks cup, defeating
William I. Howland, up and 8 to play.
This victory puts Kgan In permanent pos
session of the cup, which was first put
into competition in lsw. Three victories
were necessary to permanent possession.
JC?.won u first ln 19oa an,l econd time
In 1904.
The champion was slightly off In the
morning game, but for all that had a slight
advantage. In the afternoon Howland
putted weakly and Egan played a strong
gams. . I
The solace cup waa won bj R. B. Martin
of the Jackson Park club, who defeated
RjL. Ames of Glen View, 2 up and 1 to
J. D. Towner of Eimoor took the Tyro
cup from Harold Wilder of lulmhurst, 1 tip
ln thlrty-elfc-ht holes. H "
Miss MeAteer Wins Womnn's Cham
pionship by Iefeatlnsj Miss Neely.
CHICAGO, July 22,-Nat Emerson of
Cincinnati was victorious totlav In the
llnala of ihe Western Championship tennis
tournament. He defeated L. II. Waldner.
s-4. b-A l- 8-4, Waidner was wild and In
accurate throughout and Emerson played
by far the better game.
.uM'tl" Myrtle MeAteer of Pittsburg won
the finals in the women's tournament, de
Carrie Neely of Chicago.
As Miss May Sutton of California, who
won the championship last year, is not
present i defend her title, MIhs McAteer s
v ctory In the finals makes her the cham
pion. Among the Bowlers.
In the final series of 'the handicap tour
nament Sutton rolled about the score
looked for and landed himself and Nelson
in fourth. But for an error In his last
frame they would have been third. Ills
total of 977 last night gives him a grand
total of 2,klS,and the team 6.f7. Third place
was won with bMl. The balance of the
men bowled with Sutton that his games
might be in regular competition. Score:
a .. 1".t;tl M 4,h 6h. Tot. ITp. Tot.
Putton ....149 211 212 173 17 932 46 977
Gjerde ....U6,U 161 It 171 iui .. 828
..2S5 J0 873 Ml SM 1,717 45 1 WS
1st 2d Sd 4th. 45th. Tot. lUp. Tt
..VIS 173 1S5 141 14 74 70 Kit
...l'J6 ltJS 213 ltt lk tit .. atf
Davis .
Totals ..38 VI 367 C 335 1.697 70 1,787
Tennis Challenge.
Sheets and t'arnilchael of the A. C T
club defeated Out,, , 8rgeiu in a lively
game nf tennis by a st-ur of 4-4, -I. Sheets'
and Cannlchael challens all players of
la VHtra and lllirt.r . II, 1 1 . " . 1
1- m - ''" 1 1 , t'
l? .V"1 t"r"tu"ael. ;i4 KurU ThiiLr
elfibta sumU