Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1905, Page 2, Image 18

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Jol 23. 10O5.
.... .. I ill! I'll -II IT I ' Illl IllUlllil II ' " Q2ZSI
fToCaicha. TKief
Author of "The Shadow of the. Rope." "The Rogue's March."
"A Brkle from the Bush.""Stlngaree Stories." "Dead Men Tell No
Tales." etc.
(Copyright. 1901. by CharUi Bortbner's Sons )
Eleventh Raffles Story
OCIETY persons are not likely to have forgotten tne series oi
audacious robberies by which so many of themselves suffered
in turn during the brief course of a recent season, ltald after
raid was made upon the smartest houses la town, and within
what all sensible people are agreed upon
as It Is. Then suddenly one gets one's
own old Idea the alternative profession.
My cricket his Rational Drink! But It
Is no use Jumping to conclusions. I
must know more than the newspapers
can tell me. Our aristocratic friend Is
f ilMFI
a few weeks more than'one exalted head had been shorn If Its priceless 40 and unmarried. What has he been
tlata. The Duke and Duchess of Dorchester lost half the portable
pieces of their historic plate on the very night of Their Graces' almost
equally historic costume ball. The Kenworthy diamonds were taken
In broad daylight during the excitement of a charitable meeting on the
ground floor, and the gifts of her belted bridegroom to Lady May
Taulton while the outer air was thick with a prismatic shower of con
fetti. It was obvious that all this was the work'of no ordinary thief,
and perhaps Inevitable that the name of Raffles should have been
dragged from oblivion by callous disrespecters of the departed and
unreasoning apologists for the police. These wiseacres did no hesi
tate to bring a dead man back to life because they knew of no living
one capable of such feats. It is their heedless and inconsequent calum
nies that the present paper is partly intended to refute. As a matter ,
of fact our Joint innocence in this matter was only exceeded by our
common envy, and for a long time, like the rest of the world, neither
of us had the slightest clue to the Identity of the person wha was fol
lowing In our steps with such irritating results.
"I should mind less," said Raffles, "if the fellow were really play
ing my game. But abuse of hospitality was never one of my strokes,
and it seems to be the only shot he's got When we took old Lady
Melrose's necklace, Bunny, we were not staying with the Melroses, if
yon recollect."
We were discussing the robberies for the hundredth time, but for
once under conditions more favorable to animated conversation than
our unique circumstances permitted in the fiat. We did not often dine
ont. Dr. Theobald was one impediment, the risk of recognition was
another. But there were exceptions, when the doctor wos away or
the patient defiant, and on these rare occasions we frequented a cer
tain unpretentious restaurant in the Fulliam quarter, where the cook
ing was plain but excellent and the cellar a surprise. Our bottle of
'89 champagne was empty to the label when the subject arose, to be
touched by Raffles in the reminiscent manner indicated above. I can
see his clear eye upon me now, reading me, weighing me. But I was
not so sensitive to his scrutiny at the time. His tone was deliberate,
calculating, preparatory; not as I heard it then, though a head full of
wine, but as it floats back to me across the gulf between that moment
and this.
"Excellent fillet!" said I grossly. "So you think this chap is as
much In society as we were, do you?"
I preferred' not to think so myself. We had cause enough for
Jealousy without that. But Raffles raised his eyebrows nn'eloquent
half inch.
,"As much, my dear Bunny? He Is not only in It, but of it; there's
no comparison between us there. Society Is in rings like a target, and
we were never In the bull's-eye, however thick you may lay on the
ink! I was asked for my cricket I haven't forgotten It yet. But
this fellow's one of themselves, with the right of entree into houses
which we could only 'enter' In professional sense.' That's obvious
unless nil these little exploits are the work of different hands, which
they as obviously are not And It's why I'd give, f 500 to put salt on
him tonight!"
"Not you," ssld I as I drained my glass In festive incredulity.
"But I would, my dear Bunny. Walter! another half bottle of
this," and Raffles leaned across the table as the' empty one was taken
away.. "I never was more serious In my life," he continued below his
breath. "Whatever else our successor may bo he's not a dend man
like me or a marked man like you. If there's any truth in my theory
he's one Of the last people upon whom suspicion Is ever likely to rest;
and, oh, Bunny, what a partner he would make for' yon and me!"
Under less genial influences the very idea of athlrd partner would filled my soul with offense; but Raffles had chosen his moment
unerringly and his arguments lost nothing by the 'flowing accompani
ment of the extra-pint. They were, however, quite strong in them-
doing all these years? How the devil
was I to find out?" '
"How did you?" I asked, declining
to spoil my digestion with a conundrum,
as it was his evident Intention that 1
"interviewed him!" said Raffles,
smiling slowly on iny amazement
"lou Interviewed himf" 1 echoed.
"When and where?"
"Last ihuiBuay night when, If you
remember, we Itept eany hours because
I felt done. What was the use of telling
you what I had up my sleeve, Bunny?
It wight have euued in lizzie, as it still
may. But Lord Lruest Beiville was ad
dressing the meeting at Exeter Hall. I
wultf-U tor him when the show was over,
dogged him home to King John's Man
sions uiid interviewed him In his' own
rooms there before he turned in."
My Jouruullstic Jealousy was piqued
to the quick. Affecting a scepticism I
did not feel (for no outrage was beyond
the pale of his impudence). I inquired
dryly which Journal Rattles hud pre
tended to represent It is unnecessary
to report his answer. I could not be
lieve him without further explanation.
"I should have thought," he said,
"that even you would have spotted a
practice I never omit upon certain occa
sions. I always puy a visit to the draw
ing room and fill my waistcoat pocket
from the card tray. It is an immense
help iu any little temporary Impersona
tion. On Thursday night I sent up the
card of a powerful writer connected with
a powerful paper. If Lord Eruest had
known hiin in the tteah I should have
been obliged to confess to a journalistic
ruse. Luckily he didn't, and I had been
sent by my editor to get the iuterview
for next morning. What could be bet
terfor the alternative profession?'
I inquired what the interview had
brought forth.
"Everything," said Raffles. "Lord
Ernest had been a wanderer these
twenty years. Texas, Fiji, Australia.
I suspect him of wives and families in
all three. But bis manners are a liberal
education. He gave me some beautiful
whisky and forgot all about his fad. He
is strong and subtle, but I talked him
off bis guard. He is going to the Kirk
leuthams tonight' I saw the curd stuck
up. I stuck' some wax into his keyhole
us he was switching off tbe lights."
And with an eye upon the waiter
Raffles showed me a skeleton key newly
twisted and Bled, but my share of the
extra pint (I am afraid no fair share)
hud made me dense. I looked from the
J til l fllC ii u '
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elvps. The gist of them was that thus far we had remarkably Jlttle key to Raffles with puckered forehead, for I happened to catch sight
to show for what Raffles would call "our second Innings." This even' 0r it ju tha inirror behind him.
said I'uffles;
I could not deny. We had scored a few "long singles," but our "best
shots" had gone "strnlght to hand" and we were "playing a deuced
low game." Therefore we needed a new partner and the metaphor
failed Raffles. It had served its turn. I already agreed with him.
In truth I was tired of my false position as hireling attendant and had
'long fancied myself an object of suspicion to that other iniposter, the
doctor. A fresh, untrammelled start was a fascinating idea to me,
though two was company, and three in our case might be worse than
none. But I did not see how we could hope, with our respective handi
caps, to solve a problem which was already the despair of Scotland
Yard. ' '
"Suppose I have solved It," observed Raffles, cracking a walnut
In his ralni.
"How could you?" I asked without belleylrig for an instant that
be had. . .
"I have been taking the Morning Post for some time now."
"Well?" x .
- "You have got me a good many tld numbers of the less base to
ciety papers.''
"I can't for the life of me e what you're driving at"
Raffles smiled Indulgently as he cracked another nut
"That's because you've neither observation nor imagination, Bnnny
"The Dowager Lady Kirkleatham," he whispered, "has diamonds
as big as beans and likes to have 'ein all on, and goes to bed early,
and happens to be in town!"
And now I saw.
"The villain means to get them from ber!''
"And I mean to get them froinrthe villain," said Raffles, "or,
rather, your share and mine."
"Will he consent to a partnership?"
"We shall have him at our mercy. He daren't refuse."
Raffles' plan was to gain access to Lord Ernest's rooms before mid
night - There we were to He in wait Ybr the aristocratic rascal, and
If I left all details to Raffles and simply stood by in case of a rumpus
I should be playing my part and earning my share. It was a part that
I had played before, not always with' a good grace, though there had
never been any question about the share. But tonight I was nothing
loath. I hod had Just champagne enough how Raffles knew my
measure! and I was ready and eager for anything. Indeed, I did not
wish to wait for the coffee, which was to be especially strong by order
of Raffles. But on that he insisted, and It was between 10 , and 11
when at last we were In our cab.
"It would be fatal to be too early," be said as we drove. "On the
nther hand, it would be dangerous to leave it too late. One must risk
-and yet you try to write! Well, you wouldn't think It Jnit I bare a eomething. How I should love to drive down PiccndiUy and see the
lairiy complete ust or tne people, wno were at tne various runctions
under cover of which these different little coups were brought off."
I said very stolidly that I did not see how that could help him. It
waa the ohlyanswer to hla good-humored but self-satisfied contempt;
It happened also to be true.
"Thick," said Raffles in a patient voice.
"When thieves break in and steal," said I, "upstairs, I donU see
much point in discovering who was downstairs at the time."
w "Quite," said Rafflea"wben they do break la"
( "But that's what they have done la all these cases. An upstairs
door found screwed up when things were at their height below; thief
gone and Jewels with him before alarm could be raised. Why, the
trick's so old that I never knew you condescend to play it."
"Not so old as it looks," said Raffles, choosing the cigars and band
ing me miue. "Cognac or Benedictine, Bunny?"
"Brandy," I said coarsely.
"Besides," he went on, "the rooms were not screwed up. At Dor
chester House, at any rate, the door was only locked and the key miss
lug, so that it might have been done on either a'de."
"But, that was where he left bis rope ladder behind him!' I ex
claimed in triumph, but Raffles only shook Lis bead.
"I don't believe In that rope ladder, Bunuy, except as a blind."
"Then what on earth do you belieVe?"
"That every one of these so-called burglaries bad been done from
the inside by one of the guests; and, what's more, I'm very much mis
taken if I haven't spotted the right sportsman."
I began to believe that he really had, thexe was such a wicked
gravity in the eyes that twinkled faintly into mine. I raised my glass
In convivial congratulation, and still remember the somewhat anxious
eye with which Raffles saw 1J emptied.
"I can only find one likely name," he continued, "that figures In'
all these lists, and it Is anything but a likely one at first sight Lord
Ernest Belvllle was at all those functions. Know anything about him,
Bunny r
"Not the Rational Drink fanatic?" ,
"Yes." .
"That's all I want to know." 1
"Quite," said Raffles; "ond yet what could be more promising?
A man whose views are so broad and moderate and so widely held
already (saving your presence. Bunuy) dots not bore the world with
them without ulterior motives. So far so good. What are this chap's
motives? Does he want to advertise himself? No, he's somebody
already. But Is he rich? On the contrary., he's as poor aa a rat for
bis position and apparently without the least ambition to be anything
els. Certainly be won't enrich himself by making a public fad of
lights! But unnecessary risks are another story
' II.
Klngr John's Mansions, as everybody knows, are the oldest the
Ugliest and the tallest block of flats In all London. But they are built
upon a more generous scale than has since become the rule aad with
a less studious regard for the economy of space. We were about to
drive into the spacious courtyard when the gatekeeper checked us In
order to let another hansom drive out. It contained a middle-aged man
of the military type, like ourselves in evenfng dress. That much I saw
as bis hansom crossed our bows, because I could not help seeing It
but I should not have given the Incident a second's thought if It had
not been for bis extraordinary effect upon Raffles. In an instant be
was out npon the curb paying the cabby, and in another he waa lead
ing me across the street away from the mansions.
"Where on earth are you going?" I naturally exclaimed.
"Into the park," said he. "We are too early."
His voice told me more than bis words. - It was strangely stern.
"Was that him in the hansom?"
"It was."
"Well, then, the coast's clear," said I comfortably. I waa for
turning back then and there, but Raffles forced me on with a hand that
hardened on my arm.
"It was a nearer thing than I care about," said he. "Tbls seat will
do. No, the next one's further from a lamp-post We will give him
a good half hour, and I don't want to talk."
We had been seated some minutes when Big Ben sent a languid
chine over our bead to the stars. It was half past 10 and a sultry
night Eleven had struck before Raffles awoke from his sullen reverie
and recalled me from mine with a slap on the back. In a couple of
minutes we were in the lighted vestibule at the Inner end of the court
yard of King John's Mansions.
"Just left Lord Ernest at Lady Klrkleathain's," said Raffles.
"Gave me his key and asked us to wait for hlin in bis rooms. Will
you send us up' in the lift T"
in a small way. I never knew old Raffles to do anything better.
There waa not an Instant's demur. Lord Ernest Belville's rooms were
at the top of the building, but we were In them as quickly as lift could
carry and page boy conduct ns. And there was no need for the skele
ton key after all; the boy opened the outer door with one of bis own,
aud switched on the lights before leaving us.
"Now that's interesting," said Raffles, as soon as we were alone;
"they can come In and clean when be is out What if be keeps bis
swag at the bank? By Jove, that's an idea for him! I don't believe
be's getting rid of it; it's all lying low somewhere, tf I'm not mistaken,
and he's not a fooL"- "
While be spoke he was moving about the sitting room, which
was charmingly furnished in the antique style, and making as
many remarks as though he w ere - an auctioneer's clerk with an in
ventory to prepare and a day to do It in, instead of a cracksman
who might be surprised in bis crib at any moment
"Chlppeudale of sorts, eh, Bunny? Not genuine, of course; but
where can you get genuine Chippendale now, and who knows it
when they see it? There's no merit in mere antiquity. Yet ' the
way people pose on the subject! If a thing's handsome-and useful,
and good cabinet-making, it's, good enough for me."
"Hadn't we better explore the -whole place?" I suggested ner
vously, ne bad not even bolted the outer door. Nor' would he
when I called his attention to the omission.
Lord Eruest finds bis rooms locked up he'll raise Cain,"
we must let him come In and lock up for himself
before we corner him. But be won't come yet; if be did it might be
awkward, for they'd tell him down below what I told them. A new
staff comes on at midnight I discovered that the other night"
"Supposing he does come in before?"
"Well, he can't have us turned out without first seeing who we
are, and he won't try it on when I've had one word with him. Unless
my suspicions are unfounded, I mean."
"Isn't it about time to test them?"
"My good Bunny, what do you suppose I've been doing all this
while? He keeps nothing In here. There isn't a lock to the Chippen
dale that you couldn't' pick with a penknife, and not a loose board in
the floor, for I was treading for one before the boy left us. Chimney's
no use In a place like this where they keep them swept for you. Yes,
I'm quite ready to try his bedroom."
There was but a bathroom besides; no kitchen, no servant's room;
neither are necessary iu King John's Mansions. I thought It as well
to put my bead inside the bath room while Ruffles went into the bed
room, for I was tormented by the horrible idea that the man might all
this time be concealed somewhere In the flat. But the bathroom
blazed void In the electric light. I found Ra tilts bunging out of the
starry square which was the bedroom window, for the room was still
In darkness. I felt for the switch at the dour.
"Put it out again!" said Raffles, fiercely. He rose from the sill,
drew blind and curtains carefully, then switched on the light himself.
It fell upon a face creased more In pity than in anger, and Raffles only
shook his bead as I bung mine.
"It's all right old boy," said he; "but corridors have windows,
too, and servants have eyes; and you and I fire supposed to be in the
other room, not In this. But cheer up, Bunny! This Is the .room;
look at the extra bolt on the door; he's bad that put on, and there's
an iron ladder to his window in case of fire! Way of escape ready
against the hour of need; he's a better man than I thought blm,
Bunny, after all. But you may bet your bottom dollar that if there's
any boodle In the flat it's In this room."
Yet the room was Very lightly furnished; and nothing was locked.
We looked everywhere, but we looked In vaiu. The wardrobe was
filled with banging coats and trousers In a press, the drawers with the
softest silk and finest linen. It was a camp bedstead that would not
have unsettled an anchorite; there was no place for treasure there. I
looked up the chimney, but Raffles told me not to be a fool, and asked
If I ever listened to what be said. There was no question about his
temper now. I never knew him in a worse.
"Then he has got It in the bank," be growled. "I'll swear I'm not
mistaken In my man!"
1 1 had the tact not to differ with him there. But I could not help
suggesting that now was our time to remedy any mistake we might
have usftjSa J were on the right side of midnight still. '
"Then we stultify ourselves downstairs," said Raffles. "No, I'll
be shot if I do! He may come In with the Kirkleatham diamonds!
You do what you like, Bunny, but I don't budge."
"I certainly sha'n't leave you," I retorted, "to be knocked Into the
middle of next week by a better man than yourself."
I had borrowed bis own tone, and be did not like it They never
do. I thought for a moment that Raffles was going to strike me for
the first and last time in bis life. He could if be -liked. My blood
was up. I was ready to send him to the devil. And I emphasized my
offense by nodding and shrugging toward a pair of very large Indian
clubs that stood In the fender, on either side of the chimney up which
I had presumed to glance.
In an Instant Raffles bad seized the clubs, and wds whirling them
about bis gray head In a mixture of chllUlh pique and puerile bravado
which I should have thought him altogether above. And suddenly
as I watched blm his face changed, softened, lit up, and be swung
the clubs gently down upon the bed.
"They're not heavy enough for their size," said he rapidly; "and
I'll take my oath they're not the same weight!"
He shook one club after the other, with both bands, close to his
ear; then be examined their butt-ends under the electric light I saw
what be suspected now, and caught the contagion of bis suppressed.
excitement. Neither of ns spoke. But Raffles had taken out
the portable tool box that he called a kuife. and always car
ried, and as he opened the gimlet he handed nie the club he
held. Instinctively I tucked the small end under my arm,
and presented the other to Raffles.
Hold him tight," he whispered, mulling, "He a not only
a better man than I thought him, Bunny; he's hit upon a
better dodge than ever I did, of its klud. Only I should have
weighted them evenly to n hair."
He had screwed the gimlet into the circular butt, close
to the edge, and now we were wrenching Iu opposite direc
tions. For a moment or more nothing happened. Then all
at once Romethlng gave, and Raffles swore an oath as soft
as any prayer. And for the minute after thiU his hand went
round and round with the gimlet, as though he were grinding
a ptano organ, while the end wormed slowly out on its deli
cate thread of fine hard wood.
The clubs were as hollow ns drinking horns, the pair of
them, for we went from one to the other without pausing to
undo the padded packets thnt poured out uon the bed. These
were dellclously heavy to the hand, yet thickly swathed In
cotton wool, so that some stuck together, retaining the shape
of the cavity, as though they bad been run out of a mould.
And when we did open them but let Raffles speak.
ne had deputed me to screw In the ends of the clubs,
and to replace the latter In the fender where we had found
them. When I had done the counterpane was glittering with
diamonds where it was not shimmering with pearls.
"If this isn't the tiara thnt Lady May was married in,"
said Raffles, "and that disappeared out of the room she
changed in, while it rained confetti on the steps, I'll present
It to her Instead of the one she lost. It was stupid
to keep these old gold spoons, valuable as they are; they mnde
the difference In the weight Hero we havo probably
the Kenworthy diamonds I don't know the history
of these pearls. I This looks like one family of rings
left on the basin stand, perhaps alas, poor lady! And that's
the lot"
Our eyes met across the bed.
"What's it all worth?" I asked, hoarsely.
"Impossible to say. But more than .all we ever took In
all our Uvea. That I'll swear to." ,
"More than all"
My tongue swelled with' the thought
"But it'll take some turning into cash, old chap!"
"And must It be a partnership?" I asked, finding a lugu
brlons voice at length.
"Partnership be d d!" cried Raffles, heartily. "Let's
get out quicker than we cume in.
We pocketed the things between us, cotton-wool and all,
not because we wanted the latter, but to remove all Immedi
ate traces of our really merltorius deed.
"The sinner won't dare to say a word when be does find
out" remarked Raffles of Lord Ernest; "but that's no reason
why he should find out before he must Everything's straight f
in here, I think; no, better leave the window open ns it was, I
and tne blind up. Now out with the light one peep at the l
other room. That s all right too. Out with the passage light,
Bunny, while I open" -
His words died away in a whisper. A key waa fumbling
at the lock outside.
"Out, with it out with, it!" whispered Raffles in agonyj
and as I obeyed be picked me off my feet and swung me I
bodily, but silently Into the bedroom, Just as the outer door
opened, and a masterful step strode In. ,
The next five were horrible minutes. We heard the apos
tle of Rational Drink unlock one of the deep drawers in bis
antique sideboard, and sounds followed suspiciously like the
splosh of spirits and the stendy stream from a siphon. Never
before or since did I experience such a thirst as assailed me
at that moment, nor do I believe that many tropical explorers
have known Its equal. But I had Raffles with me, and his
band was as steady and as cool as the hand of a trained nurse. That
I know because he turned up the collar of my overcoat for me, for some
reason, and buttoned it at the throat. I afterward found that be bad
done the same to his own, but I did not hear him doing it The one
thing I beard in the bedroom was a tiny metallic click, muffled and
deadened in his overcoat pocket, and it not only removed my last
tremor, but strung me to a higher ptt h of excitement than ever. Yet
I bad no nlore conception of the game that Ruffles wag deciding to
play, and that I was to play with blm In another minute.
It cannot have been longer before Lord Ernest came into his bed
room. Heavens, Dut my Heart naa not rorgotten now to tnumpi ve
were standing near the door, and I could swear be touched me; then
his boots creaked,v there wae a rattle In the fender aud Raffles
switched on the light
Lord Ernest Belvllle crouched In ite glare with one Indian club
'held by the end, like a footman with a stolen bottle. A good-looking,
well-built iron-gray, iron-jawed man; but a fool and a weakling at
that moment If be had never been either before.
-"Lord Ernest Belvllle," said Raffles, "it's no use. This Is a loaded
revolver, and if you force me I shall use It on you as I would on any
other desperate criminal. I am here to arrest you for a series of rob
beries at the Duke of Dorchester's, Sir John Kenwortby's, and other
noblemen's and gentlemen's houses during the present season. You'd
better drop wbat you've got In your hand. It's empty."
Lord Ernest lifted the club an Inch or two, and with it bis eye
browsand after it bis stalwart frame as the club crashed back Into
the fender. As be stood at his full height a courteous but ironic
smile under the cropped mustache, be looked what he was, criminal
or not
"Scotland Yard?" said he.
"That'a our affair, my lord."
, "I didn't think they had It in them," said Lord Ernest "Now t
recognize you. You're my interviewer. No, I didn't think any of you
fellows bad got all that In you. Come Into the other room and I'll
show you something else. Oh, keep me covered by all means. But
look at this!"
On the antique sideboard, their size doubled by reflection In the
polished mahogany, lay a coruscating cluster, of precious stones, that
fell in festoons about Lord Ernest's fingers as he handed them to
Raffles with scarcely a shrug.
"The Kirkleatham diamonds," said be. "Better odd 'em to the
Raffles did so without a smile; with his overcoat buttoned up t
bis chin, bis tall bat pressed down to his eyes, and between the tw
bis Incisive features and his keen, stern glance, he looked the ideal
detective of fiction and the stage. What I looked God knows, but I
did my best to glower and show my teeth at his side. I had thrown
myself into the game, and It was obviously a winning one.
"Wouldn't take a share, I suppose?" Lord Ernest said casually.
Raffles did not condesceud to reply. I rolled buck my lips like a
"Then a drink, at least!" ; i
My mouth watered, but Raffles shook bis head Impatiently.
"We must be going, my lord, and you will have to come with us."
I woudered what In the world we( should do with him when we
bad got him.
"Give me time to put some things together? Pair of pajamas and
toothbrush, don't you know?"
"I cannot give you many minutes, my lord, bi't I don't want to
cause a disturbance here, so I'll tell them to call a cab If you like.
But 1 shall be back In a minute, and you piust be ready In five. Here,
inspector, you'd better keep this while I am gone."
Aud I was left alone with that dangurous criminal! Ruffles nipped
my arm as he handed me the revolver, but I got small comfort out of
"'Sea-green Incorruptible?"' inquired Lord Ernest as we stood
face to face.
"You don't corrupt me," I replied through naked teeth.
"Then come Into my room. I'll lead the way. Think jesj eta
v. Continued on Tage Eight). J ' ' "