Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 23, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 5, Image 13
Tlin OMAttA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, uCTLY 23, 1005. fT r FOR SALE REAL ESTATE D. V. SHOLES 723 N. T. Life Bldg. I l.n00-417 Jackson Ft., xl feet, 6 room; $ 1.65r-NeBr 27th and Burt St., I room, good repair. sewer, water, gas nrt toilet; lot 34x1fil feet; walking din ts no; owner says going fo close nut before August 1; will rnake terms or consider cash offer; Investigate. I U60-13CT Park Ave., 2-story and bsse rnent, 8 rooms and one l-room house; lot 60x1W feet; very choice location; easy terms; consider proposition. t 1,800-172$ Ontario St., 100x120 feet, beauti ful view, good loratlon. 6 rooms, good repair, easy payments. t 1.800-2902 Blondo St., a large 2-story 8 room house, new roof, newly . painted, house, cost $4,000: lot 15!xir,4 feet; magnificent view; ITA cash, balance easy; look at II; a snap. t 1,800 In Benson, 1V4 blocks from car. ion 128 feet. 2-story 7-room house, nearly new; bargain. 1 AAA u a - a . t i.jvu i orner J.wi ana Ames Ave., new B- room house, porcelain hath, nickel Plumbing, beautiful arrangement, lot 4SxlJ9 feet, sewer, water, gns, permmeut walk, on car line; J."k cash, balance monthly ( per cent; or will sell three lots with house, 138x129 feet, for 12.70(1; $700 cash; a rattling; good proposition. I 2,0002508 Cuming St.. 64x128 feet. 6 rooms, lot alone worth the money; $500 cash, balance easy. I 2,250-219 Miami St.. neat -room modern cottage, except furnace, beautiful arrangement, corner lot, 60x12)1 feet, nearly new, first-class; It is choice. I 3,260 Near 27th and Capitol Ave.. 7 rooms, nearly new. all modern, oak finish, rents for $.16 per month. f 1,350-3039 Marcy St.. 43VJxl28 feet. 7 rooms, new, modern house, furnace and porcelain bath; it la choice and well built. t 2,650-8. E. corner Georgia Ave. and Wool worth, 8 rooms, 50-foot lot; specials paid; good repair; very easy terms; a snap. 3 3.750-Bemla Park, new 8-room modern house, oak finish and floors down stairs, electric light, fine basement, neat and cosy; lot COxl&O feet, corner; on rnaln boulevard; built for a home less than a year ago. COTTAGE HOMES We have a very neat cottagn, 409 North 30th St., near the forner of loth atid Chi cago. Two short blocks from Harney car line. There can be two more room's up stairs. House newly painted and has new roof. We can sell this house for $100 down, and the balance In monthly pay ments. This Is' a very low price and un usual terms for a ' house so centrally located. $:.C00-We offer for the first time, an -room all modern house, with full lot and barn, on 2th St. near Poppleton, paving paid for. Has Just been acquired by an eastern owner by forclostiro and he will sell It for Just what It cost. The location Is in one of the best neighborhoods in the .llunsroin park district, surrounded by at iracMve homes. I.KJU Down We can sell you a 4-room '.ottage and half lot. south front, on Chicago 8t. near the Boulevard, for $800, $300 down and the balance In monthly pay ments. This is an unusually low price and an opportunity to have a home cen trally located at a figure that you would pay for a house three miles from the post oflloe. $XX Down We have another house for $9oo, near 84th and Jackson; 6 rooms, house in thorough repair, accessible to either the Leavenworth or Farnam carline. $500 We havb another 6-room house, new Rlumhlng, and a cellar under the whole ouse, ( rooms all on one floor; east front, on 27th near Poppleton. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1C14 Farnam St. RE-f H IN BENSON H (-acre block. $1,600. Only 2 blocka from the end of car line, on the main traveled road, fine, rich garden land. The best bargain" offered In Benson. Sea us about tbia at once. HASTINGS A HETDEN, 16U94 Farnam St. RE Payne Investment OMAHA, First Floor N. Y. Life Building. Northeast corner 28th and attractive, $900. 3820 N. 20th St., 5-room cottage on the Boulevard. ?1,600. Owner a- non-resident and anxious to sell. 4209 Cuming St., 7 rooms, good barn, paved street $2,000. 44 feet on N. 24th St., between is a small store building, which the owner is very anxious to sell lie asks $2,000, but might entertain less. Vacant. On 41st Ave., north of Davenport, 2 full lots.Price $800. Lots 4 and 5. in block 1, Cherry Hill, southeast corner 48th and Urown Sts., 243 feet on Brown by 127 feet on 48th St.-Hibout two acres. Price $400. 4575 100x130 feet, located Dodge, high and sightly, $3,750. Payne Investment First Floor N. Y. Life Building. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Beautiful residence property at S520 Burt Bt I rooms, barn; two large lots with beautiful forest trees. Price $uiOO. At a bargain. 2X1 Cass St.. too large for present owner; 6 rooms down stairs, four and large alcove up; large attic; new plumbing, new furnace: look It over. un yfwey --e.. uww - - room, mouern house; grate and tnuntel, rents for 40 per month. Price only a(jO. On Chicago St., clone In. nearly new 7 rvoin, modern house. Price $.kW. Just south of Weinis park, 811 N. S5tn Hi., new, modern house; 7 rooms besides recep tion ball and bath, butler s pantry. Ice box room, full basement; best material throughout- close to two car lines. Price $:. Modern except furnace, 9 rooms. Bemls Park- fine lot with beautiful trees and shrubbery, fruit. Price only 1300O. - On Dodge St.. easy walking distance; 7 rooms, all modern; lot 32x140 ft. Price $3.o0p. Ou Win Ave. near Locust, 8 room, mod ern except furnace. Price $.300. On ,Vet Harney 6t., I rooms, modern full lot. Only taoo. . . . , Uood room cottage. Burt near 26th. lot JSxltil. fruit, shade and shrubbery; barn. Price only $17a), worth WuO. Good 3 room cottage, bam; ground ft. Only $aw). LOTS LOTS LOTS' Nice east front lot on 20th near Bancroft yFlneBOUth front lot on A 8t. near 2ith. So. Omaha, $760, Southwest coruer 3Mn and Eurt, two lull Iota for $1.6u0. Ho. east cor. 9th and Frances, can prob ably be bought for $1UU0. Bo. front on Harney near th for $5)00. boulevard frontage near fort St., very choice and cheap. Frontage on Fort St., west of Boulevard, kn.m ft. for $3u). W. FARNVYt SMITH & CO. 1320 Farnam Street. RE II $2,700 HOME H New t-rootn modern house, rady to move Into, on Bner man Ave., Jut! south of l'lnkney; baa city water, newer, gas, nickel plated plumbing. line bug. remented cellar, fiirnuce pipes In. Xl-1 Mumtrrsun St. built one year ago. all iciiern, but furnace; piped, pvea eireei. ood nelKuboilood. Mu.l be sold. Price a.UW). $.0 cssh. balance monthly. HASTINGS HKYUhN, l.l Faruain fit. RE A VILLAGE home close to South Omuu, fruit, sUi.foI. chuxcUoa. rallrod. ete. Ad lieu 1. UtM. HSM SU FOR SALE REAfc, ESTATE COMPANY, Tel." 49. $ 6.500-West Farnam district, -iino feet, beautiful vl corner lot. I rooms. strictly modern, oak finish below, 1-0 feet new stone walk, stone steps, fine shade; owner leaving city; want an offer this week, t ,760 In Memls Park, on Lincoln Boule vard. Kxl3 feet. 8 rooms, strictly modern, nearly new, very choice. ACHES 2H acres and one full lot, 4311 Grand Ave., near Central Park school, 6 room house and barn; $2 600. r acres. 2U miles north of Flor ence, on Cslhoun road; house 24xS0 feet; barn 2OxJ0 feet; chicken house, t acres apples, ("co cherry trees, 1,200 gooseberries, 1,200 currant bushes, some plums, 3 seres timber. 14 acres alfalfa, fine stand; 6 acres timothy and clover; beautiful place. Price reduced for quick sale to $4,0rt- This Is an absolute bargain, no question about It. You will buy it In a minute If you want a place of this kind. We will be glad to drive you out If you mean business and show It to you. SO acres mile south of Center street paved road. In the 8. W. cor ner of the same section In which Is located the Emergency hospital, on Center St.; finest kind of bottom garden land, with good building site on the corner. Price, $80 per acre; want propositions. INVESTMENT $21,000 99x120 feet, south front on Dodge St.. 66 feet west of 17th, with brick building and cottage, which are renting for $100 per month; the big gest inside Investment bargain of fered. Sure to double In value. $10,0CO Near 28th and Jackson Sts., three 9 room' modern brick houses, renting $1,200 per year. t 2,000 For a 6x130 foot lot on Chicago St., between 21st and 22d, above grado but very cheap; want Immediate cash offer. VACANT We hnve vacant lots all over the city, at any kind of a price. Get our list before you buy. r.E- ACHES. We have two acres north and east of Krug's park, on east slope, all planted In corn that will bear 100 bushels. Owner will sell crop and nil for $510 If sold by August 1. Take our word for It that you cannot match this bargain In acres so close In. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. rb- BOULEVARD LOTS ' We have three lots left on the Boule vard and Chicago St. The city maintains the park, with shade trees, and keeps the paving and sidewalk repaired In front ot each lot. This will be one of the hand somest residence districts In Omaha In a short time. The lots can be bought for 60 per cent of their value, u taken be fore August 1. Buv one now. and if you decide not to build, we will promise to sell it lor you at a pront. N. P. DODGE & CO., 1614 Farnam St. RE Cheap Building Sites Siith lust aouth of Ames Ave.: $200. Two east front lots 66x132. near 30th and Ames Ave., $250 and $300 for corner. Water and sewer In street. 30th and Miller Park, $100, to $250; $5 down and $5 per month. Lots on Rurdette and Grant St., between 34th and 36th Sts.. - little north of Bemla park; only $150 each and only $5 down and $6 per month. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. i RE 930 23 FOR SALE and exchange: Corn farrna In the Missouri Valley. Free lists. H. U Craven A Co.. Onawa. la. . - RE any, NEB. Telephone 1781" Seward, 4-room cottage, neat and Price Price Clark and Grace on which there on the west side of 33d, near Company, Telephone 1781. RE GEORGE & COMPANY lnl Farnam St. 'Phone 76. IS.fioO For 3S70 Dodce St.. 8-room modern house, oak finish; good barn, lot 411 JO feet; choice location. i $4.750 For 3UI4 Chicago St., 7-room house, all modern, oak finish, desirable neigh borhood, lot 50x128 feet. $4,0u0 For 539 S. 20th Ave.. 8-room 2-story modern suuare house, nearly new, up-to-date, good location, close In. $2.5iO For 2568 Burt St., C-room cottage, furnace heat. In good condition, barn, nice lawn: fc00 cash, balance on easy terms. $l.w For 246 8. ISHh St., f-room house, nearly new, In good condition, nice loca tion, lot 4 feet above grade. tl.OoO For 1S13 N. 84th St., 6-room cottage, city water, sewer and gas; $100 cash, bal ance $10.00 per month and Interest. VACANT ' $1. TOO For 50x157 feet, south front on Burt St., Just west of 24th St.; street has city water, sewer and gas. $700 For 2 lots. 84.8 feet front, west front on 41st street, between Davenport and Chicago Sts ; on grade. JTtO For 60-foot lot fronting south on Marcy street; just east of 33d St.. 3 feet above grade, sewer, gas and water In Hreet. $' For South front lot on Burdette St.; Just west ot 43d St., 60x120 feet. $'-.. 00 cash. $5u For 62x106 feet, west front on !7lh Ave., about half block north of Coming. Rli A Bargain in Benson Two full 60-foot south front lots on grade with nt-arly new 8-room cottage, barn, some shrubbery, fruit and shade trees, only two blocks from car and two blocltn from school. 11.460. terms clven. JJ50 In cash will do, balance to suit. , BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 828 23 Close In JO Choice Lots On Easy Terms' Located between 2th and !3d streets and Iavnport and Webster streets, ranaina In price frofti $7V) to $1,750. ai-oording to size ana location; ciiy water, sewer, etc.. In front of property. Terms. OS" E FIFTH CASH, balance on easy payments. Com plete abstract of, title with such sal. See our sigus on pioperty. GEORGE A CO.. lool Farnam. RB-MSW-24 BOOM on foe Custer county lands: get In on the ground floor. Write Willis Cad- weu CO. U-ll ), ttiVaaa Sow, Net.. Comp FOR SALE REAL ESTATE REDUCED 'RATES ON MONTHLY PAY MENT LOANS and a most equitable plan of credit of prhiclpnl nnd reduction of interest chance, on payment of $100 or multiples thereof. The Easiest Way ot Paying a Homestead Loan. Earnings credited semi-annually on parings accounts bare never been less than ' six per cent Omaha Loan and Building Ass'n, 1704 rnrnnm St., Bee Bld. O. W. Loomis, Tres. G. M. Xattingery, Sec'y. RE Shimer & Chase Co., Builders of Modern Houses. Seven-room house, city water, bath; barn. Nice sightly locution. Full lot. If sold soou 1800.00. Six-room house, In good repair; city water and gas. Corner. $1,200.00. Fire-room house, two bed rooms and porcslnln bath on 2nd floor. Three rooms on 1st floor, f 1700.00. Fire-room cottage, bath, all on one floor. Near car line; new and complete. tTice ?i oo.oo. Four-room' house near Ames Ave. car barns. Full lot 1850.00. Five-room cottage, city water, sewer. gas. Near 24tn St. cat, line, mce $1,000.00. 4-room cottage, city water, gas, lot 30x 135 feet, near 24th St car, $So0.00. Shimer & Chase Co., 1609 Farnam Street. Phone 3867. RE THE BYRON REED CO., : $40. Cash, balance $350, In payments, for good 4-room cottage, south of llanscom park. $400 ' 2118 Military Ave., 4-room cottage. $1500 For 1E19 South 27th St. This Is a irood 7- room house; cost owner $3,700. Has bath, gas, furnace, etc. Lot is boxl27 feet. Look at this and make us an offer. $2400 A good 7-room house on 27th St., be tween Poppleton and Woolworth, east front; lot 5oxl52, barn. Let us show you this. $2500 A 7-room new modern house on Capitol Ave., near 27th St., south front lot. Lot S3xl0. south front. A well built house. West Harney Home A beautifuf 9-room house, lust being fin ished, at 3537 Harney. Everything- of the best, f ine quarter-sawed oak nnlHh down stairs, 4 bed rooms and bath. You must look at this if you want a fine home.. See ua for the price. THE BYRON REED CO., Hi 8. 14th. 'Phone 27. RE Payne, Bostwick & Co.. Sixth Floor N. Y. Life Bldg. DWELLING HOUSES. 32d and Marcy St.. good 8-room house, only one year old. 50-foot lot. south front, strictly all modern, with gas and elect rio light, fine cellar and laundry sink, outside cellarway, nice reception hall, property renting for 825 per month. Owner will sell for $3,600. un n. Z7tn Ave., one block south of Lake, east front, fine lot. three-foot terrace. practically new 6-room house, modern, nne garden, . all kinds of small fruit, chicken house, chicken yard. Price, $2,600. tin Mason at.., s-room house, all modern, 60-foot lot. paved street, permanent walk, fine shade, nonresident owner will sell for $2,500, with $500 down and balance monthly at 6 per cent Interest. House is vacant Don't fall to go and see it. New house, east front, 35th Ave. near Jones St., 6 living rooms, strictly all mod ern, with gas and electric llRht, fine base ment, launlry rtnk. eve -'t-'ng UD-to-date Price, $3,250;- reasonable terms. VACANT PROPERTY South front on California east of a-M at 631 feet front; advertised last week for $500- , ' ' - w-n . w viuuu llllB, WHO aO- stract. N. W. corner of SSth Ave. and Jones, nice cast and south front lot for 6X. Payne, Bostwick & Co., Sixth Floor N. T. Life Bldg. RE H $2,250, Walnut Hill Home H On 41st St., between Hamilton and Lafay ette, 6-room, east front, hue location, all modern but furnace, good shape. This price Is good for a short time only. NbW 7-ROOM HOUSE NEAR SOUTH OMAHA ON 24TH STREET Between Valley and A St., South Omaha House Just completed, strictly all mod erator will rent for $iu per month. Price HASTINGS A HETDEN, lfitii Farnam St. RE NEAR DEPOTS 7-room house, all modern, near 11th and William St. 11th St. Is paved and paid for. A bargain at $3.0uu. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE Kt a HALF 8BCTION Oeneral purpose farm; $ springs; about 1') acres plowed; bal ance hay and pasture land; large bear ing orchard; fenced and cross fenced; 8 wires; owner cripple, reason for selling; price, $,doo: $3,60 cash and ) may re main on place at per cent. This price for short time only. Address D. W. MU ltsgn, wasr, iut i'ylk t., Tvpeka, Kan. FOR SALE REAL ESTATE THOMAS REAL ESTATE Elegant modern cottage, east front, on paved street, near Hanscom Park. Lot ?0xl50; nice shade trees; every thing first class only $2,300. Modern house on the Boulevard, 918 N. 19th St. Go and see this and make me an offer. SlOOO will buy 3-story brick building 2 stores and 26 rooms on S. 16th St., near the new Hoagland building. THOMAS BRENNAN, Room 1 New York Life Building. W. H CRARY, MANAGER, REAL ESTATE DEPARTMENT RE DON'T PAY RENT FOR $200 CASH and $20 per month you can own your home In the beautiful suburban town of Benson. 30-mlntite car ride from Omaha; 10-minuie car service. Benson will have munlcinal water plant within two years. Taxes about ! $1 per lot. Interest at 6 per cent, added to I principal. 4M .(Ml New 6-room hnuse and 4 full J,UW lots, l block from car. Well; cistern, pump In house; 100 fruit trees. $.tn cash; $?0 per month. 9 A(lO New -room house and 4 full lots. 1 block from car. Fur nace; well; cistern, pump In house; electric light; fine lawn, fruit and shade trees. House built of selected lumber. A swell home for somebody. $300 cash, $5 monthlv. Other bargains In new houses on same terms. Don't wait buy now prices are sure to advance. We build houses to suit purchaser. Call Wednesdays or Sundays. W. E. YARTON, (ft E. Corner 1 block south extreme west end of car line.) BENSON, NEB. OAKHURST PARK. Is going rapidly; finest residence property In Omaha. See us for plat and further Information. Payne Investment Company, First floor N. T. Life Bid-., Tel. 17SL RE-M782 2 A. P. Tukey & Son ' Buy More Houses WE HAVE JUST BOUGHT THE S. W. CORNER OF UTH AND WILLIAM, FIVE HOUSES AND LOTS. FOUR FIVE-ROOM COTTAGES, AND. 0E SIX-ROOM x.uo. vy. urrcn nxm i uwai FOR THE FIRST TIME AS FOLLOWS: I . 1105 WILLIAM$1,250. 1107 WILLIAM-$1,250. 1406 S. UTH-1,250. 1408 S. HTH-$1,250. 1410 S. 11TH-1,500. WILLIAM STREET IS PAVED AND HTH IS THE BOULEVARD. HOUSES ARE IN GOOD CONDITION AND NEWLY PAINTED WILL MAKE SPECIAL PRICES FOR WHOLE AS AN INVESTMENT. - A. P. Tukey & Son 444-445 BOARD OF TRADE BUILDING. PHONES OFFICE 2181, RES. 6163. RE In Walking Distance 8-room house, modern In every way, near 26th and Dewey Ave. $3,750. BEMIS, PAXTON BLOCK. RE 927 23 H $S0 H 2 Acres With Crop One-half mile north of Krug Park. There are 12 lots In this piece the best bargain offered thjs summer. HASTINGS & HETDEN, 160DV4 Farnam St. RE OAKHURST PARK. The best residence property In the city for the money. Call and see us, glad to show you the property with an automobile, whether you buy or not. Payne Investment Company, First floor N. Y. Life Bldg., Tel. 178L RE M 751 22 I HAVE a S20-acre farm in Eastern Kan sas in sure rain eollon, well Improved, by school, church, telephone, R. F. D., that I would sell or exchange for mod ern residence in Omaha or Lincoln. It will net 25 per cent as rental on the price I ask for It per annum. Get $2.50 an acre per annum In, advance Just for oil and gas lease. $2o0 for 100-acre pas ture; 1-3 of 220 acres other crops. All good land, fine Maple grove, hedge fence, orchard, running water, etc.. near county seat: I will be in Omaha for short time, ao address me my mall, making appoint ment, when will fully describe, show everything. Dr. H. J. Hill, care Paxton hotel. RE4M 23 GAS & ELECTRIC FIXTURES "Wholesale and Retail. RUSSELL FIXTURE CO. W. L. BURGESS, Manager. $13 So. 15th Street. Omaha. RK OSS At Farm and Ranch Lands Nebraska. Kansas, Colorado and Wyoming; low prices; ten years' lime. Land Dept. U. P. R. R.. Omaha, Neb., Dept. "A." RE 711 , CUBAN LANDS If you want In the pool to buy 6,000 acres of the best land In Cuba, at only $12.60 per acre, worth $26. see me at once. C. R. GLOVER, Room 8, N. Y Life. T 'Phone 138. RE Mt' AUTOMOBILE RIDE FREE to purchasers of lota to Oakburst Park: finest residence portion in the city. Call on Payne Investment company for further particulars aod the ride. Payne Investment Company, , First floor N. T. Ufa Bldg.. TL 17U. ' v RE-M7a U FOR SALE REAL ESTATE BRENNAN, TELEPHONE 1264 R. C. PETERS & CO. $2,200 On N. 41st St., 6-room, modern except furnace; east front, full lot,, good shade; house In perfect condition. This is the kind you like. $3,000 A strictly modern 6-room house. Just built, on beautiful street, nice shadu and a full lot. Von't overlook this. $3,500 each Two 8-room modern homes on Valley, near 24th. Will sell sepa rately. $5,500 11-room modern. In Orchard Hill. A nice home CHEAP. $2,200 each 3 new houses, modern except furnace, 8 rooms each; located In Bnuth Omaha's best residence dis trict; lots 40x150; on good terms. $1,500 Neat cottage and S lots In Walnut Hill, close to car line ;a nice place to wilse chickens and make garden. $1,800 8-room house, modern except furnace, good cellar; lot 41x120; shade and fruit trees. This Is a bargain. $1.150 4-room cottage In Ames Place. Will sell lot In Wilcox addition and build house to suit. We have 20 acres 1 miles north of Flor ence, 6 acres In bearing grapes, 600 fruit trees, apple, pear, cherry and plum, all 6 years old; 1 acre blackberries, 1 acre strawberries, 700 raspberries .7 acres of al falfa hay, shed and good well, fruit: all In fine condition and land lies fine; $4.C00 will buy this. Want offer on two lots, 40x100 each, faclnir south on Franklin, Just west of Military Ave. These are choice. Also on two lots 53x110 each, faclnir east on 41st 2d and 3d lots south of Cass. A choice lying corner 95xl3S, facing east, $3,000. R. C. PETERS & CO, Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. . RE- 17-ACRE FRUIT FARM 4H miles from postofflce; nice level land, on a good main road, one acre In fruit, IVi acres in alfalfa, balance In high state of cultivation. Price $3 500. It would make some one a nice little home. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 178L RE 942 lii W. H. GATES 617 N. T. Life Bldg. 'Phone 1294, $5,ooo7-room modern house, 1026 S 2Gth Ave., fine location, east trout; lot 60142. Barn, fruit and shade trees. $4,000 10-room modern house at 1504 Tates; Barn; south' front, lot 50x130, improve ments; cost $7,0uo. $H,200 ti-room, modern, up-to-date home, 2572 Mandcrson; house So v. 40. ouk finish on tirst tioor, south front lot Coxl26; shade and fruit trees. $1,800 8-room, modern house, except fur nace, at 2518 Patrick Ave.; barn; south front, $1,8001 houses, 3 and 4 rooms each, 2027 Miami, sewer, water, gas; new barn; lot 50x122. $1,500 5-room cottage, 2021 Miami; sewer, water; lot 40x122. $1,000 -room house on Wirt, Just east of 30th; lot 62x132. 120x127 on Decatur, between 35th and 36th St., for only $400. RE 7-ROOM house, lot WxlJO, on South 12th St., near Dorcas; east front. $1,100. F. U. WEAD, . 1624 DOUGLAS. ' RE 964 23 TWO SNAPS Near 32d and California, we have a BRAND NEW 7-room house, modern except fur nace; east front 60 foot lot, alley in rear. n s tne nest tning we Know or on ac count of poor health, must be sold. $2,500. Same location, have a 10-room house, east front lot, shade, modern except furnace; owner says we must sell it. It's worth investigating Reduced to $2,500. SWEET A BEST, Tel. 1471 - .613 N. T. Life. RE MONEY TO LOAN on Omaha Improved real estate at low rates, with the privilege of paying all or part of principal before maturity and stopping Interest. No delay. We puss on security. GARVIN BROS li04 Farnam Bt., RE 944 23 FOR SALE $5,000 first mortgage draws 6 per cent Inter est per annum, secured by 2)0 acres of im proved land in eastern Nebraska. If you want to invest In a good farm mort gage, here it is. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 1st floor N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 17SL H $1,000 H For five 60-foot lots In Florence, onlv blocks from the car line and center of town, elegant view. Have other good single iota ior o ana joo. F lorence will be one of the finest suburbs of Omaha. iiuynow while the lots are cheap. .HASTINGS A HEYDKS, 1wj6 Farnam St. RE IF IT8 a comfortable, moderate priced home you want, look at 013 N. Hut; owner leaves the city soon and will cut tne price. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE 985 23 806 ACRE farm in South Missouri, 80 culti vates; oaiance line oak, hickory and wal nut timber. Fine out range, creek within V mile chard. house, barn, well, spring, or- Price. H per acre: cash trad balance time. Orren Gemmill, Holdrece xseu. lit-hmiZix GOOD farm free, to representatives In eacli town and county. write imme aiaieiy ior particulars, enclosing stamp. C. K. Marks, tne land man. Muskogee, ina. Ter. Rii m&Zix DODGE COUNTY BARGAINS. 130 acres. Improved, $f0. 1(0 acres, Improved, $j6. RE 770 26 S2.400 CASH WILL BUY Two l-reom cottages on Bristol St., near . 26th St., lot y.x'.:2, with paving taxes fully paid. Splendid value. F. D. WEAD, 1&24 DOUGLAS. RE Ki 23 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE 4-ROOM house and bsrn. with corner lot. near 34th and Blondo St.. $T0. F. D. WE AD 1524 Pouglas. RE-67 23 $2.9 WILL buy beautiful modern cotlaire and full lot In Hanscom Place; east front street paved; everything first-class. THOMAS BRKNNAN. Room 1, i. Y. Life Bid. UJB-M7M VOX Woolworth Ave., corner lot, ROxlflO, I room, strictly modern house, laundry; also vacant lot 6uxl2. For particulars Inquire at house. RK M79" !4x 2317 N. 27TH ST. 6 rooms and city water; mav be had with only a small amount down, balance monthly. TRICK UNDER $1,000. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas St. RE 983 23 FOR SALE New house, modern; large lot; splendid location. Will take share In Omaha Grain exchane part payment or will exchange for land near Omaha. Ad dress K 65. care Bee. RE M&3 24x BU1IJMNO NEAR 12TH AND DOUGLAS STS. $i.000.00. 108 8. 12th St., 2-story brick; rents for $60 per month. GEORGE A CO., 1601 Farnam Pt. RE-913 2J GOOD INVESTMENT TO HOLD V. P. trackage lot on 11th, north of Nich olas, at grade, only $ti00. F. D. WEAD 11U DOUGLAS. RF-M 23 SOME REAL HOMES I mis., strictly modern brick, $5,800. 8 mis., strictly modern frame, $7,000. 7 mis., strictly modern frame, $4,500. 7 rms., strictly modi rn frame, $3,xoo. rms., strictly modern frame, $t;.5O0. II rms., strictly modern frame, $S.5Kl. All the above In the llanscom park dis trict. E. K. I.OWER & CO.. Tcls. 443 and Red-2730. 203 Brown Flk. RE-972 23 $)A00 Will buy 8-room house on S. 31st St., near Poppleton Ave.; has porcelain bath, mar ble washstand, nice shade trees and can be bought on easy terms. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas. RE-96S 23 FOR SALE Suburban cottage, t rooms, large garret, cellar, cistern and well; a lots In fruit and garden, barn and out buildings; fine place for chickens and garden, $1,200 cash, a bargain; leaving city. C. A. Case, liXH Farnam St. RE 973 23x FOR SALR tin WXCHANOie. Good Iowa corn farm of 560 acres; 40 acres In cultivation, balance line pasture; good Improvements, 3 miles from town. Price, $C5 per acre, will take stock of goods, or good city property as part payment. J. P. Martin, Missouri Valley, la. BETTER THAN GOVERNMENT BONDS 160 acres half hour drive from Benson, worth $100 per acre; may be had now be fore SPRING RUSK at $75 per aero; nearly fall cultivated. F. D. WEAD, 1524 Douglas S RE 953 23 INCOME PROPERTY For sale. McCague Investment Co., 1608 Dodge St. See large ad on page 3, Illus trated section. RE 101 23 CH,AS- Williamson Co.u- W11' RE 721 FOR SALTO Eight-room house, modern ex cept furnace; lot 60x142; near Park school. This Is one of the best locations In Omaha and If you want a good home cheap. In vestigate this. Call or address the owner, J. R. Campbell, 1611 Georgia Ave. Omaha. ACRE with ffood house and barn, fruit, etc., on hill one mile southwest of llanscom park; $1,700. F. D. WEAD, 1S24 Douglas SL RE 984 23 UINTA LAND OPENING. For reliable - information about the land. registering, drawing and allotment Bend 60 cents to Rhono-Walker Realty Co., Grand Junction, Colo. RE 774 26x FOR SALE FARMS BOONE COUNTY, NEB. 980-acre stock farm, SH miles from town; 30 acres anaira: iu acres Drome grass; 120 acres cultivated, i0 seres pasture the best In the state. Improvements cost $2,5(0 last year. Price $12.!o per acre cash. It Is worth $15 of anybody's money. D. V. SHOLES CO. 722 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 49. -922 23 BIjfXIWINO KlNftls Has 85.000,000 bushels of wheat this year. we nave a gooa list or farms and lands in the good wheat country. Here is a sample: 1H0 acres, smooth land, good soil, 34 miles from town, 80 acres under culti vation: $10 Der acre. Also Nebraska farms. WALWORTH INVESTMENT CO., 303 Paxton Blk., Omaha. Kl 23 RANCH LANDS 640-acre ran?h In central 8. D. All fenced. artesian well of soft water, 100 Percheron horses (mostly registered), 2,000 lb. stal lion, 7-room house, shude and fruit trees and creek full of fish. Price $15.00 per acre and $9,000.00 for all horses. Reason for selling, owner Is 72 years old and wants to quit business. Hart, 4"1 N. Y, Life. M-054 28 ' 160 TO 6.000 acres good Improved farm land in Boone ana Nance counties. Nebraska; easy terms. For full Information call on or write to - GEORGE & CO. 1601 FaRNAM ST.. OMAHA. M508 Jy24 COTTON farm for sale, 480 acres sit uated on MiHBixstppl river; rents for $1,S00. C. L. Clou, Bledsoe, Ark. U-618-22 FARM LANDS. 2,600 acres In Hyde and Hund Co., S. D., for sale. l,. n. w. omun, 4u2 N. y. Life. -777 25 THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Tl - agricultural weekly goes to (0.000 homes of farmers ana stuck raisers, so if you have a good piece ot land to sell at a reasonable pi'ice you will find a buyer among them. The ccst of an advertisement Is small 2 cents per word in small type, or $2.80 pr incn It set in iarse '.vpa. WANTED TO BUY BHONFELD, the ANTIQUARIAN, 82! N. Y. Life, pays highest price for bonks. Tel. 5036. N-6tKi SQUARE PIANO In good condition. Hill Farnam. A HOUSE 6 to 8 rooms, modern; state location and price. Address K 66 Bee. N-M7M 23 X WANTED To buy second-hand portable bookcase In good condition. Addrews K 63, Bee. is mbih z.x CHICAGO shipper wants old feather bed; cash nrices tiald Address A. B. Mack. Gn'l Delivery. Drop poetal; will it N-MH22 28x A CLIENT wishes to purchase a small farm. 0 to M) acre. wll Imnroved. close o ood town, wMhln 100 miles of Omaha. Olve ter-is. Address Nelson C Pratt, Omaha, Neb. N-918 23 x Shirts 6 Collars S Cuffs 4. toilette's T-tuin-dry. 1614 Capitol Ave., Ii8 ! worth. N-M tlx WK HAVE had 14 Inquiries for one tiron erty we advertised this -k. from people who had from $3'0 to $v in cash, and wanted to buv on monthly payments: If vnu have something to sell on tese terms list 14 with n as we have the buvers. N. P. DODGE A CO., 1614 Farr""" - N-4US23 FOR RENT HOUSES HUUJtOr Peters 4k Co- Be Hid. D ;u THK Omaha Vsn Storage Co. park. move and store 11. II. goods. Storehouse 1KV-24 N. lh. Office. 1511H Farnam. Tel. lfC9. D Tie WE MOVE pianos. M issard Van A Btor ags CO. Tel. 14M. Office. 1713 "Webster SU D-811 riano moving; lowest rates for reliable, service. Tel. 16J6. Schmoller A Mueller. D 711 ilrvilt-PC'lii aii parts Of the eltr Tb IlUUOCao. V. Davis Co., 608 Bee Bldg. D 713 HOUSES, Insurance. Rlngwalt, Boker Blk. u u. HOUSES furnished here means a saving of 25 per cent to you. We have everything for housekeeping. Glad to show you whether you buy or not. Terms, $26 worth, ....I. OMAHA FVRNTTURE AND CARPET CXX, between rao ana xna ou cmrnam ft. D-906 23 CENTRAL, all modern, 7-room house. 124) N. 28d. X D 131 2666 DOUGLAS, 1 rooms $27.60. D M390 FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern; choice neighborhood. 2123 California St $30. Apply at 607 N. 19th SL D-M430 FOR KENT 10-room mortem house, $9li and 2921 Mason St. Inquire F. P. Klrken dall A Co., 1111 Harney SL D M649 U FOR RENT Six-room cottage 624 N. X2dl St., cor. or t aniornia ana ua. Appiy at 607 N. lth St. -AliM NEW house, correr 44th and Farnam; fur nace, electric light, ras; 6 rooms and bath. T. Willows, Boston Store. D 779 Kx 209 S. 28TH AVE 8 rooms, newly psJnted. . large lawn, beautiful shade trees; sgent'a sign on both houses. D 833 23x WE SHLI. furniture and carpets on pay ments. Our prices are about one-fourth less than those asked at i Installment stores and our goods are very much bet ter Terms. $25 worth, $1 week. OMAHA FURNITURE AND CARPET CXX. Between 12th and 13th on Farnam St. D-S06 23 FOR RENT 3103 Marcy, corner of 31st St., fine, 7 rooms, modern except furnace, large yard. D FOR RENT 10-room modern brick house, 424 North 40th St. !0.00. 8-room modern brick house, $153 Farnam 8t.-26.00. 7- ronm modern house, 2029 North 20th St.--$20.00. THOMA8 BRENNAN, Room 1, N. Y. Life Bldg. Telephone 1K4. D 838 28 ' . 8- ROOM modern house and barn, $17. 2425 Erskine. Key at 2423. D 904 23 IT'S UP TO YOU To consult our list before moving, as wei have the beBt assortment of houses from $7 up to $60 per month, In the city, 3040 S. 18th 3 rooms, city water, $M. 1412 N. 17th $ rooms, city water, $8. 715 S. 34th 8-room cottage, city water, $7. ll29 S. 28th 6-room cottage, city water la side, a snap at $11. 722 S. 36th AK. rooms, modem, $17. 240 Caldwell -room flat, with bath, $17. 2326 S. !8th 6 rooms, strictly modern ex cept furnace, a little gem, only $18. 2206 8. 29th 8 rooms, strictly modern, newly decorated, fine repair, only $2 60. 2770 Webstor 8 rooms, all modern, fine, lawn, barn, close In, $35.. 1310 Park Ave. 8 rooms, strictly modern, landlord liberal on repairs, $37.60. 160 8. 27th 8 rooms, strictly modern, I blocks east of Hanscom Park, Just re duced to 826. 621 S. 26th Ave. 10 rooms, all modern, newly papered, only $26. Splendid 9-room house In Hanscom Park district, strictly modern, at $45. 710 N. 40th Finest 10-room house for rent In city, with barn; special price to right party. , PAYNE, BOSWICK & CO. Sixth Floor, N. Y. Life Bldg. D-940 23 FOR RENT. 1310 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern, very se)ect-$37.eo. 2817 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace $22.60. 209 S. 28th Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace, close In $30. S103 Marry St., rooms, modern except fur nace $26. 2815 Dewey Ave., 7 rooms, modern except furnace $22.50. 2928 Grant, 6 rooms, barn, close to car $18. 1457 8. 17th St., S rooms, modern except furnace $12. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. U Bldg. Tel. 1781. D-925 2S FOR RENT. 2602 Poppleton Ave., 8 rooms, modern; ft beautiful yar fine neighborhood; an ele gant home $45. j PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg. Tel. 1781. D-826 21 FOR RENT 47n? v 7 -nnm, c' -r, $17. 2418 Larlmore, 6 rooms. njTjdern. new, $20. iim c.xit.v.. ula, luv...-,- -ere grounL $20. 423 N. 30th, 8 rooms, modern, barn, $30. 613 N. Y. L. SWEET & BEST. Tel. 1471 D 931 23 A LARGE 2-story barn, 27th and Leaven- worm; will alter to suit tenant; suitable for storage or manufacturing. N. P. Dodge & Co., 1614 Farnam St. D 946 23 i 17TH and Douglas, 9-room modern resldenca or Dr. i-aui uropsman. Including omces. Rlngwalt, 306 8. 16th St. O 965 21 8009 Webster, 8 rooms, $30. 2220 Chicago, 8 rooms, modern, $30. 2020 Burt, 9 rooms, modern, $30. 514 8. 22d, rooms, modern, $38. RINGWALT. Barker Blk. D-868 23. 40Jt N. HTH BT., 4 rooms, $1100. 2s23 Harney St., 7 rooms, $17.00. h" S. 24th St., 8 rooms, $18.00. "8 N. 2:td 7 rooms, $32.50. 120 N. 25th St., 8 mod.trn, $35.00. JOHN N. FRENZEK, OPP. OLD P. O. D-816 21 6-ROOM COTTAGE, In fine repair, cloae to new boulevard, 617 a. Kid St., $16.00 per month. 6-rooni flat. 1615 Howard St., all tn good) repair, IL-.60 per montn. GEORGE & CO., 1801 Farnam St. D-914 23 ltr.-ti h. zoiti Bi. exrooms, city water ana gas. Anson A Yost, 408 paxton Block. D-V35 23X FOR RENT 4-room cottage, modern, $10; no children. 8C11 Burt St. D M979 26x Shirts 6. Collars 2, Cuffs 4. Follette's Laun dry, 1614 Capitol Ave., 1603 Leavenworth. D-980 23x A VERY complete 9-room modern brick at tached house. 410 N. 22d St., two bath rooms, laundry and every modern con venience; neighborhood la unequalled. Be us for terms. $22 50 8-room house. In thorough repair, newly painted and papered Inside and out; corner lot. high, sightly location. 2-J"3 Blondo St. f-room all modern house, $35; 2770 Webster St. 33d and K Sts.. South Omaha. 4 rooms, $10. N. P. LODGE A CO., 1614 Farnam Bt. D 946 23 627 8. 25TH AVE.. 8-room cottage, furnace, gas, bath, laundry, $:0. U D. Knauldlng, Omaha Nat 1 Bank. Telephone 23i). D 959 23 TO LET Two new high-grade houses In rhoice part of West Farnam district; will be ready for occupancy September 16th. W. Farnam Smith A Co., 1320 Farnam St. D 961 23 HOUSES FOR RENT. $1551? 26th Ave.: 7 rooms; modern. $10 a.."0 Davenport St.;9 rooms: modem. $'ti Wl Park Ave ; ( rooms; niodorn; bsrn. $26 7i Ho. 2fcth St.; 6 rooms; modem, with. out furnace. 8"5 'JTM So. 28th St.; 8 rooms; modern. $1 li3 So. 10th St.; city water; bis: yard. Inquire R. C. Peters A Co., ground floor, D-962 21 NINE-ROOM house. 1519 Davenport. 6-room house, 1139 N. 17th St. D-9S8 25 9-P.oom house on south side, modern, fall Ash-611. D VJ 24x WANTED TO RENT Shirts 6. Collars t. Cuffs 4i Follette's laun dry, 1614 Capitol Ave, 1603 Ix-avenworth. K-480 23x WANTED Room or furnished flst and, board, for maa and wife. Address 7. Bet, fc .