Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 22, 1905, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily
Premier Decides to Kemaia in Office Until
End of Session.
Thii ii the Program Outlined by the Got
Foment at Preient
aXnanBBKaBaBB '
In the Meantime Circnmitancee May Make
Change Secern
GoTrrintit Supporters Caah
ping by the Opposition Com.'
ered Poor Time to Cbaage
LONDON. July 22. It I understood thiit
Premier Balfour has decided to remain In
office until the end of the session and to dis
solve Parliament In October. No authori
tative statement, however, will be made
until Monday and In the Interval this de
cision -may be modified.
The crisis has assumed a serious aspect,
owing more to the circumstances attending
the defeat of the government Thursday
night on the vote for the support of the
Irish land commission than to the Intrinsic
Importance of the vote Itself. The vote
was actually due to the slackness or to the
Indifference of the government's bwn sup
porters, who, despite the strongest possible
whip enforcing the necessity of their at
tendance on that particular night, allowed
themselves to be lulled Into a false confi
dence by the ruse of the liberals and na
tionalists In keeping their men In the back
ground until the critical moment arrived.
Premier Balfour's audience with King
Edward yesterday lnsted only ten minutes
and It Is supposed he Intimated the fore
going decision to his majesty.
The unionist newspapers this morning,
while professing to be delighted over the
prospect of "leaderleas liberals," lacking a
policy or program, being forced to form a
ministry bound hand and foot to John
Kedmond and his nationalist following, who
engineered the defeat of the government,
contend that the delicate situation of for
eign affairs dictates that Lord Lansdowne
shall remain In control of the Foreign
office and forbids the risking of any change
In the government- The forthcoming peace
conference In the t'nlted 8tates, the Anglo
Japanese alliance, the International con
ference over Moroccan reforms, the Anglo
French entente and South African affairs
are all represented as matters too serious
to be entrusted to a liberal or a radical
Brief gessloa of Home,
The House of Commons sat barely half
an hour today and then adjourned until
Monday to await the government's decision
regarding Its future course of action In
View of the defeat of the ministry last night
on ijalin Redmond' .motion to reduce -the
vote for the Irish land commission
The house was packed and much excite
ment was visible on all sides and there
was a disposition to view the defeat of the
government as more serious than It was
generally regarded in the early hours this
morning. Immediately after the house had
assembled 61r Henry Campbell-Bannerman, the Big Horn forest reserve in Wyoming
the liberal leader moved lis adjournment, to make a thorough study of the graxiug
declaring that It would be unseemlng under problem. Much complaint has been made
the circumstance to proceed with business I In regard to the manner In which the de
while the government was considering Its I partment has restricted grazing in this re-
posltlpn. Premier Balfour, however, de-
cllned to adjourn the house until the bill
dealing with the differences of the Scot
tish United Free church and the Free
church had been passed. This was quickly
accomplished; the house rose and the ex
cited members swarmed Into the lobbies,
eagerly discussing the probable decision of
the cabinet, which has been summoned to
meet this afternoon.
The view that the government will re
sign, however, ,1s not held in circles gen
erally well Informed of the government's
Intentions and It Is reiterated that the res
ignation of the Balfour ministry la not
likely in view of the almost practical cer
tainty that the government will be rehabil
itated by Its normal majority on the trial
of strength July 24. to which the opposition
formally challenged the ministry.
Prloes on the Stock exchange today
opened flat, operations being apprehensive
that the defeut of the government in the
House of Commons last night means the
fall of the Balfour ministry.
The Unionist' members of the House of
Commons are busily signing
memorial to
the premier against either the resigna
tion of the government or the dissolution
of Parliament. In the unionist centers,
like the Carlton club. It Is confidently as
serted that Mr. Balfour will stand or fall
according to .he outcome of Monday's
motion of censure.
Wants Vattl Monday.
In the House of Lords Earl Spencer, the
liberal leader, asked Foreign Secretary
Lansdowne If he had any statement to
make regarding the government's attitude,
but Lord Lansdowne refused to anticipate
Mr. Balfour's statement on Monday next.
The duke of .Devonshire (liberal unionist)
postponed a motion which he intended to
present condemning colonial preference,
aayipg. that on Monday the government
would either be In a state of suspended
animation or nonexistent.
The lord chancellor. Earl Hasbury, pro
tested against the only two alternatives
presented by the duke of Devonshire.
Sadden Change in Temperatare
Reported General Over the
tailed States.
WASHINGTON, July n.-Tho United
States weather bureau today gives most
encouraging Information regarding the out
look for favorable weather. From the ab
normally hot to cool seems to be the trend
of atmospheric record. The report says:
The temperature continues to fall slowly
In Nsw England, the middle Atlantic slates,
the lake region, and the Ohio valley. In
the lake region the fall In temperature has
now roniluued upaard of thirtv-six hours.
As a connt)uence abnormally cool weather
la reported mis morning ror the upper lake
rvciun. alth light frost at Eecanaba. Mich.
Tl aaather alao has turned cool In the
Dakota the Miceourl and middle Missis
sippi valleys, Kaln has fallen In eastern
North Carolina, eastern Missouri, southern
Indiana and southern llllnola. Kentucky
and western Tennessee, tolh Dakota,
western Nebraska, and there have been
scattered thunderstorm In the Rocky
mountain region.
For tonight and Saturday fair weather
Is predicted, except in (he Ohio valley, tti
south portion of the middle Atlantic states
and North Carolina, where showers are
probable. The ten.perature mill not change
materially In southern districts. It a 111 Tie
slightly cooler tonight In the east portion
of the middle AtUntio elates and a con
tinuation of the present cool a eat her la
the Ohio valley and tower luke region for
the neat taiity-sia bouts may be antic!-
Five Haadred Mts Hold Force of
Japaaeae for Twenty
Foar Moara.
TOKIQ, July 21-2 p. m.-A special tele
gram from Otaru says that the Russians
defeated at Dallne were about If) strong,
with el field and three machine rjns, and.
taking the fullest advantage of the topo
graphical chaiacter of the district, offered
the most desperate resistance. The Rus
sian positions were hidden among a thick
forest and It was Impossible for the Japa
nese gunners to make a correct observa
tion. The cannonade, however, was opened
by the Japanese at t o'clock on the morn
ing of July 7 and was kept up until dusk.
The Japanese Infantry, gradually gaining
ground and closing in on the enemy's line
of defense, awaited an opportunity for the
final charge. It was nearly two hours
after midnight when the enemy's first line
of defense, strengthened by barricades and
trenches, was taken. This success was vig
orously followed up. but It was not until 9
"clock In the morning of July 8 that the
my was driven out of the second line
.s defense and victory secured, with
!es of four field and one machine gun.
. nature of the ground exposed the as
sailants to a great disadvantage and risk.
It was believed that owing to the short
supply of ammunition and provisions the
Russians at Sakhalin could not hold out
much longer.
It Is officially announced that the Rus
slans have thus far surrendered at various
points of Sakhalin Island to the number of
SI. including one colonel and fourteen
other officers.
An Imperial ordinance was issued this
morning authorizing the appointment of
noncommissioned officers from the reserve
conscripts, also converting those of sun
dry service rank Into privates of fighting
COPENHAGEN, July 21.-A dispatch from
St. Petersburg to the Godsladan says that
private advices received at the Russian
capital say that Japanese warships have
been sighted near Nikolalevsk at the mouth
of the Amur river. Many of the Inhabitants
of Nikolalevsk and Vladivostok. It is added,
have fled to Khabarovsk.
Electric Contract for Lincoln Pablle
Building Let to Indiana
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 21.-Speclal Tele
gram.) The Anderson Electric company of
Anderson, Ind., was today awarded the con
tract for Installation of the electric light
ing plant In the new public building at Lin
coln, Neb., at Its bid of $3,950.
P. F. Connelly of Yankton, 8. D., was to
day given the contract for constructing the
approaches to the new public building at
Yankton at $2,000.
Rural free delivery routes Nos. 2 and 3
have been ordered established September
It at Walcott, Scott county, la., serving 728
people and 182 houses.
Postmasters appointed: Nebraska Brls
tow, Boyd county, S. A. Holt, vice George
V. Bell, resigned; Oblowa, Fillmore county,
William R, Fulton, vice C. M. Chenoweth,
resigned. Iowa Lavlnla, Calhoun county,
John Beam, vice W. V. Harrison. South
Dakota Bancroft, Kingsbury county, B. C.
Doll, vice Spencer Eggleston, resigned. Wy
oming Basin, Big Horn county, D. C. Bow
man, vice James Patten, resigned.
Early In August Chief forester GlfTord
Ptnchot and Secretary Wilson will visit
serve, and representatives of the forestry
bureau have held varying views as to the
damage which sheep and cattle have dona
in graxlng within Its boundaries. Plnchot
will confer with local stockmen as well
as make a personal Inspection In the re
serve, and It Is his hope that some flnal
plan of controlling grazing In the Big Horn
reserve may then be evolved. It Is Pin
chot's Intention, if he ha time to visit all
other reserves In Wyoming, Utah and
Colorado, to ascertain how the present
management Is working and find what
char ges. If any, are needed.
Rich Strike la Made on Wyoming;
Mining; Property He la Iater
tereated In.
MEETEETSE. Wyo.. July 21.-8peclal.)
News of the most wonderful and by far
the most Important gold strike In the his
tory of Klrwin. In the Wood river mining
I district, thlrty-flve mllee from this place.
reached Meeteetse today. The news has
been suppressed as much as possible, but
finally leaked out. The rock has been as
sayed by expert assayers and Its richness Is
marvelous. Some sample assays were sent
away and the returns show that the rock
carries gold to the value of 2138,000 per
This rich ore Is found on the surface
of the Smuggler claim, owned now by the
Shoshone Mining company, and waa for
merly the property of Elmer 8. Dundy of
New York City. He sold his Interest In the
property to the Shoshone company, or
rather turned It into the company, retain
ing shares to the value of the property,
and It was done without his knowing the
richness of the ground.
The vein or ore shute from which this ore
was extracted shows up on the surface for
the distance of over 50 feet and the vein
Is whst Is termed a cross vein, the mother
lead being twenty-five feet In width and
has never been exploited, except as to
other portions.
At present the Shoshone Mining company
has a force of men at work opening up
the lead by means of an open cut and It Is
said by men who know that although the
company has expended maay hundreds of
thousands of dollars In the camp tbey will
now be reimbursed by the returns from
a very few tons for all the money tbey
have expended In the entire camp. Men
are kept on guard continually, as the ore
Is so rich that fortunes could be carried
away In a night.
Chicago Man Charged with Cea
aplraey Released an Writ
at Haheaa Corp a a.
CHICAGO. July a -Following an Indict
ment In Indiana and arrest In Chicago on
a charge of conspiracy, Rodney B. Swift,
former official and stockholder of tbe In
ternational Harvester company, waa re
leased today on a writ of habeas corpus.
Bond of 110000 for appearance August 28
was given.
The charge on which Mr. Swift was In
dicted was that he Induced the harvester
company to pay a man named Hadley of
Indianapolis STS.OOO for a machine Invented
by Hadley. but gave Hadley only H0.000,
dividing the remainder with a brother, W.
C. BauX
Will Hot Eeoogniie Any Treaty Affecting
Chinese Territory.
Raises Entire (location of Open Door
to Maachnrla, and Commercial
Relations with the
OYSTER BAY. N. Y.. July a. President
Roosevelt and Elihu Root, who assumed
formally last Wednesday his new duties,
were today In conference at Sagamore Hill.
Among the many questions considered by
them none Is fraught with deeper signifi
cance and Importance to the United States
than Is that relating to an Identical nee
which the Foreign office of China, within a
day or two, has sent to the powers neutral
in the far eastern contest between Russia
and Japan.
The text of the note, made public this
evening by President Roosevelt, Is as fol
lows: ' Teat of Chinese Xote.
President Roosevelt this evening author
ized the publication of the Identical note
sent by China to the powers neutral In the
pending far eastern conflict. The text of
the note, which Is undated, follows
Having viewed with profound regret the
unfortunate Interruption of peaceful rela
tions between Japan and Russia the Im
perial government now learns witn grattn
cation that the negotiations are about to
commence for the restoration of peace ana
amity. But In the present conflict Chinese
territory has been made the theater of
military operations. I herefore It is nereny
expressly declared that no provision af
fecting China without the approval of
China being previously obtained, which
the treaty of peace may contain, will be
recognised as valid. The diplomatic repre
sentatives of China In Japan and Russia
nave been Instructed bv telegrapn to com
munlcate this declaration to the govern
ments of Japan and Russia respectively.
On Its face, the note appears to be a Sim
pie declaration that no determination of
the peace conference affecting Chinese ter
ritory will be recognised as valid "without
the approval of China previously obtained.
It really means far more than that, as It
Is construed here.
The United States, In common with other
nations. Is interested particularly In the
open door to Manchuria, and behind China's
simple declaration lies the whole question
of the commerce and commercial relations
of a great empire.
What action, if any, the United States
government may take as to the note Is be
yond accurate conjecture at this time.
Neither President Roosevelt or Secretary
Root will discuss the matter for public
tlon. Secretary Root will remain a guest
of the president until some time tomorrow.
Mr. Root will not take up the active duties
of secretary of state before September.
. Dlacnaa Possible Peace Terms
ST. PETERSBURG. July 21. The Novoe
Vremya devotes today a leading article to
the alleged Japanese peace conditions as
published by the Vienna Taggeblatt and
Frankfort Zeitung, dwelling especially on
the specification against double tracking tho
Siberian railroad, which the paper declares
Is utterly unacceptable In every way, being
equivalent to the political and
economic suicide of Russia.
Wltte Reaches Pnrla.
PARIS. July 21. M. Wltte, accompanied
by his wife, several members of his family
and a number of officials making ud the '
party, which Is on Its way to the United
States, arrived at the Northern railroad
station at 4 o'clock this afternoon. A large
number of French and Russian officials
and members of the diplomatic corps were
assembled at the station. Including Ambas
sadors NelldofI and Casslni. M. Moilard,
1 chief of the protocol department of the
Foreign office, representing Premier Rou
vler, and Police Prefect Leplne.
As M. Wltte descended to the platform
his massive frame towered above the
I crowa wnicu presBeu jurwara to welcome
him. Standing bareheaded. M. Wltte was
greeted by M. NelldofI and Count Casslni
and spoke for some moments with the
latter. M. Nelidoff afterward advised ii.
Loubet of the plans to present him to
President Loubet and Premier Rouvier,
probably tomorrow. The party then drove
to a hotel.
The trip of M. Wltte and his party from
St. Petersburg to Paris was uneventful.
The Russian statesman was Joined on his
arrival by his married daughter and his
grandchild. M. Wltte will remain here un
til the Kaiser Wllhelm der Grosse sails.
July 26, from Cherbourg.
The Temps gives prominence to an Inter
view with M. Wltte which a correspondent
of that paper had during the trip to Paris.
The interview follows almost textually the
interview which the correspondent of the
Associated Press at St. Petersburg had
with the chief Russian peace plenipoten
tiary. The Temps' correspondent says:
I considered it my duty to submit to
M. Witte the text of the declarations made
by him to the correspondent of the Asso
ciated Press and reprinted In the Temps.
After having read the Associated Press In
terview and reflecting over the clipping
which I had presented to him, M. Wltte
" 'This Is not the complete text of that
Interview, but It Is correct and conforms
to what I have Just told you, so that I do
not know what more could be added.' "
The Temps gives this both as a confirma
tion and aa indicating that the Associated
Press Interview was regarded by M. Wltte
as embracing everything be has to say.
Official of Mercantile Traat Compear
Saya Jordan Tamed Over
the Caah.
NEW YORK. July 21. An official of the
Mercantile Trust company today said that
the loan for six hundred and some
odd thousands of dollars made by
the company to former President Alexander
and Thomas D. Jordan of the Equitable
society has been paid.
When asked how pay menu or the loan
had been made the trust company official
said that the loan was paid by Mr. Jordan,
acting for himself and Mr. Alexander as
trustees. More than that he declined to
The regular' Friday meeting of the exec
utive committee of the Equitable was held
today. Chairman Morton was In conference
I earlier with Attorney Paul Kravatn and it
transfer was discussed by the executive
committee. Chairman Morton, however,
declined to say anything on this point
Deer Are Pleatlfal.
GALENA. S. D July 21. 8peclal.) Deer
are said to be becoming very plentiful
around the ranches near here. It is re
ported that they are after the new garden
stuff, such as lettuce, cabbage and other
vegetables, of which they are very fond.
Several attempts have been made to secure
a fawn, but so far without avail. If the
number increases they will become a nuis
ance to the farmers and gardeners of this
section, aa U.y aje Vary destructive.
Comparatively Few Men of Tkoee on
Stmke Get Their Old
CHICAGO, July 21. Teamster strikers
hi last night gave up their long struggle
against the employers broke ranks today
In a stampede for work. The barns of
the strike affected firms were besieged by
men who had been idle for months and
whose places have been filled by nonunion
me:v The employers In many cases an
nounced that there were vacancies for
only a few. Of more than 4.000 men who
quit not more than 1.400 or 1,500 will be
reinstated during the next few days. The
coal teamsters and truck drivers did not
Join In the rush for re-empkyment today.
The order of the teamsters' joint council
which authorized the surrender was for all
men on strike to ask for reinstatement
this morning. Both the truck drivers and
the coal teamsters balked at this and
planned to hold meetings tonight and fight
It out until they can go back to work
like union men.
However, the boycott against business
houses has been lifted officially by the
action of the council and It Is expected
there will be no more sympathetic strikes
of teamsters.
Nearly every one of the strikers at the
department stores filed application, for rein
statement. In many cases the men were
put to work Immediately. At one store
a number of men who obeyed the order to
strike stood in line today and signed ap
plication forfeiting their rlsht to wear but
tons of their union exposed. The express
companies, which fought their battle vir
tually alone and apart from the others,
are not to take back any of their former
employes. Police protection will not be
withdrawn for a few days at least, as
clashes between nonunion men and union
men are feared when the latter return to
The union button and the street blockade
against nonunion drlters. popularly looked
upon as cardinal principles of the team
sters' union, will no 'more be tolerated by
any firm that has been affected by the
teamsters' strike Just ended, if resolutions
adopted by the employers at a meeting to
day are can-led out. Representatives of
every branch of Industry affected by the
strike pledged themselves to stand for the
"open shop" and to enforce the fulea put
Into effect by the employers" association
members several weeks ago.
Wireleee Meaaaare from Squadron Saye
Trip from France Waa Wtth
' ont Incident.
NEWPORT. R. I., July a.-The squadron
of warships under command of Rear Ad
miral Slgsbee, which Is bringing to this
country from France the body of John Paul
Jones, was spoken by wireless telegraph
early today. The following message was
received at the government torpedo station
"Will arrive at Chesapeake capes Satur
day morning If weather, continues favora
ble. No Incidents on parage."
This message waa senti through the Nan
tucket shoals lightship, rfhlch the Squadron
passed during the night. '
INUttr uiiv. va., j'uy ..yno re:r'd-
ant s office at the Norfolk navy yard re
ported at 11:15 o'clock this morning that
Admiral Slgsbee's fleet, bearing the body
of Admiral John Paul Jones, was ill com
mumcauon wun cape Henry wireless tele
graph station. The report said that the
North Atlantic battleship squadron. In
two divisions, under Admirals Evans-"and
Davis, which went to sea to meet the
fleet bearing the body of Admiral Jones,
was close to Admiral Slgsbee's fleet.
September Option Advances 2 T-8
Ont a. Closing at Highest
Point of the Day.
CHICAGO, July 21. Amid scenes of In
tense excitement on the board of trade here
today the price of wheat for September
delivery shot up 2?i cents per bushel. The
closing quotation, SM cents, was at the
highest point of the day. For forty-eight
hours the net advance shown Is EH cents a
bushel. The cause for the bulge today waa
further confirmation of black rust In the
wheat fields of the Dakotas and Minnesota.
An upward Jump of nearly 6c a bushel In
the price of the September option at Minne
apolis was an Important factor In the sit
uation here.
NEW YORK. July 21. Wheat In New
York advanced nearly 1 cents per bushel
more today as a result of alarming north-
west news and the extraordinary pressure
in Minneapolis prices. The upturn caught
numerous stop orders and It is quite gen-
erally believed here that spring wheat is
badly damaged by rust.
New York Man- Elected Chief Exeea
tlve of Satlonnl Conference of
Chnrltlee and Correctlona:
PORTLAND, Ore., July a. Edward T.
Devlne of New York City was today elected
president of the National Conference of
Charities and Corrections at the last ses
sion of the annual convention here. Other
officers were chosen as follows :
Vice Presidents Judge J. Q. Kinney of
Iowa, George L. Sehon of I-ouisvllle. Ky.,
and Dr. Stephen 8. Wise of Portland, Ore.
ll?neral Secretary Dr. Alexander John
son of New York City.
Assistant Secretaries William H. Mc-
Clain of St. Louis. Arthur P. KelloRg of
mm oi si. iouih, Arinur f. Kellogg or
New York. Charles P. Kellogg of Water-
bury. Conn., and Nathaniel C. Grasby of
The executive committee Includes the
twenty vice presidents and Thomas Mul
cahy of New York, Michael Hyman of New
Orleans, ueorge aux. jr., or Philadelphia,
Mornay Williams of New York, Hugh J.
Kox of Plainfleld. N. J., Rutherford H.
Piatt of Columbus, O., Judge Julian Mack
of Chicago.
Robert J. Hoquet of New York waa
chosen treasurer.
Saye She Was Deaerted by Kaaaas
City Haabaad aad Drlaka
CHICAGO. July 21. A young woman, giv
ing her name as Mrs. Marie Johnson, 21
years old. whose husband is said to be a
wealthy business man of Kansas City, Mo.,
attempted to commit suicide In her apart
ments here today. She swallowed the con
tents of a bottle of laudanum. Her groans
attracted the attention of a friend with
whom she lived and who summoned the
police. She was taken to a hospital and
The woman refused to make any state
ment further than to say that she had
been deserted by her husband shortly after
their honeymoon and that he lived In, Kan
sas City. The police believe the 1 name
Johnson Is fictitious.
KANSAS CITY. July 21-No such per
son as Mrs. Marie Johnson Is known either
at Knas City, 11a. or Kansas City, Kan.
Norman Williams Pays fenalty for Killing
Two Omaha Women.
la Addition to Thla Harder Williams
Has a Criminal Career la Se
braaka Before Going;
to Oregon.
THE DALLES. Ore.. July 21.-Speclal
Telegram.) Norman Williams was hanged
here today for the murder of Alma Nesbltt
and her mother on March 8, 13X). The only
statement made by the murderer was: "My
lips are sealed to the world."
Williams' two hapless victims were both
from. Omaha, while the murderer himself
waa a Nebraskan with an atrocious record
In that state. After serving four years
In the state penitentiary of Nebraska for
criminal as.ault on a neighbor's r ife, he
criminally assaulted and attempted to mur
der his slstei -In-law at Chadron, Neb.
This latter crime was fully as atrocious
In conception as the slaughter of
the Nesbltt women. He threw the
girl Into a well, and after giv
ing her time enough to drown, set up an
alarm. The girl's dress had caught on a
snag, however, and the rescuers found
her head Just above water. Williams
served eight years for that. In addition
he had a wife In Nebraska when he mar
ried Miss Nesbltt and another wife died
In Belllngham, Wash., under suspicious
The tale of a lost mother and daughter.
of the tireless detective work of a son
and brother, vengeance Intent, and of a
tragedy, the ghastllness of whose working-
out Is scarcely paralleled In Oregon annals.
Is Interwoven In this Nebraska drama.
WUMams came to Hood River. Ore., from
Omaha early In 1W9, located a quarter sec
tlon near Mt. Hood, In the remote, little-
populated upper Hood River valley. Go
ing back to Omaha, he returned In May
of the same year, bringing with him Alma
Nesbltt, who announced prior to departure
her engagement to Williams. June 10. 1S99,
Miss Nesbltt filed on a homestead adjoin
Ing that of Williams. In October of that
year her mother came from Omaha.
Lares Women from Home
March 8, 1900. Williams lured the two wo
men from Portland to Hood River and on a
dark, stormy night, the trio started In
carriage on the long drive to the home
stead. The two women were never seen
again. Williams said they had gone back
to Omaha.
In June, 1900. Williams presented a re
linquishment for Miss Nesbltt's claim.
Some months later a letter came from
Omaha relatives Inquiring the whereabouts
of the women. It came to The Dalles land
office. Rendered doubly suspicious by the
smouldering gossip In the Hood River val
ley, the register had the relinquishment re
turned from Washington. It was found a
forgery, and October 29, 1908, a federal
grand Jury at Portland Indicted Norman
Williams for forging Alma Nesbltt's name
to a homestead relinquishment.
In Omkha George Nesbltt, brother of
Alma, rend of the Indictment and early In
tho a Inter of 1904 a silent man, who dts
closed his Identity and his business to no
one, stepped off the Overland at Hood
River and began a quiet investigation.
Never did bloodhound work harder than
this man Nesbltt to settle the blood feud
between Williams and himself. With Bert
Stranahan, a liveryman, he penetrated the
foothills where Williams' homestead had
been. Studying every Inch of the premises
like a Sherlock Holmes, he at last found
under a henhouse a depression that showed
an excavation had been made there some
time. He and Stranahan commenced to
dig. Seven feet down they struck a plank.
Under the plank were a few tangled gray
hairs, a few clotted black hairs and some
bloody gunny sacks. Mrs. L. J. Nesbltt's
hair was gray; Alma Nesbltt's hair was
Deceived Another Woman.
From this evidence was worked out Wil
liams' doom. Circumstantial facts went
to show that after slaying the wretched
females In the Isolated foothill country,
he had thrust their bodies Into a rude
grave, and some weeks later had opened
the grave and burned the bodies on heaps
of brush. It was a plot as cleverly con
ceived as It was horrible, but deep down
In the grave was left enough to give the
brother a scent that led him to his quarry.
Meanwhile the murderer, made appre
hensive by the gathering cloud of sus
picion In the Hood River country, had gone
to British Columbia, and later to Bel
llngham. Wash., his arrest taking place
February 8, 16, at the latter place. The
I best criminal talent In the northwest failed
to shakt, the Impression of guilt In the
jury's mind. A hard fight was put up
by appeals and motions for a new trial.
but all In vain. ,
Williams was married to one wife In
Omaha November 25, 1898. She now
claims that she was trapped Into a mock
marriage by a "play" minister whom Wil
liams brought to her Invalid father's house.
Some years previous a wife died In Omaha
from Hrychnlne poisoning; in December,
1903, a wife died at Belllngham from the
same cause. A secret marriage with Miss
Nesbltt at Vancouver. Wash., In 1890, was
brought out at the trial. With the crimes
for which he has served sentence, the
crimes for which he was hanged today, and
the crimes of which he Is suspected, but
which have never been brought home. Wil
liams stands out as a colossus in the crim
inal' world.
... ....... ,
Girl Baraed to Death aad Five Other
Persona Injured by Accident
Xear Iadlanapolla.
INDIANAPOLIS. Ind.. July 21 The
burned body of lt-year-old Olive Johnson
of Lima, O., and five other persons, suf
fering from burns and bruises, were
dragged from beneath a burning automobile
which plunged Into the ditch on the River
road about a half mile east of Broad Rip
ple, seven miles northeast of this city, to
night, exploding the gasoline storage tank.
The accident waa caused by the machine
striking a rut. C. O. Dale of this city, who
waa driving the machine, Is seriously
burned. The others who sustained severe
burns and bruises were:
Clara Brennan, Muncie, Ind.; Ethel Jones.
Bhelbyvllle. Ind.; Inez Brennan and Hazel
Orr of this city.
Steamer Which Bring the Party ta
Sew York is la Qaar.
NEW YORK, July 21 The steamer City
of Savannah, which arrived today from
Colon with a score of Panama canal em
ployes who have quit their positions, on
board, was detained at quarantine and a
close Inspection of the boat for yellow
fever was begun.
Fair aad Warmer Satarday, nnday
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterday!
. . ui
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8 p. m .
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. .. TO
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Are IlavlnaT a Good Time aad
Making Many Frlenda for
FAIRBURY, Neb.. July 21.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) The trade excursion of the Omaha
Commercial club reached Falrbury about
11 o'clock this morning In Its special train
over the Burlington, having left Beatrice
this morning. Stops were made at Wymore,
Odell. Dlller and Endlcott, at each of
which points they met with a cordial recep
tion from the business men. The tourists
paraded the business streets of each city
and after dinner utilized the brief time
allowed them In visiting the local dealers
In their representative lines In business.
Arrangements had been made to give the
visitors a drive around the city, but the
time of their stay was so brief that only
a few were able to accept the Invitation.
The members of the party express them
selves as highly pleased with the crop
prospects of this section of the state and
their visit will Insure closer relations be
tween Omaha and the business men of
WYMORE, Neb.. July 21.-(Bpeclal.)-The
Omaha Commercial club vtsited this city
an hor this morning and the members
made many warm friends. The train was
greeted by a salute from Battery A's can
non as it pulled In and the members were
escorted up town by a committee of busl
nexs men. The band accompanying the
club played on the streets, which were
decorated for the occasion. The club Is
composed of gentlemen whom It Is a pleas
ure to meet and their visit to this city was
certainly not In vsln.
SUPERIOR. Neb., July 21. (Special Tele
gram.) The Omaha Commercial excursion
arrived at 8:20 p. m. and was cordially re
ceived by local business people. All are
In fine spirits. .The weather Is cool. There
was a slight rain at 4 o'clock. Many new
acquaintances were made and old ones
renewed. They made Hardy and Nelson
In the afternoon and were kindly received.
Crop prospects were never better here and
the people are feeling good In a business
way. The club band Is a great attraction
Plcnte Bont Strikes Rock, bat All
Paaaengera Are SaTed by
Beaching; Vessel.
NEW YORK, July 21.-The deliberate
beaching of the crowded excursion boat
Sirlus today prevented a threatened repeti
tion of the disaster to the excursion steamer
General Slocum, which cost a thousand
lives' thirteen months ago. . The excursion
boat waa In the waters about North
Brother Island, where the General Slocum
burned. A Sunday school picnic number'
ing 1,040 and 'composed mostly of women
and children, waa aboard and this picnlo
came from the same quarter of the city as
the Slocum picnickers. In a strait near
North Brother Island the excursion boat
was passing the steamer William G. Payne.
While rolling In the trough of the Payne's
swells the Sirlus was dropped violently upon
a hidden rock. The blow stove a hole
through a steel plate into a bulkhead.
The excursionists did not Immediately real
ize what had occurred, but Captain William
Pearce knew and he headed the boat d.
rectly for the mud fiats of Rlker'a island
nearly a mile away. Rescue parties fol
lowed fast In the wake of the excursion
boat and when the steamer's bow settled
In the mud police patrol boats and the
steamer Massasolt were at hand to take
oft the frightened passengers.
At high tide the Sirlus floated without
assistance and although one bulkhead was
full of water, proceeded under Its own
steam to the repair dock.
Treasurer of Kanaae Saye He la
laable to Seenre Keceaaary
TOPEKA. Kan., July 21. State Treasurer
T. T. Kelly today refused formally the
demand of Governor Hoch to give a new
bond for $730,000, to cover that Impaired by
the failure of C. J. Devlin, who was one
of Kelly's principal bondsmen. Governor
Hoch had given Mr. Kelly until today to
act. The state exceutlve council met today
to consider the situation and Treasurer
Kelly appeared before the members and
explained his situation at length, taking th
position that the governor's demand was
excessive. Kelly In his statement Indl
cated that he waa unable to get the nec
essary bondsmen.
Governor Hoch announced this afternoon
that he would declare the office of state
treasurer, now held by J. J. Kelly, vacant.
because of Kelly's refusal to give a new
bond, his old bond having been Involved
In the recant failure of C. J. Devlin. Gov
eraor Hoch offered the position of state
treasurer to R. M. Allen, but the latter de
cllned. He then offered the position to
Charles W. Hull of Klrwin, who Is consld
erlng It.
Tweaty-Foar Additional Bills Re
turned Against Milwaukee
MILWAUKEE, July 21. - Twenty-four
true bills against fourteen Individuals were
this evening returned by the grand Jury
which has been Investigating alleged
"grafting." This was the third bunch of
Indictments handed down since the Jury
went Into session June 20, the grand total
thus far numbering L!9. Tonight's list con
tains seven new names, tbe most prominent
being Thomas Clancy, chief of the city fire
department, indicted on one count, the
charge being perjury.
Capiases were Issued tonight for the In
dicted persons.
Moveaaeata of Oeeaa Veaarla Jaly 21.
At New York Arrived: La Lorraine, from
Havre; Cretic. from Naples; Carpatlna,
from Liverpool; Campania, from Liverpool.
At Hamburg Arrived: Graf Waldersee,
irc.mtsew xora. .....
At Liverpool Arrived: Vltonla. from New
York; Svlvanla snd Cymric, from Bisii
At Glasgow Sailed: Parisian, for New
Al Naples Sailed: Perugia, for New
York. Arrived. Madonna, frum New York;
Sicilian prince, from New York.
At Genoa Arrived: lLalla, from New
York: Prlnseaa Irene, from New York.
At Queenalowii Arrived: Lucania. from
New Yoik. Sailed: Celtic, for New York.
At London Arrived; Pumeranean, from
Eoiler on Bennington Explodes la Harbor
of Ban Diego.
Sefentj-Sii Ken Are Injured, Many of
Whom Will Die.
They Were Probably Blown Oterboard and
Drowned In Bay.
Mannled Bodies of Dead and Wonnde4
Thrown from Ship as Cload
of Steana Poars from
BAN DIEGO. Cel.. July 21.-Broken ant,
blackened, with Its flag flying at half-mast.
Its hold filled with fifteen feet of water, the
U. 8. 8. Pennington lies beached on the
hores of San Tlego harbor. Thirty-nine of
Its crew lie dead at city morgues, the fate
of a dozen more is as yet undetermined and
hre score are stretched upon beds of
rain In various hospitals. This Is the result
of the explnRlon which wrecked the trim
little naval craft and wrought such ter
rible havoc among Its crew at 10:20 o'clock
this morning.
The following Is an official revised list of
the casualties. The total number known U
be dead so far Is thirty-nine:
F. fEIfS.
Mat of Injured.
The list of Injured, aa nearly aa can be
ascertained at 4:30 p. m., la as follows:
Wlrk Compton.
E. U. Brunson.
H. Hoffman, blacksmith.
r. Sullivan.
William Staub.
J. E. 7.ell.
A. Borg.
W. C. WIlBon.
Charles Miller, chief master-at-arms.
L. J. Gauthier. Pam-tucket R 1 fci
boatswain's mate.
Walter James Martin. NewiYork. mui.
at-arms, first class. I
C. W Brockman. Daa Molnaa Ta an.
Preston Carpenter, Arapahoe. Neb., ordl.
nary seamap.
H. C. Dean. Denver, electrician.
F. R. Connell, Odessa, Wash., coxswain,
J. C. Barehus, Omaha, Neb., seaman.
A. H. 8chorgge.
P. A. House.
C. Bchults, Cordelia, Cal.
E. B. Robinson. Oakland, Cal.
W. J. Wessell, New York.
F. C. Bchlvely.
Monr Btishnell. Beaifn-ftlte. Tev.. aimKnt-
tlce eean.uii.
L. K. Strobe!. Littleton. Colo.
H. J. Knlbloch.
Clark, Bremerton, Wash.
Ingersoll, Denver.
Joe Hllthler, Washington, D. OL
A. J. Worthen. Dayton, O.
W. V. Kennedy. Lyons, Neb.
H. F. Awders. Springfield. Mo.
Brown Talley. Flickwelller. Ind.. fireman.
second class.
8. Eekram, Emerson, Wash.
N. C. Chambers, seaman, rts-ht arm
W. A. Hawley, Nelson.
Takatoe, Toklo, a Japanese.
Tim Burke, Massachusetts.
L. A. Orles. Slyvanla, O.
Mac McKeen.
Smirh. Harrlsonville, Mo.
W. F. Weller. Cleveland, O.
O. H. Hallett, Bakersneld. Cal.
D. M. McCllntock, Pomona. Cat
L. B. Archer, Montrose, Colo.
A. Nelson.
Joseph Hllthler.
N. G. Chambers. ,
Claude Bushing.
D. C. Archer.
Eleven others are being cared for at prt.
vote houses and their names have not vel
been ascertained.
Gunbont Preparing; to Sail.
The Bennington at the time of the ao-
cldent was lying In the stream just of!
Commercial wharf, at the foot of H street.
The warship had received orders from
the Navy department at Washington to
sail this morning for Port Harford, where
It was to meet the monitor Wyoming and
convoy the vessel to Mare Island navy
yard. Steam was up and everything waa t
in readiness for sailing, when suddenly,
and without any warning whatever, th
starboard forward boiler exploded with a
deafening roar. The explosion waa ter
rific People standing on the shore saw
a huge cloud of white steam rise above the
Bennington. Columns of water were hurled
Into the air and for a dtstanoe of nearly
twice the height of the spara of the vessel.
it was Immediately apparent that an
awful disaster of some kind had happened
on board the warship. The ferryboat Ra
mona was coming across the bay at the
time of the accident. Captain Bertelsen
of the Ramona immediately gave orders to
change the course of the boat and. Instead
of continuing his trip to the San Diego
side of the bay, hurried to the aid Of the
stricken warship. The tug Santa Fe, wbtoa
was tied up at the Commercial wharf, the
launch McKlnley, the government, launch,
General de Russey, and a large number
of other launches and water craft which
were near the scene at the time alao rushed
.o the assistance of the Bennington and
endeavored to lend every assistance pos
sible. At the time of the accident Commander
Lucien Young and Surgeon A. E. Pec
were on shore. The two officers, aa sooa
as they learned of the disaster, hurried to
the water front, where Commander Young
Immediately took charge.
On board the Bennington were presented
terrible scenes. The force of the explosion
bad torn a great hole in the starboard side
of the ship and the vessel was already
commencing to list. A section of the upper
deck was carried away from stem to stern.
Blood and wreckage Was distributed over
the entire shin, the after cabin and the
vicinity of tr.e ship adjacent to the ex
ploded boiler resembling a enamel house.
A doxen or fifteen were blown overboard
by the force of the terrific shock. Captain
Wer.tworth, who was looking at the Ben
nington when the disaster occurred, aays
he saw human bodies hurled over 100 feet
upward. The air was black with, smoke
which enveloped the ship. When tt cleared
away only a few men could be seen on
.... . . ,, . ,,mV,
I ,"" " ' "
ing In the water. A boat was lowered from
vessel's side and most of them were picked
up tnd taken on board.
The bodies ct many of the men taken
fiom the wrecked Interior of the ship were
mutilated almost beyond recognition. The
fares of many were covered with blood and
Commander Young, as soon aa be reached.