ImL Till? OMAHA DAILY PEE. FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1905. 1 X krvs J 9$ ARGUMENT ON WINCH WILL CaseEafore Jndg ar li Now raving He. IuEai SAUNPEHS PAYS ATTLNTI0?TtO THOMAS Cull Jury's Attention to Fact that Mlsstna; Dorimtol Mas Lust Seen III Possession of At. torntf for Contestant. Tho Winch will case before Judge Bear Is Hearing the end. The attorneys on tulh sides are melting tlielr closing speeches. W. A. Saunders opened his argument to th Jury yesterday with a brief history of the will, commencing with Us execution, November 30, 1C91, when It wa witnessed by V. S. Hhocmuker and W. F. Wapplcli. The will was shown to some of the neigh bora and they were asked In regard to certain bequests. Mr. Saunders went on: "The next trace of the will It turns up In the po'esslon of H. A. Norman, who took It to the office of Mr. Wapplch, who imme diately recognised It as the will he wit nessed. The will was next taken to tho grand Jury room and left In the hands of Mr. Klni'-r K. Thomas a.nd the last seen of it waa on Mr. Thomas' desk In tho New York Life building But hero Is the peculiar and singular thing about this whole busi ness. Both Mr. Thoimis and Mr. Norman niado each a Qopy. Why should they do that? What need had they for a copy, a loin as the origlnul was hi their hands. 1 Xdn't they overdo It Just a little bit. Mrs. Btone saw and recognized the will as the one Mr. Winch had Mgried. She saw It In the grand Jury room. Mr. Thomas was deputy county attorney at the time, and now appears as attorney for the contestants nnd Is hero trying; to take udvantuge of the loss of the will, which he himself lost. ' Who Is . contesting the -will of S. F. Winch? The children are not here. In whose interest was the will lost, and who In tho beneficiary? The law requires a will to be filed within thirty dnys of the death of the testator. If Mr. Winch had died leaving little property, the will would not have been lost, and Mr. Winch would not have been charged with insanity, nor would there have been undue influence brought to hear. All these attorneys or contestants .ire after is the property of Sir. Winch. Thnj havegot to win before they ran get the money. Borne people n-lll do anything ' for money. The Hps of Mr. Winch are closed forever. He cannot come '.Wore you here and contradict any statements that may be made by his traduccrs. Thomas Should Clear Himself. ."It would seem to me that Mr. Thomas should clear his own skirts of the sus picious circumstances attending the lost will, before throwing mud Into the faces of others. You have all read the story of 'stop thief,' and you have all observed, I take it, it -has been so apparent, the nergy and persistence with which that cry has been kept up in this case, and by the party In whose possesion tho will was last seen and the party who Is to be the bene ticlary in case that will Is set aside. "Now, gentlemen, take this case and do JUKtly, and I trust you will not place a premium upon the destruction of evidence by rewarding the party In whose hands It was last seen, by giving them a verdict, becnuse wo cannot produce the evidence which was last seen In, their hands and which has vanished. Why did he make the copy?- Why tlld Norman mako the copy, und why do they npw claim It was lost? Drought to Wapplch's ofllce by Norman, next seen in the grand Jury room in the pomS'Ssion ajfj'IPhomaa,- thnn In Thomas' of fice and then disappeared, and now Thomas claims it never existed; then claims Winch was Insane and not competent to make a will, and then tries to prove that he made other wlUa later than the one In contro versy."" John C. Wharton's Address. John C. JrVharton, one of the attorneys for the contestecs, said briefly that the attorneyshad shown that other wills were made. "I think It will strike you as a fair proposition that if they honestly and sin cerely believed that C. L. Winch waa In capable of making a will in 1891. there would be no need of showing that other wills have been made." said Mr. Wharton, "I take it that it is not a ground of In sanity that a man makes more than one will. Then whv sro to that straight? If he J r was Insane when the first one was made It Is sufficient to prove that. I trust that J these gentlemen will not be able to prove "J (o you that he was Insane. They want, to befog your minds and draw you away from the real' issue. What next? When they get hold of the will they lose It. Yes, they lost It. A will -is supposed to be a sacred document. It la supposed, to be guarded with Jealous care. A will is a solemn decla ration of the man before he dies ns to how living?" Mr. Nolan You will admit that her opin ion would not be as good as yours on the will? Mr. Wharton I will admit that a poor washer-woman can tell the truth Just as well as the Immaculate Mr. Nolan, and per haps better. Of the two. if there should he a conflict, I would take the washer-woman's word. Nolan and Thomas had the will. Mr. Nolan There la no evidence that I ever suw the will. . "Very well, your partner had It," said Mr. Wharton, lie then read from a former petition filed In the district court by Thomas and Nolan setting forth that Mr. Winch was a vory bad character. This petition was Introduced by contestants. Starving-. When your body is starving robbed by indigestion Dr. King's New Life PUUs will relieve', and euro. . 26o. For sale by Sher man & McConnell prug Co. See Want Ads Produce lUwulta. LOCAL BREVITIES A plcnlo will be held Friday at Lake Manawa by the members of the church of St. Morlnb.. Beventevuth and Burl. The trip will be made In a special car of the street railway company. The moonlight picnic at Hanseom park given by the C'aatelUtr Street Prvabyterian Christian Endmvor socluty, laMt ulglit was a niol enjoyable affair. The arrange ments wsre In charge of Miss Kophle Umu, chairman of the social tomnutlue. Thursday morning In police court D, R, Auaun pluadud guilty to a charge of ex ceedlng the automobile speed, limit of twelve mllus per hour. He was fined $10 and cunts. Similar complaints have Ih-wii tiled In police court against J. J. Derlght, v. . onowaier una r . J. wnite. There la no aoohella alts, alum, unit or Ammonia In food made mitif Galiiiiic . Poudos f 0tu ntt nina rowDii Ttv$r 41 atakea uro toeva. OMAHA MEN AND THEIR HOBBIES t i v-. .-,, l. J STANHOPE FLEMING OUR LETTER BOX. Homnn gympathy for the posr. OMAHA, July 19.-To the Editor of The Bee: "I never had but one friend, nnd here he lies," said Lord Byron in his epitaph on the monument to his dead Newfoundland dog. ' On Sunday last as Klmer Dundy, Dr. E. W. and Frederick Thompson were sail ing In Mr. Thompson's yacht Nadla near Bandy Hook, a Russian hound was seen swimming for life. He called loudly for help and he got It. A boat was Immediately lowered and the poor dog was soon In the hands of Dr. Lee, fed, dried and petted, choosing Mr. Thompson for his master. A fine example of kindness to the best friend of man for all men and women to follow. It reminds me of another. It is now nearly fifty years, June, 1S55, I was acting surgeon in boats which conveyed troops of the Harney expedition to Fort Pierre, One day from the deck of one of the boats an animal waa seen on the shore. Glasses soon showed that It was a dog. The demand was universal among officers and soldiers, one of whom was General Tom Sweeney of Mexican' and civil war fame, and with the crew of the boat, for the rescue of the dog. He was soon on board, nearly starved, his nose scarred and bleed ing, and his eyes Inflamed from his struggle for life with brush and bramble, and as thin as a skeleton. Careful feeding and tender rare were his portion from that time. It was a fine Scotch terrier, which seemed to know how to speak his sense of grati tude In a dozen languages. The dog en listed in the army. I ask the attention of men, women and children In Omaha who know me, or who may not know me, to the lease - of 'fiese Incidents. Kindness of men an women to each other, and to animals whodo so much for civilization, always carries with It its own rich reward to those who practice It. GEORGE L. MILLER, President of the Humane Society. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Itemrdy. This is unquestionably thw most success ful medicine In use for bowel complaints, and It Is now the recognised standard over large part of the civilised world. A few doses of It will Invariably cure an ordi nary attack of diarrhoea. it has been used In nine epidemics of dysentery with perfect success. It can always be de pended upon, even In the more severe at tacks of cramp, colic and cholera morbus. It is equally successful for summer diar rhoea and cholera Infantum In children, and Is the means of saving the lives of many children each year. When reduced with water and sweetened It is pleasant to take, which is important when medicine is to be given to small children. Every man of a family should keep this remedy In his home. Buy It now. It may save Ufa. Special Service to Mnnnwn. Owing to the hot Weather the street rail way company announces that In order to accommodate all who wish to take advan tage of a cool ride and refreshing "dip" In Lake Manawa, a five-minute service has been put in effect between Omaha and the lake. This service begins 5:S0 every even Ing during the hot weather. Earlier In the day the usual teu-mlnute service remains in effect Omaha District Log Hollers. Special train to Plattamouth will leave via the Burlington at 8:30 a. m. August I for the tenth annual picnic of the Omaha District Log Rolling association. Modern Woodmen of America and Royal Neighbors of America. Tickets 76 cents round trip. J. B. Reynolds, City Ticket Agent, 15J Farnam Street, Omaha; Bank Voider. The Omaha National bank has recently Issued a very neat booklet setting forth the history of the bank for thirty-nine years. It will be found very Interesting to busi ness men and Omaha people In general. See last statement of the bank on edl torlal page. 4.. Marrlaae l.tcenars. The following marriage - licenses been issued: Name and Residence. O. Williams. South Omaha Alice Pardun. South Omaha Anthony Robinson. IVs Moines, Ia... Mary Relnke, Vt-a Moines, la Gorg Young, Hamilton, O lora Rogers, Cunuinlie, Tex ,'. John H. Benham. Omaha Catherine G. Melien, York, Ni-b have Age. tt-lL. wedding rings. COriolm. Jeweler. TOO U1K TO t LASKV. LOST. Oreek letter fraternity pin. shield Wit .dagger. Inscription phi Delta Theta: a. with opals with ruby points. Lost be tween the Ueorgla snd allot Ping distric SKiixtartury reward u. S. Willis, A t usi xai jtULim uiug. xoet eiu llx Touching the High Spots. ' AT THE PLAY HOUSES i. Ferris Stork Company nt the Boyd. "The Village Peacemaker." which was offered by the Ferris stock company at the Loyd last night, proved one of the best plays put on this season, and was thor oughly enjoyed by a very large audience, It Is very cleverly constructed along ra. tlonal lines, and tells a powerful story In an Intensely dramatic way; all this In 'quiet, even tenor. In which the turbulent current of deeply sllrred human passion Is dominated by the quiet diplomacy of warm-hearted priest, whose (fund of rich wit is as unfailing us his supply of common sense and deep sympathy with those about him. The characters are all human, well drawn and most forcibly presented. Put together with skill and taste, "The Village Peacemaker" scored a distinct hit. Mr. Blaylock as the Rev. John Sullivan gave a fine characterization of a man whose religion has not destroyed his In, terest In the world .about him, and who 1 in fact as In name a father to the flock Mr. Barbour Is more natural In the role of the old doctor thnn In anything he has undertaken this summer, and Mr. Todd shows to splendid advantage as the trusting brother. Mr. McKee has an excellent comedy role and does It well. Mr. Bostwlck Is fair as the brother with the ambition and Mr. Ileebe Is good as the lover. Miss Church enacts the role of the maiden' who suffers with good faste and Judgment. Miss Pavey Is Been In n ew character, that of a girl with a temper und a disposition to get even with somebody when that temper la aroused. This Is somewhat of a departure, for she Is most often seen as the gentle, clinging heroine, or the weepy creature who has been turned down. She does the part of a girl with a bit of fire In her nature very well, and while she might not have aroused the usual vein of sympathy she did achieve an endorsement for her ability as an actress. "The Village Peace maker" remains the rest of the week. t'aeful nnd Beantlfnl. The t'nlon Paclllo railroad has Just ls-i sued an Illustrated booklet on the Lewis and Clark centennial, which Is a complete guide to Portland, 'the exposition and the Pacific northwest generally. It Is eminently a pocket manual for visi tors to the centennial. It contains a map of the" United States; large blrds-eye-view map, In several colors, of the exposition grounds, with directory; colored map of Portland, beautiful half-tone illustrations of the exposition buildings, and much gen eral Information concerning hotel rates. street car lines and other things which strangers to Portland will want to know about. It tells you of the shortest way to reach the exposition city, what is to be seen en route and qf the return trip through Call fornia. Thpse who Intend to visit the great west ern fair will find In this publication a rare fund of Information, feetit free on request. Address or call at City Ticket Office, 1324 Faruam street. 'Phone 818. Exchange Court Unlldlng, New York City. The Gibson Soap Co.. Omaha, Neb. Gen tlemen: After having used your Gibson's Soip Polish on the floors, walls, etc., of this building for the past five years, have no hesitancy In saying I consider It to be the most effective cleaner on the market the absence of all greasy matter being a very commendable feature. Hence, I heart ily recommend Gibson's Soap Polish. Yours respectfully, 11. W. NEWMAN, Janitor. There la no article made that can be used as a substitute for Gibson's 8oap Polish. All the cleaners known to mod ern chemistry, like soap, borax, lye, am monia, soda, etc., are required to do tha work of this one article. It will clean anything In your house and without dam aging It. One pound sifting cans at vour grocers for 10 cents. Grand Anniversary Picnic. Royal Achates At Valley Tark, Ia., SATURDAY. JULY 22. 19.. Special train from Union station, 9:30 A. M . Via THE NORTHWESTERN LINE. Free Dinner at Noon. Base Ball Game Dancing Amusements. $1-00 Round Trip $1 00 13 The Una tlaatlral." Lehigh Valley rallroau. Delightful root to New York, Philadelphia and Atlantis coast rvaorts. Five through trains dally. Dining cars, a la carta. Connects at Buf falo and Niagara Falls with all trains Iron the west. For time tables and descriptive matter address George Eade, Jr., Western Passen ger Agent, m South. Clark fit.. Chicago. lit Harry B. Davis, undertaker. Tel. lrt AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Eon of Bangs Cattls. is Uot Looked for Befors Middle of August. GRASS IS LONG AND CATTLE DOING WELL j Stork Yards Officials and Others Talk of the Oatlook for a rieatlfal Supply- of Grass Stuff heat the Hash Begins. Range cattle will most likely be a little later than usual this year. Is the report going about at the stock yards. While al most every day some cattle from the ranges arrive, ttrta receipts are hardly large enough to make a market. C. L. Talbot, chief of the brand Inspectors at the yards herC. tates that his advices are that there Is an abundance of good feed on the ranges and that the herds are doing remarkably well. As long as the cattle do well on the ranges and continue to thrive, ship ments will not be heavy. One inspector said yesterday that It might be as late rs August IB before heavy shipments from the ranges started. The stockmen are pros perous and are not In .need of money, so the report goes, and therefore they will hold their herds back Until the rattle take on an abundance of fat and the market price shows some signs of strength. Hundreds of cattle from Texas have been shipped north this year. to fatten on the ranges an while some of these will reach market this year, the bulk will be held over. But without these southern cattla coming this year, live stodt dealers assert. the yards will soon be full of rangers and that when they arrive the larger portion will be In fine condition. Last winter's losses were light as compared with former years and ranchmen had plenty of hay to feed, so that when the herds were turned on the rnngeg n the' spring very few steers showed signs' of weakness. September and October are looked for as the months for big receipts of range cattlu this year, although the movement Is ex pected to start the middle of next month. With the receipts expected, the present deficit In cattle receipts at the yardB here will most likely be wiped out. Twenty-Three Tlogs deeded. G..R. McGlll, the city poundmaster, says he needa twenty-three dogs yet, before the dog fund Is exhausted. A few dogs are be ing picked up every morning and evening, and as soon as the dog license fund is used up he will stop picking tip canines. He figures that even at the latest date, he will stop traffic In dogs on August 1. There has been less trouble this year about dogs thun for years past. More tags were pur chased and In many cases those who did not care to purchase ' tags telephoned the pound to come and get a dog or two. Even after the dog catching season !s over, the pound will remain In working or der and stray live stock will be picked up and Impounded until the close of the sea son. Over I'XiO was taken In this summer for redeeming animals. -Dogs not redeemed after being held four days nt the pound are drowned and the hides sold to an Omaha purchaser of animal skins. Telephone Conduit Ordinance. Tuesday afternoon City Engineer Real prepared notations for' an ordinance to be drafted by the city attorney giving tho Nebraska Telephone company the right to open certain streets and alleys for con duits. While by ordinance passed some time ago the company, Iq compelled to lay conduits In downtown districts, no ordi nance has been presented yet giving the company the right to,n. streets, for. this purpose. City Attorney Lambert will have this ordinance ready tox the council by next Monday night and, after lis passage and signature by the- mayor, the telephone company will be at liberty to commence work at any time. It seems to be the de sire of the officers of the telephone com pany to start work 8(ie time this month If the ordinance Is passed. Conduits will start at F street on the-north and will run as far south as Q street and take In the territory from Twenty-third to Twen ty-slxth streets. Plans are being drawn for the telephone company's new building to be erected at the southeast corner of Tw?nty-fourth and K st ts, but work on this building will not 1v- started until the conduit system Is well under way. Business Still Dull. While South Omnha merchants report business very dull, the local banks con tinue to show an Increase In deposits. This increase comes from the live stock busl ness. Another source of the Increase Is from the country banks. Reports show that the banks all over the state of Ne braska have plenty of money and farmers are sending their money to city banks, taking time deposit receipts. A well-to-do farmer from out In the state said yester day that nearly every farmer had money and that the conditions showed prosperity on every hand. Instead of being borrowers now the farmers have money to loan at In terest. Children Arrested for steallntr. Mike Bccksll, Thirty-seventh and H streets, reported to the police that boys In the neighborhood had entered his home and stolen three watches md $30 In money. Captain Shields Investigated and he found that two youngsters, one 6 and the other 8 years of age, bad wandered Into the Bcck sll house and had carried away a silver watch and a sack of tobacco. The boys were given a lecture by Captain Shields and turned over to their parents. The silver watch was returned to, the owner. Many After Concessions. A great many men and some women are applying to the Workmen Carnival club'a chairman for concessions for the carnival to be held here In a couple of weeks. Jim Hall Is looking afUar the concessions and has been obliged to turn down a large number - who are looking for concessions which the club will not grant. Even with the number of applications refused there will be a goodly number of concessions granted and the carnival promises to be the feature of the year In the amusement line in South Omaha. Repairing; Ruierxenry Hospital. While tha mud Is too deep for teams to reach the city emergency hospital near the river bank, repairs are being made. When the river reached Its high water mark the hospital floor waa between two and three feet under water. The silt has been removed and the exterior and the Interior of the building la being painted. It will soon be ready for patients. At one time there was some apprehension regarding the security of the foundations of the hospital but the waters subsided so slowly that the building Is aa good aa ever except for the general cleaning needed. Mailt City Gosalp. Mr. and Mra. W. L. Parsley. Twentv-Mrat ana in atrt-eia, report the birlu of a son. H. A. Cudahy has gone to his summer home at Mackinac Island to spend a week or i wo. The Union Stock Yards coniDany Is lav Ing a nw foot path at the east end uf the W street viaduct. Judge Levy makes the announcement that his daughter Anna Is to be married on September M to A. H. Blank of Jjes Moines. M. R Murphy, general manager of the Luoany i-acKing company, spent Thursday In Kansas City. He Is expected home today. E. U Lackey, the switchman who was Injured by falling from a box car In the ards yesterday, was reported somewhat uiiyruvni laai mgni. Contract for UrmellnaT Tools. Stroud A tv. Jiave been awarded tha con tract lor K.i" worth of grading tools to b ueed by trie Trl-Siate LanJ cumiuuiy Irj us m irrigation prwjw.- lu western- hraska and eastern Wyoming. The com- r.ny Is working on a ditch whlrh will irlng about 2.V(1 acres of land under cul tivation. It Is under a water right secured before the present government system of Irrigation was Inaugurated. DYBALL LOSES HIS TROPHY Win Hnndsnme Knit Case as Most Popalar F.aale Only to See It Rained. Councilman Pyball was voted the most popular man at the Eagle picnic Wednes day night. This, too. after the whole flock of Eagles had canvassed the situation until nearly 9 o'clock. It was a handsome trib ute and the councilman's friends felt al most ns good over It ns the friends of the smallest girl when she ran away with a very swell handbag In the girls' race., The prize for the most popular man on the grounds was a suit case which looked dis tinguished enough to have been made for some proud nabob, or even fora railroad porter on a "fat" run. When It was pre sented to Mr. Dybail he said, "Come on, boys." with an ale that meant much busi ness for tho smiling persons who were dish ing out the lemonade and other aids to Interior coolness. It required some time for all tjie thirsty descendants of the fighting races properly to saturate their dry plumage. When the score was settled and the debonulr and elated councilman was walking proudly away with his trophy a big rough man de liberately punched a hole in the suit case with the tip of an umbrella. Dyhall turned to annihilate the careless person and then another strong arm sent a cane plumb Into the gleaming middle of the suit case. Then the crowd cut loose and with all sorts of sharp and pointed Imple ments proceeded to make the suit caso look like a dead colored man who had been holding an Impromptu reception In a southern Jail. A careful estimate of the cost of the ele gant looking traveling bag Indicated that It must have coat at least 27 cents when new and whole. Councilman Dybail afterward said with fine scorn that ho had not Intended going on a vacation anyway. SLEEPY HEWITT WANTS OUT Somnolent Fisherman Pleads for Freedom from John Power's County Hotel. "Sleepy" Hewitt haa woke up. He wants to break out of the county bastlle, to which retreat he was committed some time ago by County Judge Vtnsonhaler In default of payment of a fine of J150 for Illegal fishing In. Cut Off lake. He has started his friends to work to ascertain If some method cannot be found for rcloaslng him before the sum mer season Is altogether gone. "Sleepy" Insists he has rendered the county good service as tier boss in the Jail; that he has enjoyed all the somnolent sur cease he desires for a long time to come; and lastly, that his fine of 150 will take twice the time to work out that would be required if he had been sentenced by the district court. Sent to John Power's boarding house by an Inferior court, he ia n:?uwed only Jl per day for his enforced labor and circum scribed loitering. Men exercising with a knife and a fork alongside of him are al lowed $2 per day on their fines. "This," says Mr. Hewitt and his frlendd, 'Is discouraging." They maintain that "Sleepy" can eat as much as any other man In the Jail, whether he comes from the district or the county court. T'.ls being so, they Insist that he should drnw the same allowance. Pressure Is being brought to bear on the county Judge, but he says he cannot see his way clear to de anything for "Sleepy" un less tho county attorney moves In the mat ter. Judge Slabaugh Is an upholder of the fish and game laws, and Just now It looks aa If one shining light of the Cut Off lake district would not have much chance this summer to practice the gentle art at all JAMES IS N0WJN ETERNITY Favorite Bon of Salisbury, Missouri, Dies Aboard Train, Com. in- to Omaha. Jimmy Is dead. He passed from this vale of tears while riding In a baggage ear from Salisbury, Mo., to Mlnden, Neb. Jimmy passed In his trading stamps near Omaha during the early hours of Thursday morn ing and Is now chasing mice on that far away shore from which no kitten ever re turns. Jimmy was a Maltese kitten owned by Miss Jennie Clearman of Salisbury. Mo. He Is survived by a brother and sister and was burled In the Missouri river. Miss Clearman was traveling from Salisbury to Mlnden, having with her In the baggage car three kittens and a dog, which animals she was taking to a sick nephew at tho latter town. When she called at the bag gage car at the Union station Thursday morning for the pets, Jimmy lay prostrate on the floor. Heat prostration, the doctor said, had caused Jimmy s untimely death. When the news of Jimmy's death spread throughout the Union station and Into th lunch room everyone subdued his conversa tion to whispered tones. Miss Clearman was visibly affected, so much so that sev eral reporters were loath to question her on Jimmy's sudden departure. She gath ered up the two surviving kittens and tho dog and proceeded to the Kurllngton station for her train to Mlnden. One of the yard men took Jimmy's body and tossed it Into the Missouri river and that was the last of Jimmy. Jimmy Is dead. FIRST DEATH FROM THE HEAT Mrs. F.llsabeta A. Hay Dies from Exposure to th Sun Wednesday. Now that the temperature In Omaha has come down to a summer resort figure a report of a death from heat prostration comes In. It Is the first of the season. Mrs. Ellrabeth A. Hay, 3015 North Twen ty-seventh street, died Wednesday evening from this cause. Mrs. Hay, who lived with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Waulllng, had been a seml-lnvalld since the birth of A child about two and one-half years ago. The other women of the household did the work, but on Wednesday Mrs. Hay took upon herself the task of leading a cow to and from a field, some distance from the house. In order to water the animal. She did this under the hot sun, but no Imme diate effects were noticed. A few hours later she collapsed suddenly and within ten minutes, or before Dr. C W. Pollard, who was summoned, could arrive, died. As nearly as the doctor could tell the woman died froiu heat prostration. She waa 33 yeara old and the whereabouts of her hus band Is not known. The body waa taken to Lgan, 8. D., for burial. Ipeelsl Sunday Bates 'to Grtst Wast er Park, Mannlns;. Iowa. Only one fare for tns round trip. Tickets on sale every Sunday to and Including Sunday, September 17. For furthet infor mation apply -to 8. D. Parkburst. gausral agent, UU Farnam street, Omaha, Neb. Wabash Railroad company has r1u--d efts way rates from Omaha and Chi' a,to to many eastern points. For all Info inuttoa call at Wabash city office, l'Jul Fainain street or address Harry E. Moore, i. A. P. D. Wsbsali K. R., Omaha, Neb. ; SPECIAL FOR FRIDAY Sale Women's Fine Hosiery. Special clearing sale f all odds and ends of women's high grade I1090. This will bo a special feature in our Ladies' Furnishings Dept., today as prices have been radically reduced. Note how we've cut the prices: 35c snd 45c Women's Hose cut to 19c 50c and 75c Women's Hose cut to. 29c $1.00 Women's Hose cut to 48c Other Great Reductions in Prices in Our Women's Furnishings Dept. Women's fine Muslin Gowns, Covers and Drawers that sold all Beaeon for $2, $1.50, and at tbese prices they were 20 less than others sold them for. For today we've cut the prices for quick clearing, choice MPJUt itwmMii' m'"'mmn tl II il ms-Mia-'-i-ni-awasr ANOTHER HANDY CHECK MAN Stranger with Accomplishments a Finan cier Strings a Few Victims. PASSES OUT BOGUS PAPER FOR RIG Mveryman and Others Tnrn In Their Sernritles t the Hanks, Where They Are tiot at Preinlnni. Henry Homan. liveryman of South Thir teenth street, Is out 112 good money and has to show for It a dubious check for $14 which his bank marks "no good." It happened this way: Friday last a rather neat appearing stranger hired a rig at the barn and payed for It In good coin of the realm, and In order to con vince Mr. Homan that he was all right showed him some other money and a check for $14 payable to "Mr. Wyndham" and signed by J. B. House. As Mr. Homan knew Mr. House and as the fellow seemed to have other good money, he let him have the rig. The fellcw came again Saturday morning and engaged the rig for another short drive, but kept it considerably over time, and when he returned Mr. Homan added an extra 2 to the bill. Mr. Wynd ham did not have the ready cash at tho moment and offered Mr. Homan the $14 check, out of which he could take the $2, paying him the balance of $12. The proposition was accepted and Mr. Wyndhamvwas given the $12 In good coin for the check, which he endorsed with the fulsome cognomen of Basil Fredk. Wynd ham and went on his way rejoicing. Matters seemed prospering until early this week, when Mr. Homan received the check back from his bank with the noti fication, that It was "no good." The only consolation Mr. Homan has In tho premises is that tho versatile Colonel Wyndham has planted severul more checks for like amounts about town that have come to woe in the banks. Over 1,000,(100 acres of land in the Uintah Indian reservation In eastern Utah will 1m opened for settlement August 23. Regis tration for homestead entries will com mence August 1 at Orand Junction, Colo., and at Vernal, Price and Provo, Utah, and continue until 6:00 p. m., August 12. The drawing for these lands will be held at Provo, Utah, August 17; making the entries will begin at Vernal August 24. The short est route to Orand Junction and other points of registration from Denver and all points east Is via the Colorado Midland railway, this line being seventy-two miles shorter than any other. For parties de siring to outfit to enter this reservation. Grand Junction Is the best point from which to make start. For Information as to train service, rates, etc., write or ap ply to F. L. Feaklns. T. F. and P. A.. C. M. Ky., Room 608, First National Rank build ing, Omaha, Neb., or C. H. Speers, General Passenger Agent, Denver, Colo. A Gordon I A Gordon! Clan Gordon's seventeenth annual picnic and Caledonian games will be held at Iilalr, Neb., Monday, September 4 Labor day. Tickets for round trip and admission to grounds $1. Special picnic train from Webster street depot 9 a. m. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths have been reported to the Board of Health dur- -WHY BAKE BREAD In This Baking Hot Weather? You save nothing liy )t, 1ks11s you are "tossing" around In your hot kitchen ys hen you ought to 1- sitting in the Hlmdo trying to kn-p cool, pays for a iuk of flour, but do.- not jmy for the gHg you must burn. $l..r0 will pay for a loaf of KNOW FI.AKK HKKAIl, deli verrd by your grocor, fiebh every morning for thirty days. No baking. No gus lo burn. No worry, lt'l all ready to serve. SHOW FLAKE OREAD IS ALWAYS GOOD It's equal to the best homemade bread, and gome house wives like It even better than their own. Made from the best patent flour with an ample amount of milk and pure lard, you will always And it rich and appetizing. Next time you order from your grocer, ask him to semi you loaf of SNOW KLAKIO IMtKAD uud be sure It Is Know Fluke. It Is 5 cents a loaf. Over four hundred grocers sell it. T . . AanWi tfSMOV. FLAKiyj '"T. :'"' "i 5r "'" mt "l" tor ti-i tion ud 'vJLz !"'' visitors are alwuyg mado t a" welcome. !. fvr tlu JUd LixhtX. U. P. STEAM BAKINO CO. lug the twenty-four hours ending at noon Tlmrsh.iy: Hirths Kben Wallen, 1W4 North Twenty seventh. Iiov; Martin Jensen, 2i'S Nortil Forty-second, girl; Hurt McClnnahan, 271i North Twenty, fifth, loy; Kverett Hen dricks, M'.'2 Pierce, gill; Osrsr liavlriaon, i.'lrt Charles, girl; William Hrnest. Johnson, W-D Pinker, girl: Peter l.uckalnger, 144 North Twent v-second, hoy- Joseph Miilthes, 4I1S Hrown, girl; Alva M. Peyton, 43? Uur-di-tte. Iiov. Peaths EIItrIx th Palley, T2 North F.lght eenth. : F.liTal'tu A. Hay, SOU North Twenty-seventh, 33. COUPI-E HAS STRENUOUS TIME Man and Woman' l uchanae Plows nnd Latter Chases Former for Several HlocUa. Abe Altschuler wn's arrested Thursday afternoon by Oillcer Good on the chatge of dtnturbing the peace In the P-on Ton res taurant nt Thirteenth and Douglas streets. Tho man Is charged ' with sti lling Miss C. E. Fowler, a Waitress nt the restaurant, after some word had passed over tho difference between the 15 and 2."i cent meals served nt the place. Altschuler claims tho woman slapped him on the faco first, and the woman does not deny that allegation, saying e man called her several vllo names. Miss Fowler chased Altschuler and a companion for nearly a block out of tho restaurant, causing considerable ex citement on the streets. The woman landed on Altnchulcr several times with her hand and a towel she carried. Altschuler struck the woman once, she claims. MAN WHO RECALLS PIE ACT Prisoner Here Whose flope Was Eaten by Sniusnn linn Ilald win I.ongr Ago. Bert Nicholson, nllas Fred Purt, haa been arrested at the Union station by Detectlvo Donohue nnd Is charged nt the city Jail with being a suspicious character. Nichol son Is said to bo an expert contldenco man, his specialty being to work tho United States marshal and fake policeman racket. Ho will have a hearing in police court Friday morning. Detectives say Nicholson has an fimnha record, but has been away for five years. The last time he was arrested here. It Is said, he figured In an amusing Incident at the city Jail. Nicholson's wlfo sent him somo hot r-'e to the Jail, where some wag doped the pin with cocaine. In some man ner OHIcer Dan Baldwin got the pie and ate It, cocaine and all. Since then Ituldwlu has side-stepped every pie he has met In the pathway of life. VISITORS COME TO THE DEN Two Hundred Missouri Valley People Expected Down for Monday Ma lit 'a Torture. Monday will he Missouri Valley day at the Ak-Sar-Ilen den, ond the Northwestern will run a special train after the exer cises are over. The excursion tickets "will be good all day on any of the trains coming to Omaha, and on the returning train a special car has been prepared by George West where nil who are injured In the Initiation of the Ak-tiar-Reo will b cared for. The excursion tickets will entitle those coming down during the day to admlshlon to Krug park and Lake Manawa Two hundred Missouri Valley people are expected. The men will attend the torture at the den and the women and children the parks. , This label Is on every oaf and Is a guarantee niuney. skill and cleanll- '