! THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1903. 10 ifol a rs si! m to. 0 ODDS AUD ENDS FROM THE MOST SUCCESSFUL CLEARING SALE EVER HELD AT BRAIiDEIS We are clearing away our summer stork more rapidly aud more thoroughly than ever twfore. Purlnjr the pant week the nrcumulntlon of rcniunnta hug b'pn rnormou-Wp must clear them away Krtrtny. Remnants and Odd Lots of Fine Laces Barpain tables filled with new lots of hiph class wash and trim- nd h:inda white, ecru and ---- - r r ' linen shades all widths Vals, Clunrs, Point de Talis, Torchons, etc. worth up to 20c yard, at REMNANTS OF EMBROIDERIES All tho medium and nar row widths of embroideries and insertings new patterns odd lots from the great clear ing Bale, at, yard All the match seta of embroideries and wider embroideries and insertings hundreds of dainty mtterna and ehowv designs Li ---- ' 4 All tho 2?-lnch wide Embroidery Flouncing; and all JO. J Q ths Fancy All Over Embroideries, at, yard ntJ ttUU 3J Js wnite, ecru ana 2c-5c-72C ,he medium and nar nam niittnrns-a 2c, 5c and 7V2C id wider embroideries 12ic-19c-39c Attend the Big Sale On account of the hot weather It ffmi to ho dull In moot stores around town; It la not that way at the GCARANTER CI.OTHINO CO.'S nl. Hare you find a crowd of people picking up the great bar gains quick and faet. Right now In be tween sranong people do not care to pay great. hlK, fancy prices; here you (ret flrst claa.o, up-to-date merchandise at lees than luilf of their actual value. We Just quota at random a few prices : Boys' overalls, 15c; men's outing suits. W W; good handker chiefs, 3c; black aateen shirts, 25c; seasona ble thin underwear, 15c; men's fancy chev iot suits. J3.8E; men's overalls, 25c; men's half hose, t pair for 10c; boys' strong hose. Pc; silk bow ties. Se; men's string ties, 9c; boys' knee pants. l.V; strong suspenders, 9c: better ones, 12c, etc. All on sale on the second floor. Oh our main floor we are slaughtering the fine furnishing goods stock of the Lincoln Shirt Co. of Chicago. Here swell dressers can find Just exactly what they require for dressing up at just about half of the prices asked for the Identical goods In other stores. GUARANTEE CLOTHING CO. 1519-1521 Douglas St. Exceptional Btvrl&iivs in the Basement. Remnants of Wash Goods Thousands of yards of fine Foreign Wash Goods, Including French Lawns, Fine Dimities, IliKb. Grade llatiste, etc., light and dark grounds, printed, with small figures and stripes and dots, large floral designs, etc. They have sold for l'5o a yard. Here Friday, for, yard 6c Fine sheer quality of white India I.luou in largo remnants, a regular I 15c grade, for, a yard U2C Flaln silk mulls, good assortment of colors, long as thoy last, C for, per yard JC 40-lnch wide Persian lawn, splendid for summer dresses, a 23c qual- 1 A lty, for, a yard IlC "From S to 10 a. m. - All Small Lota of Lawns, Dimi ties, 5ultlngs, Batistes values up to Alteon cents a yard fl ' for, a yard 2C 10,H) yards light percale with small de signs neatly printed, 1 yard C wide and big bargain, for yd.. .. JC Full standard fancy dress prints, red grounds, printed in dark n styles, for. yard sWC Seersucker ginghams, all size stripes, sells in full pieces for 12MiC 1 n a yard, on bargain square, yd.. . U2v From 2 to 4 p. m. Amwakeac Apron ainghata all size checks, good quality dress ginghams, these are in full Xl dress lengths, worth 15o yd REMNANTS IN LINEN DEPARTMENT Sample pieces of Turkish Towels, some almost whole towels, worth 10c each, at lie Remnants of Ta ble Damask, all kinds at half price Remnants of fine towel ing 2 to 21-2 yards long, will go at, a J 1 piece ... . 2C Fl ! fliiAm Clearing ' All Remnants of Seasonable Dress V1CW WUUUS Qooda-thataoldupto$2ayapd ft at. -lengths 8, Bto8 yards-rmust b sold at once- in Lf i Panamas, Serges, Voiles, Eoltonnes, etc.. it, per yard. French Organdies at 5c Yard ARC AD K. Mill lengths In assorted ends, enough for dresses. Wash Goods &.( 10c a Yard A RCA CI K. , Odds and ends that sold up to 48c a yard. Hamnanfe Vl CMlV. Silk Crepe., Panamas and suit svwtiiiiuiua ui ll.u vl.n ing, silks In iengtha from one-fourth yard to a yard long, bright, pretty col- C rt 1C TCn ora, for, per pieoe 7C"llJC"i JC JC BLACK SILK RET1N ANTS Guaranteed black taffeta, yard wide black peau de sole, Jap silks, crepe de chine, from 1 to 7 yards, at half manufacturer's price. PLAIN AND FANCY SILK TWILL AND SATIN FOULARDS Shirt 1 T waist silks, etc., at, yard i-JC ASWEEPINO CLEARING SALE OF SHIRT WAIST SILKS - Taffetas, Dres den and Pompadour silks, wash silks aod pongees, 3J( Big 5al of .fnRI ntB l?F-if-! Saturday Pattern Hats ?VW . JUfcU! Sala of P.. y LniS rAil JHLe' CKUJ tern Hats Saturday HILL CANNOT RUIN OMAHA Buco ia Bticknej'i Visw of Cut-Off Itading Gate Citj. PARTY RETURNS FROM PACIFIC COAST G. W. Wsttlta Will B AetlT Offlevr ta New Cmlldatd Bwak 4 Wsrk fwr lta President A. B. Stickney of the Chicago Great Western railway spent the day In Omaha, lunching at the Omaha club and taking aa automobile ride about the city with Gerrit Fort, assistant general passen ger agent of the Union Paclnc, la the afternoon. Mr. Stickney was , accompanied by hts , wife, hts daughter, Mrs. H. Sneve of St. raul. and her husbanO. Vr. Sneve. and Mr. ami Mr. O. W. Wattles. Thoy returned, from a trip, lasting a month, along the Pa cific coaat and at the Lewis and Clark ex position. "I have nothing of special interest to give out that would Interest Omahans." aal4 President Stickney. 'The grain mar ket aeoms to bo thoroughly established and a suoceaa; tho Great Western has no com plaint to offer on tfc business It la doing la this territory, and I think the lndepea dent elevator will be ready to do busiuess ta a short time. There are no new plans for Industries or establishments connected with the railway ready for announcement at this time." Questioned regarding the probable effects of the proposed Ashland cutoff to be built by the Great Northern, which threatens to go around Omaha, he said: Caaaot Hart Uatki war. "This seetns to be an assured fact, but I do not think it la within the power of any one railioad to do great dauiage to Omaha. Omaha is too Important, too big and too rich. Millions of dollars have been spent on beit lines arouad Chicago, planned so as .to Wave Chicago out In the cold, and yet I d sot thin that there has been aa appre ciable effect ea Chicago. I apply the same conditions to Omaha and I see do cause for a ppi-ehenalon. Mr Wattles said: "1 ce.me back a little early so I would be In lime for the bank cousoiidation and to take my place Satur day moral a g aa an active officer In the capacity of vice president with the new Cnlted- States National bank. I shall de vote my best effort to building up this Institution." Presaivat Stickney and Mr. Wattles say the Portland exposition is a success. The vuutor wi'l leave for St. Paul tonight. Dalley died Tuesday mornlnar aftw n ferlng Illness. The pallbearers were: C Sanders. K. A. Fitzgerald. Harm,. I worth, William Wood. T. D. Hughes and Jemes Allan. DIAMONDS In the natural or rough state resemble smooth pebbles. To obtnln the finished firoduct It Is necessary first to cleave t, then grind the fttrets and finally polish them. To obtain an American cut one carat stone requires one that will weigh In the rough fully 2V4 carats. Only 15 per cent of the rough diamonds found will make a finished stone weighing one carat or over. We have them In all sixes to S-carat at prices, so reasonable that we will give you ulne-tenths of amount paid at any time within one year from date of purchase. .ax c uaas"r icttto rnrNr.p II Makes the little sapper complete. Order a case. JETTER BREWING CO. etb Omaha. - 'Phoae S. Omaha Headquarters HUGO r. BIL.Z. 14th Douglas. Tel. 1641. Co. Bluffs Headquarters LIE MITCHELL. 1011 Main Street, Tel. 80. JUST ONE OFJTHOSE SCOOPS Story ef Grain Eiehaagt Morlig All Right Except It CoataJaa No Trattu Members of the Omaha Grain exchange said Thursday there is no probability of the exchange leaving Its present quarters. This was relative to a story printed Wed nesday In one oC the local papers to the effect that the owners of the United States National Bank building would offer the present bank quarters to the grain ex change when the bank has moved out The general sentiment Is that the exchange Is now most conveniently located, being la the midst of the commission houses In the Board of Trade building and only block distant from the offices of the grain and """-LW companies in the Bee building Secretary Merchant said he had received no communication whatever from the bank ywpie on u subject WEBB FINDS A COUNTERFEIT Discovers Oae-De.Il., SUr Cextla. ! Raised Jast T Ttsaea Its V.l. Captain John Webb of the r-i,. ,.. secret service recovered a silver certlflcate raised from U to o Wednesday that bad been passed on one of the big local de partment stoics. The raising of the cer tificate is an excellent piece of pen work, the figure -- having been carefully erased with chemicals and the figure and back of the bill. The bill 1 j, original certlflcate with the eagle on the front. There la no eagle on the genuine tlt or sliver certificates. The raised bill Is a re markably well executed piece of work and It Is the impression of the secret service department that there may be others In circulation in the ctry and merchants are caudoned to be on the lookout for them. BELLIS UP ON SAME"CHARGE Ace. ail ted ( Alleged lUeval Vet tag Aoeaeed Agatei by tiMkrr Pwrty. Thomas W. Haxen iias tiled a complaint In county court against 1L J. Bellls for Illegal voting. It Is aileged that Bellls voted at aa election in School Dls trict No. when he hud bo right to do so. The defendant In this case now has a JJB.mi damage suit pending m the district court against socio parties in Benson who, at tho school el-H.-Uoa in. question, had him i"r uiegai votiug and perjury. He was acquitted of the, charge ln justice Co urt. Mrs. UaUley Laid at Heat. The funeral of the late Mrs. Elisabeth rHiiley was held Thursday afternoon from tae family rvsilenc. TV'S North kienteeoth street, Kev. Charles W. INtvidge omcmtirig. guriai a as at surest Lao ceuietery. Mia. A W osicee. Ererbody who has tried Buckiens Ar nica Salve, for cuts, burns and wounds, says It s a wonder. Jbc; guarantsod. F sal by Snerwaa alcCsonaU Crag; Ce POPULAR EXCURSION TO DES MOINES SUNDAY JULY 23, 1905, VIA may' V $050 ROUND TRIP Special train will leave Omaha Union Depot 7:15 a. m. ; Council Bluff Cltj city depot 7:35 a. m. Returning, leave Des Moinea 7:15 p. m. No Intermediate stops for passenger. F. P. Rutherford, D. P. A. 1323 Farium Street CORK THE PORES of tour siun with DERM ALINE 8KIN SOAP Cleansing, antisepiiu and Bon-lrrltatlng. Beat for baby s bath. iio. Sold by Hawaii Cm: Ca., 1 6ta and Capital kit. SCHOOLS AD COLLXSES. WENTW0RTH WILITAtV MASetMV Oksstt w4 Ure is madia Wesk o) leMM H I w OMAHt WKATIIFIl FOTtKCtST FrMay Tolr. jo. likfcliN TRAOirSU STAMPBOOIH II ON MAIN FLOOR M 0 11 tl 0 minery li V I 11! 4Sc Rcady-to-wenr Duck Hats in the season's best ideas, sweet and cool even in a look Friday. . . . Trimmed DuckSoilorsvery desirable for Btreet .138, 1.49, 98c Millinery 2nd floor Mrs. Sinclair in charge. Dry Goods Section LADIES' LINEN CANVAS SUITS White, green and blue half-fitting coat, trimmed collar aud cuffs, Z Q tZ full flare skirt, marked down from $5.50 to ee J LADIES' TAILOR - MADE LINEN SUITS White, cham pagne, reseda green, cadet blue, light green, Q QO marked down from f 12.50, f U.50, f 15, f 16.50 to. . U SILK PETTICOATS An immense display on our second floor bargain circle. Black and all colors, values Z Q C $5 to $8 Friday while they last, at $4.95 and . . .eaJ BATIIINO SUITS Special sale at main front en- Q C trance. Bathing suits, fine serge, worth ?3, at. . . lea LADIES AND CHILDREN'S STOCKINGS One j Ap case each, fast black, 20c quality, Friday at 1UC LADIES' FINE SUMMER VESTS Richelieu ribbed, low neck, no sleeves, twenty-cent quality fl Friday, three vests for .aisiUC LADIES' nAND BAGS (In dry goods section) CA black, brown and tan, regular 98c quality, at UC Our big bargain circle on the main floor is devoted en tirely to notions again. Thousands of little things from one penny up. will be found on it. ANOTHER. GREAT SHORT-LENGTH SALE Every remnant of fine wash poods ln our big wash goods stock, worth from 10c to 75c a yard, all good lengths all day ( f Friday, only. . . ...-..'C A Big Lot of Fine White India. Linons and Colored Wrxsh Goods From 8 to 9 m. 2c & Yard 100 pieces of 28-Inch Percales, worth 8 l-3c yard, C only . DC Extra Heavy Double Warp Turkish Towels, worth 23c each, Friday .. ............. La.ce SsJe. 100 pieces White and Cream Wash Laces, worth 15c yard ,T for three hours, 9 to 12 o'clock...... IC 23c Neckwear for Women f each IUC All Lace Stocks, Fancy Pique Stocks, Fancy Embroidered fj Turnovers Neckwear counter each j JUC . ... Linea Handkerchief SJe" 500 Dozen of Plain, Hemstitched and Colored Border Linen Handkerchiefs on sale 2:30 to 6 p. m. each We have about 200 short lengths of Plain and Fancy f JJ f Silks Silk counter at lj-s)C Friday Shoe Sale Jast Received by Express. 200 Pairs of Ladies White Canvas Oxfords. Heavy aud light soles. 1,500 pairs of Ladles Tan Russia Calf and Chocolate Viol Kid Shoes, Oxfords and Gibson Ties that must be sold at once, at $2.50 and $3.00. One Hundred and Fifty Green T reding Stamps with Each Pail. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Our customers are Judges of values. Thirty Green Trading Stamps with pound can Bennett's Capitol O A Baking Powder s4C Twenty Green Trading Stamps Ofin with can Diamond 'S" Fruits. aOC Twenty Gre-n Trading 8tamps with gallon Duffy's Pure Cider A e Vinegar fOt, Twenty Green Trading Stamps rCf)- with five cans Genessee Corn."'-' Twenty Green Trading Stamps with five cans Brockport New York fiO- Tomatoes, very fancy UoC Ten Green Trading Stamps wtthO'Tr, can Diamond '8 1 Salmon Five Green Trading Stamps with fr package Graham Crackers IvIW Ten Green Trading Stamps with omind Three Crown California f Qg Ten Green Trading Stamps with f S lc "5c can Omar Salmon. Pie Peaches, O 5 gallon aC5C Zoo Soap, ?n cake Bluing, box.... Aharoo, cake.. WATCH FOR THE BIG JIG SALE. Great Bargains In Lawn FURNITURE Saturday liilMY yEMs Tittt itacitHLic nant: Watch for Our Creat Mid-Summer Fur Sale Friday Bargain Bulletin High Grade Remnants in the Main Wish Goods Dept. Thse are not mill ends, nor goods cut up for snl.. 1ml rrmnnnt of our very choicest wash fRhrlos that sold out first ,5c, 59c, 43c and "9c WHITE GOODS AT ISc YARD. White mercerized Jacquards, worth BVs and 79c; while Imported dotted Swisses; natural colored pongees, etc.; Bedford cords Bengallnes and other goods, worth from 3!c to 75c yard; all at, as yard IOW 25c and 39c WHITE WASH GOODS AT 10c YARD. Marseilles, cords, Jacquards, stripes, laces ana an otner wnue gooas, worth from zc to yira; at, yard 10c IH) NOT MISS THIS SALE. 50c and 7.".c Sil.K ORGAN P1E8 AT 10c. 75c Imported organdies, ln 3! yards and up; 39c Tiles de fcnlo, Sue: Lora'lne silk nov elties and utlicr poods, worth up to 75cj also 35c ana r.o linings and lining lii, silks; all will go t. yard IUC 25c WASH GOODS AT 6c. Ginghams, vmlos, suitings, white goods, crepes, 40-inch batiste all colors and whole lot of other goods, yard Friday Bargains in Silks GREAT CLEAN VP SALE OF SILK PONGEES NATURAL, PONGEES 19 INCHES WIDE. 00 YARD SjSC ROUGH PONGEE. 27 Inches wide, regular 86c. yard ROUGH PONGEE and RUBY ATT BILK SUITING, 27 Inches wide, 11.00 value, yard Cawnpore India Silk Suiting, Heather Silk and Shantung Pongee, 27 inches wide, J2.00 quality, Tkn yard, 85c .and 39c BILK 55c Again, Friday, we offer all our corded wash silk, consisting of stripes and checks, plain fancy wash silks and natural 27 Inch wide Jap silk, nilc values, 32C 27-Inch Mack China silk, 59c value, jjg 36-Inch black China silk. 9So value, 36-inch Mack China silk. $1.25 value Qq Remnant Day in the Great West Room. LINEN DEPARTMENT. 10c remnants of Lonsdale. Fruit of the Loom and all leading makes of bleached and unbleached muslin, per En yard 27c remnants of 8-4. 9-4 and 10-4 Utlca and Pepperell bleached and un- f Cr bleached sheeting, per yard 20c remnants of pillow casings, bleached and unbleached, plain and tubing, 42 inch, 4o-lnch and 50-Inch wide, IClc per yard IVt 10c bleached cambric muslin, 36 fZ Inches wide, per yard Jw GREAT' SPECIAL SALE OF HAMMOCK 8 from to 00 down to WASH GOODS DEPARTMENT. 15c remnants of colored mercerized foulard iocs, from 1 to 5 yard lengths, Oir per yard sSjW 6c remnants of standard dress prints, medium nml dark colors, '11,, per yard OJV 10c remnants of Paclnc mills colored ba tiste, Finall and large figures, A.C fast colors, per yard sW 25o remnants of embroidered Swisses, as sorted colors, Btrlctly fast colors, f)c per yard w Assorted styles and qualities 3Qc GROCERIES Wt Rtttll to tht Cottsum The best pure cane granulated sugar, per pound tMe 48-lb. sacks fancy high patent Minnesota flour 10 bars Swift's Pride. Beat 'Em All or White Paris laundry soap 25c V-lb. cans potted ham Vi-lb. cans deviled ham V,-lb. cans deviled tongue -lb. cans potted tongue i,,-10. cans oottea Deei lfi-ox. can condensed cream 7H5 1-lb. package macaroni 8Vc eraf Wholesale Prices GROCERIES 25C 3Ic l-lb. package corn starch 1-lb. cans fancy Alaska salmon... OH or mustard sardines, per can FRUIT. FRUIT. FRUIT. Large Juicy lemons, per doi Large Juicy oranges, per dos Fancy Elberta peaches, per basket Large basket fancy red June plums.... Large basket fancy apricots Three measures fresh roaBted peanuts. Fancy Colorado honey, per rack Soft shell English walnuta, per lb Fancy, large' ripe bananas, per dos . 4a . o . 40 .20c .150 .20o .2.SO .2fC .loo .100 .l"o .120 oaawi Yy iayiHi f the convenience of a Gas Range? Warm weather has no terrors for the housewife with gas as fuel. Meals always on time, no smoke or ashes to bother one and then the cost is no greater than coal, and if managed properly, it will be much less. Remember when buying to ask for the Eclipse. ECLIPSE GAS STOVE CO. iumiiUl'tsj,U, ilLH Rockford, Illinois. First National IBank UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Omaha, Nebraska Capital 500.000.00 Surplus and Undivided Profits. . 329,357.63 Deposits $9,800,473.39 Herman Kountze, President. John A. Creigbton, Vice) President. F. H. Davis, Cashier. C T. Konnts, Asst. -Cashier. L, L. Koontse, Asst-OaahleT. Special facilities and liberal terms oflTered for mercantile anil frawftny accounts. Tour business solicited. Three per cent on Time Deposits. It is cool to-day in Colorado Block signals Whv not take vour Sitmmff Outing in Colorado Rockies? The Santa Fe is arranging some low'rate excursions to Denver. Go on the Colorado Flyer, the train that's as fine as the Limited Q ) 17 Allths Way Ask Geo C. Cham bers, Pass. Agt, ) Equitable Bldg., Pes Moines, la., for "A Colorado Summer" book. "FOLLOW THE PLAO." VERY LOW ROUND TRIPS () Replace Your Old Watch, H) with a new one. In gents' watches the latest Is a thin js'V. moiM, ln gold filled would cost around lii.uO and l'5 ). ya-.V Ladles' watches, late styles, new model in gold rlUed. jXTV iround Jlj.iW and ta.'t. Spend a tew minutes In our . I tore. Look for the name. I 1 S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler. 1516 Dougie s Street. tt a. - T LATEST, LIGHTEST. NEATEST. CHEAPEST LEATHER B0UN3 MATTIM3 SUITCASES, 53.50. 33.75. 54 00. Coaveaient to fan7, nic to look at and are made to last. We curry a full line-of Grips. Suitcases and Trunks of our wa manufacture. Send for catalogue. Prices right. WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Fa mm St. H'HUOLS AID (OLiretJ, Western Military Academy LpToa- TTtft year N-w fir.proof buildinga Modern equipment. t,ignrl lu;iiti.,n. Nuintr: limited. Strong faculty. TrurougU null tary and aoadeirud denartio.nl. Liica. references. CL Aiart M. Julu.., A.M. Presigeat South and Southeast, one fare plus 2.00. Hot Springs, Ark., daily $23 00 St. Louis, Mo., dailj 18 50 Chautauqua, X. Y., July 2Sth 34.00 Detroit, Mich., Aug 13th and 14th 21.50 Pittsburg, Pa., Aug. 17th and 18th 25 25 Kichmond, Va., Sept. Sth to 11th inclusive 33.75 Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 14th to 16th inclusive .' 32.75 Long limits, stop overs and other features offered ia con nection with the above rates. All agents can sell you through tickets and roate you Wabash. All tickets reading over the Wabash from Chicago east are optional with passenger via lake or rail, either or both directions. Call at Wabash City office, 1601 Farnam street, or write and let me give you all information, maps, descriptive mat ter, foldera, etc. HARRY E. MOORES, C A. P. O. Wabash Ry., Omaha, Nb. i 1 !T.r2?.