THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: WEDNESDAY, JULY lt. 1P05. IMS stock B- THURSDAY. JULY A 20 20! ) Right .Against the Osage Line in the live Hundred-Barrel District el the Indian Territory the Uncle Sam Company Starts Two Drills. THJD UNCLE SAM COMPANY now own and controls over THIRTY THOUSAND (M.fXM) acres of oil and gas lands, on which there ere five pumping; plant and kv- ntv-nlne oil and (a well. The company wfll eoon have Ave drill working day and nlgni completing additional producer. rtoina of the undeveloped properties are recognised by old oil men aa beln the richest and moat valuable oil holding yet e.ncoverea. Klght up agalnat the Osage line In the Indian territory, south of Bartles Yllle, the Uncle Bam refinery la already Started to work and will aoon have two drills running: In addition to thoe now Working- near Cherryvale. The property adjoining ths Osage line ha a probable eaneelty of ten thousand barrels a day When developed.- It behooves every In vestor to think well before he turn down the stork of the Uncle Sam refinery, which is now offered to you for a few buurs longer at one-tenth Its par value. Don't wait until the company drills In a live bundredbarrel welt and then expect to secure the stock at even 60 oent per bar. Last Allotment of Stock Was Over Subscribed in Net Sales Over $18,000. Ths Uncle Bam company Is backed by the people In general and a great many men of Influence are among Its stockholder. The company I the deatlned winner of the central Wfit, and ths stock will- prove to be the greatest Investment In America. There are over three thousand stockhold ers and all are at work. The last allot ment of stock was oversubscribed In net values over eighteen thousand dollars. This notice will appear In more than sev enty of the leading and most Influential journals of the United States. lit will be read by over tea million people. The pres ent allotment of stock under ths prevail ing conditions will be greatly oversub scribed. Would advise you to get busy quick and mull or telegraph your order Immediately after reading Ihta announcement. Great Refinery Now Completed Will Be Selling Oil in Five Days. The flret great refinery ever built by Independent capital In the writ la low com pleted hy the fuels 8am coiiipHny and will be putting oil on the market In five da) . W hen you Invest In thl company uu ecur stock that la easily worth at cents per share right now. Henneries and pips lines and a vast acreage of oil lands and oil wells are valuable. The Cherry val refinery will have an earnliig capacity of over six hundred dollars per day under present conditions and It is already being enlarged. The company will have no trouble to sell Its entire output at the pres ent trut price, but will oellver oil worth a third more than trust otl on account of It purity. Ths superintendent of the Uncle bain refinery Is from the Pure Otl company of Pennsylvania. The Uncle Sam company Is going to be In the west what the Pure Oil company la In the east. It will manufacture the very finest grades or oils, and with nearly three thousand stock holders scattered all over the central west will nave friends to work for ths sale of Uncls Bam brands everywhere at prices that will make the stockholders of this company substantial profit on their in vestments. Better send In 1100 now and secure LOOfi shares before the advance. WRITE FOR PRICES ON FUEL AND REFINED OIL AT ONCE. Has Room for 6.000 Oil Wells. The Uncle Sam company started out on the safe and practical basis of owning and operating Its own oil properties. It now has seventy-nine wells and five pump ing plants and over thirty thousand acres of oil lanAs on which is room for over six thousand producing wells, which prove how nearly this company Is doing what It contemplated. It has oil territory enough right now to feed Its great refinery now completed and the other two proposed re fineries and pipe lines for a century. The stock that you can secure now will cer tainly grow in value as the rapid develop ment of these properties progresses. Assets Back of the Company. The Uncle Him company now has ons great refinery completed and In operation. This plant, on a conservative basis. Is worth to the stockholder of the company over a gi'ARTEK OF A MILLION DOLLARS. They have miles of lateral pipe lines com pleted, connecting about three-fourths of the Cherryvale oil fields and arc com pleting additional lines. Have thousands of barrels of oil In storage and an pump ing more Into storage every hour. We have storage" for thousands of barrels, one stor age tank alone having a rapacity for ONE MILLION SIX HUNDRED THOUSAND OALLONS. More storage tanks are being built. These are all the be steel tanks mads and will last 1" years. The re finery plant at Cherryvale looms up like a small city and It would do you good to ses It. The company has a railroad switch completed Into the grounds; also has dwelling houses, a barrel manufactory, water lines and pump stations. It owns valuable franchises for ONE HUNDRED AND 6EVKNTT-NINB MILES (179) of main trunk pip lines, reaching clear aoroas nine Kansas counties to the banks of navigable water close to Kansas City, ahere ths company already owns a FIFTY BKVEN-ocre farm, on which refinery No. 1 will be built this summer and ths pipe line completed to It. FORTY MILES of this pipe line Is paid for and at ths sta tions, ready to haul out along the line at PlqUa, Neosha Falls, LeRoy and Cherry vale, Kan. Connections will be mad In the pipe line every FIVE to TEN miles and fuel oil drawn from the main pipe line Into storage tanks ail along the route through the richest section of Kansas, where it will command a ready sale from th farmers at good prices, as coal sells for from t to IT per ton along the trunk pipe line route, and three barrels of oil ars equal to one ton of good coal. Our THIRTY THOUSAND ACRES of oil terri tory comprises some of the richest and most valuable properties In ths entire oil fields. The FIVE pumping plants and the SEVENTY-NINE producer on a part of these holdings represent an asset that some concerns have spent a million dollars for and not equaled. In addition to all these assets, owned and controlled by the Uncle Sam company, there are now THOUSANDS of ""dollars In f-? treasury and also over ONE HUN DRED AND TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS subscribed on gilt-edged Installment en tract for stock already allotted and whl.-h will be paid In during th next five mon'.hs. This monev eomee in from a THOUSAND TO FIFTEEN HUNDRED dollars per day. So you can e that whlls the Uncle tarn company Is undrtskjng a vast enterprise, It has a steady Inflow of cash to aailst in I doing all that Is pianned. Authorised capi talization of the Uncle Bam company Is TEN MILLION shares of par value ONE DOLLAR PER SHARE. Stock la non assessable. FIFTY-EIOHT per cent of this stock Is now owned by anti-trust hater of the first degree. FORTY-TWO per oent Of this stock, or FOUR MILLION AND TWO HUNDRED THOUSAND shares, are now In ths treasury and will be sold at from 10 to 10 cent per share. There are no large capitalists In this com pany. It Is a common man company. Stock Will Be Advanced 20 Per Cent Thursday, July 20. After midnight next Thursday no one will be able to secur a single share of tlm Uncls Sam stock under a 2" per cent ad vance over present prices. The stock now Is EASILY WORTH !5 CENTS per share and WILL BOON BE SELLING FOR THAT. Helter not dally a minute, but mail your check or draft at once. All letters that are In the malls and at their starting point that bear the postmark before and up to Thursday at midnight, July 20, will be accepted at the following prices: fjfHr" ltMj stini-oi. $12.00; li.V) share fJS.OO; 500 shares, $.".0.00; 1,000 ghareg, $100.00; B,O(0 shuns, $41H.00; 10,000 shRree, $a75.00; JW.000 shares, fl.lH0.0O. Installment offers: 100 shares. $2..V cash, and five monthly paymeuta of $2.00 each; 250 chares, $5.00 cash and five monthly payments of $0.t0 enoh; 500 shares, $10.00 cash, five monthly payments of $9.00 each; 1,000 shares, $15.00 cash, five monthly paymeuta of $10.00 each; 3,000 shares, $;0.00 cash, fire mouthly payments of $tK).00 each; 10,000 shares, $100 cash, five monthly payments of $200.00 each. Make all drafts, checks and money orders to The Uncle Pani Company, or II. II. Tucker. Jr., aecretnry, and your stock will be forwarded by return mull or money re turned promptly. Company Will Own Property Worth Five Million Dollars Within a Year, The t'nele Bam company experts to have at least two hundred producing wells un der the pump within a year. It will ac quire at least twenty thousand acres more o.'i lands. Complete a fuel pipe line to cntral Nebraska. Build refinery No. I on the banks of navigable waters. Mulld re finery No. 1 In central Oklahoma, where the company Is now securing olid holdings to tske car of the Oklahoma refinery and furnish It ample production. It will rapidly push the Kansas City pipe line to com pletion. In this biiihU space we cannot outline the many s'.rong points of thl com ( any, but It is a winner and we don't rsiv whether you are a banker, merchant, f in m r or protisslcnsl man. you cannot find a belter investment than this slock. The company Is l'Ali.VO Ad IT tioKrt. wnli li Is it. mi another strong point In Its favor. There sre no mortgages or bondt, mr never Till be, to snp the earnings of tun loiii, any, for when the shove men tioned siotk Is sold It will furnish close to tiuii l- Ul'NPHED THOV SAND DOL i.auo witn winch to complete this great enioi i rise. That Oil Trust lie A boat the prrme Court Decision, Tat O'l by the Otl 1 If levee, to Deceive Inves tors. It Is a well known fact that among oil men. and men who are vitally Interested In tne emiKgln for ju.itloe In the oil fields against that well known pirate cf Ameri can commerce, that the law passed ty the last Kansas legislature to build a state le linery would never stand the test of the couris. Upon the final decision by the supreme court last week several telegrams mere sent out from nil trust headquarters In the east, but dated at Topeka. Kan. These dispatches were prominently dis plsyed In severs! well known trust-owned papers and Intimated that this decision was very detrimental to the independent rehneries Now. don't let those oil trust scarecrows deceive you. There Is a maxi mum freight luw In Kansas that Is worth all the other laws that could be put on the statute books. The law Is conceded by sble sttnrneys to be constitutions! anil ths railroads of the stste havs already ac cepted Its scheduled rates, which are fairly reasonable, but not as reasonable as they will probably be made by the next legis lature. There is also a strong antl-dls-crlmlnatlon law. These are the two laws that mean something. Don't get It Into your head that even one little alfalfa field of Kansas Is whipped by the oil thieves snd their gang of bulldosers. Kansnns sre In the light to win and win they will. There Is not a state officer but what will do all In his power for Justice In ths oil fields. Governor Hoch has shown his hon esty and sincerity at every move and his every act proves that he is ready to fight for the Interests of Justice In the oil fields. Kansas is more determined today than ever. Coma to the oil fields snd see the Woik going on. There are producers after producers that will not sell the otl trust a gallon of oil at the thieving prices now offered. A pipe line to the Gulf Is prac tically assured and with til great inde pendent Uncle flam refinery and pipe Una reaching the Missouri river on uie nerin and striking determined and well tnannei blows for right and Justice In the Mmsouii v.illev territory ami with Tom lawaol keening them busy on Wail street. Just o It down In your hat that he who Isms hi Inst laughs best. Itemcinlier, Ksnsans nn. Ish what they start end the ridicule and misleading statements put out hy th all trust hirelings the other dsy Is ons of he cowardlv acts thst Is tallying all Kansas to the support of th Uncle bam Independ ent refineries and ple lines. This company must win th rtsy for Ksnsas It has nearly two thousand stockholders In the state and with its great production the chances are trn to on that It will till th place of three or four st.ite relinerles, and now has the F.NT1KH STATE KoK A FlhXD n which to sell Its products. Kvery sjody Is for It and we would not be afraid to wager ten to one that there Is not a member of the supreme court of the state but what would go out of his way to speak good) word for our eucoes and to also , assist other Kansas home enterprise. Ksnsans are standing together and there can be but one end to the present struggle an4 that I Justice. Any report ent out by the oil gang and their perlurea reporters like the falsehood wired ths other day will prove to be groundless when the fasts sre considered. The Unci Bam refinery and pipe lines Is on Kansas enterprise that will be watched over with a Jealous eye by about nine-tenths of the people lit Kansas, and money Invested In tills great enterprise will be safe, as th peopls at not only going to demand a quar deal for this home Institution, but will force th Issue and compel such conditions to exist. Vow Can Telegraph Test Orders nl Have Compear Msrfct Draft Te-w With Stock Attached sir Writ With Sams Instructions. There will probably ba Investors who will not see this announcement until th last day and maybe the last hour. The com pany will send stock, with sight draft at tached. on all orders that are sent from ths starting telegraph office up to ONK MINe UT13 BEFOKK MIDNIGHT. THURnDAT. JULV to, but not a share will be sold af this price after midnight. If you cannot reach a telegraph olllce, writ a letter. We mean this, and we don't care even If yt! offered to Invest ten thousand dollars after this hour you will be turned dosrn. for the company has ample funds and will stand right by Its advertised statements. References: The Montgomery County bank, Cherryvale State bank, the People's Na tional bank, or come down and ses (or yourself. Address, H. H. TUCKER,- JR., Sec, Cherryvale, Kansas. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA COUNCIL BLUFFS SUSPECTS ARE DISCHARGED Joitlcs Field Says Evldenc it Hot Suf ficient to Hold Them. D0RA.N AND TRATTNER ARE REARRESTED Jnake a Rna to Escape, but she ' OIBcers Ars Too Swift and Omaha Slen Ars Aaaln Behind the Bars la Coaacll BlasTa. a locksmith had to be called In and the handcuff sawn In two. Justice Field yesterday decided that the vldenco adduced at Uio preliminary bear ing against Barney Do ran and Joe Tratt , ner, ths alleged car bandits, was not suf ficient to warrant him holding them to ths grsnd 'Jtryt cat tnr acoortttngly dls ' charged tbsm. Doraa and Trattner, en joyed, however,'' but a brief period' of lib arty aa they were rearrested on another charge of robbing Motorman Leuch on the night of July X, the warrant being Issued ,(rotn ths court .oC Justice. Gardiner, whore .County Attorney -'Hess filed the' new In formation CO learning that the defendants 'bad. been discharged by Justice Field. ' County Attorney Hess had not antici pated that the Justice would do otherwise than hold the two men lri face of the posi tive Identification by Motorman Leuch, and he was not prepared with another war rant when they were discharged. No tiino was lost, however, In filing the new In formation la Justice Gardiner's court and securing the new warrant. Doran and Trattner on being dlschargsd rsturned to y' the county - jail to secure their clothing and other belongings ana tnis gave tne county attorney tline In which to secure the new warrant. Doran and Trattner . and their friends were taking matters leisurely when some ons tipped off the In formation that Deputy Sheriff Woolnian giaa gone w uiuo usiuuu ww, -new warrant. ' Bidding their friends a hasty good-bye Doran and Trattner started west on "Willow avenue on the dead run, but had only ; reached the ' Illinois Central track when overtaken by the officers, who were In two buggies. As soon as thsy saw the officers the young fellows ran In among the cars on the tracks and for fifteen minutes or so gave the officers a merry chase, but were finally : captured by Deputy Sheriffs Woolman and Oroneweg. who, relying on their sprinting powers, had abandoned the buggies. Doran nd Trattner, apparently much disconcerted at their rearrest and disap pointed over their failure to get away, v were taken before Justice Gardiner and their preliminary hearing set for Thursday. Their bonds were plaoed at 11,300 saoh. after which they were taken back to the county Jail. Doran appeared exceedingly I nervous but Trattner seemed to take the situation coolly. A had been expected the accussd at tempted to estabUsh' an alibi, and Several witnesses testified to both Poran and Tratt ner being at their homes the night the .two motors were held up near the east' end of the bridge. ' -Doran's wife testified thst her husband ' was at home In bed . that night, but on 1 cross-examination admitted that she had told the officers when hey flrat called on her that she was not rtaln whether he was at home that night or not. Doran's mother was In court, but. did not testify. JJir. and Mrs. Smith, with whom ths Doran roomed, also testified that ths young man wa at home that Sunday night. Trattner' mother and sister before testi fied that he was at home that Sunday night and a man named Gardiner, a vender of Ice cream en South Thirteenth street, testified that on the night of Sunday, July 1 at 10 o'clock, be sold a pint of Ice cream to a young man whom he believed to be Tratt aer. Th testimony of Doran's wife was taken gs a deposition In order I that It might K uMit In the district court If the men are held for trial aa she Informed the authoii ties that shs Intended leaving this sec- y V lon of the country In the near future. The preliminary heating of Doran and Trattner before Justice Held was on ths charge of robbing Conductor Mathlson alone. In th new Information before Jus tice Qardlnsr they are specifically charged with robbing Motorman Leuch. It is ex pected that the defendants will take a change Of venue from Justice Gardiner's court to that of Justice Field. When Doran and . Trattner were taken . back to the county Jail from Justice Gar diner's court they were handcuffed to gether, a pair of handcaffs belonging to former Constable Albertl being used. At the county Jail It was found Impossible to unlock the handcuffs on Dvran and finally BIG Alt KATES BOTIIUR GROCERS Ask Railroads to Make Rate Which Is Stable. Thfl sugar rate war, which is giving ths Jobbing trade so much concern, was the principal question discussed at the called meeting of the Iowa and Nebraska Whole sale Grocers' association, held In this city yesterday. The grave condition of tho sugar market resulting from the slashing of rates brought out a large attendance, forty-six wholesale and Jobbing houses being represented at the "meeting, which was held as usual In the large ball room at the Grand hotel. The southern railroads made .a cut bt twenty points , per 100 pounds recently and this was met by tho eastern roads with a .Corresponding, reduction. Fortunately ths wholesalers and Jobbers in it hl territory were- not caught heavily stocked,- other wise the situation would have beep, far Biore 'seriou 'thuji it Is, wa the statement of the- officers tof the association yesteV da$'. A committee, however,' waj appointed to confer wtth, the railroads with a view to seedling a restoration of the rates' or the establishment of a rate which could be depended upen for a specJOo time. John lilaui of Burlington, delegate from the Iowa and. Nebraska association, and Secretary John. Melhop- made -a report on the national convention recently held In Milwaukee". . , 1 ! Appropriate resolutions on the death of W. 11. Hargraves of Lincoln, a prominent member of the association, were adopted. The association adjourned after holding morning and afternoon sessions, subject to the call' of the secretary. ' These firms were represented at the meet ing: Dubuque Schroeder-Klelne Grocer com pany. V aterloo The Fowler company, Smith Llchty & Hillman company. Des Moines C. C. I'routy company. Charles ilewltt, Warfield-Pratt-Howell company. Davenport J. P. Van Pattern A Sons, M. L. Marks & company, Smith Brothers & iiurdlck company. Cedar Rapids Warfleld-Pratt-IIowell company. Mosun City Letts-Spencer-Smith com pany, v. Creston J. 11. Merrill company. Fort Dodge Fort Dodge Grocery com pany. Oskaloosa J. H. Merrill company, J, G. Hutchison & Co. Keokuk Kellogg-Birge company, Blom Collier company. S. Hamlll company. Burlington John Blaul's Sons comiany, Blklen-Wlnser Grocery company, Burt Zuiser company. Independence Iowa Grocery company. Marshalltosn Letts-Fletcher company. Muscatine C- L-' Mull A Sons. Sioux City Tolerton & Stetson company, C. Shenkberg company, Warneld-Pratt-Howell company. Council Bluffs Oroneweg A Schoe-ntgen company. Nebraska City Utterhack, Sargent St Klce company, Bradley-Carton company. umaua niton a liaiiasrner oomnany McCord-Brady company, Allen Brothers' company, Stewart Brothers company Koapke-Kats company, Jones & South- mayd company. Hastings Trimble A Blackman. Grand Island Nebraska Mercantile com pany. St. Paul Nebraska Mercantile company. Fremont May Brothers. Lincoln Grainger Brothers company, H. i: uu company, Kaymond Brothers Clarke company. . .. Columbus Abts & Calto. HOT WEATHER HELPS CORN Humanity, However, is Sweltering and Several Deaths Reported. GOOD PROGRESS WITH GRAIN HARVEST Ball Player Who Makes a Three. Bagger at a Critical Time Wins a Bride Dates for Gor ernor Cummins, F of the Fifty-fifth regiment of this city. The company has been In trouble for a ear or more trying to get someone to fill tl.d office of captain. Two Boys Drown. SIOUX CITY, la.. July 18. (Special Tel egram.i A double funeral will be held at Correctlonville tomorrow, when Paxil Shontg, aged 12 years, and Alvln Page, aged 14 years, will be burled. They were swimming In the Little Sioux river and the Bhonts boy tried to save the other from drowning. A smaller companion wit nessed the double drowning and gave the alarm. "BOOTtEOOER" IIKLVJ SHERIFF Attempted JaU Delivery at Port Dodge Frustrated by prisoner. FORT DODGE, la.; July 18,-tSpcclal Tel egram.) Today a prisoner at the county Jail made an attack upon the sheriff and attempted to bring about a Jail delivery. An imprisoned "bootlegger" came to the rescue and the sherlt succeeded In quelling the disturbance and returning the prisoners to their cells. Plans for Woodmen Pic a la. LOGAN. Ia.. July 18. (Special.) Active preparations are In progress here for :he annual outing of the Omaha lodftcs of the Woodmen of the World to be held on Thursday, July i7. An attendance of tOOO Is expected from Omaha en that day. At 1 o'clock the drills, sports and races will be held and 8JS0 In prises will be awarded. Two base ball gamas will occur on the Logan diamond that day with the Boston Bloomers, a girls' nine. At 10 o'clock thsy play with th Omaha Woodmen nine and at S.tO with th Missouri Valley bass ball club. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES. July 18. (Special.) Hot weather which has prevailed over this state for the lust four days has caused four deaths and a large number of prostrations. The first promise of relief came today In ths forecast of the weather department that tonight and Wednesday will be cooler. While the weather has caused humanity to suffer bo severely, t has' mode millions JCof .thsv farmer , (n the,, growth of corn. Clarmda, according to the' weather bureau, both yesterday and today. Is the hottest city, in the state, the temperature there heirur 100. At Cedar Rapids It Is 87 and at". SJoux .City a , i At Grundy Cenbsr" Theodore-. Brosmlth, a farm hand, was overcome with the heat while pitching hay and died a few hours late,r. in this city Mrs. Marguerite Cas per, while her mind was affected by the heat, drank carbolic acid In coffee and died. There were a number of prostrations In this city and others are reported from Marshalltown, Waterloo and elsewhere. The 8-months-old infants of John Doollttle and Daniel Marmon of this city are both dead from the heat. Martin Removes Ills Coat. Secretary of State W. B. Martin of Greenfield today set an example for ths other members of the executive council In removing his coat while attending the tax assessment sittings of the council. The delicate and dignified work of adjusting ths assessments of the railroads and farm lands up to this time has bsen done by the council with their coats on. Today Secretary of State Martin appeared with his coat off and the other members of the council at once followed his exampls. Dates for Governor Cnmmins. Governor Cummins today received a re quest from ths people of Baxter to speak there August 23 and has accepted It. He also has an Invitation from the labor union people of Ottumwa to speak there on La bor day. As he has no date arranged for Labor day It Is possible that he may ac cept the Invitation. ' Crop Conditions Good. According to ths weekly report of ths crop servlae today the corn is maaing rapid strides and ths hot weather has done an Immense good. In the southern part of the state the harvesting of small grain Is reported aa completed with the yield good. The only exception to favorable reports are on low lands where there has been too much moisture. PI I month Makes Gain. Plymout county, according to ths official figures given out by the census bureau. has 22.S37 people, a gain In five years of 653. Th gain Is due to the large gain at LeMars, where the population increased from 4,146 to 6,041. Jackson county shows a loss In five years from 23,1 to 22.210. . What Is Coming;' to Schlpkef Gertrude Beneilel of Oklahoma City and F. J. Wells, shortstop for the Altoona base ball team, were married In this city today. On July 4 Miss Bneflel was visit ing friends In Altoona. At a critical stage of the game Wells knocked out a three- bugger which won the game and also the admiration of Miss Benetlel. A meeting followed which proved a case of love at first sight Brandt Elected Captain. Amos Brandt of the stale auditor's of fice was today elected captain of Company Kills Self While Insane. SIOUX CITT, la., July 18.-(Speclal Tel egram.) Benjamin Budge, a farmer, was found dead In a grove near his home at Crashing this morning. Ho had shot him self through the head with a rifle. Ha was 63 years old. He was insane fifteen years ago, and worry over the Illness of his wife probably brought on a recurrence of the old malady. plon tWlce was within two points of be ing put out of the tournament. Miss Myrtle Weltner, the former eastern cham pion who forfeited to Mies May Sutton of California last year placed herself In the semi-final round of the woman's singles by winning both of her matches In easy fashion. was pitching ball when John Clarkson and Jim HuftinK-ton were playing on the corner lots, Is still at it. Having come to lire the second time, he is doing slab work for Shrevenort, in the Southern league, and the other day held Nushvllle down to three hits. Ron Down by Past Mall. NEVADA, July 18. (Special.) The Northwestern fast mall, running at fifty miles an hour, struck.. 8-year-old May King as she was crossing the track. The body wa hurled fifty' feet, the head falling on one side of 'the, .track and the crushed and mangled trunk am" the other. With the Bowlers. Huntington of Omaha and Frush of Council Bluffs finished their match on the association alleys last night . Frush won the first series In the Bluffs by 60 pins and the final last night by pins. Hunt ington's average game on the home allevs would have landed him a winner, but for a week he has been unable to touch n ball on account of an Injured hand. A return match will probably be arranged for the near future. Score: Totals. Frush 168 177 175 lis 12 128 2'3-1.2'-'0 Huntington 165 184 147 181 lm 2ol 17; l.lil McElwee and Smith Defeat the F.aan. CHICAGO. July 18 In the semi-finals of the 1-ttke county four-some the event which opened the Onwentsla club annual open golf tournament at Lake corest today, national and western champion H. Chandler Kgan and his cousin, waiter Egan, were de feated hy H. H. McElwee and Bruce D. Smith of Onwentsla by 2 up. The Egans were second In the !st of four teams quali fying, having a scre of 84. About 100 play ers are entered In the tournament. Jones Faces M order Charsre. . IQWA CITY. Ia., July ft. (Speclal.)-B. E. Dnnner,' one' of the persons shot by Jones on Sunday, - died this morning and the charge against Jones will now be murder. Jones' divorced wife, the other person shot, Is almost sure to die. Walkaway for the Elks. PLATTSMOITTH. Neb.. July 18 (Special.) Tha game played here Saturday with he team from the army headquarters at Omaha and the Elks' team was a walk away for the latter. Score:, i , Elks 7 6 2 0 1 1 4 -20 Army Headquarters .. 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 06 The Elks have only been defeated - once this season. Building: New Hotel. SIOUX CITY, Ia., July 18. (Special Tel egram.) The contract was let today to J. Keefe for the erection of a new hotel at Third and Nebraska streets. It will cost 1100,000. Frank Donahue will be landlord. Lawyer Bays Newspaper. SIOUX CITY, Ia.. July 18. (Special Tel egram.) H. G. McMillan of Cedar Rapids, United States attorney for the northern Iowa district, has bought the Farmers' Tribune here and will become Its editor. Lumber Yard to Move. LOGAN. Ia.. July 18. (Special.) The H. A. Qulnn Lumber company have secured a new location and will move their yards uptown August 15. MAROCZY WI.NS CHESS PRIZE 12H Yit 12tf 13 l-'i . Hut Weather Roostlaa; Cora. ONA WA, Ia.. July Is. (Special. )-The weather Is getting to be something fearful out this way, but the corn crop is get ting there every minute and will soon be caught up to the average July state. Sun day was the hottest day In Onawa for four years, the mercury recording; M de greas and It has been over tt every day lur a weea. I sstaiUsy U wag fc URICSOL Rheumatic Specific. Kidney aud Liver Stimulant. The most Successful Ilemedf before the public. Does not In jure the Stomach. Call for Free Iiooklet on Treatment and Diet for Rheumatism, at Sherman & McConnell Drug Store, 16th and Dodge Sts., or drop a postal to URICSOL CHEMfCAL COMPANY. tttsd ass tsraad Ave, La Aaaelee, CsO. Finals In International Chess Match Played at Ostend Yesterday. OSTEND. July 18. The final round In the International chess match was nlaved here today. Maroczy played out his ad journed game with Taubenhaus from the twenty-fourth round and won, Increasing his total score to IA points. This gave Maroczy tne nrst prize or i,nuu. Tsubenhaus drew witn Tsciiigorln. The gams between Janowsky and Wolf was adjourned to be played off tomorrow On this encounter hinges the second prise, wmcn lies Dei ween isrrascn ami janow- sky. Schlecter's prize amounts to $300; Mar co s. Pi and reisrnmann s. iiw. . Following were the scores at the close of play today Marcozy 19H 6H 'larrasn in s Janowsky 17V 714 Schlechter Id1 1H Marco 14 12 Telschmann 134 12H Burn Ieonhardt .. Marshall .... Alapln Wolf Black burns Tschlgorln . Taubenhaus RACING VP MOIST WASHINGTON Record Over Carrlaaa Road Coarse Broken Plaht Times During; Day BRETTON WOODS, N. II., July 18 Tho record of H4 minutes Sots seconds, estab lished last year by Harry Harkness of New York, In making the elghl-mlle climb over the carriage road from the base to the summit of Mount Washington was broken no less than four times todsy. The first of today s contestants to break last year's record was William 11. Milliard of Boston, who. accominled by Frank Townsend, driving a forty-horsepower gas oline car, reacneu tne summit in zv min utes iai seconds, the new record. Stanley ir i ' . . i . , t ...... . ........ i j m . . .. j 1. cvriiug v l oiiuiiHiiciu, .tiann. , uiuvv m three-horsunower motor cycle up the steep grade In 30 minutes seconds, only i seconds behind Milliard s new record. Pert Holland of Newton, Mass., In a flf teen-horseower steam runabout made the ascent in tl minutes ITS seconds, and Oscar Hedxtrom of Springfield, on a three horsepower motor cycle covered the dis tance in tl minutes 42 seconds. llVi 1V ....1IV lol ....11 15 .... V4 19H 6 il Races Today at Trkainah. TEK AM AH. Neb . July 18. Tomorrow Is the starting of a gala week for Tekamah. In the morning the Tekamah baseball team plays Lyons and In the afternoon the pro gram for the four days' races commences. The following is the program for Wednes day: 2:10 pace, with 14 entries; 2:40 trot, with 10 entries; 8-year-old paoe, with 10 entries. IOTVfi Golf Tournament Opens. BURLINGTON. Ia.. July 18. Thirty-two players qualified In the opening slate golf tournament today. A temperature of 84 deprees caused the withdrawal of several players. L. W. Maxwell of Marahalltown made the best score, i6 holes In 171 strokes. GREAT .OHTHERM IS KXJOIMED Attempt to Cross Milwaukee Tracks at Vankton Is Opposed. YANKTON. S. D., July 18.-(Speclal.)-Soveral temporary Injunctions have been granted to Joseph Wilde and others ngnlnst the Great Northern railroad restraining the company from grading on tho right-of-way of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railroad company's right-of-way which crosses that of the Great Northern south of Second street. These Injunctions were Issued and served on Saturday evening. Queal A Co. have also secured an Injunc tion restraining the road from proceeding with the construction work. It has been contended that the Great Northern "as attempting, to gain switch privileges to the Yankton Portland Cement works and that this was the sole cause for the out lay of 140,000 which has been spent In se curing the needed property. The fact that Joseph Wilde, the local manager of ths cement works, is at the head of the Injunction suit against the railroad would Indicate that the Interests of railroad and company are not so thor oughly united as has been stated. The question of the southern extension of the Great Northern has been a most im portant one to the southern section of the state,, and the cases which will come to trial tomorrow will be watched for In formation as to the Intentions of the Hill people. clared thnt the rates charged for the ship ment of live cattle ss compared with ths shipment of dressed meat Is unreasnnabl, and unjust. Judge Bethea Issued an ordet that the defendants answer by. August IS. The rstes complained of botween Omahe nnd Chicago have been a bone of conten tion for some time. The rate on live stock to Chicago Is 23 cents per hundred on cat tle, hogs and calves and 25 cents on sheep. The rates dn dressed meats and packing house products is 18V cents when the ship ment Is to go beyond Chicago and 20 osnti flat when it Is to stop at Chicago. This rate applies to all packing house products. The Chicago Grat Western made, the re duction on packing house products when the line was built Into Omaha. The offielati of the Great Western made a seven years' contract with the packing houses to haul the products at the reduced rates Jn con sideration of being given a certain per oenl of the business. The other roads wsrs forced to meet tha Oreat Western rate,.,, Sporting; Brevities. The hot weather seems to have loosened up the hinges of the batters' arms. Judging from the generality of long hits. The cimblned attendance at Denver and Pueblo Monday was less than thut at Vin ton street park. Maybe if a third Colo rado town was put In the league they might altogether come up to Omaha, Pour old Liebhast. Pueblo only hit him far sixteen safe ones with whlcn tha former Omaiian threw six bases on balls. From this combination Pueblo deducted nineteen runs. But Licb struck out nine men. If Bobby Carter doesn't quit cutting off runs at the Mate, runners will soon get so they will stick right on third base when ever they perceive that the ball has been knocked out into rigiu neia. It was a splendid gallery tht greeted the match In the Field club tennis tourna ment Monday evening. And it was a splen did exhibition of the sport In which all the preliminaries and all savs one of the matches In the first round were completed. It wasn't that way when CarutherB was a star Ditcher back In the 'lius for the ?ld Four Time Winners of which Chris Von )er Ahe was "der poss manajer." There was not a steadier man on tne aiamona than Bobby, but he had the best of health then. Old Pretsel Breitensteln, tne man who Farm Laborer Disappears. HURON, S. D., July 18. (Special.) Thursday night Bert Davis mysteriously disappeared from the farm residence of Charles Johnson, lh Clifton township, and It Is feared that he became temporarily Insane from heat and has wandered out upon the prairies and died. He left the Johnson home about midnight, saying he was going to the barn to care for the horses, und took a lighted lantern with lilm. which was afterwards found in the barn. Ha was clad In shirt, blue overalls and unlaced shoes, wore nlther hat nor coat. A general search has been made throughout the neighborhood, the bed of Pearl creek dragged ond nearby towns Inquired of, btu no trace of the missing man has been found. WANTS LOWER CATTLE RATES Allegation Made that Rate Is Too Utah Compared with Dressed Beef Rata, CHICAGO. July 18 A new attack has been made against rates charged for live stock over the Chicago Great Western and fifteen other roads. In a bill filed before Judge 8. H. Bethea of the United States district court Assistant District Attorney Marstens asks that the railroads change rates from Missouri river and Minnesota points to Chlcsgo. It Is de- fflD a CBI9 in fAc. Aene, Sunday Ball Players Arrested. FREMONT. Neb.. July 18 (Special.) Mis. Frances Beveridge filed a complaint today in county court against the players on the Fremont base ball nine for playing on Sunday. The boys appeared in court this afternoon and the case was) continued until tomorrow morning, when they will probably wulve preliminary examination and give ball for their appearance at the next term of the district court. The city is divided on the Sunduy bull question and the local apers have contained numerous long articles by cltlsens on both sides of the matter. Tennis Matches la Caleaao. CHICAGO. July II Brilliant and hard fought matches marked the third day's piy in me vnampionsnip tennis lourn ment today. The surprlaes of the day wu ia mi uiaicn oeiween waiaoer and Velars, ia whiUi Waldaer, ta atata) cnaa- XT ItwIKM IU ATME SIGN J J v STTIR,a Many Children Itesowed, Many children have been rescued by tr. King's New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds. 60c and 11. For sale Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. Club Chances . Its Name. Monday evening at ths annex of th Idlewild hall, Twenty-fourth and Grant streets, the Rlxth Ward Roosevelt end Fairbanks club met and changed the nam of the organization to that of the Sixth Ward Republican league. The followtni officers were elected for the ensuing year: H F. Morearty, president; Ed Foster, Sec retary; Alfred Kelpln, treasurer. The con stitution of the old club was adopted Committees will be appointed later by th president. , HOOI.s AMI COLLEtiKS. Western Military Academy Vpp:LZoa' S7th year New fireproof buildings. Modem equipment. Delightful location. Number limited. Strong faculty. 1 roroush mill t.irv and academic department. Local references. CL Albert M. Jaekaoa. A.M, President SalUiilQ. ' . lolling ; Poudor A wonderful powder of rare) merit end unrivaled strength. 5 7 M 1 .00 From Omaha via Kock Island System ' CALIFORNIA and return $6.00 more via Portland in one direction. Tickets on gale: August 0, 7, 8, 0, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14. Heturn limit ninety days. Liberal stopovers and low rates for side rides. Two routes Through New Mexico Through Colorado. Dining car service and re clining chair cars both ways. F. P. RUTHERFORD, D. P. A. IJJJ Far gam Sc. Oruba, Ntk. SCHOOLS AUD roLLEOKS. 9 WENTW0RTH jCf MILITARY ACaDtMV .-fr-x Osaaa a is siiuu v. ssa rV Mm A Uaisslvsa -