Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1905, Page 7, Image 7
TITE OMAHA DAILY BEE: TUEBDATf, JULY 18, 1903. ST o 7 ar- A GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET 24; future. steady; ember, 4 10d. CHICAGO GRAM AND Crop Condition! Are FaTarabla tod Frioti Are Lower. PECEIPTS INCREASE; WHEAT DROPS Frfeet Weather Affects Cora Kit. Hon Oevts Are Down la Ufa. natby Price of New W heat at Omaha. OMAHA, Juljr 17, 1M. Increasing receipts In the southwest and harvest reports of continued favorable tenor had the effect of lowering the wheat market. While the weather In the north weft la A little showery, the receipts more than offset this consideration. Expectations Of still heavier receipts at Kansas City are responsible for predictions that wheat will drop much lower In two or three days. The opening was about He lower. Further declines were sustained until July closed at ((.Ho; September at and December at Bi'V New crop prospects are beginning to ma terlally affect the corn situation. Perfect weather conditions for good growth caused futures to ease off. July closed at 66H0, old July at 6tiic, Beptember at 644c, old September at 65c. December at 47o and filil T)ecmher at 49'4e.. Oats- weakened with other trains. July finished at 3fc Beptember at iSVc and December 26 Vc. Seven cars new wheat were received at Omaha, fine car No. 2. testing 65H lbs.. old at B"c and another car, testing 63 lbs., sold at )c. Liverpool wired that wheat shipments were decreasing, also that the weather was unfavorable In France. The Liverpool close was H'uVl lower on wheat and Ha higher on corn. There was lesa contract corn out of prl vat elevators at Chicago during the week than the week before and deliveries on July contracts were considerably smaller The out lnsnectlon of contract from un- licensed houses for six days was 1,421,000 bushels, mostly No. 2. In the same period 92,000 bushels contract wheat was taken out of the private elevators. The Chicago crop bulletin for the southwest gives state est! mates on wheat as follows: Texas, 9.VO, ftO bushels; Oklahoma, 14 0(10, Of0 bushels Kansas. 67.000.000 bushels: Missouri. 84.000, 000 bushels. The total Is i:4.0" bushels. The world's shipments ot wheat Inst wee were 9,432.000 bushels, against 10,480,000 bushels the week before. Corn shipments were 8.632,000 bushels, against 4,8:9,u nusn els the week before. Wheat on passage I 42.032.000 bushels: corn on passage is 15, 28,000 bushels. Primary receipts of wheat were 1.070.000 bushels, compared with 614,000 nueneis last year; corn receipts were nx. Cm bushels, as compared with -670,000 bush' la. Omaha Cask galea. WHEAT Naw No. 2 hard, 62 lbs., 1 cat, 80c; new No. 1 hard. 63 lbs., 1 car, 804o. Omaha Cash Price. WHEAT No. 2 hard. 85(3880 : new No. . hard. 80M,c; No. t hard. 80S5c; new No. I hard, 78c; No. 4. bard. Wane; mo. spring, S7o. CORN No. 2. RVio: No. 8. (2o: No. Sic; no grade, 4f.Hic:. No. 2 yellow, 63c No. yellow, 62Vc; mo. i wntte, use; in 1 white. (2Uc OATS No. t mixed. 30f: No. I mixed, 29uc; No. 4 mixed, !ij29o; No. 1 white UVtc: No. 8 white. SI He. No. 4 white, 0a standard. 80.c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn, Oats. Chicago ...... Kansas City Minneapolis , Omaha Duluth , 6L Louis Minneapolis Grata Market The range of prices puid in Minneapolis. as reported By the Ldwaras-wooa com pany. 110-111 Board of Trade building, was 89 261 123 813 61 3 m ... " ... 11 IS 11 221 71 77 Article. I Open. Hlgh.l Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat t . I . July... 1 H 1 04 X 04H 1 H 1 06 Sept... 874J4rVil 87 86V4 66S, 84 Deo.... H Si " 83 ' 83Vi! 85fr July, nominal; Sep- Htovisioss Featarea of the Trading and Cleslng Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. July 17. Perfect weather for both fall sown urn spring wheat caused prices to sag here tods v. At the close September wheat was off ISc. Corn Is own Ho. (tats show A loss of l"blVc. Provisions are down 6c to 12V.C. The wheat market was weak from start to finish. At the opening the Bepteml'er ellvery was off Vc to lc at Kt'-.c to s3Sir. The factor that exerted the greatest In fluence was the continuance of Ideal weather for crops, northwest and south west. Clear skies and blah temperature revelled everywhere throuahout the wheat growing districts of Canada and the United States. As a result southwestern grain market were today deluged by a flood of niw wneai, arrivals at Kansas City ana Bt. liouts being 567.056 bu.. compared with 141,78 bu. the corresponding day a year ago. With these conditions favorable the only support practically was from shorts For September the lowest r.r.lnt of the day was reached at kt'Hc. The market closed weak with Remember at 8274c. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal to 13.600 bu. The visible supply de created 1.084,000 bu. Primary receipts were .070,000 bu.. compared with 613.70 bu, a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicae reported receipts of 241 cars, against 211 cars last week and 360 cars a year ago. Considerable activity was manifested In the corn market. As a result of the con gested condition of the July delivery sharp advances occurred in the price of that option early In the session, resulting in a strong market for the more distant months. loiter the maiket slumped off as suddenly as it had previously rallied, heavy protlt taking being responsible for the reaction. Weather conditions were favorable for the new crop and local receipts were heavier than estimated. The market closed weak with prlcea well toward the bottom. Bep tember opened unchanged to He higher at 66i&fi6c, sold between sAs and 5.Vc and closed at 6546.5Sc. Local receipts were 261 cars with 60 of contract grade. Weakness prevailed in the oats market the entire day. Weather was favorable for the harvesting of the new crop and re ports indicated that the movement of new oats would begin within a few days. A break In the price of wheat was another reason for the selling pressure In the outs f)lt- September opened a shadV to Hfrc ower at 30c to 3Cc. sold off to Z9g29lc and closed at 2'4c. Local receipts were 123 cars. Belling of a large line of ribs by a packer caused weakness in the provisions market notwithstanding a Sc advance In the price 'of live hogs. At the close Beptember pork was off 2Wo at 12 82Vs- Lard was down at 7.20. Rib were (0 lower at 17 87. Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat, 82 cars; corn, 461 car; oats, 211 cars; hogs, 13.000 head. The leading futures ranged as follow: Articles ! Open. Higb. Low. I Close. Sat'y, Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn tJuly ' Hulr tflept. ISopL tDeo. Oats July Sept. Dec. May Park Bept. Oct. Lard Sept. Oct. Ribs Bept. Oct. 83t 67ff- 6"4 674, 68 66V6-V, 474 48 !TlHf82 81 8CHJ4 80 30fH ftfj IS 92H 12 97 U 7Vi 12 87V 7 ?H 7 224 7 Z2 7 TKH 7 92H 7 "W I 00 82 66-H 64 k 47V4 30- 290V4 2i 8541 82',' 8. 60HI tx 8414 674 67 65Ht? 66 47-J4 NEW YORE STOCKS AND BONDS Karrow and Professional Character af Mar 1 ket Doea Not Qbscnra Tirm Undertone. RAILWAY SHARES ADVANCE SLIGHTLY Prospeets ot Heavy Baslaea fraaa Lars Crop Caaee Bin la Yalaes Bonds Ar4 Irregnlar. NEAV YORK, July 17 The narrow and professional character of the day mar ket did not obscure the firmness of It undertone. The demand was unimportant and centered In only a few stock; Influ enced by special causes, but the demand was still sufficient to absorb the scanty offerings for sm-h stocks as enjoy any thing like an ordinary degree of activity. The moderate strength shown In a few cases and which was the sustaining Influ ence on the rest of the market was due mostly to dividend rumors. Union Pa cific, Southern Pacific, Brie and Amalga ntnt. r-nntior -r nil In the list. Bo far as the restraint on the market was due to any apprehension of a closer money market it was not Justified by an immediate development, althougn me suo- treasury operations renectea me psrmnui on account of sovernment deposits recalled for Saturday last. The total installment. called amounts to about tll.OiiO.OOO for a.11 the national hanks of the country, as a mntl,r nf fact the ffovrrntiient ha ex pended since July 1 and of the new fiscal year in excess 01 us receipts iuw.iw, thus more than offsetting the withdrawal from the market under the call lor eatur day. Some of the proceeds of the new Japanese loan subscription also are likely to ne restoreo 10 ine maraei snuriiy. prospect of a Russian indemnity loan being offered would prooaoiy aismciine me Japanese government to leave large sums on deposit In the banks of the western world for the benefit Indirectly of a Rus sian loan flotation. Demand for time loans was reported good, but the supply ample. Rallrad officials spoke of the Increasing demand for all line of commodities, owing to' the growing confidence in the grain crops and today weather reports were favorable. The cotton mantel was nerv ous, but did not affect stocks. Reports were current of some large contracts placed for foundry Iron, leading to tne query whether the buvlna- movemnt for pig Iron had begun, t'nlted states Bteei preierrea was benefited hy this suggestion. The day's occasional strona- snots were not well held and as the heat wave became aggravated the market drifted into the doldrums and closed at small change from last week' level. Bonds were Irregular. .Total sales, par value, 82.415,000. I nlted States bonds were all unchanged on call Following were the sales and rang . ot prlcea on the Stock exchange today: Sales High. Low.Close Adams Express Amalgamated Copper 22,300 Quoted at 14 premium. Japanese imperial ts of 1!4 were quoted st 14. PARIS. July 17. Prices on the Pours to day were firm throughout, owing t the satisfactory situation of foreign affairs Russian Imperial 4s were nun ten st f 1" nd Russian bonds of 1W4 at 4!x. The prlvste rste of discount was 1 per cent. RERUN. July 17.Pnce on the Bourse tfdsy wer unchanged. Business wa iiulet. Kaw York Mnner Market. NEW YORK. July 17 MONET On call. steady at t'fftH per cent; closing bid, t per cent, offered at 1 per cent. lime loans. firm; smty osys. rr cent; niniy oavs, 8.33 per cent; six months. 4'u4' per cent. IK I M hi MUHi.Anni'K 1 ai i.n um per cent. STERLING EXCHANOR - fttesdy, with arttisl business in bankers' bills at 14 8f ei 4 86 for demand and at I 844.8496 for dollars, I6c. BONDB Government, steady; railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were 29,30rfi 2VSAi;3nW3l Zl 31WSs, 12 8214 7 20 7 27H 7 87 7 W 12 824l 12 82Vi 7 20 7 27H1 7 87 7 2Hl 32V& 12 95 13 OS 7 27H 7 32 7 P2Vt 7 7V4 , WEATHER IN TUB GRAI BELT 1 1 1 ' .Warmest of Summer Throughout the Central Valley. . " . OMAHA, July 17. 1905. Tha ' warmest; 'weather' of the' summer ,n prevailed throughout the central valley f t Sunday, and temperatures reaching 100 or v above were recorded at a number ot point la eastern Nebraska and western Iowa,. ,; Th highest recorded at Omaha 'during - the day wa 96 4 degrees. Pressure condl , , Uons la th wtu indicate cooler weathar Id the Missouri valley during Tuesday. Th weather is warmer in the laks region 1- and Ohio valley, wltU little or no Changs , la the eastern state, Omaha record of temperature and preclpl- " tatlon cumpaied with tne corresponding day of th last three years! 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. Minimum temperature..., 75 75 W W Precipitation 00 T .72 .63 Detlulency in precipitation since March L , 1!4, 2.87 lnchts. Deficiency corresponding period In 1901, ' 4.27 Inches. OALiKA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. Btations. Max. .VI In. Inoiis. Sky. No. I. tOld. 1NW. Cash Quotations were a follows: FLOUR Easy : winter patents. I4.8CW4.40; straights. $4.00S4.10.' spring patents, S4.K6 6.40; straights. u.504.n: bakers. l2.40Gi3.3a. WHEIAT-No. 1 spring. Sl.O&tgl.lO; No. 3, 95C&I1 (6: No. f red. 87Uo. CORN No. I, 67Vic; No. 2 yellow,' 674 6TliC. OATS No. 2. mV4c; No. 2 white, 83330; No. I white. 31WH53C. BARLEY Good feeding. 4244o; fair to Choice malting, 47.1?49o. BEEDS-No. 1 flax. 11.22: No. 1 north western, $1.40. Prime timothy, I3.20e3.25. Clover, contract grade. 112.7&fin3.00. PROVISIONS Mesa pork, per bbl., 112 80 12.86. Lard, per 100 lbs., S7.05'iF7.10. Bhoit ribs sides (loose). 37. 80. Short clear sides (boxed). IT.STHSfl.OO. Following were the receipt and hlp- menis ot nour ana grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbl 16,700 13.600 Wheat, bu 73,0"0 87,6ih) Corn, bu 881,000 806.800 oats, DU IW.W) 63,400 Barley, bu 15.300 On the Produce exchange today th but ter market was ateady; creameries, 163'lSc; Dairies, ltxgiBc. t ggs, steady; at mark, case . Included, ' 13ac; firsts, lac; prime firsts, 17c; extra, lo. Cheese, firm, lOHc. AahUnd, Neb. Auburn, Neo , Columbus, Neb., Falrbury, Neb... Salrmont, Neb... r. Island, Neb. Hartlngton, Neb, Oakdale, Neb.,., Omaha, Neb Tekamah, Neb Carroll, la loo W. W 9; W 99 94 Clarinda. la 101 Eibley. la.,. 1S Sioux City, ia....l00 bttorm Lake; la.. 70 68 67 . 64 Ho 69 M 66 74. an 66 .7 72 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .w .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Clear Pt. cloudy Clear Clear Clear Clear . C4er dear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear uiairUOX AVKRAUKS. No. of Temp. Hal a. Central. Ku Chicago, 111....... Columbus, O , Dea Moines, la... Indianapolis, lnd. Kansas City, Mo. Louisville, K... (Minneapolis ,. Omaha, Neb St. Louis, Mo.... Local Forecaster. Weather Uureau. 28 Si 70 - T 17 IU 66 .00 13 96 72 .00 11 W ' 70 T 17 94 . 78 .00 19 94 70 . 2s - M t4 .23 16 -9 txl .00 10 M 70 .00 L. A. WKLSH. It. Loais General Market. OX. Li;i.ia, JUl II. MMbAl-Vunri, No. 1 red. cash, elevator, fnv: track. SS4f 6tiHc; September. T'.'VyWC bid; December. tOWc bid; No. 2 hard, to96c. CORN Iwer: No. i cash. 64c; ne track. 6o; Beptember, 62!c; December. 444LC. OAT8 Lower; No. 2 canh, 82c: track. new. SIHc; old. 33)33c; July, 2bo bid K.rl.mlM' J- ....-: No. i white. 15c. FLOUR Quiet: only local trade. Red winter patents, I4.7q4.90; extra fancy and . L- . . , ..I ft. 7 J.T ?.rI' ii.i r., Vniv9 jo- . Iixiil2c: Paclnc coast. li BJrXZ1' " T"r " crop, mux; olds, MfiHc, CO HNMKAL Steady, Ii60. BRAN Steady ; sacked, east tracJt, 73 74c - HAY Steady; timothy, $9.00(814.00; prairie, $.trjlC0. IKf'N COTTON T1L8 99c. BAG01NO-c. HF.MP TWIXE-fic PROVISIONS Pork. lower; Jobbing. 112 9. lJird. lower; prime steam, pi 60. Dry alt meats steady; boxed extra shorts, $7 76: clear ribs. SS.25; short clears. $S 50. Bacon, stesdv; boxed extra shorts, 8S.50; clear ribs, $.00: short clear. $!t UVs. POl'LTRY I'ull; -chickens. 10c; springs. 12c: tutkevs, 14c; ducks. 7'm9c; geese, 6'OJC. BUl"I't:k Quiet; creamery. lbVsauHjc; dslrv. 15H'ql7c. KaOS Steady at 11c. case count. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET (notation of the Day on -Various Commodities. NEW YORK. July 17. FLOtm-Recelnts. 12.149 barrels; exports, 2,3d0 barrels; sales, i,4uu packages. Market dun and lower to ell; winter patents, $4.9og5.a6; winter tralghts. $4.60ig4.0; . Minnesota patents, $5.6u4i6 00; winter extras, $3.1u53.65; Minne sota bakers, $3.754.16; winter low grades, $3.0063.56. Rye flour, quiet; sales, 4-0 barrels; fair to good, $4.264.60; choice to fancy, $4.60.g4.90. CORN MEAL Firm; fin white and yel low, tl.2&$1.30; coars. $1.131.16; kiln dried. $3.uKii3.10. BARLEY Dull: feeding. 48Hc, c. I. f.. New York; malting. 46Q6JC, o. 1. f., Buffalo. WHEAT Dull; receipts, 66u busnels; sale, 8,700,000 bu. futures; spot market easy; No. 2 red, bid, 68c In store; No. 3 red, Wc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, $1.144 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 north ern, Manitoba, $1.10 t. o. b. afloat. Options: There wa another sharp decline in wheat today resulting from lowery cables, con tinued fine weather, weakneas In southwest casa market owing to heavy new wheat receipts and liquidations. The close repre sented lVia net decline. Bales Included No. 2 red July, 914ipWc. closed 91 'c, Septem ber, S787o, closed at SiStc; December, t;fiS"c closed at 87c. CORN Receipts. 260,luO bu : exports. 12d,- 661 bu. Bales, ,6.000 bu. futures and 10.000 bu. spot; spot market firm; No. 2, t2c elevator and wc r. o. o. anoat; no. z yei low. 63Vc: No. 2 white. C3lc. Option mar ket wa quiet, but fairly steady; closing net unchanged; July, WHIK-c. closed at :'u,c: September closed at 01 Wo OATS Receipts, 139.000 bu.; spot market steady: mixed oat. 26 to 32 pounds, SfW H4c: natural white, 30 to Si pounds, 37 o Pitc: clipped what, 80 to 40 pounds, . . (Htu irregular; spring oran, July shipments, middlings, $17.60. HAY yulet; shipping, tkuwc; good to choice. 7i;uoc. HOPS Dull; tte common to choice, j 1W4 crop, 22.f2Sc; 190J crop. 19&:lc; olds. HIDES Quiet; Oulveston, 20 to 26 pounds. 20c;. California. 21 to U puumlt, .9c; Texs dry. 24 to 30 pounds, ls'nc LEATHER StJy; avid. !ttfc. PROVISIONS i-?ef. tiulv; famtlv, 91 ts-'Q 1I.6; mess, Ji olt 10. ; lef hum, til OCug -2.60; packet, $10. J0 1 10..'; city extra, ireis India, $19.uui . v. t.'ut i.ieats, Htealy; pickled liellies, l(J(lu.'; pic;lert MliouldeiS, 6'fltio; pickled hm. lunit. Laid--Barely steady; western steamed, $7.3o; re fined. teady; continent, $7 36; South America. $8.Wr compound, 6,'??iV- 'Pork- Steady; family. $16 bfr. li .00; short clear. $13 76.ul4.76; mess. $15 5014.5"). POTATOES-bteaoy; uns isiana, io-'ui II 00: southera. 66'a$l 00; Jersey sweet, Jl.uo TAI.LUrWU"'i wy 'J V -S"t American C. & F.. do pfd American Cotton OH. do pfd American Express... Airier. 11. L. pfd.. American Ice sec... American Linseed OH do pfd Amer. Locomotive... do pfd American S. St R do pfd Amer. Sugar lie fin... Amer. Tobacco, p. c. Anaconda Mining Co. Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line.. Baltimore & Ohio.... do pfd Brooklyn R. T Canadian Pacifc Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago & Alton do pfd Chicago O. W Chicago & N. W C. M. A St. P Chicago T. & T do pfd C. C, C. & Bt. L.... Colorado F. A I Colorado & Southern do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas..... Com Products do pfd , Delaware A Hudson. Delaware, L. & W... Denver & Rio Grande do pfd Distiller' Securities. Brie do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper. do pfd International Pump.. ao era Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louisville & N Manhattan L Met. Securities Metropolitan Bt. Ry.. Mexican central Minneapolis & St. L.. M., St. P. & 0. St. M. do pfd Missouri Paelflo Missouri. K. T do pfd National Lead ....... N. R. R, of M. pfd... New York Central.... N. Y.. O. A W.. Norfolk A Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mall Pennsylvania Peoples Gas P.. C C. Bt. I,.... Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd ' Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St.-L. & S. F. 2d pfd. Bt. L. Southwestern. do pfd Southern Pacific do pfd Southern Railway..,, do pfd Tennessee C. A I Texas Pacific T.. St. L. A W do pfd t'nlon Pacific do pfd V. B. Kxpress I'. 8 Realty I'. B. Rubber do pfd U. S Steel do pfd Va.-Cnol. Chemical. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Express Westtnirhouse Elec... Western I'nlon Wheeling L. E.... Wisconsin Central..., do pfd.... Northern Paelflo ..... Central Leather ...... no pfd 600 100 2,000 100 $4i 8 99 83H 93 4 40 26 1,800 200 9,100 100 l.loo 7,406 $. 900 49 112 117 1208, isai lioH 87 108 89 26 48 112 lie 1204 139 169" 102 5 (.300 114T4 114 12.009 1.400 70 162 69 152 700 64 63 200 1.90 6.100 2o0 'too '166 'ioo 400 400 29.400 10.400 2.100 400 20 213 182 47 27 88 i6 190 87 33 47 84 72 175 20 a 181 4 27 88 io" 190 885 82 46 83 72 173 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET .aula Receipt 1 Liberal, Anlirg Lower. with Prioai tit 86 for demand anq at n Msm.MKi slxtv-dsy Mils; posted rates, $451 nd'$4 87U4 S; commercial hills. $4 M SILVER Bar, 68c; Mexican dol V. a. ret. is. rg. so coupon t). t. I. rf do eenpon tl. a. new 4a ,ri . a eeupon V. B. eld 4s. r I'M eenpon Am Tobsoro 4. etfs. ' etfs. AtrhUoa fn. 4.. o sdl. 4t Atlantic c. L. 4a. Bal. A Ohio 4a..., do Central of Oa. ta So Irt Ine 4o 14 tne Can. A Ohio 4Sa... Chlrago A A. IS C, B A Cj ft. 4a... C, R. I. P. 4a.. an rol. Ml err. A St. U g. 4a Chlraco Tr. 4a miorado Mia. w..., Colo. 80. 4a Japan ta. etta 105' do 14 irt 10AV o 4a. atla .104 iU A N. sal. 4a... 1114 Manhattan t. ( Ml. Central 4a... ae lat ia Minn. A St. U 4a M . K. A T. 4a.., tit do ta ..1044. N. R R. of M. e. .. 47 N. T. C. (. IHB.. ,.101v N. J. C. g. a.... . .!, No. Pacing 4a...., ..HI do la . .1114 N. A W. e. 4a... .. n. B. L rtdt 4a. .. 44 Penn. conT. SHa. ..ion Reading sea. 4a.. W'H et. i ft 1. H ta., do aet B Cuts 6a, rtfa... D. ft R. O. 4a. Dlmllcra' Bae. Bria prior Han 4a do sen. 4a P. W. A I). C. la Horklni Val. 4a Offered. ..ieiH .. t .. n ..1044 ..104 .. T7 .. 114 .... IT 4a 12 .... ....104 .... 77H ....lCtt .... 4 ....104H 101 ta..i:a 101 st L a s r. ti 4a. . 2S'M L S. W. . 4a.... K1H . tH B-aNinrd A. li. 4a.... 9Vt go. Parlflc 4a 94S4 . tl 1 So. Rallwar la Ilk . 74 ITtzaa A P. la lilt W T. , St. I., ft W. 4.. 83 .104 .110 . 4H .1174 ,. 74 . IS ,. 4 . . 14 HOGS FAIRLY ACTIVE, VALUES HIGHER keep Receipt Fairly Liberal, with Qaallty of Staff Good asd Prices rifteesi to Tneatr-FlT Lower Thasi Close ttt Last Week. SOUTH OMAHA. July 17. 19n. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Oinnai Mondav 4.0.4 1.008 .' Same day last week tJ 6.1-vi .i same day week before .. 1.82 4.4J7 S.361 Same three weeeks ago . 2.-'.o t oil s.Jo Heme tour weeks ago ... 4.W 7,W .2m Same day last year i'.i 1.464 806 kUCKlfTS FOR THE TEAR TO DATK The followinsr tahla shows tne receipt of cattle, nogs and sneep at South Oman for tn yoax to aat compared with last year 11, uai4 Inc.. Dec. Cattle 4o,i 4,,.tJ !' L,-K Iw.'uo "fcep 7iB,u31 7l4,4e7 ti.Wb Tae following table shows the average price ot nogs at bourn omaha for tha last eveial days, witn comparisons; 2 steer.. .113 if) 1 steers ...11S3 ISO M steers.. ..loss t to HOOS-Ther wa a larger run of hog here than usual nn Monday and th quality was rslrlv gool. nuyers wer loosing at quality today and th common hogs were left till th last. Karly eastern reports were encouraging and sellers fisd the ad vantage. Buyers wer out In good season and the early market was ressonshly active. On th opening, trading was done st a little stronger price, hut fter the first round or two the market strength ened and prices ruled generally 8c higher. Toward the middle of the forenoon there was a stronger spot and some hogs ld a nickel higher, hut the general traci ng was done at the advance noted above Th hulk of the hogs sold at $i SMi-Vso, with the popular price at $5 67. Toward the close the market weakened and trading was very lo Kv II... 47..., 41. .., M .... 0... 63... 43... II... II... 14... 11 .. 44... 4 .. ill.. tl II 71 71 1 and Inolurte.l X.S-in American. Receipt J.' hales, no American. ST. LOCIS. Julv i; -OOTTON-Pteadv. c higher: middling, 101. 10 13-lfc-J sales. 7i bales, receipts, none; shipments, 734 bales; stock, S1.91H bales OM41I4. WHOl.ra 4.I.F. MiflKF.T. w. Representative sales: Colo. lnd. as, aat A.. 7l' Vnloil Paclfla 4s HW do conv. 4a .Wtk tt. B. Steel M la., .lnnnlWahaah la . n do 4b B .101 Wtrn Md. 4a... . I); w. A L. B. 4a .111 I'Wls. Central 4a.. ,109V do lat 4s etta...., Bo4oa Stocks sad Bond. BOSTON, July 17-"an loans. 3S4. per loans, S'XtM per cent, omclal id bonds were: cent: time quotations on stocks an 8.200 170 170 100 100 78 28 78 28 1,800 149 148 eoo 8,400 1.800 2,900 4O0 400 ino 200 4.4fin 7,800 $00 82 127 21 46 88 148 83 84 82 1 21 s 28 63 45 88 147 B2 85 100 91 1.900 148 142 900 106 104 "206 io io" 20',6tl6 106 106 ' ion m" m" 900 10 to 2,:n0 82 81 8.0OO 3? $1 200 7 7S 200 84 84 'io6 28" " Zl'.m W & 2" 117 117 . 1.900 34 33 4. 900 87 W 100 84 2t 'ion 87 87" 87,300 130 130 Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, ku. .. Oat, bu. Receipts, bnlpments. 10 om 1',0) 71.600 77.iM) lO.oort lOO.CWO 61. ("10 41.CU) Visible Bapply of (irala. KETV YORK. Julv 17. The visible aupjily of grain Saturday. July 14. us compiled by the New York Produc eschang. wa aa follows: Wheat. 12 3J9.0i0 bushels; decrease, l,te4.. 0 bushels, . . Corn, 4.JM.000 bushels; decrease, 66,000 bush Gats 1664,010 bushels; decrease. 8n2. binhel. . Rye. 775,000 bushels; decrease, 20,0fl0 bush. ' Barley, 80J.OOO bushels; decrease, 62,000 buiiiela. , (irula .Market. July 17. - WHEAT Mir w it'vre ler: Ko 1 northern. 81.1161-12: No. 2 northern. 1.0S 1.14); Bentemlwr. 8io bid. HVt: Dull; No. 1, 7.-ui9C PARLKY-bteadv; Tno. 2. 3c; mpl. CORN Lower; September, &5fi5o0 . bid. Liverpool brain Market. MVF.hPOOL. July 17-WHEAT-Spot, ronunal, futures, quiet; July, nominal; ep 4s 7d; Pecember. 6s d. utOt-4vut, iad; Aaicrlcu lulsed, ta country (pkgs. fre). 4'a4c. RICB8teady; domestlo fair to extra. $i6c: '"P"- nominal. POULTRY Alive, steady; western chick ens. 16c; fowl. 14c; turkeys, 14'c; dressed. irregular; western cnicKens, launc, nulSf: turkeys. 17o. lit, 1 1 tit oiesay , ewri I y.'"'m" "I creamery, UHi2ic; offlci il prices, creamery. 1 . u A at. P.... common to extra. lT?0'tc: state dairy., -v common to etra. mXie: renovated. 00m. , - 0...4 2.000 8S.4O0 45 700 6.?1 1,200 MO . 200 48 10" 10R 1 40 43 110 lonj 106 IS 39 V0 168 167 1.7O0 JOO 45 2V VAU. Total sales for the day, 438.000 195 44 104 share. 243 83 86 99 81 90 226 10 24 f, 89 4fl4 111 11 120 139 9 108 102 169 114 91 t9 162 201 63 36 79 19' J10- 181 11 88 7 46 69t 87' 190' 10 48 150 385 32 88 41 46 83 174 S3 170 19 78 27 82 - 26 31 27 67 148 165 1W 21 64 10 1S9 S 28 83 43 87 147 63 86 91 98 42 142 104 78 40 94 239 106 93 92 20 si vt 75 34 103 87 23 6! 66 117 83 9ft P6 33 37 M2 1W 9v l?i 0 44 no; 84 lOT-J st 106 ' 3 m 166 93 Id 2S 61 1U 43 I1 Atrhlsoa sdl. 4a.., do 4a Max. Central 4a.. Atchlaon do pfd Bnaton A Albany.. Boaton A Malivg. . Bnaton Elevated ,. Fitcbburg pfd .... Maaican Central .. N. T . N. H. A R. Pera Marquatta ... Union Paclde ... Amer. Arga. Cham do pfd Amar. Pnau. Tube... A mr. Sugar ....... do pfd Amar. T. A T Amar. Woolea .... do pfd Dominion 1. A B., Edlaon Klee. Illu. . Min. Elwtrlo .... do pfd Maaa. Oaa I'nlted Fnftt United Bhoa Math. do pfd U. 8. Bt.el do pfd Wasting common Bid. "Asked. H AdTantnr .11 . 7 I . I4H .l')2S .!S4 .171 .16t .141 . II H .100 . M 4 0 .. I ,.1MV ..131 ..111 .. M .. 1IH .. 44. i.IH .. Ill .. Illi 4 v. ..1MV. Allouea Amalgamated .. Amarican Zlne . Atlantic Bingham Cal. A Hacla.t. Canton n la I ropper Range .. ualf waat Dominion Coal . franklin (3ranty lata Rorala .... Haia. Mining .. Mh-hliran dohawk .loot. C. AC. Old Dominion . Oareola Parrot Quinsy Shannon Tamarack Trinity United Coppr . It. 8. Mining... V. 8. Oil L'tah ,'lctorla Winona 'Wolverine .... ... ... I7H ... S3S ... I ... IH ... M) . ... li ... 7m ... ... li ... 10H ... 4 ... 104 ... I ... Ma ... II ... I ... l ... it ... is ...101 ... 1 ...114 ... ... ... ai ... 10 ... 4JV ,. 3 1-11 ... 10 ...111 Treasury Statement. WASHINOTON, July 17.-Today'a state m,ni nf the treasurv balances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In th division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $127,033, 7; gold, $68,672,922. Bank Clearings OMAHA. Julv 17. Bank clearings for to dav were $1,610,730.79 and for the corre sponding date last year $1.189.372.42. Kansas City Grain and Provision The range of price paid In Kansas City, a reported by the Edwards-Wood com pany, 110-111 Board of Trade, wa: Artlcleg.l Open. I Hlgh. Low. 1 Cloe, Bat'y. Wheat ,v July... 77 . 77, 0 76 76 77 Sept... 7674 -75 4 73 . 74 75 Dec.... 76 75 73 74 75VJ Corn- T "' . Julv... 51 61 1 61 61 61 Sept... 17 . 48 47 . 47 47 Deo.... 41 ', 42 41 41 41 Oats . Sept... 293 29 29 . 29 29 Pork July... 12 63 12 2 12 65 12 65 12 60 Sept... 1282 1285 1270 1272 13 63 Lard July... 7 06 7 06 7 00 7 00 7 66 Sept... 722 726 7 15 7 16 722 Ribs July... 760 766 767 76S 760 Bept... 7 85 7 87 7 80 7 82 1 Date. I 1905. 11904. 11903. 19U3. 1901. 11900. 11891. Jun U 4 81 t H I U l J Jud It.. u 4 si till 7 24 4W8 Jun 17..16W 1 4 1, 6 94 7 Ml I 83l w June i..i I 4 ii i 7 a., l ol HU1 4V. J un iv. June i. June u.. 181 1 t W k Mi 01 St s uui a aoi 1 ail t if f n " ta-.l I 161 s ill I i l 6 "I 24..) I 27 I $ 70 7 61 J, W $ 3 2. 1 1 14:.i I OUi mi I 6 lo 1 6 VI 1 7 44i ti I 1274, I 08 I 831 I I 8 June a k Ui 6i 7 69 k lui June June June June June July July July July 4. juiy July July July July July July July July July July July July 4 m i' i ootid I M l xiw k lai k m,, I hi n Uli k UJl 8 o4 28.. I iB (10 7 66 k7 k U $ .. k 21vs, k 04i ( 6SJ 90, 4 9, $ 10.111) 1 sin 11 mi 7ml I k 011 I W 0 a in twi 1 uai s 001 1 1 k lii t 7 ) i 4 2 (39 1 1 s ko 7 Ml k 74 k WJ $ 78 s'ir.! ("' Ti'eii'o'fii "i"bi " j 241 ai a mi -1 ii i t... 7... 8.,. 9... 10.. 11.. 12.. 13.. 14.. 16.. 16 17.. & i;A-i A 11,1 f tM 7 751 (20 ( lbl 6 3 7 81 8S1 J 5 33 ( 32 6 3'V 6 3tt k 47 6 lij ( 44 7 W ( Ki 1S I ( S'Ji 7 W 6 6 13 I 90 47 71 47 40 4 41. 44 II 70 10 4 4. 71 70 70 41 46 II. 10 71 77 II 74 16 14 41 44 17 14 70 14 . ...144 ...l ..174 ..111 ...811 ...144 ,.744 , . !M .. 11 ...171 ...I7J ..171 ...til ...10 ...m . . 114 .. IM ...141 ..111 ...141 ...01 ..111 ...147 ...111 ... ...Ml ..17 ...if-i ...tI4 ,..171 ...f4 ...Wl ....131 ...IM ,,.m ....144 ....13 ....lit ...lai ...141 ...HT ...121 ....111 ...121 ....131 . ... 144 ...137 ....137 ....144 as, Pt . . . 41V4 I 10 I 10 I II I HV, I M '4 I ll4j A. I ll4j 40 I IIH . . I liva 140 I ItH 110 I lit .. ins 140 I II 40 I II 140 I II . . . I II II t II I M I H I II I U I M t IS I W I M U I M I IS I II I 18 I II I II I II 0 I H ... in ... tn 140 t II H IU to I IS 40 I SI 140 'io SO '40 10 M . k. Pt. 140 10 I M lie 40 n 40 I 0 140 0 110 LM 40 140 40 0 SO - so 110 an IK 10 iie 110 140 40 ito 7 79i 6 W, 6 041 W 7 77 ( 9o, 6 02 4 04 1 k sol 6 1SI 4 0t T 72 k Wti 4 06 6 63 6 11 ( 16, 7 7 6 77 I 6 18 6 83 7 72 6 64! 02 6 19 7 72 6 66 4 4 4 01 6 U 6 38, I 6 OT, 5 38 0 1,1 5 it; Indicates Sunday. The oitlcial number of cars of atock brouKht in today by each road was: Cattle.Hogs.Bneep.n ses. C. M. A St. P. Ry.... 6 MO. Bac. Ky 12 U. P. System 85 C. N. W. Ry 1 F., E. M. V. R. R 86 C. St. P. M. A O. Ry. U B. M. Ry 48 c, B. A g. Ry 1 C. , R. 1. A P., east v.'.. K. 1. ft r west Illinois Central Chi. Great Western . I 2 k 16 1 69 4 19 3 4 'i 1 108 10 15 Total Receipt ....199 108 26 as The disposition of the day' receipt wa aa follows, eacn Duyer purcnuaing 100 uum ber of head indicated: Buvers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co. Swift and Company I4 70.. 17 till 14 lit 47 117 47 Ill 1 131 10 in I let 11 m 44 in 44 11 74 144 II 131 74 IN 70 Ill 44 117 41 131 M Ill II tal ti .a II IM 71 Ill as J7I 1 Ill 71 Ill 71 134 71 144 44 725 14 124 41 in 44 134 71 101 71 Ill l?l II 100 IS Ill I IT II Ill 10 .117 76 17 17 IIS 40 ll 71 tul I II TS 114 I II Tl 10 I S6 71 144 M 77 171 I IS II Ill I II 71 121 I St 71 til IU tl 101 SHEEP There wa another sharp decline In prices tlil-J morning In the big barn and seller were at a disadvantage Early east ern reports were discouraging and buyer were bearish aa a consequence. There was a moderate run, about twenty-flve cars being on sale, and the quality of the re ceipts was good. The stuff arrived early and buyers were out In good time. Prices generally ruled 15(6 26c lower than th elds'? of last week, while lambs were still lower. showing a decline of about a quarter. Al though tne market was lower the last two day ot last week and today, condition are rairy eatisractory, prices ruling mucti higher than last year at thla time. The break was not unexpected, as sheepmen were looking for a decline, with heavier re ceipts. The Kllnk wether, a ten-car con signment, went for $5. while a five-bunch of Wyoming wether brought $5.10. uuotatione uood to choice soring iamns. (7.007.26: fair to good spring iambs, Is.kOtf 7.00; good to cholc yearlings, $5.8Ofl0O: fair to good yearlings. $5.50fr6.80; good to choice wethers, $5.00a5.20; fair to good, wethers, $4.7tV&6 .00; good to choice ewe, $4.75S4.90; fair to good ewes. $1.204.75. 40 40 40 140 40 "40 40 '40 to 1 1714 I 174, I M' I P7V, 74 I H'i I IT4j I 17 S t I7Uj I 17V, I 174 I 67V I H '4 I 67 I S74 I IT4 I I7S I 67 I7 17 I lf4 I 67 I 17 17 I 17 17 8 17 I 17 67 S 67 67 I 67 67 I 40 I 40 I ( I 17 I 40 . I 10 I 40 40 I 40 I 0 I 40 40 8 40 I 40 I 40 40 4 10 fancy. 270. SO0 and pkgs.. $2 00; Cudahy Packing Co. Armour A Co Vanaant A Co Carey A Benton Hill Lewis A Underwood Hamilton L. F. Huss Cattle. .... 672 870 ....1,470 .... 690 .... 91 .... 206 .... "3 .... 28 .... 101 1W 1,071 1.802 1.166 2,341 4i 1.774 479 8.3U 10 Idaho ewes 277 Idaho ewes 4 Idaho ewes 84 Idaho wethers and ewes... 316 Idaho ewes 6 Idaho wethers 2108 Montana wetheTS 1119 Wyoming wethers w luuiio yearlings 18 western yearlings 92 western ewe 116 113 97 101 lii9 122 111 im 88 75 85 a 00 4 40 4 75 4 75 4 75 4 75 6 00 5 10 6 76 ( 00 8 50 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Wolf 13 6 1 146 2.'9 204 4ot 180 .4,758 7.861 ,061 I.oadoa Stork Market. IONDON. July 17 Closing quotation on KANSAS CITT. July 17.-WHEAT-July, 76Sc; September. , 74c; December, 74e. Cash. No. 2 hard. 80'3R2c: No. 3. 77H81o No. 4. 70Q78O; No. 2 red. 82ffMlo; No. 8. 78$ 82c: No. 4. 76f78c: receipts. 67S cars. CORN July. 47e47c; December, 413 42c; May, 31c. Cash. No. 2 rotated, 62 J 62c; -No. 8. 6ff62c; No. 2 white, 63c; No. 3, (St) 5Sc. OATS No. 2 mixed, new, 2c; old, 81c; RYE Steady; No. 2, 66fc68c. HAY Steady : choice timothy. $9.5010.00; cholc prairie, $5.7587.00. BUTTER Creamery, 15818c; packing, 14c. EOO 9 Steady; Missouri and Kansas, 12c; loss off case returned, Case count, 10 Wc; southern, 60. Receipt. Shipment. Wheat, bu, 462,400 191,300 Corn, bu 73.000 4O,0iK) Oat, bu 19.000 6,000 Metal Market. NEW YORK. July 17 METALS Tha London tin market was unchanged, with pot quoted at 11 17 6d. Locally th market wa ateady. with spot held at $31.60(331.75. Copper waa firmer in the Lon don market, closing at 66 10s for spot and 66 16s for futures. Locally the mar ket Is steady to firm, with lake and elec trolytic quoted at $16.00516.12 and cast ing at $14.75. Lead waa unchanged at 18 12s 6d In London and at $4.50(64 80 In th; local market. Spelter was also unchanged at $5.856t.40 In the New Yora market, but waa higher at 34 7s 6d in London. Iron closed at 49 4d in Glasgow and at 45s 4d In MIddlesboro. Locally Iron was steadier and dealers were asking advances over recent figures. No. 1 foundry northern, $15.5lrSl 60; No. 1 foundry southern, 16 25 fil6.75; No. 1 foundry southern soft. $15.50 16 25; No. 2 foundry southern. $14.7o315.&0. ST. LOUIS, July 17. M ETAL8 Lead, lower at $4.60; apelter, higher at $5.25. Evaporated Apples and Dried Frnlts. NEW YORK. July 17. EVAPORATED APPLES Market remains without change: prices steadv to firm, with common to good quoted at 4'?t6c; prime, 6c; choice, 6'u 7c: fancy, 7c. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Prune are very Arm on bullish advice concern ing the new crop, but spot quotations show no quotable change, owing to th moderate demand at present noted. Prices rang from 3frc, according to grade, for Califor nia fruit, whll Oregon rang as high as 7c. Apricot are firm with spot quoted at l'oiw; extra cnnice. 11c; lancy, izaitc Peaches are said to be hardening on th coast, but, while firm, remain unchanged so lar as local soot nuotatious are con cerned. Choice are held at loorloc; extra choice, 10l0c; fancy, lla'lo- Raisins are unchanged with loose Mtihcatel quoted at 4Hjec; seeded raisin. ktjc; Ixm don layer, $1.00frl.l(. Mike Haggcrty Sol Degan Lelghton 4V Co Lay ton Packing Co. Frey Packing Co. ... S. A 8 . Sioux City . Other buyers Total CATTLE There was a good run of cattle here for a Monday, about 211 cars being on sale. Th receipt were some fourteen cars heavier tnan last Monday and about 13 oar heavier than the same day a year ago. The quality of the cattle was good and a big proportion of the receipt con sisted of western and Texas Muff. Condition today were not in favor of the selling interest and buyer were in a bearish mood. The stuff arrived in good eason and buyers were on the hill fairly early, but did not tak bold with any strength. Discouraging reports from east am point also affected th trade her to some oxtent and the general movement wa slow and draggy all through the morn ing. The supply of western cattle was large and this lact also had a depressing effect on the native stun, the general market was Just about a dim orf. and some salesmen claimed they bad to accept even a bigger decline than tin. Uraasy tuft waa ail in poor demand and trading wa very draggy, these kinds showing the greatest loss. It was well along toward noon befor anything ot any consequence was done. There wa a bigger supply of cow and heifer than for some lime and a good share 01 tne receipts wa western aiun Buyers on th sn stuff were bearish and were not overly anxious for suppliea. Tha grassy kinds were all alow aaie and the movement on the native stuff was not at all brisk. Prices were just about loo lower than the close of last week. Bulls, veal calve and stags felt about the same decline aa did the steer and cow and wer hard to move at the price. Tn supply 01 stocgers ana leeoer wa heavier today than it has bean for om stocks were: Coneola. money .. da srrouut AnaeondA ........ At-faiaoa , do pfd Baltimore A Ohio Canadian Pacific . t'hra A Ohio mon to extra, 14gifc: western mcioijr, mm- , mon to extra. 14ftl6c; western imitation creamery, ltvylsc. CHEESE Firm: new etat full creams, niAll colored and white, fancy. 9c; nanv stat. fair to choic. 9"69e; new taie, large, colored and white, fancy. 9c. EOOa jTIrm; tte, Pennsylvs nla and nearby selected white, fancy, 24c: atata choice, Jlj'-'2c; statu extra mixed. zliS'-lHc: western extra ftrats. 'lSc; western ec onds, 16Ul6c. Dwlata Grata Market. DCLt'TH. Minn., July 17. WHEAT T arrive. No. -1 northern.. tl.U: on track. No. 1 northern. $!; N. t northern. 11.00; July. $108: September, new, lc; Septem ber, old. sfl'c- ... OATS To arriv. $0c; on track. 21c MlaneasalU . Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS, July 17. FLOUR- Fust patents. i."f7ti ; second patents. tA!76-'; first ciaU a. deal. $iktf4.7. aecond second do aid gria da lat pfd... do Id M . . Illlaola Central Lcula. A Nao at , K A T... SILVER Bar -. 0 N IY. Central M Ml Norfolk AW. .. IV do pfd .... .. Ontario A W. . ,104 Paonarltaata ..117 Raad Mmea .. ReadlBf . . do lat f!4 . 1 do M srd.. 1 So. Raiiva? . ... 1644 do s'd .... ... II So Paciat ... ... iv Unloa Paelte ... . do pfd .... ,.. a.., I'. . Steal... ... 74 do pt d ...174 Wabaeh ...Ill do pfd .... ... inaalah 4a ... steady. 27d ..11144 :: H .. 44 .. n .. .. 44 .. 47 .. 474 .. 1444 ..101 .. T, .114 ..US) .. 14 " .. IS .. 41 .. II per ounc. MONEY KUI per cent. The rate of dixcount in the'open market short bills is lVdl 11-18 per, cent; for three months' bills, 111-16-91 per cent. Foreign Flnaarlal. LONDON, July 17. Supplies of money were superabundant in the market today. Discunts wear consequently weak. Trad ing on the Stork eaihange was quiet, but the undertone was gud. Consols wer easier. Americans opened Irregular and hardened generally. I'nlon Pacitic was th feature, in anticipation of the dividend. Southern Paclnc a favored and United States dteel preferred waa in demand. Trad ing was inactive and prices closed firm. Japar.eKe were kilpported on account of tu allotment ot tLe new luao, wiUth a CoaTee Market. NEW TORK. July 17.-COFFEE Market for future opened dull at unchanged price to a decline of S point In response to lower aTuropean cables than expected. The close wss steady, but at a net de -cllne ot 54314 points. Sales were 89.750 baas. Including Sentember at .ftrtfz &"ic December. 7.1787.20c; March. T.SWi:.40c: May, 7 kfBT Sic. A good proportion of th business consisted of switches from Sep tember to later position. Boot ateady: No. mo invoic c. Cattle Ten to Fifteen Cent Lower Hog Five Cent Higher. CHICAGO. Julv 17. CATTLE Racelot Z6.000 head, Including 2,000 Texans; market I041 15c lower: arood to nrlme steers, tl toft 6 90: poor to medium, $3.75'S6.20; atocker l nil reciters. X2.50a4.30: cows. 12 45fn4.40 heifers, $2.2Dt6.uO; tanners, 81. 60S 2.60; bulls $2.00&3.85; calves, $3.00(6.60; Texas fud steers, 4.J66.00. HOGS Receipts. S2.000 hasd: estimated for tomorrow, 24,000 head; market (o higher; mixed and butchers, $5.5ort?5 95 good to choice heavy. $5.6.:'a'6.95; rough heavy. $6.8o$5.60; light, $5.46'ii5.96; bulk of ties, vi.ib'aoeo SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts. 20 000 head; market 155725c lower; good to choice wether. $6.535.60; fair to choice mixed $4 40fi.00; western sheep. $4.50-ti6.5O: native lamb. $4.907.75; western lambs, $5.50jj7.75. !ew York Lire Stock Market, NEW YORK. July 17. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2,160 head; beeves 10c lower; fat bulls easier; other steady to strong; fat cows lower; others steady; medium to cholc steers, 14 3OB5.70; one car extra, o. 10; duiis,; cows, ll.7o4j.l i5. CALVES Receipts. 4.428 head. Veals. 25 V3bc lower; buttermilks, 254ju0c off; veals, Hffwi.w; cnoice early at (.oo,7. 10; tall- fnHn U in h,ittA,mllLa ai KnRv, ka, choice early, $4.75; dressed calves alow anci weag; city dressed veals. 8tfllo per liuuiui; cooniry uresseu, M0ioc. HOUB rO'celDtS. 9.978 head: mirVet nrm; state nogs, o.2bij.; cholc medium. eo.ev. SHEEP AND LAMBS Recelnts 10 f,04 head; sheep, 16?26c lower: prime lambs ruuy otic on: others. UYrci'- lower Rhun $3.00Q4.76; culls, $2.009160: lambs. $6flo3.oo; who vif eo.Mi, generau sales, a, tiao.w. St. Loots Live Stork Market. BT. LOUIS. July 17.-CATTLTC-Recelnts. Caadltlon ot Trade and (notations on Staple nnd Fancy Prodnce. EGOS Ilecelptn. fair; mrket quiet; candld sti k. UiilJitc LIVE Ifll.TUY- Hens. 9c: roosters. 6Tjc; turkeys. 12-iI.V: duck, Sc; spring du"ks. l"r; si-ring clilekens. iMilSc. BUTTl-:R Market firm: linking stocks. 14c: choice to fancy dairy. 17.il4c: creamery. fcvJ?lc; prints. 2.'c. SUOAH Sttntlard granulnted. $".71 pef ca t.; Cubes. $7 per cwt , cut loaf. $7 45 per t ; No extra C. Is. 15 ter cwt.; No. 10 extra (', $5.W per cwt : No. 15 yellow, $i 75 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $rf ; per cwt ; bar powdered. $7.40 per cwt.; cattle tablets, $7 95 per cwf. FRESH FISH-Trotit. 9c: halibut, lie; buffalo (dressed), 80; pickerel clrrsed, 8c; white bn.s (dressed!, l?c; fsiinnsh, 6-; percrt (scaled and dressed). 8c: pike, 10c: catfish, 16c; red snapper. 10c; Salmon, tfic; rrapples, l?c; eel, 15c; bullheads, lie; black bsss. ?iv; Manitoba whlteflsh (dreased), 10c; lJke Su perior whlteflsh (dresst'dt. Kc; frog legs, fier do., 35c: lobsters, green, L"7c; hollcd obsters, 3o,-; shad roe, 4.V; blueflh, c, HAT Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hav Denlers' association: Choice. $7; No. 1. $8 50; No. 2, coarse, $5 These prlcea are for hav of good color and quality. BRAN Per ton. $15. . TROPICA L FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, nil sites. $4 60: extra fancv Mediterranean sweets. all Plies. $3 76: seedlings, all sixes. $3 50; Valen cia, all sizes, $4.50. LEMONS- In montern, extra J'" and aw sles. $.1.50; fnncy, SfiO sices. $5 0)1; 240 else. $1.00. DATES Per Nix of SO 1-lh. Hallowe'en. In 70-lh. boxes, per lb. 5c. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, lhi$ 85c: Imported Smyrna, four-crown, 12c; flve crown, 12c. BANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch. $1.7$ (p??5: lombos. 8:.( FINEArri.EH-Fiorldn, per crate Of It, 80 and 36 slTes. n.po FKCITS AND MF.INP APRICOTS California, per 4-bssket crate,, $1 m. pi t-MRcalifornla. per 4-basket crate. r.lrfM.S5. PI-iAi'HES Texns clings, per 4-bssket crate. Roe; Texas freestones. V; California freestenes. per CH-lh. hox, $100. CHPRRIES-Calirornls. Mack, per 8-lh. box. $1.50; white, per S-lb box. $1.50; Mis souri bex nf ?t ots.. $?.flri(2.26. CR ANPERRTES Jerseys, per crate. $1.60. OftOSFBERRIKS Box of ft qts.. 12.00 CANTAU)CPE8 Texas, per crate. $3 Of) 4.60; California, per crate, ponies, $6.00; stnndnrds. $t! 00. WATERMELONS Alnhsma Rweets. 25iT 80c each: crnted. lc per lb. RA8PHKH Rl KS Reil box of 24 pts, $J fO; black, box of 24 qls., $3.00. BLACKBERRIES Case of 24 ot.. $2.mj 160. Tl'RNITS-New. per do., To. CARROTS New. per doi., 20o. WAX BEANS Per H-lni. box. 75c: string beans, per -bu. box, 75c; bu. box wax or string. $1 TA POTATOES Home-grown. In sack, per bu., 35c; Cnlorndo, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., 55c. BEANS New, per bu , $?ol CAl'LIFLOWER-Home grown, per crate of 1 do.. 60c. Ot'CVMRERS Per do , 46c. FF,AS-IVew, per btt. box, l.(". TOMATOFB Tennessee, per crate, R&r. SPINACH-Per bu., 60e. CABBAGE Home grown. lb.. Ic. ONIONS New, per do. home grown, yellow, red per lb. RADISHES Hot house or southern. do 20c. LETT ICE Mot house, per do., ac; neaa lettuce, per do., 60c. r BEETS New, per do . 80c. MISCELIANEOUB. CHEESE Swiss, 'new. 16c; brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger. 12c; young Americas, 12c. NL'T 9 Walnuts. No. 1 soft shells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard shells, per lb., 1.1c; No. 2 soft shells, per lb., 12c: No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; f-mnll, per lb., 10c: peanuts, per lb., ic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; Chill walnuts, per lb., 12(fl3c'; almonds, soft shells, per lb.,k17c; hard shell, per lb. 15c; shellbark hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; large hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. ... HIDES-No. 1 green. Rc; No, 2 preen, 7c; No. 1 salted. 9c; No. 2 salted, 8c; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 2 veal calf. 9o: dry salted, "fillo; sheep pelts, 251-00; horse hides, $1.60633.00. ,- 4-basket In crate, per bunches, 16c; and white, 2 per Wisconsin 15c; twins. J0.600 head. Including 8.600 Texans; market 1.,1. ""v snipping and export steers. time. The demand was light and the caul $3.Sij6 60: steer under 1.000 nound. u show a decline of about a dime, with a 1 4.26; atocker and feeders. $2.50ifis 76- enw slow trad. , Representative sales; BEEF STEERS. Pkllaaelpkta Prod are Market. PHILADELPHIA. July 17 BUTT ER Firm; extra western creamery, 21c; extra nearbv prints. Etc. EGGS Firm: nearby fresh, 18c: loss off nearby fresh. 17c at mark; western fresh. lTTrixe: at mara. CHEESE Firm. New Tork full cream fancy, loe: New York full cream fair to good, 9t?10c: domestic Swiss, llifMc. Liverpool Grain Market. PEORIA. July 17 CORN-Higher; No. 8 yellow, 67"; No. 4. 60c; no grade. r5c. OATS (-ower; No. 1 whit. L4,xic; Nn. 4 white. 31i3!c. WHISKY -On th basis of 21 27 for fin ished goods. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. July IT -WOOL Stesdy; medium grade, combing and clothing. 2331:. light One. 2Va27. heavy (la, italic; tub vaabed, $jQ4i Ko. A. Pr. So. At. Pt. II M7 I 44 II 1IM 4 40 10 Ill 4 10 4 1091 4 44 14 Ha 4 U 11 1104 4 M 7 W IN II ....llSi 4 46 II 1211 4 M II Uil 4 44 10 46 4 10 II 1211 4 10 it 1114 4 10 10 1171 4 10 17 1014 4 II 10 1147 4 II 1 100 4 U 11 UN 4 71 II 1UT 4 40 M 1141 I 10 II 441 4 40 il 1114 4 ka il Ill 4 40 14 IU1 4 II II 1114 4 a SO 1247 4 II II 1121 4 44 17 1119 4 m 14 1101 4 M il 1444 4 14 86 1117 4 40 14 1141 4 II 1 1031 4 40 40 1JM 4 0 H 1111 4 II II Ill 4 SO II 1147 4 40 14 1244 4 40 14 UOt 4 10 47 134 4 4 I W4 4 W 40 1271 4 N 4 1114 4 40 II 1171 4 II 1 791 4 44 10 Uil I 00 K 1111 4 4 II 14HI I 0 44 llll 4 II 10 1241 I 0) 14 1141 4 40 il IJO M 44 1201 4 40 II 1217 I II 44 1241 4 40 II 1!0 I II 17 1124 4 40 71 1410 I M SiEEKb AND COn ti. 11 4J4 4 74 10 UK 4 14 COWn. 1 770 1 10 10 lil I 40 4. 110 1 45 1 4ll I 14 1 1144 I W 4 Ml I 11 4 luHI I 00 10 IM 1 11 I luoi i 0 1 104 t M I 471 I 00 Si .1044 i M 1 i 00 1 114 I 00 l.A 1000 I li 14 N4 I 00 1 " 140 i II 44 147 I 04 1 10U0 I 10 1 1140 I 00 1 1110 I 11 144 I 00 I 441 I M 1 1VM I 11 1 170 I St 4 li71 I 15 I Ml III 4 lu4 II 11 Ml I 44 I lull I It 1 1011 I 40 II 1U24 I 44 121 I 40 4 11M $ 40 1 1000 I 40 1 11J4 I 40 I lu4 t 10 I l'HO I 40 44 I 40 I !s I 40 1 1040 t 44 1 1150 1 4u t 6I I II T 114T I ti II Ml I 14 I trial I 14 I 1 I W 14 1004 I 14 I Ik4 I 44 II Ual I 14 II an IH HEIFERS. t 441 40 I 44 $ 4 1 444 I M I , 110 44 i 441 t M 1 4"0 I Ti U 141 I 40 II Ill I Tl 1 440 I 00 1 104 4 00 8 444 8 U 14 4(1 4 14 BULL. 1 1170 I 40 1 114 I I 1 1171 I 44 STOCK CALVES. i 441 I II CALVES. 44 Ml IN 1 104 4 It I 170 4 04 1 la I 00 1 170 4 0 1 11 I 40 1 IM 4 40 4 In 4 00 II. ..., 144 4 t 174 I 0 I M 4 44 1 110 4 14 4 ll 4 14 I ,. 171 I I Ill 4 74 1 14 II bTOCKKHb AND FlCEDi-Ka. II 141 1 10 1 471 I 4 1 M I 0 14 44 I 40 1 loO I 40 10 144 I 44 1 1114 0 41 1114 I 44 t 461 I 0 II I'd I 44 14 Sue I 14 1 424 I 4 I SVS I 25 4 fcj I 70 WESTE HNS NEBRASKA. 90 cow...l"i3 3 30 8 cows 1j63 $ IDAHO. 15 feeder.. 78 $ 25 7 bull 14t( 1 9 cow $32 2 00 COLORADO. and heifers, $2.00(36.00; canners. tl.finff2.0: bulls, $2.254.00; calves. $3.0fg.00; Texas and Indian steer. $2.2594.50: cows end heifers. $2.0fa$ 60. HOGS Receipts. 4.000 head- m. higher. Pigs and lights, $569.8J: packers. $4. 76UJ.85; butcher and best heavy, $5.76'fJ 6.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Reeelnls ftnn head; market weak. Native muttons, V.TO 00 sn; in nine, ia.'Utiy.o: cum nnd bucks.; stocKers, 18.763400; Texuns. 6-4.76. $1.13 Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITT. July 17. CATTLE Re ceipts. 16,500 head, including V.O&O fcoutiicrds: market 10c lower. Choice exiwet 41,11 dressed beef stce-e, $5.0t35.50; fair to gv.-l. $4 2516.00; western fed ste -s, $1.7Wii.00: Ctocker and feed in, $J75il0i.; Pc-jih--n ier. $2.7541 '.V southern cows. l.'iSfiSoJ- native cows, $50iS4.60: native heifers. 43 'S 5 35; bulls. $.;(,' 4.00; calves. HOGS Rei elpts, 7,400 head; mn.-knt fc higher. Top. $6,76; bulk of Bales, $4.25 6.75; heavy. $V ;2Hu6 84; paca irs. $5 t3"(5 70. pigs and light. $.1 7036 "I. . BHEEr" AItu MMliS- Receipts. 8.700 head; market iCc lower. Nftitve liml s-, Jt;.i0 LII7.50: wesietti limbs, $60(a70: ewei ui.J yearlings, $4.50(26.60; Texaa clipped year lings, J.25flV)'). IfXHS clipped Mi'ep. tl.'A Q5.50; StocKers and feeders, 4-'.o0 i 00. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 17 CATTLE Receipts 5.1'-7 head; natives, 10?)16c lower. Natives, $j.'j5.50; cows and heifers. $1.2&if4.0; Blockers and feeders, !2.75fjl.40. HOGS Receipts, 6.249 head: market strong to 5c higher. Light. $o.67.''g V7?; medium and heavy, $5.16.70; bulk, Ij.'ii: 6.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,018 head; lambs, 5c lower. Saiar nnd Molasses. NEW YORK. July steady: fair refining. 8c; cenmitigaM test. 4c; molasses sugar, 14c teady; No. 6, 4.40c; No. 7, 4.66c: NO. s, 4.0..0; NO. 9. 4.50c; no. m. . tae; ;o. 14, 12, 4.30c; No. 13. 4 anc: No. 14. l.ioc; con fectioners A,; mouin j , v.o-rv:. 6.00c; crushed, 6.00c; powdered, o.wjc; granu lated. 5.3"c: ounes. t.Mti. ,,,, NEW OKLKAP!4, L.. JUiy ii.-euiiv-Oulet: operi kettle centrifugal, 4J'4Tc; centrifugal whites. 4.16-lWi5.1-loC; yellow, 44i34c;( seconds, 2tl34C. (ilia and Rosin. OIL CITT, Pa.. July 17.-OTL Oedlt balances, $1.27; certificates, no bid. Ship ments, 141. ?37 bbls.; average, 62 37 bhls.; runs. 123.605 bbls.; average. 64.262 bbls. Shipments, Lima, 106.914 bbls.; ayerage, 63 190 bbls.; runs, Lima, lOl.SiiS bbls.; aver age. 47.W2 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga., July 17. OIL Turpen tine, Arm, 67c. - ROSIN-Flrm; nuote A. B. C. 3.30c; D. 8 45c; E. S67e: F. t.82c; O. 3.87c: H. 8 95c; I. 4 00c; K, 4 (Vic; M, 4.10c; K, 4.20c; WO, 4.40c; WW, 4.76e. Toledo eed Market. TOLEDO. O, July 17. SEEDS Clirver, cash. $7.70; October. $5.75; December. $5-72; August alslke, $7 10 bid. Prime timothy, li.eo. Elgin Dntter Market. ELGIN. 111.. July 17. BUTTER Steady and unchanged today, at 200 a pound. Sale for the week. 975,000 pounds. PREMIUM ON HUMAN DEATH Errors In Printing- Legislative Act Chance the Word Pheasants to Peasants. Among the gross error In the printed session laws discovered in the city at torneys office Is one giving the right to kill t human being at $50 per being. Th law Is one relating to the killing of pheasants, a game bird, and proposes to fine violators $T0. But the session laws make it read, In one place, "peasant," dropping out the "h." In another place what th legislature meant for "traction engines" ha been aborted to "track and engine." Be sides these and many others nf similar character the pay of part of the Omaha police force is knocked out altogether. Fortunately the real law are not in the least affected. WOMAN WANTS THE DECREE lonx City Live stock Market. 8IOI X CITY. Ia.. July 17. (Special Tele- ram.i CATTLE Receipts, 80O head. Mar et steady; beeves, $i.0i'66.36; cows and beifers, $2 6O1&4.6O; stockers snd feeders, $2 i. '.'at 75, calves and yearlings. $.6ofil 60. HOGS Kev-elpts, 6.000 hesd. Market stesdy. selling at $4.4'yj6 56, bulk of sates, 4o.4r. u4 50. Stock la Ight. Receipt of live stock at the six pal western market yesterday: (.sine. os. to to L. P. I a divorce nnd not her husband. accuse him of desertion and set.4 out South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City ., St. Joseph .... St. -Louis Chicago Totala 4,73 . 6f ..16.600 .. 4.107 ..10.6-10 36.000 7.6.4 6.Ci0 7.4) (.!9 4.0U) $2,000 princl- 8he-p. 4.1100 '(.TOO 1.016 6,0 20.600 Wife Who rruses Pansy Klosaom a Itlval ( lalins night Divorce. In an answer and cross petition filed the divorce suit of her husband, Amis Jackman, In district court, ' Mrs. Ella Jackman nllg-i that it is Bhe who entitled to She that he Is at present living with another woman In Omaha. She gives lnMances ot how the Omaha woman, known as "Pansy Blossom," by way of a pet name, b'lt whose ren.1 name Is also given, with her residence number on Douglas street, used to com to their home and take Jackman over to Manawa and keep hlin there until very late at night. of cruelty and abuse are also set out. as well as neglect ind nonsupport. 63.300 61.217 35,776 4 tera..iltt 4 a ittr....li1 4(0' Cotton Market. NEW TORK. July 17 COTTON Spot. closed quiet, 20 points advance; middling uplands. 10.75c; middling guit, live; sale. z K) bales. NEW ORLEANS, L., July 17. COTTON Quiet, sales, tr0 bales, ordinary. 7 13-lSc; 5 nod ordinary, 9c; low middling. 97c; nild llng. louc; good middling, 10 13 Id ; mid dling fair. 11 ''. Receipts. :.4tj6 ball s; stock. 61 bales. LIVER IDOL. July 17 COTTON-Bpot In limited demand: prices 4 points lower; American middling fair. 4.33d;. good mid dling. 4 03d; middling, ( 874; low middling. 6 71d; good ordinary. 6.53d; ordinary. 6J,d. The sale of the day wer 4,'xm bales, of which jO wer lor apaculailon and export Edvards-Vood Co. 4lneerporatd t nain Offlca: Fifth a ad Roberta SlrU 5T. PAUL. fllMY C EALER3 IN Stocks, Grain, Provisiois Ship Your Grain to Us Itraaea Omre. ll4-llt Hoard ef Trad tldc Ouaaba, Meb. Talepbaao -". I. :K'-;)4 Exchange Bldg.. South Omaha. Btll 'f tiune Ui. Xiidiadat 'Ckwa k