Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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Tite Omaha Daily Bee
pallyi Bee (without Sunday), on year... 14 00
t'allv Bee and Hundav, one year '
Illustrated Bee, on year ISO
Sunday Iie. one year
Saturday year I M
Twentieth Century Farmer, on year....
Dally Rm (wlthcut Sunday), per copy.... 2e
Dally Ufa (without Sunday), per week...l2o
Ially Bee (Including fiunday), per wnk..l!ii
Evening Bee (without Bunday), per week 7c
Evening Mm (Including Bunday), per
wrk 120
Bunday Ree, per copv 60
Complaints of Irregularities In dllvery
should be addressed to City Circulation De
partment. OFFICES.
Omaha The Be Building.
South Omaha City Hall building. Twenty
fifth and M streets.
Council Bluffs 10 Pearl street.
Chicago 1640 Unity building.
New York-1509 Home Ufa Imuranca
Washington tifll Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to news and edi
torial matter should be addressed: Oman
lie. Editorial Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to The Bee Publishing Company
Only l-cent stamps received In payment of
mall accounts. Personal checks, except on
Omaha or eastern exchanges, not accepted.
State of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss.:
C. C. Hosewater, secretary of The Be
Publishing Company, being rtulv sworn,
says that the actual nurnoer of full anil
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
Evening and Sunday Bee printed during tho
month ot June, 190&, was as follows:
1 SO.OflO 16 SO.HOO 17 aa.ino
t 81,140 IS 0,OO
.29,500 20 . iflt.TBO
K,03O 21 2t,MlO
T Nt 0 12 lfl,HO
89,000 U UO,4tK
t 8O.1S0 M
10 83,810 25 80,200
11 20.000 26 SH,T30
U 20.T10 27 20,730
11 20,700 2. 20,750
14 20,700 29 2O.7B0
it SO. DM) 30 20,700
Total, .. .' 9O4.050
Less unsold copies........ 9,04-i
Net total sals
Dally average 20, sou
. . Secretary.
Subscribed In my presence and sworn, to
befoie me th's 7th day of July, 1906.
(Seal) M. B. HUNGATE,
Notary Public
Subscribers leaving; the city tem
porarily should hate The Bee
nailed to them. It la better than
daily letter front home. Ad
dress will be chanced as often as
Omaha real estate values are rising
with the temperature.
It will have to get hotter Uinu this
to wilt the buss ball fas.
The Young Women's Christian asso
ciation to the Young Men's Christian as
aoclatlon: - Apres votia, mbnsletlr!
If the signal corps were only estab
lished at Fort Omaha Its balloon prac
tlco would be quite popular right now.
The field, secretaries ot, the .Young
Men's Christian association have had a
field day over the hundred-thousand
mark campaign.
A St. Louis court hag decided that a
"Sunday shave" Is a necessity. The
demo-populist alliance may be put down
as a thing of the past In Missouri.
When It comes to fixing the salary of
the superintendent of schools, the tax
payers of Omaha are perfectly willing
to be liberal, .but not extravagant
Friends of civil service reform will
next torn their attention to an improved
method of determining the honesty of
prospective applicants for positions.
Railway employes at Warsaw are to
be permitted to use the Polish language;
but out of consideration for the passen
gers they are not compelled to use it
The municipal authorities of Cleveland
are Just now wrestling with the voting
machine problem, but they contemplate
buying only twenty-five voting machines
as a starter.
The fact that the czar's Instructions
to M. Witts cover more than twenty
pages would lead to the belief that more
than one contingent plan of retreat has
been suggested.
For once Omaha's street paving cam
palgn seems to have gotten under way
before midsummer and there is hope
that the work may be completed before
snow interrupts.
The Russlun statement that the wings
-rf Gtneral Linevin-b's army are further
advanced from the center may be a dell
eat way of announcing the withdrawal
of headquarters closer to Siberian soil.
It is proclaimed that a campaign for
righteousness Is to be opened by mem
bers of an Omaha club founded by
political buccaneers and grafters, pro
rendered out of corporation commissary
In pardoning a Frenchman convicted of
selling military secrets, the mikado is
doubtless actuated by admiration for the
Franco-Russian alliance, which kept fear
of the "yellow peril" from a number of
European countries.
method la said to have been discov
ered by which petroleum coutalnlug sul
phur esq be made into lilumluating oil
If the method Is commercially successful
John D. Rockefeller may get bis share of
brimstone on earth.
Speakers preparing words of greeting
for the peace plenipotentiaries should
leave blanks for the names of the Rus
sian delegates, as they have not all
started from borne, and the rear's mind
is still subject to change.
Kansas City la no longer talking of its
wsve of "reform," but since the present
grand Jury has indicted one city employe
and two county officers it is possible the
recent visits of Jerome' and Folk have
not been eutirel without result.
I'uring my absence from the city a
controversy ha arisen over the proposed
dismissal of the criminal llhol proceed
ings instituted against me last fall by
Timothy J. Mahoney. The avowed ob-
ect in filing this charge was to secure a
vindication from the aspersion embodied
n a letter written and published over
my name wherein Mr. Mahoney was rep
resented as having appropriated money
collected for the great treasury embex
ilcr. Hartley, that should by rights have
been turned Into the state treasury.
The action of Prosecuting Attorney
Slaliaiigh drew forthwith from Mr. Ma
honey a virulent and vehement protest
through the mouth of William F. Gurley,
who intimated. If be did not make the
downright charge, that Judge Slabaugh
had taken this step at my instance in or
der to shield me from the penalties of
the law In other words, to keep me out
of the penitentiary, where Mr. Mahoney
and Mr. Gurley both would like to have
me spend the balance of my days, pre
sumably, so that the one may be vindi
cated and the other avenged, and both
be able to gratify their political ambi
tions without being Jolted by disagree
able reminders. , '
Iet me assure both of these highly
gifted and eminent barristers that I
have neither directly nor indirectly at
any time since Mr. Mahoney's effort to
set himself right before the people by
Invoking the power of the criminal
courts requested or suggested dismissal
of the proceedings by the prosecuting
attorney. On the contrary, I have been
more anxious than Mr. Mahoney to prove
to the people of Nebraska that the offen
sive allusions to Mr. Mahoney were not
a malicious Invention, and I trust that
Judge Day will see his way clear to giv
ing Mr. Gurley another opportunity to
re-dellver the vitriolic arraignment made
by him during the Mercer campaign in
which he commanded me to return to
Bohemia clad in hobo garments and
wearing wooden shoes. I even feel
tempted to guarantee to the splenetic Mr.
Gurley that I will carry out his wishes
Just as soon as be shall have done some
thing visible toward the upbuilding of
It is in accord with the eternal fitness
of things that Mr. Mahoney should avail
himself of the services of the talented
criminal Jurist, who figured conspicu
ously as bis antagonist the first time he
projected himself into the arena of poli
tics. If memory serves me right, and It
generally does, the criminal libel law
was enacted for my special benefit at the
Instance of the most infamous corpora
tlon lobby that ever infested the state
capital of Nebraska and Mr. Gurley was
a member of that lobby, recelviug $200 a
month for manipulating members of the
legislature to prevent railway regulation
legislation and especially to beat the
charter prepared by citizens of Omaha
that contained provisions authorizing the
taxation of railway terminals the same
as all other classes of property for 'mu
nlclpal purposes. Up to 1887 the penalty
for criminal libel was a moderate fine
or .confinement In the county Jail not ex
ceedlng one year, or both, at the dls
cretlon of the court. By mnklng trim
lnal libel a felony the corporation Jobby
and legislative boodlers and grafters ex
pected to gag every editor and publisher
who would not wear the brass collar.
To counteract the work of this corrupt
lobby a detective was employed by me to
mingle with the gang, but he had
scarcely entered upon his work when the
Omaha Herald came to the rescue of the
boodlers by the publication of an article
under the flaring headline, "Rosewater's
Spy," in which the detective was mi
nutely described as to his personal ap
pearance and dress, compelling me to re
call him, to the great delight of Mr. Gur
ley and his associates, and the "venal
vampires," as I used to call them, suc
ceeded In defeating the Omaha charter
and nearly evrry other good measure, ex
cepting -the one making gambling a,
The year following, when Mr. Gurley
secured his nomination as . republican
candidate for county prosecutor, I op
posed his election and supported his com
petitor, Timothy J. Mahoney, then an
obscure lawyer who had a fair reputa
tlon. My opposition to Mr. Gurley was
grounded on his graduation from the cor
poration lobby and his intimate relations
with the criminal classes. Mr. Mahoney
was elected, and during his term I
brought my first and only criminal libel
complaint against one of the boodler lob
byists that had fabricated and published
an outrageous charge against me. The
party was bound over from the police
court to the district court, but Mr. Ma
honey flatly refused to prosecute the case
and bad it dismissed notwithstanding
that I had abundant material to secure
a conviction.
His recent grandstand play of indigna
tion over the action of Judge Slabaugh
recalls forcibly those pictorial tyiack ad
vertisements labeled "Just before tak
ing" and "Just after taking." In a nut
shell, I hope Judge Day will reinstate
Mahoney's complaint so that we may
know whether money collected for an
embezzler can he legitimately appropri
ated and retained by a lawyer.
While interest in efforts to find the
North Pole is not very general, being
confined chiefly to a small body, of scien
tists, still everybody, must feel a degree
of adulration for the zeal in the cause
of Arctic exploration which has been
manifested by Commander Robert E.
Peary, who on Sunday started upon
another attempt to reach the pole. It is
a perilous undertaking, requiring more
than commou courage and endurance,
but there appears to be a fascination in
it for Peary, than whom no man living
la better qualified foe the undertaking.
Ills experience on former trips has
broadeued his knowledge of the require
ments for Arctic exploration and his
preparations for the present voyage are
all that ample foresight could devise. His
vessel, the Roosevelt is said to be the
finest craft ever built for a polar expe
dition and it U thoroughly equipped.
reary expects to reach the Ice edge by
the first of August and said before Wr
ing that be hoped to get bark a year
from next September, having reached
the pole. While he of course feels cer
tain not only of returning alive, but
also of success. It is said that some" of
those who have stood by him In the pres
ent enterprise are not so sanguine.
Though better equipped than ever bo-
fore he Is much older than when he be
gan, and hence It Is thought less able to
bear the hardships he must encounter.
There Is really, however, little reason
for apprehension on this score. The
sclentiflc world will take a keen Interest
In this expedition and all who know
something of Its difficulties will wish the
daring explorer success and a safe re
The American Medical association,
which has been In session at Portland,
Ore., adopted a resolution proposing the
creation of a new executive department
to look after the public health, with a
secretary who should have a seat in the
cabinet. Representative Barchfeld of
Pennsylvania, who is a physician, in
formed the association that he would In
troduce at the next session of congress a
bill to create such a department, ex
pressing the opinion that the health of
the people of this nation Is as essential
to their welfare as the army or navy, a
proposition which no one will dispute.
He thought the health problem should be
under national supervision and that in
order that it may receive proper con
sideration there is need of having a de
partment whose head will have the dig
nity and authority of a member of the
This view having been endorsed by
the representative medical association of
the country will perhaps receive the sup
port of a majority of physicians and this
is an influence not to be despised. Yet It
is safe to say that the proposition will
not receive any very serious attention
in congress. Care for the public health
is certainly of very great importance and
the medical men are to be commended
for their zeal in this direction, but it
will be very hard to convince the public
that in order to conserve the general
health there must be established an ex
ecutive department of the government A
great deal Is now being done by federal
and state governments in the Interest of
the public health and it is doubtful if
more could be accomplished by such a
department as the medical association
proposes.' Moreover, there is a very gen
eral feeling that already there are quite
enough executive departments and that
to odd to them would simply make the
business of government more compli
cated. A department of health, there
fore, must be regarded morely as a pos
sibility of the remote future.
The Philadelphia Press urges that the
Department of Agriculture will never bo
rid of its worries, scandals and suspic
ious over crop reports until it abandons
reporting "condition" and confines itself
to legitimate and exact statistics. Point
ing out that the present system is a mere
tabulation and average of impressions, it
is argued that these lend themselves to
manipulation and that they aid specu
lators and mislead the public. "Instead, "
says that paper, "with a more efficient
service and a larger expenditure, the de
partment should get acreage county by
county far closer than today. The
monthly report should give in detail how
many acres promise a yield equal, above
or below the 'known and recorded yield
of the year before. Such a report would
1 give facts, arithmetical facts and not im
pressions. It would not be subject to
manipulation. It would be of much more
use to the farmer than to the speculator."
The reports of condition now published
are declared to be antiquated. Inaccurate
and to put a premium on faking and
There is unquestionably merit in this
vlewj Those who urge that the govern
ment crop reports be wholly discon
tinued are not meeting with general ap
proval, but there is plenty of evidence
that those Interested in such reports
and It is presumed that practically the
entire farming immunity takes an in
terest In them do not want guesses, but
a statement of facts as nearly as possible
accurate facts which, as the Press says,
would not be subject to manipulation.
Perhaps In the matter of reporting "con
dition" the Department of Agriculture
has followed old world methods, but If
so It appears very clear that they are far
more trustworthy there than here. At all
events, it seems to have been pretty con
clusively demonstrated that our system
of government crop reporting must be
thoroughly reformed and every sugges
tion as to bow this may be accomplished
should receive cereful considers tlon. Let
the monthly reports be continued. It is
not to be doubted that the agricultural
producers very generally desire this and
their wish In the matter Is entitled to
first consideration. But let these reports
give well ascertained facta and not con
sist largely of guesses. Indeed, this must
be done if the crop statistics of the gov
ernment are hereafter to command con
fidence. The distrust that has fallen
upon them cannot be removed if the
methods that have long been pursued are
continued. It has been announced that
the secretary of agriculture will make
changes looking to the prevention of leak
age and the manipulation of figures In
the interest of speculators. This Is all
very well, but it is not all that is re
quired. Something must be done to
render the reports tuore authoritative
and trustworthy and this is only to be
done by removing from them everything
In the nature of guessing. They must
he a statement of facts ascertained with
as great care as it is practicable to exer
cise. If it is necessary to expend more
money for this purpose the money should
be provided, but it probably can be done
at no greater expenditure than at pres
ent for obtaining crop statistics.
Governor Horn of Kansas says It is
easier to enforce the Sunday closing law
of Missouri than to mske effective the
prohibitory law of Kansas. ne would
probably explain this by saying that the
former law can be violated but once a
week, while the latter Is subject to in
fraction seven times as often.
Now we have discovered why the late
legislature enlarged the preserves of
Nebraska's game commissioner. It is
announced that there will be a zoological
exhibit at the state fair this fall, with
elk, buffalo, deer and wild geese and
other game on exhibition, under the di
rect supervision of the state game war
den. Nebraska farmers and foresters
who want to engage in the game re
juvenating industry will bare an op
portunity to take their first lessons in
the culture of tamed wild animals.
There Is no particular difficulty about
using voting machines at the regular
election, but when It comes to using
them for primary, elections, complica
tions are sure to arise st any rate, it
will be Impossible to use voting ma
chines under the provisions of the
primary election law enacted by the late
Nebraska legislature.
The selection of Portsmouth ss the
place of meeting of the peace plenipo
tentiaries brings out the fact that tho
first United States warship to fly the
Stars and Stripes was built at that port
showing that the present meeting.will
not be the first part Portsmouth has
taken In efforts to secure the peace of
the world.
The attempt to prove that Congress
man Funston spoke unusually loud at
Iola, Kan., will be watched with consid
erable interest by his former associates
in congress, among whom Mr. Funston
won the title "Foghorn" from the tone
of his ordinary conversation. His Kan
sas neighbors say they can hear him
whisper across a quarter section of land.
It is quite natural that Tom fawson
should come out flat-footed against muni
cipal ownership. Without a chance to
capitalize public franchises the frenzied
financiers would be deprived of a large
area of water useful for stock inflation.
Speed the Hear.
Washington Post.
Wlrard Burbank can make a great hit
with the Married Men's union by inventing
an odorless booia.
Cotton Then and Now.
Milwaukee Wisconsin.
Every bale of the cotton that was burned
by southern planters last December would
be worth good money now. But they did
not burn many bales.
Omaha Vnderatanda It.
Cleveland Leader.
Mayor Dunne Of Chicago was elected be
cause he promised "Immediate municipal
ownership." Now ha says that "Immediate"
means In about twenty Funny how
political buncombe catches people!
When pads Are Flavored.
Philadelphia Record.
To the pure all things are pure. When
John D. Rockefeller sent to his clergyman
in Cleveland potatoes decked with gold
pieces the good man, pocketed the gold and
ate the potatoes with, heightened appetite.
Chance of the Common.
Washington Post.
It will be just the luck of the plain
people to have Tom Lawson attacked by
pen paralysis when he gets ready to write
checks for those millions which he admits
were wrongfully taken from the American
A Fature for Kx-Presldenta.
Public Opinion.
When Mr. Cleveland resumed the prac
tice of law In 1883, It was felt that he had
settled the vexed question, "What shall we
do with our ex-presldents? or rathor.
What shall they do with themselves?" As
nine out of ten of them have been lawyers,
his solution of the problem bade fair to
prove applicable to almost every case. But
when his second term ended, in 1897, and
he did what other ex-presidents had d"ne
before him, which was just nothing at all,
the whole question was re-opened. Of late
years, however, Mr. Cleveland has shown
a disposition to answer It anew, and If
future presidents see the matter as he
does, we may look to see them, on their
retirement, with one accord turn author.
And if their work commands such prices
as the sage of Princeton la understood to
receive, they will suffer nothing by aban
dolng the pursuit of the legal profession.
For papers on fishing, duck shooting, rab
bit hunting, etc. to say nothing of wo
men's clubs honorariums are believed to
be paid which a prosperous barrister would
by no means scorn; and If Mr. Cleveland
accepted all the offers ha receives from
editors and publishers, he could soon af
ford to enter the market for works of art
In competition with bis old friend, Mr.
Morgan. It Is much to be regretted that
thus far the ex-president has not seen his
way to give the public a budget of his
reminiscences of his particular friend, the
late Joe Jefferson.
Winning; Tip for the Benefit of East
ern Political Prophets.
Springfield (Mass.) Republican (tnd.).
Mr. Root, being labelled the greatest man
of whom Mr. Roosevelt has personal knowl
edge. It becomes evident at once to the po
litical prophets that he Is not likely to at
tempt to make Secretary Taft his successor
In the White House. There Is the posslbll
Ity, of course, that Mr. Root may not de
sire to be nominated for the presidency
but may prefer to resume his Income of
1300,000 a year as a lawyer at the end of
the present administration In March. 190.
In that event It will be possible for Mr.
Roosevelt and Mr. Root to co-operate In se
curing the nomination of Judge Taft. But
the presidency la a great office, and it Is
hardly probable that Ellhu Root has made
ip his mind that It Is beyond his reach or
his desire. On the other hand, Mr. Taft ft
known to be willing to have the nomina
tion come his way. He has no Mark Hanna
to corral the southern delegates for him.
and he Is not entirely certain of the sup
port of. his own state. Ohio. Mr. Root can
probably have the New Tork and New Eng
land delegates. If he wants them, and It
will be for the middle west to decide be
tween the two leaders.
The chances in such a contest will be
naturally In favor of Judge Taft. The
western politicians and business men are
likely to prefer the Cincinnati lawyer and
Judge to the New Tork lawyer. There is
the further possibility to be taken Into ac
count that Judge Taft may find the great
office of ehlef Justice ot the supreme court
open to him before June, 1909, and that he
may take It and ask his friends to support
Mr. Root lor the presidency. At the pres
ent time the two men are on.frlendly terms,
and It la not probable that as associates In
Mr. Roosevelt's cabinet during the next
two years thev will develop a personal Incompatibility.
War Department and Admission of
Uqonr to Indian Territory.
Army and Navy Register.
The War department continues to receive
applications for the admission Into the In
dian Territory of certain wines and liquors.
For several years one solicitous Individual
has been asking that he he allowed to Im
port a small quantity of wine for medlclnsl
purpose, the patient being his wife who
Is troubled with chills, a disability which
does not seem to be removed by the appli
cation of the wine, since his request Is al
most periodical. A recent application has
been received from some wine dealers, who
said their material was destined for sacra
mental purposes. Some years ago this
question came up In the same form and It
was then determined that the wine could
be taken into the territory for church pur
poses when the application was made by
the clergyman who has charge ot the
wine through his ecclesiastical superior or
with other evidence of authority. Several
times permission has been given clergy
men to have sent them Ave gallons each
month, that being the amount which the
church authorities believed to be sufficient
for the purpose. The wine dealers who
are anxious to obtain authority from Wash
ington for the admission of the wine Into
the Indian Territory will be Informed that
they mu,st have the endorsement of the
church people, and that the request must
come from the clergymen who Intend to use
the wine In religious services.
Eleven of the enlisted men who took the
examination for appointment as second lieu
tenant In the army will be provided with
letters of eligibility, because they were re
ported as qualified for commissions In the
military service. At the same time these
letters are not destined to mean much,
since it is admitted at the War department
there are no vacancies to which the young
men may be appointed. There Is nothing In
sight and they must take a position after
that of the graduates of the military acad
emy. There are those who cherish the
Idea that something may be done for the
enlisted men who are candidates for com
missions, but If Is quite evident that it
will require a fight at the White House.
The War department has been advised
that General Thomas H. Barry, Colonel
John Van R. Hon of the medical depart
ment, and Captain 8. H. Cloman, Twenty
third infantry, have left St. Petersburg
for Moscow, and are now supposed to be
well on their way to Irkutsk, where they
were to receive orders relating to their
future movements as military observers
with the Rnsalan army In the field. While
In St. Petersburg General Barry and Cap
tain Cloman were received personally by
the csar, a distinction which has not been
accorded to other military attaches.
Captain Joseph T. Dickman of the Eighth
cavalry and of the third division of the
general staff Is making a special study of
the question of national reserves. That
problem has also been considered by other
officers and several reports have been sub
mitted with a view to obtaining expert
opinion from a variety of authentic
sources. The subject is one which -contains
many nice problems and Is so in
timately related to national politics and
militia Interests that it does not easily
lend Itself to solution. It Is possible that
the general staff will evolve something out
of the various recommendations available
which may be submitted to congress at
the next session. Those officers who have
looked Into the subject and who realise
the situation In this country are emphatic
In their expressions of opinion that the
government should not long delay making
provision for a reserve force. It is pointed
out that the question of politics and mili
tary prejudice, in any form and from
whatever quarter, should not be allowed to
Interfere with the establishment of a re
serve force In this country.
Orders have been sent out to have the
Twenty-ninth battery of field artillery pro
ceed by marching from Fort Leavenworth
to Tort Riley to Join the provisional regt
ment at the latter station. The other or
ganizations assigned to duty at Fort Riley
and Fort Sill have arrived at those posts
and have been assigned the duty outlined
In the scheme presented by General J. P.
Story while he was chief of artillery.
The new transportation bills to be used
by the railroads In sending their accounts
for carrying naval crews are being dis
tributed. The bills are of great conven
ience, Inasmuch as it will not be necessary
to submit the bills oftener than once a
month and do not require the labor of pre
paring vouchers, as hitherto.
Miss Helen Keller's book is being trans
lated Into a dosen tongues. Including Rus
sian, Bohemian, Roumanian, Finnish,
Swedish and Japanese.
Joseph Randalph and Mary Elisabeth
Cooke of Scranton, Pa., aged 80 years, and
both unmarried, are believed to be the
oldest single twins in America.
J. M. Sears of Boston, but recently out
of his teens. Is the biggest taxpayer of
his city, having property valued at 125,
000.000, inherited from his father.
William K. Vanderbllt, Jr., ran for the
office of chief ot the Great Neck fire de
partment a couple of days ago, but Eg
bert L. Cluse, the village groceryman, beat
Mrs. Mary E. Lapier of Cripple Creek
was chosen forewoman of a jury that tried
a divorce case there recently. She was
the first of her sex in Colorado to serve
in that capacity.
There's a rumor at Ottawa that On
tario's unhorsed liberal leader. Uncle
George W. Ross, Is to be appointed lieu
tenant governor (which Is all the same up
there as governor with us) of one of the
two new western provinces.
Mr. Plerpont Morgan's recent tour In
Italy ' partook of the nature of a royal
progress. He was feted and decorated
wherever he went, of course, all In re
turn for his munificence in rstoring the
Ascoll cope. King Victor Emmanuel was
particularly gracious. '
When Sir Wilfrid Laurier first formed
his government In Canada he made Mr.
Tarte minisier ot public works. Differ
ence of opinion led to a separation and
Mr. Tarte Is now back to his old pro
fession and sits In the reporters' gallery
In the Canadian House of Commons.
Word has been received by Prof. Todd of
Amherst college from Heidelberg of the
naming ot two small planets Mabella (62)
and Davlda (&30). They were discovered by
Dr. R. 8. Dugan, who graduated at Am
herst six years ago. He had previously
named a planet (also discovered by him)
Amherstla (jl6), In honor of his alma
mater. Davlda (530; Is a planet of ex
ceptional brightness at opposition, ap
proaching the eight stellar magnitude.
It la a curious fact that Mr. Gully,
former speaker of the British House of
Commons, at one time was very despond
ent as to his future, and that the de
spondency was shared by two of his com
rades In the legal profession. There is a
story of those three discussing seriously
whether they had not better throw up
England altogether and seek fortune in
India or one of the colpnlra. Luckily they
decided to give fortune another chance
with very notable results. Mr. Gaily ended
as speaker of the House of Commons;
another becama lord chancellor; the third
died ben lord chief Justice,
Central Clfv Nonpareil: The World-Her
ald wanted Tom Lawson to "expose" Gov
ernor Mickey by telling In his speech at
Fslrbury thst Nebraska's executive carries
railroad passes, but Tom Isn't dealing In
chestnuts now and the fact that the gov-
ernor himself made the "exposure" last
fall would prevent him from "butting In'
st this late day.
Oakland Independent: Omaha threatens
to boycott the Burlington railroad because
the cutoff does not come direct to Omaha.
What can the Burlington and Great North
ern do to retaliate In Omaha's backyard,
the South Omaha stock yards, Is not to
be sneered at. however. We don't want
to see the stock market there - Injured.
but Omaha had better be good and not
try to dictate to the rest of the state and
then spite Itself If It can't have Its wsy.
Fremont Tribune: The Bee suggests that
the people Interested In the building of the
Ashland cutoff ought not so feel "sore" to
ward Omaha because an Omaha moonshine
concern Is trying to prevent the Great
Northern from crossing the Wlnnebsgo
reservation. We don't. Neither are we sore
because Omaha tried to take the new road
away from Fremont. We would do the
me thing for Orrfaha any time oppor
tunity offers. Self preservation Is the first
law of nature.
Central City Nonpareil: The 8rhuyler
Free Lance, while commending the su
preme court for Its decision on the con
stitutionality of the biennial election law
Is unable to believe that that tribunal Is
capable at all times of banishing personal
and party prejudices, and In this opinion
the Nonpareil partially concurs. The court
Is frequently Influenced by the exigencies
of the times and Instead of Interpreting
the law from an abstract legal standpoint.
It often twists It and adjusts it and
stretches It to make It fit occasions and
conform to popular demand.
Springfield Monitor: The statistics from
the Bureau of Labor and Industry may
be all right In some cases, but in regard
to shipment of miscellaneous products
from Sarpy county It seems to the Monitor
that It la a good ways oft. The report says
we shipped no flour, but 690.000 pounds of
mill feed, 6.617 bushels of potatoes, 1,699
pounds Of butter and 23.197 dosens of eggs
during the year 18M. But then as these
figures are taken from the duplicate bills
of lading and shlpplng records of the rail
roads this county would naturally not make
as good a showing as It really deserved
or was entitled to.
Platte County Argus: The editor of the
Argus came Into this field without a per
sonal knowledge of the politicians of the
state and counties. He has read comments
from scores of exchanges and If an Opinion
should be formed baaed on the summed-up
evidence of these comments, the conclu
sion would be forced upon him that there
Is not an honest man holding office In the
state.- The newspapers . have stirred up
much of the feeling against graft and
monopoly, but the greatest obstacle to the
eradication of the evils Is found In the
personal animosities and jealousies of
newspaper editors. Doubtless there are men
In Nebraska politics with clean hands and
high Ideals, but let a man be called honest
by one paper and every Journal of opposite
politics at once sets to work most
strenuously to asperse his character and
tear down his reputation.
Scheme Calculated to Paralyse the
"Innocent Speculator."
Pittsburg Dispatch.
Mr. Lawson'a advice to the Kansas peo
ple, that political agitation against the
plutocratic manipulation, and even the ag
gressive measures of a courageous presi
dent, will not avail against the all-powerful
system, reduces the remedy by his
logical process of exclusion 1 to one thing
everyone must sell out his stocks and thus
bring the multl-mllllonalres to their knees
in panic.
The spectacle of the farmers of Kansas
and the miners and mill workers of Penn
sylvania simultaneously firing up their
automobiles and hitching up their two
horse wagons to flock to the neareta stock
exchange, there to unload their Standard
Oil, Amalgamated Copper, Northern Se
curities, United States Steel or other
stocks, will be Imposing and Instructive
when Mr. Lawson gets it going. But
apart from the very relative question,
how large a portion of the stock holdings
of the country can be dumped on the mar
ket by the classes to which he appeals,
another very Interesting contingency re
mains. Since "the system" has control of all
the money of the banks, when everyone
has sold his stocks and deposited the pro
ceeds, the system can take the money to
buy the depressed stocks at half price.
The lurking doubt whether Mr. Lawson
might not discover' an Investment to suit
htm after the market had tumbled can
be decided to suit individual tastes. But
It does seem to be an open - question
whether his finance Is slmplrfrenxied or
there la method in his madness.
Few , Mercantile Failures.
Pittsburg Post.
The record of mercantile failures put
forth by Bradstreet for the six months Just
ended, shows the smallest number of In
solvencies for the period since 1880, with
the exception of 1894 and 1893. The number
of failures in the years accounted for
ranges from 7,603 In 1896 to t.200 In the later
years, showing a decided improvement In
the betterment ot credit. The estimated
assets of the delinquent firms range from
$105,100,000 in 1S92 to as low figures as $11,-
000,000 and 130,000,000 in some of the later
years. The total liabilities of the last six
months exceed those of 1890, 1892 and IMS.
The average is well maintained and Is en
couraging as to sound and prudent finance.
this old standard
V Want
LJa Then t;
lSj new
Kade by tt. . o. Ira C... Ixnrati, fi
Aim awnrHtiutH mt
STvs'f lire kx-Per the hair.
Matter ef Msrrlase In the Light of
Itlaher Education. ,
New Tork Sun.
Prof. Mills of Vsssar thus describes the
girl student:
"She Is frequently only ellehtly Interested
In the Intellectual, and very generally has
no more than a moderate Interest In stuily.
Too often only by much urging can she be
aroused to even moderate Intellectual effort,
and Instead of too little She Is spt to havo
a perfectly normal Interest In the other sex.
In a word, she Is generally a fairly healthy
and very lovable girl, who has normal In
terests In school, sports. In social affairs.
In domestic matters and Is tending toward
marital engagements at about the same
rate as those of her social clsss who are
not In school or college."
Prof.' Mills explains the smaller percent
age of marriages among college educated 1
women than among women In the general
population as flue to the same iT.V.ienees
that make the marriage rate lower In the
social classes from which most of the col
lege girls come.
Statistics collected by the Association of
Collegiate Alumnas support the professor's
conclusion as to the comparative number
of marriages and children 'among college
women, as compared with thetr noncolleg
relatives. His remarks about the moderate
Intellectual effort of the college girt are a
little surprising. The college girls one nifpts
seem to he brighter, more conversant with
and Interested in Intellectual things than
the masculine undergraduates of the same
age. It Is rather "bad form" in some of the
big colleges for "men" to show much ardor
for study. That would savor of bookish
ress and the "grind." The great Increase
In wealth In the Inst generation fills the
college with boys who are sent there to
"go through" If they can, beacuse It is the
fashion, to make desirable acquaintances,
to let them have a better start In life than
their fathers had, and so on. The colleges
may be nurses of gentlemen, but they hsve
ceased to be surses of scholars. Apparently
the colleges for women have at least their
proportion of students who are "sent to
college" to gratify their parents or their
own desire for a pleasant social life away
from home. Possibly the "college Ideal" of
the feminine Institutions hae been affected
by Impressions received from brothers and
All observers must agree that the college
girl Is lovable, but Is she "apt to have a
perfectly normal Interest In the other sex?"
In many specimens of college women at
least may be detected a certain sexlessners,
a resolve for an Independent career, a con
tempt for or Impatience with the common
lot of woman. Why should a woman fetter
herself? In a world of divorce why should
she marry?
Indeed, since men of the well-to-do class
show an Increasing contempt for msrrlage,
why shouldn't the same spirit prevail
among women of the same class? Even If
the women want to get married, how srs
they to bring it about without the men?
O'Flub It's this way. old man. I hats to
drink, but my wife drives me to It.
McLush She docs, eh? Say. that's the !
kind of a wife to have. Louisville Courier-
"There was a wooden wedding down our
way last night."
"Old gag? Girl married blockhead?"
"Nop; a couple of Poles got married."
Brooklyn Life.
Lord" Algle But you Americana, y know
you have no ancestors.
Miss Youeas No, I suppose you do envy
us that advantage. Cleveland Leader.
They were doing the art exhibit.
"Were you ever done In oil?"
"I certainly was," he replied.
"Who was the artist?"
"He wasn't an artist; be was a broker."-
Chicago Daily News.
"That brother of yours; LucyV' said the
man of the house, ''seems to be a pretty
tough character."
"'Deed, he is, suh." replied the colored
maid. "He Jes' natclielly seems to be de
white sheep ob our fambly, sho' nuff."
Philadelphia Press. -
"You say you think the new boarder Is In
love with you? Has he made any ad
vances?" . -
"No; but he says he will as soon as his
father remits." Cleveland Plajn Dealer.
The Editor, gloomily I must say you
don t seem to realise how terrible It Is to
lose you.
The Authoress, sweetly You mustn't take
It too much to heart, my friend. Rejection
does not necessarily imply lack of merit.
.Excited Father What are we going to
do? These scales only weigh ten pounds
and the baby weighs more than that.
Calm Brother You might chop off one
leg and weigh that separately. Somervtlle
First Villager How is your son getting
along since he-went to the city?
Second Villager Fine. He writes that he
iJ,rrylng everything before him.
First Villager So! What restaurant Is be
carrying things in?-Chicago News.
Ragged, uncomely, and old and grey,
A woman walked In a northern mmm
And through the crowd as she wound' hfr
.17 m
One saw her loiter and then stoop dowli,
"ium umsuiing away in ner Ola tOrfn
"You are hiding a Jewel!" the watcher satd.
(Ah I that was her heart had the truth
been read!)
"What have you stolen?" he asked again.
Then the dim eyes filled with a sudden
And under the flickering light of the gas
She showed him her gleaning. "It's broken
She utld; "I hae lifted it up frae the
To oe oot o the road O' the balrnles'
Under the fluttering rags astir
That was a royal heart that beat!
Would that the world had more like her
Smoothing the road for its balrnles' feet!
try an experiment?
ike any one of the hundreds of
medicines on the market,
rhcy come, they go, and are
soon forgotten.
Or want to be cured?
Then take a medicine that
has been tested and tried,
generation after genera
tion. A medicine that has
been a household remedy
for sixty ysars. Ayer's
Intelligent, thoughtful
more and more upon
Ana s mia-vor ..i.