Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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State lotrd Holdi Its Tint Beiiioa and
Looks Over Betnrni.
(halrmea ( Republican and Pfmo
c-ratle rommlltfH la Flmt Con
- (reasloml District Make
- (From a Ptaff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN, July 17. Speclal.)-The Btate
Conn of Kquallxatlon, with all member!
present, met thin aftornoon and begun the
work of equnllzlnR between the assessment
Of the. various counting. While several
1 persons were before the board today for
an Informal discussion of the returns from
thtlr countls, the board does not expect
very many people to come In with com
plaints and expects to settle up the busi
ness In a short time. Douglas and Nance
counties reported this morning and the
latter was In cuch shape that It may be
returned to the assessor for corrections.
Considerable disappointment was expressed
over the returns from Douglas county,
which showed an Increase over the report
of last year of only $tfl,000. From the
reports received from Douglas county dur
ing Ue last month It was expected that
the Increase would amount to at least
ti.POO.OOO. Even the assessment of the mer-
, thandlse was decreased from last year's
assessment ard then the State board con
sidered the figures entirely too low. County
Assessor Reed said the reason for the
reduction on this Item was that last year
the merchants returned as merchandise
some property which this year they re
turned as other property. The assessor
saved himself by increasing the valuation
or improved real estate and lots. The
total assessment last year was $2Jt,M.JM.
while this year It was t20.452.6S6. The fol
lowing table shows the assessment on some
of the Important Items for this year and
last year:
Notes secured
I -and. Improved ...
Lots. Improved ...
IOts, unimproved
Household goods .
Pook accounts ....
Fire arms
.1 1.77S.1K2
. l.3H."2
. 13,WW,5i
.. S.14.1.0M
t 1.774.S14
206. R34
Total assessment ....t28,S49,J30
Horses, per head til. 13
Campalarn In the First.
The following has been Issued by Chair
man Strode of the republican congressional
The committee believes that Mr. Pollard's
election Is not only practically certain, but
that he will get the regular party propor
tion of the vote cast. Mr. Pollard has
been a growing candidate from the be
ginning of the campaign. He has made
a fair, fearless and progressive canvass.
The committee In Its work has made a
clean fight, relying for success not In any
defects In the opposition, but on the high
character of the republican candidate. In
his particular fitness to represent the agri
cultural and fruit growing Interests of
this district and relying on the general
Impulse that Is In the minds of the people
all over the country to support the presi
dent In his bold stand on the Important
questions pending In congress. The general
conditions In the country were Yiever more
favorable to the success of republicanism
than now.
There never waa a time when repub
licans wer Justified and democrats less
Justified In party loyalty than now. There
never was a time when the democratic
voters cf the country had so much con
fidence In the republican leader, and when
the republican voters of the country had
so little confidence In the democratla lead
ers aa now.
By Chairman Metcalfe of tha demo
cratic congressional committee:
No one need be disturbed by the boasts
of Mr. Pollard's committee. Everyone who
has studied the situation knows It would
be -4dle fra irrone on either side to In
dulge In claims as to the result. Mayor
Jlrown's friends are eiatisRed with the
firogress of the campaign and they be
leve he has a good chance of election.
With these two statements the final
touches have been put on the congressional
campaign and now It la all over but tha
shouting and tha casting of the votes.
which will be done tomorrow. Tonight tha
republicans gave a final rally at Havelock
which was the very best rally of the an
tire campaign, Havelock and Lincoln turn
ing out In great numbers. TJnlted States
Senator Burkett and Candidate Pollard did
the speaking, while Out Hyers did the
managing. The democrats have maintained
throughout their gum shoe campaign, and
' whet they have accomplished only the vote
tomorrow will tell.
Mr. Pollard has made speeches In every
county in the district and the republican
committee has put in soma hard work to
get out the vote. That Pollard will re
ceive a substantial majority even tha
Ji 1 an u3ajffttej tsara1
mentsi Baarala
Pinkrmran V.
Owintr ta
liTioi,', jtd ihm nirintss batata ot everr
wotoM to MsxanxptiisJn Just aa match
anvch daiy. It Is mlA that tbtnr is jsa
4W44WtM Curry
Cue woman is trety-flT but -what
oilers nrit annaa deraAeuient of the
female org-aoswa. ao4 ttua la tha secret
ci to xusut umlttjtyf bcrane.
'a wouaa saa 1 amiable, lljrfcV
heartad and happy, a jar to bar hn.
Iwid aa4 cMUirco. aLd perform tha
etntiaa lacnaabcsit 'arpxaa her, vben she It
sraffertetT wi&b Ixeekacbe. headache,
nares r . alae-pleaaneea. bearing.
down yialiii. 4 hhJ anrsmrnt of tha womb,
srpiaal weaJkacaa tar mrUa trouble.
Irritability aad snappy retorta tab
tha plaoe ot nliaaantnrae, and all aan
ehlna Is driven out of tha home, and
Urea am wrecked br woman's (Teat
aatemy womb trostblsi
aad this lettec:
Peer Mm Pbe bun
I mtm Urauiaad fur rifffe yean with Irrsrw
UriUrm vtikat bnasaaea siy henha aud
aeury. LyaIT?l"T Vltk(
CUid proved he ttm only mmilt-lae whir
edaue. Iter ay oay 1 Improved la ass Ilk
wtxW fakkutg ti vnUl I wmm suureiy enrvd. I
eaa i1m4 ii mj social and bone-bold dutUs
e4 tin wtVy enjuy hie once mere, aaLydia
bV I'maaeua a V sjeubmCojupoand has made
am a Wed sna ski nut in acne or a pala.
Wra Cbrtmr CWrv, A3 Uaratog Street,
Em Boston, Mas.
' At that flrat Indication of CI health,
t painful or irr ruler menstruation,
pain la tha aide, bertdsche, backache,
I beartnif-down pains, nervousness or
I the bloaa." seenra at onea a bottle of
I Lydia K. Ptxtkham's VaraUbls Coos
Qmd tor LIa 'i
1 . n."
democrats da not dispute except when they
talk te get us their courage. That Pol-La-nd
.ha bewa getting strangle as the cam
paign progremrd and tha people came te
kiios nun Lhcie seems ta be tso doubt.
Maj tir Crown is depending largely cm
tha vol in Lincoln to help him out. but
there la no Indication that ha wiil cut
lata the republican Tula to any extent.
5e Salary fee TtwDf.
Dr. S. Ik Towns will not get the ll.)
aalary which he haa been drawing for a
number of years as health Inspector, during
the next two years, providing he la re
appointed. In fact he will have to wait
until the next legislature appropriates that
amount for him. It was discovered today
that the salary of tha health Inspector
had not been Included In the regular salafy
appropriation, and Attorney General Brown
held that the sum could not be paid out
of the expense fund. The board appointed
the village, town and city clerks to be sub
registrars of vital statistics under the new
law and then proceeded to take twenty
four ballots for a secretary to succeed Dr.
A. B. Bomers of Omaha. The result was
the same as It haa always beert, the three
candidates each receiving one vote on each
ballot. Dr. Bomers, who haa been an
active candidate for re-election, has not
yet received a vote by the members of
the board so It Is safe to predict that the
Omaha physician will not succeed him
self. , State Contracts Let.
The State Board of Public Lands and
Buildings this afternoon awarded these
contracts to Rokher & Moxen of Avoca,
la.: Boiler house at Grand island, M.90;
hospital, I4.82S; new barn, $1,910. The new
cottage at Beatrice was let to Johnson &
Oustafson for il,80; the wiring for the
cottage waa let to the Nebraska Electrical
company of Omaha for J360. Korsmeyer
of Lincoln got the contract for the heating
plant for 14.126.
Delegates to Irrigation Convention.
Governor Mickey today appointed these
delegates from Nebraska to the Thirteenth
National Irrigation Congress, Portland,
Ore., August 21 to 24:
Adna Dobson, Lincoln; G. L. Bhutnway,
Bcotts Blurt; V. V. Meagley, Lexington;
Hon. W. 13. Qlffln. Gothenburg; Hon. H.
H. Ferrer. Grand Island; Hon. Hugh Boll
Ion. A. C. McAllister, Chappell; C. IL
Payne, Omaha,
Laborer Stabs Companion,
Fred Manchester, a laborer, was danger
ously stabbed In the left shoulder at mid
night by Bam Btover, another laborer. The
latter Is In Jail. The men quarreled in
front of the Willow Springe saloon and
suddenly Stover drew his knife and stabbed
Manchester. Bystanders took tha man to
the Jail and caused the arrest of Btover.
The Injured man may not recover.
Clld Overturns Stand Ipoa Which
Lamp la Placed.
GUIDE ROCK, Neb., July IT. (Special.)
The 11-year-old son of W. L. Million,
farmer and stockman about three miles
south of this place, was so badly burned
by the overturning of a lamp that death
resulted yesterday.
Three children of the family were sleep
ing on the floor by the window In order
to be cooler, when one of them. In getting
up, overturned a small stand on which a
lighted lamp was standing. The other two
children were only slightly burned before
their parents succeeded in putting out the
Boldregce Jnntor Normal.
HOLD REG E, Neb., July- 17. Speclal.)
At the close of the sixth week the Hol
drege Junior Normal haa enrolled 205 stu
dents. , X well balanced Interest and en
thusiasm is being kept up which speaks
well for the good that this aummer school
will do the teachers of southern Nebraska.
Miss Anna Tlbbels, teacher of the model
school, discontinued her work at the end
of the fifth week and her place waa taken
by Superintendent Ed M. Short of Bloom
lngton. Mr. Short's work consists of book
keeping, physiology, orthography, mental
arithmetic and school laws. A class In
trigonometry has been organised by Mr,
Magee. The Blayton Jubilee Singers gave
one of their popular concerts In the opera
house last Tuesday night. The house waa
crowded and the entertainment was well
received. Principal Thorn psen has arranged
for a musical Friday evening of each
week, to be given by local talent. Several
of these have already been held and they
are proving immensely popular.
Jostle la Swift.
KBARNwY, Neb., July U.-Speclal Tel
egram.) An example of the speedy ad
ministration of Justice Is to be found in
the case of Edward Dean, who states that
his home is in Iowa. Saturday noon he
robbed his employer, a farmer, near Gib
bon. The same evening he waa arrested
In this city. Monday morning be waa given
a preliminary hearing, at which ha plead
guilty, and at 4 o'clock he waa taken be
fore' District Judge Hostetler for sentence
to the penitentiary- Toung Dean stole
Ml.M from a farmer by tha name of Olson,
who Uvea on Elm Island, near Gibbon,
who had given him the Job that morning,
BherlBT Makes a Raid.
BEATRICE, Neb., July IT. (Special Tel
egram.) Sheriff Trude and the police offl
cers this afternoon raided the Davla house.
operated by George Haselton, who waa ar
rested on the charge of keeping liquor to
11. A considerable amount of liquor was
found In the place.' Five women giving
the names of Fay Allen, Jeanette Bhepard
Svn, Maud Williams, Clara Dolling and
Mrs. Anna Lee, Including two men named
Moran and Casey, were token with Haael
ton and will be held aa wttnessea. HaaeV
ton gave bond and waa released. His hear
ing Is set for next Monday, at 1 p. m.
Aeelfteat to Veteran la Fatal.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 11. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Lewis Stanter, the Inmate
of the Soldiers' home who accidentally
fell into a bath tub yesterday afternoon
before ha had turned on the cold water
and was badly scalded before relief could
come to him, died as a result of bis In
juries. Tha funeral will take place to
morrow afternoon. Stanter waa admitted
from Thayer county in 188S. He waa a
member of Company B. One Hundred and
Flfty-Orst Illinois Infantry-
Boy Drewaa la Hleeeart.
PLATTBMOtJTH, Neb.. July 17. Spedal
Telegram.) Johnnie Bvsbla, aged I years.
was drowned in the first channel ot the
Missouri river this afternoon opposite tha
Burlington depot st 1:30. The body waa
taken from the water at 1:10. Johnnie was
in bathing wltb two companions and two
brothers, aged 10 and 11 Joseph Svehla,
father of the unfortunate boy, is employed
In tha Burlington shops in this city. The
other beys narrowly escaped being
Hoy Drewatt bear Falrbery.
FA1RBUKY, Neb., July 1? (Special)
A U-iear-old boy named Klrkwood
was drowned In the Little Blue river near
the olty Saturday. The boy's parents live
near Powell In this couuty and he with
ether boys was In swimming when he was
taken wltb a cramp and bis companions
were Unable to assist hltn. The body has
not yet beea recovered.
Many thildrea ateeeneel.
Many children have beeii rescued by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds, toe aad $1. For sale by
ley, Loavltt; urea wrigni, wo i. V;
vZx, Mlnatare; C. A. Morrill. Boott
Bluff: K. B. Mitchell, Waverly: I. M.
Hathbun, McCook; Hon. John C. Hill. Im-
Uarmaa m MoConnell Drug Co.
H. J. Birkbr of Nebraska City Jumps Into
the Missouri River.
Threatened with llllndnesa and Loss
f Mind, He Takes Ills Mfe la
Presence of Several
NEBRASKA CITT. July 17. (Special Tel
eirram.) H. J. Blrkby, a prominent dry
good merchant of this city, committed sui
cide this morning by drowning In the Mis
souri river.
He had been sick for several years and
during the last few months had nearly
gone blind and was losing his mind. About
:30 this morning he walked to the river
bank at the foot of Central avenue. Hu
took off his hat, coat and vest and laid
them or. the bank and Jumped Into the
water. A number of persons witnessed the
deed, but were unable to prevent him from
carrying out his purpose.
The body was found this afternoon.
Worry over 111 health caused Mr. Blrkby
to attempt to commit suicide twice before.
Persons who witnessed the suicide say
that Mr. Blrkby walked east on Central
avenue until he came In sight of the river.
when he ran to the edge of the water
and stopped. He then turned around and
walked away from the river. People then
noticed that something was wrong and
started to walk toward him. Before they
could get to him he turned and ran through
some weeda to the river bank and Jamped
In. He sank before anyone reached the
water. Men Immediately began to drag
the river with grappling hooka and after
several hours work the body waa found
within a few feet of where he was last
seen to come to the surface of the water.
Mr. Blrkby was a member of the dry-
goods firm of Blrkby ft Barchers, and
had been In business In this city for the
past eighteen years. The firm sold out
their business about a month ago. He
was a member of the Odd Fellows lodge
of this city. Mr. Blrkby was 56 years of
age and came to Nebraska City In 1887.
Jnntor formal at MeCooU.
M"COOK. Neb.. July 17. (Speclal.)-The
sixth week of the McCook Junior Normal
school closed with an enrollment of Just
one less than 200, showing a steady growth
In numbers and In interest and work. Prof.
A. McMurray of the Ott School of General
Expression has been with trfte normal all
week and presented the general subject.
Reading and How to Teach It." He con
cluded his work with a lecture Friday
evening on "The Better Personality." Su
perintendent James O'Connell of Hitch
cock county became one of the Instructors
this week. Miss Elizabeth Marker of
Webster county, and Miss Nellie E. Dick
of Chase county were among the other
county superintendents present this week.
Superintendent E. B. Sherman, the well
known Institute instructor, will be with
the normal all next week, closing with a
Beatrice Gas Works Sold.
BEATRICE, Neb., July 17. (Special Tel
egram.) One of the most extensive busi
ness deals made here In some time was
the sale today of the city gas works by
A. 8. Maxwell to New York parties. The
plant Is to be modernised and Improved
In the next few months at a cost of prob
ably $30,000. Mr. Maxwell Is to be re
tained as manager for the company at this
place. ,
News of Nebraska,
WOOD RIVER Word has been received
here that Charles Paugh has arrived In
Ireland and Is visiting with his relatives
in tne native land. Mr. Baugh la a well
to-do farmer here.
WOOD RIVER Mrs. CaDtaln Westonatt
died Sunday morning at her home In Gib
bon, and the funeral services will be held
at that nlace today. Mrs. Westcoatt waa
one of the first settlers in the Wood river
valley ana lived at tills place many years
before going to Gibbon. A number of Wood
tuver people attended the funeral.
LEIGH Masons began laying brick to
day for the new two-story double brlolc
store building of Hahn Brothers & Held.
The new structure when complete will cost
iu,wu, ana win d a great improvement
to tne town. Masons also began work on
tne new residence 01 b-d Mudeman. as
sistant cashier of the Maple Valley State
Dana, xuis Duuaing win cost S4.UUU.
ASHLAND A young man reDresenttn
himself to be an agent for some New
Jersey commission firm has been in this
Vicinity the last week offering farmers
85 cents a bushel for their wheat, but was
una Die 10 secure any at tnose fancy prices.
as he failed to show the cash. The wheat
crop Is very good, some fields yielding
as nign as tony Dusneis to tne acre.
SCHUYLER Prof. E. B. Sherman.
superintendent of the Schuyler public
schools, was elected to the position of
superintendent or the Columbus schools a'
a meeting of that board last Saturday
nignt. Mr. Bnernian nas one year on an
unexpired contract with the board here to
serve, and will have to secure his release
before he' can accept the Columbus post-
ASHLAND Owens & Lovelace, who
have the contract for twelve miles of tha
Great Northern grude, between here and
Sioux City, commenced work this morning.
They put on forty teams and expect sixty
more In a few days. Practically all the
right-of-way nas been secured in this
county and the farmers are well pleased
wiin tne prices paia oy tne rignt-01-way
OSCEOLA Walter E. Ruellng of Musca
tine, la., and Miss Edna Laura Kins.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. L King, were
married Saturday evening, , Rev. Knox
Boude officiating. More than laO guests
were present, among those from out of
town being Governor and Mm. J. H
Mickey, J. R. Ruellng of Muscatine. Ia.
J. A. Rueling of Wymore. Neb.: Mrs.
Carrie Myers and daughters. Vera and
ray, or uavia t1ty. NeO.: Mrs. McCord o
Schuyler, Neb., and Mrs. Foots of Los
Angeles, CaL
BtHUTLBR-will Hubreaky, a young
blacksmith of this Place, aged 20 rears.
was brought before the board of Insanity
this morning and found to be a fit subject
for the asylum. He will be taken there
tomorrow. Hubresky is perfectly sane at
times, but labors under the delusion that
somebody Is trying to poison him. Las
Saturday night at the Richland dance he
knocked a fellow down because he though
he had put some poison in his beer. He
tola tne Doarn mat ne waa crazy at times
but that It waa the poison somebody was
putting in his food that made him so.
The wind was against him
He had to tack
And trim sail, too!
Such a cargo of feed
Drinks hot and cold
m ar 1 ' 11
Make a icilow unsea-
But good skippers recom
Red Raven
A mineral water which is
pleasant to use and certain to
clear away all ill effects that
come from errors in dietary
Be sure to tell your friend that
Red Raven is a wonderful liver
mover, stomach settler and sys
tem renovator.
far ials sverrwhsra PrkalBs
T. M. C. A. Hoard ef Directors F.s
presses Appreciation ef the
Help Given It.
The board cf directors of the Toung
Men's Christian association met Monday
noon at the Commercial club and talked
over matters relative to the campaign Just
closed. Resolutions were passed thanking
the public for Its generous subscriptions
and the press for Its support.
Persistently, but not strenuously, ac
cording to Secretary Wade, the subscrip
tion campaign will be continued until
enough money Is plcdited to assure the
association that It can move Into the new
building without debt. Allowing for un
expected contingencies, about $40,000 will be
needed yet for building and equipping the
new structure. There is. now about $175.0n0
In the fund. Including the HOO.OOO recently
subscribed, and the building Is estimated
to cost $200,000 at the very least.
The directors sent out this letter last
OMAHA, Neb., July 17th, 1905.
Having successfully completed Its cam
paign for the raising of $100,000 towards the
..erection of the new Toung Men's Chris
tian Association building In the city of
Omaha, and being sensible of the gratitude
which It owes to the citizens of Omaha
nd certain agencies for the success of
this great work, the directors desire to
express their thanks to the press of the
city of Omaha for the Interest and en
thusiasm which It created and sustained
for this work during the short campaign.
We also wish to thank the citizens' com
mittee, composed of business men of the
city of Omaha and the young men's com
mittees for the time and effort which they
have unselfishly bestowed In this work.
nd also the cltlxens of Omaha who have
-contributed so willingly and so generously
to the raising of this fund, and who will
by their contributions make possible the
erection of a Toung Men's Christian As
sociation building that will be an ornament
to the city and a magnificent home for as
sociation work.
The board desires to express its obliga
tion to the various visiting Toung Men's
Christian association secretaries, who by
their presence and counsel aided greatly
n the successful completion of this work;
nd also thanks to Mr. George E. Barker
for the use of his room for campaign
headquarters, and its appreciation of the
services rendered In keeping up the Inter
est In this campaign to thevOmaha Bemls
Bag company for Its siren whistle, to the
Omaha Trl-Clty band for its music, and to
the Palace stables for Its wagons and
horses. I. W. CARPENTER, President.
Another "friend" sent In a subscription
for $500 Monday. This, together with sev
eral smaller gifts, makes the total sub-
crlptlon $103,317.
Legislation Contemplated by Council
to Make Him Move Over Once
In a While.
The end-seat hog and hogess are to be
subject to legislation by the council aimed
to dispossess them of the rights and privi
leges which they persist In arrogating to
themselves. Councilman Zlmman has been
discussing the matter with lawyers and
other well-lntentloned systems and, with
Councilman Dyball and other members of
the body, think that an ordinance on the
subject will be about the thing. Dyball,
who is a mild and unoffenslve kind of
man, says he cannot understand why there
are any end-seat hogs, because he per
sonally would much rather move over.
"The nuisance Is getting too bad to stand
any longer," says Zlmman. "I am In favor
of placing an 'ordinance on the books re
quiring the street car company to make
and enforce rules against the end-seat
hog, and providing a penalty for the hog
In case he does not obey the conductor
and move over. Of course the right of
the hog to his seat Is a debatable ques
tion, but I think that most of his tribe
will get out of the way rather than take
ride In the patrol wagon and enjoy a
few hours In jail while a bondsman Is
being obtained. For my part I am heartily
sick of the end-seat hog and his dally
examples of discourtesy and brutal be
havlor. He has to go In Omaha and the
sooner this is driven through his thick
head the nicer It will be for htm and the
people he offends."
If the ordinance can be got In shape to
day It will be Introduced tonight and
amendments may be made In the original
plan as Improvement suggests itself.
Saw Oae Factory that Employs Six
Thousand Persons Mrs. Cole
Prolongs Visit.
David Cole has returned from a five weeks'
stay In Ireland. Mrs. Cole remained In
that country and will not return until Sep
"The scenery of Ireland Is just as pretty
as anything that can be found In Colorado
or any other of our western states," said
Mr. Cole. "That about the Lakes of Kll
larney and around the Giants' Causeway
In the north ot licisnd Is as beautiful as
one can Imagine. The country was such a
pleasure that I could not take any time to
visit the continent, though I did make
trip through England and Scotland.
I saw one factory which employs 4.500
persons and a shipyard at Belfast where
1000 men are employed at work. So
guess there Is something doing In the man
ufacturing line as well as In scenery."
Mr. and Mrs. Cole visited relatives In the
counties of Queen's and Antrim.
William A. Barber and Miss Carrye
Daniel were married Monday after
noon at the Church of St. Agnes,
South Omaha, by Father O'Hearn. They
will make their home in Omaha for the
present, but wilt later go to Minneapolis,
Minn., where Mr. Barber has a position
with a large engraving concern. The bride
has for some years been In the employ of
Hayden Bros, aa a saleswoman.
, Ia the Divorce Mill.
Alice May Hack Is suing for a divorce
from Simon B. She charges that be has
become a habitual drunkard and does not
support her or their four children, having
contributed but 130 to the family exchequer
since February last. They were married at
niuuni, ia.. in January, ixsi.
Attorney M. O. Cunningham has filed In
the district court a waiver of service of
summons In the suit for divorce of Clara
C. Jackson against W. R. Jackson. There
has been something of an eotdemlc of thru
waivers recently and very quick action has
been had In sveral cases.
Kdwln A. Searson has brought suit for
divorce against his wife, Hattie 8. He al
leges that she deserted her home on July
4, 1K0S, leaving him with one child, of which
ne warns me permanent custody. They
wtrre weuuea in maaings, lex., In rovn
ber. 185)6.
Sherman Saunders has given a new turn
to the suit of his wife. Alice Uiv. for tl.
voroe. He has now filed an objection to the
aimnci court or uouglas county taking
luiiBQitucn 01 me case, on tne ground tha
now ana nas Den for a long time
past a citizen of Knox count v Mm iua
that he was never served with a subpoena
in una county ana mat ine service on him
in tinox county is null and void. Mrs.
Saunders is at present a reaident of Omaha.
Arrivals fresa Veaeanela.
NHw YORK, July 17. C. B. Hurst,
Vnited Btatea consul at Lajruvra: L. H
Peterson, I'nited States consul at Puerto
(.aoruo, ana umiersa Bamuel Pearson, for
merly of the Boer army, arrived here to
day on tne steamer Caracas frosa Venezuela
Dr. Tetsni of Gottineen Tells of the Kti
Loeates Seismic Observatory and
Startles the Inhabitants ae a Side
Issae Darin a- n Three-Year
Prof. Otto Tetens, Th. D., of the Ooettlnl
gen university, Gemany, Is In the city
en route homeward from a three years'
visit In thfSamoan Islands, where he has
been superintending the construction of
an observatory for the Oocttlngen uni
versity In Apia.
"The new observatory Is for the pur
pose of studying seismic phenomena of the
Samoan group," said Prof. Tetens, "and
Is not for astronomical observations. It
was at first Intended to establish only a
temporary observatory, but finally the de
termination was reached to make It a
permanent Institution, hence my stay there
was for three years Instead of, as at first
Intended, but for one year. I went to
Samoa via the Sues canal and Australia In
1902. The Islands, as you know, are now
under the control of Germany and Amer
ica. The American island Is that of
Tatulla, where the Americans are also
constructing an observatory on similar
lines with ours, and Tatulla Is one nights'
ride from the Gorman Islands, Upolu and
Bavail. On the latter la the metropolis of
the group," Apia.
Inhabitants and Resources.
"About 300 Germans are now resident of
the islands, and 100 Americans. The
hief products of the Islands are cocoa
nuts, of which great numbers are raised
and shipped to all parts of the world.
Recently there has been established on
the Islands plantations for the cultivation
of the coaoo bean, which promises to be
come a great Industry. The general trade
6f the Islands Is In the hands of the Ger
mans and the country Is being rapidly de
veloped In a commercial way.
"The ftamoans are at the best a peculiar
people and do not take readily to the ways
of modern civilization. They are a very
egotistical people, and hold to the Idea
that they are the chief civilized race of the
earth. They tolerate the European and
American occupation because It has been
the means of establishing peace on the
Islands and permitting the petty kings to
exercise their authority without molesta
tion from their former tribal enemies.
They are naturally Intelligent, but have
no literature. What education they pos
sess Is based wholly upon oral tradition
and ancestral worship. Epochs are
reckoned from volcanio eruptions and
great tidal waves.
Effect of the National Tipple.
"They are very Intemperate In a way,
using a drink concocted from some of the
natural products of the Islands, which,
while not ' wholly an intoxicant, produces
an effect not unlike the use of basheesh,
and sooner or later gives its votaries a
mottled appearance through light blotches
on their faces and bodies In striking con
trast to their native bronze color. All
efforts to prevent them from using the
compound, have been unavailing. It Is
their national vice and they stick to it
persistently. They have . a peculiar sys
tem Of meteorology, derived largely from
their traditions, and intermingled with
what they have been taught by the early
The Germans have established schools
on the Islands and a normal school is lo
cated at Apia, which is being well aN
tended and we hope with good results to
Eruption at Eupolo.
"Shortly before my arrival at the Islands
there was a severe volcanic eruption on the
adjacent island of Upolo and I took occa-
lon to visit the scene. The natives were
In mortal dread of after results, based on
tradition of former eruptions. Fortu
nately there were no native settlements
near the volcano and there was no loss
of life. The eruption had subsided for
some time before I went there, and I as
cended the mountain with some of the
natives to get a view of the crater. At
first they were much opposed to my going
and refused to accompany me, but they
were finally Induced to do so and the
effect has been to quiet their apprehensions
very materially since then regarding, the
mysteries of the bursting mountains.
As a rule they are becoming mucn in
terested In our observatory at Apia, and
stand somewhat In awe of our instruments.
It will be many years before they can be
weaned from their egotism and self-conscious
importance, and until then I do not
look for much Improvement among them.
Connection with the World,
"A line of steamships run regularly from
San Francisco to Apia and Tatulla, visiting
the islands once in three weeks. A similar
line runs from Sydney, Australia, and Auck
land, New Zealand, once every four weeks,
so we were not wholly out of the world
while there. All of our news of the Japanese-Russian
war came by way of Ban
"I met your fellow townsman, Mr. George
Hetmrod, the American consul at Apia,
frequently. He Is an accomplished gentle
man and ia doing much for American in
terests there, and your country is very
creditably represented In him.
I left Apia June 4 and came to Ban
Francisco via Hawaii, reaching Omaha
Sunday. I shall leave here tomorrow, and
Intend visiting the observatories at Chi
cago and Washington before returning to
Germany. I visited the California ob
servatories at Los Angeles and the Lick
I also visited the Harvard observatory
in Arizona and am much Impressed with
their completeness of equipment. You
have a great country here In America and
I am extremely glad of the opportunity
of visiting It. I do not know that I shall
return to Samoa, as I have much work to
do when I get home. I shall publish nijf
observations In book form upon my re
turn to Germany."
Fishermen Are Arrested.
Cort Brunner and Frank Frick have been
arrested on warrants sworn out In the
county court for seining In Cut Off lake.
Their seines were captured and are now
drying out in Sheriff Power's front yard
on Harney street. The men were ar
raigned before Judge Vlnsonhaler Monday
tternoon ana tneir nearing set for Satur
day next. They were released on bonds
of t2M each. The game wardens are camp
ing right close on the trail of violators of
the state game laws and are going to keep
en persecuting all offenders who are
The Best Hot Weather Medicine
VXtVK -"wn- ' , i nans n
Rratralner Issued by Jndae Troop
n Petition of Anna
Judge Troup has Issued a restraining
order aglnst Mayor Moores and the city
council .on petition or Anna McHugh. By
the terms of the otdcr the city council is
restrained from passing an ordinance now
pending to vncntc the alley between
lavenwnrth and Marcy and Tenth and
Floventh s'rrcts: nor must they pass an
ordinance of similar import; nor must the
mayor slfnt such an ordlnence if It should
he passed. Mrs. Mi-Hugh's petition alleges
that to vacate the sllcy In question would
depreciate the value of two lots she owns
which adjoin the alley.
The ordlnnnto was Introduced In the
council at the request of M. Wollstrln
Co., wholesale liquor dealers, who
announce their Intention of erecting a
seven-story brick building if they can get
the alley. The alley Is only part of an
alley, the remainder having been disposed
of to adjoining property owners.
Sixty-six feet Is left at the Tenth street
end and runs under the viaduct. Woll
strln & company own the forty-four feet
south of the alley and want the strip
sixty-six feet long and twenty feet .wide
In order to give them more room for
building. Anna McHugh Is the owner of
two lots on the other side of the alley,
upon which an Implement house desires to
put up a building If the alley can be
added to It, It Is said. The city appraising
board valued the piece of alley In conten
tion at $2,000. The ordinance would have
vacated It and ordered It sold to the high
est bidder, giving the Mellughs an equal
chance with others if they want to buy.
Fair Today and Tomorrow In e
braska and outh Dakota Con- .
tinned Utah Temperature.
WASHINGTON. July 17.-Forecast of the
weather for Tuesday and Wednesday:
For Nebraska, South Dakota and Kansas
Fair Tuesday and Wednesday; continued
hiKh temperature.
For Iowa Fair In west, showers and
thunder storms In east portion Tuesday
and Wednesday.
For Missouri Fair and continued warm
Tuesday and Wednesday.
For ColoraJo and Wyoming Fair and
continued warm Tuesday and Wednesday.
For Montana Fair and warm Tuesday;
Wednesday fair.
Local Record.
OMAHA, July 17. Official record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared with
the corresponding day of the last three
ars: , 1905. 1904. 1903. 191)2.
Maximum temperature .. 95 92 80 87
Minimum temperature .. 75 75 Srt 1I6
Mean temperature 85 84 73 76
Precipitation 00 T .72 .53
Temperature and precipitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1,
and comparison with the last two years:
Normal temperature .' 74
Excess for the day j... 11
Excess since March 1 204
Normal precipitation IB inch
Deficiency for the day 15 Inch
Precipitation since March 1 10 90 inches
Deficiency since March 1 6 45 Inches
Deficiency for cor. period, 1904.... 2.S7 Inches
Deficiency for Cor. period, 1903.... 4.27 Inches
Resorts from Stations at T P. M.
Station am? State Tern. Max. Rain
ot weamer. 7 p.m.
Cheyenne, cloudy 80
Bismarck, clear 72
Chicago, clear 76
Davenport, clear 90
Denver, part cloudy 86
Havre, clear 76
Helena, clear 70
Huron, clear 88
Kansas City, clear 88
North Platte, clear 88
Omaha, clear 90
Rapid City, clear 74
St. Iuls, clear 90
St. Pnnl, clear m
Salt Lake City, clear 84
Valentino, part cloudy 90
Wllliston, clear 72
T Indicates trace of precipitation.
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
Hot, sultry weather Is especially apt to
upset the stomach Unless the system Is
kept constantly toned up and healthy, and
digestion assisted, by taking
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
It Is an absolutely pure tonic-stimulant,
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fcts t-rsnirnur
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"I evrcr wrr we
mfe eHlna nre
u SsokMS ant
1 boy vu lmrt mmk
3 lo H ehaostnf
M I evulS adrM
A , y 1 .tarn, leeul
i t . .. -t him t. lor t
' 1 U l " an4 tt l. a
Jaasiftlga&j i&ntrats4
smosutt tmmn
raloa Paclfle By,
C- A S- w. XT. ar
c. a. a a. Mi,
m k i. 1 - j i
I VBAt-f
I if
Main your work i Pieasun Make four
Wishing and Cleaning and Scrubbing
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fcj tl:i use of
It is iso interest inn an,i de
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tions of this wonder-worker, thia
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mnrvelously so with little ef
fort on your part by the use of
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Such lovely hands, too these
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Century Soap leaves them soft,
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just pure, sweet, penetrating
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Liberal stopovers, .and
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Two routes g
Through New Mexico
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Dining car service and re
clining chair cars both
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Treats all forms ef
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has permanently cured thousands of cases
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Save time sod money by dntcriblns yeur
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OAue Hours 8 a. m. to I at) p. m; Sun
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