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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1905)
T TTTE OMAITA DAILY TITX: TUESDAY. JULY IS. 1003. CHILDREN OUT OF THIRD WARD Al! Not Belonging There Will Be Remored by Juvenile Court. OFFICER BERNSTEIN AND POLICE UNITE Cumpild ot Inest lalon la to De Wtid with View of Car los for the Little Fellows. Chief Probation Offirtr Bernstein la ready to open hla campaign for cleaning out the Third ward. With hla assistants, D. M. Haverly and Mn. Charlotte Towle, he mill this wetk begin a canvass of the derelict district tc ascertain just how many children of tender years are living In it. The circumstances of each family and their reasons for living In the district with children will be Inquired Into. This dona, in every case where the facts will warrant the action, the parents are to be ordered to move out. If they refuse the children will be luken from them and be taken into the Juvenile court. Mr. Bernstein says a grf-at many chil dren are living In the Third ward who should not be there, lie Is going to take advantage of the provisions of the Juvenile law to take them away from their Immoral surroundings. The probation officers also will give some attention to cases where whites and negroes are living together. In fact, wheiev- the officers Hnd conditions which are ausplcjous they intend to tako drastic action to rectify them. The poilc department and the Juvenile officers will work In harmony In the cam paign, which has been planned to take the children away from the red light section ; of the city. The completion of the new de tention home furnishes a place to put them If the parents do not comply with tho or ders of the Juvenile court. Boya Break Their Parole. Fifteen small bojs who are under tins Jurisdiction of the Juvenile court on sus pended sentences have broken the'r parole I by falling to report to the probation officers as ordered by Judge Day. Chief Probation Officer Bernstein nnd his two assistants aiv 1 determined to have the orders of the court I respected, and to that end -they will put In the next few warm da ye on a hot chase after the delinquent youngsters. It la pro posed to place them in the detention home excopt In cases where eome good reason can be given for not reporting. As many of the lada are averse to being confined and are on the watch for the probation offlcera at all times, "Mogy" and his two assistants are rather looking for an exciting hunt before they round up their nimble chargea. WILSON TALKS TO MACHINISTS Fourth Vice President Addresses the Local Vnlona on Ortrantaa tlon and Its Benefits, . A called meeting of the local machinists unions of Omaha was held at Labor Tem ple Monday night to listen to an address on labor matters by T. L.. Wilson of Sun Francisco,- fourth vice president of the In ternational Association ' of Machinists in charge of the western division. He spoke principally of the good results arising from the organization of the machinists on the Pacific coast, particularly the railroad ma chinists, and the good feeling that now prevails among them and their relations with the railroads. lie said that at the time of the close of the Cnion Pacific atrike there were but 68.000 members in the order, and that It was then predicted by the enemies of the Machinists association that it was doomed. Since that time the association has increased to 136, cum mem bers and la growing encouragingly, and has a big fund In the treasury. The purpose of Mr. Wilson's visit Is to stimulate a more active organization In thla section particularly. He specially ad vocated the policy of a nhie-hour day, with the equivalent ten hours' pay. By orga nization this can be effected, and he urged that all machinists outside the order be persuaded to come into it for mutual pro tection. Representatives were also present at the meeting from the Isabel league, who urged that the Machinists union adopt the policy of buying only union made goods. A num ber of the special committee from that league which was canvassing the city with a view to interesting union men in the purchase of union made goods, stated that if the $8,000,000 that is spent In the city of Omaha each year by union men were applied to the purchase of union made foods that the question of strikes and boy cotts would be ended. Thla movement he aid, la spreading rapidly through the state and central west and the canvass In thla interest will be pushed vigorously. At the conclusion of Mr. Wilson's ad dress an hour wus spent In asking and anawerlng questions, and a vote of thanks was extended the speaker for his address. DAVIDSON BACK FROM EAST Mr' Omaha and Nebraska W ere Well Represented at the Meetlti-, of Kdncntura, Special Tuesday JO o - V- luesaay foinrNnPrtrrn E sTIiairil I F 1 sfjajf u Grejxt Clearing Sale of hikiren s Or All the odds and euda, broken lines, Bamples, etc., of high class dresses for children, worth np to I 2 at 69c Children's Summer Frocks at 69c Thousands of children's pretty summer dresses go in this sale all the light and dark summer shades, pretty checks, etc. choice of this entire lot, actually worth up to ?2.00 Clearing sale price riade of Swisses, Piques, Uingtiams, Chambrays, Percales, Lawns, Etc. Buster Brown, Peter Thompson, Suspender Styles, Embroidered. Luce Trimmed, Etc. Ladies' $4 Shirt Waists at $1.50 Stunning shirt waists, all linen. Swiss, etc. many are the famous f CIV Royal Waists well made, at..... IJU MISSES' SUNBONNETS at 5c-Misses' and Children's Sunbonnets all colors, ruffled edge, made of chambrays, etc., dark and light worth up to 20c, at. . OMAHA WFITHRR FORFCAST Tuesday Fair and Continued Wnrm. 10c and 15c FANS at 2ic Large folding fans in fancy designs also braided palm leaf fans you'll want some today, they are "q worth 15c, at aGd-C V LACES at 2c-5c-7Jc Wash laces and insertings for sum mer trimmings all widths white, linen and two toned many wide bands worth as J E? high as 15c a yard, at DC" i 2C Greatest Sale of the Year Beautiful Imported Plates Cups and Saucers Thousands of these lovely decorated plates are here lnall sizes nearly all different sty lew cups nnd saucers in regular size, after dinner sire, etc.-- aTr,.b 8.! . 8. 10cl5c-19c.29c.49c J. L. BRANDEIS & SONS-BOSTON STORE LATEST, LIGHTEST, NEATEST, CHEAPEST LEATHER BOUND MATTING SUITCASES, $3.50, 53.75, S4.00. Convenient to carry, nice to look at and are made to last We carry a full line of Grips, Suitcases and Trunks of our own manufacture. Send for catalogue. Trices right. WE DO REPAIRING. Omaha Trunk Factory, 1209 Farnam St. MAMTOU WATER We have Just revived a fresh supply of the fa mm... MANITOU WATER and "&WoWJt minaral water.. both domestic and foreign. Special prli-e just now u WAVK.E9HA HVGEIA WATER, In cases of IM urta for 5.00. 1 00 back for empties. If you drink mineral watera, BEE uh. Sherman & McCcnnell Drug Go. Cor. lttth nnd Dodge, Oinnhav, .Neb. Superintendent of Instruction Davidson haa returned from Tupt-ku, Kuu , wlit-re lie went to attend the funeral of a brother-in-law. He was called direct to Topeka from Asbury Park, N. J., where he attended the meeting of the National Educational asso ciation. "It waa the second largest meeting ever held by the organisation," aatd the super intendent, "and I think one of the best from all points of view. Nebraska had nearly 300 persons present and of this number Omaha contributed about sixty. Bo far aa I know I am the only one who haa returned. The others are lingering along the Atlantic coast and will spin out their vacations in these pleasant places as long as they can. This atate waa fairly well represented on the programs and I think ever) one enjoyed himself and herself thoroughly, in addition to gaining the information and stimulus that are a part of these gatherings." The superintendent will put In most of the remaining vacation time In working out plans and arrangemeota for the local achoole. THE INTENSE HOT WEATHER is now on and it is going to last several months. You can save yourself lots of suf fering by buying a Cold Storage Refriger ator, we enable everybody to have one. We cut the price for cash or sell the ts.00 to $14.00 kind at J2.00 per month, the I1S00 to 22.00 sizes at 13.00 per month, the large sizes at $4.00 per month. PREFERS WOMAN TO PRISON Wkltt Man Agrees to Marry Colored HoaiekMStr Wao lias Ulna I Arrested to Escape Jail. Rather than puffer Incarceration In the city Jail Andrew tkinan of tit Marcy atreet la willing to bury the hatchet and rolling pin. acknowledge hla love for Mlsa Mary Burns and take the woman unto himself aa hla wife. He made thia statement In police court Monday morning before the Judge, court aergeant. reporters and othera. Mlsa Burns haa been housekeeper for Ekman for lo these many weeks. The woman filed a charge of assault and battery against the man In police court. He was arraigned In court Monday morning and the hearing ot the case was set for Tuesday morning. Ekman waa held under a bond of $100. When the piisoner realised he would be kept In Jail unless he could furnish the bond he gave vent to a flood of grief and anyono who could arrange to have the nup tlalk take place then and there. Mr Ekman is of Swedish nationality ana hi. xiitinlo nf a whitish tinge, while Miss Burns' complexion is nearly black and her hair kinky. When Ekman was taken Dack to his cell his face was one large patch of sadness. It is believed some sort of con ciliation will bo made between Ekman and his duslcy Inamorata and that Cupid will make another base hit. Bulletin No. 1 Ekman haa not yet fur nished bond. Misa Burna haa been placated. Cupid seen weeping on Capitol hill. NO ONE HAS GUESSED RIGHT That Is What J. F. George Sara About Reports Concerning New Bolldlag. "Some of the newspapers are doing a 'ot of guessing about what la to be done with the Balbach property at Sixteenth and Harney atreets," said J. F. George, aecre tary of George A Cp. "None of them has guessed right. There la a deal on for the property, but nothing .will be said about it at present, aa the final arrangements in the matter have not been made." Mr. George smiled and saldehe knew noth ing about it when asked concerning a story in a local paper Saturday to the effect that Marshall Field, or Siegel, Cooper & Co. of Chicago waa trying to get the loca tion for a retail establishment. Starving. When your body is starving robbed by Indigestion Dr. King's New Life Flllls will relieve and cure. 26c. For sale by Sher man & McConnell Drug Co. Bee Want Ada Produce Results. 1 'xsn' jt.: "VT Mrs. Stone, 1020 South 18th street, aaya: 'I have compared mv refrigerator with some that my acquHlntances bought as first- class and 1 know that my cold btorage is as good as the best. Mr. Lunugren, Daker und confectioner. 27th and Leavenworth. says: "My friends who wanted me to buy refrigerators like theirs now admit that my Cold Storage is a good deal better than theirs." In two years we will have the lariceit run that a line of regrlgerators ever haa in omana. Stoetzel Stove Co., 714 So. 16th St. SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES. YOUR BOY'S PROGRESS dpuU amotih upon hl onuifort mud happiness. H at in in lit k our iHiy bup, bria(iii litem Into plMavsni, perwnf itfttiottstLip with lost ruotor. iti ttkwiu eierr np xrtubil to ifaro w If -control ritthcr than he controlled, vntl wtiik truaiinn to thutr htnr BiaVDiain instruction and rii-ip;iD' of tit bitihtMst nnlrr. 1 hut mm buiiti thy Jt reittsDt, maul rbatiao trr. riiuinvU' unOQUHlltti for hiilt)tfiJnMki iocMloi MMiljr u--4wiiri. Ketnrl for booklet "," to KfcARSET MILITARY ACADEMY. KEARNEY. NEb 1 AvA . J I 4 HARDIN COLLEGE AND CONSERVATORY FOR LADIES i , "jr" aasm rinn Vamavr. I nas I I rt I ralt er iHinaH aw m- 1 a-AAT . V ,T i . J " W German- American Conservatory, In charge of specialists. Art, Elocution, Cooking and Business Courses, for catalogue, addreaa " JOHS W. HILUOH, Pns U Collage Place, H K. X ICO, MO. nTN T7TTTTTT T U) I, VI VI I, CiREliN TRADINU ST AM O.N MAIN FLO VIP BOOTH y or y Hfi iiiiiifiiLmsBia, I 1 oil IK ' till k i f f SOMETHING FOR NOTHING. In our Crockery Section Tuesday, OXE dozen 0-inch or Tie Plates with every purchase of $10.00 or over of any open stock pattern in dinnerware. This includes English and American porcelain patterns in stock. Star Cut Tumblers, bell shape, very finest glass, 'lj Tuesday, each intC Not over 12 to a customer. What pieces are left of our 10c china sale of Satur- f A day and Monday Tuesday for iiC Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps. BENNETT'S BIG GROCERY Money Saving Specials Dai!y. Tuesday's Offers: Twenty (!2.nn Oreen Trading Stamps with pound pkg. Bennett's Cspltol Coffee Twenty (J2.ini) Green Trading witn pound Tea, any kind Ten (J1.0O) Green Trading Stamps with can pure ground Black 1 1. 28c Stamps 48c I'epper Diamond "C" Foap.OCr, 10 bars AiJW lc 6c Ten ($1.00) Green Trading Stamps with pint bottle Diamond "S" OC, Salad Dressing Ten ($1. no Oreen Trading Stamps with two cans Salmon, 25C Twenty ($2.0") Green Trading ' Stamps witn can uiamond "S lUn Fruits 10 bars Five cent Bluing Ten cent Maple Cream Cake.. Five cent Maple Cream Cuke.... Baked Benns, fier can 1 Sardines, per can 3c 4c 4c Pepper Sauce, bottle Baking Soda, parkace Corn Starch, package 7c 4c 4c BUTTER! BUTTER! Five (60c) Green Trading Stamps with I Five (50c) Green Trading Stamps with nound finest Country 22c j un(l finest Country 20C Girls and Boys Wanted Easy ?."ey fo? every bright school boy and girl in Omaha. Apply advertising bureau any time. IHly!HlT F the convenience of a Gas Range? Warm weather has no terrors for the housewife with gas as fuel., Meals always on time, no smoke or ashes to bother one and then the cost is no greater than coal, and if managed properly, it will be much less. Remember when buying to ask for the Eclipse. ECLIPSE GAS STOVE CO. Rockford, Illinois. There are many wonders of mountain peak and chasm in Colorado. Up the Colorado canons are stupen dous walla rising perpendicularly, or gradually sloping back toward greater hills, or, yet again, leaning forward above the chasm, as if threatening to come tumbling down projecting great rocks that bang suspended Over the train as it glides swiftly by. The popular route to COLORADO it via UNION PACIFIC FAST TRAINS LOW RATES Be sure your tickets read over this line. Inquire at CITY TICKET OFFICE- 1324 FARN AM ST. 'Phone 314S. q BAKING DISHES Every lady ousrht to have one of these. We have them ranging from Irt.OO, $7.ui. to S12.0. Bhe ought also to have one of our Chafing Dishes from $5.00 to SI Spend a few minutes looking tlirounh our store. We have a beautiful stock. You'll be very welcome. Axxjk for the name. S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler, 1515 Douglas Street. A fine room with a vault heat light water janitor service in a fire proof office building for $18-00 The Bee Building. Watch for Otr Great Mid'Summer Fur S9U THS MELIABLK STORE. IVafch for Our Great Mid-Summer Fur Sale Bargain Day In Our Ladies' Suit Department 5 dozon Children's Presses, dntntlly trimmed with embroidery, Insertinps and tucks, repulnr $l..o anil f f $2.00 values, cliolre O JC A KOrSINO SKIRT SPECIAL-Benn- tlful Jap Silk Skirts, in white nnl Mnck, regular ?S.(:0 tbIucs, t AP choice JJD Acrordeon Tlenterl Skirts, In all eolors the $5.00 kind great snap tQ Tuesday, at mJj Women's Dressing Saenues, In great variety, regular "5c Talues choice J DC 175 handsome Silk Skirts, beantlfully designed, all newest styles, worth up StS- 10.00 100 Crnvenette Coats, tnns only, come In all sizes and would be cheap at $10.00, choice Tues- Women's beautiful 1-awn Suits, trim med with embroidery, Insertions and tucks, would be cheap at QQ $7.50. choice tJJ WOMEN'S WAISTS-Worth up Ofi. to $J.5. at OC Cool and Dainty Undermuslins at Bargain Prices Tuesday LADIES' GOWNS In fine materials, prettily trimmed, $1.50 7C values, at JC LADIES' CORSET COVERS AND DRAWERS Trimmed with fine laces and embroidery. You cannot match them ln-the city for less than 08c our sale price LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S FAST BLACK HOSE In all sizes, worth 15c, great snap Tuesday, C JM 49c at. 5c Ladles' 15c Sleeveless Vests, at Ladles' fine Cambric Drawers, lace or embroidery trimmed, regular 50c values, this one day, at, lC $1.00 and $1.50 Skirts, made extra full with deep knee flounce of lace em broidery and Inserting, underlay with dust ruffle, choice Tuesday Ladles' 25e Vests with long sleeves, at 75c 15c Four Specials in the Great West Room 12k 15c Batiste, for Mercerlzen Koulardeon, for Ac 5c 61c 20c Standard Trlnts, for Assorted Colored Voiles, for 3c 7ic PERCHES Now is the Time to Can This Delicious Fruit PEACHES We have Just received one solid car of Fancy 4-Basket Crates or Alberta Feaches. These are the finest peaches that grow. Tuesday we will open this car and place them on sale, at per crate of four 7 1 t)&sl(ts J V THE LAST OF THE FINEArFLE We have Just received by express 50 crates of Fancy Florida Flneapples these are in elegant condition and of very fine flavor as long as 7' they last, each..... t. iC HAYDEN BROS, TTfE PERFECT BEER Adds Pleasure to the Evening CalL t JETTER BREWING CO.. South Omaha. - 'Pbone eJ Omaha Headquarters huuu r . BILZ. Vth DongUa. Tel. IfrtJL Co. Bluffs Haadouart A LEE if I TC HELUI iuu jaaio 'aireei. ti. mu. 3C JAVentworth Military Academy Oldest u4 Largest Military Scfaeei lathe Midair Wcl. Send tor catalogue. LEXIMCrON. MO. A LEXiriGTOII COLLEGE FOR YOUNQ V70MEH LilnKtcn, Mo. (Near Kansas City). Founded 1890 Slfaor BTrtu li'iou, UlractDref slaMcprarDt Uiroccboat tt fw. Italtaa ""'y . C sU wl.i M...M tKWisa W. WHITS. hiJI.t Ask for QUALITY IS OUR MOTTO! BEST BECAUSE Tou are 'T ftng Kl.Ki"..'--' uini, rr. uiis a t aw lid You will want your favor ite newspaper, The Omaha Bee, to go along with you. It is better than a daily letter from home. Before leaving give your order to have The Bee mailed to your out-of-town address. The address may be changed as often as you wish. Telephone 897 or fill out and mail us the blank below. CIRCULATION LBFT. OMAJM UBB. rionso havo Tho Daily and Sunday lieo now going to Present address) sont until t 0Otf or ' until further orders, to address below: ( address) ...-..-..-.. .' 7 r, L ' i 4 1 V : I