Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 18, 1905, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
) Chief Russian Edvo, . Iks of Pending
1 V -
Peaoe-at-Any-Prico 1 ii Practically
Withou'. I ica.
Eelietea Terms of Japan Will Be Bach thai'.
Cannot Accept!.
lltlrmtil that Homers Will Brine
Prcnort to Bear on Victors to
Prevent Humiliation of
T. PETERSBURG. July 17.-M Wltte, the
senior Russian peace plenipotentiary, re
ceived the correspondent of the Aassoclated
Press at hi villa on Yelagln Island today.
In according the honor of an Interview to
the Associated Press, he said he expressly
desired It stated that he had declined all
previous requests of Journalists for Inter
views and would decline all future requests.
He further said that he made an exception
In the case of the Associated Press, as It
was the representative of the press of the
United States, and as he was about to be
come the temporary guest of the United
States, and also as a mark of the par
ticular sympathy he felt toward that great
M. Wltte spoke In French. After greet
ings, which wer cordial, the conversation
gravitated to the high mission with which
the Russian statesman la charged and the
disposition of the foreign press to Interpret
Ms appointment as an Indication that Rus
sia had desired to make peace at any price.
"No, no," said he, straightening up in
hi chair and speaking slowly and distinctly
a If weighing the value of each word. "In
the first place I have been designated by
the emperor as his ambassador extraordi
nary for pour parlers with the Japanese
plenipotentiaries to ascertain whether It is
possible to conclude a treaty of peace. My
personal views are of secondary Import
ance, but vmy ideas are in entire ac
cord with those of my friend. Count Lams
dorff. ,
"In serving my emperor I have received
precise instiuctlon from his majesty and
hall follow them.
lit I mate Decision with Mcholaa.
"The ultimate decision remains In the
hands of the emperor and It Is for him to
decide the destinies of Russia, The em
peror Is the friend of peace and desires
peace, but I very much fear that the Jap
anese terms will be such that we will be
unable to reach an accord.
"Secondly, the world should disabuse Its
Wind of the idea that Russia wants peace
at any price. There re two parties In
Russia. One favors tha continuance of the
war a outrance this is a large and in
fluential' party,. . The other, to which I
belong, favors peac. I avow It frankly,
because telling the truth has always been
my rule In politics. I was for peace be
fore broke out. When the war
bgan, the situation changed.
"Even though there are these two par
tie a to the advisability of ending the
war In the present circumstances, both
would be united if the Japanese demands
wound the amour propria of the Russian
people, or jeopardised our future as a na
tion. "I am sure If I report that the conditions
of Japan cannot be accepted Russia will
accept the verdict and the Russian peo
ple will be ready to continue the war for
year If necessary.
Russia Is Rot Crashed.
"Thirdly. Russia la not crushed, aa the
foreign press has led the world to believe,
The Interior situation Is very serious. I
do not deny, but in Europe and America
the true significance of what Is happening
la not understood. Correspondents come
her and talk with a few hundred people
in ot. Petersburg and Moscow, mlsln.
terpret what Is happening and fill the
world with false impression aa to Rus
sia's future.
"Russia has little resemblano to west
ern countries. To know Russia, to under
stand the soul of Russian people It Is neces
sary that one should have been born here
or lived many years In Russia. The cus
toms, history, the mental psychology of the
people are entirely different from those of
western nations and Russia cannot be
Judged by western standards. It is such
an Immense country, composed of diverse
elements and Interests, yet the Russian Deo
pi are like a great family. At present
they are torn by Internal dissensions, but
these divisions would disappear should the
people really feel that the Integrity of the
country and Its future destiny were at
' Russia Is not on the verge of dissolu
tion aa a great power and Is not oullxed
to accept any conditions offered In spite of
me military reverses It has sustained.
"We are, passing through an Internal
crisis, which has been marked by many
grave events, and which may have others
still In store, but the crisis will pass and
In a few years Russia will again take Its
place aa a preponderant power In the
European concert."
Kmpects Aid front Russia.
Th Novoe Vrmya today prlnta the fol
lowing statement of Russia's position,
which may be Inspired:
Russlu can consent only to s'uch a peace
as will not affect the dignity or vital Inter
ests of the empire. To act otherwise would
be fatal lo Russia and would threaten all
Lurope. Europe no longer believes in
J;iui s assurance ihut it will not restrict
Lurpean Interests in the far east. Even
In Liigluntl and Ameik-u the voices of
mui'-il limtu-ators can be heard In favor ot
the indirect Interference of (lie powers to
luodoraie JapYs demands. Our plenipo
tentiaries must remember that they muut
fl-fend the interests not only of Russia,
but a so of the oilier Caucasian powers,
and they will And moral support fi Ber
lin, furls, iutiitngtou and perhaps even
In Ixmton. Our army In the held is much
stronger than it was lifieen months ago.
Ino Hamburger Nachrichten proposes
that Curope intimate lo Japan that extreni
demands will be routined by Kurope in!, especially Germany. This is a
vUuable statement. We must ascertain
tlie acceptable maximum of our concessions
to Japan from tlie European poiut of view
und act accordingly.
Tho report that M. 6hlpoff, director of the
Treasury department, would not accompany
the Russian pest commission to Washing
ton 1 Incorrect.
Wltte t Sail July SO.
WA6HINGTON. July 17.-Ambassador
Meytr has cabled th State department
that kit. Wltte, tho Russian chief plenipo
tentiary to the peace conference, will sail
from Cherbourg on July 'M.
II. Kontkonskl May Cow.
LONDON, July IT. M. Routkowskl, the
Rutlan llnactat agent la London, informed
I Continued oo Second Pag.
Tnflte Esropess Countries Sign
Treaty Aimed to Prevent Trains
In Women and Girls.
BERLIN, July lit. The Relchsanzelger
publishes the details of the treaty entered
Into between twelve European countries.
which having been duly ratified, goes Into
effect today. The contracting states ob
ligate themselves to establish each a bu
reau for the collection of information re
garding the solicitation of women and girls
for Immoral purposes abroad. These bu
reaus are to exchange information among
themselves, and a strict watch Is to be
kept, particularly at large railway stations
and seaports to detect persons engaged in
the white slave trade. Efforts are to be
set on foot among fallen women for the
purpose of obtaining Information , about
those engaged In the traffic.
The contracting states further obligate
themselves to financially assist girls enticed
abroad to return home. Agencies and per
sons advertising positions abroad for
women are to be subjected to .police at
tention. MoBt of the signatories Include their
colonies, but Germany, Great Britain, Den
mark and Spain reserve decision regarding
their colonies until a later period.
The Reichsanzelger also prints the pro
clamation Issued by Chancellor von Buelow
announcing that the treaty has been rati
fied and Is In effect.
While no American state Is party to the
treaty. It is understood that efforts to sup
press the trade will apply equally to those
who try to entice girls to North and South
Oscar Bays He Hopes Norway Will
Hot Be Coerced Into
BERLIN, July 17. Dr. Hugo Oanz. corre
spondent of the Frankfort Zeltung, has
had an interview with King Oscar of
Sweden at Stockholm, during which his
majesty said he admired the way In which
the Norwegians won to their side all the
European publicists, without, however,
benefiting their cause.
"The wrong remains wrong," said the
king, adding that the Norwegians had sur
prised him wtih the suddenness of their
acts. King Oscar denied that he had pre
vented the crisis by declining to accept
the resignation of the Norwegian cabinet,
for the Norwegians themselves had de
clared that whoever accepted a portfolio
would cease to be a Norwegian.
The correspondent remarked that he had
heard only words of respect for the king
in Norway, to which his majesty replied:
"For my part. I have forgiven the Nor
wegians, and hope to God that the Swed
ish people will also remain calm, for It
would only be hanging a millstone about
our necks to restore the union forcibly."
The king also said that appointing a
Swedish prince to the Norwegian throne
would certainly be the simplest solution
of the difficulty, but the result would be
distrust In Sweden or In Norway. Every
time public opinion, either In Sweden or
Norway was displeased at the sovereign'
act the cry would be raised that "the son
doe this to please the father." or "the
father does this to please the son."
Man Who Imperiled Lives of Three
Young; Women Rescued from
Death by Police.
NEW YORK. July 17 Prompt retribu
tion was' meted out to night to Samuel
Brooks, a bather at Audubon Beach, whose
foolhardy mlschlevousness Imperiled the
lives of three young women. Brooks wa
rescued by the police after having received
a terrible beating at the hands of hun
dreds of people who had seen him rock a
boat until It was capsized and it occupant
thrown Into the water.
Carrie Bauer, Nellie Hatten and Agnes
McLaughlin, each aged about 18 years,
were rowing In the vicinity of many bath
er when Brook and a companion who
were In the water approached and, heed
less of the protest of the young women,
climbed into the boat. Taking positions
at either end of the craft the men began
to rock the boat, and although the thor
oughly terrified girls begged the Intruders
to desist, continued until the boat was
Bather attracted by the plight of the
I drowning girls swam to their rescue and
after a struggle brought the three In a
semi-conscious condition ashore.
Meanwhile Brooks and hi companion
warn away and the latter escaped. Brook
was less fortunate and when he reached
the shore an infuriated mob that had wit
nessed his performance set upon him with
umbrellas and sticks and might have killed
him but for the timely Intervention of the
lie was put under arrest.
Kansas Man Is Placed In Charge of
National , Bank of
TOPEKA. Kan.. July 17.-J. T. Bradley
was today notified from Washington by
T. P. Kane, acting comptroller, that he
had been appointed permanent receiver of
the First National bank of this city, of
which C. J. Devlin is the principal stock
holder. Th depositor had petitioned the comp
troller to appoint a Kansas man to the
position. Mr. Bradley was named aa tem
porary receiver when the bank failed.
Fight la Lea County, Kentucky, Hons
of Worship Results In Two
MOUNT STERLING. Ky., July 17-News
was received here today of a desperate
fight on Fraley Creek, Lee county, last
night In which John Mullet of Breathitt
county, shot and killed James Crees and
J. M. Thomas. The shooting occurred at
a church during services. Neither of the
dead men was armed. Muller was arrested
and lodged in Jail at Beattyville, barely
escaping an enraged mob. The Jail Is
heavily guarded tonight for fear of a
Denver Capitalist Is Given Judgment
Against Eastern Railway for
WASHINGTON, July 17.-The supreme
court of the District of Columbia today
rendered Judgment In favor of David H.
Moffatt of Denver, Colo., In his suit
cgainsl th Chesapeake Beach Railway
romoanx on a promissory note for f 1,22? -uu.
Eentational Ivideace Presented to Inter
itate Commerce Commiuion.
Duplication and Alteration of Ex.
pense Bills Gives Them Big
Advantage Over Com
LOUISVILLE, Ky., July 17,-Evldence of
a sensational nature was offered late this
afternoon at the hearing which Is being
conducted by the Interstate Commerce com
mission to investigate charges of Irregulari
ties in the freight rates on grain originat
ing west of the Mississippi and north of the
Ohio rivers and shipped to southeastern
points. The evidence presented today con
sisted of sixty-seven "expense bills" from
the local office of the Southern Mississippi
Valley association, some of which had been
altered and the rest duplicated and even re
duplicated, with the result that Louisville
shippers were given an Illegal advantage
of 3 cents per 100 pounds over competitor
selling grain In southeastern territory.
St. Loala Shippers Complain.
The hearing was Instituted on complaint
of shippers of grain from St. Louis and
other Mississippi and Ohio river points,
who charge that Louisville shippers, by
manipulating expense bills, either with or
without knowledge on the part of the rail
roads, were securing lower rates to south
eastern territory than other points in this
territory. Under the present system the
Mississippi and Ohio rivers are billing
points for all gran originating west of those
streams. Grain shipped from St. Ixmts to
the Atlanta (Ga.) district, by way of Cairo,
111., at the regular local rste, would In
consequence of the shorter distance, be
carried 8 cents per 100 pounds cheaper than
it would via Louisville. By the presentation
of an expense bill for each car of grain
handled from St. Louis at any time within
the previous ninety days, the Louisville
shipper may ship an equal amount of grain
on to Atlanta and have the rate "shrunk"
3 cents, thus placing him on an equality
with the St. Louis shipper.
Defense of Louisville Dealers.
The Louisville shippers, through coun
sel, before the commission denied that these
expense bills had been manipulated and
duplicated so as to allow of the shipment
of grain to the southeast, that they bought
the grain in the vicinity of Louisville, and
thus saved them the 3 cents over St. Louis
grain. The duplicated bills Introduced to
day, however, were admitted by counsel for
all parties interested to have been in many
cases forged from beginning to end. The
others had been obtained by erasing such
words, for Instance, as "bricks" and writ
ing In wheat. Every one of the bill Intro
duced today was In favor of a single Louis
ville grain firm which does an Immense
business In the southeast. As the bills thus
far shown cover only the months of Sep
tember and October, 1904, those Interested
expect the total number of such bills used
during the last two years to number hun
dreds, and to cover a saving In freights
to the guilty users of many thousands of
dollars, to say nothing of the-' advantage
reaped in getting hold of the grain trade of
the southeast. A thorough investigation,
will be started and criminal proceedings in
each state and the federal courts are ex
pected. No action had been taken In the matter
when the commission adjourned until to
State Supervision and Administration
Dlscnssed by the National
I PORTLAND, Ore.. July 17. The general
-ramon luuuy 01 me conierence on cnari
tle and correction considered the subject
of state supervision and administration, the
topic being Introduced by the report of the
committee on state supervision and admin
istration, read by Miss Julia Lathrop ot
the Hull house, Chicago, chairman. Miss
Lathrop also read a paper on the subject,
going Into details of the essentials neces
sary to a successful end.
"What has the public a right to know
about the public and private charities, and
how shall It learn about them?" was dis
cussed by Miss Frances Greely Curtis,
member of the State Board of Charities of
Massachusetts, and by Ensley Moore, mem
ber of the Board of Public Charities of
"The Juvenile. Courts In the Small City
and Town," and "The Girl Offender and
Probation and Causes and Remedies for
Delinquency and Dependency" were the
topics under discussion In the Juvenile
courts section.
The convention assembled tonight to
listen to the discussion of the subject
"Needy Families In Their Homes." The
report of the committee was read by James
F. Jackson of Cleveland, the chairman.
After a general dlsousslon of this report
a paper was read by Mrs. Cora P. Bour
land of Peoria, 111., on "Co-Operation Be
tween Women's Clubs and Organized Char
ities." This subject also was followed by
a general discussion.
City Guards o Longer Maintained on
Vehicles of Strike Af
fected Houses.
CHICAGO. July 17.-The frequently de
ferred plan of Mayor Dunne to take po
licemen oft the wagons of firms affected
by the teamsters' strike went into effect
today In the business district. About SCO
policemen were returned to ordinary du
ties. For a time the business streets and
crossings will be guarded by additional
policemen. Specially guarded routes to all
freight stations will be taken by wagons
for the affected rfrms. As a pre
liminary to the change today the police
on wagons in the business district have
for a week been In plain clothing Instead
of uniform. ,
Three Men Killed and Four Severely
Injured by an Aecldent at
Meeteetse, Wyo.
METEETSE, Wyo.. July 17.-Three men
were killed today by an explosion In the
Kirwln gold mine, near here. The dead-
M. C. CHUBB, shift boss.
Four other were severely injured.
When the explosion came there was no
doctor In call nearer than Thermopolls,
100 miles to the southeast, but Dr. Rich
ards, at that place, covered the moun
tainous distance In a little less than eleven
hours. Four relays were used by him In
making the trip, ranchmen along the route
supplying the horses.
OMAHA. K. July 17, 100.-..-To
the Editor of Tlie Roe: The Itnnnl
of directors 4iu1 the Citizens' Com
mittee of the: Young Men's Chris
tian association wish to express
to you their very liljili nppre
clntlon of the value of the serv
ices rendered by you In your news
paper articles published on the cam
paign which the Men's Chris
tian association ho been making
for funds for the erection of their
new building. The publicity which
your paper, has given to this great
work has been a most Important aid
to the campaign In furnishing In
formation to the public and In pro
moting the enthusiasm and Interest
necessary to insure Its success.
Chairman of Citizens' Committee.
Ex-Congressman Contradicts Witness
Who Said He Made Inflamma
tory Statements.
IOLA, Kas., July 17. The trial of ex-Con-grejisman
E. H. Funston, charged with in
flammatory utterances and carrying con
cealed weapons, as the result of the dyna
miting of three s.iloon,s here last week,
ended tonight and Judge Adair announced
that he would reserve his decision until
next Wednesday.
Mr. Funston was placed on the stand to
testify in his own rehnlf, being the only
witness called by the defense. He flatly
contradicted the testimony for the prose
cution. Mr. Wheeler had testified that he
heard Mr. Funston say last Monday, when
the town was Intensely excited over the
dynamiting of three westside saloons, that
he was glad some one had the courage to
do It and that the only regret he had was
that the saloonkeepers were not In the
buildings at the time, to be blown up with
Mr. Funston also denied that he had
made the statement that he came to town
that day to shoot the man who sold whisky
to his son, and that the man who said
he made such a statement was a "falsifier
and the truth Is not In him." Mr. Funston
said there was no crowd around him until
the mob took him to Jail. He said he did
not come to town to take the side of the
person who did the dynamiting, but ad
mitted that he bought some large shot.
"I wanted the shot to protect my property
against a threat that had been made to
burn it." he said. Asked If he talked in
a loud tone of voice on the street, Mr.
Funston said: "I was talking in a positive
tone. I was giving them some straight
facts and putting them out by the yard.
I did not say anything In favor of the
saloonkeepers you can bet on that."
Carlisle D. Graham nnd William J.
Glover Make Perilous Trip of Four
Miles In Twenty-Six Minutes.
NIAGARA FALLS, JT. T., July 17-Cart-isle
D. Graham of this city and William J.
Glover, Jr., of Baltimore successfully swam
the lower rapids of the Niagara river from
the American side of the whirlpool to Lew
Iston this evening. The distance of four
miles was covered In 28 minutes by Glover.
The start was made at 4:02 p. m. from Flat
Rock, which is on the Amorlcan side. The
swimmers did not venture in the upper
rapids where Captain Webb lost his life.
Both men wore life belts and Inflated rub
ber rings around their necks. From tho
start Glover took the lead. He entered the
rapids about a minute ahead of Graham.
Until the Devil's Hole was reached the
swift current had the swimmers in Its
grasp. At that point a swirling eddy caught
Glover and he was down nearly two min
utes. His life belts saved him. Graham,
by this time, had gained on Glover and
when the two men reached the end of thti
rapids, Just above the suspension bridge
at Lewiston. there was but little difference
between them. Swimming in the swift,
smooth current wa hard for Graham, but
evidently easy for Glover. At 4:28 o'clock
Glover was pulled up on the dock at Lew
iston. He was dressed and telling his story
about fifteen minutes later. Graham was
taken to a hotel in a wagon and did not
leave until late In the afternoon. Neither
of the men was injured. Graham swam
the lower rapids twice before, first on Sep
tember 7, 1901, and again on August 31, 1902.
He Is about 55 years old. while Glover is
35 years old.
District Attorney In Senrch of Evi
dence Against Men Implicated
In Cotton Scandal.
WASHINGTON. July 17.-Morgan H.
Beach, the United States attorney for the
district of Columbia, who Is In charge of
Investigation Into tlie cotton scandal, has
gone to New York In search of evidence.
He declined to make any statement be
fore leaving Washington, but It Is under
stood he Intends to Interview L. C. Van
Riper and other New York brokers who
made disclosures of the methods employed
by Former Associate Statistician Edwin S.
Holmes, who Is alleged to have used ad
vance Information for the financial benefit
of himself and certain brokers. It is not
known here how long Mr. Beach will re
main in New York.
Jefferson County, Nebraska, to Have
Complete Kural I)e
Ilverj. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. July i7. (Special Tele
gramsCharles W. Gibson has been ap
pointed postmaster at Litchfield, Sherman
county, vice A. H. Potter, .dead.
Complete county rural free delivery serv
ice has been ordered established Septem
ber 15 in Jefferson county, Nebraska, mak
ing the total number of routes twenty-one.
David H. Wheeler has been appointed
regular and Julia M. Wheeler substitute
rural carrier of route 1 at Coleman. 8. D.
Men Chnrged with Statutory Crime
Taken from Gadsden, Ala., to
Aanlston for Safe Keeping.
MONTGOMERY, Ala., July 17. Follow
ing tlie attempt last night by a mob at
Gadsden to take fro mthe county Jail five
negroes charged with criminally assault
ing and murdering Mrs. S. J. Smith, the
governor today ordered the alleged crim
inals taken to Annlston for safe keeping.
They will be later taken to Birmingham,
where they will remain until their trial.
The five negrvea were removed under mil
itary escort.
Board f Education Detides to Fay Super
intendent $4,600 Per Year.
Cadet t'nlforms. Coal and rrlntlng
Prices Obtained and Some Con
tracts Let at Last Might
The Board of Education last night fixed
the salary of Superintendent of Instruction
Davidson at 14.600 a year for the next
three years. This is an Increase of $900. it
was decided upon after an executive ses
sion of nearly two hours' duration. 8ome
members wanted to raise the superintend
ent's saUry to $5,000 and other thought
it should be 14,000. The compromise of
14,500 received unanimous support. All
members were present.
Bids were received for cadet uniforms
complete with cap and referred to the
committee on supplies. The Pettlbone
Brothers' Manufacturing company of Cin
cinnati bid $14.60; Fechhelmer Brothers'
company of the same city, $16.75, and
Browning, King & Co. of Omaha $18.75.
Contracts for fuel were awarded as fol
lows: Cherokee steam coal, C. B. Havens
A CO., $2.83; Cherokee nut coal, C. B.
Havens & Co., $3.62; Pennsylvania anthra
cite, Pennsylvania Coal and Coke com
pany, $9.57.
Readvertlsements for proposals for Cher
okee lump coal to be opened at an ad
journed meeting at noon Wednesday were
ordered, owing to confusion In the original
bids received. It will be stated that 350
tons may be delivered before August 10
and that the board will allow 36 cents a
ton delivery charges for coal delivered out
side the first boundary limits. Some mis
understanding as to specifications resulted
from the first advertisements, resulting in
terms that were hard to compute.
Contracts for Printing;.
The big printing Job, that of exercise
books, was awarded to the Magic City
Printing company for $490, and the re
mainder of the other printing distributed
among the other lowest bidders as follows:
Reed Printing company, bulk; Rees Print
ing company. National Printing company.
Burton Printing company, Joseph Roucek
and the Great Western Printing company.
Janitors' supplies were distributed among
Harold Thomsen, Milton Rogers Sons & Co.,
and James Morton Sons & Co. Stationary,
etc., , went to the various bidders, the
South, McGeath, Moyer and Omaha School
Supply companies all getting a share, ac
cording to low bids.
The offer of the Bennett company to dis
tribute school supplies free from Its de
partment store was rejected on the ground
that the board would lose supervision over
the matter and that It would subject ItBelf
to an advertising scheme.
Member David Cole attended the meet
ing for the first time In more than a month,
while he has been on a visit to Ireland.
Annual Financial Report. '
Secretary Burgess submitted hi annual
financial report for the school year ending
June 30. as follows:
Interest on funds in treasry $ 1,048.12
Liquor licenses 842,000.00
Loss ' and damage to book and
property 149.76
Miscellaneous licenses 12,6.(0 50
Non-resident tuition I,u225
Police court fines 6,110.00
Rentals 1,412.75
Sale of furniture. Junk, etc 174.10
Sale of high school supplies 1,190.00
State apportionment 48,617.'8
Tax collections 301,415.89
Insurance on fire loss, Lake school. 83H.78
Miscellaneous sources 70.00
Total receipts $6,645.82
Cash in treasury July 1, 1904 236.350.89
Total general fund resources. ..$851. 896.71
Advertising $ 55.60
Books 8.077.16
Architect's services 813.16
Cartage 479.80
Census enumeration 9i2.89
Drawing supplies 6H3.60
Election expense 1,778 31
Electric power 1(0.20
Examining committee 176. 00
Express and freight 418.66
Fuel 19,242.90
Furniture and fixtures 2,616.76
Improvements 9,407.04
Insurance premiums 490.S5
Interest and exchange 44.121.43
Janitors 36.949.88
Kindergarten supplies 834.71
Legal expense 2V.80
Light and fuel gas 935.32
Maps, charts and globe 1,676.97
Messenger service 65.47
Music supplies 2.111.39
Officers and clerks 13,043.33
Page service 34.00
Postage 190.33
Printing 1.6U1.10
Piano rent and tuning 166.50
Rent 45.00
Repairs, general 13.134.49
Repairs to heating 2,543.53
Repairs to plumbing 64S.77
Stationery 4,011,35
Supplies 8,612.72
Special taxes 2.71
Teachers 817,374.65
Telephones 250.96
Military supplies 139.00
Fire loss. Lake 279.89
Moving and locating Annex from
Monmouth park to Omaha
Heights 238.00
Miscellaneous Items of expense.... 1 121 u
Construction Clifton Hill annex.... 967.00
.Total $491,786.83
Amounts transferred to special
funds as follows
Monmouth park building
fund $22,154.68
Beals building fund
(construction) 20.000.00
Bond redemption fund.. 47,000.00
Insurance fund I.OjO.OO $ 90.154.59
Total expenditures 941 42
Warrants outstanding July 1, 1904.J22V917.40
Total general fund liability $8(3,868.82
Cash In treasury July 1, 1904 $235,350 89
Received during the year 616,545.62
Total ? $nM.8S6.71
Warrants outstanding July 1, 19ut.$221.M7.40
Warrants issued during year 491,786.83
Transferred from general fund
without warrant 90,154.69
Total $.S03.858.82
Balance July 1, 19(6 48,037.88
Total $851,896. 71
Cash in treasury July 1, 1906 $138,528.67
Qenernl warrants outstanding July
1. 190 90,490.78
Balance $ 48,037 9
By balance In fund July 1, 1904 $ 6 032 60
By transfer from general fund.... 22,164 69
Total ... $ 27,187.19
To construction 27 167 19
By transfer from general fund....$ 2O.0OO.0O
To construction ls.734.64
Balance In fund July 1, 19fi6 $ 1265 36
By balance in fund July 1. 1904 $ 10,000 00
By proceeds sale lot 3, block 174,
city 8.000.00
To purchase site Omaha
Heights $ 400.00
To purchase additional
site Vinton .817.60
Balance in fund July 1,
1! 9.62S 60
$ 16.0C .09 $16,000.00
By balance In fund July 1. 19n6.... $211, 613.50
(Continued on Second Page.)
Fair Tuesday and Wednesday! Con
tinued High Temperature.
Temperature at Omaha Vesterdan
Uen. Hour.
. . 1-Jt
. . n:t
. . 4
. . t)H
. . t2
.. ft I
. . Prt
. . Htt
. . 84
Old. Time Gunsmith and Rifle "hot
Dies from Effects of an
Old Wound.
John TV. Petty, the aged gunsmith who
has been suffering from an attack of blood
poisoning resulting from an old gunshot
wound received In his right leg years ago,
died at mJ home, 2311 Douglas street, at
4:25 o'clock Monday afternoon. Mr. Pctty's
family, consisting of three sons and his
aged wife, were at his bedside when the
end came. A daughter, Mrs. Mary Lawe
of Seattle also survives the deceased, but
was not at home when Mr. Petty died.
Mr. Petty was taken ill two months sgo.
John W. Petty was one of the old set
tlers of Omaha and for years has been
recognized as one of the authorities on
wild fowl and game birds in this com
munity. For many years he has been the
leading gunsmith of the town and none
of the oldtimers would have any but
"John" look over his firearms after re
turning from a hunting trip or to repair
any broken parts of the favorite shooting
Iron. For years his place has been the
hang-out for the old nlmrods who are
wont to gather to "fan" over the old shoots
which all have enjoyed for so many years
along the legendary Platte.
A comrade In the old days with Henry
Homan. George Hoagland, John Hardin,
General Crook, Dr. Peabody, Judge Doane,
Goodley Brucker and Judge Dundy and all
of the pioneers who spent so many happy
hours afield, his memory will last as long
as these congenial spirits can gather to
talk of the old times.
Mr. Petty has resided with his family at
2311 Douglas street, the members of his
family being his wife, Mrs. Bessie F.,
John D. of No. 2 fire engine house, Ed
ward F. and Albert 8., and one daughter,
Mr. Mary Lawe, wife of Captain Lawe of
8eattle. Mr. Petty was 60 year old and
had been strong until some years ago,
when he wa Injured In the leg, which has
bothered him ever since. Recently the
wound In his leg opened and an ulcer
formed, causing gangrenous poisoning, from
which he did not recover.
In the early 70's he conducted a gun
store on Douglas street u. .er the name oi
Collins & Petty. He fitted out many a
buffalo hunter In the early times and was
a crack rifle shot in his day. He won
many matches and shot with such famous
marksmen as Bogardus, Captain Carver
and others. In recent years he has been
in business for himself In a quiet way.
The funeral will be held from St. Peter'
church. Twenty-eighth and Leavenworth,
Wednesday morning, at 9 o'clock. Burial
will take place at Holy Sepulchre ceme
tery. ..
Insldo Figures of Business of Omaha
Company Given In a Bond
CHICAGO, July 17 (Special Telegrams
Local bond brokers are advertising the sale
of a $1,200,000 Issue of 5 per cent gold bonds
for the Omaha Electrlo Light and Power
company which are payable in 1908 and due
In 1933. The announcement contain Inter
esting and up to thl time secret Informa
tion about the finances of the company,
among other things the following
This company controls the entire electric
light and power business In the cities of
Omaha and South Omaha. Nebraska (with
the exception of a small amount of power
In Omaha), and In Council Bluffs. Iowa,
serving a population of about 170,000. The
company operates under very favorable
franchises, and its management Is made
up of strong local parties. These bonds
are, in the opinion of counsel, a first mort
gage on all the property, rights and fran
chises of the company, and are also a
first Hen upon over 99 per cent of the
capital stock of the Citizens Gas & Electric
company of Council Bluffs.
(As officially reported year ending May
81, 1906):
Gross receipts $379,187.36
Operating expenses and taxes .... 254.519.62
Net earnings $124,667.74
Bond interest 73.979.19
Surplus $ 50,688.55
The operating expenses contain an Item
of $40,000 which the company arbitrarily
charges off each year against depreciation.
The above gross earnings show an in
crease of more than 13 per cent over the
corresponding twelve months preceding.
The company has been paying dividends
of 6 per cent per annum on its preferred
share since August, 1908.
Large Four-Story Stone Structure at
Lonisvllle, Ky., Destroyed
Loss is ff350,040.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., July 17.-The Union
passenger station at Tenth and Broadway
was destroyed by fire tonight, entailing a
loss of over $350,000. The amount of In
surance 1 not known. The fire was dis
covered about 9:30 tonight on the top floor
of the four-story stone structure, and al
though every fire engine In the city ex
cept the reserves was on the scene In half
an hour, the flames gained steadily and
two hours after the start only the walls
were left standing. Defective insulation of
electric wires Is thought to have caused
the fire.
The loss Is confined to the passenger sta
tion, station proper, the Louisville and
Nashville freight depot, standing along
side being saved by the firemen. The train
shed was saved and the terminals were not
At Lata Hoar Last Night Condition
of Sick Man 'Was Most
Late last night Mr. Nash's condition had
not Improved and very little hope Is en
tertained for his recovery.
Movements of Ocenn Vessels July IT,
At New York Arrived: Olulla, from
Trieste; Mlnnetonka, from London; Kur
nessla, from Glasgow: Kroonland, from
Antwerp; Gropser Kurfurst, from Bre
men (Nantucket).
At Movlllo Arrived : Virtorlan, from
Montreal; Astoria, from New York.
At Genoa Sailed : Canoplc, for Boston.
At Boulogne Sailed: Patricia, for New
At London Arrived : Denderah, from San
Francisco; Mlrneapolls. from New York.
At Gibraltar Arrived: Prlnceks Irene,
from New York.
At Plymouth Arrived: Kaiser Wllhelm
II. from New York.
At Dvvex Arrived; Finland, from New
Yurk. .
Little Frospeot of Letup in Extreme Heat
for Several Da vs.
It Extendi from Rocky Mountain to th
Atlantio Coast.
Government Thermometer Regiitred 98
Degrees in Quaker City.
Great Suffering In Tenement Dlar
trlrts of evr York, Chlrngo
and Other Lara
WASHINGTON. July 17.-The weathn
bureau tonight announced that there wa
no prospect for several days at least of
a let up of the extreme heat which has
extended over the country for the last
few days. The entire country from the
Mississippi valley eastward to southern
New England and the Florida coast Is
In the midst of a well marked midsummer
hot spell.
The maximum temperature today wer
as follows:
Philadelphia M
Chicago 94
Cincinnati M
New York W
Detroit M
Washington S3
St. Louis PJ
Pittsburg 91
Boston 90
Hottest Day at Sew York.
NEW VORK. July 17-After a respite of
one day the hot wave that awspt over
New York last week, causing (cores of
deaths and hundreds of cases of prostra
tion, returned today with renewed In
tensity, the temperature being by far tho
highest of this season.
The highest point reached wa at 4
o'clock In tha afternoon, when tho
weather bureau thermometer touched 95
degrees. In the streets, however, th heat
was much greater, some thermometer re
cording 103 degrees.
While the heat was intense the air wa
stirred by light breeze and the general
suffering was somewhat mitigated by th
absence of the excessive humidity that
prevailed last week. It was largely owing
to this that only two cases of death, di
rectly resulting from the heal, were re
ported. The total number of prostration
for the whole city was less than fifty.
There was little diminution of th heat
after nightfall, the mercury standing at
51 degrees at H p. m. There are no pros
pects tonight of any relief for several day
to come.
A number of drivers' helper employed by
the American Ice company went on strike
tonight and It Is expected that the entire
force of nearly 1,000 will decline to go out
with wagon tomorrow. They are paid
$1.50 a day and claim that during th heat
pell they are compelled to work from 1
a. m. to 8 or 9 p. m.
Demonstrations were made 4n many
places this evening by the men who had
quit and In several place there were In
dications of a riot. The police, however,
kept the crowd In order.
Fonr Dead In Chicago.
CHICAGO, July, 17. Four deaths and
fourteen prostrations were the result of tha
great heat of today. A low humidity which
prevailed throughout the day was respon
sible for the few fatalities. Th mercury
reached 94 deg. at 1:30 in the afternoon
and remained there until 5:30, when it com- '
menced to decline. A breeze that blew oft
the lake between C and 7 o'clock ent th
mercury In that hour from 91 to 75, and tha
evening was comparatively pleasant.
The first reported was that of William
Dublinski, wlnnenof many prizes in oontests
for killing and dressing beeves, who wa
overcome by the heat while at work In th
killing room of the Hammond Packing
company today at the stock yards. Not
far away, and almost at the same time,
John Goggal succumbed to the heat at hi
home and died In a few minute. Th
temperature wa 93 degree In tha shade.
One Death at Philadelphia.
PHILADEDPHIA. July 17.-Thl city ex
perienced the hottest weather of the year
today, the temperature reaching a maxlum
of 96 degrees shortly after 4 o'clock. At
9 p. m. the government thermometer regis
tered 87 degrees. One death and a dozen
prostrations due to the heat were reported
to the police. ,
Many Prostrntlons In Wisconsin.
MILWAUKEE. July 17.-Wlsconsin ex
perienced the hottest weather of the year
today. The maximum temperature In Mil
waukee was 94 degrees and two prostra'
tlon was reported In this city. Fond Dtt
Lao reports 95 degrees and two prostra
tions. Madison and Racine, 98 degree
with one prostration each.
LACROSSE. Wis., July 17. Five heat
prostrations are reported here today. Th
Six Deaths In Pittsburg.
PITTSBURG, July 17. Six deaths and six
serious prostrations Is the record of one
of the hottest days in Pittsburg for years.
For nine hours the temperature was above
88 degrees and for five hours 90 degrees or
over was recorded. The maximum, ac
cording to the government thermometer,
was 92 degrees, but on the streets ther
mometers showed from 94 to 110 degrees.
Mill workers handling white hot Iron and
steel collapsed from sheer exhaustion and
business was almost at a standstill.
Score of Prostrations in Peoria.
PEORIA. III., July 17. The extreme heat
of the last few days reached a culmina
tion today when a score of persons wer
prostrated. In the business districts sev
eral contractors suspended work, employe
being unable to stand the labor In the sun.
The government thermometer registered 92
Suffering; at Sioux City.
SIOUX CITY. la., July 17 Intense heat
continued in Slbux City and vicinity today,
the official maximum record being 98 de
grees, 4 lower than on Sunday.
Suffering prevails, but no deaths hav
been reported.
Omaha Still Remains In Grasp of
Good Old Summer Time.
"If we don't get some warm weather
soon Nebraska can't boast of a 'bumper
corn crop.' " drolly remarked an old-timer
at Grain exchange Monday morning when
the mercury was sticking around the ninety
And yet some people have thought for
the lust day or two that the weather In
Omaha and Ntluutka was hot.
The cynical gentleman notwithstanding,
Omaha had It 9u Sunday, which wa Ui