Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 17, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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... .
s. xmS Lit-Hodfr Toe for
. unnrntef BInrr
T"" Kahllr V4nl.h4 I aa
Frrl. (.nan r Fall of Fact
Wa a? ha Omaha
I XToinrs hard hitting- hlrnd hand
wra unable to ittrotlate with big Jack
Pflestar In the Kmi at Vinton umi park
Bun, y afternoon, with th result that
the mo fans who had journeywl from Dps
.'itilnea were doomed to . .
fturt.ed loner hy the score of S to L
i On the other hand. ih. r !,.,. . t.
iour hlU on Mr. Chappelle. the Adonis of
the T,nderwr1ter, In the fourth Inning and
cinched the me aa far aa the result was
coocarnad. The Interest never flawed and
tb .f) sweltering fata who paid for the
privilege were treated to a splendid ex
Mbltlcn of bane ball an It should be played
Wot ar error, waa rnade hy either side,
and only at the finish, when Herman Lnnj
waa caught between bases making the last
out of the game, waa there any kind of a
wabble. The work of the Omaha Inneld
waa .the fastest exhibition cf heady ball
playing shown here this summer.
Jack Pflcster waa at his best and tha
fict that be Moines had mode twenty
Mta off Sanders the day before, that tbey
liava six men hitting over .100 and several
wore nearly u to .aoo had no terrors for
ulm. Me mowed them down at w!U, strik
ing out McNichoIs. Chappelle and Qanley
In tha sixth Inning; Just to show what ha
could do. Bveral of the plof.a length
ened their atridea and pulled off phetiom
pla,e in spue of the heat, Bhugart ran
clear across second base ivnd stopped what
looked tlko a sura enoih ba hit from
Dolan'e bat and reordered In time to
eUh the runner at first. Three double
playa wera mad- resides the one at the
finish, .when Im was caught. Bchlpke
stopped a base ,t tn its mad career,
whirled and got it to Dolan In time for
the latter to ccj-.,p4ete a' double to Thomaa,
Martin stoppjr" a hard grounder, ran up
and touehed, Vhappelle, who waa running
front first to sc-cond, and then threw
Qanler o-A lit first. "
How Omafca Waa It. -
Neltrr side scored until the fifth inning,
when the Champs made enough to win the
n-a, rnester foulod out to Towne and
Thi walked. Carter waa an easy out
ftom Snug-art to Rossman, when a awat-
l nree smgica and a double regis
tered tour 'tallies. Dolan alngled and
;aeoned Thiol, who had made econd on
Carter'a out. Welch dfova a hard one to
right and Thomaa scored Dolan with a
double to left middle. Then came tha
m mighty fllugger Bill, who had not regis
tered before, but had been laying back
ror this, chance to make a grandstand
Play. The crowd all knew what the Blug
lr would do and wera not backward In
tolling him what to do. In fact, these big
Sunday crowds are not backward In their
' rooting at any time. The Slugger drove
one ao hard at Mr. Chappelle that the lat
ter had to sidestep It with the result that
an Qanley had finished shagging the
ball Welch and Thomaa had tallied.
Omaha made another In the sixth, when
Qondlng .walked and stole second and
cama home off Thiers triple to right field.
Carter and Thlel were nipped by a double
play when Carter hit ait Intleld grounder
Dea Molnea made her little tally In the
h,. innin y i "Cratch triple by
MeNlchols. Ha hit the ball down the first
be Una and then lit out like a hurdler
nd would have been running yet If Her
man Long had not headed him off at third.
It surpriaed him so to make such a hit
that be waa scared to death and ran like
a. scared hare. Chappelle followed with a
Jtttle single down the third-base line that
Mt.per Bill could not reach and Mo
Nichols acored. Oanley hit a grounder to
Martin, who doubled with Thomaa and tha
r aide waa out.
Ladles bar Today.
Today will be ladles1 day and as usual
Pa will aend Quick in to please the thou
sands of women who are sure to be out.
tW0 drl cards, ladles' day
Hd Quick. Score;
Thlel. If f R- H. O A E
ft!."' " 0 S I I
Welch, cf. ............ ' 4 i 1 5 2
Thomas, lb I i J ? X
Pchlpke, lb . I J 1 ? 1 2
Martin.' 2b.. . J 0 0 1 i 2
i'fteater.' p V....... 4 I J J
Tnn OMAnA daily beej Monday, july it, 1903.
1. , n
( JvA ft
Kehoe and Utrans; Oretna, Hoy and Tal
lan. Umpire: Koberts.
"BILL" PAXTON And His Famous Corncob IMpe.
11 n
H. O. A. -E.
I 0 0
0 0 0
It 1 0
0 0 s 0
0 0 0
12 3 0
10 4 0
m 11 1
Totals... S4 1
Oaal.y. of
llogrlever, lb 4 o
Long, as.; 0
IHiumtn, lb 4 e
Caffyn. if ) J
ghugarrT lb
Towne, c.
JIcNIchola. Sb J J
. Totals is 1
. 'RiMiman Ant hi, K.. i.....
.... w, DBII.
Dea Molnea ...0 0 0 0 0 0 1 o?
Two-base hits: Thomas, Rosamanr-Thre.
rTav. Sch'r""'!4 ,0f Chl'lelle. . Double
Pi a2f Bchlpko to Dolun to Thomas; Martin
to Thomas j ileWlchois to Towne to Hhugart
fiihu ?' 1Lh;'Ju1. 10 rilester to Oondlng to
Bchlpke Struck out: by Mleste- J- hi
PfteilSr'i f,"'1 PitehidbillV by
rnrsier, 1. ft on bases; Omaha 8- L
Moines, t. Stolon bases: Thiol Oonrtln
TU..ei !:&. lnpres: Wulck and Morrison:
Fuebla Taraa Table.
with brilliant plays 1'ueblo today defeated
Bl. Joseph by a score of 1 to 1. Hadnr
.ht'.wVi1;, t" r. ,he '"ernoon In
iSIL1 4"'i,r cooiied up a hot groundrr
from brpwns bat tha: skeined to be an
lmE"? i.rhn.1' n1 hl" down
to llrst In time to cut off the runner. Ag:iln
il-.,.h'."rm,Ih.w,Ul onl' ""an out and
of thu Balms remlng nafeiy on third,
fcader pulled down a hot line rly nd aen
U to Moll on third retiring the lde.
iTltbr.'tt'in th Miner s
fUohlrut foe the locals. Nine mvn failed
to eonntK-t with his ttjers and ho sate
BO wi uiing the entire frame,
.TV?.."m. th0 P"'llet exhibition
of ball puylng seen on the local grourils
In uin? aays and the f-ns showed ihelr
appiwclaiUon of the work d-ine by the
loTls In the most eothuslaslio manner.
Attendance l.u. Score
H MX) ST. jw-eph.
' H M O A g. a OAS
BUks. of ... K.lcb.m of- t 144
Hum. tk... I I i 4 v,.u.C ...Mi l
l I tnimm, Ij. 4 I 1 1
Mum. ..... 4 I t 4 Kougl. Ik., a t 1 4
ESS I i ? ! J N"' rt ... 4 i i i
r::::S i i : Sr..!!:: ! . J 1 1
t......i -. s s 1 -Ml
' , , , 1 4 14 l I
Fueblo o 1001010-1
Bl. Joseph o 4 0 0 1 0 0 0-1
r1 iJouglaa Three-base hit:
Mott rwe on bHlls: Olt Bund, rs 4.
8trck out: By Miner . by nrtrrs i
lt on tsea; lueblo a. t. Joseph 4.
hJirnt-d runs: pueblo 1 Two-b hit
Ketchem. Double plays: Qulllln to Schlls
to Douglas; bader to Mou. Time; l ei
Iniplre: Mace.
ekaaa Master of Oaate,
DKNVKR. July IC-Denvers clever lit
tle eouthpuw, Bt'haub, and C mrxre barns
belivd tlw Cubs taie sweet revenge (or
Denver's delcat by Bioux City yesterday
by belting twr, Indian, pitchers out of the
box and drubcing the third unmercifully.
Ytn the U. mg .bee aa Uoaliy ad
tournvd Denver had eight runs to one
loiH-ly run of the vlHltnrs.
Itchaub waa a. myslery to the visitors
to spile of tne fact met the score shows
5ln h'tf truule off his delivery. Sot once
did he lose control of the situation, and
twelve Indians bit the dust without touch
ing the epaere. Bciaaua. struck a man out
!"." .Inuln it the gain and for the
tUat tew luiJuas ho mada It two aa inning.
The only run gathered In by Bloux City
was In the fourth. That whs excusable,
as Schaub was spiked in the second Inning
st third base and hit in the head by a
pitched ball In the third. His head was
still buzilng so tn the next Inning that he
gave a base on balls, the only one In the
game, and allowing two hits. After that
he again had the visitors at his mercy.
Newlln. Jarrott and Cadwallader were
sent In by Bheehan to stop the fusillade
which began In the third Inning, but Den
ver had a batting streak and all pitchers
looked alike to them. Newlln pitched until
the third Inning, letting five Denverites
walk to first in that time. Jarrott was then
sent In and was sent to the bench, when
he allowed a couple of hits and a man to
walk. Cadwallader was no better, but he
was the last available twlrler and only
let In four runs, being wild like tifl others.
i.mnlre Burns kava Ktma vm- mnir in
cisions, his Judgment of the balls and
strikes being especially oft color. Perrlne
stole second In the sixth and was out by
four feet, bur Mr. Burns waa gaxing at
the grandstand and called him safe.
Harttell and Perrlne took . the batting
honors, the former getting a home run
nd ' a single and the latter three singles.
lanon sica in tne sixth and
McGllVraV Was snt tn lAft ki.
place. Attendance,. 1.60U. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R H O A E
MfH.L, cf . I I I 4 OOolllm. rl .. 4 0 0 0
tUrtMli, lb. 1 I 4 4 t thtf hu. lb.. 4 1114
lUniUll, rl... 1 0 4 9 4Wmk), lb 1 4 1 4 J
Bldn, If... 1 4 1 4 0 Newton, m... 0 0 1 I 1
MKIllrrsr, If 4 4 4 4 Nobllt, of.... 0 t 1 4, 4
P.rrln.. lb..l lit 0 Pulnlfr lb.. 4 1410
Hoeltk'r, M. 110 1 4 0'Hsrra. If.. 0 114 4
will. Ik... 4 1 T 0 e. 4 I 4 4 4
Lucia, e 4 t II A 0N.lln n 1 t . a
Bcktub. .... 14 0 4 4 Jarrott. p.... 0 0 0 0
" uawur, p. 4 t 0 4 4
ToUls I14ITI4
Totals 1 a . i. a
Denver 1 OS00320 8
oioyx uty v 0 0 10 0 0 0 0-1
'lwo-nase hit: Nohllt. Htwne run: Hart
tell. Base on balls: Oft Bchaub, 1; oft
Newlln. ft; oft Jerrott, 1; off Cadwallader.
Struck out; By Schauh. 12; by Cad wall
5M?fr' I- I" on b,lse8: Denver, 11 : Bloux
City, g. rlrst base on errors: Denver 2
Double plays: Perrlne and Everltt; Pulsl
fer and Btarnagle. Stolen bases: Hart
sell. Randall. Perrlne. Hoelskoettor. Sac
rlflce hits: Belden, Lucia. Time: 1:66
Umpire: Burns.
Standing of the Teams.
. Played. Wen. Lost Pet.
noinea 70 46 24 .Go?
J,. U. " 31
niiui tH 40
Omaha fjj 3H
Pueblo 7
St. Joseph 09 21
Pt. Iiuls
Games today: Philadelphia at Detroit.
New York at Cleveland.
Fast Youngsters beaten by the Older
Team In a Good Game.
Yesterday afternoon on the Jetter grounds
at South Omaha the Victors put the hoodoo
sign on the Nonpareils through a com
bination of hard hitting and poor fielding
in the eighth Inning. At this time the
Nonpareils had the game 7 to a, and
Lynch, who had succeeded Williams after
the first inning, was. holding them safe,
but seven long drives, one a three-bagger,
and three errors, sent over eight runs t-nd
the game. The sharp fielding of the Vic
tors was easily the feature of the Kame,
all doing good work. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. , H.H.O A.E.
Rtucra, aa... 1 I 1 4 Oarvtr. lb... 1 1 4 4 I
Kaufman, lb. I I 7 1 IE. Robes, aa I 1 1 I 1
J Howe. cf. 1 I I 1 0 J. r. if n i a a
I Hlnlon, rf... I 10 14 raaaldr. lb.. I I 4 4 (4
Monika, If.. 1114 1 McLana, f . 0 4 1 4 0
"", id... I I I r partan. lb... 1 1 14 1 4
E. Uowaa. e. 1 I I 4 I B. Robrn. 0 . I I 11 I 4
Kill, lb 1111 Willi m n, rf. 4 4 4 1 I
barrel, p 0 0 0 0 1 Lynch, p 0 0 114
Totala 111117 I I Total! 7 7 21 7 7
Virtors 0 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 U
Nonpareils 1 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 07
Karned runs: Victors 6. Nonpareils 5.
Three-base hit: E. Bowes. Base on balls:
Off Williams 6, off Lynch 1, oft Barrett 1.
Struck out: By Williams 3, by Lynch 7,
hy Barrett 8. Double play: Kaufman to
K. Bowes. Time of game: 2:w. 1'mplre:
Dave Shanahan.
Games lod.t 1 Ttm M.,tnAa - r 1.
Bloux City at Denver, 8t. Joseph at Putblo!
Washington Takes a Game from
l.eagae Leaders.
CHICAQO July 16.Washlngton defeated
Chicago today by bunching hits in the
fourth Inning. Chicago's only run was
scored on a had throw by Jacobs,. n, the
ball going Into the bleacher and Ureo.i
coring Attendance, ,bo. Score:
H.H.O.A.B. K H O A E
C Jonaa, f . 4 0 1 4 4 r Jonaa. cf. 0 1 14 4
HlU. lb 0 4 I I 4HolmcaTlf... 0 0 0 0 0 Ib. 1 1 0 I ODarla, aa...,4 0 14 0
Aadaraoa, If . 1 I I 4 4 Uonohua. lb. 4 0 II 0 I
Hualaman. rf 0 1 I 4 lUrm, rf.... I 0 0 0
'. 10 I I is I I Sullivan, ... 0 4 4 I 4
raad,. aa .l 1 4 I 4 l.h.11. u.... 4 111
"". c. J i 4 1 4T.anelilll, Ib 4 0 I I 4
Jackobaos. p I 4 I I 1 Owaa. p.... 4 4 4 1 4
To,... 1 1 S n , 'Hxn J
. Totals I 1 17 ll 1
Batted for Owen In ninth.
Washington OOOaoOOO 14
Chicago 00000100 00
Left on bases: Chicago. I; Washington.
.r.w-ttte hit: Hickman. Bacrlflce hits!
Stahl. Ancferson. lbell. 4H4en buses:
Davis. Donahue, Heydon. Double plavs:
Sullivan und lonhue. Struck, out: Bv
',w"" bf Jacobson. a. basct on balls:
OB Oven. I; oft Jackobson. t. Time: 1 ii
Umpires: Sheridan ar,d McCarthy.
"'" Easy for Bostea.
ii?,T" nKl8, lul "-Boston took
llio gane this afternoon with ease, t to i
vT.'i be,n ftive save In onTlnnlnf
Yom.g struck out nine of the 8t. Louis
baiters, equaling the major league record
2!i!. .Tnl '"" Howell was hit
freely, but his eupport Was perfect. At
tendanca. lfl,o. Score:
"""."h o a e un
raraet, as... 1 1 4 4 4 Slona, If 4 14 0s If . J J 1 1 ov.naandt. cf. 4 4 I 4 4
ralliaa. Ib... 1 I I I 4j,m.a. Ik .... 4 II !
"l. f 4 I 4 4 0V..M.C. J ill!
Prmoa. lb. 4 111 I 4h.hl.r Jb.,4 I 1 a
rarna. Ik ... 4 4 I I I ulaa.oa, . J 1 I I a
' "" J uUn7 ..... J Ills
ta. j 4Ho.n. p...:i i ; t 1
TuU' I 11 IT 111 TetU....."i"t n 14 "4
LVs,,"n , 1 a 0 0 1 0-e
t. Louis ooooaoooo-i
Karned runs: Bl. Louis, 1; Bton i
Two-base hlu Stone Freeman. Vreeman
Three-base hit: Collins, BacrifloT hit:
Jone. l-ssad balls: Bugden Stolen
tea: Slon. Burkett. Beflich Hit by"'rV.-Uy.i Howel'v Cr.ger. BaU. Z
Ulls: Off Howell, i. Btruck out! Bv
Howell. 6, by Young, . Ifi on
tJ??l- Time! ?.!t.Ui;S:
plre: 0 Loughlin
PhlUdrlphl .
Ix-truii ,
Kew York ....
I of tk Teams
Played. Won. List. Pr
.6 a
Lee-Glnss-Andreesen Team Makes
Great Rally lu Last and Wins.
FREMONT. Neb July 16. (Special Tele
gram.) In one of the fastest exhibitions of
base ball witnessed on the home grounds
this season, the Lee-Glass-Andreesen team
of Omaha won from the Fremont team by
the score of 8 to 7. Lawler s and Mullen a
batting was the feature, the old reliable
vet" getting four hits, one a corking
three-bagger to the fenee, while the "La
Jole" of the west tied the score in the sev
enth with a home run drive with two men
on bases. Minions, who relieved Scully In
the seventh, pitched great ball, striking out
four of Fremont's sluggers at critical times
when hits meant runs. Primley and Shea,
the battery for Fremont, were at their
best, while the pla' lng of Vaughn at third
was at times sensational. Score: R H E
L.-0.-.C 0 0 0 0 i 0 1 2 0 0 1-8 II t
Fremont 4 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 07 10 t
Earned runs: le-01ass-Andreesena, 4;
Fremont. 8. Two-base hits: Lawler. Mln
Icus, Bliea, H.ln. Three-base hit: Lawler,
Home runs: Mullen, Shea. Struck out- bj
Scully, ; by Adams, 2; by Mlnieus. 4'; by
I'rlniley. $. Bases on balls: Off I'rlmley, f
batteries: For Lee-Uiass-Andreesens Ad
ams, Scully, Mlnieus and Clatr; for Fre
"'" IJ'l'"ley and Shea. Umpires: Cook
and White.
Work of the Nonpareils.
OMAHA, July 10,-To the Sporting Editor
of Jhe bee: I noticed your article In this
morning s paper, regarding the game be
tween the Originals and the Nonpareils
that you rob the youngsters of the credit
they deserve In beating the older players
It is probable you got your Information
from the Original players, but it certainly
Is not sportsmanlike to discredit the good
work of the boys, for thev outplayed ss
well as outbatted brad's pets; and. if you
will recoilet, it was not the first time
either, for In an eleven-Inning game last
season the Nonpareils shout out this same
team beating them 1 to 0. The whole
trouble lust Sunday was what It was last
year, the Ortnlnals could not gut the ball
away from the Nonpareil fielders Look
st the record of the Nonpareils for the
last four or five games: O. N. Dleti 8.
Nonpareils 2; Gretna 6. Nonpareils 8; Jet
lTn Nonpareils teeven Innings;
Gretna f. Nonpareils 1. Can the Originals
show any better? Take the Orlglnal
Neola game. 4 to 0, and then the Neola
Quick game. 8 to 1 In favor of Quick Willi
the battery that best Brad yesterday,
make what you can of this, and then give
the youngsters what is ci.nilng 10 them
Hoping you will take these few lines as 1
Intend them, and give the bovs credit for
winning the game without a kick on the
umpire, by making eleven hits to five, and
one error against three. Respect fully
On Palled Oat of Fire.
WEST POINT. Neb.. July l.-(Speclal
Telegram.! Apparently having the game
won in the sixth Inning by a series of hits
and errors, Uwnitr went down to defeat
KKlny before the heavy hitting boltiers In
an exciting eleven-inning contest. Eggert's
timely two-bagger, cleaning the bases, and
Malheson's spectacular stop off second ware
features. In the eleventh Inning, with two
men out and the bases full. Fehleman
let an easy one go through him. allowing
Zacek to score on the passed ball. Score:
w. p 0 0 0 a 0 a 0 0 0 0 -iHKi
Beemer ...0 000000000 0-4 t 4
Batteries: Weet Point. Chada and
Zieek: Beemer, Schwarl. Johnson and
tehletnan. Time: u6. Umpire; Nlckoff.
Gretna aad Farrells IHvid.
ORETNA. Neb.. July l.-(8peclal Tele.
rr, n, I llr.ln, kiw.b. . . .. . . n
r. ...... " wiui me rer
rells of Omaha today In a douhle-heeder
. ', ,,i m u'moie-ncsaer.
Score: First game, Gretna 6, Karrells
batteries: Oretna. Ruff and Tallan; Farl
rells, Mathews. Kehoe and Strang. Tha
second game was uninteresting on account
of the extreme heat. Score: Farrells a.
Urelo T. fcaltorl-s; Farrella, Maluewa,
Talleaders Take a Fall Ont of the
Leaders by (lard Hitting.
MINNEAPOLIS. Ju!y 1. Toledo won
today's game by bunching hits. Listless
fielding in the first Inning, bv the home
team gave Toledo three runs In the open
ing Inning. Kellum was retired in the
middle of the sixth and Martin, who took
his place, drove in the Winning run with
a single In the eighth. Attendance, t.0w.
R.H.O.A.E. R H O A R.
W. Clarka. If 4 1 I 1 I Grah.ta. aa.. I I 4 I I
Cllncman, a. 1 1 I 7 4 S'llltv.n, rf.. 11114
Ollbart, of... 1 1 4 4 4 Fraam.n, lb. I I 4 1 4
l'.alo., rf. I 4 1 4 4 Cnalifr. If... 4 I I 1 I
w, la limit Orvmins'r, Ib I 1 1 1 4
Iwmnnt lb., t 4 I I I Fn, lb 4 4 4 I 4
Mnrlaiitr, Ib 1 I I 1 I Marshall, a.. S 1 t 1 a
R riark. . 4 4 ( 4 4 Htnra. cf 4 4 14 0
rwnum, p... 1 1 1 v rora, p 114 10
Martin, p.... 41411
Totals... I 11 17 10 1
Total. 4 II 17 IT I
Toledo S 0 10 0 10 0 1
Minneapolis 2 0 0 0 0 3 0 0 06
Stolen bases: Morlarlty, Demontrevllle
(it. Two-base hits: Graham, Freeman.
Morlarlty. Three-base hits: Coulter Mar
shall, Cllngman. Double plavs: J. Clarke
and R. Clarke; Demontrevllle, Cllngman and
Lee. Hit by pitched ball: By Ford. Mor
larlty; by Martin, Grenilnger, Sullivan.
Struck out: By Ford. 4; iy Kellum. 1;
by Martin, 1. Time: 2:2o. Umpire: King.
Colnmbns an Easy Winner.
BT. PAUL. Minn.. Julv Id rv,i
Bessions hard In the third and seventh
innings today and won eanilv hv a m.
of t) to 2. Attendance l.Jttf. Score:
, . R H.O.A B. R.H.O.A.E.
Plrk.rlns. Cf. 4 I I I 4 Oalar. Ib 4 1 7 1 0
Darin, rf 1 1 4 0 0 Hemphill, rf 1 0 4 0 0
Ryan, c, lb.. 1 1 I I 4 Wherlar. lb. 0 0 114
Cnni.Ta, if. I I I 4 0 O isrlrn. aa . 4 4 1 4 1
Klhm, lb.... 4 110 1 riournor. If. 0 4 1 4 4
Hul.wltt. aa. 0 t 1 I 0 K.11.. ik a . i I a
'rltlajr, lb.. I 4 0 I 4 Carn.r, rf... 4 I l 0 4
Palrra, s 4 4 7 1 4 Nonn.n, c... 1 I I I I
tl.rbaau, Ib. I 4 0 1 4 Be..tou.. p.. 4 4 4 1 4
Vail, p 11414 j .11
Total. I aj H a
Total. 4 10 17 11 1
Hulswltt out for interfering.
Columbus 0 1 8 0 0 0 t 0
8t. Paul 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0
Earned runs: Columbus 8. Three-base
hits: Klhm, Ryan.. Stolen hflas: Con
galton (2), Noonan (2), Hemphill. Bases
on balls: Oft Sessions 2; oft Veil 4. Hit
by pitcher: Wrigley. Struck out: by
Veil 7. Wild pitch: Veil. Sacrifice hits:
Klhm, Congalton. Ryan. Time: 1;45. Um
pires; Sullivan and Oifford.
..Bunch Hits on Skonee.
KANSAS CITY, July W.-Indlanapo'ls
won the game In the first and third In
nings by bunching hits on Skopec. Bon
ner s fielding was the feature of the game.
Attendance S.SoO. Score:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Bruce, rf ... 1 1 8 0 4 PIMm.n, . 0 4 4 1 1
Morsn, ..... 1 I 1 1 I Ponahua, Ib. 0 0 1 1 1
Mcrraery. cf. 4 4 1 4 1 Ca.tro, lb 4 1 14 0 4
Frlal. Ibv-" 0 0 0 1 0 Hill, cf 1 J 0 0 0
Thon.y, It... I I I 0 1 Downey, rf.-l toil
Farrali, lh.. 1 I I 0 1 Butler, c 0 0 ( I I
Zalu.key, lb. 4 1 7 1 4 Bonner, Ib.. 4 t 4 4 1
Wearer, .... 1 1 10 4 Nanc, If.... 0 0 0 0 0
Curtis, p 4 4 0 I 4 Sknpec, p.... I 4 0 I 0
Eel. p 0 0 0 I 0
Total. I II 17 14 1 .
Total. I I 14 II I
Indianapolis 8 0 8 0 0 0 0 0 6
Kansas City ...' 0 100100002
Earned runs: Indianapolis 4. Two-base
hit: Thoney. Sacrifice hit: McCreery.
Stolen bases: Thoney (2). Hits: Off
Skopec nine In three Innings; off Eels three
In six innings. Bases on balls: Off Skopec
I, off Eels 1. Struck out : By Skopec 2. by
Eels 1, by Curtis 8. Wild pitch: Skopec.
Hit by pitched ball: 'McCreery by Eels.
Left on bases: Kansas City 8, Indianapolis
. Time: 1:88. Umpire: Kane.
Brewers and Distillers Divide.
MILWAUKEE. July l.-Loulsvllle and
Milwaukee broke even In a double-header
today, heavy hitting characterizing each.
Bateman's hitling was the feature, four
hits in five times at bat. McKay retired
after the sixth, and Ratling checked the
heavy hitting In the Inst game. Attend
ance, 8,000. Score: First game:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
Roblnann, ss. I I I I 0 W'ruff. If, e. I I 4 1 0
O'Neill, If... 1110 4 Buillran, lb.. 1 1 0 I I
Hemphill, cf I I 4 0 4 Clay, cf 1 1 0 0 1
Batcman, lb. 1 4 T 4 1 Keraln, rf... 1 1 4 4 0
Barilla, ... 0 1 11 4 0 Ura.hear. lb. 4 I I jl 0
Clark, lb.... I 1 1 0 4 Scott, lb 0 0 I 1 0
McCom'k, Ib I 14 1, ...... 4 0 4 1 0
McCh'ner, rf 1 1 1 4 4 Hallman, If. 0 4 4 4 4
Goodwin, p.. 1 I 4 1 0 Qulnlln, .... 0 114 0
Ferguaon, p. 0 4 -0 11
Totals 14 14 17 I I
Totala I 14 II 4
Milwaukee ....10 0 0 2 1 0 0 1 14
Louisville ........... 1 0-',Ta'0 0 I 0 0 5
Earned rtmsi Milwaukee 7, Louisville 4.
Two-base hits: MeChesiiey, Bateman, Sul
livan; Woodruff. Brashear,' -Three-base
hits: Goodwin, Woodruff. Stolen bases:
Robinson, Batemsri 2, Clarke, Clay, bases
on balls: Off Goodwin 4, off Ferguson 4.
Hit by pitched ball: Hemphill. Struck out:
by Goodwin , by Ferguson 4.. Double
plays: Robinson and Bateman. Left on
bases: Milwaukee 6, Louisville S. Time:
1:50. Umpire: Haskell.
Score second game:
R.H.O.A.E. R.H.O.A.E.
W'druff. If, e I I I 1 ORoblnaoa, ...00144
BullWan, Ib. till 0 O'Neill. If... I 1001
Clar. cf 1 1 4 0 4 Hemphill, cf. 0 1 14 0
Karwln, rf.. 1 0 I 0 I liataman, lb. 0 110 0 0
Bra.hear. Ib. 0 I I I IWelli, e I 0 7 I 1
Scott, lb 0 1 10 0 0 Clark, Ib 0 I 1 1 1
Shaw, a 4 4 4 4 OMcCorra'k. lb 4 4 I 1 1
Hallman, If. 1 1 10 0 McCh'ner. rf. 0 0 I 1 0
Uulnlla, a... 14 14 OMrKar. P ... 0 0 0 I 0
lMinkla. p.... I I 0 t 0 Hailing, p... I 0 1 I 1
Total. 10 It 17 14 0 Totala I I 17 11 10
Loulayllle 0 0 0 1 6 S 0 0 110
Milwaukee 1 01000000 2
Earned runs: Milwaukee 2, Louisville 8.
Hits: Off McKay in six Innings; off
Railing 2 In three innings. Two-base,
hits: Brashear, Hallman, Woodruff. Three
base hits: O'Nell. Home run: Dunkle.
Stolen basest O'Neil, Hemphill, Kerwin.
bases on balls: By Railing 2. by Dunkle 2.
Wild pitches: McKay 2. Struck out: By
McKay 6, by' Railing 1. by Dunkle 8.
Double plays: Railing to Clay; McChesney
to Wolfe; Brashear to giiillln to Scott.
Bacrlflce hits: Hallman, Scott, Kerwin.
Left on bases: Milwaukee 6, Iulsvllle 6.
lime: 1:50. Umpire: Haskell.
Standing of the Teams.
Played. Won. Lost. Pet.
Minneapolis &2 . 61 31 .017
Columbua M 61 82 .010
Milwaukee 1. 81 ' 48 S3 .613
St. Vaul 82 40 42 .4M
Indlanapolla 79 88 41 .11
Louisville 85 40 45 .471
Toledo ... 78 29- 49 .372
Kansas City 80 ii 61 .3
Games today: Columbus at St. Paul,
Toledo at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at Kan
sas City, Louisville at Milwaukee.
Ramblers Again Triumphant.
For a second, time this season the Ramb
lers defeated the Crawford Junior team,
this time 6 to 8. The game was fast and ex
citing throughout, but the result was never
doubtful. The Crawfords made; use of two
pitchers, Casey and MoMahon, while the
Ramblers used Gurness, who Ditched verv
good ball and received perfect support. In 1
tne first inning tne Hammers blasted the
hopes of the Crawfords by a fast double
play Gurness to Williams to Cavanaugh.
Score: R.H.E.
Ramblers 0 2 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 8 0
Crawforda 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 1 02 4 8
Batteries: Gurness and Williams; Casey,
McMahon, Cavanaugh and Marsh. Struck
out: By Gurness, by Casey, 8; by Mc
Mahon, 4. Bases on balls: Off Casey, S; off
McMahon, 1: off Gurness, 8. Two-base hits:
Regan. Corrlgan. Double plays: Gurness
to Williams to Cavanaugh; O'Neill (unas
sisted); Cavanaugh to Welde. Umpire:
McMahon. ' '
1. I ', ."-"
This Enormous Sale
a Sure Sign of Excellence.
1540 Million Dottles
Budwelser sold since 1875. This exceeds the output
of all other bottled beers. There must be some reason
for this popularity, and if 3'ou will taste a bottle of
Budweiser you'll know for yourself.
iw, M ..; i a " ..
ntiA giv; m rii vni
Corkti or Tim Capptd
mr- . m
Budwelser Is brewed and bottled
only at the home plant of the
Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n
St. Louis. U. Sa A.
Order, promptly Filled by
Geo. Kru.s Mtr. Anheuser-Busch Branch, Omaha, Neb.
that city iave purchased a controlling In
terest in the Philadelphia National league
base hall club Is denied by Mr. Hermann
himself and by Bay Reeves, secretary of
the Philadelphia club.
Dea Molnea Ponderera Come I'p oa Ex
cursion to flet a l.esson.
The game at Vinton street park yester
day was not the only contest In the city
between Omsha and Des Moines. The
Des Moines checker players took advant
age of the base ball excursion and came
to Omaha to meet the local players. The
score resulted in favor of Omaha, aa fol
Played. Won. lxst. Drawn.
I. O. Whltesldes... 12 4 2
Samuel Blmonson.. 0 4 1 1
J. Li. Wills 6 4-1 1
Oscar Blmonson ... 12 S 6 1
9. Blmonson and Wills played 8 games
' Played. Won. Lost. Drawn.
W. B. Sinale 12 4 4 4
West Dodd 12 2 0 3
George Bummers.. 12 8 7 I
otuls-Omaha, 17;. Des Molnea, la
Show St. Joseph Men a Trick oa Their
- Owa Waters.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., July lrt.-(Specla! Tele
gram.) This afternoon the Contrary,
manned by Clark and the Prlsclila's crew
from Omaha, beat the Togo by lOty minutes
In a race which was only two-thirds fin
ished. There was a light but steady breesa
all afternoon, which favored the Contrary,
It being a light-air boat, more than the
Togo. The course was nine miles, with
about one-third windward work. UeUIng a
siignt advantage at the start, Clark gained
4 minutes on the run to the first mark, and
on the reach to the second buoy Increased
It 4 minutes more. Keturning against the
wind Togo nearly held Its own. but lost 2hi
minutes more when the Contrary reached
the fifth mark, and gave up the race.
Delta Team Defeated.
HAVELOCK, Neb.. July 16.-(8peclal.)
The C. N. Dleti ball team of Omaha wera
defeated here yesterday In an Interesting
and exciting game. In order for the Dleta
team to catch the train the game was
called at the jnd of the eighth Inning.
Score: R H E
Havelock 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0i 7 1
C. N. Dleta 0 000100 P-ltl
Batteries: Havelock, Scnleffele and
Wood; C. N. Diets, Oordy and Tonneman.
Struck out: By Schieffele. 10; by Oordy, 4.
Williams Brothers Winners.
MARSHALLTOWN, la.. July 16.-(8pe-!Jal
Telegram.) In the Marshalltown City
league he Williams Bros.' Trowel Makers
defeated the Pfclsters In the best played
game of the season. Score: R.H.E.
Williams Bros 7 1?
peters :::::::::::4 1 1
Batteries: Shield and Erlckson; Carlson,
Gettle and Cole. Struck out: By Shield.
5,, Carln. Time: 1;50. Umpire:
Pitcher Morgan Farmed Ont.
. ST J0IIIS' ''y 16 -Xt Wft "ade known
rnn k'ht that T i t. . . . .
o. . ' y morgan or me
Bt. Douis American league base ball club
.,-1, miiiim um id me Indianapolis
American association club for-tlie rest of
the season. It is announced that the rea
son for Morgan's temporary release Is the
aurplus of pitchers on hand. He departs
from St. Louis tomorrow.
Pitcher Wins Own Game.
MARSHALLTOWN, la., July 16-(8pe-clal
Telegram.) Green's pitching and timely
hits won today's ginVe for Marshalltown.
Score : R H 7
Marshalltown ..1 0000101 4 i
Waterloo 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 1 t
Batteries: Greene, and Rruggeman; Clay
ton. LlnUamen and Meek.
In the National laae.
Games today: Pittsburg at New Tork
Cincinnati at Philadelphia, Chicago at
Brooklyn, St. Louis at Boston.
Life insurance.
For twenty-five cents you can now Jnsnrs
l-ourself and family against any bad result!
from an attack of colic or dlarrhoae during
the summer months. That la the price of a
bottle of Chamberlain's' Colic. Cholera and
Dlarrhoae Remedy, a medicine that has
never been known to fail. Buy It now, It
may aava Ufa.
Store Defeat Denaoas.
The Btora Brewing company team broke
their losing streak by defeating the Ben
son, Neb , team by a score of 14 to 2. All
that saved the Benson team from a shut
out was a timely hit by Whitney In the
eighth Inning, which scored two runs.
Nestlebush. who pitched for th Stors
team, hsd the Beneons at his mercy all
through the game. The score:
Stora 4 i t I 0 1 0 1 0-14
Benson 0 OOOOOiOO 3
Base hits: Benson 7, Stors 18. Krrors:
Benson 7. Btors 2. Batteries: Benson,
Suellman. Whitney and E. Sage. Blon:
Nestlebush and H. Sage.
Kearney ghats Ont Grand Island.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 18. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Kearney won today on
Its merits, but spoiled an otherwise pleaa
ureable game by tha Incessant kicking of
the entire team, though they congratulated
Umpire Husband at the close of the game
on his fair work. The locals could do
nothing with Welsbred at any stage. Score I
, HUE.
Kearney 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 O'O 2 7 0
Grand Island ..0 0000000 00 t I
Batteries: Kearney, Welsbred and 7.a
lufeky; Grand Island. Welsh and Wlut-comb.
onthera Lasas.
At Memphis Montgomery, 4; Memphis. 6.
At Bhreveport tjhreveport. 4; Nashville. L
At New Orleans New Orleans, 11; Birm
ingham, 1
Hernias Net Interested.
PHILADELPHIA, July l,The atate
ment emanating from Cincinnati that
Oeorge U. Cos and August Usrwana vt
Mean of Him. ,
"Where have you been?" asked Mr. Mc
Oruff as his wife came In the drawing
room all excited.
"Why, I have been down to the genealo
gist's," she replied, proudly, "and he has
traced my ancestors back l.OU) years. Here
Is the list. You will notice after soma of
theiri there stands the letter 'P.' "
"H m! What does that stand for?"
"Why, either poets or painters."
"You don't say? I thought, perhaps, It
stood for pirates or peddlers." Detroit
When your body la starving robbed by
Indigestion Dr. Klng a New Life Pillla will
relieve and cure. 2fc. For aala by Sher
man McConnell Drug Co.
d.acky Babies.
The stork was observed to be entering
the shop of the silversmith.
"What on earth are you doing In there?"
asked the wine owl.
"Buying spoons." replied the stork.
"Yes, you see there are so many babies
born with eflver spoons in Ihelr mouths
these days I have to keep a good atock on
hand." Columbua Dispatch.
i i Search
11 vou way,
U I You'll find none I I
ii I batter than a Dan- I J
111 n nail CI a-sr. I f
I 1 U 2 for 2Rc and
Number 12.
It leaves Omaha 8:05 p. m.
It arrives Chicago . 9:03 a, m.
Number 6.
It leaves Omaha 7:25 a. m.
It arrives Chicago .8:45 p. in.
Number 2.
It leaves Omaha 4:00 p. m.
It arrives Chicago 7:20 a. m.
Tickets, berths, folders, rates and information at .
City Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam St.
that it is always cheapest, to get the best
that can be had. Do not let anyone
convince you that the article they offer
for sale is JUST AS GOOD as some
other. Buy the best always. The name
"Eclipse" speaks, for itself when talking
of Gas Ranges.
Rockford, Illinois.
In whatever direction the Colorado touflkt mny
choose by rail, If he pro to the tuountalna tola
m journey la a occen!on of glorious scenery,
varying in the tharutteristiea of placid beauty
grotesque ruggedufsa. and awe-lusj.lrtng grandeur
a panorama or wondera auch aa belong only to the
Kooky Mountains.
The popular route to
ia via
Be aure your ticket reada over thla llne
Inquire at
Tnone 810.
Heatelectric light janitor service
all night and Sunday elevator ser
vicea fire proof building all cost
the tenant of The Bee Building
nothing extra.