TnR OMATTA DAILY REE: SUNDAY. JULY lft. 1005. BILL SCniPRE'S HOME RUN Hew Keoord for Long-DiiUnct Hit at Vintoi Street Park. BALL BANGED OVER CENTER FIELD FENCE lilt Com la Laat Half of Eleventh laming and Landed Omaha Win ner la Hard Foaghl Oint, Slugger Bill certainly earned anew his title when, In the eleventh Inning of the tame at Vinton street park Saturday aft ernoon between Omaha and les Moines, he put the ball over the middle field fence and eoored Welch who had walked ahead of him, tying- the score so that the gam was won In the en me Inning by the acore of ( to n. For Uie first time ilnce the good old daye dollars were showered upon a player and Bluster .Hill had more than he could carry and had to call Pa Bill to his assistance to lug the dollar from the field and they were not Iron dollar either, but I'nele Sam's best. Testerday'a gam waa of the kind that delight so many fans who like to see a hitting game, thirty-six clean Mta being V registered at the finish. It Is no wonder, with the thermometer registering 91 In the shade, that the players were nearly exhausted from running the baaea so much and that the gam dragged for two hour and a half Hut none In the grand stand or bleachers complained, for tt was worth the money and none left until the finish, although some thought In the first half of the eleventh thai It was all over, but they were forced to resume their seats when Slugger Bill placed tt over the fence for the longest hit of the season and brought In the scores that tied the gatne. Hard on the ritrhrra. Morrison started m the oblige for the Underwriters, but the heat got the better of him and he was forced to retire In favor of Manskl, who had plenty of gln ger and steam to the finish. Sanders worked all the way through for the Champs and although he waa about all In he was forced to finish the game out be cause Quick was lame and Pflester had donned his civilian clothes. Des Moines made three In the aecond Inning by awnttlng the ball for four hits and getting a walk. After Gondlng was out In the third Sanders hit to the middle field for a triple and scored on Carter- atngle to right. Des Moines mad another In the fourth on three hits, one of which waa a double by Ganley. It looked good for Omaha, In the fourth after Manskl had replaced Morrison, for the Champa started right after him and secured four hits, but were able to make but a single tally from all these, Doliin started oft with a double and Welch scored him with a single. Thomas fol lowed with a single and Schipke bunted safe, filling the bases. Welch attempt d to come home on the play, but waa caugnt between bases, Martin struck out, Oond Ing was,' easy, and th chance was gone. Tied In the ElaThth. The Champs tied the acore In the eighth Inning by making three runs on three hits with a passed ball and an error by Shu gart. A neat double put a atop to the aspirations of Des Molnea In the ninth Inning and then the extra Innings Ftarted. Oonding made a hit for an In the tenth Inning, but waa not able to advance. Then came, the famous eleventh Inning, which will go down Into history and the fans will never tire of telling how Slugger BUI hit the ball on the nose and drove it over th middle field fence for the homer that tied the score and afterward ,won the game. Detail of the Eleventh. Hogrlever waa th first man up for Pes Moines and he gave the local boys a little hope by atriklng out. Long singled, and then every one present thought that the game waa won, when Jtoasmas, banged out a double and scored Long. Caffyn was thought to have surely put flxln's on the game when he singled and scored Ross man. Flake got another single In tha Des Molnea half of the Inning ended with the Underwriters only two to the goodj and the fana atarted home. Then cam th Champa, who had struck their gait, and found a horseshoe, and are apt to do any old thing, contrary to .established customs and the wishes of the Jonahs and knockers. Dolan struck out and It did look bad, until Doctor Welch drew four wld one from Mr. Manskl, who was tiring somewhat under th heat and strain. Thomas made the spirits of th fans droop when he also atruck out, but there waa attll Slugger Bill to come, and he realised that there waa a chance to justify his title. Slugger Bill walked up to the plate like th renowned Casey, but unlike him, the ball Tu!S FOR uU3E r" Are YOU one of the many thousands of WEAK MEN and do I . -T Jr ou wish to be cured? Multitudes bring on themselves the hor- rora of a lifelong disease by unnatural habits. Thousands and thousands of men are prematurely old and diseased through excess and unnatural drain, which sap the foundation of life, destroy their health and strength, leaving them a mental and physical wreck. Not knowing where to apply for a cure, many of these poor sufferers, loaded with disease, remorse and humiliation, silently suiter on, going from bad to worse or they experiment with too many "Free Treatment" and "Quick Cure Schemes." AVOID DANGEROUS OR UNCERTAIN TREATMENT We have been the meana of restoring thousands of afflicted euflerera to complete and perfect health. Will you place your confidence In the cure of honest, skillful and successful specialists T Years of practical experience, thou sands of dollars spent In researches and an Immense practice have enabled u to evolve a special system of treatment that is a safe, certain and speedy cu.-e tor all private diseases and weakueasea of men. The change In thousands of rases Is simply marvelous. Blighted livea, blasted hopes, weakened systems debilitated and shrunken organs and nervous wrecks have been quickly and safely cured by our method. We have evolved a treatment that 1 a powerful, permanent and determined medical corrective where men characteristic ent-r- 5 lea have become weakened or dlaai pated, either through sexual exceaaea ln iscrvttona, abusive habits or the roaulla of neglected or improperly treated private dlaieasea. . Our object la not ao much to do the work that other doctors can do. but rather to cure obstinate cases which battle them. Th worst cases that wa are called upon to treat are those which have been Improperly treeted bafoie coming to us. By our system of electricity and medicine combined we cuie quickly, eafely and thoroughly all diseases and weaknesses -of men after all others have fulled. All that deep knuwledge, expert skill, vast experience and scientific office equipment can accomplish ar now be lug don for those who Cutne to ua for the help they need. W cure quickly, safely and thoroughly: Stricture. Varicocele. Servo-Sexual Debility, Impoteocy. Emissions, Elood Poison (Syphilis), Rectal, Kidney and Urinary Diseases, and all disease and weaknesses of men due to Inheritance, evil habit, self abuse, axcesaea or th result of apaclne or private diseases. CC?.SoLYATlC.1 FREE. ro!, emnn?t yrlU.lor svrpt.tom blank l.u.wubiailw.1 intu. Office Hours 4 a. m. to I p. ni. Sundays. 10 to 1 only. ELECTRO MEDICAL INSTITUTE, 1308 Farnam 8L, Btw4n 13th and 14th Sts.. Omaha. Nab. waa aent so high over the fence that the fielders simply watched It f-m Then was when the dollars rained ana the crowd went wIM, for the score was tied and the Champ had another chance after every thing had aeemed to have been lost. Mar tin followed with a double and Gondlng hit a hard on to Long, who booted It around for a time and then threw It so that Rnsnman rbuld not reach It and the fans went home. The same team will play this afternoon and aaaln Monday, which will be ladles' day. Jack Tflester will do the pitching stunt for Pa and we will try to annex an other. , Attendance, l,tot. Score: OMAHA. A 8. R. II. O. A. E. Thel!, If 110 4 10 t arter, rf ( 0 t t 0 0 l'olsn 11114 0 Welch, cf I I t 1 0 0 Thomas, lb I 5 2 16 0 1 Schlpk. lb 4 14 3 7 0 Mftrtln, 2b 4 1 2 0 2 1 Gondlng, o 1114 0 0 Sanders, p 4 12OS0 Totals 47 14 31 17 2 DES MOINES. AD. R. H. O. A. E. OVmley, ef .... Hogrtever, 3b. Long, s Rossman, lb .. Carryn. If Phugart, 2b ... Flske, rf Towne, c Manskl, p .... Morrison, p ... Wakefield, e .. 0 0 0 15 3 4 0 t 1 0 0 ... I ... ... ... 0 ... 0 Totals 61 8 20 32 16 4 8hugart out hit by batted ball. Two out when winning run was scored. Omaha 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 3 0 0 3 Des Moines ....0301001100 28 Two-bise hits: Martin (2), Gnnley ('.'i, Towne, Rossman. Three-base hits: San ders, Rossnuin. Home runs; Hchlpke. Rase on balls: Off Banders, 1; oft Manskl, 3. Double play: Schipke to Dolan to Theimas. Hit by pitched hull: Sanders, I; Manskl, 1. Struck nut: By Sanders, 3; by Manskl, 7; by Morrison, 1. l'assed balls: Towne. Left on bases: Omnha, 11; Des Moines, l.t. Sacrifice hits: Thell, 2; Sanders. Time: 2. 2o. Umpires: Freese and Chappelle. QnCIIIn's Home nan Wins. Pt'ERIO, Colo., July 16.-Before 1,0) en thuslastio fans the Western league season opened In Pueblo this afternoon with a game between the Pueblo Indiana and the St. Joseph Kalnts. Mayor John T. West was present and was given an ovation as he stepped Into the box to toss np the first ball. Though the diamond whs slow both aggregations put up a fnst article of ball for the first rive Innings. For the re mainder of the contest both sides hit hard, the visitors being more fortunate in the placing of their drives. The Indians opened the game with a single by Blake. Cook whs next up anil brought forth a storm of applause from the fans by sending a long drive over left field, scoring a home run. In the middle of the fourth Inning Lindsay, who had been twirling exeellent ball, was taken ill and forced to retire. Matney was sent Into the box, but after two Innings was touched up for a number of safe onea. Score ST. WOBBPH. FTJEBU). R.H.O.A.K. R.HO.A.E. Ket.sem, cf.. t 1 1 I Blaks, cf 1 1 4 0 drhtla. lb.... I 111 Cook. It 1 1 0 V Qnlllls. M... t 111 IKnabe, 2b.... 1)10 Andrews St).. 4 III I Schrlver, lb.. 4 0 10 0 J Pouilu, lb.. 4 1 11 I 4 Matt, 3b 1 1110 Nnyee. rf I 0 0 1 4 M mitt, 0....I 0 4 10 O'Urlea, If... 0 1 I 0 0 Mllae, rf 4 4 0 0 1 Dexter, c... 1 14 1 Baiter, as... 1 114 1 Jones, p 1 I 0 4 t UndBay, p...l 4 0 10 - Matney. 4 0 11 Totals...... 10 14 If 13 1 Totals 4 I 24 It 4 St. Joseph 2 0 110 2 3 1 -10 Pueblo 2 ll.JOOOOO-4 First base on balls: Off Jones, 2; off Lindsay, 2; off Matney, 1. Struck out: By Jones, 4; by Lindsay, 2; by Malney, z. Left on bases: St. Joseph, 12; Pueblo, 7. Earned runs: Pueblo, 8; St. Joseph, 7. Home runs: Cook, Quillln. Two-base hit: Douglas. Wild pltclies: Matney 2. Hit by pitched ball: Messitt. Double plays: Andrews to Qulllln to Douglas; Knabe to Uader. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Mace. Denver's Krrnra Costly. DENVER,,' July 15.-Blou City defeated Denver, 6 to 3, In an exciting game here today. Denver's three runs came In the third Inning on errors by Newton, Hatch and Pulslfer and hits by McGUvray and Hoelskoetter. The Packers tallied two In the fifth on Pulslfer' s hit, Ilartzell's error. Hatch's single and Collins' hit. The win ning runs came In the seventh. Starnagle hit and Vollendorf fumbled Hatch's bunt. Collins got hit, then Hickman was sent to relieve Vollendorf. Randall dropped 8hee han'a fly, acorlng Starnagle, and Hatch scored on Weed's fly to left. The last run came In the ninth on Starnagle1 hit and Mcllale's error of! Collin. Attend ance, 1,000. Score: BIOVX CJTY. DENVER. R.H. O.A.E, R.H.O.A.K. Colllna. Tt... Ill OMrHale, cf .. 1 4101 gheehan, lb.. 4 Oil 0 Kartzell, Ib..l 0101 Weed, ib lit 0 Randall, rf.. 0 1 I 0 I Newtun, aa... 0 III 0 McGUvray, If 0 I I 0 0 Noblll, ef....O 111 OPerrine, tb... 4 0110 Pulslfer, lb.. 1 t I 0 lHoelik'ter, aa 0 1110 O'llare. U... t III 0 Ever ut. lb... 0 0100 gtarnaile, ... I I I I 0 Lucia, e I 4140 Hales, till Vullendorf 1 1 0 1 1 Hteemau, '.. I 4 110 Totals I I 27 I 1 i Touts I I tt I 4 Sioux City 00002020 16 Denver 00300000 03 Stolen baae: Nobltt. Three-base hit: Starnagle. First base on balls: Oft Hatch, 1. Struck out: By Hatch, 4; by Vollen dorf, 1. Left on bases; Denver, 10; Sioux City, 7. Sacrifice hit: Hatch. Two-base hits: Randall, McHale. Hit by pitched ball: Everltt, Vollendorf, Collins. Double flays: Hoelskoetter to McGUvray (2). Time: :W. Umpire: Burns. staadtas; of th Teama. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Dea Molnea SI 41 23 Ml Sioux City 88 40 28 .(it Denver 74 43 81 .681 Omaha 8S 37 31 .644 Pueblo 71 !2 4 .M St. Joseph 68 21 47 . Oames today: Des Moines at Omaha, Bloux City at Denver, St. Joseph at Pueblo AVERAGES OF THE OMAH4 TRAM Master Rill gebtplte Makes Good on the Title All Right. Slugger Rill Schipke, hero. And that s no Joke, either the slueger or the hero part. At Denver last Sunday In the first aame he hammered out four of the five hits secured by Omaha, -and made all three of the runs that won the game, one of them a four-sack punch. At Colorado Springs he lammed out another homer, and Just ask yourself what he did yesterday. And he has pushed his little batting average up to the head of the regulars; It isn't very big, but It's the hlggi-st we've got. snd counts Just th same. Also, he has gotten Into the 90 per o-nt class with his Melding, and you bet the rnuskrats In the Oxark mountains will have a lively time next winter If Bill can stand prosperity a little while. Hobby Carter and Joe Dolan have also been bang ing the ball with great regularity during the last week, and Spotty Frrcse started a little of his last season's form. Rut the others haven't dons very much with the stick. Martin hss slipped out of the 30 per cent class entirely, his baiting hav ing been of the hard luck order for some time. The last frur games he has done Something like his old-time work, getting five libs during this time, and most of them long ones. Prior to this he had made seven hits In twenty-three games. His fielding keeps right up to the mark, and that Is a einn that his batting Isn't going to stay ai low as It Is. Dolan had a bad week in the field, too, but all the rest of the bunch did very well. The team fielding for the week waa Just exactly the same aa the season's record, while the team batting for the eight games played was .254, which Is the best the Champions have yet shown. The record for the sea son Is: PATTING AVERAGES. Last Games. AR. R. H. Ave Week. Quick 17 4 IS .3"0 .827 Schipke 72 21 30 68 .257 .2.1S Carter 72 23 34 67 .K56 .253 Dolan 72 2K5 ,30 71 .249 .240 Thomas .40 1W ll 89 .244 .2f0 Welch 72 25 27 63 .23S .242 Gondlng M It: 14 41 .212 .238 Thlel 71 271 44 W .27 .216 Frees 23 80 9 16 ,2V .16 Martin 72 231 27 46 .m .206 McCloakey 18 66 6 10 ".152 .138 Sanders 14 48 4 7 .146 ."88 Pllester 17 53 3 7 .132 .138 Team 72 2,215 252 5o .230 .227 FIELDING AVERAGES. N Last O. A. E. TC. Ave. Week. McClnskey ... 4 62 0 D6 l.fX l.tmo Sanders 8 48 0 M LOW) l.fsrt Oonding 324 74 4 402 .990 .WO Thomas 454 1 7 6 477 .OS ".87 Quick 7 67 I 66 . 970 .H8 t reese 128 22 6 163 .97 .962 Welch 135 6 7 147 . 950 .948 fatter 100 11 6 H 7 . 949 . 942 Martin 170 222 22 414 . 947 . 947 Pllester 2 48 3 61 .941 .930 Dolan 294 164 39 499 . 922 .9.14 Thlel 125 46 15 185 . 9)9 . 914 Bchlpke 68 164 24 246 .907 .96 Team 1.817 919 133 1,809 .654 .954 GAMES IH TUB NATIONAL LEAGl E Harper's Poor Work In the Box Causes Defeat of Cincinnati. PHILADELPHIA, July IB. Harper's wlldness and Ineffectiveness were the chief factors In the defeat of Cincinnati today. Attendance, 7,504. Score: PHILADKLPHIA. CINCINNATI. B-H .O.A.E. R H. O.A.E. Thnmaa, ef...l 111 OHuxnlns, lb.. 4 4144 Gleaeon. tt . . 1 111 1 Darrr, lb.,... I 1111 Courtlier. Ib. 1 4 1 0 OKeller. If.... I 1 I I Tltua. rf 0 111 tseymour, cf..l 1 V 1 4 Matte, If.... 0 114 41'orroran, w.,1 I I I ) Ilranefleld. lb 0 1 I 0 OOdwell, rf....l 110 Kruaer, m... I 1 4 1 8ielnfeldt. Ib 1 I 1 1 4 iMMilln, aa.... 0 I t 48rhlet. e 0 1114 Inoln, e I 114 0 Hurper, p.... 4 4 114 Pitting., p.. I I 1 I d Chech, p I 4 111 Totala 1 14 IT I 1 Totals I I U 14 1 Philadelphia I 10 110 10 7 Cincinnati 1 0 0 0 1 3 0 0 0 i Left on bases: Cincinnati 8, Philadelphia 11. Earned runs: Cincinnati 3, Philadelphia 8. Two-base hits: Corcoran. Thrcs-base hits: Kelley, Bchlel. Sacrifice hits: Glea eon, Thomas. Double play: Seymour to Schlel. Hits: Off Harer In 34 Innings; off Chech, 5 In i Inninga. fitruok out: lly Plttlnger 6. by Chech 1. Raaos on balls: Off Plttlnger 2, off Harpar 4. off Chech 3. Hit by pitched oall: Larry. Ma gee. Time: 1:60. Umpire: Dauawlne. Chleaao shuts Out Brooklyn. RROOKLYN, July 15. Chicago shut out Ilanlon's men here today In the flret game of the series by the score of 8 to 0. Lason was knocked out of the box In the third Inning. Attendance, 4,000. Score: CMICAOO. BROOKLYN. R.H. O.A.E. ' R.H. O.A.E. glagle. ef....l 111 4 Pntiba, el 0 0 I I Maloney, rf .. I I 1 I 0 Hall, et 4 I 0 4 Bchulle, If... 1 114 0 Sherkard, If.. 0 1114 Ih.Di-e. lb... 1 0 it 1 4 Lumley. rt.,,4 1114 Tinker, .... I 111 I Batch, lb.... 0 I 0 I 0 Kvera, Ib 4 1 1 1 1 Ueaeler, lb... 0 1 II 4 Caeejr, lb 0 4 4 I II Lewi., aa 4 1 2 1 Kins, e 4 0T 4 Malar, b....O 4 4 4 0 lirlita. p 111 4 Beraes. e.... 4 4 4 1 1 . Eaaon, p 4 14 14 Totala I 14 J Jooea, p ft 4 44 Totala 4 I 17 14 I Chicago .'....1 14020000-8 Brooklyn 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-4) Two-base hit: Maloney. Three-base hit: Tinker. Hits: Oft Eason ( in 8 Innings; off Jones 3 In 6 Innings. Saerlflco hits: Tinker, Evers. .Stolen bases 3 Moloney, Sehulte, Gessler, Double plays: Hatch, Malay and Gessler. Ieft on bases: I'hi raro 3, Brooklyn 6. First base o.i ba'ls: Oft Kason 3, off Jones 2, off Rrlggs 3. Hit by pitched ball: Ry Jones 1. Struck; out: Ry Jones 4, by Brlggs 2. Time: 1:43. Um pire: Emslie. St. Louis Wins from Boston. BOSTON, July 16, In a heavy batting game In which each tram uaed two idich n.s, St Louis won today, 11 to Willis was driven from ths box In the sixth when six runs were made off him. Home nins by Delehanty and Wolverto In suc cession were features. Attendance, 2,6uO. Score: ST. LOIIS. BOSTON. R.H.O.A.K. R.H. O.A.E. Shannon, If.. 1 1 II 4 Ab'tlchlo, as. I I 4 I t Arndt, rt 1 ill 1 Tenner, lb... 1 I I I I Smout. at. i... I 1 4 4 4 Dolan, rt 4 1.01 Beckley, lb.. I 1 II 4 I belehantr, 11,1 I i M Hhajr, 2b 1 1 1 I I WoU.rt'n. Ibl 1 I II Mcurld. as.. 4 4 I 9 Cannell, cf... 1 I I I I Burke, lb.... 114 11 Raymer, lb.. 111 Gradr. a. I 1 t I I Moran, 14 114 Eagan, p 4 1 4 Willi., p 1 I a l lac'arlaad. p4 4 . 4 irnuer, p 4 4 I 1 1 Totala 11 11 11 IT J Totala I 14 21 14 I St. Louis 0 1 0 1 0 4 0 1 1-11 Boston 0 0 0 t t 1 0 1 14 Two-base hits: Arndt (2), Willis. Ray mer. Home runs: Delehanty, Wolverton. Sacrifice hits: Smoot, Hliay (2), Burke t2), (irmly. Double play: Shay to McBrlde to Beckley. Hits: Off Willis. 10 in six In nings; off Fraser, 2 In three Innings; oft Lagan, 11 In six and one-third Innings; off McFarland, t In two and two-thirds Innings. Left on baaea: St. louls, 6; Boston, 4. First base on balla: Off Willis. 1; off Fraser, 1: off Eagan, 1; off McFar land, 1. Hit by pitched ball: Beckley. Struck out: By WUlla, 6; by Fraser, 3; by Eagan, 1. Passed ball: Grady. Wild pitch: Willis, Fraser. Time: 1:49. Umpire; O Day. New York Wins In Math. NEW YORKj July 15. In a thrilling ninth Inning finish the New York Nationals snatched a game from Pittsburg today, scoring the tlelng and deciding runs on a base on balls followed by a home run lilt by, Browne. Attendance; 2,M). Score: NEW YORK. PITTSBl'RQ. R.H.J.A E. R.H. O.A.E. Browne. rf...l lift firmer, rf.... I 1114 Ixuilla. tt.... 1 III IClarke. If.... 1 I 1 I Mctiana, lb.. 1 II SLeack. cf 1 144 aiertta. If.... 4 111 tlt, as.. I 1 I 1 I I.ahlea, aa.... 1 III 4 Hoeard. lb.. 4 1 111 levhn, Jb...l 4 14 4Brala, lb.... 4 114 Gilbert, Ib... 4 4 111 Hltchey, lb.. 14 11 Straui, lb.... I 4 4 4 4Pelia. 4 4 114 Boweruaa, e. 4 4 4 4 I Olbeon, 4 4 4 I 1 McOiunitr. p. I 1 4 4 4 Leever. p 4 14 11 Malheweou, p 4 4 4 4 4 Ljnch. p 1 4 4 4 4 Breauauaa .. 14444 . Total 1 1414 14 I lottli I 11 27 10 1 Pittsburg 0 000J0 0-T New York 1 0 I t 1 0 0 0 2-8 First base on errors: New York L Left on bases: New York, 6; Pittsburg, 4. First base on balls: Off McGinnlty, 2; off Leever, I, off Lynch. 1 Struck out: Uy McGlnnliy, 4; by Maine waon, 2; by Leever, 1; by Lnch, I. Hume runs: Browne, Donlln, Leach. Three-base bit: Clarke. Two-base luU: Browne, Dahlen, Clymer, Wagner. Sacrifice hit: McOanii. Stolen base: McOann. Double play: McGinnlty to Dahlen to McGinn. Hit by pitched ball: By McGinnlty, 1, Passed ball: Pelts. Hits: Off McOlnulty, 10 In six and one-third Innings; off Leever, 4 In four Innings; off Lnch, i In five Innings. Time: 1.50. Umpires: Johnstone and Klem. taaalaat of th Te-aius. Played. Won. Lost. Pet New York 78 M 23 .718 Pittsburg 1 49 II .413 I'bilaaelplila 78 77 81 .6l Chicago st 46 31 .5,6 Cincinnati 79 41 38 .619 St. Louis so 30 .1.6 Boston 79 24 66 .44 Brooklyn 78 23 ii .. No gamea today. Tfkaauia Win In Twelfth. TEKAMAH. Neb., July 18. 4 Special.) TekamaU won a close aud exciting game which look twelve inning te decide. Sovrv I te 8. With two home runs and a three bagaer for the Farrella In the first two In nings It looked bad for Tekhmsh, but from then on Fitrgnrald bran to pitch ball and saved the game. Score: R H.F.. Teksmah 0 2 0 8 0 0 1 1 0 0 1 1013 I Farrelle 20600000001 0- 17 6 Ratterles: Teksmah, Fitzgerald and Cop pie; Farrells, Mathews and Strang. Struck out: By Fltigerald, 4; by Matthews, 11. Home runs: p. Knnedv. pend.-rgst. Time: 2.30. L'mplrea: Ulllls and Hopewell. GAMES I THE AMERICAN I.P.Affl'K EsTeetlve Work by Itsw Pitcher Ena bles Boston to Defeat St. I.onls. ST. IX)UI8. Julv 16 Heady pitching by Olmstead. recently recruited by Manager Collins, was responsible for the loss of today s game by the home team, I to 1. The locals were helpless before the young Rostonlan curves and three of their five hits were scratches. Attendance, 6,800. Score: BOSTON. t. Lofll. R.H. O.A.E. Rnca'lleld, lb 4 1 i I 4 Selbach, rf... i I 0 0 stone. If 4 1 I 4 Parent, a...,0 14 1 1 VanZant, rf..l 1 I 0 I Biirselt, If... I l , .1 Ijnr,,., lb 4 4 10 1 0 Colllna IK... I 1 ewiiu... K..I till 'hl. rf 0 1 1 VK.iehlrr, tl... 0 4 4 4 0 Freeman, lb. 0 1 I 0 1 Oleaenn. Ib... I 0 1 0 I Ferrl., lb.... 4 0 1 1 0 Pualcn. C....4 4 14 4 rrs". e 4 0 I 1 Buchanan, p. 1 0 I 4 1 Olmelead, p.. 4 1 4 I 0 eyrlek I 4 4 4 4 Total. 2 4 rt 4 "l Total! 1 4 17 11 1 Batted for Buchanan. Poston o 0 0 I 0 0 0 0 02 6t. Louis 00000010 01 Two-base hits: Stahl. Stone. Sacrifice hit: Stahl. Passed ball: Crlger. Stolen base: Stahl. Basea on balls: Off Olmstead, 4. Struck out: By Olmstead. I; Buchanan, 1. Left on bases: St. Louis, 9: Boston. 6. Time: 1:41. Umpires: O'Laughlln and Mc Carthy. ' Chicago Wins Close Contest. CHICAGO, July 15-Chlcago defeated Washington today, 2 to 1. Townsend was a puxzle for Chicago, but errors behind him gave Chicago the game. Attendance, 9,860. Score : CHIOAOO. WASHINOTON. . R.H.O.A.K. R.H.O.A.B. r.Jonea, ef...C 0 10 4 C.Jones, el... 4 14 4 1 Holmes. If... 4 110 0 Hill. Ib 4 4 111 I'e'le. 4 4 I 1 t Hickman, ib. 0 4 4 4 4 Ponohsa. lb.. 1 11 1 0 Andernon, rf. 1 1 I 4 I Oreen, rf 1 0 14 0 Hueleman, If 4 0 1 4 0 tl t, c. 1 4 4 0 Elahl, lb 4 4 11 1 4 Land- 11.. 0 4 14 Olauldr, SS... 4 4 4 1 4 Tnnrhtll lb 0 4 I 4 . Hevd.m, .... 0,0 110 Imllb. p I I 0 1 1 Tovnaend, p. 4 4 1 I 4 Totals I 1 27 12 1 Totala 1 2 24 IS 4 Chicago 00000020 -! Washington o 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 Left on bases: Chicago, 4: Washington, 4. Sacrifice hits: Green (2), Dundon, Town send. Stolen bases: o. Jones CO. Double Play: Tannehlll and Donohue. Struck out: By Smith. 6: by Townsend. . Bases on balls: Off Smith, 3; off Townsend. 3. Balk: Townsend. Time: 1:43. Umpire: Sheridan. Cleveland Loses to New York. ' CLEVELAND, July 15 Cleveland lost first -place today by losing a poorly played game to New Yurk. Attendance, h,;7l. Score: NEW YORK. CLEVELAND. , R.H. O.A.E. R.H.O.A.B. Conroy, rf...2 i . 0 0 Jackson. If... 1 2 0 10 Keel or, H.... 0 1 0 0 0 Bar, cf 2 1)1 Elberfeld, aa. 1 0 1 1 1 Flick, rf 114 11 Wllllama, Ib. 4 I 4 1 0 Kahl, lb 0 3 4 1 4 Yeater, lb... 4 112 0 Bradley, lb., 0 0 2 1 1 Kults1. ef 1 2 I 1 OTurner. ...... 0 till McOulre. c... 0 1 10 I 1 Stovall, lb... 4 OHIO Power., lb... I 1 I 0 1 Bemla, o I 1 I I 1 Cheabro, p... 0 4 0 1 0 Moor, p I 4 4 11 , tarr ' I 1 6 4 4 Totala I 10 17 11 I Total. I It 17 14 4 Batted for Moore in ninth. New York 2 0 0 1 0 0 2 0 16 Cleveland 0 0 t 0 0 0 0 0 26 First base on errors: Cleveland, 2; New York, 4. Two-base hits: Turner, Conroy, Williams, Keeler. Three-baee hits: Flick. Carr. Sacrifice hits: Stovall, Bay, Keeler, Fults, Cheshro. Stolen bases: Bay (2), Bemls, Fultt. Double plays: Stovall and Turner; Elberfeld and Powers. Base on balls: Oft Moore, 3; off Cheabro, i. Hit by pltchfd hull: By Moore, 1. Left on bases: Cleveland, S; New York, 4. Struck out: By Mooro, 3; by Chesbro, 8. Wild pitch: Chesbro. Time; 2:u6. Umpire: Con nor. Even Break In Detroit. DETRIOT, July 13-Detrolt and Phila delphia broke even in a double-header be fore a big crowd. Kllllan pitched fine ball in the first game. The other game was easy for the visitor ad proved Coak J'rL" lKhth straight win. Attendance, 6,600. Score, first game: DETROIT. PHILADELPHIA. R.HO.A.E. R.H.O.A.B. Cooler, cf....l 12 0 OHtrteal, lf..,0 10 0 4 Bchaefer, 2b.. 4 1 I 0 0 Lord, ef 1 0 4 0 Mclntyre, If. 1 1 2 4 0 Dala, lb 4 1 10 1 0 Crawford, rf.. 1 110 tl'mn, Ib 0 I 1 10 O'Leary. aa., 0 111 Ogeybold, rfe.. 1 1141 Coughlln, mill 0 Murphy, 2b.. 1 0 110 Llndae, lb.. 0 4 T 4 V Knight, aa...0 4 0 2 0 Doran, e 1 1 I 1 0 Schreck, .... 0 2 4 1 I Kllllan, p.... 4 1 0 2 0 Plank p 0 10 4 1 'Bender 4 4 0 4 I Totals II 27 10 Total. 2 14 14 It 1 Detroit 20100 020 -e Philadelphia 00002000 03 Two-buse hits: Crawford, Cooley. Sacri fice hits: Schaefer t.2, Knight. Stolen base: Schreck. Base on balls: Off Kll llan. 2; off Plank. 1. Left on bases: De troit, 6; Philadelphia, 8. Struck out: By Kllllan 4; by Blank, 6. Wild pitch: Plank. Time: 1:45. Umpire: Connolly. Bcore, Second game: PHILADELPHIA. DETROIT. R.H.O.A.B. R.H.O.A.B. Harteet, If... 1 1 2 4 Cooley. cf....4 2 14 1 Hoffman, ef.. 4 12 4 Ogchaefer, tb.. 110 0 Parla, lb....l 2 4 1 1 Mclntyre, If . . 0 4 111 Croee, Ib 1 I 1 0 0 Crawford, rf. 4 1 1 4 4 geytold, rf... I 114 .O'Leary. a. .. 0 I I 1 4 Murphy, lb... 1 14 1 4 Coughlln, lb. 4 4 1 4 1 Knight, as... 1 111 I Llitdeey, lb.,0 1114 Schreck. .....1 110 0 Drill, c 0 1 I 0 0 L'oakley, p 1 14 1 4 Donovan p.. 0 4 4 J 4 Kitaon, p..... 114 10 Totals 4 14 nil ' Totals 1 I 27 4 3 Philadelphia 3 0 1 0 1 0 4 0-9 Detroit 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 01 Earned runs: Philadelphia, t. Hits:- Off Donovan, 8 In four innings; oft Kitaon, In five Innings. Two-base hits: Cooley, Davis. Home runs: Murphy, Knight. Sac rifice hits: Schaefer, Seybold. Stolen bases: L. Cross, Seybold. Base on balla: Off Don ovan, 4; off Kltson, 1; off Coakley, 4. Left on baaea: Detroit, 11; Philadelphia, 11. Struck out: By Donovan, 4; by Kltson, 1; by Coakley, 6. Double play: Lindsay (un assisted!. Time: 1:50. Umpire: Connolly. Standing of the Teams. Played. Won. Lost. Pet. Chicago 70 74 26 . 629 Cleveland 72 46 27 .623 Philadelphia 71 42 29 .692 Detroit 78 36 87 . 493 Boston 67 32 36 .477 New York 69 32 87 . 483 St. Louis 74 28 46 .379 Washington 72 24 48 .333 Games today: Washington at Chicago; Boston at St. Louis. CHANGE IN CHICAGO NATIONALS Charles W. Murphy Pnrcbaaea an In terest in Tram. CHICAGO, July 15. It waa announced to day tliat Charles W. Murphy has purchased an Interest In and been chosen vice presi dent of the Cbrtago Natlcnal League Baae Ball club. By this dial President Hart secures a desirable addition to his ex ecutive staff. He and Mr. Murphy have been warm personal friends for years and many of the details pertaining to the active management of the club will devolve upon the new official, who Is well known all over the national league circuit. Mr. Murphy was actlely engaged In the newspaper and advertising business fur Every woman realizes the need of a safe and reliable tonic and thousands have found it in the Bitters. If you have never tried it, do so today. You'll have no further use for any other. It ajways cures Backache, Dizziness, Cramps, - Head ache, Vomiting, Indigestion, Dyspepsia nd Sleeplessness. Sitters 'nearly twenty years before he became an official of the New York base ball circuit at the beginning ef the present season. He presented his resignation as assistant man ager of the Giants July 1. Kor a number of yiars he was one of the historians of the national game. He was the Imme diate successor of the late Harry W. Wei don as snorting editor of the Clnclnnstl Enquirer, and subsequently held a re sponsible editorial position on the Cin cinnati Tlnies-Star, owned by the lion. Charles p. Tnft, former congressman from the First Ohio district and a brother of Secretary of War Tnft. His friends think that his newspaper training and subse quent practical experience In the base ball field has fitted Mm for hie new position. GAME) IN AMERICAN AMOCI ATION C'olnmbna Ontplaya Milwaukee anal Wlna by Good Maraln. MlI.WAfKER, July IB. Columbus out- flayed Milwaukee snd won by a score of I o 6 a game that was characterised by mlxups of various kinds. Attendance, 4,M. Score: COU'MDI'R. MILWAfKlts). R.H.O.A.B. R.H O A K. rtrkerlna;, cf. 1 I 1 I I Rnhlnenn, as. I I I 1 t I'evla. rf 111 0 O'Neill, lf....l I 1 I I Oven, c 1 I I 4 Hemphill, ef. 4 1 I 4 4 Con, .Hon, it 1 1 1 4 4 nailing. p ... 0 10 4 Kihm, lb..... 4 1 10 I IB tem'n. p-lb 4 4 4 4 1 Hulewltt. aa.. 1111 (O Brlen, 16... 4 4 111 W'rlley, lb.. I 14 1 I Wolfe, e 0 4 111 firmer, fb .. 0 4 4 4 4 Berille, C....I 4 4 11 B.rneaa. lb.. I 4 4 4 Clerk, lb 4 till erger, p.... 4 114 4 MrC'mlrk. lb 4 I I I 1 M Ch'wTy, rf I I I 4 1 Totals I II 17 14 I DouitTlj. p-e 4 4 111 Totala 4 7 17 1 Columbus 0 11)0101 0-3 Milwaukee 0 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 24 Earned runs: Milwaukee, 2; Columbus, 2. Hits: tiff Bateman. In four Innings; oft iHiugherty, I In four Innings. Two-base hits: o Kelll (2), Hyan. Three-base hit: Robinson. Stolen bases: Hemphill. McOhea ney, Pickering, Davis (2), Kvan, Congalton. Bases on balls: Off Bateman, 1; off Dough erty, 4; off Berger, 6. Passed balls: Wolfe, Ryan. Struck out: By Bateman. 2; by Daugherty, 1; by Berger, T. Sacrifice hits: Davis (2), Wrlgley. Berger. Left on bases: Milwaukee, 8; Columbus, 11. Tims: 2:06. Umpire: Haskell. Indianapolis Wins from St. Pawl. ST. PAUL, Minn., July 15 Indianapolis won the last game of the series with St. Paul by landing hard on Slagle In the first three Innings and sending him to the bench. Attendance, 1,205. Score: INDIANAPOLIS. IT. FAt'I. R.H. O.A.E. R.H.O.A.K. Brare. If 4 1 I 1 4 neler, tb 1117 1 Moran, aa.... 1 I I I 0 Hemphill, ef. 1 1 I 0 4 McCreerr. cf. 1 I 1 I I Wheeler, lb.. 4 4 I I I rnel, lb 4 4 4 1 4 O'Brien, as... 4 4 4 1 I Thoner. rt .. I 1 1 I 4 Floumoy, if.. 1 1 I 1 I rarrell, lb...l 111 0 Keller, lb.... I 1 17 I 4 talu.kf, lb,. 1 I II 0 0 lamer, rf.... 6 114 4 Wearer, 0....1 III 0 Noonan, c... 1 1411 Matttrn. p... 4 14 1 4 H.ale. p 9 4 4 1 0 Eana, p 0 1 4 I I Totals f 14 17 14 I Totals I 14 17 11 I Indianapolis 0 1 4 0 0 0 0 0 07 St. Paul 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 1 0-4 Earned runs, St. Paul, 4. Two-base hit: Carney. Home run: Flournoy. Stolen bases: Farrell (a, Zalusky, Thoney, flour noy. Double plays: Farrell, Moran and Zalusky; Wheeler and Kelley. Hits: Off Slagle, 10 In three Innings; off Rvans, 4 In six Innings. Base on balls: Off Mattern, I; off Slagle, 2; off Evans, 1. Struck out: By Slagle,, l; by Evans, 2; by Mattern, 6. Sacrifice hit: Moran. Left on bases: St. Paul, 7; Indianapolis, 7. Time: 1:46. Umpire: Sullivan. Minneapolis piles l'p Die Score. MINNEAPOLIS, July 16. -Minneapolis batted both Scott and Stechor hard to day and won an uninteresting game from Louisville. Attendance, 3,200. Score: MINNEAPOLIS. LOUISVIU.B. H.H.O.A.g. R.H.O.A.B. Jones, cf 1114 0 Woodruff, lb. 4 1 1 I 1 Hrnra, cf....O 0 10 OS.Sulllv'n, lb 1 I 11 0 4 Sulllran, rf.. 1 110 OClar, cf 4 110 0 Freeman, lb. 1 I 11 0 OKerwIn. cf...l 14 4 1 Coulter, If... 1110 OBra.hear, Ib. 1 1 I 4 4 Graham, as... 1 4 11 IHallman, If.. 4 114 4 Oremlng'r, lb 1 I 1 I 0 Bhaw, c ML 4 1 1 4 Fox, Ib 1 0 I 7 OUulnlan, aa. .T 1 I 4 4 r.-nmint, o... 110 0 Scott p 11411 Btorall, p 1 10 1 OStech'er, p.... 4 10 14 ' Totala II II 17 II I Totals 4 14 14 11 "l Mlnneannlla A S A 9 A A A 9 m i. Louisville 0 0000011 14 Earned runs: Minneapolis, "; Louisville, 1. Home run: Jones. Three-base hits: Stovall, S. Sullivan. Two-base hits: Free man nvoltmm h. 1 . , . , ..-, v.,Baiii. iin i ua. mta, leinuaiii. Fox. Hita: Off Scott, 4 In two inninga; off Steelier, 11 In alx Innings. Stolen bases: Jones, Sullivan, Stovall. Double plays: Gremlnger, Fox and Freeman; Fox, Ora ham and Freeman; Brashear, Qulnlan and S. Sullivan. Struck out: By Stovall, 3. Base on balls; Off Stovall, 7; off Scott, 8; off Stecher, 4. Left on bases: Minneapolis. ?!.L0j1"vll.'el,.11- Tlme: Umpires: Uifford and King. Even Break at Kansas City. KANSAS CITY, Mo., July 15.-Morgan'a good pitching, the fast fielding of the lo cals and the errors of the visitors com bined to give the first game today to Kan sas City. Terrific batting in the fifth and sixth Innings gave Toledo the seeffnd game. The game waa called at the end of the eighth Inning to allow Toledo to catch a train. Attendance,. J,000. Score llrst game: KANSAS CITY. TOLEDO R.H.O.A.B. R.H O A E rillman, as.. I 1 I 0 J Clarke, If.. 0 114 4 Donabue, lb.. 110 11 Clin, man, aa. 0 I 1 I I Cnatro. lb.... 0 0 4 0 0 t'aaaasar. of-. 4 4 114 Hill, cf 0 4 14 4Qllb.rt. rt..'.. I 4 14 4 frants, rt.... 4 114 tl Iiemont, lb... I Ilia butler, c 4 1 7 I 4 Moriarltr, Ib. I I 4 I I Nance. If 4 1 I 1 0 Borle, lb I 1 II 0 1 Honn.r, Ib... 1 4 4 1 4 K. Clarke, c. t 4 I I 1 MorcaQ, P.... 4 0 4 1 V Flan, p. 10 11 ToUlsi I 1 17 II 1 Totals .1 " ii " Kansas City J 0 2 0 0 0 1 0 08 Toledo o 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 01 Earned runs: Kansas City, 1. Two-base hit: Boyle. Sacrifice hit: Castro., Double plays: Nance and Bonner; Demont, C'llng nian and Boyle; CaHsaday and R. Clarke. Base on balls: Off Morgan, 2; off Flene k SlrU.Ck out: y Morgan. 4; by Flene! 10. Left on bases: Kansas City. 5; Toledo . Time: 1:46. Umpire: Kane. 'oieuo, Score, second game: TOLEDO. KANSAS CITY. R.H.O.A.K. R.H.O.A E J Clarke, If.. I 0 14 4 Ftllnan. aa.. 4 0 1 1 I Clintni.n. aa. I I 1 1 4 Downer, rf... 4 4 14 4 Caaaadar, ef. I I I 0 4 Ca.tro. lb.... 1 14 0 4 Gilbert, rf....l 111 I Hill, cf 1 140 pemont. lb.. I 111 I Kranta, lb... I 111 Moriarltr, lb. 114 10 Stoner. e 1 I I i Borle, lb 1 111 0 0 Nance. If t i a o R.Clarke, o... 1 I 7 I 4 Bonner, lb... 4 1 1 0 Caramta, p... 0 4 4 I OKIlro, p t 4 I I tela, p 4 4 4 1 1 Totals 11 11 14 11 I I J J Totals. I I 11 t Toledo ,. 3 0 0 0 2 7 0 12 Kansas City ... 1 100010 16 Earned runs: Kansas City, I; Toledo, T. Two-base hits: Cassaday, Morlarlty. Three-base hits: Cassaday, Boyle. Home runs: Castro, Moriarfy. Sacrifice hits: Gilbert, Camnlts. Stolen bases: Frantx, Clarke, Gilbert, Demont. Double play: Frants and Bonner. Hits: Off Kllroy. 11 In five and one-third Innings; off Eels, 1 In one and two-thirds Innings. Base on balls: Off Kllroy, I; off Camnlts, 2. Struck out: By Kllroy, 2; by Eels, 1; by Camnlts, . Passed balls: Stoner, 1; K. Clarke, 2. Left on bases: Kansas City, 3; Toledo, i. Time: 1:52. Umpire: Kane. Standing; of th Teams, 1 1 Played. Woa. Lost. Pet Minneapolis til 61 . SO .630 Columbus 62 60 S3 .6lu Milwaukee 79 47 32 .6:io St. Paul 81 40 41 .4M Indianapolis 78 37 41 .474 Louisville 83 38 44 .470 Kamas City 79 ft 50 .3o7 Toledo 77 28 43 .364 Games today: Columbus at St. Paul, Toledo at Minneapolis, Indianapolis at Kan sas City, Louisville at Milwaukee. FIELD CLIB DEFEATS THG STORZ Good Game Played at Club Grounds Score Three to One. The field club took a close game yester day, on the former's grounda from the Stun brewery team by a score of I to 1. Taylor pitched ball that was a little too effective for the brewers In tight limes. Three hits was the best the brewers couiu do with him. The Field club managed to pile up nine on Blakeley. It was the sixth in which the Fidd club did Its work. Hoagland singled, Chambers sacrificed, Creighton laced out a scorching two-bagger, Kelly followed with a single and scored a moment later on a wild throw to second, Creighton caught a magnificent game and Kelly took the batting honors Kid Ebberfleld's umpiring was entirely sat isfactory. The score; FIELD CLl'B. (TORS. R.HO.A.E. R.HO.A.E Hoatl.nd. cf. i 1 I I 4 A. relrb'er. at 14 4 4 Chambera, aa. 4 I 1 I 1 KJhob, as.. 4 1 1 4 I Crelahton, e. 1 1 4 I I tllaaeler. p.. 4 4 4 I I Kellr. if 1 1 4 0 4 Baae, tb 0 4 4 4 4 Taylor, p.... 4 111 I Leener. lb... I 1414 Abbott, lb... 4 4 II I ICuiheua. lb.. 4 14 11 Ualuae. Ib...4 4 I I I Fet.raea. If . 4 4 14 4 Lund, rt 4 14 4 Hoy ef 4 4 114 keacsrd, .... 4 4 1 I 1C. Falrb'w. rt I 4 111 Totala I I 17 II 1 Totala 1 I 14 II I Two-base hit: Lund. Struck out: By Taylor, 6; by Blakeley, 3. Batteries: Creighton and Taylor; Blakeley and Fair brother. Umpire: Kid LeVbertleld ut Salt Lake City. CTar Center Gels Bumped. GRAND ISLAND. Neb.. July 15. Bpeclal Teleajrum l Orand Island punished erery Clay Center pitcher severely today, while the visitors l tew Mta off Ul&de, and tlioaa wera scattered, fcleca juado bis ini Gives Satisfactory Service OLDSMORILB STAND The New Improved 7 h. p. Runabout is superior to any runabout ever built refore. It will not get out of order with intelligent handling, n fact dreds of these cars, that in three months steady use have not cost one dollar for repairs. They have plenty of power to climb hills, go over sandy, muddy roads and will take you as fast as you want to go. Easy to start from the seat; easy to slop (three brakes). The single cylinder horizontal motor gives durability without complication. Two cars like this, taken from stock, made the 3,500 mile run from New York to Portland, Ore gon a tremendous strain for a $f50 car. Hut when a run about is built to do hard work like this it is sure to give you satisfactory service. You wouldn't ever call upon one-tenth its real durability. An Oldsmoblle jrlveg you ALL jrwir monoy'g worth In value, f pleasure and earing of time In business. We will be very glad i t , to demonstrate it to you. IlandHome catalogue mullt'd on request. Send for catalogvt tJwwing the Oldsmobile line: . T k. . T h. p. 14 h. p. 14 b. p. Standard Runabout Touring Runabout I-Cjrl. Touring Car Coram.rrlsl Car OLDS MOTOR WORKS. Detroit. Mich. AGENTS: POWELL AUTOMOBILE GO. OMAHA. tial appearance 01 third for the locals to day. Bcore: it-n.e. Orand Island.. 1 0 t I 1 0 18 21 Clay Center.. .. 00100000-16 Batteries: Clav Center. Stout. Sanderson. Delns and B. Fleming; Grand Island, Qlade ana v nitcomD. HAVELOCK GAME K.N US IN FIGHT Omaha Team Objects to Derision and laaplre la Obdnrate. HAVELOCK. Neb., July 16. (Special Tel egram. ) Today's base ball Kama between Havelock and the C. N. Diets team of Omaha ended In a free row In the eighth InninK, the score standing 1 to 1 In Have look's favor. The visitors objected to a decision at third base, the umpire calling out a Diets runner at third i-nd shutting off what seemed a fair chance to tie the score. The umpire waa obdurate and Diets left the field. One of the Omaha players became embroiled with the umpire, where upon Held, the Havelock captain, stepped In and began using his fists. free-for-all fight was only avoided by the cooler-headed Spectators, who Interfered and put a stop to the hostilities. The Diets team has al ways played gentlemanly ball In Havelock and they left tonight for home vowing that the Havelock team must purge Itself of rowdies or no more Omaha teams would ever sgaln venture upon the Havelock diamond. DBS MOIXES ROOTERS ARB COMI5G Special Excursion of Fans from Iowa City. There will be an excursion today from Des Moines bringing a crowd of loyal rooters for the team from the Hawkeye capital snd It Is certain there will be something doing on Vinton street when the two crowds of rooters get busy. Waterloo Wins la XI nth. MARSHALI.TOWN, la., July 16. (Spe clsl Telegram. After battling for eight Innings with the score tied, Hnney of Waterloo lilt tC fly and the next two went out. In the meantime putting him on third when an error and a long fly scored him. Marshalltown tried hard to tie by substituting Johnson for Warner and he got a two-bag hit and was sacrificed to third, but could get no farther. Bcore: R.H.E. Waterloo 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12 4 1 Marshalltown ..1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 01 7 1 Batteries: Dlseh snd Rruggeman: Haney and Meek. Bases on balls: Off Disch 1; off Haney S. Struck out: By Dlsch 6, by Haney It Two-base hits: O. Dlsch, Johnson. Double plays: Diesel to Anplam to Keed; Warner to Mlddleton to Zlnk. Hit by pitched ball: Urugseman and Zlnk. Corona Janlors Go to Bin Irs. The Corona Juniors of Omaha and the Transfers of Council Bluffs will cross bats Sunday afternoon on the other side of the river on the grounds at Klghth avenue and Tenth street. Both are strong and fast and a good game Is looked for. Atkins the Juniors' star pitcher, will be on the firing line for them, while Peterson will be tne Transfers' standby. Oame culled at 2:80. The lineup: Corona Juniors. Position. Transfers W. Innian First Alberts O. Brugman Second Carpenter W. Atkins Short Patterson Kelnschriber Third Dowell Brodbeck Left Kralnger "Newsle" Center Collins C. Hruegman Right O'Nell Houska Catch J. Kralnger F. Atkins Pitch Peterson Nebraska City ghnt On. ' SYRACUSE. Neb.. July It. (Special Telegram.) Syracuse beat Nebraska City In a hotly contested game of ball, the score being I to 0. The feature of the game was the pitching of Case for Syracuse, allowing but two hita and atriklng out fourteen men. Ratterlea: Syracuse, Chase and Sldam; Nebraska City, Deerlng and lloague. Kearney Wlna Fast Game. ' KEARNEY, Neb., July IS (Special Tele- fram. I Kearney defeated Hastlnga again iday In a fast game by a acore of 4 to 1. Howard waa In the box for Kearney and allowed Hastlnga but five hita. gave two basea on balla, and his support was first class. Rouge, for Hastings, allowed eight hits and gave four bases. Kearney mad four errors and Hastings two. Wyraore Loses to BrunlnaT. BRI'NINO, Neb., July 16. (Special Telegi am. e Pruning defeated Wymore to day in one f the moat Interesting games seen here. The game went eleven Innings. Score: R.H.K. Pruning 0 0 0 0 S 0 0 0 I 0 1-4 g Wymore 1000200200 0-4 7 2 Batteries: Tale and Grant; Delatr and Ryan. Dry Goods Men Win Attain. The Bvrne-Hammer team defeated the B. kl. team by the acore of 11 to 7. The feature of the game waa Koran a pitching for the dry gooda team. The ltryne Hammer team would like to hear from any commercial team In the city. Bcore: R H E. P. a H 11101111 11 I 4 11. 4V M 2 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 1- 7 .4 southern Uasa. Games. At Utile Roek Atlanta t: Utile Rock 1 At New Orleans New Orleans (; Birm ingham t. At Phreveport Rhreveport 4: Nashville I. At aUttinpuUt Memphis 4, Montgouisry 4 AH 0 7 H. P. RUNABOUT Standard Oldsmoblle proved by the records of hun Ral1roa Inepwtlon Car. POWELL AUTOMOBILE C WHITE "STEAMER" WINTON OLDSMOBILE BUICK BAKER ELECTRIC HEW LOCATION: 2044-46-48 Farnam SL URICSOL Rheumatic Specific. Kidney and Liver Stimulant. The most Successful Kemedy before the public. Does not In jure the Stomach. Call for Free Booklet on Treatment and Diet for Rheumatism, at Sherman & McConnell Drug Store, 16th and Dodge Sts., or drop a postal to URICSOL CHEMICAL COMPANY. 23rd and Grand Are., toi Anaeles. Cal. DOCTOR GEARLEO AND SEARLEG We us. our own name kli'ft) fh Tis n our Duainssa; yea fT 'I J'tf'V-' J,i snow wno you are doing lli I MLJl ' . CenaulUttea Pres. ' VARICOCELE HYDROCELE cured. Method new, vlthout pain or loss ef Urns. CHARGES LOW. BLOfll) POISON cu,ed ,or ""o" v,rr DLUUU ruiaun ,ign, eymptoro (sores ea body. In mouth, tongue, throat, hair and eyebrows tailing out) disappear completely forever. Wis., Nervous, Men Uas, "J-JS; nervous debilty, early decline, lack of vigor and strength. L'RINAHV, Kidney and Bladder Troubloa,' Weak Back. Uuruinu frliie. Frequency of moating, Vrlne Hih Colored r Willi Milky Bediment on atandlna;. Treatment by mall. 14 years OF HUG. CEbSKl'L I'KACTICK IN OMAHA. Cor n.r of lets and Done las. Omaha. Neh. VOUNfl. MiriOLE'AGCD, ELDERLY it Je are veaa, no auauor riou .but eauee; uudvelupedi feevi tlrl.'tere. variw-ele. im.( My Frrttxt Vacuum Apltaar will cur. yu. Me arittcl or .i.-c iriellv. 71 MaimH A iU days trial. .od ..r Fft I 6 rklel. Oaareol 4. see liiaaiee, lee 1 OMPAMY i7aTL4v.iiT7