Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1905, NEW SECTION, Page 3, Image 3

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Betunn from Eightj-Ons Indicate an
Inert us in AtieBsment.
4tnrney General Makes Borne Start
line Charges In Brief I Rank
er In Ion of the World
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. July 15.-8pecln.l.-Wltb eight
countlrs still to hear from, the total assessed
valuation of the state as a:iOwn by the re
ports of the. county HK-mri, la i36,67,8fi3.
Should three counties make the same, te-
turns ai last year the total assessed valua
tion of ti.e state will be 3J99.T5A.630k The
counties still out are Douglas, Grant, Holt,
Jefferson, Lancaster, Nance, Otoo and Val
ley. Last year these counties returned
an assessed valuation of Si.SM.m, and as
Borne of them will show decreases and oth
ers Increases the difference will not be
much. The Increase In valuation reported
over last year Is J4.9T9.3S2.
The following table Is a comparison of
the returns of lust year and this year by
' counties: I
Adams 8,064,617
Antelope 2i5..13
Banner Is. 917
Blaine l:ik.:i2
Boone 8.741.113
Box Butte 1.0:14. TW
Boyd 1,"4.77
Brown 7.4f0
Buffalo t kSl.'.'si
Burt 4.379.3.(3
Butler 6.6n3.2JS
Cedar 4.3C4.SV7
Chase 44,419
Cherry 2,1'V.'.(j2
Cheyenne I.."..rt7ti
Clay 4,5..2.7a
Colfax 4.0K5.7'J5
Cumnjing 6.5i7.s71
Custer 8!3.f.37
Dakota 2.1H3.6J3
Imwpi 1.3K4.114
Dawson 3.3.12,11.7
Deuel M1.9"2
Dixon S :U3
Dodge B.R20.S01
Douglas 2S.M9.330
Dundy X.f,tl
Fillmore 4.832.141
Franklin J.241.3J2
Frontier 1.116.4-3
Furnas 2.241. 543
Gage ",0:9.349
Garfield 4 361,343
Oosper 1.0M.224
.Grant .., 603,356
' Greeley 1.703.H43
Hall 4.625.1K
Hamilton 4.4X1.1M
Harlan 2,157.636
Hayes , 48,741
Hitchcock l,0f8,634
Holt J,7b3,3o
Hooker 27'.338
Howard' 2.153.MO
kJefferson 4.&L1J.242
3, 7:,7
4. to, 941
4,43.1. 5sX
3, ft. 4-.ft
6,976, 469
1, 306,717
Johnson 8.670,012
Keya Paha
Kimball ....
Lancaster .
Lincoln ....
'Madison ....
Merrick ....
Nemaha ...
.Nuckolls ....
, 699.753
4,519, 789
, Otoe
Pawnee 4,000.661
. 622.568
' Phelps
: Pierce
sRed Willow
-Sarpy ....... .... ......
Soott's Bluff
(Sheridan ..............
-Sherman ..............
SlOUX ...... .
Stanton ....
Washington ..........
Wayne ................
3.234, 76
, 007,896
1. 461.685
3'. 691
2.91 5. 335
York 6,431,001
Totals .1294,779,244 8235,867,856
Prohibition Convention Call
' The chairman of the prohibition party In
) Nebraska has Issued a call for a convention
to nominate a candidate for supreme Judge
j and two regents of the State university, to
, be held In Lincoln. August 8, at 10 o'clock.
The convention will be held In the Audi
' torlum and a total of 889 delegates are ell
' glble to seats.
1 Victim of Explosion Dies.
Wlllt&m Allison rhn was n 4 , i rA V v
(explosion of a threshing machine boiler
J last night, died at noon today at St. Ellxa-
I beth hospital. The remains have been
; taken to Roberts' undertaking rooms. Cor
, oner Oraham has not yet decided whether
an inquest will be necessary. The dead
man resided at Maryvllla, Mo.
A. O. Strlckler, who has been employed
for the last four years by the Adams Ex
press company, has been made manager of
the company's business at York and has
removed with his family to that place,
O. A. R. Ontlnar.
Members cf the Grand Army of the Re
publlo will go to Mllford next Thursday to
have an outing. They will go on a special
train, leaving Lincoln at 8 o'clock In the
morning and returning about 6, or when
ever the soldiers get ready to come bock.
Members of the Woman's Relief corps and
ail others who pay the 60 cents railroad
fare will go along.
Reciprocity Congress Delegates,
Governor Mickey today appointed these
delegates from Nebraska to the national
reciprocity conference, to be held In Chi
cago, August IS and 16:
Hon. E. Rose water, Omaha; Colonel C. B.
k ,4 .. ... . fiiln.rW. D IT 1 1 . - I n I . I. .
W. H Morlan. MeCook; W. H. Curbfn,
Aiuance; c 11. Keisey, isellgn; Hon. G.
M. Hitchcock, Omaha: George tickles.
cnaoron; w. u. Jones, Lincoln; K. Y. Hot
er. Lincoln: Alpha Morgan. Broken Bow
Hon. George L. Rouse, Alda; Frank A,
jve-nnenv, urrmna: ii. a. rtusnneil, ljin
coln; w. V. HoaKland, North Platte: C. H.
uurnell, valentine; w. w. xoung, Stanton
. White Winged
Your stomach was Russian
Your diet was a Jap
Then came a "scrap"
Red hot amunition
Beef chicken beer
General rout of enemy
Heavy loss nerves taken
Red Raven
is the Peace Commissioner for
internal tronbles
It brings white-winged peace
to stomachs that have been
warred against
fet ssla tveiywlMie Mrs 1st
Dr. P. U Hall. Lincoln; Hon. L. C. Rich
ards, Fremont: Hon. Charles Weston. Hay
Springs; Joseph V. Edgerton, Lincoln.
Attorney General Brown today filed in
the supreme court the answer to the ap
plication ol the Bankers' I'nlon of the
World for a writ of mandamus to com
pel Auditor Sesrle to grant a license to
the company and the answer bristles with
charges against the management of the
Of the report filed by the .company with
the auditor of its condition the attorney
general alleges that It is false and fraud
ulent In many respects; that It was wholly
untrue with respect to the assets and lia
bilities of the Bankers' Union of the
World; that It wss untrue with respect
to the number of Its members and Its
outstanding certificates, and that It wholly
failed to give a full and correct list of
Its outstanding liabilities and suits against
said company and that the failure to give
a full report of the condition of said com
pany was the deliberate, willful act of Us
managing officers.'
The answer also alleges that the com
pany during the year 3904 and preceding
years has conducted its business fraud
ulently and In utter disregard to the rights
of Its membership and other beneficiaries;
that the business of the company was con
ducted for the profit and advantages of
Its controlling officers, particularly its
president, supreme secretary and recorder
and treasurer, and not for the benefit of Its
members; that of all liabilities arising
on contracts outstanding and paid for by
the members holding them not one has ever
been settled either promptly or In full or
to the advantage of either the policy
holder or the beneficiary of the policy con
tract. Another section of the answer alleges
that there Is a shortage in the mortuary
fund of 85.000 according to the statement
Hied with the auditor and made a part of
its petition. This offense alone, the answer
sets forth, Is sufficient grounds to refuse
the license.
Old Chief Red Clood, Commonly Be
lieved Desd, ( enter of Interest.
CHADRON, Neb.. July 16. (Special.) In
connection with the Chadron carnival the
Sioux Indians are holding an old settlers'
reunion. One hundred tepees are pitched
about the town and the prairie is dotted
with the long suffering Indian ponies.
The greatest Interest of the occasion
centers about Red Cloud, the famous chief
of the Ogallala Sioux. It Is the general
idea that this old war chief long ago
passed Into history and it Is thought for
the last two years his royal remains have
been peacefully lashed to some cotton
wood tree beside his best loved stream.
The newspapers published some fine, obi
tuaries of the old man which, being In
terpreted to Red Cloud, 'caused him
much amusement. Red Cloud Is now 86
years old and totally blind. His mind is
still good, though he might not be able
to give as lawyer-like an answer to a
difficult question as he gave to the com
mander of the Indian agency In his younger
days. It happened that a good Presby
terian was in charge of Indian affairs at
Washington. He became greatly shocked
over reports he heard in regard to the
morality of the Indians. Later he sent
an order upon the subject to Major Mc-
Gllllcuddy, who was then agent at Pine
Ridge. The agent called the braves Into
council and read the order from Wash
ington to them. "You see," said Major
McGllltcuddy, "it means this, someone has
been telling at Washington that some of
you have two wives. This order has come
to say that after this none of you must
have more than one wife."
The Indians smoked for a long time In
silence. The spirit seemed to move no one
to speak on so Important a subject. At
last Red Cloud broke the silence.
'We have all heard If we travel south
of here to the Iron horse and then go west
many days toward the setting sun that at
last we come 'to a land where the water
smells of fish- and tastes of salt. In -that
land we have heard the white men have as
many wives as they wish. You ask the
Great Father at Washington why he don't
attend to those white men about their
wives, then after that If he has any time
left he can see to one or two poor In
diana who have more than one wife."
Before the beginning of the Indian
dances Red Cloud made a speech to the
people In which he said that he did not
sell the Black Hills outright to the United
States government, but loaned them to
the Great Father at Washington for seven
generations, and that when the seven gen
erations have passed away the Black Hills
will again belong to the Indians.
'But will the Great Father forget?" he
added, as though thinking of other days.
Falls Into ' Hot Water suid Cannot
Oct Oat.
GRAND ISLAND, Neb., July 15. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Lewis Stanter, an Inmate
of the Soldiers' home, aged 78, was a vic
tim of a serious and painful accident this
afternoon. Immediately after the dinner
hour, without the consent or knowledge
of any attendant or nurse of the hospital,
In which he was housed, he went to the
bath room, turned on the hot water and
accidentally fell In before he had turned
on the cold water. He had been in the
bath tub with the hot water still running
In several minutes before help could reach
him and when taken out his back and hips
were badly scalded. Fatal results are
Stanter was admitted from Thayer
county many years ago, being one of the
oldest members In point of membership of
the home. He was partially paralysed,
which Is believed to account for the acci
Man Who Testified Aaalnst Kranses
Charged with Strallnar.
ALLIANCE. Neb., July 15.-(8peclal.)
Theodore Osborne, who, with his wife, was
chief witness against the Krausea in the
now famous government land fencing case
at Omaha a short time ago, was placed
under arrest by the sheriff of Sheridan
county on the charge of cattle stealing.
It is alleged that the hide of a neighbor's
heifer was dug up near his place and be
side It found a knife hearing Osborne's
name. While some believe him guilty,
others see in the arrest a sequel to the
fencing case.
Insurance Man C'harares Assault.
ALBION, Neb., July 15. (Specials
Frank Malone, a farmer "living east of
town, was arrested yesterday on a com
plaint Hied by Nick Coppock of St. Edward
charging Malone with having shot at the
complainant with Intent to wound and
kill. Malone was bound over for his ap
pearance next Wednesday, when his pre
liminary hearing will be held. This Is the
ou'jrowth of trouble which occurred at
Malone's place about a month ago, when
Coppock visited htm for the purpose of
writing life Insurance.
Rich Discovery of Coal.
KIMBALL, Neb.. July 15. (8peclal -The
drillers, while drilling for natural gas on
"Roseland Place," a few rods south of the
village of Kimball, Neosho county, Kan.,
discovered a five-foot vein of coal of a blgh
quality. If the coal companies about Leav
enworth can profit by mining an eighteen
Inch vein of coal, what may the profits be
in mining this sixty-inch vein of coalt Oil
sand twenty-five feet deep was found at
soft feet under the surface.
Fanners Hear Welcem Bounds from Fields
These Hot lights.
Larse Yields of Hlh Grade Are
Reported and Damage by
Hessian Fly Is Rot
ALBION, Neb., July 15 (8peclal.)-One
week has passed without rain and farmers
have been kept busy cultivating corn and
harvesting wheat. Corn that is well tended
Is msklng rapid progress.
WEST POINT. Neb., July 15. (Special.)
The hot weather of the last five days
has been of immense benefit to the corn
on high land. Most of the fields are laid
by and the prospect for a bountiful yield
Is excellent. The corn on the bottom lands
is recovering somewhat and with favorable
weather will make at least half a crop.
The crop of small grain Is rapidly matur
ing and prospects are for a yield above
the average.
SCHUYLER, Neb., July 15. (Speclal.)
The crop of small grain In Cotfax county
Is going to be extra good this year. The
wheat crop will nearly all grade No. 1 and
the yield will be from twenty-five to forty
bushels to the acre. A Butler county
farmer, who lives Just across the river. Is
threshing this week, and says his wheat
WIN weigh out sixty-two and sixty-three
nounds to the bushel. Corn Is coming to
the front In great shape, the warm weather
this week being Just what It neeaea. ine
hav iiron will he exceDtlonallv heavy and
of a good quality. The hay men have be
gun putting up the crop and rurnish em
ployment to all unemployed people. The
weather during the last week has been very
warm, with no rain. The last rain here
was on the Fourth.
EXETER. Neb.. July 15. (Special.) The
excessive heat of the last three or four
days has been almost too mucn lor man
or beast, in the hay, harvest and corn
fields. Several farmers have lost horses.
The wheat Is about all In the shock and a
few are threshing. The best reports so
far from the few who have threshed is
around twenty-ftve bushels per acre, test
ing sixty-two pounds per bushel; although
It Is reported there are a number of pieces
that will yield thirty or more bushels. It
does not appear that the Hessian fly hurt
north Fillmore county. Corn, which was
kept back so long by the cold, wet weather,
has made giant strides this week, and is
now looking fine.
FREMONT, Neb., July 16. (Special.)
The hot, dry weather still continues. This
afternoon the mercury stood at from 92
to 96. and as there was a warm wind from
the south it was extremely uncomfortable.
Farmers say It is Just what corn needs.
HARVARD. Neb., July 15. (Specials
Wheat threshing began early this week
and Is turning out a good quality and gen
erally around twenty-five to thirty bushels
where favorable conditions have prevailed
for a crop.
Farmers have been busy between wheat
harvest and corn plowing, corn making fine
advancement under the influence of several
days of warm weather and fresh plowing.
Corn In the hailed district Is also com
ing out better than anticipated and with
favorable conditions will make a gooo
crop where stalk Is not injured by hall.
Price for wheat Is gradually dropping,
being off I cents today, at 68 cents.
New Bank Among; the Many Evidences
of City's Prosperity.
YORK, Neb., July 15. (Special.) York is
enjoying a decided boom this summer.
Many new business houses are being opened
for business and more would come if they
could get space. Every business room Is
occupied and new ones are being built
and before work Is commenced they are
rented at a good rental. Among the new
firms are Messrs. Schneider & Sons of
Omaha, who have leased a large room on
Lincoln avenue and will open with a new
up-to-date stock of dry goods. A gentle
man from Owensborough, Ky., has leased
the large double room recently vacated by
Marshall & Sheperson on Lincoln avenUe
and will carry a large stock of buggies
and harness. He expects to wholesale and
will build a large wareroom. The gas conv
pany has received a part of the gas ma
terial and will commence work soon In in
stalling one of the best modern water gas
plants In the state. This will furnish em
ployment for a large number of men.
This month the Farmers' National bank
of York will open for business. The officers
of the Farmers' National bank have had
banking experience Irt York and York
county and have been engaged In bank
ing and loan brokerage business for many
years here. The stockholders are business
men and farmers and the new bank will
start under the most favorable auspices.
The. officers of the bank are C. A. Mc
Cloud, president; C. A. Schrandt, vice
president and A. B. Christian, cashier. The
board of directors are leading business,
professional men and farmers. The capital
stock Is 860.000 and surplus 310,000, making
it one of the strongest banks in, the city.
The stock has cost each subscriber 3120
for each 1100 share and was over sub
scribed. The York Electric Light & Power com
pany and the York Gas company have
effected a consolidation and will be known
as the York Electric Light, Gas & Power
company. C. A. Haas of Omaha was
elected president and J. A. Peffer man
ager. The capital stock will be about
poo. 000.
The trustees of the York park have re-
The moat Improved method ta free a
house of large or small roaches Is to use
'J? cn,n ot a bos of "Peterman s Roach
Food' at one time. 6hake it on Joints so
u A. peneiraie ana remain to
" r'omim oonunuoumy free.
Roaches eat it as food: it is the most
destructive remedy on this earth for them,
and It will not scatter them to other places
to live on and multiply..
BEDBUGS - 'Veterman's Discovery"
nui. m. quicksilver
cream. Is Invaluable to
am d a D u g a. Apply
lUfhtly with brush on
beds when apart, on
backs of picture frames,
mouldings, eta. It will
remain permanent, and is
in oniy remeay that
.hey absorb arid kills those that go over
where It has been lightly brushed on. It
will not rust Iron, harm furniture or bed
ding. "Pererman's Dlsoovery" (liquid) In flex
ible oans, handy to force In Joints for quick
'application, will kill bedbugs and their eggs
"Pstoi-man's Ant Food" A strong powder
10 kill and drive away ants.
"Petermans Rat-Mouse Food" snakes
rata or mice wild, thsy will leave and not
Take no other, as time may be oven more
Important than money.
Originated In 1S.S. Perfected la 1S0S by
54, (4, 68 West Uth St., New York City.
London. Eng. Montreal. P. Q.
Bold by all druggists m Omaha and
throughout the Vnitod tttatoe, aUo by
t'o-.i n r i i cu., ueparrrnent Store.
1 r
cently placed a new Iron fence at the en
trance Pf the park and have had workmen
laying out and planting trees and roses
The Chautauqua meeting to be held the
last week In this month will hold meetings
In the park adjacent to the York park.
There has been a grent scarcity of farm
laborers. Farmers have heen tu town every
day trying to employ help In the harvest
fields and now are trying to get haymakers.
Wages are 32 per day. Nearly every boy
In town is working and it Is not uncom
mon to see girls working In the harvest
and hay fields.
The scare 'he farmers had from the Hes
sian fly, many predicting that winter wheat
would be nearly a total loss, was only a
scare. York county farmers are threshing
wheat and the yield Is running from twenty-five
to thirty bushels per acre. A few
have had more. About 50 per cent of the
acreage of cultivated land In wheat Is re
turning from 8:0 to f 25 per acre for wheat
Cltlsena of Kearney Attend Function
at New Normal School.
KEARNEY, Neb., July 15. (Special Tele
gram.) A reception tendered to the mem
bers of the Normal school faculty by the
citizens of Kearney at the dormitory Fri
day night was a success In every detail.
The attendance was large, hundreds of
people availing themselves of the oppor
tunity to become acquainted with the
men and women chosen for the Important
work which Is to be carried on here. The
reception was held In the large parlor,
or reception room, on the second floor. The
receiving line extended from the main
entrance to the rear of the room and in It
were Principal Thomas and wife, the va
rious members of the faculty and a num
ber of their wives and all of the mem
bers of the State Board of Education
except Mortensen. Tho reception room
presented a brilliant appearance with its
myriad electric lights, its handsome new
furniture and rich green carpet. Refresh
ments were served In the grand dining hall
In the basement. The affair was thor
oughly enjoyed by the scores of people
prenent. The visitors all expressed sur
prise and gratification at the elegance and
convenience of the building and Its ap
Youngster Playlns; with Matches' Is
Victim of Own tnreleasnesa.
FAIRMONT. Neb., July IB. (Special.)
The 6-year old son of James Foulon was
burned to death while playing In the barn.
The sad affair occurred on the farm of
Mr. Foulon, two miles north of the city.
The fire was discovered by one of the
neighbors, Foulon rushed in and got out
four horses before the barn fell. It was
discovered that the youngest child, about
6 years old, was missing.
After the fire had spent Itself to allow
an examination the remains were found
in the ruins. It seems that the lad had
got In the barn loft and the supposition is
that he had matches and started the fire.
The barn was entirely destroyed, the
horses alone being saved.
The family are crushed under the mis
fortunes attending the sad affair.
Condemnation Started, Townaltea
Laid Ont and Graders nt Work.
FREMONT. Neb., July 15. (Special.)
The Stoux City & Western Railroad com
pany this afternoon filed a petition In
county court for the condemnation of a
large number of tracts of land in this
county, Including all the land they were
unable to acquire by purchase, and cov
ering almost half of their route. The
company has laid out a townBlte at Sum
mervllle, Lojran township, about seven
miles south of Oakland, and another about
two miles east of Hooper. If there are
as many grading outfits scattered over the
right-of-way as In the vicinity of Fremont
the ,road will be ready for the rails In
sixty days.
Miss Smith, Who Ran Away from
School, la Traced to Illinois.
CENTRAL CITY, Neb., July 16. (Spe
cie,!.) A telegram has been received from
Prof. A. G. Smith, superintendent of the
city schools, that he has found his daugh
ter, Mildred, at Kankakee, 111., and that
they will be home shortly. This Is the
young woman who mysteriously disap
peared from the Jennings seminary about
three weeks ago. No further particulars
are known here at this time.
Prepare for Horticulturists.
YORK, Neb., July 15. (Special.) Great
preparations are being made for the an
nual meeting of the Nebraska State Horti
cultural society, which will be held here
in York, July 19 and 20. The district
court, rooms have been secued in which to
hold the business sessions of the society.
George F. Corcoran, president of the York
Commercial club, will extend greetings on
behalf of the business men, and Mayor
Sovereign will welcome the visitors. Charles
A. Scott, superintendent of the Dismal
River reserve, will have the subject, "Work
of the United States Forest Service In Ne
braska." Mr. Keyser of the State uni
versity will talk on "The Need of Horti
cultural Education in the School of Agri
culture;" C. H. Green of Fremont will talk
on "The Flower Garden," and Rev. C. S.
Harrison of York on "The Present Outlook
for Horticulture." There will be other in
teresting addresses by several other men
from different parts of the state interested
in this work. The York Commercial club
Is looking after the arrangements of the
meeting and will do Its best to entertain all
visitors. The whole public Is cordially In
vited. Prof. J. A. Parks bas arranged for the
musical program, and the exercises will be
Interspersed by musical numbers arranged
by him.
Ready for Anbnrn Chautauqua.
AUBURN, Neb., July 15. (Special.) Tha
Auburn Chautauqua will begin next Satur
day and continue until Sunday, July 30. The
list of entertainers is as good if not better
than has ever appeared at any Chautauqua
in this state. It has been the purpose of
the management to present to the patrons
of the assembly a high and strictly first
class program without regard to the cost,
and they have strained every effort to get
the very best talent. Secretary Allen has
received word from everyone named In the
program that each and every ona of them
would be present without fall.
On Sunday, July 23, and Sunday, July 30.
the Missouri Pacific railroad will run an
excursion train from Panama. Neb., to
Auburn, and return, and both the Missouri
Pacific and the Burlington railroads have
made reduced rates on their roads during
the assembly. -
Ohioans Contest Will.
BEATRICE. Neb.. July 15(Bpeclal Tel
egram ) The will of James Churles, who
recently left J16.O10 of his estate to Beatrice
for park purposes, will be contested. No
tice of suit has Just been filed In the
county court. L. W. Colby Is attorney
for the contestants, who are sisters and
brother of the deceased. They are Free
man Charles of Richmond. O., Laura John
son of Marysvllle, O., Sophronla Preston
and Mary Clark of Unlonville Center. O.,
and Sarah Myers of Georgia City, Mo.
Drenching; Rata at Hnmboldt.
HUMBOLDT. Neb.. July 14. -This section
was visited last night by a drenching rain
storm, tha precipitation amounting to con
siderable over an inch. Tha downpour was
accompanied by a severe electrical storm,
which with the heavy wind did considerable
damage to snisll grain, loth standing and
In the shock. Ughtnlng struck a large hay.
stark on the farm of Fred Ihnherr, east
of the city, and consumed It entirely. A
pair of work horses belonging to Ulrlch
Stalder, another farmer, were also struck
by lightning and killed. In both rases the
owners were protected from loss by lnsur
snce policies.
Temporary Bridge Is Opened.
WATERLOO, Neb.. July 15. (Special
Telegram ) The temporary bridge put in
over the Elkhorn river at Waterloo to
take the place of the Iron bridge that fell
Into the river three weeks ago was opened
for traffic today, connecting this town with
the territory north from which It had
been praetlcaly cut off since the work of
repairing the bridge began in April. Citi
zens and business men are happy over
the result. Most of the old bridge has
been taken out of the river and lies on
the banks, damaged considerably and not
suitable to go in here again. A new
steel bridge Is more than probable.
Operators Hold Meetlngc.
ALLIANCE. Neb., July 15. (Special Tel
egram.) The Order of Railroad Telegra
phers held Its first and a very successful
meeting here tonight at the Odd Fellows
hall, with a representation from every sta
tion of the Alliance division of the Bur
lington. Plans were arranged for frequent
small meetings over the division, to be
followed by a big division meeting at
stated periods. The meeting was followed
by a complimentary ball to the operators,
given by the Brotherhood of Railway Train
men. Potato Growers Organise.
ALLIANCE, Neb., July 15. (Speclal.
At a meeting of the potato producers of
Box Butte county, held here yesterday, an
an organization was perfected by electing
Albert Hadley president and John
Laurence secretary. The fame of the Box
Butte tuber has so spread that the de
mand is making their production an ex
cellent venture and the Immense acreage
this year, with the prospective big yield,
makes organization a necessity.
ElBht-Poond Black Bass.
WEST POINT, Neb., July 16.-(SpeelaI.)
-Walter Miller, while fishing In Cuming
creek, in the eastern part of Cuming
county, caught a black bass weighing a
trifle over eight pounds. This is believed
to break the record for this particular
fish In northeast Nebraska,
News of Nebraska.
BEATRICE The residence of Albert
nlsely was slightly damaged by the ex
plosion of a gasoline stove yesterday morn
ing. BEATRICE Last evening occurred the
marriage of Mr. Frank Sperry and Miss
Mary Hoagland. both of this city, Judge
W. H. Walker officiating.
ALLIANCE During the week the Al
liance Racing association will meet to ar
range for a big meet in September. It is
intended to hang up good purses.
OSCEOLA-Oramplan Castle of the Royal
Highlanders had a Jovial time last evening.
Installing officers and holding a grand ban
quet at the new Auditorium building.
BEATRICE Yesterday was the hottest
day of the season, the thermometer regis
tering 96 In the shade. Farmers say It is
the kind of weather needed for the corn.
HUMBOLDT Mr. and Mrs. H. P. Marble
returned yesterday from their three weeks'
visit to the Portland exposition and the
national suffrage convention, which met in
that city.
ALMANCB-Half of the Alliance Junior
Normal school season has passed with a
record well up to former years and a
promise of even better during the remain
ing five weeks of the term.'
ALLIANCE At a publlo meeting held
last night at the city hall it was decided
to petition the city council to employ a
competent engineer to make a survey and
plat for a sewerage system and give an
estimate as to Its cost.
PLATTSMOUTH-E. M. Pollard, repub
lican candidate for congress, was renew
ing acquaintances in this city Saturday.
Every Indication points to a large ma
jority for the republican candidate In his
home county next Tuesday.
BEATRICE The hearing of W. H. Pat
more, district manager of the Nebraska
Telephone company, who is charged with
the malicious destruction of property, was
called again yesterday In Juuge Inman's
court and continued until July 29.
FREMONT A steel span Is to replace
that part of the Platte river bridge carried
out by the floods this spring. The contract
for the construction of the same has been
let and It will be put up In a few weeks.
The river is higher than usual for this time
of the year.
WEST POINT Harry Junken and Miss
Laura Klvett were united in marriage this
week by County Judge Dewald. The par
ties are well-known citizens of Bancroft
precinct, where the Broom Is in business
and where the young couple will make
their home.
HARVARD Robert Hockett of Lttch
fleld, who Is visiting his brother here, met
with a painful accident by the running of
a pony he was riding against a wire
covered by grass and weeds. The horse
and rider were thrown and Hackett's left
shoulder was dislocated.
BEATRICE Robert Stratford, a native
of Ireland, and a resident of Beatrice since
lb&. died yesterday morning at Hepper
len's hospital, following the amputation of
one of his legs several dags ago. He is
survived by a widow and three children,
one daughter and two sons.
BEATRICE Barton Williams, who has
been day operator at the Burlington sta
tion heie for the last two years, has re
signed his position to take a similar one
at Omaha with the Union Pacific company.
He will assume his new duties after a
trip of a few weeks In Colorado.
HUMBOLDT Walter Unland and Will
Gutzmer, two of the young farmers of this
section, who accompanied the delegation
to Canada about three months since, ar
rived home yesterday and expect to remain,
firm In the belief that Nebraska is the
Upeer of any section of the continent.
WEST POINT In the semi-annual set
tlement of the county officers with the
county board, the receipts of the different
offices for the last six months are shown
to be as follows County clerk, IWti.tio;
county Judge, J6X8.60; county sheriff, 3;2;.35;
clerk district court, Pixj.its; superintendent.
ALLIANCE Preparations are under way
for the organization of a court of the
Daughters ot Isabella among the Roman
Catholic women. Preliminary efforts were
fostered by the Knights of Columbus. The
Knights of Columbus have begun the or
ganization of another class to be Initiated
ill September.
BEATRICE J. C. Penrod, 'for many
years connected with Wolbach's clothing
store, has resigned his position and opened
a grocery store at Ninth and Court streets.
Mr. Penrod was a member of the Fighting
First Nebraska during the Spanish-American
war and is at present captain of Com
pany C, Nebraska National guard.
EXETER J. S. Provencher, one of the
polneer settlers of northeast Fillmore
county, died at his home, .1 half mile east
of town yesterday after ar Illness extend
ing over a year or more. He has been a
member of louge No. 1L Ancient Order of
United Workmen for a good many years,
and this order will have charge of his
funeral. He leaves a wife and a son.
GRAND ISLAND Mayor Schuff, City
Attorney Prince and Members Buchhelt,
Dearlng, Clifford, 8terne and Leiser of the
Council vtclted Hustings this week for the
purpose of ascertaining the merits of Hast
ings municipal Huhllng plant and came
back decidedly more enthused than before
with the proposition now before the people
of this city to establish an electric light
BEATRICE A dwelling occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. William Harden and owned by
Mrs. Clara Mooney, was destroyed by lire
at Wymore at an early hour yesterday
morning. The occupants escaped from the
burninK structure in their night clothes.
The loss will uggregate ll,"). The build
ing was Insured for K.00, and there was a
small amount of Insurance on the fur
niture. SCHUYLER The funeral of the late
Flank Cuba was held at the Episcopal
church yesterday afternoon. The remains
were Interred In the Schuyler cemetery.
The business houses were closed from 2
tljl 8 3d during the funeral. The church
was not large enough to accommodate
the people who attended. Mr. Cuba was
a member of five lodges and carried in
surance to the amount of lk.500 In them.
PLATTSMO UTH Hans Schwartz, a for
mer renldent of this county, for whom
relatives in Ohio have been searching, has
been locsted in Oklahoma. Mr. Schwartz
Is heir to an estate, valued at !-. O, which
was left by his father. The relatives at
first 'believed that when the young man
left Nebraska he went west and after,
wards died among strangers. The publicity
' cd Arm fm
..j(u!,. ....
Cuticura Soap, the World's Favorite Skin
Purifier and Beautifier, combines delicate medi
cinal and emollient properties derived from Cut!"
cura Ointment, the great Skin Cure, with the ,
purest of cleansing ingredients and most re
freshing of flower odors. For preserving, puri
fying, and beautifying the skin, scalp, hair, and
hands, for irritations of the skin, heat rashes,
tan, sunburn, bites and stings of insects, for
lameness and soreness incidental to summer
sports, for baby rashes and chafings, for sana
tive, antiseptic cleansing, and for all the purposes
of the toilet, bath, and nursery, Cuticura Soap,
assisted by Cuticura Ointment, is priceless.
Complete External sad Internal Treatment (or Every Humor, from Pimples to Scro
fals, from Iafmncy to Age, con.iiUDg of v oticnrs Soap, atc.. Ointment, 50c., Resolvent.
30c. (in form ot Chocolate Coated Pills, 1 -. per vial of 60), may be hs4 ot all druggists.
A single set often cures. Potter Dr (t Ch in. Corp., Sole Props., Boston.
Ar Mailed Free, " Hpw to Cure Svcry U imur from Inlaacy to Age."
acquaintance of the missing heir, who fur-
nisnea information which removed the
mystery surrounding Schwartz's where
abouts. GRAND ISLAND Cecelia, the 7-year-old
daughter of Councilman and Mrs. C. P.
Bilk and little Scott Messer, a neighbor's
boy, narrowly escaped from Itelng poisoned
last evening. During the absence of the
family they secured some parls green and
mixed some of It up In pies they were
making. Fortunately they appear to have
eaten but very little of It and the prompt
antidote given by a physician relieved
them of that.
TECUM S EH Timothy Lane, a farmer
who lives west of this city, came Into the
county court this morning and swore. ou
a complaint against Harry Can ford, an
other farmer, charging him with assault
oon the person of his 1.1-year-old daughter,
Oraco Lane. The Judge set July 'il as the
day for the hearing and Cuafurd wss
placed under bond In the sum of 31.0W) for
appearance. Casford has borne a good
SCHUYLER The notice for the Ehrn
berger ditch appeared in the Quill this
week. The ditch will be Just north and
west of town and empties Into the slough
Just south of town. Every piece of prop
erty in town north of the court house
road is taxed. The description Includes
about CO names and about 650 pieces of
property. The ditch Is calculated to crirry
ofl all the surface water every spring that
heretofore Hooded the Third ward.
WEST POINT The local lodge of the
Sons of Herman, a fraternal benevolent
association, composed of German citizens,
have elected and Installed the following
officers for the ensuing year: President,
Herman Koch; vice president, Jean
Psherer; secretary, Hans Nlndel; treasurer,
Emll Von Si-Kgern; conductor, Theodore
Krlenke; Inside guard, Michael Meyer;
outside guard, B. U. Herman; trustee,
Martin E. Kerl. State Prenident Voipp
of Scrlbner. and Slate Vice President
George Hoffman of Bloomfield, conducted
the Installation ceremonies.
GRAND ISLAND A second attempt was
made by burglars to break into the bicycle
and gun store of George Gunther. By
gaining entrance into an adjoining car
penter shop the thieves secured braces and
bits and bored through the rear door, but
Invariably the bits lodged against a sheet
lion support on the Interior and similar
fortune met them when they attempted
to bore through the shutters over the
windows. Their tools weie found lying
beside the window this morning and ft Is
Ix-lleved they were frightened away from
their work.
Hluiebangh Residence Sold.
The beautiful residence property at the
northwest corner of Thirty-seventh and
Jackson streets, has Just been purchased
by Mr. John A. MiShar.e. This was for
merly the home of Mrs. Hlmebaugh and
considered one of the finest in the city.
The sale, which Is one of the largest In
residence properties closed this season, was
made through the office of W. Farnam
Smith & Co.
Card of Thanks.
We desire to thank the pallbearers, our
friends in the Boston store, also, other
friends and neighbors for their kindness
and sympathy shown during the sickness
and death of our beloved son and brother.
Effort Will Be Made to ConflacatO
Scalpers' Tickets Ont of
CHICAGO, July 16. It Is announced that
within the next week or two all through
trains departing from Chicago will prob
ably be accompanied by "train agents,"
who will be placed on the trains to detect
and confiscate tickets fraudulently sold by
"scalpers." The. decision to place agents
for this purpose on trains Is stated to be
the result of a successful experiment by
the Southern Pacific road on trains between
San Francisco and Los Angeles, Cal., and
Portland, Ore.
Tito Schools Merged Into One.
Arrangements have been consummated
whereby the Omaha Commercial College
and the Omaha Business University, two
well-known schools, will consolidate Sep
temlx'r 1. The advisability of uniting their
forces was suggested by the erection Of a
new college building at Nineteenth and
Farnam streets, where ample accommoda
tions will be provided for almost any num.
ber of students. The furniture, fixtures,
etc., of both Institutions, will be utilized
and the proprietors of the respective
schools will redouble their diligence In car.
lng for those who wish to attend.
tl 60 Hats.
32.00 Hats,
33.00 Hats,
3 oo Hats,
3.V00 Hats,
7.S0 Panamas,
310 00 Panamas,
315 00 Panamas,
2- Piece Suits, $ 9.75
3- Piece Suits, $12.75
We have a full line of sixes In the
three-piece suits. In two-piece suits
only sixes 34, 35. 38 and 37. The regular
Jirlces of these suits are 31.00, 3-2.&0,
A, no and If 'jo. This Is your chance
to g)t a GOOD suit CHEAP.