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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 16, 1905)
TI1E OMAnA DAILY BEE: SUNDAY, JULY 16. 190R. r r I 3 'if' t ti y-ix CONDITION OF OMAHA'S TRADE , "'Boma Linei Very Quiet, Otfcan Enjoy , 0od Demand. LULL COMES WITH HOTTER WEATHER Cotton Reach High Fl-ares Coffee Crop la I.atr gockeye Salmon Won't tlnn California Frnlt Pack Poor. With tha advance of hot weather mhim A lull In business in reneral. Hardware erl leather are very auiet. Indeed, linn.. c! lers for dry goods for fall delivery are lr r.u.r . frn r- ..-u.!- . .. . , ... . m ...... . ., , ivj B!iu on enor- ynotja fall business la anticipated. The xto-.-iy dealers have a rood trade, especially ... buiiiiiici lines. The features of the' market are an uncer tainty In the coffee situation, the hlh price of cotton Roods and the probable advance in salmon on account of the failure of the ockeyee to run on Pugct aound. Hot weather In California la causing a low grude fruit pack there. Cotton Goods Roarlnc. Omaha dry foods jobbers buying cotton In the east are confronted wltn a level of prices that Is fast approaching the high quotations of The mills are In shape to command high prices, and this, together with the fact that tho stocks of gray goods, brown cottons and finished fabrics In sec ond hands are exceptionally low, makes a market decidedly favorable to high prices. Hopes, lawns, fruits and all competing Ilnea of bleached goods have advanced L cent at the Jobbing houses during the hist week. The prices on four-yard brown goods and heavy weights have also been raised and an advance in all staple lines of prints Is looked for. In coarse goods, such as denlma. drills and ticklnga, the prices that have been announced on lines that were held at value last week or withdrawn are 7 to 1 per emit higher than those ruling a week ago. Borne difficulty Is experienced by the Job bers In filling advance orders on account of bad dnllverlea by the manufacturers. Col lections are reported as very satisfactory. The sugar market is still in an unsettled condition, owing to the lower price ruling on raws and the demoralisation in freight rates. A decline aggregating points has taken place since last week. The local de mand, however, has been unusually heavy during the last week. Anxiety to Coffee. Coffee has advanced cent a pound since Tuesday, The Braxll market Is now aio higher than New York. Receipts lu Brazil of the new crop promises to be less than the estimate made some time ago. They are now on the eve of the marketing of the crop In that country and another week may change tilings In this country- A reat deal of anxiety hi displayed among m,. uu;.n swui ueing anie to get in on the Bimxll crop. There Is a very short visl- that the visible supply of coffee will not materially Increase or decrease during July, whereas in most years there Is a big Increase ln that month. Cheese Is practically unchanged. Specu lative buying continues to stimulate the market a little, but prions have not ad vanced. Some large lots have boon bought up oyer the country, ami later on this may have a tendency to stiffen prices. Reports of unfavorable conditions affect ing the oats crop have caused a sharp ad vc In oatmeal. The IncreaHe has been lo on five-pound cases and VJ40o on bulk Koorts. Whore manufacturers are ouotlng prlcea for September delivery of new goods I A. u.o .uumy m me united states now and ; '" 'act ln tn world, while the Braxll 5 t 1 . 9 . " lea" lwo wks late. The South , " t i American coffee men are an astute lot and ., I J- '"y nav put the price up remarkably high J . before the summer la over, it coma nn " I. 'u" . n n'Kr tnan on the spot stock, showing that they anticipate higher prices. Boekeyo Sainton Won't Come. Keen interest Is felt among dealers In salmon In the report from tho Pacific coast that the sockeye salmon have not put in their appearance. The run la now about fifteen days overdue and the beat Informed on the .habits of fish say that there probably will bo a repetition of the last two seasons lit the 1905 pack. A total failure of the run on I'uget sound, while among the possibilities, Is not regarded a a probability, but It Is regarded as certain that the packers will not be able to secure anything like tho expected quan, tlty of fish. There la still time for a fair run of salmon, although the regular sea son ( now practically over. Such fish as are taken In the fall are apt to run light In color and are deficient In oil. It Is probable that the packers will have to advance prlcus. A New York dealer esti mates that the entire Puget sound pack will be about 250,000 cases less than the consumption of the cheap grades last year. Prices on salmon named by the Alaska Packers' association are 10 cents lower than the association named last year. If the sookeyes do not begin to tun very soon there doubtless will be an early ad vance tn Red Alaska. Prices on pink salmon are slightly higher than last year, high enough that the goods can scarcely bo made a 10-cent seller. Sardines, one-quarter oil. are lower. Mus tards are unchanged. Jobbers do not look for any lower prices. There Is a fair movement on salt mack erel. Holders are steady in their Ideas on Irish and Norway, with small Nor way counts attracting some attention. Re . ports from the east note a continued fuir X - catch. .ijij California. Vrnlt Pnok. .,f Syrup prices nold about the same. Re- iiifia i nominal 011111 10 tjuoiauons anu will not ln any Instance shade the prices whloh have lately been asked. Syrups today, says a wholesaler, are cheaper than dog meat and cannot get any lower. California is at present experiencing the hottest season It had had for many years. The peach crop will be short of early estimates owing to the hot weather. The apricot crop will be a fair one and away ahead of that of last year. - As a result of the heat fruit Is ripening rapidly and the raisers are dumping It on the canners us fast as they can deliver It. The can tiers find themselves unable to care for the fruit as fast as it is delivered and In etuad of the pack being of a high grade, the goods will go largely Into seconds, standards and pie fruit. It Is not reason able to suppose that any large quantities of the higher grades can be packed under the conditions. Spot dried fruit shows several changes. Peaches have stiffened up because of the very small supply available. Evaporated apples are V higher. Seedless raisins of first class quality have advanced i,c a pound. There la an abundant vupply of aprtoots and the market is tending lower, la futures the market Is very strong on evaporated peaches, prunes and apples. Prices have not yet been named on. raisins for fall delivery, but it Is generally ex pected that they will be considerably above those of last year. Spot umnts are active. A report that the monopoly legislation in Greece Is practically consum mated has not been confirmed In this country. Prunes are firm, with prices about la above the low figures, t ables from France report half a crop and the fruit running to small sixes. A New York prune dealer estimates the California prune crou at 75, OuO.ouO pounds. He says the French crop will be alKUit half that of Inst year. Cal ifornia prunes run chiefly to large slsis. Report from Bosnia and Hervla give a crop of about two-fifths that of lam sea son. There Is but a small supply of last year's prunes on that coast. Rice remains unchunged, but firm at the prevailing figures. Holders sre not anxious to sell. Canned corn la without material change. Very little good Is left In the hands of ;lia packers. Tomatoes show a strong ad ance ln every primary market. Baltimore and Indiana tomatoes have scored an ad vance of :vc a do ten. Leather and Hardware. ' Omaha's leather goods business la very quiet Just now. Practically no orders are coming in tor shoes at this season and the Jobbers are filling their fall orders. No advance has been made In the price of leather, but some concessions made earlier In the season have been withdrawn, show ing the strength of the market. The haidwure salesmen are oft the road for the time being and trade lone the lm- toriahl Impulse given It by tin ir activities. Manufacturers are giving their attention largely to mattura other than the Imme diate marketing of goods and are letting up a nine in ine pressure ot production. The merchants throughout the country have been quite willing to defer ordering. specially as the condition of the market ruts suggested conservatism in purchasing, not so much because lmimrt and reductions In price are considered likely, as because the feeling has l-en abroad that there is nuinmg in the situation which makes it neceMury to place orders at once, llual riess is thus uuict. as is usual at tills time of the yeur, but there seems to be a some what mure confident feeling than was pre- a.aji valnt a short time ago. The feeling of apprehension had gradually given plate to ! M a more assured tone, and July open with I business conditions which are generally re- pirded as healthful and full of prtimtka. v neiner or not the Improved feeling in the trade can be explained by a reference to definite facts or figures there seems to be liule question a to its existence. Mer chant and manufacturers thus enter upon a quiet period, expecting an early re sumption nf activity In business and Justi fied In enjoying whatever may be per mitted In the way of vacation In anticipa tion of a continuance of good business condition!. CHICAGO QltAIX A.tD PROVI9IOS9 Feafsires of tho Trading and Closing; Prlees on Board of Trade. CHICAGO. July IS. Unconfirmed go s.p of shnrtnite In Rusxlan crops had a strength ening Influence on the wheat market here toaay. At the close the September option Was UD UT'-.o. Corn shows a vuln of . f psts are unchanged. Provisions are 6S15g UIK oer. Sentiment In the wTiest pit throughout the frreater part of the sesalon inclined to bull Hhness. although no decided strength wnt manifested. At the orenlng September was up VbVc to HflHc at X4V,fc8Hc- From the slart shorts were moderate buyers, and while commission houses sold, offerings were not of large volume. A factor that Inspired some buying was wet weather In the Canadian northwest. 'Weather In the United Slates, however, was extremely fa vorable for the new crop and tended to hold ouyers in cnecK. uecrease In shipments from Australia formed a bullish Influence. exports for the week being only 17t.0ij bu., sgalnst 410,000 bu. the week previous and bu. the corresponding week a year ago. The 8t;ptember option here was con fined within lc range the lowest point touched Shortly after the nnnnlnr h..nir nt 83'c, while the highest point was at b4c. The market closed firm, with September at 4c. Primary receipts were S37.0iO bu., compared with Z78.0U0 bu. a year ago. Clearances of wheat and flour were equal a To rutf. .... ,i ii. . . i . . . i uu. jninnenpunB, luuuin ana cago reported receipts of 176 cars, against 14 cars last week and 2-S cars a year ago. In corn the prospects for lighter receipts started active buying by shorts and re sulted In a strong market. - Firm cables and Improved demand for cash corn helped to stimulate buying. The market was sup ported by prominent bulls and closed strong. September opened Vfi'te higher at MS'f 54rc, sold up to KVeitfHc and closed at MWc. Uical receipts were 2S cars, with 71 of contract grade. Trading in the oats pit was extremely light. Strength of wheat held prices com paratively steady. September opened un changed to He higher at 3oVa30lc, "old T to suraSO'o and closed at the lowest point. Local receipts were 125 cars. Provisions were firm because of Be ad vance ln the price of live hogs. Several leading packers were credited with fair purchases of ribs. At the close September pork was up 15c at $12 96. Lard was up 6t? Kstlmated receipts for Monday: Wheat. 61 enrs; corn, 229 cars; oata, 110 cars; hogs, 55,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Articles.1 Open. Hlgh.j Low. Close.l Yes y Wheat 4 I July Sept. lee. K4 KYI s; M7l 84tfS44 Corn Muly JJuly tSept. 8ept, tDec. 58 6fiH! 67UI j.;4 . vfi' 67 56NI 67atn6'&o''.' Beifi h! ' T , 54 V" K. 56V4H S 64 54 Si 1 I'-W H47W!SI 47V Oats- July Sept. Deo. May Park Sept. Oct. Lard Sept. Oct. Ribs Sept. Oct. 32H t2) 82 3?H'Srti awA'SOVrfVaoV.inik 30VuVjl '4j 12 SO 12 90 7 20 1 274 Mff31Hi34V')Mi31 82 12 87Vi' 13 00 13 07H 7 80 7 35 12 S7H 12 95 13 06 I S 00 7 25 7 30 7 87H 7 92, 13 W 7 25 7 30 7 27H i 3 - 7 92H 7 87H 7 9?i, 7 824 1 7Vil 7 9241 7 974 7 74 No. 2. tOld. tNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Easy: winter natents 14 SOOf i tn- straights, f4.0tfa4.10; spring patents. $4.SMf 6.40; straights, f3.fKVfi4.Xf; bakers, f2.4o&3.il5. WH BAT No. 2 spring. Jl.061.10; No. 8. Kcu$l.u5; No. 2 red, fSt'iU90o. CORN No. 2, 67c; No. 2 yellow, 57 68c. OATS No. 2. S2V.o: No. 1 white No. 3 white, 32V33i4c. BARLEY-O00U feeding, 4244c; fair to choice malting. 47649e. SEKDS No. 1 flax, tl.24: No 1 northwest. ern, tl.42. Timothy, jirlme. t3 ayS3.25. Clover, l'ROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. fl2.)j,5 ri2.9f. IJird. per 100 lbs., t7.124fi7.15. Short ribs sides (loose). 7.7!yg7.90; short clear sides (boxed), f7.75ff8.00. Following were the recelnts and shin. ments of flour and grain: . . , Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls is (VO 91 eon Wheat, bu IW.OoO ' M,iii0 Corn, bu SOS.OnO lfi4o0 Oats, bu 221,700 37.4"0 Rye, bu 1.000 Barley, bu 22,300 4,700 On the Prcduce exchano ?niuv tk hm. ter market was steady; creameiles, lSW19to: r-BS, eieaoy; at mark, cases Included, lic: firsts, 164c; prime irH?'"' 17c; extras 19c- Cheese, Arm, St. Loals Oenersl Market. x.87'. LOUIS. July 15-WHEAT-Lower; No. 1 red cash, In elevator, KfiVic; on track 874f90c: July, Rl'ic; September, 8144Kn4e; No. 2 hard, 90fitt2c, new. u ' CORN Lower; No. 2 cash, Wc; on track 66c; September, l3Mc; December, 44o. OATS Lower; No. 1 cash, ll.'4c; on track. S3fr334o. ' FLOUR Steady; red winter patents, ft 60 4.80; extra fancy and straights, U.3otaiM: clears, t3.15S3.60. SEED Timothy, steady; spot seed, f2.00a 2.40; new, 3.60. CORNMEAL Steady at f2.70. BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 734J 74c. HAT-Steady; timothy. t9.OOe,14.0O; prairie. f6.tOijlO.00. IRON COTTON TIES 99c. BAGGING 8Vtc. HEMP TWINE 64c. PROVISIONS Pork, higher; Jobbing, fl3 05. 1-ard, higher; prime steam, 16.66. Dry salt meats, higher; boxed extra shorts, 87.75; clear ribs, fH.25; short clears, f8 60. Bacon, higher;., boxed extra shorts, fS.5o: clear ribs, fo0; short clear. f9.124. POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 10c; springs. 124c: turkeys 14o; ducks, 749c; geese, aOc. BLTTEH Slow; creamery, 154a.XiWc: dairy, 14?164o. EGGS Steady at llo, case count. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6,000 8.000 Wheat, bu 119.000 129.000 Corn, bu 64.000 ' 34.000 Oats, bu 12,000 85,000 Kansas City Grain and Provisions. KAN8A8 CITY, July 16,-WHEAT-July. 73Sc; September, 754'u 75 ; December, 764 675c; cash: No. t hard, 83tf8ic; No. 3. MM sic: No. 4. 78t3c: No. I red, 824i34c; No. 8. 80S3c; No. 4. 7fjj82c. CO.RN July, toc; September, rtc; De cember, 477c; May, 41Vq414o. Cash, No. X mixed, 62ifl524c; No. 8, blo; No. 8 white, 634c; No. S, 680 68 40. OATS Lower; No. 1 white, 834ff34c: Nd. 2 mixed, 31ffj'32c. RYE Steady; 65S8o. HAY Steady; choice timothy, f9.5O10.00; choice prairie, fl.QhQBM. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas No. t new whltewood, cares Included, 12c; case count, 11c; cases returned, 4c less. BITTER Steady; creamery, la4Wl4e; packing, 14c. Receipts. Shipment. Wheat, bu 3oti.4"0 61.00 Corn, bu 36,(1110 81.600 Oats, bu a.uu) S.OuO Philadelphia Prodace Market. PHILA DKLPHIA, July 15. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 114c; extra nearby prints, 23o. EKi8 Firm; fresh, 18c, loss off; nearby fresh. 17c at mark; .western fresh, 17180 at mark. CHEE-SE Firm; New Tork full cream, fancy, new. ltiflic: New York full cream, fair to good, new, 4⁣ domestic Swiss. ii'41'in.c. Minneapolis Grain Market. MINNEAPOLIS. July 16 -WIIEAT-July. September, 84f.S!Hc; December, 85V No' 1 hard. Jl.tSH: No. 1 northern, fl.OTH; No. 1 northern, fl.05. FLOUR First patents. J6SCS5.0; second patents,'U 70; first clears, M OUU't.lO; Second clears, U ifriri. 76 BRAN lq bulk. tl2.76SlJ.0O. Mllwankee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Julv 15 -WHHAT-Bteadv; NoI northern, fl.Wftl.10; Septeniber. M4c RYE Lower: No. 1, 7&aTc. BARLEY Steady ; No. He; sample. 41 661c. CORN Firm; September 3s0 asked. Dulnth Grain Market. DULUTH. Minn.. July I6.-WHEAT-T0 arrive, No. J northern, tl "4: on track. No. 1 northern. fl.or4; No. 1 northern, tl4: Jcly, ll.uS4: September, new, 83"c; Septen bT, old. k4e. OATS To arrive and on track. J2Vic. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. July 15. CORN Steady; No. 1 yellow, 66c; No. t, 6io; No. 4. f.Wc. OATS Unchanged; No. i white. 83c; No. 4 while, i-,c. Toledo Bred Market. TOLEDO. O.. July IR.-SEEDS-Clover cash. 17.70; October, t6 k24 etked: Decem ber.; August alaike, f -W bid; prluie timothy, fl.t NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Vartt; Tt)lt Into Ltih&rgy nd CtaDgi ire Ibiigni&canU UNION PACIFIC THE FEATURE OF THE DAY Steady Absorption of Tbla Issne Seta Afloat Hew Conjeetnrea as to Coming; Dividend. NEW TORK. July 16. -The stock mar ket fell Into lethargy today and only in significant changes resulted from the day's smnll hiialneMH. 4 Tha heavv accumulation of cash revealed by the bank statement ! was much laiger than indicated by tne preliminary estimates, but this whs sup posed to be due to the rectification of last week's unexpectedly large decrease by the working out of the computation by daily averages. As this building up of the re serves is for the purpose of providing for the repayment of the fll.ono.OOO of gov ernment deposits called for today, the money market Is not expected to benefit from It, The ease of call money during the past week had evidently been due to the temporary employment of these funds. The contraction ln loans relieved any ap prehension that the subscriptions for the Japanese loan had made any undue in roads upon available credita. The absorption of Union Paclflo set afloat renewed conjectures as to the coming dividend action upon which has been ex pected from day to day during the week. The Financial Chronicle's estimate of the expansion ln railroad gross earnings at tracted attention, returns from 125 railroads partly estimated, Indicating an Increase for the first half of the year over the rather unfavorable showing of the first half of last year of approximately 855,000.000, while the comparison with the first six months of 18H7, eight years ago, shows an expan sion of some t470.0O0.O00. The buying of Union Pacific held the market firm to the close. he total sales of bonds, par value, tLfti,- The quotations on exchange ranged as the New York Stock follows: Sales.Hlgh. Low. Close. 843 Adams Express Amal. Copper Am. Car t Foun do preferred Am. Cotton Oil do preferred Am. Express Am. Hide & L. pfd.. Am. Ice Securities.... Am. Linseed Oil .... do preferred Am. Locomotive .... do preferred Am. Smelt ft R'f'g.. do preferred Am. Sugar R'f'g Am. Tobacco, pfd. c. Anaconda Mln. Co. .. Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast L Baltimore 4 Ohio .... do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T.... Canadian Pacific .... Central of N. J Ches. A Ohio . Chicago & Alton .... do preferred Great Western Chicago & N. W C. M. & St. P Chi. Term. A Trans.. do preferred C. C. C. & St. L.... Coi.-. Fuel A Iron Colo. & Southern .... do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred .... Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products do preferred Dela. & Hudson Del., Lack. A W Denver & R. G do preferred Distillers' Secur Erie do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred .... General Electric' .... Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. do preferred Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville & Nash.... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .... Minn. & St. It M. St. P. A 8. S. M. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. A Tex.... do preferred National Lead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central N. Y.. Ont. A W.... Norfolk A Western .. do preferred North American .... Pacltic Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P.. C. C. A St. L.... Pressed Steel Car ... do preferred Pullman Pal. Car .. Reading do 1st preferred .... do 2d preferred .... Republic Steel do preferred Rock Island Co I do pref erred Rubber Ooods do preferred St. L. A 8. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do preferred Southern Pacific .... do preferred Southern Railway .. do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron.. Texas A Pacific Toledo 8. L- A W.... do preferred Union I"nclflc do preferred U. S. Express IT. S. Realty U. 8. Rubber do preferred U. 8. Steel do preferred Va.-Cal. Chemical .. do preferred Wabash do preferred Wells-Fargo Exp Westlnghouse Kiec... Western Union Wheeling A L. E. ... Wisconsin Central ... do preferred Northern Pacific .... Central leather do preferred Total sales for the 8,900 83 4 834 864 98 83H 364 200 98 w 31 90 228 39 26 17 600 394 89 84 4SH U00 4814, 484 V.500 iii' Ill 1164 1164 1JU 700 138 134 IWt 100 96 964 964 1.600 104 10$ IOH14 6.900 86 864 200 1024 1024 I024 159 8.100 1144 1144 1144 97 8,500 6914 400 152 "eoo 'ei" 694 15114 1514 201 634 6314 2O0 794 700 20 794 l4 79 194 2094 181 4 18 34 974 464 274 69 384 400 2004 2n 8.000 182 181 1.600 100 44 274 .4614 274 100 4 384 rjv 10 484 190 8824 32 200 864 "64 M4 600 42 41 41 8.3(0 4614 464 46H 1.70 83V 834 634 600 724 724 "4 100 176 175 175 88 1,100 1694 16914 l91t I'M I!" 1!"A 1(4 200 74 784 27 80 264 614 300 100 27 67 27 674 58 L'. 2,000 1494 14814 149 3C0' 82 R2 82 2,700 1264 125 126ii Z14 64 1224 123 158 984 981 200 123 L200 '99' 28V !! 100 3; 87 87 300 14' 147 4 1474 624 62 8.VJ4 8514 914 99 43 1424 1424 106 11414 76 894 94V4 239 1064 1054 93 91 20 20 814 814 100 8514 6.100 1424 100 106 1,400 1064 600 208 60O 814 10,100 324 n 764 100 844 81 V 32 76 844 754 844 1S4 67 23 63 654 65 118 1174 334 334 984 684 85 86-4 334 334 15,200 6574 100 UK 100 334 3 9814 2,600 86 400 84 38 664 1304 964 1224 89 wt 84.500 1304 1294 100 89 100 43 30") 1094 12.300 3 14 3,400 102 89 43 424 io4 10914 334 344 1014 1014 84 107 106U 100 107 19 3 236 400 1674 1674 J674 93 is 100 234 1,200 19f4 1,200 1994 234 2T4 198 199 198 199 46 104 day. 164.600 share. New Tork Money Market. NEW TORK. July 16. MONE T On call, nominal; no loans; time loaus firm; sixty days. 3 per cent; ninety days, 84 per cent; six months, 4i44 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER I3M4 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at 84.866VA 4.8675 for demand and at tt-8l9"ij4 . . for 60-day bills,; posted rates t4.S54jj4.74; com mercial bills. f4.M4tl4.844. ?lkV.ERBar B9c; '"'on dollars, 464c. HON Dd Government and railroad, steady. Closing quotations on bonds were; 0. g. rf. la nt KXtJiMa ta. ( lout do coupon . .10114. do td aarlaa ..loa do 4Wa. clfa ... I) g U. ri do coupon V. S. aaw 4a. r(. do eoupoo V. i. old is. rag do coupon 1"4 L. N. ui.l. 4a. ..111 1H Mtnhttun c. 1 4s...i04U IU I antral ml 14 "1 do lat Inr . tl liH Mian. 81. t. 1. Am. Tobacco 4a, otta. t K. T. do ta, alfa Hi 1 sn 1. ....101 .... t7V 4a. at .... kH ...1M .... n4 ....I01' .... (4 ... .lH'aj 1014 Aunl.oa (an. 4a IMH N. R. R of M c do adl. 4a Ma N. T. C. s Atlantic C. L. 4a lui n. J. C. a ta Hal. a Ohio 4 10 N(. Pacldc im'.'.'. 0 M I do la Coutral of Oa- 4a ...m N. W a 4s l" j t4 O. U rfd it do Id Ine (, e.n. wy ,H. Chaa. a Ohio 4Ha. kaadlnn gen. a vu, . na wn ,r 1 A 1. s. c. c . u. a g. a. 4a.. C . K I. A P. 4a.. do col. la CCO. A St. U g ta Chicago Tar. 4a ls4orado Mid. 4a.. Culo. So. 4a Colo, lud la. aat A do aat U Cuba la clfa D A H. O 4a , InMlllara' tec U . Eria piiar lwo 4a.. do sau. 4a iwh et. u s r aavl Si. L. w c. H 111 fg 4a. 4a.... alt. . MV. b board a. L. aa I'd 1 So. farlSo 4a .. . 17 I do lat 4a ctfa. ... 15 So. Hallwnr (a . . 4 Tiaa r. la .... . T.. St. U tW. I fl tuioa PaclSa 4a.'.. .104 da coot. 4a loo v. . Staal M la. . t Wabaah 1 .101 do dab. h . Waatara apt. 4a... .IIS aw T l- . 4 HaVi ltl4 .144 ..lao .. M :W .. N4 M r. D. C. la Hotair.f VaU 4Vaa...luH4 Wia Cautral u. ". v(n IWI- C'learl Hoaao Averaces. NEW YORK, July 15-The statement of averuKe of the clearing- house banks of thla city for the week shows: Loans, fl,lo?3nl). 100; decrease, f9.l5".uO. Deposits .11.169 0is'. 2); Increase. 1713.13. Circulation, 149 157 lia Increase. f.TIT.ltu. Legal tend-is, $-- lli,' H): lucre, t2.aU.aM). fepecie. 2.0.15J.i. ta- t.lir.jnn. Reserve, tJoj.JTVW; In crease, til. 743.700. Reserve required. t. 754.560: Increase. tl78.2. Surplus. tl!'i23, iv i ; !neres!e lll.606.C6. F.x-Unlted States deposits. t22,372,nftO; Increase. 111,420.726. Boston ttoeke nod Roads. BOSTON, July 16 Call loans. S34 per rent: time loans. 34'3' Pt cent. Official quotations on stoiss ana oonds were: Atrhimn sll. 4i M iAdTMur do U 1(44 Allouei Mki. lntrl 4. M I Amlmt4 4 . 17 . laH . . 16 . I4 . II . 10V, . Ult . II . i . . I1 . 1S . Kim Atrhlaon . MVfc .American Ztn do pld A Albanr Biaton A Matna.. Poaton Klaratad . t ltchburg r'd Mcilcan Cantrnl . 1"J Atlantic Ulngham Cal. a Hrcla Cantannlal Copper Hanga ... Pair Wt-ai Dominion Coal .. Franklin Iranbf (il Rorala Man. Mining .... 4irhlgan loliawa. lont. C. A C .17 .157 .14! 1 N T., N. H. H...1'0 Para Maranatto .... M I'nlon Parldc U0 Amer. Arga. Cham... 14 do pfd to Amar. Fnau. Tubs.... Amar. Sugar lie1 do pfd 131 I Amar. 1. T.. Amar. Woolen . An nfd Wt Old Dominion , I4 abli, "sceola 12 ..104 Parrot 23 tlamlnton I. A 8 ii Qulnca 100 Shannon JU. Tamarack HI Trinity a) Unttad Copper I U. 8. Mining HVi I'. 8. Oil ton t'tah 431 .'Ictorla 1 .Vlnona 1O4 tV'olverlns Ill ItJIton Klac. Ulu....42H klaaa. Elaclrlo II do pfd Maaa Oaa United Fruit Vnlted shoo Macb. do pfd V. 8. steal do pfd Wasting, common . Uiu. "Asked. .. 444 ..106 St .. ItVi .. 17 .. 34 V ..11)1' .. U London Rtoek Market. LONDON, July IS. Closing quotation on stocks were: Conaola. monay do accouut .. Anaronda Atchlaon do pfd MI-UN. T. Central 15H4, ... o Norfolk A W ) . .. 011 ao pta ... ... M I Ontario A W ...1MVI Pennavlranta N ... U ... 7H ... H ... I.O ... 47 ... 474 ... I4VI ...101 ... 17 ...IIS V ...100 ... 14 ...104 ... tl) ... 41V. Balllmora A Ohio 1111a Canadian Pacific 1M , Hand Mlnea . Heading do lat pfd. do Id pfd . jo. Railway do pf4 ... :o. PactQo .. I'nlon Pactfle Chca. A Ohio. ... Chicago Ot. W... C, M. A St. P DaRtara Denver A R. O. do pfd Erla do lat pfd do Id pfd Illinois Central , boula. A Na.h. U., K. A T .. IS1 .. I0S4 ..1MV. .. 1 .. 12 .. W .. 4tf-a do pfd .. ti V. 8. Steel.,.. .. 74V do pfd .... ..173 VI Wabash ..US I do pfd .... .. 181 SILVER Bar, quiet, 27 8-16d per ounce. MONEY VS1 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 1 ll-lcjl 13-16 per cent; for three months' bills, 18-16 per cent. Foreign Financial. LONDON, July 15. Business on the Stock exchange has become decidedly more cheerful now that the settlement has been concluded without serious diffi culties. The continued plethora of money combined with better trade conditions stimulated Investment purchases, resulting In an upward tendency for good class se curities, consols leading the advance. Americans were active and generally stronger, principally supported by Wall street professionals, whose chief levers were the crop reports and dividend rumors. The local business was not large, prices on the balance were In favor of the bulls. The feature of the foreigners was the revival of Interest ln Mexican rails, which advanced smartly on good traffic returns. The new Japanese loan was quoted at 1V4j premium. Other Japanese securities were corespondlngly firm. Discounts were kept steady by the demand for gold In Parts and the anticipation of shipments to New Tork ln the near future. The Indications point to the continued ease of money for some time, despite the various new Issues pending. BEKLIN, July 15. On the bourse today domestio mlnea were higher. The first reg ular quotation of the new Japanese bonds was &u?4. The market generally was quiet. New Tork Mining; stocks, NEW YORK. July 15.-CIosIng quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Coa Alice Breece Mlrunnwtck Con .. Coraatock Tunnel . Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron 8llTer Lead ril la Coa Offered. .. 15 .. 66 .. 13 .. t .. 1 ..ISO ..129 ..111 .. I.lltle Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Piieenlx Potoal Ravage ........ Sierra Nevada Small Hooea .. .. I ..400 ..en .. i .. u .. n .. it .IM Standard Bank Clearings. OMAHA, July 15-Bank clearings for today were $1,460,491.79 and for the corre sponding date last year $1,188,118.80. Monday Tuesday Wednesday ... Thursday Friday Saturday isuo. inoe.. $1,558,464.67 $1,3M,612.58 1,361,408.47 1.2o.626.68 L4o9.367.86 1,223,912.13 l,62t.0S2.6 1,197,260.12 1,603,144.86 1,170,606.22 1.450,491.79 1.188,118.90 Totals $8,903,928.74 $7,321,926.52 Increase, $1,682,002.22. SEW YORK GENERAL MARKET annotations of the Day on Tarlona Commodities. . ,Ey T9RK- 16 FLOUR-Recelpts. 8,207 barrels; exports. 14.757 barrels: sales 4.000 packages. Market was quiet and steady; winter patents, $4.90fi.2t; winter straights. $4.50-54.80; Minnesota patents t6.5(Ku6.00; winter extras, $3.10;aH.r.5; Mlnne- .5kerVe-76rfoVr5: .Te'a" 'J feV&m good' Ha5'4-W: cho,ce t0 i co A L Steady; fine white and yel mW W coarBe- $U4tfl.l6; kiln dried. BA RLE Y Du 11 ; feeding. 48Hc, c. I f. New York; malting, 46ii5:a, c. 1. f.. Buffalo AVH EAT Receipts, (.000 W; JLteZ Zm. 000 bu. futures. Spot market firm; No 2 red, $1.00, nominal elevator; No. 2 red 95c ;', b'J anoa'i No. 1 northern Duluth, ;UY: J- 1. oat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, $1.12. f. o. b.. afloat vh. opened firmer on light northwest receipts, firm cables and covering. It reacted slightly and then turned stronger again ln reijonse to bull support based on prospects for' showers In the belt, closing t,c net higher. July closed tZSic; September, 874 ftS7Tc. closed at 88o; December, SSa 8ST4.C closed at 88c. CORN Receipts, 187.600 bu.; exports 210,740 bu. 8pot market firm; No. 2. 6 62tc, elevator, and 624c f. o. b., afloat; No. 2 yellow, 3c: No. white. 63o. Option market was without transactions, closing unchanged to 14c net higher. July clused at 62c; September at 60c. OATS Receipts, 64,500 bu.; exports, t Tf 0 bu. Spot market quiet; mixed oats, W to 82 pounds, SfiVj'ii 3ic ; natural whit, 30 to 82 pounds, 87"((j3Hc; clipped whlt, IS6 to 40 pounds. 3'S41c. r h-tUJ vjuiet : spring bran, $17.25. July hipment; middling. U7.i'6. July shlDinoni: city, tl8.00o 23.50. HAT Oulet : shipping. 6oS66c: mnnA Choice, 75'w80c. hops uuiet; state common to cholco. 1904 crop, 22S26c: 1908 croD. 1921c: olds. 1o12c; Pacltic coast, 1901 crop, hali.:; 9u3 crop, wu'Mc; oias, joaite. hidkh uuiet; ualveston. 20 to 25 Dounds. 20c; California. 21 to 26 pound., 39c; Texas dry, 24 to SO pounds, Mtyc jr.ATlic.rl men ay: add. Zi(W.. PROVISIONS b'ief. tendv: family. tl2.UOtrl2.6u; mess. lln.iWilO.V): heef hams. $ 21.001a '42.60; packet, flO.Hio 10..'iO; city extra, mess India, $19.0tt iO. 0. Cut mean, steady; rlckled bellies, otilov; plciiled sliouldeis, W4tc; pick lad tiims, l'J'4910,". Laid-- firm; western bteumcu, i m; refined, steady; continent, f7.:;.i: South Ammicn, $800; compound. bSQoc. Pork Steady; family, $!.Sa 16.00: short clear, $1175 14.75; mess, $13.25(1)14.26. POTATOES Weak: Long Island. 7f,fr7S7c: southern. 60(o85c; Jersey sweot, $1.00ijj2.26. TALLOW Quiet; city If! per pkg.), 4c; country (pkgs. free), 4Vu4c. RICE Steady ; domestio fair to extra, tSfifi'V--; Japan, nominal. POCLTRY Alive, quiet; western spring chickens, lie; fowls, 14tc; turkeys, 14V:. Dressed, firm: western broilers, ltolw: fowls lfffl3c; turkeys, 131jl7c. BUirtn-Hrm: state dairy, common to extra. 164j."Oc; renovated, common to ex tra. 14i;l!e: western factory, common to extra, 14v,Sul6VkC C Hr. hfctr, hld,te. full cream, small colored and white, fancy, 9c; slate, full cream, fair to choice, 8V38V; state, full cream, large, colored and white, 9V. Ajj r irm; western, l4yio. Sngar aud Molasses. NEW YORK, July 15.-8COAR-Raw, steady; fair refining, ltc; centrifugal, i test. 4c; molasses sugar, tc. Reilnetl, steady; No. 4.ic; No. T. 4 66c; No. t. 4.6oc; No. 9. 4.5oc; No. 10. 4 45c: No. 11. 4 J5c; No. 12. 4.uc; No. 11. 4iue; No. 14, 4.16e; con fectioners' A, $ 15c: mould A, 6 65c; cut loaf. 6 00c; crushed. 6o0c; towdered, 6.40c; granu lated. 3oc; culies, $66c. MOLA8HES Steady; New Orleans Open kettle, good to choice, WixiSc. NEW ORLEANS, July 16. 81UAR Quiet; open kettle centrifugal. ti-Pic; cen trifugal whites, 4 la-lwie 1-loc; yellowa. 4'A f4c; seconds, 2V)-"o. alOLASjlKS Nominal; open kettle lSii 2c; centrifugal, tal4c 6 YR I' P Numlnal, 30c. toHee Market. NEW YORK. July U.-OOFFEB-Market for futurea opened steady at a partial de cline of 6 points. A Utile demand from Wall street sources rallied the market in the late trading. The close was steady un changed to 6 points higher, the advance being on May sales, which were reported of 12.UW bus. Including September at ( r7c; December. 7f(tf7.V-; January. TSoij f35c: MareU. TJj7.4.; May. I.ifccV Soot iavo1' 8vi Cordova. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Em. Beef 8ten 8te.df for the Week, whk Ccwt Lowir. HOGS A QUARTER HIGHER FOR THE WEEK Receipts of Sheep Light Thla Week, with Market Off a Quarter on Sheep and Abont Fifty Cents on Lambs. SOUTH OMAHA. July 15, 1905. Receipts were; Official Monday ... Official Tuesday .... Official Wednesday Official Thursday Official Friday Official Saturday.. Hogs. Sheep. x.'.tiO a.76 l.o-j 4.418 6.101 Total this week 18.366 49.122 17.029 Total last week 13. 1H9 84,o9i 14.412 Total week before 13.3;9 71. S"46 ID 171 Same three weeks ago.. 20.237 66.7.9 18.674 Same four weeks ago. ...18.061 63.914 8.445 Same week, last year.... 4,92 11,710 10,459 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, !((. s and sheep at South Oinana for the year to oate compared with last year: ltj. 1M4. Inc. Deo. Cattlo 467,865 471,038 13,171 Hogs 1,391,107 1,429,417 2i,iiW Sheep 771.U7J Vii.U 6O.80O The following table shows the average price of hogs at bouth Omana tor ine last everal da) a, Willi comparisons: Date. , I 1906. l!4.1903.llKM.1901.19W.il893. Juno 15., June 1$., June 11.. June 18.. June is.. June iv. June 21. June 12.. June M.. June i6.. June June tti.. June 28., June -H. June 80. July l... July $.. July t... July 4., July 6... July 6.. July 7... July 8... July k.., July 10.. July 11.. July 12.. July 13.. 6 19 22 j t si I s 6 10 I UTi 19l I 1 ri 6 81V,, 6 -J 4 81 4 l 4 1 ." 6 00, 6 Vi I Ml e Ut i lb i 10, a 04, 6 08j 6 13, k 18 6 98 Vl k 94 t . 6 IH a M I t83 6 i 6 61 701 6 l I 6 5tL 6 66 6 ui 6 fe 6 bo I f Ml 4 M! 7 24 i 4 ! J io I 83, I 1 K'-m 6 t 6 03 1 Mi S IU, Ul ( 4, S 4 4 I 4J u D 1 1 4 W I 89 6 00 7 69 6 t I 7 ti' 6 i 6 17 1 7 W Mi I 101 I 6J1 6 91 6 03 7 65 6 57 6 111 1 i 90 4 W 7 61 I 6 0l 7 (Hi $ 89i I 7 64) 6 8Z 4 92 7 lii, 6 74i 6 Ul 1 1 1 7 641 6 73, 6 0b 1 6 79j 5 16 7 75 I 6 111 7 82 5 83 J 7 8O1 6 83 5 13 7 Ml 6 86 6 Hi 7 79 6 93 04 1 7 77 6 9i, 6 02 1 I 6 661 6 13 7 72; I 6 obi 7 76 S 77 I f t-4 1 e 4 Ui a t 64 3 (I 'iJ 3 66 3 oi t 6$ 3 o 8 64 3 M 8 oil 8 73 a t 78 i'ii 8 83 3 61 8 86 e 8 90 3 96 4 04 4 Vi 4 06 3 99 0 in 6 22 6 29 I 6 25 6 26 6 191 6 16 6 16 1 I 6 241 6 551 6 48 5 8: 6 44 6 6eM 6 S81 6 161 6 16 2oS 0 28 a 6 33 6 32 6 11 5 32-1k 6 38 July July 14. 15. 6 4i I 6 13 6 111 Indicate Sunday. The official number of cars of stock brought in today by each road was: cattle, nogs, ri sen C, M. & St. P Missouri Pacific .... Union Pacltlo C. & N. W F.. E. & M. V C, St. P., M. & O.. B. & M. Ry C, R. 1. & P.. east. C, R. I. & P., west Illinois Central .... Great Western 6 1 2 6 61 14 1 2 3 107 Total receipts 4 The disposition of the day's receipts wss as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omana Packing Co. 1,379 l,4:i9 Swltt and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour St Co Cudahy Packing Co., K. C. Gray Packing Co 8. & 8 Other buyers 96 3,030 2,470 &60 190 881 12 46 $68 Totals 162 8.924 749 CATTLE There was only three cars on ale today, not enough to make a market. Receipts for fhe week have been liberal, about 817 cars being received, which is an Increase of about 244 cars over last week and a gain of about 612 oars as compared to the corresponding week of a year ago, when the strike at the packing hounts made receipts unusually light. The general quality of the cattle was good. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday were good days In the beef steer department, the market ruling aboui steady for the three days. Buyers were not overly anxious for supplies at any time and for the most part trading was slow and It was rather late before the stuff waa all picked up. The market went off some the last two market days and shows a little weaker feeling on the general run of cattle. Good handy weight stuff Is Just about steady for the week, these kinds being in fair demand, but the heavy cattle and common and grassy kinds are off Kjjl5c, with a slow, draggy movement. Some Wyoming Texas cattle were received that sold very satis factorily. There was a fair supply of cows and heifers here this week, but the market on the common and grassy kinds broke badly. Good, heavy, dry-lot cows and good, fat heifers show little change, but the common kinds show a decline of 25'g'40c. Buyers were Indifferent on these kinds and the trade was very slow and dull. Good bulls are about steady, but grassy kinds are 25c lower. Veal calves and stags show little change and are about steady. There was a small supply of stnekers and feeders here this week and the quality was poor, trnshy stuff, being much In evi dence. There Is Utile demand for this kind of stuff and the market for the week shows a decline of about loutlSc. HOOB There was about the usual Satur day's run here, about 119 lomi tw.i. I sale. The receipts here were heavier than at any of the other market centers. Light I receipts and encouraging reports from east- ern points gave sellers the advantage here and prices ruled higher. On the opening ! trading was slow and it was some little time berore much was done. After the first round or two, however, buyers and sellers got together and trading was active: Prloes ruled generally 2c higher than yesterday's best time, or a nickel higher than yester day's general market. The bulk of the hogs sold at t5.50ti5.55, with the long strlng eelllng at J6.62M. As high as $5 60 was paid for a good load of 175-pound hogs, which was the top price of the day. The stuff moved readily and a clearance was made In good season, the market closing strong at tha advance. Representative sales: . AT. T Ill M I7 W 151 M H6I k. fr Cattle. .. 4,6 t.S . 6 263 1".7n) . .3 3 9.110 .. 3.3.12 8,47 .. 2,042 7.234 . . 100 8,3iJ 8k. FT. ... (SI 10 6 65 0 I II 110 I 61 46 I 47 ... I M 100 I lo ... t 10 It.. ...lit 4M 1 10 I II 6 II 1 66 I M I M I M I II I 61 I 61 I 65 I 61 e 6i I 61 1 61 I 64 I 15 1 M 1 61 I 6 I 6 t a I 61 1 66 1 6 I 61 1 61 I II I 6 Ill 4 Tl 16 1 44.... la II.... I ..147 ..III ..211 ..124 ..IM ..171 ..tu ..U6 ..141 . .114 ..148 ..m ..til ..141 ..IM .174 to I 10 I M I to i 10 I to I M 120 2o0 40 110 IK) 110 40 40 KO 10 110 40 10 100 40 10 1 M w 110 I to I II... I 10 TO.... 13...., II.... 7.... II.... 4a... 41 ... 75... If.... 41 ... 71.... II.... 11.... 44 ... 1.... 10 I 12 10 I II 120 40 I II I 62 120 nil I 12 I II 6 62-, I VI I 12 00 110 110 3 an HO 140 ISO 1 II W IM SU0 I 12W .141 .127 I 12 II 1 11 171 127 1 100 121 Ill Ill .....244 IfiO It' I 4i 241 11 Ill 11 Itl 117 1-1 2J1 ttl If I 131 141 10 141 1J ,.t...la0 Ill l! I'.l I II I 12 I 12 11 7.. 71., 71., I.. II. 1. 10., u.. I. K 111 !"0 1 66 M III 110 0 I 12 ... 112 110 I It 120 I 12 140 I 52 10 I 12 0 t live llu I 42 140 I 12 M 1 12 40 1 12 ... ill 44 I 12 110 I 12 40 I 12 4 I II 10 1 list, 110 I n , 11 1 12 ... I ft ISO I 12 120 I II 10 I 12 ... Ill 10 1 u I U 1 61 I U 110 40 M I 65 ... I 61 40 I 65 111 I 66 140 I 61 10 I ... 6 65 IS IK win CI.. II... 50... 17... M. . 41.., 41 . el ., It.. ... 14.., II... 44., 71.. .. .. I 61 10 to 40 tM 120 I 17 I 17 1 17 17 20 I 171, 4 t 67 u, 10 1 17 ... 167 40 t 57 40 t 67 l 1.11 I II SHEEP-There were no sheep of anv sequence on sale today and the bur burn was practically deserted. R.-c-.-lpts iaVr moderate for the week, but showed a mi,i over last week of about sixteen cars anil were about twenty-. ix cars hravler thn the corresponding week of last year There was a good strong demand for sup piles of all klndx and the re.i,.,. ..... lMted almost entirely of old sheep The llrst three days of the week sellers had little trouble in disponing of Uielr l)ol,llnir at good strong prices and conditions vy.-r. all In their favor. But the lt 0f th. week conditions were reversed and buvers had the advahtaKe. Chicago broke 4.-"o ,oo on sheep ana au, where (rviu i ta u M Hi. f. 71 Ill 1 Ill 71 117 II Ill 45 til SO 1,6 74 211 Tl Ill 13 Ill 14 ll 71 :l Tl 120 71 lot Tl t'K) 74 200 TO Ml II Itl 71 114 M 211 2 220 74 2"! 4 20 M 171 l IM 44 261 5 2:ci 71 Ill 0 240 71 261 II 210 71 117 I itl 1 Ill 71 Ill 71 141 Tl Ill 10 Ill 77 224 Tl Ill 44 Ill 4a HI Mi Ti 11T U M 71 113 17 2.-.I Tl Ill 71 Ill 4 244 2 11 I I'l t" 71 U5 70 Its 4 2.2 IIT 71 mi 1 170 0 1W lambs. As a consequence trading was slow here on Thursday and Friday. The decline on the two days mentioned put the market for the week about a quarter lower on sheep, while lambs, owing to the break rM, are about 5oc lower, sit hough there ough t a fair were not enough here to make test of the market Quotations Good to choice snrlnat lambs. J7.10-U7 4o; fair to good spring lambs $' 50i 7.oo ; good to choice yearlings, $6 8"ti6 00; fair to good yearlings. $6 5"'uu 80; good to choice wethers, $5 0"-ii6.4O; fair to good wethers, f4.7.Vtf5.0O; good to choice ewes, $4.75(65 .00; fair to good ewes, $4.2oj4.75. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle teadr Hogs Ten Cents Higher -Sheep and Lambs Steady, CHICAGO, July 15.-CATT1 J2-Recelpts. 600 head, market steady; good to prime steers, 6016.00: poor to medium. $3 76j 6.36; stockers and feeders. $2.7tl,4 36; cows. 12.5tii4.70; heifers. ti.26y5.1't; canners. $1 iiii 2.50; bulls. $2 0t"u im; calves, $3.GO'ei.7S; Texas fedteers. f4 OO'rffi.OO. HOGS Receipts, 6,ou0 head; estimated Monday, 2,ooo head; market 10c higher; mixed and butchers, $5.7ta5.90; good to choice heavy. t5.7i'((i5 .90; rough heavy, $5 35; light, 6.66aG.:0; bulk of sales, $6.bfjr 5.15. SHEEP AND LAMnft-Recelpts, t.000 head; market stendv; good to choice weth ers. $5 2M36.75; fair to choice mixed, $4.75.:f 6.2o; western sheep. $4.76(j6.75: native lambs, $6.007.75; western lambs, $6.0oiji.75. Kansas t lty I.lvo Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, Mo.. July 16.-CATTLK Receipts, 3-X) head. Including head south erns; market nominally steadv; choice ex port and dressed beef steers, $6.004.60; fair to good, $4 26i5.0O; western fed steers, $.1.75 fa6.i; stockers and feeders, $2.7754.26; southern steers, $2.7.Vu4.50; southern cows, $2.25f;8.50; native cows. t25"Jt; native heifers. f3 254; 5. 35; bulls. t2.2f.'o4.iio: calves, $3. 000.75; receipts for week, 48,580 head. HoGS Receipts, 2.010 head; market 10e higher; top, 15.72H; bulk of sales, $5.Mr 6.7u; heavy, $5.56ni6.66 ; packers, $5.6n65; pigs and lights. $6.8lj6.67y; receipts for the week, 2s 6so head. SHBK1' AND LAMPS Receipts, none; market nominally steady; native lambs $6.i.v.u7.50; western lambs. $6.'Xg7.4iV; fed ewes and yearlings, $4.601)5.75; Texas clipped yearlings, $5.6'Kfi.00; Texas clipped sheep, $6.0016.50; stockers and feeders, lZ.6ofu6.tM St. Lonls Llye Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 15,-CATTLE-Recelpts, 300 head, Including 275 Texans. Market steady. Native shipping and export steers, $4.SiiC.S5; dressed beef and butclier steers, $3.75liD. i6; steers under 1,000 pounds, $3. 75m 4.50; stockers and feeders, $2.5041 3.75; cows and heifers, $2.Uio.oo; canncru, $l.aa 2.10; bulls, $2.25'(i3.t; calves, $3 iXy6.00; Texas and Indian steers, $.2ig4.76; cows and heifers, $2 004)3.50. HOGS Receipts, $.600 head;, market higher; pigs and lights. $5.50ij5.75; packers, $47(5.75; butchers and best heavy, $5.ti6(ui SHEEP AND IJVMBa-Recelpts, 200 head; market steady. Native muttons, $4.M5.76; lambs, $5.0041' 7. 76; culli and bucks. $3.oo(j4.25; stockers, $3.76414.26; Texans, $3.75 (U4-76. St. Joseph Live !4tock Market. 8T. JOSEPH, July 15 CATTLE Re ceipts, 61 head; market, steady; cows and heifers, $1585; bulls and stags, $2.00t' 4.60; stockers and feeders, $2.7rVu4.40. HOGS Receipts, $.478 head; market, 6H 7Vc higher; light, fo.Ot 1(6.70; medium and heavy, foge-bo; bulk of sales, $6.6oiU'6.6o. SHEEP AND LA MRS Receipts, none; market, nominally steady. Moux City Live Stock Market. SIOUX CITY, July 15-Speclal Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, loo head; mar ket steady; beeves. $4.oofi5.26; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.5oi4.25; stockers and feeders, fat ti 3. 76; calves ;ind yearlings, $2.60(03.60. HOGS Receipts, 6,'ieO head; market about 5c higher, selling at $5.40cg5.65; bulk of sales, $7x42!.ii-j.47VJ. Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six princi pal western markets yesterday: pKiuin uniana Sioux City Kansas City St. Joseph loo 8.300 6,000 S.000 100 I0 67 m 600 3,479 2.&0 6,000 St. Louis o $.000 Chicago Totals ....1,367 28,279 2,200 OUAIIA WHOLESALE MARKET. Condition of Trad antl Unotatlons oa Staple and Fanoy rroisaet, EGGS Receipts, fair; market quiet: candled stock, 13ffll314o. LIVE POULTRV-Hena, H; roosters, 6c; turkeys, Lfc(il6c; ducks, 8c; spring ducks, 10c; spring chickens, 16'416c. BUTTKR-Market firm; packing stock. 13Hi14c; choice to fancy dairy, 17ai8c; creamery, iwa-ic; prints, 22c. SUGAR Standard granulated, $6.21 per cwt.; cubes, $7.00 per cwt.; cut .loaf, $7.4$ per cwt.; No. 6 etra C, $15 per cwt.; No. 10 extra C. $5 96 per cwt.; No. 16 yel low, $6.76 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, $6.94 per cwt.: bar powdered, $7.40 per cwt.2 eaglo tablets, $7.96 per cwt. tRESH KISH-Tiout. c: halibut, llo; buffalo Idresscd). 8c; ulcnerel (dressed), 60; while bass (drejwl(, lie; sunfisn, so; neron (scaled and Oaressed). 8c; pike. 10c; catfish, lac; red snupner. 10c; salmon, luc; ciapplea. 12c; eel 16c; bullheads. 11c: black bass. 20c; Manitoba whltefliih (dressed), 10c; Lake Su perior whitensh (dressed, 12c; frog legs, per dox., 35c; lobsters, green, 27c; boiled lobsters. c; shad roe. 45c; bluefish. 80. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice, J7.00; No. I, $6.60; No. t, $6.00; coarse. $6.00. These m-liu aru tor hay of good color and qua!- it RAN Per ton. $16.00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sizes. $4 25: extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sizes, $3.75; seedlings, all sixes, $3.60; Valen cia, all sixes, $4.26. LEMONS Ltruonlora, eTtra fancy. 270. 300 and 360 sixes, $6 25; fancy, 270, 3u0 and 360 bizes, $4.75; choice, $36U; 3uo and $60 sixes, $4.50; 20 slxe, $3 26 ; 240 sixe, $3.60 . DATES Per box of 80 1-lb pkgs.. $100; ilallowe en, In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb. 60. FIGS California, per W-lu. carton, 8)c: lir.portod Smrua, four-crou. 12c: flv crown, 12c. UANANAS Per medlum-slxed bunch. $1.71 52 26: iumbos, $2.E04tJ.OO. ' " PrNBA PPLE8 Florida, joer crate of 24. $0 and 86 sizes, 14.60. r'RbliB avxD MELONS. APR1COTB calUornla, per 4-banket crate, i'LI MS CaUfornia, pei 4-baaket crate. II. ltKtf 1.36. PEAOIKS Texas cllnars. per 4-basket crate. )oc; 'lexas freeuioiies, $i.t)0; Califor nia free stone, per 26-lb. box, $1.10. CliErtKil-; calif 01 niw '.lui per 8-lb box, $1.6u; white, per l-m. du h u: Mis souri, box Of 24 qts., $2.0tl2.26. bXRAW BLHKlld llomu grown, per $4 lt. caae, $1.76'a2.M; Denver, per case of il-Ula., 2.o0. CRANUERRIES Jerseyn, per crata $1 64 gooseberries-box of qts., iiw. CANTALOUPES Texas, per crate, 130$ 4.6o; California, per crate, ponies, $3 00 siandurds, $4.00. WA'l ERMELONS Alabama Sweets, 26Q $0c eacli: crated, H40 per lb. RvaSPBERRlES Red. box of 24 pis. $2 60 black, box of 24 pts., $3.uo. LLACK liEHRIEri Case of 24 Qt. UM. TURNIPS New, per dox.. 2Cc. , CARROTS New, per do., 20c WaX BEANS Per w-bu. box, 75o; string beans, per V-bu. box, 76u; bu. box wax or string, $1.60. POTAluES Home-grown, In sucks, per bu., 35c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new ppta toes, per bu., 56c. LEANS Navy, per bu.. $2 00. v CAULIFLOWER Homo thrown, per crate of I dox., rOc CUCUMBERS Per dox.. 46c. PEAS Kaw. i bu. box. $1.06. TOMAT(ES Tennessee, per 4-basket crate. 11.00. Bl-iNACH Per bu.. 60o. CABBAGE Home grown, lu crates, lb.. 2Wc. per ONloNS New, per dox. bunches, 15c; Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lb.. II 2a. RADItillES Hot house or southern, per ous . LkCTT JCE Hot house, per dox., S5440c; head lettuce, per dox.. 75a BEETS New. per dos.. 30c. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESU Swiss, ne. itc; Wisconsin DricK, 14c; v uconsin llmuorger, 16c; twins, )-,-, young Americas, IJjc. N UTS Wain uta. No. 1 .oft hells, new crop, per lb., 15c; hard shell,, per lb.. 14c; No. soft shells, per lb. lie; No. 8 hard shells, per lo., 12c; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per b.. luc; peanuts, per lb , 7c; toasted peanut, per lb., 40; Chill walnuts, per iu., iiauc, aimonas. son shell, per iu.. a.ui naru siieu. Ler 10.. lac: snaiitiuru hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; Prge hickory nuts, per bu., $1.50. HI lliES No. 1 green. 80: No. i arrenn. ic; no. 1 sanea. He; No. Z salted. 80; No. 1 veal calf. 10c; No. $ veal calf. $c; dry salted, "i'.t:. sheep pelts. 26cj$..0; horse bides, ll.i..-4(i.00. Wool Market. IX1NDON, July 15. WOOL The arrivals 01 wool lor tne nrtn series or auction sales amount t i 1 343 Imles. Including 6.&-0 tales lornaroeii 10 spinners. 1 lie Imports thli vvet k weie: New bouth Wales, ls2 bales 'Queensland. 14 bales; Victoria. 2j0 iiales viutli Autralia, 61 bales: Nw z,.aiund 5.900 bales: Cape of tlood H: ir,e 11 n. I N.' ( .. I M hal"i; S.ngapore. 1,1(3 bales; the cuntl- iirui. to. imii-a, ciewnete. z.5 hales ST IXJllS. Mo.. July Ik-WOOL-Steady; me.iium grades, combing and clothing oilc; light hue, ilmlliii. heavy Una t.u'nn: tul av.ah.4. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARIET Wbttt Oaioi EnVstiptiglly, but Drops Off at the Close. LOWER PRICES MONDAY PREDICTED Reerlpts la tooth-nest Will Bo Larger Various Factors Combine to $loost torn Condtlon t ot Hnssla'a Mop, OMAHA. July 15, 1905. Wheat closed tan better than vesterdav. Am, our began buying largely and the pi Ice weni up to iio lor July anu S4c lor rp tember. A lot of Selling lollowed and It waa tiiuugut tnat Arinour had turned seller. A drop oi about Ho from the high point was sustained. July closed at 66 w', Sep tember at Mc ami December at K4iO. With larae estimated recelnts at Kansaa City and bt. Louis, a big break In prices is predicted for Monday. Eight cars of new m neai were received at umaiia loaay, weighing oi1 tu 63 lbs. mrn was op, on higher caDies, petter ex port demand and lower ejuiiuatrd recctpta. July closed at ui-Sc. old July at 67o, Hep- lenioer at Mc, old Scptcinlicr at to', December at 477aO and old Deceinuer at 000. oats finished with July at 82c, rV-ptem-ber at 30(u3o4.o and December at 30-ao. Mllinearoils wlieat turka decrenaed do 000 buahols for the week and Duluth stocks bushels. Australian shipments for the week were 176,000 bushels, week before 440.000 bushels and last rear 272.000 bushels. jiroomiiau gives the Russian seml-olllolal prop report to July 1. saying winter wheat la above tho average, spring wheat will ieia ine average, oats and barley over tha average and rye under the average. The world's shipments of wheat for the week are IMCO.flno btinllels. Predictens are for a moucrate decrenae or supplies on passage, Toledo wires that the largest winter wheat mill In the world has bought only two Cars Of Wheat on this cron 11 ahonlil lmv 200 to S00 cars on the road. Rains have de- layea marketings. i-remnent Valentine of the Armour Drain company at Chicago said todav: "If the present crop prospects hold good through the spring wheat harvest this country will nave jwj.tuo nusheis more wheat than last year. As F.urope did well without our wheat last year, there Is apparently no rennon why It cannot do so again. The question that Is now up for consideration of the trade Is, what la to be dono with this surplus?" v neat closed unchanged at Liverpool and corn was Ud higher. Conflicting crdp re ports came from Russia. Corn at Liverpool Is firm ln the holders' hands. The Chicago news letter from Frailer to Sunderland ft Updike this mornina- said: "The Kansas fnrmer aeema wllllnar tn bmII Ms wheat and Is rushing It to the market at such a rate that It looks as If prices would have to go lower. Cables on oorn are Hd higher and the stocks abroad are light They will have to continue to take our corn, and with light receipts here we can t expect any lower prices. Oats mar work a little lower, but H.m'i .. sell them short." Omaha Cash galea. WHMAT New No. 2 hard. 2 cars. RlUc! new No. 2 hard, 1 car, Hc. Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 1 hard, 88Tr91c; new No. I hard, Mc; No. 8 hard. fXu87o; No. 4 hard, 63tjj7c; No. i spring, 70c CORN NO i. OfVje; i0. , bio; NO. , doc: no grade, 46a4So; No. 2 yellow, 62e; No. $ yellow, 514c; No. 2 white, 53c; No. 1 white 5mc. OATS No. 8 mixed, 30c; no. 8 mixed. 29.c: No. 4 mixed. 2KV4ii-'9c: No. 1 white. SI Vic; No. 8 white, 8iyc; No. 4 white, SOc; standard, vo4c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oats. Chicago 165 Kansas City Minneapolis . 25 83 2 10 ....119 40 12 "i "42 Omaha ....... Duluth St. Louis .... 64 Mlnnrapolls tiraln Msrkt-t. The ranea of nrlces naid ln Minneapolis. as reported by the Ed wards-Wood com pany, liu-lii tioara oi iraae ouuuing, was; Article. Opea Hlgh.l Low. Close.l Yes y. Wheat I July... 1 04HI Sept... fWViffl V Dec.ftoVtid'li 1D6 86V41 1 04 S5' WEATHER IM THE GRAIN BELT Continues Warm In Central Valleys- Cooler Near Lakes. OMAHA, July 15, 1906. The weather continues warm In the cen tral vnllevs and will probably continue warm tonight and Sunday. It Is slightly cooler ln the lake region and eastern states. The weather is generally fair ln the mid dle MiHHlHslppI and Missouri valleys and west, and no precipitation worthy ot men tion has occurred In Nebraska since the lcs: report. Heavy rains are reported at v.ilnts 111 Nortn miKoia, a ran or .u nches being recordod at Devil's Irfike. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compated with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1906. 1904. 1903. 1903. Minimum temperature.... 74 66 68 7$ frecipitation ou .00 .oz .00 Normal temporuluro for today, 77 degrees. Deficiency ln precipitation since March L 6 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904. 2.42 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period in 1901. 4.66 inches. OMAHA DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Max. Mln. Rain. Stations. Indies. fik. Ashland, Neb 92 90 93 96 93 92 73 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 ."IS .0 Clear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy Cloudy Clear Auburn, Neb.... 65 71 68 9 72 70 72 71 71 67 73 64 70 67 Columbus, Neb.. Kali-bury, Neb... Fairmont. Neb.. Or. Inland, Neb. Hartlngton. Neb. 66 Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear CI oar Oakdale, Neb... 94 90 93 84 t 90 Omaha, Nob Tekamah, Neb.. Carroll la Clarinda, la Sibley, la 1 Sioux city, la. 92 Clear Clear Storm Lake, la.. 88 DISTRICT AVERAGES. jh .a T- . b.i. Centnl. Chicago, 111. Stations. Max. Mln. Inohe. 20 17 $4 64 64 66 70 6$ 66 70 68 .61 .0$ .00 .01 T .04 .84 .() Columbus, O lies Moines. Ia... Indianapolis, Ind. Kansas City, Mo. Ixiutsvllle, Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb St, Louis, Mo.... to 90 13 11 16 19 2t 15 U 68 94 90 66 92 9$ L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster, Weather Bureau.-' Liverpool Clralu Market. LIVERPOOL, July IS. WHKAT Spot, nominal; futures, steadv; July, nominal; Septemher. f.s Sd; December, 6s 7'd. CORN Spot, steady; American, mlxad, 6 2d; futures, quiet; July, nominal; Septem ber, 4s lO'.d. Edwards-Wood Co. (Inreraorated 1 fUaii Office: Fllfh gad Robert Strs?$ ST. HAUL. niNN. DEALERS I H Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your Grain to Us Branch Office, llu-lll board of Trade Dlea-, Omaha. Neh. Telrpboae 8514. :i''-2l4 Exchange Uidg.. South Omaha. Ecr) 'Phone lid. Independent 'Pbuus I W. Farnam Smith & Co. Stocks, Bonds, Investment Securities. 10 to .V uharva tf Tnloii Stin k Yartla, Bouth Oinahii, at K)tr. Suhjcct to sale. 1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1084. 1 05 1 044 h9H 8SI4 Db 85H 120 POINTS FOKINVESTORS l:itanrfe4 to aitaarar (, aaku4 or tltal ul4 aa aalia 1 tr aa prant or bri'tiT luv.a'ur In misiSu, Il oat mvti ti.m sxocaa for t.a iir.irtln of thalr own ICVlAsu auiTlOa 0l --i , ta ninaa. 4 r4wm m4 1 f . Hraa7 Itik Clia. T