Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 6, Image 14

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? s
M()IKPln 11 parts of Hie i-it jr. R.
llWUJUJt, peteia to.. ie HI. Is
THE Omaha Van & Storage Co. pack,
move and store 11. 11. goods. Storehouse
1UU-J4 ,', jjui. Ollice. lollVi ariiani.
lei. la D litf
WK MOVE planus. Maxgard Van A Stor
age Co. Tel. 1496. Ollice, 1.13 Webster tit.
per cent below Installment nounv prices.
We carry tha best stock In Omaha.
Terms: $:6 00 worth, $1.00 a week.
Between Uth and l3lh on harnani Ht.
L-64J 16
Piano moving; lowest rates for reliable
service. Tel. l(i.!6. Schmoller & Mueller.
D 718
HOI KPQIn aii part of the city. The
llUUOCJy. Davis Co., eon Wee Hid.
D 7U
liuLSbJ, Rlngwait, Barker 131k.
D iH
FOR RENT About July 20, 10-room mod- I
ern house near high school.
The O. F.
lavl Co., 51 Bee bldg
D MK91
CENTRAL, all modern, J-room house, UQ j
N. 23d. i ill
2701 DODOE St., -room house and bath,
strictly modern and up-to-date; most le
Iraole; investigate It you desire a good
home; good aa new; lint Ito. Call WjH
Dodge. 'Phone clU. D 247
rOR KKNM-room house, 702 N. 30th; all
modern except furnace. C. M. Bachmann,
iM 1'uxton blk. L)-MU
two bath rooms, llowaid li, bmith, 421
N. T. Life Bldg. u 6o6
2&66 DOUaiAS, S rooms $27.60. D MSaO
FOR RENT 7-room house, all modern;
choice nelihborhood. 2123 California Ht..
130. Apply at 607 N. 19th SI. D M4
6-ROOM bouse, all modern, 410 N. 26th.
D -46 16 x
1022 8. 2DTH ST., 8-rnom houise, city water
and gas, lu. Anson & Yost, 4"S Paxton
Bllrt D M4W) 16x
8-ROOM cottage. 711 S. 19th St.
D M515
FURNISHED house, one block from Far
nam car line, beautiful location. 121 S.
2th Ave. D M624 18x
FOk RENT 2444 Larimore; 4 rooms, new.
111. 2418 Larimore, ( rooms, modern, new.
nnleton 7
, St oL.i.
i N. 39th.
120. 31st and California, s room
around, barn. 120. 22 Tern
rooms, modern, barn- 12.60 4i3
8 rooms, modern, barn, 36. Sweet &.
Best, 613 N. Y. Life, Tel. 1472.
D-646 18
FOR RENT Brand new 6 rooms and bath
room. House, corner 44th and Farnam.
Electric light, gas, furnace, strictly mod
ern; rent 130. Apply T. Willows, Boston
Store. D 627 16x
roK. "'"1-1""V?.om. mo,aern, v, S!1 , I
and 2S21 Mason St. Inquire F. P. Klrken-
dall ft Co., 111K Harney St. D M64 a
2614 ST.
MARY'S AVE., modern, $40.
D-60J 16
2S23 HARNEY 8 rooms, $17.00.
N. W. Corner 16th and Elin Sts., $18.00.
09 8. 24th, 8 rooms, $18.00.
1616 N. ft'th, 6 rooms. $21.00.
6u8 N. 23d St., 7 rooms, $32 50.
D 662 16
2628 Charles, 8-r., modern, $5.
Ji'J Stanford Circle, 6-room, bath, $17.
2"13 Howard, 6-room cottage, $16,
W Lake, 5-room, bath, $10.
816 8. lath, 7-room, bath, 12.
South Omaha, 861 8. 2Mh, $10.
D-63 1$
FOR RENT Seven-room cottage, at 2209
Seward St., $18 per month. Inquire at 2121
beward St. uona lex
2601 POPPLETON AVE., 10 rooms, modern;
' elegant; $46,
1810 Park Ave.. 8 rooms, modern, on car;
209 B. 28th Ave., T rooms, modern except
rurnace; close in;
8101 Marcy St., rooms, modern except fur
nace, i-t.
1467 S. St., $ rooms, modern except fur-
nace. 112.
8023 Sherman Ave., S rooms, modern except
First Floor N. Y. L. Bldg.
Tel. 1781.
P 666 16
( NICE rooms, city water $8; no objection
to color, j. xi. .rarroue, fax ton mock.
D 681 18
t00 CALIFORNIA ST. Furnished; low
rental to permanent tenant. Call after
noons D M6S6 18x
8 rooms. 2629 Seward, bath. eta.
8 rooms, modern, 41&8 Cass St., with barn;
near scnooi.
7 rooms, 604 N. 23d, modern.
6 rooms, 11123 Douglas St.
And others.
1624 Douglas St. D 884 18
HANDSOMELY furnished cottage for rent
ior one monm J; references required.
W4 r. tin bl jj 6B7 16x
040 South 18th, 8-r. brick, city water. $S.
141$ North 17th. 8-r.. cltv water. 110
Sv7 Beward, 8-r., city water, cistern, only
tv Caldwell, 6-r. flat, with bath onlv I1T I
723 South SCth Ave ." 6 , rTth ' and' f ur J
nace, only $17. '
2325 South 18th, 8-r., strictly modern except
furnace, a snap at $18.
$112 Mason, 8-r., all modern, will put in
good repair, at $25.
24 Bouth 23th, 8-r., strictly modern, very
choice. t2M
2770 Webster, 8-r., all modern, fine lawn
and barn. 8J5.
1810 Park Ave., 8-r.. strie'ly modern. $37.50.
I06O South 27th, 8-r., strictly modern, east
side Park car, $27.50.
S21 South 25th Ave., lo-r., all modern, easy
walking distance, onlv IL'.V
710 North 4oth. splendid 10-r. house, strictly
modern, with burn, special Inducements
10 rigui party.
601 N. T. Life Bldg.
$36 1!?2 California, 10 rooms, modern. ,
i 34ln23 Park Ave., 8 rooms, modern.
:6-41 Park Ave., 6 rooms, modern.
6 1334 8. 28th St.. 8 rooms, limdrn
70S 8. 28th, 6 rooms, mod. except furnace
t n ppauiaing, 1 rooms, modern.
$! 1IM3 H. loth, a rooms, city water.
$13 8uv6 Jackson St., 6 rooms.
Inquire It. C. Peters Co., Ground
Floor Bee Bldg.
TV 1 W k,i..u 1- t .
choice part of West Farnam diHtrlct
Will be ready for occupancy Seme.nhVr
15. W. Ftrnam Smith A Co.. lio Far-
nam. li 678-16
TOR RENT 8 room house with bath and
kooq oain, near ingn scnool. Kent $27.50.
No. 26:1 Chicago til. Key at 2619.
1 704 18
ROOM house. 161$ Davenport. D 706 16x
wtaoitiAb cards; ar
tistic designs. 8. E. Cur.
LYNGSTAD mn toU "a A,Y-
Capitol Ave., Tel. 24oi; fully equipped for
au aiuus ui priming. us
-Ml.o A12
11. a. OI L KULS, registered attorney; pat
ents, trade marks, cti,)righis; no fee un
ices succmsiui. an xs. 1. Lite, Omaha.
We procure the valuable kind. I solicit
cases from those who appreciate the best
work obtainable. I- C. Sharp Machine
rvuias, svt-i D. imn DL
HKSa 4k 8WOBODA, 1415 Farnam.
U HtNDEJIBON, toll Faxiuun. Tel i f.!
IT VUU wlh to buy or sell a business or
resl estate, consult c. n. nana xs'iirau.
b34 snd 6.16 Hee Bid. 1 Wj
i y voir want to buy, sell, rent or exchange
real esiaie or iruNnrn w ,v m vi'my
ton-Walts Co., l'axton Ulk. Y tu
FOR SALE-First-class meat market la
bent business town in nriiiajn. n rue
Dopson Sl Hough, Newman Urove, Neb.
DOCTOR'S practice for sale; a line prac
tice In good town in jNeDrasaa lor price
of ollice equipment; elckneBS.
T 4S3 ID
K 3S, Bee.
HURRY UP Iet me hear your offer, not
after July -Z'l. copeinnu s isoveny iwwr,
M6 N. loth bl , umana. i -ivnpo lox
TRUBTEK8 RALE (for the benefit of cred
itors) of Jio.uoo wortn oi mens ana oos
clothing, furnishing goods, piece goods,
tailors trimmings, nxtures, tense, etc., to
close up the business of the Ottoson
Joneson Co. Apply J. H. Oordor, trustee,
Galesburg, III. Y- M510 l&x
WANTED Business College, best location
In Iowa. Address K 46. Bee. x o-o
CASH for your real estate or business, no I
matter where located. If you desire a I
quick sale send ns aescription ana price.
Northwestern Business Agency. D su.
Rank of Commerce Bldg., Minneapolis,
WE OFFER 10,000 shares of our Treasure
stock at seventy cents per snare, par
value II, which will soon be par and will
pay good dividends; water power; money
n linv machinery and other Improve
ments Will he sold In fiftv shares and
upward. For further Information apply to
Kagie lour miii co., wnnu,
' ED. Send model or sketch for free opinion
as to patentability. Send for Illustrated
r;ubl rtook. Contains 100 mechanical move
ment! and t.lrtT OF INVENTIONS WANT
ED. Particulars NEW TRAD1S MAHIt
I. aw cnPVRlilHTR etc Patents adver
tised free In World's Progress. Sample
copy free. EVANS, wiLKhiss & '.,
Keg. Patent Attorneys, U3 r ou, v 11
ton. D. C. x
FINE restaurant and shoft order house in
one of best towns In Nebraska, witn ele
gant soda fountain; doing excellent dum-
ness; good reason for selling. Speak quick, I
If you want It. Address F 66, Bee.
TOU can never profit by business chances
unlcM yo h?v rme mny- mal' av-
Ings are the foundation of large fortunes
Btrt a MV,n, account with J. L.
Brandels bDns, Bankers, 16th and
Tknoirla. fit. Aunt, nver liAO 110 00
BIG MONEY $10 buys putg or calls upon
movement of 6 cents makes you $600.
rue uir circular. 1 lie ommiaiu umui
Co.. Cleveland. O. Y-602 16x
WANTED Person to call on retail trade
ior mamiiaciuring nouse; local icrmur, ,
salary, 1-6, paid weekly; expense money
advanced; previous experience unneces
say. American House, Star Bldg., Chi
cago, x 601 16X
The present stock and grain markets af
ford opportunities that win yield a per
centage of proftt unequalled In any other
line of business; don't delay; send for
our special letter containing reports and
advice; highest banking and commercial
agency references. Williams, Young &
Co., 226-2UI La Salle St., Chicago, in.;
St. Louis omce, Laclede Bldg. Y. 600 ltx
W hy buy shares ln new plantations when
you can buy ln one seven years old. Al
ready paid 61 per cent ln dividends. An
other soon. Three Million Coffee, Seven
Hundred Thousand Rubber Trees, Fifty
acres Vanilla. $5 cash. $6 per month per
share. Only a few shares to be resold.
package ol Mexican conee mauea iree
with book, 'Conee bcience. Address
Mexican uouee aliiib, ah xuver ol., v,m- 1
run V SUM lftx I
AGENTS You can $2,600 yearly as our
wnrklnir nartnem Onlv nna accented 111
a locality. American Co-Operatlve Sales
$i28,000-or part for Investment ln some good
enterprise without services. T. E
. .. c .j . 1 t 1 . 1 .(11.. xirt
MANUFACTURER desires to arrange with
business man who can furnish from $5,000
to tlO.OuO to handle Nebraska,
BUSINESS ln successful ODeratlon In Illi
nois and will , pay competent man lio.uuo
yearly or better. Highest Dank and com
mercial references rurnisnea. Aaaress,
Manufacturer, 271 E. Madison St., Chicago I
-" " I
INCORPORATE under Arizona's liberal
laws: least restrictions and cheapest, rulllni.r tinMnn -n,i,n vk
quest. Address Southwestern Securities
and Investment Company, Phoenix, Aria.
Satisfaction guaranteed. x 046 lbx
BROKERS Solicitors wanted for best wire-
lens telegraph stock proposition ever put
before the Dubllc: liberal commissions. W.
D. valentine Hi co., Hankers, ptaraei
St., San Francisco. ix
PROFITABLE results Immediately: $1 se
cures absolute Information regarding two
stocks which win increase in value;
prompt reply witn particulars; remit m.
li. Lyon, ZMi .uroaaway, r.uw xorx.
Y-643 10X
$1,500 Grocery and meat market; good lo-
cation, good trade, good reason for sell-
Ing. A. Rae. York, Neb. Y-M638 17x
TJ-636 16x
FOR SALE Newspaper and Job office ln
one of the best county seat town, in
southeastern Nebraska. Established 30
years. Have been here ror mat time ana
want to quit. Good paying property and
good proposition for one or two practical
men, witn mue money ana security.
Address K 45, care Bee. 1 632 16X
I CORPORATION established 1865 desires
services of an energetic business man to
r'VlVJ."'!,..'!-1 JlVf
and uDWards: also unquestionable refer
ences regarding ability and Integrity re
quired: salary 2,&i annually and com
mission. Address Box 536, Madison. Wis,
Y-C74 1ft
MANAGER Branch office, ' Omaha and
other cities, an enterprise we believe will
Drove greatest money earning and wealth
Jemed to American pubUcT Company will
producing business proposition ever pre
sented to American public. Company will
forever own all powers, advantages and
every source or pront in a modern city.
under unity of ownership. Superior to
any co-operative colonisation plan ever I
nirmea. Representatives snouid earn
$3,000 to $5.UK) first year and continue to
increase. Small amount of cash reaulred.
Our booklet, "The Powers and Advan
tages of Industrial Concentration, and
full Information mailed free. Inventors
and Finance Company (Rep. Dept.), Ho-
Done 11, in. j. x 7 16x
VALUABLE patent for sale; cell door and
w'ni'"'' Kuar'i. through which escape Is
L"i"8ibJ'. .AJrt" T?an"r
m """ru Jvo- ew "venO"""-,
T-646 16x
BARGAIN Who wants It? Hotel for sale.
with or without furniture. In connection
there Is confectionary cigar, tobacco.
lunch counter, ice cream parlor, soda
fountain and fixtures. Present roster
shows cases all In good running order
and in one of the best towns In Seward
County. Neb. A great big snap for some
one. The best of reasons for selling this
properly, inis win r'ar looking after.
Come and see or address P. O. Box 383,
L Ilea, jseo. T 673-16
WE have for sale or trade for land two
general stocks of merchandise' 1 livery
stock: 1 drug stock: 8 hotels; 1 clothing
and gent's furnishings. Farm land ana
town property for sale. The Hi ill May &
jiewitt una co.. rairDury. neo.
, Y-700 1
FOR BALE Office business paving $100 per
month, price, us, including omce nx
tures. Address K 63. Bee. l-7 16
WANTED To rent hotel, furnished xr un-
rurnlshed. Address j 67, lice.
K-M43 lax
WANTED To rent, fine large front room
In excellent location; 82 per we. k. Apply
ax o. xutn bi. k v lux
Johnson Institute, 61j N.I. Life bldg. Tel .1664
I MRS. JOHN R. MU61CK Osteopathy Phy.
fclclan; omce. vui lia. t.
Never such Prices for such Roods offered
before, and If at any time within one year
you want to buy a new machine we win
take the old one back at exactly what It
tost you.
The following Is a partial list of what
we offer for all this week:
1 DOMESTIC 10 00
1 SINGKK, NEW laniOVEU.. lb.
1 WHITE i...
8 00
6 00
Modern drop-head machines, slightly used,
at one-half the regular price.
We rent machines at 76c per week, or
2.00 per month. These are modern, up-to-
date machines, with all attachments.
We sell needles and parts for and repair
every sewing machine manufactured.
Nebraska Cycle Co.
Corner lfith and Harney Sts.
824 Broadway. Council Bluffs. .
BRANCH OFFICE, 625 N. 24th, So. Omaha.
I 3 L'n tT l T I ' L" T Hfannn.,n
'Phone 16C3. Q
Incorporated,' $10,000.
1607 Farnam St. 'Phone 4603
We ar still sellirfg brand new machines
at ISO and do not seem to be able to sup-
ply the public with these machines fast
Remingtons, Smith Premiers, Under-
woods and C
chines made,
) to m
Ollvers, four of the best ma-
can be had here at from
Remingtons, second-hand 26 $65
Underwoods 40 60
Olivers 30 46
If we do not have the machine you
, . , v .ui , v . .
want ln Btoek we wlH et 11 for yu on
Short notice. Trv our rlhhona and car
bons. One-half cheaper than any other
rlbbon or carbon and ten times hetter
Typewriter repairing on all kinds of ma
chines a specialty. q
Greatest Piano
Sale on Record
To Immediately reduce our Immense
tock of Wgn-Brade pianos we will offer
for one week only the following bar
Brand New UDrlaht rianoa. in nlnln
and fancy cases, which were made to
.... Bt . 4 ... . V"
v u nmo una
wwa ior 9100,-fito, ll OU uiontlliy
L8ea upngnts taken in trade or re-
turned from renr 74. lft na.-
. Ir0m rent..'i LIU, ?11S tO
lo terms to suit.
Square Pianos that have been thor
oughly overhauled in our niauo faotorv
will be sold this week for the cost of
the Work-$10. $20 to $35. Terms, 50c
Several at 5 each $10, $12. $16 to $25
for a nne one.
PIANO PLAYERS taken in exchange
on Metrostyle Pianolas $88 to $150.
This IS your Chance to liven up the un
used nlano: easv terms, too.
Temporary Location at Our Factory.
Schmoller &.
FOR SALE, new and second-hand billiard
and pool tables, oar nxtures of all kinds
easy payment. Sund for catalogue
Brunswlck-Balke-Collender 407 S. loth St..
viiiiviii. , ooa
COMPLETE line new and 2d-hand furnl
ture. Chicago Furniture Co., 1410 Dodge.
ziuu, y 6t8
WIRE chicken, hog end lawn fence, iron
fence hitch posts, trellises. Wire Vvorks.
111 H. lttth BU . Q 6,1
2D-HAND safe cheap.
Derlght, 1119 Far-
VJ 672
13&0 BUYS good runabout automobile, iiur
anieea m gooa running oiatr; original
cost woo. Aaaress uu tarrunu bu
Q 7S
PAINT. Sherman & McConuell Drug Co
Omaha. Q 874
CHEAP chicken fence, long fir timbers and
teicpnone poies. isji j-iougias IJ 616
FURNITURE, carpets, rugs; best stock in
umana; roc a uouom prices; easy pay
W vwvvm vis 1ICLIJ4 O l.
Q-543 16
FOR SALE, several scholarships in a first
class siunu&ru bchuui in (, comprla
Ing complete course ln business, short
nana sua lypewriung. inquire
at B
FOR SALE, about 50 feet ornamental gal-
vaniseu u un wi mcv auu ornamental
Iron posts suitable for uhow window. Ad-
piJT auW3i ,auuui wn uuiimu,
S pulleys, from 6-lnch to 4S-lnch ln dlam
ler: s counter snaiis. complete.
These are all In firm-class condition. W.
11. Bridges engineer oee tiuuuing.
if you want a bargain lu steam rutin cWu
ana loa over m luuuwuig supplies;
l s-iuch Austin's hoiisuutai separator.
1.4-lncn Austins verucol spaiaur.
ianH Have been taaeu oui 011 account a(
cumujw in uur blmiiu v'aui auu are la
tutid COndltluU. AUOTfeaS hu Hinulli
,o., or sm W. H. tnu,cs, euKineer t
winion luuiuii wu, in in -ciuas conui-
tlun. owned by U. w. WatUes. Inquire
AUTOMOBILES 11,000 electrlo runabout
witn top, ti.tuv mouue, paMMiigsr,
team, i86; 1760 Rambler, l&u; two luda,
1-uO. Freurlckson, 15th and Capitol Ave.
FOR SALE Typewriter. In excellent con
dition, cheap. AUress xl.u Uk. j lt
UPRIGHT piano, good as new, very cheap.
Apply uio finauey bu si aa lax.
FINE upright piano, cheap. 814 N. 17th.
Q-M51 17
FOR SALE CHEAP An Edison Home Rec
ord, so gold molded records, a 36-lnch
horn and a recorder. 2418 Parker St.
W 7mi If
ELEOANT new upright piano; must be
sacrificed today; parties leaving city. Call
this afternoon between 2 and 4 o'clock.
M Pofpletoa Ave. Q ti ltx
MIT.K COWS on easy terms. 43d and Cm-
FOR BALE One carryall or garden wagon.
Cheap, is. c. Hondesen, I lorence Neo.
'l'hone Ash Z:c. y 6j0 !.
FOR SALE Folding reclining go-cart. In
nrst-ciass romiition. (ircat argnln If sola
quickly. Inquire at 33.8 Dewey Ave.
Q 656 lx
THREE-STORY and basement. 10n3 Far
nam; elevator. ol4 First Nat l Bank Bldg.
I 7i6
THE store room No. 2912 Farnam St., only
id per monm. inquire K. c: I'eters
Co., ground flood Bee Bldg. I K.2
This building Is 22xi feet, four stories
nd a basement. The basement Is 22x133
feet. Is cemented. The ceiling over the
basement has a brick vault and Iron beam
construction, making the basement fire
proof. The first floor has a marble floor in
front and granolithic floor ln rear. There
Is a large burglar-proof vault and a power
elevator. The upper floors have windows
on three sides.
Address The Bee Building Co., C. C.
Kosewaler, Secretary, room 100 bee Bldg.
WE have vacant a particularly desirable
small omce, wiucn rents ior iu.w per
month. Price Includes heat, light, water
and janitor service. It Is located on the
fourth floor of The Bee building and Is
Just the tiling for any one wanting a nice
little ollice ln the best office building ln
town. R. C. Peters & Co., rental agents,
ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1771
IF you apply at once we can give any
one desiring a large omce space almost
any arrangement they desire. This space
Is on the sixth floor of The Bee bullulng,
with north light. R. C. Peters & Co.,
rental ascnts, ground floor. Bee Bldg.
DESK room for rent. 5 N.
T. U Bldg.
I-M471 16x
LARGE room suitable for light manufac
turing; small rent; excellent light; down
town. K 41. Bee. 1-602 17
in IT. S. Nat 1 Bank building; nice, light,
modern ollices.
In strictly modern, ground-floor office all
necessary conveniences rurnisnea tree,
such as heat, light, Janitor, telephone
service, etc.
Ground Floor, U. S. Nat l Bank Bldg.
. 1-646 16
Sealed proposals are invited and will be
received by the City Clerk on Tuesday,
July 15, 1SW6, at 8 o'clock p. in., ln the
Council Chamber In the City Hall, for the
following street Improvements, towlt:
Dewey avenue, from 3Mh street to 89th
strtfet, ln Street Improvement District No.
806, by curbing and paving, as per Ordi
nance No. 663K.
2uth street, from Dodge street to Farnam
street (not now paved with stone). In
Street Improvement District No. SOS. by
repaying, readjusting ola curbs and 10
placing all defective curbing, as per Ordi
nance No. 6639.
20th street, from Dodge street to Cass
street, (except Capitol avenue and Chicago
street intersections), in Bireec improve'
ment District No. bJi. by repaying, read
justing the old curbs and replacing all de
tective curoing as per urainance ino. dow.
35th street, from Harney street to Dewey
avenue, ln street improvement District ino
829, by curbing and paving, as per Ordi'
nance No. 6541.
Harney street, from east line of 33d street
to 36th street, in Street Improvement Dis
trict No. 831, by curbing and paving, as per
Ordinance No. 6543.
Howard street, from 36th avenue to setn
street, ln Street Improvement District No.
830, by curbing and paving, as per Ordi
nance No. 6642.
17th street, from Davenport street to
Webster street, (except Chicago and Cass
street Intersections), in street improve'
ment District No. 832, by repaying, read
usti iar the old curbs and replacing all de
'active rurblna. as rter Ordinance No. 5644.
87th street, from Farnam street to Dodge
sireer, in oirwi aiiiiu uvt?mt-ui, iidii 11.1 io.
oy curning anu paving, ua per orui
nance Io. 5046.
Lake street, from 18th street to 24th
street, (exceot mh and 20th street Inter
sections), ln Street Improvement District
No. 834. bv repavlng, readjusting the old
curbs ana replacing an aerecuve curDing,
as per Ordinance No. 5546.
27th street from Farnam street to Dodge
street. In Street improvement District n.
835, by Curbing and paving, as per Ordi
nance No. 6547.
Bids for such street Improvements must
be urjon asphalt, stone, vitrinea brick, vit
rifled brick block, artificial stone or ma
cadam, and all bidders am required to des
ignate the locality, quarry, kiln or rue
torv from which will be furnished the
specific material to be used by them, with
Its commercial aesignauon.
ProDosals must be submitted for each
district separately, and must be made upon
printed blanks to oe rurnisnea Dy me cny
Engineer, who will also furnish Instruc
Hons to bidders, together with specifics
tions and form of contract and bond, upon
application at his office; and as evidence
of good faith and guarantee that con
tract, will be entered Into and good and
sufficient bond furnished, should award be
made thereon, each proposal must, be ac
companied by u certified check, payable to
the City of Omaha, in an amount not less
than two per cent. 01 tne total 01 eacn uiu,
but In no case to be less than HOO.iO.
Proposals must be addressed to W. H.
Kllunirn t.'ltv Clerk. Council Chamber. City
Hall, and marked "Proposals for Street
Improvement, District No. ," giving
thn number of the district bid upon.
The City Council of the City of Omaha
- it.. ,A A , . . . ...... nn -1 1 1.1.1.
reserves Wie riglll, 10 icji:n nil ui ii muo
Omaha, Nebraska, July lo, 1906.
J10-dl6t City Clerk
Sealed proposals are Invited and will be
received ty the City Clerk at Room 106.
City Hall, for the purchase of the first
alley north of Nicholas street, rrom i:tn
street to 13th street, In the City of Omaha.
All proposals must be sealed, marked,
"Prr.iKisjifs for Purchase of Iloal Estate."
and be filed with the City Clerk at or be
fore 2 o clock p. m., on 1 uewiajr, juiy is,
l'ju6. The city reserves the right to reject
any or all bids.
Aihiished In accordance with Ordinance
No. f-t-J, passed by the City Council June
13, I&16, and approved by the Mayor June
Omaha. Nebraska, July 10. 1905.
JulylO D7t City Clerk.
Sealed proposals are Invited and will be
received at tne omce 01 me cuy engineer,
Room 401, City Hall, Omaha, NebrsMka,
until 2 o'clock p m. Thursday, July 1!7. linfc,
fur the construction of sewers, as follows;
A main sewer on Soth street from Burt
street to Hamilton street. In accordance
with Resolution No. i;i. Benes 1.
In Sewer District No. 311, commencing a
a manhole at the Intersection of the center
lines of 2otn ana Bouievara streets, thence
south along tne center of 20th street with
a 12-lnch pipe to a manhole In the center
of Ontario street, thence south along the
renter of t"lh street with an 8-Inch pipe
to a manhole In the center of Van Camp
avenue, thence southeasterly along the
center of v an camp avenue with an 8-lnch
t.loe to a flush tank 20 Ice I northwest o
"B" street, as authorized by Ordinance No,
In Sewer District No. 312, commencing at
tha manhole ln the Saddle Creek Samtarv
Main Sewer at live north line of Dodge
street, thence southwesterly with an 8-lnch
pipe to an overflow manhole at the Inter
section of the west line of Saddle Creek
roud and center line of Dodge street, thence
webt along the center or 1 Hinge street with
an 18-inch pipe to a manhole In the center
of the Omaha belt railway right-of-way,
thence west along the center of Dodgo
street witn a iD-incn pipe to a manhole o
the center line of 4m h street, aa authorized
by Ordinance rso. woo.
Proposals must Lm submitted for each
district separately and must be made U
printed blanks to be furnished by the clt
engineer, and all work must be done In
accordance with plans, profiles and apeoi
ncatlone on file In his omce. and as evl
dence of good faith and guaranty that
contract will be entered into and good and
sufficient bond furnished should award be
made hereon, each uroDoaal must be ac
companled by a certified check payable to
the city of Omaha k an amount not less
than 8 per rent of the total of each bid,
but In no case to tie less than IIOO.uu.
Proposals must tie addressed to Andrew
Koeaier, city Engineer, lloom 4ol. City
Hall, and marked, as tha case may be.
mpreision of tha Mxn Gained Purine Bide
in Hii PriTtte Car.
His Little) name Not Exposed hy Ills
Parely rhllaalhroplc Kdnoa t Innal
Trips Through the Western
Farming Country.
An hour's personal chat with Thomas W.
Lawson and sn hour and ft half of close
observation of the man while delivering
Is set address leaves one a good ways up
In the air as to Just what Lawson wants,
xpects, or Is trying to do. He may, out
of his Innate audacity and belief in his
own power or destiny, be trying to place
himself In the way of presidential light
ning. He always takes pains to dwill on
the assertion that there Is no politics ln
Is campaign of philanthropy, or ven
geance, or retribution, call It what you will.
He Insists that he hns no time to play
politics. He also gives the laugh to the
Bryan brand of democracy and will havs
none of state paternalism. Socialism he
Ignores. But the Kansas brand of -enub-llcanlsm
Is rather popular with tho Bos
on mystery, who confesses he is a re
publican himself.
In a porsonal Intorvlew he was asked:
Mr. Lawson, do you see any more heads
In sight to hit at?"
The oratorical eyes' of the Boston man
seemed to get father than ever to the
front and he flashed out:
"Do IT Why, I have only commenced.
I can go on with my story (he always uses
the newspaper word for his writing! for
wenty years and then not be through. I
m going to educate the American people
as they have never been educated before."
. Sphlnxllke at All Times.
This was the most specific answer he
gave to any question asked by a group
f newspaper correspondents from Omaha,
Sioux City. St. Paul and Des Moines.
Even the four Boston Newspaper writers
who have been traveling with him on his
peculiar trip have given to the world no
more enlightening expression. To ques
tions about the effect of his campaign on
the Investments of people In the east and
the possible benefit to people In other sec
tions of the country, he replied with al
most verbatim extracts from lils mag
azine articles. The nearest he ever gets
'Proposal for Sewer Construction. Main
Sewer," or "Proposal for Sewer Construc
tion. District No. ." giving the numbei
of the district bid upon.
The city council of the cltv of Omaha
reserves tne rignt to reject any or all bids.
umana, .Nebraska, July 13, is 5.
Jy-13-d-7-t City Clerk.
Sealed proposals will be received at the
office of J. L. McBrlen, superintendent of
public Instruction, state capital building,
up to eleven, (11) o'clock July 28, 1905, for
the erection and construction of the State
Normal Library building, Peru. Nebraska,
Bids for the steam heating, plumbing and
electric work to be separate.
By order of the State Board of Educa
tion. J. L. M BRIEN, Sec y
Union Pacific.
Leave. Arrive.
Overland Limited a 8:40 am a 8:18 nm
California Express a 4:10 pin a 8:30 am
California & Oregon Ex.a 4:a) pm a 6:10 pm
iNortn naite iocai a :m am a H.m pm
Fast Mail a 7:65 am a 8:30 pm
Colorado Special ....... .a 7:45 am a 7:44 am
ueairice iocai d 1:1a pin o 1:30 pm
St. Louis Express 6:30 pm 8:20 am
St. Louis Local (from
Council Bluffs) 9:15 am 10:30 pm
Shenandoah Local (from
council Blurts; 6:45 pm 2:30 pm
Chicago, Hock Island & Pacific.
Chicago Limited a 8:35 am a 7:10 am
Chicago. Express a 7:35 am a 8:50 Dm
Chicago Ex., lxcal....lbll:40 am a 4:30 pm
Des Moines Express. ...a 4:30 pm bll:50am
Des Moines Local a 9:55 pm
Chicago Fast Express, .a 6:40 pm a 1:15 pm
Rocky Mountain Llm d.a 7:20 am a 8:30 am
Colorudo express a 1:30 pm a 4:00 pm
Oklahoma & Texas Ex.a 4:30 pin all:40am
Colorado Night Ex a 8:65 pm a 7:25 am
Chicago, Milwaukee A St. Panl.
Chicago Daylight Ex. ..a 7:55 am all:00pm
California-Oregon Ex. ..a 6:45 pm a 3:10 pm
Overland Limited a 8:35 ma a 7:36 am
Chicago 4k Northwestern.
Local Chicago all: 30 am 8:45 pm
h'oar Ninu . a 2 mn x-xi um
Daylight St. Paul a 7:50 am 10: 00 pm
Day light Chicago a 8:00 am 11:60 pm
Limited Chicago a 8:38 pm 9:15 am
Local Carroll a 4:30 pm 9:60 am
Fast St. Paul a 8:8 pm 7:u6 am
Local Sioux, C. Ht St. P. b3:60 pm e 9:35 am
'ast Mall I.wpm
hir.nirn RxnreKa a 6:50 lim a 7:30 Mm
Lincoln & Long Pine ...b 7:10 am 10:36 Din
Casper Wyoming e 4 .ou pin e e:io pm
Deadwooa Be Lincoln. ...a z:ou pin 9:10 pm
Hastings-Albion b2:bopm 6:15 pin
Des. M. & okobojl Ex. .a 7:66 am a t:'M pin
Illinois Central.
Chicago Express a 7:26 am al0:35 pm
Chicago Limited a 7:50 pin a 8:o6 am
Minn. & bt. rum E.X..D i.aani ihu:jo pin
Minn. & Sl. Paul Ltd. .a J:aO imi a 8:oa pin
Missouri Paolnc.
St. Louis Express a 9:00 am a 6:30 am
Iv. C. & bi. L. liiX all :u pm a o.w pm
Chicago Great Western.
St. Paul & Minn a 8:30 pm a 7:15 am
St. I'aul & Minn a 7:46 aiu a 7:o6 am
Chicago Limited a 6:00 pm alO:3o am
Chicago Express a 6:06 am a 8:30 pm
T An..A
Denver & Cal'fornla ....a 4:10 pm
a 8:20 pm
a 6:08 pm
a 7:40 pm
al2:06 pm
al0:25 am
Northwest express pin
Nebraska points a 8:60 am
Lincoln Fast Mall b 2:67 pm
Ft. Crook &. Plattsm'th.b 2:62 pm
Belluvue & Plattsm'th. .a 7:60 pm
Bellevue tk I'ac. June. ...a 3:30 am
Believue & Pac. J unc....al2:16 pm
Denver Limited
I'hiuiii Kimu'ihI a 7:2& am
b 8:82 am
a 7:10 am
a 3 651) in
a 7:26 pm
Chicago Express a 4:00 pm
Iowa Local a 9:15 am
St. Louis Express a 4:46 pm
al0:63 pm
all :3) am
Kansas city ec ri. joe..aiu.o pm
Kansas City & Ht. Joe.. a 9:15 aiu
Kansas City & St. Joe.. a 4:45 pm
a 6:45 am
a 6:06 pin
Mlsaonrl Pacific.
Nebraska Local, via
Weeping Water
Chicago, St. Paul
Twin City Passenger..
Sioux City Passenger ..
Oakland Local
Leave. Arrive
b 8:60 pm b!2:30 pm
Mluneapolla t
b 6:30 am b 9:10 pm
a 2:00 pm all. am
b 6 45 pin b 9:b am
A daily, b dally exce
except Saturday, dally
pt Sunday, d daily
except Munaay.
- .nn,mn.ti.. Kmeallaat CalaioA. Tla
femiloft ef Canfully CuaiaraS. ilo,..
r Round Trl licaats Uat kwlatva Na Ir
coul, guxlisli Iruh d4 all rmciil
(ID 11 11 pVlUM - v .
fMit. yor licXta or gnerl Infvriuttloa
.u local . '- -
lat.bgkiaiN bHos. ua CStc. Ilk
A)e'l panlet IS permm a snder upwicr hitn fcian kriM ai, ". I mo. k. H nLut
OlAM fcI Ul ,rllilii
flI?IFMT irk's ClUlM.tfb (.WIlTI,
U1VU41 uo J ui. tf tlly cLAf
MtlH I II Uk, Hraaawar. T.
r MUirg llts Mas., iwlll.
to "brass tacks" la Ins snvirs to a-ii
stocks and bonds when they era Mh and
buy them when they laka a tumhla lie
cause of tha volume of sales And this
advice Is seriously and solen, My given I
audiences of rural peopla, the great ma
jority of whom tii vw owned a share of
such securities.
Knows Vila of A if r rf lalna.
Mr. Iawson Is surroiinded In his private
car by men who Impress the visitor as be
ing entirely able In take ram of lit in In an
advertising ami a literary way. K. J.
PJdgway, publisher of the lAWSon maga
zine, Is the manager of the trip. lie ki i ps
quite discreetly In the background. Then
there Is Mr. Uwinn'i son. who authorita
tively calls him dowruwlmn ha gives too
much time to newspaper Interviewers. But
the father riever lets go of the Interviewers
until he has satisfied his own notion of
what they should have.
The copper stock manipulator has ns pri
vate socretary E. A. McHweeney, a trained
newspaper man of Boston. It was quite
noticeable at Missouri Valley that In the
morning Mr. Lawson emphasised the de
mand that he said Mr. Rldgway had made
on him for "8,000 words." In the after
noon, while he was Jollying the Chautauqua
crowd with mention of the millions made
In a day and a month by his knowledge of
the game," Mr. McSweeney was rery
busy with a typewriter In the private car.
Uw(in Is not a master extraordinary of
language, although somewhat picturesque
In expression, as a stock broker of thirty
seven years' experience Is apt to be. The
preparation and polishing Up of the raw
material Is undoubtedly McSweeney'a work.
The latter Is a young Irish-American of the
Julius Caesar hue, florid and ready-looking.
He Is the buffer against which the inter
viewer and the curious visitor must go be
fore Lawson can be seen, and he knows hla
Personality of the Man.
. Personally Thomas W. Lawson Impresses
the observer aa a man who would have
been a fine platform orator If he had had
the chance of early training and experi
ence. He has the trick of grooming him
self down to a science, but he would never
be guilty of over dressing. He looks the
keen business man, trained ln the school
of personal friction. Ills body Is well knit
and well cared for; his head Is well shaped,
even If a little narrow across the temples.
He will never be pussy and has not about
him the general Indications of assured old
age. Snappy, positive, he gives evidence
that he can domineer and delights ln being
boss. Ho Is unlike the western man of his
class, In that to offer his callers a cigar or
other entertainment never occurs to him.
It Is not a lack one would notice except by
contrast, for stinginess does not appear to
be one of his traits.
Lawson likes to talk and in his Inter
views at close quarters uses his hands to
Illustrate his 'remarks. On the platform
he Is not demonstrative, but when he
makes a point that he likes he apparently
draws a good deal of satisfaction from the
expression, "You can't bust that." He
sounds the letter "r" at the end of every
word ending with "w," as "lawr" for law.
He professes great admiration for Roose
velt, yet Insists that Roosevelt' plan of
high Ideals and an evident disposition to
enforce them is futile, while he evinces the
supremest confidence ln his own plan of
beating Rockefeller and tho rest of the
anti-Lawson bunch at their own game.
Lawson is forceful, and he Is resourceful
also. He Is the grown up boy who has
gotten used to hoeing his own row on the
lines of his own thought. He will get
there ln a worldly sense, but he will never
be any wider in statesmanship than he is
now. He is too old to learn. It Is the les
son of the old dog and the new trlcka over
Booster for Speculation.
Reserving, as ho claims ln every inter
view, the real kernel of his plan, "becaust
the time Is not yet ripe," still at every
stopping place he advises people to "sell
stocks and bonds." If someone conceived
the notion that the American people out
ln the country districts and In tha smaller
towns have not been sufficiently familiar
with stocks and bonds to deal ln them
freely, Thomas W. Lawson would be, and
is, the best possible advance agent to start
speculative minds ln that channel. After
studying him for the time he la ln sight
one gets the impression that he is a literary
South Sea bubble or a booster, maybe un
intentionally, for more general stock spec
ulation. Then, again, if he has not some audac
ious design ln the field of national politics,
he may yet advertise himself into the
gubernatorial chair of Massachusetts to
succeed that different kind of advertiser,
W. L. Douglas. At any rate, he pays his
own expenses on his trip through the west
and does not accept any remuneralon from
anybody. This may be the purest kind of
educational philanthropy, for he dwells on
the declaration that he was' out ln the west
"tO educate the people" or It may have
some far-underlylr.g object that not even
the best guesser has yet fathomed.
Trustee of Mormon Church Replies
to Charge Filed In Dis
trict Court.
E. L. Kelley, for himself as trustee and
for the Reorganlied Church of Jesus Christ
of Latter Day Saints, has filed an answer
to the suit of James A. Woodman, as guar
dian of Henry Jones, heretofore reviewed
Iri The Bee.
The answer denies that any pressure was
exercised on Jones by Kelley or by the
church to Induce him to make a deed to
the church of a certain lot In Omaha, or
that the church or anyone connected with
It prevailed upon him to go to the Saints'
Home at Lamonl, la. It Is also denied that
any person connected wtlh the church has
a gold watch or other property belonging
to Jones, or that any conspiracy was
made to iiave Susan Jones come from Lowa
to marry Henry. The answer further sets
ou that Jones was 85 years old or beyond
understanding and attending to business ln
April, WJi. A claim is set up that the
church authorities at Lamoni advanced
money to Jones for his maintenance there
and In Omaha to the amount of t-CO, and
denies ever having received any rents or
profits because of the deed made by Jones.
Makes Gain of Mxtr-Niae Per Cent
In Construction Over Sam
Period Last Year.
According to the Construction News for
July It, Omaha stands sixth among tha
large cities of the country In point of
gain over 1!4 for the first six months'
building operations. St. Louis leads with
83 per cent gain, Bt. Paul has 80, Wash
Ington 77, Louisville 76, New Tork 72 and
Omaha 6a per rent. In twenty-seven great
cities the gains average 49 per cent, or an
Increase of s7,035,4S6. General prospects
are, this paper says, very good and Indi
cate that the high totals established during
the first half of the year will be main
tained for the last part.
Chilean Admiral on Tour.
SAN FRANCISCO. July 15 Vlca Ad
miral Jorge Muntt has arrived here from
Chile on a tour of the world. The ad
miral's mission abroad is to look Into mod
ern naval problems, with the Idea ln view
of lending assistance In the reoountructlon
of the Chilean navy. He will sail for tha
Orient from this city on July 13. and pro
reed, after visiting China and Japan, to
Europe. Vlca Admiral Montt was presi
dent of Call from Imii to 14. ,
jYftn sod Wsmen t Ability Co Command
High Wsge.
Modern Bualneaa 4 olleara Keeping;
lllahl Ip llh the Demand br
F.nplls( Competent
With the marvelous development of mod.
ern business methods the profession of
stenography has taken rank with tha
foremost of business sciences. It has also
developed a class of professional workers
of the highest order rf Intelligence, com
manding the highest salaries, and has had
much to do with the later perfection of
business transactions.
The knowledge of shorthand has now
become an absolute essential ln the pro
fession of stenography, and a girl or man
desiring a lucrative and dignified position
makes no mlstnke lo securing a knowledge
of phonography or phonetic writing. Tha
age Is a fast one. The most rapid worker
Is the best paid one, providing the rapidity
of work Is accompanied with accuracy.
While It Is a trite and possibly true say
ing that "Tha woods are full of stenogra
phers." there are mnny so-called sten
ographers thnt do not deserve the name,
and are Incapable of doing what buslnesa
men want done. The business man as a
rule does not wlh to do much teaching,
and very little waiting. What he desires
ln his stenographer Is accuracy, rapidity
and neatness, and these are the essential
principles that go to make up tha
true stenographer. Deficient ln any of
these particulars, the stenographer Is use
less to his or her employer. Inefficiency
Is not tolerated any more with women than
with men.
Accuracy Must no with Ability.
Ability to write shorthand with facility
and accuracy can be acquired only after
the most painstaking effort. Spelling, capi
talization and punctuation are very Im
portant factors and count for much. Tha
stenographer should be able to execute a
neat, plan, legible style of business writ
ing and correspondence. Business men are
making the standard of stenography and
typewriting higher and higher, and tho
applicant for a position of this character
must be able to meet these demands If
he or she expects to hold a first class posi
tion, or any position for any length of
time. The ability of the stenographer la
Judged by the results attained.
Good materials are essential for the stu
dent. The most expert cannot 'expect to
accomplish much with a poor pen, a 2-cent
pencil or a poor quality of paper. Good
tools are as essential ln the art of sten
ography as ln any other art or vocation,
flood Teachers n Requisite.
One of the prime causes for a large num
ber of Inefficient stenographers is tho
habit of business colleges employing teach
ers In the shorthand department who hava
no experience as reporters or amanuenses.
Practicability Is important, and the teacher
who baa no experience In actual work can
not Impart that which he has not.
There Is a greater demand for efficient
women stenographers today than ever be
fore. Plenty of positions are open and
waiting for such stenographers, who can
earn 810 per week and upward, and the
better the stenographer the more eagerly
are her services sought. Poor stenogra
phers are not wanted at any wage.
Remunerative positions are constantly
awaiting the proficient stenographer and
to attain them there Is only required a will
and determination to become efficient..
Jlew Kind of Cash Register Gives
Further Protection Against
A cash register appears to be an essential
piece of apparatus In all mercantile estab
lishments, and the elaborations and embel
lishments that have been devised for tho
greater protection of the purchaser and the
seller have made this device the most com
plicated mechanism ln use by the general
Not content with the protectlhg feature
already provided, one of the largest manu
facturers has Just secured a new. patent
which affords still greater protection for
both parties to a transaction. The dis
tinguishing feature of the new improvement
Is a visible display of the amount of tha
sale at a distance from the ciiBh register.
This unique end Is attained by the Intro
duction of electric comiriutators, contacts
and electrically lighted universal numerals,
operated automatically by the manipulation
of the register keys. The numerals are
formed of block letters, illuminated with
electric lights and so designed that any
numeral can bo flashed out of the same
space by varying the contacts that is, by
obscuring certain lines and illumining
Whenever a purchase Is registered tha
amount of the sale Is flashed out ln large
figures on a conspicuously located electrlo
sign, so that there does not appear to be
the slightest opportunity for false registra
tion without detection. The Indicator com
prises a rectangular frame with a seml
opaque front of frosted or ground glatta.
Chicago Chronicle.
Mnny Children Rescued.
Many children have been rescued by Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs and Colds. 50c and II. For sale by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Railroads and Car Lines, Public Ser
vice Corporations and Personal
Property Are Boosted.'
County Assessor Reed haa got his assess
ment returns to the point where the totals
are all made. The following table show
the figures on the seven principal Items for
this year and for 1904. Lands, unimproved
lots and banks have a slightly decreased
assessment this year as compared with last,
while the other four Items snow increases.
The figures given ln this summary rep
resent only the one-fifth valuation oa
which taxes are paid:
. I. 1904.
.1 .Mo,l!49 1.840.6ft
Lands. 181.624.54 acres..
Improved lots, 19,135
I'nlinproved lots, 43,662.
M..W9 13,8Si8.6i.a
8 143,1.51
1, 3.078
Railroad, Pullman
private car lines..,
Public service
All other personal prop
...J9,4;2.5K tJ8,849.34
On Dollar Saved Hprsu Tea Dol
lars Earned.
The average man does not save to exceed
10 per cent of his earnings. He must spend
nine dollars In living expenses for every
dollar sated. That being the case he can
not be too careful about unnecessary ex
penses. Very often a few cents properly In
vested, like buying seeds for his garden,
will save several dollars' outlay later on. It
Is the same In buying Chamberlain's Cullo,
Cholera and Dlarrhoae Remedy. It cost
but a few cents, and a bottle of it lo tha
house often saves a doctor's bill of several
rire on Steamer.
BOSTON, July IS. The steamer Cambrian
arrived from Isridon today with a Mrs 1q
ou f tha eotnHtruneuia yf Its bold,