Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 16, 1905, EDITORIAL SECTION, Page 4, Image 12

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AtTfHlwnrnli for thrte rolamas
will he Itkri (.atll 13 m. for th
ctfuIx e4ttlea an4 aattl B . at. for
the moral na; aad gaatay fillloa.
Rates 1 1-Ue m wort frit Insertion,
la a ward thereafter. Hoiking; taken
for leaa than SOe for fleet Inser
tion. Thee advertlsemeata ma at ba
raa eoaaeeatlrelr.
Advertisers, by reaaestlaa- a anm
bere check, raa have anawera ad
dressed to a aambered lettar la eara
f The Bee. Anawera ao artdreaaed
will ba delivered on areaeatatloa of
CITY SAVINGS BANK payg 4 per cent.
R 0o4
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. 621 N. "pith.
Tel. 1779. R-fee
m Bo. Uth St.
Telephone 264.
CUT RATE railway tickets everywhere,
P. 11. Fhilbln. 1606 Farnam. 'Phone 784.
that orders his Inmate to be looked after
and repaired iww. You are a welcome
visitor to our Up-to-Date Stove Repair
House, new location, 12 "6-1206 Douglas, or
telephone WO.
R 114
OMAHA Safe and Iron Works maka a spe
cialty of fire escapes, shutters, doors and
safes, a. Andreeu, prop., Iu2 S. 10th St.
R 662
Iron ana brass castings, iwi Jackson. Tel.
m-ii. k wa
STEIN WAY PIANO, upright, slightly used,
$2.6; bargain. Perbeld Piano Co., 1611
Farnam. . R 6o4
SIGN PAINTING, S. II. Cole. 130: Douglas.
R 666
r,nr a utz reduced pnces to r-
uu ,nii j ductt stock; some great
bargains tills week. Omaha need and Rat
tan Works, lal2 Howard. . R 6u6
kind. Prank Sevick. 1914 Oak St.
K-763 Jy29x
JERSEY HULL service, SUh and Mander
on. R-MSjO 31x
PLUMBING, steam and hot water heating.
J. L. Mclnerny. law Chicago. 'Phone,
S66S or Black 2949. It 908 Aglx
FURNITURE repairing and furniture
packed for shipment. J. Hansen, 1522 N.
-4tn bl. lol. A-2943.
R-417 16x
looked after and repaired now. You are
a welcome visitor to our Up-to-Date Stove
Repair House, new location, 12V6-12US
Douglas, or telephone 960. Omaha Stove
Repair Works. R 114
COLLINS PIANO CO., wholesale and re
tall musical Instruments. Talking ma
chines, records exchanged. 113 S. IV th St.,
Omaha. r
need -attention! Dr. Clutter, the dentist.
No. 4 Bushman Rlk., .. E. corner iuin
and Douglas Bts.; high class work a',
lowest prices. A fine set of teeth for
16.00. Over 26 years' practice.
li M669 19x
FOR Women Only Dr. Raymond's rills, for
delayed periods, absolutely reliable, per
fectly sate; no danger, no pain, no Inter
ference with work; relief brought to thou
sands after everything else failed; highly
recommended by all mat have used them
By mail. $2. Dr. U. G. Raymond Remedy
Co.. room 35, 84 Adams St., Chicago, 111.
DR. PRIES treats successfully all diseases
and Irregularities of women from any
caune; experienced and reliable. Address
with stamp, Dr. Pries, 1511 Dodge St.,
Omaha. 744
PEN-TAN-QOT Prompt regulator for la
dles, never falls; $2 postpaid. Sherman &
McConnell Drug Co., Omaha. 718
from rheumatism when there Is a specific
cure for you? Why be a slave to whisky,
opium, morphine, tobacco or cocaine when
we guarantee to cure you? Answer this
by writing the ENSOR REMEDY CO.
South Omaha, Neb. (Incorporated In 1S92 )
-627 A14
DR W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
w.0m'no.aIldch"a!'enL:l(l y""" practice.
v011tce. 23U6 Cuming. Resilience telephone.
$666; office, S6t7.
JJEN. If you are small, weak or undevel
oped, have lost strength, our Acme Vac
uum Developer will restore you without
drugs or electricity; urethral obstruc
tion and varicocele permanently cured In
one to four weeks; 76,000 In use; not ono
failure; write for free book, sent sealed
In plain envelope. Acme Mfg. Co.. 71
Barclay Blk., Denver. Colo. .
LAPIES-Chichesters English Pennyroyal
Pills are the best; safe, reliable; take no
So h . d 4L ""'nP .'"r particulars.
Relief for Ladles," In letter by return
A"K our druggist- Chichester
Chemical Ci., Philadelphia. Pa.
Center hotel, Jio N. 17th St.. H block north
west postofflce. 8 M364 16
MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady
M IntlMt un.l .1. I...- .... . . a. .... . .
itol Ave. 'Phono 6610. 8 M365 15x
Plmlst-M ME. B U D D H A-Clairvoyant
Located over 113 S. 16th. upstairs. Re
sullful predictions guaranteed. S 837
Bend dime, stamped envelope, own wilting
birth date. Dr. J. lister. Drawer 34. St.
Louis. Mo., and receive a
. . S M648 23x
Center hotel. 210 N. 17th St., ti Mock north
west postofflce. 8 M34 22
MADAM FRANCISCO, the California lady
1 1 1 . ,V v . l ornee i,m Cap.
.r, 1 1 one irtiin. m nni 0-1
V Life, pays highest price for books.
Tel. 3u3. N-646
SQUARE PIANO In good condition, loll
N 087
WlNTED-Tn l,uv - T..1n. ....... 1.. ,
em house, elthe- west or northwest; can
pay 1,2k) to $1,500 cash down; will not
N 167 18 x
A . STRICTLY modern dwelling house o
b4rhood; near car line. Address K 48,
BEST bargain In or t-ioom house; 1'J0
Kmmu, uinit inontniy. Aaaress K 51, Roe,
N Si3 Uk
LOST A bunch of keys on ring. Reward
Ol ISD lellowlsh mare, black mane
mall white soot on forehe.i
right side. Jacob If. Armbrust. south
Petrufa grove. Center street ioa.1.
Loat-M:3 15x
tOST Eye glasses, at Vinon base tl
' ym' rrmij, rteturn u mi Ann 81
reward. . Ist-6S 14
LOST Plain gold band ring, engraved la
side. Reward. c Decatur St.
. Lost bi tx
GOLDMAN Pleating Co.. JuO Douglas Blk.
.N FAMIUE& Ulaa Sturdy. 'Phone AF'A.
MRS. R. A KELLER, 111 N. 10th. 'phone
win mm iiai reductions lor the
nut 9M days In the making of new "three-
pMue auita, UM-iaaa ork goarantoed.
Hare you ever coup I do red the importnnoe of a bookkeeper? Have yon over
thought how Impossible it would le for the business world to get along without
its bookkeepers?
Bookkeeping is the keystone of the business office.
Without a Kyatem of lookkeeping a man in business would be like the cap
tain of a ship in t he open sea without a compass. He would not know whether
he was heading for the port of Profit or whether he was drifting towards the
rocks of Bankruptcy. He could not tell whether he was gaining or losing. The
eipert bookkeeper is a necessity to every business, from the small grocery to the
largest department store. He is Just ns much needed by John Joneg at the four
corners as he is by the Standard Oil Co. By entering
now during its
you will be capable of accepting and filling a position as an expert bookkeeper
when fall rolls around. You will have made your summer count for something.
Nor will you have felt the lack of the long, lazy "rest" of summer taken by the
usual young man or young woman. Here in the Boyles building, with its great,
wide, hlgh-cellinged, airy rooms, the heat of the day will not touch you and the
knowledge that you are dally obtaining a more thorough grasp on the principles
and the practice of bookkeeping, will so thoroughly and absolutely interest you
that the study will be a pleasure to you.
Write for our large, new catalogue. You will find it full of inspiration.
H. B, BO LES, President. Boyles Building, Omaha.
WANTED FOR U. S. ARMY, able-Wdled
unmarried men, between ages ".f 18 and
26, citizens of United Stales, of good
character and temparate habits, who
speak, read and write English. For In
formation apply to Recruiting Officer,
lath and Douglas Uts., Omaha; Lincoln,
Njb or Sioux City. la. 11 173
Stenographer, R0.
Stenographer, uO.
Manager coal and Ice yards, ISO.
l4M4i billlnir flertt either liami Or tVOS-
wrlter, 17a. li
Manuger hotel, good place.
Bookkeeper, young man.
Write tor particulars today.
Dept B, Sto-2 N. Y. Life Bldg.
B-604 IS
IF YOU are In need of a position call and
have a "neart-to-heart" talk with HART,
THE EXPERT. 4ul N. Y. Life B 08
e5 PERMANENT salary and expenses paid
reliable men outside of the city; very
pleasant work. Address A. W. South, 816
Neville Blk., Omuha, Neb. B-693
WANTED Three men of good personal ap
pearance; steady employment. C. F
Adams Co , 161U Howard St. B Mu3&
WANTED Several young men to travel
for the summer, or permanent. Work
pleasant. Ucxid remuneration. The
twentieth Century Farmer, Omuha, Neb.
WE FILL positions In and out of city; best
wages. City Employment Agency, 3yl.S. IX
B-M7i; Jyii
I BUY and sell drug stores exclusively. Ex
pert service. Special plan. Drug men fur
nished positions; employes furnished. It
will pay you to write or call lor particu
lars. F. V. Knlest, R. P., -The Drug
Biore Alan, bz im. x. u., umana, ineu.
'Phone 376ti. B M428
WANTED Sewer laborers at Maryvlllo,
Mo.; three months' work. Apply on work
at Maryvlllo. Boyd Construction Co.
B 110 17
WANTED Galvanised Iron cornice worker.
uiooe cornice vyoihs, jrremom, eu.
B M4&9 17
WANTED Men and boys to learn plumb
ing trade, cannot supply aemauu ior
graduates. 14 to & per uay. Many com
plete course In two montos. Graduates
admitted to union and Master Plumbers'
association. Send for tree catalogue.
Coyne Bros. Co. Plumbing Schools, New
York City, Cincinnati, O., St. Louis Mo.
FIFTEEN teams wanted at th and Doug
las bta. ii iw ids
WANTED Harness makers to work In fac
tory. Schulxe Brothers Co., Dulutn, Minn.
B 484 ID
WANTED Man and wife, without chil
dren preferred, lo work on a lruit ana
poultry farm. A steady employment.
Must be temperate; references required;
house, vegetables and tools furnished.
Call at once at 1jo3 East Broadway, Coun
cil Bluffs. B-MSU2 1&
WANTED First class barber, at once.
Frank Greenough, Pender, Neb.
B M509 lSx
WANTED Wire lathers. Apply J. R. Lch-
mer, va Farnam St. B Mow id
WANTED Good allround machinist. Ad
dress lork Foundry and Engine Works,
York, Neb. B MolT 16
WANTED Men, everywhere; good pay; to
aistriDute circulars, aav. matter, tacx
signs, etc.; no canvassing. Address Na
tional Advertising Co., luu Oakland Bank
building, Chicago, 111. B M6O8 16x
PREPARE for government position; sten-
ograpuer ana typewriter i..w 10 ji.WJU per
year. Address K 30, Bee office.
B Ma21 16x
t BOILERMAKERS, i steam fitters, 1 elec
trician, 3 machinists, 16 carpenters, 7a la
borers and handy men for construction
work; good .wages. Apply 213-16 S. 13th
St., second floor. B 629 16
WANTED In six weeks we will educate
you for a traveling salesman and guar
antee you a position; write for particu
lars. The Bradstreel System, Rochester.
N. Y.
WANTED Men to learn barber trade; we
originated this short method of teaching
In lt&i; have successful graduates every
where; board included If desired; little
exense; positions walling. Call or write
Moler Barber College, 1116 Farnam St.
B M681. 21 x
CANVASSERS To sell automatic screen
door catches and giant supports; make
big money; exclusive territory; simple
catch, 25c; door support. Sue; postpaid.
Automatic Catch Co., Chicago.
B-6S9 16x
WANTED Men to distribute samples,
tack signs; $3.00 daily; no canvassing.
Continental Distributing Service. Chicago.
B 688 ltix
NEW ORLEANS Arm wants hustling
iiroduce and fruit man, familiar with buy
ing and selling: slate salary; give refer
ences; good position for man who under
stands the business. Address K Zl. Hee.
B-87 16
WANTED A drug clerk with two or. three
-ars experience; must speak German,
with no bad habits. W. J. Maxwell,
Avoca, la. B c36 lax
We want salesmen, especially those selling
made-to-measure clothing; our proposition
will Interest you; If you are active you
ran make $100.uii to $JCv0 monthly; a
large complete outfit furnished free;
lengths for display: novel advertising
matter; stores opened. Get this "plum."
Write today for exclusive territory, give
age. Address Lock Box 87, Chicago, III.
B-usS 16
forces the civil service law; 60.S3O appoint
ments 10 life positions last year; splendid
openings for young people. Write for the
announcement of the Columbian Corre
spondence College. Washington, D. C,
containing dates, salaries, pluces for hold
ing examinations, and quetthms recently
Used by the Civil Service commission.
B 6S4 16x
WANTED State, district and local man
agers; new and unique plans: a most suc
cessful health ana accident company.
Give references, previous business, ase.
eic. Great Western Accident. Des
Moines. la. B
WANTED A few first-class experienced
men to fell counties In Iowa, from $104
to $la0; 60 per cent commission; oppor
tunity for right men. Lock box 2M. Co.
Bluffs, la. B
CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted
everywhere; permanent position: good
pv. American Union, Pooliao Building,
Chicago. B-. la
German to take charge ot grocery depart
ment. Il.200.o0.
Experienced man to take charge of Ice and
coal yards, lyuOuO.
Experienced stenographer, $7:0.00 to IW.fO.
Superintendent of construction, Ii500..
Manager for building and loan, western
First-class druggist, country, $730.00.
Drug clerk, city, $
Good miller, top salary.
Insurance collectors and solicitors, salary
and cointulssslon.
Billing clerk, small Investment.
Cashier for insurance business.
Electrician, out of town.
Manager, general merchandise, $3,000.00.
Western Reference & Bond Ass'n., (Inc.,)
Dept. B, 841-842 N. Y. Lite Bldg.
B-662 16
ANY person to distribute our samples; $18
weakly, steady. Mgr. "Empire" 4 Wells
St., Cnlcago, 111. B 678 ltjx
WANTED Assistant for local branch office
of manufacturing house; salary $18
weekly; permanent position. Address K 4.1,
Bee office. " B 607 lux
WANTED Boys and girls out of school, as
Bennett's salesmen and women upon good
commission; work for every bright boy
and girl In Omaha. Apply Monday morn
ing. Advertising Bureau, third floor. The
Bennett Company. B 664 lt
WANTED Boys and girls out of school, as
Bennett's salesmen and women upon good
commission work for every bright boy
and girl In Omaha. Apply Monday morn
ing, Advertising Hureau, third floor. The
Bennett Company. B 665 16
WANTED Traveling representative for
Nebraska on new hardware specialities.
Salary $S0 monthly and expenses. Address
Rond Superintendent, 1U0 Caxton Bldg.,
Chicago. B-691 16x
DETECTIVE Shrewd, reliable man wanted
In every locality for profitable secret ser
vice. To act under orders. No experience
necessary. Write, Webster Detective
Agency, Des Moines, la. B 690 16x
GOOD FARM FREE, to representatives in
each town and county. Write Immedi
ately for particular, enclosing stamp. C.
K. Marks, the land man, Muskegee, Ind.
Ter. - B 636 16x
AMERICAN Barber College, Omaha. Neb.,
leading barber school of the west; send
for catalogue. B 672 16x
WANTED To correspond with some com
, pany that has good attractions for a
county fair, with the view of securing
them for our fair. E. B. Trough, Minden,
Neb., secretary Kearney County Agricul
tural society. B 640 16
CARPENTER for house repairs. 35e to 45c
per hour. One who wants to buy lot,
house or a few acres. No cash payment
required. Enough work to pay that. Ad
dress K 60, Bee. B 651 16
BANK solicitor (salary).
Clerical men for R. R. office.
Experlencedl mplement manager, $1,800.
Loan and Investment, $l,EO0.
Manager (salary and investment).
Two bill clerks (machine), $60.
Drug clerk, $75.
Pump and scales salesman.
Male stenographer, $ti0.
Abstracter, land titles.
Manager real estate (Investment).
Secretary real estate (Investment).
Graduate electrician. $100.
Experienced photographer.
Gas engine salesman.
Shipping clerk, $60.
Skirt salesman (small Investment); salary.
Crew and district managers.
S stenographers out of city, $).
1 stenographer; good; $60.
I stenographers, $tl&.
401 N. Y. Life.
WANTED-Competent coachman. Mrs.
Marsh, 806 Pine street. B 659 lbx
WANTED Two experienced salesmen by
manufacturer of perfumes, toilet articles
and flavoring extracts, to take care of
the fall trade; experience in this line not
necessary; good position If taken at once.
Address K 42, Bee office. B 666 16x
AGENTS wanted by first-class banking
house In every city and town. Richardson
A Co., 43 Wall St., New York. B
WANTED Lady or gentleman of fnlr edu
cation to travel for a Arm of $J5O.Ooo.00
capital; salary. $1,072.00 per year and ex
penses; paid weekly. Address, with
stamp, J. A. Alexander, Omaha, Neb.
itl in
WANTED Eriergetle, trustworthy man br
woman to work In Nebraska, representing
large manufacturing company; salary $40
to $0 per month, paid weekly; expenses
uYiuicpu. Auur,j wun stamp, j. H
Moore, Omaha, Neb. 421 ix
RELIABLE nan wanted. A prominent
ereal food company will contract with a
thoroughly reliable man for two years at
$150 per month, together with commis
sions and office expenses. Highest refer
ences required Address, Manager. Box
$17. Bellevue. Mich. B
TOUNG men for firemen and hrb,mn
Nebraska and other railroals; experience
unnecessary; firemen, $75, become engi
neers and earn $1; brakenien. $, be
come conductors and earn $140. Name po
sition 1'irirriru. oenn siamn ior particu
lars. Railway Association, Detriment 6
Charles Building, Denver, Colo. B '
ENERGETIC w-orkers everywhere in hi.
tribute circulars, samples and advertising
a..-,, V-J , IIO UtllYHSSing.
Operative Advertising Co., New York
B 682 16x
WANTED Immediately, bv Inhbin hn
lady or gentleman to work I n Omaha anH
outside; good salary and expenses paid;
common sense more essential than busi
ness experience. Address with stamped
envelope, F. Maxson. 607 Sykea Rlk
Minneapolis, Minn. B Mia lsx
WANTED By brnoKernge company, young
man about 24 for office work; prefer b
glnner looking to learn good business
fair salary, permanent. Mention hkh
. former and present occupation, with two
references. In or out of town. Address
K 62. Bee. B 6.N6 1SX
WANTED Young man clerk for sreneral
store. Must have moral habits and regis
ter as pharmacist. A. R. Merrill Iion.
las. Wyo. B-M69S 16
WANTED W building laborers v. M
Schlueter. D. A D., Council Bluffs
B 708
WANTED 10 vnlon carpenters, also com
petent carpenter foreman with refer
ences. D. A D.. Council Bluffs W. M
Behlueter. B-T01 Jn '
known singer and operatic director, tuts
nren-4, eru.uoe in UaS vi UDneil Bhl . isrtj
l 1IIIV. '
Two Schools To Be
Consolidated September 1
Arrangements have Just been completed between the owners and proprietors of
these respective Institutions to consolliiate them September 1. This has been deemed
advisable because of the erection of the finest commercial school building In the
country and the largely Increased facilities which will be provided In all depart
ments, it Is impossible for a small school to provide its studints with the best ad
vantages, and for various reasons the patrons of these si liools are entitled to
the best, and hence the consolidation. All scholarships previously Issued bv either
school will be duly honored. Everyone previously connected with either institution Is
pledged to a renewed endeavor to conserve the Interests of oM students, as well as
those who may sre fit to avail themselveg of the splendid opportunities which new
and favorable conditions will provide.
Our Summer Schoel is now in session. Many new students have recently en
rolled; others admitted any day; all departments are actively In operation; re
duced rates of tuition prevail until September 1. It will pay ynu to avail your
self of the opportunities provided by our Summer School, to prepare yourself for
a better salary or to make up a lost grade In public school work.
Our Fall Term will open In our new building at Nineteenth end Farnam streets
September 4. If you contemplate attending a commercial school this year you
should write at once for full particulars.
In a new building, planned and constructed primarily and specifically for
chool purposes, with the Installation of new equipment in the way of furniture,
office fixtures, etc., every student may be assured of unsurpassed facilities. In ad
dition to these things, our courses of study will be enlarged, more teachers employed
and two new departments added. All these, with a splendid auditorium nnd one
of the finest gymnuslums In the state, we expect this to be the banner year as re
gards attendance and results.
A comparison at this time of the Omaha Commercial Collegn In its new dress,
new surroundings, new determinations, etc., with any other school In the northwest
Is earnestly desired. i
Catalogue and Advertising Literature Free. Address,
ROHRbOUGH BROS., Omaha, Neb.
80 WORKING girls. Canadian office, 15th
ana Doage. c 6K4
FIFTY girls to operate power sewing ma.
ciunes. maiiket department Bemis unulia
Bag Co. C M163
WANTED Girls for dining room work;
dbi oi wages to gooa people. Apply to
Charles II. Hall, Dellone Hotel.
C-M455 15
WANTED Woman for laundrv and kitchen
worm; wages S7 per week. Apply 1218
South Tenth St. C M464 18
WANTED Lady of business ability and
pleasing aciiness to collect tor manu
facturer. Must be willing to make short
trips from Omaha. $10 a week and ex
penses. Address K 36, care Omaha Bee.
C-M47: lix
WANTED A good girl at once at the
Cranha 1 'it I. .1 . . . 1 I J ......... - f 'J ) 4 -
WANTED Young girl to copy sales checks
in large cry goons store; only sucn who
are good at figures and rapid in addition
need apply. Address K 4?, Bee.
C 530 17x
GOOD stenographer, $fi0.00 to $fio.00.
Forelady. small Investment.
Bookkeeper and stenographer, good pen-
Bookkeeper, good writer.
Call or write promptly.
western iterorenre Bond Ass'n., (Inc.,)
C 651-16
WANTED Lndlrs to learn halrdresslng,
manicuring, tacial massage, chiropody or
electrolysis. We originated this short
method of teaching In 1W3 and have grad
uated successful operators everywhere.
Call or write, Moler College, 1114 Farnam
St. M-C296 21 x
ACTIVE Catholic lady to represent manu
facturer, 3ij pain for 12 days trial, pro
motion If satisfactory. Address John
Engwall, Lakeside Bldg., Chicago.
C 695 16x
WANTED Ladles everywhere to demon-
strote new, rapid seling line. $10 to $15
per week. Uva company, Ravenna, O.
C-694 16X '
LADIES-To do pecwnrk:at their homes;
we furnish all materials and pay from $7
to $12 weekly. Send stamped envelope to
Royak Co., 34 E. Munroe Bt., Chicago.
- - C-693 16x
WOMEN Well bred, to learn a profession
Saying $15 tQ $18 per week to start; will
e given free of charge, regular $50 course
of instructions by correspondence: most
modern methods. E. Mackenzie, Repub
lic Bldg.. Chicago. C-639 16x
WANTED 60 experienced machine oper
ators on shirts and overalls. Apply to
Bvrne A Hammer D. G. Co. factory,
12th and Howard Sts. C 635 16
WANTED Girl for general .housework;
small family; good wages. Mrs. W. G.
Ure, 2003 Blnney. C-604 18
SHIRT polisher, stareher and body lroner
and ladies' clothes lroner. Hlnchey Laun
dry. 25th and N Sts., South Omaha.
C-M6S8 1$
25 CHORUS GIRLS for burlesque company,
who can sing; those of experience pre
ferred. Apply room 6, Krug Theater.
Monday after 10 a. m. C 91 16x
WANTED A smart young girl to travel
and play ptrts. W. I. Swain. "Jesse
James" show, Missouri Valley, la., Mon
day; Sioux City, la., balance of week.
C-M696 17x
WANTED Position by experienced book
keeper, with privilege of Investing $2,500;
satisfactory references. K 26. care Hue.
A 438 16x
WANTED Situation by experienced young
lady stenographer. Best of references
given. K 29. Bee. A-708 16x
SALESMAN 425 00 a week and expenses
to reliable, sober men to Introduce and
advertise our stock remedies. Columbia
Stock Pood Co., 1529-31 Platte St., Denver,
WANTED Salesmen to handle side line of
ladies' trimmed hats on commission.
These goods are sold on credit with dat
ing to responsible merchants and millin
ers Wish to confine to Nebraska, Kan
sas, Black Hills. Photographic album
(HxlJ) of entire line furnished free of
charge and will be ready for fall goods
after July 20th. Requires but little space
and can be conveniently carried. The
oldest manufacturer of trimmed hats in
the northwest. B Painter, 362 E. Water
St., Milwaukee, Wis.
SALESMEN wanted In every city and
town; big demand' big commission.
Rodes Sanitary Co., St. Louis. Mo.
SALESMEN wanted for shoe and drug
trades to sell DRY-SOLE, a liberally ad
vertised waterproofing preservative for
shoes. Attractive proposition for ener
getic men. Dry-Sole Co., 99 Warren St.,
New York.
TRAVELING salesmen for Nebraska and
Iowa; staple line: entirely new Induce
ments to trade; high commissions: $-3
weekly advance; permanent to right man.
P C. Farley Co.. Detroit. Mich.
CIGAR salesman wanted In your locality
for city and country trade; $) per month
and expenses; experience unnecessary,
inclose stamp for particulars. The Na
tional Cigar Co.. Chicago. 111. 677 1CX
MANAGERS and canvassers for exclusive
terrlory upon unequaled commissions for
unrivaled books: no better opening Is to
be found In the book-selling busint'ttS than
the opportunity we now huve to offer;
get our proposition; send address. M. A.
Donohue & Co., Chicago. 676 16x
WANTED Salesman; experienced specialty
preferred. Openings for two; one for Ne
braska; coniiietent: no salesman In our
employ paid below $.TI a month. Adilress
Manufacturer, Box lu6S, 6L Louis Mo.
75 i;x
WE WANT an energetic salesman for a
gilt-edged propesltlon, paying $.10 to $10
weekly: no samples: aalarv or commis
sion. R. O. Evans, Dexter Bldg., Chicago.
674 lux
SALESMEN Can easily make $10 a day
selling our gold window letteis. novelty
signs and chanable signs; catalogue
free. Sullivan Co.. W. Van Buren
Sc. Chicago. 111. 630 ltix "
SALESMAN A specialty salesman that
can get business on the initial visit: man
worth $3 &i or better. Full partln!ars
?J .no,lnUon. Amw "'kk. Ad.ireu
K $4, Bee. . lux
SALESMEN WANTED Hot side lines;
pays hotel bills; 'isy seller; pocket sam
ple; prompt commission. American Chew
ing Gum Co., St. Louis. 673 lix
SALESMEN everywhere to sell our Ice
Crushing machines as n side line; good
commission. Davenport Ice Chipping -Machine
Co., Davenport, la. 6.1 lhx
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
wlth stsple line; high commissions, with
$100 monthly advance; permanent position
to right man. Jess II. Smith Co., De
troit, Mich. 670 lCx
SALESMEN wanted by lace Importers;
must have established dry goods trade
small towns; expenses advanced; samples
25 lbs. Standard Lace Works, 433 Broad
way, New York. 5ti9 16x
WE start you slllng diamonds. Don't fail
getting our liberal offer; $5 dally sure.
Carbon Diamond Co., Syracuse, N. Y.
Mention paper 60S Jx
AGENTS On salary or commission; great
est agents' seller ever produced; every
user buys again; luu-4 prortf, write at
once. Rex Hitters Co., 1545 Michigan
Ave., Chicago. J 613 16x
WANTED General nnd sub agents; 60c
household Invention; agents Linking $2U0
monthly; we prove it; the article makes
it possible, bt. Armour Hardware Co.,
Wheeling, W. Va, , J 612 lfix
AGENTS require no license; U. S. supreme
court decision mailed free. Write Parker
Chemical Co., Chicago. J 611 16x
AGENTS WANTED Good pay; steady
employment, selling our northern grown
trees. The Greening Bros. Nursey Co.,
Monroe, Mich. J 610 16x
AGENTS WANTED Sell our $1 bottle sar
saparilla for 35c; Jest seller; 350 per cent
profit; write today for terms and terri
tory. F. R. Greene, 116 LaSalle St., Chi
cago. J
DON'T accept an agency until you get my
free samples and big offer. Sayman, 2141
Franklin Ave., St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS make $3 to $10 a day fitting
glasses big profits; our 24-page free eye
book tells how; write today. Jacksonlan
Optical College, College Place, . Jackson,
Michigan. I
BIG money In squabs; cheaply raised In
only 4 weeks; sell for fancy prices; won
derful market; write for free book and
learn this rich Industry. Plymouth
Rock Squab Co., 200 Howard St., Melrose,
Mass. J
I FEEL like a millionaire, writes one agent;
new; aemana; quicK sales. Economy Farm
Record Co., Newton, la. J 609 16x
AGENTS Do you want to make $500 per
month selling Stransky's patent for mak
ing smokeless gun and blasting powder;
particulars free. J. A. Stransky, Box 600,
Pukwana, & D. J 608 lGx
WANTED Solicitor to sell shares In best
dividend paying coffee, rubber plantation,
Mexico; monthly payments; good com
mission. Address Mexican Coffee Mills,
20 River St., Chicago. J 607 16x
QUICKE8T seller ever sold farmers; brand
new proposition; new plan; something
new. Easy Farm Bookkeeping Co.,
Boone, la, J 606 16x
AGENTS Make $10 dally fitting eyeglasses;
our free books tell how; outfit free.
American Optical College, Chicago.
J 606 16x
PORTRAIT AGENTS Our prices are right;
write for premium orTer. Hudson Por
trait Co., 1286 W. Madison St., Chicago.
J 604 16x
WHY work for others, when you can go
into business for yourself and be Inde
pendent? We will start you. Big profits;
investigate. Davis Chemical Company,
3u6b, Temple Blk., Kansas City, Mo.
J-6U3 16X
$5 A DAY easily earned. Tlnllng'a soup
packaged Quick seller. Tlnllng Soap Co.,
477 Fifth Ave.. Chicago. J 629 16x
WANTED Men and women agents every
where to sell Magnifying Photo Frames,
best seller on earth. Address, Crystal
Glass Novelty Co., Montlcello, Miss.
J-34 16x
AGENTS wanted. Salesmen calling on
haberdashers to handle Jewelry novelty
on commission. Simplex Co., 60 Nassau
St.. Newark, N. J. J 69 16x
ROYAL HOTEL, European, luth & Chicago.
DEWEY European hotel, Uth & Farnam.
, E 706
VIENNA Hotel; private dining rooms, cafe.
E 706
ROOMS and good board. $5 per week and
up. Call 1517 Chlcaao St. E 0i
Tel. 611. O.M.E. Haul Trunks
E M266
FURNISHED rooms, large or small: every
thing strictly modern. 116 No. 2-'th.
E tii) 25x
$75 0w; everything for housekeeping.
Terms: $ oo worth. $1.00 a week.
Between 12ll and 13lh on Farnam St.
E 644 16
MODERN sleeping rooms and light house
keei'ing rooms. 2ul South 24tn St.
E M7U7 18x ..
FINE, east-front bed room. 414 8. 28th.
M6&3 17
ELEGANT, cool, modern rooms; fine loc
callon. Phone B-254. 2423 Cass St.
E M"J0 17
A NICELY furnished room; board If de
sired. 2418 Cass. Tel 50. E-M69 18x
FRONT room, new, modern. $2 week. K22
Decatur. E M4o3 All
$1.00 to $2.00 per week. 412 S. lSlh St.. one
block south of cdurt house. E 46
LARGE, south, front room $2; and one
west roo.ii $1 50; In all modern Hat. and
strictly private family of three. Apply
1711 Charles St. E-4S8 lox
NICELY furnishea rooms for gentlemen;
all modern conveniences; excellent loca
tion; icfeiences exchanged. 21"1 Farnam
Bt. E V 16x
I rviv this ut If wantlns- splendidly fur
nished. plesnt roorns; location and serv-
K fine. Uli St. Ui i-.
L-MjUi l.X
Learn by Doing
Actual Business from the Start.
Theory Discarded Practice Installed.
Individual Instruction to Every Student
Nebraska Business College
A. C. Ong, A. M.. LL.B., Pres.; A J.
Fall Term Opens September 4 ,
"There are schools and there are schools" but the N. B. C. has no '"T0,,
Never have we had better prospects for a line attendance ?
fall. Every day brings a number of Inquiries from young P'P' w h" r ?.h...h(Hd
to be with us In September. This comes by reason of the high standing of the p. hoot
and our growing reputation for "absolutely thorough r- . . Hutles of In-
Our teachers are all college graduates and well equipped for "'II
structors. They are not only thorough workers but take an Inle est In 'very pt "
Don t forget the truth of the saying, "The makes the , 1 '
well for young people expecting to take up a course In cither Bookkeeping and Bank
ing or Shorthand and Typewriting to Investigate who the teachers nf. .,
The svstem of shorthand that we teach Is the best evet ' cvlMrt- 1Kb G RE .G.
It Is taught in more schools today than any other three systems combined. Its -Im-
vtuiK, it win pbv you W inVURUlO 1MB
Bim tnuB vtMiiiMflliiK infill jr wiui m tui ------ . . . Jflriil.
complete course in commercial training ever devised. A . rm with us in this depait
ment will enable you to hold a first-class position. Investigate. .i,i- t,
Our records show that 96 per cent of our graduates are placed ln f'"" hJHu"
now we are having more calls than we can till Tho Underwood Typewriter Co. ha v
given us seven calls this last week. Many others are coming In from the lPn
ent typewriter companies, besides the numerous calls direct fropi the J fln
of the city. Join us, qualify yourself for one of these position, and we Mil hate no
tr Every' s'tutTeSt who takes out a full term scholarship Is given a vear'g membership
in either the Y. M. C. A. or Y. W. C. A. without extra expense. No uth
ever made by any school. Tho value of this membership to the tudent c an s. rcel)r
be computed. To he a member of either of these Institutions means character, cul
ture and refinement.
Apply for catalogue and college literature.
NICELY furnished room for one or two
people. 20U St. Mary's Ave. E 605 16x
$214 Emmet, S rooms, newly remodeled;
city water Inside, $16. E M 37 lSx
SIX-ROOM modern cottage, permanently;
-iiioiuii i re u iHtten soon Dy fcooo. jariy;
also room, $2 up. Red 1W9. E M5L0 lix
NICELY furnished front room and alcove
and one single room; breakfast will he
served if desired. 1319 S. Xli St.
E 6-4 18x
FOR RENT A pleasant mom and excel
lent board with private family for .a re
fined gentleman nnd wife; superior ac
commodations. Address K 26, Hee.
r-668 16x
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping
or two sleeping renins, jtw N. lMh Si.
E M560 17x
2006 DAVENPORT One or two rooms; all
mouern;jight housekeeping. E Mini! lix
Tel. 611. O. M. E. Haul Trunks
F M257
BACHELORS HOTEL 20th and Farnam.
' F 923 Jy 16
CAPITOL HOTEL. 18th and Capitol Ave ;
oroau veranaas, ample lawns, stately
trees, rustic seats; home cooking; hot and
cold water; reasonable rates. F 708
WHEN YOU ARE READY, let us figure
wun you on nouse iurnisnings. Prices
are 25 per cent below installment stores.
Terms: $L'5.00 worth. $100 a week.
ceiween itn ana Join on f arnam t.
F 641 16
GOOD board, outside room, $4.60. 614 N. 19th.
F M431 lbx
THE ROSE, 2020 Harney-Nlcely furnished,
cool rooms, with board; one small room;
also suite parlors; will rent single of,
ensulte; rates reasonable. F 4u3 27x
PLEASANT room with board for two
young men; private family; telephone.
Flat 2, 223S Farnam. F M476 16x
EXCELLENT cool and pleasant front
rooms, with gas. bath and 'phone; for
couples: with or without board; one block
from postofHce. Call at 1714 Douglas St.
F-MM0 16X
LARGE front room and alcove for couple
or two gentlemen: good board; modern
house; $30 per month. 2215 California.
F 506 16x
PLEASANT rooms: excellent table. 3004
Farnam St. 'Phone Black 4810.
F-M518 lCx
LARGE front room, suitable for two, mod
ern, with board. 626 S. 19th St. 'Phone
Cedar-41. F-628 17x
THREE desirable unfurnished rooms; reas
onable. 815 S. 18th St. G M14 17x
EDWARD NORMAN KENT, music studios,
Wlthnell Bldg., lLlh and Harney. Write
for circulars. U 781
Just forming; 60c and $1 weekly; pianos de
livered immediately; piano lessons free.
Call for particulars. 1611 Farnam St.
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies adopted. The Ouud Samaritan Sani
tarium, 728 First Ave., Council Bluffs, la.
Tel. 774. ' U-626
'PHONE 701 and a man will call and tune
your piano, $2. Perfldd Piano Co., 1611
Farnam. U-734
M A flN CTIP treatment &. baths. Mme.
Smith, J IK N. 16. 2d ft., r. 2.
U ilWJ
TUB. vapor and alcohol baths. 720 8. 13'.h.
U 735
BEST umbrellas, lowest prices; repairing
done. Boston Umbrella Co.. 620 8 1IU.
Tel. 1617. U-VllO Jyilx
bead lor puce lut and samples.
200 DOUULAS &1AX.K. TEL. 19.4.
U 7-6
FACTORY tuners and action regulators at
luwcil rules for reliable burvice. lei. li-i.
bciiiiiollcr a Mueller, piano maker..
. U-73S
Gladstone Bros.
Write lo, cdU.u.uc ui kovju l.uiikS to eat
and ui ink. Ouiaua. U m4 Jyi
LARSON & JOHNSON Cut rates to all
points. Iiu6 Fitinaui. Tel. 193a. Membur
i.uiencau Ticket orokcis' association.
L .J9
THE Salvation Army solicits cast-off cloth
ing; in tact, ai.yining ou Uu not need;
wa collect, ie;ir ami sell, at 114 N. illii
bt., for cost uf collecting to the worthy
poor. Call 'phone 4iJs anu waguu will call.
PRIVATE home during confinement; ba
bies bordeu and adopted. Mia. uardell,
ili Charles. Tel. &311. Li 74u
WE RENT sewing machines, ',5c week. We
repair all makes of machines; second
baud machines, to tlu. Neb. Cycle Co.,
Tel. lwJ. Cor. liui and Harney. J 741
OMAHA Stammerer Institute, Ramge Blk.
L. .42
IF you wish a summer outing in a pleas
ant country home beside a beautiful lake,
address Y, Pux 4U. Onawa, la. Trims
reasonable. Tel sul. U M511 ltix
FRENCH. Spanish. German lessons. F.
Peltier. 115 8. Jutti. ViUt Jy26x
DR. JACKSON, specialist In chronlo dis
eases, 418 N. Y. Life Bldg. Cunsoltatioa
free. U M343
SATINE BRICK will remove wrinkles,
moth, blarkheadt, tan and sunburn. We
know It will If you try it. Price, postpaid.
6oc Agents wanted. Yates Mfg. Co.,
Hudson. Mich.
Cash value of this ad.. 10c. Mall this with
oc and one full-sU Ui Brick will be
seat postpaid. V-M461 Ux
Lo-wry. Trine. Corner 17th and Harney Sts.
lllicivntvu i
lT"ln " iJ ' a,. f .-t th
DR. ROYy Chiropody, It. 2 & 3, li06 Farrin
REST cure and Colfax mineral water cure,
Col.'ax. la U-MI52 21X
PERSONAL A French nobleman. Just ar
rived in Omaha, wishes to meet a hand,
some woman; object matrimony; meet me
In front of the Novelty Family theater,
1408 Douglas, nt 7:30 p. m.; will wear
bouquet of violets. U M494 16
WANTED- Attractions for firemen's car
nival July 26 at Newman drove, Neb.
C. E. Lind. U-M.'i01 20x
YOUR fortune told by the most reliable
clairvoyants; send birth date, dime and
stamp. Profs. Carl & Rollln, 4! N. Clark
St.. Chicago. U-619 16x
MARRY Wealth and beauty; marriage di
rectory free; pay when married; entirely
new plan; senil no money. Address H.
A. Horton, Dept. 297, Tekonsha, Mich.
U-618 16x
ARE you hnnpy? If not, write us; largest
matrimonial club In the world. Capital
City Club. Ivinslng. Mich. U 617 16x
PERSONA ly Men should know that the
only perfect nnd safe vacuum appliance
Is mnnufncturHl and controlled by the
Erie Medical Co.. S4 Mohawk St.. BufTnlo,
N. Y., who administer In connection with
It, Interior and exterior remedies having
a world-wide reputation for weak men.
Write today for sealed circulars and
proofs. U 616 16x
ITCHING rectal diseases cured; Instant re
lief; trial solve In plain wrapper for two
2c stamps. Box 3304 Philadelphia.
U-615 16x
WANTED Tho correspondence of a few
ladles matrimonially Inclined and of some
cash means and of sjood character, not
over 35 nor under 25 years of age, by
bachelor of 47 years. Address K 33. Bee.
U-614 16
CHARMING lady, of fine appearance and
loving disposition, worth $?6.000, desires to
marry at once; no oh.lectlon to poor or
working man: will assist husband finan
cially immediately after marriage. Mrs.
Morton, C. 8., 96 Fifth Ave., Chicago.
XJ-620 lRx
WEALTHY ladles and gentlemen of re-
flnement, anxious to marry; photographs
and descriptions free. Box D, D. ,64,
Canon City, Colo. Tj-n,
I will answer five questions for 10c. " Bend
your birth date and sex. Prof. Bently,
Box 3076. Boston, Mass. . U 631 16x
I solicit a limited amount of heavy repair
work from garages and owners who ap
preciate the best work obtainable. L. C.
Sharp Machine Works, 10th and Jackson.
OMAHA Steam Paste Co.. manufactures
pure flour paste. 2210 Cuming. Tel. 462L
Stomach and Bowel Troubles
I devote my entire tlmo to stomach and
bowel troubles of every nature and cure
the most obstinate cases. Write or call
for free information. B. M. Jackson, M.
D.. 418 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha, Neb.
SUPERFLUOUS HAIR, warts nnd molea
permanently removed bv electricity; con
sultation free and confidential; all work
guaranteed. Miss Allender, 422 N. Y. Life.
; u
MORPHINE, opium, laudanum, cocaine
habit; myself cured; will Inform you of
harmless, permanent home cure. Mary
Baldwin. Box 1212. Chicago. U
WANTED To rent by a gentleman, vtwo
saddle bourses for about a month; will
give flrst-cluss care. Address K 49. Hee
office. U M566 17
W. H. MOHLER Send address to W. R.
Sills. 13, Peak St., Dallas, Tex.
U-C35 Ux
WANTED Concession bids. Royal Achate
picnic, Missouri Valley. Ia., July 22. Ad
dress Wm. Mace, 1502 Cass St. lT 653 16
WANTED City loans.
R. C Peters 4 Co.
FARM and city loans: lowest rates. W II
Thomas, 1st Nat l Bank Bldg. Tel 1648
PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1620 Douglag
WANTEDClty loans and warrants. W
amain Smith & Co.. 1320 Farnam St.
MONEY TO LOAN-Payne Investment Co.
vv wso
GARVIN BROS.. 1604 Farnam. City loans
-, on ueiuy; urn our terms.
. W-6sl
LOWEST rates, city property; 5 P. c on
farms In eastern Neb. Eemls. Paxton Blk.
, W-6S2
BUILDING loans on residence property:
per cent. W. B. Melkle. Ramge Blk
. W 81
LOANS on Omaha Improved property, or
to build with; can pay it back In monthly
payments. Hastings &. Ileyden, 16 Far
nam Bt- W-684
$1,000,000 TO LOAN on business and rel
denc property In Omaha. Lowest rates. No
delay. Thomas Brennan, R. 1. K. Y Life
W u5 '
low Rntes. Private Monev. $100 and Ual
FOR SALE Gray pacing horse; splendid
roadster; good harness and road wason;
$2u0 cash. 60V Jones St. 'Phone
P-M4U 18
fOR SALE 8-year-old horse; sound; safe
for women: also rubber-tired surrey, in.
quire at I MM Farnam. P-M619 16x
FOR SALE-S horses, axed 4. and years;
height, 16 hands; weight. J. ni pounds
good roadsters; city broke. 1315 N 2Sth
bt.. South Omaha. P M692 17x
A1TORNEY8 everywhere. The New Snow
Cnurc h Co.. main II.. N. Y. L, 'Phone UL
J. M Macfarland. $04 N. Y. L-Bld. Tel. lci
see liULi. aZ2fi