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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (July 15, 1905)
1 ! TDE OMAHA DAILY DEE: SATURDAY. JULY IS. 1905. GRAIN ASD. PRODUCE MARKET Weather Induce! Profit Taking and Prica Goes Dow a TWO-CENT LOSS IN WHEAT SUSTAINED Cora Does Better oa Loner Estimated necelata Oat tiff a Little Liverpool Market la Weak. OMAHA. July. 14. 19e5. , drop of almost 2 cenli In wheat was tho "r,V? , ot ,n" mrket. The tuning was S,1 cont lower on account or weatner L "!' nI there was a great deal of .. .IT"' '5 tn cslon. Later Valentin 'eV., .C'cago bought about l.Ono.OOO bushles Vh . , , '' OI ""owers In tne northwest. A, '"uu'" a lot of pruiit taking by tne '."'. J"""""- of receipts at Kama V Ity or 321 car and Monday of 8tio cars, had a Xurther vt&kpnmir i.niiKurv .........i Der at sCe. Corn waa a trlflo atrongcr, the main raotor being lower estimated receipts. July closed at 6vc, eld July at &0o, bepteinlx.r at 64 He, old September at 64 c, December at 4ic, old December at 4c. Oats sold a llttie lower, wun only a fair amount of trading. July finished at 32o, fcteptemrer at c and December at 3ua. Liverpool says the weekly Argentina wheat market is flrrin with lair demand; the corn firm with good export demand. Wneat at Liverpool closed d lower and corn d lower. Argentina shipments of wheat last week, were 2,t,Wt.iO bushels, the Wfek before 1. 56,0.iO bushels. Corn shipments last week were 2,W,OUO bushels, the week before 2,544, 0" bualieis. Receipts of new wheal at Bal timore were 67,uuu bushels. Six cars of new winter wheat arrived at Minneapolis. Any amount of No. 2 hard winter wheat Is offered at Nebraska points to arrive in Omaha In firtetn days at 84c. Primary receipts were 0i6,000 bushels or wheat, against 3O7.0OU bushels Inst year. Corn re ceipts were 4h2,ml bushels, against iWo.Ow) bushels Inst year. Kansas City cash mar kets were legao lower. From today a Inter Ocean: "Cash prices Of wheat are yielding with futures and Mie disposition Is for a narrowing of pre miums over July, 'ilia premiums paid by millers tor cash wheal are about tne only tangible thing the bulls have left, barring unfavorable weather and crop damage. Nelraka offered new Hard wheat In tit. Louis yesterday for shipment In fifteen days. At Chicago acceptances were fair from Missouri. Illinois and Indiana and prlnea wera off 1 at one time The pre mium commanded by hard winter wheat la due to the high price of spring wheat, as it can be used aa a substitute. Should anything happen to the spring wheat crop It will give the hard winter the preference and hold It at a premium, while if the spring wheat crop comes out all right the hard winter Is likely to go to a discount under soft red again." "With continued good weather I would not be aurprlsed to see wheat on an export basis within thirty days," said the man ager of a Chicago elevator system today. "The marketings thus far are only from scattered districts. What will they be In a week or two, when the movement Is on full blast, with all stations shipping, as our southwestern men advise us will be the case In Kansas." Omaha Cash Prices. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 90Ij33c; new No. 2 hard, bic; No. 3 hard, Sialic; No. 4 hard, IsVyjiuc; No. 3 spring, 81c CORN No 2, 67e; No. 8, 61c; No. 4, 60c; no grade, 460g48c; No. 2 yellow, 6:1c; No. 8 yellow, 61c; No. 2 white, 62c; No. 3 white 61c. OATS No. 2 mixed, 30c; No. 3 mixed. 28e; No. 4 mixed, ttsWm'SK.; No. 2 white, 31c; No. 3 white, 31c; No. 4 white, SOo; standard, Soc. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oata. Chicago 34 2 lug Kansas City I ha a u Minneapolis 130 Duluth IS t. Louis lit 37 46 MIsshdoIIi firsts MapWi. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, aa reported by the Edwards-Wood com- Articles. I Open, High. I Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat-I j! July...) 1 04 1 OS 1 04 1 044,1 1 04 8ept...83&&t'4 87 88 90 Dec... I 80 S6 84 86 86' WEiTUEB IX TUB GRALV BELT vara Thunderstorm Oeaeral la Mis souri Valley. OMAHA. July 14, 1906. Severe local thunderstorms were general In the Missouri valley Thursday evening, being probably most severe In tne vicinity of Omaha, A wind velocity of sixty-four miles per hour was recorded at Omaha, lasting from 8:56 to 8 p. m. The heavy rain and high wind did not extend over any con siderable territory. The weather is gener ally clear this morning In the central val leys and Is clearing In the eastern sections. It la cloudy and unsettled In the west and conditions are favorable for showers In the central valleys tonight and possibly Satur day, with continued warm weather. Omaha record of temperature and precipl tALva compared with the corresponding day M ta last three years: . . 1906. 1904. 1903. 1902. iasmim Temperature.... M 64 66 66 Precipitation 74 .27 .08 .06 Normal temperature for today, 79 degrees. Deficiency in precipitation since March L 8.69 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904. 1.64 Inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1901. 4.49 Inches. OMAlLA DISTRICT REPORTS. Tamp. Rain. Stations. Max. lln. Inches. Sky. Atnianui nPD va do clear Auburn, iseo v 61 1. OS- Columbus, Neb... 93 68 .00 Falrbury, Neb.... 93 7 .00 Fairmont, Neb... 91 70 .00 Or. Island, Neb.. 94 70 . 00 Hartlngton, Neb. 83 62 .01 Oakdale, Neb.... 96 68 .00 Omaha, Neb 91 64 .74 Tekamah, Nab... 92 7 .ft) Carroll, la 87 63 . 88 Clarinda, la 95 66 .00 Blbley. Ia 83 69 T 6ioux City. la... M 63 .22 Storm Lake, la.. 82 61 .03 Pt. cloudy uiear Clear Clear Pt. cloudy viear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear C ear Clear Clear DlaTHICT AVERAGES . No. ol -Temp Rain. Chicago, III Columbua, O Dea Moines, Ia... Indianapolis Kansas City. Mo. Louisville, Ky.... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb St. Louis. Mo 29 84 64 14 84 64 18 M 62 11 84 64 21 i 68 19 86 66 27 84 68 15 90 66 13 M M .04 .04 .34 .01 .01 .06 T .21 .02 L. A. wruh Local Forecaster, Weather Uurtau. 4. Law Is Oeaeral Market. BT. LOUIS, July 14. WII EAT Lower ; demoralised by decline in cash; No. 2 red cash elevator, 87Uc; track, 8si'2c; July S2Wc September. 81ij81Hc; No. 3 hard, 9L new: old. CORN Lower; No. t cash, 6Re; September. 4c; December, tao; track, Utf4. OAT8 Lower; No. 2 cash, aio; track 833330; No. 9 White, S6V4T36; July. 2DVU 3ua: Bentember. 2So. FIXUR steady; red winter patents, 34.70 S4.uo; extra rency ana straight, M.4d&4.ti: ear. 3.26a.(i0. 6EBD Timothy, steady; spot seed. 32. 00 140; new. 13 60. CORNMKAL-eteady at 12.7a ERAN titeady; sacked, east track, T30 HAT Steady; timothy, 39.0014.00; pralrla 6.0010.00. IRON COTTON TrES 9o. BAGOINO-8HC. HEMP TWINB-6V4A PROVrSIONS-loik. higher: Jobbing. f!l0. Lard, higher; prime steam, 7.60. jtt salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, 37 fcH; clear ribs, fa.12',; short clears. SiSf tdy: boxed, axtra aborts, j.m;; short clears, 39.12". POULTRY Old. nxni; young, weak' chickens. lOHc; spring 1240; turkeys, IJc; ducks. 9c; geese, 69c. BUTTER flow; creamery, 16HSD14o: dairy, 14V I6H0. tiiuii i lrm. Uo, case count. ... Receipts. Shipments. nour. ddis t.uuo Wheat, bu ll (ty lw no Corn, bu 37, OX 16i oats, Du 46.UU0 kt.ouo Mllwaakee Crala Market. MILWAUKE14 July 14.-WHEAT-Lower; No. 1 northern. 31.11: No. 3 north ern. 1.00110; September, 644J84SSO, bid I-lxwer; No. 1. 7Vc. BARLEV-Steady; No. t, 61c; sample. 44 CORN Lower; September. 4Ta65c, bid. Ilvrsaal Grala Market. LIVER PX)U July 14-WHEAT 6poL nominal; futures, easy; July, nominal; SepT saOJtN-Spui, ateaUj Ajnerlcau, oiixed, 6a 2d. future, dull; July, nominal; September, 4s 9d. CHICAGO ORAM ASD PROVISIONS. Prices na Board ef Trade. CHICAGO. July 14 -Brilliant weather Ihrmiithout the American wheat belt was the main reson for a fresh decline here today In the price of wheat. At the close the September delivery was off lHc. (vrn la down i,c. Oats slinw a loss of V1a-Sc-I'rovllons are 2Si1Pvyc hlsher. Kxtrenie weakness prevailed In the wheat pit from first transactions up to the final minute rf trsdinr. The paramount in fluence was the senerslly clear skv over the entire wheat fields of the fnllcd Slates and Canada. Oklahoma Was the only sec tion In which rsln In larse quantity had fallen durlnir the preceding twenty-four hours. With conditions so favorable with the new crop sentiment was decidedly bearish. At the npenlnjr the September option was off USc to l'A'tflVic at MVf M-c. As a result of the heavy Influx of new grain prices for cash wheat at Kansas City took a new tumble, the decline today being; between 1? and 4c a busliel. Option prices here were affected In consequence and were further Influenced by optimistic reports from the northwest declaring spring wheat to he maturing rapidly. For Sep tember the lowest point ot the day was reached at 8Jo. The market rallied slightly on covering by shorts, but the close was weak, with September at 84i 4Ho. Clearances of wheat ami nour wera equal to M.600 bushels. Primarv receipts were flno.OOO bushels, compared with vi0 bushels a year ago. Minneapolis. Duluth and Chicago reported receipts of 177 cars, aralnst 110 cars last week and 231 cars a year ago.. Profit taking bv the prominent lones paused weakness in the corn market cariv In the day. Later the market becamo Quite firm on active buvlng by commission houses. An estimate of small receipts to morrow was one of the reasons for the Im proved demand. A bullish factor was the small number of bids accepted from cash houses. The market closed comparatively steady. September opened He lower nt 54V, sold between H'tc and 64V and closed st RlHc. lxcal receipts were 2s9 cars, with 83 of contract grade. Weakness of wheat started active liquida tion In the oats market, resulting In a con siderable decline In values at the outset. Later a steadier tone developed and part of the loss was regulned. September opened to ei lower at S"tff;foi,c to :mvic, sold off to 3ic and closed at 30Hc. Local receipts w ere 169 eara. Provisions were firm, following a 10c ad vance In the price of live hofrs. Buying of ribs by two prominent commission houses was a feature. At the close September poi it closed at tin advance of l(Kil2Vic at 112 80. Lard wns up 2'o at $7.10. Ribs were up b'lf 7Wc nt 27.82H- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, ! cars; corn, 20 cars; oats. 112 cars; hogs, 10 mo head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Artlclea.l Open. Illgh.l Low. Close.l Yes y Wheat July Sept. Dec. Corn t July t July t Sept. 2 Sept. 1 Dec. Oats July Sept. Dec. May Park July Sept. Oct. Lard July Sept. Oct. Ribs July Sept. Oct. 8757 84M,fi 84U84H 64 66 4fc 32 S0S4-1V4 12 80 12 90 7 07H 7 7 27 V 7 62H 7 7 87i 88 S4S 6V 66 V 48 82J 30V4' 8H SH 83S8gR4H, 86afi-S ' 8314 83-5,1 85V 66 66' 64H, 64 47H 32 30 6S 56g5f)' i 8l'H'ilH. 32T 3.'H 12 82V 12 75 12 90 12 824 7 10 7 OS 7 22H 7 17H 7 30 7 25 7 924 7 2H 7 85 7 80 7 87 7 S6 64 47 61 4S'-t 32-l 32H "S 80sfT- 30's 31Vili 32 33(U33V 12 65 12 80 12 8-) 7 06 7 20 7 27H 12 62 32 70 12 77 7 02 7 17 7 26 7 62 7 55 7 82 7 72 7 87 7 82 No. 2. Kld. INeW. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady: winter patents. $4 30tt4 40: stralghta, 14.O0ti4.20; spring patents. IS Of -3 6.7": stnle;hts. $3.75?W;n0; bakers. $2.4(k-3.30. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 31.08Sfl.12: No. 3. 96Cl.fi6; No. 2 red. 90U91C t'OHN-no. z, 67c; No. 2 yellow, btc. OATS No. 2. 32y.fia24c: No. 2 white. 33a 83c; No. 3 white, 8233c. Kit wo. z, iac. BARLEY Oood feeding. 42044c: fair to choice malting. 47a49c. BEEPS-No. l nax. 31.Z4: No. l northwest ern, $1.42. Clover, contract grade, 312.750 $13 no. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl.. 312.66 12.70. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $7.flfa'7.07. Short ribs sides (loose), iy.wh.vo; snort clear Bides (boxed), $7.7588.00. Following were the receipts ana snlp- nour ana grsm Receipts. Shipments. .... 13.700 ,700 .... 39,000 9.700 ....330,0110 . 655,01)0 ....197.200 74.900 .... 4,ono .... 39.500 1.100 tnsnts of Flour, bbls. Wheat, bu. Corn, bu. .. Oat.s bu. ... Ryo, bu. .... Barley, ,bu. On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creameries, Wgiac; dairies, 16Ulc. Eggs, firm; at mark. cases included, uo; nrsts, lbftc; prime A-a.a 17m 1 (in ChA.. ,l.,Hu at 9SluViO. ' ' SEW YORK GESERAL MARKET 1 - 4aotatloBS of the Day Varloas Commodities. NBW YORK. July 14.-n5UR Receipts. 11.776 bbls.; exports, 4.636 bbls.; aalea, S.liiO pKgs. ; market aun ana pareiy steaay ; win ter Detents. 34.90ttift.26: winter straights. $4.604.60; Minnesota patents, $6.60(36.00; win ter extras, 3.iooi.a6; Minnesota Dakers, $3.76ti4.15: winter low grades. $3.0003.66. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, $4.262f4.5o; choice to fancv. 144.90. CORNMEAL Steady: fine white and yel low. $1.1641.30; coarse, $1.14'al-10; kiln dried, Xl.tHttl.0O. BARLEY Dutl; feeding, 48c, c. 1. f. New York; malting, 4Gif52C. c. 1. f. Buffalo. WrHE AT Receipts, none; sales, S,3u0,ux bu. futures; spot market weak; No. 2 red, $1.00, nominal, elevator, and 9tc f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth. $1.16 f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, $1.12 f. o. b. afloat. Vnder continued bearish crop and weather newa wheat declined further today, closing ltf2c below the previous night. Liquidation, lower cables and large new wheat receipts aided the decline. Sales Included No. 8 red, July, iUt4o, closed at 92c; September. 88 Vl? $9c, closed at 88 7-16o; December, 88&c, closed at S80. CORN Receipts. 66,6T4) bu.; exports, 35. 227 bu.; sales, 80,000 bu. spot; spot mar ket easy; No. 2, 62c, elevator, and 62o f. o. b. afloat ;No. 2 yellow, 62c; No. 3 white, t2o. Option market was dull and easy without transactions. July closed at 61c; September closed at 60c OATS Receipts, 84,4'0 bu.; exports. 4i55 bu. ; spot market quiet; mixed oats, 6 to 32 pounds, 3536c; natural white, 80 to 32 pounds, 87uysc; clipped white, 26 to 40 pounds, SMQllc. HAY Quiet; shipping, 6CS66o; good to Choice. 76flNOc. HOPS Steady; stste. common to choice 14 crop, 22o2sc; 18u3 crop, la'aile; olds 10 i)2c. Pacinc oast, 1904 crop, 23d?26o: iaul crop, 1S-S20C; olds. lCkfil2c. HID tri Steady: Galveston. SO to 26 lbs 20c; California, 21 to 26 lbs,. 19c; Texas (drvl, 24 to 80 lbs.. lhc PROVISIONS Beef, easy; family, $12 00 frl2.50; niess, $10.0wi 10.50; l-ef hams, $21 K(i 22.60; packet. $11.0u& 11.60; city extra India mess $19.6irjO0 do. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies. $8 26H0 0O; pickled shoulders $6 5j.u; pickled hams, $10.2610.75. lard steady; western steamed. $7.10; refined' steady; continent. $7.35: South America' $8 00: compound. $5.37'&S.fc'. Pork, quiet : family. $15 6"Hb 16.00; short clear. $12.75tj 14.75 mess, $13 5(o14.2S. BUTTER Market firm, unchanged; street price, axtra creamery, 2ttcf21c; official price, creamery common to extra, Tv-jmc-state dairy, common to extra 15V-q2oc: renovated common to extra, 13ul7W; western Imitation creamery, common to extra. lScflllc CHEEWE-State, full cream, small colored and white, fancy, 9c; state, full cream, fair to choice. trfc8Sc: state, full cream large, colored and white, yc. EOOS Firm: western, 14jlc. POl'LTH-Allve. Irregular: western spring rhiikens. 17c; fowls. I4c; turkeys I4c Dressed, firm: western broilers 164 19c; fowls, 1031Se; turkeys, 13I7C. Pklladelrkla Prodaee Mark. PHILADELPHIA. July 14. BUTTER Firm; extra western creamery, 23c; extra nearby prints, 23c. KOGS Frm; nearby, fresh. 18c, loss off- f"Lby,,,??hl t mark; western fresh. lVyl7e. at mark. CHErJ81v-F1rm: New York full cream fancy, new lufiiovc: New York full cream fair to good. 8VVc; domestio swlss, li Dalatk Cirala Market. DULVTH July 14-WHEAT-To arrive: No 1 northern. $107 On track: No. I northern, $1 07: No. 1 northern, e; July $H,: September, new. fclc; Septembfr! Ola, SO- OAT6-To arrlva and on track. 82Kic Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. July 14.-CORVSteady. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Volume of Sales ii th Smallest for afanj Daji. FLUCTUATIONS ARE GENERALLY NARROW Islos Paelfle Dlvldrad la the anjeet of t ndlmlalahed Conjectare Money on t all Is Agala Kasy. NEW YORK, July 14-Todsy'a stock mar ket proved a small affair from any point of view. The volume of sales shrana to a smaller total than for any one day alnce the accumulation of stocks. Fluctuations were generally narrow and very irregular. A lew stocks reflected operations by an organised market following and there were rumors circulated to aflord explanations suitable to the rrlce movement In the atocks. Theso did not prove very lm presmve and the market tell into Increaa Ing neglect as the day progressed. The Union I'aclnc dividend was tne subject of undiminished conjecture and It was as serted at one time on the Stock exchange that the increased rate had been actually declared, but the explanation was offered afterward that no quorum of the directors had yet been secured. American Smelting also had the benefit of revived rumors of a coming Increase in the dividend rate, ihe many reports regarding the North western grangers clrculatea during the week, resolved themselves Into a wide range ot conjecture as to the disposition to be made of Union Pacific s proceeds of the Northern Securities dissolution. Lnlted States Steel was sold freely early in the day ami this was supposed to be the dis posal of some large lines accumulated on Monday during the selling of the rest of the market to take profits by the specu lative party whose departure for a fishing excursion was announced the following day. The preliminary estimate of the week a currency movement indicated a consider able receipt here In addition to the yield of $l,5tji,iho on subtreasury operations and money on cull was very easy. But the shipments to New York are supposed to bo due in part to preparation for lomarrow s repayment of government funds On de posit Willi the national batiks and the marked ease of call money today was at tributed to the use of the funds thus ac cumulated. The tone of the time money market continued to show a firmer ten dency, the rate fur aix months' loans work ing above 4 per cent. The opinion was heard In bunking circles that money rates are likely to work closer in the near fu ture and this propped is believed to ac count for the disinclination to extend com mitments In the stock market. The dull market did not tend to increase the weak ness and there was a disposition toward recovery to tho level at tne close of the first hour. The Irregular manner of the recovery continued up to the clone. Bonds were irregular. Total sales, par value, $3,004,000. United States 4s, regis tered, advanced per cent on call. The quotations 011 the New York Stock exchange ranged as follows: baies.iiign.Low.ciose. 18. 9(0 1.100 1,500 200 I6.80O 800 "TOO 7,8i0 13,500 2,600 i',006 400 2. loO 2,100 20 100 1.400 i.5o 1.000 100 100 10.2(10 7,800 l.OOO 7,800 169 200 10O 100 300 Adams Express Amal. Copper Am. Car a; Foun... do preferred ....... Am. Cotton Oil do preferred Am. Express Am. Hide & L. pfd. Am. leu securities... Am. Linseed Oil .... do preferred Am. Locomotive do preferred Am. Smelt. A R'f'g. do preferred Am. Sugar K'f'g Am. Tobacco, pfd. c Anaconda Mln. Co.. Atchison do preferred Atlantic Coast L..., Baltimore & Ohio... do preferred Brooklyn Rapid T... Canadian Tactile Central of N. J dies. Ohio Chicago & Alton ... Great Western Chicago & N. W... C, M. & St. P 20.700 cm. 1 erm. a Trans. do preferred C C. C. & St. L... Cold. Fuel & Iron... Colo, ft Southern ... do 1st preferred.. do 2d preferred.... Consolidated Oas ... Corn Products do preferred Dela. & Hudson.... Del., Lack. & W.... Denver & R. O do preferred Distillers' Secur Erie do 1st preferred... 00 ix preferred .... Oeneral Electric Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do preferred International Pump.. Iowa Central do preferred K. C. Southern do preferred Louisville & Nash.... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. Street Ry Mexican Central .... Minn. A St. L m.. st. p. & a a. m. do preferred Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. Tex.... do preferred National Lead N. R. R. of Mex. pfd. N. Y. Central ....... N. Y.. Ont. A W Norfolk A Western.. do preferred North American .... Pacific Mall Pennsylvania People's Gas P., C. C. A St. L Pressed Sfeel Car do preferred Pullman Pal. Car, Reading do 1st preferred , do 2d preferred , Republic Steel .... do preferred ..... Rock Island Co.., do preferred .... Rubber Goods .... do preferred St. I A 8. F. 2d pfd. '.'.'". St. Louis 8. W ioo do preferred 100 Southern Paclflo 6S.300 Ho tirAf.Pral Southern RAllway.... do preferred Tenn. Coal A Iron,. , Texas A Pacific Toledo. St. L. A W.. do preferred Union Pacific do preferred 1. 8. Express tT. 8 Realty U. S. Rubber do preferred V. 8. Steel ;, do preferred .'. Va.-Car. Chemical... do preferred Wabash do preferred .", Wells-Fargo Exp.... Westinghouse Elec.i. Western Union . Wheeling A L. E. ... Wisconsin Central... do preferred Northern Paclflo .... Central leather .... do preferred Ex-dividend 100 31 31 243 M 83 83 36 364 36'4 31 98 225 39 38 39 25 25 26 !'" 39t 400 49 48 4 111 117 116 116 120 11! 119 139 138 138 86 l'W 107 107 86 86 8(t4 3"0 102 12 1024 1.O0U lt 160 lo 12.400 114 114 114 69 152 63 36 20 68 69 151 151 2or 63 63 36 86 19 19 100 39 39 1.40 209 2us 2"94. 182. 181 181 la 39 97 46 27 69 88 190 10 48 100 190 190 189 382 46 27 69 38 191 10 45 27 69 38 189 10 86 41 46 83 72 81 86 41 46 83 724 175 i67 168 19 86 41 46 82 71 27 37 26 Kg 600 148 148 148 700 82 -81 7.600 126 12 300 123 123 1,600 '98 '98 78 27 2 61 26 68 165 82 .26 125 21? 64 27 27 '6 300 400 700 63 45 37 1.700 148 1.40 62 63 1 122 16 26 63 44 I.8U0 100 26!fln6 2u0 66 147 147 62 62 99 143 86 91 9 42 142H H2U 104 ltH 104 7 a. 39 P4 239 iXt x 81.700 H6 103 1x6 3o0 200 1.3"0 14.3oO 100 8"0 200 8.200 100 ion 200 20 81 32 76 23 62 65 '83 9v 86 34 S3 20 81 81 76 23 62 4 '33 98 84 34 8S HI 92 20 81 81 75 34 103 67 23 62 65 117 33 9S 85 84 38 85,800 129 128 300 600 90 43 45.JOO 34 2,5oO 02 300 axil 100 107 90 42 'S3 11 107 100 93 '3 4 fw no 300 ion 45 it' 197 46 122 89 42 109 84 101 i 14 39 US 166 98 16 23 RS 199 40 14 104 104 Total sales for the day, 635.700 shares. lOailOB Stoelr M . -1 . - . tkI,Dwer,. July -cl01" Quoutlona on Stocks were: Consols, men? ... 10 4-1' do srooust StA AoacoBds Atcbikoa )l P'4 1HV V. T. Tntrsl. Norfolk W.. do ntA Osurte W... Fonrlrnl4 , ,7, r run7ivsn Bltlmor Ohio....li7(4Rna Minis Canadian Farlflc Cha. A Ohio . Chlrato CM W C , M A St. P DaBern U A K. O do t(d Biia do l.t ptd... do ti pfd... Ilhnoli rantral loula aV Naaa a.. K T 1V Rudln, 14 do lit pfi . do Id pfd . .lwm southara Rallwar .. Is do pfd .. IIS aoMihars raciao , .. a ,1'oloa Paeios .... .. da pfd ... .. M V. a. Sia.1.. .. da pfd ... . 173'w.bab IM-t! da pfd HI 4 , M 4Mi 74 . H M , 4 , 41 U 1004 '4 1M luO HM 1044 , 41 ..... ..., Hit Vt"U.. 1.. . ... ' " M ON E Y 1 per ctnlf ' " 0UnC' The rate of disoount In the open market for abort bills Is 1 U-16fil 13-1 pi? cen?f for three months' bills. Iql3-1 per cent. Bank Clearlags. OMAHA. July 14-Bank clearings for today were $l.fcS.l44.34 and for the dorrs' spondlng dute last year $l.l7v.6u$.I2, Treaiiry (tatenseat. WASHINGTON. July 14-Today's state ment of the treasury balances In the acn aial fund. axUuaivs of iha $ijo.v00.0u old reser-s In the division ef rdmpion, shows: Avallabia cash balance, $130,o2i,764; gold, $71,481. 401. Reronr or the clbaaiso huisb TraasaetloMS ot tho Aasoelated Basks DarlagT tka Week. NEW YORK. July 14,-Tha following table, compiled by flradstreet, shows the bank clearings at. the principal citlea for the wek ended July 13, with tne percentage of Increase and decrease as compared with the corresponding week last year: CITIES. Clearings. Inc. I Dec I New Tork Chicago Boston Philadelphia St. Iiuls Pittsburg San Francisco .... Cincinnati Baltimore Kansas Oty New Orleans Minneapolis Cleveland Louisville Detroit Milwaukee OMAHA Providence Los Angeles Buffalo Indlanapolia St. Paul Memphla fit. Joseph Richmond Denver Columbus Seattle ,.. Washington Savannah Albany Portland, Ore Fort Worth Toledo, O Atlanta Salt Lake City Rochester Peoria Hartford Nashville Spokane, Wash.... Des Moines Tacoma New Haven Grand Raplda Norfolk Dayton Portland, Me SprlnKfinld, Mass... Augusta. Ga Kvansvllle Ploux City Birmingham Syracuse Worcester Knoxvllle Charleston, S. C.... Wilmington, Del.... Wichita Wllbesliarre Davenport Little Rock Topeka Chattanooga Jacksonville, Fla... Kalamaioo, Mich.. Snrlna-fleld, 111 Fall River Wheeling. W. Va... Macon Helena Lexington Aitron Canton, O Fargo. N. D Yotma-stown New Tlnri tnfA Rockford, 111.!!!!!!! 1-owell Chester, Pa Blnghamton RloomlnE-ton. Ill . fpringfleld, O Greensburg, Pa Qulncy. Ill Decatur. Ill Rioux Fnlls, 8. D... Jacksonville. 111.... Mansfield, O Fremont, Neb Cedar Rapids IHntmtnn tGalveston Total, T7. S Outside New York. 111.825,471.1171 194.244.931 lM.164.2i 5 135, 6.12. 7. 65.jH5.k39i 49.4ai.9B 7) 26.676. k! 25.gMt.6k4 23.512.213 20.333.!27 14.701. 848 17.670.2K5i 12.67S.S32 I2.k.3m 8.i39.1ii6 8.814.641 7,9-;2,0. 11.M4.366 6.8ol. 191 8.712.161 6.343.637 4.6KU57 4.0S0.465 6.166 753 4.Ki,S 6.356.S3S 6.3T3.08; 4.92S.SS7 4. 1 1 1. it.5 4.f.k'l,2ol ' t. 981.804! 4.6.S3.M0 3.610.92OI 4.667.917: 3,9k7,348 2.6!17.29.1 8.4W.6S7 3.290,115 . 8.13S.163I 2.632.149' S.3iaflR9' 2.672. Slo 2 174. 5S3 2.172.148 1.889.013 1,934.448 1.950.2:9 2.233.197 1,556 930 l.fil T 9C, l.Si 19.6791 1.663.S73 1. '9 S5d 1.349.188 l.S"6.725 1.303 W9 1.647 2M 1,02.416 894. 883 1.196 tm 633.31"! 1.148.043! 1.259,270 770.146 916.114 751 67.9 928.777 6K7 K?4 772.3731 64,0931 740,Or( 426.0001 627.9091 696.7801 718.4'I7 699.3;7t 612.M7I 614 62' 674.7001 365.2731 I'M. 0P91 462,619' 421.6(561 818.876 294.4711 259,0091 414.45HI lkS,756! 49S.69S U.9"v5.704! 9.461.0001 88.8 1.3 36.S 0.8 23.1 69.2 16 4 2.3 6 T ..l$2.802.936.115 ..I 977,464.998 32. r 16.7 CANADA. Montreal , Toronto , Winnipeg Ottawa , Halifax Vancouver, B. C....,'. Quebec , Hamilton St. John, N. B London, Ont Victoria, B. C , Total, Canada I 26.672,428 21.407,873 .. 7,216.874 2.626,613 ,' ' 1.913.787 1,710.319 1.709,041 .,' 1,347.326 1.160,571 . 1,088,429' 694,4!U $ 67.477.2721 29 51 27.9 15.61 20.4 6.8 14.4) 7.31 14.61 2 9 26.4 22.5. Balances paid In cash. . ...... .,, .i.inin , . v 1 nunc 1;U111CL1I11I1K other items than clearings. New York Money Market. NEW YORK, July 14-MONEY-On call, steady at 22 per cent; closing bid an4 offered, 2 per cent: time loans slightly firmer; sixty daye, 21j3 per cent; ninety days, 808 per cent; six months, 44 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 4&4 per cent. 1 STERLING EXCHANGE Weak, with actual business In bankers' hills at $4 80 4.8670 for demand and at $4.8490 4.8496 for sixty-day bills; posted ratea. $4.85a4.! and $4. 87 15 4.88;' commercial bills, $4.84. SILVER-Bar, c; Mex'-n dollars, BONDS Government, firm; railroad. Ir regular. Closing Quotations on bonds were- C. I. rat. xs rag 1M It japan a, rtr 00 eoupoa liUlt I do id sarloa V. g. la. ras lftl do 4ta, f.... do roupes 194 U N. unl. 4s. m. . saw 4a, raf..l31H Manfaattaa c. 1. 4 ao eoupoa m Uax. Cantrai 4a.. V. S. old 4a rag 104 do coupon 104 Am. Tebaoee 4a, etfa. It so sa, ctri Atrhlaos san. 4a.... do adj. 4a Atlantic C. L. 4s... Bal. A Ohio 4a da ISta Central of On. la.. do lnt loo do td tne Cha. A Ohio 44a.. Chicago A A. ma. C , B. A 4. n. 4a.. v., a. i. a f. a.... n St. L a w . a. eol. aa.. H Baaboard A, L. 4a. CCC. A St. 1. g. 4s.. lot Bo. Paflfto 4a rblcago Tr. 4a t7 l do 2d 4a. ctfa.... Colo. Midland 4a.... Ti go. Rallwar sa Colo. A So. 4a feu Taxaa A P. la do lat inc Minn. A at. L. 4s.. M . K. A T. 4a.... Ill da la .104 N. n. It. of M. e. 4 . 1 N. T. C. . Uta.... .10344 N. J c. a. lot No. Pacific 4a.... 4 do aa U4 N. W. t. 4a.. . 4V e. 8. U rfdf. 4a . 44Si Penn. eonT. IHa. lot Raadlns (an. 4a. 'n st. l,. a i. loin st. LAS. .101 . M . M .10 .104 77 . It . M ..101 .. 7 la. n .. M4 .. ..loiv, .. MVa ..104t 101 M e. la . lit V. It. 4a. 1 Colo. lnd. la. do aal B... Cuba fa, rtf O. A B. 0. 4a Millars' Sac. la Irla prior llaa 4a do (an. 4a F. W. A D. C. la sat A.. 74( T ., St. L. A W. HH i Union Paelc 4a.. 10cl do conv. 4a ..IOcjVU 1. Steal 14 la. .. "H.Wabaah la ..1011 da dab. B .. IjyWratarn M4. 4a... in w. a u E. Hocking Val. 4a...l(4i Wla. Central 4s.... Offered. -Interest. .... u ....n ....1!1 4a.. u ....10K ....128 .... M ....117 .... It .... M M4) 4 Boston Itoeka and Bo ads. BOSTON, July 14 Call loans. 3fc3 per cent; time loans, per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds werei At'btaon sdj do 4s Mai. Central 4a.. Auhlaon da pfd Boatoa A Albany. Boatus A Maine. Boaton Blevatad . Klt.hburg pfd .. Mailran Central . N. T . N. H. A Pare Marquette t'nlon Parlfto Amer. Arge. Cham. do pfd Amer. Pneu. Tabe. . Amer. Sugar do pfd Amer. T. A T Amer. Woolen do pfd Pwnintoa I. A 6 lAdTentura .lWH'Allouaa . tl lAraalsamatrd . la jAmerlran Zinc . .liiai Atlantic .166 ....17T ....167 ....141 1H H.IDQ .... lit '4 U Ml 1MV 111V Hlnaham Cel. A Hacla... Centennial Copper Range . Dalr W'aat Dominion Coal Franklin Oranbr lale Royale Maaa. Mlolng .. Michigan Mohawk dont. C. A C. 1M14 Old Dominion .. Ooaol 14 .Parrot t! Qulncr OMAHA LIVE STOCl MARKET Beef Steeri Weak, wi.h Cwi Lower tod Trading; Slow. HOGS SELL GENERALLY A DIME HIGHER Only rtr Cars of Sheep Arrived This Mornlnaj aad Market la Flfteea Cents Lower Than Vaster day, with Trading; Slow. SOUTH OMAHA. July 14. 1905, 5Tp.'pt" wre; Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 4.. h.u8 2..U9 Official Tuesday ( 2 lv,7s3 I.7n5 Olhclal Vednesday 8 .itsd 9.110 l.Uiii oniclal Thursdsy $.i S.i7 4.41$ Olticlal Friday 2,17o l.AQ i.iAl nve daya this week...l8$K8 rive daya last week. .. .12,840 Same daya week before. .13.139 Same three weeks ag-o..!,io7 Same four weeks ao....l 1.(2 Same daya last year 4.S32 KfcCEli-Ta KOR THE TEAR TO DA I ti. The following table shows Uie receipts Of cattle, hogs and sneep at Soutn omalia lor the yeu- i date, comparing wltn last .', : 1"5. lw4 inc. Deo. altI 457,K"1 470.tS Ii758 "'8s 1.3M.3.1 1,4--., .17 44.J4J S''PP 7i,121 721.122 6u,99 The following table shows tne average price of hogs at South Omaha lor the last 'vtra' dya, with comparisons: 40.788 17.i78 28.il3 11. 9U bH.lt4 18.33 t.;iii 17. .19 b$ 7.1.U 10.010 10.46J Dat- I 1906. 1!)04.1903.1902.1901.1900.1899. Juno li. June II. June 17. June li. June l. J una 2u. June 21. June 22. June 24. June ia. June 24. June 2;. June 28. June at. June 80. July July July July 4 July 8.. July 6.. July 7.. July 8.. July Juiv 10. July ii. July 12. July 13. July 14. I 11 a a a .'x 1 2.. 3. 4 81 4 811 1 4 kl 6 18Vi 6 14: 6 1U I 12l lSi ri 31, I ia I 0b 6 Oil I 06 12, i llil 829 5 14; i li a U4 S 08 8 131 i Ml a vli 8 4 t n;i 8 4 b a $ 8$ a b,i 6 6.1 8 70j & Ml a'- ' & 6 8 tjol t (Ml 6 bO 8 2Si Ik'" 8 24 6 26 S to. 6 26 6 28 I 8M 124i I 7 W 8 3 7 2U 8 eS 1 Ml $ IM 7 41 Vt 7 tii s ui, 6 89 7 t9 6 Iwi 1 87l Hal 7 01 8 9$! 7 i: 6 91 i 1 U $ 87 1 3 90 7 61 7 Mi 5 Ri 7 u4 6 82 I Ui .1 t $! 3 84. 4 0 3 W 8 J (03 8 0l 1 84 4 4 71 4 IM 8 : 8 00 8 85 S 42 8 171 8 101 $ 83 6 03 , 3 1.4 t 111 3 tie 4 to 3 Hi 6 01 4 92: 6 ui 8 b 3 72 8 78 6 33 8 32 6 3J 6 38 't'64 6 73, 5 0K 78 5 26 6 coi I 8 79 a 11 I 81 6 19 6 4 7 75 I 8 U 8 81 $ 16 6 10 a 8 11 'do? 8 3'. 8 41 62 6 38 a 8 38 6 13 6 18 7 76 7 E9. K Sit 80 5 83j D 13 a eu a 6 92 6 96 8 85 8 04 t 02 8 12 $ OS 84 e 3 90 3 9 4 04 4 09 4 06 15 Indicates Sunday. The official numDer of care of atock brought in today by each road was: . Cattle. Hogs. Sh'p. C., M. & St. P. Ry 1 1 7. Wabash 3 ., ,, Missouri Pacific Ry 1 union Pacific system 9 20 C. & N. W. Ry 4 P., K. M. V. R. R 10 S9 C, St. P., M. A O. Ry 18 10 B. A M. Ry 17 22 C. , B. & W Ry 27 2 C, R. 1. P. Ry., east 1 2 C, R. I. & P. Ry., west 2 Illinois Central j Chicago Ut. Western 1 Total receipts 87 104 21 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated: Cattle. 14 Hog? Sheep 609 1.321 1.3M 8,lo5 247 l.ool Ellson Elec. IIIU...MH Shannon HHul. Elect rU do pfd Maaa. Oaa l nlted Krult Untied Shoe Macs.. do pfd V. a. aiaal do pfd Wealing, common . BioT Asked. II .. tm .. 4 ..lot .. tH .. II .. I4w ..101V .. u Tamarack Trinlijr United Copper . Mining... V. . OIL....... man Victoria Wtneae SN'oUerlne .... m .... i .... lSi .... J ....Ui .... I .... 10U I .... 13H .... 41 .... .... 4 .... o .... .... 1H .... 41114 .... I .... 14 .... 1 .... il ....ioe .... i ....114 .... .... n .... in .... lm .... 44 .... t .... 104 New York Mlatagr Itoeka. NEW TORK. July 14.-Closln,r quotatlona on mining atocka were: Adami Cos Alice Braeoa branawlck Cos ... Con.atock Tunael . Con. Cel. a Vs... Horn tfilver Iron surer lealville Coal - Offered. .. so .. 44 .. il .. I .. I ..lie ,111 ..lot .. 4 Utile Chief ... Ontario Ophlr Phoenls Potoel Bevage Sierra Nevada Small Hopes .. Standard .. I ..400 ..71 .. 1 .. II .. 44 .. aa .. M ..US agar and aiolaasea. NTCW YORK. July 14.-8UOAR-Raw. easy; fair refining. 8c: centrifugal. 96 test 4c; molassea sugar, $o. Refined, gulet' No. . 4 0c; No. T. 4 5e; No. 8. 4 6io: No. . 4MV-: No. 10. 4.45c; No. U, 4 i&e k0' 12. .K; No 13. 4.30c: No. 14. 4.15c; tioners A. t-loc; mould A, e6&c; cutloaf 4c crushed. 6c; powdered, t.': grtwiula'ted' I.Stic: cubes, S bnr. Julet; open kettle centrirugal. 4fi4T.e centrifugal whites. 4 8-16c; yellows. 4c; MOLASSLJ4 Nominal; ccau kattla. 2 26ci centrUugaU 6'4i4g fc Omaha Packing Co.. Bwlft and Combanv 2fi3 Cudahy Packing Co 3l Armour & Co 2'19 Omaha Pack. Co., St. J... 89 Cudahy Pack. Co., K. C. 600 Armour & Co., K. C 71 Hill A HunUlnger 83 .... .... Ij. F. Hus 168 Squires & Co 288 .... Other buyers 74 Totals 1,942 6,642 1,306 CATTLE There was about the usual Fri day's run here today, eighty-seven care being on sale. The receipts were some twenty cars heavier than last Friday and show a big Increase over the corresponding day of last year, when on account of the labor troubles only one car of cattle was received. The quality of the receipts was fairly good and Included some choice cattle. Beef steers constituted the big end of the receipts today. There were very few fea tures different from those existing yester day and conditions were a llttie against selling Interests. Buyara were out early, but did not take hold with much strength and did not aeem overly anxious for sup plies. Trading was slow and dull and It was well along in the forenoon before any thing of any consequence was done. There was little Inquiry for common or grassy cattle and on these kinds the market was generally 10c lower. Some choice cattle looked about steadv, while the pretty good cattle were a shade lower. The general market could best be called steady to a shade lower. There was a rather small supply of cows and heifers In the yards today and the feeling on the stuff was weak. Buyers were Indifferent on every thing exoept the real good dry lot stuff, which sold at about steady prlies, although the movement was slow. Common kinds and the green cattle were In poor demand and were fully a dime lower all around. Buyers on these grades were hard to please and trading was very slow and dull. Oood bull veal calves and stagt wera In iust about the same notches as yesterday, .ut the grass bulls have gone off about a quarter In the last two or three daya. There was only a very limited supply of stockers and feeders In the yards and there were no new features to the trade. Rep resentative sales: BEEF STEERS. Na. At. l-r. No. Aa. Ft. I !0 t 74 40 1041 4 11 tl 1171, 4 10 14 1071 4 74 1 1000 4 tl tl 1061 4 H 1 1260 4 10 o irai 4 w 1 4W 4 tO II 11.14 4 U 1041 4 K II 1IO0 4 M II Uli 4 40 11 lint 4 M 91 1027 4 M 14 1271 i 00 II 1171 4 00 14 1314 a 0 11 1311 4 40 14 1270 I 10 10 1254 4 14 40 1414 4 40 40 H.13 4 46 II 1447 t 40 6TEF.MS AND CUWB. 404 I II II 1011 4 14 1 114 I 71 II tit 4 40 10 1023 4 00 tl 170 4 14 COWS. ..1040 I II 10 1010 I 40 .. Ill I 64 t 1023 t 40 .. 7 t 46 t 1131 I 10 .. b0 I 71 1 1M 60 ..1000 I II 1 1230 I 10 ..1011 t 40 124 I SO ..1041 t tl 1 11 .SO to ,. M4I I 24 II J024 I M 11 fcU.Ffc.KlJ. ,. Hi I 10 1 710 4 04 ,. (24 1 t.0 BULLS. ,.1400 t 40 1 1CU I 44 ,.1300 I 40 1 1)40 $ 40 ,.14114 t 10 STAGS. 1 44AA atA 8TOCKKH3 AND FEEDERS. MO I 26 I . v) Ill I 24 20 M I 74 HOU8 Conditions were all In favor of selling Interests In the hog yards this morning and the principal feature was a continued upward tendency to prices as the morning advanced. There was a fair Friday's run. about 100 loads being offered and the quality of the stuff was good. Buy ers were out earl and there was a good strong demand tor supplies. Karly bids were fully 5o higher than yesterday, but llttie trading was done at those figures The market quh kly strengthened and open ing sales showed an advance of oiyluo. More strength developed as the morning ad vanced and later trading was done at prices a good 10c higher tnan yesterday's general market. Buyers went right after the hogs and the early arrivals were cleaned up in ood season. The bulk of the hogs sold to ay at $6 46 bo, while $6 58 was paid for two loads of fancy pure-bred Reikahir... Some hogs sold around $6 4'J, while soma sold at $a.&2. Representative sales: Sa, F. 40 I 7(4 40 6 41 0 f 47V, 44 4 47 ... I 4714 ... i 47 141 40 4 47 ... 4 47 110 4 41 40 I 47t4 SO I 14 la 4 M ... 4 44 ... I M ... 140 120 4 10 M I M 120 4 (0 K0 4 40 40 4 60 ... 4 44 100 I 14 44 4 IS in 4 40 U 114 120 4 40 10 4 40 ... 4 40 44 4 10 ... I a M I to in la M 114 IN IS . . 4 1 aa aa 1... 4... 14... 1... 1... 14... 10.., 10... 4... 24... .. t... I... 1... 1... 4. :::;: Hi. a.r. Sa. rr. Na. aa. M t7 10 I 44 16 44 Mi 100 I 40 HI 2.. 44 til 200 4 4 II 240 14 IJ4 44 I 42 44 21T 11 270 MO $ 42 40 40 14 t.4 too I 42 71 l,t 14 220 240 I 42 14 tfl 66 171 110 I 42 10 m 11 220 J20 I 42 111 7 4 24 40 4 46 44 231 41 261 120 4 46 14 Ill 41 Ml luO I 44 II 224 at (17 kO 44 14 221 71 .114 ... I 44 41 l.S 4 .121 ... 141 41 11 10 2 ... 4 44 60 241 HI ... 4 41 4 2.1 II 121 ... 4 4 U 114 1 Ill tO I 44 12 241 41 21 40 I 41 4" 271 42 Ill M 4 44 14 221 11 221 40 4 44 4a 121 t 2a4 160 I 4 47 2.4 17 11 144 46 10 211 44 241 ... 1 44 45 .211 II 174 ... 4 a T6 ill 12 144 1 20 I 41 17 it 6 247 2"0 I a 42 .l 17 307 120 I 44 Ml 2"l fl. ....... .21 40 I 48 74 2I 44 Ill ... 144 12 4 42 2J ... 4 a U irt 4 tU 40 I 46 47 u 4 247 120 4 44 tl 240 H4 ... I 47 M 224 71 2 40 4 47 6 J.U ee as g tttm tm 1 1 71 . 41.. 11.. 1.. 47.. tl. .It 61 40 III Kl 211 M .141 100 .14 ... $ 4T I 4T I 47 4 47 I 41 17 rr... 12 .. it... M .. 14 .. 144. ... 4 40 I 64 ...174 ... I 6i ... 210 ... 4 II ... IM 44 4 M 2"7" 110 4 61 Kl ... 4 IS 8IIEKP-Receipts of sheep looked well on paper today, but the moat of the stuff re potted failed to arrive. There were twenty one cars fepnrted. r'lt only five came In early. Buyera and seller were both look ing for the remaining fifteen cara and In ronsequenoe th market was slow, or rather there was practically no market. The five cara were Montana wathrra of good qual ity, which aold for $5.25. or l.V lower than yesterday, the same stuff selling; yesterday for $5 40 Although prices for the Inst two days nsve been sharply lower, there Is a good, stiff demand for both sheep and lambs at this point and the break was probably caused by the extremelv huh Rrlce that have been paid for stuff here, overs feel that prl-rs have teen too high and are taking a bearish attitude. The general market today could best be called about 15c lower. Quotations: Oood to choice spring lambs. $7 :G$i7.,V; fair to good spring lambs $7.Pjv, 7. PR; good to choice yearlings. $.;.olii!.2 ; fair to good yearlings. $5.7Mi100; good to choice wethers, $S.00(d",6.2o. fair to g.od wethers. 34.7Sf6.0fi; good to choice $4 78V?B.OO: fair to good ewee. $1.30(34.75 resentatlve aalea: No- Ax-, lofil Montana wethers 113 ewes. Rep- Pr. 8 - CHICAGO LIVB STOCK MARKET Cattle Keady Hoas Ten Ceata Higher -Sheep Weak. CHICAOO. July 14 CATTLF Receipts, t .MO head. Market steady; good to prime sters. $S8o6.00; poor to medium, $J.73'J 8..1S: stockers and feeders. $J.Borif4 35; cows, $;Wg4.70; heifers, $2 2.Hf6-78: ennners. $1 80 !; bulls. $2.00jJ4flO; calves, $3.0C'aU73; Texas fed steers, $40fi750n. lions-Receipts, 14.000 head; estimated to morrow, 10,000 hesd. Market 10c higher; mixed and butchers. $.VM4i.i; good to choice heavy, $5 jJS 75; rough heavy, J.S 25 65 45: llRht. ta..TM,5.W: bulk of sales. JS fiiV t 8.67. SHEEP ANT LAMPS Receipts. R.0X) head. Market weak, lambs lower; good to choice wethers, shorn, $fl.3rVff6.75i fair to choice mixed, shorn, t4.lWif6.20; western sheep, shorn. $4.75flf 75: native lnmhs, shorn, $5.0ivu7.75; western lambs, $S.0Oy7.75- Kansas City Lire Stork Market. KANSAS CITY. Jutv 1 4. C A TT7 ,R Re ceipts, 2,400 head, lnrludlng 1.100 head south erns; mariter. steady; choice export and dresaed beef steers, 5.0fKii ISO; fair to good, $4 26tfrS.00; western fed steers, $.T7VrS.25; stockers and feeders, $2.75f74.26 ; southern steers. $2.75'u4 .50; southern cows, $2 JSflfl 50; native cows. $2.snfj4.8f; native heifers. $3.26 4J6.3R: bulls. $22M14.0O: calves, $.l.fUfl.75. HOOS-Receipts. 3,800 head; market 2fJ Be higher; top. $5.62: buKt of sales. $o.of,rj o wr, neavy, a.Mrri (.j : pa plgn and light. $5.Vrr5.62. ?: packers, $5.55415.60 HEEP AND IAMRS Recelnts. Ron read; market strong and active; native lambs. $6.00iJ7.60; western lamb. tg.0Otj7.4O; fed ewes and yearlings. $4.505.75; Texas clipped yearlings, $5.501.00; Texas clipped sheep, $S.00G'3.50; stockers and feeders, $2.50 4(4.00. St. I.onjs Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS, July 14. -CATTLE Receipts. 2.500 head. Including 2,200 Texans. Market steady; native shipping and export steers, $4104j6 86; dressed beef and butcher steers. $3.7!V(7 5.S0; steers under 1.000 lbs., $3.75'&4.fi0: stockers and feeders, $2.5013.75; rows and heifers, $2.00-55.25; ranners. $1.6072.10; hulls. $3 0Orfj4.HO; calves. $S.603ti.OO: Texas and In dian steers, $2.25'34.76; cows and heifers, $20Ofrfi0. HOGS Receipts, 8.000 head. Market was strong; pigs and lights. $5.5fJ5 0; packers. t4Vr5re8.70; butchers and best heavy, $5.(i0 SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 000 head. Market steady; native muttons, $4 00415.50; lambs. $5.flo.7.75; culls and bucks. $10034.50; atockers, $3.904.00; Texans. $3.754.75. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. BT. JOSEPH, July 14. CATTLE Re ceipts, 499 head. Market steady; natives, 83.75fi5.60; cows and heifers, $1.5'ii4.fc5; tockers and feeders, $3.76?4i). HOOS Receipts. 3 809 head-Market 5o higher: light, $.V65ifi.rlO: medium and heavy, $5.60(fTfi.57; bulk, $5.52f3$.67. 8HEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 3.444 head. Market for aheep 10fjl5c lower, for lambs 25o lower; top for lambs, $7.60. Sionx City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY Ia.. July 14.-( Special Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts. 40 head; mar ket steady; atockers, dull; beeves. $3.754j 5.26; cows and heifers, $2.60r'4.30; stockers and feeders. $3.003.75; calves and year lings. $2.tWTr3.50. ' HOOS Receipts, 6,000 head; market Bo higher, selling at 35.367j5.50; bulk of sales, $6-40126. 45. Stork In Sight. Receipts of live stock at the six principal western markets yesterday: cattle. Hogs. Bheep. 2.175 7.1110 6,;50 South Omaha Sioux City ... Kansas City . St. Joseph .... St. Louis Chicago Totals 400 1.4KMJ 4!9 1610 2,600 6.000 3,K) 8.8H9 3.000 11,000 2.5O0 3.414 ri0 6.000 $.971 87,809 17,'94 Wool Market. BOSTON, July 14. -WOOL The Boston Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will aay of the wool market: The market la still very atroag and buying has, been done steadily at Liverpool prices. Dealer are optimistic and they look for a continuance of present values with a possibility of even higher. Spot wools, both foreign and domestic, are In constant demand, manufacturers having been active on the market. Australian merlnoe have developed a firmer tendenry Th London auctions have maintained the opening advances and competition has been spirited among the Englfsh and German buyers, who have this time ruled tha mar ket. Americana have bought aome wools, but As only poor selectione for this country were to be had. their purchases have been small. The shipments of Boston to data from December 29, 1904, according to the same authority, are 130,275,186 pounds against 109.tVB.347 pounds at the same time last year. The receipts to date are 190,657, 669 pounds, against 818,981.870 pounds for tha same period last year. .eLr)0, Ju,y. WOOL-Tha fourth series of the wool auction sales closed to day. The closing tone was generally firm, but prices were below the best on account or the slackened American competition. The attendance throughout was large and com petition was brisk. Americans purchased suitable Australian and River Tlatte cross bred, besides considerable home-grown wool, thus establishing a higher range or prlM"w.CI'0""b.ed!, form bout half the avallabia Supplies. Coarser grades were readily bought at d'g-ls Id advance, "but the finer grades scarcely advanced d Medium grades were easier owing to a falling off In the American demand. Good combing merinos advanced t per cent and the other grades about 2. Durina l, series 125.000 bale were available of Vhleh 68.000 were sold to home buyers, 39,000 to th continent. 7.000 to Americans and 11 55 hales wrer held over for the fifth series following are todaya salea In detail: New South Wales. 1.800 bales; scoured 9dfr1s Z greasy 4tadJ.lsM. Queensland. v 'bJ," : scoured Ifrs; greasy. 11dlsld. Vle- iJ7 bi"V our"1- I'W'ffU ldTgreasv. z'ala?''. 20 hales; scoured 10s Wis lid. Cane of Oood Hope and Natal ST. r-OT'IH. July 14.-W007 Jflteadv : me rtli.m grades combing and clothlnar 26231c- washlT01 heaVy Metal Market. NEW TORK. July 14 -META7 STh speculative position In the London tlS market appeared to be growing more acute and a continued advance was renorted with soot quoted st 144 and futures at 142 17s d. Locally the market was stcadv with demand quiet. Snot was quoted at't'40 7i C?r,t?r.'l,0 wa" h'hr abroad, closing at 16 6a 3d for spot and 46 10s for futures The local market Is firm at the recent acV yance. with lake and electrolytic ouoted at 115.00618.16 and casting at $14.76 ? Lead W.a"..U-".,!.,,r?1 al 12M In London and st $4.ao4.HO In the local market. Splter was steady at $6.8fci5 40 In the New York market and at 24 6s In Ixmdon. Iron r10!.1 ? M Glasgow and at 45a 4d In Mlddleshorough. locally Iron was un changed: No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at tlH.2Mn.50; No. 2 foundry northern 115 50 ffn6.uft; No. 1 foundrv southern, 415 2SJ 16 75 No. 1 foundry southern soft. i5.2Mil 00 No 2 foundrv southern, $14 75?.15 25 CJT . .TT,a . . t . . .. ... . - o. - i.-j. juiy ll-KMAL" Lead, firm, 14 e2fi4 o7. Spelter, firm, $6.17. Cottoa Market. NEW YORK. July 14 COTTON-Spot closed quel. 40 points decline; middling up lands lOailC mlrlrflintf ,!' 1,... -------- - . a."', .w.ew. aaivs, 8.760 bales. BT. LOUIS. July 14. COTTON-Qulet ; middling. 10 ll-16c. Sales, 7 bales; receipts none; shipments, lis bales: alork. $1,360 bale. LIVERPOOL, July 14 COTTON Spot !n limited demand, prices 15 points lower' Amerlcsn middling fair, 2d; good mid dling, 6 9S.1; middling, 5 8:d; low middling, 6'Kkl; good ordinary, t.48d; ordinary, 63d The sales of th day were 3,() hales, of which i0 were for speculation and export, and Included 1.7o American. Receipts. 11. ltl bales, all American. NDW ORLEANS. July 14 COTTON Market quiet. Bale. 1 liio bale. Ordinary 7o; good ordinary. 1 11 16c; low mld llmg ilia.. i-rfH. 4ftt.i-1 mnnA aeMdHni lnc; middling fVr. in 15-lrtc. Receipts, 2,190; stock, frn.3.4 bales. oer crat ot K OMAHA 4 IIOl.KS ALk; MARKET. Staple and Kaaea- rro.'.ica, EOOS Receipts, talri mark! quiet; candled stock. .inl3c. L1VK 1'Ul 1. 'lit V -liens, 9c; roosters, 8c; turkeys, l:iHV; ducks. 8c; sitting ducks, 10c; spring rnickens. 15.tlbc. BU 1 1 Kit-Mar:.t firm; packing stock. l.lHiJltc; choice to fancv dairy, lTjjlaci cnamery. iMuic; prints, i'jc. SL'tiAK-ritaudard granulated, $i 21 per ct.; cutH's, $T.uu per cwt,; cut loaf, $; ti Per cwt ; No. 4 etra C, $vii per cwt.; No. 10 extra C. $i ! iw r cut.. No. 16 yel low, 15.74 per cwt ; XXXX powdered, $o 9 per cwt.: bar powdeieu. $.40 ,r cwt: eagle tablets, $7 !5 in-r cwt KKESH PlPlI Tmut. eje; ballbut, lie bulT.ilo Idressedl, Jc; .ckaral dlresred), 8c; white las tdr-f-t , l?c; sunfisn, nc; percfl (scaled and wmi'C I. Kc; pike, loc; catiish, ISc; red naprw-r, loci aitnion, Inc; ciapples, 12c; eel li.o; bullheads, 11c: black ba, ioc; Manitoba whltclliih tdissed, loc; lake Su-' perlor wliitcllsh (dressed), l-'c; frog legs, fier do., Sue; lobsters, green, 27c; bolivtl nbsteis, rtc, fluul roe. 4.V; Inuidish, 8c. HAY t rices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay leaieia aa..ciniioi. : Choice. $;.00: No. 1. 8M.50; No. 2, $i.0O; coarse. $00. These ar lor hay of good color and qual ity. BRAN Fer ton. $15 00. TROPICAL FRUIT. ORANGES St. Michaels, all sices, $4.2$; extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sues, $3.76: seedlings, all aim, $3.50; Valen cia, all sizes, 64.14. LEMUN.H Itiionlcra, etra fancy. !7iX S't) and 3M) sixes, $,':'; fancy, 270, 300 and KtU sizes, $; choice, $.4 6t; 3 J and 3ts) sines, MM); 20 size, .l.:5; 240 size, $3.60. AJATKH 1'er Uix of 80 1-lb pkss.. i.J8; Hallowe'en, In 7o-lb. boxes. ier lb, to. F1US Calllornla, per 10-li. carton, 11;$ $: l:r.iortad riayuis four-crown. ITc; five crown, 12a BANANAS Per medium-sized bunch, $1.78 SI a -o; jumoos,'iia.w. PINEA rt'LKS Florida, 30 and 36 sizes. $4.60. f'KCllg A.olJ WKLONU. APRlCuiB cuiltoriua, pr 4-baaket crate, I'LI'MS-Ca', per 4-backet crate. Il.lu44l.86. I'LACliiCa Texas clings, per 4-liasket ceate, Mic; lexus rcesioiies, $j.iK); Califor nia free stone, per 26-lb. box, $1.10. CiifcKHiiin--i uiifoi nik- i.Uie per 8-lb. box, $1.6u; white, per 8-in. bvs., $i.W; Mis souri, box of U ills., J2. (..;. a,. STRAW BERRIta Hoxie grown, per 24 qt. case, $1.i5u.oj; iOi-nver, per case ot : H.. i.oa CRANHKUlUEg Jeiseys, per crate, $1 6A, GOtiSDUKKKItS-llox of 24 qta., $2,110. CANTAlAJUPES Texas, per crate, 3 0 4.&u; t'ullfortila, per cratu, poulca, $3.00; atandards, $1.00. WA I KKMK.I.0N8 Alabama Bweeta, 26 J 30c each: crated, lo per lb. RSIBERR1KS-Iied. box of 24 pta, $3.60; Black, box of 24 pta., $30. BLACK :K1: Hi t.S-C aso of 24 qU, $IH TCRMBB New, per do., iOc. CAURi I'll New, per dos., 20o WAX BEANS Per -bu. box, 75c; atrlng beans, per -bu, Dox, 76c; bu, bos wax or string, $1.60. POTAl'OfciS Home-grown, In racks, per bu., 3&c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, tier bu., 660. BEANS Navy, per bu.. $200. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, per orata Of 1 do., Mc. CUCL'MBKRB Per do.. 45o, PEAS Maw. per bu. box. $1.00. TOMATOES Tennessee, per 4-basket crate, $1.00. Sl-iNACH Per bu.. 600. CABUAG1S Homo grown, In. crates, per lb.. 2c. ONIONS New, per do, bunches, 16c; Bermudas, per crate of about 60 lbs., $1 2.V KAlHSUhH Hot house or southern, per do . Tie. LETT JCE Hot house, per doi., 30tj40c; head lettuce, pe? dos.. Tic. BEETS New, pe- doz., 30e. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESis SwIsb, nee, 160; Wisconsin brick, 14c; Wisconsin llmberger, loc; twins, 13c: young Americas, 12o. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 sort uhells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard ahella, per lb., lie; No. 2 soft shells, pur lb., 12c; No. 2 hard shells, per lb., 12u; pecans, large, per lb., 12c; small, per b., 10c; peanuts, per lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., ic; Chill walnuts, fier lb., 12'fil3c; almonds, aoft shell, per b., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; shellbarK hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; Prga hickory nuts per bu., $1.50. HIDES No. 1 green, 8c; ,No: I green, 7c; No. 1 salted, 9c; No. 2 salted. 6c; No. 1 veal calf, 10c; No. 3 veal calf, 8c; dry salted, 74jfl4ci sheep pells, 2&cu$1.00; horsa aide. $1.6063.00. Kansas ( Ity r.raln and Provisions. The rango of prices paid In Kansas City, an repotted by the Ed wards-Woods com pany, , llO-l'.l Board of Trade building, wasi Artlcleal Open. Hlgh. Low. I Close.l Yes'y Wheet I July... 79 79 77 T7 79 Sept... 76-5 76 74 75 7rt Dec... 76 76 76 7i 76 Corn July... 51 11 Oft Bept... 4S'fl 48 47 47 42 Dec... 42'u 41 41 41 42 Oats Sept... 29 29 29 29 20 Pork July... 12 60 12 50 12 47 12 47 11 40 Sept... 12 00-55 12 72 12 66 12 67 12 60 Lard July... 7 02 7 03 T 00 Pept... 7 10 7 17. 7 10 7 12 7 12 Rlhs- July... 7 62 7 52 7 47 6cpt... 7 70 7 80 7 70 7 75 7 70 KANSAS CITY. July 14. WHEAT, July. 77io77c; September, 757&o; December, 76o. Cash; No. 2 hard, 8iVd88c; No. 3 8'cd) Stic; No. 4, 80$.83c; No. i red, 83c; No. 3, 82TR3c; No. 4, 80ftS2c. rOHM- .llile finntemhee 47Uie rte. cember, 42c; May, 4yi 4!c. Cash; No. 1 mixed, 52Vltiu3c; No. 3, 5c; No, 3 white, 64c; No. 3, 63c. OATS No. 2 white, 86v. No. 2 mixed, 330. RYE Steady at 66((i9So. HAY Steady; choice timothy, $9.50 10.(0; choice prairie $7.50. EGGS Steady; Missouri and Kansas, new No. 2 whltewood cases Included, 12c; case count, lie; cases returned. c less. BUTTER Creamery, 15fcl8c; packing, 14c. Receipt.. Shipments. Wheat, bu 266.800 4l,"0 Corn, bu 39,200 13 fl Oats, bu 1,100 aVk) Oils and Itosla. V NEW YORK. Julv 14 niT.H rnllnnault steady; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow. ': 27JJ8Uc Petroleum, quiet; refined. New Ynrk. ill AO : Pbiliiilelnl.f.i u r,A liu lilm,,,.. $i!86; prime, In bulk, $13.95. Turpentine! quiet, o-aflnc. ROSI N Oulet : slrnined mmmnn 4o unnA $3 M savannah, July 14, -OIL Turpentine, firm, 67c. RORTN FMrm ' A H f Mil. h MIS- V $365; K. $3 80; O, $3.85; II, $;i.90; I. $S.U6; K. $4'); M, $4 06; N, $410; W. O., $tJ0; W. W., $4.70. OIL CITY, July 14.-01LB-Credit bal ances 11.27! certifies. t..R nr. 1.1,4 UV.U.mAn.a . 79,623 bbls., average ra.770 bbls.; runs, h3.tWl bbls., average 63,2i5 bb'B. Shipments, Lima, K.197 bbls., average 63.114 bbls.; run, Lima. 59.450 bbl., average 45,777 bbls. RF AL ESTATE TRA.VSFEIH. Deed filed for record July 14, 19u6, aa fur nUhed by the Midland Guaruntee and i rust company, nomb-d abstracter, Fur nam street, for The Bee: C. Haibe and wife to K. G. Purell, Jvart of sub lot 1, tax lot 2, In sec. 3-10-1H Anna Potter, admlnlstrlx, to B. Pot ter. und- of irt of lot 8, block 2, Sweesy s add G P. lleinls Real Estate company to W. H. Faxon, of lot I. hlo.-la 6. Kendell s ad.( SbeillT to B. Folaoni, lots 17 to 22, block 4, Mayne place Midway Investment company to Fred and Kste Hrachmann, lot 22, block 8. Person & Berrys add J. Fox and wife to Teresa Welsh, lot 1, block 64, South Omaha M. Sullivan and wife to J. J. Byrne, part of tux lot 11 In sec lfl-i6-ia.. Gertie Grelsle to Anna Bcjnek. lot 2. block 4, Park Forest Natalie U. Brown to G. W. ft. Matte- son et al. trustee 23 7 86,000 1.2u0 BOO 3,800 1.000 700 tjart of I..IM 2 and 3. block 13., City of Omaha ., , 7 6:4 Midway Investment company to F. Danek, lot 18, block 4. Person x Berry's ua Susl A. Klever and husband to Rhoda Dears, lot it, i.uku bud Teitiplutuna. 225 Edvards-VVood Co. flneerporated riaaa OHlc: Fll'fci aj Robert Strti gT. frAUU fllNN. 0EALER3IN Slocks, Grain, Provisions. Ship Your Groin to Us1 Oraaek Office, HU-llt board of Trade Bldsr Oiataka, Neb. Teleahoae SSI. 2i:'.;i4 Excl.unga Bhlg.. Uouth Omaha. fettl i'iiuna ali. luoeiisad.'n hunt V A.