Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 15, 1905, Page 7, Image 7

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Greatest of all' "Clearii
tarts Today
When we cut prices we cut them to the very core. The crowds who have thronged our departments during our clearing sales show that they know who's giving
the biggest val ues. Let it be thoroughly' understood under all circumstances, these reductions are on our regular lines of goods No special sale stocks bought for
sale purposes, hut nice, clean merchandise. The greatest of all "Clearing Sales" starts in all departments today.
Worth up to $10- $r98
i ioda.y Your Choice at
f?S9 1
W omen's W ash Suits
We have,
cut the
prices on all
our Wo
men's and
at Half and
some at
Less Than
Half Price.
AlLQur 2.90 and $3.50 Wash Suite Now $1.90
All Our $4.90 and $G.90 Waah Suits Now $2.90
AU Our $7.90 and $10.00 Wash Suits Now .$4.90
All Our $12.75 and $14.75 Wash Suits Now $7.90
All Oud $1.00 and $1.45 Wash Skirts Now........ 69c
All Our 65Ci and 75c Children's Dresses Now. . .-. .45c
All Our 95c and $1.25 Children's Dresses Now.... 69c
All Our $1.45 and $1.90 Children's Dresses Now .95c
Men's summer
suits sacrificed.
This is a. "Less ikan
half price suit sale"
Men's suits that sold
ail season for $10.00
$12 and $13.50 on sale
SaJxirdaLy morning for
Men's Furnishings
At Clear ini Cut Prices.
25c Lisle Suspenders.
Clearing Sale Price 15c
One of the grandest opportunities for men will happen Saturday
morning at this great clothes store. We have lavishly and tremend
ously cut the prices way below half, on our high grade suits. In this
grand assortment you will find, two and three piece suits, made of the
highest grade worsteds v and cheviots, in all the new styles, at prices
cut to the bone. The regular prices these suits sold for
were $10, $12 and $13.50. Saturday, your choice, act
1) dosen men' flne narrow, medi
um and wide ltd thread flnlshtd
fancy web urendera, with leather
enda and patent cant-oft neat light
and dark color regular 2c f
kind clearing price l"
15c Fancy Handkerchiefs .
Clearing Sa.le Price 5c
iO dosen men's good quality linen
finished hemstitched handkerchiefs
with fancy colored border, neat
stylish patterns, faat color regu
lar Wr and l&c kind K.c
clearing price, each ow
25c Fancy Hose,
Clearing Sale Price 10c
K0 men fancy colored seamless
half hose a large variety of fancy
stripes, spots and mottled effects
all sixes. WVa to US the 25c lOc
kind clearing price
35c &.nd 50c Underwear
Clearing Price 25c
Special lot of odd and end of our
regular stock of Hummer underwear
In plain Egyptian color, a I no fancy
pink and blue broken le and ,
ims regular .'" ana ouo
value clearing price
15c Neckties,
Clearing Sale Price 5c
Special lot of fancy bright and dark
colored alia mldged string tie, to
fceahei with aunie odd lots of fancy,
wuah fonr-ln-lmnds very neat pat-"
tern, light all wash materials
regular 10c and 6c value tc
clearing price
75c and $1.00 Shirts
Clearing Price 45c
Special lot of 130 dosen men' new i
style of fancy percale, madrat
cloth and plain white hand shirt :
Biedlum. light and dark colors, all,
cut full sle and Well made else
14 to 174 regular 75c and AkC
tl value clearing price eV
$1.50 and $2 Shirts, 75 c
Fancy Imported cheviot, percale. "
and madras band shirts with separ
ate f.r attached cuffs. In plain or
pleated fronts SI. 60 and 7SO
i.0u values clearing price.
Women's Furnishings
At Clearing Cut Prices.
25c White Belts,
Clearing Price 10c
Special lot of 60 doen ladles' new
styles of white canvas wash belt
In plain stitched, pleated and crush
i effects, with pretty metal buckles
regular 28c belts. IOC
25c Children's Hose,
15c, Two fer 25c
Boy' and girl's fine quality lisle
finished, full fashioned black stock
ings a quality mads to sell at
Bc sizes 6 to 10 O Clj-.
16C, tWO for mmJr
75c and $1 Combination
Suits, 39c . '
Ladles' fin quality lisle thread, low
neck sleeves, combination suits,
umbrella shape drawer with pretty
lace - trimming regular 75 and
$1.00 qualities clearing lOn
price OVfc.
$1 and $1.50
Muslin Underwear 48c
Ladles' fine quality muslin and Ions
cloth gowns, covers and drawers
Tathered from our regular stock'
he odds and ends of the "6c and
$10i) linens beautiful dulnty laca
and embroidery trimmings 4Rc
slightly mussed ,u" ,
$1.50 and $2.00
Muslin Underwear, 89c
Special lot manufacturer' sample ;
together with all the odd and end
of out high grade gown, cover. '
kirt and drawers. Very pretty
new styles, made for this fall g
selling slightly soiled and mussed
$1.60 and fci.oo value -clear- Qttrv
Ing sale price ,S
35c and 25c Vests, 15c :.i
Ladles' extra fine quality lisle fin-
. lxhed. low neck, sleeveless vests,
full taped regular 2c and jBn
lb value, at T
Judgi Monger Heart Argument of Board
and Company on Iajanotion.
Jok U Webster Contend Board Had
Right to Fix Schedules lader '
the Contract with tor
The argument in the Omaha Water com
pany Injunction case In the United State
circuit court were relumed Friday morn
ing. The first speaker was John L. Web
ster, associate attorney for the water
board. Mr. Webster' contention waa that
the water board had the perfect right to
establish rate under the contract with the
water company under Us franchise and
that the city had never for a moment re
linquished Its right to do so.
H showed alleged discrimination In. rate
practiced by the board and cited the rate
charged by other cities In comparison with
Omaha. Reference also was made to the
rate allowed the South Omaha stock yards,
the . Union Pacific Railroad compan and
the. smelter company, In comparison with
the rate charged other Omaha consumers
of water.
Mr. Webster talked along the line in
dicated In the answer of the water board
to the water company' application for a
temporary injunction and fortified his re
mark with citations from numerous au
thorities giving the water board the right
to fix rate. v
' Woolworth Closes Argsmest.
Judge J. M. Woolworth delivered the
final argument for the water company.
HI argument bore more particularly upon
the legal phase of the ease; the ultimate
confusion that would result from a multi
plicity of suit against the water company
should the Injunction be dissolved. He
dwelt upon the impossibility of striking a
fair average rate for water a applied to
all consumers, because of the great quan
tities that some corporation and manu
facturers use and the small amount used
by numberless consumer. He said the
service to the small consumer required the
same care in proportion a to the large
consumer of water and for this reason
rate had to be charged in conformity to
the amount of tratar consumed by the in
dividual. Judge Woolworth continued hi
argument for an hour during the after
noon and the case was finally taken under
advisement by Judge Munger. A declsn
in the matter la not looked for for several
S King & Co
'I delight In
little tasteful
said HfH Brum
luell. "that
exrresM'S my .
Arc pi arte for u by
the bret ruukera In
the bind.
Correct 8tjie, In
all shades, hlgb band
collar, turn point
collars, . collars for
young meu and col
lars for men in any
walk In life. Every
sbaie that fashion
demands and In
Quarter tlses.
. Ask for the Arrow
15c, two for 25c
Fifteenth and
Douglas Sts.
Omaha, Neb.
Prpadwiy .V F W T O ftoPper ttgynrt
look and sometimes even a third Is required
to Identify the negro blood which flows
through his veins, was one of the many
applicants for the position, and, being un
able to speak German, told his prospective
woman employer that his father was a
German and begged that he might not
rose the position on that account. He was
Yesterday morning, when the woman was
preparing to go out, she found that about
Beat All.
When your eye are dim. tongue coated.
appetite poor, bowel constipated, Electrlo
Bitter beat all cures. 60c. ' For sale by
Sherman V McConnell Drug Co.
Notice Krsss;
Any person offering for sale photo tick
eta on our studio i a fraud. Heyn. the
Photographer, 113-16-17 South 16th St.
Inreferenr.) to the above we wish to say
that we will give to aacH holder of a S3.50
photo tirke. making statement that they
bought the ticket before June JO. and
believing, through misrepresentations, that
they were buying a ticket from the gen
ulne and original Heyn studio, one dozen
of our regular t.00 photo for $.100. This
mean bona fide W.00 photo. Thl should
be sufficient to fully warn and protect
everybody. Heyn, the Photographer, 813-15-
17 S. 16th St., east side. KAabllahed l&l
Granite block since IX. '
110 out of 175 was missing from her hand
bag, and upon thinking the matter over
rumombered ' that she had left the new
coachman In the kitchen while she went to
a neighbor's for only a few moments. A
further Investigation showed that the
drawer where the purse had been was dis
turbed. The police station was called and
Detectives Patullo and Home were de
tailed on the case and the Arrest of the
coachman followed.
City AtUrnej Breen Bays ill Voter Hast
Begister Before Going in Primaries.
"The l.tae BMetltvl.
Lehigh Valley railroad. Delightful rout
to New York. Philadelphia aad Atlantic
coast resorts. Five through trains dally.
Dining cars, a la carte. Connects at Buf
falo and Niagara Fall with all train from
the west.
For time table and descriptive matte
address George Eade, Jr.. Western Pass en
ger AgeuU IIS South Clark St..
Wabash Railroad company bas (educed
one way rate from Omaha and CrJago to
many eastern point. For all Information
call at Wabash city ofBce, 19 A Farnam
street or address Harry E. M'jores, a. A.
P. V. Wabash R. It.. Omaha, 'Xeb.
Harry H. Davis, underlay. Tel. 122.
Eospleye as rsschj,,,,, Pretesting;
Be (ir,, ue Loot
Ed Srogglns, a -colored Individual living
In the north par, of the city, was landed In
jail early last fyvenlng on a charge of being
a ausptcloue ckaracter.
About a week ago there appeared In an
Omaha PPr an advertisement by a prom
laent werjun living on South Tenth street
for a cosjrhman and a general man servant,
the advertisement stipulating that a Ger
man aa preferred Scogglna, whe looks
so Oiuch Ilk a whit man that a second
U,y I. ! ' '1.1 A t ' '' Li
Ilefers to the Uodae Bill as "Worst
Balled t p Lealslatlou Ever
Turned Oat mt
Although he Is not yet quite committed
to It, City Attorney Breen gives It as his
opinion that under the Dodge primary law
all voters must register before thi-i- par
ticipate In the primary, thus establishing a
fourth day of registration, as the statute
seems to contemplate. He says, however,
that the voter will be required to par
ticipate in the affairs of the party with
which he a fill luted at the last general
registration before, and not according to
his new declaration of party allegiance,
provided he changes. Following out this
theory, a man who registered as a democrat
last fall might come to the primaries Intent
on becoming a republican, so register, but
be refused a republican ticket and com
pelled to select his candidates for nomina
tion from among those on the democratic
"I hold that no one can take part in the
primaries without first registering," says
the city attorney, "end that the registra
tion of the first day 1 to be used as the
basis for determining party affiliation at
the next succeeding primary, and so on.
Further, I contend that the primary reg
istration day Is the only one upon which
a voter can officially affiliate with a party
and place himself In a position to select
Its candidate. The three other registra
tion days are for the purpose of recording
the voter's qualifications only, and he will
not be allowed or required to glv his party
affiliations. Therefore every voter must
come out on primary day and register hi
qualifications and party affiliation If he
wants to participate in any primary at the
next elections."
Mr. Breen think the apparent conflict
between the Dodge law and the general
election law as to the number of registra
tion days is decided by the new law, be
cause It Is special legislation.
No matter which way he rules. City
Clerk Elbourn has promised to take the
matter into the district court and got a
decision from the bench for according
registration rights to voter on the pri
mary day. At the city hall and court
house the sentiments fibout ha new pri
mary law are summed up In the city at
torney' expression: "The worst balled-up
piece of legislation that was ever turfted
out of Lincoln."
Hubermann, the pioneer Jeweler. Every
thing first class. Beautiful stock. Expert
watch and Jewelry repair.
On of the Freak of the Storm of
Thursday Night ae Told by
the VIetlra.
A peculiar freak wa perpetrated by the
storm Thursday night at the residence of
J. F. Yost, Thirty-second and Corby atroeta.
The shingles from almost the entire east
side of the roof were torn off and the chim
ney demolished, but the west side of th
roof was unharmed. Even the sheeting of
the roof on the east side was not materially
damaged, but the shingle were sent In
every direction. One of the shingle wa
blown through a pane of glass of a nearby
residence and demolished the lump sitting
on a table. The occupant of that house
thought it wa struck by lightning and
hiked out Into the storm to awolt results,
but no further results materialising tha'l
family returned to their domicile and re-"i
paired the damage wrought by the shingle.
A Delightful Water Trip
between Detroit and Buffalo via the De-'
trolt and Buffalo Steamboat company with-
out extra expense (except for meals and
berth on steamer) Is the privilege of hold
er of ticket from th west reading via
the Grand Trunk Railway Bystem (double
track from Chicago to Montreal and
Niagara Falls) to or through Suspension- '
Bridge. N Y.
Further particulars. Including Illus
trated descriptive literature, will be mailed ,
on application to Geo. W, Vaux, A. O. P. A -T.
A., Grand Trunk Railway System, US
Adams St., Chicago.
13.BO te at. Taut T Minneapolis
and Refer Via Chicago Great
Western Hallway.
Tickets on sale dally to beptember 10th.
Final return limit October 31st. Also equally
low rate to Minnesota, North Dakota,
Colorado. Utah and Wyoming point. For
further Information apply to 8. D. Park
hunt, general agent. 1611 Farnam street,
Omaha, Neb.
Plus 13. for round trip, dully, good for 30
days. Summer Is the best time for treat
ment. Ask any ticket agent.
Il-R. wedding rings. Adholm. Jewelea,
Marrlaaxe Licensee,
The following marriage license have been
Nsme and Residence. Age,
Harold R. Coffinan, Omaha JJ
Charlease Plerson. Los Angeles, Cal 23
Axel T. Johnson. St. Louis 37 "
Cora A. HabMtt, Douglas county 17
William E. Smalley, Omaha 30 i
Maude Noland, South Omaha 18
Charles H. Llndherg, Stromsberg, Neb. ...46 "
Cora Hedberg, Omaha M 7
MEADOW GOLD BUTTER is the Acme of perfection in
natural food products.
It is the result of perfect scientific methods in the production
of cream, the ripening process and in making. A better butter is
impossible there is no better. The greatest care is exercised from
start to finish in the making of Meadow Gold Butter its superior
excellence is beyond question.
From creamery to consumer, the goodness of Meadow Gold
Butter is preserved by an odor-proof package which retains its
perfect sweetness and flavor. Ask your dealer for it.