The Omaha Daily Bee. COMPLETE MARKET NEWS IN THE BEE. fULL BOX BALL SCORES IS THE BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE 19, 1871. OMAHA, FRIDAY MOKNINO, JULY 14, 1905 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY TIIIJEE CENTS. CZAR SIGNS ORDER M. Witte Formally Named ai Oie of the Banian Peace Plenipotentiaries. WILL HAVE REAL POWER IN PREMISES Twice Refuted Became He Would If ot Con tent to Act as Figmrehead. PRESIDENT GETS OFFICIAL NOTICE Cablegram Announoing Change in Envoys Received at Oyiter Bay. APPOINTMENT POPULAR EVERYWHERE General Relief that It Will Insure taccrii of the !eotlnt Ions Wbr Muravlefil Rt-linfd. 8T. PETERSBURG!. July 11-126 p. m. Emperor Nicholas has signed the appoint ment of M. Wltte, president of the com mittee of ministers, to be chief pleni potentiary representing the Russian gov ernment In the peace negotiations to be conducted nex: month In the United States. The appointment, which was signed after midnight, clothes M. Wltte with plenary powers. Official notification of the designation of M. Wltte to head the mission was for warded to Washington this morning. M. Wltta will take passage on the North Ger man Lloyd steamer Kaiser Wllhelm Der Qrosse, which sails from Cherbourg July 26. It has been Intimated that Japan formally objected to certain utterances attributed to M. Muravleff reflecting upon the Japa nese nation, but Inquiries made here have tailed to obtain any confirmation of the rumor. The peace party Is overjoyed at the fact that the negotiations have been placed in M. Wltte's hands. It Is the firm belief that this not only Insures a successful termina tion of the negotiations, but that M. Wltte will secure the best possible terms for his country. Some of the grand dukes and courtiers of the emperor's entourage, how ever, are reported to be furious at M. Wltte's selection. Twice Refused Office. PARIS, July 13. M. Wltte twice refused to become the successor of M. Muravleff on the mission on the ground that he did not wish to be a mere figurehead in the transmission to Emperor Nicholas of the peace terms offered by Japan. His selection, therefore, cannot but be taken to mean that the em peror haa yielded to his insistence that real powers plenipotentiary be conferred upon Russia's plenipotentiary representatives in the peace commission. The St. Petersburg correspondent of the Echo de Paris states that the declination of M. Muravleff to head the Russian peace mission was based partly on the state of his health and partly on the fact that his allowance for expenses to cover the period Of his sojourn In America was only 15,000 roubles, which amount he considered in sufficient; fwtng to the great cost living In the United States. President Receives Hews. OT8TER BAY, U I.. July 13..-President Roosevelt received from the Associated Press the first definite news of the declina tion of M. Muravieff to act as the prin cipal plenipotentiary of Russia In the con ference and the designation by the Rus sian emperor of M. Witte as the leading Russian envoy. Official notification of M. Wltte's appointment has not reached the president from Bt. Petersburg, although it may come at any time. Unofficially, the designation of M. Wltte Is regarded as most propitious. It is be lieved that his appointment is an assurance that peace In the far east is 'now in sight. Beekman Wlntrop, governor of Porto Rico, and Edward C. Kent, chief Justice of the supreme court of Arizona, were guests of the president today at Sagamore Hill. They arrived from New York in time for luncheon and spent a part of the afternoon with the president. Baron Rosen, the Russian ambassador and Russian peace plenipotentiary, was presented to President Roosevelt today at Sagamore Hill. The presentation occupied only a few minutes. No formal exchanges between the president and the ambassador were made. Ambassador Rosen laid before the presi dent the letter of the Russian emperor re calling Count Casslnl and presented lils own credentials as the ambassador in suc cession to Count Casslnl. The president ex pressed his pleasure in welcoming Baron Rosen again to this country, and the am bassador In replying gave assurances of his high regard for the president and the peo ple of this country of America. The cere mony over the president Introduced Am bassador Rosen to Governor lieiimun Wlnthrop of Porto Rloo and Chief Justice Edward C. Kent of Arizona, who were his guests. Soon afterward the luncheon was announced. Ambassador Rosen and Assistant Secre tary Pierce remained us the guests of the president until J:J0 p. m.. when they were Conveyed in the president's carriage to the pier and then boarded the naval yacht Sylph to return to New York. They ex pect to go direct from New York to Wash ington. Conditions at the Front. SIPINGHAI, Manchuria, July 13. Qulot continues along the front, but the Japa nese are still movliii In Corva. The Rus sian trains move as far as Changtafu. In formation from the Japanese lines indicate that the rank and Hie are exceedingly anxious for jeace. To counteract this feeling Field Marshal Oyama Is continually Issuing glowing appeals to the patriotism of lui armies. The Chinese say that decaying corpses, burled in shallow graves in frozen ground after the battle of Mukden, have created a terrible condition, Plague and cholera are said to have appeared among the Japanese. Communication laferranted. SHANGHAI. Thursday, July 11 Chief postofflclca officials have Issued notice that communication has been stopped be tween New Chwsng and all western Man churian towns, to and including Harbin. Career of Plenipotentiary. Serglus Witte may be regarded as the leading liberal statesman of Russia. For the last thirteen years he has been one ef the strongest personalities In the Rus sian bureaucracy, although his political fortunes suffered a setback when he was compelled to resign the portfolio of min ister of finance In August, lio3. and again when, after being appointed president of the council of ministers In the same month, his oftVe gradually lost its Importance until rumors of his intention to resign and go abroad had been persistently circu lated. 4 Wltte la about M years old and haa lC3ed oa Second f GERMAN-SWEDISH ALLIANCE Sovere' I Meet at tirfle and Dla Te of Contemplated Pact Between Sntlons. 8TOC )LM, July 13 The Associated Press I g ile to state on good authority that a rman-Swedlsh alliance is seri ously c X mplated. The t .Ion, It Is said, was discussed at confen i between Emperor William and King i Hohen ence It his ) r on board the Imperial yacht rn at Oefle today. The confer for four hours. King Oscar and will remain with Emperor Wil liam until he departs from Gefle Friday afternoon. Besides Emperor Williams' personal visit Germany will soon make the greatest naval demonstration In its history In Swedish waters. On July 30 six battleships will ar rive at Goteborg and eight cruisers at t'ddevalla, while on August 3 seven battle ships, ten crullers and a torpedo boat squadron is due at Stockholm and Norr koplng and five battleships at Karlskrona. The government has granted these squad rons permission to enter war ports. GEFLE, 8weden, July 13. King Oscar and Crown Prince Gustave arrived this afternoon and visited Emperor William and Prince von Buelow. the German Im perial chancellor, on board the yacht Hohenzollern. The warships In the harbor and the yarhts of the rulers hoisted the flags of both nations, while the bands played the respective national anthems. Emperor William gave a dinner on board the Hohensollern to thp king and the crown prince, who will return to Stockholm to morrow. STORM IN FRENCH CHAMBER Discussion of Amnesty BUI Provokes Violent Attnrk on Gen eral Andre. PARIS, July 13. Parliament sdjournrd for the summer recess tonight after an ex citing scene In the chamber over the clause In the amnesty bill passed by the Senate Wednesday reinstating those convicted of drawing up secret reports concerning the conduct of nrmy officers, during which M. Lasles, violently attocked Gen eral Andre, former minister of war, calling him a "reptll?." M. Berteaux. the minister of war, vig orously defended his predecessor and stated that he declined to continue his support of the government's amnesty bill In conse quence of the charges made. The minister then left the chamber. M. Berteaux's action aroused such contu sion that the sitting was suspended and at an Impromptu ministerial council it was decided to withdraw the bill. On the resumption of the sitting Premier Rouvler announced the prorogation of the Chamber, thus annulling the amnesty bill. In order, however, not to disappoint the public on the occasion of the national hol iday tomorrow. It has been arranged that the amnesties be granted by presidential decree. There was some gossip In the lob bies tonight regarding the resignation of M. Berteaux. but It is thought that such resignation Is unlikely. LAWS0N AT TWIN CITIES Anthor of Frrnsled Finance Sara Ha Will Py Back Money He Toole from the People. BT. PAUL, Minn., July 13.-"I have no political ambitions. I could not accept po litical office were It tendered me. I have work cAit out which even If I devote eight een hours per day to It will last me until I am over SO years old too old to think of political honors." So said Thomas W. Lawson In an ad dress to a large audience at the People's church In this city tonight. Mr. Lawson did not deliver a set speech; he talked In formally In a conversational tone, devoting his time to answering a series of questions propounded to him by a local newspaper. MINNEAPOLIS, July 13. Thomas W. Lawson of "Frrnsled Finance" was the guest of the Minneapolis Commercial club today and spoke to 300 members of the club after luncheon. He said: I'm not afraid of personal violence. I came out here unguarded. I have several millions myself and I wronged the Amer ican people in gutting it- But I didn't know it at the time. When the time comes 1 will give that money back to them. THIRTEEN DEATHS IN NEW YORK Showers Brln l.lttle Relief to Suf ferers from Intense Heat Many Prostrations Reported. NEW YORK. July 13 Thirteen deaths at tributed to the hot weather were recorded In New York tnduy. A score or more of persons were overcome In Brooklyn by the heat and are under treatment In the city hospitals. Despite a drenching rainfall during (he forenoon and scattered showers throughout the day the thermometer rose to a maxi mum of 86 degrees. During the afternoon the drop was more decided than for the last five days and tonight a strong westerly breeze is bringing a share of relief. The high humidity and the continuance throughout the night of temperatures vary ing only slightly from those of the hottest hours of the day have caused the heavy fatality attending the present hot spell In this city. , CHRISTENING 0F THE KANSAS governor Hark Favors the I'se ot Water Ills Dauuhter Is sponsor for Ibj Mil-i. TOPEKA, Kan., July 13.-Governor Hoch has asked the builders of the battleship Kansas, the date of whose launching has been fixed for August 12. to postpone the event a few days in order that he may be present. Miss Anna Hoch, the governors daughter, has been selected us sponsor tor the ship. "My preference." said the go-vernor, ' is that the ship be christened with water. If the matter is left to me I shall certainly rule that only water be used. If. however, it Is the custom of the Navy department to christen the boat otherwise, and it has the say in the matter, then, of course, I shall be guided by the department's suggestions." LAND FRAUDS IN IDAHO Federal Grand Jsry at Boise Retoras bight Indictments Trials Will Take Place at Moscow. BOlSfcX Idsho, July 13 The federal grand Jury made Its report today and was dis charged. Eight Indictments were returned; warrants of arrest were Issued and the amount of bonds to be required was fixed. The indictments returned are supposed to be In connection with the alleged land frauds In the Lewlston district. The per sons Indicted snd to be arrested will be tried before Federal Judge Beatty at Moscow, OVER SEVENTY-SIX THOUSAND T. If. 0. A. Building Fund Oiowi Apaoe with Waning Week. WORKERS PLAN F0K rJIG HUSTLE TODAY Twenty-Five Thousand let to Come and an Effort Will Be Mnde to Have Most of It on Booka Before Evening; Total $76.854 60 Subscribed Thursday 6.7SS.OO Big subscriptions Thursday Omaha Hydraulic Pressed Brick company, 11,000; Byrne & Hammer, iooO; Calu met restaurant, tiOO. If you hear the music of a band on Far nam street today it is boosting the Young Men's Christian association building fund. If you hear a series of diabolic screeches at irregular Intervals it is the huge siren at the Bemls Omaha Bag company's plant shrieking out the 11,000 minutes as they are ticked off by the big clock In front of head quarters. The manager of the Trl-Clty band has offered the services of his musicians and the bund will play as it rides up and down Farnam street in a bandwagon drawn by horses from the Palace stables. One of the workers proposes to have the steam siren of the Bemls Omaha Bag company blow a signal every time Sl.ftuO Is registered on the clock. This will be done If connec tion can be made with the whistle this morning. Today Is to be the big day. There prom ises to be a revival of enthusiasm which Is expected to result In the acquisition In one day of almost all the last 125,000 to be raised. Blar Gifts of Thursday. Tolf Hansen of the Calumet coffee house put his name down for $000 Thursday aft ernoon and caused the hand of the clock to move half a minute. Byrne & Hammer made a subscription of o00. Thursday forenoon a committee secured a subscription of $1,000 from the Omaha Hydraulic Pressed Brick company. The Western Union Telegraph company will help the good cause by allowing the hustlers the free use of its wires. A large number of people who are expected to help are temporarily out of the city and can only be reached this week by wire. The young men's committee up to date has secured $16,732.50. The sum of $5,78S was subscribed yesterday and the total Is now S76.8M.60. Persons who have not subscribed are urged by the campaign committee to send In their subscriptions by telephone, mall or messenger. The telephone number Is 6274. At 8:30 a. m. a rally will take place at the headquarters. In the Barker block, Fif teenth and Farnam streets. The board of directors, the members of the citizens' committee, the ' members of the young men's committee and other public-spirited citizens will be there. Every man who Is willing to help further the campaign In any way Is asked to be present. The object In view Is to get the $100,000 raised by Fri day evening Instead of Saturday evening. The campaign is exciting great interest at other associations where funds are to be raised, especially at Duluth and Denver. Secretary Philip Bevls of Duluth will be here Friday to learn how the work Is car ried on and Secretary W. M. Danner also Is expected. ,. WILLIAMSON CASE ARGUED Attorneys for Oregon Congressman Tell the Jury- that Crime Has Not Been Proved. PORTLAND, Ore., July 13. Arguments began today In the trial of Congressman Williamson and Messrs. Van Gesner and Biggs, charged with subornation of perjury in connection with the land frauds. Attor ney Bennett, for the defense, charged that the Indictment was defective, In that It did not sufficiently state the crime charged, and he maintained that the government had failed to prove a conspiracy among the defendants to suborn perjury. United States District Attorney Heney, for the prosecution, declared that the guilt of the defendants has been positively es tablished. He InMsted that the association of Congressman Williamson with the other defendants had been established and that there was ample evidence of his complicity In the conspiracy alleged. At the conclusion of Mr. Heney's argu ment Judge DeHaven ruled that sufficient evidence of an incriminating nature had been produced by the prosecution to war rant the case going to the Jury and that the defense could not at this lime attack the validity of the indictments. He there fore ordered the defense to proceed. Judge Bennett stated that the defense was not ready and requested a continuance until tomorrow morning, when the Introduction of evidence will be taken. PHYSICIANS ELECT OFFICERS Dr. W. J. Mayo of Rochester, Minn., Chosen President of American Medical Association. PORTLAND, Ore., July IS. The fifty sixth session of the American Medical as sociation ended today after the election of the following officers: President, Dr. William J. Mayo, Roch ester, Minn ; first vice president. Briga dier General Walter Wyitutn, Washington, D. C; second vice president. Dr. E. A. J. MacKenzle, Portland; third vice president. Dr. Eugene 8. Tallxtt, Chicago; fourth vice president. Dr. Edwin I). M.trttn. New Orleans; general secretary, 1 r. Gcoree I H. Simmons, Chicago; treasurer. Ir. Frank Billings, Chicago; members Board of Directors, It. K. E. Montgomery, Penn sylvania; lr. A. L. Wright, Iowa, and Dr. H. U E. Johnson, District of Columbia. The Society for the Study and Cure of Inebriety, an affiliated body to that of the American Medical association, at Its con cluding session elected the following offi cers: Honorary president, H. D. Dldama. Svra cuse, N. Y.; honorary vice president, H O. Marcy, Boston ; president, W. 8. Hall, Chl carf; vice presidents, D. L. Mason, Brook lyn; T. A. McNlcholl. New York City; E Dewitt Bees. Courtland. N. Y.; John Mad den; secretary. T. D. Crothlers, Hartford. Conn.; corresponding secretary, C. H. Stew art, Battle Creek. Mich.; O. W. Webster, Chicago. III.; executive committee, L. D Mason, T. A. McNlcholl, A. E. Ellsworth' T. D. Crothlers. LYNCHING IS THREATENED Surviving Highwayman, Who Killed Railroad Employ May Be liana by Mob. WINFIELD, Kan., July 1J. There were threats during the night of lynching Wil liam Chadburn, the surviving bandit, who shot and killed Defective Calhoun yester day, and he was guarded closely at a thyslclan's office by the sheriff and a force of deputies until he could be taken to Jail at Sedan today for safe keeping. He may recover from hu wounds. ELKS PUSHING THEIR WORK Grand Lodge Will Endeavor to Brlngr Session to Close Before Mnralnsr. PUFFAtX. N. Y.. July l.l.-When the grand lodge of Elks met today It was with the Intention of completing business be fore final adjournment, even If a night session should be necessary. It Is under stood no Important changes will be recom mended by the ritual committee. It was voted to rereal two rules adopted at last year's meeting at Cincinnati making the decisions of the committee on laws and the committee on grievance and appeals final. These rules left no right of appeal to the grand lodge and proved objection able. The proposal to cut down the size of the grand lodge by limiting its membership was then taken up At the afternoon grand lodge session the southern lodges led a fight to secure passage of a resolution debarring saloon keepers snd others connected with the liquor traffic from membership in the or der. The northern lodges opposed such a movement. The matter was laid over. It will probably come up at Denver next year. A resolution to affiliate with the Canadian Order of Elks was defeated. The committee oh parade prizes an nounced its decisions as follows: Best appearing lodee In parade, Toledo No. ,t3. flrHt prize of tnOO, Most unique uniform, single prize, $500, awarded to Clevelund lodge No. 18. Grestet mileage, 150. El Paso lodge. No. 187. Lodge accompanied by greatest number of ladles, $5o0, Bridgeport, Conn., No. 187. Lodge h.-ivl ig greatest number In line, nearby lodges barred, $500, Erie, Pa., No. 67. Lodge having greatest number of men In line, home lodges barred, Rochester, first; Lockport, second. ALBRIGHT IS NOT GUILTY Jury Acquits Former St. Louis Official of Chars of Accepting a Bribe. TROY. Mo., July 13.-After deliberating an hour and a half a verdict of acquittal was returned by the Jury In the case of T. Edward Albright, former member of the St. Louis house of delegates, charged with bribery in connection with the passage of the bill granting a franchise to the St. Louis & Suburban Railway company. Albright took the stand In his own defense today. He was asked If ho had been pres ent at any meeting of the "combine" when It was announced that the suburban bill had been Introduced and the sum of $40,000 could be obtained by the combine. "No. sir." responded the defendant. He denied that he was present at any meeting of the house of delegate members when boodle was talked of. "Did you at any time take a bribe to cast your vote for the suburban bill, or did you promise to accept gratuity or re ward for voting for this bill?" was asked. "No, never; I swear to that; never," he answered. "You took $2,BiX for voting for the city lighting bill, didn't youT" asked Circuit Attorney Sager. "I did not," was the quick reply before Albright's counsel could object. The ob jection was sustained an1 then a long ar gument ensued, the c- rt finally ruling that tle stato could. not question Albright on collateral matters. ILLINOIS RECEIVER FOR DEVLIN Chicago Bnnks will Advance Money to Keep Mines In thnt State Runnlus. TOPEKA, Kan.. July 13. From Informa tion received here today by Cyrus Leland, receiver In bankruptcy for C. J. Devlin, It Is understood Walter Reeves of Streator, III., will be appointed by the proper court as the receiver of the Illinois creditors. Un der this arrangement the payroll of the miners In Illinois will be taken care of by Chicago banks. This two weeks' payroll, falling due on Saturday, amounts to about $19,000. Mr. Leland said: Yesterday afternoon It was suggested to the attorneys for the receivers that It might be well to have another receiver appointed, from the fact that when the trusters are elected there will be either one or three, and In that way It will be better to have one from Illinois as a third trustee. It has been agreed upon In Chicago to appoint Walter Reeves of Streator as third receiver and It Is expected that he will he appointed by the proer court. The Chicago banks will take care of the Illinois payroll. Governor Hoch has concluded that he can not compel T. T. Kelly, state treasurer, to repnlr the $1.000,ftO bond he gave when he went Into office. This Is the bond, half of which was signed by C. J. Devlin. When Mr. Devlin fulled the governor asked that Kelly repair the bond immediately. EDWARD CUDAHY NOT WORRIED Says Indictment of Himself and Other Packers Will ot Affect Industry. SIOUX CITY, la., July 13.-(8pecial Tele gram.) Edwurd A. Cudahy, vice president of the Cudahy Packing comapny and man ager of the company's western plants, is In Sioux City upon an Inspection tour and will leave tomorrow morning for Omaha. Mr. Cudahy does not seem to be at all excited about the recent wholesale Indictment of packers, including himself, in Chicago. When he was asked whether it would have any effect on the Industry he said: "Not a Jot." Mr. Cudahy begged to be excused from discussing the matter in detail, but his actions Indicated he did not take a very serious view of it. Mr. Cudahy made the announcement that his company would make Improvements aggregating $400,0io in Sioux City and that the plant would be as large as the company's South Omaha plant. Ho said the present force of 9u0 men would be doubled. CATHOLIC EDUCATORS ADJOURN Commission Will Be Appointed to Prepare Series of Textbooks Resolutions Adopted. NEW YORK. July 13.-The final session of the Catholic Educational association's convention today was occupied with a dis cussion of Catholic text books. Rev. Thomas J. O'Brien of Brooklyn said a commission would be appointed to pre pare a series of good text books for Catho lic schools. The convention's ftial act was the adop tion of resolutions commending the countlea which maintain religious and Secuitsr In struction slmultaneouidy In the elementary schools. recommending more colleges, higher education in Catholic branches and the Introduction of ecclesiastic, art and architecture into Catholic seminary courses. The place of the next convention was left for the executive committee to decide. Among the officers eluded in the seminary department ass Vice President Very Rev. C. M. Muson. C. M., of the Keorlth semi nary, SU Lou- PLAIN CONSPIRACY CHARGED Deliberate Bcheme, Worrall Says, te Freeze Him Out ONE CASE IN PARTICULAR IS CITED Independent Grnln Dealer Gives More Testimony In Effort to Prove Charge Against Line Elevator Men. T. D. Worrall told some new things yes terday afternoon before Notary Charles W. Pearsall abcut the way members of the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association handled the waif grain of a farmer named Stanhope of Fllley, Neb., on the floor of the Omaha Grain exchange June , 1904. According to the deponent a deliberate conspiracy was concocted, in which he was invited to Join, to sell the farmer's grain for a loss so as to teach him to deal with "regular" dealers In the future. Two cars of corn were sold for $8 cents when the market price was 42. Said Mr. Worrall, whoso deposition Is being taken In his anti-trust suit against members of the association: "Before the Worrall Grain company was Incorporated Mr. Peavey bought a few thousand bushels of grain from a farmer, an old friend of his named Stanhope, living at Fllley, Neb. When Mr. Peavey came up and formed the company he gave In structions to ship the grain here. Before the cars reached Omaha Secretary Miller of the Nebraska Grain Dealers' association came to me and says: "My God, what are you doing? Here are the numbers of three cars shipped from Fllley.' Knew Xothlnsc of It. "I replied I knew nothing about it and would Investigate. Just how he came into possession of the numbers and Initials. of the cars I don't know, but I have a hunch. He told me the Central Granaries company and Hayes-Eames had given him the Information. He said: 'If you Insist upon doing this business right from the start wo know how long you will lost.' The corn came on to Omaha but It was found that the drafts had been what the Worrall Grain company considered exces sive and one car did not grade up well, so the drafts were not honored." Mr. Worrall continued: "The drafts were returned and in course of time, two or three days, Mr! Miller came up one morn ing and wanted to know where the samples were for those three cars. I gave them to him and asked him what he was going to do with them and he said the drafts and bills of lading had come to the Merchants' National bank and that the Commercial Na tional bank had turned them over to the Westbrooke-Gibbons Grain company to dis pose of to best advantage. " 'Now,' he said, 'as long as you have gone part way in this matter. If you will come In and bid low on this grain, we let your share In the profits,' I said, 'What's your game. I want to understand It fully before I play.' He said, "We want some body to bid this corn In so that It will net him a loss.' " Well," I said, 'Mr. Miller, I'm not going to enter Into any such scheme as that to rob a man In broad daylight, and I'm not going to have anything to do w Uu It. I'm going to wash my hands clean of the entire transaction and neither Mr. Peavey nor myself Is going to have anything to do with It.' We did not. Sells for Different Price. "Two cars of that corn sold for 38 cents a bushel on the floor of the exchange when the same kind and quality and class of corn from regulars brought 42 cents. One car was either No. 4 or not grade, I've forgotten which, and It sold for 36 cents. All three of the cars were sold to J. F. Twamley & Son. That was done on June 9, 1904, and the records of the exchange will bear me out in that assertion, because It's the truth." In his testimony of yesterday the wit ness detailed how the association had gone outside the state and tried to Influence Chi cago dealers against buying from him. He accused the railroads of refusing to give him sites for elevators. Well along In the afternoon Attorneys Ed P. Smith and M. L. Learned said they were through asking questions and Attorney F. 8. Howell, for the plaintiff, started on the cross-examination. The story about the farmer's grain was developed before the proceedings ended for the day, to be taken up again this morning, when more sensations are prom ised. What Vndlke Said. Mr. Worrall yesterday afternoon asserted that Nels Updike told him, with reference to the association: "You know my office is right on the same floor with them and I am compelled to do some things that I don't want to do, but do rather than to have a row." Witness admitted that from June to De cember, 1904, the Worrall Grain company sold the Omaha Elevator company a large number of cars of corn and wheat and bought some from the same firm. Worrall said: "Early In February, when we had been told by J. E. Van Dorn, Rudolph Beal, the Exchange Grain company, that the Omaha Elevator company, the Transmtssisslppt Grain company and the Updike Grain com pany had put up a Job whereby the little fellows and the irregular fellows could not dispose of their grain at the same price they did, I went to Chicago. I called on Harr'.s, Bcotten A Co. I laid the matter before them and asked If It were true. Jo seph Schneldeker told me a committee from Omaha had called on him and wanted his company to refuse to bid the Worrall Grain company, the Exchange Grain com pany, the Georgi Adams Grain company and the Nebraska Hay and Grain com pany because we bothered them and that they could not get as large a profit as they thought they were Justified In having. Jo seph Schneldeker told me he never entered Into an agreement at any time at any place that he hated to as bad as he did that, and that he felt ashamed of himself for ever having submitted to such an ar rangement. He said :'Thls Is the first time in my life I ever did such a thing and It Is going to be nry-Tast. He said they Insisted upon drawing the lines so that they could do business only with those who had elevators. Told Him He Had Elevators. "I told him we had an elevator at Coun cil Bluffs that would hold from 76.0UO to 100.000 bushels when done. He then said ho would do business with us, and did. Schneldeker said that the Omaha commit tee told him his firm must not expect to do any business with them If they Insisted upon bidding the little follows at Omaha. After that one of the members of the Rosenbaum Grain company came out here and said to me: 'We had some trouble about your business and some other deal ers here, but . after thinking the matter over we came to the conclusion that w were going to do business with whom w please.' "Since the visit of Rosenbaum her we (Continued oa Second Pag.) NEBRASKA WEATHER FORECAST Fair Friday and Saturday. Temperature at Omaha Yesterdnyi Honr. Ic. Hour. Hear. ft a. m to 1 p. m Sit a. m TO 2 p. m NT f . m Tl 3 i. m Ml . m T2 4 p. m Sft B a. m TO ft p. m M to a. m rn l p. m Wi 11 a. m K2 7 p. m f, 13 n ha n p. m HA 9 p. Ml t2 HIGH WIND AND HEAVY RAIN Early Evening Storm Does Much Daniaae to Shnde Trees and the Like. Omaha and vicinity was visited by a wind and rainstorm that shook the town while It lasted and caused considerable damage. According to the government report, the wind blew at the rate of sixty-four miles per hour between 8:66 and 9 p. m., when most of the damage was done. Gathering clouds In the early evening foretold of rain, but there was no indication of the heavy wind which accompanied It. Con tinuous lightning and thunder marked its approach. Up to 10 o'clock 0.73 Inches of water fell and of this 0.63V Inches fell dur ing twenty minutes. Reports at the dispatcher's office of the Omaha road Indicate that the heaviest of the rain foil in Omaha. Only a little rain Is reported at Herman, with a smart shower at Calhoun, getting worse as It came to Omaha. Just north of the city the storm tvns severe. Many trees In the northern part of the city were ruined by the wind and some dntnugp was done. A largo limb of a tree fell across the trolley wire of the Florence line at Twenty-fifth and Fort streets In such a way that it was thoroughly charged with electricity. The power had to he shut off before It could be removed with safety. The yard of City Clerk Elbourn. 2RS1 Sprague street, was strewn with fallen trees, as well as the yards of many of his neighbors. A large sign was blown down at Cuming and Seventeenth streets, but no one was injured. Many of the trees on Spaulding street from Twenty fourth to Twenty-seventh were badly torn. The larse new sign recently placed on the Third floor front of the People's Furni ture store at Sixteenth and Farnam was blown down with Injury to no one. As a South Omaha car was passing down Ames avenue at Twenty-second street a large limb blew from one of the big Cot tonwood trees at that point snd fell on top of the rsr. The car was pulled ahead and the branch rolled off without doing much damage. Davenport street between Thirty-first and Thirty-third showed the effects of the storm and several big limbs were wrenched from the trees. The window on the Capi tol avenue side of Goldsmith's saloon, on the corner of Ninth and Oipltol avenue, was blown In during the height of the storm and everything In the place became wet goods. The saloon of McDImmey & Caldwell across the street was also noticed by the wind to the extent of a broken pane. The storm came from the north and looked more severe as It approached than It did after It had reachod Omaha. The wires sre down to Blnir tun -Mtiii ng cm be learned of the extent of the storm at that point- Millard was struck hard, and the wind did not leave Fremont, Schuyler or Wahoo unnoticed. Many Omnha people were caught at Krug park, where the storm was quite severe, some of the larger trees being blown down. The heavy rain broke a window In the basement off of the alley In the Boston Store and a large quantity of mud and water was washed into the place and con siderable damage done to the goods, but Just how much could not be determined last night. COLLISION IN DEPOT YARDS Misplaced Switch Lets Llo-ht Train Bump Into a Switch Engine Head On. A head-end collision occurred at the Union Pacific passenger yards. Just west of the depot, about 7 o'clock Thursday evening between train No. 2 of the Illinois Central and the Union Pacific switch engine No. 1J01, the front end of each engine being de molished. The Illinois Central train was coming In from the Council Bluffs yards, the crew Just making up their train before leaving for the east at 7:50 p. m. Those who saw the collision say the man In the signal tower. Just west of the depot, left the wrong switch open, thus throwing the pas senger train Into the switch engine. No one was on the train except the train crew. Brakeman T. H. Hopkins was thrown violently against the side of the car, sus taining a severe cut on his right eye and a painful bruise on his chest. He was at tended by Dr. Smith of the Union Pacific company, and was later removed to his home In Council Bluffs. No one else on the train was Injured. The engine was In charge of Engineer Frank Hinman and Fireman Andy Fisher and the train was In charge of Conductor N. P. O'Hara. STRIKE IN jNSANE ASYLUM Attendants at Florida institution Wnlk Out Because Discharge of Bookkeeper la Refused. CHATTAHOOCHEE, Fla.. July 13. Thlrty attendants at the state Insane asy lum walked out as a result of a failure of the management to discharge D. w. Yar brough, a bookkeeper, and his wife. The trouble grew out of a recent legislative Investigation of the affairs of the asylum, the committee charging a condition of gross Immorality. As the report specified no names all the attendants felt It reflected on them. The report Is said to have been founded on testimony given by Yarbrough. Superintendent Whltner was asked to dis charge Yarbrough and on his failure to do so the attendants left. WRITERS ELECT OFFICERS Mrs. Isabel Hlehey of Plattsraouth Chosen Vice President of West ern Association. ' WINONA LAKE. Ind , July 13. Among the officers elected by the Western Associa tion of Writers In convention here were Vice President Susan K. Gluspell of Daven port, la., Eugene F. Ware of Topeka, Kan., and Mrs. Isabel Rlchey of iiatuimouth, Neb Moveroe.-.ts of Ocean Veascls July 13. At New York Arrived: Cedrlc, from Liv erpool; Pennsylvania. from Hanibuiu; Deut-hland, from Hamburg. At Queenatown Arrived : Republic, from Boston. At I'onta Del Gada Arrived : Romanic, from New York At Llverfiool- Sailed: Kensington, fur M..'-enl, Tunisian, fur U-oiUmL MUTINY IN MOSCOW Rumor Cirrent that Four Grenadier Regi ments ire in Revolt.' TROUBLE ALSO RErORTED IN WARSAW Soldiers Refme to Obey Order to Tire Upon the Fepnlaoe. CONSPIRACY TO ASSASSINATE THE CZAR Twt Hundred and Fifty Pounds of Dyna mite Stored Beneath Motoow Palace, PLOT DISCOVERED BY RUSSIAN POLICE Ruler Decides that He Will Not Stay at lllnakoje Castle When He Visits the Old Capital. Bt L1.KT1. 8T. PETERSBURG. July 13. ;40 p. m. Rumors are current In this city that four grenadier regiments at Moscow have mutinied and that at Warsaw yesterday certain officers refused to give the com mand to their men to fire on the people, who were making a demonstration. Not the slightest confirmation Is obtainable ot these rumors. NEW YORK, July 13 A World dispatch from Ixmdon contains the following from the Vienna correspondent of the Dally Tele graph: Trlvate letters from St. Petersburg state that the police have d In cove red elahoratw iirepriratlons for blowing up the castle of IlliiNkoJo, near Moscow, where the cfcar, with the Imperial family. Intended to take up a brie' residence. Beneath the apart ments destined for his majesty's use a subterranean passage is said to have 'been found leading to a collar where 250 pounds of dynamite lav concealed. The police have made many arrests, ap prehending among others two engineers who conducted the cleaning and decorating of the apartments at the castle. This Intelligence, associated with the murder of Sliuvaloff, has mnde a deep. Im pression. The czar has now given up all idea of staying at lllnakoje. Bonllgun May Resign. ST. PETERSBURG, July 13 The resigna tion of M. Boullgan Is expected dally. Gen eral Tropoff, the assistant minister of the Interior, will probably be his successor. The terrorists have recently renewed their warnings against General Tropoff with ominous persistence. The general Is con stantly In receipt of letters signed by the executive committee of the fighting or ganization Informing him that his hour haa come. A remarkable feature of all the communications is that the writers take pains to say that no safeguards will avail to avert his Impending doom. At tha same time they tell him he need not be afraid to go abroad In the streets. They add: "Your sentence will be executed In your own room. You will die In your bed." The terrorists seem to take pride In Is suing a challenge Involving a demonstra tion of their po'cr and resources to pene trate the armor of the police. Moreover, General Trepoff knows enough of the re sources and desperatoness of tire orgsnlza- tlon to firmly believe that the terrorist are able to execute their threats. Ho makes no concealment of the fact that he expects to be killed, but his nervn Is unshaken. "I will at least die at the post of duty," he says. Privately; General Trenoff takes a gloomy view of the future of the autocracy, In which he believes that If given untram meled power he could restore the old statue quo In a year, hut the present vaclllltatlng policy he thinks will end only In ruin. A representative assembly, no matter what Its Initial character may be, he Is con vinced will soon bo transferred into a con stituent assembly, which will give the death blow to absolutism.' Official advices received by the minister of the Interior say that the assassin of Prefect of Police Shouvaloff at Moscow has been Identified as a former school teacher of St. Petersburg, named Kultkov sky, who was actively connected with the political agitation and IS believed to have belonged to the terrorist organization. Ha was first arrested under the administration of the late Interior minister Slplgagulne in lftoi and three years later was exiled to Siberia for six years ry the late Interior minister Von Plehve, but escaped In 194 and was supposed to have gone abroad. Kulikovsky was next discovered at Moscow In June last, prowling around the govern ment buildings, presumably Intent on com mitting a political crime. He was arrested and tnken to a police station, from which he escaped. Upon his escape Sliuvaloff of fered a reward for Kullkovsky's capture. The bomb factory seized at Tlfils, Cau cnsla, Is considered an Important haul. It contained, In addition to finished bombs, a large quantity of dynamite, nltro-glycerlno and other explosives. Thirteen persons be longing to the local revolutionary commit tee were captured. A chemist who was im plicated committed suicide. Keep Assassin's Identity Secret. MOSCOW, July IX The authorities hera decline to disclose the Identity of the as sassin of Prefect of Police Shuvaloff. but Is la known that a very promi nent and Important political capture haa been- made. After the prisoner's escape from the police station, where he had been confined as a political suspect some days previous to the assassination of the pre fect. Shuvaloff set all the police of Moscow at work to effect hh recapture. The pris oner In the meantime shaved off his beard and while the police were searching for him everywhere the man went to the prefect's office and committed the crime for which he will now be tiled. The bullets of the revolver used by the prisoner were filled with poison. The crowd In the ante-room of the prefecture set upon the assassin, who was dragged Into the street and ter ribly beaten. Rioters Hanited at Odessa. ODEHSA, July 13. Twenty-four leaders of the recent disturbances here were hanged today In various prisons. Another batch of seventeen will be publicly executed upon tha arrival here of General Ignatleff, pres ident of the special conference for the re vision of the exceptional laws designed for safeguarding public order. The buttleship Georgl I'ohledonosetx haa arrived here, with a fresh crew, for the purpose of taking sixty-seven mutineers to Sevastopol for trial by rourt-martlal. Of M persons arrested and charged with, robbery or incendiarism In enn,ii?t!on with the recent riots seventy-luur were uc qtiltted today owing to the lack of evidence and twenty-eight were sentenced to six weeks' Imprisonment, the time to Include the two wki which they have already passed in prison. The exit .o.-.l,very out come of these tr! iIm has srouf-d much comment here. It Is hm nly ansert'd tha' It Is a political demonstration, attmiit It military government and fuinlsii s evidence of the conflict going on hetw.n the mu nicipality and the gnvei nm?nt, aa i i-y-Judges are elected by the pupl.