TTIE OMATTA DAILY" PEE: TntTHRDAY, JULY 13. 1905. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARIET Aft Ceres.. Prioei Hold Easier. a Little Bit INCREASING RECEIPTS OF NEW WHEAT General Good leather lielos the Bears Cortriatat Cro Report la Retarded aa Little Bear, lah The Liverpool Market. OMAHA. July 1. 1905. "nH" eased ofT under the Influence of general good weather and large new crop iTZlW ,n e oiiweu July opened at 14soSc, agalnBt yesterdaye close ol 9oTsc, and tne hlgn point waa 90SC Keceipta at Kansas city and St, Louia were 261,000 . !ii y clOHeil " 8Se, September ia uecemner at TOVauttteVc, . -" waa a little, easier, on sales and anticipation of a falling off In the export demand The government report on com waa said by tradera to be about what they expected. July cloned at 66Sc, old July at 6o-c. beptemoer at 66c, old September at 'c.December at -nJ old December at SOTac. Oata cloaed with July at 32So. September ... iu7iw mi isecemoer at ai?kC. Casn sales at Chicago yesterday were Duenels No. 2 hard wheat, 11 000 bushels coin and 180.000 bushela oata. The seaboard aold 48.000 bushels corn, 60,000 L..i.iium oata ana lt.uw buahela rye. Dellv eriei or cqrn on July contracts at Chicago us? wr j.u,uw Dusnels. un the iioku cuo maraet fio. 2 red waa 924i92Sc NO. i red, klSu92Mc: No. 2. hard. II. bi: N 1 hard, 85c and No. 8 aprlng, Sl.O5ijl.10; No. 2 hard waa Uit6o at Kansas city and No. 3 red, &KSc; No. 1 hard at St. Louie waa SI. to and No. J red waa eiwflnen. At Liverpool wheat declined, owing to the American government report. Corn scored an nuv.ntu, eausea Dy ahorta covering. The close on wheat was S4lSd lower and on corn a lower to .d higher. The government- report was taken by most traders as moderately bearish, aa It made a better showing than generally an ticipated. The report give farm wheat reserves aa 24.Zj7,0o0 buahela. against 36.61. 000 bushels a year ago. This is about 4 per cent of the crop. Southeastern Kurope re ports wheat crop in very favorable con dition. This means the Danube country. A Canadian authority is out with an estimate of an acreage of 4 019,000 for Manitoba and the territories. The estimate shows an Increase of 17V per cent over last year's area, which was 8.420,000 acres. Van Dusen-Harrlngton, Minneapolis, have made a big report on rust conditions In the northwest and the result shows many samples of rust from various portion of the northwest, but no black rust haa yet developed. The report concludea that damage from rust la largely dependent on weather from now on. Bart- lett, Frazler V Carrlngton say the aouthern Mlnneaota crop conditions have Improved wonderfully In ten days and the prospects are lor a Dig yield. Omaha Cash Prices, fORN-No. 3. 1 car 61c. Omaha Cash Sales. ) WHEAT No. 2 hard, 934196c; No. S hard, 864j92c; No. i hard, 704,84c; No. 8 spring, ma. CORN No 2. 67Hc; No. 3, 61c; No. 4, 60c no grade, 464j48c; No. 2 yellow, 62o; No. yellow, 61Sc; No. 2 white, 62c; No. 3 white 61 Sc. OATS No. 3 mixed, 30c; No. 3 mixed, 29Sc; No. 4 mixed, 2S&29c; No. 2 white, sivac; ro. i wnite, aou; no. wnite, uc standard, 80c. Carlot Receipts. Wheat. Corn. Oati Chicago 23 223 96 Kansas City 104 16 1 Minneapolis 109 Omaha 4 7 3 Duluth 6 St, Louis 137 19 . 26 Minneapolis Grain Market. The range of prices paid In Minneapolis, ...... . . V. . . . 1. . T " 1 .1 .. 1 ' .. .1 pany, 110-111 Board ot Trade building, was Articles. Open. High. I Low. Close. Yea y. Wheat-I "1 J I July... 10M 106SI 10&S 105SI 106S Sept... 92S 92S 9S 90S I 93-i Dao....89S8Sl 89SI 8S 8'S 80S WEATHER IN THE GRAI.t BELT Fair la Nebraska and Throughout ' West and Soathweei The weather continues fair in Nebraska and Is generally clear throughout the wes and southwest. Light rains have fallen In the extreme upper Missouri valley and northwest, and a generally cloudy and showery condition continues over the Mis sissippi valley and eastern portions. Heavy rains occurred In the South Atlantic states. The weather is warmer In the central val leys and west to the mountains and will be warmer In the valleys tonight. The Missouri river Is falling at Kansas City and St. Joseph this morning and con tinues to fall at ail points above. Omaha record of temperature and precipi tation compared with the corresponding day of the last three years: 1905. 1904. 1908. 1902. Minimum temperature.... 63 63 63 63 Precipitation 00 .00 .00 .02 Normal temperature for today, degrees. Deficiency In precipitation since March L 1.27 inches. Deficiency corresponding period In 1904, 2 34 Inchea. Deficiency corresponding period la 1908, 4.18 Inches. VMAiLi. DISTRICT REPORTS. Temp. Rain. Stations. Max. Mia. Inches. Sky, Ashland, Net).... it Auburn, Neb 77 .00 Clear .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 Clear Clear ; Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Clear Columbus, Neb.. 81 64 Kairbury, Neb.... 81 60 ralrmont, Neb... 82 68 Or. Island, Neb.. 84 60 llarttngton. Neb. 78 60 Oakdale, Neb.... 86 67 Omaha, Neb 73 60 Trkumah, Neb... 79 t Carroll, la 78 66 Clarinda, la 76 66 Sibley, la 77 63 Sioux City, la.... 78 66 olorm Lake. la.. 75 62 Cloudy DloTKlCT AVJSRAUE3. No. of Temp. Rain. Central. Stations. Max. iiln. Inchea. Chicago. Ill Columbus, O Den Moines, la.., IndlanapolU, Ind Kansas City. Mo, lxxnsvlHe. Ky... Minneapolis Omaha, Neb Si Louis. Mo.... 27 78 63 .18 18 84 66 .30 14 74 68 .20 11 84 62 .24 19 78 66 .16 1. 64 4 .14 27 62 68 .04 16 78 64 .00 13 78 62 .28 L. X. WKL3H, Local Jfbrwcaster. Weatber tiureau. Kansas City Grain and Provisions. The range of prices paid In Kansas City, as reported by the FaI wards-Woods com pany, 110-111 Hoard ot Trade building, was: Artlclea. Open. High. Low. Cloae. Yea'y Wheat July , Sept . Deo . Corn July . Sept . Deo . Ca la Sept . Torn July . Sept , Lara July . Sept , Rihs July , Sept . 82S 82S 81 SIS 2S 7 79 77S 77S 79 78S ' WSI T7V 77Vs 79S 63 62S 62 62S 62S 49S S 43Si . 4JS 4-- 42 43 80S 80S ? ' 0 12 60 12 60 12 85 12 35 12 60 12 73 13 .3 12 62 12 62 12 76 8 97 697 890 6 93 TOO ?U 7 15 T 06 7 06 T15 T 47 7 47 7 42 7 45 T 50 7 75 1 76 7 8 7 65 7 77 KANSAS CITY. July 13.-WHEAT-July. 81c; September. 77S77Sc; December, , 77 S f 77Se; cash. No. 2 bard, 81SVoc; No. 3, traffic; No. 4. soStSc: No. 3 red. a.tfSSo; No. 8. 8fw7c; No. 4, ij84c. CORN July. 61c; September, 4Sc; De cember. 42043c; cash, No. 3 mined, M'iJ '"OAT 8 No. 3 white, 85c; No. I mixed, SSSa. HAY-Peady; choice timothy, 896iol0."o; choice prairie. 37.7iwi 00. KXlOS Steady : Mmaouii and Kansas, new No. 2 whiiewood cases Included, lJo; case 11... oua returned mC less. UlTTKR Creamery, USfcloSo; packing atock, 14c. .,. ,. Jf3.T3ll. S38IILHI"-llia, Wheat, bu. Corn, bu.... Oats. bu.... as. 400 41. V '.40 17.") ,000 Dalath Grain Market. Dl'LI'TH, July ll.-WHEAT-To No 1 northern. 81. 1. On track: arrive: No. 1 8i.oos; northern. 8US: No. 3 northern July. 3108S; KepUinber, new, tc, ns leinber, old, 81Sc . ' ' OATS 'fa arrive and on track, 82c Peoria Market. PEORIA. July 12.-CORN-Hlgher: N, 3 yellow. tsc; No- 3. 6Se; No. 4, tSc. OATS- Higher: No. 3 while, S3Sc; No. white, 32,iM2Sc Mlaaeapolla Hrala Market. MiKNEApoM? July --"'HEATr0' l sWi thei.i, 31S; Nw. porthcrn, II C6S; July, I105H; September. 8fv December. Sc: No. 1 hard, $1.11S- IT)L'R Flrsl t l(T,d V a.u-nn.4 patents, 85 !(, .,, first' clears,' $i.vVj, 4.10; second clears, $2.75S2.i6. tHAN-ln bulk, 112.754jlS.00. CHICAGO GRAIJI AUD PROVISIONS feat ares of the Tradlnsr mm rin.l. Prices oa Board ol Trade. ClIirAOil l..lw 11 . ..,..., - " 1 hi liquidation oue to weather rnnriiiinn. rU.ruhi tnr ?r,'!w!.".wnettl caused a slump of ptactlc- 'y c nere today In the price ol wheat lor HeDtemhor ricllv.,-., ti,. . t-u of the government report was also a weak ening Influence. The market closed at al most the lowest point of the day. Corn a OT Sc. Oata are down Sc. 1'rovialona rW ,OM 0t 1KU2C. The Wheat innrL,.i ,mm . . start. At the opening the September op tion was oft Ho to c at 7ic to 7Sc Aa trie aesston advanced prlcea continuously aropped off under general profit taking. iwo factora were resiMinslble for the ex- 11 , wettKr" that prevailed throughout tne day. One of lima a fu.tor. wan t has aU romenl Tf,Prt Issued late yesterday. A bullish report had been generally ex pected, but Instead the report was de c dedly bearish. Acccording to the offi cial statistics the condition of HI reported lor winter wheat lniit.i nrMiin ..i 4J8.0UO.0O0 bu. The condition of ill reDorted lor aprlng wheat gave promise of a yield of 27i.0Uj.oOO hn ti,. ...inw,. of aprlng and winter wheat, 6h,OO0,OO0 bu . is . , 'J1. lu exceaa of laat year'a crop, the yle id for the United Statea a year ago being eatlmated at 652,ooo,0oo bu. Extreme weak ness oi tne beptember option at Minne apolis had a bearish effect on the market here, tor September the loweat point of the day waa reached at 6Tc. The market closed weak with Septemlier at 8tyyiic. Clearancess of wheal and fiouf were equal to i6,OoO bu. Primary receipts were 44h.un) bu., compared with Z87,000 bu. a year ago. Minneapolis, Duluth and Chicago reported leuelpts of 137 cars, against 6o4 cars last week and 230 Cars a year ago.. The corn market was deefdedly weak early in the day on prollt taking due to the large acreage of corn shown by the gov ernment crop report. Clear, warm weather gava additional Impetus to the downward trend of vslues. Towurd the middle of the sesRlon active support from bull leaders Imparted a firmer undertone and caused a fair recovery in prices. The market closed quite firm. September opened So to So lower at 6&So to U sold off to 64'4c(54Sa and closed at 66c. Local re ceipts were 223 care with 64 care of contract grade. Weakness of other grains caused a slight reaction in the oats market. The govern ment report and improved weather were additional depressing Influences. After the first hour trading was- of small volume. September opened Sf'So to So lower at 81 S3 31 So to 81 So. sold off to 31 He and cloaed at aiS'Uilo. Local receipts wero to oars. Selllag by prominent packers was re sponsible for a weak tone In provisions. A decline of 6a to 10c in the price of live hogs started the prom taking. At the closa September pork was off 2JH0 at 12.ti2S. Lard was down 10c at $7.10. Ribs were also off 10c at 37.7oig7.72tt- Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 84 cars; corn, 808 cars; oats, 12S cars; hogs, 28,000 head. The leading futures ranged as follows: Art idea. Open. I Hlgh.j Low. Close. I Tea y Wheat I I July 90-390H 90S 89S 9'90TOl Sept. R7SS 7S 86S8WSK6ttl 88 Ieo. 87SUtt 87S M 8ttS'&4188&b8Vs Corn Muly 60S 60S 66 66S ' 66 IJuly btS 6S 66 6tS 6S tSept, 6&SHV66V8,64V9H - 66S65Vfl66 18ept. 66SeS 66S64S(lS 66 6&S iDec. SiU41,49a-t!S 48S 48S 49 Oats I Juy I 33 33S S-'S 3274 33S Sept. 131S'9-S31S'tt 81S31SWS 2S Dec. 32 32 81 S 31 S 32S May 33S 83S 33S 33S.33S'ai4 12 45 12 45 12 46 1 3 46 12 62H Sept. 12 76 12 76 12 fc-'S 12 62 S 12 86 Oot. 12 86 12 86 12 67S 12 6"S 12 90 July" 7 00 7 00 6 7S 6 97S 1 00 Sept. 720 720 7 10 1 10 720 Oct. 7 26 7 26 7 17S 7 17S 7 30 Ribs July ; I47S 7 60 Sept. 7 0 7 80 7 70 7 72S 7 82S Oct. 7 82S 7 86 1 76 7 77 S 7 87S No. 2. tOld. JNew. Cash quotations were as follows: FLOUR Steady ; winter patents, 84.304.40: Straights, 34.004(4.20; spring patents. JoOiig 6.70; straights. $3.76(05.00; bakers. 2.4ott3.30. WHEAT No. 2 spring. 1.101.14; No. 3, 31. 06ft 1-10; No, J red, Il.o0igl.01. CORN No.' 2, 6767So; No. 1 yellow, 67Sc. OATS No, 2. 33Hc; No. 2 white, 3434Sc; No. 8 white. 33Vii34c. BARLEY Good feeding, 42244c; fair to choice malting, 47(849c. SEEDS No. 1 flax, S1.2A: No. 1 northwest ern, 61.44; clover, contract grade, 312.75jfl3.00. I'KUVISIONS-Mesi porK, per uoi., ffl2.ob. Lard, per 100 lbs.. 3tt.97Sf7.00. Short ribs sides (loose). $7.50ig7.60. Short clear Sides (boxed), 87. 8.00. Following were the receipts and ship ments of flour and grain: Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 13.900 14,600 Wheat, bu 62,0o0 47.100 Corn, bu 491,000 SN).3O0 Oats, bu i3,&00 I6O.60O Rye, bu 1.000 1.0"0 Barley, bu 63,000 2.3O0 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady; creamerlea, 1619Sc; dairies, l&fflfcc. Eggs, Arm; at mark, cases Included, 13Sc; firsts, 16c; prime firsts, 16Sc; extras, ISSo. Cheese, Arm; 9S1.10HO. St. Loots General Market. ST. LOUIS, July 12. WHEAT Futures lower, cash, higher; No. 2 red, cash, ele- vateor, 8SSc; track. 9104c; July, 84V4o; Sep tember, 83S84c; No. 2 hard. 21.06. CORN Weak; No. 2 cash. 66c; September, lUte. December. 46So; track, 66Sc. OATS Lower; No. 2 cash, 33c; track, 34ft 84c: July. 8OS0; September. 29c; No. 2 white. 86c. FLOUR Steady; red winter patents. 34.70 64.90; extra rancy ana siraignt,. t.Bi.Ji clear, t3.J64j3.60. SEEDS Timothy, spot, steady, 32.0OS2.40; new. 83.60 bid. , CORNMEAL Steady, 32.70. Vir AN Hteadv: aacked. east track. 73674c HAY Strong; timothy, 89.oO4fl4.00; prairie. 36 UKa 10 00. IKON COTTON TIES 99c, BAQOIN-8So. hkmp TWINE V4c. PROVISIONS Pork, lower! jobbing, tn-xi Tjirrl. lower: Drime steam. 86.62S4. Dry salt meats, steady; boxed, extra shorts, .-.-I. ril.a tft 0ifi.12ii: abort cleara. faru Hacnn steady: boxed, extra shorts, mil: sti en. 9S " " . 1 1 .a r -. l c-i I- 1 . 121: clear riDa, 0.10.0171, mvu vii, O 1-U. POULTRY Quiet; chickens, 9Sc; springs, is... torkeva. ISc: ducks. So; geese, MiSc BUTTER Steady; creamery, 16S&2IO; dairy, 1417c. EGOS yulel. lOSc. case count. Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu 4.0110 i),co 13n,ooi 90.000 19.0"0 35,000 26.000 82.UU0 Snarar and Molasses NEW YORK, July 12. 8 HOAR Raw, easy; fair refining-, SS: centrifugal, He test, 4c; molasses sugar", 8 So. Refined, unset- tied: no. o, i". . . - No. 9. 4 60c; No. 10, 4.46c; No. 11. 4 3&c; No. 13. 4 30c; No. 13, 4.30c; No. 14, 4.16c; confec tiTiners' A. 6.16c; mould A, 66c; cutloaf. 4c; crushed. c; powdered, 64uu; granulated, 1 5 3oc: cubes, 6.6nc. ' NEW ORLEANS. July ll-SI'GAR-Quiet; open kettle, centrifugal, 4Vf-4Sc; centrifugal whites, 4 15-iej6 15-16c ; seconds, atta'd i'fc- MOLASSES Nominal; open kettle, 13 26c; centrifugal, 6fll4c: BYRL'P Nominal. 800. Cotton Market. NEW YORK, July 12 -COTTON-Market opened weak at a decline of 8&I5 points, in line wlih lower cables, while good weather over the best promoted bear pressure and some liquidation. The close, while steady In tune, was at a net decline of about 211 points. Bales were estimated at 600 ouO hales. NEW ORLEANS. July 12.-COTTON-Sleady; good ordinary, S'.c: low middling. lOSc middling, lose; good middling, 111-lte; middling fair. llc; receipts, 2,03 bales; stock. 60. 37 bales. LIVEKPOOU July l?.'-COTTON-In spot small business was done; prices 12 points lower: American middling fair, -4tJ, good middling. .ld: middling, 6.y:d: low mid dling 6 3d; good ordinary, 6.6bd; ordinary. 6 6W. The sales of the day were 6.(08 kal-a. of which 1.500 Pales were for specu lation and export and included 1,8 bales American. Receipts, 1S.UM bales. Including 9.1W bales American. ST LOl'ld. July 11 COTTON-Julet; middling. 10 15-lhc; sales, 3v bales; re ceipts, none; shipments. 440 bales; stock, 84.7vl bales. CosTee Market.' NEW YORK. July 1! COFFEE Market for futures opened steady at uachanged prh-es to a decline of 6 4olnts In keeping with some disappointing European caUts. Trading continued very quiet here, but the market recovered the Initial loss and closed steady at an advance of 64 10 points. Sales wr n-portod of 12 uoO bags. Including Srpteinber at 6 La6iH. ; Octol-r. Hoc; Ie ceaibei .'j7 loc; Wccii 7 2uc; May, J 80c. Spot. aiad ; N. 7 hw, luvoc. eu. NEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS Propec!i for Enmper Crtpi Etcdi Stock Market Up Again. GRANGER RAILWAYS MAKE BIG ADVANCE Demand for Time Loans Canses Money Ratea to Harden and A t traets Forelan Fnnds to the Inlted States. NEW TORK. July 12. -The report of the Agricultural department on the condition of the cereal crops as of July 1 was an effective sustaining Influence on prices of itocks tortny and served to protect the mar ket against the effect of the continuation of yesterday's profit-tsklng movement. On the opening rise in prices the selling of this character was conrplcuous, but with the persistence of the firmer tone In the mar ket the pressure to sell became less urgtnt. The stocks chosen for the leadership of the recovery were Indicative of the part played by the crop report on the movement. The volume of the buying was very moderate and the decline In the total of the day's sales from the recently prevailing averares was perhaps the most significant featurt ot the market. The movement In the wheat market was a corroboration of the Importance attached to the government report In the atock mar ket and for the flrat time In many daya the prlcea movement was consistent In the stock and commodities markets, wheat de clining when stocks advanced. The Indi cated wheat ctop of over 7u0.'i00,000 bushels, and the possibility of a bumper corn cron were accepted as giving full promise ot Eroflta,ble traffic for the granger railroads, ome of the high priced closely held stocks In that group made wide advances on a light absorption. The favorable weather In the spring wheat region helped the northern grangers. The failure yesterday to secure a quorum of Union Pacific di rectors was regarded from a revised stand- folnt as leaving open the possibility of ater action for increasing the dividend, and diecussion of this probability was an active factor In the market. The demand for time loans for the longer periods was still a feature of the money market and the demand was snld to come for renewal from other than Stock exchange circles. The hardening of the money market at tracted offerings of foreign funds In this market and the selling of exchange bills on this account weakened the . foreign ex change. 'market. The Immediate closing of subscriptions to the new Japanese loan ap portionment was testimony to the large volume of the applications, and It Is ex pected that the allotments will be followed by release of borrowings for over-subscrip tions, as there Is no discount allowed for payments made In advance before August 8. The local banks are making preparations, however, Tor the call upon government de posits for Saturday next, aa Interior banks usually meet such requirements by draw Ing on the New York account. The late rise In Northern Pacific to 2olS. the high est price since the corner In the stock, was accompanied by rumors of an Intended ex tra dividend, and just before the close the action Increasing the Baltimore St Ohio semi-annual dividend of 2 per cent was nnounced. The closing, In consequence. was firm, but rather dull. Honda were Irregular. Total sales. Dur value. X3.440.iaio. i nlted States bonds were unchanged on call. The following were the ouotatlons on the New York Stock exchange: Sales.Itlgh.Low.Close Adams Ex Amal. Copper Am. Car A Foundry. 83S SOS 98S 81S 82S SfiS 98S 81S do pfd Am. Cotton Oil do pfd Am. Ex Am. Hide & L. pfd.. Am. Ice Am. Linseed Oil 300 600 3SS 24S do pfd Am. Locomotive L700 100 8,900 4fS 111S lies 139" (7S 107S 8fS 102 158 115 do pfd ; Am. Smelt. & Refng. do pfd Am. Sugar Refng Am. Tobacco pfd ctf. Anaconda M. Co Atchison do pfd Atlantic Coast Line,. Bait. & Ohio do pfd Rrooklyn R. T Canadian Pnclflo .... Central of N. J Chesapeake & Ohio.. Chicago 4 Alton 2,300 63,' do rfd Chi. Gt. Western Chi. ft N. W.... C, M. St P Chi. Term. St T do pfd C. C. C. A St. L 100 40S ' 8,000 'ivi 600 27 200 K0 K0 88 200 189 200 10S Colo. Fuel Iron.... Colo. A Southern .... do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Consolidated Gas .... Corn Products dc pfd Delaware A Hudson. D.. L. A W Den. A Rio Grande.. do pfd Dlstlllera' Becuritlea. Eric 300 "'206 80.400 6,0-K) 8,900 400 41 S 47S 83 S 72S 177S do 1st pfd do 2d pfd General Electric .... Hocking Valley Illinois Central International Paper.. do pfd International Pump.. do pfd Iowa Central do pfd K. C. Southern do pfd Louts. A Nashville... Manhattan L Met. Securities Met. St. Ry Mex. Central Minn. A St. Iuls.... M . St. P. A S. 8. M. do pfd Missouri Pacific Mo., Kan. A Tex do pfd National Lead N. R. R. ff M. pfd... N. Y. Central N. Y.. O. A W Norfolk A Western.. do pfd North American Pacific Mail Pennsylvania People's Oas P.. C.. C. A St. L Pressed Steel Car.... do pfd Pullman Palace Car. Reading do 1st pfd do 2d pfd Republic Steel do pfd Rock Island Co do pfd Rubber Goods do pfd St. L A S. F. 2d pfd. St. Louis 8. W do pfd Southern Pacific 6,400 169S 80S rs 62S 700 2,200 4O0 1.900 7,0)0 . 400 ' 66i 149S 166 82S 127 22H 68 14-7S 16&S W 125S a 3,200 800 1,200 200 148 62V 86S 145H 147S 517 62S 84S 8nS 91S 9S WS 42S 43 141S 142S 104S 1S 300 33 39S 200 79.4O0 '"ioo 1.5K) 2.6"0 6.500 loO 400 241 107 241 104S 2-0 11.700 do tifd Southern Railway.... 8.400 33S S3 do pfd Tenn. C. A I., exdiv.. 11.100 Texas A Pacific W T., St. U A w :v do pfd l"0 Union Pacific 91,4i0 do pfd U. S. Ex V. 8. Realty U. B. Rubber do pfd U. 8. Steel do pfd Va.-Carollna Chem.. do pfd Wabash do pfd Wells-Fargo Ex 800 2,t() 1.4"0 66.7J 27. 0 1,300 9S 41 S lfS 33S 101 S 100 39S 89S Westinghouse Elec ..... Western Union V" 93 S W. A L. E l' 1'S 'S Wis. Central S ' do pfd 4i0 62 61 Northern "Pacific .... 14."0 201 S l" Central Leather 6-0 46S 4nS do pfd 8u0 105 104S Total sales for the day, 621,600 shares. Kan York Mining Stacks. NEW YORK. July 12. Closing quotations on mining stocks were: Adams Can Alloa Braeo Brttoawlrk Con ( omSLactl Tunnel ,. Cos. (el. A Vs.... Horn Silvsr Iron SlKef Lsadvllla Cos ...... Offered. 11 IT (Little Chief ... ontarle Ophtr faoenlx Irotoal j Savage Sierra Nevada Small Hupaa .. Iguadsrd . II . 4 . t .1M .116 .474 . 1 . It . 61 . M . !6 .lue Bank Clearings. OMAHA. July 13 Bank clearlnga for to day were 3l.4fa.W7 .8 and for the corre ponding date last year 31.23.912.12. w Trcsaary Stateaaent. WASHINGTON. July ll.-TodayS SUte merit of the treasury balances irl the gon el fund, exclusive of the 3laO ofi.i) gold) reserve in the division of rfcueinpUoa, shows: Available fash, balance, $135. 3.-2.725; gold, 370.M5.6.' w York Money Market. NEW YORK. July 12,-MONEY-On cnll. steady at tS&S per cent; closing bid offered at 2S per cent; time loans firmer; Sixty days. 8-9 .IS per cent; ninety days, 3Stf 3tt per cent; six months. 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 44S per cent. BTERLINiJ EXCHANGE Heavy, with act'ial business In bankers' bills at 84 9Vs0rt t.mlfit for demand and at 84 M1.V34 M:0 for sixty-day bills; posted rates. 14 85(114 M and 4 87Si4 8S; commercial hills. 84.Mti4 8S. SILVER Bar. bic; Mexican dollars. 4"e. BONDS Government, steadv: railroad. Irregular. Closing quotations on bonds were: IT. S. nr. Is rf lot1 Japas ts. nn ... .1IH . . list .1M .104 7"4 . 11' . M .101 . I7H i. !S . t4j .US . 77 .10J do eoupoa los do III sarias '' do 4ia, ctfs 1"4 L a N. nnl. 4a I. f. Is, rt do coupon . V. 8. nw 4a. rf. .13IU. Manhattan t. 4i Mct. Central 4a... W4 do lrt Inc .104 Minn 81. L. 4l do coupon V. 8. old is, rag do coupon Am Toharro 4s, ctfs. Tit M , K & T. 4a ... do (a, clti ...i!t do la ...lim N. r. r. of m e. ... MS N. Y. C. t ISa.. ...HH N. J. C. i. ta.... ...lo', so. racifla 4a ... M do .la ...114 N. A W. .. 4a ... ... ' O 8. L. rfdi. 4a. ... HI Pans. conr. is. ...lVhV Keallna ana. 4i Atchison ten. 4a.. do ad. 4a Atlantic r. L. 4a Bal. Ohio 4a .. do IWa Cantral of Oa. a do lat Inc do Id Inc ..lOJtt . . 101 Chas. A Ohio 4S. thlca(o A. Ia C. B. n. 4s.. C , R. I. A P. 4a. do col. 5b C C. A St. U . 41 Chlraro Tar. 4a Colorado Mid. 4a ', . I., a l M. .101 1 gt. L A 8. r. . K St. U 8. W. c c. sa ns t( 4a. M . 4s... tits . 4t Seaboard A. L. 4a.. lUH So. PaclBc 4s do lat 4a. ctfi... . 4t So. Rallwar it . M1 Taiaa A P. la .. ' , . 154a ,.llt ..WIS .. .1S ..12S .. f.t ,.ins .. 7J ,. H .. 14 ,. M Colo. A So. 4a tolo. Ind do set 6a. sat A.. T4 T , St. U A W. 4a . 3 tnlon Paclfli- 4a.... .IM do con. 4a .KhS V. 8. Bioal ttt ta... . Wabaah la 10j- do dab. B Cuba aa, ctfs D. A H. U. 4a ... Ulatlllsra' See. ta. Ens prior lias 4a. do gen. 4a r w. a a. c. ia. Hocslof Val. 4Sts. Offered. . II W raiam lid. 4a ..lit W. a L. E. 4a.. lui!Wia. Cantral 4a.. Boston Stoeks and Bonda. BOSTON. July 1-Call loans, 3ig3S per cent; time loans, 3S'ij4S per cent. Official quotations on stocks and bonds were: Atcbiaon adj. do 4a Mei. Cantral . M Adventure , .lO1 AllOiMS . 79 i Amalgamated .. . Ki4j American Zinc . 111 Atlantic .156 Btnaham ... 4 ... S7 ... Ml ... ... 14 ... ! ...149 ... t"H ... eS ... H ... 81 ... I ... M ... a ... t ... 411 ... ... I4i4 ... o ... 23M ...101 ... 714 ...114 ... 7H ... 2614, ... ... ld ... 43 ... t ... 10S4 .. .111(1, 4a. Aii-hlaon do pfd . Boston A Albany Boston & Mains lit (I. A Hacla... Hoaton Kievaled .. Pllrhburi pfd Meilcan Cantral .. N. Y , N. H. A H "Para Marquatta . I'nloo Pacltlo . .loi ; Centennial ..146 .rnoper Range . .. 21V4 Daly Win . .tlAl Homlnion Coal . . 1 Granby ..m4 iKle Hoyala .... .. i .Maaa. Mining .. .. Hi Michigan .. Mohawk . .13 Mont. C. A C. ..lal old Dominion .. ..n naccola .. Wis Parrot ..104 qulnrv .. S3 Shannon Amtr. Aria. Cham do pfd Pnau. Tubo. Amer. Amer, Sugar do pfd Amer. Amer. t. a t Woolen .... do Bid Dominion I. AS. "Edlaon Else. lllu .246 Tamarack Maaa. Klootrlo 1IU Trinity do pfd Maaa. Uaa Inlted Fruit United tihos Msch... do pfd , U. 8. Steal do prd Waatlng. common ., ttlU. "Asked. . sl'a I lilted Copper . 44 L. 8. Mlnluf.. .lit f. 8. Oil . t tah . SI iVOtorls . 14S Winona .lOZ't Wolverine U London Stork Market. LONDON, July 12. Closing quotations on locks were Consols, money .. do socount Anaconda Atcbiaon , do pfd Baltimore A Ohio. Canadian Paclflo Chea. A Ohio.... Chicago Ot. W.... C, M. A 8t. P.. bebeera Denver A R. O.. do pfd Erie do lat pfd do id pfd Illinois Centrsl ... Louis. A Kaah... SO 1 11 ... 0S ... 6 Mi ... 67 ...104S ...117', N. Y. Central.. Norfolk AW... do pfd Ontario A W... Penneylvania Rand Mines Heading do lat pfd ... do 2d pfd.... 60. Railway ... do pfd So. Pacltlo t'nlon Paclflo .. do pfd I. 8. Steel do pfd Wabaah do pfd ...1614 ... 17 ... ... &SH ... 7IS ... A ... tt ... 4 ... 4a ... 34W. ..100 ... w ...130 ...10(1 ... c ...1044, ... 20 ... 41(4 ...15i.S ... 61 ... iOS, ...lkl ... 1S ... us ... e ... 47 ... 4', ... 74 ...171(4 ...162W M , K. A T. Spantnh 4s 1 SILVER Har, sternly, 7 6-16d per ounce, wnji r, i i "4i per cent. The rate of discount In the' open market for short bills Is 1 13-J4 per cent; for three months' bills, 1 per cent. NEW YORK (1EM5BAL MARKET (notations of the Day on Various Commodities. NEW YORK. July 12 -FLOUR-Recelnts, 12.871 bbls.; exports, 16.778 bbls.; sales, 3,200 pkgs.; market dull and barely steady; win ter patents, 34.904J6.25; winter straights, J4.604i4.80; Minnesota Tatents, to.50((j6.00; win ter extras, : 33.lCKg3.G5w.. Minnesota bilkers. 83.754.15; winter low grades, 33.003.65. Rye flour, steady; fair to good, 84.2&i$4.60; choice to fancy, 84.60ft4.90. . CORNMEALv-Steady; fine white and yel low, 31. 26411-80; coarse,; kiln dried, 2.90i3.00. BARLEY Dull; feeding. 48Se, c. 1. f. New York; malting, 4o4ia-c, c. 1. f. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts, 4.000 bu.; Bales, 4.100, 000 bu. futures. Spot market easy; No. 2 red, 31.0061.02 In store) No. 2 red, &9Sc, f o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 31.18S. f. o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Manitoba, 3112, f. o. b. afloat. Options, as a result of the bearish government report, coupled with decided improvement In spring wheat newa and weather conditions west, de clined nearly 2c today. Stop-loss selling and bear pressure were features and the mar ket closed SSlSo net lower. Sales in cluded: No. 2 red July, ft&StJTgC, closed at 950 : September, 90St91 9-lc, closed at 90Sc; December, 90S4I91 13-16c, closed at 90Sc. CORN Receipts, 128,626 bu.; exports, 107, 677 bu.; sales, 80,000 bu. spot. Spot market easy; No. 2, 62Se elevator and tiQ t. o. b. afloat; No. 2 yellow, 63So; No. 2 white, 03c. Option market was neglected all day and closed partly So net lower. July closed at 62SC.; September closed at 61Sc. OATS Receipts, 87,6u0 bu.; exports, 4,850 bu. Spot market steady; niixed, 26 to' 32 lbs., 35Sfl3tS; natural white, 80 to 32 lbs., 37S&U0SC.; clipped white, 80 to 40 lbs., 36 u 41c. HAY Dull; shipping, 60G6c; good to choice, 764J1&OC. HOPS steady; state, common to choice, 1904 crop, 224j'26c; 1908 crop, l&a21c; "ids, 10 Sil2c. Pacific coast, 1904 crop, 224r26c; 1908 crop. 1S4j2oc; olds, 10 12c. HID Eo Steady ; tialveston, 20 to 25 lbs., 20c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas tdry). 24 to SO lbs., 18Sc. LEATHER Quiet; acid, 2426e. PROVISIONS Beef, easy; family, 312.60 ji3.00; mess, 31O.O0itjlO.5O; beef hams, 321.0ol 22 60; packet, 811.0ou 11.60: city extra India mesa, 319.&04120.00. Cut meats, steady; pick led bellies, 8S.2610 00; pickled shouldeis, 36.604pH.00: pickled hams. 810.2510.60. Lard, easy; western steamed, 87.20; refined, easy; continent, 37 26; South America. 38; com pound, 3o.S7Sra6.62S. ' Pork, quiet; family, 3ls.6uuvl6.oo; snort clear, 3l3.uoal4.75; mess, 313.6oul4.25. TALLOW Dull; city (32 per pkg.), 4S2! country (pkgs. free), 4S'u4So. BUTTE7R Firm; receipts, 3.627; street price, extra creamery, 20SS21c; official price, creamery common to extra, 174j3Sc; state dairy, common to extra. lViS.c; renovated common to extra, 13SulSc; western Imitation creamery, common to extra, 16c4jl9c CHEESE State, full cream, small colored and white, fancy, 8Sc; state, full creain, fair to choice, SV'flkSc; state, full creain, large, colored and white. 8Sc EGGS Steady; wrstern, 14ul8Sc. POULTRY Alive, lrregujar; western spring chlckcna, 17c; fowls, 14Sci turkeye, 14Sc; dresaed, quiet; western broilers, 17 (if 20c; fowla, Uo; turkeya, 17c. Metal Market. NEW YORK, Julv 12. METALS The English tin market waa again higher with spot closing at 148 and futures at 141 log, but the advancea being regarded aa eiieculatlve had little influence locally, where the demand waa on let. and spot re mained aa previously quoted at. 131.25 31.60. Copper waa lower in London, closing at 66 for spot and AW 6a for futurea. The local market waa unchanged with lake and electrolytic quoted at $16.00 and casting at 814.76. lead waa unchanged at 34 .&uij4.6o In th New York market, but ruled firm In London and cloaed at 13 11a 3d. Spel ter also advanced in the English market, closing at 24 2a Cd, but remained steady here at 85.Ru6.4o. Iron cloaed at 49a 4d In Glasgow and at 46s 4Sd In Mlddlesboro. Locally Iron waa unchanged. No. 1 foun dry la quoted at 816.2.Vfrl6.5o; No. 2 foundry, northern 315.5("ijl6 0O; No. 1 foundry, south ern. 315 Ff 15.75; No. 1 foundry, southern, soft, S16 2Fi"al&.o0; No. 3 foundry, aouthern, 314.75615.26. Olla aad Roala. NEW YORK. July 12 OIL-Cottonaeed. firm; prime crude, nominal; prime yellow, 2!S4)29c. Petroleum, quiet; refined. New Yoik. 3890; Philadelphia and Baltimore. 36.86; prime In bulk. 313.95. Turpentine, easier at 61tS4l2c. RoSIN Quiet; atralned, common to good, $3 6o4l3.65. OIL CITY. July 12-OIL8-Credlt bol ancee, $1.27; certificates, no bid. Shipments. 79.7b bbla. average be 0b9 bhla.; runa. brf.919 bbls . average 68.518 bbls. Shlpmenta Lima, 47.872 bbls., average 32.1470 bbls.: runa, Lima, 66.579 bbla., average , 42 206 bbls. SAVANNAH. July 12.-OH Turpentine, cutet. 67 We ROSIN-Flrm : A. B 38 au; F, 33 76; O. 33 80 (4 ou; M. K06; N, 34 lu; 84.78. C. $8 35; D. $8 40; E. If, $3.86; I, $3 90; K, W. O., $4 30; W. W., ' ' 4 1 Basra' Prlcea Lower. KT3 W YORK. July 12 -All aiadea of re fined augar ware rvducad luc per l'O pounda 1 wuajr. OMABA LIVE ST0C1 MARKET Btef Bteen Stead;, with Common Cows Lower and Slow, HOGS STEADY, WITH TRADING ACTIVE Receipts of Sheen and Lambs Very Light, with Qnallty of Offrrlnga Only Fair and Market Bal ing Active sat Strong. SOt.TH OMAHA. July 12. 1. Receipts were. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. I'lnini Aionnay b.a Official Tuesdav t 2K3 lo.TsS Wednesday S.3&3 8,110 Three days this week.. 12.NI1 85.1M Three days last week.... 8.00O li.l3 Same days week before.. 8.SJ SS,6 8ane three weeks ago.. 16.278 81, Same four weeks ago. ...13.44? 85.743 Same days last year 4.44 ".fttt RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts Of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha for the year to date, comparing with last Xr: IS"- 1W4 inc. Dec. cattle 4S2.J91 469,189 16.7V8 Holt 1.3i7,764 1,421,139 a3.8i6 Sheep 762.4M 721.0S7 41,366 The following table shows the average price of hogs at South Omaha for the last several days, with comparisons: Date. I 1906. 1904.1908.1902.101.1900.189. Juno 16.. June It.. June 17,. June 18.. June 19.. June 20.. June 21.. June 32.. June 24.. 1 June 23.., June 26.. June 27.. June 28.. June 29.. June 30.. July 1... July 2... July 8... July 4.. July 6... July 6... July "... July 8... July 9... July 10.. July 11.. July . 12.. t 19S 4 811 6 8SI I 6 861 4 81 7 34 4 8b 2 64 8 3 M 4 871 8 01 4 til 6 94 6 20 7 23 6 7 ln.1 6 831 8 03 4 82 6 "Si 6 94 7 itl 16 1 6 Ml 3 84 9 iV 6 00 6 ss 7 411 6 89i 4 941 3 71 7 43 & HI 4 83 1 3 e J I 89 6 00) 8 86 7 691 6 W( 1 8 li B III s 0 i 12S 6 06 6 831 6 19 6 1 6 67 a 101 a 0. 7 67 6 991 n 1 5 27S1 I 6 70 1 61 i 33, I 10 8 63 6 31 S 8 14 6 561 7 61 6 611 6 3 1.4 6 29 S 10 I T 661 6 87 6 111 3 OS 6 21Sl 6 041 6 56 I 6 901 4 89 1 3 68 I S 08 5 661 7 61 6 Oil 8 68 6 22S 6 29 I 8 131 6 601 7 64 6 89 8 73 6 18 1 6 63, 7 64 6 82 4 921 6 Oil 6 60 8 78 . .".I 6 25S 6 23! 7 641 5 73 6 081 8 78 6 li 3 83 & 11) 3 81 8 M 5 13; 6 131 3 90 6 04 ' 3 96 6 02! 4 04 6 24WI 6 26! 6 65 I 6 79 7 751 ' I 7 821 6 S3! 7 80 6 83 7 Ml 6 sS! 7 791 6 921 7 7Ti 6 86 5 25SI 6 19 6 4S: 6 28 6 33 6 32 6 16 & 3H 6 15 6 41 6 32 6 n 6 38 Indicates tjunday' Holiday. The official numoer' of cars of stock brought In today by earri mad was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. St. P. Ry 3 3.. Wabash 6 Missouri Pacific 13 4 U. P. System 47 34 C. A N. W. Ry 1 1 F., E. A M. V. Ry 37 63 C. St. P. M. & O. Ry 7 7 B. & M. Ry 82 23 4 C. B. A Q. Rv IS 1 1 C. R. I. & P.. east 18.. Illinois Central 1.1 Chicago Great Western 11.. Total receipts.... 149 131 6 The disposition of the day a receipts was as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of nead 'nuicated: Cattle. Omaha "packing Co 619 Bwlft and Company 1.023 Hogs. Sheep. l.l'i4 2.801 2,529 9 sti 14 876 309 "228 Cudahy Packing Co..... 9-'8 Armour & Co 6"-0 Cudahy, Kansus cTty 198 Armour fc Co., K. C 60 Van Bant Co 4 Ixibman A Rothschild.... 6 Hill etc Son 36 Cudahv Bros. Ar Co J. B. Root & Co 17 8 & S 2.179 "280 Held over 192 103 Total 3,647 9,262 1,029 CATTLE Receipts were moderate today, about 137 loads being oa sale. This was only about one-half . the cattle received the same day last week, but the receipts today showed a big Increase as compared with the corresponding day a year ago. There was a good supply of beef steers on sale and the quality was fairly good. Buyers were nn the hill early and there waa considerable life to the trade, although the market was slew In opening. :. The gen- eral market was about steady, but on some of the less desirable grades prices looked a little lower. Some sales of choice cattle were stronger, but only on the kinds that just suited the eye of the buyer. After buyers and sellers got together trading be came fairly active and the most of tho cattle were picked up In good season. There was a little weakness to the trade on cows and helfero and salesmen found It rather difficult to dispose of their holdings at steady prices, except on the choice kinds and in aome cases even these cattle looked lower. On the common and grassy kinds the market was off about a dime and trad ing slow. Trade on bulls, veal calves and stags waa rather slow thla morning, although prices were In about the same notches as yes terday, the market being generally steady. There, was a very small supply of Block ers and feeders on sale this morning, hardly a full load being offered. With the small supply prices were about steady, although there was a small demand. Representative sales. BEEF STEERS No. Av fr. 1 730 t 86 I II1 4 00 t 1000 4 00 It 774 4 00 t 1164 4 00 It 764 4 05 11 174 4 16 1094 4 10 It ". 741 4 20 12 124 4 10 tl 838 4 10 4f. 860 4 80 11 121 4 80 790 4 10 I 460 4 IS 4 1124 4 36 4 1111 4 40 lull 4 40 16 1V74 4 40 4 184 4 40 II 1X4 4 40 II 1211 4 46 11 Hit 4 60 7 11U 4 60 42 1043 4 66 17 1114 4 61 I tit 4 64 11 964 4 84 10 1167 4 40 t 1121 4 40 44 U0 4 44 10 1177 4 40 1 1034 4 43 II s4 4 6 III 1044 4 44 12 10C1 4 14 11 lUl 4 70 No. I 4 II I AT. Pr. 4 T 4 TO 4 14 4 TO 4 Tt 4 Tl 4 T4 4 TS 4 80 4 84 4 80 4 80 I 84) 4 80 4 84 4 94 4 M 4 04 I 00 I 00 4 04 4 04 4 00 4 04 4 14 4 14 4 14 4 10 4 10 4 It 4 to 4 21 t 16 6 16 4 10 4 40 ...1144 ...1270 ...1140 ...1144 ...1UI ...1204 ...1011 ...Utt . ,.HX ...1224 ...1140 ...1117 ...1111 ...1094 ...1124 ...12MI ...1814 47. 10.... I. ... 41.... t 24.... It.... 41.... 11 I.... II. ... It.... 41.... 1.... II.... 60.... It.... I. ... 31.... 41.... 42.... I.... 10.... 14.... II.... 87.... 10.... 41.... It.... II. ... 11.... 41.... 10V6 1310 1274 1141 MtO 1160 , net 1360 , 1314 1371 llut , lutO 134 1321 132 1341 1446 1404 1475 COWS. 1045 1264 13O0 , 1211 1234 STEERS AND 41... 41... 14... 19... tt... T.. 7.. II.. 7.. 18.. n.. .... 841 I 80 136 4 90 697 4 84 167 4 46 .1(124 4 44 641 4 44 HEir'EhJ .... 754 4 It 4 Tt 4 90 4 00 4 to 8 24 AND STEERS. cows. ... T94 ... 474 ... 175 ... 1x6 ... lot ... I5 ... 776 ... 810 ... 8k8 ... 497 ...1064 ... 931 ... i ... 120 ... I"4 ... 633 ... sao ... 841 ... 810 ... 94 ... 810 ... tlO ... tut ,...1125 .... II 9(10 ....1141 ...SiU ... 911 ...1U0 141 ... fct.2 ... 1110 .... 841 .... 917 ... 441 1 84 1 90 31 23 14 a t 1 4 1 1 11 7 I I I T 4 4 4 T 4 I t I I 1 1 II 1 t II 1 I I t I i 4 14 844 1U10 liO .... 866 10H4 1070 till 1004 12K0 lull 848 12.6 lliiO !' 943 1U80 6i0 127 1101 1037 1241 1161 94 1160 1130 11) ...". l 11-u -4 14110 too 1164 laO 10.4 , liul Ill 834 jO 8 II t 25 I la t It I 25 I 26 I IS I 24 8 24 I 40 t 40 I 40 t 40 I 40 I 60 I to t to I 46 I 46 8 t 44 t Tt t 76 t 74 I Tt t 76 I 84 t 64 t 84 I to I 94 I 90 I tt 4 00 4 00 4 W 4 00 4 84 4 40 t 00 I 00 t 00 t 00 I 10 I 10 1 1 I 24" I 24 t 25 I 21 t 24 I 40 t 40 40 t 64 I 50 I 64 t 60 t 60 t 66 t 'it I 70 1 70 I 16 I 71 I 15 I It I 16 t IS I It 1 90 8 04 I 90 I 0 10'.'.'.', it.'.'. to..'. .1100 .1164 t 00 .io: 1 11 cows A t rv u ttr.irt.KB. I ttt 4 60 HEIFERS. I Ttt t It 1 1ft t Tl 24 1-1 I 84 4 60 4 14 1 897 I 65 1 8 .0 4 16 1 tl I !l 1 620 t 28 1 620 I 24 1 740 4 U I Ill 16 II f4 4 40 t 44 I 15 BULLS. 1 114 I 24 1 1114 t 4) 1 1430 I 9 1 1470 I 00 1 1140 I 60 1 ltlt t 0 1 lull t 60 1 10 I 14 1. 1214 I 64 1 l.'W I It 1 Ill I 41 1 ,.i7t I It 1 13M I It 1 1644 I tt 1 11(14 1 74 1 140 I tt t 4M I 14 1 14 4 I 24 1 lt I T6 1 1424 I 21 4 140 I It I 14WI t 86 t .1470 I at 1 list I at 1 iei I to 1 imo I t t 114 t 40 I l'"0 4 'W STAGS. 1 80 I 0o 1434 I M 1 lv.4 8 I CALVES. 1 I I lo 111 11 , t"0 , ll , I'M . . 1J . 117 I I 00 It H I M I to I 6a I 64 I M 4 04 1 II 4 n It 144 4 n I 4W i !( 1 1J 4 S I r4 4 Ts I IM CI STOCK! RS 1 m in AND FEEDERS. t ui 1 C 28 Steers. ..lrn 1 steer. ...1070 A 1 steer. ...11M) P. Meyers Neb. 4 25 18 helfere..lH4 3 85 8 26 .20 heifers.. 1064 3 86 L. Davis Neb. 8 00 7 cows 960 3 15 3 90 28 steers. ..1165 HOGS A srood ahlPDins demand saved the day In the hog yards tills morning. The market opened lower, but after the first round or two a good shipping demand de veloped and the market strengthened. There was a moderate run for a Wednes day, about 134 cars lelng on aale. After buyera and sellera got down to business there waa considerable activity to tho trade and the hoga were all s M by '0 o'clock. The market ruled generally steady with yesterday's best, although, as noted above, the opening wos lower. The bulk of the hogs aold at 86.3Vi.36, with the long string at 8-VS-S- At this time of year 'eastern markets get a good many grassy hogs from northern points and these kinds shippers do not want. There Is usually not enough of the good kinds to pick from and the orders come west. For this reason aone are looking for a good shipping demand from now on through this and probably next month. Representative aaiea: Na. 14 61 at 71 47.1... 61 46 47. .... 17 47...., 64 4... ti.... 71.... IT.... .... ... 44.... 40.... Vt.... It.... 75.... t ... 66.... 76.... 7J.... 14..,. 70.... 42.... 71.... 46.... 7.... 47.... 4.... 1.... 70.... 41.... 89 ... . Tt.... 44.... 46.... 71.... 74.... 44.... 71.... 46.... 70.... St.... it.... 60.... Ml.... 6.,.. 74.... 67.... 76.... 70.... II.... .... 44.... k. FT. No, 71... 84... TI... T7... 70... A. Itl .111 111 ,M7 1M .184 .201 .III .It . .0 tM .IV6 .21 .14 .147 .1S8 .160 .244 Sk. Pr ... I I24j 9 324j 120 t 2I4 0 8IH 10 I 124 80 I I2i ... t l4 120 I 824i 80 4 l 80 6 124 120 t 82 4 ... 4 12(4 40 i 24 40 t 87(4 ... 4 I24 ... I 22(4 60 1 a.'t, 110 I 82 '4 UO 4 I24 80 t i: 80 i 12(4 12fl I 124 40 I I2 40 ( 12(4 800 i 8IV4 120 I 54 80 I it 80 I 16 40 4 16 80 I 81 144 4 II ...m . . at ...IM ...t4 ...131 .. r.4 ...r- ...1ST ...111 ...247 ...121 ...4 .. Ml ...HI ...i ...13 ...tao ...144 ...t0 ,..11 ...114 ...4 ...!M ...StO ...S4 ...187 ...4 ...2.i ...lit ...:s ...1.10 ...I7t ...141 ...lit ...331 ...tit ...117 ...B ...lit ...M ...124 ...tit ...146 ...131 ...S(.4 ...171 ...I4S ...III ...I JO ...10 ... 104 ...tJ7 ....lit ...26 44 I IS t 27 4 I 17 114 too IN WD I 10 4 M I 80 41 ia ss 201 120 i(4 1 4 841 84 Ill 80 4 8I4 f a so ee I 80 It I 10 40 I 10 71 I 30 17 4 30 81 4 10 48 4 tO ! t in tl 4 80 66 I SO 68 4 80 43 I T I 30 II 44 10 110 110 to in 60 ... !!4 ,...1 ...117 ...166 ....141 ....131 ....111 ....IKI ...26 ....H'l ...174 ....174 ....Ml ...US ....17 40 100 130 140 0 ) 80 80 W iro 1(0 160 160 110 80 80 40 10 iib 130 44.. I 10 41.. 4 10 76.. 6 80 76 . . 4 90 71.. I 32 44.. I 82(4 I 12(4 64.. 4 1(4 74 Ml ... 6 29 32V) in 2M ... 4 34 6 12(4 It 167 ... ttt I J(4 I 82(4 I 88(4 I 324 I 12(4 I 82(4 4 12(4 I 32(4 t 81(4 I IIV, I IK4 6 I214 I 82(4 4 12(4 4 18(4 4 12(4 4 32(4 I lt4 4 324 I S2(4 6-S2V. 4 12(4 4 82(4 4 12(4 4 12(4 I mi. 71 u.4 to 4 14 76 184 ... 4 86 74 161 10 4 14 74 314 80 I 16 40. .v... .117 10 4 84 49 Ill 140 4 36 74 128 120 4 86 46 2M 120 4 85 74 127 tot 4 36 78 248 ... I It 71 221 120 I 16 71 220 10 6 86 in lit 40 4 It 4C 134 ... 4 38 77 190 120 4 II 140 230 40 t 14 14 1HI ... 6 36 201 126 140 I 85 77 196 ... t 16 TI 141 40 4 It 44 Itl 40 4 86 84. ...... .214 ... 4 36 84 . ...... 13 120 4 86 41 lot ... I 17(4 It Ill 120 4 II Va 17 146 ... 4 37(4 70 241 ... 4 17(4 Tl I'M ... 4 I74 12 231 10 4 87(4 82 191 ... 4 40 140 to ISO 160 140 120 11 268 ... 6 1'. Li. 45 HI ... 4 12(4 86 2l)i 80 6 31(4 71. ...... .120 160 4 32(4 SHEEP Satisfactory selling conditions waa the principal feature of the aheep market again today. The market at this point Is In excellent shape and haa been for some time, there being a strong demand for supplies. The ale of the runa seems to make little or no difference, as buyera go after a liberal supply aa hard as after a light one. Prices here are well in linn with other points, and it looks as though buyers could handle fairly liberal receipts. There were only four cars reported in this morning, and one of these was a car of Arizona wethers, consigned direct to a packer. The other three were picked up quickly and the stuff was snld and weighed up by 9 o'clock. The market was active and prices were a little stronger than yes terday. A car of fed western ewes brought 36.00, while three decks of western year lings sold for 35.26. The quality of the receipts today was only fair, - Quotations. Good to cnoice spring Inmbs, 1 ."MB7.ft; tair to good spring lamns. 'ei.oo'r. 7.25; good to choice yearlliiRS, $6.00fl.25; fair to good yearlings, 5.76?i'i.O0; good to choice wethers, $j.iiS'aS.60; fair to good wethers $4.75tj5.a; good to choice ewes, $4.754j6.00; fair to good ewes, $4.204j4.75. Rep resentative sales: No. " Av. Pr. 8 western cull ewes 82 3 25 2 western cull ewes 75 8 60 12 Nebraska cull ewes 79 3 60 22 western cull ewes , 64 3 60 4 western cull bucks 97 3 60 6 Nebraska cull lainha 41 4 00 101 Nebraska feeding ewes, wethers and yearlings 68 4 25 26 Nebraska ewes 90 4 75 250 western ewes 98 5 0) 296 western wethers 60 6 25 8 Nebraska Spring lambs 62 6 fx) 10 western spring lambs 60 6 60 63 western spring lambs 64 7 00 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle Ten Cents Lower Hoga Five to Ten Cents Lower Sheep Higher. CHICAGO, July 12. CATTLE Receipts, 38,000 head. Including l.OoO head Tcxans and 600 head westerns; market 10c lower; good to prime steers. 36.464c6.10; poor to medium, 33.76456.30; stockers and feeders, 32.6O4j4.40; cows. $2 6&&4.76; heifers, $2.254j 6.16; oanners. $1.6t2.6o; bulla, 32.004)4.10; calvea, JJ.0li6.W; Texas fed steers, 34.2641) 6.10; western steers, 38.704jM.66. HOGS Receipts, 30.00O head; estimated to morrow, 24,0t)O head; market fvflOc lower; mixed and butchera, l&.VxQ&.n; good to choice heavy, $5 45fii.65; rough heavy, $5.00 lfj.25; light, $6.354j5.70; bulk of Bales, $5.45 4l6 60. SHEET AND LAMBS Receipts, 15.000 head; market 10c higher: Iambs 104116c higher; good to choice wethers, shorn, $5.40 4i6.90; fair to choice, mixed, shorn, $4.6(j) 526; western sheep, shorn, $4.75''i6.90; na tive lambs, shorn, $5.0O4j.6O; western lambs. $6.004j6.30. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY, July 12. -CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.000 head. Including 1,300 head south erns; market for natives steady to 10c lower, for southerns strong; top for Tex ans, $5; choice export and dressed beef steers, $50j5.60: fair to good, $4.25ifj6.00; western fed steers, $3.7!fr5.26; stockers and feeders, 82.7542' 4.50; southern steers. 82.7641 4 60; southern cows, $2.25'3.50; native cows, $2 25314.60; native heifers, $3 254J6.26; bulls, $2.25'fj4.00; calves, $3.00r5.50. HOGS Receipts, 6.0n0 head: market 60 higher; top, 35.52S: bulk of sales, 35 42Stt 3.60; heavy, 35 42S'"50; packers, 35.40-ij5.60; pigs and lights, tn.4ory5.62S SHEEP AND LAMB8 Receipts. 230 head; market lo 15c higher; native lambs, $6.0O4j7.6O; western Iambs, $6 0'g7.50; ewes and yearlings, $4.5tl75.75; Texas clipped yearlings, $r.hiwfi 00; Texas clipped sheep, $6.0O'u6.60; stockers and feeders, $2.5o4j4 00. St. Lonla Live Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. July 12. CATTLE Receipt a, 4.O11O head. Including 2.6o0 Texana. Market eteady; native shipping and export steers, $4('iio R5; dressed beef and butcher sixers. H.75416.1; steers under ins., lo.r.-xm. .; Blockers and feeders, $26u4j375; cows and heifers. $2.C?i5 146; t-annera, $1 5042.15; bulls. 835OU3 60; calves, 13.5"j4.26; Texas and In dian steera, r: ztoi ; cowa ana noun s, $2.0u4T3 50. HOGS Reoeinta, 9.000 neaa. Marxet waa lower: piga and Ughta, $6.409666; packers. 14 754)5. 7a. butchera and beat heavy, 80.5544 6.70. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 2.500 head. Market strong: native muttons. 44. ml 41680; lambs, li LV'i 7 7E, ; culls and buci1. Id U'ut ao; stocKcrs, t1.U14j4.111; lexans, W. is 4.76. t. Joseph Live Sloek Market. ST. JOSEPH. July 12. CATTLE Re ceipts. 1 head. Market active to steady; natives, it. .t4i3.w; cowa ano neirera, ti.oofi; 4.75; atockera and feedera, 82. i5'w4.4i. HOG a Receipts. 5.474 head. Market aaa atrong to to higher; light, 35 4'V55o; me dium and heavy, 16 35476: 42S: bulk, to.37f 6.42S- SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 80 head. Market loo higher; lambs, 37. 7a. Sioux City Live Stork Market. BIOl;X CITY, Ia, July 12.-(Bpeclai Telegram.)-" ATT LB Receipts, 60u head; mr ket steady; beeves. S4ui4jj.i5; cowa, bulla and mixed. t5"0 4 V: atockera and feeders, $2.76478 86; calvea and yearlings. $2 751)3.75 HOG8 Receipts. 6 600 head; market 6c lower. ll;ng at 85 2.x a 15. bulk of aalea, $6.27Stj5 30. Stock la lant. Recelpta of live atock at the aix principal weatern market, yesterday: cattle Hogs. Sheen South) Omaha Sioux City ... St. Joautph ... Kansas City .. St. l-fuie Chicago Totala . 3.892 9.110 30 6.474 1.076 . 600 . 1 9 . 6.0(a) . 4,) .19,000 0 250 t 6-0 15.000 6 ' 00 tuO 30.00") ...36.M fi.OM H.W OM AH A WIIOl K. 4.1. K MARKET. Toadltloa ot Trail and Qnntattoaa on Maple and Paser r rod ace. FTOGg Receipts, fair; market quiet; cun.llpd stock, ltylSSc LIVE FOCI.TK V Hens, 8S roosfera. 6c; tuike, 1:.ii5c; ducks. 8c; spring ducks, hv: spring chickens, lfxjlno. HC'ITEK-Market firm; packing stock. 13S(il4c; choice to fancy dairy, Kiflbc; crenmery. 2i 14:1c; prints, :jc. 81 UA K Stundard gii:iuiated, 88 31 per cnt.; cubes, ti.oc per cwt.; cut loaf, 37 41 per cat.; No. 6 etra C, 3vis per cwt.; No. 10 extra C, 35 96 per cwt.; No. 16 yel low, 16 76 per cwt.; XXXX powdered, t 98 per cwt.; bar powdered. $7.40 per ewt.j eagle tablets 7 96 per cat. FRESH KifSH-Trout. :: halibut, lloi buffalo (dressed), sc, plrversl (dressed), so; white bass ( l?c, sunflsli, ac; peroni (scaled and dressed). 8c; pike. 10c; catfish, J5c; red snnpner, 10c; salmon, Inc; oiapples, 12c; eel, l.'; bullheads, lie; black buss, XOc; Manitoba whlteflnh (dressed), l(c; Lake Su perior Whitehall (dressed), 12c; frog legs, per doa., 8"c; lohsters. green, f7c; boiled lobsters. "c; shad roe. 4oc; bluefish, 8a HAY Trices quoted by Omaha Wholesale Hay Dealers' association: Choice, 17.00; N. 1. 3660; No. 8. 36.00: coarse. 36 00. These fwiies are lor hay of good color and qual tv. BRAN Fer ton. $15.09. . TROPICAL FRUir. ORANGES St. Michaels, all atcea. $4.3! extra fancy Mediterranean sweets, all sixes, $3.75; seedlings, all sliea, $3.60; Valen cia, all aiaea, 14 A. LEMONS ( Ainonlera, etra fancy. 270. 800 and 360 aiaea. ti l'6; fancy, 270, 80O and 200 aixes, 84 76; choice. 13 ;ai; 200 ' and 860 Sixes, 4 60; 210 size. $3.28; 240 slse, $3.50. DATES Per bus of 30 1-lb pkgs., 33-J8; Hallows en. In 7o-lb. boxes, per lb. o. FlGS California, per 10-lb. carton, liil t'c; In.portsd Smyiua, four-crow iu l-'c; Ova- crown, uc. BANANAS Per medlum-alsed bunch, $1.71 62 26; jumbos. S2.604i8.00. P1NEAPPI. fee-Florida, er crata of 24. 30 and 36 sixes, $4.60. FKblla AND MELONS. APRICOTS Calllurnla. per 4-basket crata, $1.10. PI. CMS California, pel 4-baaket crate. $1.1' V 1.35. PEACHES Texas cllnes, per 4-basket crate, Hue; Texas freestones, 31 .00; Califor nia free stone, per 26-lb. box, 31.10. 1 vi Km It 11 alif 01 11m.. Mac per 8 1b. box, ti.60; white, per ti-in. box, liM; Mis souri, box of 24 (its., $2.0Oi2.26. STRAWBERRIES Home grown, per 24 qt. case, $1.76u2.0u; Denver, pur case ot 24-qts.. 2.o0. CRANBKHRIF.8 Jerseys, per crata, 31. 50. GOOSEBERRIES Box of 24 qta.. 32.00. CANTALOUPES Texns. per crate, 43.00 (4.60; California, per crate, ponies, 33.00; atandards, 34.00. WATKRMEIAINS Alabama Sweets, 263 30c each; crated, 1S Der lb, RASPPERRIES-Red, box of 14 pts. $2.60; black, box of 24 pts., $2.00. BLACKBERRIES Case of 24 Qta , $2.00. TURNIPS New, per dox., 20c. CARROTS New, per dog., 20c. WAX BEANS Per S-tu. box. The; string beans, per S-bu. box, 76o; bu. box wax or string, 31.50 POTATOES Home-grown, In ancka, per bu., 36c; Colorado, per bu., 45c; new pota toes, per bu., 65o. BEANS Navy, per bu.. 32.00. CAULIFLOWER Home grown, por orate of 1 dox., fOc. CUCUMBERS rer dog.. 46e. ?EAS ), per bu. box. 31.00. OMATOES Tennessee, per 4-basket crate, 3100. SPINACH Per bu.. 60a CABBAGE Home grown, lu crates, per lb.. 2S- ONIONS New, per dor. bunches, 16o; Bermudas, pr crate of about 60 lbs., 31.3S. RADISHES Hot house or aouthern, per dox , Too. LETTUCE Hot house, per doa., 3.440c; head lettuce, per dox., 750. BEETS New. per dog., SOc. MISCELLANEOUS. CHEESE Swiss, new, ibc; Wlaconaltt brick, 14c; Wisconsin Umberger. 15c; twins, 12Sc; young Amerlcaa, L'Sc NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft ""hells, new crop, per lb., 16c; hard ahella, per lb.. 13c; No. 2 aoft shells, per lb., 12c; No. 2 hard ahells, per lb., 12c; pecans, large, per lb.. 12c; small, per lb,, 10c; peanuts, ier lb., 7c; roasted peanuts, per lb., sc; Chill walnuts, Fier lb., 12fTl3Sc; aHnonds, soft shell, per b., 17c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; shellbarK hickory nuts, per bu., $1.75; nrge hickory nuis, per bu., $1.60. Wool Market. tare dur that tne strengtn or tne wool market dur ing the marketing or the preeent clip la as sured. Trading has been quiet, chiefly be cause of the comparative scarcity of new wools. Although the available offerings of territory wools ore slowly increasing, they are still small and some time will elapse before dealers are able to allow any .hut the moat moderate amount of wool for se lection. In this market territory' wools are In fair movement, but there la a stronger market for quarter-bloods, whose position has been Improved by the higher prices abroad for cross-breeds. Pulled wools are scarce. Foreign wools are strong. Tho range In this market Is about as fol lows: Ohio and Pennsylvania XX and above, Sc; X, 33T34e; No. 1, 41tH2c; No. 2, 4:gl3c; fine tinwushed, 284(30c; quarter blood. unwashed. 354f3Be; three-eighths blood, 3c; half blood, 35c; unwashed de laine, 29S3)c; unmerchantable, 324i33c; fine washed delaine, 29'Tj40c; Michigan fine, un wnshed, 27Hc; quarter blood, unwashed. SaiiUle; three-eighths blood. 344j:Eic; half blood, SSitTc; unwashed delaine. 2ic.; Ken tucky, Indiana, etc., three-eighths and quarter blood, S54J37C. Territory Idaho, fine, 22"??-1c ; heavy fine, 19fi21c: fine me dium. 23'?T24e; medium. 26fi27c; low medium, 2V727c; Wyoming, fine, 22!i23c; heavy flne, 194)20c; flne medium. 22ffi23c: medium. W) 27c; low medium, 22a'23c; I'lah and Nevada, flne, 22f?23c; heavy flne, lSfg20c; fine me dium, 2241 23c; medium. 20f27c; low medium, 27i2kc; Dakota, fine. 22u2.Tr; flne medium, 22'323c: medium, 26W7c; low medium. 2V 27c; Montana, flne choice, 254j26c; flne aver age, 23Q24c; flne medium choice, 26iff26cj average, 21rfrJ2c; staple, 284v30c; medium choice. 2Rff30e. LONDON, July 12.-WOOL The offerlnrs at the wool sales today amounted to 13.430 bales. Light croRshreds sold briskly; low and Inferior grades were irregular; scoured were Ann and there was a good demand for sllpes. Following are the sales: New South Wales, 1.400 bales; scoured. 8Sdig?s; greasy, 64df?lB 2Sd. Queensland. 200 ales; scoured. Is SdriTIs llSd; greasy SSIi'llrl. Victoria. 400 hales; scoured, HHt ffis Ud; rrreasy lodftls SSd. South Aus tralia. 400 bales; scoured, Istgls 9Sd greasv 7W14?'ls Sd. Tasmania, 400 bales; greasv, Sdurls 3Sd. New Zealand. 8 100 bales; scoured. Ildfr'ls lid; greasy. 7d?f'1s 4S1. Cape of Good Hope and Natal, 6'rt bales; greasy. 6H(f7imd. River Plate 2u0 bales; scoured. 9SdtfH RSd; greasy, mftd. Falk land Islands, 400 hnles; greasy. 7SRllSd Punta Arenas. 1,40 hales; scoured. Is 4S4 fils 6Sd: e-ressy, 9Sd(jls Id. ST. LOUIS, July 13-WOOI-Steadv: Medium grades, combing and clnthlnar M telle; light flnv 21(ff27c; heavy fine, 84i22ci tub washed. 8M,-42c. " REAL ESTATE THANSfrEHS. Deeds filed for record July 12, as furnished by the Midland Guarantee and Trust comiwny, bonded abstracter, 1614 Faraam street, for The Bee: Maiy Benuk to Frank Rctmk. part of lot S, block 10S, South Omaha $ Fannie Nevries to Sophia K. Erath, lot 18, block 8, Colkling place G. H. Giilou to A. C. lllinebaugli, lot 4, block 2, West Omaha Q P. Mills and wife to L. C. Haider, lot 17, block 2, First add. to Missouri Ave. park W. C. Kuchn and wife to J. F. Fren- 30 250 xer, part lot 23. McCandlltth Place... J. F. Frenxer to Metz Brewing Co. 3.600 3.50) same property A. L. Jgckman and wife to G. E. Barker, lot 21. block ?. Mayne Place.. South Omaha Land Co. 10 J. Htaw- nilak. lots 4 and 6, 8'iuth Omaha..,,. 8. Carr et al, trusteos, to C. B. & Q. railway, part of lot 7, East Omaha.. Fidelity and Casualty Co. to J. Ew- bank. lot 17, block 1, Institute Place, and other property 3.500 8o0 J. Euhank ntid wife to E. N nolds. sainA property Rey- Hattl.. M. Whitehead to L. W. Mar si. nil. undivided S of blocks as, and 96, llenson 8. D. Bines and wife to Hirtings A H., lots 3 and 6, block . Summit .... A. A. Herman to E J. Samuelsonson, lot 11, block 0, Isnbil J. fl. Set, tilts and wlf to Mary Scliultr. piirt of lot 12. Nelsons O. H. Prltchett to Peter Jessn, tr.. lots 16 and 17 and part of 18, Pel hHin Place J. H. Wde. trustee to ". Caniblln. part of lot !. block 6. Patrick's Add.. J. Smith and wife to W. R. Wall, lot 8. block 66. Florence , 1.0OO 2-0 Edwards-Wood Co. MarorpoFSI. Haln Clfica: Fil'h anil Robert Slrttt ST fAUU. fllNN. C EALE.RS 1 8$ Stocks, Grain, Provision Ship Your Grain to Us tlrauck Oltlee. llO-Ill Hoard of Trad Bids.. Oaeaha. Neb. Telrphnaa 8.'. 14. :ij-214 Exchange Lllg.. South Omaha Bfl l liolie U. iudetveadeut 'fbuu 1 10 60 600 1 27S 1