Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1905, Page 5, Image 5

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    Tnn OMAITA DAILY BEE: TlimSDAY, ,TfI,Y IS. 1905.
Inch Street Work to Burt bj Tour
Diffsrent Firms.
Am on Marar Affliee Ilia Mm.
natare Cltr F.naloeer win
Ulre the Wort to
A tight to gladden the hoarts of reldints
In promised within a day or two, when four
lavlng firms will begin work on as many
Jobs on different streets. Contracts and
bonds for five batches of new paving were
approved by the council Tuesday night, and
as soon as the mayor affixes Ills signature
City Engineer nosewater will give the word
to begin action. All the big paving con
tractors of the city get a llr out of the
first bunch of streets. Trices are pro
nounced reasonable and each firm has de
clared its Intention to start work Just as
noon as the engineer signs the order. Con
tractor Fanning has already started to
"clean up" In anticipation of authorized
Fanning will have Bpauldlng street from I
Twenty.fourthto Thirtieth and Seventeenth
avenue from Jackson to Leavenworth with j
Purlngton brick block at 11.76 and II. M a '
yard, respectively. On the latter thorough- ,
fare the Commercial Land company cap
tured the .curbing with Bedford atone at !
06 cents a foot.
What Marphr Will tin.
Hugh Murphy will pave Eighteenth street
from Corby to Spencer with Furtngton I
brick at 11.8a, the Commercial Land com
pany curbing with Bedford stone at 67
cents a foot. The other Jobs Include the
curbing. Twenty-sixth street from Dodgo
to Chicago will be paved with asphalt by
the Barber company for 11.64 a yard, and
the Nebraska Bitulltlilo company will put
down the flooring on Capitol avenue for
11.40. Differences In price are due to the
thickness of the base and foundations
called for.
The council Tueday night passed ordi
nances creating paving Improvement dist
ricts for Twenty-fifth street from Dodge
to California, Davenport from Fortieth to
Forty-third, California from Tweny-third
to Tweny-slxth and Maple from Twen
tieth to Twenty-fourth. Ordinances were
Introduced ordering the work on Leaven
worth street from Park avenue to Thirty
seventh and on Twentieth street from Far
nam to Leavenworth,
The municipal asphalt plant did not run
Tuesday owing to alterations necessary in
the sand drum and a spiral conveyor.
These had to be set differently. Gangs
were cleaning out the holes on Bouth Six
teenth street and the mixing of asphalt will
be resumed Wednesday.
Attorney for Dennlaon Secures Testi
mony in Denver for Second
The announcement of Elmer B. Thomas
that he proposed to push for trial the sec
ond case at Red Oak against Tom Dennl
son has been promptly followed by the tak
ing of additional testimony by the defense.
W. J. Connell, leading attorney for Dennl
son, returned from Denver this morning,
where he obtained the depositions of A. O.
Orant In corroboration of the statement of
Charley O'Conner, an engineer on the
Union Pacific, who testified in the former
trial that he and Orant were with Tom
Dennlson at the time Shercllffe swore the
diamond robbery Job was put up. t
''Ur'aiA was very sick at the time of the
first trial and was unable to give his tes
timony in support of the statements of
Dennlson," said Mr. Connell. "At the
next trial it will be the positive evidence
of three witnesses against Shercllffe on
the Important point In the case. The tes
timony for the defense will be much more
effective and conclusive than it was at the
first trial."
Mr. Connell further states that although
he regards the declaration of Elmer E.
Thomas concerning the trial of the second
case as mere clap-trap and buncombe, he
proposes to proceed In preparing the de
fense as though such statements were au
thorized and in good faith.
The costs of the second trial will far ex
ceed the cost of the first trial, according
to Mr. Connell, for the reason that a num
ber of additional witnesses will be called.
Mr. Connell says he proposes to pro
ceed with the taking of a large number of
additional depositions and to force the
case to a final trial at the October term.
"It will not be allowed to stand," said
Mr. Connell. "as a campaign club for the
Civic Federation In future elections."
'ih K4m. FT
. M -'iMt'S: I "J
f -
TOM ROGERS Always Cool as a Cucumber.
City Clerk Announoei He Will Test Eegis
tration Featire in Courts.
Place i for Registration and Primaries Art
' fixed for Thii Fall
Mayor and City Clerk More In Pre
paring: for the Election and Com
pliance with Xevr I an at
Request of County,
Terrible Illaasiet Averted.
The terrible disaster of nervous break
down, caused by dyspepsia, is averted by
Electrlo Bitters. 50c; guaranteed. For sale
by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Announcements of the Theaters.
This evening at the Boyd the Ferris
Stock company will present for the first
time In Omaha "A Mother's Sacrifice." a
comedy-drama by Harry McKee. Miss
Pavey has a good part In It, one that was
written especially for her, while Mr. Mc
Kee and Miss Carmontelle have a pair of
splendid comedy parts. The piece will be
the bill for the ret of the week.
Matter of Fonrth Day of Registra
tion la What la Pussllng
the Brain of Mr.
City Clerk Elbourn has announced that
he will try to have certain features of the
Dodge primary election law tested In court
before attempting to carry out proceedings
relating to the registration of voters this
"The question that I am most Interested
In having decided is whether or not a
fourth day of registration, sr. upon the
same day the primaries are held, Is really
provided by the law," says the city clerk.
"The Dodge law seems to arrange for
registration on rrlmary day, yet it does
not repeal or ni nd that section of the
general election law which says the registration-
of voters shall be done on three
days within three weeks of election day
and at no other time. This last phrase Is
what forces the Issue, to my mind.
Wanta Written Opinion.
"If I understand the opinion of the city
attorney correctly, he thinks the fourth
day of registration must be accorded. I
Intend to ask him for a written opinion,
but after I have obtained it I Intend to
have the question taken into court by some
taxpayer, as I do not care to act one way
or the other without a specific order from
the court."
Arrangements are being made by County
Clerk Drexel for burning the proclamation
for the primaries. He plans to get the no
tice out July 20 and is now negotiating for
polling places. This call has nothing what
ever to do with registration, the latter
being in the hands of the city government.
The Elbourn suit will make two that
are promised attacking the Dodge law, the
other coming from the socialists, who al
lege that the rights of suffrage are in
fringed upon by charging filing fees for
the primaries, participation In the pri
maries being required in order to get
tickets on the official election ballot. .
Mt. Clemens, the Mineral Rath City,
is reached without change of cars only by
the Orand Trunk Railway System.
Time tables and a beautiful descriptive
pamphlet will be mailed free on application
to Geo. W. Vaux. A. O. P. & T. A., 135
Adams St., Chicago.
K-K wedding rings. Ed holm. Jeweler.
Marriage License.
The, following marriage licenses have
been Issued:
Name and Residence. Age.
Anton Cape. Omaha M
Annie Burslk. Omaha 21
Anthony Novotny. South Omaha M
Mary Drapel. Omaha , 21
William W. WUkenaon. Lincoln i
Mary Z. Bohlman. Courtland, Neb 29
David J. lioban. Omaha
Nell C. Barry. South Omaha 21
Anton Fiance, Omaha 22
Mary Perchal, Omaha
Notice Krand. v
Any person offering for sale photo tick
ets on our studio is a fraud. Heyn, The
Photographer, S13-15-17 South 15th St.
In reference to the above we wish to say
that we will give to each holder of a $30
photo ticket making statement that they
bought the ticket before June 30, 196, and
believing, through misrepresentations, that
they were buying a ticket from the gen
uine and original Heyn studio, one dozen
of our regular $6.00 photos for 13.00. Tills
means bona flde $6.00 photos. This should
be sufficient to fully warn and protect
everybody. Heyn, The Photographer, 313-15-17
S. 15th St., east side. Est. 18S1 Granite
block since 186.
ested extensively in the poultry raising bus!
ness at Fremont anil states that the crop
conditions In the Missouri valley were
never brtRhter than they are this year.
The small grain, he states, Is in better
condition than It has been ror nrteen years,
while the corn Is in good condition, con
sidering the fact that a great deal of it
had to be replanted.
Southwest Improvers Determined to
Get the Kerr Surface Laid on
Twenty-Fourth Street.
"The Southwest Improvement club may
be called a bunch of kickers, but I want to
toll you boys that we go after what we
want and we get It," said a member of tha
club at the regular meeting held last even
ing at Twenty-fourth and Leavenworth
streets. yAnd as the speaker voiced the pol
icy of the organization he brought his hand
down on the president's table In a manner
that carried conviction with his remarks.
The club is now making an effort to get
Twenty-fourth street paved from Vinton to
Leavenworth street, a distance of 13,000 foet,
and every mother's son of the club feels
confident that they will succeed Just as they
did In securing the Twenty-fourth street
viaduct. There Is no such word as fall in
the bylaws of the Southwest Improvement
The street railway company has prom
ised to lay tracks on the portion of Twenty
fourth street mentioned Just so soon as the
paving is started. It is necessary for the
club to have a majority of the property
owners sign the petition for the paving be
fore the matter can be brought before the
city council. It was reported last evening
that 4,051 feet of the street has already
been signed up, with Member Corneer jet
to hear from. Mr. Corneer Is out with a
petition, and was not present at the meet
ing lost evening, but It is rumored he will
secure nearly enough to make the Joint pe
tition the required size. It Is the hope of
the members to have the matter well In
hand by the next meeting, two weeks hence.
One of the members reported last evening
that the street railway company is quite
enthustnstlo over the matter and has signed
for one block of the paving.
Inasmuch as the various paving petitions
now in cannot all be disposed of this year,
the Southwest club hopes to get In on the
ground floor next spring.
The sidewalk committee reported that the
sidewalk Inspector had Inspected walks on
Twenty-second street and had the matter
of permanent walks In hand. Permanent
walks have been ordered on the east side
of Twenty-fifth street, from Leavenworth
to Pacific street, It was reported. The mem
bers of the olub brought the meeting to a
close with a Short Informal discussion of
the public needs on the South Side.
Grand Picnic.
The Brotherhood or. Kaiiway Trainmen
will give its first annual picnic at Platts
mouth, Sunday, July 16. Prizes to be given
for the event may be seen in the windows
of the Nebraska Clothing company. Trains
leave Webster Street depot, via Missouri
Pacific, at i a. m. Tickets may be prooured
from the committee at the depot. Round
trip. $1; children under 12. 50 eents.
Crop Outlook Pleasing.
C H. Havens of Fremont arrived In the
cit i last night on bustnesp and is stooping
at 'the Merchants. Mr. Havens Is Inter-
f ff m iu woman napps
XjJcWDirDglDd & "zpill
w it her nature to lore
j - .i
n Fl fl Jt aim wtiu uiein
The critical ordeal through which the expectant mother must
pa, however, is so fraught with dread, pain, Buffering and danger,
that the very thought of it filla her with apprehension and horror.
There is no necessity for the reproduction of life to be either painful
or daneeroua. The uie of Mother's Friend so prepares tho system for
the coming event that it is safely passed without any danger.
. i j --r,, l
sica auu wwuuoum u, mm mm
remedy is always ! inmrflii'i
of women through 0 ff
at pno.les. tsIu. to all expeclaul Bolbtrt J J U Kmmmf U U K0J
Arrest of Sheet? Station Pair Re
garded by Detectives aa
Good Haul.
Special Agent John C. Vlzzard of the
Union Pacific says ho believes that In the
arrest of Mr. and Mrs. Herschman of
Sheely station one of the worst fences dis
covered here for some time has been
broken up. Mr. Vlzzard saya he has In
formation that the Herschmans have been
going and coming at all hours of the night
with plunder they bought, either unwit
tingly or knowingly as stolen property.
The Herschmans were arrested last week
on the charge of receiving stolen property
and taken to South Omaha on a warrant
by Detective Ellxfelder, who said a bur
glary charge probably would be filed
against them.
A large quantity of brass, Identified as
having been taken from a Northwestern
switch house at South Omaha, was found
in the Herschman house.
In connection with the theft of brass
from the railroads, Mr. Vlzzard says the
thieves have become so bold of late as to
raUe the cars on side tracks with Jacks
and take out the brass Journal bearings
from the running gear.
A Mlracutoua Escape
from bledlng to death had A. Plnske,
Nashotah, Wis., who healed his wound
with liucklen's Arnica Salve. jSo. For
sale by Sherman & McConnell Drug Co,
fl3.SO to St. Paul and Minneapolis
and Reiura Via Chicago Great
Western Railway.
Tickets on sale dally to September ftth.
Final return limit October Cst. Also equally
low rates to Minnesota, North Dakota,
Colorado. Utah and Wyoming points. Foi
further Information apply to 8. D. Park
hurst, general agent, 1511 Farnam street,
Omaha, Neb.
Bam'l Burns Is closing out gas fixtures at
Harry li. Davis, undertaker. Tel 1SIC
Working In accordance with the wishes
of County Clerk Drexel, the mayor and
city clerk yesterday located the places
for registration and primaries. The under
standing between the city and the county
Is that the county pays the rental for the
booths while the city is to supply the
furnishings. These furnishings consist of
railings, tables, etc. In addition to the ,
rental the county pays for the supplies
The following locations have been de
cided upon:
First Ward First precinct, Fltzslmmons'
barber shop. Twentieth nnd Missouri ave
nue. Second precinct, Wright's tin shop,
Twenty-fourth and K streets.
Second Ward First precinct. Twenty
first and U streets. Second precinct, Twenty-fourth
and Q streets.
Third Ward First precinct, 876 South
F.ighteenth street. Second precinct, Thirty
fourth and U streets.
Fourth Ward First precinct, Offerman
building. Twenty-fifth nnd P streets. Sec
ond precinct, KUker building, Thirtieth and
U streets.
Fifth Ward-First precinct. Bradford
Kennedy -Lumber company, F street and
railroad tracks. Second precinct Lenagh
Coal company, Thirty-nlnih and L streets.
Sixth Ward First rreclnct, Markey's
bakers, Twenty-fourth and F streets. Sec
ond precinct, 419 Norjh Twenty-fifth street.
Cltr Officials Sore.
A number of city officials are showing
ore spots on account of the paving of
Twenty-fourth street with brick being
blocked by a remonstrance. When the
remonstrance was filed It was hoped that
flaws enough would be discovered to de
clare the petition invalid, but it looks now
as if this cannot be done. Mayor Koutsky,
tilong with other city officials, is reported
at the city hall as having gone on record
as saying that not a penny will be put
In on repairs to the pavement. Cntll re
cently the street gang used to haul a load
of broken stone to the street and dump
into holes. Tlvls Is to be stopped and the
people who use the street are to be pun
ished for having signed the remonstrance.
On the other hand, the renionatrators
assert that they will demand of the mayor
and council that steps be taken to repair
the street as soon as the 1906 levy Is avail
able. If this is not done the remonstralors
threaten to take steps to tie up the street
repair funds so that no Improvements or
repairs in any part of the city can be
made. With every day comes something
new in this paving fight and even the best
Informed city officials do not seem to know
where they "are at."
I'pdlke Elevator Motors.
The Omaha Electric Light and Power
company is installing motors at the new
Updike grain elevator which Is located at
a point about 1.2U0 feet north of the L
street viaduct on stock yards property.
These motors call for 160 horse-power and
practically one floor will be given up in the
elovator building for these motors.
The current necessary for the moving
of these motors will come direct from
Omaha through a station at Sheely. Thero
is some little delay lii , receiving heavy
cables for these motors,' but the electric
light company figures that It will be ready
with Its motors as soon as the elevator
Is completed and ready for business. Sep
tember 1 is the date set for the opening
of tha elevator. .
Poultry Club' Organised.
In response to a call sent out some ten
days or two weeks ago the poultry fan
ciers of Douglas county and Sarpy county
met at the office of H. B. Fleharty last
night and organized a club. The officers
are: H. B. Fleharty, president; Samuel
Nevlns, vice president; . H. Sloane, sec
retary; F, A. Agnew, treasurer. Andrew
Fai rer, P. C. Caldwell, II. Gs Klddoo, W.
D. Slambaugh, J. M. Mills, A. G. Bur
bank, M. Brown, Dr. Turner and J. C.
Blxby were named as directors. It is the
Intention of the club to give a poultry show
in South Omaha In January. Those who
desire to Join the club are requested to
write to W, II. Sloane, secretary, at 2411
N street.
Club Offers Services.
The Northeast Improvement club appears
to be wide awake regarding the condition
of the pavement on Twenty-fourth street.
Following is a copy of a resolution pasBed
Tuesday night by the club: Be it resolved.
That the Northeast Improvement club de
plores the condition of affairs that have
developed to retard the paving of Twenty
fourth street and offers its services as a
club to the city council to assist in any
way to bring about the paving of the
Delinquent Personal Taxes.
B. E. Ridgeway, personal tax collector
in the employ of City Treasurer Howe,
has filed a report showing the amount of
personal taxes he has collected from de
linquents. Commencing with the year lsS9
and ending with 1904 Mr. Kldgway has col
lected $12,239. Of this sum 110,444 Is for
taxes and the balance Is on account of ac
cumulated interest. The above amount
does not Include any corporation taxes.
During the time Ridgeway has been at
work his compensation from the city has
amounted to $S26.
Even Police Court Dull.
Everything is so quiet in South Omaha
these days that hardly an arrest has been
recorded In two days. Judge King left
for his home at noon yesterday on account
of there being nothing to keep him on the
bench. No effort was made by the local
police to locate the holdups who were re
ported to having robbed the saloon at
Thirty-second and B streets Tuesday night.
Wants Fire Hall Moved.
Dworak of the city council appears to
want the fire hall In Brown park moved to
some other location. The city now has a
lease on the ground at the nominal rental
of 125 a year. This lease expires In Sep
tember. Mr. Dworak itfmi to think that
the present location is not suitable for
a fire house and he wants the clfy to go
to the expense of buying a lot and moving
the building. As the fire hall stands now
It Is an uphill run for the team, no matter
where the alarm comes from, but the ques
tion Is, has the city the money to spare
to buy a lot. At the time the lot was
leased there was objection to It on account
of the heavy grades, but A. R. Kelly, who
was then mayor. Insisted and the lease
was made. If funds ran be found available
the chances are that Dworak will have his
way and that a piece of property will be
purchased by the city for the fire depart'
Sonfh Omaha Man Honored.
Oeorge H. Brewer has returned from Lin
coin, where he attended the session of the
State Board of Embalmers. After having
served one term of three years. Mr. Brew?r
was reappointed by the State Board of
Health as a member of the State Board of
Embalmers. Two out of three years of Mr,
Brewer's first term he serve 4 as president
of the board. At the reorganization of the
board after the reappointment Mr. Brewer
waa chosen as president of the board for
another term.
Mr. Brewer Is on of the leading under
takers of South Omaha and ha dsveted
considerable time and attention to the work
of the State Hoard of Embalmers.
Adjourned lectins Tonight.
This evening the city council will nee!
In adjourned session and will transact some
deferred business along with the annual
levy ordinance, which Is to be Introduced.
As far as known the finance and judiciary
committees have not made any cbnnge In
the report of the expenditures needed for
the coming fiscal year and the appropria
tion will most likely be made accordingly.
The annual levy nnd approprliitlon ordi
nance Is one of the principal features of
the work of the city In each year and one
that is watched closely by property owners.
Officers Flection Tonight.
This evening the Highland Park Improve
ment club Is to meet for the purpose of
electing officers. The meeting Is to be held
at Lincoln school building. Officers of thi
club declare that the club has done a great
deal of good work In furthering improve
ments in the city during the last year nnj
that this work Is to continue. In Its call
for the meeting tonight the officers of tha
club assert that great good has been ac
complished and that it Is the desire of the
officers to have every' member attend the
meeting tonight. "
Maalc City Gossip.
Jay Laverty has returned from a busi
ness trip to South Dakota.
Hog receipts were satisfactory again yes
terday and shippers appeared to be satis
fied. Chief Brlggs has learned that William
Morgan has gone to Sioux City, and he will
not go after him.
Sanitary Instector Jones reports that Ihe
emergency hospital will be all right again
as soon as the water subsides.
Henry C. Richmond received word yes
terday that his sister, Mrs. E. B. Hudson,
died a dav or two ago at her home at
Bright, Miss.
Frank Boulder, an employe of Georgo
Adams Frederick coniany at the Liv)
Stock exchange, was taken suddenly 111
Wednesday afternoon and was taken to the
South Omaha hospital In Brewer's ambu
Governor Thinks President Not
Powerless to Secure Legisla
tion to Curb Trnata.
While in Omaha Tuesday Governor
Mickey expressed regret that Thomas W
Lawson had announced that he considered
the president powerless In bringing about
legislation to curb the powers of trusts,
railroads and other combinations of wealth
because congress would tie the executive's
"I hold no such views," said the governor,
"for I have faith in congress as well as In
the president. We all know that at present
the house of representatives la willing to
follow out the president's wishes and to act
for the people. It has seemed as though
the senate was standing out against regu
lation of the money and Business powers,
but in my own opinion the senate Is being
gradually forced out of Ui! position. If
the higher body of congress does not take
this attitude at the next session the time
will come soon when it will have to. It
may take some time for the will of the peo
ple to operate on the senators, but It will
be exercised sooner or later Just the same,
I am confident of this and do not share.
therefore. In Mr. Lawgon's prognosttca
tlons that the government will not do any
thing to curb the great combinations of
Room for Exhibits la Relnn; Taken
and Rig; Display la
Looked For.
Space Is being rapidly taken for exhibits
at the pure food show which Is to be given
August 14 to 24 In the Auditorium by the
Nebraska Retail Merchants' association in
co-operation with the Omaha Retail Gro
cers' association. All of the double booths
have been sold and nearly all of the largo
single booths are taken. Some of the
largest firms In the country have closed
contracts for space. Manager Dean ex
pects that by August 1 every Inch of space
will be sold, as many manufacturers are
writing every day to see about booths.
He requests all firms which wish to dtm
onstrate their goods 'at the show to se
cure space at once at 920 New York Life
The grocery stores will distribute 150,000
tickets to their customers. With one of
these tickets and 10 cents any person will
be admitted In the afternoon, and with
one of these tickets and 15 cents he will be
admitted In the evening. At cities where
the show has been given it has been
crowded both afternoon and evening by
women watching the demonstrations in the
cooking and preparing of various foods.
Veteran Firemen Meet.
The regular meeting of the Veteran Fire
men's association was held last night in
the office of the fire chief in the cltv hall.
County Commissioner H. L. McDonald and
Charles Hciiutt sent In applications for
membership and were accepted. A com
mittee was appointed to secure badges for
the members of the association to wear
on banquet and other occasions, which will
give them a mark of distinction. Frank
Koesters. Judge William Altstadt and Na
than lMllot were appointed to get the
badges. It was also decided to have the
association picnic at one of the resorts
some time In August. The exact time or
place for the outing has not yet been announced.
C. E. Rhipnon, a prominent merchant
of ManvlUe, wyo., ha been ennflnvd at
Clarkson hospital since Saturday with
typhoid fever. He I progressing nicely and
on the way to speedy recovery.
A Skin cf Beauty l a Joy Forevor.
iR. T. Fllx Oouraud's Oriental
Cream or Magloel Beeutifler.
gUmovM Tan. rtmplML
FrecUM, jVMb Ktchet,
BmL, tad bklD. riarftit,
to a every Ditrmu.
on boftuty, and tl
Am dciectloo. It
bu ttotxl iht tit
of 67 yeara. aiid
ti ao fearioleM we
taatett loboaurclt
ta pmrxrlv maria.
Accapl no counter
Ml of nr.Uar
narnt. Dr. L. A.
Bavra aaid to a
lady of Ilia haut
ton (ft pMleutM
M At you lad lea
VU1 QM tl.rm.
I a mi n in tin a
pmrmA'm Crenm' at tha lit harmful t ail tb
kin Dreparauoni." Fr aala by all drui;tia and Fancy.
Good Delen lb tha United Btataa, Cautuia aod Kuropa.
FEW. T.HOPIINS, Prep, 37 Greit Jones Strat. In Tori
It make the toilet something to b en
joyed. It removes all itaint and roughnest,
prevents prickly beat and chafing, and
leave the skin white, toft, healthy. In the
bath It brings a glow and exhilaration which
no common soap can equal, imparting the
vigor and life sensation of a mud Turkish
bath. All Gsociri and Dkuogist
deimle arh upos hie ooairor a ad fcapptnaaa. W
aim to mm our boje kappjr, brlnU lim into
pirNseanl. renni roifcttcx.aiitp frith Instructor, air
thorn mvmrr op ortumi irt ieurn elf cont rl rrwher
than be ronlroUwt. and uU trunlijg to their honor
niiaiatn lutntniot e4 dilpiine uf the biant-et
orice. Thua w huiid iie aelf reliunt. maty ohaiao
aer. OIIumu DM ailed tor kaalthiu)aewj lotmtton
a-!!? aootMelbl. bom 4 ht ho-fc let "A71 to
n V7 w
t li iiii
U 11
Lithia Water
Strong Testimony From the Uni
versity of Virginia;
James L.Cabell, M.D., A.M., LL.D., tnrmtr Prof. Tynolwv and Swyrv In IS
MrtitcuHTirtmtntof iic ( 'nitvrsuy of r. R I T CITA. I fl I tTUf A UATTD
D.m,nrt lr oft. Sai l Hoard of Hrailh: UUT I ALU tl 1 flll TYAI ttl
In Uric AcIC Diathesis It a wrll known tbsramtiiiia reour. It lioulU l roognls4
by the protttsiloD as sn article of Materia Medlca,"
Df. P. B. Barrlnger, Chairman of rnmlty and Profrttnr of Phftiotoffy, fnivrtUjf
o 1'irmiiu, WttrtoUfnlle, Yn.: "Aftsr twsnlr vam' prarllo I have no liMltanoy la
hTi'foiimlnot'hU.o"mnp"ew"th BUFFALO LlTHIA WATER vsnUDg
Uric Acid Deposits In ths body."
W m. B. TowlOS, M. D.( late Prof, of Annlomy and Materia Mrdien, f i-riri
of l a.. 'ln Uric Acid iMathesIs, Gout. Rrieumatlam. Rheumatic Oovt. Renal Calculi
;7dn-:,0rn:m,.d,P,,t'pVr.1,1.0wo UUFFALO LHHIAWATEfl XT"
Voluminous roedlral tastlmony sent on refusal. Kor sale by lbs (susrsl drug snsl
mineral water trade. Hote at Springs now Open.
Is made in a larger sized
cake than the ordinary
toilet soap, and while mod
erate in price is of exquisite
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are perfect; soothes and
softens the skin.
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tm. -m. rut. -f '
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he Lakes ofMnnes'ota--.
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Military Academy
uiatsi im lstbcsi miliary scaaol
the Middle Wet. fecod for catalog ua.
Leiingtcn, Mo. (Near Kansas City). Founded 1 80S
6lBor Beerrlo U'Aona, I'lractor of, present throughout the year. Italian method.
BOBEBT N. WOU, B .. S.u..r KDWAkU W. WHITE. Prececal.
UnA year The Col 1 1 is e- I'nivei mty train ed faculty. Herman-American C'oneerva
tory. In charge ot bit1h1Iii(. Art, Elocution, Coukln and bualnraa Couraea. Ko
SaU oaus. iduTca JOHN W. WILUON. f resident. No. 43 Cullers Tlace. MeJtlgo. Ma.