Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1905, Page 4, Image 4

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    Tiif, Omaha Daily Urn
ticrmb or Bt npcRtrTioN.
tally l'e (without ftnnrlny), one year., tt 00
I'slly He and Sunday, one year
Illustrated Urn. on year
Siiti'lav llee, on year
futtirdav llee, one yr
Twentieth Century Farmer, one year..
1 y
iiEt.ivKRr.i) by carrier.
Pally pea (without Sunday), per ropy.... In
JMlly liee (without Sunday), per week ..12a
nlly He (Including Sunday), per Week..l7u
Kvnn Pee (without Sunday), per wwk 7c
Kvenlng ia (Including Huiiday). Ir
Putiilxy Men, jw r ropy i o
Complaints of Irregularities In delivery
Should be sddressed to City Circulation De
partment. ,
OmahaTh Bee Iltilldlng.
Houth Omaha-City Hall bultcllns. Twenty
flfth and M street.
Council Bluffe-io pearl street.
Chicago-IMS) t'nlty building
Now York-lSOS Horn 1.1 fa Insurance
Washington Ml Fourteenth street.
Communications relating to news anil edi
torial matter ahonlil ha addressed: Omaha
lire, Kdltorlal Department.
Remit by draft, express or postal order,
payable to Tim ltee Publishing Company.
Only t-oent stamps received In payment l
mull account. l'rrsnnnl checks, except on
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State of Nebraska. Douslae County, aa.:
C. C. Koacwntrr, secretary "f in"
Publishing Company, pent duly sworn,
aaya that the act mil nunilwr of full and
complete copies of Tim lally. Morning.
Kvenln and Hundxy Ha printed dining tho
month of June, Ihuo, waa aa followe:
no, mo
82. 1 HO
no, Tito
Total ,
Less unauld copies.
.. O.IH I
Nat total aalaa...
Daily sveregs ...
BuhaiTlbed In tny preaenca and aworn to
befoia nia th'a 7tli day of July. 1;
Notary I'uhlio.
Nabaorlbara leavlac tha city tem
pararlly akonld haa Tha Daa
mailed to them. It la better than
dally letter frana hoane. Ad
dreaa will be cbaaged aa eftea aa
I '. - . - I
To keep out ot trouble follow the rule
ot Uie road.
Tha Jannucao have Ixyuu to cxtcr
ruinate "outlaws" lu1 Cored. Kvldently
the native arc noutrnl or tload.
The "leol't" Imnk In now re
clvcr'e bunk. The people's pwrt of thu
tnctltutlon Hponia to linre Imhu to fur
Utah the luonry for tho promoters to
ltcnrts frtini the vlntr whtnt crop
of Nebraska show that the Heaatnn fly
muat bsvxben an angel uuawaree, for
the largeat imp Ih bUtory Is belujj bar
vested. The creditors of llankrupt Devlin In
Chios go sny they will watt before In
stitutlnf proortHlluifs. Perhaps they
wsnt to learn whether the aaaets will
pay the costs.
The call of the president of tho New
York Cotton exchange for full Investiga
tion of tho statistics scandal roads like
the demand of a man who fears he may
get what be asks for.
Comptroller Ixbeck should calm bis
fears. The city council may be de
pended upou to see that enough money
Is left In the general fund at least to
pay their own salaries.
nd now we are told that Tom Ijiw
on It a very week and faint hearted
democrat After lfW, 1000 and 1904
most democrats have found themselves
weak and faint-hearted.
The prohibition "crank" who wrecked
three saloons In Kausas stole the dyna
mite with which be committed the deed
It la possible therefore that be may uot
eacape punishment entirely.
The g-ood effects of police interference
with automobile scorchers Is plainly vis
ible, but It must be bard for some ot the
T-uthuatant who have bad the throttle
w ide open so long to restrain themselves
It waa a Frenchman who waa con
victed ot veiling Japanese secrets to the
Russians, And that is about all that
France baa secured from the alliance
except a Urge amount of depreciated
Tbs day after the Antcricuu rvs had
declared MuravteS "strong and just" a
movement waa started at St Petersburg
for at removal Tbs peace envoy must
have developed new Qualities slue he
left Russia.
The Lincoln Star sart that the Isst
Pat Crow fake has dropped, from mem
ory and tt Is about time for another
Installment ot the fraud. Kvery one
berea bouts know where to took for the
next Installment.
Former ailuister IVIcssee of Franc
refers to tie settlement with Germany
aa though tt would have been much bet
ter bad Lis band slguej the final note.
M. Detcasse's position Is fortunate, lie
raft either rejoice over the mUtskes ot
his aaocesaor or clatiu credit fur bis
Ivwa at Lincoln, wber they Lave a
municipal water plant the city engineer
bss Just made an official report la w hu-h
be declares: ''You have hers the most
expetttfv water works system In the
world." Perusal of tbe pink natrr
printers bad led us to belie e that
Owtaha had the ooat expensive water
tatks sjsuat U the world..
ir.rARTMKHT vr aqhh txrrwfc
When the Department of Agriculture
was created and for a number of years
aftT It was retarded by many as a
uaeleas addition te the executive branch
of the government, not likely ever to
le of any practical value to the agrl
culttinil Interest of the country. This
bus been showu to have iH-en a mls
tr.keu view and there are few If any
now who will assert that this depart
ment has not been of benefit to the
farmers of the country. Especially un
der its present head It has been of very
decided UHcfulness. In bis lust annual
mcssaKe President Itoosevelt aald that
the department has grown Into an edu
cational Institution with a faculty of
2,xx) specialists making; research into
all the sciences of production. Its work
reaches every state and territory In the
union. Co-operation Is bad with the
state experlmeuf stations and with
many other Institutions and Individuals.
The world Is carefully searched for new
varieties of grain, fruits, grasses, vege
tables, trees and shrubs suitable to va
rious localities In our country, and
marked leneflt to our producers has re
sulted. During tho Inst seven years the
department has given facilities for post
graduate work to 600 young men from
state agricultural colleges, preparing
thrni for advanced lines of work In the
department and In the state Institutions.
There are other valuable services being
performed by tho Department of Agri
culture. Tor the first time In Its history that
department Is subjected to reproach
through the misconduct of some of Its
officials. Discredit Is cast ujmn ono of
its most important functions, that of
crop reporting, ttccnuse of the disclosure
that one or more persons employed in
the bureau of statistics have !ecn giving
out to speculators advance Information
tn cotton and other crop statistics. As
'-'"dy noted a movement has been
" In New York looking to a dls-
ce of the government crop re-
k.. probably it determined etTort
will U .iiitde to Induce congress to cut
off the appropriation for these reports.
There Is no questlou that a great wrong
has been done the government In the
leakage of crop Information that has
been discovered, but as we have before
remarked thla does not give warrant for
a sweeping condemnation of the depart
ment or for utterly discrediting Its sta
tistical bureau. Ilecause one or several
men betray the trust reposed In them Is
not a sufficient reason for distrusting an
entire department or even the bureau In
which the betrayal occurred.
Meanwhile the question Is jis to what
enn be done with those who shall be
found to have betrayed their trust. An
nouncement Is made that there Is to be
a thorough Investigation. This Is what
was to have been expected. Secretary
Wilson Is not the sort of man to let a
matter of this kind go without probing
It to the very bottom. He promptly dis
missed the assistant statistician upon
whom an offense waa fixed and If there
are others who have been giving out In
formation to speculator! or Juggling fig
ures the secretary, tt Is not to be
doubted, will be found as eager as any
body to discover them. This Is only
a fair and Just conclusion from the
course he Is pursuing.
The effect of Germany's tariff policy
on our trade with that country appears
to be commanding Increasing Interest In
quarters where the Importance of the
matter Is appreciated and It Is expected
that the question ot commercial retali
ation will have a prominent place in
the attention of congress at the next sea
sion. The new Germau tariff will go
Into effect next sprlug, so that If any
thing Is done by our government with a
view to counteracting the dlscrimlna
tlons of that tariff against American
products the action will have to be taken
before next March.
A Wsshlngton report says that the
proposal of a maximum tariff Is knowu
to bo receiving serious consideration In
Influential quarters. This msy mean
that President Koosevelt Is giving at
tent Ion to the subject, it being under
stood that be Is rather Inclined to favor
the plan of a maximum and minimum
tariff, while some other republican lead
era are said to regard the proposition as
at least worthy of careful consideration,
It would be so radical a departure for
this country, however, thst Its adoption
must be regarded as extremely Improb
able. What Germany undoubtedly de
sires Is a reciprocity treaty with the
Cnlted States and It bss been ststed
thst the negotiation of such a treaty will
probehly be effected before the meeting
of congress. There Is not much conn
dence felt however, that a reciprocity
treaty would be ratified by the senate.
A tariff war. or trade retaliation, would
be an unfortunate thing for both conn
tries and a way should be found to avert
It that would be mutually advantageous.
The Chinese government desires to be
recognised in connection with the peace
conference aud It is reported thst unless
considered It will not recognise any ar
rangements made at the conference re
garding China. Jspan Is understood to
have Indies ted that she la opposed to
auy participation on the tart of the Oh I
nee government, while the position of
Hussla In the matter la yet to be made
kuown. The objection of Jspsn, if ad
bered to. will doubtless be sufficient to
keep China out of the conference. The
Japan view Is that the negotiation
must be conducted wholly between the
bclllgetvut powers and thst there Is no
good reason why China should parttci
It moot be admitted, however, that the
Chin delr to b recognised Is not
altogether without Juctiftcatioa. Thst
nation certala'.y has a great deal a
stske, for even should Manrhurts be re
stored to her, as It Is coiuuiouly assumed
will be done. It Is quite probable there
will be eoudltlous tiupoeed about which
China eutt certainly to have aomethinf
to say. It Is possible tust Japan Is dis
posed to be most liberal In the treatment
f Chinese Interests, that she does not
Intend to hold any of the territory of
that empire or deprive It of any of Its
legitimate rights. Btlll from the point
of view of Its own future security Japan
may Insist upon certain requirements
not altogether acceptable to China. As
to the statement that the Chinese gov
ernment will refuse to recognise any ar
rangements made at the conference un
less It Is considered In the matter, It Is
hardly to be regarded seriously. Japan
being absolutely master of the situation.
China must accept whatever la required
of her. or take the consequences. She
)s utterly unable to do more than protest
nd any effort on her part to make pro
test effective by force would simply
mean an Irretrievable loss of territory.
All China can do under the circum
stanced Is to make her wishes known
nd trust to her victorious neighbor to
give them fair consideration. There Is
reason to think that Japan has no inten
tions that are not friendly to China.
The Lincoln Journal quotes an un
named authority contrasting Lincoln
and Omaha as they appear to people
throughout the state, as follows:
Lincoln reflects the prosperity of the
tats, of course, and does It more vlior-
ously than Omaha becauaa everybody looks
on Lincoln ss a Nebraska city, Omaha Is
oonsldered grasping and selfish and quar
relaoma and In no sense a typical Nebraska
town. The real reason for Lincoln's growth
Is Its good reputation. People believe that
It la a good place to live In and when they
come and try It they are not disappointed.
know your growth surprises even you
..incoln people. Tou wouldn't be surprised
If you went out in the stats and heard tha
people praise the .clean moral tone of their
capital city. When you raised the saloon
license fee to 11,600 you made thousands ot
the best cltUens of the state make up their
minds to move here at the nrst opportunity.
Whether Lincoln has a better reputa
tion as a city than Omuha is doubtless
something uot quite susceptible of con
clusive proof, but this can be said, that
tncoln newspapers, with one or two ex
ceptions, have seldom omitted an oppor
tunity to run down Omaha's reputation
nd In this work of detraction, unfor
tunately, have been aided and abetted
by some Omaha papers and people with
personal or political axes to grind.
When people ot Omaha send spokesmen
abroad to bewail the degradation of
their own city and to blackwash their
own municipal government they can
hardly wonder that credence Is aecured
for the stories set afloat by jealous
The fact Is that Omaha Is experien
cing a notable period of growth and ex
pansion both of population and ot ma
terial resources. All are agreed that
the campaign to build up Greater
Omaha calls for united and concentrated
effort. While we are Inviting working
people to come here aud make their
homes with ua(and capitalists to Invest
their money In mills aud factories or
real estate Improvements, It 111 befits
sny of us to counteract this work by
advertising Omaha as a place unfit to
live In. Omaha's reputation abroad Is
largely In the hands of Its own cltlxens.
If they will speak well of the city on
all occasions and In all places other peo
ple will have good words for us also.
There is no questlou but what It pays
the railroads to handle republican con
ventions and choose tho candidates
whenever they are abie to do so. The
experience of the railroads In Nebraska,
however. Is that It pays them still better
to handle fusion conventions and choose
fusion candidates. The railroads never
paid as little la taxes, aa compared with
other taxable property, as they did when
Nebraska waa under fusion government
Devlin went on the bond of Treasurer
Kelly of Kansas for f.ViO,000. Kelly de
posited iX).000 of state money in Dev
lin's bank and Devlin took the money to
use In his business. Still "Tom" Law
son thinks be csn tell Ksnsans some-
thlug about "freusled finance."
It never rains but it pours. There
are so many worthy Omaha Institutions
seeking public contributions to provide
them with new homes thst the pbllan
thropically inclined can ouly lament that
he la unsble to respond to all the de
mands in full measure.
Ksnsss ssys it will beat the Standard
Oil company if it takes a constitutional
amendment to do It. It Kansas has as
much trouble In passing constitutional
amendments as Nebraska baa bad.
the Standard OH magnstes will lose no
sleep for the present.
Employes of the Kquitsble are for
bidden to discuss the affairs of that
association publicly. Their right to dls
cuss it privately is not to be infringed
unless some sealous reporter overbears
them and what they say finds its way
Into print
The political statistictsns have figured
it out that under the new primary law
prospective candidates have until Au
gust ID to make up their minds whether
to ruu or not to run. By' that time a
lot of them csn change their minds more
than anew
From ihe fact that the statisticians
who prepared the last crop report were
locked in a room from which the tele
phone were removed It U plain that
Secretary Wilson's confidence In his sub
ordinates Is not as strong as it used
to be.
Tb special envoy who is to lnvetl
gate conditions in Yenesuela will. If he
is wise, tske precautions to avoid being
compelled to rely upon asphalt com
pany for coin of the realm, eves In ex
change for bis pay check.
Now that ti Yeuesuelan congress has
spprored a plan of settling with foreign
bonxtholders. It will devoir oa President
Case l drl a schema by which the
nation csn reduce Its obligations to
still lower figure.
A t aefal romsaadlty.
Baltimore American,
rrealdent Roosevelt says that a certain
amount of money 4s ss necessary for tha
nation as for the Individual. Put this ap
parent truism Is something which the aver
age tag dodger cannot be brought to be
The ftarf Railed Oa.
Detroit Free Press.
It must have been disappointing to those
0,000 pedagogues who plunred Into the surf
at Asbury Park to note that their action
wns not followed by a tidal wave, or some
other remarkable demonstration by tha
Fatal Handicap f Caste.
Philadelphia Record.
The aristocratic system of the Russlsn
navy Is working out Its most mischievous
but most logical results In erecting a wall
of exclusive caste between officers and men.
Instesd of cheerfully responding to disci
pline the Russlsn seaman obeys the orders
of his superiors with savage reluctance.
There are other navies suffering from the
same system ot raate, only In a little less
Rack to Plrat Prlnclplea.
Baltimore American.
The fruit cure for alcoholism Is growing
In popularity. It seems to have been dis
covered that the appetite for Pomona's
products precludes the appetite for the
various fermented juices thereof, lie who
eats apples eschews hard cider and no rum
will satisfy the lover of ripe cherries.
There's safety for the drinking man in figs
snd perfect tempersnce In the date If It Is
of ths right kind.
Better Walt a While.
New Tork Tribune.
Twenty thousand Norwegians residing In
or near Chicago have forwarded a petition
to President Roosevelt making this request:
'We. clttscns of the Vnlted States, of
Norwegian birth snd blood, do earnestly
hope and do respectfully petition that you
will at the earliest opportunity signify your
recognition of the new government of Nor
way." As probably 20,000 or more cltlsens
of ths United States of Swedish blood and
birth are ready to petition to the opposite
effect, perhaps it will occur to both Swedish
and Norwegian citizens of the t'nlted States
thst ss good cltlsens it would be Just as
well for them to wait like the rest ot us
for developments.
Aw Irishmen la Sweden.
Chlcage Chronicle.
Many people must have noticed the re
ports of the late debate In the legislative
assembly of Sweden over the recent move
ment by Norway to diaaolve the union of
the two kingdoms established by Berns
dotte, before then one of Napoleon'a
marahala, ninety years ago, but probably
not everyone observed that the most epl-
grammatlo and one of the most fiery of the
several warlike utterances came from one
Raron Kennedy. Without having sny posi
tive knowledge on the subject, tt la quite
safe to assume that Kennedy la not one of
the proper names thst had their evolution
In the Swedish tongue. It seems more than
probable that thla branch of Swedish no
bility may be traced back to some cutting
transplanted from some part of the emerald
Sheared Ijiniba Grow Wary.
1 Baltimore News.
Confidence In Wall street Is 'at a low ebb.
ss evidenced by the refusal of the pubtlo
to bite at the bait thrown to It by promot
ers, speculators snd financial adventurera.
In the good old' days all that was neces
sary to sell a new stock or bond wss ths
indorsement of, some alleged reputable
banking house, . The banking house would
reap the harvest snd let the puhlle hold
the bag. But . Investors havs learned a
few things during the laat few years and
they are now as wary of the traps set for
them by designing Wall street men ss they
are of known confidence shsrks. What is
needed In Wall street is a thorough clean
ing. Weed out the rascals, big snd little,
e i pose their crooked methods snd bring
them before the bar of justice. Present
methods can not continue.
Waerela. They Differ fram Indaatrlal
North American Review.
The Vnlted States leads the world In the
else of the companies domiciled within Its
borders. Taking, for example, the records
of three of the largest companies, we find
that at the end of the laat calendar year
they controlled between them X1.242.731.1U 35
ot aaaeta. Now. bear In mind that an In
surance company Is not a productive cor
poration, tt receives certain money a; It In
vests them: It distributes these funds to
the beneficiaries of the policyholders who
di during the existence of their contracts,
or to those who, by their survival of a
ststed period, are entitled to such partici
pation. The corporation Itself la, therefore,
merely a collecting and distributing bureau.
It produces nothing. It Is the receiver, the
custodian, the investor and dlsburser of the
funds which Its policyholders pour Into Its
coffers. These remarks are eqsally true
either for the life Insurance company with
a capital stock or for one organised abso
lutely upon the mutual plan. In the for
mer rase, there may be some charter or
statutory pmvlalon which will permit the
stockholders to receive certain dividends
but the distinction must be sharply drawn
between the capital stock of a life Insur
ance company and that of an Industrial
corporation; for. In the latter, the opera
tlons are conducted and extended by means
of the contributions of the stockholders,
while In the former the policyholders con
tribute the ssaets.
Maaey Made la Franeala Deals Mat
(lilrrrs -Tainted."
Franklin W. Parker In The World Today.
In the operation of a city government
graft sppears In four great forma: Police
graft, or the profit derived through the po
lice department from lawbreakers snd
criminals; payroll graft; contract graft, or
the Illegal profit on public contracta. and
franchise graft. Police, payroll and con
tract grafts are disreputable, vile and loth'
aorne. They are commonly and generally
so coaaklered. They are usually the work
of small, cheap, aneaa men. Thoa whoen
gave In such undertaking are for the most
part of the vtJer sort. They do not make
influential friends. What they are doing- la
plain stealing and It la so regarded by
erbodj'. They can not become men of
real atandlng la the community. They
eteadily and naturally sink Into social In
significance. Franchise graft Is connected with the
rant, extension, regulation and control of
franchlae for public utilities. In the L'rlted
State franchlae graft Is reeprciable The
franchise boodVer. If skillful and Intelligent,
becomes a leading citlsen snd respected
snestber of the community, a eapporter of
charities and not Infrequently s good
church man. He steadUy mounts the Ud
der of social, financial and political distinc
tion. rnens of Chlcage snd Illinois n.en
wh hsr anad fortunes out of the public
utilities, or who ar commooly beltevrd to
hav been franchise grafter, or who have
beea openly charred mtth It. now occupy
or mr uoua po I'.too., apt In lv or e'ectle.
la tre r.atinnal. atate and city goremroeaia,
and tt Is pcooaMa th aun with
a La It and ciuaav
Rlpplea n the I arrest f Life la th
People who have- observed with mor or
less pleasure the pictures of ths famous
Damm family snd the Pmrim dog, which
ornament picture galleries and shop win
dows, naturally inquire where the family
resides, and If It grows and blooms ss
luxuriantly as the srtlst represents. It Is
gratifying to be tie able to enlighten an
anxious world that the Damms are flour
ishing and ahldo In Harlem. Iwt ths
Damm dog Is something of an annoyance
snd caused the Damm family to appear In
court recently. Before proceeding with
the rase the Judge remarked on the side,
"Well, I have heard of the whole pamm
family In fiction, and I understand ths
family haa been dramatised, but I never
dreamed that the whole Damm family wss
a reality. I am sorry to learn that lis
members sre so pugnacious."
Mr. and Mrs. Herman Damm sre Ger
man, snd cannot make much use of ths
Kngllsh language. It was with difficulty
that the magistrate comprehended the
causo of the domestic rumpus, especially
as Mrs. Damm Insisted on doing most of
the talking In a quality of Teutonlo that
the Interpreter found It hard to translate.
According to a liberal construction of
Mrs. Datum's Involved and idiomatic Oer
man, Herman Damm received his wife's
permission to sttend s saengorfest Satur
day evening. He returned full of good
humor and song In company with a very
ordinary yellow dog which had moulted
considerably about the legs and tall. Herr
Damm Insisted that the dog should be
dded to tho Damm roster, but FYau
Damm refused flatly to adopt the canine
whereupon harmony gave way to discord
in the Damm family.
Herr Damm Insisted that the yellow dog
would be a good companion for the brood
of little Damms.
When the Damm squabble had arrived
at this point there was a commotion In
the rear of the court room, followed by a
aeries of healthy yelps.
That's the Damm dog," said Officer
Kelly. "He followed the whole Damm
family to court."
"Put the Damm dog out!' 'ordered the
magistrate, striving vainly to suppress a
grin. The Damm dog was ejected on the
toe of the doorman's boot.
When the Damm domestic row was taken
up again, Herr Damm declared that Frau
Damm knocked him over the head with
a tea kettle, and as a result Herr Damm
came out second best. Then Frau Damm
secured a summons for Herr Damm.
Frau Damm said she would not live with
her husband If fie insisted In keeping his
engerfest dog. Magistrate Whitman.
however, In the absence of any serious
criminal charge dismissed the case te the
Intense Indignation of Frau Damm.
"Mr. Damm," he said, "I advise you to
go home and agree with your better half,
or, rather, your better two-thirds. Mrs.
Damm, your husband meant no wrong by
bringing home the Damm dog, but, If I
were you. Mr. Damm, I would not lnalst
In keeping the dog. Discharged!"
The Damm family left the court room.
On the sidewalk the unfortunate Damm
dog joined the group, and when last seen
the whole Damm family, with the dog.
appeared to be the personification of do
mestic unity.
Another Important step In the develop
ment of the vast underground transit sys
tem that New York is to have before many
years will be taken tomorrow morning
wnen the Harlem river section of the sub-
wsy will be opened to traffic. Interest In
the new service of the Interborough com
pany Is heightened by the fact that this
is the first of the several river tunnels
now being constructed to be opened.
The completion of the tunnel under the
Harletn river also marks the culmination
of an engineering feat of no amall magni
tude, ihe hottom of the tunnel la some
thirty feet below the surface of the river.
There never haa been the slightest Indi
cation or a leak, but three enormous
pumps, one at each end snd one in the
middle, are provided for emergency.
While Manhattan Island furnishes the
best kind of foundation for the modern
type of building, there are drawbacks con
nected with Its rocky nature which the
park commissioners are made to feel every
time tney call for an ' appropriation. It
costs the borough about 130,000 a year
to keep the soli In the parks at a grade
sufficient to nurture the vegetation. Even
with thla Immense outlay the ribs are
constantly sticking through the thin skin
of Central park, and a few days of hot
sun without a rainfall changes the grass
to a dull yellow. It Is a constant fight
against the natural disadvantages to keep
the trees alive. Whenever there Is a "Job"
put up on the park commissioners by poli
ticians who strive to profit by the poverty
of soil a hundred amateur reformers rise In
their might snd write letters to the news
papers about It. New Yorkers are alow
to anger over political joba. but they sim
ply will not tolerate anything that tends
to le.taen the beauties and utilities of the
publ.o parks. There are few enough of
them In that crowded city.
William Waldorf Astor Is preparing to put
up the largeat and most magnificent apart
ment house In New York. It will occupy
the entire block from Broadway to West
Fnd avenue and from Seventy-eighth to
Seventy-ninth streets. The estimated cost
Is CSOCOOO. One of Mr. Astor s agent
estimates an sverace rental of XJ.SdO for
each apartment. With fourteen apartments
on a floor and sixteen floors he should have
S suites of apartments, which, at an
average rental of $3,600, should bring In an
annual total of tTM.OOO. Although the same
height as its huge neighbor, the Anaonla.
the largest apartment hotel In the world,
Mr. ,Astor"s new living palace for people
with long purses will rover a considerably
larger area. The Ansoma measures 3u0
feet on Broadway and I feet along Seventy-third
street, which Is really the front
of the hotel. It has 2.MI apartment rooms.
The plot on which Mr. Astor intends to
build faces j4 feet on Broadway and West
Bnd avenue and US feet on Seventy-eighth
and Seventy-ninth streeta.
Rastamjl Manekjl, a native ot Bombay,
India. Is a visitor in New York and com
plain of the heat he is compelled to endure
there. The mercury doea not rise to Hln
doostan heights on Manhattan Island, ha
says, but be cannot find a shady spot In
the empire city which can be used by the
public in general. He sees too many "keep
off the gra&s" signs In the parka, and says:
"It is quite different In Bombay. There we
have subterranean sitting rooms, sleeping
rooms and swimrnli.g pools Innumerable,
besides many other placea one can go to,
such as the ha tars, light refreshment
rooms and so on. In the parks hugs
tents are erected wherein you can s.t and
listen to music and Inhale the sweet fra
grance cf flowers while cooling- off. Th
city cf Bombay prov.des these things fre
cf cost "
Th Usatt of Spite.
San Francisco Ctrorocl.
The suit for damages brought a-ainst
Heney. who prosecuted Senator Mitchell
and aecured fcis conviction, is a silly ptec
of bust net. If the dismissal of aa In
dictment is to b followed ty cnarre
that the prosecuting attorney who sstks
to brine cfiender 10 Jurtic is animated
by spite, precious few nui will be will it
to take up the arduous work of arcurln
!h punishment of malefactor. Tbt rr-a
who baa brought the su.t against Heney
wrtll bare tis trouble for his pa n as no
jury fil treat a charge of tt kit. J bioagti
liri f m li naaa
Is Baked in Steam Ovens
(T sety ' svesi at Oasksl
This steam baking process allows the steam to slowly escape
in the oven while tha loaf is baking. It changes the outer part
of tha loaf making a yellowish brown mellow crust It prevents
tha drying out and the evaporation of the nutritious elements.
Thus you will find in SHOW flAKl BREAD that pure, rich, nat
ural taste that is so much admired in good bread.
It's a big white, wholesome nutritious loaf for 5 cents.
Over Pour Hundred
Orecers Sell It.
?r'lZvnU) .4
iiv " " ' - v
leek for fft Reif laber.
Mr. Root Is unlike the average American
with business ability who would rather be
rich than be president.
The sea serpent is getting hopelessly out
classed as a sensation. A Connecticut
schooner lately caught a turtle weighing
nearly 900 pounds. And they have ths tur
tle to show for it.
Our masculine challengers for lawn tennis
honors In England all suffered defeat, but
Miss May Sutton of California easily van
quished nil feminine rivals for the All
England championship.
According to a Missouri newspaper which
maintains that there was no sickness be
fore doctors were Invented the Amer'can
people are paying tw.ono.ono per yesr less
for physicians' fees and drugs than they
paid ten years ago.
Bacajaweo, the Indian woman who
guided Lewis snd Clsrk through "old Ore
gon," has her statue and, more than that,
ahe has apparently be t luckier than tha
majority of persons thj honored in that
her statue Is graceful snd pleasant to
look upon.
Judge Bishop of the juvenile court In St.
Louis thinks It Is good for boys to fight
occasionally. The foreman of a brewery
caused the arrest of two 12-year-olds who
had been engaged In a game of fisticuffs.
The judge reproved him for doing so, lec
tured the bovs and sent them home.
Wllber F. Sanders," who died recently
In Helena, Mont., ws one of the moat
picturesque and stalwart figures In Mon
tana life during Its frontier period. He was
the head of the vigilantes who rooted out
disorder snd ruffianism and cleared the
wsy for the territory's peaceful develop
ment. Secretary Hay, less than a year ago, pre
dicted that he would not live twelve
months longer. This wss in conversation
with James Dubois, a State department
official, snd others. The lstter expressed
the hope thst Mr. Hay would remain In
the cabinet during this presidential term,
snd thus serve longer as secretary of state
than any of his predecessors. The secre
tary said: "No, I shall not live to serve
another year."
Theories as 1 a Striking Chang f
Financial piaas.
New York Evening Post.
That there Is something of mystery about
Japan's new $150,000,000 4 per cent loan,
announced last week, and to be brought
out shortly st London, Berlin snd New
York, Is generally admitted. The last loan
of tl50.000.OC" -vas floated st the end of
last March; tiie bulk of subscriptions were
paid only six weeks ago." and It was offi
cially stated, at the time of Ita issue, that
It would suffice for Japan's war require
ments during- the rest of 1905. This wss
indeed a reasonable supposition; for Japan
has raised, since the wsr began, S500.ofo.noo
from public loans. In addition to which,
ss its lately published government year
book shows, $157,000,000 has been epproprl
sted from Increased taxes snd other reve
nue operations.
If the war has averaged X1.000.000 dally,
this would cover a period running doe
to the end of the present calendar year.
As a matter of fact. Japan has not yet
drawn heavily on the balances accruing
from the loan of three months sgo. None
of the prior loans. Issued at home, or
abroad, this year or last, can be redeemed
until U07; therefor the new borrowing
do not appear to be for redemption pur
poses. In fact, the supposition as to re
demption plans has been that Japan would
borrow, on lu public credit only, to take
up the foreign loans with a special Ilea
on ths revenuea provision which ha
been rtjrhtly considered, by Japan, as
humiliating. Yet this new IloAOOO.OOO loan
again offers ths tobacco monopoly as a
pled re.
There are sere raj possribl explanations.
The London theory seems to be that the
new loan Is designed to Impress Russia
with the sight of Jspan's high credit, and
thereby hasten pear. Such a policy, reg
ularly practiced, would lead to rather fool
ish finance; but It Is conceivable. It may
be that Japan's agents bars warned tt
that th late autumn money market win
not be a favorable aa th "July disburse
ment period." This would, however.
m -a t
This your head to the left?
Then there's no use trying. It's too lite! Noth
ing in the w orld cm mike hair grow on a bald
scalp that has been smooth and shiny for years.
It's too late! No use trying now!
Or is this yours to the right?
Good. Only look out for dandruff! It leads
straight to baldness. But there's use trying now,
for Ayer's Hair Vigor cures dandruff, keeps
the scalp clean and healthy, and checks falling hair.
4ts4sa) ajM
irrt'S iSAruA-r-t tw vm
aias luuti rviwu t
This label is on vry loaf
and is a cuarantee thai it Is
. ... . . -. .1,111
"ine pes tuak uiuuojr, sin urn
eanllness can produce,
Ourbaksryis always open
tor inspection and vlsi
always made welcome
visitors are
hardly explain a seemingly complete change
of plan.
Finally, It may be alleged thst Japan
needs more funds at home; and it Is tn.e
that gold coin In circulation in Japan de
creased 66 per cent laat year, and that
gold reserved against the Bank of Japan
largely increased note Issues fell from
$10,660,000 at the close of l:3 to .s.-;".'o
at the end of 1904. But the odd fact in
this connection is, that Japan already hxs
huge sums to Its credit In New York and
London, yet does not draw on them, ll.iw
would it be any bettor off If such bal
ances were doubled?
Golllfer How is your new club "The Big
Stick." getting along?
Oosch It's the Big Stuck club now The
treasurer ran sway with the funds. Chi
cago Tribune.
"Knowledge Is power," said the man
who quotes.
"Not always." answered Senator Sor
ghum. "The man who professes to know
all about the trusts isn't usually the one
who is getting the money out of them.'
Washington Star.
"And now." said the tether of the prodi
gal son, "bring on the fatted calf.
"O! say, father," protested the prodigal
"the fatted calf is no treat to me. 1 ve
seen too many of them. I put In a good
deal of my time watching the ballet, you
know." Philadelphia Press.
"Oh! Mr. Brown, why did you leave the
Christian Science Church?"
"Really, Mlsa Jones, If you will have the
truth, I got so awfully tired of being
fiersistently cheerful all the time." Brook
yn Life.
"Don't be frightened, dear. So long as
you hear the thunder you may know you
are safe from the lightning."
"But that's no comfort. If the lightning
strikea me I won't hear the thunder:
Browning's Magaxlne.
First Llfs Insurance Director I'm going
to take out an accident policy.
Second Life Insurance Director So ant
I. There's a board meeting . tomorrow
"Do you mean to say you couldn't live
here, when I tell you it's the healthiest
town In the country?"
"Yes, sir; I'm looking for a place to prac
tice medicine." Detroit Free Press.
Mrs. Watkyns Do you know snythlng
about thla Moroccan question?
Mrs. Wylkyns No. I only heard s paper
read about it by one of the members of
our Woman's club Somervllle Journal.
Editor It ' waa a mere typographical
error I cannot understand why you should
be so angry.
Author You can't? Why see here; I
wrote. "Her eyes shone with th light ot a
glorious Joy."
Editor Yes.
Author And it wss printed "a glorloue
Jag." Cleveland Leader.
W. J. Lampton In New Tork Sun.
W tried a moral hoss race
Laat season at our fair.
With Deacon Jones preeidin'
To open it with prayer.
We offered purses plenty
To v a lively race.
But not a bit cf bet tin'
Waa 'lowed around th place.
The Methodist snd Baptists,
The Presbyterians.
Eptscopals and so forth
Fell right In with our plans.
And come out to th meetln'
To show a boas rac could
Be J 1st as good a bos rac
An liken Ise moral good.
The air was full of Sundsy,
And though we seemed to feel
All ncht, it sorter waan't
A It th thing was raL
And when we got th hoaae
AU lined up at the fla.
Tbe starter tried to start 'era.
But every golderned nag-
Jist balked and stood there solid;
They wouldn't move a foot.
And spite of all Inducements
They staid where they waa put.
At laat Aunt Rallle Hasklna.
The elder's second wife.
From Old Kaintuck. and quainted
With hoase all her Ufe.
Got up and shouted: "Brethren.
I hate like sin to bolt.
But I'll bet f.ftv doiiara
On that Kentucky colt."
Then Deacon Jonea upllfrel
And hustled 'cross the way
A-jrel!ln : "Here goea fifty
On that St. Louis bay."
Tea oug-ht to seen them bo:
Oe whia. before the sic
Was took up In th bet tin'
They run twice 'round the track.
are rnu-ht
Alt . a lti