Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 13, 1905, Page 3, Image 3

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Board BktiBf Adriiabilitj af Gloainj ths
Many Brrcn Pea a 4 la tha Printed
Caalen of the Prtated Laws,
Oasaha. t barter Htrlif
Ita Share.
(From a Sua Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Juljr U.-tSpeciaD-Membere
of the State Board of Publlo Land and
Buildings are seriously considering closina
V.p one of the buildings used In connection
witn tne industrial home at Mllford, pro
viding they cannot And a way to cloae
the entire Institution. At the present time
1 there are thirty-live Inmates besides three
oncers and live employes at the Institu
tion, or there were when the last report
Waa made a month ago. The per capita
cost for caring for these for the six
. months waa $162.20 for the 182 days. While
this is not as large as the per capita at
the 'Nebraska City -Institution It Is con
sidered entirely too high for the good the
Institution does. It Is claimed that the
unfortunates there could be sent to an
Institution In Omaha at a cost of not more
than 125 for the patient, and the children
Inmates could be taken Into the Home of
the Friendless. To keep up both the build
ings it will require repairs to cost not
less than $10,000 and this the board does
not want to spend. A great effort was
made during the late legislature to con
solidate this Institution with the Home for
the Ftlendleoa, but It failed. The legis
lature appropriated 121.200 for maintaining
the Institution for the next two years and
?nost of this will be spent.
Normal Board Meeting.
The State Normal board will meet at
Kearney Friday afternoon to pass on rou
tine matters and attend to regular business
which will coma up at the meeting.
Session lwa Inaccurate.
If all the laws enacted by the late legis
lature went Into the printed volumes of
the session laws In the same shape as
the Omaha charter the printed session
laws will be a poor guide for those who
Intend to study the matter passed by the
legislature. Assistant City Attorney Herd
man of Omaha was here today checking up
the printed charter with the enrolled bill
and found mistakes almost too numerous
to mention.
For Instance, In section 22, wherein pro
vision Is made for taxing the cost of Im
proving streets and alleys, the original
bill read: "They shall also have power
to assess the cost of such Improvement
upon the property especially benefited
thereby," while in the ook It appears,
"Thry shall also have power to assess
the cost of such Improvement upon the
abutting property." '
On page 80 two lines of the book are
duplicates of the preceding two lines. It
occurs In a provision for requiring the
treasurer to receive no Interest on publlo
funds and directing his removal In case of
violation. That part of the section reads In
the published book as follows:
"Any violation of this provision or any
violation of the provisions of this act shall
subject him .to Immediate removal from
office by the city council, who are hereby
authorised to declare such office vacant;
and the mayor, with the consent of the
city council, . the ctty council who are
hereby authorised to declare such office va
cant: and tha mayor, with the consent of
the city council, shall appoint a successor,"
ete - h" . i
On page 118... In a provision authorising
property owners to select materials to be
used In paving, etc., two lines are again
duplicated and the duplication run together.
In section It, wherein are designated the
salaries to be paid firemen and policemen
In the various six months' periods of serv
ice no provision is made for payment of
anything for the fifth six months. The
aecMon reads In part: "Each policeman
and fireman hereafter appointed shall re
ceive the following compensation: For the
first six months' service the sum of 250 per
month; for the second six months' service,
K6 per month; for the third six months'
service, Yts per month: for the fourth six
months service, $65 per month; for the
sixth six months'' service, $75 per month,"
to. ,
Bryant Praetlf Law.
Judge Wilbur F. Bryant, who for over
five years has been supreme court reporter,
whose term of office will expire September
1, Is thinking seriously of opening law
offices In Lincoln and Hartlngton, his old
home. Judge Bryant has had several prop
ositions to enter law firms, but has about
conoluded to form his own firm.
Cat la Carpet Bill.
The State Board of Publlo Lands and
Buildings Is watching things closely of late.
Some time ago some rubber carpeting was
bought by sample for use 1n the Grand
Island. Soldiers' Home. .When It arrived
Land Commissioner Eaton discovered that
the goods were lighter than the sample,
and the board promptly cut off 12V4 cents
a yard on the purchase.
Oisri Rifles Competition.
The state rifle competition will be pulled
off at Kearney by members of the Na
tional Guard, beginning July 81 and lasting
until August 2. The successful ones In this
meet will go to New Jersey to take part In
the national shoot
Clearing; fn State nana.
Land Commissioner Eaton, who has
charge of the care of the statehouse, is fast
getting the old building In good shape. Ills
Less Than
Half Price
Two-Piece Suits
that regularly sell for 120, 122.60,
25,10. Wa bava la these, suits only
Iks 34, 35, 3d.
All Three-piece
Summer Suits
Full Una at sliea Regular prloe
20, 122.60, 12- 27.50, $30. No bet
ter clothes mad than these.
Straw Hats
at Cut Prices
Pease Bros. Co.
1417 Farnam St.
most recent Improvement wss to have En
gineer flawyer paint the water tank and
stop the leak In the seme. In the treas
urer's office a steel celling Is being placed,
like the one In the adjutant general's office,
and the etnlre building ha been made san
itary. All the janitors are working to get
the place cleaned up and there has been lio
mutiny or muttering for several days.
York Man Killed.
Frank Chapln of Tork was run ove"nd
killed by a Burlington train at Crete last
night. Chapln was 80 years old and had
been to Lincoln to visit relatives. When
he reached Crete a freleht train was stand
ing on the sidetrack and as he drove
around this the engine of the Burlington
passenger train struck him, killed the horse,
demolished the buggy and mangled the
Motor Cycles Moat Reclster.
Owners of bicycles which are propelled by
other than muscular power, that Is those
machines with the motor attachment, must
register the same with the secretary of
state, pay $1 to do so and secure a tag with
a number Just like the owners of auto
mobiles have done. Every day that this Is
not done these people stand as violators
of the law. The automobile law defines
motor vehicles as follows:
Motor vehlrlps shall Include all vehicles
propenea ny any power other than muscular
power, excepting such motor vehicles as
run only upon rails or tracks, provided
that nothing herein contained shall apply
kv traction engines or roaa roil era
Galasha In a Quandary.
Secretary of State Oalusha Is up In "the
air on one of the bills passed by the late
legislature. The bill In question Is H. R
2K Introduced by C. J. Anderson of Doug
las county, and Is an act to provide for tho
protection of trade marks, labels and forms
of advertising, and It was especially desired
enacted by the labor unions. The bill pro
vides that a fee of $2 shall be paid to the
secretary of state upon the filing of a trade
mark or label. As the statute does not re
quire the secretary to turn the money over
to the treasurer, and as the constitution
prohibits him from keeping It, the secre
tary Is In a quandary.
Taeker Likes Arlsona.
E. A. -Tucker, associate justice of the
supreme court of Arlsona, formerly of
Nebraska, accompanied by Mrs. Tucker,
arrived here today from a visit to rela
tives and will go to Omaha tomorrow even
ing. Judge Tucker will return to Arizona
before August 15. Arlxona people have
made a wonderful Impression upon Judw
Tucker for their push, enterprise and en
ergy and he Is delighted with his place.
Three Men .erloosly Injured by tn
Flying; Plecea.
TKCUM8EH, Neb., July 12.-(Speclal Tel
egram.) By the blowing up of a boiler
on a thresher machine engine on the
farm of Fred Kelkner, near Johnson, to
day, three men were seriously Injured.
Charles Finch of Johnson waa seriously
Injured Internally, Sam Warwick also of
Johnson was struck In the shoulder by
a flying missile and also received a broken
arm. George Thomas of Johnson was In
jured on the leg. The engine was com
pletely demolished, and the men not In
jured had a hard time to save the thresher.
the strawstacka becoming Ignited from the
fire. The Injured men were removed to
their homes and given surgical aid. The
machine was the property of Peter Brauer
of Graf.
little: ojie strangles to death
Rolls On of Bed and Choked by neck
band of Dress.
BLOOMINGTON, Neb., July 12.-(Speclal
Telegram.) The Infant child of William
Houts, a rancher living four miles south
west of this place, was strangled to death'
this afternoon In a peculiar manner. To
prevent Its rolling off , the bed. as it had
dona several tlmua after a-nap, Mrs. .Houts
pinned Its dress to the bed clothing. The
child was found suspended over the side
of the bed and choked to . death by tha
neckband of its dress.
Robbery at Pierce.
PIERCE. Neb.. July 12. (Special.) A bold
robbery took place here last night shortly
after o'clock. Mrs. George W. Goff, wife
of the village marshal, was coming up town
and waa between the elevator and the cur
few bell tower when r stranger grabbed
her hands and took an envelope from her
containing a $30 bill. Ths highwayman then
disappeared up the alley. Mrs. Goff waa so
badly frightened that she did not call for
help, neither did she tell the men whom
she next met of the robbery, but only asked
them where her husband was and when she
found him said she had been robbed. Mar
shal Goff Immediately spread the alarm and
the men surrounded the lumber yard and
elevator and tried to find the thief, bui
were unsuccessful. Men were sent on the
different roads, but no trace of the thief
couia be found.
McCook Prepares for Carnival.
M'COOK. Neb., July 12. (Special.) Me
Cook Is now organlxing for the greatest
event of Its existence as a clt in th. ......
fair and carnival to be held hers August
ii w oeptemoer J. At a meeting of the
McCook Commercial club last night the fol
lowing committee was selected to have tha
affair In charge: J. E. Kelley, chairman;
B. M. Blgelow, secretary; F. A. Pennell,
treasurer; S. C. Beach. H. H. Tartsch. G.
S. Scott, Harry Barbasett, A. Barnett, G.
B. Berry. A report was made showing over
$1,000 subscribed already to put through the
enterprise and prospects for raising that
much more as good. This guarantees that
the finances will be ample for so great an
enterprise. Ths above committee and the
temper of the club and people Is the other
surety that we will have the greatest event
of the kind ever attempted In southwestern
Works Hotel Man.
BEATRICE. July ll-tSpeclal Telegram.)
Markle, proprietor of the Markle
ho el here, was taken In by a smooth
swindler last night. The fellow registered
as E. D. Sullivan of Ardmore, I. ' T.. and
had not been In the office long when he
presented a check for $26 to Mr. Markle
which was on the First National bank of
Lincoln in favor of E. D. Sullivan and
signed by Mayor Bros, of Lincoln. Al
though the stranger had engaged a room
he did not occupy It and It waa learned
this morning that he left town last night
soon after securing the money on the
check, which was found to be worthless.
He Is described as being about S5 years
of age and a neat dresser.
Moro Time In Car Shops.
PLATT8MOLTH, Neb., July u.-( Spe
cial.) The Burlington shops here resumed
the ten-hour working schedule yesterday.
The number of men employed here Is larger
than It has been for many years and more
men are being added to the payroll almost
dally. The Plattsmouth shops are now
the central car repairing shops for the
lines west of the Missouri river.
Moots of Nebraska.
BEATRICE New wheat brought as high
as 844 cents here yesterday.
SEWARD The Jones National bank has
been removed this week Into the building
owned by H. T. Jones.
SEWARD The First National bank of
Seward Is to occupy the bank building
owned by Mr Tlnhne. president of the
IBEWARD The J. B. Durland farm of
acres, near Btaplehurst. has been pur
chased by Mr. Jacobs, the banker of that
town, for $3u,000.
BEWARIV-Wllliam Worth man of Reward
has secured the contract for putting In
the foundation of the addition to the Bur
lington depot at Lincoln.
UNION The seventeenth anual reunion
at old settlers will be held at UUs viae
August IS and 19. T?ednred fares will be
conceded by the railroads.
TABLE ROCK The annual nlrnln nt the
Table Rock Fishing association Is being j
held today on thf grounds at Cut Oft lake,
a ccupie of miles north.
8KWARD Work on the new court house
has begun and wtll go forward as fast as
the material arrives. The first car of cut
stone was received last week.
HOWARD-Paul Swenrlngen, deputy grand
master of the (hid Fellows, came to Seward
Monday evening an 1 Installed the newly
elected officers or Seward lodge.
STROMSHLRfJ Two of Reuben Noyd's
little children were handling a gun and
the smaller one was Instantly killed Mr.
and Mrs. Noyd live one mile west of this
SEWARD Mrs Tom Moody abandoned
her t months old Infant Sunday and left
for parts unknown. Her husband Is serv
ing out a tine of sixty days In Jail for as
sault. SEWARD The branch Young People's
Christian union of the east Nebraska con
ference will be held In the IT. B. church
July 25 to 27. Dr. 1-andls of Dayton, O.,
win ue one or me ppeaKers.
TABLE ROCK Edmnnd Tavlor, a voting
farmer living a couple of miles southeast
of town, had his left arm caught In the
wheel of a harvester yesterday, breaking It
below the elliow In a couple of places.
BEATRICE Sherman circle. No. 4,
Ladies of the Grand Army of the Republic,
held a largely attended meeting yesterduy.
Two new members were received Into the
order and several applications acted upon.
SEWARD Clyde Wright, a young man
who was being tHken to the reform school
at Kearney, Jumped from the window of
a toilet room on a fat train last Friday
night and up to this time has not been
BEATRICE At a meeting of the city
council last night J. B. Weston, H. J.
Dobhs and A. H. Kldd were re-elected mem
bers of the Library board. A report of the
city treasurer was submitted showing a
loiai in an I Unas ol J.3.343 S3.
BEATRICE John M. Collins was bound
over to the district court at Wvtnore vester.
day by Judge Crawford on the charge of
who neseruon. rte was released .on bond
of $500. Only one witness appeared in the
case ana mat was Mrs. Collins.
BEATRICE Mrs. J. A. Grimes died this
morning at ner home in this citv after an
.illness of several weeks. She is survived
by her husband and five children, one son
and four daughters. Mrs. F. H. Fans, a
aaugnter. is a resident of Omaha.
SEWARD Judge T. L. Norval, ex-chlef
jusuce oi mis state, has been suffering
from a bad case of blood poisoning. He
injured his hand on a barb wire fence and
this induced blood poisoning. Dr. D. D.
Potter gave the necessary surgical aid.
STROM SBURG Drs. Fllnnin of the Fllo-
pln hospital of this city bought an entire
diock or land in tne east part or this city
and will In the near future erect a modern
hospital with all modern equipments. The
A. B. Hedliloom Real Estate company
made the sale.
SEWARD The wheat harvest is prac
tically ended in this county. It Is esti
mated that the harvest was never so splen
did. Rust Is affecting the oats to some
extent. There will be no apples or cher
ries to anv amount, but the grape har
vest will be unusually good.
PLATTSMOUTH - Louie Kohrell, a
farmer residing south of this city, today
killed a timber rattlesnake which measured
five feet In length and twelve Inches In
circumference. When killed It was found
that the snake had a full slxed gray ground
squirrel n Its stomach.
TABLE ROCK W. H. Rlgglo. who has
been here since February last, first working
In the harness shop of F. W. Parker and
afterward solllna Pianos for a Lincoln and
an Omaha house, left town last Thursday
and his return Is anxiously looked forward
10 Dy numerous creditors hereabouts.
STROMSBURO Harvesting Is nolna on
In this county at a rapid speed. The wheat
is nnea oetter than ever Known in this
county and the crop will be unusually
heavy. Harvest hands are scarce and good
wages are being offered. The corn is above
the average in height and looking fine.
PLATTSMOUTH J. W. Robinson, who
was injured bv a tov Distol while cele
brating on the Fourth, is now critically
ill with lockjaw. The middle fingur of
Mr. Robinson's right hand was Injured, but
the patient was thought to be doing nicely
when the symptoms of lockjaw set in.
FREMONT Christina Toegles filed her
petition in the district court today for a
divorce from her husband. Theodore. She
alleges that they were married here In
1SH and that a short time ago Theodore
left her and went to Sioux City, where he
married another woman without the for
mality of a divorce.
SEWARD A dramatic, entertainment
under the auspices of the Congregational
Ladles' association will be lven at the
home of Mrs. Walter Cattle next Monday
nljjiht. Two comediettas under the direc
tion of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Selman will
be presented. A muslcale given by Mra
W. E. Langworthy will precede the enter
tainment. FREMONT The body of Albert Easter;
the boy who was drowned in the Platte
yesterday afternoon) was found late last
evening on a sandbar almost half a mile
from the spot where he was last seen. A
pecu'lar feature of the affair is that no
less than live persons who have been
drowned In the Platte within the last few
years drifted down to the same place, the
last one only a year ago.
BEATRICE Figures taken from the rec
ords of the county clerk's office show tha
assessed valuation of lands in Uage county
this year to be 14.919.862: assessed valua
tion of railroads, Jl.444.CUi;; household goods,
$104, G26; number of horses in Uage county,
17,104, valued at $221,069; cattle, 37,149, valued
at $141,108; dogs, 3,310, the rate per head
being $1.08. Tho grand total of the assessed
valuation of the county is 9.uu.29J 99.
OSCEOLA Polk county's Board of In
sanity has had two cases of Insanity be
fore it this week so tar. una was Mrs.
C. W. Janiee, whose home was found to
be In Omaha. She was at her sister s In
Btroinsburg. The other was Olof Walllne,
who resides in tills county. They were I
found to be insane and dangerous and this
morning Sheriff Hartman with other as
sistance started to deliver them to Dr.
J. It. Greene, superintendent of the Asylum
for the Insane, at Lincoln.
FREMONT Mrs. Cora Fellows waa
lodged in the county Jail charged with
having flourished a gun in a threatening
manner against a party who was moving
Into some rooms In the same house she
occupied. He claims that he rented the
front part of the house and was straight
ening out his goods when Mrs. Fellows
appeared on the scene with a gun and
told hjm to get out or die, and he got out.
Mrs. Fellows, while admitting that she
took possession of the house without the
consent of the owner and expected to be
ejected, said she proposed to wait until
ejected according to law, and keep every
cne out.
MINDEN A farewell reception was given
to Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Chapln by the
Commercial club last night, upon the eve
of their departure for Lincoln, which Is to
be their future home. The spacious lawn
and beautiful residence of N. C. Rogers,
profusely lighted and trimmed with Japa
nese lanterns, was the scene of one of the
most pleasant gatherings held In Mlnden
for a long time, 2u0 or more leading cltl
ens of the city and surrounding portions
of the county being present. The Juvenile
band furnished a generous quantity of
good music, refreshments were served on
the lawn, short and appropriate speeches
were made by a number of those who have
known Mr. Chapln the longest and most
Advacates Cse of Paivt Vote Res;ts
trars for Commtr a Well
as t it jr.
County Commissioner Brunlng waa at his
desk In the court house Wednesday morn
ing after several days' absence, caused by
rheumatism in his right foot.
Mr. Brunlng favors the purchase and use
of voting machines by the city and county.
"I was not tn office when the Investiga
tions .were made last summer," said he,
but on general principles I am in favor
of the 'machines, believing they will
eliminate miscounts, uncertainty In ths re
turns and election contests. They will
permit returns to be made absolutely exact
within an hour or two after the polls close
and I think have a tendency to promote
unquestionably honest elections. I do not
know the sentiments of the other com
missioners, but this Is what I think about
the matter."
Cola of Klctaeenta Teatary with
Figaro of KUg Grari II
Held by Omaha Man.
C. L. Baker has come Into tha possession
cf an old coin which he considers a valu
able And. It Is an English penny of 1T3S,
with the figure of King George II on one.
side and his name on the other. The coin is
worn scarcely (at all. On Inquiry Mr. Baker
learned that the coin is a rare one, and
there Is not on Ilka it In tha Byron Reed
Cream and Champagne Sale
When the doom swing open on Thursday morning we will stHrt an interest inp; sale in the west nisle. At the silk section
you will find the counter covered with a full line of taffetas, all colors and Ruaranted to wear. Almost every color in .Tapaneso
silk. A lot of few foulards, this season's goods, and an assortment of pretty colored check shirt waist silks silks worth up to
75c, all to go at one price, 39 cents a yard. Further down at dress goods section a large and important gathering of Cream and
Champagne dress goods, in voiles, mohairs, fancy brilliantines, henriettas, canvas, veilings, serges, batistes, crepes, open work
voiles, Sicilians, cords, cheeks, wool grenadine, novelty silk mix, albatross, etc., goods which sold from 50c to $1 .."() nil to be
offered from 98c down to 39e. Peep in window. And remember you help the Y. M. C. A., for we give one-tenth
of your purchase to the building fund.
Lot us make honorable- mention
of a few of tho rc-niarkablo? bargains
from the jfwat wash gnotls feast for
Thursday. On first floor, near ele
vator, starting at S a. m.
A lot of white ground printed
rrmitras. wns 2oc, selling
nt, Thursday IOC
A lot of silk warp moussellue de
sole, plain colors, at, IP
ier yard 1?C
In the basement we will sell voile
suitings, which were 15c, C
at, yard JC
On second floor In nndermuslln sec-
All these special bargaing to boost the Third
Deiignatti Dealtn, Who Refuted to Sell
Grain to Hit Company.
Independent Grain Dealer la
Fight with Line Elevators In-
tlons Written.
Thomas D. Worrell, president of the
Worrall Grain company, unfolded part of
his tale of what the Nebraska Grain Deal
ers' association did to him before Notary
Charles O. PearBall'ln room 620, Bee build
Ins;, yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Worrall Is plaintiff in a suit for $128,
(HO damages against members of the asso
ciation, whom he accuses of breaking the
anti-trust laws of the state. He did not
finish his deposition and will begin talking
again at 9 o'clock this morning. His testi
mony Is being taken at the request of the
defendants, who are represented by a host
of lawyers.
For a brief period before Worrall started
to make ,hls deposition he refused to an
swer the questions of opposing counsel
unless they were written out, with his
answers, in plain sight on a typewriter.
This process of notating the testimony was
started by the defendants and the plaintiff
wants to stay by it, because It gives an
opportunity for thought and time in re
plying to questions. Inasmuch as Attor
ney Ed P. Smith, representing N. B. Up
dike, had his hands full of questions al
ready written out, Attorneys Jcfferls and
Howell concluded not to run any risk of
having their client tangled up In a maxe
of rapid fire.
Pearsall Roles for Worrall.
Smith arid Ms confreres wer intent upon
shorthand recording, but upon Worrall s
flat refusal td "answer In shorthand"
Notary Pearsall ruled that he did not have
to and that such an attitude would not
Justify htm In committing the witness for
contempt. Worrall cheerfully expressed
his willingness to go to Jail In order to get
the concessions granted to the other aide.
An Interesting bit of his testimony con
cerned the possession by the secretary of
the State Dealers' association of full in
formation about a car of grain loaded by
a farmer and consigned to the Worrall
company, before the car was anywhere
near Omaha. The secretary came to Wor
rall and tried to Induce him not to handle
the particular car of grain. The plaintiff's
counsel will trx to show that the Informa
tion was transmitted by a railroad com
pany, thus showing collusion, with the so
called grain trust. Other parts of tho
witness' testimony covered much of the
ground embraced in the original petitions,
alleging various kinds of bulldozing by the
Following Worrall this morning will be
a long list of local grain and railroad men
subpoenaed by the plaintiff for depositions.
Among the lawyers representing the
grain companies are Myron U Learned,
F. A. Brogan, Ed P. Smith, W. O. Court
right of Fremont, Judge Walton of Blair,
Clark O'Hanlon of Blair and F. M. Hall
of Lincoln.
Tweaty-Flve Years la Business.
Worrall testified In response to questions
by Attorney Ed P. Smith that he lived In
Lincoln and is a stockholder and president
of the Worrall Grain company, with of
fices In Omaha. He has been In the grain
business altogether twenty-five years. In
1900 he helped organize the Nebraska Ele-
vator company which he remained with as
secretary until
', tl T Z ra'"
company was organized May 21, 1904.
owns an elevator In Council Bluffs, but has
not owned nor operated any other grain
elevator. The company has never been en
gaged la raising grain for market nor at
any time engaged in operating an elevator
or scoop-shovel house In Nebraska. The
company haa not bought grain for ship
ment and loaded into cars. Grain has been
bought from elevator men and other deal
ers in Iowa and Nebraska. The grain was
sold In Omaha, BL Louis, Kansas City,
Chicago, Minneapolis, Davenport and other
cities outside of Nebraska, About 90
per cent of the grain bought was purchased
from within the state and about 95 per cent
of this was sold to points outside Ne
braska. Iowa grain was sent to Galveston
and New Orleans.
The stockholders In the Worrall Grain
company are T. D. Worrall, Charlea T.
Peavey and O. II. Eggleston. The autho
rized capital stock is $60,000, of which
Worrall owns $12,400 in shares of $100 each.
Only $20,000 of stock, or 200 shares, have
been issued. Peavey has seventy-five
.shares and is the bookkeeper of the con
cern. Eggleston Is a grain dealer at Mur
dock. Neb., and owns one share.
Worrall testified he paid $7,600 cash and
a personal promissory note for $6,000 to
the Worrall Grain company In payment for
his stock. He put up stock of the company
as collateral, $7,600 worth. Subsequently
the notes he and Peavey gave were paid.
Worrall sold his Interest In the Nebraska
Elevator company and took up bis note In
the latter part of
Worrall Gives Kamrs.
"Do you know of anyone out in the
state who refused to sell or consign you
any grain on commission in June, 1904,
because you were Irregular' f. asked At
torney Smith. 1
"Only what they told me," was the re
ply. "Will you give us the name of persona
refusing on these grounds?"
"Mr. Conrad of Wood River told m.
that he had been to a meeting at Kearney
called by Horace G. Miller, secretary of the
Nebraska Grain Dealer' association. Mr.
tlon an odd lot of corsets Kabo,
V. B. and summer styles, aold
from f 1 .to $2 RO, at one
prlec, at, pair
A lot of children's fine lawn skirts
with attached waist, sizes 1, V!. 3
lnce and embroidery trimming,
sold from l to $1.50, nt
one price; each JC
A lot of infant's lon(t dresses and
slips, lace and embroidery lfl
trimming, sold to $1. each. JC
Another lot more elaborately trim
med, sold at f l.Wl and $2 Mt
at one price, each
Miller told him I was inclined to take
shipments from anybody and everybody
and wanted to know If I was. 1 told him
that while we didn't want to do anything
not right that In the last year there had
sprung up In Nebraska a large number
of farmers' elevators, there being from
thirty to thirty-five of them In the state,
and with the establishment of the Omaha
Grain exchange I didn't see how we could
keep from It. He said: 'I am glad to have
this frank and open conversation with you.
I had Intended giving- you some business,
but this being true I will not.' At Kearney
I met George West of Gothenburg. He told
me he had been at the Kearney meeting
and Secretary Miller told them and ad
vised them they must not do business with
the Worrall Grain company. I tried to
convince Mr. West a man had a right to
do business aa he pleased provided he did
not injure his fellow man. I told him we
were going to do business with any elevator
we could, but would not do business with
farmers and scoopshovel houses unless we
were compelled to. I had about the same
conversation with Mr. Sears . of Grand
Secretary Miller Aa-nln.
Attorney Smith' asked the names of per
sons who in July, 1904, refused to ship cr
sell grain to the Worall Grain company
because the company was Irregular. The
wirtiess said that Secretary Miller, In July,
1904, took It upon himself to dictate and
control the policy of every man connected
with the grain business In Nebraska; that
Miller came to him repeatedly and told him
what he "could and would" do If the com
pany kept on doing business with Irregu
lar dealers. He said the secretary threat
ened to "bulletin" the company if It did
not cease such transactions, and that 'lie
witness told the secretary he could not ex
pect to control the business at both the
buying and selling ends, and pointed out to
htm that the establishment of the Omaha
Grain exchange had altered conditions and
put the farmers In a position to add freight
rates to the Omaha quotations and know
whether the prices offered at their stations
were right or not. When the dealers came
In, Bell of David City, Steve Ewart of Lin
coln and James Candy of Havelock and
others told him they had heard very bad
reports about him; that these reports came
from Secretary Miller, .who was reported
aa saying the Worrall Grain company was
taking shipments from farmers, but as a
matter of fact they had not, with the ex
ception of one car loaded at Lincoln, the
consignment not being solicited and prac
tically forced upon them. Witness said
Secretary Miller tried to Induce him not to
handle the shipment, after the bill of lading
had been placed In his hands, this being the
first knowledge the Worrall Grain company
had that the car was loaded. Worrall ex
plained that someone would handle the
shipment and thought he might as well do
it as anyone and get the $10 "honest
money" that was In the deal. He told Mil
ler he would handle it anyway. The car
of grain was finally sold to Merrlam A
Holmqulst. Witness did not know whether
this firm still belonged to the Nebraska
Grain Dealers' association or not.
Not In July, bnt Ana-nst.
Witness was unable to give names of
persons In the state who refused to sell or
consign grain to the company because It
was Irregular In July, 1904, but In the
month of August the Omaha Elevator com
pany, Transmlsslssippl Grain company, Up
dike Grain company and Westbrook-Gib-bons
company, all of Omaha, he said, re
fused to sell the Worrall Grain company
or Its members any grain or to have any
business transactions with them because
they were taking shipments from Irregular
dealers. This lasted for only a few days
ana was then "nxed up
had Wn toId outrl(fht Dy representatives
' of ihrM flrm that thfy hd rd "bad
l I renorts" shout him anil waiiM vn v .
I ' ....ner nut
I do anv business with him
The Una Hcaotltal."
Lehigh Valley railroad. Delightful route
to New Tork. Philadelphia and Atlantlo
coast resorts. Five through trains dally.
Dining cars, a la carte. Connects at Buf
falo and Niagara Falls with all trains from
the west.
For time tables and descriptive matter
address George Eade, Jr., Western Passen
ger Agent. 218 South Clark St.. Chicago, I1L
Salvation Army Picnic.
WU1 be give ""at Wvervle Vrk August 3
A picnic for 600 mothers and children
by the Salvation army. Everything will be
without cost. Cars will be chartered and
the picnickers will be returned In the even
ing. Five hundred lunches will be pre
pared with sandwiches, pie and fruit.
There will be plenty of Ice cream, popcorn
are on the program and prlzea will be given i
to the winners. J
ana lemonaae. Mares lor Doys ana Kins
,a.saM..n. is. , sarsm
ap rani ?'
on Thursday at Kilpatrick's
A lot of ladles' white aprons. India
llnon, deep hemstitch, formerly
2. cents Thursday,
each ..,
Ladles' corset covers, hemstitch
rutlle, lace or embroidery, f
were o.'e. at R 0 C
More corset covers, nicely trimmed
were 50c, will go 1 '
at ZOC
Will close out several styles of chil
dren's drawers, made of fine nain
sook, with hemstitched ruffle all
sizes, sold before up to
4,V, at
day's sales for the benefit
Fort Omaha Oomei in for 8han of tho New
Buildings for the Tear.
Advertisements for Bids for Diversion
Tunnel for the Shoshone Irri
gation Project la
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, July 12. (Special Tele
gramsAnnouncement was made at the
War department today of the allotment of
funds for construction of new buildings
of various kinds at army posts during the
current fiscal year.
Fort Omaha Is to be enlarged to accom
modate four companies of signal corps snd
the following additional buildings will be
erected: One set of field officers' quarters,
one double captains' quarters, three double
lleuotnants'-quarters, two double noncom
missioned officers' quarters, single non
commissioned officers' quarters, one hos
pital, one post administration building, one
double barracks.
At Fort Robinson $15,000 Is set apart for
general repairs, in addition to the usual
ar il repairs.
t Des Moines Is to have a new staole
for the regimental field staff and band,
magazine and ordinance storehouse and
cavalry drill hall.
Fort Meade, South Dakota, new frame
stable for horses of band.
Fort Mackenzie Wyoming, Is to be en
larged to accommodate regimental head
quarters and eight companies of Infantry
and the ollowlng buildings to be erected:
One set colonels' quarters, one eight-set
bachelor officers' quarters, two double non
commissioned staff officers' quarters, one
band barracks, two double barracks for en
listed men, one hay shed, one wagon shed,
one shop building, one granary and enlarge
ment of administration building and guard
house. At Fort Russell, Wyoming, a new cavalry
and Infantry drill hall Is to be built.
Rids on Deadwood Bulldlns;.
Bids were opened today at the supervising
architect's office of the Treasury depart
ment for the Installation of steam heating
apparatus for the new publlo building at
Deadwood, S. D. There were seven bidders
the lowest being the Iowa Manufacturing
company of Oskaloosa, at $4,167.
Proposals for Tunnel.
The secretary of the Interior has adver
tised for bids for construction of the Cor
bett diversion tunnel for the Shoshone irri
gation project In Wyoming. This tunnel Is
to be approximately 17,000 feet long. The
auxiliary works will Include the excavation
of about 28.000 cubic yards of material In
open cut. These works are located about
ten miles east of Cody. Proposals will be
opened at Billings, Mont., September 16,
Ordered to Fort Crook.
Contract Surgeon Milton Vaughan, U. 8.
A., la relieved from duty at Fort Douglas,
Utah, and ordered to Fort Crook for duty.
Postal fyattera.
Rural carriers appointed: Nebraska
McCook, route 2, Leon A. Clark carrier, Ed
ward FUtcraft substitute. Iowa East Elk
port, route 2, John H. Strube carrier, Ed
ward Strube substitute; Farmlngton, route
2, Robert W. Stansbury carrier, Thomas
Nelson substitute; Mount Zion, route L
Chester P. Barker carrier, Emmett Mcin
tosh substitute; Ottawa, route 6, Joseph W.
Knox carrier, Starkle McCoy substitute;
Rowan, route 1, Edward V. Campbell car
rier, Mrs. Minnie R Campbell substitute.
South Dakota Platte, route 1, Carroll H.
Perkins carrier, Cyril H. Perklna substitute
Complete rural free delivery service has
been ordered In Johnson county, Nebraska,
uy me rearrangement or seventeen existing
routes, to be effective from August 1 next.
Following are the postofnees from which
the routes emanate: Cook, routes 1, 2 and
; Crab orchard, 2 and 2; Elk Creek, I and
I; Sterling, 1, 2, S and 4; Tecumseh, 1, z, 8,
4 and 6; Vesta, L
New National Banks.
The comptroller of the currency has ap-
! Pro'd tna "version of the State Bank
vi n iil;ujl, neuraBKa, inio tne r irsi .Na
tional bank of Wilcox, with $6,000 capital.
The First National bank of Randolph,
la., has been authorized to begin business
with $25,000 capital; H. J. Falling president,
I , 7
Townsend cashier.
W. A. Townsend vice president and
H. M.
Most Healthful ana
Refreshing Summer Drink
The Pure Juke of the Apple,
Sterilized, Carbon ted, Non-Alcoholic.
' No Medicine Needed If Tou Drink It.
It Contains No Preservative.
v.Aaaasstsr, M.
Now for the main floor again Just
. as yon leave the lift at Jewelry
counter, a lot of fancy buckles,
old previously up to 50c, O
will gn at, each OC
Leather and silk belts, some slightly
soiled, which sold as high as
f 1.00 will go quickly at, n
each C
A lot of ladles' fine lealher hand
bags which sold up to f 2.M
will go in a hurry at
of the Y. M. C. A. fund.
Sooth Tenth Street Methodists
Contrart'for Their Hooso
of Worship.
The contract for the building of the South.
Tenth Street Methodist church at Tenth
and Pierce streets was let to the Omnhu
Concrete Stone company and Lundberg A
Son by the church board of directors
Wednesday evening. The cost Is to bo
Stone Is the material to be used In the
building, wMch Is to bo Rdx75 feet, one
story and basement. The excavation haa
already been made for the foundation and
the work of construction will be begun In
less than ten days. It Is expected to have
the church ready for services by Novem
ber 1.
Frlahtlnl Loss of life
results from throat and lung diseases. Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption la
a sure .cure. 50c and $1.00. For sale by
Sherman & McConnell Drug Co.
Fair Today sad Tomorrow Ii
braska, Kansna and tha
Dak o(a s.
WASHINGTON, July 12.-Forecast of the
weather for Thursday and Friday:
For Nebraska, Montana. North and South
Dakota and Kansas Fair Thursday and
For Iowa and Missouri Fair Thursday
and Friday, except showers and thunder
storms In east portion.
For Colorado and Wyoming Fair Thurs
day and Friday, except showers In moun
tain districts. ,
I.oral Record. ' ,
OMAHA. July 12.-OfflclaI record of tem
perature and precipitation, compared wltli
the corresponding day of the last three
,ear.": A 1906. 1904. 1903. 19(12
Maximum temperature... 85 84 79 rt
Minimum emperature .... 62 K5 Kt ill
Mean temperature 74 74 71 '
Precipitation 00 00 Of) 0
,IemJTratur a.nd Palpitation departures
from the normal at Omaha since March 1
and comparison with the last two years-
Normal temperature m
Psfirlencv for lh. ii .
- ' ' biik-tt marcn 1
Normal precipitation
Deficiency for the dav
Precipitation since March 1
Deficiency since March 1
Deficiency for cor. period 1904 '.
Deficiency for cor. period 1903..
Reports from Stations at
Station anevstate Tern,
of Weather. 7pm
Rlsmarck, clear 7
Cheyenne, cloudy 'm
Chicago, partly cloudy 72
Davenport, partly cloudy. ..74
Denver, cloudy 80
Havre, partly cloudy 82
Helena, clear n
Huron, clear 82
Kansas City, clear 82
North Platte, partly cloudy. 84
Omaha, clear 84
Rapid City, partly cloudy... 80
St. Louis, clear 72
St. Paul, clear so
Salt I.ake City, clear.... .....92
Valentine, partly cloudy R
Wllllston 7ft
. .16 Inch
. .lfllnch
.10.1ft Inches
. 6.43 Inches
. 2.60 Inches
. 4.34 Inches
t r. m.
Max. Rain-
'em. fall.
80 T
M .Ofl
78 .1H
78 T
92 T
84 .00
82 .00
84 .01
84 .00
92 .00
85 .00
84 .00
78 .12
82 .00
94 .00
92 .00
7 T
L. A. WELSH, Local Forecaster.
PRICED . . . .
The term "high priced" is always
relative. A certain make of piano may
cost a little more than another and yet
the higher priced one would be abso
lutely the cheapest because it is tha
beat value according to cost and wear
ing quality. No matter how little you
may iy for a piano. If ynu get one
that U not satisfactory and one that
costs you considerable to keep it la
playing condition, you will Lave, prao
ucaiiy, tost your money.
are the cheapest for you to buy, cheap
est in the long run; for, while they
may cost a little more than some (and
not so much, by the way, as some
others, on account of the mod.l Kim
ball system of manufacture), yet as the
years go by you will fully n-alize that
Kimball values, $276, i2S, $375. $ to
$7oi), are absolutely the very best piano
value in the market.
If you are not quite ready to pay
caxh for a piano, don't put oft buying
on that account, for we offer you very
easy terms at no advance in price ou
account of your buying on time.
A. Hospc Co.,
1513 Douglas Gt.
V.Ml..nB.1.iniB-.j I... ... -y;